Spring Humors Come to most peoplo and cause many troubles, pimploa, boils aiiJ other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, flu of biliousness, lnili;(pstion and headache. The sooner one gets rid of them the better, and the way to get rid of them and to build up the system that has suffered from them is to take ' Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in combination the Spring Medicine par excellence, of uuequalled strength in purifying the blood as shown by unequalled, radical and per manent cures of Scrofula Salt Rheum Scald Head Boll, Pimple All Kinds of Humor Psoriasis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia, Eto Accept no substitute, but be sura to get Hood's, and get it today. The Indlaa Was Funny. While on an automobile trip State Senator Jamea K. flood, of Hart., MU-h., met a mounted Iudian. whose horee appeared' much tightened at the machine. The tenator called out : "Joe, is your horpe much afraid?" "Naw, heap fool; he only mad. He fink yon take his job." Brooklyn Eagle. c: tKa lni.il Pantnrv "The Evolontion of American Census Taking," which gives interesting de- tails of the magnitude and intricacies of the '.'decennial snap-shot of the na tion," the Honorable W. R Merriam has resigned the office of director of the census, to become vke president of the International mercantile agency. Recently Acquired. Tom By George, old man, that's a stunning girl you jnst bowed to. Who is she?" Jack My sister. Tom Yonr sisterf Since when? Jack Since last night. Chicago News. Fllw aiW nrst it'. jtof lr Kiiaat tirtal Nam Maw. SfiFKBK8-i.O0m)u.udtn . Da.B.U.S.usi.Ui.u&itbjUPtuldtpbia.r No Simulation. He I suppose you think I'm acting like a fool. She No, indeed. I know better than that. He You do? She Yes; I know the difference be tween acting and the real thing. Mother will find Mrs. alnatow's Sooth toe tiyrup the best remedy to use tor their aiuidren during itte teething period. Same OU Complaint. Old Einde Well, how do you like your profession? Yoong Emdee Profession's O. K. It's the practice I'm kicking about. Town and Country. Bwar of Olntmaal for Catarrh That Contain Marcnrr, At mercury will rarely dettroy the tenae of I men and completely df lange the who; tyt- , ijanaxjge lav wbuiv it thrnueh the mneolll lur u ra w aru cine, , uk , . iuiuuku iuc hum.., buch articles should never be used ex- I should Deter fo used ex- eept on prescription irom reputable pnyu- cum, at ihedamage thet will do it ten told to , toe good rou can possibl derive from them j Uall'a catarrh tire, manufactured by t. J. Cheney 4 Co.. Toledo. p., contain, nomereury and it taken internally, acting directly npon the blood and mucous tor facet of Ihe tyttetn. In baying Hall't Catarrh Cure be lure jou get the genuine. It it taken internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by T. i. Cheney i Co. Testi monials free. gold by Druggists, price Tie. per bottle. Hall's Family Puis are lie beet. The Ecclesiastical Tender. Cashier In what denomination do you want your money? Uncle Eube Wa'al, I'm a Methodist myself, so ye might as well make 'em that. Princeton Tiger. Ton Can Get Allen's Foot Kaao FREE. Write Allen 8. Olmsted. LeBoy, N. Y., for a free sample of Allen t Foot Ease. It cures chil blains, tweatlng, damp, swollen, aching feet. It maket new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for Corni and Bunioni. All drngjitta tell it. Sic Don't accept any robttitute. The Best of Reasons. "Why don't you go to housekeep- j ing'" I "Couldn't afford to live in keeping ; with the wedding presents." Ex change. For forty year's Piso's Cure for Con sumption has cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price 25 cen ts. Her Plan. "I've been two weeks trying to get my husband to give me $50 to buy a new drees," complained Mrs. Gazzam to Mrs. Wiffles. "I never do that." "What do you do?" "I have my dress charged and leave my husband to fight it out with the collector." Harper's Bazaar. ni,. Kinri Vmt llsra Always ture of Chan. II. Fletcher, and baa been made under hia personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-frood " are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, aroric, Drops and 8oothinjr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other a rootle substance. Its asre is its guarantee. , It destroys Worms and allays Fcverinliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, reprulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Jt riend. The Kind You toe Always Bought Bears the ss In Use For Over 30 Years. thc ocprr.ua aaaaaaaT. The Appreciation. The Author (after the Brut perform am) Well, wbat do you think of my play? Feminine Friend It was just lovely! ' Who designed the beaveuly dreaeeaT Brooklyn Life. Fate's lnustlce. Nocash (disconsolately) The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. Friend What's wrong now? Nocash Miss Kullpurse has refused me and is going to marry Mr. Coupon. New York Weekly. Will Smash Him Then. "He ha challenged you," said his friends. "Why don't yon fight him?" "It isn't the tight time of the moon yet, exclaimed the enraged man, grinding his teeth horribly. Chicago Tribune. Just Suited the Scorcher. And the soul of the wicked one was next condemned to fall through space at the rate of a mile a minute for 10, 000 years. ".-ay." he shouted as he passed the 10,000th ghostly mile post, "this beats any riding I ever tried!" Automobile Magazine. No Comparison. First Boy My mamma belongs to one of the first families. Second Bov i'ooh! that's nothing. Mine te'.onjs to one of the last fami lies. New York Life. One Form of Argument. A Denver justice comes to the sup port of the New York crusade against wheeling baby carriages on the side walks by saving that if God meant babies to go on wheels he would have put a neeis on mem. Economy. Anv good housewife can readily see the economy in paying 5 cents more for a 3-pound can of soild packed tomatoes than for a 2,S pound can which is nan water and of inferior quality. And this, to say nothing of the satisfaction which you may have in getting the very best which the market affords. This satisfaction may be yours if you ask your dealer for tomatoes and other canned gnoda of the Monopole brand. Tbey have no eual at any price. Wadbams A Kerr Bros., packers, Portland, Ore. Marriage of Domestic Servants. In Paris male domestic servants are encouraged to marry, as tbey are ob served to be more settled and attentive to their duty than when bachelors. In London such marriages arediscouraged. as rendering servants more attentive to their families than to those of their masters. Ocean Liners ot 1880. By the breaking up of the Servia and the Alaska there disappeared two ol the three famous Atlantic liners whose appearance twenty years ago was re garded as the opening up of a new and most important page in the history of Atlantic steaming. A Qreat Avenue of Trees. Japan has sn avenue of trees fifty miles in length. The trees are crypto mera, and every one is a perfect speci men, quite straight, from 130 to 150 feet in height. and twelve to niteen t j circumference. The avenue ex tends from the tow n cf Namanda to . ll- , Tremendous Power ot Explosive. p..nB i... gecn-ed the natent riultts of a new nitro-glycerine powder which it is contended will send a rifle bullot seven and one-half miles and increase the artillery range eighteen miles. An Expert Opinion. "Yes, he started a matrimonial agen- ! cy and expected to make a lot of mon- e7"Why didn't be?" "He married his typewriter rfirl in Bide of a week, and she wouldn't let him go on with the business becaase it was too dangerous." Cleveland Plain dealer. A Different Specks. "I thought you said Brown was a regular bibliomaniac." "Sot on your life. I said he was a bibulous maniac." Baltimore News. A Feminine Dig. "Mrs. Sniffy is awfully nppish, isn't she?" "Yes; made-uppish." Harmless Infatuation. "Confound these literary clubs, I gay. My wife's crazy over Browning." "So's mine. But I'm not raising any objections. Browning's dead." Washington Times. Wisdom of Age. Bess (sweet sixteen) Did you not be what a knightly air Mr. leashing has? Aunt Mary Yes sort of an op-all-nightly air, as it were. Chicago News. vast VVfl'Va. .s!i ISnucht lias born e the si (ma Signature of aaav aratrr, acw tosa errv. a& - s aaitnMaaMi ...- s Recluses Live Apart . From th World. One day In the early Bftlea a Cam brldgeshlre woman passed from hu man ken. Tor over thirty years she bad been seen by none, her meals hav ing been left outside her room to be taken In when no one was by; and It .. , .....i.u,ilnd ilil this for three consecutive days iutUipoaK or it soon euougn, mm apprehension as to her safety was , poured herself another cup of tea. aroused. The door of her room whs which was hot. forced and she was found dead on At Inst he spoke. "By the way, my her bed. The reason for her eccentric .dear. It seems rather dreary for you conduct never transpired. alone all day In this large house-. H' An equally mysterious recluse dwelt ahoiild you llko a visitor this win In a Kentish town. A trusted civic iter?" employe, he one morning quit his post -whatever put such an Idea Into for no ostensible cause aud retired to your mllid, Clarence Illghead? I'm his house, w here he lived on a scant g,lre i have no time to spend III In annuity he possessed. Such food a j venting niuusemcitts for a girl who he needed was purchased by a blind would make me a stranger lu my own sister, with whom he lived, aud he I rlr. To be sine, Helen Is engaged, gave no sign of existence, save whcn;nm by coughing every time I come at night his steps could be plainly j into the room-but. then. I've tun! heard pacing his backyard, which, that I n tlose lovely new sofa pillows. I he might escape prying eyes, he bnd'(.nnt mre tlicui ruined. Then then roofed In with canvas. The mystery ta Etllo-l.wk here, Clarence, hud y' at his death remained unsolved. jny oue lu particular In your lulud'.'" A physician named Wore, who lived! Mr iihend looked alarmed. "Not at the end of the eighteenth ceiitury. at n, i asaure you -that Is. I mean -was suddenly selxed with a hatred of 1 er-the lady I hud In mind la quite his kind and resolved until -his death ' miadle-eged elderly. In fact." never to see or lie seen by man. So Mr, mKhead stiffened. "It la quite he hsd made a large bell shaped true-1 impossible. Iu the first place, the ture of wickerwork, open at the top 1 cimtiilH-r lsu"t fit to be seeu and. to admit air and food. Into this, hav- Ing caused It to be placed In the hall of h,ls house, he. havlug bidden a sol- j emn farewell to bis wife and daugh-j ters, descended through the aperture, j In this ease Insanity was at the bot- J torn of the matter and Wore perished by his own nand in lens man a ; after he had taken possession ot uraj odd dwelling. Another curious Instance of mania waa that of a gentleman whose family was well known to the writer. He was stricken with the strange fancy that he possessed a Oorgnn's head, so that everybody who beheld him would be turned to stone. He therefore re tired to a couple of attics, to which he would admit uo oue. and. though doubtless he might with propriety have been relegated to an asylum, his fam ily respected his bizarre whim and be remained religiously secluded for over three years, w hcu he recovered his normal senses. j The victim through an accident of a ghastly disfigurement, a wealthy Pa risian, saya the London Tit Kits, luade a vow never to be seen agalu by man. He kept to a special suite of rooms In his house, where he was waited upon by two well-trained blind ser vants, who were the Intermediaries between himself aud the other inein I bers of his household. No exception was made even lu the case of his wife and children, who, from the duy of his accident to that of his death, never again set eyes upon him. The late E. r. Whipple, the Ameri can lecturer and critic, used to U 11 of an eccentric New Yorker who, hav ing read a pamphlet on Immurement as practiced by the mediaeval religious orders, was possessed by nu Irresiatl ble desire to copy their procedure though not in his own person. This he gratified with the assistance of an elderly pauper, w ho, hi consid eration of a handsome annuity allowed to his wife, agreed to be coullued iu a small dungeon btult In the walls. In this cell he speut four years of lilt life, being fed through a sum II aper ture so contrived as Hot to permit a sight of the voluntary prisoner. A strange fancy seized a Viennese watchmaker some years baek. lie shut himself up in his house, and till his death, seveu years hiter, was never again seen by mortal eyes. All the windows were closely shuttered and Bucb coinmunlentlun as he had with the outside world was carried on after dark through an upencre made In the door. He continued, to some extent, to work at his trade, at which he wng an expert; watches, clocks, etc., to be repaired being taken In and rcturn d through the same small opening. PICKING OUT THEIR CAREERS Children Begin la Tbee Dart an 80011 They Talk. A group of five Brouklja children cousins, were playing In ttie uurwry a few mornings ago, the eldcat pcriiapr 10 years of age and the youngest, the only boy, nearly 5. Their mothers are club women, alert and Intelligent, and these youngsters had heard much dls cusslon of "the new woman" and of "advanced" topics mentioned in ad dresses before the clubs. They had absorbed more of the Information than their parents realized, says the Brook lyn Eagle. I On the morning In question the clill 1 dren were talking over what they had ' beard and the oldest said: "Well, ev erybody got to be something now adays. Mother says you can't be Just humdrum and comfortable aud sit around home any more. Must have a career, I shall be a musician. People wll come to bear me play and will clap and give me lots of 'plaws.' " "I," said Jeannette. "shall be a sculp tress. I already make very nice thinga ! In clay modeling at school." "Proudee:" yelled the others. "No, I ain't. "I know my llininut tatlons,' as mother says when she reads a paper. But I know what I can do! 80 now!" Marie thought she would be an act ress or a teacher, she had not decided which, only that she "would know a lot" and wear a long gold chain. "I'll be a p'leesrnan," piped up little brother. " 'Xen If you ain't go:d I'll ketch you an' you'll be sorry. 'Vat's all." Hear little Marjorle, 0 years old. who bad many dolls to rare for. suit content d!y In her llt'le chair rocking, hi-glni; tier baby doll and crooning a "bj e-low" jo It. Khe had not spoken and was nn't- ed to contribute her Idea of a career to ; IhlM avninosltim. Khe irlanceil tin. ni puzzled look on her contented little minus to counteract, don't you know, face. "Yes, I heard you all talklti'," I tJ(, ,,frect that Is pwoduced on a blood said she with a sigh. Then her iihii;iI ,joB by biting common persons. My happy expression returned, the lifted 1 little Fnlo was (julte 111 the hint time baby doll to her shoulder close under! he bit an ordinary colli! on the street, her chin and said: "I'm Juxt goln' to ' don't vou know." Cleveland I'laln be a mother witk a nice f.tmbly o' ehU'ren " If a man has pi, tity of money his lool remarks are cons len d witty. HIS SHAMEFUU STRATEGY. Wantal Mr. Ilia-heal to Have hat Company, but Mia uaiilelnua, There was evidently something on his mind, for he did not even notice that the coffee was cold and that the cook and the housemaid were quarrel lug audibly In the Kitchen. It can't lie the dressmaker's bill." mused the wife, "for she has only sent It to me twice as yet; It will only go to his otllce as a last resort. Any. how. If It la anything unpleasant lie u ,nj-h0W i jou t want anybody to sleep )n ,ilat 0Vpiy bed. It would spoil the g,,t of pulows. Besides, I shall be too my t0 t0 aii.vlKnly this winter; tne house tnkes up all my time." ..Ilut w,iat ( thinking was that yo mKht giHj 0f a little help In j,our housekeeping." ..That la Just where you are mis taken. Clarence Blghead. When I want any interference In my domestic af fairs 1 11 let you know. lh. yea. I know Just how much she would enjoy putting a tluger Into my pie." "You quite surprise me, my dear. Still, you must know her better than I." "That Is the first time since our marriage that you have ahowu any ap preciation ot my judgment I'm glad you've learned its value at last." "Oh. well. I only thought to give you pleasure." "Great pleasure. I'm sure. I only hope you haveu't already luvlted her. If you have, t give you fair warning I shall Just cxiKise myself to smallpox and have the house quarantined, so she can't come." "Of course I haven't asked her. 1 thought I'd Just suggest It. lest you didn't like to, aud you'd enjoy ankltig her yourself." "And enjoy hearing all winter how she brought up ten children without ever a sealskin Jacket or ever going to balls or parties of auy kind." "Heally, I was uot aware that you "Of course you were not aware of anything. Well. I'll nut have anj company this winter, thnt's fiuiil. I'm going to fit up the guest chamber as a private gymnasium and I'll huve no room for any one." "Very well, thin, thnt settles It. we'll ay no more alioiii It. I wnmi't overanxious for It myself." II" was struggling Into his eont ns he spoke. "I only thought you might like to ak your mother down for a little visit." Mrs. Hlgliend gimped. "Ob. Clar ence"' lie gasped, "my mother! I thought you were thinking of ymir own mother. Certainly, of course, Jt will tie very -" But he was already far enough down the street, says the New York Times, to be out of earshot. LIFE IN THE SEA. The Curloaa Thlna that Thrlv In an Atiuiiriuiii. Mr. Fpeneer, tlie superintendent of the New York Aiiiarliim. a few days ago was lamylng hluiNelf by picking a lot of saud tleitn from a dipper and dropping them Into a Jar of anemones. As they fell Into the water they straightened themselves out and Ihen slowly dropped to the bottom, kicking as they fell. A few of them alighted on the body of sn anemone, whlth promptly cloned up. One, unfortun ately, found himself, when he hud set tled, on the tentacles of one of the anemones. These began to serve the purpoM! for which they were bestow ed upon the anemone, and Ihe fiVa, or stuil, suddenly found himself Innhle (he capacious maw of the anemone, and the life was soon squeezed out of hlin. "All Is grist that comes to our mill," quoted Mr. Spencer. "These were on a lot of mussela which came In a little while ago I thought I would save them. There Is life everywhere ' In the water. Look at this!" lie held j up a dozen mussels, held together by , what appeared to be a vegetable i growth. "That Is an animal growth, ' known as serturlarla," said he. "In this bunch you will And all sorti of j snlmal life There are scuds, or sand ' fleas, aud rock crabs. Look!" Ho held up one of the valves of a mussel shell. On It w as a sea anemone. "No tice that retldlah coating, part of which has flaked off. Look at It closely. Doesn't It look like lace work? That Is the bryoza coral, the lowest form of mollunk coral. You will And life on nearly everything that cornea from the sea. Here's one of the rock crabs. ' He took out of the nest of mussela a little crab, about the size of one's linger nail, and drop ped It Into a Jar of water. New York Tribune. riouiellilng of It al Value. "1 notice In the horrid newspaper that some person oviih on the coiiti-1 nent has dlmoviihed Ihe microbe of: hydrophobia, don't you know." ' DcaU me, bow stwuuge! Ilut, weal-i y ttiut docsn'l concern me nearly o i. n. u-mit,! ilia illueot-f,t.v a. 1 . Uealer. A red nose may not be conclusive evidence of Inebriety, but it imposes ! upon Its posxcsKor the burden of proof. DISGUISED CATAKKn A Stealthy, Insidious, and Women iiuu vv. There are a niiittltinle nf women, " peciallv hoiltewtve.. and all other women vliligvd to be on their reel coiitiantlv . wlin are wretched lwvon,i tlesenpii"" l"i bceaiiMi tlieir ttteimlli and vilulllv it tap ped aav tv raianhal ilin lmrae, tr.'iii tin I.-,. ... 'n,.M u.mieti net lilt 1 Ihenioriiliig ltrd,draKtlieinelvetloiiiil their tlullv linnet urwi. oniy 10 no " uiglit as lired at before. m.. t.. n.,iiu. U.I Htst 12th Street. N. V. Cllt. N. V., wrllet! "I sullerwl (or lhus lean I,,!., i,., I. ,,,.,,.llv known as ltutirrtn a In cMimeellell wllh ulwrallnn ot Hit 4ku ., ..u..u..it n itiM,rtt ini whl tr,,a,trt X1 min h. ami tlrolialy el'leen-l mnler II. Kea,llna ! Ihe itlue ,'l IVruiu Iheuttil II l"l t" le lhl well tiixwtl te". a trial, mi I neuKhi ihre,. Ik,iiIo i U i v... i ... ..!,, !.,! wtutian. rsnitis rn lite II leok nlue lole. t'l I ! " "i'l"' ...... l l k,.t tLn,tit. I itie,le,t an t lion .mu,h I m l1tr In lrl.l ho ami I a' nl 'll to U ' tllttifii )art .Mr. Ka Harlho, a a. i, Mitt Italia .M.hoe. i IU lUIMt lr4' Turanto. On!., Cmi., Srlry o4 lh iiau.kii,, .ml sriarv ( l aJr Mikc rllct: -' II til wiimeii tnw ul iht totwuM I, I ilirtrKl (n.Hl LUna Iwruns "ual't ttc nxii, havi-trr tu.t tii'I ronr. hUhlul w,imli M, k-allb h.. tifivrr tirn ttw) ruliilat, mini I I a'.li) ttitt-'i-! ul sn nol sl.11,1 mui'h Alxnit a vr.r I i run ,,,n llitt I hs.l In lair I.,' hit l-l, anil IwK-tm. traler tint arak.r. A Irifiul alvtcl nie 10 irv IVriina, ate! I haTr rrl rraai.ii to I urtleiul l, r 111 ! ik I ,,ul ol )! tml I" a mmitli I lrli.rUj wrlt.anit I n lliiJ ll ' my lu-.tih It inin h rm-rn r,-liit titan l,,rii,rrlv. ,i lt:( I lakt I'.ru 11a ,'iirr r im u- a uiulitu an4 kiv il " Limits Maht-u. IVriina It such a pcrfrrt tiierinr (or li ca-ir that rilieti .nLit.titia iiait ulna utnl li ll.er t ail lirvtr be lii,im-fil 10 quit tt unlii llirr ar iierniaiirnlW enrril ll lirjcllit ti rrlipie Hie liiwarrfral'le .ynipttiiut at nitre "1 lie liarkisrliP i-eaJ.es. (lie irriiiMuit: tttef. are, .tretiKthrnril, III. rt,ietsl. rrtlorT,!. itn ilitjesiioit ma,!, eer eri, ihi ,lnil ln-aila''lir 19 ainif il and Hi' ekniliir ilraim arv (cratiuaiiy ciirnl. Tlie-a rrmuts rrrtalnh fuliow a'eiturte uf trrainiiotl aiiii I'miua liart'ara Aitirty, r,,rnrr .rvriilh am' Walnut atreelt, Apt'letnii, Vt it., antes a foUiiot 111 rrg.trd In 1'rruin,: ' K.ir yrart I dae tnlli-m! alth lyu k a tie anil "rere (Mi'.tift in llie sltlr. I l, iiirni to ni ueli tliai 1 In eaiee iltsrourah'ril A trlimii (rtriitl Inlil Inn how rry tnurti I'trlllifl lift tM-nrhtlr,! Iirr atltl 1 went tnc fi,r a Imll e. whirl! iil.1 riinreti, rrlirv. mr than all ihe otlirr ie.lu iite I tiaieevertak SELTZER CURES ALL. Headaches 10 CXNTS -- IVIRYWmilX CONSTIPATION "1 ttfti ffun 14 4mf t tituit tihMi ItsiOl eta lttv ttv. Wot tMriiitf -) io BitT tt.vta mnf br uing but it lnlaveiUmtv fhfuotc MJfiiUpsinon or f u f f pldcd w la in if irrtt undlliuo during lUat tlt I 3i rTtrtitiC I bvftrd of but ( luutitl ait? rt ilf . wueU u mr cm until I tMHfttn utttitf CiM iRrit I no bt f tun 00 to .hi- pBtvMim dr and If I wm ricR I would (if tiOi OU for fU. mnaiilt U kiiuBi raaaf.' AtiMiuL IIi nt. yem Humshi ,.. Uttroit, lliak. .PlMaant. ri!atati. 'miot. Tail Quod, isafar Hioaao. Waaaan, ur uni. KM. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. t Martin Mftli C any. Cfcas Bum a Iwft. Somewhat of a Uampcner. Mrs. fiimpson Just see what mother lias sent us a lovely big turkey for our Chrintmas dinner! It came by eipress this morning. Kimpeon joyfully) Dless her heart! That's jti"t like her. Mrs. Kimpeon And she sent n a note raying she would be here to help us t at it. Himpson (not quite so nylully) The dicseim! That's Just like her, tool New York Times. " I bad a most stubborn cougb for many year. It deprived me of sleep and 1 trew very thin. I ihen tried Ayer Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured." K. N. Minn, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures ana sucn testimony as tnc i above have taught us what Aycr's Cherry Pectoral I will do. 1 tin a . . U we Know it s tne great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure in every drop. Tin slit! i lie, Sic., II. Ail tVtf fUlt. Conatilt toar Junior. II lit ttTI last It, than do at tit strs. It lit tails you nut lo lakt II. Hum don't takt It. lit knoat. Ltasa It with IMio. Wa tra wIIHik. i. C. ATKlt CO.. Low. II, Ucaa. (rffftl CANDY !' I V fa, CATMABTIC PiMaant. PiUtatti. vmmtti.. Taita flood. Do Wfmmmmm ssstsaatassataaBBi sstaaaaaa I t n.ux I I Weakening Enemy to Women-Many Thou, Suffer Needlessly t rum 'Ian. MM. IIVA lAMI". PJKi if MH. ANA MAtttlM. H "V r rjr in Hill I 1 I JW m, tat' II I hi n V JJ W "."'f. . I llllt W ssvi igm It !'' P" I r.Wk,-".i7"ni IH 3 I. it h i 1 1 A iia.111. em if "JL. i' . I VTT-V , J i I ! A Jur."sx.i-r A'l la SUtM, Hoa4 tMhtl , ta i4. WMttl. Miifra. rU tUhing. im:ui tier iitiino iiton ViD vai.vk tnsu, TMl; McCAl HIV MACMIMi WOWKS, I ot of .MnrrUon St.. Portland. Or. ' PaWtWtMtaSSV BANK AND OPPICfi RAI LINUS Hsrbed Wire, W Ire and luiwn I enclng. Portland Wire Iron Works MAM'I ACII KI.HS. 17 IKONf ST. JOHN l-OOLH, IHiRTLANO, ORE. I tnl al Msrrlaal lntt. Can tit jr.iti th Vital tmra-aint In llofltra anil Kiif lnt. Vi lii'luiltlt. I uiu and wttav ral Marnilirrr i-ali,ir Via, III una a apaciallT s tit lti,ra 1,utIi, ..tt.i-.W' tff.t'i:.i;.t-..t.. YOUR (IRUCtlR I will snow lull aatil Ih Im-sI rtnniMl J Iriitt. tiel VeHi-tttil.a in Ih. ttiarsal it yuil atnii'ly aay y MONOI'Ol.i:. Sn other lnaii'1 I. , f Wadkatat J ktrr lira.., forilaml iiret-in t'l'tjt ,.i''-f.J -t''t-t'l WHY HAVE DULL KNIVES I When you con secure an Meat Hliiirictter worth 401' fur "Zk Very convenient for ladles to use. If not muiafiictory return it ami get yiittr iiioncy back. Mail i!,K to Conven Sharpener Co., '15 Hint H., Chicago. gs-srsrsrw iniifi minis an .1 ur r n a ill a.w.i?i aMilki.it in l ir OR r a.nlarl Or aat aat . Chaapaat Food I ontarthf'or haap, wloa, i Ciittia.ato. WtU U wtih t It-rsi b rt4 m'kM Ulriutiii f sU'tsi rep. Billion Dollar Grots f tier 4 lu ar aw put (t, w tut Mttiiatjt, fa.i, hlls, Mwiwaa,, vtitj, t lh f nitjr (late, t bn. .ni tmimtA. 1ll4t 109 I Ur) iKUr ft tvr. Forthta NotioaTiinfl 103. Vtnlltl0iaio mA 10 fart hol U.t.i.L.. f.l. ...ai. Illli. ... . ..... mm 3 mm h sai 7ro SFrn f n ruwiiii n. ru.i. ,n vt-t. c vw., wis, Fattens QUICK! l attlt and II, ik. for market. Hhortma laltculug period onc-fourtn. Havft l-ctcl. FATTEST CATTLE. Mt fM erii.-l.n Ml.-k K,nii1 lt.t wtntar til. InniM "(1 till, r.tl4I.L pallia iKMllillorll..,.,.. I..-.,. ... ,w. i comurr af J, ' frunalan mota hooa well worth I ho cil I would nut b wlllt out ll.-tl.W. Aaiaav, t'arkcr. a. U. rnprj Tata this aa, r IV CIV In ma d.al.r Baaa,i.li,HM nams (,lM,Hr. l,low and irt a -iy of Ilia KaMMHH't Hr-Ra4N's lUsi, Hook '"HU.A.MI HKKH DO,, I'urtl tlt d. Or., Uom1 AnUt - si mat I 'iV'.: "'ii: ".tLLSi-' m a - , iwiwuuim. utjri T rj"ray,','''ji'' Xfj I vuuv. 1 utpil It faithfully fort wo weeks and It imnplelelv eureil tne. I nave not nail a n pains tinea, any where, hut fl Ilka a lit woman. I am truly thankful for what iVriina has done for hit." lUrpara Al. Iiarly, Mra. Kelt MatM, aoa Kalhwat Ktrael, Ta rufila. Wart,, U.. Vke HresU.nl ol Iht laJitt aid IVKtrty. wrliaai l am imsw iu tltt ni IDrnna inr wwwmnt mm I tihiiui ninth lit u I auHoral Inl raartwllh liaek. ht tint it'aaslns '" I't'nt ami otian hail lu Iwit anil tlajr Ihtr whrn I tat in hin, al I isnilil III I tpaiMl It aa lh.r.l,jr a inp),aii.tMS,l In ma it h lruiiatt l.niuaril limn Mary iiii'tFin, w aiT ills , ami awry iimaa wiaiia ma iim niui-n llrr. ainl I lrinitltl mtll thai If I tniinit i,.i ii . urM mat w.niPl flii II to that mir iiilirlin wnnirn thnulil knw l II I Ye Imhiii In irrn-t nvaitn for out yemr, i an. rk atel pli-asuit mh suw in turn nut niann, i htavr lu har whan ,,u ar in mimh! hrallh. farutia haatlniply Iwn hmianhelil l.llii. ami I mm will lw a Ilk- 1. Asm Maalla. il IUH .. W M. M, .n.a "i-.iuna li,l s,,mii,-fc ( . itai I -t 11 my iluly in r.,',iinntn, 11 tault..rt b aay I aimlllatlt aniei rw"n ,rai .flu i h.allk a at riii.itl lt"t.n !". ha-l alia h. itiaalnrM atltl Ifrsnlarltlva, ami lita Hil tlaft Inowl Ti.naii umm "'r nispa n ur bttu,. a. a lnl. ant l,,f citl.lt aail ra- .,,K .n,l I ,1.. l.lr.l I.. If, II lot l Irotlhl., In law llian Ihfiw nmth I !M-att ntgular. y Min. Bal .niltrly lia,wari"i, anq 1 r (H-ire ity .ii Hit Anna Mar lilt Mra. Wm. Ileihek Kriiiisrd, Washing. I. in rouiilv. . fit at ; "I am litH -tit i.ar. nltl ami liata n 'il a.ii time Hi. 1 lianar "I l.ll. brjan Ian . vartafti I at In ttiisrrT anmea h.ra :i,il ,.( Id. Hint in Ui k aat ttry rk. iml m v l!rll t 1 irmlrr 11 hurt in In Iran st atus! ili Ia k "f a i ltair I lia.l -ln ntnlrrmy ttittutilxf hlatl... In Ilia tmatl nf mi Wi ami li. I unit timet ult.l nti wll nut of tint sri'tlil Had In l ami . ..ill iHa. illlslnct anil lranitl,i)i,( uf Hit lintl't ami as luting H.th all Hi lima, After litllimln jour ilirarilotit ami latin IVtuiia I nu ("I Ilk atiifltr.nl lmu . Mrs Win linn, k ( i.tu ilu nnl item ptiinipt nl tali, (a. i.ti r-.ulti (nitii ili lite uf I'.ruita, antral unit In I'r lUrlman. fifing a lull (latum nl ni tttiir rat anil It I II b plra.r.l 1.1 (IV J..U lilt taluahi .ltt ratlt. Tr'una ran he nn liatetl fur t pf but ll al a l fil la.t .Iru tlnrva. Atl lr.st i'r lU'in an, I rr.nleitl u( Tb llarintan haiil'afitim, t'oluinlmt, IH1I0, Poultry Netting wtioiiSAUi ki:tail W'lrcnnJ Iron fencing m I I WiRT TO BUT FOR C1S1 ? Chicken, iHick and Home (rath w ers. Aildre. tt, Um v amiitfm a if f0Vat'Otir.,atWataf,Oe j .jt.f..(,,.,i.,,,i.iI,jl ....... .. , 8 rriiMr r? a ot" JV-fllNVJ LU0 1 This spring; or Any other time be sure to provide yourself COMFORT SPEED SAFETY Between St. Paul cr Min neapolis And Chicago by obtaining; tickets via CHIC1G0 GREAT WESTERN DelAi'el Info mat ion cor rectly given on Inquiry to, H.A.KYER, 210 Mutual L ie Oldg., Sratthr. G, A tCOOPER, J7Jil4rkSl..Po;t'fd. 0!). G.BEE WO WONDI.RrUL MOMIi TKI-AIMIiNT Tin wunttttrfitt t'til it (ItM-tor tHl rvt bt ti h cur pttl wiiIibui oir' tlon mi mr ivn up loili. H curt wllb 'Vlj i wnnunrini hi- .y ttftw krlM, r-mift, hiiil. ' A iht nri ntirfiv un- knuwn taint-Ural wl than wnnditriul ( Ml- ittr III I in r-ouniry. 'I h riiimti tti Mai) of tii-t liitrnilM rrmla t h i'muiou tliet'iur ltnmt m:iii tit or wj tiiffi-roHi rvin.tit,, tiiitn hr tin i-fittiriii y u9 in d.fltrni rti , It KiiRrNitlt to tur rtrrh, (vithtitft, t(tu(. tiifimt, rl)t)iiilitn. firvi)Utttrt., tnmt it, tUfr, Hidi.rr, lie. lift Huittirr.la ni trttdiiutl tHltv. t Iiurc mmlrtnts. i ai Wl,i rm him. Im-iii tui of ili riir writ fur timiiR ih1 rin nlar. H't.d 4 tnt in tUtviiu. iUNMtiv 'I A11U.N HlKK. Atll'ltHnn THE C. GEE WO Ch.KESE MEDICINE CO. tSl t IhtrJ St., KirtUuJ. Or4n. krMtiilioii uauar. . N, U, No. ll- WJ, IV 11 KM wrltlac lo adtartltara alaaaa .1 H nantloa titla papar. mm i x