T T in OREGON MIST. XXIJDj VOL. XX. tin. itiu .... , . r I ' - .. .. V J . 11nVT!'S!flTf)'f 4 T I Orernn liyllv Jiiiiint.i 11 . i.- I JutIu. r".T.' i . M. Kjt I'ummo. Ccmvxyaxciiio. J.B.GODFREY. ATTORNEY-A'i'-IAW. Bcal Estate and Timber Lauds Soli AIIHTIUUI'H MADK'.i fiT. IIKU'NS. OIIKUON 811. (IK (Tin-R, ATTOHNK Y-AT- LA jr. mil p. with It, X. (aulrk, HT. UK I INK, ! s OUK'IOW. Will (It hl !-FUlil Krliilil In .11 I.I.I tnttlrr itlni.trd u in, mil irauttc in Ilia mm anil t'lilltd Ulalrl I uutli . W. II. POWHLL, ATTOJt.VEY'AT-LAW. nwt'tr ini itu-t" ArroiiMur. rt, iikikm. i i ohkuon, " Of ii M.u.i HUM . Kotv rusu W. 0. Fisclier, ATTOHXE Y-A T- LA IT. KAINIK.lt, ! s OKKliOM. Jit. P. OaituK. T. J. Ci HEto. Altoriievn -nt-Law. Mmhius HuIHw. Portland Oregon. r.,lnblaCoai.ly buiiia will u-nlii prompt UrlilWU. ;. w t V W. II. till I allD lULLAMUlttY, attojlv:ys-at-l' UPV" flr l l'Bltltlt, nr. UU .., (IMM.ON. flol orai-lir In food, of fli.g.tt or Wa.h nc..ii AO.!'!. dllai !" COUMlf rtrurtl orernn Dully Journal, onlv 14 r i.v mull, .' for nil miMillia: H,i-u...u Journal, 11.(1) mul Weakly Journal 1 i yur, Tlit J. im, ml Htl hiclMiiilint Iirmaeiiille m-Mapupor, winking In ths in. leriala of III mint tvi'llon where roll Hit (Iiukiiii, Hvnit In your atibaiTlptlnn Hnmplo coplea dm. AiMrma 'I'lit Journal r. u iiui m, roiiuiui, or. The Steamer SARAH DIXON Leave I'orlliitut Monday ml Tlilir ilny txiir 1 1 1 n v itl II :'M) , in, fur Ciul kiitiie, toiiniK m St. Ilcli'in mul ii v lauding. I'm i lull. 1 hunting Ht i)ui street Inn I, Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG fortln.f i mi 1 ui.v, 1 li mails) tli't Hl Uf't) at 7 a, ui. lor St. Hetni, talama, Carroll' $ Pomt. Rainur anil Ktlin, Anlvlni al I'.. rll.n l Morn1r, W 14 lif. l.) ami r'mlay al i y in. Steamer NORTHWEST I an t I'iuiIhiiiI Monday. Wednesday ml Friday uighta lit Ht IU P. in., lor tho amp pnlnie mentioned kU.vh mul 'fit Into, I itt.liliijr Ilm lntlt-r ilar Ht 10 K. in, on tin- lullnwliiK ilnv, Iti-turtiiiiK, Id lnmt li'vi-a fiiUilo Ht iiiiin. mul Caa'ln (,n k nt & :t() in ilm alli'rnix.n. 1'iii-iUiva. TliurMlvr'"Ti(l Mimlma. Irtvlntt I ' r 1 1 i ii I i'hiIv In iiinriiiiiK, Wnail liwl ul Halmuu M. II IIOI.MAN. Am ul aVaViVA afla af- aVj JOHN A. DECK DKAIKK IN Watches, Diamonds, Sil?erware, ...JEWELRY.... IN'pairing a Specialty. MiirrlMjn Hi. Utl. rront Klrat. fOHTl.A.ND. FOR PORTLANO DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I, Hooghkirk. Mauler. KAJI.KOAD TIME. Ia. Rainier dally (i.irtIBiin.lar)fnr Port lan.l.at a A. M lrrllit liom M. Il.li h. all cl.M a. Iitu.i,ii,(, i,.,,'. I'urilaud at 1 ai ., airlrlng at at, llilcn. at Hi. Fassenscrs aoi Fast FreijM, rUKTf.ANU I.AND1NU, TAYIXJH KT. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER A RAILROAD COMPANY. UUJ.UUA. JTIUDAV, A Villi j 24, 1903. EVENTS OF THE DAY OATHHRED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. PAILV. a 1.0 bow a Dr. Kdwln J'Uysh'iun anil Surgeon. ST. IIKI.KNH. OilKtiO.N. Dr. II. )l CHir, Physician and Surgeon bt. IIKLKNS.OBKtJON. tOH roun.AMi. MAIL. f uAmerica,, t Wiilamett Slough Route 2 vr4TOH Ht. Itoir-n Arrltt Bt IVrllninl l avt i'oiituit1 . . Arrlvt al Ht. Id Iriia H W A SI in an a M V Ml' M u o; 1 i! Dr. J K, Hall. J'hysician and Surgeon. C'l.ATSKAMK.UKKUON. Dr. 0. L. IlaluVM, 77 ysicia n a n d Su rgvon . ViatSONIA, OKKUON. Watts & Price, UK Al ItUfl IS- Floor and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes ' Hardware and Notions Scappoose, Oregon. Our Monthly Publication will kwp yon pouted on our work and method. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN L oi any retponiioie uouse. t mr ao rri ti. Will Crr K.ildlnif but I'a-iH-n-frm ami ran Kti;lit. JA.tl: l.llllll, tia.i.r. i i X r.M.i . a I uu I in tMM.il.,,. liabl. la 4V 1... Kalnl.r... a SM a u MSI ., Pyramid... I M .... V(a.rr.... ami mi ; I... guliK-y .. Ml 10 00 Hi 3 !.. Cl.i.aanl . B. i 0 10 M 4 I M.r.l,),.l Itl 10 m ;i 2 i, riu.riu.. 7 I 10 M 57 j.... I'llton ... 10 no) nsxii... Knw..... I! II to W.S-I... HttiMHI.,.. Ih Jl II l w. i ..John Day. Ill ll ' II 30 vtt ar A.lorla I.v Jl I !A. M. 0 ,1,1 Portland Ar il in i OAILV. Tja" 10 OS V !1 a I i n t 17 m Vi I ; ."J a is 07 7 M T t ii a B Kl 7 7 M 7 J 7 H 7 17 J Ot tl X II Com prcheiMlvt) Review of the Import, nt Happening! ol the Put Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Mot Likely to Prove biteretting to Our Many Rcadcra. Bwniwn, the munlerer, lint lieen ran victei of uianaluiiiflitor. An arri'wl band of ladronea Im reap (ritrrxl in lil.al province. The Twenty-third reiriment haa left the I'liiliiijilnoi for San Franclaco. White Hprinxn, aumnier resort near Kt. lxiu!, wrecked by a tornado, Atroiiomeri are talking of form ins- a combination in order to facilitate their work. WORK ON DHED3ER. on good authority that antieriilt will marry It la raid William K. again. A itorin in Germaay unrvifed build inita, tore down telegraph wirea and did much other da mage. Jwo prjaoiierit In the Utah peniten tiary engaKe-l hi a tight which will prove fatal to both. Fire iti Dutte lieelroyed much va'ua- Oood Progreaa Being Made In Converting tna Tranaport Qrant. vvaehintrton, April 22. A report jtiat reiwiyed by the chief of engineer irom Captain Ban ford, who ia overnee ing the overhauling of the tranaport Grant and Ita convention fnto s aea dredge, raya that more than latie- factory work haa been done noon the venue! ainoe it waa taken in hand by the woramen 01 Mare Jalaud navy yard. At the time of his report practically all obstructing material In the way of the aand bina, which are to hold the rnnd as brought up from the Colombia river bar by the Grant'i pompx, had been re moved, and many of the frame of the bina had been completed and 'placed in poeiticn. Theae bins are to be built lielow decks and will have outlet at the bottom of the fbip, which will be fitted with wateMltrbt atet. When all the bina are filled, the Grant will leave the bar, atpam out s good dis tance to sea, and r'!eae the sand through gateway. The Grant' boil era are ni drgoing repairs, as the ship is cut of commissicn. Wtord has been received from the Kllicott machine works, of Baltimore, where the pumps fcr the Grant are be ing built, that bo far the company haa been unable to procure a perfect casting for the pump cylinder. The t ylinder called for is nearly large enough for a man to wa'k through, a-d is one of the largest single castings culled fcr in modern pnnioing machinery. Although HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON COAL LEDOE FOUND. Springs All iralm mat clow connm llona al Im.Wi im ..'.iiii.iu raeinc Halm i ami Irora lb. Kat awl Iiun4 lni.. Al I'l.riland wiln.il iraln. Iravini fliloi, .!.h,i i A.lorla wllh t H. A o . Uial ami rail lint aud maamtr l i roitrr 10 aim fruio liwai'O aed Norlli I '""'!"1 lor Aaloria or war polnu nitiit fln iiniiin i ihiiiikin. Irani, win .top to lt rtary off at llou'lnn lirn roming Iron, pol 7.1 of (joUle. latft). Heu. l a... AI..A.lorl. Or .viMM- bo veA8' l ... fEXPCRIENCK D ) XX ttlKf e)nlrliff vrtntl uf ni'tnini f ro ir(Iir (! t-iiKin ii fmfii:y ittt.tawtv i imniunn ( elMcllf r-.tin.Uhtla.i llftltdtxMiis M I'tatrtil Afire MiilliiC iMet autd ilrtrrlH ilt.tiaetrictlr r i-(ni iai timtitfii MUim a (u. rtwcirt) yttW Matktf, i)tt.ii vlani, la th Scientific JInicrlcan. A handkonifif fttncf nxM eT-wwlf, frvtMt nr. mlaitiMt nf mnt '-i'(infl ("unil, 'fstftm. ) 9 rnuta,-,. urn, m t Waaalualotk New York The largcat aum ever paid for a pre 'criptiou changad hamla in Han Kran- ctn-'i, AUk-tllt mi. 11KII. The tram for ia , liivilvedjn ruin and slock 11111,500 00, anu was pain nv a party 01 luiainess j men for a ircillc for Uright's litvas .and Matittrt, hiilirrto incurable dis tal". 1 tity i-otimieured the serious in j v-itigatiou of (be iwirie November 15, IIKnJ. They interviewed scores of the rnnnl mul tried it out on lis merits hv ! putting over three doicn cases on the trraluiriit and watching them. They iu Km inaH-iaiia 10 name ciironir, in rmalile ca.ea, and ailmiiiiitcrrd it with the phyleina for judge, fp to Au giiai j, m per cent ol the tet caaei were either well or progrcing favora blv. There twin; hut 13 per cent, of laiiurea me pariiei were aalistleU and clcsed the Iraninction. The proceed ing! ol the investigating commutes and the clinical reports of the teat rates were pnhliahed and will be mailed free on ap plication. Aildreaitlie John J. Fulton t'liiiii'any, 420, Montgomery atreet, , Sun Fraiiciaco, Calif, - I How About Your Title? t CI Hr. YOU Hl-hK It it lt fliahtt Rfmemtvfr thai It Ii (h -, HKi tHI i lii i Hoveriia. It it our btitltifftt to wtrvh tht rat nntt tint thuw wltAt thor cohtHln in rvUHuti iu Unt. Itllot. If (m rtiiilfmpUu tntfliiji Hint or loniPtf moimy on rrn)- trrutltv, Uko no uihm i wonj, Lut intlfct uhiii ktiowlng wttiU I tic rtHtinl iMn rtRrliiK ilia tltj. An Abstnu't RtcMwntltl u ft tlrot. ImlMon Ii(ii(t tl. We Hav the onlv mi f l.riH lMMka tti thp ion ut V Ail irk prnitl)'fxtHMiii-tl -.nil tAtltUctloD tft,Mri,.tjtl. If ymi hnrr phitKTiv to inaiirt k j v ua ('All. tr ttfrtila (r th Mtr Itimnmufj fini'ni in tht world. If rou In ve piujHJft) lor titltf )Ut It w UU ua tJ w will And ft buyer. 1 33 3U S rJT r.altarlallr Searltaa. t'owtitttnilr MeBubiiir. . New from all tho world Well wrltlen,. original stories An swer to queries Articles on Health, the Home, New Hooka, and on Work About th Farm and Garden. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press, the only Wostern News paper receiving the entire tele graphic new service of the New York Bun aud special cabin of the New York World-Jally re port from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout the country. YEAR Q fS E DOLLAR anWrlkt far The OHKUON RIIIT " Ike Weakly laitf Otias aeh paaera lor tl.OO. E. E. QUICK fc CO., Main Strut st. Huems, 0REG0H k ble property and for a tin e eudangeied several rastings have been made, all nave neen atlective. Other work on the pump la progress ing sauslactorily, but. if a perfect cast ing cannot be secm-ed soon, the Grant may not lie able to commence work on the bar as early as wai contemplated. NO MITCH IN CUBAN AFFAIRS. the lives ol 00 persons. Commander Underwood, of the mun- boat Wheeling, says the report of the nomoan hurricane was overdrawn. A mad dog in Morristown,' N.. J., bit 150 town dons. Under orders from the mayor 1 ,000 dogs have been de stroyed. Captain Edward Gatfieid, who mys- terourly dirt j ji and in Cleveland laet .mnimir, has been found in Littleton, Colo, lie wrote home that he waa ill. Ir. Lowry, secretary of the Kansas Hate board of health, ha reported that the disease in nice county, Kan' as, thought to to bunouic plague, ie smallpox. As the remit of a collision between an interurhan car and an automobile at IndianaptiliH, fnd., Or. Charles How ard, of St. l'aul. lnd.. was killed and Kichard Kice, ul Indianapolis badly in- lurod. Slight DKfkultlei a to Details, Which Htqulrc Three Trcatlca. Havana, April 22, The correspond ent of the Associated Prep is told that there is no hitch in the negotiations for the ratification of the treaties between the United States and Cuba, the only difficulty thus far being on the subject of detail covering the acquisition of private property for the naval stations The Cuban government prefer to pur chase these lands and lease the whole. together with the government lands re quired, to the United States for a nom uial consideration. There appears to lie some natural question about the ex In the mirrhaan fn SU aert. nf ln,l at t hich the United States Will Indiana harlor, Lake eoun'y, lnd., the lneate Cuba for the purchase and Illinois su)l company has secured a M1! " "o serious queet ions have site for the proposed 13,000,000 Port- a,en on tMm subject. land cement manufacturing plant. fhe capacity will be 4.000 barrel a day. Cracksmen wrecked the vault and -ale of the Allen state bank, at Allen, Kan., and ewaiied with -',700. At Admire, another small town a few The final negotiation are now em bodied in three treaties one carrying out the details of the arrangement for the occupancy of the paval stations in accordance with the HooseveH-Palma agreement; another covering the sov ereignty over the Jale of Pine, and the third incorporating the Piatt amend- milut east ol Allen, the pOoUlttlce was n,nt liroviaiona into tw.rtwtn.1 In,;. u...ull B....n.. nl I . r r J ....... u ,,, iu mm pui.ii .uiiiuu, vi Greatest Clubbing Combina- TWO "WKKKI.Y PAPKKS FOU THE OF ONK UKKATF.ST HAlttJAIN IN GOOD READINO, Bv a Sieclnl arraiigeiiient we are able to furnlili Tin Ohkoom Mist and TIIK WKKKI.Y CAPITAL JOURNAL at the following club bing price fur Imtli papers: lur one liar In Advanr..I.SO ItrMIx , aulba lu Advanct, 14o The Weekly Jonruiil, of Snlein, Ore,, prints most inside news about our stats government and the full legislative proceedings. Just what you want (or the coming session. The Journal ia a large eight page paper full of telegraphic new of the w hole world. Sam ple copy furnished free ujion inquiry at this office. F6r$I f'livt-r ili'MisM. la alwrtVM 111 cu In auo ti a iribuleto t lie pi inter art. Cnky' Horn Journtvl lirrriMv twumrAiinr In nut, lur tht tint hull it devotm. to ii.fritil iltusiritt'd nr licit on tubifott nrominrntlv ffoii tlto pu io. unit snort tmi lerifti itorin, t it tccunu haii ii uttvuicu w io uur WE OFFER YOU 25 12 ifflooftn' lubscrlptlon to THE OREGON MIST. tOde year' lubicrlplloo to Conkey'i Home Journal, One year' member ship la American Musical Association, CONKEY'S HOME JOURNAL lr mniailne whl ii iiiti-,1 mi moil UalltiM-ary anil nimlcal ninnllily lamlly mniailne which shouiil p in every home. iri, II la jirinioii on toon paper, a y home. lis ilcally every aper. anil median lit-cial iltujiiraled arltcU-a on lubleota prominently can ol Ilia iiiuliior snu uauiimor, n ano contain! WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE) radical lennni In lace ami embroidery niakiiif. nonie nnmnerr. , ileiiordi-corallon. for hoin ilrnsHinaklna. A t dim nlc-1 r (.isii'on ilrnailnieiil aliiiwiini the newest deilma In hats and costume. ihlil wjisl" anil the mialler artli-le ol (eininine wear. A cnmiileie imllern dcpariment. trom which pallerm may be ordered. I'll. Hum apha ahowini how toiel Hie lahle. Kecipeaand " l uhle l alk i" which impart the Information that is Decenary to th wonifln who would he "np lo dale.'' j , I lie loreifotllf la auppienieuii'ii dj . iii'i'.i imnn oi mnsiu wniLn eoruaui vaun iwonin f radical lennni In laci rucllcnl Ii .koih in lion raclU'.il It aaona In line l acllcal ini;i.'eNlliii fo l'lai inv hy eminent to ll....-r ri..(a" u ll. lemon oil Vocal Training and a lesion on Piano lt-ra o siitiject of a aeries' of articles for the boys. Theie articles sn a copyright lonir. Iwn sicp or walti, a aeries ot art clea lor the liova. 1 heie articles art tliorounhly piaulical and tell how all kinds of poll may be railed both lor pleasure and Tht American! Mutlca.1 Aaioola.Mon enablti Hi mcmleri to purchase sheet mime ami all music auiinlioi al iliacniiius ransln Irom BB to 80 percent. .saniiilo copy ot Conkey'e Homo JournaJ mailed to any address on request. Addicts all communications and remittance! to THE: OREGON MIST money taken. Woodburn, N. J., National Bank of- ovinia say a man deposited 118,500. ..early all In 1-0 gold pieces, that had aiu hurled in nis back yard Mr years. Burton Parker, a sorter In the Chi- -ago Postofllce, lias been arrested on he charge of robbing the mails. He oiif.-Hse.l. He Is supposed to have se cured I SOU. General J. C. Bates, the new com mander of the Department of the Lakes, has arrived at Chicago. Cen tral Sumner succeed! him as com man. lor of the Department of the Mis- louri. PassetiRer train No. 4. on the North' rn PaciftY, ran Into a freight on a aid ng at a slat lou IS miles wet of Dick nson, ft. u. Hreman Gloason was killed and the engineer Injured. A witch had been left open. The recent hlRh tides at Coney 1s nd. N. Y., burst through the Bright on Beach bulkheads, und the Inrush ng waters flooded the cellars and de stroyed the work of the gardeners at Brighton Beach Hotel. The waves rose as high as 20 feet. The big bronze statue of Atlas which has stood on the fourth floor of the old Times building, Chicago, for more than a third of a century, and which was placed in the structure by Wilbur F. Storey, hag been stolen The statue weighed more than a ton. MORp PAY BY HAY t. Thousand! of Mea Will Oo On Strike If They Don't Oet It. New York, April 22. Francis J. Mc Kay, of the New York locals of tbe In ternational brotherhood of boilermakers and iion shipbuilder, said at a meet ing of tbe Central federated anion to day: ".-even thousand boilermakers and Iron shipbuilders will strike in tbe shipyards of this city and vicinity if on May 1 tbey do not get the increase in wage they demand." Constantion Laudadlo, of th Rook men's and Excavators' union, said that 10,000 of his organisation will go out if their demand are not granted May 1. Business Agent Quinlan, of the Pipe Caulkers' and tappers' union, reported that 1,000 caulkers and tappers would strike for increased pay throughout tbe city and in the city departments if their demands were not granted before July 1- PACKNQ HOUSE BURNS. Specimens From Near Wllholt of Excellent Quality. According to a report brought from the vicinity of Wllholt Springs, miles east of Oregon City, In the foot hllla of tho Cascade Mountains, and Clackamas county, that portion of the county is likely In the near future tc prove one of the greatest wealth-pro ducing sections of the county. F. Maratow, of that place, hag a samp! of coal which he aays has been take from a ledee Just unoarthed on h claim, which he claims to have been looking for for the oast 12 months. I he sample that he showed wag al most pure carbon, and wag ag fine specimen of the "black diamond'" as can be found anywhere between th two oceans. According to hig storv tho Tin is irom six to ten feet thick an btiowg every Indication of being manent. It hag long been known that there are nae prospects for coal in that sec tion, and many samples of coal nleke. up from the hillnides have been exhib ited, but It Is aald that this la the first nnd of any consequence, and it is now neueved that claims that have cot been filed -in In that vicinity will goon De laKen up. As trie new wlectrlc railroad, for which C. D. Latourette recently se cured a franchise, is supposed to run 10 me vicinity of Wllhoit Snrlnes is believed that this find will be an In centive to hurry up the building of th roaq. Settlers for Wallowa County. A party of Immigrants, numbering ou men, women and children, arrived a rew nays ago from Hlnton, W. Va and will locate. Many will go to El gin and Derhana to Wal where already many from their state are already located. They are all In dtfarch of Government land that can De nomesteaded. Treat for Music Lovers. ine students and citizens of Eu gene are anticipating a great musical treat when the. State Oratorio Society miners us programme In V a Hall, May 12, 13 and H. . Financial Condition Oood. The semi-annual financial ronnrt nt voiumoia county omeers for the six montns ending March 31. ha been completed and it shows a total In all of the funds of nearly $40,000. The toiai resources of the county are 143 ava.vi, wune ice total liabilities are ij-'s.uo. trie latter consisting of war rant on tbe general and road funds mat have not been presented for pay ment, mere is no such a nrocednre in mai county or Indorsing warrants not paia ror want of funds." Plant of Pacific Meat Company at Taco- ma Is a Total Loaa. Tacoma, April 23. The immense packing house of the Pacific meat com pany on the tide flat haa been almost entirely destroyed bv Are. The loss A Chicago man proposes to capture I wil t probably aggregate fully 1200,000. Examined Salem Bar. David B. Ogden, of Portland, an en gineer of the Government River and Harbor Department, was in Salem and made soundings in the Willamette River near Salem to ascertain what changes have taken place in the chan nel. He also made such Investigations ag will be of use to his office in case it should be necessary to build a re- letmeut In order to keep the river in its channel. Had Oood Run. The four-sttmp mill recently install ed at the new Kremer & Palmer mine, on Mount Reuben, haa been completed and given its trial run, with excellent results. The Kremer & Palmer la one of the richest and most Dromislns mines of Southern Oregon, and is an other of the properties of this mineral zone that has arisen from a mere pros pect to a paying mine within the course of a few months. Havana's stray dogs, use them as bait for sharks in the harbor, and when sufficient are gathered, blow them up with dynamite, The Havana Munlcl pal Council pays $3 for each female Ahark destroyed, and $2 for each male. 'There's millions in It," An Immense flow of oil wa struck it 1200 feet In a well at Hartford, O., In new territory. Sir Chen Tung I.lnn Cheng, the new Chinese Minister, hag accepted the in vitation of the Worlds Fair Commis sioners to participate Id, the dedica. tlon at St. Louis, Two carloads of military tents, promised by the militia department for the use of Immigrants have been received at Winnipeg. Fourteen hun dred mor are enpeeted. The fast mnll on the Louisville ft Nashville for New Orleans, ran Into an open switch near Castleberry, Ala., and waa wrecked. Mall Clerk Dono van and the Negro fireman were kill- A large stock of dressed meat in store was also bnrned, a was a qunatity of livestock. John C. Boyle, superintendent of tne provision department, bad a miraculous escape from death. He was shut off by Haines on the fourth door, and made a thrilling leap to the second floor down the elevator shaft. The Are wag the most spectacular ever seen in Tacouia, and was witnessed by thousands of people. Ihe officers cannot tell how much in surance ia in effect, out it will be much below the cost. More Smuggling Cases. San Jnan, Porto Rico, April 22. Chief Hood, of the internal revenue de pMCitment, has sworn out warrants be fore a justice of the peace for the arrest of Captain Andrew Duiilap, U. S. N commandant of the naval station here, and Robert Giles, for bringing In NI. Engineer Wright nnd mall clerks liquor from the island of St. Thomas Bvers. Eaton nnd Stratton were pain fully injured, An explosion haa occurred at the military powder factory near Lisbon, Portugal. Several persons were killed, Canada proposeg to retalllate for German tariff discrimination by add- without paying duty thereon. Giles appealed and waa held nnder 1,000 bond for trial before the insular district court. Street Car Runs Amuck. Pittsburg, April 29. Because an electric brake refused to work, a crowd ing one-third to the duty on German M electric car ran away today in Alle- imports. Machinery for placer min ing will be admitted free for one year. Fire which started In the Capital Hotel at West Kud, a summer resort near New Orleans, La., destroyed that building nnd a mini her of business houses. The loss ia $75,000. gheny, wrecked a cartiage, broke through the safety gates of the Fort Wayne railroad, derailed a fast moving freight train and then went to piece. Almost all of the 44 paaaengerg aboard the car were hurt, though only one fatally. Snow Scares Qrant Stockmen. Three inches of snow fell over most of Grant county last week, causing considerable alarm to th scores of stockmen who had just turned out on the range. Skits of February have been carried Into April this season, numer ous scant falls of snow being inter mingled with chill weather, the com bination proving rather trying on stock. Ranchers now are very anx ious for things to moderate. Fears for Clackamas County Fruit. The heavy hail storm of last week did considerable damage to fruit in different sections of Clackamas coun ty, many of the fruit treea being in full bloom, and the entire blossom being knocked otT the trees. The weather of the whole week has been immoderately cold, and It Is believed that the fruit crop is baoly damaged, if not entirely killed. CHINESE RAIDED BY ROBBERS. Mormon Basin Celestial Were Not th Victims of Mob Violence. United States District Attorney J. H. Hall, of Portland, hag been In Baker City several dayg making In quiry about an alleged outrage per petrated on a lot of Chinamen engaged in mining near Mormon Basin last summer. It will be remembered that a lot of toughs made a raid on tbe Chinese placer mines over there and robbed them of all their gold dust and money. Three of the Chinamen were badly Injured and several houses bnrned. It was not a mob but a raid of a lot of thieves and rohbera, who, the better to Intimidate their victims, burned their homes and assaulted the inmates. The Chinese government it ia un derstood, has made a claim Uncle Sam for $100,000 dumages and it Is for the purpose of looking up the facts in the case that Mr irs.il h. been sent there. TON OF SALMON FOUND. Was Caught Out of Season and All Packed la Ice. Water Bailiffs Smith and Jones and Deputy Wbrden Webster were looking for poachers near the mouth of the Clackamas when they ran into as fin a lot of aalmon packed In Ice as their eye had seen for many a long day. More than 2200 pounda were taken from the pack and shinned to Pnrt. and, where they were placed fn cold storage. After leaving this big find of sal mon, the men proceeded up the river o look for a location for a fish way. On their way they broke their oart nd were forced to beat ashore, and almost under their eyea they discov ered 20 fine gteelheadg, which they ap propriated. It has long been known that salmon. fishing out of season was being Indul ged in in the Clackamas, but that it was being carried on on guch a tares scale was not dreamed of, and strenu ous steps will be taken to itop it. Forest Rangers Discharged. News has been received In Salem that ail the forest rangers who served last year have been discharged, and the presumption Is that new men will be employed, probably upon somo civil service examination basis. Smallpox Case at Tbe Dalles. A case of smallnoi h d to the city authorities at Th Dalles; the sufferer belne Orion Kin- ersly, of that city. Mr. Kinersly prob ably contracted the disease in or about tinanmo. which place ig now In quar antine with several cases of the disease. Orouse Mountain Mine Resume. The Grouse Mountain Gold Mining & Milling Company will resume oper ations at once. The superintendent has gone to Bohemia with a force of men. This company owns valuable property on Grouse Mountain which adjoins the Noonday and Knott mines, being an extension of the Champion. They will work a double shift further to Improve the property ag originally mapped out. This company Is held as close corporation and backed bv some men of money and influence. Bond Proposal Carried. At a special election held In Tin It or City to vote on a proposition to Issue bonds for the purpose of constructing a sewer system and erecting a City Hall, the City nail bonds carried by a vote of four to one, and the sewer bonds five to one. Both improvements Ul be started at once. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wife narderer Suicides. John de Faleo, the Italian- convict w.ho waa serving a life sentence at the penitentiary for killing his wife in Portland on February 26 through Jeal ousy, ended hig existence at the prison by cutting his throat and severing his windpipe with an instrument known as a cell knife, with a blade about one inch long. May Make 100,000 Idle. Chicago, April 16. On the result of a meeting to be held tomorrow depends the question of a strike which may In volve 100.000 workmen on the Great Lakes. An ultimatum on wages Is to be presented by the package frelcht- handlerg at Chicago to the managers of the lake lines and labor contractorg who supply men for dock work along the Chicago river. The demand Is backed by the International Long shoremen's, Marine and Transport Workers' Association. Wheat Walla Walla, 70a71c: bine. stem 7n-8o; valley, 7676c. Barley Feed, $21.50 per ton; brew ing, $23. Floor Beet grade, 3.P54.26; grab. 3, 3.453.85. Millstuffrj Bran. $19 ner ton: iddlingg, $ 24; short. $19,50620. chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white, $1.15 a 1.20: gray, $1.12s1.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, $13813.50: clover. $10(811; cheat, $1112 per ton. Potatoes Best Borbanki, 60c per sack; ordinary, 25Sj40c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $l 3.60 per cental. Poultry Chicken, mixed, Il312c; yonng, 1314c; hens, 12c; turkey, live, 1617c; dressed, 2022c; ducks, $77.60 per dozen; geese, $030.50. Cheese Full cream, twins, 18 17c; Yonng America, 17 17Xc; ' factory price, ll)4c leg. Butter Fancy creamery, 22c per ponnd; extras, 21o; dairy, 2022),c; store, 1618o. Eggs 16(iI7c per dozen. Hops Choice, 1820c per pound. Wool-Valley, 12Mai6c; Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, S53c. Beef Grois, cow, 8)i-4c per ponnd; steers, 4.5c; dressed, 7Jic Veal 88Ko. Mutton Gross, 77)c per pound; dressed, 8(S9o. Lamb Grois, 4r per ponnd; dressed, 7Kc Hog Gross, 77)4' per pound; dresseil,8(38c.