100 Doses For One Dollar Economy in medicine must t 'measured by two things cost and effect. It cannot bo measured by either alone. It is greatest in that medicine that docs the most for the money that radically and per manently cures at the least ex pense. That medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla It pTrriQcs and enriches tho blood, cures pimples, eczema and all eruptions, tired, languid feelings, loss of appetite and general debility. "I hive taken Hood's Sarssparills and found It reliable and giving perfect satisfac tion. It taken away that tired fooling, give nergr and puts the blood In good condition. Mils Ermi Counts Att 10th Street, N. W, Washington, D. C. Hood' Sarsaparilla promises t cur and Reaps the promise. Pollcim In Various Cities. The proportion of policemen to pop-. illation is one to 307 in Paris: one tc 408 in "London, and one to 4iS in New York City. Overworked. "Yes." remarked the sawmill -own er,' "we're so busy now we have tc: keep our plant running day audi niRht." "Why," returned the visitor, i thought this was your dull season." "Well, it Is usually, but we've sot a rush of orders f om the breakfast food companies." X. Y. Times. Serious Fun. Comedian The public doesn't ap preciate my jokes. Isn't it funny. Soubrette Yes. Almost as funny as the jokes. Chicago American. Dominion'! Artillery Poor. Lord Pundonald, head of the Canada militia forces, says the artilleiy o( the Dominion is fit only for scrap iron. Strength Needed. "I don't sea why officers in the army hoald be required to be strong. They don't have to do any lifting." "No, bat they have to carry go ninay medals." denius Indeed. Ids Mabel is a genius. May In what way? Ida Why, she never throws any thin? awav. When her blai k gloves got too old ahe cut them up and made beauty spots. No Delay. Mamma, on hearing that her Bister had received a new little girl, Eaid to Lillian, ber little daughter: "Lillian, auntie has a new baby, and now mamma ia the baby's aunt, papa is ths baby's unci?, and you are her little cousin." "Well," said Lillian, "wasn't that arranged quick!" Little Chronicle. Always the Mode. "Yon don't care math for display?" "Sot much," replied the very weal thy man. "Yet there is soma satisfaction in not being wholly out of style." "That is the point precisely. The things that money buys goes out ol fashion in a very few mouth; but the money itself becomes more stylish every eentury." Washington Star. Grand Welcome. "What ia all that hilarity up in the big apartment house?'' "Fire." "I don't see why the people should be hilarious over a fire." "Yea, it's the first fire they've had in the furnace since November." Wolves Paid for Heifer. A ranchman in Natrona county, Wyo., had a heifer killed by wolves. To get even with the latter, he placed Irychnine on the heifer's rarcass. Within a few days he found eight dead wolves and one coyote beside the re mains. The heifer was worth only $25, and the wolves and coyote will return to the ranchman something like 200 in bounty and sale of skins. Death Months. "Death months" are March and April for adults, and July and August for children under five years of age, ac cording to the statittics of the twelfth census. On a Qolden Plate. Preeident Eoo eve't recently received an invitation on a gold plate. It was not political, bat it asked him to attend the miniDg conjre a ii Lead, 8, D., next September. The plate was not big enough to eat a dinner from, as it measured two and three-fonrths bv five inches, but it was large enough to show what kind of gold the B,ack Hills pro duce. Oold Production. The estimated production of gold in 1902 was $H0,853 070 and of silver $31,040,025. " I suffered terribly and wis ex tremely weak for li years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was soon . . . . i. . ! ,, soon L ,Ct. I icciing an rigor again. Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayers Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. lists fastis. All SragrtsU. Ask your doctor srlist he thinks of Ayer's Sareaparllla. He kuowaall shout litis sran ei faanlr medlrlne. Follow Lis aeries and e will be ssUeSea. t. C. ATS Co., Lowell, Hats. "l"",',l''MM'"r'TT'M'"M OLD COSCOHD SCUOOL BOISE. kfclililAAAAAif lt fTTTTTTTTT TTTTT I OLD i FAVORITES i Little Orphan Anal. Little Orphant Annie's com to our house to stay, An' wash the cups an' saucers up, an' brush the crumbs away, Au' shoo the chlckcu oft the porch, an dust the hearth an' sweep, Au' make the fire, an' bake the bread, an' earn her board an' keep; An' all us other children, when the sup per things is done. We set around the kitchen fire an' has the most est fun A'lUt'nlu' to the witch tales 'at Annie tells about, An' lb gobble-un 'at (Its yon Efyou . Don't Watch Out! Onct they was a little boy wouldn't say his prayers. An' hen he went to bd at m-ht, away upstairs. His Mammy heered him holler, an' hia Daddy heered him bawl. An when they turnt the kivrers down, he wan't there at all! they necked him in the rafter room. An an' cubbyhole an' press. An' sreked him up the chluibly-flue, an' ever where. I guess; Rut all they ever found was thlit his pants an' roundabout, the gobble-uns '11 git you Ef you Don't Watch Out! An' An' one time a an' grin, make fun blood an' little girl 'ud alius laugh An of ever'one an' all her kin; An' onct, when they was "company," an' ole folks was there. She mocked 'em an' shocked 'em, an' turnt to run an' hide. They was two great big Black Things a-statiJin' by her side, An' they snatched her through the ceilln' 'fore she knowed whnt she's about. An' the gobble-uns '11 git you Ef you Don't Watch Outl An' little Orphant Annie says, when the blase ia blue. An' the lamp wick splutters, an the wind goes woo-oo! An' you hear the crickets quit, an' the moon is gray. An' the lightniu' bugs in dew Is all quenched away. You better mind yer parents, an yer teachers, fond an' dear. An' churlsh them 'at loTes you. an' dry the orphant's tear. An' he'p the pore an' needy ones 'at clus ters all about, Er the gobble-mis 'II git you Ef you Don't Watch Out! James Whltcomb Riley. One Pay Nearer Home. O'er the bills the sun Is setting, And the ere Is drawing on; Slowly drops the gentle twilight, For another day is gone. Gone for aye Its race is over, Soon the darker shades will come) Still, 'tis sweet to know at even, We are one day nearer home. "One dny nearer," sings the seaman. As be glides the waters o'er. While the liirht is softly dying, On his distant native shore. Thns the Christian on life's ocean. As his light boat cats the foam. In the evening cries with rapture, "I am one day nearer home." Worn and weary, oft the pilgrim Hails the getting of the sun; For the gosl is one day nearer. And bis Journey nearly done. Thns we fee when, o'er life's desert. Heart and tandul sore we roam, As the twilight gntbers o'er us, We are one day nearer home. Nearer home! Yes. one day nearer To our Father's bouse on high To the green fie Id and the fountains Of the lands beyond the sky, For the heavens grow brighter o'er as. And the lamps bang in the dome, And our tents are pitched still clorer. For we're one d;iy nearer home. Iter. IJenj. H. Hunt OLD PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOLHOUSE TO BE A RELIC MUSEUM, The Site and ltellc Society of Ger mantown, Fa., has decided to establish a museum In the old Concord school, house. The building la on historic ground adjoining that on which are buried the victims of the battle of Her mantonn. The old schoolhouse will be filled with relics of the revolution. The move ment that led to the founding of the museum started in an exhibition held lust XoveuibiT In the tiermantown academy. The curious relics gathered then made the need of a permanent building evident. HlHjrtinjr Xewe. "Let rue see, wasn't It Longfellow w ho wrote nlwut that old mill at .New port?" said the long-haired man. "Say, you're mixed, old man," re plied the gent In the loud suit, "Long fellow was the horse that won the handicap onect. Anyway, f never heard of a mill belli' pulled off at New port." Philadelphia f'resa. Much of the spring poetry written Is not necessarily for publication, but as a (tun rarity of good fnilli. .Men are too much inclined to accept a pretty woman at her face value. Wit9 t! A Mr wt. lAi Mfi mi wmi I K 7 W .. V,'S . i 3 .' v ' hum Plcaaure Once. "That is a handsome couple," said the observer on the frozen lake. "Yes. they are married,'' remarked the modern Sherlock. "How do you know." "I notice he frowns every time he has to buckle her skated on." Making a Noise. "What do you mean by accepting a callow youth like Jack who's just out o fcollege? Why. he'll never make a noise in the world!" f "Oh," said Mabel, "you just ought to hear him give his cute college yell and you wouldn't think so!" Baltimore Herald. Not Superstitious. "I am afraid you are superstitious." "Deed I isn'," said Mr. Erastus Pinkley; "some folks is a-akyaUt ol glioses an' all kin's of critters; but as long as I has a rabbit's paw in my pocket I feels puflckly safe." Wash ington Star. Diffident. Mistress (sternly I How Is it. Mary, that I never hear a sound In the kitch en when you are entertaining that man? Mary (archly) Please, ma'am, you see. the poor fellow Is that bashful for the present that he does nothing but eat. Smart Set. Poor Hubby. Husband Where do you want to go on a vacation? Wife Oh, anywhere that's expen sive and restlerfs. Life. During Spring Flood Time. Teacher Can you tell me where the Mississippi river rUcs, Johnnie? Johnnie Along its entire length, Ma'am. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Easily Explained. Stnbb Why Is It more women can not discover the "secret of success"? Penn Oh, because when It reaches them It Is no secret. Away Behind the Times. Goose quill pens and drying pow ders are still used In Knglixh law courts and the House of Lords and In the French Chamber of Deputies. m wm. disagreeable: REFLECTIONS The mirror never flatters: it tells to-nth, no matter how much it may hurt the pride or how humiliating and disagreeable the reflections. A red, rough skin beauty, and blackheads, blotches and pimples are ruinous to the complexion, and no wonder such desperate efforts are made to hide these blemishes, and cover over the defects, and some never stop to consider the danger in skin foods, face lotions, soaps, salves and powders, but apply them vigorously and often with out regard to consequences, and many complexions are ruined by the chemicals and poisons contained la these cosmetics. Skin diseases are due to internal causes, to humors and poisons ia the blood, awl to attempt a cure by exter nal treatment is an endless, hopeless task. Some simple wash or ointment is often beneficial when the skin is much inflamed or itches, but you can't depend upon local remedies for perma nent relief, for the blood is continually throwing off impurities which irritate and clog the glands and pores of the skin, and as long as the blood re mains unhealthy, just so long will the eruptions last. To effectually and per manently cure skin troubles the blood must be purified and the system thoroughly cleansed and built up, and S. S. S., the well known blood purifier and tonic, is acknowledged superior to all other remedies fur this purpose. It is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta ble blood remedy. It never deranges the system or impairs the digestion like Potash and Arsenic and drugs of this character, but aids in the digestion and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being a blood purifier If you bave any skin trouble send for our free book, "The Skin and Itl Diseases." No charge for medical advice. Write us about your case. THE SWIFT SPCCiFiG CO., ATLANTA, GAm i Beautiful Young Sosisty Woman's letter. Sr. Pii'i., MiXN.l Ml Wiiluslm St. I lr. Ifnrtiuuii, t'uliimbui, (., IK'nr Sir: "I to ik Peruna List sum nor whsn I waiall rundown, an J had a he.idn.hj and b.-Kk-a; tie, ant no ambition f r anyth'nr. I now fe;l a well at I ever did Ii all my life, anJ all thanks Is due to your excellent Peruna." Bess I". Mealy. 'rile aymptoni of summer ca tnrrh ai quilo unlike in ditl'enMH i-UHe-, bill I tie imrt coiimiott one Are general lii-Mtude, pl;iyed out, tired-out, urd'iii, run-dnwu t'wliiigs, I'oinliined with nunv or I le.-!i heavy, stuiiid, lille--, liicnl- al condition. Uchii I'or tnA uml the ability to digest loit seems tt 1 lo-,t. Skin eruption, tallow coni ilcmu, liilniu-ne. coat-d tongue, tit fill, ii regnliir sleep, help to complete the lmtiire nluch is so coiiimou ut tin? ea-on. 1'eniita so ei.-ictly meets all tliei-e conditions tli.il the dvniund i.s so reat lor this iTiiieily at ttiis sea-ou ot tiie year that it i iu-iii--ly ilnposvii-le to simply ii. It ynil donoi iv eivt-pi-oinpt and ati-iai-tiM-y n-s-ilts tioni tlie ue ot i'etuiia, 'write at once to I'r. Ilartnian, Kv'"g " staicineut ol your cu-e. and he will le pleas, ed'lo give you his valuubK- advice gratis. Aliir'ss Pr. Hiirtnian, rrci denl ol The llurtinun Smulnmitn t'uluiubus, Ohio. No Convictions Vet. There are arrest enoi'gh ol "get rich ' quick" promoters of Indlitig si liemes, j hot how many o( these present Caglioa tros and (.'ananovaa wear the (tripes and serve out terms in prison ohii h ought to be their portion? New York Tribune. One of Many. Hess Young L'alluhoy is an excep tionally gocd talker, isn't he? Nell Yes, he's a good talker all right enough, hut he has au inive.li uient in his thoughts. fertDenotinr Curat So Rr er otrrottsiKSB FIIO elior nrtl Iti'i nrir Mia'i,rt NsrfS Sertunr. So4 tor fit K K t J.OOinaJ I- n o.l lust we. Us.au Eiisi.UJ. kUiitl:KrliilJoltlue. As It Should Be. Et. Valentine lost his head in the Claudian persecution, 271) A. !. Kver 'since then men who have hat their I heads have considered St. Valentine's jday s most suitable occasion upon I which to tender appeals to the ladies i responsible (or their lo;ee. This aeenia reasonable. Modern Warfare. Bess What would you do If you were in my ahoes? Tesa We:l, I think It would Wi me to go to the ahoernsker and have them cut down to my size. Toa Can Get Allen's Foot Ease TRT.t. W rite Allen S. Olmsted. tR..y, N. V., for a free ssnij.le of Allen's r oot Kase. It cures chll blslns, sweellnir. dernn, swollen, arhtna Wl. It makes new or llrh t shoes ry. A i-i,risin cure tor Corns sn.i llunions All drug-ifUU kII tt. Uoc. lon'l screpl any substitute. Forever at Mint. Newitt- Funny! I always associate your wife with a certain episode in my own lite. There's Just one thing she always reminds me of " 1 1 en peck I wish I cuuld say that. There's s lot of things ahe always re minds me of. Philadelphia Presa. A Possible Obstacle. Clara Of course you will be at church Kariter morning? Alice Yes, unless the cook wants to go. Detroit Free Press. the" is fatal to h, i CsrtersTllle, Oa R. B. No. li. I suffered for a number of year with a severe Nettle-rash, About twelve years sro I started using- 8. S 8., and after taking- tbree bottlea I felt myself eured and have since taken a bottle occesionally, and had little or no trouble alons that line. My seneral health has been better since. I reoommenit 8. H. B. as a sood blood xnadlolne aud all round tonic, Yours truly, Mr. M. I. PITTAED. Borne two year aso I suffered a a-t-est deal, caused on account of bad blood. t)ni all rash or olmples broke out over my body and kopt getting worse day by day for over a year, Seeing- H. H. B. advertised tn the pa pers and having: heard also it had cured several people in tills city, concluded to give it a fair trial. After using-the mediolne for some time, taking- lu all six bottle, I wag entirely cured. EDWARD O. LONO, 1030 Cley Street, Faducab, Ky, ana tonic combined, the humors ana poi sons are counteracted and the blood made rich and pure, and at the same time the general health and system is rapidly built up and good health is established, and this, after all, is the secret of a smooth, soft skin and beautiful complexion. PRAIRIE CAVERN IN OKLAHOMA. lntereetlns Hole Where Unch rreeka of Nature onlln' sniiei-i. At a 1hiI eleven uille aotilhenta of this place In the level prairie i " Is au opening about forty fft In dliiiu eter and sixty In deplh, saya the Okln ImitiH Bttito Capitol. Ily tfllngln. to lt rocky and precipitous walls a kmoii may descend to lb bottom and there II nd the openings to two caves, one leading westward and the other to the east. For years this cave has hi j knowu aa Hock Prairie csve. It la c of the most strlklutt natural curiosities i In the Chickasaw nation. Tho caves are of unknown length and through one rushes a utiterrHiienn stream of great depth in places una Icy coldness. 1 Kxplorlng parties have venlurcd Into ' these lubyrltilhs for hundrwU of yards, ' but the danger of becMiuIng lost baa 'prevented s thorough exsitilnnllon of the underground passages. I The cave leading westward Is imsli-t of access and contain a number "f spacious chamber. The room I about ,"0 feet stiuare and BO feet from the floor to the celling. The floor is ob structed Willi huge bowlder. The darknwa and stlilnes are linens. Pic nic parties sometimes go there, mitt, with a largo bowlder for a table, in! their luncheon In the glare of torches that cast uncanny shadow along the massive walls. 1 Timid persons hesitate III venturing Into the depth of the eastern rave. The passage stunt downward at an angle that compel th explorer to i-rnwl and slip and slide for nearly HM feet before reaching a spot where person may stand upright and walk safely. From the darkties echoes the sound of rushing 'water, which later Is found to be a stream which run from 8 to 30 feet 111 width and from tl Inches lo many feet In depth. Men have wsdctl lu the stream until the water reached their cblns and I ben ' gone In a boat to point where they were unable to touch bottom with the longest oar. A farmer carried his , boat Into the care scvernl years ago to ' follow the stream to the end. At a depth estimated to be ) feet below ; the surface of the ground I a natural j bridge formed by a huge stone that fell across the stream. The water plunge underneath this bridge like a mill race. . A boat can be pulled over the bridge. j however, and launched on the other side. About l'l feet below the bridge the stream widen Into n lunad, deep pool, with a high, vaulted roof. It. au tlful stalagmites and stalactites nd to this chamber. Two hundrl feet b low this pool (he passage Is dMIbult. Il , Is claimed that this cave ha bien ex i plorid for a mile. I The stream Is believed to II lid Its out let at a spring about three utiles .'Mill the entrance to the cave. The spilug Is of great size and volume ami (lows with remarkable swiftness, lu 111 rainy season the spring bolls ami guslnn as If rhoknl wtlh a tl nd of water that pours from Its mouth. The stream In ICock Prairie cave rises when there I s heavy rainfall In the sur rounding country mid the Incrcasul flow of both spring and mr aint at such time Is taken ns evidence thai tin y are cuniicctrd. Uosisleil .Mints Itnre. "A good part of the dyspepsia (loll prevaibi in America." said tlie cln-r of 'an exclusive hotel to n Phlliidelpliin J Itecord welter, "Is due lo the custom of baking Instead of roasting meats I We say we roast our meals W e talk glibly of 'roast beef.' Tolst chicken and so on; Inn w hat sh .uM say Is j 'baked beef and 'baked chicken,' for juiiyihltig ci like. 1 lu an oven Is baked not roiisti d. We don't talk of ronsi bread, do we? Yet we cook our meat lu the oven ns our bread Is coolo-d "To roast meat y ii must cook II .on a spl( tiefore the (Ire. You must turn It constantly. Lvery little whtli j j nil must baste It. It Is hard to roast ( meat. Hut meat masted Is In every I way better thnri meat baked. It Is tenderer, sweeter and more digestible. Also Its' appcarntice Is more nppetic I lug. anil the appearance of n viand has a tremendous effect on lis digest Ibllity. "Experiment - actual experiment . has shown Hint the sight of an appe tizing dl-li stuns the gastric Juice to (lowing instantly, ami Unit such a dish digesis much more quickly and ilmr oughly than nn unappetizing one. Al together we ought to go hack lo II, e genuine roasting process of our an cesium, nnil our health would Improve ii nil (here would be less talk about vegetarianism. "Of course I and nil good ehefs ac hinlly roast meat. Hut roasting Is with (he average cook In (1P nvernge American household au unknown process." l-es anil Iteil Clotrr. Belcct atrulu of Italian beea work under certain clrcuiiistnucea on the ' blossom of common red clover, partic ularly of the second crop, the eoiolbig of tho latter being shorter than those of the first crop, at least lu in., si crises. Carnlolan bee also work on these lilos soma. Had the same care been l,o stowed upon the Ciirnloliin race In IS way of selection of breeding material during the past forty yenm that has been given to the Kalian race no doubt select atrnln might now exist which would work to a greater extent on red clover than the best bred Italians The longest tongue! honoybe,.. however, are the Cyprian race, ami these work the most freely on ver under uch conditions aa any hies will work on this plant. All ,.y bee whenever aeen working r,n 1,1,,,. soma are dlMrlbiillng pollen, 0f course and efreclliig the pollination of th,. pj.! til. Yet the main pollinators of rod clover are still wild bees, i-Hpi-chilly those of the genu bomliiis, the c.;, mon bumblebee. l:lectrlclly anil Vital Antlon. Dr. Loch aaya electricity Is u', lm derlylng cause of vital action i,i 1... . 111.' baa not aa yet made a fair demolish-1. tlon of It. If a fool possesaea (act and iiHKur nee he will distance the wise guy ivlm possesses neither. Home men' Idea of a brilliant leader la a partner who leads trumps oppl)r I utility A woman's bravery always crops oul when she has a mouse lu a trap. a...L.ii.i University tl Planned. lli.hnp MelaK ' M'''' .. , , . l. I.... utile ted t 10 Sid plBC(ptll CII1IICII, '- - , of I'lorpont Morgan lu Iho -". on t. . . . . i . . ,, I (i v at the proporetl American t j - Washington. It I said that Mr. Morgan view the project with lavor. Al'alta Seed from Hussla. tl. H. Mann, ol Portland, Oregon, ha received from the Itussian govern, nimit a quantity ' the famous I '" stun alfalfa need. al 'il"" ' port more, a U farmers and slock ...... ..( iir.,ni mid the Northwest ! come acquainted wilh the great pro ductiveness and spienui'i iw " this alfalfa. Thoi' Inleiestisi snono address Mr. Mann at hi Portland store, IriH Front Street. Th llmely Out k. "When to Imw ami when not to h I the question now agitating lUigltsh society, I see." "Ye," said t'in pugilist, "an It a mighty Important question, too, you hear me."- Hrooklyu Fagle 'I'ttM k !.,n k,,l kli.-liim Kind" of sIoim Xi-e. .. i-lt aii siol co. i-.-im,....-I slot si lj I Ii-SO) N HI SI S'lCO With True I cmlnln Aim. rjho-I killed two liird with "lie stone yesterday. lie Indeed' 1 silppote you uire-s n St S dog?' for bronchial Iroutdes try I'lso's fur for t tuniiinpiioo. It is a good rougli nietlictiis. At ilrogitlsts, pro s ;.i mie. tnavallabi. I'l.t.it M,tr,-hant Yes. sir. I want new bookkeeper, but you won't do. Applicant .nay I asa woyi t'lose Merchant Yon ' thl a a billiard ball, sir. A uisn with no hair to wipe hie pen on will rust out whole box every week. Nw York Wekly. tiitrsitt -tistiT ii t'B: locsl ati!traitns. ss llirf rantml wti tl ! .., 1 la en y one .s, iUi-(u.i.M....si..i iisi t. y-t .iu.iii- j tluiislrriu-!.. lOi's lseeus"lt) anie. I n.i.ir.l r,.nO n l.-tt l His .!. I is (l'e Kii.isi-biaa luist. Wliull lies !' In Diii"l ! lumUiliis "Hio-4 H''!" (-. I te-'H.. "'t .ll'-n II rnlii". r '"-""I il.-u,.s is iii issitii, ami hii.s i i.s luimrnin. ll.oi no Ve tski-ii oil si,. I litis i "i'-' ' " " Itan.omsl i-.militiitu. Iiesll' III "l'l'"T'l keii 'Mionsi el I ai t .Kl l-t raiattli. olilih Is in t l" so 111IIS1U--I , comliiixnel the ni- "S --i'"t ; Vtsst'liSi'- l" l ! i-sr-1 iH.llais f.tf snf . reset I lira 1 ss a. I l tslaithl II si t-.,l I...1 1., eni-r J li llau i aiaria 1 uts. aeua hi ""'""""r 1 fiiKsg, tio.,1-40 Selit by triti.s. ! Hail's fa-tt lly l-ills are the heat. tlosernmcnt ttrscrts ol hclnJrcr. The government herd nl reiriili-s r In Ala, which is riei le. in the future to supply food and draft annuals for the natives. iiuinU-rs lu.noii, and is to tw lin f s-' il by another thousand now emitraetid lot in ril-il. tlUCFSON MACHINERY OO. (.t 1 .. t ti- J.iliit .; f ool of MwrlMi Msrt. IVftUnJ. Wnh ut i' n. ; .hi ;t- M il rhitwry W:t,.l viiU .tl titu my M. r-rit Wt-s.it. r Ir'i'f l-eiitf I " H. I"-' P. N, U. NQTHivo so ilonn CMictrtn n rs PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD H fflh4 HM LJ rUfi tft iJ .1 (s.t llf-, I f ri 4 All Dhi. U il'crtHnt )of cKki, s4 fijs ft, t'l.m it i 30c M -it.rsf . ht. ,!. - r..'.-sce. l .lf!hJ sii'-l -!'- ) el" 0 . r " I HSS. t, e. .1 , f'r lit i 1'' I t M. H ' -111. I.?? fri.n 1 1 lis.' I ' f -p( n . bit I - . -e4 I i .Wl o rii. tw'" ' Mlf'(, I . svfc SiciC.Mervbus if w ft 10 CENTS. HEADACHES. ..Scarcely a Day., ! ))! w rr .'olVi, ntn.fi u I' f Tti nr. iM-tn 1ift nit 'loiital MitssUiiTi n.ai i th !llr. l r.r.n;ir n.lt-t uiitf t tta itwth It'HV tim ttriltU ltl' t.-Mrtf l ik) in .my ,f iMliiiiihtg .l.HiliM m On t-.ry ilr-t ff.;ri .f ..m trutiMn l lltf un Hi. !, tr-.iiMi.) nut ...ir.tt-t,,,! tul k i im1 t nii.ll r.i.t our misdi,,! t- J Mllill'M l.) Ollf Hlirk fttlf tltw. Jti.ih (.i.t.tiMn. iiri'4-t,t ,-,.uui s:n hiifihi (tj,.,, uvuutni-t Uil htin.tsijt rum ' to li. , ill VVlSLi Dentists. I'Oll II, A THE FAIRBANHS-riORSE ENGINES AUIJ (.'.UA:lt ,,N OAS, OASOLINli, DISTILUTI- OR CRUDE OIL r " . 1" 1 11 Very titiii. No Erase ten hoi Running J lone Earner , .h. si'.'. sole ' '. "1 IIHNCIKIll ill ........... VI.. tSapwrtpt nBtW''-ll'r" TtMI-w (MnJ. OWN F 1 111 llia. rtnift in, rJ I I W&NT TO BUT FOR CASH j1 t'hicki'ii, lhick and Oiee feath. er. Address WW m rsr er sr raj .sAD 1 UWl lOWI Io) J ure ITnwiiieToi Alcoliol, Cpium; Tobacco Using v tUWTrtATr.0 ClttCtlLAMS" ftsjr nmsrsonter Si runiLAHtsOX Tlf(is! HsibJ -ntt ' k ("elae ss her fare, k he has lw-11 Uklna ils'lllH'N ai.J liter ks ell tllsaii-ir-4. I tos4 DsB tmubi, sr.ia e,uaiiHit-tn lor s,,uia tnue but slier las. Ins Mi" ftit ascernl t bats hatl i,e UtHitils aim ibis el'tiwoit. VVa sannnl ets-as lv kiss. s f i-ast-arat ' rasp Wsarsiss. true uaiuiaaiwaa Are. ruusOalvtia, pa rtMMini, l-a ii 1 .tii tn ii,.k f iusjil. if -M, of I., tea 1,4 j ... CURK CONSTIPATION, M, Ills4j ws4 Mrt)B, Wtjt. m9 tmt. oa.c. GEE wo NOMHIVIU MuMI. t ia: a ri vr rr4l toati k s 4HM IM'sV ii,Utfit ! jit' tl-HI 4 rm,t y t. . r-u-sw) (i t;,ra-, H m4 k jJ . .mSf- sari. ,,,- ,1 -. t. ,"' 1 tstssitlt 1 He :iHm h . -..-.i l lnwu 1 (i A t - sH V- t 'lil' H ld Si Sk'(k , t, - ul M n rl t M f i ' "' to sva-beu, !, .,. f.-.snMi:?"., sec .'Jjrs-sM. t.r,aC. i wi. t ' ! U luadoil ! ssMS Is , v , r-.-..l : mii I t t.t 1,111 of it it bt ta "l bs ( , .f itv . . i 4y I A i l" la. ll'IU ! Ul C.CCE W3 ChitESEMEOICUEEJ. 1 1; , lm. i., ii-,iuj. or-- ric PIE3PLES rase su siamsis ESS' T, ,-iJ .eadaeftes qUICKLV-lTuRED BY W..,:.ll . JIIIUIHSW" ( ! ,irF I. 1. tt iw ' "fi IUI1UIU4 nWIIIUtfrUU NO. OKKiiON, sr. (n GnnBenil 0 Second COR B2 Wed KsS-r Jl loncy saver f i '6. Ivgt Rcay 310 Market Streat 133 So. Los Annies St.