Spring Medicine Thore It no other kmoi when good medicine U to much needed as in tin Spring. The blood It Impart, weak and Impoverished conditio Indicated by pimple and other eruptlont on the face aud body, by deficient vitality, lost of tppctitc, lack of ttxength, and waut of animation. Hood s Sarsaparitla and Pills Make the blood pure, vigorous and rich, create appetite, give vitality, strength and animation, and cure all eruptions, llave the whole family begin to take them today. "Hood's Sareaparina bat been o4 car family tor torn time, and always with Ktwd results. Last sprint I was all run down and cot a bottle ot It, and as usual received great benefit." Mis BxcaAal Botcs. Stowe, Vi, Hood's Saraaparilla premlaM tt) , cur and keep the promts. Martyr te Knowledge. Yooog Lady Were yon pleated with the new school, little boy?" Little Boy Saw 1 Dey made me wash me fare, an' when I went home de dorg bit me 'cause he didn't know me! Chicago News-. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind Yon Hara Always Bocjht Bean the offZaW Signature Didn't Have To. ' Vr. Tailey (looting at the thermom eter) Hunim! I don't like yonr tem perature. Sick Student Then why did you take it? Harvard Lampoon. Good Catsup. If you have never been perfectly tat itBed with the catsup you bare been getting, we want you to try a bottle of Monopole. Even if you are tatiafled we want you to try It anyway, for we are ture you will become a permanent user of it. No other brand in the market bat the fine taste, the delicate flavor and givet to any dish that appe tising test at doo Monopole. Get Monopole catsnp (mm your dealer. Wadhamt & Kerr Bros., Monepole Grocers and Dry Coffee Roasters, Port land, Ore. LataUa Tobacco. Latakia tobacco obtains its peculiar flavor through being sprinkled with wattr and allowed to ferment after thorough fumigation with the smoke of resinoat aromatic wood grown in Syria, ttates a consular report. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of et Pas-Sadie Wrapper CARTER'S roiiLuuciZs FBI BIZZIRESSs n lUOBSIESta FOITUPUUYU. roi COISTIPATIOS. ran tin aw tria m mi nr eoaimiiMI xmtxs mm .J TsffStsMS tftVlyCJ CURE SICK HEADACHE.. Scientific Fact. Fred Do you know anything about love? Joe Do I? My dear boy, I've made It a life study. Fred With what result? Joe Well, I've succeeded la reduc ing my ignorance of it to a tclenue. For bronchial troubles trr Piso's Cure for Consumption. It is a good cough medicine. At druggist, price 25 cents. Had All He Wanted. "I don't like yer story," said the Billville reader. "Maybe not now," replied the auth or, "but it will grow on you." "I hope not," wtt the reply, "far I've got three carbuncle now." At lanta Constitution. FITS' ow a St ar af Dr. KUaa'i Utaal Nans aaatorar. Saadlar VKKSwetTWtatoaBdaraaa ba. IraaVM-gMaaUa-auajakauftilliSilslrls Aabltlofl Realized When Andrew Carnegie waa com. polled to Borrow a dollar to place in a contribution bos the other night it must have been the happiest moment of bis life. At last his great ambition had been realized. He was pennileaa. BscaperaUag. On day littles four-year-old Cora was trying to stand on ber bead. Her mother asked her what abe was doing. She answered: "I's standing on my head to rest my feet." Little Chronicle. RblERSON MACHINERY CO. Seccasssrs te Jofca Pa all. Foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Write os or call for prloss on everything In the machinery line. Cloaln entatooali wag ons. Bugrtea, Cream Separators ales all sec ond band foods, to make room lot aew uae. "afftSjM Making It Easy. "My Pear Sir," wrote the tditor to the persistant young author, "in order to timplify matters somewhat we are mclwlng a bunoh o' our 'declined with thanks' notices. It you will put one of the la an envelop with your manuscript and mail it to yourself it will make it easier for all of us, and you will be saving something in post age as well." Long Time a Postmaster. The dean ol fourth-class postmaster is Milo T. Winchester, of South amen ia, N. Y., who has been in office flfty four yean, having been appointed July 10, 1849. The salary ot hit position is $133 per year, and there hat never been a complaint against bis office. Sqeeaky. A tittle three year-old mtea while her mother was trying to get her to sleep became Interested in a peculiar noise, and asked what it was. "A cricket, Oear," replied her mother. "Well," remarked the little lady, "he ought to gel hisself oiled." Young People' Paper. ' Justifiable Hauttar. Pauline Have you nothing to be proud f? Penelope Yes. I'm proad that I Daren't any false pride. Use It. One of the best pieces of advice for a safe journey through life I taw on a sign at a railroad crossing. The sign read: "Stop! Look! Listen!" Bal timore American. The las and Oats el It. "Is your master in?" ttkad the cal ler of the servant at the door. '"Deed, suh, I don't know fe' ture." "Can't you And out?" "Well, sub, it's dis way: Ef yo come to pay dat f 6 yo' borrowed of him, he say he's in jee' dat much; but ef yo,' come to borrow some sue', he aay he't out all be't gwine ter be, tub." Laed te It. Towne You don't mean to ray you dlda't notice that earthquake shock? Browne I goeet I wtt home la Aigu hurst at the time. Tnwne But the shake anuit have been perceptible there. Browne I guest all of at took it for our malaria. Philadelphia Pros. All the World's a 'Pethecary She. Seiso Rayter it not an author; be't a born ahem 1st. Tizeo Why? Sexes Every novel he writee becomes a drug oa the market. Brooklyn Eagle. What She Wat Thinking. Gladys I'm something of a miad reader myself. Ethel Indeed? - Gladys Yes; I can usually ttll at a glascewhat a ptrson thinks of me. Ethel Wonderful ! But don't yon often find it awfully embarrassing? Exchange. Weald Sorely Raise Reveaae. In the old dayt they spoke of a li censed fool. If all the fools were re quited to have a license now, the gov ernment could do away with its other taxes and still maintain tb surplus. There's "tingle tax" for you. Just What Happened. "Penelope," said the anxiout mother, "tell me truly, did Charles kiss you last night?" "There wat a slight labial juxta position as Charles took hit leave, mother, but I assure you it was only momentary and therefore inocuona." Thwarted Them. "Why did eld Bollingold giv away all bis money?" "He was afraid bis relative would hare him adjudged incapable of taking care of it." A Different StaU. Towne Fleiman's home for a tbort trip from bit new ranch ia Texas. Browne Yes, I saw him. Towne He't so fall of Texas be can't talk of anything else. Browne When I saw him I noticed that he coalda't talk of anything, but I thought it wat because be was full of Kentucky. Philadelphia Prees. pOK OUT When the cold wave nag- U np, freezing weather ft on the way. Winter here in earnest, and with it all the miserable aymptom of Catarrh tturn blinding-headache and neuralgia, thick tnucout discharge bom the no and throat, a hacking- cough and pain in the cheat, bad .... !. -M Kath eaniM ami all that make Catarrh the t .iv.r,;r aJ rliavnatinr of all tonal defilement and mortificatioa that In the company of other. In tpite of all effort to prevent it, the filthy tecsetion and mucous mat ter find their way into the Stomach and are distributed by the blood to tvery nook and corner of the system; the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact every organ and part of the body, he tome infected with - the catarrhal poison. This disease is rarely, if ever, even in iUearliest stage, a pttrely local lisease or simple inflammation of th aoseand throat.and this is why spray, washes, powder and the various in haling mixtures fail to core. Heredity; Is sometimes back of it parents have It and so do their children. T 1t imtaait nf Catarrh, staiti- leptic and soothing washes are good for cleansing- purposes or clearing the bead and throat, but this is th extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh fjermanently, the blood most be purified and the system relieved of its read tt foul secretions, and the rewedjr to accomplish this is 6. f. 8. which has Waiu . la mrrferl throne-h (hh portions of the body, they n heal, the lauews scharg) ceas aud patient is relieved of the neat efipnsive aad hueailiattar ef all cVwplarats. 8. S. S. is a vegetable remedy aad aonUaiM aethrag Oiat ewoid iajur m saost delicate constitution. It orc Caaarrh In its meet aggravated ftrrma, and cases apparently incurable and awaetesa. Write oa If yon hav Catarrh, ad our phyticianJ will advise you without eharg. the tmrr spcomo oa., Atlanta, oa. Half- Sick " I first used Aver' Ssrtaparlllt In th fall of 1848. Sine then 1 hav taken it every spring tt blood purify ia i end nsrvs strengthening medicine." S. T. Jon, Wichita, Ksn. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's t regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder, ganak, uttna) aik tw aeoeer weal ke tktake yr hmtilk Be kMn ll eeem tkie area ol4 family aaealeln. foUew kit edTteeaad waenukeeeUaaed. . w J. u. area Oa. LewaU. Mm lavtator Lease His Mlad. M. Goabet, iaveator ol the tuhma tine boat, the patents of which were purchased by aa English company, hat been removed to aa asylum. Bctweea Friends. "I'm getting tired ef boarding houses," said the young man who parts his hair in the middle. "I've halt a mind to get married." "Of course," growled the old bachel or. "It takes just sbont that amount ot mind to think of such a tool thing." eat rsutf We edwOa Bsadrad bwllart Reward far aay ass (.attarr that eaa aet k eared by HaUH Catarrh Car. r. 1. CHEN IT AC.,Pre.,Tlede.O. We the aaderatcaed. Save tana t.i. Choaey ter ma sail Uthh, aa4 believe kls perfect.? hoaorabje tn ell kalaee traaeaetlone and 0a. socially able w carry oulasr eeiieUaae aiads by laelr Irm. Wan Turn. Wholesale Prosaist. Telede, Wtunxe Kivpixi) kuavix,. Wkolaeais Dnets. Tela. O. arfsCatarrk Car la lakaa latarmany.aetlnf ejiwtiv aa ike Meed aa eurfeeee ef UkooyoteaL. PvteeTae pay ketu. Sol by all trattuii. Teetimeatale tree. Hairs family Fills ere the beat. Knew Her Basuaeea. Softleigb Are you quit tor Mitt Banks it not in? The Maid Of coarse I in. Bh gave me eae ef your photographs in order to make me doubly sure. Berlia's Oldest "Welas Beer" Saleoe. Berlin's eldest "weiss bier" salooa ia being torn down. It was in the Charlotteoatrat and had been open 121 years. It CeeJda't Be. The other morning little Howard got op unusually croos. Jtey triad te play with hiss, but at last b became impa tient and aaid : "I goes you got np on th wrong tide ef th bed." Little Howard promptly replied: "Mo, 'Oy. I dot p on mamma' tide." Mathers will Baa Mrs. wlaatow's Booth ing Syrup the best remedy to as ter their abUdren during the teething period. Learalag by Degree. Little Charlie being asked by hi teacher the subject ef bis geography laaaoa, answered promptly: "Longitude and Bhortitude." TUB HOW AND WHY. V och van Bay have rntaasd akotit 111 lasur aaae mMj be wwif. dr. II. C. Upatuaatt, of PkUadaliikla. sna of tka aioat forauuet Uuur- oca aulLsrltlea a( itaa a(a, kas cosrrl(k4 a Ultla krjak anllllad "l as Ha aud Wk " II baa aaea adwat4 by aavaral Baatarn vllafea tA tMk tha first DriuclMls wi Uxa lnaaraaie. ', an4 may ba bad frae ay adilraaaiuf Bbarwaa and Harmon, senaral afaata rana Sutual I.t I Inaaranos .. Marquaai building, rurtlaad. Or It may kaleyau to ua4aratajaa How ajid Why tka Fann Mutual dortna U wrota a lar(er aaoual ol Iniuranca In Oracun than waa arar belura wrlitau In tka state by any som Vaay In eaa year. No Amateur. Bill That man ia a horrible liar. Jill O, I don't know; I think he's good at it. Yenkert Stateamaa. Quit Appropriate. He I wonder why Mr. Bplugg die to loudT Bhe Oh, ber hubaand is quit deaf. FOR comolainU. It cause a feeling of per. keep one nervous and anxious white atauheater, Ya., Kareh 9, 1S01. entlaasaai-I bad aU th aymptoaa that assess pan tkla dlswaae, aaoh a asaeaa droppln la the threat, a aan staat daalra te hawk and aptt, faalla ef trrneea In th threat, aonh aad aplttlat apea riain la th morale, aeaba ferznln la the aeee, whlah re paired rnneh effort to blew eat, earne st mee saaalaaT the aos te bleed aad leavtns? aa with a alok headaehe. X had tana aasTered far five years. I imuushI to take B. B. S. and after I had taken three Una bottUe, X aetleed a ahaate foe tka bettor. Thus eaeeara-ed, X eeatlausd te Uka tt aad la a abert while wis eatlralf eared. JO0 A. BBIXAat. Kala aad Tkae it., ftlebsaead, Ta. mm no ejroai a a niooa punner, it nmci th Mood to natural, healthy state tad th catarrhal poison and effete matter ar carried out ef the system throng the proper chaaners. 8. S. 0. restart- th the btned all its good qoaliiea, and wheu rich, want blood reache the initialed eTretiiaiSM te alt th Catarrh farfceted RUSSILL SACC TELLS YOUNG MEN HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL Bussell Bag, th eged financier. In a very able article printed In New I York, deflnet the secret of his success aud tells young men bow to succeed, lie says: "A young man to succeed must necessarily have a deflulte Idea of what he wants to do, and mutt con tinually keep It before bit wind. U must work at hard at h can to ac compllah It. and mutt not be dismayed or turn from his course by discourage ments. What measure of success may hare been reached tn my long life hat been due almost entirely to these four things. "I bays been a very busy man for almost ssventjr rears, and I am ab- 'eolutely convinced that a young man who uiakea up hit mind to succeed almost Invariably will do to. If he la made of the right material and concentrate all bla effort with the on purpose la view. "I hav oa alii cere word of adrlc for any young man who desire to succeed and It Is this: Tbst under ae circumstance ahould be yield to the temptation of gambling etocka Now, I do not mean by this that b should never seek success through the medium of speculation, but. rather, that be aboald always ebserve eetne business method la all his dealings. TV hen soatrd. good-paying stock srs low he might do well to buy tbeai ss an Inrwatmeat aaly, bat not other wise. The fever ef tpeculatiea ha beea tb rutB of thouaaads ef yeung men an! the wrex-k of mtny fortanea. and it wlU continue t cast wracks by the wayside aa long aa most ot us are mad to get rich quickly. "A young man who really and earn eetly desire to succeed should rrevr wests sny time In dissipation. He should, of course, allow blmaelf the neceaaary amount of recreation and rest, and be should try to live t healthy, regular life. He ahould try to acquire regular hablta-tbat la. aleep and eat at the same hoars each day and night, ao aa to keep tn perfect physical health. Then be sheold mske a rule etch week to ptit by a certain amount of bla earnings and acquire the bablt of saving. Thar are very few men who are not able te make dollar, bat th making of a dollar ta not the moat Important thing. It Is far more Important to know bow to SATS tt AQ a young man baa to do fs to work hard and save money. That may Bound vary easy, but It I ths mala potuL It I not saving alone that rounta; It la knowing bow ts save. No one ahonld stint ilssself of anything really aeedfnl. Tb ftatt of meat ef our yeoag men of to-day la that they de not stick deae enough to baaJnee. Tb snan who always trlee to get off a easy a poaatble, and when werklng ter ether dues ss little aa poaaible for the wage he receive, will never get ahead and never amount te anything la Ufa. "Every young man sheold threngh all bis business career cooetsntly keep In mind tb parable ef the faithful servant In the nineteenth chapter of fit Luke and the reward given to him: 'Because thou bast beea faithful In a very little hare thou authority ever ten cltlea.; " Mr. Bag U In good health, goes regularly to his office each day aad looks aftsr bis many Interests as slass If a be did tea year ago. They Are Snowing Dlrew. The sparrow la certainly a know tog bird," said a man who I employed it tb Glrard Point grain elevatera. "H can tgur out a thing for ulna sal f In a way that la. astonishing. Down around tb elevator there r thousand of them wb feed oa th grain of wheat that fall to the ground, but recently we haven't been getting tny wheat In fact, for some time past w haven't been handling any thing but corn. "Now, kernel of corn I rather tee large for a sparrow to awallow, but lust th same 1 watched lot of them picking op th kernel th other day tnd what do you suppose they did with tbemT You will hardly believe me when I tell you, but if gospel truth. Bach sparrow flew over to the railroad tnd carefully deposited bl kernel ef rani on tb rail. Then they all hopped tround and chattered nntll a shifting engine came along. After K had pass ed tb corn was ground Into meal sad ib sparrow at K. Don't tell ms a iparrow hasn't any brains." Phila delphia Record. We'll ForjpM. We'll forget the winter lu wrath and Wrouar When the sua comes out sad th days are long, When tke hloema Band sows With th beea ta brewn. And the wbid to the river sings h seag And the blooms fall thick whwrs th daisies throng! Atlanta Consrrruthm. Lea on Talesyraph Byatana. Great BrlUra't gWemment telegraph system It being coudtlcted at a lent, la the last tlx year th expendltnre htv been Increasing mere rsplJly to ptepor (Iob than th fwerpt. Tb figure for 1000-61 were: Helpts, 8,8f; ex nend ture a,fM,l0b. The expenditure, however, include th outlay for aew line.' A mail's pantaloon ar always either oo short or too long, but In Din cssv mt of ten a woman's skirt bangs Just right apesiLL eaea. i nmmincnf Southern lady. MM Rlamhard. of Nashville, Teno., tcUs how she was cured nf hackBche. dlziincss. painiui and IrrtMlar periods by Lydia E. . as as Pinkbaoi vegeiapic wooipuuiiu. " Oratitade eompela aio to acknowl rife the great merit of your Neice tabie Cwaapound. I have suffered fr four year with Irref ular aad painful menstruation, also dlsalneaa, pains In th baok and lower liniba, aud tlful leea. I dreaded the Mm to oome ark ton would omy seas "'" saa. Bl bottles of I.yellft r Ptnhham's VwtblC,oiriKund braagrtt me health aud bappiueaa lu a law abort months, and waa worth mora than monthe under the doctor's are, which really did not benefit me at all. 1 feel like another person bow. My aehea aad palaa have left ma. I aaa eatianed there la no medicine ao good tar sick woman a your Vege table Oosnpemad, and I advocate H to my Udy frtenda In need ef medical help."--Mae. . A. llt-a cn A an. M Bnwd Bl., Naahetne, Tann. MKV f. M If aHa . W hum araaMf f-m asa net SaaraSaaaS. When woinft arw troubled with naeaatrual trTrrnlarlttea, weaknaaa, keaourrhaaa, dlaplaewment or alceratUea. of tb waaub. that heart eg down foal lag, inUasmattosi of the ovariea, bak aabe. thay atteuld rrmesnber there la om trted aad true remedy. kyaia n. lkamia'sVegwtableConipoujid. Answered. 'M hn John writes ma that he la stoppia' at the beet hotela," remarked Mrs. lore. "Is he commercial traveler" "No; b's drivla' a parrels delivery vaa." Caasatrs Journal. SaUsrled With Dai's Warning. Who a dog entered the call of Maur ice Boache, Imprisoned at l.llle, France, aad under sentence of death for th aiuulor of a woman, and Hiked bit hand, ea the morning ot the day ol elocution, the murderer, who had all along protested hi innoramw, and at praeewl confidence In a reprieve, imme diately prepared (or death. !)) Itf How? By wx4ktn aid sukdiriF Ska pala, laal a tka way St Jacobs Oil Cases Neuralgia Vrtae, as. and SO. mmmtmm iTlIE MEN AND WOMEN Who Enjoy ths Choicest Product! f the Wsrld'i Commerce. i laa eelaat Than Wealth Wlth eel It. It must be spparenl to every one that Qualities sf the b!hest order are necea aary ta enable the best of ths products of modern commerce to attain permanently to ualversal acceptance. However loudly heralded, tbsy may not hops for world-wide preeminence unless they meet with th eneral approval, not of Individuals only, but pf th many who have the happy faculty of selectlnc, enjeylnf snd learn ing the real worth of the choicest prod ucts. Thslr commendation, consequently, becomes Important to others, alnca ta meet the requirements of ths well In formed of all countries the method of manufacture muat be of the moat per fect order and the combination th most excellent of Its kind. The above la true net ef food producta only, but Is espe cially applicable ta medicinal aents and after nearly a quarter of a century of growth and general use the excellent remedy. Byrup of ri(s. Is everywhere accepted, througheut the world, aa the heat ot family laxatlvea. ta quality la due not only to the excellence of the combination ef the laxative and carmin ative principle ef plants known to act meat beneficially en the system and pre sented In the form of a pleasant and re frsshln liquid, but ale to Ihs mslhsd f manufacture ef ths California Fla; Byrup Co., which ensure that uniformi ty and purity essential In a rsmedy In tended for family use. Ask any physi cian whs la well Informed and he will answer at ence that it la an sxrelleat laxative. If at all eminent In his pro fession aad has mats a apeelal atudy of laxatives and their effects upon the sys tem he will tell pan that It Is ths best f family laxative, beeaues It Is sim ple and wketeeeme and cleanses and aweeteas the ayaaam enHstually, when a laxative la aeerfed, without any ua BtareieTit aftar-wweets, Bvary welUn fowsed drua-ylst ef repusahl standraa fcawws that (vru af fl a sxeel W hywatlve nd la end to aeil It, at Me reftitar pDwa Sf fifty cent, par bet tK bceaurt It trtves general seibrfao noy, but em shtuld mnemker that tn hrder te set th beneficial affects ef Byrup of ri It li accessary t buy rh geaulna, Watrm ts said m drrslnal sack axes only; (he nam ef the remedy fffrup f Wrs and also the fun nam of thk Company California H Byrup Co. "-Printed on the front of every packa. Jiaaa . t .. ..a..a.l It fit Ita niul Vi'gelablet ..pii is. ilyou need W know. T list one I" MOINOPOUI1 il..t tlirm from your di-aler. w.i. I.ains.d K.-rr lint., MunH tirtH". er.":..;! Pry t'olVlit,;;Y..r;. rrtU.,t. Hpipn'c School for Girls. W t, f.l"" W W.-W-. Thrtr-thlt.l raar. fimiiuiHllous bulldlnsa Muaru e.(Ul'ient Aaaauila and eullaye ,,r,.rauirr oourws. ielal .mrass In u.u.io ami art. llh.il.aiad eataliKlu. All ilaiarluieltls IIUW ulwll. ... ... ...ki.iu TittamrTTe. IHkarlaal J DROME GAK Tb to traal la-lare are wuiia itaiitlonolevety Hirdlejt It TIMOTHY Htrdlest lion i ureas Is won"'" ' dry oounlrr. sly Tt"" Ihv lsalmiay"a-l'l ri-.ii. n In uualliT. write lr r mill II M.. rlra and iirlosa and saw plea de llvared I yetii ar wan. G. S. MANN, tho SEEOMAN. IS! I'raait St., rttand. Ovaawa Will alen aaml ou St seme time sam ples ana prtieeel ay raal swlalilaa. thi auroewu sOriltlCAl CATIWAT TO j mSAIYI-M A1SI WISAI.TM le really a one duller Wk eieiled Tun lr M null ill.ar. te lntttu. It II lelU fou ela.ul newli dlr.iierd .lanlral Ke.lle lur Ike rue. at many dlae. new war leke eiuiter en.l eal iu.i..jieut. w nurw .. te, the !. pr.l.'"t ' and fj Ike nearly dljoenM Anle Wuri m nieueae lor reia.xln wrlnSlee and oaeMllly Ina the riall"n, new varlellei ol ,..Ti. ...,.. i. iha Mk.al. r)ra and inn' (1,.r hual, cereal n.rlca. Iniltatl" eala. "lt Sn.t allvwr. elands a- I.U. Platenim emallt nlltlns'. n.a.W yrii en.l msar lra w.l, i anil dniita trade vrrale lot mai.ola. iurx. thln T"U nel nul a Ike.l.wuw. a real fc.m d.irb.r ( an.l enf,i-l..tla ul enatal Inn.r aiatin. iniei " T -' -' 7 " -- - ' wants kaallk and w.allk li "' kl pae, latt, (Hltwr rver t imtents ihaal Irwa Ike QlUornU DoUakal Uraktas Co.. laas k AKaraUia .. laa Aa"laa. fal eaeTerwd she I a Ma raw mt she daaewed wllk e.niruJi"S p"e arwt" aa t eaaexaa. Iloa wllk wklaa I waa aWutad far twenty leere I raa aeraas yeur I aaraBST le ifca lewaef Heaell. la . aad aevar faued aartkla la iial tkeai 'w-day I an eaUaWf tree tram pliee aad teal Itke a aew waa " O . M aire, ui i joaee at. Ilea City. Ia Ptaeaaal. Palaaa real TeMS Oaad l aw, aater s..... Weaiee e Ui.pa Bw aa. av ... CU)f OONtUIPATION. , MTII ll Bntaaa ..ia ay a" era IU-BAU sieieia V a Tvaam Uaaia. rvvvyyv UNDV ! fi CJgV CATMAWTlC tvvvvvvvnwvvyyvvyyvvvvyyyyvvvvvvvvvyyyl ICRAU5E Sc PRINCE, WhoUidUrt, 87-ia First St, Pot tUnd, Of. k aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau; Scarcely a Day, tw hut w f rftll4 Ufti twrfrtftc awds dlftlrtltt 1nil MM'r-!Lii If-skt t IK t1lf-rl r-aif of HtfUrtlfis; !!, lvtttl rantisil Uf r taw tif..iniy lh b. ni ttift eVaartntltf ( is ftttii tl ng -Inntiaf ttt Ik fry Brl -ign t t.-th litubl At lev (art lhM In-MtilaMj r..f flakt wjttl ilt U1 est wiit ft t'Uf tiithtlt fcl It lMs) tinct ttUt WUtH gllm'MtdPt l-i' th r'.nt, Or;. .tt eV.tit. Sfti (titiimbli Otw.1, syfcttfitga tUt tHiu4i f rvtu to U l . z .... - - n j Vtl'fsf i mi mm lf W A lasa WISE BROS., Dentists. rOBTLAMU. Universal!., Accepted The Best FamilLi Laxative Atf'J ovniin nr nnoVw isir r r r a ftRecommended bu Manu Millions of The Well-informed Throughout tho Mutntactares kg as rvamcleow, Cat. alawt. By. Tot BALM hT ALL LKADINQ BlPOdim AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS Areauld iilijaollusp. pmvsl and at a pnvs that lll analila yua l make a sikmI pn.ni en a law eas. Ths leauail, lalraat aia eblneln all lha -urld. Slrontsst la AU.tbaaa polnie thai any vther, vlsi Class Sklaiaikit. Hasp Client (. Uhl staa)la, iMkH,, Wills lur tree eaialngus, MITCHELL. LEWIS I SUHI18. PDU1t.ANU, Ol. SPUKANH, Weak. BlNSH, Waa Madsl, rarla, IW). TMK eJ!hw ure Alcohol, p.ura' Tobacco Using eV1 WilteTS ; titmnArto i CntCULAArj hstnoarsoieahi1 IWITUWUXOht Hifjiora! rweiyt nmrnmi ai.waie rsaw I rurer ae law asu $23,000 REWARD Brill ha la Mfww wka Itarauaa V . 1.. I tons lea lathe Urreet aianufarturar be ran tmy rheaiar and anlu,-a Me sluiea at a lar wet than other ee. cerna, whlva eaatlna hint ki wll shoes Iff 1 1 SO and 1.100 en net la etery way t lh M sr4 t elaa- wherelxt Hand 4 '. Vha flM.ae larrM tww. eaa mi la ae Ike Uai ijwr iiivimimii im., r-. 1 aaa wiij lae laaa mi ana Unk.m la t aajaa am taw, Stnl Mad ika Mat Saw Vaaia wlti.h lia eiiuri. why 14 Si a W . L. baiiuta ak'Ma a una aad aava aMawy, ).!-. ta.eiaae aauei SS.eaa nail laaaMi (a.esi.sis.ss a awia'ss.ssa.iss.tsa rw faua, w. t- oountaa aajsa oitr iocs tint, Worth taun Oomparaw ana, Other saakaa, laa aaar fwawea ! 4 fciwriars. aayTs araalCa". . Cf.Vuf. Gwwa) OXT, M a(i.'- Ii.t .! fw trawSk Puntiflt' T eawaiaa ka W U ItrUtAS IW. e . fi tta. iwlaly rum. V. A. uu t uut. snasH ta rwa. ssaaa. r. n. v, Ma. la left). II SIS wrlilai Iwada I f eaeaitwei lata paipa wesiaeea pliaei IHipae. Boyi1 and Youths' Jack Knife Shoes Aik your dVsUr fue the Jack KniU Sbus. Hvrry hoy gets t puke kntls w.lh h pair ef kluwa. iWal wsaiiiig shoes, faler Ml knives. mo im, J. ti'. ill. u, . reliiBi g. Tfclrd and Waaklustua ma. ORBIIOM - - . -j. .mJt,, ri 1 JVW'W ax - W MW, Wl World- "w ToaaT, M. . ,MI0M FIFTY CM XT 0TH i AllfiLAS I i f -- umioh taaoa II ev. L. aMeaya) sisses Owaf mwMo w eaawe1 ieatre Wmtt iHmm. BeeMMT PVM aaa mi ww MP d?a-. JT. k Hi mmm w.dwai Saaa. ' Mm