i 1 Oi THE BIG STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- Ii Reciting New Coodi Every day In the Week, THS MUOKLB OTORS KAt A REPUTA- Itua of long Hib4I for Oaljr tht 8m la --GENERAL MERCHADISE- Dart & Muckle, N Nt.He.eni, - " ' - - Oregon. 1 1 i k r m J ST. HELENS PHARMACY A" Pitronict a druj store when you wtut pure, l'tctli it.d reliable ( Drags and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articlei, Etc. City tltttloo net ( Monday. fttntd good it null or wholttalt at M, 0. Oray't. Aliuott anything yon wt in tn gro ory lino can bt had at M. C. Uray't. Charltt H. Ingliah, tht Uwr Maml mtrrhtnt, hit tnkrged ami Improved till tor. Tht Roiling Cirri met tt tht hmnt of Mr. and Mrt. W. II. blllard Iti Frl Uy night. Tht lit. Htltni llultl Ukti tht lad Under Hit uinuagtiuaut ol U. A. and A M. Brlnn. R. O. A. Ttggtrl will prtaeh tt tht Congregational church ut Hiindny tvtnlng. All trt Invlitil. John it, I'rlnglt ba of tilt flnt.l creek lugger, wa In Hi Vegetable garden planted nil I In Mitckl duy. plao tt I)r InUnil, that h h biiin ob etrvtd In (lilt tecthm, II. Morgu thlt week received a lot i.f iprlngandtniiinier good. In grunt va riety, eon.l.tlng partly uf ladle Intta, dreitgoodi, alio, etc. The Dally Evening Journal tiid Tut Obmob Mut, il iiioiuht for U. The Kvtulng Journal It 1'urtland't llvt, In- dtpendtnt dtlly democratic ptpor. PERSONAL ftfA Tlit March Bomber oi tht Orgo j Tachrt' Monthly, printed tt Kabjm, ! , 1 a very errdilal.l rdlllon of that tf , C&Cfttl'XJMj&Y'&iii) , aelltnt Jooriml, In addition to th ue- John Wllw.nllng, of Yankton, n" ul "T"' "V'1 . M . ' , thetw art well eK-iittd portrait of lht : (own Munuty. mtiubtrt lull IrgitUtttrt with tktfa h i ' J. A. Bgb, of Warren, wa In Hi, I jn(( pax-nell u( n,( comialllcrt tud Helen Monday, j , lt o( tt hl, pgtie(, Anothtr fat ! Wlllltm Coujwr, of Wtrrrn, wtt In tnrt I lUt of Oregon tcliool Uauhtr, fit. UtUni Mondity. I mil th loetlity uf their prent tngtgr- If. Oltrn, promlntiit ftrmtr of War- luanu. j ran, wtt In town Wouduy, jajg( (, Hwiutr and Dtvld D.ivlt Clirlt Rlthhrdion, of BtuvUl, Inland, Davit, who rarry on a gructry butlnqia . at In Ml. Httru Tartilay, jat Wmxlmara, ntar Lcait, wtrt hald up Road BnparvUiir T. K. Ort wt II, of 'n thlf ' Tnttday night. Warran. waa In Hi. Ilrlrua Mondar. "J "" M.A.Wodrltk, a pro...lntt rt.ld.nt ,n"P " ' '- ' of Plttah-rg. waa In Ht. lUl.n. Monday. m- Mtaml, and orcjNl ' tha a. u. aai A alullarAt MM alll thai llotoot Hchoo.iowr, of Vtrnonla, I. j , lMr k1 , lh,eh irltltlng rtlailvrt at Rl.ilrr tl.lf wk. Al u.g, formldablt liking A. A. Bmltli, Iht wtll known Milton (ni M ptrauadtri. Mrt. IavU, who llvlriit Balur WM jna atort at tht time, waa rt ! Ilevtd of liar flngar rlnira. J,..a lUiulrlcka la rtown irom l)w At an ladlcalloo of tht haalthful til Wnlto, Wath , to look aliar Muia land ' , , M ,wnf (rtm Coluiiihla City through tht Vtr C. I. Haaon, who hat Inn doing rail- .un, taction baa re caincliig el road wotk In Waalilngton, hat rtluruad dviir. Among tliott who art over 70, to lloulton. I Willow Hall, 82,- tenet Merker, 78; M1 V'elllr, Ilia 13-yrur old daughter John Harrit, 74; Kainual Holaday, 78; of Aatewor and Mrt. A. T. l-i, la vary JoUn Splawn, 70; Mrt. Huaia Urairg, 111 with typhoid malaria. j 70: Oeorge Merrill, 70! I'at Hoghee, 70; John (Jllniore vl.ltwl Mre. Ollmort at , Chariot Eiigliah, 72; M. Can'.y, 80; BARGAIN SEEKERS LOOK UF.tin eireia it mm t A j .1 ai Iratiaa, fr.inht aaraM pl4.. C H mi lagging hbara 8 4 lUaH HarMaaa.... O lif Zm 11 quor an4 M mir Oaiwral Catalofoa, tba iru on EVERYTHING YOU WKAM Pacific Mall Order Company tMond and emn a.. Portlaiwl, Orarna riatbat lakd. Ml Jwaa i. U NOTICK rOW PUtUtCATIOW. CilftJ tialae UnJ OiSm. Ona Cltr, ,(, Jl.f aj, MM VTOTtCI It IBattY HIV in f NaT i' omillaiir with Hi arovl.laai ul Ika al Cn(rM nl Jam 1, 1(71, ulillxl "a Ml lu Ika mi ol ilaibar Uaui la (hf twiM oi t.lllof la. Orafaa, ra, iiit Wxlilufiaa T.rrt inrr." m aaiawltd ! all iba Huhli. Uad awwa kr aal al nf ut 4, 1J. William Kr r, ol fun. la;'l, Coo Hr nl Mulinnmah. data ol Ore. a. nm mimmj niM la mi nmcm nit iwora nai l maul, Nn. Mil, lur lh aurchua id 1 ha mU l xiiiahl U nuirrraluiir)l lur lia limber ar rlmia M'tlnn No. at. in town-hip No. 4, u. ru Kb. a, w, an.l will Ar pruot ui ifciia inn Ika 'aaa Bearktt Fatreni. Ih.n Inr crwultu?l nuriMHH... mnd L, Ml.ali.k hi 1 Ulm to Mill land ffirfh Knfiaiar and Karalrar ol IhUullicaai ui oii Clif. uraaoa, ou Friday, tha 10s It Amy .,( Apr!', Itwt. Ha liamaf a wltntaa: kuhrt iMliari.. tabafi Iiudra aad Edward linn., nl r..r lauii,Oraa aad i. a. Hark. of Mllla. Unaoa. An; nl all Mrauui clalmiua adtranalr Ikt ab tra-.MriliJ laud. r r i iia. 10 Hla lhair Tht following poem arrived too U0TvTii''a''''n' " Mk Tht tdltor of thin pa par acktwwladt ' at Ulmlatoiio tmrk, lt Burnley. Bha it ' "rT "ore, ; Bt-plien ineyaru, in; tha receipt of an Invitation lu tili inl tlltl tuirirruig tvvtrely with rhrntnailain, John Salfart, 71; Charle Cordet, 7s. M. Arella Conyar.' uillllnary onlnd at I O. C. Clark ami E. II. Uirty, of Houl-1 A,"" lh! wl" oon re.',c!'tl',lr Clal.kanlt. Tht dli,ly Ugn la,t W W0.,t H Klickitat' cmiuty. Wael... ' lwu. wruiy--r wmw Kiwiar, V.li...,ldi- to l.i.iH.ui ....... llml-r "r'Vl v-H', I Ward and Uraudnia Uray. for publiaation laet week Lleten to tha maaet ting To our viice all, May It o'tr hlllt and valley ring F.nin tha I'atr.m.' Hall. Llitn to tht wholtaomelaw, Fatrona' eaute to make, Deoent rodet without a flaw, While Old (Jovermnente qoakr, Llatfn to tha happy voice In thuae thall be timea, Havenlv iweifter choruaea Shall down the Voice of crime. l.Uten to th t'armer'e Blade Cutting UuMen Grain, Whan all people ahull b glad, Binga a glad refrain. Fatron, work for tht Maater, fling hi pralae awrvt, Taught a how to live t-irarer, While tht roaet tleep. Patron, work for Brother Man Yoar hume I not the oJ, Do whttaver good yon ran, And yon work fur (iod Monday, We.lne.iluy f. (1. W'lkatrom I making amnn nl- iuml. tan.lre Iwprovtmtnd 011 hi. farm, near I ut.. j. tlarttngti uif , formerly of thl ' XUmt i,,niin ,"'u "l?,"!5 lloulUm. Illilaraa dar.-lllna ha l.rn 1 .,!,... iv,..li- . ,..1 " rr. go lo John Uellar'a ttort, raitalntrd. and a larua arua ul l.ru.li r.. vi! , ... n;...!... .i.ul .ill l,, ono l.loek from Morrlaon, on the corner ! land h. lKn lih.l. jl.l.Uuuw. of Firtl and Yn.hill eireel. Fortiaud. j r,tro,( whn your work la dont J.a,h llaybnrn loft a ,.. W at Mr. ami Mr. J. 8. Mow. uf W.rrt n. ' at oth; L '"l "T '.t oU.,-. .h. , Jrtt of Ihe wk that U.t. a,, n ,ro,U IVUaod Wpl.iv.l.y. Zfe 9Jl& i ZSS" tht record. It uiee.urtd 7.' Inrhi- In 1,,- l-iur havlua Uvu viaitlna: there: ...... T Mrigiiltr tnan tut aiay. 1 : , ' ...... " " . ow tuiril-lHt It etornaJ. Li'e thall tvrr be, Wtll alway bloom aapernal Bry..ml liiis Biorrur bra. CHAKI.E R. MilOKK B(lKr. In ttuClrralt Ceiirt. nl th lhaCounlv i Citl..inliM William brobai, 1 I'l.iDwff, SUMMONS. tiaia l Orafoa, Inf 1 I'l.i J ili Mar T.. Hrobtl, j l .land.ul To Marjr B. Brob-I, Ilia abnTa aaiaad da- laiid.ut: IK TIlBITAME Uf Tr! K T TH Of uaBilOM: I Vini ara li.r.liy rialrad 10 ai.aaar aad u.w.r ma ro.upiaiui niad .fain.i jou lu iha ab..rr rinl:l. milt on or ba'ora Hie Wih djy ol-airl IWri, thai oaliif tlia dar prcKrWwd iu Hi. ur r pulillra- lioit ol Hit. .iinui-i a., io it )nu l.lt toao appwr and n.rf .aid roinii.li Ih i-Ulo If will aiiiilr In Ui cin.ri ! r !,. nllrl ih.r.la pnrail. in ail: a re from ilia mrrl axlatiD batw.tn uu and idiin.iff, in.. iiiHinnn, im uuiisi.ii lur nw, rvnmmwm' tlva tt ordrr ol ll-.nioai Ir Tboaua a.- Mi-Undr, Jmita k( uld ci frill lootr, aMd-i lu 'h if.; i M n,.ij. I-..9J. ht Cr.lpiiHi. . t'ili.11 Mia, m .U Kill da) 1 1 t'cbruaiy, l.W. a. k HAUKisaTuN. AltuiU.jr lor iilaiouff. r.U.Ml.N. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Tine Line of Writing Supplier. Plain ad Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. J Direct from Publisher Regular 25-cent Novels Only 10 Cents rVyTVVTVVVTT'WVVTTI'VV' 31. C. GRAY THS PECPLCa MEROHANT Cnrrics a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE cimimfert-iirt tht lung way ami 4l ' ur aaVvial da aja. . M i.aai i-i... i- ai aof at .ov ani ao.w. tur .aiiif In, 1,.. BMund th ,..U.r. J 1M Mwr,( u ..wrlttn,l( WM , v.tor I ,ig,.rent .torr. rharge (6 v....... f-ttl ..r rui.k.iii.. 1...., t -I..... ; . . . 11 i....t I 1 . ... . . " Ill wati lUtrauitT uiinninaj. iia tniu III . U1 7 luf. B l-il lor 13 ). f 4 lld K. in a xiri.r Dl.i, loomng ailar lit tlittUar luiurvete i t utf ui iUiU x le in cow leatrd lilt Dear laland (urn from Maiivlee' .land, and ia having a 0u ilia Urvguii aid. Iwvlllngtrtxtea mi the .lu.i-. t. Mia, Klla Ca.to, ol I'ortUiiid, U teach- - .11 .. . L I 1 ititivreun uuing in a or a. uaria.ui to high rent atom' prio . A gt-nt-ral lite uf aliora 20 per cent lee on every dollar than other ton' price. Kvgular 23d uecktiea fur lJc- Reg ular 25j cap. for 15 . .U I to your i lliat the .Mwr City avhool. she did Very A marriage Ihitnt wat latui-d by the iMtiatnoiory al Mial laat year, alioreahu county clerk of Multnomah mnnty Mn-1 did wry .uii.luclury work. daytoWaltor 1.. Moody, uf Columbia j iu Ma Murg'n, of tlieoo mtr vlrrk'a liitvre.t to look throua-h our lock oountVgl2l,aud Aiinie M. Jo naoii, iit to U.uiiitr Bdturday' to vUil I oi Hiiiuiomaii oounir, agcu j Ur iuuiUtr, Hr,. A. I Uidiar.lauii, If any uf Tut Mut ub.crlhrra. who iu ra.iU.-a uvur tliat placv. Ubterlbed for the Oiegoniau at cliibj M M u,,,.,,, of Warren, faik hi fa ratrc or other periodical, art nut r- ti,.ri fuutlty tta.l nuiuo wtl.er fiWnua uo reiving Hit .erne, they .III confer a f- v,,t lu ltM j.giug ,.U)p w Um to vor by iiotifrlng thl offld at oacf. 1 l.miU City .ikaiii. l-gging Raii- For the neat ilOday new eulmr U r Cuuiuauy I'lmr. Jjr. to Tilt Ml.r rarelv Ihe Ain.nean ! u -uJ jltll ,,,,1, were In from Farm Journal without additional rhanre yM1,,ton itui.day. tnry n.vuily jmi- lur out yt-ar. ror i w uuir) t The attm will rrnmble to duel, Forrvar changee form, But life forve.' uiuat Forever reign on. O. R. ffigitint, ClaUkanir. Or., March 2), 1003. Danger tf Catdt aad Grip. The greateet dangar from cold and In tba rtrt-ali Omit ..1 th atata of Dragon lor Columbia twuviy. r.dlth L T.Tl-r. I Uluiiff va Anhar tt. T.jrlor ri.f.a L . IH TMB NMK iirTltr. jiTATBfirOBRdnM )oa .r i'iirrd i ttar .at ait.war th th conil4liii iilt-i aa.iii.1 rim la ika allot- amitlail n.iiri ob or Lalore Hie Mlnlajruf Mar, I-.03. to wit: iib or brlorr .la w a .tier Match JT, Wt, thai brlua .la wtka alirr liia .lata ol u.a ftr.l piibllcaiiou ct.r iit. a iaihi.. And li you lad V. aprar or aoaw.r Mid t-ota(.alnt, Iba Blaliiliff .pplr "t the court lr iha rrllaf tliarcin trKjr-.. (or. X..r ad.i-rr "f il.ron-a d. nit Hi li.ru4. vt ibe bond, of i. trlmoiiT aaiatlna tM-twtn (.UlnttfT au 1 ilaf.ti.iant abova Bamed-oid iv!n and Kr.inlu( topuiutlftlia care ami M 1.1)' ot ih. totU"a-;all , th iaauaol Mid tuar.iuirr. DirK'?. ril.rr Mauri T.vl'-r. and al idaumui auii 7u lo, tha au'ni of liMO t-rr tn.s .ii until Hi Ml-I child athcr Maotl Tal.T, lnii"i i ara and aim for u'iincut ior tha tou aaj dinlmramauta of tbl. auit and lor .ucii ..ih.r itii iurthar raliaf i a. to iha oo-irt ah.U .eam rtuli.iilv. laL.'iniin.'ii. ! piioit.na-i lor .ia ronaacn-llvrwwk- i.T order ol Ina Hon. ihoniM A. atoHiidr. J l-larr ol Ihw l(d iHinrt taaila hi Iba iXM da-r.-i M.r. h YAH. mu m k a mili.fr. mt'in Anorii.t. fi k"ltnfrf. SETERE ATTACE Of GRIP Cired by Oat BotUeef Chamberlain' grip la thfir rraating In pnwuumnia. j ...a. m l.lafe awaa -mm IM a-a tmrnmrnt ll jaiawakfaTaa r Congh Remedy. Home Journal, an esi-elleut luagaaitie i.e(.ry tilt UiU uuujotation of IW0. Tut "When I hid an atluik of the grip Ut winter ilhe eaml mi; I actually c-irwi nivavlf with tin Untie of Chanihvrlain'e Ci.iikIi Kenit-dy," aya Frank W. I'erry, K litur i.f the KntcrprUe, dhoruvilte, .V Y. 'Thi I th lionet truth. I at liuiea k.-t.L Irou cuurliiiic n.velf to viikM'd 40 rn.ni ul lauU Hum U. W. pirce. . ttkiug a teaaimonfull uf thi Will U InviUllcU III VIlB ll.t. I .,, .,., U .jMitului iruj Thtr la reported to be thniLand f Mr ' M,rliu ty ilM M Moudnj wlkt gteee ou llevr l-lainl. trailing on y.,.. k lo reua-dv when the ronghlng (pell wuiiKI come nn nn at night I would lake a doae ami it Beamed that ill the brief'! inter file riiugh would par nil anil 1 Flour and ST. HELENS. - - Feed. OREGON .amy. Frank tankcy, of Miat ; L. oiVi iii n; J. U. K.uai.on, ui ll. l.ig-utl, Air. and iin. i.il i 4 i i i im, a a atkjam afk ak aak at aakata aft a aHaaff TOOTHACHE DROPS. I O I CWvm, ('re-iartia aid Ohlomt .rm. en,fl prt enlt..t till i!l aliMi ' t ai h aal (."iW an epi. it re, lull in wav l-triir li, i li hav Hi Una UII.J by I'R. iCXOUKK'. ,KW MuriluU. S Dr. KNODER, Dentist, JI7, Failing 31d'g Portlund, Oregon Iha young graaa. One on horevbaik ur In a vehicle, ran get within a few f -al of tlit (ecdlug to air. C W. i;o.-r..ni report that are plump and In gml con ditloti. R, Becker, nillilatry, hat ntovrtl fmni Flr.l ami Malntoii ilmlt, I'urtland, a here Ilia tlort wi lucatrd for many year paat, to elegant, new iiuarti-ra nl tU Tlilrtl atreet. Il I now the ino-t cttiiiplru millinery ettabllilimciit in I'lirtlaiiil. Hun Myrra, who lia looked after Ihe kin It iigitta at iK-er l.land ever aincc lite Nuriliirn I'aciHd wa coinilrtcd In j IMTrl, atlll lulthfully bold down ti e i attiiiti pititioii. For a quarter of a ceu ' lury he It, lonked afu-r the laloty ul iruih-uad trau. tvortailoii by atli-ndiui li I he awltch light. .11 KmI.Iii-i.ii rrcurrtl a contract fur eil'.ting l.K-0 etinla of i-otlnwtd un the Muiklr place at brer Inland for Ihe Wit litini tie I'ulp & l'aa-r Coinpany at On gtik City, li kill I luaiiu acturetl Into white pnui-r. Mtlreit men at now em- . I 1 I.. .1 I L : .... tiltivati 111 ttte vnnip aim ara Buiaiiiu ititi ... . ml ,. . M1 ' aOt iucn'iiirf Iho .tl.iry uf llu- iimr H. iloirl mid fatu.lf Hi kurlli wutiht go to leep jierlectiy tree injui Vai.il.ili lor a law Utisa 1. wa , . rong" ami IM accinn pan mg pain. 10 .auiltilllor a lew uaja. i. wa it 1.livm, rrlllf, mvtml , a mo.t iwoivd thai Mr., k.. IVrry would a- j )t"rM.,(e ,uiriaj i putting it veiy coiiuwiiy her inere tiwin ruuiaml. juiilillt. Iliad no idea thai it would or J. A. U'lk.lioiii, ul Vitiiklou, Ua foil lil km.'ki'Ul tin--fri-i. .imply hecanae I lifl ti.t-a. tri.-.! tt l.,r kurh a unrrmaai. muveU lu Deer laland, wliaru lie it now j u, lt ,iiji ,,i t .r.mea with the foreman (or tliu Anulwr lw'giug i'uut- avcoml altark oi tinighing the remey iiy. ill. wilier iii-law , air. Jaaloiiell, ; eauaed it i B it oolc be t. ir.a dniatiuii, . t ... iu.l .i.tt-.tll--' u.iio. m -r, w .hi trmm wi.v.., . ul... lia. Li.i.uiJ 1.1 Ilia l.ti ill li, kllBl lu- ' . - . ... had not vd tht r-ouiwiit. uf one Itotlle la-fore Mr. uripp hail hid me ailieu." W. Bull, t'0T ,,e Eda m Uott. M..vir; ' ilugbeiij A ApprecUU EaterlaJanunt. t. Lon gii 11, C-lalekaniei la Larauli, I L. It Miuola. I . IajuU, Kuiiiicr, aete! Ivgiaiwtvo Ml I'urtland In. til. Monday. J. W. lrfitnar, a fonurr reaident of cl. ik-h in-, U11 mow uf I'ortlaud. waa here Muiiilav looking atu-r hi Columbia Th I'lat.kanie Hand ga an excel lent beuellt eiiteriaiiuuent ia the R -d 'Men' ball at (.'lat.Kanie un H.itnrdav evening, March ilft., to a giaid Imueo. There were aeveral aeiection-i by the band, a.ai.litl by the linbla baud. Th fTifi to itM-ir i-T-iuin U..-......1-.. , reaaouablt car It naerl. However, ami j o..,ml.Uliv.ttwm.iretliif I'rliilna J-oe l.lqnur I. It-ana. liontirable l',.tiutr rimrt of Ctiaiuberlain'aCo igb raujedv taken, all danger will lie avoidnl. ol thniiaand who have need tin. raiiiedv and -lit.,. I u.aauu.wuui'i rr tor the. tli- we hav. yet to lean, i V "! M ,1... t.n.',lT-.l MaMt-Wi. mnA I.mI Among the ten. i vwtn ( -V. ! Prruinci, l oiamMa Cownty. re-iMrttiuiiy tijii- a nit tuolar aeaalna I. rla . ... U . v tun. of a tingle re having reaiiltrd in Dneu- in ili.r.ur tue. In th.L'ity of "t Helen-. 1 Ji llionla. which llinw cnucluivelv that I luiuMa t ..nnie. ai St.ta of urav..-., that a II - ,n. eana ar nted i ftiara Holm-?. 10 aall .ntr- tt 1 a ceitaiB pre-.entBtiv uf that , Jtt)1J (iMuil )4 M , . M,nmie, ,m dingeront dlaeaae. It will rtlre a cold I than na.- U.. in Mid Be.- jkvw freeluei la or ail B lck of th grip in leak lime than j Mid fouttty awl e.le.a-a Ual -Id llmaa be .... n.k.-.,r..i,u, I. i.l,win.l !".l or . tr1.l on !-.r-for all of 1. 1 : u . 1 info tu Uktf. Kur aiaU Uy h-lwin Km. VATtM IU JMB II" atrvB I J. rTfrtml, C. A Vn, M.Tt. Henry W, Corbctt, of rurtUml, mil- M rk , V-tnl. Vrw . E T.' tir. M. Nowntau'. Itonaire. banker and philanthropist, t Adaaa-, r. i.i.t.tioBt. ti. N.antaan. Johw died auddenlv of heart failure Tneedav i M..ioiilar. traak J. :irka. Jerrj Mekaaaedr morning, lie wa 78 yt ara old aad left au eatate valuol at f-UXX,0uU AMERICA'S GOOD DRESSERS AHilra-v Mo-ramar! , atri-r-r bukn.aM. Aul- K.n-W'ti, will McK.-. r U I'lKiin. J.Wkile. Win. w..if. a. i rl-oi.ai.. A. An.lrra a. A. Ilaa nrtiit. A Miller. . VV.tlrant. C. HaMnaky ti r. HaMu.ky. J -Im KI-niMiirr. Iewi.tir.nt Brn1 kmerr. Itertry Nt.aii.au. tin.iat ttkaiie, Teukne-ilv, Jaa I'raix. A. Zleitnaa. Henry Hlniullcr, fltnt "aM-r, Ue I. fajli. John allahan, II. I. Bi.r. i. M..rcan. Thna, loBinaw-, i .rl II. Kraidl. Krunk I'lpar, J. I). M..rj.u. il. Ural. k. A. Misjiilim. T. U.Mor an. A. II Laraeu. K. 4 Adama, II. Ardnar. C. IlitUniaan. A.J. Am.ll. Ji-ot orih. I. b Oua ean. A . Wuiiio, 1. T. K am payer. Prod Kain T tt-r, A. N.wmi-n, llniau liean.tt. N. H. 1 M'ka. loay Mv-fr, liei. H. LnaiMr, W. tl.w f Aud-iN.n J. i. McKav, C'liraaoe eendder, . JohnTr er, . K j-ie-a . .v. B-.var. i. H. HiB V heaver. A. t.uller. H.r. Ik.iweyer, I.. Bnlrtar. I!. Mil. e-. C.rl i.rwoi. I.. T. ftp'. It. !. Hla. i..:S-in it, tt. svan.oti .1. Joraeuu. tfcorja D. Farnawerth, tf 118 WMalagloa 8trt, Head the Following Com taanlcatlea tf Interett U Wood Drcucrii. The trend of the prennt tga it cidedlv towartl la?tter drcaa Y"U ttand on a Imav corner in town r ciiy .t tio. a.. I .lite and walrl, tlie n. 1 a hdulla . It. Ualch. t. Ilaary, celon. out noi t.neiwait in aimm-ann of thr naecre-hy w ill lie in tattera; not ae man in a hundred, nn matter what : luthe rtreult rnn-t nt tlie.-it.i. j( Dra.it, for Ilia trailing, will lie ahahhv inhiedrene. Odumnia Ciiui. .. M. tl.'a i...ltnMlt..i. I.. U' T. IV.lM.,11 l-laiutiir count pntpvrty iuiercel. He mailo a 1 paitictpann in the program were 1 (,olnrt-ig ,1)1rfl IUBrk,.a ,,,, ' n.,..0,,.K. .uh-oi l.i. tiinUl claim, near I'll tabuig, heartily applailUe.1 alter eaiii aclection. i ImaineM men, and the wnrking rlaa-e j T A,tlvM .,n ViMt mwhj datcadaal lo the lleiumi l-'gliing I.uu.oeriug . Ihe ladle. Muariei, c.ii.ning oi Miaeca in .ii.jriim " " 7, T. . . ihename. th Stale Witat I i .wa iha i-omuiaint 6'.-d aa.ia-1 tub iu Ika kl'BBOXH. 10 III llelUHII 4.'Jl,lllg S LimiorrillK . lilt lame, un..i.t, pm-irmn ui ...-.. , ... - " - -. it , Coi.nny (or .he u.,.idcr,tion ul ..Utaj. Nor. Cnyeta. Unra lunxera, ZelU j XllM to Mra. W. II. INiWell BrtUimtl Iter tlu- M"w Brown, wa a .ureaa ; ir,, (uf ,,.nl to w,mr ot-a 414 aokT 147 . tv . tj t . Theodore S. Tbomson, uenust, . lnfcrmation and Appointments by Mail. Rdomt 0 I II, Wa.ltiig-rn Hid., I .iithea.l eornti- Waah. and 4lh 8lt PORTLAND, OREGON. Take Klrvator to Fifth Floor. tie. ai principal the Uuilltoti chuol . " quanei, t. laung narty ., ... M..,..l.e i.. auccued S.iiHirii.teiidciil 1 U'ltatre, Ray Sullivan. tfeorgaUonyera Cnliilniol. Cinh r the iiruvi.-doit ul Ihe a in I li -..rga Itadgt-r, aim mad a dacklt'd hit; lite lra.-a miariet, another int. real-' ,.ot hrH , fl,,,!. i. ...! i.i..j i,...l iI ih.ii.ia, nig coiitiiinaii..u, w ae coiiii-o-vi w nrtioi all we ar llrltry Morgu hat receivetl another j l0 hM, u( .., t,acliig. but i Mca.r. it.i.y ,t. Sullivan, Kadrr and elegant lot of silverware, the act run I Utwl dev do bii c.ili'd tiiuj to u,e Ju. ( Slumnln; the club wiiigmg by Ml see alaling ui knlve and fork, ionii ami i ( tyx i Anna IStrrino, Nellie I. .veil, Mibel and kin ring. Each cu.lomer at thel A(ml tMvi.,'formcrlvclitor and pule IVpham and Jennie O. wig wa l-tre 1. given a ticket with each ca-h , , llA.w't Caihlaiiiel, , i"reMing ebtbitU.n. piirchaa and when lb btl reacl.e ; 4 i.. jtaturdnv. II. au- The Clat-kaui Bam! d. gntKl work Ha au- bia iuUiiti n ul aaiiiiiing for begin a ra, and it prrtonnel I a foKuwa : Leader, 8hnUAN, curnel ; the amuiint m fzo, me purciuacr am 1 nllmv,i l.. .i.tltll li. a ami nl ailv-.rware. ' ... ... . . . w ... .................. ..i. ....... . it. tuioi .i'i .. .11 r. i i Mr. Ilohi.lav, who haa the Wat or- vi, mv mpab'.a iiepap.r man, p'Menl, Rv Sullivan, Urilone; view chai.l in Iha IVei HauJ am'tlon, I, hav- ,.ul a i.eat, n. y oapcr. Ho l'r-idenl, Everett Tu-hrnoe, tenor; in hi iwtlte nriiitd tr-e. urafud with ! .....loitbi mak. the ,ew a lltmr- reMary, Uteorge l4iyer, tuna; trea if Ucrtfon V . ara h. c .v ei ii-tjd a. .pear and an 1 a-' ariitiihr. u . :r . u , oau-e n or Wf..ra Ui. . . . ..Ml. ... tf - ,.M 1 ...1. I .ruk u .1 Th-re are n-an. lr tint .teaire ..tt -v ..i'm... wu. ihed.t,nnirT,:r the part of ihe maaaet to aptear in a. . ,h. r.i pu .11- at o id iUi notice a tot if job aeaininglv and Iteennting garha lht--r ! tail lonwa. H.r.o.t ann-er.llie id. intlg t.iU n...n. will ailmi of bimI Hie n-anona ' -,W'!' t"r ih tellef pra'ed for lu !h complai.i. mean wilt aumt oi, ami me ieaa r. . . ,ii.dvi.. ika bond. ..f ' n-arritiiotty to,, .gifting liwi-att aoova tiauvd a ei.tntitoniitl i pliiutitrarHlileleiiilaiti,.iid for .uch etiier and nation. From the bov in knee nam to ;;' " ' " the gray haired man of aAaira, the linai; 1 1. .m. ...oa i. .uiltl.ed ly orler t.f ilia tet bv which nearly evervihinu t ' II. o. I k- . irhil- e jad of ihe .h.a gaugeth.. 'Hoe it pay?" the walt-h fj de....r...,ld.....,i,.r..i..i.ii,,iaik day word ol the preoent genera' ion oi y nng : '' l . T. n ifitx, men i "ncee." The iiu-irtaiit-e oi 'j tu-O I Ann nay f..r Plainlig. ''making a rxal front" in boun . ..ve ur war ieeu generally acknowledged thai the ohl aavina?. "in be vurrea-ful. l...k aneceaafiil,'" hat apecial refei-B.e t.. 'VOTlrK i beret in. !hl by vie. j-. 'ai lie I .a ., r of in. t -w-ilr Can n tha . n .a. . . ' 'tf t itn-vMB, for ih.- I-. ...in .f toliimbu, IitcidcnUlly there ar other rni :!, m n. .lav m h Americana .re taking to latter lam. in "e m. i.r ( ihr .on. id Jrr.miah eli.lhea eewrv veae. Tn entire e..uiirv u- '..-:.-.. irn- bh-i ieiit-1. th adiotn AOWINISTRATOR'8 SAIL the llalltin variety, tin account ol ctun- i.hiiig laiia-r. Mr, I'avia al one lime ,-".' , , v-.v ,r.M-roita io a uetree ne.r am n a .1 .. il, im. -e i nrlv.ir .ul. lurr.-h JAMBS SPENOE The Houlton Qlaclttmlth 411 ra Milburu Vajnu8, Buckeye Binder, nd All Kmds of Farm Implenieuts. Houlton - - Oregon am. law. . x. -J U.-J!1 !U Ifctdgrr, t co-m-t, Alla-rt Merrill, mart- j to any country nn earth. I not (irntllahle to irruw netite InOre-i v , o ... 'irum; J. tger vivi, nata ft.... Iii I'rtllftiriiin. t!i ffitui-ri oi m 1 .... i v v vi : l t 1 rurir - - HIHI .Mrs, mail .Mvrnii . ixii the which are a email prone, let the siiae liiabuui, A.J. SulUig. uf Claie prialuci fall irom the Iroea and cvbk- k-1liv.0 K KUi,.ti, K. Bvebe, tMurgi. rat it. petition with Ih CVlifortila prnduct, it ,iit,li.lie.l a p.itcr at Woodland. .1 ...... , ,- ..m.. I Kvery mih i , k.n 1 . ll.-ieti.. -reiMi. afn-r Iba le'k Mi. furr.-a iu ht: lo'l'rtoa da drum ; Harold i America . bo .eally .... .,.!..- j tii'". ISST irhenor 2nd tM nn " Thr "'" mhn ' ivdomid-. tai. m. ore. .. m wl: The Hnatli- " 1 not know bow to read ir wril, cit earn Ca-t qn.ine-.d.vHi.u -u ( I la towtuhlit follow: Q0VN-C0VNTY H0MI IMOULO -vo t T Clutskanic Drug Store . iiiiii- Drugs and Medicines - r n - Tiilti Articles ui Perfumery tV Ji t Hilt. mrr' CUT.k4l.IB I V1rH. R. BECKER MILLINERY -.MKVI.li 1t- H4 Thin it Caetatf ! Ulm K rtBW'rt."ati.t eltftr, vut kaia. alro t lot l trltataed kat al railt rit.d ttii b. You arvewMtally lntll la call aud. ra't wur Easter Display Tteeh h U ea every Friday, aad tptdUl ?uaJy diauer al lit St. Uelea liuu-k I Week-, UcorkO F;tii, J. F C-oiuelt, uf Spring la here, and to U my new AtMi -hliMiil.; li. W. Burnt-, of Quincyj .Spring atia-k, all Hew g..Mla, nothing At liixou, Alvx t'aiupltrll, ot lieer Is- liup-wuru. For ladie' hat and drwa tv : Mr. mid Mia. U . .S. M.t.l,t, Mi-e. BOikI., gent' furnl.hing geaN, aid all iixKiker, tia Ualtlittlg,-, Mr. and uplo-date notiona thi atora lead all Mm. .1. Wilaoii, of U tiniei, U. I. F.llii, thuntt. A dollar will buy mora in my uf tioblt-, and J. J. Kngiert, ot 111- alora than any place In thi.iMmiitv. Ju-t t,, r,.i-irisi ul iStrtUnd botcla . . ylr, KKr, .i, . received 6i new men' ault op-tu-date ' x,v ( the w ck. j - . ',.,...JL-..- f.. ' In (tile lur the 11 uiiiney poaailile. , ! II. M. McKiel, ClateUnie. j HaWWas-U kaia Wr4dlitff. Fred Clark, a well know n young man, j j, ik.bbiu and Her .i e F. living on hi farm, a few mile irt.m uo,.,,,, ,-r in. mid in birtlantl I ..l..-k-..l.. . .. C.......I .I....I I.. Wl. ' ... , . , wit vi.t.ii.iiir, .... w niiiritiiBy .Han-tt .0111. nc ct'rritioiiv unlay un ruing hanging to a ciuat tHim ,k,wai high m.in at the r-i.let., e under tht porch of bit dwelling. It )U lT hrlde' parent on 4St Clay atreet, waa clearly a cae of uicldi, and LWc...r,.v v. K. liilherl olticiatlng. Im-! Iter Cliff did uol deem an Itiqucal neeve- j ,miiiat, y after the -remi v Ihe wetl-' ry. Uue ami m tnu rupa wa laatruiHi ,ht Mlr,v w,.,y mi,ii to the timing A UlMt. f waAwBjn rvw taTV n to tbt porch cro beam, and h hnd wv' room wti a tpletniid wetl ling lumheun feladtar. Onaaxy wnuia.'et j C l - arw Bl r, alio; tha. lirhe tnet ; .ana. Ka.tnian, Llid tenor; Matt I .t -u, . ,i,v ; -ia in) rut Kmxi-T.. (.) ...-.t ..(the n- , . 1 i. 1 - . . . - . . . ; . Iftmi.ita Mend. .it t-- uiaii.iii our hundrac) and Kaaimaii, If -d tenor. ; Ti e man who appliea for a ("i Miit , ,lJITW.,rt , ..B The p-rJnnwl of th lioM Rami, i ha' itaya ouly U a week a...l i ii ,. m.ii i ... .d I.b.i. ;;r wi.h , w . i .i .o t -t t- and etmiea to work everv ti.iv tn a r"l- ''"- ike .-...a, will apply whicha-aine.1 the tMatakame latnd tat,, -.ti lw.m.i. ...it ..li i . verv ' . -i?'..' '.-" a.i.r. . I . laraun, UMtler; i. r. .hort lime inu.r-ea hi ,-mil v.r with; ,.. ,., ... Archilultl, kaiunl Itandmialer ; t. J. Iltillvr, tr.iii,vr an I no itir; iiU.tr Fowler, er-liry; Walter Hunter, Thoa. Hauler, IVtos ll inlcr, Jatnea r .tikluie, ilrville U'tk. R. ilh-n Arclii- dr. Yimm KIDNEY Backache the itlrn that be baa tu f x -lead habit., but ct.. taale and jtnlr "-n'. and it generally bapM-na that lieu a Tiirwney oeei.iea the man whk it- tv hahita'aml ! Ik'le in d e a i- iw lira! one to lie at-let-led "to till the ;v.-aneT"ai a higher -el i.e. j ' PAN A FAR s.u-AiiRr.l. 'in at : day 'a foil laud Kv uing T le- i giant. A li-l,it.'nc..r o. ib.C-i... ..I J.mi.k Ud. ' .lu.'ii.-eaet. , Vt. II. iinVH.1.. f-.yinf idtnliilalratae. NorK-at OK it. Hr.TTI.KMKNT la th i Irrnli t'oun of ika .'tale af Oragoa, fat kd lBI'4. l"..unty. la Ih Mailer of the Eatate of, 1 '( t Vol lea. .rt Pe.B l laie-k.M. Intd.rnl ue'd . . VT'll'ICh, ia her bv yiven that on I he - iN Mth.iayv,! 4mni. liajB, 4anln Hiah. lb wl- Ideiilly laileuotl th uooae aMund hi yj-fc . M. . f Wt-M-BV; 'T- B-B W ; W BVWall 4 ' I tM ( l H The Buck Percheron Stalhou i-'-J'v."1, "' ': ' . ttie l3.ti .a .. I JJ.i. . IDtW. lit t,u t:ouri. t Ih. MitM nf a.id o art. at tha k.Mtr t.l ia waiork. M.ti . or a. i.i. liM-rvater a-in nuu-r ran la iic .4 I. !, I 'i .aid m: oa. ar ill :P"T n . ...r f..r.arlll-'Wul of hi. .. d B.nl. an din har.e Kyi. ail liability aa aiiak aasi.a MtRTIN liOTII, -la. (aa mil 11 UXO. A. HAU. Alluraey. Ii.t d al il. 11.1. w, thl. I It day ul M.tcU. IWa). HrA-k bvfor Inking tha final (wing. John 14. tiage. of 8lafTonl, Cliokama wa aerveti. Tlie gronui and bride ara kikh.Rai:tllaaabraeal.1 Ore pay, ratwvai ttowm wall known iu INtrtland where they hav atanv menu, tuey were merer ipicm a Tliat knaaii aHaaawaaaat Tkm t It a oouniv. hat ituruhated two lot un tha . of many clly and levant wedding btii. ". ...... t . , 1 . , B Baa apaa a lira um a.ri.i hill aouth of th retervidr water tauk. , piwaent. Tha newly wethlad couple MMaaajaara, A.U ooaauliaUowa II t taking atepi V hava a nwd built j recalved a cheek from lb gr.oiu'( "A rraeal tvdfl la up tht hill, to that lit cat hava lunilntr mother, Mra. R. J. Frakeaj, of S -:i.p.iae. kud turkac. Our J paamd 1 apaal a Ufa Ua earlwg Jwat 1 mm. a Mwddaav Atkat eawera atiowwy (ravai bair 1 LAFaVYH'ITK will make the seasou of 1903, as follows: Wednesday, April I, t 'aeii ai -l eolilinn Itf every idittlt dttv 'heraftei, the it .I wi th lime at h toe, t-rd rew Kara .! .-.te. ri-ej-brr-a .a-. .s.tr. ir' C-d f al d ISKt. lutpoitrd i . 'oi kv .anne, 777 I ai), he hr Hrllll.Bt. M. fl- ; h. t .i . 11,7,1 hi l.v Vtei i-kwliti. TW; he t.e is. t,. t.y ll.k...fta 9t&? kV .k.u l Bl.,rfk. 7..H. t 1 da-eeBdrnl d tabrola. an ianl, -ne-i Aral, ikl ato.l al Mm. ! -are "tntlettl Kei-.r, r. i lllMor of rrh.nB Kara I a Im. In. U.-, uia.ar of lovr-a ttadrr N.nolenu III. at,. Kneiia. .ttMiti.t; ne to it ui an., i lUilven-d there for a n.w huu.. If a j Mra. R. J. Frakcp I twtt n., tiet-rge iS'Vl announce th.lr Intention ol buying low , daughter. Mi.a I...U Frakea wwr gi.ee.a Sfrf 5, .Ui V:"li- iSJ: ., V,: and building In Ih.t ac.lo lucaUiy. atth. wt.bli.tg. ST. VITUS'DANCE t'ViTiY ,1. Tha hteatlon afJor.1 a tin vie of the Mr. aad Mr., tl.bbiita will 1 at home, ftv UT M.t'-.ira. M. Hekaa; ' rn-uek'vaawit'o.. ..ei.il auet- J kiiia.MHis.tniirr bi taaager . . . , .i u.-ik ... .1.... -k. I ... .i. l . .. . .: ... l ... i... .. or. V-olllUIIHa river, etiiiBmoiiB aiougn ami io irtetr manv in.-ii-ta at . tueravo. Mg Ra,-V 41 n-mu, ..el.ll auet aio tha river lu WaaUiuglvn. - (trwt, IVtU'4, alter Arii lt. . . b-oU kt ..-.iui-. XuriCK FUR PVBLKAT10S. It,, tuievi ol th lutwinr, Lii t u vim tilv, tftp-r" ar-h , l 0 V"Tn IS Ml.KKBY J.Vi.N THAT thi i.i4:uwij--.inrd waller it.- Bled kotin .4 hi- l.i.wtku. In ta.ka an. i oro-l la ate -n ' kl. cliim. id that Mid anal proof wtd m ttiada hf..r' Ht- I'.-U'ilv Cl,k d I'elw-.it , liaiwi. .1 .-k. tl-ieo,, o. a ou April 4b, taut. Til. UktT. ... JlliW. II. f. Si. U 41. ior tk. u U .4 M-rll.wi li p. Mt. al. aaim tk. Pidl..wiBaT wnar.aaa . peto kl- e.iitll ur. reir..rf , ..at atoi eijti:k t of -aid .an I. la: Xmnf Kl -(.. Hid r OU n, l- .i.1y -v. -i t. -!..t. ,i .(i.l'ai, awd Ja.B 1. V.-uBtv. - t a .i .-:.