nn OREGON H A VOL. XX. "TtTsTnnr-, ""7""""""""""?" TTTmmmmmmT"m' , , . .a aaaeeeaeaaaaaaeaaamaaaaaeaaaaegaiaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaeeaaaaai ,M 4 illJ JvlJUHil,!!, L.i V , , '"r "'' titan 1MB . mall, 12 for ala montha: Hami.u..k. I law Njtab PlMI.10, CORTlyAHCm. J. B. GODFREY, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Real Estate and Timber Lands Soli A HMTHACfM MADKi fT. HELENS, ORF.GON ATTORXE K- AT- LA W. nffle with I. K. quiet, I T. llgl.r.N, I I OWI'ION. Wlllflva heat Mrwnal attention to ill letal aneltere enim.lail la ftie. will practice la Ml Ik Mtli aad United Btaiet I ouru, W. II. POWELL, ATTORXE r-AT- Li W. IISrUTV PIMMICT ATTOKMCT. T. IIKI.rSH, I IJtUUON. Or nn Maweosa Rum i. Nutaav rusu , W. C. Fincher, ATTORXE V. A T-L.1 W. HA1MKU. t i OREGON. II. I. Ubamau. T. J. Cliktu. Attorneys at-Law. M Marouaie bulldta. Portland OregoB. Columbia Cvui.ly bsalneaa will racaha prompt elteutiua. J. W. HAY W. n. PIL1.AHI) 1)1 MAUD & DAY, ATTORXE VS-AT-LiU USV nivt door lo ('ouMHowaa. ar. IIM.fcN". OHU.uK. (I.n.ral tifrt.- In rll(l. of Oiaaon or Wa.ll Inn-.i, Alwirwu a-la duattly lioui coualy rarotda. Dr. KJwin Kohs, Physician and Surgeon HT. IIKI.KN8, OHKUON. Dr. II. U. Cliff, Physician- and Surgeon. BT. HKI.KSS.OHr.UOS. Dr. J. K. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CUT.-iaUNIK, OREGON. Dr. 0. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon VKRNONIA, OREGON. Watts & Price, -DKAI.KIU IX- Flour and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Qaalitj Shoes Hardware and Notions Scappoow, Oregon. Our Monthly Publication will keep you potted on oar work and method. Hailed Fre to the ADVERTISING MAN ftof any reeponelble honie. ii BEST Kalllwrlwllr gawrlaaa. Newi from all the world Well written, original itoriaa An wari to qtierlea Article! on Health, tha Horn, New Bookt, ami on Work About the Farm and tlardan. The Weekly Inter Ocean Ii member ol the Aieoclated l'reaa, tha only Woatern Newa pnper receiving tba entire tele graphic newa eervioe ol the New York Sun and epecial cable ol the New York World-dally ro porta from over 2,000 apeclal correapondenta throughout the couutry. yearQ N E dollar ewkaerlke for Tke ORECOIf BUT al ike Weakly- lBle ee4i" til " ir ei.eo. Crenn Dally Journal, only II a veer h mull, 2 Mr (la montha; tleml-Week.y Journal, II to and Weekly Journal II par year. The Journal la an Independent I'einiH'ratie newapaper. working In Ilia In tereale of lha great eeotton whore roll. Ilia tirxon. Hand In your aubecrlptlon. Hampla roplee free. Addteae Tha Journal, V. O, lloi 121, I'orlland. Or. The Steamer SARAH DIXON 1-eavea Portland Monday am) Thure day mnrniiies at 6:.10 a. in. lor Clata kanie, slopping at HI. Hulens and wsv landings. I'orlland landing at Oak tree! wharf. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves I'erllaod on Taaedav, Thursday and aal unlay at 7 a. m. lot St. H$lmi, falama. Carnll'i Paint, Mainiir ani ttlia. Arilvlnral Portland Monday, tted otn'Ujr and Friday al 2 y m. Steamer NORTHWEST leaves Portland Monday, Wednesday ' m l .1.10 P. m to, the , eanie pnlnta mentioned a In leave and To ledo, reaching Die latter place at 10 a. ui. on Ilia following day. Returning. Ilia boat leave Toledo at nn, and Cae'le Hock at 5:30 In .tha afternoon, TueadeJva, Thursdays and Hundays, leaving Portland early In Ilia morning. Wnerffoot ( Salmon Ml M. IIOLMAN. Ateul. enAMcn- "America Willamett Sloogb Ronte Laare Kt. Helena . ., Arrive al I'orllaud. Iave I'ortland Arrive at hi. Helena ran o Bmia. Will Carry Ni.ll.lnr kul I' frra and f aal r raiglil. JA Viava noon, -vlM44 bo vtAnr w:- it IXPIRIKNCI Tram Maim Dcsiom coothiomt ac Anvonn4lM rtUrt e4 mm iptfe mmf J4iair wMteMiairn pur frtntaMi trim Bbr mm UttVfMi H Wbfc)f INUiMttAkloj. CfteweWkifilf'ev tl4nautlf fcMtttdaVitUl. laaiakxMl on PatexiU etit frM. MM immmf fur MMiing Mtnta. rienta laAaw, ikrodjjili Meun A (.. rwoeHr scientific Jitncricatia rated weallv. I ereeet atr- futouon or ? i erteiitiaa toarnat. Tarma. It a LfeMar t mmr ftMitii iaa,at. aou ayaii neoeaaeiara. , Co New Tort , wm w waeainatoa, u- u How About a k vot ( reconli YOU at' RE II HD that rei-onla and ahow I pej f roHTIitflD, BalLV. M a.so a m wy 10 SW A M hi t 30 I'M lZ DOli I'M WS ataan- r Mi attar. Ill "W"l 1 1 rlXWJxkftK .a, tinea, it tou roniempleie ourina lane or loanloe money ea real eiaie aaeurlty, lo no nan a word, but In.lat upon knowing whal the rerord ahowa raianllnt Iheillle. An Abstract It aa eaaeatlal aa a deed. Inalal on bavin it. We have the only aal at aUtroel book. In the manly. All work promptly eaeouted and eaUefaeUoa ueranleed. If tou have property to Inaurealreuae aal I. Wear, a,. uu fur the lieat flra iiiauram-a eompaaleain the world. If von have property loraala Hat II with ut and wa will lud a buyer. . . QUICK & CO., Maim St ft sr. Mums, 141 - - . - a Greatest Clubbinsr Combina- TWO WEEKLY PAPERS FOR THE OF ONE GREATEST BARGAIN IN GOOD BEADING. Br apeclal arrangement we are able to furnish Tub Ohkoon Uin and THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL at the following club bing price far both papers : t or Owe Tear la Aatvaace..I.SO lerBlx Hlwalka la idvaact, te The Weekly Journal, of Palem, Ore., print moat Inald newa about our state government and the full legislative proceedings. Just what you want for the coming aession. Tbe Journal la large eight page paper full of telegraphic news of tbe whole world. 6am pie copy furnished free upon Inquiry at this ofllee. sS" WB OFFER YOU R Cf .85 12 months' eabacrlptlea to THE OREGON MIST, if 1 I amaOie ysar's eebecrlptloa te Cenkey'e Hmm JoonuL N 'A V One yeer's ntmbersblp In Amerlcaa Masks! Assoc la Uoa. CONKEY'3 HOME JOURNAL laalllerarr and muilcal monthly family matailne which should pe in every hem rover dealan la alwava In colore. It la nrlnted on rood naoer. and wiechanlcailv laaua la a tribute lo the nrlnter'a arl. Conkav'e Heme Jaurnal la really Iwomaiaiinaa in one, for the tirat half la devoted lo apeclal before the putiiic. ana anon ana serial atones, est4 of the mother sua aausnier. it alto contatna WITHOUT EXTRA CHARQS f radical Iraaon, In lace and entbroidery-m tautlcal leaaona in home ailllinery. r ai-iU-ai laaaona In Interior decoration. i'ractitai auaarallnna for home drenmaVlnr. A eomu lata Taalion deoarlment ahowlni ghlrt-waiata anu ino amaiier articica oi leminina a comtiirie paiiein urpaiiinviii. iium wnivn Photoiraih4 aliowlna how loael lha table. Hecliira and l anie t aik, wn kt" which imparl woman who would be up to ThM forffvolna la aiinnlemi irecolng Is supplemented by a department of muilc which contains each month a copyrlthl toni. two atrp or walla, a laaaon f'larinf by eminent teacners. llovs Pets" is the sublect of a series of thoroiiKi rlily practical and leu now an emus oi American! Muelotvl AewMlllaei enable. Its members lo porckase sheet id all music syppllee at dlauounts ranglns from M lo SO per cent. mi,.!,, anil all mualn annnllsa at (I II Sample copy of Cankav'a Ham Jaumexl asail Lddraa4 all communications and remittances THE OREGON MIST ST. HELENS, JOHN A. BECK PKAMtR IK Watches, Diamonds, SilTem are, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty, Morrlaoa t. Bet. grout Ural, fOBTLAKD. FOI PORTLAND OAILT , Steamer Iralda C. . Ho$hUrk, Matter. RAILHOAD TIME. fiavaa Rainier dally (eseept (under) we ran laml, at A. M.. departing Iron al Helena al I o'cliM-k. Relurnloe . leave Portland ai I W r M., arrlvlug at al. Helena al t.aa. Patenters and Fast Freiilit PORTLAND LANDING. TAYLOR BT. J STOMA & COLUMBIA RIYEB all RAILROAD COMPANY. OAILV. 0140 VT 5 erATioiva oAit.. S n r. m. 1 on 06 a 30 a m tt w w a I, t 17 10 00 10 OK M JO 10 K a a I uo I. . . . . A. at I 41 at I 20 as 7 44 7 44 7 n 7 24 17 1 tl I 42 4 41 I 21 I II a,T roniana Ar it 10 Ot Ml t la V I V ' v, IHUI 10 OS 4i I 10 10 44 4i 10 11 71 1 10 44 74 7 10 47 Ml table 10 05 , ..Rainier ... ,. Pyramid... . Matter.... . . .Qutucy ... . . t'tat.kaiiie . . M.i.lilaod . Waaleort.... ... I lllon ... ...atuappa.... .. HTenaoa... . John Dar. 42 I 14 I 27 I 17 I 04 M I M I II I l I 07 7 44 1 44 II 0 404 II 14 M 4 11 10 e, I Ar. A.lorla .l.r All tralna make eloae eonneriloue at ttobla allb Northern Feeine tralna le and Iroaa Ike r.al and Hound pom l a. At Fortlaod an all tralna leariaa Tnlen depot, at Aatnrla wllk I K. a N. t o. 'a boat and rail tine and Mteamer T I roller te aud front llwaco aad orlk neaca poinu. raaaelif era for Aalorlaer way boloU evutt (la irania at nounoa l rain, will atop to let aee aeuaeia off ai Hou'lon a lira com In, Iron aolnu we, ei uooie. a--, awyai, OeB. Paaa. A at.. Atuiila. Or L(t.. AtU BHIOHT'H OI8RAHK. i ne largeai aum ever paid for a pre acripnon onanrea nanda in Baa rran ciaro, Atigiiat SO, 1901, The transfer ia 1 n vol ved.in coin and atock 1112,600 00, and waa paid by a party of bualneea men (or a euevinc fur Brirht'i Die and Dlahelea, hitherto incurable die- eaeee. They romtueared the aerioua In- veetigation of the epeci6e November 18, IWO. They interviewed acoree ol the cured and tried it out on ita sterile by potting over thro dozen caaee en tha treatment and watching them. They ateo pot pnyiiciana io name cnronlc, la curable caaee, and adtniniitered it with the phyairiana lor judged. Up to Ao guet26, 87 per cent ol the teat caaee were either well or progreetlng favora bly. There being but 13 per cent, of failure, the partiee were aatiified and rloaed the transaction. The proceed inae of tha inveetintine committee and the clinical re pur I a of the teat caaee were pnbltahed and will be mailed free on ap jilii-atioo. Aiidreeethe John J. Fallon Company, 4), Montgomery atreet, San Kranciaoo, Calif. Your Title? I, all rlahir Kenenaer thai II la tha torerna. II ia our buaioeaa to eean-k lha what thev contain In ralailoa to land J , Its every illujtrated articles on eubjecla prominanlly i ne teconu aau ta naveiea is i the later- iklna. 1 the neareat deslaas la kata Bad eoatoaaaA wear. patterns may tea ornervfa. the Information thai la aeeessarf to the on Vocal Trainina ana a ii laaaes on Piano articles for the boys. These articles are pats may oa raisea do in tor pleasure and lea to any aaorea oa issue I. to otteoH OREGON, FRIDAY, A I EVENTS OF THE DAY QATHERCD FROM ALL PARTS OF THI TWO HEMISPHERES. Csrmprebeaatvo Review af tbe Import eat Happenings Oa the 9mat Week, fro seated hs Ceaadesued Peewa. Most LDteiy to Prove latereetteg ta Owr Matty Beaaora. Four structure In tbe uuHinesd part of Wilmington, Maaa., were burned, entailing a loss of $20,000. The body of Rear-Admiral George F. Balknap was burled with military bonora at Arlington eemotery. Brlgsdler-Oenersl Frank D. Baldwin haa taken charge of tbe Department of tbe Colorado, succeeding General Frederick Funaton. Governor Peabody, of Colorado, baa ordered tbe members of the Denver Fire end Police Board to answer cbargee of malfeasance and misfeas ance lo office In permitting gambling. The trial of Dr. Joseph Alexander, ot Indianapolis, on tbe charge of grave-robbing haa been Indefinitely postponed, because the Negroes un der indictment bave refused to testi fy agalnat brm. A tornado In the vicinity of Bloe ton, Ala., wrecked several boused and did considerable damage ta farming property. Tbe towna of Colesnor and Uarney also suffered. No fatalities were reported. John Sherman, a guard on the Chi rago Elevated railway, waa proDSDiy fatally hurt and many passengers were shaken up and badly frightened when tbe second car of a west-bound train Jumped the track. Tbe Meilran Ambassador baa In formed tbe State Department that tickets are being sold In this country for a lottery said to be located to San Luis. Mex.. where tbe Ambassa dor aaya there la no lottery. John H. Wlsker, the engineer on the New York Central Railroad whose train caused the fatal acci dent In the Park-Avenue tunnel, New Vork. In February, 1902. will be tried for manslaughter. His lawyers will try to show that the directors should bave been Indicted. A grain elevator In Chicago, owned by the iJtke Shore a Michigan Soutn ern Railway, and used by Churchill t Co., grain merchants, burned. To tal loss. 1200.000. Fifteen men were employed in the structure, but all caned. The elevator contained near ly 150.000 busbela of grain. The democrats of tbe First Oregon llatiict have nominated A. E. Reams tor congress. A colored porter on an Erie Pull -nan waa found to bave the smallpox Tbe car waa quarantined. Immigration authorities at Winui iMtg. Manitoba, have appealed to the Tillltary for tents to notue new set tiers. Tbe falsework of the Panhandle bridge, near Pittsburg, which ia be ng rebuilt, caught Are and waa part ly destroyed. Whlttaker Wright clalma to be Itlien of the United States, and aayf hat the Commissioner who heard bit ase id without Jurisdiction. Bruce Marcura. a Jackson, ICy 'oung man of good family, haa. nodes !he vagrancy law, been sold into ser vitude for six montha. Marcum la so iveree to work that the highest bid was $6.50. Ten skeletons in receptacles of flat tones, uncovered on a farm east of Hopklnsvllle, Ky., are pronounced by Professor Morehead. of Phillips Acad mj, those of a race of prehistoric nound-bullders. A pony engine collided with the rear end of a passenger train on the Lake Shore branch line at Ashtabula. X Fireman Bogus, ot the pony en- cine, waa killed, three trainmen were njured and several passengers more 3T less hurt. Eight new veins of coal have been llscovered Just south of Wiikesbarre, Pa. with 12 veins underneath now )elng worked, this make ISO feet of oal. It la estimated there are S0o. 100,000 tons in this tract, which Is wned by tha Delaware, Lackawanna t Weetern and Lehigh & Wllkesbar- e Coal Company. Two passengers were Injured serious y at nattle Ureex, Mich., when a Grand Trunk smashed a trolley car. Philadelphia haa been offered the entire att collection of P. A. B. Wid ner, provided a suitable building ia erected for its exhibition. Aeceiver baa been appointed at Choiago to take charge of the) affairs of the Mississippi Valley stove com pany, whose factory is at Fulton, III. Robbrea wrecked the vault of the bank of Smithton, Missouri, with dy namite. The noise awoke citlsena, who drove the thieves away before they secured any booty. Engineer Clark end Fireman Hlpgins were seriously injured in e collision of a Southern Pacific passenger and freight train, et Lordsbury, N. M. - A switch bad been left open. Mandhlakle Dubs, son of Natal, South Africa, Zulu chief, haa been called from bis studies in this country to assume the chieftaincy, ilia fath er' health li failiug. Indiana may collect tribal fee from outsiders gtasing cattle on Indian Ter ritory land. Tbe United States biscuit- company, with an authorised capital stock of M,- 600,000, baa Incorporated at Trenton, N. J. Three salamanders taken from a well 108 feet deep at Pan Marcos, Tex., were cn exhibition ia tbs New York aqua rium. The well has thrown up eevt ra' ipecimen ot blind flab, but eons have lived. PBIL 17, 1903. CUT IN TWO BY STEAHER. Schooner Rua Dow oa Oulf-Two Chll- diss and Sailor Drowned. St. Louis, April 16. A special to tbe Republic say: from Galveston, Tex. The schooner Margaret L. Ward waa rammed and sunk by the South era Pacific ateamer El Rio. 26 miles east of Galveston Bar. last night. Two children of Captain McKown, of tbe schooner, were lost snd one sea man of the same vessel, According to Captain McKown, all his lights were burning brightly and every possible signal made to avert the collision, but tbe big steamer bore straight down upon the doomed ves sel, cutting her in two and Bending her to tbe bottom Immediately. From accounts of tbe collision given by the engineer. Clark, and Chief Mate In alia, tt waa about 30 seconds from the time of the colloslon until the Ward sunk. The ro plain bad bis family on board. Tbey were asleep In the cab n. The mate saw the steamer and started to ring the bells Tbe whole crew turned out: all bells were ring ing, the whistles were blowing, all bands on deck were shouting for desr life and both anchorage lighta were showing when tbe El Rio struck tbe schooner carrying away her aft-gang way and wheel-bow and cutting Into the cabin. All hands took to the rigging. Cap- lain McKowo had hla son in his arms, but was struck with something In get ting Into the rigging and tbe little fel lew slipped Into the sea. Mrs. Mc Kown gave the little girl to one of the sailors who was lost in trying to save ber. RAISED FROM THE DEEP. One of tbe Spanish Ships Sank by Dew- cy's Fleet at Manila. Manila. April 15. The warship Reins Christina, tbe flagship of Ad mlrsl Montejo, which was sunk by Admiral Dewey, wa floated and beached yesterday. The skeletons of ibout 80 of her crew were found in tbe hulk. One skeleton wss evidently that of an officer, for it had a sword by Its ilde. There are fifteen shell holes In the hull of tbe Reina Christina, one made by an eight-inch and others smaller. The main injection valve is ulsslng. showing the ship was scut 'led when abandoned. The hull is in fair condition. Captain Albert R. Couden. com manding tbe naval station at Cavite. took charge of the remains of the sail ors, expressing a dedire to give them in American naval funeral. The Spanish residents are anxious, how- over, to ship tbe skeletons to Spain. md It Is suggested that the transport Sumner convey them to Spain by the way of tbe Sues Canal in June. A wrecking company la endeavoring 'o raise all tbe sunken Spanish war ships. PERUVIAN CIVILIZATION. Dr. Max Utile Ha Bcea Able te Trace It Back 2.000 Years. San Francisco. April IS. The ear- West American civilisation, for ante- latlng the generally accepted limits if p re-Columbus culture, has been traced in Peru by Dr. Max Uhle, di rector of the anthrological excava tions and explorations of the Unlver- lty of California In that country. Where heretofore Inca traditions had led scientists to believe that Peruvian civilisation extended back only a few centuries before the coming of the Spaniards, the archeological work of Dr. Uhle has established the fact that a great civilisation flourished 000 years earlier, at the leadt esti mate, and that a cultured race, of higher development than the Ineaa. was In existence before the Trojan war. Thla remarkable discovery follows is a result of tbe studies made in tne two expeditions which Dr. Uhle led in recent years at the expense of Mrs. Phoebe Hearst and under tbe aus pices of the University ot California. DAM BURSTS IN COLORADO. Irrigates Valley Too Suddenly and Drives Oat Residents. Delta, Colo., April H.i-The dam of the Bonney reservoir, near Olathe. 15 miles from this city, gave way early today, causing damage estimated at from fSO.000 to $75,000. The reser voir I owned by the Garnet Ditch & Reservoir Company and furnished water for irrigating the Garnet mesa. The company' house below the dam was demolished, and Its occupants barely escaped with their lives, being forced to wade through several teet of water in their night clother. Rider were sent out to notify the farmers living along the Uneompah- tree River above Delta, ana ii is thought that all escaped before the flood reached them. Crops in many places will be ruined, and several hundred head of cattle are reported as lost. Tbe Denver at kio uranae track waa washed out for a distance of about three-quarterd ot a mile. Religions Riots st Brest. Brest. April 15. Serious disturb ances attended the congress of Cath olic clubs held here today. Tbe cler icals indulged in a series of manifes tations in favor of the religious con gregations, which led to street con flicts with socialists. A number of ar rests were made. Tonight the social ist workmen organised a counter demonstration, snd 3000 of them pa raded in a body through the town. singing revolutionary airs and shout ing "Down with the priests." 5 be Wants No Reform. Pekln. April 16 The Dowager Em press has issued an edict repealing the comprehenlsve stamp taxation scheme, which Yuan Shi Kal, Gover nor of the Province of Chi Li, waa about to Inaugurate throughout this province. The edict assign the pov erty of the people aa the reason for the repeal of the scheme, but It Is be lieved Yuan Shi Kara enemies pro cured It tor tbe purpose of crippling his proposed reforms. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON eastern oreoon station. Agricultural College Regeats Order Ex teaalve Improvements at Uaioa, The board of regent of tbe asricul tural college, uuder whose supervision tbe Eastern Oregon experiment station at Union is conducted, bas decided to erect a barn on the farm to cost a boot $6,000, to be constructed of stone and wood, and of tbe latest approved deaign. A modern Sot tag and other buildings will be boilt near tbe barn for tbe use of tbe people in charge of this branch of experimental work. These bond ing are erected to enable tba station to properly to carry on tba work o: experimenting in thoroughbred live stock, which tbe regent bave decided to add to tbe work here. lata oa Asyhtm Repeat. The report of Superintendent J. F. Cal breath, of tbe Oregon insane asy- lum, for March shows a total enroll moot of 1,297. Tbe number of pa tient February 28 waa 1,298, and dar ing March 81 were admitted and twe escapes returned. Twenty were dis charged, 13 died and one eloped, leav ing 1,297 at tbe end of tbe month. There are 167 office s and employee. Tbe cost of maintenance per capita waa $9.90, and per day 32 cent. There are 24 Alaskan patients in charge, for wbtcb the state gets $20 s month eatib Will Extend RaOreas. TheHnmpter Valley railroad people are quietly preparing to make move of some kind in the way cf extending the road this spring. Chief Engineer West ha been looking over the eocotry np above Whitney for tbe past week. and Preeident Ecclee bas been consult ing with bi lieutenants for several days, wiitle all of tbe officials are absolutely noncommittal, everything in dicates that tbe roal u to be extended bl season into Harney county, possi ely as far as Burns. Joerphla Fralt Prospects an Qoed. Joeephine county orchard ists bave been busy for the past three week and more spraying their trees. Orebardists there are taking a much livlier inter- in this work than eier bef.ue. Many orchards that bave nevrr been sprayed before Have been cleaned np tbia spring and given a liberal spray ot lime solution. Taken a a whole the oVchard of Joeephine county look far batter this season than tbey bave ever before been known, and indications point to a good crop of fruit. Timber Laad la Wallowa. Tbe secretary of tbe interior has an nounced through tba La Grande land office tbft two more townships of timber land iu Wallowa county will be open for filing April 1, and three n o-e add! tional townahipa will be open April 15, thn making a total of 720 claims ol 160 acres each, or 115,200 acres of new timber land on the market.. This land i estimated by local parties to run from 1.500,000 to 3,000,000, feet to the quarter section. Clark a State Laad Beard. M. L. Chamberlain, clerk of tbe state land board, ia ill with dropsy, and bis physicians say he cannot re cover. George G. Brown baa been elected by the state land board to fill the vacancy caused by bis illness and t bee rice from office. Mr. Chamber- ain bas been ill severs! weeka. but his recovery waa not despaired of until a few daya ago. Prlcea of Salaaoa Fixed. The Columbia river fishermen's pro tective union held a meeting at Astoria and fixed tbe prices ot fish for tbe coming season at 6 cents per pound for cannery fish and 6 cents per ponnd for cold storage fish ; that is three weigh ing !b pound or over. A these sre the prices already practically agreed upon by the packers, no controversy is anticipated. Quartx Property Changes Heads. Negotiations bave been closed where by the Red Bean quarts property, locat ed on Starveout creek, waa taken over by a Chicago capitalist, far a $12,000 consideration, with a large payment down. Tbe mine was bought of Riggs, Flamm A Evan, of this city. Riggs ia a locomotive engineer. Flamm and Evan are pocket hunter. Boring for Otl at Myrtle Creek. Boring are to be resumed at tbe oi! well at Myrtle Creek. Tbe well is now at a depth of 1,800 feet and the drill bas been stopped on account of lack of fund. Now that a sufficient amount of stock baa been sold to resume opera tions work will commence at once. Appointment by Chamberlain. Governor Chamberlain ha appoint ed T. B. Howes, ot Portalnd, to eucceed Captain Hoben as Port warden on tbe Columbia. Tha position pay no sal ary, the incumbent receiving his com pensation in commission. Observation of Arbor Day. Superintendent of Public instruction J. H. Ackerman haa issued a suggestive manual for the use of public schools in preparing for Arbor day, which will be April 10. The pamphlet comprises IS pages. Attendants Want More Pay. The male attendants at the Oregon state inaane asylum have petitioned the board of trustees of that invito tion for a raise in salaries of about 6 per ceut. Jacksoa County Pays Up. Jackson county baa paid its stale taxes for 1903 in full by remitting $23,864. NO. 18. RAILROAD HAS LOST. Pateats to Disputed Oragoa Lands Set Aside by Supreme Ceart. Tbe supreme court has affirmed tba decision of tha circuit coort of appeal for tha Ninth circuit, which affirmed tbe judgment of District Judge Charts B. Bellinger, setting aside tha pate.it iasned by the secretary of tha interior to tbe Oregon 4 California railroad compsny on February 20, 189k, cover ing a large area of land within tbe in demnity limit of it grant, and la affect upholding the title of settler now upon these buds or establishing tbe rights of settler to beteafter ac quire title to tbe aama. All of tba lands affected by tbia de cision are more than 20 and within 80 mliee weot of tha railroad, between Jefferson, in Marion county, aad Rose burg, in Douglas county. Outlaw Mined It, It has been found that the original miner and man who dug tbe myetor loos tunnel, of a "lost mine" rauntl discovered on Grave creek, Souther a Oregon, wa Tom East, in whose honor rom fcast creek, one of tha tributaries of Grave creek, wa named. He was a notorious character dnriss the aerie days, and gained a bad reputation oa aeronnt of tbe number of Indian aad Chinamen be killed. It ia evident the tunnel an I development ef the mine were come led porpoelr bv Kaal. ad tbe mysterious part of the affair is hew oe could have removed so mneh dirt and done eo great ao amount of work withoat being discovered. Mere Laad to Ba Opened. ia announced tbressk tka La It Grande land offioe that 60,008 acres ef land in the northeastern part ef Baker coonty will be thrown a pen ta settle ment within a few week. Tbe land lie along Snake river and comprises portions ol three township. Tba country is generally rough and at sea lainous, but there is a goodlr aortiaa of rich land, suitable for frnit raiture and general farming par poses. There is plenty of water, with splendid oppor tunities lor tbe ronstrnt-tieo of irrigat ing canal at medium cost. ladlaa War Vet Mast Watt. Adjutant General 0. U. Gantenbeia. Oregon National Guard, is in receipt of a letter from F. E. Rittman. auditor of the war department at Washington, in wnicn ne states that It la impossible at tbe present time tor him to sand data which General Gantenbeia needs before paying tba Indian war veterans of Oregon tor their service, in earn pi i ance with tbe act of February 24, 1808. it will evidently be two months before this money can bo paid. Electric SawxeOL, Tbe electric sawmill nader eeaatrna- tion at St. John's, a suburb of Port. land, will begin operation about tbe first ol next month. Georae W. Brower ia tbe inventor. It ia a novel plant. It will represent an outlay ef about $60,000, land will bave a cat ling capacity of from 75,000 to 100,000 feet of lumber per dar. Tbe motive power will be opplied by electricity. snd tbe saws will be operated ia soch a way that tbe largest log can be aawed directly into lumber. Large Deer Factory at St. rlttraa. Rainier will probably soon hare tba largest exclnsiva door factory in opera tion in the Northwest. A few month ago W. D. Pine's door factory was burned down at that place, and ia now being rebuilt in new location on a much larger scale. Hah Warden Reports. The monthly report of Flab Warden Van Dusen shows tbe receipt of his office for March to have been 1866.10, of which $112.60 waa from fine and sale ot contraband ralmon, and tba balance from licensee. rottiLANo markets. Wheat Walla Walla. 70o: bloe- stem, 75c; valley, 76a. Barley Feed, $21.50 per ton; brew lug, $23. Floor Beet grade, $3.95(14.28 ; grah am, $3.4693.86. MillHtnff Bran. $18 per fra. middlings, $ 24; aborts. 81B.5uaaM. chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white, $1.16 4J 1.20- gray. $1.1391.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, $13918.60: clover. $10911; cheat, $11912 per ton. Potatoes Beet Borbanks, 60o par sack; ordinary, 25940c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $29 2.25 per cental. Poultry Chicken, mixed, 12913c; young, 13914c; hen, 12e; turkeys, live, 16917c; dressed, 20912c; ducks $797.60 per dosen; geeee, $698. Cheeee-Full cream, twin, I6X9 17c; Yonng America, 17), tj 18c; factory prices, llXo less. Butter Fancy creamery, 309 82 Me per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 109 22Xc; store, 15918s. Eggs 169 17 lie per dosen. Hops Choice, g 922c per ponnd. Wool-Valley, I2X916c; Eastern Oregon, 8914)e; mohair, 82983c Beef Gross, cows, tQiht per ponnd; (tears, 494e; dressed, TKa. Veal-7X8J;e. Mutton Gross, 4c per ', ponnd 1 dreesed, 7e. Ami?