r t Wit Mart Chng Thalr Mind. W OxforJ university tho lata 'riifi.r 11 1 1 ''I''0 A jiivorllo dtn tint of J'rofi'Kxor Jnivett, iiml Our (., tho iirorw of Jowott'a tranalit. linVof "Tin lt'"l'l'" li M Ititoliio' llv'1'0 nKrti-Ii dilllciilt ..-..a The vomit tii! Hilar wild LllliVc ptve In opinion, with ,lllllficllt reason, fl llO UlOlUfht, to I, irk It: btlt till! IIIIIHHT Wa lllillU., rule ntii) held au oppoailo view. J ho i. Z , ck. morSlM UlUrlii. ImrrlJ rule ntnl held pp'ii' v'uw- 'J'Ijo KVrofwwr Jowett to my that ho ,)W , .... vn. . ...... ..n., ...... , tlto inHMtr wo riKiu. ""ii, wiiii, uui Jowelt'a reply, "1, too, Imve ... ..r....iiili.piiii, llu. I.tnttoe u.ut IniVt UrilialiliiMi inu piiaange nt'conj- t iutf l )t,,,r v,t'w' 1 """ tto cllill!" Iiow." Why tht Didn't hout, Itinhop ('ortliindt Wliitiheiid of J'ittl)iirK i onil of tf'HK florie it hiit own fXpelWft. Whull ill) wh. n.tor of tli" i'huri h of the Niitiv ilv at South H l lili lit in, J'u., ho hc qinri'd conviTt for tho Kiintiotml (luin li in tho ierion of a MolhoJt Muinitu who wax much oivrn to rou Inliutiii)? to tlin I'hiiri ii h rvici hv ilitrrjn-lillK "Allli-n" Mild "Alliillii," riplailu'il to tho ond woman llmt audi jiiciiIhI iona wore not cua tiiiunry in tho Kiinioml ihurili, mi, I khu t itrovly through n pit innn on diKiiiiy and di'conim in til hc womhip. Afterward the hihoj, lliaiikcd her for rritrniiiinj; her fiT tr. "No nrrd to tluiiik mi," r-tortod th et X!i'thodit. "You didn't ay invtliintf to mal.u inn hout'N'ow Vork Tiiiu'h. 4 t)rsjr art 3 'jms THE 1HG STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- .. i i I" IN'riviii Ni'iv (iihIs a THE MUCKLE 3TO7E HAS A REPITA- lion u( lmg tlandin fur Only t!,i- IV t ill -(iENERAL iUERCHADISE- Dart 6c M. HfllMW, ar i ar iar gr g g- g a?- r I ST. HELENS A Patronize a drug wnitt pure, fi i Drugs and Patent Med'cines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Kic. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS . A Pine Line of WiititiK Supplies. Plain ami Decorated Crepe Taper, Kte. Direct from Publisher Reguldr VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV TI M. C. Dealer t (IENERAL MERCIIAND1SI: f lRY IIOOIH, LAIUIN' AVll liKNTI.KMCS eTRVIHIISU H0I". MlTIDNH I lit HI I'M AM) alltlK.-l. I.KAIIIK AM. I.KTIIK!I I I MU Sl.Mi H'M kill 1 H I'llOVI-ililNa, KI.OI'B ANl Kill". Pain i ii and mut. utevei.K 4 I desire to say that I would like to do bustucss fl with every person in Columbia County. My policy 4 is to handle honest goods at honest prices, aud it 3 affords me much pleasure when I feel that my pa- 4 trotis are getting their money's worth. j ST. HELENS, - - OREGON tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 Dr. A. F. KNODER, Dentist Will r ..v.. hia d. tilnl ..ttlce In the new MOHAWK 1Mk-i Third and Mori iaon t!a.. when llnlrhml. Prcaent olhYe at 317 I'ailing Building, Cor. Third and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon 4 MIST fr..... IWHi,. l..i wk i, ,,,,!, l,k. vvnii. ii i i , Wlllia Hem I a iumI altdrr Haiti, ,,( Nitlnl wcrn In town Huwlav, 1 Mr' Aniilrot, and (Hr.,ily. ,r W-1 ""v"'1 '" Mi" ''t H.Ml,.yrnt.I. " ""' '""K'n I.iiiimi. Mr, ami Mm, .i,,,,, ,, .HI,KilU.r '""'.? '""'"V ""'I' ImT' i'1'"",!1" ','""'",,"' - Tim Demur i,,,... Hr pnui,,, i, Caaoer I.I li.d'a .u a mill f. ....... i. 1..1. 1 1. .. ' .nn.ii..n Mi. I', (', J.Hii, il V.rpr-r ,ur..,., t:.,...i(h tonn l.i.t M.-.'k nii u I. l uii.,,,,1,,,. lr hi. h.,..., Hi,li:i IumIiimiIilm.,,,,.!,, lh0.Nrlu,Mll.v, , . ' A ii.iiii who lima uii tin' rlvrr went .. .i.. i, n . . , i I1.Iii.i III lua vm-11, ami , .(lih .1 hi (itilitli tint ti hotpt. Tl I'.iily KvniinK J tit iiu t and Tiik I OimioN Mlr, h iiMinllia lot j. 'I ,n KmoiHili Journal la I'i.m rtii,' live, ill 'li'..'i.diriit dally ili-lum I ailc iaiir. I Th Flour B.irrel, i Keep a Hour Imrml clcvnlt il lit lol two ill. be from tin; floor Oil a raik lo iiilo.f a current of fn -h air to piita uinli r it iitnl j ri.-. iit dump. l!fi coll.Tting al tin- hotiom. l)o not !.ll,.w nv .,r.,. ... ;... ; it with a Worn, odor ., r th Hour harr..l v,,.),,, i,.ri,. Noth'fii' ahisorU odur ircra t enaitiiy mm Uour mi ijrf'rttn-mi Krcry day in tin' Week. :"t A luckle, tr"fi ir ... . T T i store when you and reliable 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents 5 GRAY i i in H Allow A Ha. ...--... H'suiiiKa. Tool.', mv. 4 I M'SVAh, ' 1''ll,''l' beer on I mm mi , owi mmIimhi. 1 "wl I m , lli!c I! mini I. ... hi Al n i . Vjhipmit A Km,., f Valley, Iihvh u lot III IClllll khilllll.a for .ula ., I f t .... I . i Tir , i .rvic..a in th. n ,i., '''""' "' ''' -Id-.- at the o. tliricl In. in Knimm jj,,. A jf'Hl .i.itin..iii of glov at M. C. Hi. Hi'li'ii , HiwIhI Htt-,,1,,,,, i.all.-.l to our laW oai.ivii ulov... I a .,r. - ii .... , I , ,y w"" ,m" ,",,,M " '"" n" ! "I V "!", "', '""'K ""r- i . i" hiili.t.ndrt ( t'tc, mid a ; Coiiiplt'ln ii.h, j Al, , , n,'n-" 'r i-o....l..lH than rvrr h, for,,, ami ,...., lu-w lima hmv h.,.u a-I.M. M. C. ) ''iiv, Hi. iilfim. Whe.. vou goto MiatHoi.al the ir liol.o in tin: Mo. r 1 1 ImiiI.Iii., iindt.r iln. Inun.ill.oiiiiil of Mia. M. 'i.iuld. I l.an h.-di) nn, I dial id.., initla. I If yn havn anythiiia; for aalp, or want to huy hiiv immxihI hi lit-lc. d,.,iri; hi... i doyii.vi.l or want In-lp, iu-r no ad-j ' t 1, ( 'n ilm -a,ii,J nohiinii, j Atl.-iitiou ii'dlrd l Uir- f,.i-t t!..H J " " "" :,';'""""-""u"l-v' ' ' ,,ril' Sl- i im inn mil, , nv,i..,i,t ..1, v... .... ' t hiiinli.-i li.in'e Si.oiiim h mid l.iv.-r Tali ;rla. Ih.-v ib n.y t t,u mid ol Th.- am in .lli.t. l-orr-ale hy Kdu.il Ii Iriiial. V A ifmiifcf. , oi;iiiii.'. !a-l Suiunliiv ' JM 1'iahli iwk t.y n. O. S. ii.K.Mvet. -! . i .. . o ii i ... ainiin. oy ii. .li.-.iF. t iiiinin i.iiioii .... la u aat.-r anil John I.oxh-r ai' ri-larv. ....hi, . , ,.' I tiiv ii. .1 u.i-.tuji! Mill lmt mniiimv jinn, " '1.1 u. Ill .. ... , 1... u. .!....;.. .;... - i i .-.una.,, a, i ... ti-i 1 irK Kn,r u.. 4tl it, jiUti- l mi Wani'ii, bi;teeii tli tcitiua nt U mi mil ami K-aiiaiar, n'.iilt- lug ill a aioie of " to -tin luroi of iht toiimr, tfturn ifftin w lit hv .l.t)f t St a('jHtiaf on tlir IMilt ifiet, H, lift ki r. inilhii'TV , Ii it rul fttnit Kttftt Htfi S.iiiuMii iit't t-. I'tii tin ml, iiir thi) iioif ttaw Uh tt-ti tt,r nutny ytviit 'A"t, X fei'iititt new fi.iiii'iii nt '14 Ttiit- ft -(-:. Ii in n'H tlto timet , , l . . 1 ' i '"ilont-iy l aliHilhii.t ut m - Il'iry MnfTii lnt HifivJ HiiothtT t'!);tnt Kji hil vt-r w rfv, tbe Ktf t con .ttti of kimr ni inlit, Ktoii hihI nnjAui lit.if. Kuril luMt.mrr ll'" mi fM i eiwtt tu-ket with em-It v.i h .'ir hiiti' ttd'l hiu lliti ttji ifa.l..-a tint rtii.oitnt u( th ptin huitcr ill l.t- nliiiU in at t ol ailvfrnaiv. j,.--"Tin? alian.i r, Smnh I'ixon, liaa now 'i hang.'d to tli. iiu.iii. r ai-hediil.. Mm not. h-avra h.r Dak I'oiiil and tlainl . ing" on iimliiy i triiii gi ul tt ci'.'hxk. I i ni I ,,, ll.in l (o. ( Inli-t .nil.' and ay. j 'andma Ttl.-aday and TliuratUy evau i li, fc, at il u'rl.n k. Ketiii-ning, Ii an a ('l.ii-kun e on Wodm-aday and Friday 'feiini;- at 4 oVKn. lt, ti lv 3i tnttting. .fci inR i here, ami i ia my new Siring ai.a-k, all new gooda, nothing ,nd tlrer. lead, all eliionAoril. for iuiii.b niiia ami ' g aida, uniit'a fiirnialiing gooda, n j, In ilale notion. thi plore ' the ii al. A dollar ill buy more in my eii.rr 1 1. nn any ilaoi' '11 ihia i-oiintv. Jusl rt-.fi veil 50 new inen'a anil up-to-date 'li, .1.1.. f..i- iIim lri.l. ImoifV .i!.llili.. II. M. .Mi Kk I, Chitukniiie. 1 Mr. Joaeph r.iininvill.-, of Ktlaler, 1 Minn., afu-r having apniyV uv.-r 2.00J with thn heal .hi. loia for ftoiii.ifh troiih-' He. vtilhoiil r lief, w.ia adtiM-d hv Ilia l.le.. ;. Me Aim. Itu liard. t.i ti v a ! I' ol I huiiihei hiin'a r-lii.iiiii'll aim 1 1 . ....... ,,. .: . .1 ... . ii Liver I allien-, lie nn. m. n.n. .a . ' 1111111 toihtv 11 lm.ihle.1 with iudige- I .. . 1.1. ....... 1 11,'tl, I'.til t.i it lit nn iiio.it.i, tin a 01 ai- ,' lliotltll, nit-a 01 i.(i.i,m"ii 1.. 1 ..i. il...... T,.lil..i ; ahot-a regular J-50 and 13 50 values,' e" 1 ' .i'""i- . ' ,. . , , t 1.. ... 1,.. ! for ii.rs nn, t-2. Oui clei-iion of umna ' I petite or t.-iiielipation, j a liinl, ami you are . .-1 11. ...... ..i .i. I ... .. ..I. ........ I U i,ll (111. IMlllt In ' a. i-.-iila in-l hox hi' Kdwlll Koe.1. t-t. ; IK'll'l.n. Sit ml a) Srliuul Knlerlaliniieii! An eiilarlainii.eiil mid (eativ.il he ; (liven in Walta 1 Pii.-c'a hall oil 1'i'itliiy i.v tne .-ia 1 1 p .-in. ...... r.. ....... ! itooih. .ill la. a.ung d wherein ill ho j '...M '''- ; ieake. tl.mera, a..dlel..a, coir, -e, etc. , TheKi.lan.l h.vaol the intfimediiite i...... ., ;it i.vi.'i.il.. wheie will he: ! .old nrticea ol their own h,i.nli, k, j ( f"r "ie MUecPan "m' Feml ! ,. inu-r-ating pr..gre coi.-i-liint hn ,""vtl1 ,0 ( !atu"u;' "' ,!,ku ! buttered toast. Sprinkle with brcad !('W1. rccitaiion. e.e. will he ,in,n. : a position .ti. N . Me, nil. ! crumbs, brown quickly and acrv i.Va I lii. eiil. r.. iiain.-nt 1. given lor Ihe Mit Kdna t.Vntry, who haa la-en with a garniture of lemon and pars ; i...i,.(il of Ihe Siindny aeh.a.l, il i tu ' quite sick for stm-mUoeka, ia able to ! ley. he hop.-.) lucre vi lli he a huge atltiiilMiico ' Adiiiimion fiee. S. Tt iichera. i Too Ureal a (link. Iiii.ln.osl every neighht,, hood film-; niu himliod from an attack of colic nr chnhna inorhnti, ol'tcn hef.ua iiu-dii inc cinld ha ptofiiii.d or A phyeician rum- n.oned. A rcli.tfln reinetty lor nice, tiaaaaea ahuuld he keiit at l.an.l. Ihe' rit-k ia too great for anyone to hike. Chamberlain'. Colic, Cholera nml I'i u ihoea Remedy ha utidnuhledly aavad il,.. livuaof more neonla ami relieved ' more pain ami auirering than any other medicine in use, ll can always bo de pended upon. For aalo by EdwinR-ao, St. Helena. Ttaam lb. A 1 lllu " nam amnre Bam A .CIRCUIT (M)UUT, V, Ulininhki n. A. Iliii lwr, diiiiUnnl J. II. Iliiylwrii vs U. W. Colo, di-iiiIkimI. H. M. Ilifo v Jiflin Parker, limiilcl. j T . 1 wlicre the outlook is not to bo eon Ji.lm H-t.-iri. k.on v. (i. W. (l.,.li.- t(.ued try hanging the miialin cur- ! tniiiH atrr.Ipht. I)o not huy the reg Ivl W, Hall vii (J. It. Davy, .Iti rvf of illation rullli.-.l miiHlin eurtuinn, hut forrclixiire. or -a(fh window buy live yarili of K. A. Milev. Holm HnmUtrom, tlin- white curtuin muslin, cither dotted, nilaiml, ; figurwl or Htrijicd. Have a lurge K.llll.Tiivlorv. A. Il.Tarlor, JWe hrm? atth rod "V"' at the tof' (.1 ilivoti'B ' ' i ''""low rHMiig niid measure down M. J. Kinnny va I, (J. Wiekflroin, do crvv iiiictin)j title. Ilett McKiimtr v Kiiiuia McKlnater, ili':n;e of cliviirrff. MKiiir.tr va Kiiiuia McKlnater, " :'" """"" . M"rtl"! ('kiiBll v fcmory llxknell, oi .nvoroe. John lliirii;i v V. 0. HeiirM, eon - H'iii' ale. I..H. Mitaon v, M. M. Mon, ilocree j,( . j yr.g M iiirr of A..i ,.i,,i.i of l)..im I'.lMn Mill, r o A..Mi.n..uit of U.im l.lan rl.ar.1. Mnnl atiount of M. IJolli ...iL-nce. allownl and aoorovwl. Aw lim-lim ..! u.,,1 bon.laman dia. 1 - i-littm.-d Irom further lih.rlv. A.isnee: '''"' ' lor additional aervk-ta an.) , ti. A. II ill tfi'KI altoiiifya f.-ea. Th..ilor A ..lrn v. Cl.arlM Anh. , in;, n tlprr.-ft of Kii'-t'loiire. i Win Hull v. I". liiiiiguoiit, lliidinga ! , '"r l'l-'i''tiir. Ji-; I'. A. Kaih-y v. tirarit I.amlera n.iawd. r-ialt" of ()i. (oii va Tliomai Williama. " ; "' " w- ' u"f ' " "" "" " "' '"" r o ri'i irni. s-tp of Origin va. WiiiJ !W, arrang- i ,rA and ciilerc.l nlt-aof culitv to aaault ! 'and bnlt-ry. Imed JTO wl.ifli i- paid. I L'ii.. l-i o w...:. i. .;...... ! ....v.. ...r...,. ,.)(.,... v. , 'ii e of divorcu. Aaliereim llohna va Oaear Holuiea. t. . . iiwri-e oi uivorrs. u,Bi. ,,i n,, ,.. lmm...I k u.-Tun ..,..... . i .. . i u ...... mi-sur., .,., uin-.iuu.il .ur,,., ":( : .K-ad. I-.-.. . , .it-.. - , :i ... v . .-. o . , . n u no a i nun i ii n: i. . ii u . . ; jilcfault and reform! If, C. K. Rtinyon. J lleanit Minn la va K .liert lliniida, li- fnull, and rfrr.-d to C. K. Itiinvoii. !-, ittnt'i . M'Un pieAH jg'iiHT m i ne ; nruif t'i lor-ry in uie i:in um.oun j WioiiiHiny of tlii wirrk. mi'i Ju.ljrw, .; , ir j.. j ., .. H. .;,! .ilrnttti. N-i fnn-wiH) nrxi nn iimtf; fur puaaiug avuieiKT mi ihrdefviiilaiit. ! The rivil loan of Her... an Kramer; . . t t - .... :.. .... - t , .. . . . , .. - - !. V. II. K.vl.-aA Co.. wa lrir.1 v " ' t l lliab it l..l i t J.nltft tliiu t. aiaakr ) 111 .IB ; ... ,.-.v ..... .Mt li.Mt. ati.i i jury mid rt-miht-.l in h v-rIii't wn rvnlTi1 by 4ho jury on : TuifthUy in fuvon.f lite pin itt itf for the ",,n "f?H;l. The plain! illuti fur the j hiiim-i c.hvj, ..laiunug iB9 m prt-iiie that be would Intv. made hud lie tn-eii ; permitti-d to .oii.il, te a ......tra.-t marff aith tUedeh-ndani. for tue tutting of; timla-r, and d.lhery of mI. from, the hind of Urft-udaiita CAOTOniA. Baanti. U Kir4 HwWwB Ba3H Bigutiro ef X6T1CI OF LAS D .' VHVEY. OHioe ot Countv Snivryor May Hi. HKL't. otitv ia herahy given that the county Srvef.,r w. on June . Vm, e.tahli.h j .,, ..v, , ,w , sn.l th. f I i f t.-riiun 2J Tp 7 u K 'i w Wiilainette Meridian. V. T. Watt". County Surveyor. )0re Xotlcaahle on the Boya, To tt th'. ilirfVrri- in pn.-ea from other loie lo John IVIUr'a, corner lat and Yamhill, you can nave aa much on lliflt S l-.mnes ll.n. aoiH-a .e,o .... 00 . 1 .1. . ...... - lite III tla (ell.n V. The eaiue s-tit other ; ....... ..I.,,......' -lUn.l tl nor nri.-ea nrv ; I.- ' 1 ! 1 iiu ..., ai..a. nt hop atorea e - t-. - ; - .. . ii - har.e and ?-'.50, our pi ice u II .i., I Ul -R....I TI.e l,.t.t alvlyaof la, lie..' ; ,..." --. 1 . , atlita is very ia a. lie: our piu-ea are per Oiie cuiii.it to u tnnt ut liiu.m. u. iMIIiparison With Other; l'O Hot (jtir While COOkUlg. V lien ' .... . 1 .1 J: l. Cl'llt It-si 111 etorcs pi li es. DEER ISLAND. William and Henrv OIn of Walla Wiilhi, arrivcil ht-ie hist Friday and will 1Pl,iM,y vi.it, vtith their pareuta all! glimmer. .. , ,,,olm Mr, E P. Mt- ,Mn ailuru 1 ,', we-r li ,U,t , :J ! l .l .....I Tm-adav. . ',.. .'. . i Mr. and Mr. Mnlky, who have been i "c out ..Si..... Mr. .Mia. Uron n and M a. I.on Peter-1 ..n, a'IOiido.1 the Ke.l M -n a dance nt nl l.ohle l.iat Sal unlay ev-i i iijj-. We aie lo try to hear of thn illnesa of ' tra. Sii-v liriiir'.aiid Mr Hem rice Mer- i , of 1'. .1 1 lit nl . Mra. lh airg has hcen I irk several weeks nitli billioua lever,! and Mia Mm nil had an attack of pneu ! mnj.,. (,., llrw Letter at Ihia wi iliiijj. ' vi ,, , ... , , . . ,, . ,, , . .... e - - - - - e 1 yj ihia week. j Mrs. M. W. Hr.imen and MUa x t ...... .. . . 1 '"'""" .. 11.11- ti dav. I Miaa Maririiente Hill, ol Oreaon CitT. who haa liiucht arhool fur the past tiie ....... . . years at Rainier, haa been employed to teach the Bt hotil 11tCa111.au thia aiiiiuiior. Mr. and Mrs. C. II . English, Mia, B. tl'.L,.... a ...I li I Itaraaa ul....l..,l !, " ' . - e,rr miie ny m. , . ,t, ni, tieieii.; 1 Artisans Utiuce al llouitnii frlilav even ALL OVER THE HOUSE. A New Way to Curtain th Nortti Room Window and Lit In Light. la a north room, where all the ; . ... ;.. Mripa of niUKlin of thia length, al-j lowing enough to turn over for a tuning fr the rod and nn ineh and a ; lull rutlle a Dove. Allow a two and . B half inch hem at the bottom. Make also a hort ruffle, one width j j of tlic mualin with caning and ruffle' 1 the fop to match the aide length, ! ! but give it a five inch hern. Thin; j ruffle Hhould ho about eighteen inch- , , ,. . , , ,7 i c owp when linirihed. Hun the long !...,,,,,,,..,,.....,,,,( '"'I'" r.w.u.-, ile between, pull the long strips well ,0 M1' "j"1? flnd tt,low tll;" t0 lian I ... rii: : . . I., ii i '"' ueiicr uieha- "'S l" '""ow l"a" other in un- ' nl.ulr-1. .!.! l tlo. nor.r.r an u-oll as . .. . ..." . me lOVt er Uail Ol Ilie Window, arm u. . i... j If . , I lilt llli-M l oinr. nun ..!. wny m- Jows are made iut to cover ud uons uit llldUL jo.l. lo turir up again una no neca draperies to fee out ItUIJI lilJU I1W IlirUU Ul UUllillll lata , . , i Cmmm aiu Mi..hMAM. j tggt Wim MU in roomt. j A uiiir rw,nnl arrrra inuKhrooma. J heae are alwavs in market from the gr-Mnhou.se if not from tbe field. A quarter ol a; ..r ,.,Li...rtr-,a iu ,...rtr.K 4., pound OI miisliroonig IS eriOUgn lO gcrvo with twelve eggs. After peel- inr' and frimniinir the mushrooms null a tohlespoouf 111 of butter in a pniiecnan. Add a teasnonnful of , . Bfllt allli a galtHpoOIIIUl OI White Ttion add tho m.Kihrnrima ; Hien aUll lllC mUfenrOOInf, . ' ,lPPcr: nroneriv cieaneu anu irinimeu. . . . co..o.,7.nrr in iwn nrnns nr Uunnn . . 1 ... luiee. Lover the saucepan and let , niuishrooma conk fur tpn mill. . iir.i r... o c ,ia- i.rn .i ,i a rnmo. ii .is . ..ii. AUU a taoie- , ... f DOOI1 1 U 1 01 Wine BUU fillllllier 1116 nillfihrooma for about three minutes , .......... - - j longer, or until the liquid has been reduced one-half. Now add three I o l.i .,.,-.,..,, f,. I ,.t t imislirooms UOlI UD arain. DlSh trie . . . 1 tJ . . i mustirOOI)lS in tl.C Center Ol a liOt platter without the liquid around i i i i mem. UV twelve poaclica egg3 in ; !a circle around the mushrooms. , I'our the liquid of the mushrooms; it 1 .,,! .u UHT llivtll UliU OlUUllll itjc VLta. n-i.:.. .i: i. : . ;.l x IliC uimi is tu. c iiiiuui ii im; t ruu- i I '.1.1 it at' 1 by serve wun t ne inree in espoon-. 0 cream adjej to i e mush- j roorng. To Renovate Feather. Have a rack made to fit into a wasil boiler fO that a pillow may rest upon it above the water, l-.mi)- ty the feathers from the pillow tick into a loose meshed muslin pillow- ease, tie up the end or sew it, ; I tilnro it nn thp rnek !lOVP the boil- ins water, nut on the cover aud al- i ... ii ! , m - ,. linnrs ! low to Eteam one or two nours. . There W ill be rOOIll for Onlv One ... ... .. . i pillow at 8 time, hasten the piJlOW- cases on the line as soon as steamed 8kJ allow to remain until the feat!.- era are drv. In the meantime wash the pillow ticks, starch well toj make feather proof or iron on the Jf Un ot J . ' '...L i,, , 1,1 snnw 1 get them back uiruin in the same. .i.L- .... ... ... .... When ticks pet OKI enotlgll to leaK a..I...o t..v ..iL-n oiri' rr....,l L'itoh. . ,l"",w - , , , " Cll towels ami disll towels alter the , down has been entirely removed. Stewed Rhubarb. Stewed rhubarb, when cooked in 1 r... ,n,irv h-,iv nn I in Inn nl I no ...v - -- v., -- , Move, imiioni 01 llie Hl'H mill vt'rt vlisiiv. " ,: .. .. 1 ... ' ; 1. ne nrcier 11 coum-u hi tne ott-.i ur .. ' , . . .' . i.-... v.. sieanico tn 11 uoutiic- uuci . i m i ot- hitter wine. Wt'l lllld CUt ill inch . 1 '.' . j 1 1 1 pieces; put It UltO a double boiler 1 ., 1 1 ,,,., :., ,, ,,,ri;n nf and uilJ suoar m tlie proportion oi . -.1 , .. - . . 1 , baked, put in a covered earthen dish . . ,. .. . . With a verv small quantity Ot water u,.,l tho co-nr- link., for olioilt t VT.l mid the siyar, Uiibe lor oooui two hours. Scotch Toast. To one cupful of chopped cold J - - j --- . eS and some chopped parsley. Sea-; "I .pner one teaspoon- f ul of worcvslerslure aauce and a dash ot ceiery salt or sectl. jioisieu wi,, CI.eain. Heat the mixture in a DR. KNNER'S KIDNEY Backache All rttaeaa.a of Kldr.ya, CURE &,, toli.,HeartIi.aB..Orav.l. roiuy, f.juai. 1 rouble.. Don't bepom. diaoeuragad. Thar, ia x enre for vou 1 f necesanrv writ. fr. tenner. Hn liaaane.it a lire time Gurlnir 1 baa apeut a lira time curing juai, 8tKm curauIum. All consultation Fr... A .ravel li.dnvi In n.r bladder. After lualuita few bo! lies of lir." Fuuuer'a Kldae. j .. ft,u-kio-h.i tiure I husmmI a crave! half hire aa a marble. The uioillcine prevented luimvr luriuaiiiiii'.. n.i. w. T. OAUES. Orrlx. Va." Prostata. Me, t. Ak forOnok Book ST.VITUS'IWNCEl!Cn"lM t. . t.. .. . . ... ...... inlao B.il'-v Biinn. ireiieriil me-r-' , cli.u.te nt iloullou. (.Hlvsf luifarril lrp ltuil kW l rlat fci.iv. far i l'.H t-c.l'l dr tu'l".. M. 1 IIIm A An light mi.U ilri i-l;ie. v Our Ikw (l I'tlnrd.al .). In bnru.ln. K. M Hi'. O I.afllt fairm l-:ni,mi ,i M.o.., Hci.hie for MireMt wpr V m A Mi In mi. 1lwrr. far... U Im h i.U.Ii-k lirnrral l'fm.,gn t. 1'acific Mail Order Company PORTLAND. OKKOON R.BECKER 3IILLINERY Muvr.u TO 214 Third St. Comtr of Salmon Portland, Oregon A Cwm(!t awrtmerit of t!?rt-d puitrii ham, atito lot of trimiutl litits at Kreily re-tiicc4 pnen. Yuti are cordially lnvitod tu eiil amj ux aritine our Spring Styles NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HKKKHY (ilVES THAT THE u!.,!-rn!:ri'i a, a'linlril.tralor ul tl.a oMtate f I'm-l-h W-in.:k,rwd,ha AM 111 tb f. Hce ol il,e ( vunli I ..H. I ..I lh County f.l Co- t.i o- imama, um . uraiiuu. ni ,na. bm d,n niftira,.n iip,.n wl e.taiw, nt w.i.i i,i hi. turn Him rrtiti.il iipnii hi r(ai, .(tK-llir Klin ! ,i. nual rirt mnl p. UU'.ii lor atom l.utlon. "" "'' "" . I""'n. Jt"u ' l , ,,,,,1, ha a, k1iiiI Mon.ay. O.s ra; .Ja 01 j.i... n. v., .-... ..-.t: ..vi. ill ' ' . lir.- ii.Min of !. the liuiff. au.l lha curt tinn of -ai'l Oitirt lo Helf it. Or-fm, a the f ' u( tifii n (In? am, al which iii audi (.. any p(r. ao !iier?leMn Mil.l nLitc m.y aPlHr anO s iit-cuorw iu wrHiiisl. uil tiiin.1 i at'CfMIIll ftr C I I fl U.I I I ii'jft aut 1 ft it Kill ! M r it 1 - ... u,a?.'V.?r n r"'" J"n i .,"atl.u,, u,i,.WMWr. v ji i , . ,oth( clre(llt car. .r tbe ut. of or.. lor Columbia Couutr- ""le "'"'" John !':. .iom true aainc i unkionn, Defen- .lalil rJl.i. I'w. rio true name la H'lVni.ari a"'4 "' "wncra of Ilia m.l -net .H:t.(ier.le-Cril.l; t .i.. na.t.v ,,i ti. Ktato ,.f ,. ai.pear anil tutasr U.-1- lutiiia-nt fll- i i air in . iin i nr . " to iuibea.iemiiiei a-un aimm i l- . ....A.......... .. . . . . . . . '."i ii.oi.c. wiocii nralHa'eof uunii- .T L,u v........ . , , H Frt,l..y " ''"..; near am. an.urr, n,r wsui ine-e i i 1, 1 1 1 Ink i u.lje ... enl .:! ut -u u'f !?''.'S"n lllm''?l'.l'n,'1.' ,itc,.nnca tam anj ' iat V.t:t i naii.- of a eer- net, rmnrmtniy t-ni.t?! a no!er, H) lirj'ih. InviD'a iiit-'-hd If in lie til siw. c.-)ii:ruc!e.J of U r'v twine, uhirh ri h-mtu a cork .me -titiui?t-l of coiti-n Une ami WiMitl curka ati'i KinweH co rK, or noaiers, aatu ccraa ttexuit macLintMna-le; hq1 a icaj tine coiiKtiucled oi toltou IiIlc ,od W.tncM ray hatitl mi thecal of theriretih fotirt ot Columbia County. Oree. hi. .) 'it n uay 1,1 "."V"0- ii. Hi.Mii.hiN ' .iuilMir In I. Art .' me 3. !?. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'KlTKD STiTEn I-ASD OFFtrc, OTICK I? HKKKHY GIVES THAT IS COM phuuo wiili itie pfovthioii ol th act ol I I'rtMo-Vla. r htna it a it n H,-t f... ( th- :,trtf iimr Ui.fi. it', tl. k.-,., ,U i ftiifnr the sale of 'V'" iZrT'T! Ilia, .'reaiiu. .e.uiia. alio w akiiiiitti.u inn lit It. str.nah m. ..( Poriiai.il. ountr ol Mult- o1(11, ;j ,, ,tl.e v wi,',,,, ,i pur. .-h. i o.'.ii,,,, ihiuW io-...t M.(nt i m..r. v.i,ia.,i ! ' i, X.1-1.1 -Vi.r :ir ,,. !ii iuii hi. lore liie Ke?l-lei an1 Krt-enr of lliia ofli.-e at I I irevnn t itv Oregon, un .-a of j..iv. iaat. .-atitritay, lue lsibday aheii..-e a iinesfcr Cora Blake. F. W. Varll,v hati n,lr!1 F Meiee... .,f e..nisnd. Or. snn; ati.t Al l-arHsr. nt I'utsl.urs (lreSoii. A iv and all person claimlr.ir ad- -,-e.elr ll.e b,oe-,l.-. -iil.l lan.la are $ AA1' nnyto alckhnons nitEssEa. Keji.ier. ...,... . ., intuit t 3 bA LE. j ihean-nurmm.of tb8i.of orejon.for Th Auilern T -'t '""."fi. .""' 1 tne t niiniy im t.n.,iuiuia. I'aliullrT. Uefeudanta. NOTICE ia hen-hr given that by vir- tue of an e.-.eenllnn -.lut oler of sale nut ni an, 1 nii.ler ll.e Circuit . 'out. of ma Male , r,son .,r t..iumt.ia count au.l n me direi-te.lled and dateO Ihe 'Jtl ,1a of May isatt, up ia a Judye-oem re.nleie.l and enlered in aanl c urt u-.. ll.e 1 :.i.. day of May 19UI. In favor ol i Biwi.ni.re Aii..eron tne move lunici I ,Utiitirr and a-.-aiu.l diaries . Asliiuau ami ! i-amtiei SvaiiMu the ali-n'e ininiert lU-fene-lant cini.ni.oiiiint uie to make -ale ol the luUotvin j dei-nlH-0 ienl pio.-nv. 10 wit: All of ike et ha.'oi toe SKI. (he se 'i of the se 1 j and I. it 6 all in aet'tlnn J;t fr. 6 . of I ...... ,0 .1.- u.n u.. i.ti... 0. -y"--. - V , ....'... ..-jw'rt. ..,o. Ul , ',, ni ... ...... ... in. .. annum fr m'lh.- lv d of April 1V0S and (he (urtberaum of IK : with iiitt-re-i ibe.eon t ine raie 01 a oer rent per the rat. i js wrr eeut :w aiinnm irom the lf.. u AUHi i 0 , and ihe inrti.er sum ol 3 W't" l.uereat there on at Ihe rate of per cent : 1 er annum limn Mav 13ui Iti'u and ll.e lurther tum of flu coaia aiid utaiitinenieuik and the : tu-lsuwu lhi wrtl. ,y . . ... , ( er annum 110111 ilav 13111 i.i' au.l uie lurtner 1 1 m 1 i.i. t.. a. A 1 i r o. i 1 11 r. .tiui i - .i r June lju.t.a. tli. houroi 11 o.-i.Kit a. m at tne . , , , c-,llIllv ,j ,1Hte Ht . . . ..-. ' .ub.ie ..-t.n. ..J.--t n.-r,.ion,,.lr iu.. hbdieal hiduei for I . !. p-old c-in cau lu hand, ti- ritit tit ie and ite-el whirr, the above n ...lei ,Ie .1..U11K 01 e.llier oi lliem had 011 r,.,mr m or ..inee hd in iitnl to tile iio.ve ne-c iiai i real nn-perty, lo I Milislv said Imlireuieul aud Pi',-, i o.ttK ,his i! d.v ol Mil) I"03, ... ri. H.VT' AV. Sheriff of Coluuibitt Couniy, Oreg.tn. f? j j M 4 4 4 Mu.arrl tr, Id, Uarwit. in, ..id, aim ;ur- AaVjSi&AaUkA-a&A AAAA jcVjflr AAA f piTTSBDRG y BIBLE TYPEWRITER ,t THE ONLY TERFF.rT WRITING MACRIXE MADE I 4 'A V a jj a , a j J is wSs The Pittsburg Writing Machine Company 2 V n . w 1 " ,,vu u - fen OF BEST 3 OVERLAND 3 TRAINS 3 3 3 DAILY 3 It does not cost you any more to travel on the "North Coast Limited" than it does any other train. Try it and your verdict will be T.i. .t. . r . , n it s me cracK train oi inem an i. ........ ,. i A. I. CHAKIrO.N . .... . . ii"lnl Ofneral Paaarnjer Aea VA Morrlaon ., Corner of Third, I'orilanil, Orrgon. Not Ice of GuardtanHhip PelKloa I ,u lKrn.iht M' Bl 0w- ,; in,he..ni tt.eGu.rrtian.iiip of th. r i t7 : . .r I r l:.',."t? JEZl: tiu.- bii,.m,.Ui I Oe.,r.e Arnold: lh.motTre' told mh.toV'.ml.M i ..oart his uiiiiii.i u it a i,iu,a,l auarniaa nt lii. ..lArM nl Ca.arWa.IHrl.- -rlia U artriek. i diiiaril Aruuld. l.riu Arruild, anil Cnnia Ar. j unlit, mi nora; ilat .aid tlillr.u baa been aei tor her.i.. hv aairt nunnn M..ml. lh. r.l ria '. w.. na imiiwrm unarm, court ruout -f aaitl Court, at Ht ' ilelen. Oreenn. at which time and place you ' m,v appe.'r Hint ahow eauMe, if any ywu hava, I alnui.1 Karuu A. weflrxk ahuuld nut be ap- ooiui.i u.-h anai'il-ia. vit,;-. tne n . i. B. Doan. Jn'ge ef tb cuutv court . me aim. ol unw..a for tb. fiumitia. artttt ih twai ol aaM Court jiIi da., of April. A. U.. IVW. Altfht: H. UKSDKKSuN. fit-k. pnWF.I L. AiUiniry tor Pvtittuavr. Timber l and. Act .'sue S. 1873. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nited State Laud Orricc, Orega City, Ores-.u, April II. 1S04. N OTlt'K. If M KKLBY iIVE.S TA AT IN COH yliancn with tiie proviMuua of th Act 4 (;om;rf-.s i Jaua a, 147a, 0:it.tk:4 'Ad act for the nale 01 lirooer lands tu tOe Mate uf ,t'fortiia urrt;iij. Nevada and Washington Territory," an fxieioltni to ait tbe Futilit Lanl Statea by act of AasWst 4. IKfi. Jau.M V. Caropoetl, ot Portian'l. CuUiiiy of M jltiiuinith, ut of Ora gan, Im i bin day tiiei hi tliii otire bis awurij (ititcmf.it So. wjt7, lor tbe (mi;liai of th ae ot vecti'in So. tu tuintitp No. 4 u, range N 5 ami w.ll otter pnr.i to show that tha Ian4 "lent u more vatuoe ir tu tttum-r or stoua thaB ior a-Ttculiu ai pr:i, aud to eaUbllah hi fl.tim to aaid lain. tfire the Kegitcr and . ...... . .... . .. .. . .. ..... .... nyT'i'' j M"t,i'0". Z'iTir.JuhiiS.' j "i';",10,J!.V''.l;'TJi--rMw ,i - j eiwjn thh 0aie..ur iiui. ia nih dr -H a RLt B. moosks. Keiat.r. AdmlxiMtator'. Notice of Finail c cuiat. 70TICE ia herebv given that th. fi-j ta ftii-ouut o! the nn-leratiined. an ad- ro.D lratnr of thea.ta e of t'narles S. Laev. de- ceaeil, l.a.i In-en tiie . it. the Cnil.it t ourt of the f?iHle of oreKi.a lor the County ot Columbia, and llial the t.;h da of June, IWi. a' lOo'elock a. ni.. liaa tieell np1iinied bv aaid Court for The ht-artt.r ol t bjoetiuua to the aaid hri.l a., count and the e tleaie.i thereot. Pate.1 at .St. tleleua. Columbia County. Ore gon, May 4. IMC RALPH R. DI'NIWAY. Aduilrrl.trntnr ol the estate of Cb irlua 9. Laa.-y. deeeaaed. ORDER SA LE OF RE A L EST A TE. i 'In Th. Cbuntv C met of the Slate of Or.mn foe Columbia Comity. In lhi ni.llarhl ... o.tat n, ImaK lUT.nila dwea-e.l order 10 show tauae hv onter lo Bell real ealate n.uld 1.0 boaiaUe. yolliE IS HtK-nY U1VKS THAT E K. Vlii.ea adiuiui..ratoi' ul the eatate of Jacob Aiexain.er. deeea-ied. having tiee.i aled as, i.iiloiivr herv.n uuly teroied. nraytiig for an onler of aaleof Ihe North Kant . of fceetioit . 1- 1 P a ftauae a o e-t 01 uie n iiiNiue.ie je- 1 riin. Uie of 8eu il 1 P. I N U eat of the 1 Wilia.ueite Mei.diau auo !! unuioered a lu . nrlulu.l ....... ..1 L-r. ' - - ( . . .,- - . , . i I"''''- 'luiubi, 1 Coumy, Or-oi.. beluugiag to ihe e-iaie of. wd decedent f..r tie purpoata . 'n''" ' IT 1-t ril iBr.E.iR S oMere t by the ld C..im that the peraoi.a uile.e.ied lu the e.lat.ofth. said deieaaeil a,.Nwr la-lme uie aall , Cuurton bur-atRy.tbe-joday.il June. let-o'clock iu lb. h.reiun.n ou aalu da ' c uh r...m .,i...i.i ,:..UUiv t:,...rt o. ., saiu aereaaeit a,.Nw l-ef'iiu lh3 mtii t'OMUty lH. at dme at tb' . . . 11 . i 1 . me court . v.....,, arauted to Uu aaid aduunialranur to . w.L..t.l,hH u il 1 H.-i..ui1 .1 nriv. UrtKOii uot b sil aald ;f'f ana . nt . copy .1 mu -'.oi oe p ,,.ine.l at "" four ...ce.ve weekatn the .ireawa MIt , . Kfi primed aud .bll,ucd lu aaid "; o l"-'"- Date.1 ilnf i. t'.Wl. J. H. 0OA.V. Judge. fcubf-cribe fur Thk Mut. The wn'tirg ia In phitn view of the opeiati.r all Ihe time j aiiii.lcet nn.l almngeat con- 9 atiuction, rapi.l action, eafy W touch adept.-d to all ktndaof 4 aoik teal for tabulatiug and invoi.t. ..rk uuiveiral ky-Bl hour.! n miivuliie type actional in.tantly cleaned. J Trebl. the life of aiiyoliierjf machine for good clean- work. 9 IMttsbarg, T&. 9 W 1 tie? - "a I