LIVER AND KIDNEYS It U highly important that these or- ?ana should properly perform their unction. When they don't, what lameness of the side and back, what yellowness of tnesKin, wnai constipation, oaa taste in win uiuuiu, sick neauacne, pimpics phu uivhliiiD niiu tuna VI vv . ' i " v; , ,vo the storv. A great alterative and tonic ry r I OOU S JarSapartlla Gives these organs viior and tone for the proper performance of their func tions, and cures all their ordinary ail ments. Take it. POPULAR NORTH BEACH. Excursion, S'camcr T. J. Potter does Into Service June 27. Those who are planning their vaca tion this year will be interested in knnwinff that the nonnlar excursion earner, T. J Potter queen of river was a connieneinng scene, aim uio ci boatagoes into service June 27, and wouldn't go through with that she will leave Portland, during l W wold what money ine season, everv aav irom mesuav nn - til Saturday inclusive. To see the,i....u;Dk. Columbia from the decks of the Potter! I. . a., .-,... . t,. (.,..t., L. ,A ,nA whin. .i... lake service in the entire West equals this side-wheeled beauty. Five hours from Portland and on from Astoria, through the famous fishing waters of the Columbia, past scores of salmon traps and nets and as many white winged fish boats, lands the passengers at Ilwaco, where close connection is made for beach points with trains of the Ilwaco Railway A Navigation Com pany, whose cars stand on the wharf awaiting the steamer. The beach is 27 miles long, two hundred yards wide at ;i r. low tide, and so hard that carriage wheels trarcely leave a mark. It is an ideal place for driving, riding, wheel ing or walking, and the surf bathing is unsurpassable. The excellent hotels and boarding honses provide good ac or mm idatioua at prices ranging from one dollar to three dollars per day. The round trip rate from Portland to Astoria is $2.50; to Ocean Beach points, 14.00, good until October loth. On Saturdays, during July and Aug ost, round trip tickets are sold to beach points at 12.50, good for return passage leaving the beach the following Sunday evening. The Oregon Bailroad A Navigation Company has just issued a new sum mer book, (free for the asking) which tells all abont the delightful resorts of the valley of the Co. nmbia river. This can be obtained from any agent of the Oregon Bailroad 4 Navigation Com pany or by writing A. L. Craig, gen' eral passenger agent, Portland, Oregon Wanted to Realize. Three year-old Julia wanted to write Santa. Claus to bring her a "shot gun." When asked what she wanted it for she said: "I want to shoot one of papa's cattle and get the money out of it, tor papa . says there is money in cattle." la Qood Company. "Isn't it a shame, Abe?" asked bis father. "Yon are the second year in one class." "chame!" said Abe; "my teacher is twelve years already in the same clacs, and nobody thinks it's a shame!" No Danger. "Do you think there is any danger of America being dominated by Europe?" "S" sir," answered Mr. Metkton with extraordinary emphasis; "not so long as eminent Europeans continue to marry American girls." A Bad Start. "I guess," said the naturally weary young man, "I was meant to be a mil lionaire, but started on a line where they don't give transfere. Suffer With The I The 6 The world today is full of innocent sufferers from that most loathsome disease, Contagious Blood Poison. People know in a general way that it ia a bad disease, but if all its horrors could be brought before them thejr would shun it as they do the Leprosy. Not only the person who contracts it suffers, but the awful taint is transmitted to children, and the fearful sores and eruptions, weak eyes, Catarrh, and other evidences of poisoned blood chow these little innocents are suffering the awful consequences of some body's sin. So highly contagious is this form of blood poison that one may be contaminated by handling the clothing or other articles in. use by a person afflicted with this miserable disease. There is danger even in drink ing from the same vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as many pure and innocent men and womea have found to their sorrow. The virus of Contagious Blood Poison is so lVo?V& BLOOD POISON IS NO first little sore appears the whole """" - - lOTbodTX RESPECTER OF PERSONS tainted with the poison, and the kin is soon covered with a red rash, ulcers break ont in the mouth and throat, swellings appear la the groins, the hair and eyebrows fall out, and unless the ravages of the disease are checked at this stage, more violent and dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deep and offensive ores, copper colored splotches, terrible pain3 in bones and muscles, and general breaking down of the system. S. S. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the only remedy that antidotes this peculiar virus and makes a radical and complete cure of the disease. Mercury and Potash bold it in check so long as the system is under their influence, but when the medicine is left off the poison breaks out again as bad or worse than ever. Besides, the use of these minerals bring on Rheumatism and stomach troubles of the worst kind, and frequently pro dace bleeding and sponginess of the gums and decay of the teeth. S. S. S. cures Blood Poison in all stages and even reaches down to hereditary taints can be taken without any injurious effects to health, and an experience of nearly fifty yearr proves beyond doubt that it cures Contagious Blood Poison completely and permanently. Write for our "Home Treatment Book," Wbicb describes fully the different stages and symptoms of the disease. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA Youthful Bank President. Wade II. Neuns of Greenville, Miss., who km elected president of the First National bank in that city last week, succeeding bis father, the late Major j James E. N igua, is probably the young- ;Mt bank president in the United States, j beiug but 24 years old Very Taking. uo ministers iaae in mis wiwur , inquired the advance agent of the Col- . oesal Black-Cork troupe. I "Well, the last that were here did," responded the innkeeper sourly. They took everything, even to the soap out of their rooms." Too riuch Realism For the Manager. "So you had to close the showT" "Yes," answered the manager with the plaid vest. "What was the trouble?" "Too much crate for realism. There , w". Imperative. School master Now, Jones, give me . Hnhnni an.l then ara ill ana f n ran ehanee it to the imnerative form. Pupil The horse draws the wagon. Schoolmaster Now put it in the im perative. Pupil Gee op! Chums. Cause for Rejoicing, Bix-Doe. your wife pla, the pianoT Dix-No. Bit Does she play any musical in strument? j JPix None whatever. 'That's good. You onght to be proud of her accompli shments." A Musical Hero. Little Daniel was visiting at his grandfather's in the country for a few days, and on gcing to the barn to see the animals he heard cows lowing and said to bis grandpa: "Hear the cows horning." 'That is not what they are doing,' said grandpa. "Tbey are lowing." "Oh," said little Dan. "I thought they were blowing their horns." Not Concerned. "Why don't you try to hand an hon ored name down to posterity?" "I don't know," answered Senator Sorghum. "Maybe I don't look far enough ahead. So long as my signa ture is honored at the bank I can't see that my credit with posterity makes much difference.' W ash mgton Star, Not So Bad Off. "I hear your father is ill," said a neighoor to 3-year-old Nettie. "What has be got?" "Ilim's dot a doctor," replied the little miss. A Sad Failure. "So your club broke up for lack of funde?" "Yes, we found ont we couldn't pay expenses with nothing but a fund of humor." Philadelphia Bulletin. Healthfully Occupied. When Wesley was about three years old, a friend who bad not seen him for some tune greeted him with: "Well, Wesley, what have you been doing since I saw you last? "Been growin"," was the rather nn expected answer. All Traitors Have a Show. It was nearly a year ago that an am bitious American author wrote a novel the object of which was to vindicate Aaron Burr, and now it is seriously proposed to erect a monument in the city of New York in honor of Benedict Arnold. If things go on in this way Judas Iscariot may have a show after all. Army and Navy Journal. unocent uilty and removes all traces of the poison and saves the victim from the pitiable conse quences of this monster scourge. As long as a drop of the virus is left in the blood it is 1 iable to break out, and there is danger of transmitting the disease to others. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and GREAT FLOATING DRY DOCK. Has Affair to lis Hull, and Tewed to the lMiilipplnaa. The largest steel floating dry dock In the world, to float the largest battle ships, and one that Is to be towed 13. QUO miles to the Philippine Islands will be built for tbe government by the Maryland Steel Company. The dock Is to be &00 feet long and of extra strength and weight, weighing 10,000 tons principally to enable It to stand a voyage half way round the world. The dock will cost li.UM.UOO and will be tweuty-aeveu mouths In bulldlug. The builders are to deliver the great structure on the Atlantic cost and the navy department will take up the gl gautlc task of getting the dock to Its destination. When the Maryland Steel Company undertook to deliver the Algiers dock t New Orleans four tug boat, took the dock down the iatapsco. yet the headway was just perceptible, y the Baltimore American. The dock put to sea lu tow of a steamship and . . ... i.i- ...,).. i, . 7, 14 . ,. , ,, muul n nw- 1' " tow - ' -5- "J t0,lt -iX surance ou iu uucai H ram lur Ul I voyage. The dock will have to be luwvu across iu auiiuuc ocean,, through the Mediterranean sea. down the Sui Canal and Bed sea, across the Indian ocean and up the Chlua sea to Manila. If four knots an hour Is made It will require 1S1 days for , the voyage if no stops are made which will be Impossible, owing to the towing ships having to reconl or wait for good weather. The tow will be the larg- f,;; lMiikliiim' Vci;ctiibli foul est and longest In history. pound, and it ia simply wonderful. The Alclera dock lifts 15.000 tons. I felt better after the tlrst twoor three Is 600 feet long, weighs 0,8(15 tons and cost $10,000. The new Manila dock Is to lift from 10.000 to 18.000 tons. Is to be 600 feet long, but will weigh 10. 000 tons and will cost $1,121,000. It will consist of three pontoons that will form the flooring of the dock and two side walls, all of steel. In the Algiers dock these Ave sections are bolted together and are separable, but In the new dock the Beet Ions will be made permanent. The dock Is to be a self-docking one, the largest pontoon being the middle one. In order to dock this section ths smaller outer pontoons will be sunk under the middle pontoon and then pumped out. raising the larger section. The self-docking system of the Ma nila dock will be different from that of the Algiers dock. The dock must lift battleships two feet out of the water a situation that Increases the stability of the ship Of ten or twenty times. To sluk the dock to receive a ship water Is admitted to compartments In the bull through about twenty valves admitting a vol lime of water as large as a mans body, occupying about nn hour's time. The Algiers dock has lifted the bat tleship Illinois In one hour and hfty- seven minutes. The dock will be con structed In an excavation near the beach and when It Is ready to be launched the strip of land holding back the Fatapsco will be cut away, the .water admitted, when the big structure will float. GIVS FORTUNE FOR HAT. New Tnrk Society W'oinrta Kxpeotla l.ttTOfur HeaJ Urcoratlon. It Is enough to make even the niost extravagant daughter of Eve exclaim to learn that a New York society woman recently paid $1,050 for a sin gle Jiat, says the Philadelphia I,edg.T. The bat was ordered from a Fifth avenue milliner who had mannged to secure the cream of society's custom. The price originally named fur It to the Intending purchaser was J1.800, but It was found that less material was required than tint anticipated, and $150 was deducted from the esti mate. Four Russian sable skins, absolutely flawless and of the finest quality pro curable, were utted In making. The largest of the skins, all of which were of the costly east Siberia quality, measured fourteen Inches In length, and the fur was of a rich dark brown, flne in texture and very glossy. The hat frame was a big flure, rolled slightly on the left side. Great skill was required In covering It with the fur in the must artistic manner and witnout tne am or scissors, mere w-as no trimming whatever except in the sable tails, which were utilized to the best advantage. When the hour for trying on the hat was at hand considerable trepidation was felt by the hind milliner. If the customer did not like It, the matter would take on a serious aspect, and If It bad to be remodeled much trouble would result. Hut all fears proved groundless. The purchaser expressed unqualified approval of the effect and the entire staff of saleswomen agreed with hrr In thinking It vastly becom ing. It afforded her exquisite satis faction to be assured that the style was an exclusive one, and that there never would be the slightest danger of seeing a duplicate In this or any other country. She handed in her check for $1,050 with the nonchalant air of one who pays for a glass of soda. A Matter of Spelling. Justice Morgan J. O'Rrien, while on bis way to bis scat at the dinner given by the Society of the Friendly Hons of St. Patrick, spied among the guests Abe" Gruber. He looked at the little lawyer for a second and then said, with evident amazement: "Why, 'Abe,' what are you doing here? This Is a gathering of Irishmen, sons of Erin." "So am I," suld Gruber. "I am a son of Erin, only our people spell It differently A-a-r-o-n." New York Times. An Example of Good Luck. "Do you believe In luck?" "Sometimes. See that fat woman with the red bat over there?" "Yes." Twenty-two years ago she refused to marry me." Cleveland Plain dealer. Her Ability. Going on the stae?- Yes, but can she act?" "Well, I should say so, he com pletely captivated the Jury when she was testifying In her divorce case." Philadelphia Bulletin. Nothing can keep some men from doing fool tricks. The writer of this Is oue of them. f- t . " "v tea Mrs. F. Wright, of Oclwcin, Iowa, is another one ol the mmon women WllO have bCCO . , . . ... . . ,,.. n restored to health by l.ydia E. ( Pinkliain's Vegetable Compound. A V,,unff New Vork Tolto of Wonderful Cure I ., ... ,, ,i . i "j am tall, and the doctor said 1 irrew , t, .st tor ,. .trenirth. I su tiered j dreadfully from lutUmmutiou and . uwwmi ivmiuunnv, uv r I suffered from terrible dratririnif wiv 1 sations with the most awful pain low , ,, , ,, . i,.. .1 tZ No oue knows what I endured. Often I was sick to the atomiush. and every little while I would bo too alck to go to work, for three or four dnys ; 1 work j ArZ la J m0 ,ugj;,slJx o( . fri,.ni, (lf ,, ,,... limD t) tke I.vdlu i de ; it seemed as though a weight was, taksn otr mr snotiKiers ; i con tinued its use until now 1 can truth fully say I am entirely cured. Young girls who arc always paving doctor's bills without getting any help as I did, ought to tk your medicine. It costs so much less, and it i sure to cure them. Yours truly, Atri tt 1'Rillt., 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York City." tioao 'arftit if trlfiKat of ttovt tails arwvnf f MwJHtAMI cannot gritfvcfff. BEAUTIFUL TlilTtl. Better for a Worn in Than Kitties, Dress or Intrllcvt. Pid you ever notice that, when any one describee a pretty girl, be general ly begins by saying she has a beautiful set of white teeth? Well, that ia natural, tweaune a fine set of teeth is the most eons, ii'Uo'in characteristic of the faee. A winning imile, adorned by ever, brilliant teeth, carries a woman farther than riches fress or intellect. Aad, on the contrary, think a mom snt o( the shock you get when you tea a woman, or a man, with a yellow re volting Bet oi teeth, or great holes In the month where good teeth ought to be. Dr. W. A. Wise, the famous dentist of the Failing building, Portland, Ore gon, said to the reporters yesterday that it was beyond his comprehension why any one' in the Northwest now should n gleet the teeth for a day long er. The big ccst of dental work in the past baa been red tin 1. The expense now, at such large and modern equip ped offices as Wise Brothers', is ex tremely moderate no nmre formidable than getting repairs made toany artirlr of regular wear in the houseli' ld. And the pain has been banished. There is no pain. For your own comfort, go and bave yonr teeth put in order. For your looks' sake, don't neglect your teeth any lenger. If your teeth sre worn ont, have a new set fitted; or, if a few of the old ones are gone, have them re placed, and begin to enjoy life a'.'iin Your friends will like you better, and you will like yourself be.ter. I)o It now. False Pretenses. "Wby does be always begin with the statement, "To make a long story short." 'Oh, that's just to encourage you to believe he's going to do it." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A Sure Investment. Patience Did be invest in any of thepe get rich quick concerns? Patrice Oh, yes; he married money. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Uttle Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature; of afes Fsc-Slmll Wrapper Biaiiw. Tsry asaJI a ail as eaaf 1a take sua raciu rOB HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BIUOUSHESS. FOR TORPIO LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKI I. FOITHECOMPIXXIOI taa I sw7SlJS anatmro. 1 rf casts I Vnrely YegWaliIa.;4!w3a5 CURE SICK HEADACHE. Over one million dollars in penaions secured by ua fur our clients durinir llm ui yeare lain pnt. Over 20 yearH aucei-BHliil exrierli-iic i. I'r onsl and prompt attention to all claim en triiMtfd ut ua. if your attorney tins been ilia barred you can appoint ua Uiartln yoiirclaliim Yi- fljied by law and contlriKent iiKiri aureeaa Taber Whitman Co., OMU Harder nidg. Wastilngton, l. C. jCARTERS Ti"- UKt8 WHuff llfl!t!l' r"A!s. fHT I J Best Cough Bjrun. Tasu Ouod. CSS L' 1 f J In time. Hiild br rtriiatglata. r I EFFECT OF ANAESTHETIC. Pnllrnl. in PeMlat'e tKt.B Act Uurerly I'mler H. "As I entered the dentist's oiuce, aid a woman the other day, "I a man silting lu a chair rocking vio lently and with a wild look of misery written on every fcalure. Next him sat a demure looking trained nurse. After a few mluutes, during which we all yiree sat and pilled each oilier, the dentist entered, dressed for out doors, aud be beckoned the man. The unfortuimte wretch responded and then we knew. The di.-tor never draws teeth himself, but takes such patients as have need of that gentle art to a brother uemisi, turn makes a specially of Urawtng, always administering: a for It. ,,r.. turned to UIV With a Minlle. "I wonder what he will do when he comes onl of HI" she said, meaning the anaesthetic. Why. what do you mean?' I asked. "Don't yon know!' she answered. My patients always say or do some thing silly either when they take It or when they com out of It.' "I was lutereated at once ami ueggeti her to tell me some Instances, "'Why, let me see.' said she. To begin with, women always yield to Ike Indueuce of an anaesthetic mure easily than men do, possibly because they are not so strong willed. Any way, women make better pstleuta. They are less trouble and so afraid of pain or eveu of death. "lu almost every case 1 have bad the women rather welcome chloroform. although almost all "f them fight ether. aud I don't blame them. After tne first whiff a woman will almost Invari ably make love to the doctor, calling hltu all the sweet things she ever knew and demanding Ills affectum lu re turn. Tlieii she quiets down and the operation begins. When coming out uf It if she Is a particularly sweet aud re fined woman she will ue the uu.t villainous language and carry oil gen erally In a manner calculated to shock a new nuise almost out of her senses. "Now. on the other band." she con tinued, 'the woman who ordinarily uses ltlllluggMte land there are quite i few) will babble of childhood's dnj, ingels' faces and peaceful green Held. 1'hla seems strange, but It Is never theless true. Of course, we seldom ell tliem what tbey bave been saying r doing. It wouldn't do ' she (roke off. 'Ah, here comes the detitit ind his patient. See how wild be looks. You Just ak the doctor what be did. See If It wasn't fuuny.' j "The doctor came 111. ushered bis patient Into the operating room, spoke I l few words to the uurse and followed ills patient. " 'l came for something to relieve my patient.' she said to me In explana tion. 'Hue had a violent toothache.' "The doctor relumed with a small package, which he handed to the nurse, lie then spoke to me. saying that he would be resdy In a few minutes. When I turned I found the nurse had gone, "I'sually 1 am not In a hurry lo gel Into a dentists chair, but. being a woman and a curious one at thai, was anlotis to hear what that man bad said or done when under Ihe tufluencs i f the anaesthetic. "'Did you notice that mail?" anked the dentist as be can-fully filled my mouth with cotton. I tried to look as Intelligent as my gaping mouth would let me. 'He has Just taken gua to have a nerve killed and taken uul,' cunllliil'd the doctor. "When lie was returning to consciousness lie pulled a great roll of bills out of bl pocket and iualstrd upon throwing them all over the place, giving them to everybody he met In the halls and acting generally as a mil lionaire philanthropist gmi mad. After he bad qnle'.rd down a little be told me confidentially that he experienced the fluc Jng he bad ever bad In bis life. And the funny part of that re mark Is that neither I nor suybdy else that knows the man has ever known or beard of his taking a drop of liquor. In fact, be has always as serted that II wss strictly against his principles to touch liquor In any form. This Is surely a funny hoslnc.' "And shaking bis bead mournfully," continued Ihe woman, occordlug to the New York Times, "the doctor proceed ed to make things lively for me." M.auiKleratiHMl. , McQu.'ery"You're not so attentive to Miss Itoilcy as I thought you would be." IIunter-"No. You sce-ersbe told me she didn't go In for social picas ures since her father bad failed." MeQucery-'Toor old man! Hp la falling dreadfully, gulte a physical wreck." IIunter-"('lee whiz! Is that what she minntr Philadelphia ledger. A lii-mlnder. Judge They say that when a man faces a sudd-n danger all the events of his past life pass over. Fudge That so? Well, let us go out In my Automobile. "Why?" "Well, the sudden danger may bring before your mind the fact that you borrowed $.10 from me several years ago and you've forgot to pay It." Baltimore Herald. Cannot Kscape. "Do you think the person who com mitted the crime will be punished V" "Empatblcally, yes," said the police official. "Hut you haven't discovered yet." hi in "No. But we'll keep saying we sus pect somebody and thereby keep him suffering the terrors of a guilty cou acleuce." Washington Star. Approprlateljr Named. Fumer "ee whlzl What sort of a cigar is this?" Olvver "OhI I bought It for a nick el. I don't Just recall the brund, but I think it was named after some bum actor." turner "Ah! No wonder It won t draw." Philadelphia Press. The average man never wishes I,.. were a woman, but be admit. H lltn,. envy of her when he begins to g,.t bald. Wby Inqlulre of a man when yon meet him, "How are youir" e W0H-j tell you. If there Is anything wrong. A good many of the men hired to help are simply lu the way. BlackHair " I hsve used your ' VIor for five yera and greatly pleased with It- J! y.J stores the original color to iray )alr. Itkccpsiuyhslrsofl, -nirs. Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, Me. Aycr's 1 lair Vigor has been rcstoriiiR color to gray hair for fifty years, and it never fills to do this work, cither. You can rely upon It for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making your nair grow. II M a sxtlt. All iranlilfc A t'arut'toua t'quatir. ! A small boy ai anked by the teacher what the equator was. j He thought a moment Slid replied : ! "The equator Is an Imaginary lion running aiotind the earth." j PITS raravanvunr !.. i ar m ,) ; fllw ailMKitl u -! I" miscVlnal ' Umltft S.iK ril Kt.i .OsllfUllxltoanJli aa. Ps-M.ll i.u ""l.-ruilJ.lrtla.ra Only a IHffcrcrt-s In Degree. One llln-oltig loiir-ycar-old Hot sa.d In bis qua tit, quiet nay: 'The loot tel It-tli a't bis nun. I, the wise man kiKHieth It in till altcrwaid ' Mother, ' don't e any illcV rente btdeeen 'em; Ilia wise man jiist waits aehile." Thir In mora fsurrw in irni afilna nf ma eminlif Itooi all ,otie ;ir.,a "l I.Hiat, aiol uuttl lli lt U iHiri-a l. t ifteural,!. I Of ft ien-l ninf i .1 -!..( o. nmito-r.1 II a l- at .!lea-. ii,1 efM'illw.l local n, M, ami I t o.uo'Hl, )llt,( In eura tun .,eal trvat!.u. j.rt,tiurr.l n ojeuraMa. IvIi'iU'O ha f.t.o.0 raiarfbl" lw S rtilUl. litnatuU-aw. an4 l!t'.tra r..t . ffoitUtii V,,nat Ir.aiincul. Hair, Calfr' i nf, bor. u a lurr.l , r, ) 'bnar 4 ' T"1"!-', ilt. l tliwviiiy e.ihil.oiu.OKO i.i'tti.n !!, umrkst. H la l. n H.iiMl a. In '" fl." a l-atM,ontul. It tlo,.-i!ji to ll.a liUwl an, I in,,. ,,l ti e 1 ttf ..fft ona rnili.trnt ttf,ha;4 1, t Mr .1 lU Id cure. en4 lor rtre,- tid irl!aanBiala. A diraa, r ). ( in KV U.. lulaato, U. s.1,1 ,y btosi, is. Italia laiuii) flHa ta Hit hmmi, In the Imptrslii. j While the lovs of s rlaronm were' bavini a grammar la ton, ths teacher said: j "John give me a pensive verb." j "Whoa!" anawercd John. "Now mske It aitive," said il,. teaeher. "Hack tip," replied John. l'l s t'ure f remmtf foroiuaha, eotds ami rotmin.puon. Try il. I'tuai'.caou, at druttgiit. Poor Hubby, Husband Where do you want lo go on a vacation? Wife lib. anywhere that's etprnn Ive or restless I. lie. "Th Kli-afi, K.i.,t KHcht-n Klii't" laltta tra.1 timia ,., !,.. I !, h amaMa ) ant lu ( In rvil,rt in a t-o-l fciuiu'ii. Mill Not Writs Ifamlnldicficta. Henntor rrye mice reluaaxl to write bis reminiscence for a magslm, dn. daring IiIium.U ii,.,,m, Ui lb. telling by public men ol "talus out ol erhuul." Tha okl, IsvarUUs virtus t St. Jacobs Oil 1 mi II lh klr c mra lo 3 and Bruises Price, 25e. end 50c l i -B4 i-H i HiH I It rmr UtnusiM eitnnel M't'lr "Bi 1 I saml l ""ft-' '"' '" I I you iKillln. Il ur mill Uio .' I I vt lur iwotaal atl'laa" "'I'1 ' I ' j t' Ai it in. I .itn. sum, fl THE FAIRBANKS-MORSE ENGINES AMU OlMfUATISO ON OAS, GASOLINE, DISTILLATE OR CRUDE OIL (Moi Operation Very lit. No Expense wnen ua oiinoioa A Money Earner First and Stark 81s. 1'OltTI.ANM, OK. 310 Market Wy: . i-4 j Economical RUCHSOM MAOMlNCnYO Ntieeatr Hi Jmoi r,,ir V Coal ul MwrlHHi Mtssl,, o, Wlltl US lot Kw Mill Slot Sliiiisls Min? ,ih,. Wind Mill s.i.l II. m l" ,,:'"?, ovum Hei'Hist rsulst .rl. l j"' '. Htiiliii 's M. UuashalM.ifti. I You rsn Urge); lln'lm th ,tj . i Wide lor pili!. "" 33 1 FED CENT OFF 3 Or ill Pickit geidi l or order u(I,00vr more tThliliM not Inslinta arM m,U at antiMi eU In tliiiUty ) w II In ttta uiatkat writs lor imisl h.i tlc. MANN, the SEEDMAN. l ISS t'ranl Mia.l, ! Inrul. Mrs, X K?ele TMK Alcohol, Cpium, Tobacco Using A WttVfut T Hum lureo CittCULAftS fvniWNn,at twntta; ewn m Willi tft'4 Hf tttl I lfsJut HrMUHk f.t Ibntti ml .j.rJ faMtaf Ma Rrt 114 thftl I (ikM (Mi MoiMf UM!i Mm! (jMOiatiy t?ttfi t Um low i4 to t ummstil I K v-r tb t(o tutiM 10 sfrrti.4 ' J, A Jt1tt V CANOV fMMHl t)le t lHm 0nh4 a V4. !:., )ae i(tf Ml lM ... CUitI COTIPA7lOH M tmtf t aww, IWH. tWMf. m, t n i i i i s.S'f sa a.i i n i t 1 1 11s f AGENTS WANTED I Everywhere. Write now. ' aih. w tiim t wAmt t t tot 00 T a.M .aa. t'.eo M, Z ikxim. wrmui. KtiK isixun f notoyauti. T Krn.l r..f a a - s k I FRED T. MKKRILL CYCLE Ott Port Unci, Or (tan, 4 Uaa lataa. aVSk i t t t i . a s-s4 V'fi i VA-i ""71 f fv' " .OaSaaataaaMaaatjBy , I SooKtbicg CMnlortattt u4 Perakk I t MITCHELL & BEE LINE BUGGIES Af .1 ih hrt (lt fl. (, . Gmfott fjuy tUht X A(KjiiKt Dnt Ability t WANT TO KNOW W11TI I T A lot enr Itlualialrit pami.lifcw. T Hallaid trna. I MITCHELL, LEWIS 1 STIVER C9. ! JOO-106 Ural (., lllKTI.AStl, Ok. f AIM Mpakana, llolaa. eeeeeeee.o P. N. U. "' ""j,' 14 -ltOfc" w IIKN riltlns u avtarll.a ill auantlua litis wer. 1 1 IIIAM radii y Mvur 1 ssssrit ywamj XL Thought U Dead? We're Very Much Alive. S. II. Headache and I.lver Cure Still Do ing Its tlrcat Work. S. II. Cough Syrup, everybody Take It. Everybody Llkea It. AT A!,! t I U U U I 44TS conecsioriciiin Seam Street 138 So. Los Angolas SL ; rry on new 7Y mo Second fl m noncyw ''KANCIHCO, CAr I,0 AISOKI.. VA