The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 08, 1903, Image 3

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By The Big Sawmill!- 9
- i
U Bcrlviiig New VwnU Every day in the Week. W
tioH of Long shanding
m -. 1 iitWlVJli;JMkJUB I
I Dart &
A fcit. HfU'iu, -
Patronize a drug store when yon
want pure, fresh aud reliable
Drugs and Patent Medicines
.'crfuiuery, Toilet Articles, Etc.
A l'ine Line of Writing Supplies.
J Plain aud Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc.
Direct from Pablisber Regular 25 cent NoielsOnlj 10 Cents
1 V V V-VV- I 4
..e-c.B i
Qirr.cs a Large and j
Well Selected Stock of
Flour and Feed, j
AAAAAAAA AAftAAIiAAA at ea eta eifc afa ewe ansa.
Dr. A F KNODER. Dentist
Wilt remove hit .1 mal vffl.-e lo llt new MOHAWK BM ., corner Third
snd It .jrrisua Nil. alien finished, P.esenl office at
317 Failing Building,
Cor. Third and Washington Sts., Portland, Ocgon
, .I.- i. ...1.
ANWctolik Prtparalion for As
slmfiatlng tkroodandKetiula
ting the S toBMdo ami .Jewels of
Promote a DidesUoiv.Chff rfut
ncss and RcstContalns neither
OminT.Morphlne nor rfiisCial.
IHrm JWf -
FHFWjBBne, yseW1
A perfect Rrmedy for Consllpa
lion, Sour Stoouch.Diarrnoca
Worms Convulsions feverish
ncss and Loss or SUR
TacSimiU 3ifjivnturof
, a"
H tr.T copy op WiMPPf ft.
lor Ouly tin ltsat In
SE $
Muckle, S
Oregon. S
IS 01? THE
Oailorle ! pr. P ' "M,M ,,'',t,,, "'?
A: Mt
lXr iir
fit -w a a
HlcycU mnJrlei nt M , C. llmy'i, 8t.
JIHbih. ' '
Dupont A Aum, 0( VJIv, mvt lot
."'K.ilvh.iioM Kt. IwDa.
Vll III! 10 atTS lllmw ! Vt ..rU.. ... i)..
uiniufrniiiiii 01 7'W.
Itach Trot Ul,kf at tb Owl ia
ion, Brtnii lr.n propiletora, direct
li'iin K1111.1 City, M..
Now I 1 ha mikiii (or ctiaiing rarp
011 llm lowl.iij niMilowa along th CV
liimbla rlvar and alouKlia.
A d aaairtmiint ol glorai at M. C.
'' Ht. Iilu.. Huvcial attaution
rallad loour ladiea' (rdn clovea at
iWi: a pair.
H'nry Morgua haa ad.Jad a full Una
ot lurnitura U Mora ol gnral itiar
chaalia :kjra, udatad, ate, and a
aompli line,
J. K. Dow, who WMovtr from Varno
nia thii w.rk, iiatrd that lha roada
rr hi tlin worat condition that ha haa
aver m-en them,
All linaa of nir atock ara now mnr.
complete than eer hefore, and eoma
new unei neve Oeeii added. M. C.
Uiar, Hi. Helena.
When you go to Miat atop at the new
hotel In the Merrill huildmr, under the
liianeKvment of Mra. K. II. Uippold.
Clean bed and flrtt clma meala.
Attention ia called 10 the f,rt that I
tow retry the moat complete amort
tent of oila and palnta to I fonnd in
Coluiubia county. M. C. (Jray. Ht. Hel
He. II, Moya, of Rainier, will hold
eeiTii'ee In the Methodim Kpiarupal
rkurch at lloultnn next Hunday morn
ing and in the ht. Helena church In the
When you want a p'eaaant pheaic try
Cliainheruiiu'a hloinmh mid Tab
eta. They ale eaar to take and dI
antlneirwl. loreale by Edwin IUi,
If yu have anything for eale, or want
to buy any tK-i-il article, deiire em
ploviiienl or want help, inner an ad
veitieeinviit In the claailied column.
Tlie Columbia Ciunly Abstract A
Trul Company'a olBi-a haa been re
peinU'd and aorae new furniture in
tallwl. It preeenla a much improved
Hume of the atockhol'iart of the Rain
ier Lumber Company hve bMtight
uil in the Miiltnouiali county circuit
court lor the appointment ol a receiver,
and the rourt baa taken lha mailer vo
der advirement.
lira, ililena ftonnick waa buried at
Vernoiiia Monday, hhe recently under
went an oieraiion in Portland, and
over exerted herarlf after returning
home, againet lha advice of ber phyti
cian. The n-ault pruned laial.
The county board of peaaion examin
era held their regular monthly meeting
Toemlay. Tl.rre were two candidatea lor
exanilnution, one having leen ordered
over from Vancouver, Weh., bv the de
partment for aperial examination.
The firm of iledgea A (iatlnwav. land
lawrere ai Urmon City, ate doing uiue-
tentha of the land buainee in Coiiunhia 1
county. Mr. (ialloway'a long experience :
aa rei-eier ol the Oregon City Ijind ol
tiee, pa.'Uliarly ilia him fur Una buai- j
K. Pecker, millinery, haa moved from !
r'irat end halinon treel, Torilaud, j
where the atore waa located for many
vt-era paat, hi elegant new .juxrtert at
SI4 Tmr.l ureel. It ia now the moat
complete uiilllitery eaiabliubmaut ia
rortlaud. j
Maurice Carr, a well known dairy
man, of t'ifhhawk, it improving hie
heid by the addition of t borough birda.
He purcha-ed a thoroughbred Jereey
hull Inim II. Weet, of Hcappouae, which
w (hipped dow n on the Sarah Ihxou
TneM'ay night.
J. 1). Nimau had a hearing before
Ju.nri Hviuoada at Haiuier Tueeday,
on the ailrged charge of aeaaultinc a j
Mr. Urrgg wit ll a pteioi. air. rumen
aet up a plea of aell delenae, and the
matter will be further invreligalrd by
the giand" jury.
W. I. Heed, manager of the Uainier
t,nmlr Company, wai arreaied lent
TntirwtUy by )eptily Kith Warden Web
ier on a charge of dumping eawdual
into the Willametto river. Heed had a
hoaring in tha juatice court, and waa
fined tM, which he paid.
Ed llolme, f Si-appooae, waa in town
Wednesday. He elated that quite a
nun U-r ol railroad carpenter and other
ganga were employed on the Northern
I'jcitie railroad, making cotttiderable
hie in that neighborhood. Mr. Holme
haa moved into hia neat, new cottage,
recently completed.
The Medford Hueceee, puhlinhed by
Clmrlea Haitve. haa auapended publi
cation. It waa a live, enterprmng aemi-
eeklv per, hut the publisher ttatetl
Unit tiie ciiiena did not appreciate a
pogreive paer, and concluded to try
another Held. There are ait ill four newa
papera ltdl in Medfoid.
At the meeting of the Rainier city
council Mumlav night the retail liquor
licenae waa 'aii-ed from iW to $ti(W ptr
auniim. There are already foul aid' 011a
in Rainier, and a fifth oae will open up
horllv. W ith five talnon in tanning
order, the town of Rainier will get a
revenue of 3,(H0 per year.
Hciirv Monrua haa rei-eived another
elegant lot ol ailverware. the et con
(i.iiogof knivea and fork, apoont and
impkin ring. Each raatomer at the 1
ai tiu ia given a ticket with each canh !
piirchane and when the total reachea
Hie auiounl of lift, the pun-hater will
lie entitled to a 11 of ailverware.
Herman A. Wehtler, deputy llah war j
den, llh-d co'idcmnatioii proceeding! in I
the circuit court Wedneeday againet
hfhneta eelxeil during the -loae eeaon,
tha propei lie of R. K. ttraham, of (10-
l,lB; Hall, of Rainier, and John
Hoe, whone name ia tinkm wn. Jmlg
mentaud couhiatioii ia aked for.
Mra. William (S.illovvay, of Oregon
,.r..uniM.l Lewi A ('lark Wom-
en'a'lHiih at Clatakanie Tuetday, and,,
the following ollhura were elected:!
iWdenl, Mr. Annie J. Convert ; vice
preaidenl, Mrt. Mrv f.e; aecond vie-!
preaident, Mra. A. V. miner; urnn..,,
Mr. ()ra.a Tichenor; ttentiier, Mia.
Mary Rr.vant.
The ateamer, Parah Dixon, haa now
changed to the niintner . hedule. Mia
no leave for Oak l'oint ami way land
ing 011 Sunday evening oclock.
Leave Cortland lor Clatakanie and way
'mlingTueadav and Thiiraday even
iiinn at oVI.x'k. Reinrning, h'vea
Clatakanie on Wednemlay and rriday
evening at 4 o'cUrk, lid pemiitting.
Kpring ia here, and o i
mv new
Hi.iing tock, all new g'Hlt, nothing
.. on. For h. !:' hat- -ind dre.
, ...,..
in. lo-liini! g'.", i.'.o '
,1(10.1- illi' tore lend all
1 ' 1 Mlit'r in nv
inn . .In-'
llert Itralm I again n regular on the
ainer America.
Erwln BefTert, of Deer bland, wa in
St.. Helena Tueeday.
Attorney W. II. Cvnyen wa op Irom
Clttktni Saturday.
County Surveyor W.T. Wntt wa In
from HcappooM Wednetday.
Mra. Bell Miller, of Yankton,
viaitor in Ht. Helen Monday.
Rev. Lew Davie and Cat Kelly, of
Warren, war in town Saturday.
O. I,. Tarbell, the Yanklen creamery
proprietor, wai in town Tacaday.
City Recorder R. Co hat been pend
ing week at Cortland and Wood mere.
Newton McCov, well known attor
ney, of Cortland, waa in town Wednet
day. Mr. and Mra. A. A. fiinith. of Yank
ton, were viaitor in Ht. Helen Wednee
day. Mr. Henry tiaga, of Neatucca, ha
been viaiting relative her for leveral
Road Supervisor B. N. Lovelare and
F. Defiant, ol Rainior, were in fit. Hel
en Wednesday.
George R. Fitxgerald, an old resident
of ihe .Nehalctn on Rock creek, ia re
ported to be very ill.
Mr. J. B. Godfrey went Anton Sat
urday to viait her djughUr, Mr. May
Morton for a fw day.
Mr. J Q. Gag and children left
Monday morning to apend the week
with her parent iu Clac-kamaa county.
Mr. and Mr. J. II . Beaver and Mr.
and Mra. Goorge Leonard, of Bcappooe
precinct, were in St. Ilalent iat lbura
Calvin Howard, a managar of a taw
mill, near Rainier, wa viaiting at hi
home, near Yankton during lha paat
weea. ,
Charle Bergeraon hat changed hi ad
dret from iohle to Vernonia. He waa
in town Tueaday on hi way home frora
Ed C. Gittner and Lorlng K. Adam,
two prominent Salem attorneya, were
vi.itiag relative in lha city during the
paat week.
C. Either aad family bay returned
to St. Helen from Woodland, Waah.,
h having accepted a pot n ion in the
eawniill here.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Holcouib, of Port
land, united their daughter, Mra. W. K.
Dillaid larl Sunday. Grand Guy Hol
comb. alto wa down for teveral daya.
Mr. and Mr. M. 81x0a left the drat
of the week foi Albert, near Knappa,
Claleop county, where they expect to
remain until Auguat. Mr. Saxon will
engage in fishing there.
John Wolcxak and famile, of Valley,
were in town Tueeday en their way
home from Curllaud.' Mr. Wolcxak
made the proper application for cilizen
thip papera before the county judge.
Mr. and Mr. M. F. Haxen. of War
ren, were viaitora in St. Helen Wed
nredey. Mr. Haxen recently (old hi
pet cub twar and ihe akin and oil from
the old ahe-bear that waa killed, for the
lump oiuof $25. The al wa made
iu Cortland.
County Judge D an waa in town Mon
day, and taU-d that the Clugh door and
till lactory had nut yet tiarled up, aa
null of the machinery had yet been
daced in noaiiion. However, the en
gine anil boiler have beer placed in po
anion, and It i expected that the bigea will atart up before many
daya. Dean Blaucbard ha platted 16
acre on the bind back of the d r fac
tory, and the lota are going rapidly ai
t.,0 and 75.
Too Great a Ktak.
In almoat every neighborhood eome-
nmm ham .I -t I r. .... I. Ml iM.'k of fl I ! IO n.
cholera mnrbua, often before medicine
could be procureil or a pnyaician rum
n.uneil. A reliable remedy lor thee
diaeaae ahould b kepi at hand. The
riik ia too great for auyone to take.
ChamlM-rlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy haa undoubtedly aaved
the live of nior people nd relieved
more pain and (ufTering than any other
mediciae in ue. It can alwaya be de
pended upon. For eale by Edwin Roea,
M. Helena.
Baal Ettat Traaarers.
Charle Andrew to M. J. Kinney;
quitclaim to lota 1,2, 3 and 4 and X ol
wt, of eeotion 19, and e4 of aw and
lot 1 and 2 and t1 of section SO, 6, 1,
Columbia Logg"( Company, (by A
C Mi ljireii, receiver, to Daniel McKin-n-.n;
quit claim ee1 of w of aettion
21,7.2, $MX).
Jamea Conk lev to Swen M Bundatedt;
tract in leu SO, 8, 3, 5, 193 40.
Eatate of J N lolph, by Richard
Nixon and C A Dolph, truateee. to Ches
ter V Dolph, et al; lota and block ia
Gilmer' ad to Columbia City, $1.
Jetae and Carrie Fineout to Wilran
Cat Lumber Company; tiu'er and
right of way on ne'4 ot nw of tec 2,
7,2. II,
Fred and Mary E Girt to Wileon Caa
Lumber Coiupauy; timber and right ol
wav on vr'i of w and. w oi eli u'
sec'20, 7.2, foul).
II O and L-icy Howard to John M
Stehman; quit claim of nwtj of
tec 29, 7, 2, l-UXI.
Peter Y Johneon, by aheriff, to An
tone liar her; lax deed to lot 2, eeo 32,
4, I.tO.OU.
Charle Johneon to Wilson C
lasr Company ; ue' of ne' 01 eo 29, 7,
2, MAI.
M J Kitterlng to Daniel McKinnon;
timber deal, iu sou 17, 7, 2, $1 per thou
snd. Jargen H C-tert to Yean, Pelton Com
pany ; tract in 4, 6, aud 7, 3, $1.
John M and Sarah K Stub uan to Wil
eon Caae Company; timber and right of
way ou ne4 ol ne of ec 30, 7, 2, fHOO.
Same to tame; tract in 7, 2, 1.
Philip and Caroliue Selling to E C
Stanwood and ti A Slierniau, at al;
tract iu 5, 2, XoOO.
I Sianwood, E 0 and Tekrl Stanwood
to C W Sherman, el al ; certmu Hauls,
Mile and Mary A Sheerin to William
Doherty, lota 1 ana 2, block 36, Moeck'a
ad. Runner; fl.
Fred Trow to William Doherty; lot
1 and 2, hloi-k 36, Mocck'aad to Haiuier,
lh noit Villiger to A M Smith ; mS ol
ec 24. 4, 3, 11200.
Card f Thanks.
The underaigned dcair to exprean
the r appreciation of the kindly eervicve
, sieuih-.l 'iv the fM"plinf Vernonia and
viciuitv diiiiop theia-l liti.ataand death
of ilie.r child.
klr. and Mm, J. W. Remlh.
This I th kind of weather to hav.
It make everyone bay a loot: opinion
I himaelf.
Bennle Birkenfeld, of Deep Creek, at
tended Sunday-achool Sunday.
Elgin Caplea and titter, of Jewell,
paaard through Fithhawk Sunday en
route home.
The Mine Ettella aad Alio Jeaet,
of Veaper, had their name placed on
the Sunday-ohool roll Sanday.
Mr. Bear, who 1 teaching th Deep
Creek school, attended Huuday-tcbool
at Fithhawk Sunday. Still they come.
The more the better.
Trout aad eenaible fih bits ai a true
bait, but tucker, like "Bill," bits at
any oid thing th mall carrier ay.
Th meteor, which waa teen t Port
land and point ou th Colombia, aio
wa obnerved by people on th Neha
lem. '
If thi fin weather continual, th
road will toon be ao peopl can go
toiiiewher in a rig, without getting
tiueared with mud. A parly of young
folkt were out Sunday in a apriug wag
on, aud seemed to be having a good
About two week ago Ben Birkenfeld,
of Deep Creek, captured a big bear in a
trap. A week ago Tbnreday Willie
Brrkeufeld also captured one. Satur
day, E. E. Mogberg ahot a big one tbat
weighed over 400 pound. The John
ton boy, of Veaper, get on ia a trap,
but he got away and left juit anongb
greae lo oil the apring good. If they
keep on at thi rata tha wood will soon
be bar of bear.
Ia the Clatakanie Chief we notice that
'Bill" uiaket a few remark about a
kia-ing bee and a bow bores. Of th
kitting be we p return he mean yel
low jacket, at lhy make about a lett
ing and leelmg a kit anything, but
of tb how horte? Well, if anyone can
give a good deecriptioa of men aa ani
mal, it will relieve the curiosity of a
good many people, who are iatereaied.
Mr. Joseph Poroinville, of Stillwater,
Minn., after baying ipent over $2,000
with the belt doctor for ttomacn troub
le, without relief, waa advised by bia
drnggiat, Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a
ox of Chamberlain' Stomaeh and
Liver Tablet. 11a did so snd is a well
man today. If troubled with indiges
tion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of ap
petite or eonatipation, give iheae Tablet
a trial, aad you are certain to be more
than pleaeed with th result. For tale
at 25 cent per box by Edwin Rosa, St.
The bill are out announcing a grand
ball on the I61I. of thi month, to ba
given by tb U hi ted Anita a.
The N. P. will reduce the rata to Port
land on Preaident R veli' yiail. The
rate will be one fare for the round trip.
The Dntch Band of Uoolton are en
gaged to play during lha Praaident'a
vieit in -Portland, .nit!.
Jame Riwley, section foremen, re
ceived order from the N. P. to hv hi
men stationed along the track while the
Preaident t eea by. Charlie Perry nave
that h will have' hi old (hot gun in
good order.
County Surveyor Watt wa in Houl
ton Monday evening.
N. A. Peny i doing some needed im
provement on hi tor and property.
George Gnndertnn, of Portland, ia uting
the brualt. If our titter town, 8t. Hel
ena will only follow toil, we eaay ataad
a good chance of holding tha county teat
Hell 1 Did yon come dvera in the boat T
The lateat.
.limuiie Bonnick from Weatport, ia
vititiug here for a few day. Jim ha
been laid up with a pet on hi hand for
a week or mora.
A number ol our people attended the
funeral at 8i-ppooe last Sunday. Th
deceaaed wa formerly Mis While. She
died in Portland of cootumptioa.
George Kelley said he was getting
tired of eating eoniiuoa food, lie eats
carpet tacks now.
Meadames J. E. Black and Kemp vis
ited Portland laat Tuetday rooming.
Mr. Thompson, our blaakatnith, haa
all tae work be can attend lo these beaa
tit il daya.
LeBarroa Crouss went to Portland one
day laat week.
County Ateeeeor Law wa a patten
ger 00 the A. A C. for Rainier laat Tuea
day morning for Rainier.
Wn. Slaughter and Jame Sheldon
visited Cortland laat Monday morning.
Many of our farmer have their crop
in for thi year.
The first excursion of th eeitoa
pfcaeed tint place last Sunday going to
Seaside with shout 12 cars loaded with
people and booxe.
Charles Braddock, tha swift clerk in
Perrv' (tore, wa een down around
I tear It land laat Tueaday.
Caapleta Stack.
Men' and boy' clothe, with a gen
eral line of shoea, ia to ha fonnd on tha
corner of Firat an I Yamhill (treat,
Portland, at John Dellar'a ator. Wa
claim saving you 20 per ceal. on price,
in comparison with high-rent tor'
price, lor your own benefit. Inveiti
gatt her before you invest elsewhere.
Walter Girt, f Baialer, Drvwaed.
The ateamer Hasaalo on her down trip
Wednesday night ran againat
Girt'a fihboat with fatal ratulta. The
boat waa found yesterday, but no trace
of lha mining nun had been fonnd up
to 10 o'clock yeaterday morning, al
though severs I boat were out with grap
pling hooka. Girt waa about 30 year
oid, and left a wife and child.
All dUaaaea af Silases.
uaaer, urinary urease.
a 10 Bntnmautat, aae
prepay, rmal Trenail
Seat ttteta alseewrag. Tsar la a
art fer yea. It cwtwy write Dr. Feaaar.
haa apeat a lit time earlag last ewaa
eaaeeaa yeera. All esDaeltaUoaa rra.
"For year I bad backache, eevera pales
aeraaa kidneys and scalding arise. 1 could
not get ou t of bed without help. The use ol
Dr. Fanner'a Kidney and Backache Cur ra
wred Die. O. WAGONER. K eohavllle. Fa."
Druaxltt. Me.. 1. Aik forOooh Book-rre.
r.r sale by M.C.Gray, St, VUleaa;
j'to Bail'-y A Briun, general ater
rhanti at Uoultoa.
leooat Herb
Brag. Head aeeMaf ma. ft it'.tt
talN. Freight cbtr(et paid.. 9lO
et Lagglagr eaaee $
Vtaalat ttHlria Hi io.(n
bik lain HtrtMi..,, Ol Ja
send for our General Catalogue, HiMiea
mi pr.c OB
i V
Pacific Mail Order Company
leeoad aad ailmoo Hu.. Fortland, Ortfoa
Mono TO
214 Wr4 It. Cereec af tmlmn
Portlsnd, Oragoa
A Cempleu aatortmeMot aelteted
pattera halt, alto a lot of triaaad
bait at frailly relured neet. Tea
ara eerdlally Invited 1e call and ti
Spring Styles
Alonso Jonia returned from Portland
Ye ; our town i booming a hotel, a
boarding house aad likely a coffee
houte, also a quick menage delivery of
fice. Dava Lane paaaed hia 49th mi lee tone
on lait Monday. Wa wish him many
happy returi..
In anawer to the new-woahl-h night
ingale queetion of laat week, wonld asy
that the two nightingales aia of a differ
ed feather ---e waa born in old Ken
tacky where tha meadow grata it bine;
thara't the tunahin of her country in
her face and manner too. Tha other
wa bred ia tbe wilda of Oregon; aa
pie in New Orleans, wa cake ia Phila
delphia, but in Mit it waa beana.
Charles Philipelor it clearing land,
and hi ranch, will, ia tha near future,
be one of the finest in tbe Nehalem.
"Nig," one ol tha fattest trotters in
the Nehalem, carried off tba laurel at
Clatakanie on last Sunday. Tba owner
i Harold Dippold, of Milt.
The Miat Hotel will soon receive a
new coat of paint.
Once more tha screech of the Fiah
hawk i heard from the wilderneee.
Why don't tome one cage the bird?
W hal a fine birdling ba would make for
the aiylum at Salem.
Frank Lonkey, rf Deep Creek, will
toon leave tba Nehalem aad Mill at
Klamath Fall.
Freih fith ia eaoa every Friday, and
peeial Paaday dinner at tha St. Helens
Dart A Muckl hav received a com
plete line of oient' clothing, ranging
from $7.50 to $15. Call and inapect
Remember when yon go to the .lower
Nehalem, that you can gt clean bed
and 6 rat claae meali at the new hotel in
Miat. Mre. F. M. Dippold, manager.
R. li. Robinson and tha Lop Bros.,
have purchased the Watt reeidenc
property on tbe hill back of the Oriea
tal Hotel. Tha price paid was $550.
snd the property couaiate of dwelling
and two Iota.
The Daily leaning Journal and Tux
Obkoom Mist, aia inonihe for $2. Th
Evening Joarnat i Portland' lira, in
dependent daily democratic paper.
Docket Far Tie May Term f Ceart
Which Convenes Taeaday, IJth.
Hatter of anitrnmeatol Boas hanehard.
Ltwtt Lav vt Jonslbtn Tic.
Alice Aodertoa Kootrt L. Aadertsa.
A U Miller n kacfcel I Ui.
Kermk i Mawart sallie au W i Etc.
h 1 Ko star Locgnw aad Leabering Co.
huMiw bm'ih, et al. As9t-ry W al
N W Kaunuw va Mary Knait at al.
AJolph Kritnil vt J A ka.d, atal.
scurli s-.vinj & Iru.t Company vt Gobi,
Ncbalan A Pactu Kailway Coasaay.
C W Nouiattkam va k Bruwa.
a Ko.h, aanirnee, va tluauis l.oftt Cu.
K R fau-h vt W I) Plus.
II J kinate va to Wik. Irani Mai.
Kuell k iv wa;! Joan a Ertekanh.
kiiiiHr 1: Farruw oral, t A Nevlu, arfa.
Aaaucls Joknaou va Archibald Juk.iaoe.
Levi hall s R 0 Sevaseel ai
M B-Hk. aaaixnee. va Waller VMmlth.
Julia Kefuer va E N binary.
laniard 6 Nn ra Mabel Al ttaaen.
Kmc Baltaaifer vt Uu italanaler,
F M surk vt a H Dolaan.
Bert Mt Kluaier vt JeKlnater.
B K Nicholas va W H D.ilman.
I B Keeler v. Mary i Koaler.
Jaaea Muckte, r. et ai, va Jamet Good,
Aabcriui Uulmea va O i Holmea.
W B Oillard vt C d Brraut al.
MoUjaaka Butler vt Barney Batter.
Isaac D Petara va W C Briaiol, et ai.
6 A MilON va John oaudstrotn,
J c KiKleaion vt Al'ee t minion.
W H buoaon r Alice M tKibain.
Eliiabeih Hallpenur vt lbs Banaea Logging
A Luabartu Company.
tieurne P Murray va Hartnaa Snfih et al.
Kobert M Tamock yt Alice Rowans Taiaeek.
William Brobat vt Mary C Brobau
bora Hollos aa L Bolton
J Callahan vt M Baaendurf.
Kllf 11 Mlainer v: miiri H Klaloar.
Edith L Taylor vt Arthur K Taylor.
Baasic Hlnda v Robert HinJv
.loha MaynarJ va B Birkaniaid, et al.
Throilore Aoiiar-on v Cbariea K Aahman.
F J va Kiiima Pralll.
Martha C Bickaall va Kmnry Birknell.
Ada Kvauuwich va Oominick Evanowleh.
Jennie Baarield Juhn B hrlrkwii.
Micbaal I'teUra va K D Potter et at.
Wella Fargo A Co. va Columbia County.
L P Ayleaworth va J M Archibald.
C O Castea vt t Vivian
Richard Martin jr va Martin Whit.
Cl.vda Hlcharda va Ccluubla LmKlng Cora
panv. V alfnlluaUlanaehl vt A Barker, etal.
K U'her A Sana 8 llallui.
Josauh Havburn vtO W Col".
O W Card ad 11 C Card aa vt S Ban Flume Co.
a M Kice vajohn Prkr.
K O Uarliug va The I'ttuhurg Mill Coaipaaj,
F A Bailay vt Grant Laudeaa.
Jo-eih Iaoik raGeurga Brou?htnn, et al.
Uarman KramSr vt W H kcclaa, el al.
Chaa VV NSlMit. vaCha. ErirkMiU.
John HendrMkw v.ii tv Col.
B KAiultk vtMclrtyreA Viact-nt.
Jahu itarrla Vk F Vivian.
Mary C Campl ell at al va Albert Merrill, at al
Jamea Sim kit, r et al va fearek C Lemuut et
t'lmbsr Und, Aet Jans 1, 17.
nonet ron rutuetTioM.
Cmitsd 8taT I.tas Orrin,
Ore con City, Oregon, May a, 190X.
i pliaocowith the provisions of the act ol
Confteaa of Juns S, U;, ea.illed "An art for
the aale of limber landa in ths Stales of Lai I lor
aia. Oreguu, Nevada, and Washington Terrt
tore." as exteaded to all ike Pahlie Ijtod
bv "act ef Annual 4. 192. Ira B Melseu fwrasrly
lva II. HtroBShaa, of Penland.. eunly of Mull
aomah, State wt Oiegoa.haatblt day NMd ia this
office ber sworn staismrsi Nw. biA. for the ptir.
cha-s ot the sH ot eel. et teciioa , ia tows
ahlp 4. b. range No. I weat. sud will ofler proof
lo show that ths land aeitgbt la mors valuabls
for lit llm ber or none than lor agricultural pur
pose., aad to establish herelalm to aaid land ee
lore the Rcglaier aad Receiver of that effiro st
Oregon fit v. Oregon, on tatardsy, ths Uth day
of July. IMS.
She names at wltncasea: Cera Bisks, F. W.
Vsrnev. and Mllaa F. Meleen, t Psnlasd.
Oregon; snd Al Psrksr, ol Pltlabur. Orates.
Any snd sll person claiming ad
versely tbs above-described leads are
reqaettsd te ate tkeir claims le this
ofliuseaor be lore said 1Mb dsy ol July, IMS
m;l ALitXO ( iilESiigR, Reciter
It does net cost you any more
to travel on tbe
"North Coast Limited"
than it does
any other train. Try it and
yoor verdict will be
It's the crack train of them all
Assistant General Paeeenger Agent,
VA Morrison St., Corner ef Third,
Portland, Oregon.
la the rirralt Court ef the Stat el Oaagea ee
Colaahla County.
Edith L. Taylor, PlaistirT
Arthar B. Taylor. Dafaadaat
yos are .squired le tpaoar aad aatwer tha
th complaint dlrd asaiuc you Is the abev
antitled court oa or baton the ttk day el May.
1KB. lo wit:
Oa or before tlx ereekt afur March XI. I,
tbat befaf an weaka after tha dais ef lbs frat
publication of thla tuaaonl. Aad If yos fall
to ao ajper or aatwer aaid eoaptalnl. Ihe
plaintiff will apply u the court for Ihe relief
therein prayed lor. For a decree of divorce dis
solving forever the bond, of matrlaaosy sew
exiaio hetweea pialntia ael defendant above
named and givin and granting lo plaintiff the
ear aad ce.t,l j 01 the minor child, the ef
aaid marriaxe. aaaaly. Eather Mabel Taylor:
and alas Judgment aye I ait yea for the earn ef
lle.00 per month sntil the aeid ebild bather
Mabel Taylor, becomes of are snd alee for
Judgment for the eoete aad diahureementa ef
thi. auit and for euch ether and lurtber relief
sa to the court aball eeem equitable.
Thia eamraona la published for six roaaean
tlve areeka bv order of tbe Hon. Thomas A.
Mchride. Judge of the aaid court made ee th
Zlat day ol March 1MB.
rni Attoraeytter Flaistlff.
Notice of Gaardiaaahlp Pstltlaw.
lalktCosotyCoertof the State of Orsaea fer
Colamhia Cosntv,
la the matter ef the Onardtanthtp ef the ee
tateaof Leater Wed rick Feme Wedrlek.
Millard Arnold, Darwin Arnold, end Car
tit Arnold, minora.
To Eater Ann Wcdrick, Thomas klaehart, tad
Goorse Arnold:
'PAKE notrca that Martin A. Wed rick
JL haa heretofora Sled m the aeewe entitled
Coart hia petition to be appointed ffuerdiaa of
the eatatee of Letter Watrtct, vrne Wedrlrk.
Millard Arnold, Darwin Arnold, and Cunia Ar.
Bold, minora; that aaid peli now haa been eat lor
hearlnf by aaid Court oa Mondav tbe Arst day
ol June, A. D.. 1901, at tbe hour ef two o clock,
p. m., at the court room of aaid Oeurt, st St.
llelona. Oregon, at which time aad elaee yoa
may appear and ahow eauae. if any yoa hove,
why Mid Martin A. Wedriok ahould not he ap.
pom tea auch guard laa.
Wiiaaat. the Hob. J. . Deaa, Jege ef the
Caasty Coart ot the Slate ol Oregon for the
Conaty of Columbia, with the seal el aaid Ceart
aaYsed. thla tih day of April. A. 0.. IMS.
Attest: H. HENDERSON. Clerk.
W. H. POWELL, Attorney fer Petitioner.
BBderaigned aa admlnutrster of the estate
of Joaeph WeJnck.deceaaeo. haa lied in Ike of
fice of the Ceant. Coart of the County ef Co
lumbia, State of Oregon, hia anal account et hit
adm'nnnratioB open aa.d eatate, together with
hie Bnal report and petition fer nitr.huUea,
and that tbe Hon. J. B. Does, Judge of said
Coart, hat appointed Monday, the Irat day et
June. A. fJol, at one o'clock ia the aiter
Booaofaald day. aa the Mm, aad the ceart
room of aaid Court la let. Helena, Oregon, as ths
place ef heart ag the earns, at which time and
place, any wereon Interacted ia aaid eatate may
appear sua hie objections is writing to aaid Saal
account or aaid final report aad petition fordlt
tribatloa. or any portion of either el Ike same.
Adalalttrster ef tae aerate of Joseph
sM m23 Wedriok, deceased.
W. m. fOSTEtiU Attwaay lor Addtialstrator.
Timber Uad. Aet Jane t, IT.
rami St a Tae Lass Orrics,
OiwffoaClty.Orecwa, April 11. If.
OTtt IeRfrTClVEltTAAT ttf COM-
Blteav with th srovitioat of the Act al
CongrSMof Jane A, M7, esiiiled 'Asset far ths
sort ol limber easels In ths States ef Cawforala
Oregon, Hevada aad thaahtagtoa Tern lory,"
sasxtendadto sll ths Public Land lutes by
set of Auguat a, lau. V. Caatpbelt, ef
rortlsnd. County of Multnomah, state ef Ore
gon, has thta day ilsd la this since hia iworn
aieurmeat No. sue7, for tha purchase of tha aet
of eectiuB No. K, IB towsahlp No. 4 n, range Ne.
I w and will offer proof to show that tba land
ought la mors ratwahie for la limber or tioae
lhaa isr agricultural patpoaee, and toaatabfra;
h.a claim to aaid land before tbs Register cad
Receiver of thia office al Oregon City, Oregod,
sa kalurrtay. the 11 h day of July,- let.
Ne unmet aa wnna.eet: Julltia C. Berks, of
Molalia, o.egu. : kd Marke. Joseph ibeea, and
Jaste- Miller, ef Portland, Oregon.
Any ana all persons claiming adversely Ihe
above described landa are requested to ale their
claim, ia thia ea er balers said Ittk day
et July. IN
a2e-jM CUdRLM at MOORER. Register.
Adnrilntatator'a Nolle of filial Ac
NOTICE ia hereby given that th fi-
aalacomtntof the nndurtisiitd.'as ad
minittratof of the elate of Charles s. Lacy, dt
oaased, haa bvsn fili in ths Cu.ti.ty court of
the Suluol Oreans inr the Can my ( Columbia,
aad that the tttn day of June, l'.w.. ai IS o'clock
mi m haa been appuiated b aaid COui fer
the hearing a. i BrJcciiona to the aaid una! ae.
count aad tbe et Clemen, thereof.
Dated at at, Helena, Columbia Coanty, Ore
gon, May 4 Iwa. ,
Acliatrtt.-if.ror ol .he estate of
Charles .-. Levy, iteeeacsd.
Is th Circuit Court of lha Slat ef Oreges, fef
Colambis Cousiy.
State of Oregon. Plaintiff
John Poe, whose true aaac It angiwva, Defen
dant ToJoba Doe, whoM true nam la anhsow,
and to alt hnwt. owi.era of the ailt-nst
hcn.-luaftsr derihsdi
IN th name of the btel of Oragoa:
Y and each of lot are hereby required te
appear aud anawsr th complaint II d sg.laM
you In the arM.tesiit)st sctlos within four, 4,
weska from ths vwf pablicaiiou el thit ssm
raous, which sraluateof pubil. alloo it Fridss,
Ihe tk day of May lau, aad if yoa fail as to ap
pear aad answer, for want thereof tbe plaintiff
will take ludrernent aaslnst yoa as prated for
la th pennon la this behalf, namely, Judgmeut
sf oounsoation, coodemuatlou aud asls of s cer
tain gill net d est: r I bed aa fnllowa:
Ons gill net, ooiauiuoly called s fleeter, MV
fBtboma is length, havlug taeshaa v1 lues, in
alas, eonetrueied of Yt ply twine. wk-.h sale)
eill-nel waa. and ht, hung la llnea; the san.a
baviny a cork line ro.istreeted ef eeitoa Hmty
snd wooden corks, or Uoalera. tahl a..rbe keina
mscblus mads; and s lead lias eontlrseled of
oottoa line snd leads.
Whseaa my hand aud Ihssesl sf theClmiK
Court of Col.i jibi county. Oreeon, thit erh day
of May. lm. H. UKSDlmH.
t. d. CJert.
laejesleeiha lot TsTX Uttt.