The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 24, 1903, Image 4

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Tired Feeling
It a Common Spring Trouble.
It's sign that the blood is deficient
In vitality, Just as piuiples and other
ruptious are eigu that the blood
U impure.
It's a warning, too, which only tha
hazardous fail to heed.
Hood's Sarsaparilta
and Pills
Remove it, give new life, new cour
age, strength and animation.
They cleanse the blood and dear tha
Accept no substitute.
' "I felt tired all the time and could not
sleep. After taking Hood's Sarsaparllla
a while I could sleep well and the tired
feeling had gone. This great medtclue has
also cured roe of scrofula." Mas. C U.
Boot, Qllead, Conn.
Hood's Sarsaparllla promise to
euro and keep tho promise).
A new and revised edition of Ste
phen Facet's "Experiments on Ani
mals," with sn Introduction by Lord
Lister, Is published by the Messrs. Put
nam. J. A. Hammerton, of London, is about
to publish a volume of Stevensonlana,
to consist of extracts from magazines
and other periodicals relating to Ste
venson. It bas become known thst Andrew C.
Wheeler (Nym Crinkle), who recently
died on his farm In Rockland County,
was the "J. P. Si." whose striking es
says and books have had a large popu
larity In these later years.
Ralph Fletcher 8eymour Is the pub
lisher of "Ceres and Persephone," a
child play by Miss Maud Menefee. The
De meter myth Is retold for children In
simple lyrical dialogue and Mr. Lang's
translation of the "Hymn to Demeter"
la appended..
Of middle height, white-haired and
ruddy-faced. Jules Verne looks like a
sea captain who Is spending the au
tumn of a weJl-fllled life on shore. Al
though 74 years old, suffering from cat
aract and lame In one leg, the old gen
tleman Is hearty of manner and bright
ly Interested In all the world's doings.
Prof. John Ward Stimson's long ex
pected work on art and the philosophy
of beauty, "The Gate Beautiful," Is at
last announced for early publication by
Albert Brandt, of Trenton, N. J. It
will be a quarto of 420 pages and is to
contain several thousand Illustrations
and two color charts, one being printed
In twenty-four colors.
Paul Laurence Dunbar, author of
"Lyrics of Lowly Life," "Poems of
Cabin and Field," etc., has Just read
the proofs of a new volume of poems
which will be a companion to his
"Lyrics of Lowly Life" and "Lyrics of
the Beartbslde." For the most part It
- Is made up of dialect pieces and will
bear the title "Lyrics of Lore and
It Is said that the novel by John D.
Barry entitled "A Daughter of Thes
pls," which L. C. Pnge & Co. have In
press, la one of the few accurate stories
of American stage conditions that has
ever been written. Mr. Barry's stories
of theatrical life have already been
highly praised by the reviewers,
among others by William Archer, the
leading dramatic critic of England.
Miss Mary Johnston's new romantic
love story, "Sir Mortimer," will follow
Mrs. Humphry Ward's "Lady Rose's
Daughter" In Harper's Magazine. The
scenes of the story are laid In England
at the court of Queen Elizabeth and on
the sea. The heroine Is a celebratid
twauty who Is lady-In-waitlng to Queen
Elizabeth, while the hero la a gallant
officer In ber Majesty's miniature navy.
"David Harum" has passed Into Its
one hundred and first edition, which
Messrs. D. Appleton & Co. Issued Im
mediately after the holidays. In the
matter of popularity expressed In num
bers It now takes first rank in Amerl-
. can fiction, "Ben-Hur" and "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" being Its only rivals. The
book's first century of editions was
celebrated In October last with an
Issue of 10,000 copies, printed on a spe
cial paper In a special binding. It was
entirely disposed of by Dec. 1, complet
ing a total sale of 066,000 copies. The
new edition will appear In the fa rally
yellow cover, with full-page lllustra
tloua by Cllneburst
Be Needed Clothe
A Western Senator brought to the
Capitol a good story about Minister
Bowen, which the minister himself re
rontJr told at a dlnrer.
"I was asked some days after I ar
rived here In Wash nirton." said Mr
Bowen, "why I had stuck so closely to
my rooms at the hotel and not showed
myself around town.
"Th nnlv rpnlv was a rather nalnful
one, but, nevertheless, fully truthful.
It was because I hadn't the clothes."
Thereupon I '. Bowen told bow he
had been commissioned to hasten
NWth anddeniv and without opportuni
ty to provide himself with the heav-
ir wearing apparel necessary for rest
dence In a cold climate. As soon as
he reached town be put a local tailor
in work noon an outfit.
Tha hardship of the situation was
that Mr. Bowen bad ordered some rai
ment from London, and this was com
ing arrnia the Atlantic In a British
bottom, which was one of the very
r.t eh I mi to be held up Dy ine Dioca
adlne- fleet of the allies. There was
... for it. and Mr. Botven's Lon
,don clothes, such as are necessary for
proper appearance In polite society,
.till somewhere In South America.
Ha bad reason, therefore, for being
personally grateful wtien tne mocaaae
niied end bis clothes had an op
portunity to go forward to Caracas.-
An Accommodating Neighbor,
The following conversation of two
young ladles was overheard a few(
nignta ago in a Bixia avenue eiecioo
car, reports the New York Times:
"Do you know, I think she la abso
lutely the meanest woman I ever
"Why, what la the matter
"Matter? Why, everything.
does nothing but borrow from morn
ing to night Too know. She has the
apartment Just across the hall from us,
and tha day she moved In she setarted
by borrowing a a egg from mother. The
next day she borrowed a cup of sugar,
and since that time she has borrowed
everything from a piece of butter to
the baby carriage, and has never made
sny attempt to return a single thln.
I have often told mother that I was
going to borrow some of the things
back, but she has always forbidden
me.- Last night, however. I had to
write some letters, and I had no Ink.
It was raining very hard, and mother
was out, so I resolved that rather than
go out in the rata I would disobey
orders and ask our neighbor to let me
have ber Ink. I asked her, and what
do you think she said? 'I haven't any
ink, but I'll let you take my shoe pol
ish. It Is Just as good. It dries quick,
ly but you can write Just as well with
it. Oh, I never met a meaner wom
an In my life!"
Beautiful Marks or Maple.
Nobody seems to know what cause It
is which produces those delicate and
beautiful lines In maple, knowu as
bird's-eye. Some people think they
come from the hundreds of little
branches which shoot out over the
trunk of the tree aa soon as a clearing
Is made around It. Expert tlmbermen
ay that la not the case. The only way
to tell a bird's-eye maple tree Is to cut
It. There are no outward aliens by wnicn
one can Judge. The Itrtllroad Oazette
tells a story of the late George St. full
man. Many years ago he was offered a
mahogany log for $3,000, to be cut Into
veneers. It was supposed to be a very
fine piece of wood, but this could only
be determined by cutting It. He de
clined the offer, but agreed to take the
log cut Into veneera for what It was
worth. The owner had It sawed and
was paid $7.0dO for his veneers. Any
one who can discover the secret of de
termining the interior nature of wood
from the outside will have a fortune.
"I see," said tho telegraph editor,
that a woman In New York haa sued
her husband for divorce because he
pelted her with eggs."
'And she prohaoiy wants to get. out
of the yolk." remarked the stock hu
morist. "Did omelet him
tTnr nanio wasn't Ommy, anyhow,"
said the copy reader; "that's the worst
Joke ever hatched
"Sav. vou fellow, drop that saeii
game and get to workT' growled the
fellow that fixes the salaries. Anil at
once more quiet reigned. Baltimore
No Bath. No Wife.
he Turks bath money forms '
an Item in every marriage contract, ;
the husband engaging to aiiow uisj
wife a certain sum lor omning pur
poses. Should it be withheld she nas
only to ge before the cadi and turn;
her slipper unside down, and if thej
complain be not then redressed it la :
ground for a divorce. j
Taking No Chances. I
"Cn,A nna wOa teHlo? TT1P that OaT-
lor matches aren't legal any moe," ,
said Marmaduke.
"Let's go into the sitting room,
said Alice, hastily leading the way.
New York Sun. I
Poor Proof of Insanity. j
St IMInhnnrh Kr-ntland a larlv has'
KAA fminri irtzann nhn lpff 12 000 tO a fund fnr the rescue of sane
persons improperly placed in lunatic
Spoiling for a Fight.
"That American prize fighter will
spare no expense in his match with
the Frenchman."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. He's even willing to have it
come off by cable."
MUSCULAR, MERCURIAL, time when they were entirely free
' from an ache or pain, and have
barometers and most accurate in weather predictions, tbe increasing pains in
muscles and joints foretelling the approaching storm or the coming of bad
weather. It is from these constant sufferers that the great army of rheumatic
cripples is recruited. Their bodies are
the joints become so stiffened and bent
that they are at last compelled to give
up or hobble about on crutches.
Nobody ever outlived Rheumatism;
the disea-se never loosens its grip or
leaves of its own accord, but must be
driven out by intelligent and persist
ent treatment through the blood, for
Rheumatism of every variety and form
is caused by an over acid condition of
the blood, and the deposit in muscles,
joints and nerves o corrosive poisons
and gritty particles, and it is these
irritating substances that produce the
inflammation, swelling and pains,
wh ich last as lon g as the blood remains
in this sour and acid state.
To cure Rheumatism permanently
li tdrwt must be nitrified and invir-
nratrn and no othpr remedv does this
refrwthM and restores to the thin acid
t.inintr nrnnrrties. And when strong,
the body the acid poisons and irritating
the pain-racked, despondent Rheumatic sufferer will receive helpful advice
from Fhvsiciana of experience and skill without charge. Write us fully about
Some sensible advice to
women passing through this
trying period.
The painful and annoying nyrop
torns experienced by most women
at this period of life arc easily over
come by LyUla K. lMnkhant's
Vegetable Compound. It is espe
cially designed to meet tho needs
of woman's system at the trying
time of chansw of life.
It is no exagfferat ion to state that
Mrs. IHnkhaui lias over 6000 letters
like the following proving the great
value of her medicine at such tunes.
" I wish to thank Mrs. I'inkham for
what her medicine haa done for me.
My trouble was change of life. Four
rears ao my health began to fail, my
lead began to grow dizzy, my eyes
pained uie, and at times it seemed aa
if my back would fail me, had terrible
pains across the kidneys. Hot flashes
were very frequent and trying. A
friend advised me to trv Lyrtlas
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. 1 have taken si x bottlea of it
and ara to-day free from those troubles.
I cannot speak in high enough terms
of the medicine. I recommend it to all
and wish every suffering woman would
give it a trial. Hmaa Koss, 88 Mont
elalr Ave., Uiwlindsle, M ass $5000
fll It fllnH tt sosse Isflsr arseJaf ewMuaeal
The Ideal Husband.
She Gertrude snys she will never
marry until she finds her Ideal.
He What Is her ideal?
"Oh, any man who will ask her."
Kansas City Journal.
George Jack Is penning' something
to his Arabella's eyebrows.
Mabel They're already penciled.
New York Sun.
How -a MIST
Wa offer Oae Hundred bollara Reward for sav
ascot caiterra Uial oau not be cured, by Haiti
csiarra cure.
b. I I'llffL'. LP. T.ll.
We the andersltf nl. have known r. J. I'hsDev
for th past, and believe biin perfect. r
fcon--rsble in it' liu-ines. trsusactiottt and On
aiiciailT able w carry outany obhBatluns made
ty lueu orm.
WstA Tursx.
Wholesale linguists. Toledo,
Wauhnu Ki.vmnA Maxvik,
Wholesale tirnf ( in, Toledo. O.
Ball'sCatsrrhCare Is taken
sirectly on tbe blrxxl and mueus surfaces of
uie system. Price T.v p.r boii.s. suitl brail
BrtlKri.te. testimonials iree.
Hall's Family PlUs are the best.
Easily Accounted For.
"Lillian." said a certain little girl's
mamma, "there were three pieces of
cake in the pantry and now there is
onlv one. How did that happen?
"Well," said the girl, her eyes wide
( pen with excitement. "It was so dark
in there I didn't see the other piece.
The Only Thing Wanted.
Mrs. Xoorich Isn't It grand to ride
in your own carriage?
Mr. Noorich Yes. but I'd enjoy It
more if I could stand on the side
walk and see myself ride by. Brook
lyn Life.
Considerable Dllfercrcs.
Khe Idiot Hot you don't know
wheiln lies the difference between a
good cook and a poor printer s devil
The Victim Unburden your itoul.
Tbe Idiot One forms the pie and
the other pies the form. Harvard
No Danfcr.
"Do you think there Is any danger
of America being dominated by Eur
"No. sir," answered Mr. Meekton
with extraordinary emphaslH; "not sc
long as eminent Europeans continue
to marry American girli." Washing'
ton S;ar.
Some people hare been suffering
from Rheumatism so long- that
U ... -.-..I .. r..,. t,-r tha
since forgotten the ioys of a painless
existence. 1 hey are at the mercy 01 every
HI wind, and their misery is aggravated
by exposure to cold or audden changes in
the temperature. Tbev become walking
worn out by the incessant pains ana
Bowline Oreen, XT'
entlemea: About a year ao I
waa attacked by acute Rheumatism
In my saouldere, arms and less below
tha knee. I could mot raise mr arm
to comb my hair. Doctors prescribed
for me for over two months without
a-lvlna me any relief. I saw 8. S. S,
advertised and decided to try It.
Immediately I commerced Its use I
felt better, aad remarked to my
mother that I was dad I had at last
found some relief. I continued Its
nee and am entirely well. I will
always feel deeply lntereated in the
access of B. B. S. slnoe It did me e
much food. Tours truly,
811 Twelfth Street.
BO well or SO promptly as S. S. S. It
blood its nourishing and health-sus
rich blood is again circulating through
matter are washed out of the muscles
ana wines, ana mcyaina
i ... . : - .1.: .. v. -
ana jtneumausia is k iumg ui ii
oast. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable
medicine and does not derange the
6tomach like tbe strong mineral
remedies, but builds vp tbe general
health, increase the appetita ae4
tones up the digestion,
Throuzh our Medical Department
mmm tired."
Aa Iatercstlnu Letter
rv.,t i..nuAa.. lTitl
Mss nMi
Delia, mdBy
U Jameau J?P4a.'-jS
OlIBB Ut'lia WOIIf-u( u.uuv ........ - -
an,t heat known French Canadian families in Canada. In a recent letter to
Tbe Peruna Medicine Co.. of Columbus, Ohio, she says:
Last serins- mv blood seemed clot -
ached and I felt languid and tired all the
me, but a friend advised me to try feruna. i incu u mnu mm P.v-.--. -that
I found It a wonderful cleanser and purifier ol the system. In three
weeks I was like a new woman, my appetite had Increased. I lelt buoyant,
light and happy and without an ache or pain. Ieruna is a reliable family
Adla Brlttaln, of Sokltan. O.. writes:
"After uslna your wonderful Peruna
three months I have had great relief. I
had continual heaviness In my atom-1
ich. was bilious, and had falntlnit
spells but they all have left me since
uslnic Peruna." Adla Brlttaln.
It you do not derive prompt anu tai -
I- -e--r
Short Qtorlei
A Brown University student once
had the audacity to ask Professor Cas
well whether bis name would not be
i well without the C.
Lord Houghton's epigram on "Bor
dello," though It Las often gone the
rounds, Is worth recalling. Said Ixirtl
Houghton, then only 'Dicky" Millies:
There are but two Hoes tu "Sordello
I can understand - the nm and last -
Who will may hear Bordello's story
told,' and 'Who would hath heard hur-
dello's story told,' and both are false."
Senator Hoar was showing some
MasttachusL-tts visitors about Woshlug
ton. D. C one day recently, and was
pointing out a magnificent old resi
dence built years ago by a famous and
rather shady lawyer of his time.
"Why," the Senator was asked, "wa
he able to build a house like that by
his practice V "Yes." replied Hoar,
"by his practice and his practices."
Cyrus I). Drew, of Leulsvllle, thus
describes an amusing Incident whicii
occurred In New Orleans In the spring
of 1S!. "I met Kugens Field on one
of his pilgrimages for old boltlea, pew
ter Ware, and any old thing lu the Jnnu
line. Home friends of mine Introduced
our party to Mr. Field aud Wilson liar-
rett and members of his compuuy, then
playing an engagement in New Or
leaiss. Mr. Field's greatest delight was
in teasing Miss Maude Jeffries, a Mis
sissippi girl, then leading lady In Mr.
Barrett's company. Khc was very sen
sitive and modest, and It delighted
Field greatly when he could playfully
embarrass ber. One day I found him
in bis room busy on the Boor pasting
largo sheets of brown paper together.
lie had written a poem to Miss Jeffrie
In the center of a large sheet of this
wrapping paper In bis characteristic
small band Indeed, much smaller than
usual. On the edges of this Bheet 1
found blm pasting others of equal size, 1
so that tbe whole, when complete, j
made a single sheet about eight feet
square. This he "carefully folded up
to fit an Improvised envelope about the
size of a Murdl Urns souvenir, thei.
being distributed about the city. With
the Joyousness of a boy about to play
a prank, be chased downstairs at tin
noon hour, when he knew Miss Jeffrie
was at lunch with Mr. Barrett lu the
cafe of the Oruuewald. Calling
waiter, he sent the huge envelope lu
to her table. She glanced at It a mo
ment, and then gradually drew the
package from Its envelope, while Field
and I stood watching behind the en
trance. It spread all ever the table
.is she continued to unfold the enor
mous sheet, and Its rustle attracted the
mention of nearly every one In the
room. When It bad spread Itself all
ver Mr. liar rett who, meanwhile, wa
aligning heartily, Miss Jeffries dlscov
red the poem In Field's hand, and, al
hough blushing crimson, Joined in tin
ttiighter, for she knew he was some
vhere about, enjoying her discomfit
ure." Painful SuhJ.ct.
The Admirer "The fringe of mag
'lollas beyond the lagoon." There Is
something poetic about the word
The Poet Yes, except when It re
fers to trousers. Stray Stories.
1 1 Best tout! n Hrsp. Tsstas tiuod. CSS f 1
tJ rn time. Wol1 by sniggtsts. r8-!
CoikitoIui re ru-ua.
nifntrn Onf.. lit from om of th oMcftt
Red up, my digestion poor, my neati
time. My physician prewritwu tor
. Isfaclory results from the use of Pent
'na. write at once to Dr llartmnn, atv
; Inn a full statement of your case and
ho will be pleased to give you his val-
i tiahie advice rratis.
Address nr. nirrman. i-renmem i
(The liartman Sanitarium, Columbus.
Lengthening the Joy.
Iot Is that all the pie 1 may have
Mother Yes, dear.
Dot Then, mother, will you please
ut it In two pieces and give uto one
it a time?
riysi rsrmassnr e
"I I sTt.r sr.!
St. as sMnMwai
..."Mir aiia.'.urMl Ht
Imttrwt IUu,rurritaitt'J.elrisl!.il.MIll
ss. la.B.U aua.L4.suf.Jriuia.i?
riercly a Listener.
you never gossip about
"Never." answered Mies Cayenne
I can't bring myself to lie so cruel a.
o Interrupt my frtentls when they are
usslplng ahout cue another."
For conrhs mnt cnhls there Is no better
medicine than l'tso'a Cure for Consuutp-
tlou. l'rice a rents.
An Gxpert Opinion.
"Yea; ho started a matrimonial
agency and espet ted to make a lot of
"Why didn't he?"
"Hu mnrried his typewriter girl in
Hide of a week, snd she wouldn't let
hi in go on with the buslneaa hetan-te ll
wtiH too dangerous." Cleveland I'laln
TouOan Clet Allen's Foot Faae rUCI.
rlie Allsn . fllm.trd. Ilb.y, N. Y . for a
fr .ami'lM of Allen foot Ksse. ll ntrrs chit,
hlslris. swoatltiK, dsttip. swulli-n, arhtii-1,1. '
It tnaKes inwr or ttrhl snists Mt.y A l-trtalrt
rurr for C.rns srt'l All .IrttsKlsts soil
it. liolt't SJT,t atiy siltstlttlle.
Ierplelng Situation.
Parker What's wrong? You seem
Streeter I nin. I wrote two notes
one to my broker BHklng hint If ho
look tti" for a fool, and the other to
MImh (loldlntr asking her If she would
he mine. While I was out somebody
telephoned 'Yes.' and I don't know
which of 'em it was Tlt Hlts.
She Thought of Mlm.
Creamley I didn't know you were
ttciiiiilnted with Miss !.ovctt. Hh
asked me last night If I knew you.
lloamley That wim nice of her.
What led her to ask you that, I won
der ?
Why er I had Just asked her If
Nhe could Imagine anyone uglier than
Hill Thompson.- I'hllndelphla I'ress.
'i'lio Kinl Yon Havei Ahvava
v r r lr. a. . " av. - - M
ture of Chus. II. I'leU licr, and lias been iiiuilo uuder bin
iMirMoiial riupervlnlou for over :iO yearn. Allow no on
io deeelvo yon In tliln. Counterfeits, ImllutloiiH unit
" .IiiHt-aH-pol " uro biiti:perlinonts.iuwl rinlnnirer the)
beulth of Cbildrcn I.iperlcnco nffitliiHt JOxperliiu-nt.
Cantorlu, U a burinl.-MS stiliHlltuto for CiiMtor oil. l'nreu,
Korlc, JrpH and Hoothlntr HyrupH. It is I'leiuutnt. It
conUlim neither Opliim, Morphino nor other Nitn-otlo
ubHtaiipfl. ltd nr 1 Hu Kuinanu.,,. It destroy Worm-,
and ulliiyn l overislinesM. n -nrca Dlurrlm ii und Wln.l
Col c. l relieve, Teelhl, TroubleH, ,,.reH Co" itlpu,
and I'lntiiU-iH V. It UNsiniilutia th, ;it retniliu's tho
Htoniiu h und llow els, frlvliifr Iteitll by iw nulurul sleei.
The Children') J'anacca-Tbo Wotlier'n l rleinl. 1 '
The Kind You Have Always Bought
uearB ino
In Use For
''"W MPmMV, ff
Ft tu, BruU.
hr rollett lliate to twit on facts,
Mr. I'lmnner, but bow ''' I'"
,lo vou suppose you lmv killed b) !'
tin. lip !' wrtiK medicine?
Mr. rhsrmer-Can tMy i but Ihl. h
f h. live. I bava by UI
(..How prescriptions. - l'"
I riiiiHcript, .
Hoy Hln"na7d linker's iltii.-rlpllon f
The Ureal Northwest" are lvl '
men and women of the Kast a better
uudcrsumllna- of the vaslness
... ... ,,. I.. i fill ri'ulitn. The
and of Us InmberliiK Industry t
coma can boast the m-ntcst sawmill. !
with one cxct'i.tUm. In U word--,
will be tho (ett of tho ftittcl.talliiK
......... I,. tii. Mnv Century, of I he
IM III J , ,
Continent of the Korea!.
Two New Operas I'rwnleed.
T:srvnlk, the Knwlaii composer,
nrltliiH an opera, around tbe story ol
"rr" na dl Klmlni," while Artuis.y,
the Kronen milfli'lan, Is makli an
oneratio rendition of Tolstoi's "Kesiil
reclion." Trill HOW ANt WHY.
.,oe . s I- "" " 1 "eft'";".
hd" I"'"
I, I a.l...te,l t. .tetno'lleS"
t h the tlt.l i.tln.-ipsis it"
ami tta l ha.1 ff ','V""M V"
t tt... urt Ml IA1 I , 11 It I1UK.M. -
, ........ SltirilllSllt lllltl'lMtS
',.f llsli't,
II, i ami
n .... h.ln ,nu lii umlrt.iSlt'l
.. .. .... 1 u.,11,.1 ,ti,tiiia l 'J '
i.,Miimwi "I lti.nritr Hi t.wsf.n than "s.
v,,r U'lor.. tlilfU In 11
ati) III 'US irmt.
siats l.y auy eww
Hot Air Cookery.
"1 got a cold supper when I wen!
home loiilitht, and you be! I kicked
about II."
Did lltal do yu y K"",l
"Well, mv wile made It warm
in."riilladlpliia Press.
ItulK 1s .'
Klrau K.l Kit. hen KHi't
unt .mo.s, ah. s Mt hral.
rsds lusts' 'Tha
I h Ht,.S STllh'
Mske e. ssliel
finest (hild Plate Service.
The nmr.piis ol l!tedtbne own a
service of gold plain uhlt-li is oneol the
tinsi in tbe world. It Is valued at
$ tiOO.OOl). That of Urd Rothschild is
worth about fSOO.OW).
Mothers will firm Jrs. (TlnstoWs Son'ri.
UiK fvnip the bst remedy I"' l"mi
jlillureo during toe looihlug period.
I smlly I rankntss.
Slitter Susan IH tts dlnn with you
Christmas, licheri-a''
Htster Itehet-ca - Oh. no. Hussn.
Iwm't you remember? It s your ttim
to have us.
ut etibtnt it) sreMM fir Rtf uhtt f h0
(' AH ' A UK Tt Tkilaiiui hM um4o
tv! bul. Ut$ b9 tbr ir I mm Itlt
Uettbsf ftsvrftW. tti Ofily ljat.e) Oftllf til
IMsassnt r!isi. i'i..i rts )ma
UutHl. ' S.rS.I, r (,,i, HV SM
ft S..'J snd witUM tit Sll Srs.
l sins ui i t St Iinsw Haul.
ybursjbra CearIead?
dlilanf lZU
IS... hS
IHs. h.. .m.wi it h...
SliSlt lltss 1 III fnaiM awrilw
Mr rtf . al aWsWs, Mslt.tSc Free) Pst H..S
l'Ultn.1U SCKIl
..Scarcely a Day..
( . ut w BrrMte1 Hi-lt It. rUttm
im nut .!imM!t tat I (t,t t
U.t illr t rftilu( llrUlrrnilK I'.tK . I rt
v- .tilft ur$ ki air.. ugly ((, I. ti .H
1.0 ..tK.ltlY sil fsiIlwUltltlf .)r.t,tit ml
Ihs- vrry (lrt lpn ! l'-.tu tr.'UhU Al
ir.a. trt ihnats !,, mtm it.rrnt'tot
it ky nml tl if.mll c.t lur ,e.tti'-l
mm i -inlr.a ntt.l nur v,,rK y)irtftittrMl
H'lih ,.lt'Hri( i'rettj1.ti hsji.ut f?ik
rt'tiiTttlnA cclilngl till v
tMlll., IIOIU ! tu U
1 1 -J- " ' , . . ''IT '
i-'ft ' fwiSi '
I'r . U . A tt im.
WISLi LJUOaS Dentist ,.-. .-u. mju. ratn..f 'U.
llotiirht lius hurn ft t llf. Mlirm,.
mgnaturo of
Over 30 Years.
" por iwo years t luffcrcd tor.
rlhly from dyspepsls. with ureal
depression, snd was always feeling
poorly. I then tried Aysr's Sarsa
parllla, snd In one week I was a.
new man, "John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that It's
uAycrV Sarsaparllla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other Kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Aycr's Sarsapa
rllla. IIMstaMls. Merentsts.
s.k ..Hit Siwt tMt !
Si..i-rill. it. ! "". IMS i.4
tier Piilmy lys.
f atitni -When 1 as ynting I had
at let Ml orTeis f r my l and.
Patrlx Thiiva are aliat y.iti lulntit
rail pslmy dsy. 1 "I P ,
w(.Hn le ,.
...... .i u..,,i,u slteat. I'utUatfl. llrsr.n
W Mir u. ,.r t sU i.'i.-tM eirerytmiis In
ihewiarblneif in 4 ll" ""' "'. I
1(1.11. H'lSSI" .""-, --
on.l tisiel - ntese r.i lur ,,
('bit ken, Dink ej'd fie- leath
ers. Addrrs
o. o. SMim.
i Mttt M i l t '
Tilt lAltlOCW sotAWAl tATIWAT TO
ni'Ai.rii a:m wijaiim
Is realty a one .lle "' s' "
,.,,i. ,t.t, h, int.l H- wo. Chi eiwtit
l.r.u .tin-.,..,..! rb.'aulsal Btmllii ut Ike
,ure ..I o st.y ,11s."".'. w I"
,.,..n.. .,t l sm.i "' im eiet raw
lor tl.o e. f"1 ""
It. ti..ll .l,h'C
..11 ss. an I !!. IS
., A.isSs ww'M. tilt
It r.i. o tsilllHsw s. taaullly
I'.S II r.... iKt-c t, Is. ! r,
Itutts s "l .s"s! l " "!. eM sun
.-, I .-..! Ilr l..Uatlotl csta r U
au.l lt.t stail I"tt sa;l.
t.ittl,,,. ns(.i .I'M), si'l ' H"
,,. t,.t.l,ti.k. ti. l ot'M Mtantila. turn,
. i... (..-. s. t-iwta "t i
!..,, sitlr.l t, .."-f tt.Sit art., S.w.s
inbt VI fr.
Tlw ailfiti wWumkal IU4klM
HirrWrtt ISAn3t
K.. f OJ.
I II lir.M srrltlaa l
I tl tl l I I
adse.tiaere testae
Using A.m
lisi.iitror l-lnk Kyi hh I'ttwnis llstri
i',... ti... sse 1 asrsf siaoa meirits
sure rttrs for all s.lm. at. (torn wbsrh bsarss
custo is Moaaia.
rW. tl... t'-.w.t". Ov. Mvtit SMAtNS SttS S
- .., n.... 14
as ssum4 s . "
br.MS WM
KhSlWt In it.
ess, T-
tu., lertlaae, U .(.., leasl Agaails.
. t ur. iuim atM wasailiftua
Well Machinery
Oil or Water any
Write for rataltiue.
tlen'l Afte.
Ill Ceiiimer.
elal Hlok
1 lilaj iMi.AHtT.l! I'lll
prmp rltr-t-.r l Pa.ll'!
gml tr"a.ueT li uurri
itliti withiiui i''
jteti t' utvn Hp
KMlim U CMft
ja IllMM
1 r-V 1
i"i tmtkn
WlIHlrftll ('!'
lUrttt, M'H. hint).
ftltil sK'llslllffs.
Vftjhk iiml mrm nitteit '-
sriiiswn In meMllt eal i't
f nt'F Hi thttj i itiiHir, 't it ikiii, to in iiMini
iiarftilfn, rfiurilKii ihitt rMiututk tiMt(tr kniuwi
I tin At: tilth i( IIV AIM iilftnrtt ut rilttrUl'. wilO'H
in -ui.uKruiljr wtM tu diffirnl di-.. M
rtinrniMm lo cur rivrrti, thhm, tunic.
II.IUKl, rllfllMlAtltllll. hwr4ilt)llra), lltlNI'b.
It -r , .UlunyC, ir, hmm liuudrcU of liiiiitii
Uia, i imme nutitmtm. t NU nuil t huu.
I'Hiiriiu out or tlm oiiy Writ tor tiimi noil
rin ulttri. rViid 4fnWifn imnptv. tU.NHll
iil't Third lit., PurtUaJ, OratfM.
I H f
i. w Vj J
Waehingtoo rosi..