i THE MUCKLE STORE MAS A I BL Helena, ; Drugs and Patent Medicines lay v v r "IP w virvvvvwv w w w M. C. GRAY THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANT Carries u Large and Well Selected Stock of (JHNIiRAL MERCHANDISli Flour and Feed. ST. HELENS. A AAA JV AAAA atk Si 1A1 alk i qp a ay apr avi ajai v ajaa v 9 1 BTOI2i. .. ... lOftice, lltmo 414 " 6 I 0rr,c" ,lotM- ' 1 jtt,,. Vaoar U7 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, . - Inftimation and Appointments by Mail. iin 10 aud (I, Wathlng'.on DM., 8 mtlieaat orner Waali. and atli 9U PORTLAND, OREGON. tk K.l.valor to FiftU Floor. 11 i fWl ! THE BIG STORK DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- S.I U Recivlug New CoouN Every dur in the Week. 8 REPUTA-U 1 tlon of Long Alluding lur Only tlic Ileit in in.. iH GENERAL MERCIIADISE Dart & Muckle, Oregon. t0:ifc f'C'Kit- im2 jar gjtr ttr ST. HELENS A I'atroniie drug store when you want pure, fresh aud reliable I'erfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Eine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain mid Decorated Crepe 1'aper, Etc. Direct from Publisher Regular 25 cent Novels Onlj 10 Cents T i i 4 OREGON i LAakikaaAaVAAAAaA A S Dr. A. F. KHODER, Dentist Wtll remove Ida den In I ofKee to tin' MOHAWK liM",, comer Third and Mortiantt HI,, trltta Dlllaltetl. I'teaetit nlllce al 317 Tailing 3uilaing, Cor. Third ami Washington Sts., Portland, O-egon $2 The Mist ami The Orcgonian. $2 RSDER AGEHT8 WAHTED I In eut h town to t::!:o orders for our imw un;n uruuo tlutirautayt'd liltvcli a. How 1D03 ilfoslcia "BcUISO," CoinpU-lu " OOSSacltp" Guaranteed Kl-h Onto 9 U' j "Sltoorlan," An.mty Nourtort." LcndlUecr $J470 no laiitnr btiiycio at aay v'1' s.... .) ..- .....I .. ...... M tntiu'cl )ntl frrwe of one-thiril j jSHtX el HU"..d ti.r and lyrt etiulpnionton all our l.loyolc.1. W?vmZ "Z wffnouf a wtU tJ,;'"-' ml !!l'",w P "ATS r Htt 00 Second Hand Whaols djq f $g trken ln hr onr i'hlc.co wnU alon. QlJ " $9 11 m: e ond mislela, nd f,n,'";.,""",V".(, wrten for our DO HOT BUY , .undue, and atairihur fr V'f.T-ifVii I if'oVu,iloi. ft aaon'lrvraialou. Toiiiainsa wnld of leietut liifoii"iioi- HEAD CYULE dU., Chicsu, nl I 'tAjMj.:'T' , , . ... ...... . . .. .y. -v srsir ss.VUu SC. '4 '''SOP ttsiS'A, W I l t f ijleytslo lundrle. t M . t'. ttray'i, Hi. Helena, ). I. liotuicy, nl Ymikton, took ont uew wagon this week. Mm L. r llurgar will serve ire cream Ktttunlay altcrm on and evening, Several limber experts went into the l ppur Nehiilem valley lint week. I'linorit A Hons, n( Valley, have a lot ol cedar .hi nglcs (or wifn at lioullon. Tilt" Ht. Helena lltl ii,. ,1.,. l...i under the imiiiaguuieiit ol U. A. ami A M, 1W Intl. Dr. Kdain lioaahaa tellt- funne III lint ilwt-ll inn. that u ill. ..... It I . . " kouiimc'.i -mi mo i siikio.i iini'i The Watren Hun. I gave a plenum Bill dsfll'llltf tiat'lv Ut llin Ul tl U I.. .11 In llonli.in Tuculity eveiiiinc A K'M'rnnar,t niHMit of gloves it M C. fUV'H, Kl. Helen,. K.iui.iul o.l....,,.... ii called to our ladica' uiihImi. i...... UOc I pair. 'Il-nry Mnrgm has added . ( hi turn lure to atock of ,..,,.., -i jchandl-e chairs, bedstead., tie, ami a v-uiiiiiet, lint, W. II. Woodward, wlm live out in Die dirri'tion ul Vunkioii I,.. .I.......I . . acre, ul iihw itroun.l. .in, I, i... u,,n plant to pnlaturs. All line, of my aioek are ,nor complete ilmn evrr li.-forv, and some iiw linfi Imve li,-ii addtij. M. V. iuy, Hi. Ileli-m. Al Knliina.iu ja tnakinx K')'l irourea Willi It 1m ICIIJ i-nrd filti)tiw..14d fotiiract at l-i.r I,Uud. li Ii4 17 )jdi:li )p rta and llirvn tnaint at work. Wlmn you iro to Mint tii at tlm nw liolei in tin- Merrill Imildma. umlri il. I riea ii Leili. utiil ll .'Li i , i ' ',',,OIU- l l.it. bed. ami al .1,... meala. Attention itealleil to the U t that 1 jtow tairy the moat complete amtirt- ; int-nt ol olla and palnta to 1 tumid in lnMiiiiu.......i.i ..I 11- L' ,i t ohi.itbla county. M. ('. liray, hi. Ilel- liray, hi. Ilel- rut. When you Mint a p'eaaant plivaic try (,'liHiiilN-rlain'a KioiiiHi h mid l.ni-r Tab en. I'hev ate ey to take and pi u am in rlhcl. l-or'aale bv Kdwin It -as, tlrioyglat. lioullon Aaat-mbly No. m. United Ar. liaana, wtll give a. iaicijl dance in he !.(. W, ball at lb .niton. I-riditv ru : ing, May I5lh. Kupper will lie' Moid ! ill l'ertv'a hall. 1 .. : .. . , . ..... , v., Kiriiieity in iniactlf ! " ""-i-nijiioi hi iiif lliiui viiiaui jIH-llatl llmlware t'ompany ju ror'tland, teeeiveii aoiae il.jntiea in an clevalor ac ! cideut Tut-tday. j . lioullon Circle, Women of Woodi-raft, jwlil gi a public enlrrlfliuttieut in I their hall m il Ttteaday eveninir. May fi ll. A gil progiaui and refreahiuei.ia aerved. Adliiialoi, ftee, tieoigo Adanin, nit employe in the I l.ooe hlar Company's aaw null here, ma- lannu a cotiiniuiiti tra. lure til one iirin, Weditetd.iy Inieiiooii. The arm caught tit untie bcliiutr, rreuiting iu thu lnjiy iiNintd, Mia Maud A. Watla. formerly of St. I Helen-,' ta reported lo hat u been uiai ried a lew tlayaagu to I'harlva .. Tan:innt, o( rorihtiiil, A marriage licenae waa nt ativil In lavnr ol the coitilu at Vaiicoti vcr, W aatt. The lii m of lludgea & lialloway. land la jcta at tt gon t'uj. an- doing nun n il. ha ol I he land buioeaiu l oiii nhi.t iiionly. Mi, (iulloway'a long eiperienie ftHnirr ul the On-gi.ti I ti bml u. lice, peculiarly hta liint fol thta buai nraa. K. Uecker, millinery, I - moved front rii.l and .-alitiuii atteeia, I'urtlHtid, w here Ihu alore waa haaled lor many year paal, to elvg.itil, new .(uattcra at a I i Third at reel. It la now I lie iiiom coiiiplete millinery ealaliliahmeiit in 'orlland. N. A. I'ntry, the Notlltern racillc. agent al II, Milton, a-.alea Hint the north Ihiiind aflermam train, which Ion lieeit leaving I'lirtlaod al 2 p. ni., will now leave nl it p. in, ll rcporta a big paa aet et tiatel (rout lhia aeciion on the li o'i ha k mottling Irani to t'orlland. K. K. ll 'gU rg, -.1 Kialiltiwk, reporla lit the tioeriiiueiit Weekly i'rop bulle tin nl I'ut Haiti a lolluwa' W.-iillter I wariuei ; griiaa growing niiely; apritig j milk ItiHiiy done; ome potaliM-s le t ii ti i u to tie planted; grain look v.'iy I gmMl ; nut live iH-giuuitig to bloom. ( iuilu a it umber oi Ctilinuhia count v J l-eoplc w Ihe Ihttl pi2td through the ,nl hint I riilay night and expanded lulo In -A lumiuouti ho, lie,-, Ik -lore It exploded 'with a tliuiiderllke roar. ,nv ieople ' n purt that linnoimls ol the meteor liuve jl-eit lound lit hollt Kuel I'utlluml anil Oawcgo, ' Judge Doan will convene the regular inoiilhy e.ieu ol prulniie court next .Monday. Tint coutily conn will con vene In regular aenHun lit XI Wcdnea tlay. Aa Itivie i couaiderahle buatiici-a to coiiia U luie ilia laittid, it ia not be lieved that II, ev w ill complete Hie work on liaml dining the mat week. Henry Moigua Inta received another vlrvaiit lot ol silverware, ihe aels con 1 aialllig id kmvca and (oika, aoooua nnd loii'kin ting. Knell citsiomcr a! the aloiu i given a ticket will) each cash j purchase and w hen I lie total reacl.ea the iitnoiinl ol 2fi, the puich.iacr will be enlilled to a set nl aiivcrnttie. ! A aiihstantial aideralk la now being built all Hie way to lioullon. r- llaien and Clvdc I i iu are -doing Ihe woik. Siine repaiis, aUo will likely be made toi Ihe St. Helena end of Ilia sett lion. Tne si lctv.tlU w ill b, a great c ni veiiience to the people ol Ihe two towns, and will be a popular piomenade ol evenings and Sunday al'ieinnoiia. Coiiaideruhln Improvement ia b-ing tll.ldo on the St. Helena chool house grounds. There has been a general denning up, and recently the children set out a, in,e oi iiuiiiciiIhI shade Hees. The btiKtd has purchased the adj lin'iig lot from Al Koliiu-oii, and tliiue will lie nleniv of iilavuioiiinl. A new aitluwnlk is to la) built aluiig the entire block. The aleamer, Saiah Pixnn, Inn now chsnged to Ihe milliner achedulu. Sim now leave lor n.tk roiut nun way tauu- I......... mi.l.ii. .i.'ioii nirs at It o'clock. IIK ......n.. ... . I .caves I'otllaud lor t'lntaaaiiiuami nny-i andiiigi Tuesday mid Tliuisd.iy even- Inga at ll o'clock. Knnn'uing, P-aves - t'lalskame on VV eilnesililV aill rritav 'evenings Hi 4 o'clock, ink- pnuiittiu v Kitinier is to have another saloon. It i ia tmdi'istood lluil a piutv from Vitu Iconver, Wash., has leased the rooms ! fonnei lv occupied by foe's reslttnisnl, I mid will put 1.1 log cabin from in the ! building. The statement, alnu lias been j mailt' Unit I'oitlntid pari lea .would t-8- i. .l.lil. .. Im ii I.- i iils liiiauica in the new Doheity building, when it is completed. Hiiiing is here, and so is my new Spring aUM'k, nil new goods, nothing : shop-worn, r or Indies' Inns mm tness goods, gt'lll S lUrillSlllllg giHius, nuu en up-lo-dnte noiions this tdnre lends all i. rest. A dollar w ill buv more in my aiorn iIihii anv nlacc in Ibis county. J usi received 50 new men's anils up-to-date inilvlo for the least money possible, H. M. McKiel, Clalskanie Kubscrll) for Tmx Mist. ViisiSyy V? HdN A I PEltSONAL Jn Ridx-aki, ol Vallay, waa in town duiliiK tlit) week. O. K. Varnny, of Viilley, waa in Hi. M'-leliB Hilttlrday. II. I,. Itdiiniiid itaa rsuioved from Knuat-y to I'lttalmi'aT. John Cooimt. ol Knlniiii. waa riaitinir Ilia old hoitit) lima yttnttiiil.iy. M. W. lirowi Biid family, of leer la- j land, wora in town Halm-ilny. Joaaa ll'-iidin ka I dwn from Oew Wtttti), Valt., for a fw daya. , viauiug in town Mia. Hlltll-r. ol 1'nrtlHlnl. la lieraiamr, Mra. VV. ll. I,)linan. J. I). Nlinnn, of Itniiiinr, waa TwiNday mi lila way to I'oitlaud t rank Dow luia lacun in tint citv or aeveral daya, the xmiat of i)r Cliff. (;iittrl'a (Jordea, a well known farmer of l)er laliiud, wtta in Hi. I Menu Mon day. and Mra. O. .. Smith, of ller !. Mr. , ,,i, mm iiiiiuii in oi. tiuieiu noil- j ver.- jnr. Keucli anawereit the aunt l:l'' j inona, liul before he reached there the Kit-Connty Judge Kwitzer waa down taiild died, having uaad away at four front Wooditic-re, aud wua at home over Hunday I'epu'y County Clerk W. A. Hania wt over into the .Nehuuiu couniiy I Monday. Mr. Kilvey haa moved into the new Iiiiiiw, letenily completed by ij. U. (jil aon on hia plutte. Mra. N. A. J'erry returned Wednesday liom a viaii to herdauKhUir, Mra. JSioua at l iiivertiiv l'aik. l)r It It winuKt U.M i... !)..:....- duruiit llm week, lie haa built up all ex.ell.-nl denial pracli.e at Kaitner. ... ..... , , ... , , Miaa Dorothy t norland, ol i'ortland. .. . - r, ... 7 "eru.ou.er county ruiter - : mu-ndeul t,o,,ela,id at ll tultou rtumlay. Deputy Fish WurdJti 11. A. Webalcr hete lor a t-ouple of dava thia week, 'at d collected about tin lor liah licenses. K lwin Merrill, nuv. n... M.if -ill Klwin Merrill, aava I hit Chief, will re - ' turn lo elaukauie, ami enaiiiie in buai- i .. ..I. .... . - -. .i . in win, ma uiottiet, .oroiitll Meritll Thorna, Conned, adminiatra.or of the eatale of Wtllittiu tJoi.neil. ileceaaed. ol Deer Inland, waa lit M. lUlona l'uea dav. ...... ........c, .11,, na.i ii- via- mug liMttda in t'orliand lor a numbf r 01 ilaya, tetutued home the Ural ol the ""k. Miaa Samuel Conrad ia viailinir her iluugntet, iiiaa Kthlvu, who la atletnl vVoodlaud ; n,g acltool :.twa. In I'uitlaii'i.- , d 11 0 f :i 1 1 ' .,..,. 'arle richenur tiact 011 the no ih tide ol i Herman Bubiirt, of North aniltll!, j u,e tow n between Ihe depot and .be riv- , waa in ht. t.rlena oil buaiiieaa lutii,ger. Thia laM addition w ill lie platted on the week, lie loimeily lived at utaTa j a tuulour liiaii nloug lb hillauie. Thia , t-anoiiig lit una coutily. .11 r. a. .n. ii.nion aim ciiiiuren re- Ill noil 111e.vl.1y Innn a vtail to Iter par- ente, Mr. aud Mra. J0I111 1'. (iage at iil!oid, Ciackmiiaa coutily. Amliew King, the well known blac k-! auiiih. haa leeit incoaeilated I1.1111 work lor aeveral daya paal oil aixtiutil ol a ae eie attack ol mood poiaoittug D,Ci..o,St. H,e.,a. Uon. w8 called hatarday to aee M, . - Mtcn.ela who waa recently butt while woraiug I., a losing cau.p.ir.ei.o Jou, w. - 1. htatiaooil, father of K. C". wood, Inta teliiiiied to the latler'a Man- home al l .ink ion, niu-r a course ol treatment ill a I'oilliitid ho-ptial. He is alii! verv i iee:tle. Mi. Keeler (iablieit and Mias Vinnie Ki.app came up Iro 111 M. ileU-ua thia al IctiiiHjii. Ml.- knnpp haa been viaiung Mia. tinliberl there lor eouie ttiuo uulay'a Daily Uuaid. Mra. Maty W. Stiliel, of lVttlatid. w In Inta bel li .-pending several inouthi atColvilte, VVaxii., haaordercd her pa per changed to the lotiuer location, hav ing I. llll l.ed list week. Kd Fowler waa up from Oohle Mon day, and reported that there waa con anlerable aickuea in that vicinity. The I) n-r n il dattt-hter of Mr. Ilanipli.ll died 8 indny of gjip complication. John Kinif. of D.r latanil wav in Si. Helen nil of thia week, viailimr ht brother, Andrew Kin?, who ! waa nflcrimr acverelv from blol not j ning following ine en.icta 01 a num. '- ,. II. Tarladl, the Warren aawmill tiroprietor, waa tu lou-n Sulitrdttv. He haa do tlillicully in disitoing tif all e( Ilia lumber ioo.I i.-l in Kislern mat kels. but ia liu"licap'd by a scarcity of can. Herman ill). wltt) ha been con fined to his lioitte for a connle of month I nn account of n compound frnctnre of j one leff. caitacl bv liping throw n from a i liorae, ia now able to be out on the i at reel a. C. .T. Miller, who h.ta resided in lite vicinity of Woo Hand, Wash., for anme lime pnst, lias puichiised a 4l-ncre farm on IVer T-,land. losrcther w ith 111 bend of cattle. He wyll remove hia family to the new home in 11 abort time. M. W. Itrmvn, n well known dairc man, ol IWi tslnitd, waa in town Patnr- d iv. M. S Shearer and Mr. ftrnwn are the iitdv two persona cniraed in the ilnlt'V b'tsineaa in that aeciion. They ahip their sopaitlted creinn to tltecrenni erv l Rainier. v.i. i,,mr.linkiliwiiiimm- jnent "'iloHin Imver, uh hemlnnrftera at Kal iina for the pnst ill veara, wna in town S-i'nnlnv,- He slated that bin cnlch ia ni).y better thitn it waa at this iMtiHrnv. tivo.l'ia St. HpIpup, but ro - mml tr. Uninirr, wlre the Umilv .m. j i- 1 1 II. it. iWnin. thi vii1o--w iV- Vtt noni innhnnt, whs in ton u WV-1- nri1iv nitfht u hit wv ho-. from Portland, where he h.id b-en nddiie? to hia lcl ol Bcnoinl niercliatidiie. Mr. I ir ni ntr ha bnill un a good triple since he embarked in businesa at Vernonia, aeveral mnth less than a v.nr asr. Ho ia now iti'iking a aneci.tlty of the red etitte Iniaineaa. and luia a food list of farm and timber lands for aale. ... .. I O t.,... nl V- - . went lo i iirmin rton, m .inini.on count v, ini innonv, oere ..i -s. n m if-,n,n,i .in iii-.,,,.-i i, -1 n week". Ihe Inlter bet nit in poor health. Mr. Mow mndw final proof on bis hotvo slead before tb county clerk. His wit iuaea were I,. I'. Klison and John I.. Young. The pine" ia sitnnted aevon miles back from lloulton, and i w'll liinliered. Mr. Mow Inta a shingle mill on Ihe Idace, which be will start up next Winter to use some of the mrpltis timlior. Miss Mary Convera, who lias been clerking in ihe ahtriiT"a ollioe for the past several months, left Inst 'night for I'orlhnd. She will remain there until Kriduv when sbp will come to the city to nltend the Y. T. S. 0. E. entertain- ment and social tit Miively'a opera house, and Saturday eveninir will aintr at ihe high school athletic benefit In iWillamett hall. Miss Convera will probably spend tlia summer at her home in Colombia, county. Cliickittnaa Comity Uei'oid. n,u aeaiun vrf Friday ftj Ipecfnl unday dinner at Itie Bl, J nd tlclant iioUd. Hart A MiU'kltt liave m-oivetJ a coin iltttt) lino of nifiia' t'lotliinx, ranging In.iii )7M to CM and iu.wc. them. I KniicmlxT w iien yon go to the lower Ni half in, that yuii ran get ('lan It-da land llixt cIhuh mt-nla at tlm niw ho'el in Afiat. Mra. K. .M.'l)ipld, inamitT. Arcordiii to I lie new law faaaed liy the laat l-ilatiirr, County JiiiIh Uuan in a Hurt of kimI fHihur to all the inlnala' horn in CoUiinliia couniv. The law nro- iVhlaa that the eiiuniy piivaii'iau and jmigt, ahull coualiitiie the co'iitty hoard j of health. Where there in no county I'liymi'lan Ihet-ounty jod(e ia the whole I thing, and phyaiciana and titidwii'ea are rciiiiri;ii to report all hirllia to the jude, w ho will ket-p a ri-coid of the mine. i Willie Allen came over from Varnonia ; Sunday w ith a meaia; to J. W. Keindi ! from Mia. Hem h that their .'i-ntontha il,l inlunt ..... .,i, in - in. i., ' " ,;la'k Monday mornm. Willard ruiker ia i-arrviiiK the innil on tit lioullon end of the mute for Mr, ttencli Ihia week. Miaa Maud Kit.-e ia uow t-at-ryinjt the mail on the ehalem end of the route. Mr. Joseph I'otiiinville, of Hlillwater, Minn., alter having tiit over 2.0(W with I he beet dot-ura for ftouiHch truu It ie, wiihoiil relief, waa adviaeil by Ilia ortigiht, .nr. Alex. Kioharil, to tiy a in ol t. li.iuilH-1 lain a Moinacli and i ,-,ver 1'leU!-1 , ,,e Ui'l ".' un '19 ,"'! Ualy. If troublea with i..diK. I tiott, bad laate in the nioiilh, lack ol hii- I . ; : !... .. t.ui'.. w. fc...t.pt, i.., inw,i:.n ja trm, , ,01, ,re cerwin t0 im lllore j ,gt.( , ,e retut- Kur ae j al 25 leula iier box b Kdwiu liona. 8t. i Helena. ' " I I M. Colli ! Collina, ol the Honey man farm at "-appooe, hlpte.l a Due thorough bred ! A Vr. litre hull !,.' I'l.il .,f VVn..lU...t i Ayri-nire ottil to h.. 1 hlel, ol Woodland ! . V" Irt'.' . . 1 'f. "".,r",i,l 8 : " "- ., . ' ci.nr. air uiii.i-10, vicu uii;q a,iiiit med article ponaeraiug eleineiita of j alrviii.lli miii4 ..l.,.uM iliu i.t.. It i 'valuable. The Avrehiiea, also are (jeiille t saute aitove tliniritjed property, . and vaailv kept. ' Mr. Coihna baa told'f'-bO. . qu,t number of young atork from the I George W and Kale A Terry to John j herd, and tbev are" lirow nig in tKiptiiar 1 w ataon ; Iw1 of aw1 of aectioo 1, 4,2, demand. The Avrehitea have lanza Irautea, a Btronj; point in their favor. Engineer Bonaer, of 1'oriland, ia in ClaUkame city to.Uv, engaged in mak- ; piKH ( n,e town ia likely to grow rapid- ( ly a un connect me oni uiwu Willi tite ' Hew tlt-poi. I.eoaoo a new lozing road i putting new - life into the town. It ia j surveyed tor thiee miles up the Clala- kal,ie f'"J ""-r" k",",1 indications ' 11 extenued into I lie .elia . ' letti valley. Uigtitaol way are bfing ae 1 cured fai up the paa. Ciatekania waa ! " Jj '! ZIm afte n.in" T . e.. Z iu' "" 'j, . M hm "'""e.nt for it," Mr.C. K Ravd.r. ol ; . ' ' ,0? " tens Mill. S. Y. "A fewdav. lat, " - " Z TXl -.' .e store a, atraighi the Ci'tititv aeat ltH-:.tinii in 'olumhia 'ouiiiv. Astoria ewa. I " -.j CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signatora of vn,nui uwi, 01 inv kaiewuier Ameri ca, who recently leavd Lake fa 1 tu from M.ar. I ...1,1 . ,.l 411....... I 15,1 HOW 10U tieim oi came on tne puoe. aeveniv- live of them are cow, but only 40 are giving milk. amain tiood n going jalowlY at tiret.lut Intends to have 12 I ' riving milk una o! tl.eee rtaya. He - ah.p,.tg milk to the city rta.ly, and recenca a wir price lor it, ana a lie also '"" veai cnlvea to aell. he feela cond'leiii that lii inveatinent w ill pnve prohu-j j ...-ii.ni. on milk, butter and cheese. , . , . now importing cheese from California. II nil tlic giHKl dairy land within easy I reach of the city was stocked Ibe aupply ' products would not be greater than the j demand, rind lire wealth of Ihe country would- In greatly inareased. Captain j tiotal aavs lie has no trouble about ae- I curing men to milk his cows. He pnys them t.l per mouth. Some farineia only only want lo pay $23 er monih. but good men cannot be retained at stu b low wage. Orcgonian. GUKATI.V AltAttMKIt By Persistent Cough, but Perma nently l ured by Chainberlaln'a Cough Itemrtly. Mr. H. P. r.nrbage, a student at law, in trreenvilie, t c., hail been troubled for lour or live yean wtlli a eontititiotis cough w ltich he cava, "greatly nlanneil ! lne, causing me to fear that I was in the j lit'st stage of consiimptitin." Mr. Bur- Having seen ciiamtreriaiii s cougn Kfiiu tlv adwi tisea, concluded to try i(. Now itMd what Iu savs u( it : I mhii ivlt a leutarkKblw ih:in and after uniHtf t w o tail ties of I lie Lf e-iit aire. an imih- plotely cured." Sold bv Kdwiu Ross, j lxake Xo ( hiur-s. I i tt M wwr ... hen you ttislMo get your full vulne jfor the money tro t Jonh iVIUr, t , Fiit aud Vniuiiill Btieels, i'uri- ! luml. A toiHplete uwk of uifii'n nnti by' itit)iiiie ami h grtnerul lint of BhtK'9 i'Mtridt. ltH will every Hitirlel marked in plain figures, thir inotlo is to get trade and hold it; treat you right. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All tl.se a set of Ktdnyi, Had tier. Urinary Organs. CURE loha.HflartDiseasa 6ravl. uropiy, f amaia Troubiaa. j Don't become dtioaaraged. Than la a (rare far yew. It necessary write Dr. reuser. He Iihs spent a life tlaie curing Just swoli caseeaajoura- All couaultauoua Free. i "Eight months In bed. heavy backache, j pitiu and aoreneaa acrosa kidneys, also rbeu ' niatisiu. - Otber remtioa tailed. Vr. Feu i nur'a Kidney and Backache Cure cured ate coropleiely. 11. WATEKS. Ilanilet, K. y." Pruirilstsfsie., 11. Ask for Cook Book-free. ST.VITUS'DM For luia by M. C. ti.ay, bl, Helen.; , alao Uallcv Bi iun, general tur- to get trade and hold it; that'll why ..i., ' ..... , Al,le... ,"...' BARGAIN SEEIERS LOOK MKUB llraa UmmA a.l. m. Irail.ie. rralitfcl cbarati paid . 8 42 Heal LatclattJ akin Onaulaa iilaa.. i hk latau4 llartiau. .. Hetiil fi.r our Ueneral Catalog, ll quoin ttoa tirUv on erne. EVERYTHING YOU K T ( WC4H Pacific Mail Order Company Keealld aon hilinim Ht I'ortland. Orntim R.BECKER 3IILLINERY MOVED TO- 214 Third it Corntr at Salmon Portland, Oregon A Cnmplcia aiaurtmtnt ul aeieci-4 patwrn haia. alao a lot of trim inert hau at f rratijr redimd pn-ea. You are cordially tuvitod to call and -araina our Spring Styles LOCH IS It MILLIX6. A. Y. Uaher baa dianoaed of hia !ir- IC' 1 1 btiainaa, near Kalatna, lint ia lux - ! tiny in many loga on Milton creek. The 1 '"Mn on Milton creek are doini; a g--"l I Biiaineaa tins teaaon, anil the oinpiit of , loga from that atteaiti will foot up In' many iitouiaiMl. Baal Eatat Trailer. C'harleaand Anna K. Feldman to The Ilenaon Logging A l.amlariiigCompanv ; timber on tite wJt of vlA of aection '2, 5, 8, $J4). . L A Malcolm to Olive J Malcohn : til acrea in tnyA oi recti.. n zk, 7, 3, nu. ' eh" 'ST i t j .. ...1 1 1 '1." i ii- . T'l - u... Ka : i.ciiiugci a a -a d Vernonia, $1,000. Michael Pteter In IMiarla namaV.nn : o2J. W J and Man- C Rilee to The Dead Willow Duck Club; w4 of aw '4 of aec tion 2, 3, 1, $SM. Samuel C and C M Wingar-I to Tite Dead Willow Duck Club; 1.6U.I0 acrea in eectiona 3 and U, tp 8, 1 and other right, 2152 80. John Zweiner to Rhotla Zweiner; lot 1, block C, Rainier, (5. F A Zilgitt (by anenffj to Michael Pie- ter; tk of aw'i of aeciion 33. 8. 4. mid ; 23 Dlocka in Melliitger'a litat ad to Ver- 1 noma, fiOOO. A Farmer Straightened Oat. - "A man living on a fatut t ear here came in a abort time ago completely doubled up with rlieumatiam. 1 handed him a bottle of Cbamherlain'a 1'aiu and told hi ai lo ne it freely aud if not pa y a fat- later he airing and banded me a dollar eaoing, give me another lajtlle of Chaettier iaiu'a 1'ain Ha 1 111. 1 want it in the lu.u-e all the time for it cuted lne ' " For aale ; by Kd win Koss, St. Helena. St. Helens Improreinf at? and Beal Estate Deals". ! Several improvements are noticeable in St. Helena and more, are on the tapia. 1 Deputy County Clerk W. A. Harna ia j figuring on btiildin; a dork, , a,rect ;.. . t...;i.i:.. 1.: t . 111. wiiiia I. ni l.tiiia-a . r. Iiid a-.u- f..,nt ,,, 1,..,, ., lu.v.,'. 1.. .K.,- .i..,.. " ."' . 1 r- ft t'.o Aivh ia l.nilr l).u piect tiv Hrinn'tt i-alooit, owncl by Mr. , Harris, will Ite moved to a new location, !., Hn.,,her buihling will beerecied lor buninesa purrmfea adjoining on the same ; ,,K.k. Two new cottatrea are ,,. tin in the uorI, e,. ,1;lt .vea!rcady l-e , , mentioned. John Q. tiatre haa erected ) 1ea, n,llan, on a,inenee eolith of t,e wxtPr Unk. ti. I). ui!on recently , cntnpietcd two cottages, which are now ia-ciipiel. Amesaor A. t. Laws exjiects to tin 1 I.I a atiiislautlal residence, dining Ihe coining summer on Ihe lota, w hich he reveiiily purchased. Dr. Rut and W. A. Harris have purchased six and fi.llr Lit. liDiululiM.li, iKi'imak ... I 1 estate agency ol J. R. (.iialtrev, on which 1I1..V nil. t.iiil.l llii.aa HPIIIIUI.IIU. am. 1 itvi1(te.l near the wootl Hiinie on the :.. Itimbia Cur n ad. A good sidewalk. 'also will lie cnmplet-ti to lioullon. Ji)K'rh Long, ot tloulton, is building a house and barn 011 the four Iota, w Inch lie recently purchMifd, across the Hume from H. J. Wate' place. The sale was nude through J. li. Godfrey's teal es tate agency. CLATSKANIE Jndsre Burneii ofOniucr was th- wiior 1 P''"r ", ni w&Jt-eu.m tu wmui. t4i Mid un.l ' r"" uiniMiy, nn wingiltwu1 uu-. i,.or. . leelition for Ji. bia friend, a Mr. Nicodeuius, of Iowa, the sights of our I itv, Wednesday Casper Lilwl, ol Mist, w as iu the city Tlaiisoay, telling what be knew alauit the co.itioveisy betweeu John Wal l.tce and J. H. Wilson. ii r v I..,,.. ..r it.., ..i i ... i it... Ti......l.... .1... . trading aud viiting It lends. J.'. A' t,1hi.",'. !m ' en v t I "'vt-rty a. k( is humr x iry- iug to liuim-e hoiiu- o our irtHHi (.hh.uI. 10 ptnvhawe nt Uuiverii v I'm. . John1 )f, vry uiuth eltitfit over 'hia ro-pvi'U i then, lie v i hat nil the ptopie in jjw M iov world lil In- Uierv iti . We notice the genial form of J. 1). ' i ....... ......... ... .. i. ....i ..i' ....i t.ii in ; that Mime young ladies out there were going into the chicken busines, ; and named the posts to make a fence around ihe chicken yard. j I K v. J. K Haw kins is very enthesial- -i tic over the prospects til ihe .May fesli l viti to be held in this city from May 6iii to the U)th. He says it is U.und to is? a sn.-ri'ss. bolli Uoainlnlly and otherwise; , ! that ihe inost prominent siugei a, cloeu- ' lioiiists and other prumiiienl ieisous , will be here to assist, and ii anyo.ie in j this art of the county tails to be prea- I 1 em every night thai lltey will re-let il. t) it c.ty dads arc very economical of- ti lals. tite low u Itai no Mr, el hglua no inlays, . x -ept tne lignt ol Ihe moon Mis. M. A. A Id ridge, of ibia citv. died on Sunday evening last, nlur a long and ling, ting illness. Arthur Hinder, t!.e obliging cletk in Charlie. Conyer'a store, has a aiu le all over bis face. Uuess he nnist have it girl aiimew here iu these parts. Mn. Smith, w Ito bus beun ill 'or the past several weeks, is reported to be on the road to recovery. Uncle Silas Stewart Is in town again, afier an alisenee of several mouth-. Un cle frlaa likt-s to spin War yaruj, and we ltk- to hear them. THE SIGN THK BEST 3 OVERLAND 3 3 TRAINS 3 3 DAILY 3 It does not cost you any more to travel on the "North Coast Limited" than it does any other train. Try it and your verdict will be It's the crack train of them all A. I. CHAUI.TON, Aaatatanl General t'aaaenger Agent, 2S6 Morriaon Ht., Corner ol Thlrrl, Portland, Oregon. 81' MM O.MS. In th Circuit Court nl the Stata ol Origan, for Crilumlila Coutily. W. P. IH.1.11, Plaintiff va. Alice M Ihihann, Datenrlant To Al'cn M. Iiobann, tkr aliovc aimed iterendant IN the name of the State of Oregon: Yob are ka-br r-ini-ed id a 1. pear and an auar thw t-omplaint iitet again-t vrm In the arore entitle I conn and cauac on or before the 12th day of M.ijr. which ia aix aerka after thr 'Ata day ..I March. 1U, the data ordered for the firt puMlicatioii of thia notice and if yna fail to aoannear ami anauer.the r-latntlff will apply for ibe relief praed fur lit the cniuilalal. to-wtt: f.ir a lecree doai'lrhia' ylie bouda of . matrlinonr now exi-toia hatweeaahiive named plaint iff and del eudaal. and foranch other and tanker relief aa t-j th court aeama aiaet and This anmmona fa pahlfvhed hj order of the Hon. lhoiaaa A. Mettri.1. judge of the above named eourt. mad taitu aalerert on the 18tk day of iian h. .90;. ai'JO'iil . I.. T. FUKIX. Allornar for Plalnug. eil'MMOMH. In Ihe circuit Court ol Ihe atate ot .Oretnn or Oilambia tiunir. Kditb L. Taylor. I'lalmlfr ra. Artbar K. Taylor. Defendant IK THE KAMK OK THK aTATE OF ORKfiON 1 yoi are ieqnlrd 10 apnear and anawer Ibe the comj.Uiot tlleil aratnat you in the above emitted court on or te.ort the 8th day of ailr, U. 10 it: un or bef.ire aix wrrka after' March 27, KOS, thai heinaaix weeka after ttia dale of Hit nr publication of thia anmmona. Aad if you tait to ao appear or answer anid comprnitit, the plaintift will apply to the court fr the relief m ttieietn DTflye.1 tor. For a decree of divorce di aoleiiix forever the bunds of jaiMtrimony uow existiaa between pi -.1 ntilf au I nefeiHiant' above h named aud flviua and amain to plalnliff the care ami ca-brfiy 01 Ihe lalDor child, the iislieof said marriage, tiatue.y. Esther Mabel Tavlon and at- Judgment aaainat you for the autn of o.00 per munlh until ttia said child katber Matt 9aior, lieeotriea of are and alao for jn, lament tor the roata aad dtsburaementa of this and and for such other and further relief aa to the court ahall aceni dtnitatiie. Thia auminons i. poblisheii for aix conaeen tive wtflt' by order of the Hon. Thomas A. M-Hride. Jttdre of the said court made oa the ;lst day 01 March l:l)i XIII.I.F.R A MILI.FR. m2.nia Atlurncya foi Plaiutiff. - Notice of Onartltanahip Peiitioa. In the Cnu-ty Court of tha State of Oregon far Colainbia County. In the matter of the Uurdianhlp of tba ea tateaol tester Heririek Fen, a "rdiick. Millard Arnold, Durwiu Ariioln.ina .;ur . tia Arnold, minors. To fester Ann Weurick, Tboaiaa Kinehart, and Cie-ra Arnold: , rPAkK not.ee that Martin A. Wed rick X haa heretofore hied 111 ibe above entitled ,"L" "r.1"" ? ev'.e"1'tlea iu,rrrt"?S. Miliard Arnold. l)arwin Arnold, and Curtis Ar. Qold, muiiirs; ihatsaid co,iou baa iieeit se for heaniia b saio Conrl on Afmidav lice hrat day of Juue, A 1) . l'si, at lue hour of two o'cloca, p. m.. at the court nxun id aaid Couri. at st tteleu-. oreiron. at which time aud place ynu, rosy appearand ahoM eauhe, if any yuu have, wuysaid Martin A. wadhok ibuuld not he ap. pointed uch KUaolfatt. Wirssa... the lion. J. B. Ooan, Ju-'ge of thl Oiinvy Coart of the Mat of ureaolt for the ' Conuti of Columoia. with Ihe seal 01 said Court afhxeu, Oiia am uy oi April, A. b., isutf. A Ileal: it. UKMltRSciN, Cleik. w. II. puwalLU Atlurnay lr Peiiliou.r. mOTICE OF FINAL SETTltHEHT NOTICE 13 H EKE BY GIVEN THAT THtf iiutteri(tuca iu ktUiuinutr&tnr ol 1 h (tt Ore of tite luiidi Ct ii ui th Lmiuty of lo luint'U, aiatv 01 OrvfHU, hi uai account of hia M(im'nietiMiiuU Ut-.n ail eaUI. I. jtf iher fttih hit fin nl rcixirt mid uvmicii tor ciir-irii.ntif.i.. 1 mud ttiut thu Hon. J. B. Uimii. jutige oi mhI CoBri, ls a polio) Moo- y. Aim tiy ot Jnite. A. JtiuJ. .a oii o cl-k in iu .jftvr l ayfoa of sitt tiv, 9 th time, mud th cnrt I room of Ml.. Cojn u St. Hrilvus Oregon, j ih -: ptNtv i urmti u tint .wttiir, til truivb lime and place, miy u on iu ere-icJ n Mhi enuic m-v tubiiuwii, or atuy pnuMi i. .ioif r of the tuim. M.iKTIN A. Hffl'KICK. A1mlntrrtor ol thv estate oi ioaeph k24 o:2aI VAeotirk, de t. W. ... uAElit,. .uiu. ue.v ioi AUmiiiltr4itra Timbvr Land, Aet 'one it), a. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'KITCP 9TATU LaKI Ooll f. Oro;nn City, treg oi, April 11. 1'Jut. NOTIi:Kl.KHKHViIVK.T.AAT IN COM fjlinucw with lii roviMiMi ut Ilit Act f ..out.rrsoijiiti-4, iii eniuKM a u ft tor law le oi timtwr titti tu ih xntfi oi khfornia Urx'ijon, Metaoa anil tt nhmttfi TFrruorjre" n extended u. mil Ih rnolh Lm4 &tait by m- of Ani:u.t i, .r.'. J V. t:aiDpbclI, of I'ttr.luntK t'oa.ilv of M iitnoiaiili, ttt oi Ore icon, ha iht tly lik I in .n..it;t.ce 10 woru Htoment No. waW7r lor (ht iurt he of th ie'-i ot Mo tion No. i, .11 towiislii. V.. 4 u, ittnge Nu. 4 w., ul will ilVr pro i iu liow that h Und t -ukIo Is tuor vKlunble fur it ttniin-r or iiu thin ;or Mnculi u . hi pur, cmcnt bimi to etllih h olmru to ail land ueii'it llm KtgtUr and KAtriVfi ul thin omnjt ifiriron oiiv, Oregua, on Hinrdav H h day of Ju1. iWS. Hv nujiiM an tr.iut .-k.k: Juii.it;, burka. of Mo.athrt, tsiej..- ; Ei li.tr;. Joocju j .ouu, aud Jaiiie' Jit. lev, . ror.Utt'l, Oiukihi, Any and ull )iuriHiu t Imiuiii.k adrtrfwly th s bo e decriheu lxut.r nre iftjtte'-ttl to hie their clti. nin tiii- otnre.ior beimt Mid IKa tittf of July. I!i0ti. J4-jc.6 iHAKLEJ B. II 0KKS. Rtfiitr. GEOivGli A. HALL ATTORXEY- AT- LAW ST. HELE.NS - OREUON. Too Great a ltt.lt. In almost every neighUtrhood some one baa died from an attack of colic i ' "'"r morbus, ftt. before metlicin eould be prucined or a physician Mint- moned. A reliable remedy lor these diseases sh.iiild be kept at ' band. The risk ia too great for anyone to take, CliauiMrlHiii'a Colic, Cholera and IN ir tb iea lin, civ has undoubtedly aaved the lives ol 'note people and relieved more nam ami suffering than any olhcr nodiciae Iu use. It can alHv bf de pended uvin. For sale by KlalhB.su, -J iW'-'n- , Ul-Ua.iJI,twssU)ii,.UI .luaiiuiusuju i.j,ii,ii,iii..iiiiiiiiii'l'ii.iyiiiiii mi