W THE BIG STORE DOWN il -Hv The Rio Sawmilll- j . Si . . I lierivii.g New (Jowl Kvcry day in (he Week, :5; a i nn a i ' X I 1 gm-prgj0'it0'tM"ttw"tjrt)0- g" gr nr. tr THE MUCKLE 8TORE HAS A REPUTA Hon u( loiiK Plantllng (ur Only tlu Hunt in SI?- A Dart & Muckle, GENERAL MERGIIADISE- ISt. Helen, Oregon. i ST. HELENS A Putmiif? it ilnijr, :;'.ore when you -wnnl pure, 5i0i.li and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, ICtc. - t HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Haiti and Decorated Crepe Taper, Ktc. at j Direct from Publisher Regular 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents 5 Ik K a , 1V1. j. U I i V I THE MTCPLE'S MERCHANT Clin ics a L;irte and Well Selected Stock of 8 T ! s 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 OREGON i 4 i A A. A AA AAAAAAAAAAA if" A A A A A A A A 4 GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and Feed, ST. HELENS, HI 4 i 3 4 4 4 4 TOOTHACHE DROPS. Oil ("Imp", ('rrvnmte and Oiioivl iriii. t-n,ei parts mi cotton; will .mi , .a-enf .ohs.hi. run-! d"in mi nerve, Una loll the w.tv to cure it, t ti ,NKV MKTIlop. Dr. KNODER, Dentist, h.iva ill.! Ui'ii tilled ly Kit. K.NOlilCU'S 317, TailinK IHd'g rortlaiul, O'egon TllOXKS ionic. tl.ee. 1 1.,.. 1. 414 Fanar 147 .TP l?t Orrtrg Hot "a. I 6 I Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Rooms ,.0 it ii' I fil, Vliing'on III!., Southr-ait corner Wash, and 4th Pts PORTLAND, OREGON. Taka Klevator In Fitlli Floor. A 11 K.VT niK- The Houlton Blacksmith Milburu Wagons, Houlton Buckeye Hinders, and Farm Implements. fNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA; Myrtle Vrnk 1 to have a newspaper, Canned goods at rutnll ur wIimIuhhIv at M. V, Uray'it. A noil tva, Imrn to tint wif ol 0. O. A11J jiaiin at ClHlkuhiv 011 Mured Mm, limlrinlc C.'.pIIiii", ti-m'liur of the Ui nlwri ai liiHil rcporta Hi iupil. Alnimt aiiyllilnx ru want in tno (ru I'i'ry him can lm Imii at M. (J. (iruy'a. The Kt. Ili'li'im llulul tuki'H tliu li.'al u inter iii uiiij.'iiieiil ol li. A. ami A M. Hi inn. Tlnir U an urgent Il-iiiuih1 for li rumen In HI. Iluleim. I nn lumilitxi inuveil Into tliuolil aulioul Iioumu Hi in wek, K. 10. lll)iin'a wilu rirenontwl I1I111 Willi a ualiy u irt tliu lirntuf tliu week. C'liitnkniilu Cliiul. Tliu lueul K. of I', li'ltfe Ini'l work in III eniimi rank, Kiel w ill liuvu work in tliu Knight imik nexl 'i'ljemlny even- A ineetlim 1 1 an Ixn n calluil ul C'lutu ! knniu lo convviia next Hiiltiniuy alier ! noon, lor tint iiii'iiia ol Onuui)lii tliu eolllily aeilt icial vltrvtloll. I Tliu iLuly 10 veil i 11 J011r11.1l auJ Tim j Oiimjon Mief, ix inwiillia for lhu ! '.veiini)( Journul la rrtldiira live, in- iiuiiilt!iit iliuly ileinoi ratio i.tier. I Tliu Columbia. IStei M cava Hint Jiuiiex liuiiui, ol tj.it 11 11, of tiiiiin'a l.aiiiling, nxpeela t'j j 11 V 111 it alul liali trap on In. i;i iiiii'l, . uinl lina malu arrangement) Willi I no Coin Iji lie lor tliu Ulnjiunal ol . tliu lltll. Ituv. if. Moya vu4! preueh in llie ! lloiilton cliuuli licit 8111. ily iiioiiiiiik, ; 11 ml 111 the evennnf will prem li u xeiuion . ' In young men III lin) M. ili.leln Mellio- j ilil Kpmtopiil eliureli, Inn ptiUie. mo) ' IliVHeil to llienu uulVliel. j For 1 lie tail IMjiUya new ulin r.U-rs lo 1 1 1 k ,imr w ill itcuivo tliu Ainancdit j t-aini Journal willioiil aii'liliunal eninu . lor 01m year. tor l i' Conkej- lloinv Join nal, an i xtKllenl inaui.ini I will lie meluileii 111 tliu litl. I j Tliu ll.iinier lirnni; elleele.l a purma- j lienl orgiiiiialloii MimiJxy mglit. M.u : ' Dr'luij ij, .Sliooiiover inniuutiel ln ' ' hi a t.iaiie, and a litititocl ol llie int-iie I hem mi ie.iv;r V alley wrune weia preu- J , em uiei U onle'l 111 tno ceremonies, j It I .t iM-i-ii learneii Hint (1. M. Wil I on, tne urn le nl Mm. A. I. I.aiv, iw 1 ' la t ititi 1 j lieie, '.lint liu la Ilio olviiioe1 ll.ll'l 11 rvel 11 l:lililllea ew.nlll II 1,1 : Inaa to M-aUt Ul 'vliMiliiit cou.ily . j Millie 01 tlieiii are even no te.le'l to i j l.e 011 then waji ami oliieia will to.iiu : m ftinn in. tlie ean leiiiiii or tliep i; ol j tlieir pu ptilv. Henry .Mmgiia Inia ireei'.cl anntlier ! elegant lot "I silvt 1 aif, me evta enii (ifitin,; ol knivea ami Ioikh, cpuon. ami iinikiu H.irf, I'.a. II viiKtoiner ul Hie atnu l liivi 11 n lieaet with null ea-li ' purenup-e ami alien tliu tut.tl leael.ea 1 I mr aoiount ol llm nieli,ier will.' ' lie entitled 10 a et oi uliVei waie. j Kev. A. lanKiill lilieJ till regular ' .iii.iintilielil 111 Hit) Contflegtitl.uiUl 1 mileil 1. 1st MlmlHJ- instil, lie inul UeV. ,' .Mnji rtiiernale preHcoin,; aeivnea 111 M. litlena. Out It n liol el liven Ot- eeieil w i.at a III lie Unlie aOuUt tliu llltll ,-uiel.i) 111 .March, io 111 tne. animal 01- ilvr ol lliiiiiJi, thai wo. ml la) Kei. tag 1 Kiel lie li i.i.,iliilineli t. Work l pioieaa.n tavoralily ul tliu iiMk niiiii iv, mill Jaa .11 civic lm U Hull eiiiploieJ IliaKlliif hl .lki!. A. C I'.Jta-jov , ol auvt' 1'iaiel, In em i I'li.i m in lniiliiii( Hie rtotif ui'. m lo i mt umilntf oil Ilia iioU;ii. .vn.. .v. ! I'liivkmy ha letnovevl tier boaiUlug IIUU..U vo tliu quarry, ami aeeu ol ihu ' liien ate Uv.rviiiif aun her. : .Siicull llatiaii coUctcii oxer .'W.ltoO ! in taken Irom m in anxuiua 10 le jeeliutneii per cent ieti..le. lie ami ll'illty Uooil kept the ullleu open lulu ' hottm in aeeoininvMialu the riuii. ext week Inn Mini win yiva a vnupis el ' the l.n law , li plot nit s thill 10 enl ' ' in 1. miiI liano 1.1 he paei next year, t I a to In nit; tiixpayuig wit Inn loe am ! ve.il Dial the arairrauivlit la hi.ole. j Jack la'Very, of 1'ortlaiiil, atleinpleil , mm me at an i any hour Moiulny morn 11, u nv i-iniiiiiii,; hiin.eil 111 lhu vicinity a me jiiijiliat vein neveial timea Willi a ipvuainiu. Tne wviiinil.-, however, wne i ,.vi Ki iiiiii. He haa ho Min nt.il tiianni, i out linn h, en ilrinkliiK lieaavily. Neili ' her, 1 ho capjoiHc Bvcltou hami, who '. a ti 11 pit .l aun ule last week, n. In a m- i ui:c cohiliuoii 111 a l'oilla:ul ho"pititl. I ,V emiple uf lueul attorneys .tiro milk- n.H .n t u'. I n to ( 'Kin a il 1'inie Mill ,im ut-i the Itaiincr Mill ami Lumber v.im.pa..y un account ol the ilenlli ol l.ntlia Honieii, which occtiri'ed at the Company ' na mill oil March ihli. Ilia deal. 1 waa eanaeil I'V the llili.l ileaii hlin k ealelnli( on the en.l uf lhu nun when the eiirihiKe waa inn buck. The cant waa "hot iiciovh the hy ileek ami hi 1 nek Koineo ill the lint;, culling il clean oil. PERSONAL w. John Dibblee, of Hiiinier, waa a vli lor in ht. Helena Friday. , 1. (J. H'lkntroin, of Hi. ilcltma, waa in town Wt'iliie.(luy.K llama llullelin. Mn. C. K. fiorv, of Kalaina, Kt. Helena ihuia'lay. COUNTY COURT. 1 I Mai cli Term, 1903.' IfoneriiiMii llanlware Co, No 1 KriKolkf, N. ;, A N Kiiinlolph Kaliih Uocra , J If Oiiiner, No. 8 Mat JaoolnHMi . I J MeAilania lie It KeniBinliereil, Thai at reirulnr ; v ,,, n . lerm Ol iiih Viiiiiiiiy conn 01 in niie (: Ohkii I ol Oregon lor i:ohiinl.ia ( oiinty, la?iiin i j franklin. in anil helil al lhu l.onniy l oiirt nouae in ; i the Cite of Kt. Helena in aiihl Cminiv I ID Olu lluliiiian, a well known reaiilent ; M'l Kihim, on We.iiiewlny, the 4lh "lay ol HtapiMa, wuain ut. llelena F inlay. : "' Mmeh, the name beii.K the lime Duaii Klanchanl, of llamier, waa ren- j n"1 M '"r fexuiar lerm latr.i in I'o,ila..i lhu fir.l ol the week.!0'";1"1 ,' "rl, when wer.. p.eneht; I nun, .1. li. iiuii li , viiiiii vjf i uu;e linn, i IV. 1. Ca;. 1)011111 Coin in lualoncr: lion. II. I.. O'lvin, County ('onuiiia wan in' doner: II. Ilenderaon, County Clerk; j It. 1 1 ii linn, Siietill'. VVaiili., '''i-' pria'litiiiation la iiiK made the fol i low my proceeding were had ; Join rial of proceeiluiif lor January term, rend appioved and aiarnnd. I'etition of Jamea liniitena, elal, for a county road, denied, hi lhu description i. fii.l .h.ni.ilu ut. if j.i.rluiii i. i.l. in li. K. Hyde, of Yankton, waa in Hi. : it, ,irt iuri..li..ii..n OeorKU F'oater, ol (iohle, waa a 1'orl iatid viai tor early in lhu week. II. K, (jleiin, of Ciatnkanie, I'oriland a lew Uuy ago. I). 0. Kntter, of Cathlaniet, waa I.. 1'oillaiiil a fuw 'lava ago. Jir. and Mm. FaJwin Kosa returned ! from a ahort wedvlliig tup Al. unlay. Aaa HiciiiiriJson, of I'oriland, la vlait iliK relatives heie. l! A Anderaiiii I. Cnlher-on I' farline A M Iiwh A nma Krlrkn-.il .1 Koahela (,' A Anderaoii C Hoinvert Kdgar tt ili-ox l-'iank Iinkey, No. IK It li MeNelev F. Mi-Canley IV'illiiiin Van M .VI Harvey 41 W Tlmbar Unit. ai oa I, WH. Notice row jUtC4tlOW. Unlit I Hlal hand Ortli a, ir.ml.l jr. iiian, januar B, I VllTK'ie l HKKKBV (llvkN THUT eiiiniillaiic wlin Hm timvlaluni of tMI ai-l ut Ciiiiifrif. uf Jane a, la7a. nttlla.t "Ad act htt ihv .Hiv at thniir laiela ta ihf iHiiaaol t'allfnr inn. or-ii.iif Na.iifiii, and Waihhintun Tarrl' lnr," a. xltii.ivil tu all lli I'll'. he Lttnri ttalrif by aei l Annual 4, W. Wilimm Kra ar. of fi.ri lajil, roa ily ul MnliiKiniah, aiaia of urHt.M. li ihls ilay flluii la tlila 'ittie hla awnrn ati' mam, Nn. una Inr Ilia pilrehu ol lha aa' ..( aarllnn No. . Ill town-hip No. 4. n, ranae Nn. J, w.ainl will i.tlar prnof ti. ahnw that lb 'ami aniiillil la more valnabla Inr tla thnlair or atona lian lor aarrM-nllu -al piirinma., aiel lo aalablt.li lila lalm lo aal'l Imi'l hefora the KenlKer ami Kei-elver ol TManlTteeal Oteuoll rlty. Oreamti on rrianr, the 10th day ol April, IWKI. II liaiinia aa wltiias.ert: Knlhart uaboru, Koberl !i"iileo and Edward Rurka, of I'ortlanil. Oregon and J. a. tttirke, of Mulalla. Dreaon. Any and all peraona elalmlna ailvaraely lha ab vii- tr:riN?il latida era reinta.led to file Iheir claima ill thl. oiftca on or before said leXh day 15 Hb t It I HO if i.2 IH Oil It) V) H IHI 14 on ift no 'il 7ft it im 18 IK) IKI 13 I") 4 IK' 4 IM) 4 on tO Oh 3 00 17 50 M K) 7 ID Vfl H) of Atirll, Helens lucS'lay. Alisa Way, of H DeRiH-k W F I'eefa j F" J lVteron ... Ituddiinaii Broa. A Kay. I A Hotchkiaa, No. 15 . f Keiiort of viewers of dam itrea on the W i Uooila 1'orliand, waa vinitnnr C. II. liriiiia road. allovvinK K : Stan-! J A M--lonalil Mir. IV . li. t'lllard, during Una weea. wihhI Vl mid Henry Woodwanl (ieneral Fund Wlllard Tucker returned Tuesalay "lainaifea, rend :md allowed, ami ordered I r ,, VnMA, ..'....i:.. f. . t that audi (Inmace he pii.-l hy the: , , ,, county, uinl the loml as tietil loneil for , ,,n;i .. . . . j ,. ' la. all,, e.l mill .h-. liire.l a i.nhlie hi 'h. !'" r u " w-av. iileo that llie parla of llie old road tie vacated when the new road in opened from a visit to J hu halle.i. Mrs. .Nathan Tingle, of liludatone, wna nailing Mrs. .tlai tin .inile, during Hu week. 4 Mica l)aiy Croan, of Uladntoiie, waa ' ., Iir travel. Matt 1 . j I 1 . 1 1 1 a , lalmr ! West. Clay Mtg Co, anp. for 10 . I Louis Stieieher, bridge work, 12. inning Mm. Jlariiu n hue Hack. Mr. and Mrs. Aiiurileeii, Uai.li Mr. and .vlra. Uoy ilaiuus. K. Mitckinuw, ol Itiiliiier, was in town duiihg lue wcuk. i wenly years ago hu wnsit leaiiJenlol M. Helena. Frank l.onkev W II Uoe, diatr et 13 It N Lin.l I). W. Trice Road. tune. I file Bohmaii, veaer 1'atitiori of Felix DeBast and othera ! M Collins for a county road read, and ag the lie- Lyncli .. . M-riotiou i indelinite as to Hie tietcin- " l,l". fhaininaii. aiiiing tne Keoort of viewer" on W. C. Kilhv ! roiid read in open court llie lirat time. William lileaaing, of j Kepori of viewers on I). W. I'riee licve been vie. iing ' road read in open coint for the tirst John Ka.pk-r, ai lived from Mieaotila, nihg and en.linit the samed.-a not givei V Hatch Mont., Alonilay, ami will reaiuu wuu hie Oiother, li. ivappler at Vauklon. Hon. lie. Caplea, ol Cupler, Ua.ln, ai n gi.leiKi tu l oi llano uurmg llie week. h. U. Schoonover, ol Vernouia, is vis llihg lue tlatighlcr, alia. Aiiiunell at llaiiini. James Npeiice, tne enterprising iui pfu.oent ucu.er ot iioiaiou, na. in town i uccUay. Wiinn iUitiigiirdner, lhu Columbia City u.eicjiaii., is euuering Iioiii a ae Vv .c O-.ill oil lllva neck. John Morn, ol i'aclielor Flat, has re InrueU to toe I naiuid country , nut. ins hoi icc.tii't just wucie he wiu lo.;aie. Chariea 11. Ji.hh, who has been ill lor a couple ol weeaa, la eioaly impiov li.,;, out o ulviceot ins ptiyaiclau, te nia. ue in the Iwusc. Ansers ii A. 1'. laiws, w ho na beu doing itt-IU woik 111 lhu vicinity l.uoiy, a.-lll ,-unil.iy mij .Uui.aay l.vme, J. 1'. l'.ak.-, a prominent resident of Vtiiioitia, hui lu ton u iaiurOay. lie was lliv! gtienl ol his LifoUiwr-ni-lH , James I,, aloiiis al iiacheior i iat. Mies Ai;nea Muckle, ol 1'ortiaud I'l. .v 1'. .Hi l-.m li, ut Oliiltii-il lioill tliu llev id lioss-.vliiCKie acitul,g laai neck. V . II, itacaei, Mra. vaucy C ilacker, auu a. i. aitiniia A. l.igtn, ol v.eavy, utailu liuai prtxil oil inv.i' viuilK-r c.aiuii Lieloie toe luilvl o.llce ai Uli-gou Cay laol atlllOll . laiie Hasiuiiraeii, a proininciit farmer ol vv alien, waa I it e. Helens M-neiav. lie Is li.ulilinf his point-ta lu niaik. I heie, ami i- lecvlvlng OJ cents per sack loi lnu same. J. 11. Collins assumed Inn d-ities aK pr-n-apat ol lhu) ,vaipiiuae activHii laab ai-iuoay hiociutig. ""at-ia Anna ftmttu, ol Orrg-.u City, is ti-a.aier v,l m pr.- Ihe Con it juriHiliclion, therefore the pe-1 While, axman . Iition la denied. Tetition of I. V. Freeman and other for a county road, continued for atti davit as lo pouting notices. K--poitol vieweia on John W. Thurs ton road, purvey No. lhi, read in open court lirxt tiinff. i II Sieiks J (t Walts W T Watts, survecnr Thomas Anderson Koad. Omar Htiaiuilian, viewer Fiank Wilson, viewer FO Klianalian, viewer 20 00 0 40 3 20 20 00 1 WM 2 34 14 Ul 34 20 1 00 1 00 H 00 30 10 20 00 A 00 40 Taj li Ho 4 m 4 60 5 00 4 00 4 IK) 2 no 2 00 2 00 15 00 3 ho 3 00 3 00 2 1)0 2 IS) 2 a) II 00 CHAKI.E3 B MOOR Kg Keajlsler. SUMMONS. In thr I'lreilt l onrl. of th Stale of Oreiron. tne :onntv of Cohimt.ia Wuu., i, k,ii, i-Uiuilfr, for t, .-l. i, J hf May K. Hrnliat, j helrndant. To Marr E. Brolml, lha above named de fendant : I.N THK !AMK OK Til K hTATE Of OK ROOM : Von are hereby reiiaired to appear an.l amwer tne eomplainl hied aaalllft yolt in the shove entitled anil on or beiore the loth day of April l'.mi, thai beln$ the ta.t day pre.erild lu the order ol publica tion of il.i. aiifnmi.ua, and If you fail to ao appear and an. war aaul complaint the plain. Iff will apply to the court lor .he relief therein prayed. In a It; A illvt.n-e from lite InarriaKa exi.linf belweeo you aun puuiliff, Thla aiiininoiia la pubit'lied for six eonaeca ! ttre weeka br order ol Munornhle Thomas A. ' Meivri.ie, Jndee of anlrt uireult conn, malleoli me 'itih day ol frl.riiaiy. I'Jtt. the lint pnl.M e ill-.u being on ihe ?7!h day of February, 1'iUa. . K HARRINGTON. Attorney fur plaintiff. SUMM0HS. In OieCIre lit C virt o.' the atata of Oregna fjr i;-.l.i u i.A -Jo i.itr. J, (.'. Bllt ne. r-Ulnttfl, Allare A. Kj;li.l.ina. Defenlant. Ti 1! tA3 A. E rztutma ta a'sive-n ttael la- Heport oi viewers on Thomas Ander-ji ISergerson, chaiiiinau on road, survey No. Itl:l, read in open .J"hti Dallas . court 1 he lirst tune. I A l!ergeiB.iii, axman ... ... ,,.,.. , i IV 1 Walts, aurvevor Ihuixluy, M.tiih Ot li 2nd Judicial j V. Tliuntun K-anI. 'lay. i .lared Wilson, viewer Keport of viewing on Thuraron road aurvey No. HJ, rad in ojk-ii c-i.url sf' mid tune, and tli-re lieiug no reinon htrmice or clitiui lor dainng"s, said re port is all-itvtd and tlie load oideied opened. Heart of viewers on I. S . I'riee road survey No. 100, n ad in open court the mi ..I'd lime, it in i it appearing to Ihe Court that claim for large damages by ,,. iw neraol land which Ihe propo-el road , ' would run throiiich have been liled, that thedewriptioii ol said promised load .9 j jzzie Kaxoii, dam. Kapplerroad. 25 00 ! noi ueiiinie ami ccrunii einjiign w give j t ook Uaute, clHUiagea cauieit OV 1 the Court jurisdiction and ttiat the olwtructed road 5 00 i same is not ol sttllicieiit public utility lo i v,mei' Huspitiii, Keilv p. . 1J tx) j warrant Ihe expense, tliere'orJ it is or-i I'errv. sun. lor Ualajlle" 6 05 jileitil by the Court that said roao. ne ue- Vaubiui icoui, ivnv. men, nun uie bauje is nereoy ueuieu. , J K llraiil I Wiimiii lAiwman, chainniHii . !j R Hundley , K -v lb-han, ax Minn ' rt T Wans I W. C. Kilby Ko.ni. W I! Hanking, viewer Fiauk Alvoid Charles Frit-hard I Freil Wilson, cliaiiiiuan jliioTe Merriuiau I W 1 alts, aurvevor .3 00 3 30 (a) 2 00 2 00 10 tiO 2 20 2 20 3 00 2 00 2 00 0 IsJ fen Jam: Is Til ! smi or T-i? htvte or out (fin; Yoi are hereby re (Hire 1 to appir au 1 an-iaer tli i'.i tip! lint ftletl a-aiust you In the a.e e-ittilt trmirtaiid fau.e ou or bef .re the day oi Via ch. On!, which will lie after tlie exi.irai ton nt ix weeks from the I date -if ll.e tlr-a pjblicaliou of this summon.; and If you f.tt lo v. api-ear and answer on or before sai l 'tin day o M ircli. iatll. the plain till ilt auu1. lo tne i.'onrt for ins reliei therein pra-ea, to v.it: a dei-ree of divorce from tha b-itnl. ol inatrirn my u-iar existina between you and the pialntirT. 1 ins .uinrn .n. is ptlbli.hed for six cottwes tive swli by order ... lite H in. i. B. lloan, Coutiiy Jadre of ail Coanty an I amte. mala and eiiierel in this causa .m the Sib day of Feb ru.iry. Hoa. Ihe day of tne flr.t ptiblieation of this scoa mon. i i'ebrua!)' 13. VKU. and the last Map.-n, 27, ISHU. lU.U H 1 KTZHCi.ll, Attorneys f.ir FlainttlT. Haiuiei, wviet Hi iioit ol vieweis on Thomas Auder- fcueets al tne aim road, survey No. 1113, read in open Court sect. ml time, ami there liii(r no lenioiiHttHiice liled ur claims for daih-a-r'e-, anid r(-jrt is aecepted and the mml all -aed and declared to be a pub lic highway. The road money was apportioned among Ihe various distt icts as follows: No. l.flSot); No. 2, (Ml; No. 3, $1700: No. 4, !'SJ; .o. 5, l,0W; M. 0, I'-IOO ; , ,igs & I'ruilliomme eta. .o. ..law; .No. , .no. V, f-'Mni; .no, ; (j ji ('r,s ker & Co, stationery io, oia,.; o. n, io; .o. i, r-K-s-'i .o. j .ilwin Koss, I I. i ma): .No. 14, 70U; No. 15. (WW. U-port of viewers on W. C. Kilhy road, survey No. 101, read in open Court second Ituie, ciaim.for damages having been filed, it is ordered that Fe- maiy ucparliiieut. , i lix H,.tiast, Caesar Sola.i ami M. J. Ket- .Mr. ami Mia. C.- W.' Mellinger carnal leiiug tie and they are hereby appointed out Hum Vciuouia Weclueerlny to al- appraiser.'' to appraise the Ian. I of II. u ud tne County Uiange. at itaiiuei and J. II. D.mn through a here the said Mr. jdciiiugt'i I-lhu loud stlperviiror lu ' proposed road may ctu.-", and Unit they his tll.-tt at, itn.i .tvtivu Hunt win uegiu meet at the o'd liraut place, near where iiext.llM.ia.iv. llnaii's shingle mill was located on the J I-- liri,,.!.. u I... i. I.a,., i!it...l 1 1, ' 20th of March. sup. chililren 10 w St. Mary a Hospital, or liaison... 41 .10 I. Maguuson, cr Oundersoii 18 00 W Huiherland, sup .Vicli and Ars. 25 00 N F Itaker, sup .Sulheriaiuls 15 00 I'atton Home, cr M s Mu ki lister 4ri 00 K S llattan, fur iiii.uphrey lam.. 1 0 F H Meeker, .Stale v Vivian ... 2 40 11 V Walking, jp, rii vs Saauson. 3 20 11 F Wt tkins it., r-t vs Lovegreii. 4 10 j H S llatran, pirsuge 25 OJ j Oregon Mist, as. 'ml blanks, etc. . 40 75 o ao 35 00 ptistage lhu l.ilioll Hi. s., in the uiauageuieiil ol tliu laiin s.iw nun at the moil in ul the I laiskniitf, was in M. Helena Saturday. ' ' He repurie'l ik.it Ihey aeiu icUutuiiug I loe nun. I Mi.a Mvitle iYiwvM, who has been i visiting in I'ot tlaml, went to l'ut-huig I'ues.tny to remain al home for a few weeks. Mie will begin another term of ' school at tludn.n on the first Monday i in Apiil. j : .1 N". Priitti, a well knnvvu farmer and j ; st-a k raiser ol Viinklon, was in St. Hel- J : ens Saturday. Mr. Hi inn was foiiiierlyi a promim-iil logger, but has now settled ilovvu toatpiiel laiiu lite. He owns a huge fai in al Yankton, and is interested in the liiercaiitile huiiiea at Houlton.; ! Mr. and Mrs. K. 8. Fnx m, of Yank-j j ton, were visitiirs in St. Helena Satur-j day. Mr. F axon is tiie capable and pop-1 tihir teai her ol the Yankton school, and i ti-. I'.. von for a I. no' limit vvat ihe! On Wftltiestlny evening of last week I very c.ipa hie p istinastur at that place. ahiiut 20 uieiuheis ol thti WhihIiiii-ii Cii-1 li. M. Wilson, of Jasper County, cle of kahuna, vis led the I iohle, Ore- Iowa, is visiting his neice, Mrs. A. T. gnu, Circle, Hht le they had been invited : Laws. This is Mr. Wil -nil's) lir-t vi-il : in lake ch ime ol the initiatoi v work i to Oregon, and he is favorable impressed ! eight candidates having iern procureil Friday, March t lx Thud Judicial Day. I'etition of Cook liainble for damages hv i)h-(iiii-uon uf Mad allowed in sum (5, and clerk ordered to ibaiv warrai.t on general Html tor saure. K II Mitchell, stationery li J Waters, haiilin lor t- h Ma I. Morgan, wk clerk's office. . W T Watts, res. gov. corners . . . I II Copelaud, eijK'liser, jiostage. Mrs. S S Vfav, tch. examnatiou. . W 11 I'uwell,' " W Li Case, coaimiss ioner O li Wilson, supervisor r d 13 . . . John M Redilick 10 John l'...xler 12 r K Grew ell ' 2 Herman Sch'uitt 4 j Kit hard ileruio . .. . i li K ChtT, exam, insane persxin. . ! FOdvv in It. .-a. ex insane .1 tt lioan, teiegtaui insane ac ; J V I inlr-y vV in, co hu pailwr. . l'.t;lioiioi Knmii o: Morgan for re-'" K htl, ex. uiittnomi. Map .. bate of lax denied. ; h J71111-011. bury mg same Oilice uf road nipervi-or of tli.-irict ' " .iiidermnst " ' .. No. U, decla.ed vacant mi accuiit 01 re- i F S w lielan, jmiting 111 wo-xl .. uioval Irom county of present i mil 111- j M l'ieters, sawing wvanj .... .. Iient, and that It. Merino be appointed ,'lt"" W .xs.1 Company, wootl . . uinl that he tiaalitv according; to law. ! Martin. W lute, deptiiy assessor. ihe Kaihier li.ixelte was designated " Hlakesley, assessor s titttre . . as the iMiuity olhciul paar, as tar 11' W lllakeeley, taking Lovejren 5 00 00 0 J 1 IV.) S4 00 iO 00 14 30 10 50 10 50 19 20 12 00 29 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 14 02 ft 0J 5 00 2 74 7 00 7 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Timber Land. Act June 3. 1S7H. HOT ICE fOH PUBLICtTIQM. t'siTID STa.aa I..KD OrilCI, I Oregon City. Oieaon. Janaarr 1. 1908. VOTICE-Is HI.KF.HV OlVKN THT IX eomphan.-e tviin the provisions of lha act ofaoilere-s of June S, 1S7S. eotitltnl "ADactfor the aale of timber lands In The glaree of Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory." aseilended to all ihe Pnl.he Land Klate b art 01 Angn.t 4. lstej. Armln buetikofer, o( Portland. Cuuuly of M iiltnomah, state of Ore gi.n. h sthiedav fiieil in this oftiee bis sworn a atetnent. No. tottf. for the purchase of the aw1 : of nv'f w'j of avri. aee 1, neVa nt aea.'i in 1 Twwn.oip No. 4 a, Kange No. 4 w. sud will offer . pns.f 10 .how that the ian-i annalit Is more val : uable for its timber or atuna than for agricul i tural pnrroea, and 10 establish hla claim to 1 aaid land before ihe Keelater and Receiver of 1 thlaoffice at Oregon c'ilv. Oregon On Thnrsder, : the 'ibth day el Match. Isoa. lie names aa wit i ne-tea: A N.f;srlv. . o. Hurl, Dasid Early. ; of Veraonia. Oregon, and C. Bsuervinof Houl , ton. Oregon. j Any and all pers"na claiming adversely tha above derrioed ImihIs are requeaictl to tile their 1 ci.i-ns ill this oice un or belore aaid 2tilh day ei Marco, iwia. 16u2i) CHA9. B. MOOKRS. Register. SUMMONS. tn the Circuit Court of tliu ale 01' Oregon, t-'til'irabia County. W. I. Do'win, W tiniirT for JAMES SPENCS All Kinds of Oregon FISHHAWK. Tills IS HIIIIIU . plnee 'It. C. iinl.iilg, the lid you have ll.t grip? Sue, till- i- ,l iiveli. oil 1 r 1110.1M1. I. Ncatt- . ii has a .11 hi' 1110111 h of l- i-l.hnii k l K NeailV I'Veixlaiff Is hiivtng a sepai'il (or aii l'goiiitf into the creiini business. We have heard llo' w histle of mills up the river, hut fi'oiii Deep I'l'Ci'k silence Ti e grnirr haee liegtlli to ht'Ot ill th Wointo; lite iur.nl.. w link" to sing in th the furrow ; hut the nightingales' sad, stvrct song is Unified. W'liereua, linluinhiu County is to vote (or i new 1: nn lliomi', llii-felore he it, tu solved, that we, the citizens of Fish hawk, will vuta for the coiirlh. line to bi I elected at the forks of the road, between I lli-aver and Fishliiiwk bridges, and near the si-li t tlliou-ie. The citizens of Mist , and inljin'oiil -.i-iiinti v tn cordially in vited to vote with its. We will thi the iKijiiiire thing niih the county all right. ! Fresh llsh in senson evet v Friday, ami cp.-cbtl r'tii.tlay dinner nt the Kt. Helena w inns in ' Hotel. lm the occasion. Alter Itnlgu an eleg.iul huiupiet was given ami till present re port noble Camp in good condition, now having ithoui 35 nieiiiliers, and are :i tienily wailin.' lor a sect. ml invitut inn rtiilth they Will only K too glad to He ci pi . . a ill mil lllilletiu, Tite p-'.n In r Ci.tlsk iniii Itttnd will give a - r ind la-nelit 1 nt 1 laniiiieiit in Ittilnicu's Hall at Clatskanie Sa'ur.lny evt inng. 1 lie best home latent will be heard in soh.s, r citation., Indies' and gentlemen's quartets. There) will he an i in I in 11 club tli ill hy young ladies in cos tume, and Ti .'lienor's orchcati'it will de light I he audience with some aclcclions. There also w ill he hrns 1)11:11 tels, bari tone solo", etc. Soma i.utside talent lm- been s. cured ill the persons of inn I ii 1110 11 11. 1 Svino, tt tno of celebrated ci'iilot I initials uinl globe balancers. Admission, fill rents; childien, 16 cents. I..I.-.I Monday, llmi. Martin liith, assignee oi the esialv of i'eatl l.lan-t-haid, through his nttoiurv, licoige A. Hail, III. d Ins Hit a I iicconni of his 11 11 at. llie ailuiiuislriitii.il has been a remark able one imtn the lin t that there is tt balance ol annul if.'iil.OtU in favor of Mr. I'.lauchnid, after paying otl" the in.h-l.l-tii-ss i f the estate. When Mr. It.it Ii took chaise of lhu I'.lanchald property It hull I live veins itgo litere was 1 vl.lH) nnlcbtcdiicss iiganist il. Many p. ople believed al that time Hint Mr. ISIati-1-I1.1 11I was Impclosly bankrupt, but by good hihntif-s inana geinenl Mr. Hoth htought out the estate to a coit litioti where Mr. Ivlancliard can begin bitsi- nesstu. ins own account 011 a goon 11 11 nt-in I bast". 1 wclve whs reaiiiil ho 11 stituipage timber on Ihe hills, nud theru got.il timber It'll. About fl.OOO wits re alined from the sale of a few town lots, but the greater part of the town prop erly remains intact. The repoit will cuiiui up for continuation in tha circuit couit May 13th. (with many features ot the country, i W hat strikes Mr. Wilson most forcibly ' is llie vva,-ti of timber in this section, 'in his early days Mr. Wilson a" a printer, bill lor nuinv years pu-l lie has been l.ii iiiing lowa'a rich soil. Dang-er uf ('rids and ti rip. The irreaiest dang. r from colds printing the county court proceedings : is concerned. 1 I'etiiiouoi J. II. L tni Jsrvt, et al, f ir : reini:-siim of taxes oil e of ue J4 ol sec j Hon 2, tp 7 n, r 4 west, denied. I l'eiitioii for further aid ol Sutherland j family allowed in the sum of (5, and i the clerk is ordered lo draw w arrant tor j i-b tor the mouths of Match and April. j Saturday, March 7th. I On this day the following claims against the County ?re examined, al : lowed and ordereil pai l in the follow iug amounts to the various parties as lot ! lows: j Road Fund. i II Ihiiicnn, No. 2 . . : A ii laihetl J Heaver . : iie-nge Kclley, No. 3 I IO Maxell I .v 11 Clark to relorin M-ho-il R S tlaitau, oxpeinse of bringing Loveg eii to St tlelens 4 55 May Krigas. board Lovegreti 3 5J U A vt A Mlirinn, b.1 KjgertviW. 4 00 K I. Stauis!, .lain linggsioad. Henry WvHsiwartl. game W F Slaughter, ap. damages . . W k. Stevens, same M F llaxen, same W II I'owell, rebate of lax J A Rav. coin J Hue her i'ost lor J F McKibheu City of St. Helens, water Court adjourn d until M attlsv, April 13iu I Alice M lkilwon. Defeii-lant j To AHce M. tM' 1 .n, the above named defendant IN ihe n t'ne of the State of Oregon: Yon are he-c!iv repaired in appear and au isvver the e..mplaint n.ed ugaiu-t you in the I au.ve entitle-1 co'.irt an t ciuie 011 orlfore Ihe ' l'ith .lav 01 M.,y. limi, wnieh is Bin weeka after i tte- .Mii day of March. I'.IH, the dale ordered lor 1 Ihv tir-t puulitatiou of ibis notice, and if you fail to -. ai.ear .out answer, the iiti-tntitT will ' apply f..r the relief pre- ed for in the coinplaiiit, : ti. vvii: f..r a decree dissnlvitiK the bonds of mntrtinotiv nnu- exitiiig tsHwcen above named I plaliiiirT and del en.laul. and for such other and 3 00 I lu,! 10 5i) : I hi" .iiraaions is ptihtlshe-t hy onter of Ihe mm. in. .ins. a. Mi-tri.ie. jtioite ot ihe above nane-d i.nrf. made tui.l entered 011 the ISlU day of Miin h. ci. I.. T. BARIS, 11.JO ul Atinrney tor 1'iaiiitiff. 122 50 OS 7 1 1G 20 ADSSIKISTSATOR'S SAIE. and , li and all grip is their resiitiuu in puoutuniti.-t reasonable rare is used, however, Chamberlain's Co 'gh remedy taken, danger mil lie avoided. Aniotigthe tens til thousands wliohave used this remedy lor Ihese disease we havu yet 10 learn 01 a single ease having resulted in put u iiionia, which sin. as conclusively that it is a ceitaiti preventative of that dangerous disease. It w ill cuiv a cold or tin it tack of tb grip in less time than any oilier treatment. Ii i pleasant -ind sale to lake. For sale hv Kdwin Koss. Chile t rie .. .n A I'eiiy 1 lb in. an S.'liu.iit, No 4 .. lit 1 man Schuiitl A A 1 111 in I 'lo L It Uleasoii ..... . Fiivnri ... ........ J. A M. tin. shy I'aleu Clara M S Sheaier Ihnt vV Mm kle .la v 1' Ait-tit halt), No. 5 . licoige Modtltuy Mr. W il hail, .No. li "tieorge Morris M Hoth, asaigncB I llonevnian Hardware Co 3 00 i 3 00 I 1 50' 11 00' 4 IKI ; 25 00 : 00 50: 27 IHI 27 72, 14 40 ! 7 2,1 3 00 ; 3 00 4 :;2 li 70: 7 25 0 00 ! 4 50 i 2 is) ! 2 00 . 2 00 : 23 N) i Real Estate Transfers. Conic N'OTICK is hereby given that br vir ... ..f n .,p.l..t ..I lhU-,wn.P rnH'nf fh. 15 00 1 Htareof Orea-oa. for the C unity of Columbia, 25 00 I made and entered 011 the lath day ol March,- ciu:,, in tne matter tit the estate 01 Jerenuati Oalviu.det?ese.l. ihe ttudeigntitl, the admin-l-iraror ol "Hid e.tate. a til. on or alter the ISIli .lav ..f April. ioaj, ..eii at private sale forc.ih in h.01 1, at K , Helen-, .regno, llie following de si-iilH- l real pr-.(s?rlv belonging 1 1 the estate of Je emtaii Ca.vin, lieeenet). hi the County o( Cel.. in. a 1, State ot tirvg.ui. to-wil: The south-Kri-t .(Uarler ..1 section Set eu (r). lu township six fill N nn. Kaltie Two ('') West of the Wlt- i lann-ite Meridian, containing one httuilred and : silv acre.- of tall . I Any ..ti de-iriu to t.i.l on -iil land, or wl.li I in.; iuiorin ah.ii relative 10 ihe same, will apply to mi. nt Warren lire .1.11. or 10 mv attorney, I W. II. Powell, at M. lie. ells. Oregon." JOHN mu.AK. 1 A.lniitii-lrittor of ihe E.-lle ol Jeremiah Onl ' v in, ils-eil-e I. j w. II. Pii.n-.l.li. Attorney for Ailmluistrator. 2 30 i 2 80 2 30 7 70 25 00 i 3 00 ; laud N'oriCK TO rilKIIITOHS. NEER.CITY Mrs. I.. J. Itignrl. Oitd ilatlghlvr are bat k lo Neer City again. Fied Wondhiiiu is fin uis'ning the Nacklcy Hros, with butter at present. Fred Woodham ent to I'ortlanil hist week and brought houiu a SflOO hoise. He is a line Icliow . Messrs. lid and jiui Fowh-r, of Rai'i iet, weie in Uoble last suiiitay, laying in I heir two wv ek'.-supplies. 1...... ..I. in l.'..u lur is liMii.l riirmim. mat. thotiMind tlollara I i. : n,.. tiot.le'l'reek loeeinir i-amn. '",r H iniitl lielle Link is head cook. 1 lots ol j 0 , , , . IV lieu pet'pie mil n nv-w un. i.r-i- 111 Portland, they ought to get the harness inn ker to show them how to put it to gether. I . Albert Adams lo Charles L W Harris d I e, 50 V II and Mary Minerva Rtinigardtier to FOilis Jennings ; se1 of sec !, 5, 2, 1 1 251). Haaiel T M and Nellie Besree to the ! Hensoii Logging vlt l.niitliering C0111- paav ; tracts in 7, 3, $1 Mary and John 4i isbine .i S K I-'ir!i ton, trustee; of se1 of -ec 10, 7,5. !fl J .- and Mary' J Cloniniter to Allen A Robinson ; esi of lota 12 and 13, block 20, St. Helens, iflOO. FO 1' and Minnie Cleiidenin to Snnih A l.t iiihton ; SO in sec Hi. 7, 5, $1 W H and Susie H 1 ill la id to The Ken-nii Coinp-iiiv, 40 a in sec 4. 0, 3, 4'KI. ! .... . ... . . John and Mary Fa r. li an I Mvitle NOTICK Of l- INAI Farr to Abe No.-i ; s1., of nvv'4 ol sel4 of sectl 11 2. 0. 2 tSOJ John Oi t. -r. and Reb- cm A viirt to W" OTIt'K is In-i-eiiv liven that nn thai atii.i .Y.il Fe'.ruar... i.ioi. The St. Helen j ..timber C.rar..iny, of m. Helena, Oregon, aaa j duly 'I'ljn ia-uted b.iiikrii:t: mil tliut the first ! t.ieeitin; -.1 hi-- re-lit.rs will lie held at Rixim ' imi, ctt utiber ,.f commerce building. Kortland, 1 Oregon. on .he -J.tn' .-ai- ..I .vntreh. ItKia, at 10 : o'l-lta;., 11. at , at .rtiieli time the s-id creditora I may auettd, pr-.ve tlieir cliotoa, apsiint a j trtt-tue, examine the b:,lik-ii.l and lr nsaet t sneh other -.ustness a- may p-operly come be 1 lore sdi-l n.eeoiu. A,.b siWKKK. j Keleiee in httlikrnptcy. ; Dated, l'..r:l..ii l, Oregon. Ma c-.i 11, 1'JIU. STTTliEMKNT tor DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache CURE 5. l 2, ,370 to 1h-I1SOII 4, except ; uitclaiiiied t'onkej's Home Joiiriinl. One jf the most attractive of the Feb rtuirv hnignzitics, was t'onkey's Id tno Join lull ol Chicago. In addition 1,1 the excellent stories are itniclea on home m illinery and light housekeeping. ill diseases of Kidneys, Bladder, urinary organs. Also Rheumatism, Back t che. HeartDiseane Gravel raps;, Female Troublei. Don't beooms discouraged. Tkera It a cure for you. 1 f necessary write lir. i-eiimw. iin has silent a Ufa thuo curlug Just auch Cases uayoura. All cousultalioua Proa, ffonrcars I bad backache, sever paint across kidneys and scalding urine. I could The X. 1'. R. U. is imikiitg some great ' ot get out ..f bed without neip. 1 "7'-imiirove.nenl- here, and "have had a lr. fenner s KUInoy and .""".m travel tiain lilliitK the tr.sllo for Ileal ly st.wd i.,e. u. w At.u. i..v. .v l"- ,. , Druggists 50e SI. rt.K tor. a wet k, I Charlie Nackh-y and I.nttia I'dgnell RT .VITUS' DANCE were in Itouiton last runny iiiimii. They Hltendtd Iheentertnintiieiit, whieh For sale by M. t . Oray, St, Helens, : w us'given by the ll-aited Artisans. Tlicy ,,n l'.a'.ley A Hi inn, general mer- repoiied having htitl a line time. ,chnt at UouitOii. S : lnn-b.n-on ; tiaet In set ' A S and lietugio lirabain i C'.n pa- y ; 40 a in sec 14, i I c dar mill cr, 4 St :0. ! H F tiiitn. i- 10 J S liiltner , I. t in C .Ininbia City, If I. I 'l'iuna- I. a tl lry E ll'il-tin t to Wash- ing'on M i kle; tract in 5, 2. JI. J M H II U FV.iiik M rr II; ip i claim I t ai t i 1 see 1 ' (i 5, $5. i Louisa and i tsmk lletn' re to S K i I au.-h on, tin tee; tat in section 10. 7. 5, tl iu the Circuit Cull of llie Slate of Oregon, vi.l:unbi.i County. In the Matier of the Estate of. .Notice. .r btinii Itlaji h int. Insolvent Debt. TOTICK is hereby triven that on th ltl:li .lav ot Mnreh. l:l, Martin Roth, Ilia a ivui-e of the estate of l.t-au Hlauehard. ail In-.. pent debtor, l ie I with Ihe Clerk of 1 1. aa. uisive named Conn, his liuai a. -count, and that 00 the t:ltn day oi eta.. . l'AII. la open Court, nt the I otl.t ro 01 Said -'oiul. at the hour of It) o ei-k. n said .my. or as ats.ii tberealter ait the mailer i-a a tal aeird, lie, the said a-signee. will n- plv lo -aid c.nr for a setlleineiit of his ai.l a c .'nit. .vu I tor utliscliarge li'oin all liability ss sncli assign, e. UaHI'IX. IIOTH7; Aaa'gne. 111.M1I7 OKI). A. II ALL, Altorney. - Frea. Siirernre rir-ubvr. Pt nner, redonia,H.x Joi-e II, run-11 to John P linker bi s k 13. Vernouia, S20. John W Jstptes to F.ilis Jennings ; Hi;) a in sec 4. o, 2. !.(KX). I R Dot Loicse Kent to The Henson Com- panv: 40 a in see 14. 7, 5. $.S0). C K Kinney to Sarah E Laig'nonj 80 a in see 10, 7, 5, $1. Uitlus II King to Jttmea and Pora Ful limn ; 20 a in sec 28, 8, 3, (500. F A and Minnie Knapp lo Kdis Jen nings; eV, of see 15, 5 2, $tU00. Wagi iug-.oi. Muckle to Thus L llo'stine; tra.-t in 5, 2, 1. Mrs M A and ti.-orae Miller to Altni'tt I! and VV S Miller ; lots in Tichenor's ad to Clatskanie, Jl . Cuhtliiucd until next week. lot 4, ' Dated nt St. Helens, this 101 tl day of Match, 11103. N0TICS FOR PUBLICATION. IH-0 rtioeul of the Interior, Lau.i otliee at Oregou cltv, Oregon, March :l, IvtU NOTICE ISJ HKRKBY OIVEN THAT 'I HK tol.t.wing-tniitie.1 settler inis liled notice ttf his inl.'iitton 10 make liuai in-nol In anpport of hla i-liihn. and tlia,t said ntiRl pns.f will 1st made before ihe County clerk of Columbia County, at M. lleleiis, Oreg- ll. oil April '1, Ivvia. via: IAMKS S. MOW, II. K. No. IJiSl. n.r ihe in'1, of section U, tp. t 1..'. r '1 .v. He nn. ..es Hie foil, wing ahiiruas lo prove bis ei-iilitiuoiiK roideiice uon and t-uHlvalloa oi said land, vis: l-irs P Kllson. Halver Oiann, Ludwig W. st .te.-tsud. nf Warren, Oregou, and John I. Young, of llooltoil, Oregon. mjffi-.it 111 A . MttitKHH, aMHIsMay Held' Ihr robins to l" -k tor