The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 01, 1903, Image 4

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    Spring Humors
Coin to most people and cause many
' troubles, pimples, bolls an J other
eruptions, besiuc loss 01 appetite,
that tirod feeling:, fit of biliousness,
indigestion and headache.
The sooner one gets rid of them the
better, and the way to get rid of them
nd to build up the system that has
suffered from them is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilta
and Pills
Forming in combination the Spring
Medicine par excellence, of unequalled
strength in purifying the blood as
shown by unequalled, radical and per
manent cures of
Scrofula Salt Rheum
Scald Head Boll, Pimple
An Kind of Humor Psoriasis
Blood Poisoning Rheumatism
Catarrh Dyspepsia, Eto
Accept no substitute, but be sure to
get Hood's, and gut it today.
No Lac at All.
He (who has offended her) Won't
you look up at me?
She If I did, you'd kiss me again.
He No; honest. I won't.
She Then what's the use?
A Reminder.
Dearborn What have you got that
string tied about your finger for?
Wabash Oh. I've been getting mar
ried, and my wife doesn't want me to
forget it.
The Manager Realizes It.
"There is something elevating
music, said the artist. .
"Yes." answered the manager.
"Music certalniy has the effect of stim
ulating lofty ideas as to salary."
St. Jacobs Oil
Is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily
Aches and Pains
for which sn external remedy may be used.
Price, 25c. snd 50c.
v Oat tct? p DOTMrr mt.i
1 . ... ............,..,...,......,............,...........s
Rattraps Better Than Cats.
It Is better to rely upon the trap for j
catching rata than upon the cat. Pussy
is easily inoculated with any transmis-!
sible disorder, and the rat on.en has on i
hand, as it were, the very complaint i
that may touch pussy's vital parts and j
reader her fn the household the most:
dangerous of all disease breeders.
oiarMias cannot be cxrbd
By local applications, as they eannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There Uoujom
' way loeure drainess. and that is by eoutito
tional remedies. Iieelriest ta caused by an In
flamed condition of the raucous lining of the
Eustachian Tnbe. When this lube gets in.
flamed you hare a rumbling oonl or imper
fect hearing, and v hen It is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and nnlea the Miftanitna
tion can be uken out and this tub-? restored to
lta nurmal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out ot t.-D are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
Wewillgire One Hundred I Kill an for any
ease of Deaineaa (caused bv catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send tor
tiRulara, tree.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, a
Bold by Druggists, 75e
HaU't faasUy PUla are the beat.
Popular Lecturer's Aim.
"It Is your aim, of course," said his Old Dr. Grimshaw (to medical ntu
Intimate friend, "to make people dent) And now, remember that to a
think." ' . physician humanity is divided into two
"No," replied the lecturer, in a classes,
burst of confidence, "my business is to Student And what are they, doctor?
make people think they think or. Old Dr. Grimshaw The poor wilom
rather, to make them think 1 think he cures and the rich whom he doctors,
they think." Chicago Tribune. Tit-Bits.
A Good Beginning
If the blood is in good condition at the beginning of the warm season,
you are prepared to resist disease and are not apt to be troubled with boils,
pimples, blackheads and blotches, or the itching and burning skin eruptions
that make one's life a veritable torment and misery.
' Now is the time to begin the work of cleansing and building up the
blood and strengthening the weak
places in your constitution. During the
cold winter months we are compelled
to live indoors and breathe the impure
air of badly ventilated rooms and of
fices. We over-work and over-eat, and
get too little out-door exercise, and our
systems become clogged with impuri
ties and the blood a hot-bed of germs
and humors of every kind, and warm
weather is sure to bring a reaction,
and the poisonous matter in the blood
and system will break out in boils and
pustules or scaly eruptions and red,
disfiguring bumps and pimples. Make
a good beginning this season by taking
a course of S. S. S. in time ; it will not
only purify your blood and destroy the
germs and poisons, but promotehealthy
action of the Liver and Kidneys and
give you a good appetite at a time
when you need it most.
S. S. 6. improves the digestion and
tones up the Stomach, and you are not
continually haunted by the fear of
indigestion every time you eat, or
troubled with dizziness, nervousness
and sleeplessness. There is no reason
to dread the coming of warm weather if you have your system well fortified
and the blood in a normal, healthy condition. It is the polluted, sluggish
blood that invites disease germs, microbes and poisons of every kind and
bring on a long train of spring and summer ailments, break down the con
stitution, and produce weakness, lassitude, and other debilitating disorders.
Eczema, Acne, Nettle-rash, Poison Oak and Ivy, and other irritating skin
troubles are sure to make their appearance unless the humors and poisons
escape the diseases common to spring and summer. S. S. S. is guaranteed
purely vegetable and is recognized as the best blood purifier and the most in
vigorating and pleasant of all tonics. Write for our book on " The Blood and
Oldn't Understand.
Mrs. Swaggerton My daughter
hasn't come out yet, you know.
Mrs. Homeleigu Indeed! What was
she sent to prison for? Ally Sloper.
It Certainly Would.
She What a happy world this wouK
be lf--He
If what?
She If men. could only believe all
thoy say. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Mis Reason for Sua. We.
A New York man wrote ns his rea
son for attempting suicide that he had
consulted 25 doctors, hut none was
able to cure him of aathiua.
Sunt Enough.
Yeast It's hard to keep a good man
Crltnsonbeak That's why they put
such heavy monuments over some of
them, I suppose. Yonkers Statesman.
An Explanation.
"What kept you so late?" asked the
physician's wife.
"Coming down on the elevated road
my professional services were very
much In demand." replied the belated
M. I. "Man In first car was overcome
by the heat and by the tima I got
him straightened out another man was
discovered In the rear car almost fror
en to death."
Most Have Been.
First Chappie I wonder now. Choi
lie, how. the donkey ever came to be
used as the er emblem of stupidity?
Second Chappie twith'a. jrawni
Don't know. I'm sure, deah boy; niiwt
have been before our day.
His Style,
Jeweler Diamond shirt studs? Yes,
sir: here's a set, neat tittle stones, for
Customer Huh! Out home In Chi
cago f'can get "
Jew-elei- Ah! yes, pardon me. Here
you are. Just look at these big flash
es three karats each! Sell you the
set for Philadelphia Pres9.
Boys' and Youths' i
Itr Vn!f ZU, 4
jaw. iviiiiL wow a
Ask your dealer for the Jack 4
pocket knife with his pair of j
shoes. Best wearing ihoci. Ruor 4
steel knives.
t n ra E:-i C. E t-J r. 4
The Charitable Sex.
He What an exceptionally good
complexion Mrs. Fortyodd has!
She Yes; it's too good to be true,
Cincinnati Enquirer.
The largest financial institutions in the world
!.,n' .hree tn1 Ult iuiaiire roinpauies
of New )rk, ottea .-ailed "The Three (-iaiits."
Iiurine- 2 the combined ini-rpa. in Amount
of insurance In force in Oregon iu these three
com nie w i: $'.M,H ol).
Iiiinne the same time the Penn Mutual, of
Philadelphia, made an increase of I l.o.i'i.',.iio.
There are tMj1 reason for the impularity of
the Penn Mutual; send for free copvnuhted
booklet, "How and Why." Sherman Al ilannon,
general agents, Maro,uam buiMlug, Portland,
The Toothqrush.
Soak a new toothbrush for ten min
utes in cold water and thoroughly dry
it before uaing. for then the bristles
will be less likely to come out than if
this precaution were omitted.
tlTlfc fermanentir euian So fits as netrnsM
1 I I 9 after nrst lar'tuseof Irr Kha'iJrAt Nots
featonr. Srodfur FU EH t.OO tril MtUuxltmuv
a. la.B.H Kliss-LM. Ul AreC9tPLilulvtiia.i
Practical Admonition.
I bad a horrible
attack of bolls
that broke ont all
orar tny body and
i.i. a a a
aMJC la the beat blood :
purifier in the world.
WytheTllle, Vs.
While liTlnfr In Bherman, Tex., I b
eame a victim of Impure, watery
blood. I ran down la appetite aod
enertry ; was acaxcely abla to cS
about and had to atop off and reat
occasionally. I took B. B. 8. and be
ran to Improve at once, and after a
thorough course became strong and
I think D. 8. 8. tha beat medicine Z
aver used aa an appetizer and g-exu
aral tonic. J. O. BCOTT,
Bll Bailroad street, Rome, aa.
:- attack of bolls
t ;. "3, orar my body and
,7Jl. . " Ing words. Rhode Island
f 42 11 slbl. relief until V" Britain Is musical, and a
V, V IT hi I began taking j that our own country (whose
Hf J V? Y your medicine, mings ss played by Rousa's band
5 Jt ! aadfrom my ex. captured King and Queen, and
- . V 1 porlsnes I can tlie burden of every whistling
are antidoted and the thin, acid blood
made rich and strong before the coming
of warm weather.
A course of S. S. S. now would be
a safe precaution and a good beginning
and enable you to pass in comfort
through the hot, sultry months and
W W L J.
A gentleman who was discussing
with the late Dr. Parker the problem
of a future existence exclaimed: "The
fact Is, sir, I am an atmlhttatloiilst. I
believe that when 1 die that will be
the end of me." "Thank tloit for
that." Dr. Parker replied, as he show
ed his companion the door.
In his reminiscences of (Jeorgc
Washington. Dr. Edward Everett Hale
tells of the general's anger at Men
mouth, when he met tieneral
Washington asked Lee why such
column was retiring, and said that
the American troops would not aland
the Krillsh bayonets. Washington re
piled: "Yon d-n poltroou, yon hav
never tried them!"
The aiiDiilntment of Vice Admiral
Lord Charles Heresfortl to the com
maud of the English Channel squad
Mil has brought to light a new anec
dote. It appears that he consulted Sir
r'rederlck Treves, whom Klug Edward
considers the liest doctor ill the world,
"Tell me the symptoms," said Treves
As the admiral enumerated them the
ductor iH'came more and more Inter
ested. "Excellent, charming, spleu
did." cried Sir Frederick, as the syinp
toms were unfolded to him, and when
the list was completed, said: "My
dear fellow, let me congratulate you
You have the rarest case of the een
tury. You are the lucky dog that here
tofore was thought to be extinct. "
The chief wit of the latioratorles of
the Sheffield Scientific Sch.Mils of Yale
I'nlversliv is a chemist who has an
unconquerable affection for, an ancient
tan-colored "lab." coat that has long
mood guard between sulphuric acid
and Its grateful owner; hence It Is full
of holes. Being criticised In a "Josh
Ing" bout on account of his "holy"
coat, the reactionary butt found an
! opening for one of his clever remarks.
"Never you mind about the holes In
j my cat." said he, "these hides are ail
I right! and don't you make any mistake
aliont it. They are the most useful
things in a coat. If there were no
hides In a coat, how the devil could you
get Into It, and these ho'es In partlcu
lar, they are the most useful holes lu
the world: they save washing; all you
have to do Is to use 'em when you
waut to wipe your hands on your coat
and vou don't get the coat dirty. If
von had holes a plenty you wouldn't
need any coat at all."
William E. Curtis says that when
new Senator delivered his first
I great speech in Congress, and w as
! looking around for compliments he tip
proacneo enanir jouu i . joues. me
venerable philosopher from Nevada,
while the latter was smoklug his post
luncheon cigar In the cloak room of the
Senate. "Did you hear my speech on
the rhlllpplue question?" Inquired the
Senator. "I certainly did," was the
reply. "May I ask you what you
thonght of It?" "I-n good speech.'
ejaculated Junes. The young Senator's
face lighted up with pleasure at the
compliment as he resumed In a con
tideutial way: "Senator Junes, you are
the father of the Senate, and I am the
votuigest child, and I should like to
axk your advice. Having heard my
speech, you can see what I am capa
tile, of. and I would be grateful If you
would be good enough to tell me
w hether. In your opinion. It would be
better for me to speak frequently or
hold myself In reserve?" "Young
man." saitl the Senator, "you've got a
d -n good vocabulary, and If you'll
lake my advice you wsu't make any
mure speeches until you have cultl
vated your Intellect np to It."
A Few Remarks Concernlasi onr Pat
riotic Eton it a.
Many Americans In visiting England
hare been surprised and flattered when
a British military band has played the
air of "America" and the English
crowd has risen to Its feet and doffed
Its hats. Similarly, English visitor
to tills country have got up and bowed
as to a compliment when an American
band has blared the same tune. It has
taken time In each case to convince
the hearer that "God Have the King"
and "America" have the same air. ui
course, the Briton has become Indig
nant over the theft of a nntlonal air,
forgetting that the colonies, with their
allegiance to a British king, bad a
claim to the melody and on their re
volt could fairly set their own new
words to It.
The charge of theft and of musical
poverty In America has Inspired a
patriotic association In little Itbode
Island to offer a gold medal to any
body who shall compose a new nnd
better" air to Dr. Smith's Insplr-
denles that
boy, coster and clubman In London)
has a degree of musical talent and cul
ture which even Germany cannot rival.
Therefore It Is Impatient under the
charge of stealing the most venerated
of British melodies.
It Is vain, however, to hope for a
popular acceptance of a new tune for
"America." The present air has been
sung on too many glorious and signifi
cant occasions to the words of our
heart-fllling hymn te be surrendered to
the British. When we were forced
to break loose from that oppressive
mother we retained the common law,
the language, the absurd system of
weights and measur.-s and whatever
seemed to our sires to lie desirable. We
retained "Yankee- boodle" and the air
nf "America," putting our own words
to eai-h. Mere than a century and a
quarter has endeared to us these tunes,
and we shall keep them. When Gen
eral Sherman visited Ireland he found
that the melody of "Marching Through
Georgia" belonged lo an old Irish song,
but It has been hallowed to us by the
camp fires of thousands of Grand
Army posts and Is ours beyond sur
render. Cultured musicians have complained
of the quality of our national airs,
w w w ' j i onim
Short Qtorle$!r:
'sr I ,' ,H,.V r
' whicft inviudx "America, nan -
i I, ...... - a. - ....A..t.l tJ...nulM
j, iiiiiiiiib, ig s;f:r-i'n .-.
..Columbia, the Gvit the Ocean
ch suggests that Columbia Is nu
Hid several war songs. Still, they
not been able to produce a mel-
such conspicuous merit as t"
win Instant miiiiilsr admiration. "
may be association alone which en
dears "America" to us, but there l
no escape from the fact that we all
love It and are stirred by It; and we
shall cling to It In spite of any coin
plaints from the unnatural molhet
country which undertook lo spank u
without provocation and lost us In cou
sequence.--- Philadelphia Itecord.
Young- Klrda and Animals Have llablli
Hora In Them.
There Is a school of the woods. Just
as much as there Is a church of th
woods, or a parliament of the woods,
or a Society of I'ulletJ 1'harltles of be
woods, and no more; liter' Is noihliig
lu the dealings of animals with I hell
young that lu the remotest way stig
gests human Instruction and discipline.
The, young of all Hie bird creatures
do liisilnctlvely what their pa rein s tic
aud did. They do uot have to br
taught; they are taught from ibr
Jump. The bin! sings at the pmpei
age, ami hullds Its licst, ami tases '"
appropriate food without any hint at
all from Its parent. The young dticki
take to the water when hatched by n
hen as readily as when hatched by a
duck, and dive and stalk Insects, stul
wash themselves Just as their mother
Young chickens and young turkeyi
understand the various calls aud slg
nals of their mother the flrst time they
hear or see them. At her alarm nulf
they squat, at her call to food they
come, on the flrst day as on Ihe truth
The habits of cleanlluess uf the !
tllngs ar established from the r0i u...;
hnnr of thalr llv. When a hlnl comet
to build Its flrst nest aud to rear Its
flrst brood
brHt It know, how to ,roced.
as w
lta parents did before it. ihe fox is
afraid of a trap before he has had any drBM or they are im
eilierlenc with It. ami Ihe hare . mejillta,. nolim ,d wverely crlll
thumps umu the ground at the sight ''imii
of anything strange and unusual. it i, not hard a a ru'so gain an ln
whether Its mates lie within hearing
or not ii is true toai tue cruws tiiiu
the Jays might lie called the s;.les ami
Informers of the wood, and that other.
creatures awni to understiiud Ihe
meanlug of their cries, but wbo shall
presume to say that they httve Ihtu In
strut-ted In this vocation?
Mr. would have us Mleve thai
the crows teach their young to fly
writes John Burroughs In I lie Atlantic.
He might as well say that the rooster
teaches Its young to crow ur that the
oock grouse teaches the young males
to drum. Nu bird leaches It young
to fly. Theyf fly Instinctively when
their wings are strong enough.
How and Why It lories
Iead llirds
and I nasi-1 a.
The graredlgger beetle wns the sub
ject of an lut'ereating eiperlnictit that
young I'hlladelpbian, a studcut of
the blologli-nl deiartiueut of the I'nl-
versity of 1'enusylvanla. recently cou-
ductnl, saya the Philadelphia ltei'ortl.
He sivuretl four heallhy gravedlgger
iM'etles aud put them lu a wixideu box ,
tilled with earth, aloug with a very
small dead sparrow. The beetle no ,
sooner perceived the bird than they
began to dig alungslde of It. Kor four
hours they dug, and Ht the end of that '
time they bad a hole made that was
six or seven Inche deep aud three
Inches square.
Now they went around to tli other
side of the sparrow aud gave, all to
gether, a good, strong push. Tie bird
dropped into the grave nicely iiliI the
beetle covered It over with loose soil.
The young experimenter kept the
beetles or a month. During the month
they burled Sve birds, three grasshop
pers, two butterflies ami a young
mouse. Their boi came to resemble s
"Why are these beetle gravedlg-
gers? What Is tbelr motive?"
To this question, which was put to
III in by many visitors, the stndent
would reply:
'Gravedlgglng Is their' way of prop
agating their species. They get hold
of some little dead thing, dig a hule
beside It, lay their eggs lu lis flesh aud
bury It, The eggs, after a time, hatch
Into larvae. These larvae must de
velop under grouud, aud during their
development "they must eat. Well,
thanks to their thoughtful parents,
they are born In the midst flf food-
tbey have on all sides of them the car
rion In which, as eggs, they were l.ild
and burled-and thus Ibey fetd boun
tifully, and grow big and strong, so
bat on their emergence from the soil
they are beetles to be proud of. And
as soon as they emerge they become
grare diggers lu their turn.
Broke Tbrin of lb
Mr. VHby's children, the youngest
nine and the eldest fourteen years of
age, besought bis permission to raise
bantam chickens, pleading- that there
was plenty of room In the barn for that
Vou have bothered me a long time
ab'jul that," he said. "Now I'll agree to
let you do It on condition that you milt
calling your parents papa and uiamma.
You are old enough now to begin cull
ing ua father and mother, aa you
bould. If you will do that, you" may
go ahead and turn the bam Into a
hlcken house."
They gave the promise readily enough;
but It was harder to keep than they bud
The next dsy, while a neighbor was
ciill'ng on Mr. Iillby, the children came
rushing from the barn Into the house,
I'apa," they exclaimed, "come out
and "
"Chicken:" be Interrupted.
"Yes, we've got 'em, papa "
"That's what we were going to say,
pupa "
'Why, papa "
'Yes, papa
'Chickens!" be lulerrupled again,
Then they understood, and turned red.
"Yes fu-fatber come out uud
' For 25 years I havs never
missed ..king Ayer's Si"JP J
every spring. II clesnses my
b"od,me5 me feel strong, and
does me good in every way. -John
P. Hodnelte, Brooklyn, N.T.
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the body. You
are Invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
active. You become strong,
steady,couragcous. That's
what Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
It Me Mile. slUrsnlaia,
Aid Tiinr 4iM-tr
list lis Oil"
ol atar't
IU knows alitO'lse'aJ
oW II. mi if aiUHna. rll b ailfkie
'" ..Co ..U..II.
Related kindness.
Mr Smith tin street carl
take my seat
u .. I who has been standing
fifteen minutes I - No thanks; I get off
at Iho nevt corner.
Mr. Smllh-Thal's all right so do I.
Whatever Vou Do. Wise Brothers Advlae
(lood Teeth.
"Cleanliness la akin to Godliness,"
i . I k.u.t.
is a tiunlaliiin irom -
kiica-ii to man, and
it il
as wiueiy
qotl any saying ever iiacl
is found in th inipreasivo truth
! rr""n
Jl n p"' .
parsing through an tiiiproccdauted
i .....,i iit.tst, anil mnrfl
try is
P ' j , .,.,. of
,,..,,. . ,. is slovenly mm
i -,. i immealiate tvants, snd tha
yon, -v-;- -.
i mainritv ol IKO.ila in tne I nithl niaiee,
itvlialutig a inrplti. Tha pe
pw , , mho are lajlter drraaed and
better groomed than they war twenty
yr:irs ago. Kvcn thp luxurie of fash-
, ionadle society aro Isxxitnliig Uie lie
cessities ol tha maase.
This is tue mstilt ol a great cnmnier
-.1 !tl. .11 !. I.mIII
! Nothing is more ciinniiicuotis
person's tcath. II thi-y arp gtmil and
white and clean then we arp ptpasnl.
If they are diaroloml ir uiifliig than
as are repolsad. Tim tri'iismlous
blpsh g to hti in at ti i t r i-onlerre.1 by ad
, nci-i! metlioils ol dental surgery is
Iwst lllottrstml by tin h an olhcP a
' that ol Hie celebrated Wiaa llrother. in
1 the Failing building, Portland, Oregon.
Here teeth are Oiled or ntiacted ah"
I lutaly without puiu. You tan be sup
plied with an entin w set ol tifth at
a very moderate coat. There is no
muro trouble about getting ur tei-.b
7?fK in perlecl order here than you batp ,
at a res'atirant in getting your ilium r. :
The (iflicet are a mocel lor anyu ly n
point of daintiiies and cli-aulincwa.
It it te tt'onuoutly nrgeil that, Il
.,-.. , i il .,, ami
be respected and .h-aired by your ac
aintaiicee. have ymir teeth iu god
TOnditiin. There it no es. use for any-
one to delay when ttit-rtt arp stu b per
feet ptsres a the establishment tl
Wise Bntliers at band.
The cost i tl'ght. Thp pain It not I.-;
Jack Snrslt. !
Jack Spralt really lived and had the
same ptejitdlie against fat a I at
tributed to him! Only his same wa
not exactly Bprntt. but I'ratt, and li
was no Irs a person than an an-hilea
con. The rhyme orglnslly ran. "Arch
deacon I'ratt rould eat no fat, his wife
could cat no lean."
Mother will f.iio Mr. SAntlotr't 8onth
Ing Hyrup the boat remedy to uie lor ihei'
Sliiloren during tot teething perKxl.
Vienna' 5utclde Record.
Vienna nlmost alway holds a world'
record for suicide. In the fliat nine
months of last year 2f,0 men and 'JH
women succcedd In killing them
selves, and another .167 made snaiic
cessful attempt.
AVccelabie PreparaitonrorAa
slmilating QicFciodariflKctfula
ting the Stoiaacto aialfiowuls of
Promotes DigcstionClWrfu
rtess and Rest.Contains nelilgT
Opium.Morplune norMiiitial.
Not jMaiicotic.
Ha, tfoujsmmrmaar
Apwfecl ncmetly rorronslirvi.
lion, Sour Slotiwclt.ninrrrvitvt
Worms ,k)imil.iit)iw .Fcvprish
rtess nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Siijnnlure of
exact copy or wrapper.
HtiaW- I
rl ---i' arru. "sie Uuim. L
M.m .Iffif-T Ew5Y-stn?nr-j
Inlnolfd la B''
Sonwtnlot am) DuuHt f
Are at Ihe hoa.l of thatt clew fur
Ctmfoft Lur XkUtif
Appose DunkllH r
t.k for our IllustrattU .em.hltis.
Mailed fro.
..wt-tn u,.t at. Milt n.ANU. OK. X
Also Npokane, HaJse,
Waiting lor Inatruttjiaa.
A mistress told Iter maid. Hetsy.
that ho must not always do things on
her own responsibility, but flrst ask
permission. Tim net day lletsy walk
ed Into the parlor, and said politely;
-riease, madam, the rat I busy eat
ing up the duck In the pantry: must I
drive her away or not? "- Tit Hits.
"I K lan
K.-.l kllrhan Kind" ol sl..a
; niaka no
oka smrtl. asksi.f anfisalte
Ui ai
) !i..k tut Half nark.
The Heal Thing.
He Did you ever sen anything at
so calif d bargain sale that was really
Hhe Ye; the Uxik on a man fate
who accompanied h'i wife lu one of
them, Cincinnati Kiio,ulrer.
ror fortt vear'e Tito s fur far Con-
uuiptlott has rumd coughs and Ouida, Al
druggists. I'rhe ajrenta.
Worst Vet.
OUt lliiardor That's a queer looking
I ,.,,,,- (,h Mr, IU,h
u.i,....v... .,! I'm aattiillr
prolll'of ilM ' h, t,,.n r
I fumy (r nillr, than a hundri-d year
,i tin, h-lor- ltnl.--0 ' Hurl of heir
i loom, a It wr-re?
Little Liver PUls.
Mutt Boar tlgnatur of
Am PatvStatlkt Wraeca Bilsst.
Tear Patau aa4 aa paay
tp taka aa eauratv,
ran ommai.
roi iiuountit.
ron torpid uvti.
A Russian Uanknnt.
The MM) ruble note of Km, la la
barred from top to bottom with all the
color of the ralnliow, blended as
whi-n shown throtiKh a prism. In ih
center In hold relief aland n large,
finely executed vlgm-ttn of (he Km
press Ciithcrlm, I This I In black.
The other engraving 1 not at all In
trliate or elaborate, but I well ilonw
in dark
and light brown nnd black
11. .i IS . aW mrn m W m I & kar 1 m I H I m B R
Tbo ICin.l Ton Have Alwnyi nott3ht, tuid wl.Ic.h has been
In imo for over 30 ywim, boa borao tho tUffnaturo of
S0 .. tf ' ttnl ha, bn inatlo under bl per
CJlCffljZJirfas mnaX ""rxTtlnloa Rltico lta infixney.
Allow no ono to dnrrl vo yoa la this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jtist-u-p;M)d" aro bufJ
lixjPrliut;nU that trlflo with and cndantri r tho health of
Infanta, and CMilklrenr-iUptrleuco ui;;auiit Kiperlutuul.
Cwtorla Im a liarmlogg aabatltuto for Cantor Oil, PaJ
Borlo, Drop and Houthluir Syrtipn. It la 1'lcanant. 10
contalna neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotto
uhstanco. Its bro la lu guarantee. It destroya VorM
nun 1 evcri-Mncgg. It euro. DlarrhD and Wind
Wi f 7,,,ovc8 Teething- Trouble, cure Coiiatlnulloa
and I flatulency. It aHalniilxitea tho I'.mhI, r.-ffulatea tho
Bearo tLo
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
ne etaraua
kui;km!n machinery to,
giwceeaers ta Jaha PsMie.
fiHil nt Miirrlsnn tint!, I'urllauil, (i.,n
Smith limit sir.1 H.. ws, H in , N0 m in
-u.iiih H-ml t liiltait li.iwa, It In. lu V fu
IH.ui.leHli'ivnl Ciilllvalure, i Nawtun
..rier, r 'lt, all i'lli.t, wi.le Ua. 5
tiki mi. ini i.iissik", Ja. side suiluas n.
mar IsAiiu. imw M mi.
Vou ran larglf hieree he) ) 1.1.1 rrii lif ii.Ihs imr spat ial Isiiin,
is. tt the lur puree,
00! PI
UU3 Oi
ill Packit Snd. :
I 'nr order of 1 1 . IK) or mure
(This diics mil Include 1
tfr1Mi ads in quantity ,)
II In Ihe maiam write lur Si'lal n.t '
irlcis, '
I as i-rwii Sirrel. I !- In tul, ra.
Vou ran at Intaiasi
'" SUCil o,,,,,
er ltta us ami still
kafstiaa saie sail
I. a.1 sH-rul It in the
p...iii, a Vuii,an.l,
uf ninarjr ssiifci .
U'esiaiiffaf it .m
i ..u tBll,..,w
II. is l.r..i.-, w'nl
for iwttlriilsrs ha
niaitef h,i I ml,, Z
h.. Biu, h l.lls rn.ih..
toil beta. i h.mii
am .,u totustuii,.
LC 1 D M
M fl N F Y
III U Ilk I e
and aalaly H....7
f li.a l on nihra,t nu
illlarast hain sxurliu.
laiaa list ot aart.,ili....i
i ol laftu (.ciwrlf
l..uM an l I I
l iiioivr laiols to' aie w (He us
Mtka HwMusg, KwlvaM, Uratasi.
not) ait tlf aatal SMtMir RafakMs
1MB I'A-o AllHi and r ar Iks kaat
maili.'lDe t bad la ili kwias lat
sur ila aa Insane wiui kaaoarfca i
isa tlll aha 111 mnnmat fm CAM Alt KT.
at nll4 Ik pal I kf ta4 aiaiiaa
unoisdiateiii, We rtn4i:aaiaia'
Caik isiBt'atoaii.
i'UUtmrt sal lewMt C, fuutmig. ft.
fiMH.i. ri,ii!. rt Taste i rtj
Uuwi, ! iwm" Utv m iasi
tSMiMe wl ti lasini. saSMai. Sm, IsA, m
lo-TO-iic .rtVtrs:
I sll fs).
s Haws
Using V
Vrtiie fut t
(ta! otrofaTa
stvptsmte rttroir4
llsaWrsss sttpaf (MsnaV
eAmmm Immm emjf i
ae im kteMtat.
$25,000 EEWAED
m to sniil aarona m
can aisvv taia auiiaaat.
IWw-ausa V. l Itaagle
tatlif Urr4i manufarturnr
h tan bu riioapcr and
nm.iti.-s iaa alua-t al
lorr .mt than otimr run. J
mm, l.. h him
tosnll alio I, ,r I t ail aud
J.1.0U p,itJi;, n etery
war It) lli.. sol t ets.
wlw f..r f lau,l $a,ju.
cm M tk im, i t. . -
i.iy uf.MI,Wj wrt easily ae t-i '
Tita mlmm hawa n,.a Wiaa 4mm4 IMhS Sstf
r' ti' n pea oa auvaMiwiy. wbr a
s W U Uouia aM a uial aaa aaa IMS
.hnli. U,r ,.a, a!.) B)p,pp,aBa.l, t,,, , i4.aea.Sta.PP
r"ttfa,ta.1ti r-atVaara,
worth SB.OO Comparad sslin Otnar Makaa.
taat ( l,Ma IWSara, Ht"
fatsal Halt. I $ c.. Coif. m U4, Cow
CWI, 'u fna a.1 (.Vm raw
fonflns w. u nottoii
wasiiuil nU svua atantraaT a twtuaa,
atM ta av. ol.a il', iValafM
tV. 1 Uut uLtt, MttPt avl'wa. ttaaa.
P. H, U.
Ma, it - ItKO.
11 IICM wrtllap tasvp
if aianuaa lata aw?
earsiaat Bisae
Signatuxo of
eaae arattt. Bias team errs.
)apt ttosai Peaaafiata
ms )awtt
II M ' ' union ataoa
I W. 1, Dawafaa staauewp
Sf rVpapsta
li'iUW.'V.hi'-- .1