The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 05, 1903, Image 2

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    ORKGON MIST i rw,u,m5t,UU1'
pntered at the Foetoffice at St. Helens,
Oregon, a second-claae mall matter.
I! 11 Kvltt KfcH.lV MokXIMl My
Kimto .111 ri)i'mtma.
M'B RlFTIoM. 1'RH E:
lln' copr one fear, in advance. . . .
(!i iitno t r
J una 5, 113.
-45 TO m C0V.1TYSEAT.
A (errespeadeBt Speaks Eight Oat
j la Xtetlaf aaa Make Seat Tell
lar U1U.
! Ma. Emma: We in this upper
country would like to say a lew
on the burning county seat question
I We disclaim any prejudt. t against
. Helena, where the county seat now i-;
or against either Clatskatiie or Kaum.
thai are striving fur i(.
Bat Ilia fight ia openednot l-v .u.
anlioitaiiaii, nor even bv our leave, li
was forced uu us in a selfish and in ,i..i
denl legislative act, got ud bv Itai. iei.
clatskanie classified Advertisements!
John Hpurgeon ass in the tlly Tucs-
I day, Inking in the sights.
' Mrs. John lam- of IVcp I'wk,
ped through -tir cily on Ins I"
l.rl!and Molds .
TIlC C-'l'v kind of COttSUmtV ' W. il. lumm -,tt down t. s-
is " lUTiCCted ''' "Hake a sioll oi s.u mr
no i la lonr
People are learning t!i..t con
sumption is a cur.dde ilseasc.
It is neglected conuinptiot.
that is :,o often HcunWe.
.At t' e faintest suspicion of
U if certain that xi nt contributors to
nf th location of the countv seat, that
should have been left untax, Argnmeat
more effective than boiahast antt
innendo, Argument acta the people to
thinking, and they become convinced.
There are many reasons why tin? county
eat should remain at St. Helens, at
Last for the present. They ate nun
iuy convenience, and other things Hint
bave heretofore been mentioned in The
liist. These uiattera will receive atten
(i..n later.
Future conditions may make it neces
sity to again, tall another county Mat,
ei.-et on, if toe people are willing, and ,
ynder the new law tbev can d this t ,
Red FirV letter waked a op to the COILSUmptK.!! Cct a buttle of
real inwardnesa of the whole qtieeti.'ii. Scott's Kmul.tioil and Lecrin
.... i i.-.- i ii ii. i
"ii'iri now Mirt ..-.lulu punu-ll (,' fl!i."r ti leS,
I do wo
thepn..haveiaidthiiinr.nthenitt'r!,atllnbonM oufe-eion of the uiier T) (f c, r
. .l teltifhnrsa of Lhe mutter it i.u I. 1 u"'- ' 'l "Ol, r.
eltiihnae of the mutter at iue. I
like the bat a. l of "Little Keil Hi
H.xl :
'Oh Grandmother rtainier, mut a
hi)t ni'iuth you've got!"
"That'a to eat vim thr bettrr inr
d'r," tail "Kl Kir" in hi norrit
lell -r. Well, don't pno to In
i".iten with tali jut: yet.
; We have uo road coiuinuuication ith
At for Clattkanie they hare d.uie u
good deal to make Wiser road out tow-;
ard ua, and e repay the obligation if 1
ini re-.i trade with Clatskanie ait.l it
. merchant. It i a buaineaa pr.pnat
i tion jutt at the oid Hunter Hill road
ad the Carh-o va'.lev mal ia with St.
... .. . . . n . . ,. I Heleni only St. lielem lint not k.-pt '
h;i.k the trip of President Rooevelt I . ... 1
(tin tlr rOa,i lV.liatrn..t i,.m mm I "latal. j
at once, has, in tinman. Is of
ea, s, tarr.ed the ba' in
fav r of health.
Neglected consumption dtK's
not eit w'nere Scutt's L'mul
sion is.
Prompt use of Scott's Emul
sion c het ks the tliea- e while it
can be checked.
Send t fit .amp!
SOTT t Wtrsr, L-Umt.
r"S Pcul Sotct. Kaw Vk.
'K and ft m all 4miii.
to the Pacific coast til one of pleasure,
mid to become better acquainteil with
fhe people and the country, it hat no
doubt tedonnded to his advantage in an
electioneering way. It gave the people
an opportunity 10 eee the greateet of
tiiod-rn pi(lent-a man of ihe people,
woo ia reany one o. inem. mere is no
(j'iettion of lioosevelt'a popularity. The
.ttlBeu acclaim of the peopie every
where demonstrate-thi-, not only in Or
tgrn. but throughout the entire conuty.
v.. .i.a. i.... . f
e-jo!! naa oeeo receivei witn maras 01
Inure distinguished honor. !
.. li
have loat a part of our trade they uw-J
to iret. Inttead of trying to inciva-e
that trade thev have po-itively alloaed
our trade with them to fail otf.
Now, there ia at le.ift a mila an l a
I nan 01 tnuu on one stretch between
here and St. Helena that i a!inwt im
j paiaable for a tean with hlf a load.
1 .Supervisor Clark ia ruw at work on
. ttie road, but he tppeara to be xaki.u the yrneia, iu, ,,i fav
ttieir ionn' !-n it ;
Ktfie Vaublnrii inn, reh if of
Satnl Hine, (,.r jy inid
Ih'Siilur .May Teini. P.KC5.
Aolitiolli-.! from l.k-t week.)
J I' Mi.elev li.W $, 5
VilP.rite I' t o
IViill A Co. ni,phe
Vij .rii.. 'oii-r Co. IMi. .V
C.t1. I'.ot'h-r workw
I' M HevuHiiev lU.r lint. ,Ni,
Mr.. Kl.en Mili
In :ti matter of chiima
con ! al!oiip
'"v tiers nraw wir-fint on
57 !1
2! UO
4:t 70
44 (Ki
A) 00
it;aiiit Ihe
Ho doubt manv Columbia countv
f the l,,li,,i,
Eo.ti, inatead of tilling up iinpa-eal.le ,'l1"1""' n I in 'he emu -t opjwtiie
bolea. hy don't the peoule of
pi. iieiena rie up aa one uiau mint; . . S oli
out and examine the "bad ro;td" and i Ju
compel the aupervtoor to work ou the ?! ' 'rri upplie f..r i-ala I
15 (M
j bad place, or have "a fight or a f.x.t
race." The Gazette patting hi in on the
back ia rather auspiciont.
Hut we pay Clatknie in trade for
their road, and it mutt not be onder-
moTa! that tl.A ...... n ( rr u.l 1. it
. ... , (,nu( tu m
fiiion of the Ftate Teachers' Associa
tion, which will be held in Portland
J;ioe4tbto June th. Tke bent tal
ent the Plate affords has been to ured
. , . J , . .... .-v-.u 111. All W.JJ1 1WJK lll
ieals with many aubjects of vital im- .u,,,, . . , , ,. ,. , . ,
, ,J , , about a chap who told his Imthright
fwjrtance to the schools and educational 'r, . .. . , .
. , . .... , lor a mess of pottage, 'taten and un-
jnterests of the hute. Mr. Henry l. i - i f.
j 'Well, we suppose he did trt the (ot
, tage, but what will u get? 'ot only
ao we get notning, but we go ilown into
i'ettengill, of Lansing, Mich., one of the
foremost educators of ihe United States,
has been invited to be a guent of the As
eoeiution and will appear on the pro
gram, and ditcues a number of impor
tant educational topics.
: Cai Howarrl
our pockets to pay for two elections, for , Ji Meyert
an eipentive removal, and for new and '" Kane
expensive "county building-," and
niortnire corne'ves for 10 or a dozen
ir is a notable fact that Tur Omoon 'years, and for what?
M1.-T haa more foreign that is Eastern j Merely becue a score or two of men
i"tent nieiliciiie advertising than any j expect to make a boom out of it and
paper of similar size in Oregon. It is all "sell town lota." Clatkanie is making
K. Tro auppiies f..r Jonlan
St. Mr l.p:a care of llotu.
I. Mgiiuu;rarv of Gui.deroii
Aiin-rt Wtx 1 tr,invirttion of
Humphry family . .
D-nii I'.laiiclmr.l r. nt of hou-e and
luel Ionian ...
Svmsoiis J. I'. State vl, I ,n..
r M r ler, con-table same
Win. Symons J. 1'. State vs J. i.
F M Kow ler constable
Ian Stetiinan witiienn
Mr. 1). .Stelimrim "
V. Sherman "
-Mrs. f, Sheriuau "
10 it)
10 00
42 7d
l W
iiit.hi thi
J. X. Km p irade a t-ininet trip to
the Nehaleni nititry the (ii-t of Ihe
War! War! and rumor of war, comes
from Mist every tl ill li e week, and
sometime two or th'ee times esch d.i.
We notice seven.l tams hauling
Shingle loon I he noil ol I'ippold &
S-ins iioui M st.
Harvev lileim l a Isken a iro.-itiou
w ith the "Keystoue Luinlwr Coiip:iu ."
on H tksiiie. I
l.'enty Krits is in Southern Oregon
on a bu-incsa trip this we. k, and I'.ud
I Il-yanl is coml tiding the atoie during
: his alienee.
Mr, King-lev, of the We-t Orrt.Mii
: I.itu.l r Cmnpsnv, was in IVrtisnd ev
' eral .lavs thi, week to him
nss for his Company.
Charles Claik is pu-hiiig hi' new
dwelling to i-.iiii.'rij..ii as fat s p-i-j
Ide. When cooiuleted il will b.' in or-
lliill.rut as well as a cnila to the . itv.
J W. A. YouiiJ and wol au -ii l -d the
State (i-iinge of Pattous of If isl sudrv
at Oic.'on City, as dt legates ft-in lhi
county last week.
lnaf lluietfardner, who is vi p-r , li -tei:ilii
the hv'giiig earnp of Mu.-kle
Hros., over on the Coweeu an, it st
home vi-iling hi- family lor Irs dv.
It ia said by the wist ones of our city,
that many (if our i iliens attended the
aessionof rirenit eo'irt U-t week in St
Helens to tell ht tliey kncix a'loot
the ttieets of t'latikiiiue.
We hi ard a little t r say tlisl Oeue
Whitney was seen one day la-t e,k
coming serosa Ihe tirid,'" wi:h a tlong
of fish in one hand, and a llsh p"!e on
his shoulder a histling " Y.mkre i.-l!e.
The M:svs Mary and N"ra Ciiiver
who have lieen (isiting their parents,
.Mr. and Mr. W. (I. Comers, ih
several day s, returned to their re-et-ive
homes at Oregon City and Hsinier
on Tuesslay tnorning.
Posters are ont announcing a g-mid
I lienefit ball for the Uoiefit of the chits.
WVVtl li-- sl l l VI, l i:Hsosl
of ler nod ..! leooiations I n -each
stale .one in ilo. eoun i re. inwl) j
I., no.r. nt and ,l lel'l-e old I'-t ll- '
lohe.1 uealihv hii-iio-.. hon e ol sol d
financial standing. S , a;v ." W'i-.kl
nith ei-n.. iid.lvii n d, All pa.hi
hi cash dot el rai h fiolll
head i tli.e-. II. Mac and ""Li ('
i.,. i. ...I ,,h, ii i,i an . ,. lei. nee.
-1,. lo. .' rnvf. Colo-,
nial Co.. S!l, tsiiila.rn Si,, Clin ago. I
will- 1.1 VK Ai.KMs TO SKI I.
In. While's Dlocliic I'oiah.. p.iieute I
Jan. I. t" I daiidruir, hair falling
..ill M. k and nri v. mis l.ead.n lies, u l
cost nu more than nn oidmiiv com'.
Seiit on sght. Aurents sie wild with
success. Send .VK- for lao.ple ball
pine. Wtita ijinek. The I1', While
Klecliic Comb Co., iK'. alur, 111.
Mid-Eumnter Clearing Sale
takes tliouc of ever n'mtitl tiiic;ulfj fur
t.tilnr-Jiidc Suit", uoith ?20, ti$, and yx
. .. t v ...... .. ...i 1, c.;i .1..,....'.
lift .1 I aiiniiuiiii i'np v nuvnu t ci'Sl HHjejj
ami it will lit, wrar and satisfy.
i i. i... i . r ... i
jMtils nuiitiii'iis to Hiiit num. J'vcry p,jf
taih'i -iioide, um ailed for, 56 to ft), uuk. i n- vi.
oils pcti,oii in ea. h -t ile
house I .tahil-hed el. - li
larm' eupilal, to call np
to IISl' l I !
t-s and n ah ;
i toer. hauls
ami a 'i nl. lor silcce-sflll lOol looll. il. e
line. 'ci ii.auciil engagement. VV.ekii
cash nalai V of 1S ui'.la l tli.eloi.' n
pciise- hih! li. f 1 fills sd.ali.i'd .sib
week Kts'l lenee Hot losenl la I Men
lloll leleienee rtlol eneloH,. M'if -i.res-i .1 IIIK NVllONVl. .'i-.l.
Iieaihorn St., Chicago.
WAMI.0 Yot'.Mi Mi: to premie
for 1 iovet moeiit '..i!ions f ine .aoi-
lug- ill till IVp.lltllielll", I'xsit.l-ialloos
iii. paitii ilia." free.
I, iter iMsic Cor. ln-i , O .1 r Kapnh, la
Our showing of i.tilojiii always leads.
. i . i .
i in lew puas please tlic K"opte.
Farnsworth-H raid Company
.'.jN W'ASHIVtiTtiS .ST., I'lkrt.AMl, OhI'i.iiv
Hl V I.I t si t ol II VMi
pew i 0. r in g.sal ronOH ion. I pp'.v at
this ndi.s-
KoH Midi Al'I'l.Y Vl't
(rfgon I uneer Assocla
Aria giM'-uis aie la-ing m ole for the
liol.hii of the thiit -tirt rtiimial 'e tin
ion of he Oregon l'onH-r At-.a i.ition,
to Is- h I I in I'm I land oil W e lo.... n ,
J:Ulf 17, All persons cooill.g I .. or te -f 1
ill the oi uola! territory of I lr.'ioii o i.-r
t ' K-bitiary II, !s',ti, without r-god to
here they now live, are e'.l,ll.I.- lo
ipends r.Jop. IV.-g-utoog n it J Hue la
I'lo-ieer h'-ad pia r te f s Will U- opr n. -I n
the top l,,,r ,, the nlv fall, w h re
had,'S may Ire sienied lfo:u the .ei
relary, I li--. II. 1 1 inn s
The f'lltiial piOfc-rani m II b' g ten i
iloii b.ldamg Wedrisihiv
10 00 '
John Itrvant
i W Symous, J. p.
W'illiaiut . .
: K M Kow ler contble
tiiass ft Prudholm,
Clerk and sheriff
; The C'regon statiunarv
late vi Tr.
L. ...I . I .
i . . , . . . ... t -..t n .fiiiau Film
mauer wo, payaoie in cisti at gorsj a '-etiil hunt" for tne county seat. She K If Mitchell printing slatemen'ta
pru!es Thia Kastern advertising on i says in substanee lo ua hackw.xyls peo- '
The Mit pagea indicates the standing pie: "Come to mv arms you greasy : ''"dcrson po.lagc ehoks office
that the paper has among Eastern ad- fritter." " " ' ii11,!", r'',lrv''-v "' K ,i""'r '""
vertisern, who realize that a journal 21 j hut wa won't. Some day the pnpnla- ieo. lu'tl'""""1 "!'"
years old, published in the best part of j tion and the conditions may be favora-; vv' T Watts recording and platting
vrctfi.n. is a valuable medium throngti : roe lor havinz the countv nest on H, etc
ksnieCi'y Rand on June ('! h. rhe 'a-v
make fine mu-ie ami everjone shoii'd at
tend and eive the los a rousinj; big
house and encoiiiajre home tal.-nt
Will Miller, of the l.oier Neh .l on.
passeil through the ei Tuesli. en
route to Portland on a business t.'p. It
is said that he ou . I comb ne pleasure
with business and take in the'i of
the city.
It is said by those who els'm to know,
that the Wouiens' (.eis .i C, k Club,
of this ci' v, is grow ing in nmul -r wry
4 ;j) ' rapi lly and thai they intend Colu i.h a
111 10 countv shall las represent".! at t
' position in V.ft'i, even ii the men
countv doii'l tak am- iiiier.-.i
12 50 niatter.
I Memorial services acre atlh
28 00
3 w 1
4.1 '
8 2t
2 io ;
2 lo
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 H
the the
t'.e K.
.iftcrn.mii, June 17. and ill in. I l le the
following liiliiil.ra. M isle by Crown',
band pr ner, ilran.1 Chiiplm 0 II, lotii
HI, Porliand, aiinoa! ...Idi. .. .i,,, f,
V. r'lllton, A-t urea b. I., nil ,
s i . i. ton !l ;, .., n. i'. Vpi-hciie.
Kt.Hloi:!. l .l 'is n in s , le hv baml ,
U-io d , Doll, thaphu At Ilo- ,!..-e ol
the piigi.iui -.he pi mi. r Woiuen'a ,tu.
liary wdi give a Mr..-t to nil oo o,l r
III fcf.asl -fall-ling who I., lie he . oa-r
I'ldge P.S..1. I i tl V t.lilon. w ill
If- ii ! 1 1 uu- ils .r WIVi'S
I'l ilo-n... tti.ii 111 .1 y not Is' pi -tiei-IS th.-u, s. ii,.,, u ,, , f., i)r Hi,,,...
Kclmi il rat.-s have U-eu gianti-! I,v ..p
ta.Io i e.ouj,. uiics for t'.o-e .h
slf.';, I ! e reui'i.oi.
( ('II
). ailtl
w it
-il II,
IMt and 1 IuM' P.
1 K-el iiiv,; Bnuli iN, Mow.-i's, ,id ' " "
Hay Tools, Pliiw. li.::io.- .-.n !
New Oxford Civ.nti S';ii
Milhtuii V;iK"iis. ntircif, ; t d
C'lumliiis Pueeies and C.f
i-S .es,
ft. 'i ks.
e! inch
Haw kins
Marlllug I ml e
I ;
w fiich to reach tha people.
Nehalein, near the eem.r.of the county. : T F ,...-1 ' V."" '"6t .
tiut we wouu! not deserve
it unless we OCClajk
duly and fairly consulteJ the interest of ; " Selunilt
the whoie i-onntv ' ? ' Archidald
Siw this county seat act that
Ei, L'nited .States Land Commissioner
fiinger Hermann w?s elected congrets
flutn for the first district last Monday,
by a probabla plurality of 2AO0. Tue
heavy republican majority in that dis- j l"cs'r i.ocAiio or tmk cot sr. skat,
t net could not lie overcome by his oppo-) w defeat the removal, then
nent, aul it is said that a picture of Mr. j stands just as it did before the
I R M laivelce
I r k-,n,.
must soon vote on m iron the i-ehha- ' i ii
1 lor man standing in the rear platform of ,c- panned the legislature.
If it is
atar with President Roosevelt, rnsde moved under that act, the place that
iiitu rotes. Mr. Hermann heretofore (?" hold it and then w mutt
represented Oregon in Congress for dive into our pockets again.
several terms.
Noktu ToPEga, Kansas, a city of 10,
000 inhabitants was wiped out of ex
istence by the combine commotions of a
great fi xjd and a fi-e. The latler follow
ing in the wake of the high waters. At
least I V) people were burned to death,
saying nothing of those drowned. It is
estimated that 2'J,(MJ people are made
Richard Merino "
J M R-ddick
11 Wilson
O W Mellinger
J P Sheeiev
H R Clifr Medical attendance
Ed Wickersham
Jo. Hall
Hi 00
4"i IS)
2 78 70
3 -r)2 OH
4 7 -l
h o7,7iO
Il 42 50
in 2i oar
13 H l.)
g.l-ill -t V .
Ill, ,e.-I .ring llr.
for Colot!-i,i jo B
l-e lli,cii!il!.-..
-in T J M. f at
, aerie.
Your cou,ity building, are good j K ciitf coroner at inquest , in un-
euooiih until (he-county doubles in pop
olation, and there is five acres cleared 1
then t one acre now "Knock it out,
the first round."
The tide is setting in stronger every
week against the removal. If people ,
come out and vote as they generally do
at regular elections, it will be settled !
against removal at the first election i
nomen.-. oy noons in poitions of Kansas and save the expense of a second.
,oaad Xtt,r.ak. vm:K .SKHALEM, June 1.
I'mcmoest RiyKEVEi-T, has come and i Hla Hope Iteali.eil (
gone. He has seen Oregon and Ore-' C'oin the Heniinel, i.o,. Mom.) i
gor.ia.iH in gala day dress and wood, and ! J", ths " ."P'''1' ' Oklahoma to ;
from all ,,. i -.i n , ' settlers la 18-s", the editor of this paper:
Iro. i an account, he 11 h.ghly pleased ; was among the seekers after fort-1
with the VVebfoot state and its people. une who made the big race one fine (lav
And that being the case, he would hasoi'" April. During his traveling about'
!en ar more pleased could he hv j f',!r"ar'i" amping uik-h hi.
seen il.-n .n. in - . . ti- he encountered much bad water
trei Oi.n and the sturdy Westerner I which together with the severe heat ;
in their every day attire, the hitter turn-1 gave him a very severe diarrhoea which I
Ing this vast domain into an industrial ! il ,i(iiih1 almost iruposaibe to cheek,
known man at ( ohm, hi.. i-,i
J Ii Godfrey juror
John Winters "
I. I. Ji-rker '
P I 'taik . "
A (' I'ljpejoV "
H Gore " o
Frank Meeker witness
VV W lilakesl.y "
V! VV Klakeslev". burial of n'uknJn
rnnn ...
Joe Hall
In.uest on tinkiiown m
Willamette sloimh.
H I.i-.k securing biajy and reporting
ii ri'i
Eli KsppenU;rk wati-hiiig and ui
of boat
W VV I'.lakesley, digging grave".'.
J' JJaj! iuiie '
C N Gable inakiuv la-.x for body.
Geo Lindsay hauling body to
C' inelery
H P VValkins acting coroner
1'eler Maison interiretor for as
sessor .
SI Ifll
1.1 Ml pfeachc-d a vr; iri.iruet
;(S),Mit Mary ('.invert sing "The S:ir
3 1 Spangled Itanner." l' were well ie-
ceiveil, and all p-eaei,t went home
feelirg that it was g-aj.J for them to lie
A little hoy came running into town
one dsv this week blowing a b-g born,
I'pon iii.iliry, he stated that the I'u-h
Club had been found out at Tichenoi '
8 2risj'mill buying liimlasr to bml.l the new
M 20 ts' sidewalk Ijetween Ihecifv and ihe rail.
road station. He aiso said that mem
bers of said push club were xing to'
improve the wagon road out toward Ihe I's-nlh of Jesse lleiiilricks, ir.
station, as well as all other roads Irad-j One of the U.i known u-.identa of
ing out of the city, so thai voters could ; this section of Columbia County, .lied
get to town on election day, and vote "this home near Yinikion, May 2ch
'or the location of the county seat. j ged als.ut lit). The funeral look place
- j1 Yankton on Friday the2llh. and the
Wurist or All Kipcrleni-e.. : ldy a. iiileited in thr llriggs cem.-t.-ry
Can nnrthing be worse than to fi e! 1 the Services beimr eon.ln. i..,! I... i: i
that every iiiiuute w ill he vmir last ? ! - -e, . ...
Such ... theexneiieiiceof Mr. M II . " ' ". """" "Very laigeaifen
... iiii,. ........I., r... . ii
- ' i" oj.oj umny iiiuea aroui il,
c o-ist ,i nt (y cohuii
king'- Sen- its.,.,icr'
t oiiatis si , I , hi, to
rei em i-apte-.i f
land, l.enn r i ill.. Va
pie. Us wril.-s. "I had Htou. bios lo,
tnree yesr and d..ior.d mI tl. ,,,,.
w ilh-uit l.i,k. heiiell'ed Then I begin ir. ku.rf'. Sf Iii.cimiv. it il i
lew Is.ttles n le.llv cm, .( i,.. ' -;,-,a llv
etleclue in curing all , i,ig and 'i,to.,t
tioubles, I 'oiisnm,,.i. I'm no,, .1, ,i UM,f
irii. li.lHrnut.ed bv I Ich u 'h ir.
iiiacv. Trial bottles lice, iryuhir sire.
5'K- and l i).
52 oO '
42 00 ;
15 00 '
i'5 ;
00 :
Kver popular 1h-c; u;c f thi-i
and I'Mix-weariii'' (ju.t'tst -v.
leatli.-rs with all tin. i;a e'i.-s
..... s .
v iiMoin .Made, i m r a:t-.-.t
crealinvf tlesigns that to tl
loo Srv i, i s
:r.itifii! litic-., sllllj; iiltsil
Made of the lnM sctrttctl
ul tliat stamp a shoe
i s; atr -t on t!ic alert
ire li'.o'-t p! asitij; to the eye ami
,Y I,
I v
I 0
Aiwa vs
KNKiHT SIJOj; (.().
MCI) ami Mash. 1".
5 00
1 40
1 40
1 40
3 (0
1 40
I 40
1 50
1 60
... 2 50
. . 2 50
found in
3 10
H 00
.New-on, fH-ratur, Via. - For three years
shit writes. ' J en. lined instiff mlilc naiii
from indigestion. stoiMiiik and Isiwel
tro ible. I lenth seemed inevitable w linn
d.a-tors and all remedies failed. At
length I was induced to try Kleetric
ftitlers and the result was miraculous
I improved at once and now I am coin- ' being Mrs. J. N'
plelely recovered." For J.iier, Kidney, j Holt tin...
i-iomwen an. nowei iroiiiiles hlm-lrn:
Hitters is the only medieliie, On, 5h
It's guaranteed by the .St. Helena Pharmacy.
several going out from Ht. Helens.
II I.;, l. i i . .
" mi oiu soiuier, and wat
held in high est'em bv his ii.iuiv f,i.-.
.or n. a g.sai illlllite. lie ,,t Wife
three, sons and two daughter, thn latte
Hrinn a .d Mis. Tin
M riititiwvimiit:i;;it;;:n tt;;;tiis,.,r,efnnrffttt'l"wfj
ll.i )ii.i 1 1 i-i ii ia a tai .-e Iiiviui a ol
llSpring Goods, Shoes, !
2 ofi
2 00 i
:i oo i
j The
; taken
(i 20 ;
Tin) death of Mr. Hendricks occured
j itt eight days later than that of hi
btothor, liavid Hendricks, Ihe latter be
ing 70 years old at the time of his demise;
bee hive Tillutnook Headlight.
The ravages of water, wind and fire
ami aiong in june tne case
I. ... . ..... I . 1-
'I' capecwuj io oie. one day one
..f I.;- ..:..ui... i . . i '
. in. Horn, oroiigni. mm one small ,
hot till of ('haml,erli.i..'. I'oli,. , '1...I I
are not couUnad to one section of the ., , rr K""-dr s a last hope.
East. On Monday Georeia was .et ! ,, 'g s K'v'n "im while "
l . , , Ueorm Ha ,n,!lJl i rolling about on the ground in great ag
hya cyclone, 100 person, were killed ony, and in a few minute, the dose was
and millions of dollars worth of prop-1 repeated. The good effect of the medi- i
erty destroyed. Oregon thus far has1.'"6 w """" "",l(-d and within an
len fortunate, durimr her entire r..., "V1! 'w.t,ent ."king h first
. . , - - - , sou no .ieep tor
history, in that there has been no diss.
,tiouB floods or cyclones
It u a notable fact that an unusual
number of floaters have been found in
Jhe Columbia river and Willamette
slough, during the past few weoks. No
uouiii soma were accidsnta deatn.
fortnight Tl.u ..nA
l...i i .. . . - r .
nine oouie wrirxe.i a coinplele cure,
and he cannot help but feel gialeful.
The season for bowel disorders being at
hand uzget thi. item. For sale by
Edwin Host.
A Wonderful Invention.
It i. interesting to note that fortunes
are frequently made, bv the invention ..f
fliers may have been suicides and stii! 1 .H,r!li,'lM ?' u,i'n:'r ''"""rtBiice, Many of
otliera ..." " . '"l'u'r "."vices are u,
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
riev Discovery
ti.Mi. ia rnri
oil:;"""" sot.iiM
A Perfect For AH Throat and
Cure i Lung Troubles.
Money back if it falla. Trial Bottle. (Vs..
lose de
signed to benefit the people and meet
popular conditions, sn.l one of the most
interesting of these that has ever been
became so iV'.V"" voters. . .
duv ona '""cK"" recording
any sis M . ui.n. .I
- ..-i.... smrniiiir. .
11 copeiand traveling ex-.
penses pfinUge etc
Inquest on W Girt
II R Chir Coroner
M Fowler baililT ,, ,
M lieavens juror
C Prilchard ' . '
j Win Oonnrty "
: A Richardson " ....
j John Hihlee "
i Capt biillivati witness
, Harry Holt witness
, VV K. Ilaviluii.l Med exam. .... ..
J. ifuckbee witness
Abe " ...
J P.iaim "
Sam Applin "
S I) Johnson " '
H li Philips "
M Ilryden "
A Voigt "
M C Gray supplies for court house
k big Timber Ileal.
biggest limber .1. a I that has
place in Columbia County lor
many days Is the sale ol a lot of limber
8 oo ln'"l ' County Comiais-inut-r II. L.
Iliiil C, l ., 1... U f LT Tl ... . 1 ..
t, .,,o.o. ... ....... r. i ii ne,,. i uu irnrts .ire ; ..i.-rii. ior r-iiK ami .-servous Headaches
o. oo covered wit n an ..vli,.,,,,.r,. ....... .1. : l nev inane intra lilooil .n, i .i
of limber, nnd the consideration of the
sale is 02,500, Mr. Colviu ir the
That throbbing lleailailm.
Would quickly leave yon, if ,-, .r,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Thoiisands
oi miiierers nave proved tlielr niatehl,..
I Ihy (:.whs, (Inueiics, Hi,(,b, Shoes, lite.
Poop,.,- h.iil.liiiir. Main sfn-ct. Sf. iu Ivuh, OnHi. 1
ii iii ii1 it i.' ii; iij ii ii ii; iii ia iUiAiiAiiiiiUiU iUiU iiiR
0 TO 12'
I 6
Ifl'ICK Hot IIS,
'I'm. sit:.
1U7 50
18 00
up ,
..rii.iu. oiiiv i'l cents, in...,...
back if llotenreH. si, ,1,1 l.u i... u. . i I
ia I .,. V ni, iiiii-
lead- j ens I'ltarimiev.
! "'nxer 01 nits county, and operatert a j - .
ft '10 ' allien. Ihllv eroiii.i.A.I t.i,.i tf'l...l..M li i a ... .. .
' ,,.ili,,iiij.iv..ii r.n rises (II me St. Helen'
of a car ttamway for carrying the lg. i Pqlillc Hchusds
low ,, a steer- monnUin si.le. j T1. Mrpiei (j(
j Public Hi-hool Friday aft.rnooii, consiat-
1 ed 01 an excellent ..o..;..t
Living at an out 01 tne way place, re-1 given by the
(Ollli e, llooii 411
)Hes. Fao 1 1 17
1 (X)
I (Ht
1 00
i 00
1 00
1 00
Driven to Deaiierallon.
.... ..: I- ......
... . ..- .. . ..- j ". ens. r.TL-rv nun ...
. ,j. moLe. noiri 1 v i uu a 1,. 1,1 ,u ..r..... - -
J driven to desperstioi, in case" of awi-l1"" xlnw the pupils acquitting
5 w : ueni. resuiiing in imriis, cut., wotiuds, , "'""'""vrs very creditably
I '
50 I
ulcers, etc. l,Ky m a supply of Muck
ieu a nriin-ii naive, if. tin mat 011
earth. 25 cents at the Hi. Helen. Phar
macy, ('aid of Thanks.
The undersigned de.ire Id express
their thanks and appreciation to the
many mend who extended Hid and
Theodore S. Thomson. Dentist
Information and Appointments by Mail.
"..suns u 1,11,1 ft,, Washing-,,,, , , s
Take Elevator Fifth Floor.
miheasl criiMi Wash, and 4lh Sis
Minted lVn,P1,,r'hiTiKIW'tric f "7 ' , ' I- S'" T-ylor, insane . . ft Oo j symnathy during the last ill,,
patented Jan. 1, Vj. These wonderful 1 E Ross Hiatlouery (i 50 1 burial of nor luii... 1 .. 1 1
comb, positively cure dandruff, hair fall- ' May Chalmers reporting atinoueat 4 W ! , ,, , l'"l"lnJ '"'
ing out. Hick and nervoti headache. ! C VV Clak fallfV tV title cm tow .11 A
Z " Hendricks: also for liki
At tl,.. ,.t..UA nr .1
"',' ."e program, nr, lalwin;
Rosa, cimirinan of the board of directors !
presented the three eighth grade gradu' j
ates, Aniui Wearson, Nellie Piuckney !
and Charles Uraddock, w ith their diplo-i
mas. J)r. Ross also complimented 1 1 m t
teachers on their effective work aeeom-!
pliahed during the year, and called I
" ssi.a iiufllllaijlinsl. - j r ii MHrlirv. Wlllaf fill Mv sx.ll
?.'',''. w,,ie",,",ed 0l"iection with Dr. II I. Colvin, County
W lute's Electric Hair lirush Hrf t-ifiwi.; VV () t'.uum
tively guarantried to make straight hair R ,S Hattati postage for KherilPa'
curly in i'6 dayn' time. ThousandH of j II Morgus supplies for court house
these electric combs have been sold in Appraisers of dumages to VV V
the various cities of the t.'iiiou, and the ! road
demand is constantly incieHsintr. Our I M J Kittcring
agenis me rapidly becoming rich selling I Felix Oehast
, oiiiii-, iney poHiitveiy sen 011 j u rolari
siirut. ni'ini ..r sample. .Men's sizo :i5c
hali.'S 50c half orice w hile u-e Hie inlio
Hieing 11, em
47 50
411 00
61 00
It 00
H 0
Kilby Hendricks: also for like kind
nesses extended during the last illness
of hi brother, David Hendricks.
Mrs. K. E, Hkndiuck and Family.
ess M111 tlHitloii to the fact that the t,
father,! """'" IMnaff and Alice Thaier
$2 The Mist and The Oreuonian
.turn 0I1UULU
It '
2 40 1
2 40
Co , Hi
The Id
:o 111 ill
Dlirtr MiO'Lhi liui'Q p,w.,.t.....l
See r-ol.i.t... ..1 tl.l.. 1:
: '." o. , ieio une 01 mens cioiiimg, inngilig
While Electric Comb;
from 17.00 to l.ri.
('nil itie I in-j . . t
Letter List.
tjill.,.. . .t ... .. .
poslolliee June .t. Those remnining
.III 1 I ail M.-I I... a a a 1. 1 . "
9 Ai ' .. 3 v mr.t.i, it Hip ('H IftltiT '
fU 1 fitfli-'f 1
J. h. Calkin, 1. t. 11, o.lrNn ,.
Charles Lareoti. I. Mrs. J. VV Huxiim I
Anyone asking n (lie leimis U j It '
I lease i ny ndvi rtis. d.
V K, I10I1111111, . M.
,e-eiecied ir another ymi. r stabs that the attendance wa,j
shout 25 larger than Inst year and iha.l
Ihe-hoped to add another teacher din-'
Ing Ihe coming k-IiooI year.
-111. To t,,.-
DniK Store
(;Hm, lliulaes anil llmna
I -, 11, .,1, ii..,.. ,, , . applied ii,
k ptic liniinenf. , ,,,1
.... res nun iiuriis, causes i,ei t
1. . HIIOIII niiltniHthlll ui , I .
quickly ,,;, ,,y , "
- " Hii:im-
Owl Saloon
iil Ills hesi nf .
Drills and
Mil) ui now ni
Liprniiii ciprs Kept Hi SlocK
i-lot- ,
Ttilct Articles and Perfumery
Of. J. t. HALL P
v i-iiohiMi;
n.l o'lier ii.nli t,r Is ufwlibkin In sine' ,
UI .li sin; III.
"Jom Benton" Cigars.
all 1 0e I riu-sl lien. imt'era 11 ml illa-r '.-
l-oi sail bj F.lw 11, Koss,
VV V-VViassawi
.nnl ii'inilie.ii-