The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 03, 1903, Image 2

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; , -ted" m the p.vMfmf t t. Ilelen, !
Oeitqtl, ft tecou'i-clais ttltlil matter. j
FSTEi.i.v tnnuERT, , Spt s Emulsion is the
j'liiTOH a's rnoPBinTOR. : means of life nnd of the civ
-jri joyment of lifQ of tliousnrls pf
kSABLlMt on
1 1 i:it
j viil. il in fir
copy on yenr, In advance 11.00
, ,x lllolltll &
July 3, ItHM.
i.iis paper is kept on file at th? Ore
,.,u I'resa Association li wiu U. tliiiuil building, 1'iirtl.iml, Oiegoii.
i i -- - - "
The Present Important Local
There are three thingi from which
there it no escape in this life taxes,
experience ami death. Taca iiiu-t be.
paid, even it it takes the lust, cow and
pig. lu the event that the county seat j
snail be moved at this time, ilia tax
piyera oi Columbia county will go '
through an expel ience, '.n comparison
of which the tinaiicial panic oi the em i;
'W will be a lame nlVair. Il has been ;
only a short period since tne county in
debtedness was paid otf luuiiii .aie-!
lul tinaiicial management. Tne rcinov!
lit the county beat at the piesti'l inop
portune time, meaus that high Inxatioit ;
ui.d a heavy county indebtedness will ;
equcere the led corpuscles ol life biooU j
out ol the (aimers mid o'tter taxpavcrs. j
This Uien8 n cuiniliioii that can only be
relieved by death ihe taxpayer
I, at wearily ami incessantly ior j
veaia with stooped (oiin, and hit
lamilv as a heritage a Lit interest-bear.
mgu.o.tgH ana lot of old pawt-i 4lU- The risk of losing or .i. .tr...v i iK
liiv 01 (t-llUlllg iur same llllll
j unsuitable quarters.
' 6th. The exicnse it would cost to pro
cure stone for a court hou-eat Kainier.
1 li'h. r.ccause we hear so much als'itt
men, women and children
To the men Scott's Emul
sion gives the flesh and
'strength so necessary for the
cute of consumption ami the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
1 For women Scott's Emul
sio i does tin's and more. It is
i a most sustaining food and
; tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul
sion gives food ,-ind strength
f u- growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
Send for fret) sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists.
409-415 Pearl Street, Now York.
60c. and $ I .OO ) all druiitilsts.
l"l. 'Hi; expense s it w ill est fui tw
t'ect jtum.
2nd. The unjust provisions in the bill.
3rd. We need roads inoie than a
court Imn-e at this time.
vtoiu clothes.
fheie will be uo oeduction (or house
hold giAAls Horn Uie u?scs3iiieiii r.i. Iievt
Vrar. Tile laai ieuisl.l.Ult pa;seil a law
1 1 ijuirmg county courts to levy a Ux the donation .f a meat Rainier, but
tacn vcar lor octiool purposes mat shall , have heard of no writings to that eif.-ct.
"t'ljiegaie pel capita tor all tuiiur.u ' Tt la. Ueiaue there are fair !"
ut sciio.l ae. tins means n.'Vf more r the cvanty (eat at present, and they
taxes to ris itom thai aio.n. A could nor i(ct to Rainier by road, only by
iilwrai led!;ature luuuo appiopi apeinling fabulous wealth and bankrupt-njjrt-HlUig
cuns.J laol1-over a i.a.i-ui.i ; 'nt the e nnty.
lions uoil is inoie man io cais ago, Sth. This is not the time to incur so
ninth at uie loaesi cel..naie win iii- iiiiiih exene, when we can at any f ij
crease lino county 'a slats lax to aboui ' ture lime, vote on r..!.-aiion of county
))li,vJ, uienuiu au inci ease lu scuooi ; seat under the (jcm-tiii law itlioiit extra
,a ctaie taxes oi f iU.oOo. to.ijwu.,5 is ; expeuw to the taxpayers,
an exited lioui a icier puuiisiica in i '.Hh. It nujiht be advisable in the fu
nic lisi irceiiliy, written o JlaX ueig, ture, t( relocate the n unty Mat at some
a weil aaou rcaiaeut ol iianeii: j oiner place tnnn the three now in the
"aiuuutu.u !: your last tax re-! race,
ceipi, auu to ii lo pei cent, tnercoi;! 10th. Last, but not least, St. Helens
inuitip.y mi. auiouu,. i.y lauaua it wn. L, Uo, ,0 Uonare s eitethev al-
L ii uuon to u.v to ivjt-iu i rea''-v ,iuve lh a court house
H vHRd Trip ftxcHrioii
lar I'aurih of July ia
A. t . Ii. II.
woIUs, II Vuu paiu iov laiL-i ior iav,
llieu next yeni you will pay ioo p,us
10 muit.piicU oy if, or tny sum ui o;
aua u tne couuiy scat, ia icuiovca u kma
i'rovioence ana me couiuj co.uiiiibciou
eie oni , can tell wiiai yuu ue ic-
quired to pay. , On July 3rd and 4th, the A. A C. R
11 will ne oUserveu tnai .nr. ueiv: uiu , k. will fell round trip excursion ticker
Uientiou tnat mere wouia oe uo uciiuc-j between all .int- at ONK fare for the
tam lor lioueclioiu gjous uul ytai. Inc ; round trip, jjood nturniiii; Julv lilh.
licw irtrt provlucs mat li.e lA'j t.-x suao i
oe paio lu Ajjr.i, ltlo-4, ami me LA lax I 1
lu me lollop lug ..oveinucr ol the eiuie
)ear. lncie, a.s-.', win ue the c-ist oi
too sjieciai eicc.iona, auJ tne cxinri encc
iMlnl l ci.'l.i cowill .vr.S
I l!e!ow will Ik- lonml the act pioviiling
for the r location ( th rounly neat
' of ('.Vnnhi.i iviiu'y. Wii trust that
every remh r of 1 1 It paper will carefully
examine the vni hitu provisions ol hi t,
in ordt-r l prupei ly understand its
A i tent iii i culled to ovtiou -I. lil.-li
provih- that the place choen i-iiiiil le
the p iiitiincrl i-ouniy sent withhi fotir
moiiih!i after the election.
Spit ial atleiiiioii is called In flection
5 i( the ai-t, whir Ii makes it ohli'iinry
Upon the county court to provide lor
tourity hiiiidiut and lor the removal of
the n c ird and i-llu-r prnH rly U-loiii;-ini;
to the countv to the town cho-en.
This portion ol the act appeals with
spu'ial eniiihais to the taxpayers,
who would have to pay the enormous1
expense ol building a new- court ho se !
within I he 1 1 me limited (or removal, or
if the nunc cannot. ! .vmplt'tcd within '
Mhh time, the addnl expense of leasing
biiildiniis, 1 1 o n Ii ri nut records ami nth- ,
er properly U'loniutr to t!ie county.
Hi d providing; a tempoiary vsult lor t fie
n ifi-kecpilii: id the valuable record-, ;
lawks, prtpers nivl other pronoty oi the ;
county. This latter cxihmisc alone
wouhi doiibth s cost the county several
thoiiaiid dollars, t if conr-:", it will lie
observed under the ptn iiou oi the act, '
none ol these items of expense will Ik
necessary, if St. Helens receives a ma-,
joriiy . j the Vnto ca-t, il" in that c ie
no rcmoMil is necessary. In other words,
if the majority of the Voters say by their ;
ballot that thev do imt desire it remov-'
al n( the countv seat (loin St. Helen",
then no leuioea) w',11 tit' made, and eon- '
sirpiently none of the provision" of ihi !
net will then apply relative tn lint l1 im; i
new' court house, removal of re-ords,
, l.'tfc;iig id lenipirary lmildii:git erection ;
. of temporary vaults and other rii'jvssa-'
ry tM-t in enso of removal. i
Tiie matter, then, re oues itself into
this ipiestion, and each voter niit-t de-j
cide it tor hnnseli: Is it prpterable (o
and for the interesttot Columbia county
al this lime to have the iiiiiuty seal to
remain at St. lle!cti, and save tiie bur-
ilensoine i xjh-iisc, oi to remove the same
to some other pi. o-e w ith the neccssary
, and irnmediate cti--ts of it inoval, rents,
lea-i s, teuipniarv vi u!t mid places of se
curity, new buiidinirs. elc.
Tim iiit.1..
Section 1. A vtreeiitl eieelioii shall be
held in Columbia co'inte, in this state,
on Uie I'ist .Monday in Julv, liKH. ant
eha iion to 1. comhieted under the uiMi
eral e h-ction laws, as geneial elections
for state and county ntliecrs Hie con-du.-ted.
At said special election the
electors of Cohimbft eoiintv shall vote
(or a permanent location for roiinty seal
of Coltiuibia county.
Sec. 1. There shall lie placed utmr.
the otiicial ballots prep lied lor i,.e cec
tora of Colninbi.i iiiuntv at said special
elei'tion the words, r'or coumy vit i
Columbia dainty. ''Vote (or one," and
b, low 1 iiese word-! there shall ls.i placed
in a'phalH-tieal older, and tmuilrcicd
con-ecusively, the names oi all places or
towns put in nomination. Ther" shall
also be left one blank space after the hist
name in which the voter in write the
na-ne of any other town or place not on
said ticket that he may desire to vote
for. dominations for county seat shall
lie made by petition of 5t.) or more elee-!
tors, and no eleetior's name shall aptiear 1
on uiore than one petition, and said pe- 1
titions shall be prepared and filed null
the county clerk in the same manner as
certificates o nomination mad by indi
vidual electors under the Australian
ballot law are prepared and hied, Kicc-f
tor shall prepare, mark, and eal Their,
ballots as pie-criU-d by the Ail-tnlilan !
ballot law, and that town or place shall i
StAT Sec, .1 In cn-e no low n 1 1
a ma holt V ef V' lis l -!
2 of this ai I. a sccoiiil spec
ial election shall bo held oil the nrst
I ,Mnlltl:i.Y InAllKlisl. ll-S'S, to hecolhlucleil
as said lir I speeinl ehslion was con
ducted, and al mid second special i lec
tion the two tow us or places ieecn nil
, the laiKesl and licit to the !aicsl num
ber of n li lldM l ol Voles nt said lii-t spec
hil election shall be placed upon the ballot- ior tiie i lectin ' of Coluui
! bin county lor aid second special ehc
Hon, and the elei lors ol s nd count
shall vote neon said two tonor places
lor seat in the same manner us
at said lii'-t election, mid that t"u
; place leeeiuinj the greatest iiiiiiiber of
I voles shad hcivici the h i iiianeiil
r uiily seat ol Columbia cetinu : l'io
; vided," that II two towns or places shall
' receive the lai cot iiud npial iiuinls'i el
! votes ut said nisi election, the names nl
I I bote two low lis or places shall lo pine, d
; upon the ballot lo be o!nl ut the said
: second .ileclion as In lem i-r n i.le-l : And
provided fuillur. that if one to.v n oi
place icccive the huyest and two towns
or placet receive the next l.uyesi n ml an
ctpial iiiimis i ol votes al .aid his! spec
ial election, the minus ol those three
low na or pkccs ball he pun. d upon the,
ballot to be voted lit said election
Sec. 4. lu case a choice is made at Hie
said fust election, he town or place up
on wjiich the ih -ice has loth n shall be'
the permanent county seal f and ah- ,
tcr Uie lirst d.iv of .Novcudiet, HKv', In
CSiC the choice is not made lllllll Inc i '
olid election, the town or place i lest n
shi II lie the permanent conniy 'oil of
Columbia countv from and alter the t'usl
dav of l cen, l ei . !. !.
Stc. 5. The county court oi Colum
bia county shall make all necessary pin
!-ion (or county buildini:-, en her by j
lease, wet ton. or'othei wise, an I lor the ;
removal - I all re.-, in", o s .-, i'i-i-.
and rropertv deeini-l advi-al-h' bv said
eounlv eolllltyeo, nt hi leuiove of said
Cohiu.'.iia coiiiity to sin ii town or plan
as may be selected as the permanent
,'ounly seat of Columbia couuiy undsi
t he provisions ol 1 his act.
S.-a. Ii I la ii to Ihe nrifelll neces-'ly
rzt Classified Advertisements
1 w ivrni-- skvkiui. I'Kiots,
f eliataclei and tt'ssl iep,tat lon I
each state i one In Ibis countv icpiin.l.
lorepiesenl and advei'ise old elah -
Hhed weallhv biisimiB lioitse of solnl .
Ilnaiieialstandinir. Sahu y Jl'l .IHI k V
with expeii-e. additional. All pavable ;
in cash diieet each N'cilne-ihiv fi "in
he. i I Ilors,, mid eiii't 'I,"' I'tr- I
lil.hed when hoccsiiv. hciclceces.
. , lose p. I addre-sed envelope. t'"h-,
nial S'o., S.'.l. ivaih-.tii St., Cluoa'.
VV A M li ' - I.I K Ai.KMS lo sKI I,'
lr. White's Kleclnc Comb., pan I
Jan. I. tut. Cure ilaudl ml', hair falhi-il
out iek and neivolls beadache., vel
cost lui more than nil oidinnrv eninh.
Sells on siRht. Auelil" are wild with
success. Si ml hoi" lor aii'ple (hall
puee). Write iiinck. The In, While
Ku-cti ie Comb t o,, Iieenitir, III, ,
Mid-Summer Clearing Sail i
taKcfi f jioii'i' of over a thousand n u.-,titd ft,,
tniiiii-in,ti!f vaults, worth fjo, $2$, ami $i0i
rl . . I.'.. .....lit Ct.ll il .1 1.
Vit'l 11 i ill ii.- vri t ii ,'iiit, ii vivh.mi i innj jui
atul it will lit. ; odtisly.
l'.uit, hniiilieds to select from. F
tailoi'-inade, tuiialli'd for, fb to fo,
u,,y pail
w Asn:i'-
ol. pel sons ( ,t
house e-iilhiisl
a huire i iniial
alio ii
cah '
each slate
c.l eh Veil vi
lo mil iili,
IMH sllll
to till ve . ,
iss anil with,
n men hunts
tits lor saieessl,,! and im lilah'r
I'erniaiienl enjjai-emenl. Weekly
-I I iiv ol I S ami all 1 1 1,' rlnitf i'v
i and In Id l i.N id auccd cm h
week. r. x s-i tein'e nor esseiii ta i , vteit
tlon lel'eieine and enclose hell eddl'i s-e.
envelope. I 1 1 l-l NATION VI.,
I 'eai horn Si . , I 'InciicO.
W VNi:i VOI 'Mt Mt: to piepa.e
for liovernilielit I'oSlt ions. r'llie ojoi '
i -s in all ii partineiit. !uuifiatiou.
soon. I i: t tn-ul.ii s i.
Intel State Cor. In.-I.,
Our f-livtwinv: t.f tniliii'K always leads.
'.r It v pins j'lciir-t- t tic
Farnsworth--Hfrald Conipaij
24.S AMI I Nil' 'N M , I' K n.ANIl. K i,:;
Cedar Rapids, Is.
ol unit itlimr bt iter aix-tiiiimtslali
county etli. e. and j:.eaie senility I
tiblic records, an emergency isdeeiau
10 exist , and Ibis act -hail be in In'! l -n
mid etlcct tiom it-a piov al by tie' tio
I'iuioh Mi, r
lfC "pace (or 11
county scut it 11
I am proh-ih!
w ho are st: iv in
the COMiilv s,.tit
Sr. Heh 11. was the
f,,'. 1 puit-hased a hoim
ler. I
11 thei
I'l'liiiatl's I elp 1 .
r It not mil of
a comhiiiitit titioii
inoval tpie-ttoii.
pl-t as seili-h at tt....
lor Ihe hi t., ,11,,., 1
III.. I 110 umto so.
county Sial VI hi
and a hi. no
Mrs. I.ilhe Claik. Master Kven-t
1'l.irk and Jonathan K la aid-, neie I'.nt
limt visitors tins we. k.
Iavid I '.iv is. of T-.i 1 land, an 1 In, K-.s
of St. Helei , wet I'eer Island vis ins
Mis l'..'atri.-e M 'fii I and dan.'hters.
Sn .-and I-1 11a, ol Portland, aie visilte
w Hh their l'- ei l-l.i nd trn t.d , t lie lust
week and until alter the lib.
Miss I'.udie l.yd,of Chcb.i!i, is visi
ting with her coiisc, Mrs. hrhma
I hvine sirv ic.s ar b-ts I '' 1 a" !'
school house I hi- w Ulllostt l S o!
tiie ehiircli o( te,d.
The I'eer 1-hunl seh.. iinamd i to
SIlIljN.H t a tlert rt ire l-'ltce, which is Is In
erected bv Charles KinersoH and tieorV'e
James 1 i;t ii t"fis and w i !e initd. f! v ins;
visit to Sr. H'-leu, Tttesdav v enii'rf.
.ludsoit Triiennii, of Cair ilito'i VV ash .
is vi-nii i; w ith Mr. Ma!'
ami u nt ii after the Ph.
Me; rs Holton mid
vo'itf I icei Island v i .1 .-.n
A con,;. u or some c-t lo
visited Albert A laiu-.l ri
day moruintfs, and lehev
at of his lamb- and kid.,
M-. and Mr. V. V '
the 1 in, (l or .1 ,,,,
tln-ll a Vesh d I : -hi
V a Ine,
Ale we ,-inv loot, 1 sell!.!
retain these Vested iel,t ,,
p 1 1.- of other l,,n ns, ,o a
Vei J rff.M t to ( k ti.ese v,
'' from 11. nn, uppiooriat
IlcUi-tiles. VII tt
1 nit i onioil.ia c .ilnl v is "LI.
in.'" for want of a new coii't h
the t,.e,..t f...ti,
'I lii- limi will con e, win 11 a
ieti.ap t.. mi,, h, of it ,. ,, s
'lie cunt will U, ,ut into ,-,,,110
: bail.i.n-.'.. K f, r i, ,,,
and -ai. ty ,,r inv fi,,. , ,,..,( ,,,lt. 1.,
ihe n co,,, i,e t,iu, I h
and . ., , 1 I, ' , j t
put oil it. til we ,o have t -.I ro.l . Ir
iur -iucr to the ciiciin.f, M.i,, .,
11 Vi-n it a;o. It ,,. .
ami had a nit sent
In til in to t
--.. to fsaxzitv?:
peinll pi.-,.!,,,,, .e2Fli,
m - - 1 -t , x -s -.ts -s-,r- r 1 1
ss w 'i
countv. r
ni-i-1 lot v
' - ' 0,! .1
tel U
W " s j ;
t "II d
. r w . .1
. I ;i.. Vl
HIS 11. in
t the
I .'
J. 1 O'llONNKLI,
I .lu
0I111. this Week
v II-
be the counts' -e:.t of Columbia e,.e.ritv.
which shall reieive 11 majority 01 all the with .Mr. and Mr.-. II C.
votes cast at the sanl electtc
r w let
'lav an
ed him
I .s.itlll-
il se 1 1-1
iritiiioin-s it
1.1 1 11 ,l.,t
I he p-llt ;l iu. 1
ma v ha v v ts't 11
i ..!s ...llietloo
K d l ir" 1,-1 1
llluv, itc, I loe
eve, .1-1 t o::l I,, . ,,.,.,
Mr. A. I . t l.u L , ,;, I,,
..l-l ," pl.-.l.l- K .,,11, ,
....on, , n cr.. , ;Ut, .
. 0. 1- 1, in. K , i4, . M1
al Hal 11 11 1 . j,e ,.1.1, 1.,,..
'' ""' "I'ih- r N.h.,:. u,
n ot. ..ii t,, ,,,. ,.,v
'Postion. );,,., i,,, ,(,, ...
'"' 1 II l.e.v.., : , I ,,
-ill 1 1 ! h rou-l, M.,,ii,,, 1 S,.,w...,
lll.H y o.i in,. ,,,, in
I. .
nit I 1
Tast 1
I. ok
( )'!
V.A a:t t
1 Vi riti.j
I .tl'jrif'S ',." nt:d nj
I N1S,
Nt-.v (!n:.
MiP.iirn V,
ii'I s.
'n.ii'f llav l'r "s.
Mowt-rs, .Hid !:' CH,
no' h -no- to
li.n on 1 ' t w ,
' '! k out t
1 1.
i l.itlO'.v . ;il;d
;tt Six; :s; ,'tt't ..
Ut:. s;;o-5 :ii
. I ii I . :
rid. d V.
In nn I ho: t
Oi uU.L'i cxiutn; luia ucujouaLraicU thai
It lo viy cAjcuive tj itiiiuve tuuulj.
levuixij ai.'i uutiti ia cuuik Uuue .u.u
lVolu Uoii't liUiltly uotiaie ihujr ia
bur una aiUUTiat tu tne cuunu iuf a
ftoiig. iii Hit; LtuL ihat a iciut.iUuu ic
VulcO, il Alii cost tt ttlioie lul vi utuiit-v
tJ UUll'l a HCA L'uUIt liullrc UhU a J.ui,
aiiU UfcaiUcs K will t:'jsl, Hi lvr-lT i-iJ
lliUUtll I'JI tt j'VlilUJi i-Mli. V VII .
taxpavera ft Hi Vj'jI inc iJi.fl aua a-
Kaiun r m ciicuiMiin car-Is rtfjuviit-
lli I'J t'it;l UlCll til U lol tiiUL I
iiic; f (Hi euvc mc tiin-iiiC oi a eecuiiU '
t)jct;iui c.wcuwi. a enaLiin acl j
coUM iiac i-cii vutta on vniiout, mc
cxjjuijftw ul K j bjttcial ticLiiuiit, iiuO j
iiut UO Kaiuitrr cu.icllo -Jit. Up tiie
bill lu lliul vtay. S
-.1. I ft V s
I! e . , -ci,
I on ,1,.
I-Ii-'S i,
11 n o.i,,..
01110 100 n,n, li turn
iow Clark v md. ),,
In thi -e ...
U iiitier is i,.,t 1, a,,,
s.pnlilli. n ,.,
ne inn k count
!'S" n-t mi, 1
11 d.i
was true
lo" !ll;lM
ar. .t t , center ..i
ii a "i-;ii 1, " in
"Mo.l ,, ,. Wa,
1 "li! '1 a wed -i ll, .1
'' te, travel, ,1 t-. and
country, and ll v on
w id ti.n.-i,,, mo-ill
is- pi..', th,. si,,,,,, as
'"k'li the hack conn. '
(Slieiitty Alrsrf J) frum tlll. ktl l-ijir. eissj.
C0L171BU- Oh! (irandmothtr Rainier; W hat
far Taxcsl
THE WOLF That is to eat you
a big mouth you've got
the betttr, fly Dear.
KeuiL'Uiber thai Uie. couiny
muoe vJticiisive impiovcujeuits
010 vol. 1 1 l.onee last la,i, ami ll
answer uil purpoecc 101 u l,Ui.,oci 01
yeais yet.
Jl the County scat In IliuVed, It n.i,
:o.l mo.c to tiauejoll pllcOlillc I'J tne
rjiu.t: pclotcultu. . , stiejvl iinti
lUi atit ii.- V .1.111.
J. j. Wall's icUci th icpuhliehcd thie : the dictation
i ....van. .ii..,..
ecu. Air. viaita na Uctu rt in-aUuiv "
i tt'.o to poqiliuiib oi lioiivi ami
1 Una county, ami be
Ir. Canles, l.e'ter.. I The Walts letter. j
Editor OtiKciox Mist : i:tivr 'A Tu.r. Mist : I Mail stibn'ribers received nl this of-
j Coli'mh:a I'itv. June 23 At I am j Scvpcxisk, Ok;:., June bv The j iice tor the IWvuU'.g 'iVLeiaui, Oi, (;on's
i the oldest aettler in the conn y, it stems V,,UV .piivtion a- haiidhal by "X I ureut, t evenini; paper,
cuuu proper that 1 should say kotuelliinS on , y' i:,,t week has proved an eye-o'ii
1..0 the county scat question. While 1 do ; or in ini- part of the conn' v, ami rk'ht I
not it-n.iu.t: ... s ' ; aell It shlillld.
111 waul ol my opinion, 1 omy wt.-li to;
stau; how imiioriant tin- proposition up- O'-re wns no r.iws,V, vvlmtever, ior I
pears to me. ll is the most uuntf Mio- 1 '! two extra elect ions upon us at i
j.-ct that we nave ever been tailed upon ! '" lno.)itune lime, nn the com o! Ihe I
n. east a vol.. ir ii, Ine countv. and 1 !' l,r1' 'lis will la- heavy, and b.'i.l..s the i
ne I ion ,.,,1 now inake a mistake in 1 indtflerei.C! of many of our
the vole l'mavca-t on the problem. ; '" "'. an uiisatlalat tory
Since the world ta-yau tlid qilesiion oi
high taxation has been the curse of man
..... ulll l.u .,-, .. I .... ,,U UU tlltlllllit It,
ol unprincipled men in " ""i" l"-r
voti-rs w i I
vole in the
'end, and still the county seal will be
j (i en for further dis-ftision.
it is not to ia; presumi'ii m a motnen
rifclcO ill elllii Columbia county ic
llcvea ol a btuvy ol inuchicu
Less. Also, leau the lelieis ol K. Shs
ttinnij, VV . Ji. l'uilnan u.,,i uiut oi ii.
Naples the oidenl acttiet.
'I ll now Keema to ine to lje Ihe proper
tlUct '. tl,,,i ii.r tin. tir.'.ioil m. it. n-iil savK our
iiniteiiu.iy aj-1 taxes Iroin Iwing double what they are
now, ami tjoil kiiowb our propel ty is
bcinif confiscated fast enouiih. I Wish
maneiit" county seal, finch a tiling is
folly, ns we tun by act of hifilature
open up thin mutter ut any future time.
Again, the co-t of moviiiK the records
hurriedly and not providing for their
safety, ia a large item mid a danverotis
to I allowed to say this: It seems to ! proposition, mii'the least.
be hard for tiie old ecltleis ol the coun
i ty who havu (itriigjfled with hardships
jand poveily; have been deprived of the
I necessaries of life to build a home and
I have something in old Uje to live upon
; without citlliuif on then children or a
just or human. Yell know the
Lvery individual has the iiialieiiablu
riiu to vole lor lits choice ol counly
see.t location, i nc. uiujoi uy ol tiie. cit
Ueut ot every uouuuiij placo wni
lespect men lor then lionealiy ex
pressed opinions, when tnia county aval are prone lo pray upon the weak
lii.t is over. H alwayt lie not
' K. 11. i. j I hopo not, especially on thin occa-
' ion.
-- - - ! Th wealth of the county ia in ita
There will be tei vices in the Chritt ' timber, and it must be removed before
Kpipal Chinch next .unilay evening J- Ztl
! tine by the past. One taking a trip
j through the hack country to elialem,
will bear ine out in the above assertion
lo erect it suitable court, house and
jail would cost. Ihe taxpayers, at least,
()'), and the prospect's yf having a
large indebtedness thr.ttt, up.yii the
roiinty, is not very ericouraijiii to ti peo
ple w no nave jut uiiloinled u r, debt.
Ix-nrndKiiig public lor a ii.ajrt; tu ie P'si now . . it conuiiion to Mtil.l
have the U.t cent forcibly Uiaen from ! "l,'r and bridge throughout
lli.o, lo I. odd u court lioll.e hlBt lu hel 1) I I'l' Coll Illy ,
. . - - , - -----
out a email town or idace. Una is not
al IS o'clock.
NVl'liM IS liKKKBl' ItiVKN '1 HAT 'lllfc ul Uie .iauf ui
Vliliiuiu ll cuiiueli, Ueteitci, ims a ej ia lue
C'tiUHl) C'oliri nt cuoiiuuia culili.y, mm ul tir
tKoli, all linal ati, tiuni una r,,uii in miiu
It. Id, lllliJ IIIMI lue llUU. J , 11. liouil, J iililftl ol Mini
touil lias ai'siiu.e.i jii..,wj, nie.a.i .... .a .in
cus , IWthi. Ut tftl Cluck p. ill. ui U1U luf titv
1 1!,' o Mid tl.tsi iteeoaiil, mtu ull
iwas n.eiel itau i..e ioi.n .1 i.l .
ii.vhi i i.e. vi i.i :
It neeiiit a sensible man would say be
fore voting himsasl and friends to the
veige of starvation, to w it until all the
timiier is lemoved and all the land
made into lmii.8 then we can tell
where the court honae ought to be loca
ted. I am too old a man Ut attempt to
peisUade anvone. I trust in the honor
uujec-i ami judgment ihe eoplc, bclievinjj that
Vi,"' 'hey w ill not do, what in alter life they
..',.''... ' vv il, rejie. Slue that we arc not s.lavcs
- I" too,, i, ,,'-, . , poons. hot ii'tt.OM on
'ii ' ..!..( vi'i.i:s.
it will
Figure out the extra tax
p ove a very pro.-y afl'aii
seat iigitatioii.
It will take 10 years of 2 cxlra mills
levy per iiriniiui to pay out the debt pro
posed, and but few of the many ngiia
t irt for a change, woulil Agree lo have
this money expended at SI. Helens
where the county seat building now
One-half of the voters of the eounlv
can reach St. Helens on easy roads with
out boat or train, and no' other point
can make mi,ch a inir showing, am bv
exery tesl, Ht. Helens elands for the
most people.
Jt is not for the voters to attempt lo
please or displease any tow n, hut, for
tlieiu to vote to aecure the greatest ad
vantage to the greiUen. number.
Our eotinly is in lis infancy itml needs
more developinnnt la.dore ('hanging its
seat of government, and il, beheovea
every thoughtful person to p-otnptly
recoid his vote in favor if Kt. Helens,
fid "no cha ic'e, "
I Misa Ida. M. Snyder,
"'V." on I,
the lo I;
make It no, ,
Inro.jgl, ix !i,,i.rf.
oiliei mads do
l.i v ,
'""'k 1 'y stlv a iieti-e
'"b'r.,, .s, and ,1,,,, (,. , .
s-to( re,...,,,. vO,y ,,:, ,,,,, , ,
loclior, t,l, , ,, ,,., , ,
nntilth,,. r,. ,i (,(, Vi.'i
lie grand old (,,..( , ncUto.,,! , ,
I'lrihest pari, ,,f ., H
KVOW 'that petHio,, r teloialtol,
-igned by .w..,r,U o ,,e vote,. i
o.liml,,,, .ounty, ,l pte-i-nted t ,1,,.
Ii gi-latuic.
uMiT."",' -f tin- nr l ic
published III 1 ,e , , .,,
'I'le-tion (,a, I,,,.,,,.. ,,,,, ,.. ., ...
'tniuuiiloi ,
! re. J. I , VV nil. ,,,l
in ev idcncc.
gentlemen, .1 ti vv',,.
I il- o . o n ., .., ,i
i :...,,.. i. .. . . ,
. . .... en llisiol,.. ,!,, ,,, ,
the Iiih.i in i,.. ..... i. i
.,,, , " i-ioeti, ,, i,
yeara. Wl,e I ,) (,w,i S,
l'"i"i l I IH- 'HI 'He l-l V ol 'I... I.' .... I
t 'oinmiliiications' n,,i' .joni.j i. fc
me l,,i ,,,.,1 ..... .. " ... . S-
;'"i'l"-atio. If they are signed ; S
ill re ca I hiii iv lit I .. i ...i ,. .' " . ST
or. -i, i . : " e;
' on. loner road ; , i
Ko Hie lip,,,.,- ,nd. , I :
""'I" o.
"won't It alloanl i,, ,i
i I 1
o.o,., Ke,. ,,,,, ,.,,,,,..
Ifl'lle. ,u .-.,
. . .... , wort, in U.
Will Hie oilier !,,,.
Mine is H flee ii,,,
on lei t Im il,.!,.,,,.
i :.V " . T .'. V - ,-.' V... S T I- ' ... . W..T
mm wm& mis m m cnmini
. .. . i I.-
Kniuht s ChilJrons' Shoe
AfvE THi
Ivl Ij',
Uill' L'hAvi
1IV Uk'
U1J0 UilUUi)
"tvtlt av '',
i seat
I hem." 'i
ley Mi ki r, ,M
J M. S. lluji , j,t,
I One i ( tllese
I IS lilieiitetied tt ill
t'rt!'tt'"itt'lttwtttitMiM!tijiitlttir(ifttftfttfltrm s f fi!
Has jn-V ti t el ,.-. j In
r.e llivotte
Shoes, I
the titilhor,
I rind if a
sllietv Ii
Mr. Watt
cler ical vvoi k
seat. The (
ilSpring Goods,
Oiy r.iuwls, (iifMcrics, Hoots. Shoes, l:U
,',MI' I'-iiililiii, Main SUvct, Sf. Uvhw, Oir'n.
o'lllilel ;
lei i
9 TO I2
I D i
"rrn r. Ibn .
Hrffkln l ast r.nrl An ( lirfs.
" If women would Dav mora altintlaa
their health vt would lave mart luppy
rlvt, iraithen tail daujhlen, ni If khey
Hil ohiervt rttulta Ihtv would find
that Ihe doctors' pnacrlptlom do mt
ferform the tuny cures thsy art tin
ostaat for.
" la conuiltiac with my drug jut ht td
vised MiLlree't Wine of Car du I and Thtd
ford'i black-UraajM. aad o I took it aad
have every reason to thank him. In ntw
lift nptaed up to mt with minted Kaalth.
and It aviy took ttuta PMntht to curl tat.
Wiut ut Cardal it t regulator ot tkt
iiietiitTsaJ f unetiout acrl U mutt at
toruilinn( lonin fist women. It curat
r'ty, auppreatrd, tnolrwiueut, (rrrf.
Jur tliil Oalnlll Illuuitl'lltiion fallbtar
i tli wauib, whlbtt unl Hmdiu. ft
t i . .
jo eifHB, sue approaching womaa
Uaod, duritij pisgnaiKw, uWr chili-
u...i iwu lu tiiann oi inc. ii rro
vl4Uitijr briiiiB a dear uby to unmet hare i,eii l,arr Inr v..,. HI
drvurgisu Uive 81.00 bottlwi of Win
W Ciu-diu.
and it i not m
th, nl.. i.t.. . . 7 , . """ llr'' aiiiiii-l
"'.' oei.-nu it, en,.,-!,,., I
! Iiiki ciirreeting .on... ... !
i; '' I"'"'' 'ight of lavo i, ; hl.
havea b,,,.,.. .'...... .: "". '""'i.i
(ill V lollitr., 11. ..i I. - . . ' I'
il ,. ... . . """'er shmtld
' o, til IS.
I Threat, of ,t Itaii.t.-r will
mm K'Ufll Ill'lltlUt .I :
:,(hfB; ..rti;ei;;::7;rriv;
, to toiOVV "Mill,. ,,. ,
I":...1" lepptiei ". m. ni,.,' ,1" my hfi
tie Si. Ilel,.,,. o I till k ill .li...
MHIIce, llni'i" Hj
(Kes, I'hom II
Theodore S. Thomson, Denlist.
nii;i-mation ;ind .Appointincots by Mail.
ltom.lSllal. fd, W.l-dii,',,,, t,
ci iulhca.t I'orntit Wash, and Ith
h.l-viilor lo k-ifth Kloor.
& $2 The i.Us( and The Oauiiun, 3
prett v
Is iptite
n ll nil n. ,
ir,l-l. I., II. i . . ' '"I'l
siie.v.eirat. n " "
1 '.'.'f, " '""""'Me ere t ,r, ,
AlfilM MIX Vi-Mi- .... . I. . .
til " ' " I'M
I Uil tt mill, i i u .
M'H'li " u . t . .
. M, ... -i ,nr" "'
"The bet paper i i'prt,in, ,i (1
"tmiuBiing ,, pinny w()
Into thisolllce ami pick m,'
..... T l . . '
s leiegram. "II t1(,
llllll we could leeeive on tl
tng that it is printed, a
ler Ihe Ti'lotMuo, i ,
The Telegram is bright ,
.'overs the enlfre lield, ,
! "' Its Associated w.
jl'iised wirBisir.iHiOw,,,.,!, ,Hjv '
. ' m' fir
" nirt.I.iii,,,,
i .. .. .
ht i, e ,.ve, ,p,,v
s, long vi'-irs I I "irain,
inoretni-etv , nl .l. V". "'""""I
It was , ...... "' " "" ' '.'' t"l!
I En ik. y-j i ho Hifitl Villi II.I" tliwgWr
I of
v a a.
wern so
'' mum even-
I iinti h ,,r,,.
'"ay, rim
ami gen
icpon. bv
O Silt
VI .. I ,
.11 V II I Ml,,, ,,.1
""'ri lor plivsiciuns'
,r'"tu I will,,,,,.
t" Ito-lnui
ml one line
in aoverti -enient ( i n.M. leavu- fur Oak I
-". otjie, it it , t . I lii
"Itte than ,l',l.
" iiiillureilK
preseriptiumi ,,,(
" " "'n.iiv we iui,w.,
our ptceiii
, , ' o ' '"' 'o see
('hiiiiilieilaiu'H t'n
I 11,1111 Kit,..,.. I .. .. . ,
i.1,.i'.;.:;;,1.; , :;rl"i;ris',1 u..."
' 1 ' U Ho fiiinr
oft..- I ' '
t'ltrr niH'iiiii .
ll...) i. . '", r"'."-"-'i to
" 7 tie oi ineilieinp,
- f-uia, ctircl
r.lwin It,,.,
lledgca ,V (lalhiwity, theguli VUy "
furnish blue prims of any leans11'!' "
this dlslrlcl,
Th.e ileiiiner. u,iali I tlx "Ju
ih,iio,..,l ... ii..?. l,..,hile. rl
t nt, nn in Die, ,
lul. mid a ny ""
lii.'x mi Siiinliiv ni, i.. ill N iii't'""
l eaves I'm tlaud fur I'liilskiiiili'itinl " '
'muling, Tiiesduv iiud Tlnirsday e""
'' ut ij o'clock. Heiurning, I''" "
Clat-kiiiiiu nil Wcdiieailnv and I'1''''
evenings at 4 o'clock, tide' pvi initttWf'
ai lid
Freth fish In teuton evcrv i.liiy.
special Hiimlav dinner
nt the f'1""'