THE BIG STOKE DOWN S X By The Big Sawmill!- I Keclvhijj New Good 5 THE MUCKLE 8TORE HAS A REPUTA Hum of Long Standing fur Only the ISvat In -GENERAL MERCHADISi:-- Si Dart & Muckle, tSt. Ileleiw, - Orison. 5 l$rtrtrt'i'im'tM-irimcmr, far iwr wr ST. HELENS JPJB ARMAC Y 1 A I'atrouizc a drug itore when you uant purr, fresh and reliable Drags and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles. Hte. HEADQUARTERS A I'iuc Line of Writing Supplies. Vlatn ml Decorated Crepe l'aer, Etc. Direct from Publisher Regular l M. C. GRAY THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANT Carries a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and Feed ST. HELENS. aatlViV. atLanVaflaAV A AAAAAAAA A1.afi.. H A . A A A A atV A A A A Dr. A. F, KNODER, Dentist Will naata tit. ., to the 4 a i l.l Uoriiaou riia.. when liuiahed. I' rael.t idli.v at 317 I'-i'iirg UuiUtiiig, Cur. ThirJ an,l "itsliini;t'' t'4-. Portland, O-cgon iVvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvw V,pl2t orrwu lint Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Rooms 40 aud 81, Weahli.-on Hid.. S .ihoa-l rumor Waali. and 4th ta PORTLAND, OREGON. Taka Kleratflr lu r'ifth Kl''r. $2 The Mist and o l.i.O .law 01'icr mimmWidxr'c. f lw4 l'.i.'uV.-..u !C?V-v.Tvifk'iL' wii.tfi i. t?i5tSJ G r ItmriClill wti. IH .limn mm mane n, ,. .hoH-n.U'l.l tluilv ilmma-ru.ic naoeu iV7i laiSflalUUal JV i"B8l a ! Ve.ligalMl. Ihe mull pan 1 ppnirniiy - V T T. I, (.,e-t,tril '-flCr3f -foi"Cl'.ri.iiv.-nighOftiilo dim 11 ami died. The h id been It- j Snnou K. H.-Nnti, a Ji mninent yntiiig 1 Af f'.JtA In Wli ,tr,"ft? 0rai i ken nil' and s nmh'r the laaly. t)ue n,,e ..( l'oriia.m, died ut Condon. On the luun'y Seat. j If IM fJftSv OrttiTW tU Ml JT B ' shoe n as foimd several atrH nway. One k,!,",,,,,, countv, tire, was engaged to! , ,,, , - . , , . 1 . ' I IA . ill R. fffalFlir i-Vf tffS 5)11. had been nmpilliiled and healed Vl.i lo,. Kihu.:. ,1,,. the i ! A I lats-tanie high srlmnl student pi-r tfi& hi. Kg ,-,;,, The rlolhmg s of gt""l wurk- 1;, ,Vet ten mace a, an dale. J-mr 11. d ho loliow n - ,,r,.,-.e 1 tu I lie t.e. t .1 ; n ts. ra . . rt mrnn 1 lil amtM MSWA L?,Wi US ft I &i Tinas, 4.l?ir" r-i. ' ew"'"-'" ,,".fut ti-.timimllo'i. ii-forlU 5 i Every day in tho Wwk. I i, FOR SCHOOL BOOKS 25 cent No?els Only i 0 Cents 1 i 4 4 A 5 .Vat OREGON A Jk A A A A A AAAAA." ! -w MOHAWK I'.Mg.. en n. r Third vr t4 ((lltlre, Hooii 414 iUe, Kaosr 147 'l'uukat The Oregonian, $2 ,n-nri "9 trSTt''V'r nWTZr.W "'"'''IV1 ,,'9l'UM'',,,l n,V'.T..V'V- v. ' : - K.en.tvg Journal is I'ortlaii.l's live, in- C,Si3c!if9 Oi -.r...m-VI ld..h .h CruJO $iOm?S virtus - , !:, 1', SIT." I'l It'll, . . .... ',m 1 T ?.n c:...Ico .'.r l'yt;t n' n .irtUKI'il tlien i i... ..v. . jilii riiii.,-i.. In tmv (ine Y3 f WEE f LOO A L I'.icyclit sundries ill lli'lcua. M . ('. tiray's, Kl. 1'iij.out A .,., ( Viillcy, have a lot . ul editr shingles (r aaia i Hciiilt'in. j Vl'lii! HI. Helena llot) takes ,,0 el under !( Iii'itiagmiiriit nl (i. A. and A M. iff rut. j lr. Kdwln Until im Installed k telo jphom, lu his dwelling, that con next i Willi the Yankton linn. A good naan rtuu-iil n( gloves at M. (!. ' ruv'a, Kl, It . Ifil . Kpnrial lUtitlllloll I" railed lo on r ladies' gulden gloves it 3Ui a uir. U'll-iiiy Morgue hits ad-ltol n full jnn ji'l fuxiMutH i. .ick nl general mar- t:liHtnli- t'iinirK, bedstead, etc., and ii complete line. All Hum of my stock ar now mora complete limn ever before, rii.I oin. new Hum have bean aided. M. 0. (iiHV, St. Helen. j I'epiity Ibetrlct Attorney W. II. I'ow rll In the attorney in thrra tijuity raaes I lo l-e tried nt the mcsioit tern, nl ei.nn I ill Cliiekaimis county. I". W. Clark, assisted by 1j.ii Pecker, ia repairing the Murklii houae, reeently la-rupia.l l.y (ieorg.l A. Hull. Fxteu- me intprnvetnc Ma are beini inudw 411 l atrni'tlire. Itev II. Mova will hold aervieea in mn. mil neat Hundiiy at ihniltoii and St. Hel ena. U.-v. Welt la Ktill holding ta. ll ui tended revival aervicea. Ao act of tho lute tabula litre makea Jude 1 1, .mii the county heulih i.llh er. All Inrtha have lo l. repoiud to him. Full partiriilura ueit week. The riiizena of liohle lire niiikiiiK an elfoit lo liuve f e eof.ily rond extended aeroaa the nulrmid ynnl lo the river. thia run he aceoinpli bed . . I..,f .. ;u be built ao that h .ata ran iimke eoiiven- , .em iaiiiltiiga. I . i i . j A ropy ol (he aai..u law. pawl by ! he laal 1 lepahmire, hna Ihi-ii rereived rt , i..f .Men v, ids- rnimr i.i i iir rutin tv . juiige on hi,,, i, ia roil my wna inrteaed I to I,UKI, a. d that of ,e a. .. aitpurin- I Ihr It m f Hedge. lialloway. land i ! V f i n tfoh Cd V, uie dninf r.u i j n ha ul (he Inud biiatm -a in Coiiiinhin j roiiuly. ... i. liulloway' long exerieme j na n reiver o (be (lirjfc.n (ilv Ij.ndol i lire, pei uhaily lit. him for thia buai tieaa. j K. I'.ecker, millinery, haa moved from Kirat and Salmon '.tnvta, I'oriland, ! here the htoro ana I.Hntid f..r iminr j year. .ai, to elrgjnl, new .pianera at ill Third at reel. It ia now the moat couipieU) millinery eatabliahment in rnrtl.ui.1. J. ('. Johtiaon, of Srn.xioe, made llu lol,,i..s rt (Hirl lo the Weekly Crop lliilletin in i'orthuid thia week: lirava a little harkaar.l; iiroi-i la k hA 'or j Unit lind grain. Cheiite. and peara in j bloom. Kather wet fur pli.wiug, eapec- iully on low ground. I John KelUber, the ei-railiond em jplove. who nltelnpted alllride at S.Mp' j p.,-e a ( weeka ag i hr cil'.liu huu j rrlf in the throat, dnl from the i IP , t K fb'iK inj iriea in a IVnland hoapital i hit Saiurdav. lie n;i not ki.oun to I haw any teUtiti a in thia re 'lion ! roiiiit, v. f the V'eMitv fiiatri. t Mii'iar VV. A. Young oig.i..u.-d a tiiiiii.' u M .vrer last i .lav night a lib I'll charter men beia. tlM.rg M ivjer aaelrrtt'l i,i.i lent. Mi, tlrioe A . aloeb, aerrel.iv, arid Mial'niy E log arvietary.. ellleent ill he eie, ted nt the llrvtlli to I U- held r'idnr night. May Kth. ! Henry Morirua l.' irceived a-iothei jelettaiit lot of lilverwa'-e, ihe acta roil I M.iitiLf ol kuivea mid foik. pMn and j niipkin iiiif. Kmdi ru.toii.i'i' at the j atore ia given a tirkrl with eurh eah ! viirrhae and w hen the tol d irio l ea ' the BiliOiil.l of the piltrhja.-r will : Im eulltiiil to n M t o! ailveraiire. j The at.a ner irah l:t hi r'ni'l ti ; thu Buiiitiirr Mrhe.luhi laat Mo;, i.iv. She I ii. iv. leave- h.r (ttk I' oint and wav land , ing. mi Sunday eveninga at 8 o'rhwk. 1 Leave I'.iitl.iiid for I'lat kaui a nd way- 'iio.bnh Tue lnv ,t u I Thtii'-d i v eveu i.ia nt tl o'.l-K'li. Krtnruin, b'avea . li.ii -k.ii.n' y.i Wed lira. !.iy and I'nd.iy ' evuninga at I oVI.K-lt, t; l? P "! m tt i n . j.rii.g i h.-rr, and so ia my nt v ' .-or;ii at. .rk, all tirw g Kida, liolhintf j aoopn .., II. For lildiea' hllta ;'udd't'- I g aeU, geill' fnruilillg gnodr, ii'id nil : at lo-d.Ue notioua thia ptire lead a i;!l ' the nut. A dollar will buy moie in my ' hi. ire Hum any phuv 'li thinMuntv. Ju- i H . e.v.'d fill new melt', auita tip-belaie iinalile for (he lo.ii-l money puaaible. . II. MrKirl, Clalakllliie. ' yl'p to lnt Saturday night the run i f itfo.on in the Columlihi liver in thia vi rmiiy ua Ii. tier than it haa been for I H'Veial yeaia p.i-t. This week the run ' and tho ll-b are aiiiiili. Iji-I Ineik the rleuda ol leg l)-!i en Mink j in; their w 'V up ;r :, but It'a the I yoiiitir lih Hon me ill ti e auiui now. Hie liahi'i niei), howevei, i Xpert another l H i ol li:g Iia.ii in J line. A number of email In la have been made mi the probable rc.-'ills ol the eoiintv ent t l. elioii to take place mt the Iuat Monday tu July. The belting ia piinri) uily on Ihe ivlntive Vote that will iv polled bv Chit-kame and Kainiii p reiuct. Thrrv A lint i vi f Mhrlirll, of Uiilder, has wngered I'. V. Hi. hiinU .ii, a St . Ileh ii anii .11 keep' r, that liaui ! r i I poll ii laiyrr vote I loin I hii-kan-ie. Five dollno i the loin ii pat tip. i: United Stales Senator Cieorgti V. Mrlti dr luia lllrd anil aumnat Iniuaii, I'oiilson A Company i the .Mullnoumh count v cnritil court to reoivcr iS.lHiO for logs The complaint -tales that Me Hride ow na Hi) ona ol timber hind in Columbia I'oniilv, nn I that the li .ble, N, halem .ti I'nrilic Uailiond Compiiny, n cm pn. alinii riigngrit in rutting and tinii-pnitiiit; i".;, hetAerll .laiuiaiy 1, MHitl and June I, I'.H1-, cut and leumvi'd Iioiii Mrl'.iide'a hind I g to the amount ol I ,tntl, IKIO (ret, lumber ineaanrn, Mud ilrlivi ied the aanie to lniiuin, 1'uulson A Co. The loga, it ia ulli g. d, wero w orth about J5.1HU. While out looking lor onn enttle Mmiilav evening, Frank .Meeker dismv ried thedend body of man lying in a It, of t olumiiia t it v. 1 imr nialeiial, but I he re were no murks ol iiletitillrnlioii. The body hud prolet l, V lam llicie lor n couple of months. I I the absi nri'of tloiolier Clill' J Ui-t U-f W'all.iit held nit itu-ileal on the b idy nf a mnn lln.iting in Willumet te slongh, near StdeheV. 'i'he body was roveie l wit h mud mid "be lace was nlniost tsten. Theru wits iioldeiililicitli'Hi. Pi'iiluitti f'ourt. In the I'laller ol Ihe estitte L. Tirlicnor, Insntii, W. K. ol Sarah rirheiinr,, the following uiitiiiitited liiuiiaist'is : J peranna were Hall, N01- mnn Merrill and M. K. 1'ngn lu the mailer nl the eatitle Frita.alerrased, nil order us tell th real pronerty, f Jollll niitke to lllCf .V A I Henry Liitaon, of Warren, was in tow n Friday. lr. Jylwin Km in confined to his llOUID M ilil illllCS. J. Tompkins, rt Warren, was a visitor In HI. Helena Tucdav. Cliriii Itichurdson was Hauviea' Island Tueadav, down from 1 were in 'Joint Zciaiuun and Jos Moier from Krnppooae Monday. (. If. Urie was in from Hmtth'a log gmg camp, near Yankton, Saturday. MIm Klliel Albright, of Oregon ('My, in visiting Mien Laura Cunycrs at Clats kitiiie. F'rank Dow, the well known dairy man, waa ilowu from Kjuviei' ImI.iihJ Monday. Kdwin Merrill now rweivea Tint Miht nt 7htl, rpnlmr atreet, l'orllund. inalead of WW, I'pahur ftreet. Ilr U,. li 11 I! H. it. i ion i fv. in lookiii-eoii.iiii the lankton vicinity,! ' ' j a inner u btull la ahding don towards N, I'. Iionkel Uuh written l eliBtica the river won't work. Jt'a mitriie; rv tlie addrma ( liia .una f...n l.m-a crv word M it. I )ur eta v will maka iuat ; 1 v.-.b ... ii. 1 " M-i. H;.Urt I.inley. Mra Tlimnaa -inley, of Keattle, iud ttolx-rt ' ley, of tin; Iono iar l.umher Company ' ! here, during the week. 1 i Mr. Iaa4 hatto, who haa been with hi'r diiiufhter, Mra. Kugenn Uiakuley I ; for a I'ouple ol aeeka, returned to L'ni-i j verally park yeaterday. I ! Coroner Cliff went to the Lower Ve-1 ! hakriii I ueaday to aerve fou.e papera in j the lliiki iilild filit. Hierill liatiauis: oi.a ol I ho ih'iemhii.t', and uuiim riueutlv I . incapacitated Iidiii making service. ,, ... , ,. ... II. neat, of Kappooaje, the line atock ! br ler, waa In St. Helena haturdav. No breeder of hlmalril milkera in (Ire iIUk..t u 1.. i.h.. t. .rup pin. awardwl to Mr. inoiia Jersey cow, ti:i,illa. West'n U- James (iurnetf, of Wnudlnwir, an old reaiili nt ol C'oluuihia county, waa viail ing hi re an I itt S.-peie early in die week. Mi. liaiueit found notable im provement in Ihe Scapp'ioae ccnintrv, rince lie owned a farm there a number of years ago. tl. M. Wilson, the tinrle of Mra. A.T. I.uva, who haa been viaiting relatiei in thia rounty for aeveral weeka pat, left Tunday morning for hia home in J.i" per rounty, I ,a. lie will the Sound and several points of interest oa hia return trip. Stephen I. noun ia now engaged in fiahimt hue. lie came over fiom the ; Coaeeinau thin week, hut reii-utlv re-4 turiie l from the Cow. enian. He cxperis j to go lo ork for Superiuiendmit Chip- ; man, ol Ihe Columbia City A .Ni lulcui ' I., mg tail .vnv. i n"u i i i .i ! u ii i I nigte. premdeut iif the1 r ... i," i, .,, , ', I. i . . I'.a.t roik Miiugle & .Manitfactm ill i.e.,. . .. , hlli.l lile.iltv :.. i.tirclntae th ai.Ma r.p loll-;. the I'oiiipaoy'a new aaw uiiil. The gieatei part ol the machiuerv haa W.u aliipped in, and tne mill will ha ready for nerit on in a lew days. ti. V. Kice, lie; Vern inia-Ho illon Major .lone., hi!e bringing home a nail contractor, wia iu town M in I iv. j jug ol M mutant Dew ycaterd iy, waa b't He stated th it l'i" m ol. il. nil rmd in lite 'ten by a rattlesnake Tne snake iai vii nniv of Srlieki'a, in in an aful con- ' medial Iv wolihl! off and expired. .Jit ion. 1 here nla i ,a a piece of loi.i in Ihe Peer Inland diatrir; thia aid' of Si -be-ki's that ia aim oil uii't--a ole. Mr. Hoe staled that M' M.dliugei waa do nig g.Hid am k on the toad in the .Ne- liii i. nt valley . Joseph Krirkami, Ka'pii Jenaeii, P.. A. Johtiaon, S. S'lienaon, of t iini'v ; J. V.I tVilaon, J. I., lirown, l W. Meirill, K. j Ko.tart.of t'lai-kauie ; Kiaar.l lilac k,' Henry Alpis, A. I. Juhnaou, C. A. I.rown, ol uoOle; ( i. M els. It. .Morgan, nf Sauiea; 1.'. I'diin, W. Itroaa, F. Iteauui nit, S. li. Vouag. ti. II. Kl i l, t). K. Klliot!, of (ioble; Walu-r ti. org-. of D-.'er 1-iaii.l ; Fl .yd 1'iuey, ti.;orgM Miller, Fniiik l ow, oi Warren; Jamea I'.itldi idge, C. liratit, II. l'ardiie.oi K tin ier, were uuiong iIhi Colmnbia county people ng ateivdal lVu'tlaiid 'Olclodui lug the week. LOUS A XII Hi 1.11. Mi. l inun I'.ioh. ami Kny, who oper ate a sawmil., sliingleHi.d Iced mill mar Mi-t, have aided a planer tu tutor tqutpmeut W. II. E rles A Co., who arc operat ing a lurv ahiugle mill mid planing mill ' Ingles, uie th'tnif uu liumeiiae bualocsa. . ii.e IiiiiiIk-i' li.uii tiieir largo sawmill at j iMena ia tlitiued to luglca. liliaoi . I miner, ol .Mayger. Hie pure shingle I m.tniiUrttiiei , ia aiif-ermlt nilenl ot toe! the Ki-cira amule mill, l'ue mill l.i lighted ni;h elei ti.citv and a huge store -itu.l a leninling lioiiae are acecbsorua. Trio burnt timber district is being lodged cxitusivciy by capitalists mi Lew Is i in r, W dsn., mid the uulptil wit. bo somellllug iuillieil.M;'. I )"roillaud parties buve been looking over the Una Willi a view ol ptiddiiig a ; ne sa.tiol.l ut St. lieku-. j Clatskaiiio is to have two new saw-! mills tins spi lug, and iheic is A i itiuni Hint a tin in huge one a Hi or b. lilt. .Norma ii .Merri.l, of Clit.skanie, is ! tuotiiig ins su.vtiiiu ottt uu the Achtnein ' roatl, .luce unit s l.oui tort u. j I ne Ivast F"ik ShingluA Mainihu'tur- i illy I'mni'ai.y hair snipped the hiai ot . Hint atoi a ui sui.ijie.a Uoiut the .Neha-! lent to ili.;, .roin auure tb.y wtil ; h tiausit-t re. I ( the railroad at Chits ' knur mid,ad lu IVrtiantl. line Company wi.i soon have men new aaw mill iraox l. r operation. KeiCUtly In iiieittioiiiiig tne u.aues ol lilts company that ol John t . l'ui..ei Hs oVeilooKe i. ; I ne Hu t la Mi. l aisel' Is one o. the ni .-l luijioritiiit ui.-iiiti-.rr-s ot t iiv ti.m, as ue is '. Uta-tirci, null coiisrtiuenily holds the rura. ,. j If any of Thk Wist subscribers, who' Mliisd llied tol toe UlvgoUliio kl club tales or oturi' priiodn-ai.-, uie not tc- i rtiiing the sitine, they .in fouler a la-1 Vv.r lv notitving Hub outre ut oticc. Mis K. J. Frakes and son and .1 u. li ter, lieoige 1C. Flakes and Miss . Fr.ike. leiuinid 11.011, wu.ire tho J tiineiul waa ht-l.i. la-i Sunday. The ilccca-ed was tiurtt lit Herman, j Jan. l.'nli, Ksrt. His parents died In ' his i ii tu in- t it' nl was brought to Amir j iru, settling in lowjjjrviivti he" was only I eight years old.- At tho ng .of 10, he ! came lo tliegon a ii h a brother and otiiy sisti r, and alitr acqtiiiing a cotiininn school ediirallou, ho worked bis way' and finished the nc.idemic couf.-B nt S i-: lein in tut I'oiiluiul. He altci wards stud-; led law and wiis admitted to the bar at Sulein iu li-'.'S. lie ii. an exemplary young man, and utlaiucd hmioi- tli.uugli : ins owe utVoi'ts. St mpnihi is cxteinttd tu itoalifva ft, I tuoa umtztt, i Correnpainleut Ofren Ht. Haitii Some Jlurd Hap a h Const ! Heat Proposhlvnt : Editor of the Ohkjon Miht: Kaiiiiei, Oris., Ainl Z;.', JW3 I don't ; tftl why you HI. Helena folka nr kii'k j inK ao much alxmt moving the couniy ! aeal '! H ivn't voa liad it for 40 veara? Look at your -Imliby, old court liou.te! It ia a ilifirae to any counLvl j And; look what miaerable roada you huve! Nothing but I) holea and in, id! And yet yon Hunt tliu money that alioiikl !. "petit in hmldini;a nsweoai t lioiiae waaUsd on the c-ounty roadal Mombarka Hre alwava oini( to make (jikkI roinl, and never make them! Ktiiiier la the livent jmnoii lha river U'loK Portland. We haye dnily arrival and ileuarttirea bolh 1 laiat ami rail- road train. t have the advantage of no ro ida to xpvuk of, toepend money on. ! we want and will have the bi 'cent lineat court lioiiw on thi- river otia 'thai will ;ive ruapaa Ubilily to th .oiunlv one ihut eau Ixi aepa lor aeveral .... .....i a ,1.. ...... "I' ""- 1 Ti.,.i -i i tj. ii i i fllrll.,( t,.lt ,(, day on wli(.tl : at a niH u limnihiiiiti (nr u mun i.i.iiui naif raawil n.'t al lil i JVople can rom and do ' buinea at Ki4iier l.v railroad or laat in all kind. of weather. That way of traveling ia np-to-dute, while aplaehiug through k your Joiida ih iiway-bnck faahion. Stop your kii tiim ! jtnd lei ua have (he county wat, aa you know that our enturpriee i.nd puah en til leu ua to it. Klu Fik. HeaJ Estate TraaferH- UnttW CinvrB' estate, bv W. K. Conyer. .d.uinl.trutor, to lienwn Ulg - gn.g and J,umla-ruiK Co-upauy ; nw' of sw ! of aectio. 3.1 7. 4. I4ik). Carl and Tiine K uida to E. Juhn.ioii ; ae'j of nw1 and ue' of sw,1 A section I 'ii, 7, 4, $'f. j llaiinati and (i. E. Tyazkiewicz to Mra. E. K. S.nilh; quit claim lot 2J, ! blwk 40, Hi. II -leiia; fl j. ' Alfri.l l'avis to M J. Kinaev- tracts iu IH, 5. it, l2lii ' Helen ami 8. li. Ki tner to Annie Wilson; iiiit i laiin ',) a iu -r I'l. 7, .', :1 ' tieoige K. Margaret J. Vloeck lo S. j Stewart; lots II and li, block 33, j .Moeck's ad 1 1 R tinier ; i'SIh. Mine to J . Cr iiat 'iilhieath ; lota. 1 to ! 12. bin k :J !, M ii-ck's ad lo U timer, tl'). Live! unimenta. (ieorge L. Ilihhert. of the Chinook Ob-server, get. out a live paper, and the lodowtng are extract, from the latest- A aprinj hurricane kindly moved our unma) ouiarde tlie city limits jmt when t,,e c illectir was coming lu levy ou .Smusroua viaitora are under the im- P'es ion that e ae aubj-et lo eartli- . . , . . q.uke shocks in this sattlement, where- H . , ... . ..,...' .. .. iri- nii u uwai a aa z w'l. indent i. e Lightning a'.ru.k toe uew church sb eple two days h dore we had com- po led the -uh-H-i iptiou liet lor a light : mug r.l. I!.etliifii, you can't get ahead j of I'lOvnlellcO ! , While our r-teemed postmaster was fiaiimg iu the river on Sunday last, he I waa pull d into Id feet of watnr by a ; large tiah ; but, like me w hale tnat swal 'loaed Jonah, the lislt conllu't stand i everything, aud givs our pj--tui aster j his liberty. Danger of folds and trip. The greatest danger troai colds and ' g' ip ie Ih.-tr rcautii.g in pneumonia. If r.aj,.,iabl ram l. i- how.-r ami Chiiuiberiititi'. Co gh re met y taken, nil danger will bar avoided. Auiongtne ten of llionandt. Mholinve used thia remedy lor these diaeases hare yet to learn oi a single rase having leatiltcd in tmeil- omnia, lucn sln.wa coiiclU"lvely that t it la a rertain preventative of th.l diingerous diaeaae. It will enir a cold' or nil a lark of the grip in less t'lne than any oilier treut'iient. tt ta pleasant and J sale to take. For sale bvKdaiii Uoaa. ; Auollter Fine VolB rif. St.intl.tiil book are ever welcome1 when Kiev come to tl- in form, and ' i Oiiiuing it-pieseiitiug all the embellish- j ii.euta of tl.eart of b.K.kmakinr. Such ia lMk is "I'm- World's Worship." pub - ; Itsheil ly the IKiininioii l om-atty, liu- cago. a copy ot w inrii na- come to Mia, Iteaaie Ialcolia yid.i in Iirt our leK Ihe contents are well Hr , m HBt k, ilie guetl of Mi-s Lama ranged, the Illustrations uie title, the t,ri . . - .., . .. ... I .... 1 ... . i.... l:.. . t ',,'"",, Intnl. .si-jeni 111..1 iieni aiet lite oiixtiug U-.--e.-b. The Doniininn Coutp-anv is 1 . ' .... i i ... i ; . .. ; . i. . i iiiuuciiiiiL: ii'u-o iiinfiiiic m - icitbih ui l.. .iihseriolion U.,fca. .lavine- s.-h- people in itea'iv every of the j Albert S. tLrt and family, of CltiU ivunirv, the coii.aitvei,j-,vsa larg-aiid j kahie. have uioveil hack to their Ie.T growing trade. As tiiis coiupauy lias a Island ranch, alter .tu ktiua ii ren'itatinn for liheralitv towards vears. ' - ----- - it agent- aim air treatment oi iiiein, an agency lu thie commniiity for the nlaive laioh. m some oilier publishe.1 by ihis.oi,p.-ny, w.-uid be a source O! con - aiderable piotil lo the one fortunate enoiigii to st'cnrt! it. Interested lenders shmml write the cjmpiuv for full pat- ... J Ciiu be Made of (JooJ I'se. By sai.,g trout $1.00 to 2-5i) on a'e lit oi clolhrs ymi can make good tivot it. Uy sav ing from 5.V to $ 1 OJon binlt-s', iiu-ii.-' or chddreits' sbiaes, you en good use of it. Bv saving o.K to tl 00 on a p all ol pains you can u.iike go .! uie -.f it. ily saving from il W to Oil on a toys' suit, you can make u a "f it. F.y saving 2) cents on a shi t or 5l cents on a suit of niiilrrwear or 10c on a necktie you can tii.ine good use of it. We pay small rent, that's why we can easny atlonl to save you th it much. John I'cllur, cornel F'nst and Yamhill strvt-ta, I'oi thti.d, vl.e. The D.ily Ki'eiiing Jmuiial and Tun' 0,t.:it.x Mist, six inoiitlia lor ij. Ihe Iti hrt M uidav Hi JtUV TieV t, n all w dl meet. That ia, if le y have reg stereil. And voto f r lit- lott.ii v seal. Hut oue thing seen; quite cleat We must get in anil try If we w ish to see that seat Sal down iu Clatskanie. Now K.tiuier is a boasting, Aud making liveli bi-ngge; Jilll wait till the e ecliou Ami Se the I'i'd she 'liiig," she will be like the liitle ial U lio was so van "same," He hei-1 a sack lid hreaa of day For snipe that never came. Sub-cfH'O fm Thk Miat. BARGAIN SEEKERS mii flaii artriaf ft l'. bititi, rraiMkieturt!Mael.. V JW He.i l.oBgina; kknca V I4. liefiuiun I ti 1 1 I , I . 'v ... ,a UtH Uanta- iiararx .... O iU Keiel f .r(ireiiert aulaj, II aim let Hie ericc a ( f r EVERYTHING VOU J ' M U' aV J IVifie JIail Order Cowpanj Heiymn arel K.lm.ia Plnt, Orirm R.BECKER MILLINERY aovao 1 2)4 Third St Ctntrmf SaJmn Portland, Oratffoa A CftmpWl. aaaort'n.nt of actertea pattern haia. lo a lot of trlmnd hata at (raradjr relnrt4 prfM. Yon ara eordialljr liivllwt fault and x amiiaa our Spring Styles tiOTIC'S FOB PUBLICATION. Ill' rtmenl of lha tnleriar. La ad ootee t.Orfea ftt . .ireca. M trra. J, i VTIf'Ji la UKRKBY Gives THAT i H K ' f'J i'iwj ea-HMBCi M?ltler iiaa ftled li.-tire el ' hla hirDtion lo walia Anal' In aipnl t I bla liaim. and tnat a.ld IImmI prif arUI be (load lielore the .:ontitr rlerk of r.tlut.'ta l.'uiinlr, at ft flrlana, Ore..D. on April i llaat, iiL' a u.iw I U. T.. Kit. 12M. titt th umKm iJ a,tiiB 111 tm. A !i-. r2w. I He ume rti ffdj.-wlnr Hmf to froc hl ,iiiou tcuutue um ud c.iWitio t,! i J.,a i, Yuuwt, ..I Uuulion. ira. mJMM LHARLW R. MT0.r... Rcri.Ur Acute' Chest Fains From "Tobacco Heart Valvular Heart Dis ease Threatened. Dr. Miles' Heart Cured Me. Cure The effect of exceisire amok inj shoara by such avmptoms ax hart pains hearthem, srnotbering spoils, shortness of breath. Sut tering aad palpitation, ts most serious. If soar heart is m any war arTectfd you should at once begin the use of Dr. Miles' Hea t Cure which enriches the blood, regulates the heart's action aad improves the circulation. "I am a local newspaper man and hive been aa iaveterate smoker smcs my boyhood. A little cv a year ago I first noticed svrnpt rates of 4i-ait trouble, palpita tion and aca e pains and a' peculiar, t might say, iaiescrjbaUe feci n; across my chest. Local phvAtcisws said I bad taaa henrt-' I quit smoking for a while and took regain dose of dig-talis and bellad ma arith some relief but tlie same old symptoms were still there. A triend of mine here reccativ died of what the doctor said was valvular disease of the henr , Knowing that his symptoms were similar to mine I felt that my time too was limited, sithengh t am still a rourif man. in my thirty-ninth veir. a Skillmaa 4 Stone's dnif store here Dr. Milti' New Heart Cure w is recorameuded. I beiraa taking It and l ean positirel)' state that its effect is marvelous. I hare just tiaished my third bottle anl feel like a kid' and believe I am cured. This letter is Ihe sftoataneoos utterance of one who wishes to thank yoa lor benefits received." W vl .N". Guvst, Seattle, Wash, formerly of Spokane, Wash. Alt druggist-, sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Rem; dies. Send lor Ire. h.k on Nervcis and Heart 1 iisesses. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. DEER ISLAND. ... T , , . Miss Lucie I'eteraon, of lhlth'V, Wa-h., opened school bare last Wed- le-dav, th.- 15th. Charle. Kug'i-ih retiirned Snmlarl 'from Vintiiuver. 1. C, where he had! lb on li-i jug lis daughter, Mi.. Ida j ttonser. j Waiter George and E J. Earner have. ft ', baler week a stay on s j Iheir hlln kitat ranches. j i Mis. L. S. Wes'.-n is visiting relative. ; ,ut tlolnrooa and fort mud this week. . t ar 'II t ti .1 i i -. I ' "VV ' f Ior,,a!",; vl" -,l . IsH-Ar i-lHtul riis-n.lsi ttUktfuiuf ilkiv-ai tins Mpek. Mr. M. rnll hn rolii tiu home . . , t . . ,. ... i l,,:'f- ...... . . ... ; junge i . .. aietiriiie ami tamiiy imve . moved buck on llteir larui at thia plaettj i lor the suinmtr. ; ! J. I. Sullivan, of Portland, visited at i I Hi,e 0f s. Malcolm la.t Suudav. i ...... . , , . I ! ''1 expects so.m lu .build a one , .anus i, a, i stoiy eounae on iur- i nine .iilace. M. n . Blown lias Ihe contract j lor the building. HOULTON Hi nd Supervisor Chirk ha. a fu re ul men at Hoikon the Siatiwotai hill lie- V.Uld taliktoll. Alt txccilvlll lliipro.c- nielli ia betng tmtUe ij, Mr. l'orler tma g.uie "o Fort Sicvena to accept a position. Mr Brown pasae.1 thronch Hniltnn w ith a new wngon lor limning hiiidr. J.J. U ii nil. 1. tlm il .dl.on . i 1, ia doing a goil bii-incss. DR. rENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kldc.ys. CURE Bladder. Crtnary Oi trans. ' Also Rheumatism, llaeX t'.'bo.HeartOtseasa ( Dropsy, Fn.aie Iicwhloa. I Don't become tUscoeragsd. Thar, la a pure lor y.u. If necea--arv write lr. FenNv. Ha lorn aieat a lit tlma curing Just sucJa CJj.ea as yours. All coosultatlous rree. i "I had severe easa of kidney af and I rt-.en:Hil-"iii. dischurslnit bloidy mauer. Suffcri'tl Intense pain. )lv wife was seriously affpeted with female trouble. Ur. Fenuera K.du.y and llaciia.h'('ui-cur.d us In, in. F. M. WUEELtlt. ltacdolpb. la." ; rruirelsts. IW.. H. Aak fnrCnok Book - rr... CT WITIIC'niL'PC euCuC!rr..l-ir,.Ir vl . mud utnubtcuuer, Fraaiotna X T For sale by , aiao Bail'-y M. C. ti.ay. St, Helens; & Bruin, general "- 'i-ltatil at .-jon'-jrii-. the Black rtrcteron gullkif LAFAYBrfB trill tTuikc tb season f ii, as tallows; tVdnMiiiy, Aa-il I, ( Wna aaa! rontiiiaiiiir very iiiiuh lay ilrtraafuc, th reat -of tU tloi. at burnt. P4sr of Omm r ilat(a Peri'hari.. .r, M fnalaal lNli ltnl..rll iKH', (Mi tij Narbolx. 171 (iXMk, lie l.v Hitlliaill. n. 'Ifj'l ; tia by tw o II, Tit; aM l.v Vin hllu. 7 u ha (r nm, 711; a. bf .Klan.,i,,7H; be l.y Jean l Hli-ti. Its, dlrf-r l-e.leal of rtli-w -i t. an flnf.iirl.d Arab Ibua '.il l Pirae. IBI -ee Mieiat Hu.irt ! Upai:-) t 4'arehereH Km-." Ifkaa .Oa U.ya, itiaatar el hr Nanotmu 111. K...o. arairt;.h t.jr dtrllllant. lfl"J; 1 tiv br ln K,: I 1 Vi.ex ( h.iUri, 7.r; h. ,-t.r ntt: h l.jr Wiuho.:i.; lau 1. i lilarwlie. ;m. ttr..etr.; dam nl N.rh- im, 77J, j ll.Jel... I Lavlrl II, JIU b b- Yih cbaalln, Tla; l,v (n. 511; l.r Mlirn.m, 714; by jajaa I. i lllaneha, 71. air., .la.; 4Mn ol Itrllllaat, lava: K.niu,by Minn, a auiltoa tMlntiiiif Ik. j Kraiicti K.t.riniinL (J. JOH VHON. Oarnnr anrl ktaaaiw SCAPPOOSE, OREGON KCMMH. ifullwrtnuifOinrt ui tUrtUot Owfou mr I Mlfh U Tv.-r. flriiiitifT t r I Afliitr tt. Tvki tteniAirt Is thk nmmk or Tiiv. rtrronrxxr van nr k? im Mil io npirnmr tml aiDiwer tkm ' i he coin i a. ut nli. Nimini) r.m n (he .fWf ; eutttttl tuurt ou ir c ir rh ftih tUy nl aWa, 4SX, to wit: " j uii r Mix mU flr kfarvfr 2Z, Vtag; t thm brM)aiA wwki ..m-r i4nt f XUm T-t ! pnbUtiti'it of I i s eiMDMibA. And If irm ttl t i o M-r or nwff paid romptnt thv fUlitfilT Mill iplT iw tti court f. r it- rdrt u 1-Yut er Ihe ikhio of nrntrttworrv now exW tu lt?tKHrn pUmtif! t nfcminiit ik iiamnl mimI eivmir aitil prt(inir fJiWt1TJt trr in.t c i l r ol fk i.uonr chil f, th twut of NI.M hunUrt. nr-tnc!y, Kt)irr Mabol Taylor: )' )..(li;Mivni ajraitiftt ymt lor lb mm of ,er mttti th nnUt rhitd K-ihr toaimrl Ta-l.r, UnnriW -A ainl also for jwiilfrnrnt mr (ho ami (liburarmtma tUi 4jli mill fr th oi hr mi X tun Liar rlif m cite 4un hjili teem t,'iit.l. t TUi mm i publish.! f'r &x ronmtn-tl-w.vk l.r frr.W if ttve Knn. TrmrtiM A. j M -KrWle. Jinl f rh Mid eoarl ra ih .tlr day Wrch VL ni''mS A.tnTftor Plamtlff. rr4kh f-W l.tqaor tilcsn. TV m Sionaa-ahle Coiiflv Cnnrt of CaUuaata. aoe.uty. Orvaou, Uiwrti&g: W. lbt nn't.rclne.l, isaUleaia and laast j r.'i.ra of Kra. pja-awi Prortnel. I'lahimbi. Coanty, ami state nl iiie'.n. wouia reiMethttiy rwtlil... v.. n- il..uorahle at it. bcxt laguisr aa.l.,a whirh .III be held on He Un .lav aaf Mar. IX. . in IlieC-.nrr bnuae. In th. ( itr ol it. llsleSM, Co- lnmi'1. Ttintv. aia. s.Mte nl tyre:.n. tb.l a 11 , can i e er-niiHl to Klwar.1 Holaae. m aaall aplr ilr.ii., viiHiua and lanli liquora la ii4anlliiea W-a. than an. aHon io a.1d a-.' anca frwiact la , aai.l Cnuniy aad Mate. an. that a.ld lieeM. aa rr-aute.1 lor nviori on. arar lor all at (whieb vour jtM.tiera wi.i r prar. Uatol lie. Ill a day el Karen, ttaa. 'igiied, , J. tr.ver.anl, r. Allen, Jl.Tita, flnata".. B. j Hier. k'. Vera. Krwin. E T. O...-., 8. S.avmaa, i H. A . .tealar, 11. Hu.hiii.n, Gn.tnv. labf., t. 'R A-iia', r. tHtaiaiintit. 0. Nenmaaa. Jot a tleieroller. Frank J. Merkea. Jerry sle.K.naady ; Au.lrew Mnnaart. Henry latl.bni.ti, Antoa . Ker. w-k'. Will McKav, Y I.. Cit.-.T, J.Whit., W... Wnll, a. C'ritiiaun, A. Anders.. n. A. H.ta s.rnd. "It.. A Miller, W. (Irani, t:. Kabtntky i. t Kai liialr, John Eiaenbl.lti r. Lewisllrsat Krtit kriieer, llrnrr, Onaiai. akaaisi. 3a. 'f.uknaitv, laaar ('rata, A. Zieamsn, U..ry ; Mi -inller. Frank I.e. i. Parn.. Jobs i.'allahaii, K. L Unr. J. R. Morsan. Tbna. Hol .l..niu.e . Carl H. Krvtill. Frank Piper, J. IX. Morgan. H. ttwl. . A. Mryioloi. T. H.Kor . yait. A. H Lararn, F. - A. a ma, II. Ardn.r. C. j llulamamt.. A. J. Amcll. Jiaat'orth. I. B. Dun lean. A. Mump, ll. T. Kami ey.r, F'd Kaua !, A. Nearmsa. Tti.iaa Prunelt, , N. I Mi lav, Tar stoaer, fmn. . Vaniacr, Has. Anater;.... , It- llcK.r. Ilaaax. eeudd.r, . John Travera. w. K niere-a, la. B..-r. i. J4. 1 Ittaver. A. tntillT. H. ('. tHmT.r, UWrddr. ; K. riul.i.r, l.rl i ra'.i. I. T. riper. O. D. Buta. i ol..! Kvan.n. kt-ioiid. a. Otorg. : '. bdnllar, J. KVh. E. Han. (SIMMONS. lath. Ctre.iir r.ttrt af ih. Mat. ! Dr.f-1., far I'alnmlai. rvanntT. tv. p. It-ilnn. Aliee M. Ikibaon. Dcf.n taut T- K'.'rt M. Uobaon, th. a Vv. oamed d.f.adssat IN ilte name of the State of Oregon: V... ar. h.-.hT rqmrd ia anfiesr and aa-an-.r th. maofiuiHil aTueal aax.i4 yaia tu lb. .hoTtf entitled court au.l au raa or batna. tb. lata -havot Slav. VJSvi. whaeb t. ail saeki aftaw i l he Waa dav nl March. 3. th. d.aa ordaaadiW th. ffrat paiWir.tiou ol thia notir.. and if yon ; fail I.i a aiaaer and ana..r.ijte s4isMtT will i aijiplv l..r lb. witef prvrd l.trin h complaiat. i io-hIi: t..r . drctf iltaMilTin. the hmda i ' B.alriHsuny now cxWti'tg Ka. areen ahotv. naaauad , litaiinirT atel .1.1 vuda.., atui fnraiictt cah.r aa.d . lar.ber rstiaa ..ta the eourt aein Lvt seal ! I"' ibis aeairaoii. ta aaihltahavt ht or Ih. ! fioa. Ibnmn A. Irstri',e j'i.l(. nl the sbnv. , named eaurt. mad. na th. ISik day I m "" la. T. M ARIV, uiOnil Xutit ol" CatnarUlauieliip -Pvuiiuau la (be ('ouir .aurtof to Hca(4 ot Onptn ar ia the taaiu-f oi lit "iitafi-iaiuhip nf th uttaniM LaaT Vifstri!. Ken.e Wed icti, Mil Ian. AriKiid, IfurAiii Aruulii. ana ,ui lu Arnold, ta.ii.-r. To Ktttr uu .Netirick, Thorn a Kinthr(. and I -tt-ari-rise ArtiuM: !'lrvK lu-tK-. tnat Manin A. Weii i k i X tms b-rtrifs.-rv Hied hi the aliove en.did j t uurt tit? tvtit uii u a nnv i g.ianiiHU 4 ! thufitta oi LAiifr Wilritf, t rue Utiik, ' MiJUrd Arut.i, l'ir hi Artmiil, aud l uftl Af iivilu, miQi'Tp; .hat. tti ,-iiti-jit it -a )"eii h Ur tfCatihiy Nil' irt ou Aittijtittv th; tlmt dity of June, A U . lt.i, at Uie ii.iuf in two u'ckH't., . p. in., tt( tti ivun hHiin uf "-Mid lunrt, at . lU-U u . m kou. at wuiti tune mii1 place xm Dlnv HUM flluw C.itiM. II utlj Jm htfWr, m tiy iMiid Miirttn V. s-.tnriuii luii.u uut i. : puiUlW rUcll flljlUl .rl, t tt'irMfcs ui uoii, B. tXmu, Ju-'a ol th u.-ttrtty (.unit u toe aa ot oiucu Ur ih t:M(u.- oi l ajiiiuiiuis. a uk t ie J u Jaid Cotfrl t.o.iu.. oi cuiiiuniia. . ua tae a ; aana ., lata tin .lay a .va-it. a. !., inxi. II. llBNDl.Kaos, ulerk, w. H. PUA's,i.U Atioiii.. lot l.itionr. NOTICE OF FlkiL tTTLMCHT vuml-,s hk.-KuV tilflt.V TaT T8B ; .1 unaersiene I a9 j.l aim. uii ot in. ...!. ; i J i b ilv kk, d- . i, a i'lf.l in th. ot- hceof liiel.-till l.-Uit nl il . tel. li, f ul Co. lo.iii.irt, fuiiai ul Oregoa, li.. itu . acoouni oi xdiu'tiiai.. ii. u u,. ii -....I e-t..te, i gainer wlta lu tinal r,-i-.-a and pi-dtaui iur .i.trtnutin, and that tiu tt.iii. J. ti- U.1.11. iua-,e ol said 1 "Uri. uu -a laiiated .ilou ay, inu II, ar day 01 Ji.uu. .1. u.. l.afci, at uittf vi ill lit. .Iter- b.HlU l.l ant . d.'it, as luu tbur, 4e.l lb. C.lirt r.Ki.:. ut -ai t vu.trl ii at. U'l.-.. , .Jre..ou, as lb. ! lildiv .1 I.e.. 1 11.. u.i.e, al uiu I1HMI ane ; pirn.-., .11) p. -ou iii.ui-.-ie i iu ai i csuic m..y alio u.a; iu wilting w .aid B..1 ac-uuiii 111 smI.i Uu... .c,.w-i., 1.1 eciitioe a-rdli. j l.leutl. u, ur UU "liil.ll t.olt-t Ui lb. MHOI.. i M.tllTI.N A. V. JtltfrtlCk. Adaiti-I trat et 'ha eui. ot Juanpk ..'Jl b.-m Weiliiik. Ueceas..i. : V.. . IMiVai.o. .01 .iuininisir.t-ir. j Timber Uud, Aa Jeu t. UK. j HOT ICE FOR FU&UCATIv, I 1'aiTXu Sv.iT.a I tat. to nr., ! Or.gnCity. titsf n. April II, Isuc. N' llllrriSHKItt.Hl I'llKNT.l.M IS CO) piUbl. .til 11-. ,uvlititts .1 lit. Art ut j Hoi.areiaot Ja.ia . Is. -, anttiled 'Auaul lor tba - a. i'l ui thalivr 1 ii.Ua iii ih-- ai,.tt. i.f t'aiifomia to eon. .eiai..i aiii w a.Mn-.iuu 'i'aarruory,'1 i a all tt. alt luaf I'l...!!.- Land Mate, bf a I ui Aligns! 4. tl'UM V tlaiaplasll, ot I'. riUnd, tiouiuy ul -t l.,l. ui llra-g.-n iht Oav lllel tu ltuii..'le. 111. awuria a al'Ulioit .so. irf'ia7. f'-r lli. 1't.n ha.-, ol th. ac ot wi-lit.n No. va .ti luwu.Uip Nu. i u, rang. No, l. .ml wdl -iTer faru if toattoAlU.t in. land uki.. is uiui-v tulu.b.e fur iu ttiuuer ar .ton. Ih n oi- a -neuliir al par..oaea, au.l to eatabilab b . ctsliu t.i i.i.i ta.i.1 uefure lb. KeflaWr sad tl-.:i:etvi-i ul taia offl.:. at Oiesuli tit. Orcaoa, ou Saturday, In. li b day ol July, 1XU. t. llatiiea aa.itue-ea; J,ill:.a C. burk.. of Mo'.alin. oi.g-'i : nur... J.iirpii ti itM.B. aa4 Jame Mi.le-..i I', Oreguu. Any auu alt pur-ona tli.ii.di. a the late . ar. ici,ns-teti to hi. tbri-i-Unratn t.'ia oiiir. on or bisie atd lltb uij ol July, I.OS aJl-K. C.iA. I.I-t 8. M-lOal .1. Ralalr. For the next JU days new a.ilMa-r.laard to Tut: .lil. i w ill receive thai American Farm Jouruai wiihout adtlilional ihar-s) f..r one yr. For 1 Si t'onke Home Journal, an e ell. at insriiy4 ijl l .-liilisl ty th i