OREGON MIST Entered l tb fottoffire at 8t. Helen, Oregon, a eeeond-clsss wail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. leei-an Evsbt Fbidsv Morkuio By KEEI.EB II. OABBERT, Ebitob add Peorairro. DHCKimOR PKICt: . One copy on vear, in adranc 11.00 ix raontae 60 MAY 15, 1903. i Thi paper ii kept on HI at the Ore fan Prera Association Kooaa 9. li'mil- Ion kqildiag, Portland, Oregon. ! 1 11 ..- j FACING THS WORLD. j Tat one hundredth enniversajy of the j rignlag of th treaty of Franc and ihe TJaited State which ceded to ue the j territory ol Loaieaaa was celebrated in , 8t. Loui on Thnredsv, April SO, by the! dedieatioa ol th Louieana Parchai ipoeitk. Th ceremonie were cood acted one seal of grandeur commenearat with lh remarkable event in tbe country' history which they inteuded to recall ad gVorily. Preeident Rooeevelt, for mer Preaideat Cleveland, member of Ue Cabinet, member of both houee of Congreet, iwpreeentative of th army ad navy, member of the diplomatic corpe, tiovreaort of many (tatet, and sitting uiahed people generally from all part t th country and alt parti of th World lent their presence to the dignity 4 th occation. Tb xpoition of 1904 hat mad each progree to jnetify the prediction that It will eons), if it doe not excel, th World' Fair of lt93. Th building ar farther advanced than were our a year before th opening, aad people who bar viaited tb ground bear cheerful teelimony to tbe fact that St. Louie ha displayed not oniy intelligence and ar tittic tat in choosing deaign for th great palace in Fvrt Park, but that be ha exhibited wondrrtat energy in their conetructioa. A th fourth city of tb country, the Mcowl of tb mighty Writ, th rostrop- olle of th mpir that ba ariiea within th bound rie f tb Louitaaa pnrcha, ad, mere than all, a the at of th third of our great international xpoi tioaa, St. Loo is will be called upon to face tb world during tb next twelve month, and that a will acquit bereelf tredibly, there can he no donbt in any quarter whar the ipirit which animate aercitixeaship it known and understood. The output of th Klondike mine for tliit year will be $16,000,000, a againtt 112,000.000 latt year, which goe to thow that tb confidence of thee who have dared tb Alaikaa winter since th b om began, btt been justified. W may now confidently look for luting, while at th lam tim taking th nana! pretentions againtt poetible art back natil tb middl of next month. Remember when you go to tbe lower Pebalem, that you can get clean bede nd first class meal at tb new hotel in llitt.Mrs. F. hi. Dippold, maaager. Mail subscriber received at thi of flc for the Evening Telegram, Oregon's greatest evening paper. GREATLY ALARMED By a Peretateat Coagn, bat Perma nently Cared by Chamberlala'a Conga Iteanedy. Mr. H. P. Borbage, a tlndeat at law, la lireenville, 8. C had been troubled for four or five year with continuous tough which h savs, ''greatly alarmed me, catieing me to fear that I was in the first (tag of consumption." Mr. Bur bage, having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try it, J.ow read what he says of it: "I soon felt n remarkable change and after using two bottles ol the 25 cent lite, wat com pletely cored." Sold bv Cdwia Ross. THI HIST CLCB BATES. This paper and th Weekly Orego. aian $2 par annum, Thi paper and tb Young Ptople's Weekly, $1 per annum. Thit paper and th Weekly Capital Journal, of Salem, $1 60 per annum ; six months, 76 cent. This paper and the Portland Weekly Journal, (democratic), $1 60 per an tuin. Thit paper and th V. Y, Thrice-a Week World per yeai $) SO ; lis niontht, 90 cent. Th Chicago Weekly later Ocean sad thi paper ope year for $1 SO. Thi paper and Conkey'a Mtgatin a year for $1 26. All club subscriptions ar invariably in advance. UPPIHCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Ubrart Tb9 Bust b Cm(l Utcratifj 12 Comwuctk Novru Yearn. MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.50 pxa vgasi ; 25 era. a eowy NO CONTINUED STORIES gvgwv Nusjaca complctc in rrwi SILL r LSGISLA TI0N AND KU1N0VS TAXATION Warren, Oigor, May 9, 1003. Editor Mitt: j If the inhabitant of Columbia county ran find any enjoyment in paying taxeo, next year will doubtleee see the f rutition of their greatest joy, th tax re for 1903 aad 1,904 will, nader th new law be collected in tbe latter yaer. Anticipating th gratification th peopl- would derive from thi cataclysm of tat paying, th legislature very thoughtfully, in addition to th double dote, made appropriation! aggregating the mere trifle of, in around uumbers, 2,300,000. or about (800.000 more thn two year ago, all of which th people mtitt pay ualeee Morgaa or Carnagie thou Id, through kind philanthropy, up in and pay it for n. Added to thi th County Court it required to levy a echool tax, under a law which make it obligatory en th Court araonating to, at least $6.00 per capita, for each and all ih achool chllren within the conatv, between the agea i f four, and twenty year, which means an increase in thi county, of more than $000,00 over this year. Of course no fair min led cilixens object to reason able taxation for school purpraea, but wtu added to other coats a id expenses of government, it never th let may become burdensome. A it stands, however, th tax of thi county will be raieed without th addition of con tingencies other than those already considered, about $10,000. But theee are, unfortunately, not. Not content with ahowering inconsiderable bleerings on tha State generally, th legislature, through th efforts of our respected Solon, M. Both, whose tontenseruble ie an animated advertisement of fatuoua legislation, eoniideratly made Columbia county a special target for taxatian, bv foiating upon it two tpeeial county teat rl-ctione, thinking it accessary, prob ably o make sonis immediate diaposi tion of the "surplus," for all of which tbe Ua payer should be duly thankful H and should tbe county seat be moved then an extra XdO.OOO or ftiU.UUU may safely be added fer a new court house and th ex pease of removal. Kiad citizens, tak your last tax receipt aad add to it 15 per cent thereof the multiple thi amount by the numeral two, and it will give you an inkling ot the joy in store lor you, in 1904. In other words if you paid $100 taxea for 1902, then next year you will pay $000 plua $15 multiplied by 2, equal to $230.00 and if the county seat ia re tin providence and the County Commissioner onlv, can tell what vou will b required to pay. It ie freely admitted that the above Igure ar to torn extent an estimate, yet it i a careful one, and made after consulting th law on the subject and several of tbe county officers whose knowledge of theee matters can not ba questioned. Verily, the bubble of joy doth dance merrily in folly's cup,wbil the property owners pay th fiddler. Max Bxaa. SCHOOL MATTERS. The graduating exerciaea of th Rai nier ecaool will be held ia the opera honse, Saturday evening May 23. Toe following ia the programme. Fairy Drill IS small girlt. Selection by the Orchestra. Opening Addre.s by Marguerite Hill. The Hidden Stream The River of the West Estella Prichard. Lewis and Clark Alice Wilson Song Small boy. Th Maa with th Ha Justin Lorain Herman Selection by the Orchestra. Oregon Literature. Anna Katrina Moeck Pact, Rozena B. Sexton and Juatina Herman. The Beautiful Willamette Florence Zwemer. Kymybs of tb Cascades Roxena B. Sexton. Selection by th Orchestra. Address to graduating clasa by Rev. Taggart. Duo tie Quartet. Soprano, Raby A. Jackson, Alio Perry. Altos, Mrs. C. I. Hooghkirk, Laara Propst. Tenor, G. B, Joensoa, J. H. Kemp. Basso, J. E. Bourne, A. L. Clark. Presentation of diplomat by Supt. I, U. Copeland. Selection by Orcbeatrg. Following ia the report of the Gobi school, in dittrict No. 37 for tb month ending May 8. No. of pupil enrolled, 36. No., day attendance. Average daily attendance, 23. Day abtsacc, 38. Time tardy, 3. Pupil neither absent nor tardy: Daily Jones, Mildred Jones, Freddi Psoplss, Maud Bishop, A lie Kratxe, Grover Kratz, Emma Buchr, Hatti Bucher, Orrie Cuehmgn. Mabklu E. Rose, Teacher. Report of tb Hudson school, district N. 4, for month snding May 8. No, of boy nro)Id 23. No. of girls enrolled 10. Whole No, enrolled 33. No. of day taught, 90. No day attedance, 486. Day absence, 64. No, of time late, tt Thoae neither absent nor tardy dur ing tbe month were; Leslie Larson, Rot Attoa, Robbie Peterson, Walt nd Elvara Rice, and Frank Parcher. V. Mybtlk Powell, Tta her. CASTOR I A far InfgnU utd Children. Tki Kbd Yea Han Always Bang.. FOOD Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must cat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoscs every day give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straightcr, loose joints grow stronger ana firmness comes to the soft i i. Wrong food caused the trnnhle. RicrritfonH will nirp it In thousands of cases bcott s Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT BOWNE. Chamlat. 400-4IS Pearl Straat. Nave York, jsc aad ti.oa; all .Inirxliia. HOULTON Quit chang week. in the weather thi Don't forget the Artiaaaa dance thi Friday aight. Mesdame tleashawa' viaited Port laud Tuc.day. Lota of people around now on account of court week. . Hight has been visiting inPottlaad the past month. ;3 Mr. N. A. Perry has been visiting in Seattle foi the past week. A gang of mea left last Monday to work on the Bunker Hill road. A few of our peopl viaited Corvalli last eunuav on tbe excursior. All re port a good time. Fred Frantx made a trip to Greenville Or., last Tuesday to attend the fuueral of the late Pheoae Rymal, who waa killed at that place last Mouday by fall ing oa a teace. Mr. Rymal was a mem ber of the Woodmen of thia place. We ar a til I famishing the Weekly Oregeoian aad Mist together fur a year aly $2.00. Subscribe aow. A Farmer Straightened Oat. 'A man living on a farm near here cams in a short liuie ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handed hun a bottle ol Chamberlain s ram and told him to use it frooiy and if not satisfied alter using it he need not pay a cent for it," says C P. ftayder, of Pat- teas Mills, Jt. 1. A few days later be walked into the store aa straight as "a string and handed me a dollar aaoing, 'give m another bottle of Chamber lain's Psin Balm. 1 want it in the house all the time for it cured me.'" For sale by Kdwin Ross, St. listen. FISHHAWK. Was. Elliot made a trip to Ctatakaoie Saturday. G. T. Dawalt, brought in a pew wagon Saturday, which be received from Chicago. Will Miller brought in his wile and Mrs. Carl, Sunday, from outride, a her they have been visilinc frieuds. Sunday was a regular fizzle of a day. A drixxl which wa not really a rain, 1 but wa too wat to be called sunshine, kept up all day. The editor of tb Chief must bav been short of chink laat week, therfor ha felt weak in the knees, Th next time th writer at Mist wants any thing tun or printed, just send aloug a little something in a bottle, and h will pub lish anything from a funeral sermon to a prixe fight. Ithedfobd's THE GREAT ftHHYMQICIHE Tbetlfard'i Black-Draught ha saved doctors' bills for mor than sixty Tears. For the common fam ily ailments, such a ermttipatioa, indigestion, hard colds, bowel eom plainta, chills and fever, bilious ness, headache and other like complaints no other medicine ia necessary. It invigorate and reg ulates the liver, assist digestion, stimulates action of tb kidneys, purines tha blood, and purges tha bowels of foul ccumulations. It cure liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, d laziness, chills, acha, kidney troublea, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, ciiea. hard colds and headache. Every drug gist has Thedford's BlacA-Diwight in 25 cent package and in mam moth siie or 11.00. Never accept substitute. Insist on having tha original mad by LtAC'haUanooga Medicine Company. I belltv Thsdforat BWx-Dru(M Is ths bast mtdkaw en sarth. Hat feed for any and swythtas. 1 1 family ef twsiv chUdrsn, sad far fear yttrt I hev kept them ea feet j sMtxati'Ty wKliiMaociara Btscs. Draught A. A GREM, lucwara. La, , BO E VIRCHOW AND HIS WAV 8.' ttrer Prereaeae Waa le, t Be Oa Mat Mia Maieh. Th U Profeasor Vlrcbow waa. In hi owu rouutry at leatt, almost fatuoua for hi excessive blunUe of speech a for hi very remarkable men tal attaluuieut, ay the Philadelphia Pre. Often he spoke to unfeelingly to the ttudeut who sat uuder him lu in lecture room mat iney ubt m known to lea re hi claaae and not re- turn. According to Berlin tradition. eue of the professor1 favorite re pile lo wrong aaewsr to ou of hi que. - tlona wtt: "Certainly not. Any cook would , know better than that." Ou the other hand, he teemed to ap preciate the aplrlt In tome of hi ttu deut which prompted them to anawer him back In very much hit own tone. One when be wat prealdlng In very old and faded suit of clot bee he turned suddenly upon euungir bhfui ""-n luln " Nm akd: "Do your eye teU you th truth? What color la thi coat of miner Without an Instant' hesitation th young man roe and aald: "I presume It waa once black. Now It la any color xcettt white." That atudent waa pasted. Ttsa Maw Wha Karea. Far ana woman who dominates her huaband In China there are doubt lee nine of tbe approved oriental (trip of humility. Nevertbeleae Chinese humor ou literature abound In reference to henpecked huaband. Professor Her bert Allen Ulle of tb University of Cambridge told on of tbeae stories: Ten henpecked husband resolved to form society to resist the impoaltloo of their wive. Tbe ten wlvee heard of the plan and while tbe meeting for or ganisation wa In progress entered the room In body. Nine of the rebellious bus bands fled, but th tenth one re tained his place, tppareutly unmoved by the unexpected visitation. Tbe ten wlvee, after smiling roa tetnptuoualy on the one man who re mained, went back to their home, well content with the succea of their raid. Th nine husband thereupon re turned to their meeting, reeolved to make tbe heroic tenth man tbe presi dent of tbe society. When they entered the room, bow ever, to Inform him of tbe honor. It waa found that he wa dead. lie had died of fright A waseeaH Game. Four wide one In the third and Ho gs n paraded! Dooley tilted th pellet to tbe outer most port precinct for hassock and Invested second citadel through Groo gin's Insane heave. Jones' agile mitt engulfed Smlth'a towerer to left gardeo, but failed to ferry It In before llogan'a extremities tolled tbe rubber. Donovan Jabbed a eolltslre to left pasture, stabling IKioley, but met his death purloining a hag. Ifucclna mtde three frantic lungea at the leather, but GufTe saffron muff let him amble down the trail to tbe Initial rooat. Duffy' ttet ruing gratner to right meadow Incinerated UufTt finger. Doyle dunked wifely to larboard, but Brown's swift letura of tbe globule contributed to U'lggln's demise at tb plate. Kansas City Independent O ths Tin I Vot H hrm 6MC Bgaatar ef aa4 lb Ttsv "It wa close ber, " said lb opium planter, "thai they caught a tiger cred ited with having dona to death 200 na tive. Only last weak while oat for walk I saw a lifter leisurely pa across the road. Ar you likely to be attacked? Well, I don't know. Ton may and may not, hot I rather think a bloyola woold frighten a tiger." Of course we aaid it would be rather lo to see tiger, that It would pro vide aa pprectated adventurous fillip. But, a a matter of fact, w regretted saving talked determinedly about tb absolute necessity of getting away with tb moonri. W triad to thak oar boet's conviction that it was at night tiger were on the prowl. But ba would aot accommodate a. Maybe, we conjectured, the animals keep close to the roadway, watching far victim. 80 a our Rover went spin ning along in tb mellow moonlight yea were strained ahead for any prowl ing object. Ooos there waa a qulok steadying down of pace. There wa torn beast running along. Id tha shade. It wasn't big enough for oamel. It wa too big for dog, so it most be tiger. Never a word waa said. Each pretended not to notio anything. Btill there wat an affinity of funk. "Now, I woo tier what brut that it?" on of ut t latt asked in a pretended don't ear voice. "Ob, nothing particular byena or eometblDg, " wa tb reply. All tb while tbe animal wa behaving la distinctly mysterious way. W could ea it dark form In tb gloom. It waa traveling ahead at a leisurely pace, oc casionally rottliug tb branches. W ettled down to dead crawl in it wake. Suddenly tbe brute strayed upon patch of moonlight It waa a poor lit tl insignificant donkey. TraveL i "Hall fries. Tb mill agent, importer or mann faotorer take order fur a Ho of goods from Jobber and from larg retailer for a fall opening supply, bat a great many of thorn ar tbos sold on a guar ' ante that is, tb buyer can return j what tbey do not sail a pretty mtt , business for tha buyer. When Use good ! fail to move at a ttlpoltted price, tb I toll era ar notified that a certain quaa. tity will be returned. Then new nego tiations begin. If tbey are in Jobbers' bands and tbe quantity is large, a driv may b ar ranged for; if not larg enough for thi sale may b arranged to a larger re tailor. Then corns bit announcement of a larg purcbaa from well known manufacturer or Importer, greatly be low cost, and being oootent with a mall profit tbey are to be sold below cost Vary often, therefore, these sales do not mean a lota to tb retailer or to the Importer, but usually to the maker of tb good, whether doineatio or for eign. Of course, boy era from agent who make np tb good Into garment or oonvart them Into bleached, dyed of printed article oanuot well fall back upon tb mills. -Textile WnrM 'Classified Advertisements 17OR HALK-A UUIIT UOWWUT I4 with oa good pair of par. Price, 7. 8. 0. IIKNKY, Kt. Helen. 1XIK 8ALK-A TWO YKiR OLD Url. V Jersey Hull Apply to John liouiton. ..on si 1 tiiukk INI) A UUAR- ., i,.... a.g,tM Vr inch fai m wagon, ale.) a good i,r.. 4 veare old. wetuht 11 w inc. ApMly i u, 0. UII.MON, HI. ileleni. - 7t . til UL WANTKIV-TO DO URN FRAL 1 housework, inquire at iioe W A NTK IV-HK V KK A I. PKRSO.N 8 of character ami g'HM reputations in each state (one In this county required) to represent and advertise old ettab linhed weslthv business house of sol Ml financial standing. Halnrv $21 .00 weekly with expenses additional. All payable in cash direct each Wednetdav from head officci. Hrae and carriage fur nished when necessary. Reference!, rncliie ell-ddresed envelop. Colo nial Co., rm, Dearborn St., Chicago. ArrreulKimn'' V K US old; weisht, UK) pounds; rsn be teen In Burt West's pastuie. John IMan, War ren. WANW)KVK.R IS ll HTKl ous persons in each stale to trarsl t-.r house established elevea veast and with a large capital, to call upon merchant and agenta for tncrvitful and pn'nmttiv lina. Permanent euaairenient. weeny cash sslarv of $18 and all traveling ex penses and hotel bills advanced each week. Experience not essential. Men tion rsfsrence anl enclose sen soure.wi envelope. THK NATIONAL. XA, liearborn St., Chicago. " WANTeT VOC NO MEN to prepare for Government Positions. Fine open ings in all lepartinenls. Examinations soon. Particulars Free, luur-fitale Cor. Inst., Cedar Repids, la. I FOR 8ALK-A bKCOM) HANI typewriter in good condition. Apply at tins office. ORGAN this office. FOR 8AI.E APPLY AT I WANTED A COI.I MBIA COI NTY 1 vouni bachelor desiies to rorresp.nd with a voune ladv with a view to mtr- monv. Is ths owner of some valuable 1 timUr land. Write to X. Y. Z., rare Oregon Mist, 81. Helens, the. THE PARTY IS KNOWN, WHO took Ihe shovel from the grade, and he Will save I ran hie bv reluming the same. T. E. Grewell, Road Supervisor of W ar- ren precinct. R 1 P A N 8 Tshalet Ilortor find A good prsfcriptioa For mankind Tile enl packet ! enu(li fnr uhiU Aeeat Th laaiii; buii; (SO mum) auaiaias a )u tusplf. All drutil.ls all lbsi. P.ofH. DIRECTORY Oregon stste r-ranra me.11 si Oregon Cut. Tuaa.. Mar 2, lB H II. l.l),Mittl; Mair fl. llowanf, tr.; A. T. Hailon. lat-1. rnlutnl.la ("mjritf Ft.mnna liratiga meala al Varaonta.Hal.. Ant 1.1'XM W a tounr. ntKe ler; ii. h. Itkgglna. tec.; I. It. Curian4, leel. Vail (Iranve . 191; maatt al Warren rat vi'ad altar lull mnoa. r. w. Aflama. naaiar; Mrs r. M. Mo.l, tee.; John Ihilaa. ten Yanklan Orange. No aot; meata aiarv atiav nsta ai K Kaf.plar. ma.ur; rlmrns Tarbell, see.', K H raimi. Met. aaial Orange, Nn. 0S: meata i Hal ) W. Armalrut.g. ruaaler, hetUf H fslsraas. asc .; A U. Ku4.lln.au. Wet. Hespio.a llratige. rto KTl: meela W Sal al 10 S. a... antl 4lk Weil, nigh' M Hilar farrall naa ter; t. I.. HoJa4aT,ec.: Mrs. tia W alia, terl, Vernonia Oranga. So. Wrt nan l Hal. J K. Doa. maaiar; nllllaaa Wtlana, tat ; S. u. HchoomAar, lact. Beaver Vallef Oraoga. Na. Its. meeia avarv tllarnatatai nlghl A C. Allan, raaalaa; Waa nls McKrs, aac.; B. Ao.lli.a. lael. Carlar (irovs Oranga. No. t'JO: maeli al Iks srhul honaaon 4tb Sal. w. a. Ymiav. naaiar; M. P. Ycniog. are.; Columbia t'r-aa lael. Ci.i.Saiila l.ranra. No. CI mee'a al ao.l lib Kalunlava V, H. Malar, maaiar. lira. A t. Mil ler, aee ; O. L hrtlm, Irei. Mllion 'Iranga. So Kj; mr.ii al Honlma ea lal a tki 31 Thara. ntghla. I. II. Cnpaland. raaa ler; Leota l.oaa. hk.; Mis. I. II. l oi.lanu. lael. Rainier Dranga. !fn r.'t. mreta 2d 4th at Hon, nighla. (Van BUiirhant. aia.lar; Mjrtl Hiahinan. aee.; i. B. E. Ilourne. lee'. Qninrv tiranga, No.S7I: naata M ana Sis Hat.. Mrs. Aiine rarellut, nailer; B. g. Cele man.lrct.; Mra. Lotus Ih'bbiaa. aae. Utbla tlranga. No , meati t and 4tb FH ftay nighla. M J. Hmler, maaiar; tt.ll Csai. at.; u. Injgaw. Itci. Kecretarlea are raouaatad to was la ur. ralliinaof Ihl dlrarlorv. coi.'mtv ornctM. Repreaenlttlv Martin Bnlh, Rainier Juuga .Joaanh tNran, Mainiar : ... . Haltan, tit. Helena; .... K. Koaa. Melrea ,.1. U t'Opalamt, Moitlioa ' ... A. T. I.aaa. I laukaala ... W.T. Walla, keanaauae H. Hamlarann, Mavgar. ' H. I.. I'ulvln. Mar.hl.nd ... W. U Caae. rillahnrg ' Dr H R CUB, at. Helens, herlg Treasurer Suut. al Hcbools. Aaaaaanr , . . . . tnrvaror ..... Clara Coraralailoncra Ooroaer a. r.ak a. JI. SI. Il.lana ldga. "In. n, meeia lt and rd Bat. mania C, ll.Jonns, w. m.; C. .. Uulrk. aee. I. O. n. r. HI. Helena lodge. (o. 117, meets averv Hal. nlghl. Dr. H K, Cliff, n ; u lsvtes, aae. K.wf r. Avon I.odga, ftr, , maela evarf ' k. of r. sod a. I . K . Mltpah Chanter No to. meets nit ami atn oat. nignia. alni. Mian Dart, w. I Mra. rrsnret Johna, see. H.. A rs Temple. No It. meets tat and trd I Thnr. nights. Mra l.ntr lira;, m. s. s.; Mrs. oaran xuira, m. Ol r. snu s. t'. A. Hottltnn Asaemhlv, No. SO, meets sv. try Frl. night. 1. II. Copland, m. a.; Mrs. M. J. Hen.haw.aee W. O. VAV. liouiton Camp, No UA, meets svarv Bat. night. O. c. Clark, o. a.; frail frauti, W.O. W. Ilrmllnn Clrele, Ne. CIS, meats every Tsea. night. Mrs. Winnie Bsilev.i. n.; Mra. Kale Parry, dark. "., GEORGE A. HALL ATTORNEY- AT- LA W 8T. HELENA . OBEUOM. The Mist Hotel ' Coder tb management of - MRS. F. M. DIPPOLD Is tbe Leading House CI.IAH BHD riasT claki Mtai.t M1!!.? LI! .JU'A0 " Mist, Oregon Who's Your Tailor? No matter quit bim. Wht ii the use of paying fancy prices for tailored clothes when you cm walk into our store and get au IJlielllimtMl Tailor-miulo Suit (or one- half the original value? Suits, unclaimed. Top Coats. J 7 50 12.50 to Special reduction on hcavy-w'g't Trousers ,95 to 4.95 Remember these are unclaimed. FARNSVYORTH-HERALD CO. H Washingtna Hi., Portland, Or. J. F. ODONNELL Top Biiie.s Ss"ir nd up. O pen B i tzn i s S 8." p- Belt and Horse Power Hay Presses. Decriug Binders, Mowers, and Rakes. Hodges " " " " Buckeye 44 Hay Tools, Plows, Harrows and Pun.p, New Oxford Cream Separators. Milburn Wagons, Bnggics and Hacks. Colurabns Buggies and Carriages. Have you ever bought a pair of shoe of tbe Knight Shoe Co. If not f Why not ? Come yourself. Send friend. Or a mail order. Money refunded if shoes are not satis factory. All styles and prices fron 50c baby shoes to $8.50 logging boots. (The largest and most complete line of loggers' and cruisers' shoes in the Wct-t, Chip pewa Falls brand.) Walkover and Sorosis, $3.50 & $4. Bii.t Well, fa.50 Oseeell serktw Male! artlaw. )eeaesj ITHE NEW YORK STORE Hss jnst r seel red a larg lateie l Spring Goods, Shoes, Dry fowls, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. 1. MOEGUO, E Cooper Building. Main Street, St. Iffieoi. Oregon. VP j?! OrricH, Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments Cy ( Mail. Boat. M aad H, Wstblagten Bid., Boatbea.t ornr Wak. aad 41b It PORTLAND, Take Elsvster I Fifth Fleer. $2 The Mist and The Oregonian, $2 rDUWi-BOttllT PlIPU INOULB TO TBI Clatskanie Drug Store FOB TBIIB Drugs and Medicines caoira Toilet Articles and Perfomerj Br. J. g. HALL, fop,,,!; Ciar.,a,, Kit; ... h J v: VI . Vs i ts , $25.00 25.00 208 FRONT STREET PORTLAND. OREGON Tasaaa iOfflr, Ho 414 (Hss. ? 147 OREGON. f Ami nni A AM uvn ociiuuii Baiaa Bsorasst, riOMITOIS -Oalj tss Seat - Li(Q8rni(Ciimiirtii Stick GYROS KOBLE . 44 ethss sater kraaas aJ ahlakiss si ears I WEINHARO'S BEER sa araeajkL l Ton Benton" Cigars. f All II 1 1 steal se.aertas4 tkr tee alar sar4lsals. eejvf .g, SaySVavfV J