Spring Medicine There U no other season when good medicine la to much needed a In the Spring. The blood U Impure, wak and Impoverished a condition indicated by pimple and other eruption! on tla face and body, by deficient vitality, Iom of appetite, lack of strength, and want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills JlaLe the blood pure, Tigoroua and rich, create appetite, giva ritality, strength and animation, and cure all eruption, slave the whole family begin to take them today. - Hood Sarsaparilla baa been used car family tot some Ume, and alway good results. Last tprlnt I wa all ran down nd tot Dottle, ol It. and a usual received fteat brnt-" MlM Bnam Bores, SW, Vt, Hood's Sarsaparilla promlna t cur and heap tit) promt. The Owry Way. Clergyman I am eorry to hear that ran m'A Honor in thi hotel. Hotel Cierk Well, sir, we wouldn't if we coold get people to stop baying it. Brooklyn Life. Explanatory. "for a firet attempt in pcblic." said her friend encouragingly, "I thought too tang with a good deal of feeling " 'I don't wonder at that," replied the ambitions young vocalist. "Mt heart was in my throat all the time." Chicago Tribune. The Root ol the Matter. Pat An so yea ahtrack fer shorter hoars? "Mike Yit We want each wan to consist v foi-rty minutes, begorry! Puck. A Strong Man. "Jsysmith is a strong man. id Tecepot. "Indeed' asked Goelin. "Yea; I have seen him break a twmty-doliar gold piece." "Ah, I presume yon mean that ha it s strong man financially." of OiahMWta for Catairh That At wercBTT ill tuteiv !eroT the sns of tmeli uJ coBpeiy deranre Ihe who V Vtm wfivaentericn it t&rouga bbwu tu flMi. v-OCH VIK;ff tbCUit BTr t BMd x- eM on crVK-npt'ou from repcB pCJ- H&Ii's Carrli Curt, masutscran by F. J. ! Cdt A . ToiJo.0..eonia.ns nomereari. j ana-.t'taiea tDwruailT. fc-un direct j npoa j Id bonne HaJ i Caiarra Cur be turf too gri the Balne. II is taaen tnwrnaUy. aaJ jcadx la Taiio. oaio, by F. 1. CBeay 4 Co. lew BOBials fr. Sjii b Dvnrv ista, price 73e. per botu. Hail's Famuy Flits are tbe b--. Disappointed. "So yon were held np by bandits'" "Tea. and that isn't the worst of it Tbey simply took my money without j detaining ma long enougo to give ma a start as a magaxin writer or lectur er." Washington Star. That "O-a-g-fc." A roogh-coated, doagh-faced plough man strode coughing and hiccoughing through the streets of Scar borough. Punch. A Canadlaa'a Wise Saylag. Tbe greatest asset of any country is the, brains of its people. Andrew Eonar Law, M. P., London. -This i. the Unndry," -id theagent! u .K ;r.c lh.m Ikmn jh lk UIVIUU U1C house. "Here, you tee, are stationary "Ah. why do you call them station- ary?" inquired the bride-to-be. "I it beeanse colored goods won t run in them?" Philadelphia Press. tUanctUag of a Mathematician. "He must be a pretty good matha matican?" "How is that?" "He's manager of a burlesque show." "Welir" "Weil, that's mostly a question of fguree, isn't if" Brooklyn Eagle. Can tor Explanation. Philosophers like Mr. Perkins, Mr Morgan's partner, who declared that in modern conditions the young man woo ; worki nara must win success , snouio aa a iew ,WJl nor io r um,.-; tiocs explaining matter satisfactorily ; . tt J! won- , . Toe M. bo Boost. Seweome Tbey tell me bens never lay egga at night. Did you know tcatl "Sobbote uh, yea. Kewoome Strange, isn't it? Eubbubs Not at all. All the beet ara roosters at night, you know. Philadelphia Press. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Mind Tiiis. Rheumatism aftaos StJacobsOil Prtca, 25c wad SOc. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo .''"' ' ,.lTI:ls.'?i! Uwi au TSTsii Com amo. . ii ex e- arwri. mmfm imm. J in- OLN IXylYj THE, Lots of Christ Our lore must be oersooal and not abstract-Kuf us Jooea. Quaker. Philadelphia, fa. The Bible. The Bible Is a book for the common people, to be studied by every man.-Rev. J. C Agvr, Sweden borsiaa. Brooklyn. N. T. The Real Gospel-Xew York needs ( t Laura L. BarttCS, BSD' the real Gospel of Christ. The ipopu- , n udes Auxiliary 10 tar Christianity Is paganism.- . K. p . n a n A 0 Klndel, Zlonlte. New York. BurHSlJC POSt, JO. 4. ' U. A. K, Smallest Service. - Money U the rCCOmmcnaS L dl3 fc. Finktiam S smallest aerrlce a rich man can glTe. ; Vegetable Compound. It la barren unless service Is given, Inil;seJtJMthlit come to women only, with It James Logan. Evangelical. M a xilt, doctor is called in, wme Worcester. Mass. i times several doctors, but still matters Self Control-Where restraint ??Jm 7JJ exercised over one s self It all lead rhich WM no, h.UvJ when to a tendency to allow base passions j y pinkham'a Vpetall to master us--Kev. Dr. Cotter. Roman Compound was used faithfully. For Catholic, St Faul, Minn. i voung- women who are subject to . r , t. m- u rloe ' headaches, backache. Irrerular or pam- for a higher union, a union that shall result In bulldin up the type of so ciety In which gvod and free men le ltre. Rev. W. 11. Ramsay. Louisville. Ky. Higher Kingdom. The facts of O.od nieher klnedom are as plain to the n tun v . - - man who studies and believes as are the facts of God s lower kingdom -Rev. L. X. Watson. Episcopalian. Chil Ucotbe, Ohio. True Hving.-To rid yourself of your own hell and to keep out of others is the art of true living. Tiis may not be ecclesiastical advice; it I common senser Rev ent Brooklyn. n- X. T. Rest!tutkin.-Grvat gifts from taint- ! ed fortunes are acts of restitution, j Judas' money was not put In the treas-1 urr of the temple, but devoted to me nses of the community. Kev. lr. Grant Episcopalian, New York. The Moral Code. Society at present Is to be condemned for many devl- j ations from the moral code, bnt more particularly In Its frivolous views of tbe tacredness of marriage. Kev. I'r. Kranskopf. Hebrew. Philadelphia, Pa. . t,,w rhr;iin it t !he highest type of civilization-ami wtj j can deny It! then Is It not true tnai we are retrograding Instead of ad vancing In certain line? Cardinal ... i mns-ment. Petple can get the Amusements. People can good there 1 In amusements with.ut going to the bad. If they bare the riplit purpose; a class of genial, broad-mind ed Christians are attracting men to re- ligious life. Rev. J. L. St-uddtr. Con-! gregationallst Jersey City. X. J. Good Courage. A believing hart is source of courage. :.t oursff,. is the courage of faith In God. The Umi Ml IO JUBUUA. A3 1 - , so will I be with you. Joshua be- lieved God and was Invincible. U-v. R W. A. Huckabee. Methodist Sla.-on. Ga. Xeed Xo Law. People who wish to do right ned no law; those who are desiring the finest and t?st things do not feel the touch or pressure of any Ttnf: thev keen within the iimi of the right because they have no s'.re to do otherwise. Rev. Ir. sava e. Unitarian. Xew York. Character. Christ looks at l.fe in lis contribution of character. It is not a J--. of per cents .nd return, of . . i. m'""" r-J - - pf '"" ""-.: , " .t. . Hf jind life forever. He asks: "What aort of men does it pn-xluce Dr. Carlisle. Method:st Colnm. K, v. a, S. C. is the ; Tne Greatest loiog.-ixjic greatest thing, not only la this world, but In all worlds. It Is the master builder of the home and also of the human heart. It is the essence of true religion. Our human love are hut sparks of the great divine love. Rev. Dr. Waters. Congregatiocalli-t Brook lyn. X. Y. HMrt Power. The world is run on ; heart power, yet men do not r al ae it. Thought what a great thin? it is: It i Is said that tbe day of high tbiakiu; f Is past 1 do not believe tt. There must be high Ideals and aspiration. are necessary men of , f h nt M we tlon Hev. Hr. Epis,paL Waco, Tex. " An Action.-The avtraze man doe not seem to think far teyond an ae- i tlon. There Is a larger brlsef in luck ! and chance than there is In taw and 1 certainty. The men of this g-nera- tlon have constructed a God after their own conception and laws contrary to j the principle of the kingdom of 'ioJ and the Scriptures.-Rev. Dr. S ni mons. Baptist, Peoria, IiL Eievelopment. To strive to find the best In life, to get at its real though half hidden meaning; day &y nj faithfully looking always for tbe deep er, truer things of life, cannot fail to bless ua We live to bei-crae some thing rather than to get somethinj;. Heaven cannot come to those wasting the life given to them for deve'.o; ment Ber. A. E. Bartlett, Unlvep-al-lst, Manchester. X. H. Deserves More. Whu h of us dares to say that be. In God' sijjht. d-se:vs more than be gets? Wh h of us. then, can say that iod ts hound to tive b in more than He doe. The truth tauiht all through the Gospel la to throw our selves not upon the Justice of God. Lot upon Hi tnerey. Hi go.-lii-. And g.jodnes 1 free. It is s;.atn-ous It flows from God- Itev. Ir. Alwp. Kp -copallan. Brooklyn, S. Y. Maybe a Hla:' Tempera! ore A doctor was attend. ng a dangerous case where a Scotch butU-r was en gaged. On calling in the forenoon he said to Donald: I hope your master's temperature la much lowtr to-day than it was last night." "I'm no' sae very sure a boot that," replied the butler. . "for be dee'd this morning. j Grand Larceny. ' He stole a kiss. "Now. that." cried she, I "I'll have you understand. Is really petit larceny." "It's not," said he. "It's grand" --Philadelphia Press. It? fnl periods, and nervous attacks due to the severe strain on the system by some orjrania trouble, and for women of advanced vears in the most trying time of life, it serve to correct every trouble and restore a healthy action of all organs of the body. " l.vdin K.rinkhaiu's 1 cgetabl Conioound is a household reliance in my home, and I would not be with- out it la all my enenence wttn tma medicine, which covers years, 1 have found nothing to equal it and al waya recommend it Ma. Lat a L. Bak.ias, 07 Second St., S. E., Wash ington. V. C. SMXV rV If tvi 4 M lmr.tr m) fcmnuMU cat tm infer. Such testimony shonld h ac- Fiakhani's Vegetable ComMuiid stamW without a peer at a r-m r1y for aU the distralng- UJao Women. 01 Course. The ralmiit looked fixedly at the womtn's hands. " A hy," she said perplexedly, "this is queer". Your right hand and your left band give different fortunes." "Yes, 1 suppose so," replied the woman, olacidiv. "I never let my risiht hand km.w what icy tiat icy ie:i anu dctb, yon know."-New York Time. CASTOR I A For IaJantf and Children. Tlia Kind Yea HaY3 Always Bought Bears the a XTr' Signature h Safer. "Aren't you afraid to go bear bunt- ing all by yourself. "Xo, answerea tne onaia. "I d rather tate c Lances on meeun beai singie-handexl ti;an on being mv an excited ,,- , e, companion. aaningtou cm. rtvA r.. r., am s. ss r rilO Uiirlica" "t- Sfii'.rlil i Might Be Doing Worse. j "II I were tie mayor," remarked I the stranger who had attended a mert j ing of the city council, "I wouldn't J permit the aldei men to waste so mnch time in nweseHj raiig." jt w,k matters." "The mayor knows what he ? about," replied the cititen. "When they're wrrg:ir.g they're not doing anv mischief." Lhica? Tribune. Mothers will Coa ars. slnsloW Sooth tne imp tne best remerfy to use tor me.: Sbiiaren during me teeUung pencsi. . Pedagogics. "Oh, yes," replied the bright ard scientific voorg mother; "I always give Clifford 25 cent when I spank bim. The best authorities are quite agreed that puniehicg a child for noth- ing tends to cotifuse his ethical notions." Pack. ST. HELEN'S HALL. Port l-Wd, Oftgla. Irtrr:n t f-rpr-.'iapt fb-wrfnl aal ? rnrMi borr", fr yrucc 1 for c"- lo or other icforx-va ; p'.f to MISS ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prtclrl AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS Are sr.'.d rjb; So s provai 4r,d s( a lnt v-,.1 easbie voa iokuii trA prC t oa a tew cows. Tbe east, f: rest es etolne in si. the -orliS. Strongest la A IX tt poia-a vasi asy o'.ber, J.l : Cim. Sklssileg. Easy Ct . U(ht Be inc. DofaMWy. Write lor free eaiacc?- MITCHELL, LEWIS J STlftl 13. PORTLAND. Ort. SeOKASE. . BOtse. 1 Woo Merfal. rarts, WW. iliousness -Ihifi ymr valMftil fiWA BBTt had a4 tm pele. Co.3 t vftoui voartm. 1 fca mn- ttotm tm arae time f .eial eUia ul3 tt) ?-owcr i.st3 rr ea vr.4a inta, rum 'i anrvr esc w , t v wth is Ft&ve r-wecL Tsete QMt ns ins. aee &. w im (ft.v. Vk. a. a. CURE CO-8TIPATIOW. Sot IM. M i uaee IM (ami.,.- uw. A. ataaa, A.saaj. A. i. yiZ2yk Candy y M CATMARTlC ( Warn m 1 Tfl f f S'-S S.14 innnwrt S. . l rf TRIALS Or THE ASPHALT GANG. The For ail a Ha Hard Work to Keep Pabtle Off tae sort Poveosem. Said the foreman of a repair gang working on Eighth avenue; "People have au Wca that a foreman has au asy time;, that aU be ba to do I to stand arouud with hi hands III his pocket and swear al the uicti at regular tutervala. Aside from the fact that a foreman superintends the Job and Is therefore responsible for any mistake, be has the duty of policing the strip of asphalt being laid down that I, of keeping pedestrians and vehicles from ruunln over It before It s hard. The gang know how to do Its work without being eternally eueu si. coum to sleep, and while they might loaf a little the work would be Just as well done. But If t should go away for half an hour I'd Bud hen 1 came back that half tbe population had either walked or driven over the new patch. "You'd suppose that cltlieiis who sre forever complaining about the condi tion of the street would at least not .I.Jsv the work; yet they're like chil dren who want to poke tbelr finger or their feet Into everything that looks soft. Once In a while a man will come up to the edc of a fresh strip and dig bis toe Into It to see now son it is, i sup oose. Then he'll try to smooth the Im nresalon away, but you can't do that with asphalt make a bole In It and vou've got to pour In more stuff to level it off. "The Inquisitive man Isn't the ouly troublesome oue. Probably the man who's In a hurry and doesn't like to go out of hla way Is the worst. When we are working at crossing where thou sands of people pass every hour It would take a 'fire line' to keep them off. They cut right through the middle with the air of a small boy with a chip ou his shoulder. Women are the hardest creatures to manage. Only a day or two ago I caught a shopper attempting to break past me. 1 spoke to ber, as I thought, very quietly and respectfully. She Jumped as If a horse bad udd-tily stuck his nose In her face. The tongue lasElng she gave me brfore an amued crowd would have made a grease spot of any man less hardened than I am. "'iHiu't you speak to me don't you dare jeak to me." she cried. 'You have no rignt to rrignten peopie oui w turn seusea. You wouldn't dare to talk to my husband like that" "It d -esn't do much good to put up barrier of barrel and pknk. I've seen a few lunatics crawl rtcht und-r them or vault over them in order to kep In the straight line In which they w-re going. Of course fter we have laid tretch. we alway put a fence up. nd take It away later when the asphalt ba thoroughly hardened. Then the time when he merry truck driver gets In hi fine work; he hips hi bore up and ctche one of the bam-l or U'les with the bub of bU wheel, and dowu rumbles the whole bum-. This is hi Joy and especial care. for. if his truck be big enough ami heay ecoujja, he owns the streets. "Our troubles sr not slwsy with laying asphalt. Sometime when we're chopping out old aphalt we clash w:ta the 'man in tbe street. Then litile chlpa bmrisilicg all over with sharp points fly in every dire-Uon. Sid the citixen who fesls tbe sharp sting of an asphalt crystal seen to U s all control of hi temper. !!: line of reasoning, if he realms at ail. Is that are luteu tionally tLrowicg thi:ii: at him. lUjt be takes tt all out in laik nd tst shak ing, and goes off vowing to report the matter. "As a sort of dumping ground for the bad tempers of people." concludrd the f..rcmaa. according to the New York Tim., "we cvrtamlv deserve to be givt-n a place with the motormsn awd the conductor." SCHOOLBOY IN ANCIENT TIMES How a Kammrn Papil of 2,O0 Tear Ait at Hoes Hi laj's Io Ba. Something juite new in tbe form of an exercise book for budding Urevk scholar has made It ppfarnr la trermany. Info this "irk Beadet'" ; have been packed all r of d. l ghtfu! and almost unknown siwimens of the j literature of sncie-nt Grece. such ' fable, fairy tal.-s, stories, etc.. s.laj.inl ! for young people. Tbtre are a'-i exam ple of the work done by the pupil of the Graeeo-noman schools vnii twi-n-tf cecturle ago. The following, for in stance, 1 the account of bis d.illy rou tine work by a Roman achoolhoy. He write: -I wake np before sunrise. leave my bed. !t down with my straps and sh.n-s and put on my shoe. Then water for washing I brought to me. I wa-h first my band, then my face, take off m; nightcap, put on my undergarment, anoint and comb my b.iir. arrange my neck cloth, put on a white tipper gar ment and a wrapper. Then I leave my brdroom. together with my tutor r;d my maid, salute my father and mother, and leave the house." The mixture of Spartan abstinence In leaving home without a breakfast and of the alto gether un fpartan luxury of an attend ant tutor and maid Is tiggeirtlve. - The youth goes on to explain, with a delicloualy pedantic sir: I reach the school, enter and say "Good morning, my teacher." He return the salutation. My slave hand slates, penbox and pen cil to me. I it down In my ptare nd write, and then I cr at out what 1 but written. I write from a copy and show It to tbe teacher. He correct ard croe out what I bad. Then be makes me read aloud. Meanwhile the small boy have to learn their letter at,d spell out syllables. One of tbe biztter boys reads to them. Other -write verses and I go In for s spelling compe tition. Then I decline and ar.aivt- or.me verses. When I have done !! thi I go home to breakfast. I change mj clothe and then I eat white lirea 1 and olive, cheeae. figs and nut rl driuk SitDt cold water. After breakfnst t ft back to school I find the teacher read Ing aloud, and be say. "Now we wld benin at tbe beginning." Thl schoolboy performance, say the Wetmlnster Gsxette. goe a long way to show once more that there 1 noth ing new under the un. not even th trivial round of the modern mhooltioy The vital t)uetton of today, accwrj Ing to the women" I'wirnai. I thi. "When l a garment a gown and wlier, I. It ,1,.. V .Im, want J " ' " ' .... ....... y the women s louriui,. Health For 2S yesra I ha never missed taking Ayer'a Sarsspsnlla every spring. It clns my blood, mk me feel irong. and doe m good In every wsy. John P. Hodnette, Urooklya, N.T. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You become strong, steady,courageous. That's what Aycr's Sarsaparilla will do for you. U SttSaMs. an ir4T.',-x U. W Fltlst." Not Fittest j Mrs. Kiurlon Jt think, out of .ii i Knmiii' nine chlldron, lha nnm now livine is Coutin Jane. ... v, . ... w. Mr. Kingdoo Couin Jane, dressmaker? Mrs. Kingdon Ye. Mr. Kinsdon Well. It's only the nal Pur- oral that b should be the last. viva! of the York Time. filial, yon know. New roreouehs and colds thee I no bf medicine ihan 1'ino Cur for tonaump- 1'rtc 45 cent. Hi tVcupklloa. "What have you ever doo for yonr country," asked tho indignant cititen. "Xever eUrted to ciwnt up," answ ered tho practical politician. "Too bust finding out abat my country can do for ma." Washington risr. nckle. Tommy LH tireenup, you told me last week von liked n bettos'n yoo did any other boy, and now yi.u is tin' Pics Traaier shine np to you. Lil I did like you llio heet lat week, but I've changed my mind. Due your pape. keep a candy torT TTmJ.Xn. a- - chi Lil-Weil.DUk. pa, doea. - tbi - riTO irihtme. ABSOLUTE SECURITY,; Genuine j Carter's ! Little liver PUls. Mutt ' Slgnatura) of AW FsfcS-asUo Wrap Trv n m i roi iubacil CARTERS ni Diumtis. rvi nuo.titit. roi T0JP19 utti. rot C0IIT1PAT10I. rei tAtuw trui. raimeoNrtixioi sayjgf ayas-a f 4. 1 ntZm ! twrr Tornaata.. CURE SICK HEADACHE. BMCCsBaaaaaasVHHV' One of tne essential of the happy Information as to right Urine and the health and ha coin r. With recreation, of enjoyment and of eflort may be made to coa tribute to that end and are of not leaa value than the naine of the mot wholesome food and the selecting of the best medicinal agenta when needed. With the well-Informed, medicinal agent are used only when nature seed assistance and while the importance of cleansing the eyitem effectually, when bilious or constipated, ha long been known, yet until within recent year It wsi neceaaary to resort to oil, salts, tit r set of roots, barks and other cathartic which were found to be objectionable and to call (or constantly Increased quantities. Then physician baring learned that the most excellent laxative and carminative principle were to be found la certain plants, principally In the learea, tbe California Fig Syrup Co. diacovtred a method of obtaining auch principle In their purest condition and of pre sen tin? them with pleasant and refreshing liquid la the form most acceptable to the system and the remedy became knows a Syrup of Fig a flg were need, with tbe plant, la making It, ' because of their agreeable taste. This excellent remedy la now rapidly coming Into universal use a the best of family laxatives, because It is simple and wholesome and cleante end sweeten the system effectually without disturbing the natural functions and without unpleasant after effect end it use may be discon tinued when it 1 ao longer required. Ail who would enjoy good health and it blesdng ahould remember that it la the one remedy which physician and parent well-Informed approve and recommend and use and which they and their little one like enjoy, because of ita pleasant flavor, tta gentle action and Ha beneficial effect. Syrup of Fig is for aale by all reliable druggist, t the regular price of fifty cent per bottle, la original package only, baring th nam of the remedySyrup of Fig and the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. Lowtawillw. Kr, JOHN POOLf!, PORTLAND, ORB. rn ctvs too .os "'" ; 7 " m five 1 Fi.fi ne. ' Klnilmllll. ''"m'V".2i rat X, i.ln.'V , , Tu.r,, spoelaltv two us -' kor'i a- A ! $23,000 BEWAKD ; Will M Pl4 m t w0 M Ji.prv.. ihw j Ikies W. U imoglft blhelatawslioanufaclursr : be cn iu cheaper and Erodw hi he al a er l Hian oihor " rem, wlikb eni!"a ht" to sell loes fof ,l SO ail .A0U Miul la every i way to lhoa ol-l wberafta4 H . , U. u. i f- ' one I tt.. - s ; JVI v3 ' e.r. I1. v-r -l.ll. V firm, W. U Uuuua .1 iui tm ISmlii.m Iimi 4,,ti a .o,oo.a.t ri t 1 w. k. Dovotsi a-oo oitT acMii t, won im eoispsits ii oimi se er. I m-ti. s tr. t. tm s t" w, t. uotwita Out. mm kmm tmmmnm. ft., The mnIM S .if 1 ieera I.TnTina Z ..u wi tumud M MMI, AeM r I'm. 1 'tl0 XI. a- iwlvui, hhoi ai vs, ata I H DM iom Maoa 11 w. l. cwwo tTiJTzT. .'!!'- JtrrL ,hmm smut CxSsf HsiOeOO for 10c. I ....tvt""'"m""'""i I ItWTVfV G: r l KRAUSE & PRINCE. WhoUaaUra, 87- First Su PortlanJ, Or. 'f i ..' ... -"tr"'! .Scarcely a Day., fuee hn fl -i'J "I'O l''rm e'-e ,IIi wit rieto! ett,- ifcst U Ife .ller mull t hp't!ii lh 1"' We renn-- U. .-hm((i, ifee ! .1 e.twiM,, f rr-n.tjiOr, e.!er.U.t t ,vt , 6f.l 1 l..fc lnte Al Ifce tiefi lbM I ut-imm fe r.rfrele.1 ttui.-kl, eivl et ve'.i " eihi).l let- I . -" ;. :i I . V it J : .1 ' twiniee" 4 wt i , .T Ws. 1 IV l ' 1 I M 1 -,.Il,i mt t' f - . .... I I So4Si llwo r i - "- J i .ii a .as iWISB L5WOS., Dentists j rustu. o. SPECIAL PIANO SALE Lots of Snaps in Prices. Every opportunity now to get good instru ments at moderate prices. Second hand pianos and organs that don't cost much, but count for a whole lot when it comes to value. Instruments whose names are prominent and young enough to justify much larger prices. Write for a full description with names cf pianos, special sale prices and all details of this great house-cleaning sale. EILER'S PIANO HOUSE Washington Street, Corner Park, PORTLAND, OREGON. Large Houtea San Francisco, Spokane and Sa:r amenta. hamea of to-day la a fond of "Vjky -jry bett method of promoting; ""7 proper knowledge, each boor of as rrtaclsco, CaO. I ThH IVfl flWftt Iwavivfa ftf wurtft ittit(tr,(if-rrr Rirdlttt nova r. My Ht-.-aa TIHOTHlSi ' OUUnlY. Mf tlirisk SWile a- llesrediaysarWwa. 6. S. MANN, the SEED'UN. IS frmH St.. Pwll , WregMi W III w.m send fH al same lime m pie sail ,flreul mjr gresi stw;le4iiet. S. V. It. o. ts-ioos. Ill HBM w tV a " rtil.l MeSmllKntlMH Mttmm Ikia . Boyi' and Youth' Jack Knife Shoes! AA your VWr fur the Jxk ' Knil Shoe. Kvery hay gets a ' xxkcl kni! w th his pair of shoe. Beat wearing tlx at, Kaiur ' tltt I knivta, w-f y.efiji t-t, ,ewois oo aw sw Ji i I birtl obJ is tiisjw llltll, BR01E GRASS Aii-Ai. ' . .. ' -V U ly lit rri i itrw gTt ram ie f ,03t),003 CusidrasrtX m .it mr. i f m awi. mi fur it-, mh 1 V k M MMIa rmnv eC Vm. IM MMi. Jt 1 e gtvml in', wl 4 S' le ..y 3 VTL ev. l.m v 0- rmi h M i kl .,., llew.lMe liel, ll r,.. kSw flaM I., e-l Mwl ena, rrr ' . 1 It. tt. ill. -J ' W . Tw J,..,. V 17 M S Mwwr Trx. W. T. oy,.a USS'T-V J ' ii us "MaJI " MM I