OK KG ON SI I ST Entered at th. Poetorriee at St. Helena, Oregon, a sevuid-el:i moil matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. II KP KVKRY FkIDAT MonHlitO ttX KEKLKK II. UABHKRT, ElUfOK AXI1 Paol'KtKTOR. Sl'HSCRIPTIO! PRU K: One copy ne year, In advance fl.w . -"""""'' "I --- , MARCH 87, IWj. I Thi. paper if kept onme at me rr- , tii Pre Association Room 8. Hauul- j ton building. Portland, Oregon. Notwithstanding St. Helensdias three saloon-, it ia reputed to be th. beat church town in Columbia county. Sun dae, are uuusually quiet, and tht churches are well attended. ; -JL j Wheu outside parties write eiilorial on county feat and other matter!', Tiis Mist doe not desire to take the iredit for such at tices. It expres.M its view. ' on such topics vtgoroualy and openly. ! .' i ! The most contemptible thing that has ; i.ken nlaca ia Cflmnbia county for . manv dav. took place at Rainier on the , dav tot the Grange convention. The' editor the rag there got out an xtia In which he printid a Grange roster,; leaving out Clat-kanie, because he hail a special spite against tl.e Grange at lhat,j place. The people of St. Helens will have an opportunity to hear President Roose velt speak at Kalama, if they so desire, pr. Sims, ot Kalama, has received a tel egram, which is subst antially as follows, from Senator A. G. Foster: "1'iesideiit informs me he will endeavor to address citiisens brinfly from his car at Kalan a on Mav 22nd." Ttie corpomtiou tai law passed by the . recent legislature snoiiiii w sushiiiicu. ; and if submitted to a vote of the people it would be sustained by a large vote. The only people it harts are a few min- j iu concern, which hate a Urge fteti tiou. capital stock. The new law would Iv vrr .trrmsr tendencr to siiieere i all the water out of all in-r....i,ir!ir.l ! . i-oi(Kirations. Portland Lantern. ! ternate, Oliver tiurus, were eieiled dele Next wek The Misr will give the de- j tft l0 the te urmne. t.iils of the worst fraud ever fraa I e"j The : "perpetrated on Columbia county court designated the rag at Rainier as the official paper to print the county court proceeding. Commissioner Case dissenting, for lie knew there was fraud. He also asked to be recorded in the court proceediaj? as voting against des iiinaiicg the rag as such official organ. It has beeu discovered that the editor i f the rag made three separate atfidavits I that a nnmlx-r of certain persons were , ' . , bona-bde subriber, when in lad they j never have received the paper. The j couuty court w tne matter on ill be aked to reconsider ..., . account of the grossest (raud, a disgrace to Columbia county. ; The lkt legislature made some radi cal changes in the tax laws, aud aa a re suit taxpayers will have to pay two years tax in 1904, in order to bring the collection of taxes to the same year that the assessment is made. That U tax- H.verewiilpayon the levies made for j the rears 19U3 and ItfO-fL I nder the ! new law the County Coarts mut make j the annual tax lew in September fob l...-in. th. ..nnt .hier. m-t S rousted earlier than 'heretofore. Cn-1 JZ Tl ol U 'Vecem S 'hiP'-'- The Company still have a der the new order of thing on the pro-; committee, w hich is as follows: The "i ahingle on hand. They have ex gram for next year, taxpayers will pay j writer aiso sent thesurue to a Portland S changed their hingie mill for a sawmill their luU taxes in March. 1904. andi Iheir 19P4 taxes in December, 190. The i roll will be in the sherii" a hands by IV tulr 1st, and taxes wi;l be due and pay able by the 31st of December, lllt.i-.- ,,. . aliy will be added. Cities and school : !,trict. mak. tbeir annoal Ie.;M ' and notify ,h. County Clerk by the firat ! Monday in October. With the addi-! tional levy irqairsd on account of the , cuanty seat agitation, the resi-JenUof; Columbia couuty wi;l be hit haid on the tax propoeitKm next year. i CCXXVMCAllD. The article contributed lo the Rainier pojr last week on that city, while it! was a bid for the county seat, was Well ' written and a a composition reflects' credit on the writer, whohs a com-' Hiendable seal for Uainier and a lauda-' piidein her ia-titetious; a lea! and' pride which might well be emulated by "ri cuiieu in lommoia county, not .ln... .... i.; . 1 ... himw i.i iii. uuuiv Hivitor socwuiy, out i for hia county and stale. While we will pever attempt to detract fpjm oiker lo calities for the purpose of building np' lis ow n, for we are proud of ail the insti tutions of tb County regardleee ol local-'1 . Ity we desire to say that after a carefnl tiernaal of the article mentioned, we fail to see that the writer baa set forth one claim or advantage poeee?e4 by Uaiuier, that cannot with equal or greater force, Mid of several localities, to say nothing of those matters left anmentioned. We think, and thick U truly, that but two questions are to be considered in this contest. first ac-vacibilitr by t-winty road, water and rail to the ma-; l.ritr nltha-eit .vtttwi ,n- n.. not pam uy mai aaie oecome ueiin-, rTed in Masonic hall was as qnent; prnvidwl however, that if one-'. follows: Mrs. A. Lee, Mrs. L. E. Clark, half the taxes due on anv parcel of land i Mrs. R.J. Mitchell aud Misre Ailie are paid bv December 3tt, the propertv 1 '"T. M"t!e Stehinan and Justice Her r , . ' , ,, 1 - man. Other vounz .adiee, whoaasiated owner may have nntil the following in W3itiag on the iables were April to pay the other half. The n.-bate', Rue Sextjn. Eaier Silva, Florence is retiuced from 3 to 2 percent. Inter- Zweener, J,e Wiicox, Lois Perry, Eth e,t will berhar-e.1 on delinquent taxes ?! Mak,le. Iela Muckle. Myrtle Gatten. ...., 1 . i Mvrtle IViti. at the rate of 1J per cent, per annum in , The program committee consisted of a Idition to the exit and peiiaity, ami if the teacher- in the public pcW, Misses not uaid aitlun ) dav 5 per cent. pu-' Madge Hill, R i:y Jackou and Imisy r ' -' m"".. iiuirpjniroo; . u. lue, u new mean oer itirougn the rovsl bum- Vernonia, this qneatton we de,re lo ray that the ' putting op a large plant at Rainier. The , P" C Belle and John Weidman to S.-.h sirraent county seat ran be easily i, lock space i iWx3 0 feet, while the! The new black mith hyp ia nrarjn( ! g Lrighton ajjainaeclrt 7 5 i facbed by any of the mode of travel ' main fart.,rv building is 7jxlSS feet. A. "fl-t. amiad Ms-. -rbon(-s-i will be; .. ... la'SUfiSf tannine lai i ot th. county lie. tooth ana .ast iiom that point, and that large per cent, oi j tli ciittvna of the county live in tne. Mm direction it would etii that the. j ' uetinn of liiaccealblllt cannot in IUC ' evavtuiiy urged against at. Helena, ii. wccj flourishing best in weak iwcond question to he considered ' .,ncs IJkc Other WCCcls itS j burdens, of no small moment, upon the j when Old, Sometimes 11U ueoiile in the way of appropriations for possible. ,ne Lwwi, A Clark fair and additional j tatt.th. taxpayer. w.U leat eonauier in. titia queeiioi. wi (orf llK.urril,g th. coat of a removal, and Uie building ot a new court house w lien ; , .applied with one. ' " " . C.RASb'F. DAY AT RAHIER. ! The Town Wa. Filled With 1'eeple, ! VI ku Eajejed IU HipitaUty. The wide awake, enterprising town cf Rainier demonstrated her ability to en- tertaiu at th. Grange convention held on Thursday of last we. k, ami ah. did U in a whole-souled manner. There was no halt" -hearted or half-way bn.inena in the matter of entertaining. Flag, were flown, and the feature, of the dav were th. ad J rets of Aaron H. Jones, master of the National Grang. the parade ot school children ana uraugvjre, me mo. n- ins ana atiernoou program, two banquets, provided with the it t ie market afforvled, and the eiiuca- tionai meeting. P.... f... ...... .,f l,a ,rt,-,rnttv fl the 1 . , L. -1 1 .i i paK-ession of tl e children from the put- aii im.uiv ...". - lie .Iuki!s, all in holiday attire anil car-; rvu,..s. The chiidreu met the v ;;t- - 1 ing Gtangers at the depot, where tiie latter were formed into line, aud es corted by the children on either side. The procession was led by the Goble Baud, aud th. very uccesaiul paii.de was under the direction of Jack Stacy. j The morning exireiaea were in the K. of P. hall, R. H. Mitchell, pres:d 1 . . . .. : 1 uig. Ttie exercises consincu puuii- uallv of addresses to the s hoo! i-hi dien j.ey H Moy.( yj s,,,,,,,,,!,,! Al,truian and Aaron B. Joiie, uiaxler of the national grange. MtnUthis j program was being presented tne i:ele- ... ... rh. A.n.ir,- tfraitM nmrunliiiii in ,u ;l,1ir,iK,ve. w. A. Young was chairmau ut ttie i-onentioii and 1. H. CopeUno. aevretary. W. A. anil .nrs. .nauu onng. m. ,u.:, i.i J ki I'll. K' v JV. "lm yui inii lira, jeiui e iu . riaiT . unci- nates, K. I. tni Mrs. .nary isurus; Frank J. and Mrs. Nettie I'eterson, al- While there were many Granger! Dreseat from various ectiins of the county, the following were the regularly authoriied delegates to the county coa- vention ol lirange": Vail of Warren C W. Adams, Ilenrv fjirson, F. M. tiort. Natal Nels U. Peterson, J. W. strong, John F. Peterson. Cedar Grove M. P. Young, Gertson, W. A. Yonng. Ariu- Alfred L. E. B. E. R. N. I Milton I. il. Copeland, Mm. iailey, LeoU Lowe. I . t i 1" .1 f n, rZ 'ri " Kuril Bourne, IVaii Blanehant. jvver Valh-v R. P. Bums Lovelace. A. Leventx. I laukame G. K. Uirgir.s, Mrs. W. Miller, James Barr. v-... i' il' M.llmr fiu.ti:,,.. ,af80n .vilrt pjrker. Quincv E. Chipmnn, Mrs. Anna Parlms, K. Pavne. Yankton Ki. iTarbell, II. O. Oliver. G. K. Hyde. There wa- an educational meeting in ! the ai:e. n.jon, and address were mao'e i by Mate Superintendent Ackeriuan and it'ountv Superintendent Ctwland, liear ..:..H- il. A .I..,;.... .,r A d!,Ir(:w. Then flowed the aiasterly address of Grand Master Jones, the event of the day. B. G. Lee-.ly, mas- ler OI ,ne grange, presmeu a; me "L"" "T'T; . .. - ... . 1 ... .. I I R. H. Mitchell, R. P. Durns. R N. Lovelace, W. A. Young. A. L. Clark, :C. G. Thaver, Ifeaa Bhiuchard, Fred j Trow, E. it. Joseph. tne personnel oi ine enieriainmeni WUlUlll'RC, WtlW IW'I ..IM'KV VI ,11V . , T.T,A r,..:t,l ia, ,-aB.I las a . ' niX oT." U.V . ill rei ' rZr,llZ toTxt k. j "Fishermen'. Luck" was presented j A lit IIUIP bv local talent lo a rrowdeil lioaae in ! the evening. and they received many ! . The play baa heretofore j up in these columns. A cowiplimenis. a.-il,1an.- rl.au.,1 (Mtivilo.a ,.f th. 1 memorable dav. j LOW. I SO XD LI XBERISfj. Meesrs. IVtrick A Keasey, of tlie Pittsburg sawmill, have contiacted to deliver 76,OwJ feet id fir and cedar lum ber in Portland. Tbey will g M for the rough fir. t J0 per , It ia nndrnirl that W D r., ..A bis a-eociates also will out in a aavu.ill pjttaburn he Columbia River aad Oregon Tun- beruian says that W. B. Ttioiupwjn hss m.1.1 : i. ,.rr-r,. , R.ii-, .li j,i move hi sawmill to New Era, Clacka mas rountv, nnere lie ha bought a i;n,U..L,M timber cl.in, ti.- v 1 1 . -.1 - , -. in. ..uiuuj uiks aqmgie miu at Rainier i. said to be cutting 120,000 ' shingles dauy. The Company, also ii building a sawmill. Ex-Sheriff J. N. Rice, of Clat.kanie .htnped a carload of shingles te Astoria Sunday, and aleo loaded 500,000 on a j r.h, The Columbia River Door (oBitunt - : u ... - ..v., iu:.J0, .:i . ilh . .,..!. . on i ; -' - .i VEEIS Consumption J3 a human Strengthen the lui.SS as VOU l....., U aml arul the! , ... ,. weeds Will disappear. me lCSt III rig ICTlltlzcr is .Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork j i.i good too, but it is very hard I to digest The time to treat consump- i . - Hon is when you ix-gin trmg to hide it trom VOUrseil. Others SCC it, VOU WOn't Don't wait until you cant deceive yourself any longer. RiHrin v tth the first thoutrhf to take Scott's Emulsion. Ifl :t ::- mtm,rfinn ..' n isu i much the better; you win soon (,...i !t nl lw futir f.tr tli i . treatment, 11 11 IS COnsump - tion you can't expect to be " . . i i. ?f Ml curca at outi:, uut u juu " begin in time and will be rigidly regular m your treat , , ti-.t mini iuu mo . own a i-iuuioii'ii, rost all vou can. eat all VOU - - J mil can, thats ine treatment that's the best treatment We will send you a little of the Eniul-; sion tree. Ft tun tU pkltr 1 tSe i rm ol a Utjcl n on IK . ipotr ol mty boul I i.wuiwo vn buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, , Chemists, 409 Peart St. N. Y. " roc and r: all dm.ists. -.' 1 ,.x 'd.iilv, ami a sawmill also ar. being Urecteil on the doi k. When the factory , ""h" -i-'i i- . . ..1. v .,n,nI ith n,,.ltttfrr . .iw,.,, mi n..,. . 1 I ...i.wt rill be employed. lot of the machinery ha arrived, and ome of the machines in the factory will in operation in April. Muckle's saw mill at Rainier is now running on cedar lumber to be used in the factoiy, - i . I . 1 . . V II . . .1 1W is siaieu uiai .iwui'y ix iiteii j shingle mill at Rainier is turning out l 1.50,000 daily. They aIo are building a sawmill. Jesse Finncoi has purchased the Bourn, sawmill from J. Kenyon, near Rainier. George Hockey is getting out log and piling, near Rainier. Mclntyre ia logging on Rock creek, near Rainier. H. Kramer and Henry R'ge', who have been .wi, at M.yger. Oregon, moved to IvalaHia lat iriday and will and will operate a hogging ramp on th. j tation tiart oL with &) mvmher, and Kurth place ea.t of town. Kalama U ,l",,,ed meeting I" u ,,u , be held uext VtednewUv uiglu, alien B,,l e"n- ;ihelllowii.gelcle.lolH.:er ,! be m- George Brougton, of the Crrn of , .ulled-.. ala-ier, Wiliu.u irr!l ; over Broughton, Wiggins A Co., of Portland, j er, W. ti. Pumeroy ; lecturer, Mrs. i buvinir couiiderabte iiilin. cedar -oleS, port, etc. Mesars. Pringle, Mill, and Case the East Fork Shingle Com pun , Pittsburg, floated down jJ5,tO0 shingles on the Nehalem river to Mist, and ar. DO nauungi'.em to V-iatsxani. lor " 'rge capacuy HOULTON (These itema arrive. after the paper had fon ki pre tasi weea.) A tnd concert and dance ar. on the E. Hagey, who has lease,! the black bulletin for the SBth lust. j smith Shop, conducted tlie hop un the Clyde and Charles Urie end Frank ! 0" '", Jnt' Leighlon arriued hoinj from the ioggtngl Kev. W. O. Allen will preach a tem-.i-i i . , . perance sermon at the UonarvaTationai c-mp.t Kalama last Wednesday night. . urch St,nd4y D1lt El Haxen and Walter Campbell are doiiio- . him earuiirar ar.wfe f.,r ti 11 I . jUilaon tins week. ! I. ti. Wik-trom i having bi bonte painieo. oeorge uunaeraon, oi 1 ovx- t 1 I- I T .1 t. u- " 7kT m . .,! , U rX"Tt ,h" , ck.m,.l, hoP wl" l ID operation before long . j e eee tnai in mnioer is on tne gronna ,lre,dy. Tliat's what build op a tow a. H wolM jlh w . 1D.rieDC, M , . , , . . ' r- - blacksmith. The Arliawns social wa a grand sne - ces, iu every respect. The program constated of song, recitations, readings, instrumental music and dialogue. The ) The dialogue entitled, "Th. Lady Wa- .ns, 10.JE ine raae. wouiun t advise th. mea to ioin the ladvn,. .. tk.. t 4 - use broom, ami roiling pins. L. J, Bigneil and Charles Nsckley, of Neer City, attended th. Artisan social "1Jr "'g'- George White passed through town ' k4 ! !."'., , ... of OQr PP attended the Grange meeting at Rainier Thursday. L4TEB. It C- Cl. ..-I.. . (. , w--a i a our toao 1 Tuesday on bu.ii.eee. .!, . . . . t-nnermtendent I. ti. Copeland wert t t1 meliopylie last Saturday. E-l.ard Potter and won. Gov nl Ta. eo-na, wrre vititing relatives and friends here Sunday and Monday. came up from Palm's mill la.t Tuesdar irni.H-n im.-riairi uii Dwrneiii r.l.'a ...ill 1... T.. 1.- We hear that the Putted Artisans fond standing. f Ttia ArliMiitcMatl ... L'-l.. .... s....j . . . . . " ""' "'pn nsis psi srtrr.1 rewaj tor in many new coatomera lo a iw i it. j MIST. Mia Klvth Linduren lwnl a will) her alatvr. Mr. Parling il Ma.vger. Mm. Tasl.'Morgan, ot Wetprl, i vis ting with Jr parenla, Mr. ami Mrs. llai. Uue, ofMiat. She also will viut oilier friend in the Nehalem dining hei slay here. There will t a dance In Merrill Hall on Saltmlay evening. March ;!8lh. Good music and oyler nipper. What', the matter with the school di rector Y March almil ended anJ.HH no school. A fight took place, on last un.lav be- i twwn two voting blood, one from Natal and the other f)ni Mit. It proven a 1 1 xuvnrdling alUlr. a they hit, ibewetl, clini-hed and atrurk at each other like brulea Fie! ahaine! hoy; il vou can't tight lik.in, 'don't at all. Mondar nin Rev. A. Weineit, of Vernonia", preached at th. aehiK'l lume i to a i to a very aliin ainll.nce, moce tnai . w, m,,, M1i,ed omt oi the i.et aermon. that waeer prea, ne.i nen ai and lucrevded in keeping th. ly. In their eta.! Thev generally ill on net tle, while at church. We irnet that w e mav have the oiMitiinity oi hearing . hint again, and bid him weh-ome Mi Jnni lriing, of Myger stopping with liisgwudpatvnla. Mr, . tlKj MrJ.i. F. Linilgien. i w Ariualronir. of Vernonia. is haul- 'in eliinglc from llipwild i mill. lie to cwiiteinplatee reuiovmg hi family ;M,M shortlv I The ma j-irityot the Mist people, who have Ikwii wirsilinf ailli llie la itru-e. areconvaleent. J plowing and gardening is the older " J.v- Mist (Meaning. If thi beautiful weather Co nt in lies people will lorgel themsehe, and go to , hanging May basket. I Mr. lVJereey was down from Verno- ' ma last riitlay witli In ox and Ixir-v team, anit purchaxd a load of ct Irmu i A. R. Meli. Kidvr Wallace, who has Wen attend ing KUuol at I'liilomath, rttmucd home undav. at the Mt Rev. rtogln preached . hool hous Sundav. Rev. Weinert. of Vernonia. faseed turougn the valley tin latter part ot Uiil ' tKk ell-route to Jewell, where he held -Mv.ral meeting, and -r.u hr l f Monday eieuiug oil hi way bark. u Sunday-ehil was tirganiied here hut j I '' ', "'Z I ' ... .. 1 Mvreury. w e nop an li.ci uwren in i J. It. Wright is veiy sick. j Si-h'Hil wit! begin Ap'il bth with Miul Irene Johmon, o Portland, a teacher. Otter and lyniea are fena iims am- i main. Thev rail lute like mlt! l,i,'t ' .1... ....: " i Mr. Iira Turner, who i in the hos pital at Portland, is getting afui.g lery nicely. - - j Mr. and" Mr. ' Adoiph Sandlin Were ! the gtlll Mr. autt Mrs. A. K Meh. j Uii. suuslay.j 1 -; I -SCAPPOOSE. I ' . fepntv flute Org niaer . G. School! rover levlVai. Sciijimim Itr-inu No L ... ' r - , - u. r. j .uUtanttal oeoule. The revive.) mnni ! ""s W att ; secreiary, 8. L. I tar treasn.er, 1. B. Wrst ; O w. ah.,.- .t...r. w.l i-i ... ...T, of i laiaol taeard. WardKarreilr i.n.- - o(!...t.nt.t.ard. Mr,. Williaw Farrell ; v-J. t I'.i o ,.' in varr.!!'. 1 iiflnuiA hn.i. 1,,,, ...... ! Kurm. fota Wet. .1,- ti . i i Th. Scappooe Hotel is being reno- vateif and repaired, and will be in charge uf Mr. 1). C. tidirli, of Alhanv, i W.Couyer cailrd alli-ntiou to th fact Jt alter April Ut. Mr. .Schell i an ex j that (,'latskanio w as m ire centrally lo- $ ........ allu ,,, t ,n inn abonthatwill be a cred.l to ScJ - pooae. , V.HV..I....... ., ... Joje. p'ax-e two mile above S.aprj.ire. .n'it. at no iia'i iraapHi me hM-apporate ahold effect by lire the house accidentally ' Tuesday night i burning ijoen. j Real Eat.l Traasfer.. I Charlea A. Monroe to Fa rah A. I-eia-h- toil : lOarrM in ctu,tt It. 7 ft ti . ... ' ' -'"" ''. I'-. " Charles Muckle In L Saldren ; ,ra.-.. in 7, 5, $.600 W Hand Martha J McVey to Elijah l eVer : ouit claim to tract lo Columbia i fit-ijy F ,17' , c r sou E J. McN'elly to Samuel Kin - j der ; ht 6 and 8. blruk 28, 8, 3, fjVJO. j J.nats and Uora Pulliam to R, M. Ktug; 20 a in sec 2A, 8, 3, fS00. Rolwrt Pollurk to the lU tiaoo paay ; tract ia sec 3, 8, 4, fiOOU. Cotn- i Andrew C. Rav to llaniel McKinnou : : timber on tract in i 18. 7. t. moo. 1 ... j ' V .. . , Aiitni wuu .Turin uifiiuMin in rw-iiiM) Dilict No. t : of lota t and 1.1 13, E. , block 26, fit. Helens, $100. Katie and T. R Root to farali lighteo ; tract in sec 18, 7, 6, l. i Ora E Rogers to same ; 1. Eleanor demons to William grn.ons ; ! lot 1, bh-ck IS, Dobbin's ad to Rainier,) L Saldrrn to Norman and Edith B. i Merrill ; tti of see 14, 7, 5, I8jO. Firat National Bank of Pbrtl ind to' John A. Martin; tracta in 4. 2, I000. ' 1 David C Telford to The Ashland Lara- ll7i In 7. 2, 1100. i 'rank aud Annie Tracy to Mary! Cambbell ; 80 ai re, in sec 32, S. 4, 500. 1 aovetin tinDurumr m jutin ii ia . ........ ier; lot ., Woe 1, 'nouia, 10. Jo.,h V.il51.r,. l.i If... , - i n . and 10, block 14, Side ad to Vernouia, pM). i i: ........ . i. . . . .. i n , , , . .. . .', ., mova in, . iri.-i -o. l : on a in aM- i - :i t-'.. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? No matter ouit,' r.. ...... f,riitt fur p;iVHK iinivj you can walk into our store and tfet an clniititMl 'liiloi-inntlt Art- one-half the original value? Suits, unclaimed $ 7-50 t Top Coats 12.50 l) Special reduction on weight irouseis 1 rf'Kemeinlicr these are uiu lainied Ji Farnswortli 248 Washington 1 WAVl'KU-SKYF.K tl, ' l i:ii0N -rlmr.u-iKr and o -wl nei!alioi" I ..i .tji. f.M 111 ihia iNtuntv 1 .'.I tiri'-l to repr.-H'iil and advetH.e ol.l e - t..t - I li-hed we.illhv l.iiine t"- of aolld 1 hmincial .landing. H.iUrv J'.'I.IK) i" k!y I with e u.. addlt..iiaL All pn: 1 in cnli ill reel each e.ine.i ,,,.,1, ! head ott'nva. Il.ire and carriage fur-m-lied when inwurr, H..eren.va. . . . .. I. ..1.1. ...I ...iv J l ul.,. 1 nial Co., ,t it, IVaiU.rn Si .t'Un ai. j 1 i-nH sin;-!!: -.tFiM'r fish I I Uiat. with oar and il 11-1 li ie. Price. I'.'i. s. C. IlKNRY, SI. Helen i - 11R SAI.F.-THRKK A,M .'! til ler inch In 1 tit wagn; a'-i ork h.ri- 4 ve.it .,1.1. wenthl. 1 1 I' Apply toti. I. Gil. SON, St. II -. TllK SAI.l -A K1M II IM' n prwiiti r in gal condition. App-y ' thmidlice. j Plolallna of Partnership, : v, nuderargiml. who have l-een ' ooi.ttl. ting il mefCiome o io.n,e. iin'-r, the lint -name o t oltui A 1 iiay . In Si ilvlvna, tlu-.Mii. I. me 11, n it.u di-le,l t v mutual c-u-ii t . J M. I', tiray win .Mtidoii tlie Inn ne I Itrieafter, pay all di l l- ol the flro.. and collei t Mil l l.illl, ilnr It. J II M. f Col I lS. IK 11. Patnl March 2. 1.' tl -JiT SF.tr SF.KlIMi. Twe HaaJ. FaraMi w.lc at Ihr. Uat.kaale fathering. Tw J band furnished l'ie ino-ic ! -i the county at tmetiiig hi-id at l laiku:e last S.'tutday afli-rn.in. It nrt iui of reprwrtitittlve tiiiteu- ami payer, a iio n.rant bu'locs. T. J. ' Fiii'Ui ui-ided as i ha riinn. and t', I.. : Cmyer M secrttiry. Tue . i lt iiH j were called to the inn-ling bv the -v!-i lent plaiing of the liohleau-1 t'iaUk i or iHind. W. If. Ciiiver aUted that il that en I of the CHiity ei -i t.-1 t- win tne c.wiite .it ihey must (mil lv l'; . . . . , : , " i , ... . Btl.1 SOOH-llllliiC IIOHV l"9 O Hie ii," ' r-Mds Mr. Fiippin iate I that their was tn re capital inveilel in Cl il-kcoe than in any oiln-r arction of t'oluml.. county. lr. J. K, Hall w.isentliii.i.i lu' in lavor oil iaiakaute a a i-oiir.ty -t lo cation, and t.itd that hi- w-jiihi U( ine of four to sub rilie a fl,iJ lln tow ard the erection id a court houae, Iji- .( . . ... . ... ..... , , ter, Mr. nippin joined tr. ni l in niv "' nbi:riition. The l atement alv wn ' made that G.F. Liu dgre... of Mif.utd donate tJU toward a curt home tn iClatskanie, and thai w;i-n i would give M. . I. I'errnie aid ;. .. , ' h would donate . 5 .n aui wo- k. that P.il ihan man r.,l,l. i , , hM mn P"l'u . cou'dcr" tlie bridge at Rock creek alajre Vernon Hetatl that a bond ' coming to donate a bl-k m-ar the ix ho.il I building for a cm-t houae site. W. K. i iicuenor sain inat i lai.aatue i a t in ' large enough to swuu itself, and other speaker id that they had no conti-dem-e in alliance with lUmier, and ex jiresae.l tliernx-lvi-a tu no uncrrtnm term,. Henry KraU.pok. of th. trade inai ia t3 iiuiii nix; uiiiti ( umrui lutskanie. Att'-ntion, al w called to the fart that a!) the heavy machinery i lor the Nehalem wa (hipped in by av Clatkni. The statement also . made that in the event that the count" seat i located at Rainier, people f inn ' Ike Nehalem would have to either leave ', their horse at Clal'kauie or Hnulton.! J. P. Archibald, of Goble, said that thai vnA f.,1.! 1 people ol hit aeciion would j Rainier on the fliat ballot, hulwouldi I support Clat jtion. Mr. Monroe, of Goble, also spoke . briefly. Other Ciutrkanie feaker aere j Steven Tit taehor, R.-v. J. K. Ilaakuii I Mr. Jonee and ti. I). hut her land. i i Vollo, ilia ia iKm ln.ra.nnul ,.1 n ...... i ..T..,. i ..i..... I' ".piions ir iiiin m iiiia rt,trt twiti. a., ii. event that Claiakanie win : lir. J. K ! J II ill, Mir man Merrill, s. Tiehenor, C. I.. jConyera. The olll.et of Ihr iiieeling j were made offiivis ol a poh club, who' i will have charge of thecomitv .t ram-! paign. j j The Clatskanie Band gave an exrrllent j jconcer iu the evening, an acrrniut of which i rruwded out Una week, hut ,H i appear next. They were asmsted by tlir ; 1 Goble Band. ' Iriij.f'rtKs. I Mia Reatrice Crollae. .In lighter i,f Mr. and Mr. Ahrham Crouse, of Hool , ton, wa married to Jaine It. Mt Ksv.j of -app.ee, in Portland la.t Monda'v j Tt . ... j i'1'KiriiKmr tooa pla e at the home of the groom s sister, Mrs. Charles O il,,,,. 'I." . " n'T- u'l i neu on i7iuiMn street, Kev. : nV atera of Si lv..;.l'. .1 i l th otliciating i lergynian. The bride is a most estimal le young woman and . , well and favorably known by a wide cir rle of fneuda. The g,n , , ...j,,,, w, , one of the prouiiilnil uiom er famili.a 0; Columbia cvioty, ,r.J ,M hlMll. (f ' 'friends in Columbia county aud Port-' land. What is the use of him tailoreil c utiles when Hit Suit $25.00 25.00 heavy 1.95 i 4.95 - Herald Co St., Portland, Ore. AAAA AAAAAA' j J j S J Tin-; only ri:m r.cr -Viv. .- f . x IT V". ft r ' iar .V u VISIBLE ar -v jmufitlk-'.St--. . n ; &uIHk If Vr y Sjvj mncl.il..- f.-r g...d -, The Pittsburg Writing Mine Conpj -j 2i:i ti stiit t. MS 3 IE l Knight u (ti ft! I!! The V Al.lv' l-r I .ftilr . r I M ltl.-l 1 !.. . .oiiU-il a si :..! tU t atttr.i t:t t!;r idnv qu.'iit v r:v!it Vi III liUIKf V.ii the sldtt. -t;r thiltlrt It's shits v v ae v irr st: -sr at -sr t": M !tf tff WfWttf Wftl?!? W H'lTTtf. Wtf. TH'f fHfHMtfff I THE NEW C. at. .re centrally lo- fj , . - -, shi Spring Goods, Shoes iould lie forth- J, J J Dry f-wls, (iroceties. I!;.r;ts, II. aMOIi'JUe, CtHipfr IIiiiMim-. Main strei-t. St. JlcSens, Orcf?1" lUMLUUUlU UliV Ul jk' ii Hi ii St. Helens Hotel I-n lcr th-? Mdii.i-t nu rit of Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN. ls Ilis Leading Hsessv llffaartri far VltiliMrts, ara. qarriara anal I a-rrlal fravetrr. . ira ami L'lging. I'Hl ir iiwinih "Iranti..rit, n-t dav. Barn and Feed for Horses. r Owl Saloon i t i t i Paiaa r.aoti.ia,, f KOf'R! ITVh'S -fndj lh ke ot rs asiCiiar. Kepi ia Stock CYRUS NOBLE And i;hf l-ol'itlar t,r.it1. :). In ,:.v k. l.l VI, t i WEINHARD'S BEER ? u (lr(t;!ti. v "Tcm Benton" Cisr.r t i. "it IS1..1 li..,ni,r,an, r .., Hiar tt. r,.it.l. ' ' (' VH'y 'AAAAAAAAA4 vnm; mmtink m.i:e The writing i it 111- I 1IIH H p ui I h l r i,d 1 1 il'ol!, lapid I"'''! ' llck " r i'tl na aiih'U, fw tmlilt- U tr,l tu all kio.V . left for tal-niiliei ,J inn n-r work unlirial fc l.(iiU rru illi li t,U in. ai.ili t i r.d. f riiMiwraht iVVVVVVVVlf J n 3E It tt IE it Shoe Co, '((Ms Stre i ri t-a. .rfit ii. f itr c'ty. !tt: cut i." :n i.i'vt t!rr MUi' will i; r.!.c ti t Y.uU tit W Si wv -?r .-ssr t J YORK STORE I ci. s, Elf. ti, ti IU lUl (ii':o:,i- a. Hi i. trronxi: -. ! sr. iit-:i.F.ss of' P. of H. DIRECT O'vtf i. 11, bus- t."-'t. . U ;s, I'm K n t ll..r-l. mr : A T Ium. l (Miiin.M . infill i'm" """ t ni.ll .,, U., l'fll W. ( ter II1.S1I... ..- I ,,.l"l- li 1.'. .... .. -I . l-".' l nl l!..r l .il Mr. t VI ll,(. J.. l..l.t were I ' t'l ni -al M , t..lvl-r re . a,. . I otn. 1,1 . lal lif Hire. V.. 'i ' ! l'M..'i(i,, 1,,,,.1,-r. ,e. lo- U t!' l liiet'litiiali, ,ll, a,..,te 1. fa' 4lt; i.li-rv. llliarti r,tll ui.ier, V,,ll.,i. l.t.llr. . 11' lxw, maa-er: i,l.i.i Mh.N-Hiiirr, 1,-ei. t Vnll.i .r.iin-f. N S lii rn.i r mtiii i '"'A- in .VI. a. aee. ., ii. ti. .i.n.'"i l.nnr l, , ' ; H-ai-e.rti I Ii n.l ,''t l'.t. rt.v.l h W. I' -..l.a. an-.. I .il.lt-il'I'W' i'l( tiimt. ..raliea. S M: " rur i ,.. V. k. U il III I. IVn , ,i-i Mm -n ilrMi.re. V.i. mpft' t 1 slJl' irf ' tl HI 1 ;M 1 t.'ir, M,ltfl'- if r , i-iisit i w., yt' lUli.ii r iint' Si- M It k, fc,l, Oi atti Hl'ti' Mtluiirt ., n ; 4 M r inliti-v d.Tannr. N". . ( . MN, -IJ t tu-tf . luiaat (.. Ut. ljttlii-lt'! i'""1 "j ,ii' le a""' I ,lH.e' iBfurumlliin fit nmee Mrs. F.ni k (i''111"1 t TYPEWRITER Tret tie M of sat U- a-t'H '' r' " i.imt In Co., i fi t'ai.hil;, s, in: i