The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 20, 1903, Image 2

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to : i - . ;...i:
Elite red at the r.wtoillce at m. IMciis,
Oregon, acVotid-class ninil matter.
i i . 1 "" '
Ii till Kvkrv Fkiuat MuKNiNa By
Killl'oa AND l'miVBIKTOR.
One ropy one year, in advance.
Six months
. 50
MARCH 20, m.
This paper is kept on file at the Ore
gon Press Association K.hiiii 9. Hamil
ton building, Portland, Oregon.
Last summer and fall The Mist was
the only paper that earnestly advocated
the extension of the Grange movement
iu Colombia county. Editorial after
editorial was written on the nialtT, and
detailed accounts ol Grange meetings
weie given. The Grange hag steauiiy
glow n during the past f :t 1 1 and winter
Mud two new Granges have been or
ganized. The Rainier meeting ad
dressed by Aaron Jones, master of the
Nnti- nal lirange, was an important
event in the lustoiy of ilie Grange
movement in this' county.
As an educator and a social organi??.
tion, the Grange surpas-es ail older so
cietius iu doing the greatest good to the
greatest number, and its sphere of iie
fulness is growing.
toinmuia county, wmcn nereioiuie j ew t.url Holhf W(W rvAiy lhi.
lias been one of tlie most backward injetpton.
the s-aite in the matter of road building, I W'h.le it is true that the County is
,.i.i i-t . i
r.t movemeni anu win t'" ,kVI h,ch amount- aim .st to conti-ca-spi
ing inaugurate a system of road ; tion. Tne ass --s ue it h lire and t. e
work thai uromises to be of lasting lien- rate per cent, is 33 mill-, which J . n t
.lit. In compliance with an exten-j
utely signed ctition, the county court I
made the lew tliia vear 10 mills. In or-
def that this money, amounting (.oabout
118,1X10, aliove the bridge fi'.ti l which
will be taken from the general fund,
may be expended to the best advantage
tiie county court had the supervisors
meet with them last Fridav at which
time a uniform system of road work was j
outlined and w hich the supervisor are i
follow in road bnildii.i?. which is all
to he done within the next two months,
s o that the roads may lie thorenijrlily set
tled before the next rainy season sets in.
.VI-tl ford Success.
The lat legislature " made som
chiiiiBes iu the list) laws of Oregon. One
change require that the proceed of fees
and tines shall be expended in the dis
trict w here collected. The u"w luv pro
vides for only two districts, whereas
heretofore there were seven. District
No. I as now constituted, includes the
. Columbia river find ail its ti ihiitai ies,
while Ili-trict No. 2 takes in all the
other coast stienins and their tiibtita
ries. Un the Colulnbia river the close
seinwn is left unchanged, ex-ept that
fishermen can now ply their vocation on
Sundays. The close season on the Co-
luiubia i.- from March 1st to April loth, 1
and Auirnat 15! h to Sentwiilmr liltli i
On othe' cuaot Ht'eams slight chanoes
Here made iu the close seasons.
A certified copy of tlie enabling act I
providing for special elections to vote I
on the relocation of the countv seat, is !
printed iii another column. An excel-
cut article on the enabling act, abo will
be found in this is?ue. It is written by ;
I.indley Meeker, a well known heavy j
Uxpaver and pioneer resident of Co-1
I'imbia countv. Mr, Meeker is favora-
., , , . . i - i ,-
bly known and lux high standing is a
known fact to almost every resident of ;
tbia connty. ;
Hon. A. 8. Iiresser has Ixtn uiiani
mously recimiiuetnkil by the Oregon
Senatorial delegation for the position of
K'-gUtcr of ihe i ,ii City iand otiice.
lie will no doubt hil the place with
credit, uotw 'itbaiandiiig he will riiccetd
one of tlie b.-st nu n that has ever been
in Ihe olli e, lion. C. II. 'toores. Mr.
1'iepser wae at onu Iniie a lerident ol
f t. Ilt,e;,.
While the pontulMoe depart meut is ee
tahlioliiiig fiee delivery roule. every -
here, it oiiould tttuhlish a better ser
vice between IKkns and the rait
roail at ilonl.on. The rate is m low
that the mad has to be carried on bait,
and there are times when the carrier
Cannot tut, ail the paper mail,
l'ortland is to lie coniplinient'd on
the progrea- made in s'lcces-fnl pivpa
rations foi the Lewis A Clark Exposi
tion. It will not only infuse new life
inlo Columbia and every other couiny
hi the Mati , but iu the entire .Nortli
weel a., well.
I'orlliind has laen pcculiai ly iinfuii
nuate in ihe maltei i hi (ties of 1 ale.
Fir.t it was l kii.o building, d.;
lroying the i,ii,u..i.n ,vvk of lap, nam ,
Woile Co., .i.yn Oiinniiig, Wadicij
t'j'a oi. liil-hi.iciit and Victoria do.-k.
lie appointment of John lh lialv, ,1
Jk'litun Coiinij to the p .situ n 01 Sur. ;
Veyoi-vK iiaiai id lt,.g,,n, wima meriiml
tubule lo an ahk ami In uuiail, man.'
'ill-w 1 iter lias p rsoually known him
for yea it at,
. Jt is n gretu d
In tit. Helen., w
ni whi-Hreii
fbjri.ii mi vii ,
all .
Pemitor Fulton ii- :,i
jiiai k at W ashingtoli.
tmiltiiU hr-
l.lndlef Mefker Ttrstlf Express
Hla OpIuloiUi
To the Editor of Th Must:
HOfl.TUN, OREGON, March bith,
lttOS. I have just had an oppoitunltv of
reading Mr. Hoth'i enabling act, or bill
for the relocation of the county scat of
Columbia County, and as a citizen and ;
taxpayer of the Comity, I aAc space in
your paper to say that as an insti ument '
of expense the ingenuity of man would
I put to the test to diaw a lull moie'
prodigal in its terms and flagrant iu its:
disrt gard to cost. j
Tiie bill provides for a special e'.ec- j
tion to lie held on the tirst Monday in
j nly, l!tO:i, and another in the August
following, if n t fettled on the tirst Iwl-
let, which sienis unlikely. It is uiinee
essaiy to speculate upon the cost of
t litis m lal elections, tor every lax
payer i a.ive to the cost of special elec
tions. Why all this haste and cost lien
the matter could a well hae been sct
tled ut a general election, or elections;
where does the graft come in and w ho is
the ben.dihiary ?
If a removal of the County Seat i fN
naliy deiei mined upon, a. inngements
mii-t be ma le, within four months for
'lis- reception of the emu y records.
This liaMe, made unavoidable bv the
ti rui) ot the bill, either means many
thousands of dollars of expens iu the
way of buying or leasing teit:;.'i:i y
buildings and building tempoia
vaults 'or bids for the co;i-tiin tion of
a Court House .ould no. te itd.crTlsed
and contract cutered inio, ay nothing
if its erection, in less than four ni"tl:
or the comity lecords and prop-'.ly
will lie subjected lo ir-cit tisK and dun
ger fioiu tiie; and tlieir lost it destroyed
could never lie fullv replaced: a Here
: abstract of which there i. but ones'! 1 l
i existence, would have to le ?il'-t it til , -1
; and at a cost of probaljiy iUm,oK. Tne
J law should have provided, iu ca?e ot the
I removal of tne C'ooiity Srat, tor the re -ords
lo remain al St. Helms, until Hi'
s o t
of debt, it became and remain
en ng unit
bv tsx -
'nebide special s h ol lev a .
and e. no
I more raxes nave i" en r.u-o lor l lie a n
10 ve; rs than were absolute v neccss.u v
tor running expenses, 'tne count' has
no surplus cash with wnlcii to coin
inenee a Court llmi"' even, and unless
tiie citizen ate ready and r-pe fir a
I horded indebted ness. in ad hlioa to the
! present hiuii rate ot taxation, it i- vain
to think el a new Ouii t ilon-e at pies-
. ! ut.
Ailiteit In the evtiwi' s ;h, llnri-r-
,ttimv ,,f rrtll,lai,.,., , j,y tl.. ,
from the outlay, o i ace tint of the pinb
'"' unconstltut ion ilitv ot the lull tor
! I ,ii,.l..i.utiM1l
h is so been pro-
nonuceii by g 4 'ei il ao-hority, theie-;
fore any attempt at r- vai, even ait. r
a vote to tlo so, wo-il l i.,- nnhiwiul. It
would therefore seem, to the th ei.'httui,
to be asking a jfreai ,1,-ai ot ihe voters to
spend tlieir tiiuean I in mey to in ike un
certain that which is mo ceitiiio and!
lega'ly estal'lisne-l even thou i their ;
preference, as to location, he tiiei than
St. Helens, which is pr.ibibly as el l- i
veuient for a majority of tne i-ittz -ni of '
the Comity as any otner" t'i'Ule-lii.! ;
Uvld.KY MKKIvl'.lS.
S There is one notable fact abjut the
t Nehaleiu valley, u hieh iias not l.eieto-i
' fore been mentioned is the iaet there is ;
I not a saloon U-iween tiie usliiiigton I
; nod Clatsop coiiutv lines, a ilit:iuee of!
neiirk 40 mile-. The tniiin ral'ev mid ,
side valleys are thickly inhabited and'
! there nie a liozen saw and "hinoie mills,
I yet no liquors is sold in ihe valley. Tiie
I iile (in not talk p ohibit'.on, yet i
I there is apparently no demand for the I
! saloon.
Another feature of
tne ehuiein vpl-
ley is its heai'lhinl
iiuate. There s'e
! more vounir. old men there limn in anv
Ulell, hl ,lie ie!a.s.
The only hopyard in Columbia County
property of I. J. I ai.zt-r on tlie
Nlu-'". nwr, below Mi t, and it has
provi-n a iiaviii lnve-t lo-nt. There are
other var.J7un her .low n tne river over
the l latsop county nnn. It would take
" umus to do ju-tice t i the re.-ou ; c. s of
the great Nehale in v illey.
! LO UlXti AM) 1. 1 JIBEKI.Vii.
: After ail ling LDO.bOiJ feet of hti'iber lo
! iis i"ii."i here, the steamer Until I. il
; for ."ran k rancicco T'.n lay afternoon.
The Columbia City ,ic .Si-,riii I...o
;.';,iei Kailway i- ni.ikino up lis tilth nil'
ot i"0-. '1 hev arehoin-,1 ii;-t:ineH or
' loin iiiiles. and 'iiint;" d inni Die b.Min,
' j ist below Colombia City. The ( oin
; pane has ml hd a VA'i ton engine to it.
e.j'lipinellt .
Tne ii .hu Iim
Ian', h;B pn-t.-a.-is
cart ..I K-i.i
i Jt! Mj acre-, I a
per acre. The
ihe aMlli'V "1
ai! In a w in. u th
r I' cniii'iy. of l'..rt
.o; 1 rli-l il ii il '
III ', :,jf jreaf.lij- al'
i Ii ell 'ic- p ;e n; 11
r w s in nle Ihroug i
r'. M .'..I. I'll.; Lin. I ;
.-' or fo il 111. !e of K I
htm i, and w ill Ik
;o.-it l,' nieall Ot H ;
eli 1 he c inpanv w II ;
loggi g r
i' w 1.
eo. ip nice Iio.n tn." place III the I'll lie.
hate ut it'.. Sin-ii h road vvo'i.;! lap e,
la ge i elt of tiinin-i , an I much t it i.
now too voiino ;., log. 'Ci;,. (J;id won.-;
have a .low ii gia !e a l Ihe w:,y t, tn.
Columbia liver. !::Im;;iu Ihiileiiu.
A View
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:
Persons who arc thin ami
but not sick cnoutm
to co to'
"t nrop.ic eases uuu s
what the doctors call them,
which in common Kn;lish
means lou1'' sickness;
, t i .
T1 ctlM-V tlll
; . . ,
lOSS Of I es 1 tllCV neCll
Scott's Hmulsion.
feelintr ot" weakness they
need Scott's Hmulsion.
' , c iww fl,clv mil
ic makes
llV- IU .Ml ,llV,
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Hmulsion gets
thin anil weak persons out
ot tne rut. it makes new,
i i i i . ,i .i
ricn uiooa, streno-inens tne
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Hmulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's new
and flesh in every dose
We will be Rlad
to send you a few
doses free.
T .are that l' 'e ' -.c i i
the l"on ''I i ti . I !. !
,.iepi'T ei cv .v t'-;; nl
J.niul..'u you '-.i.
400 Psfarl St., N. V.
JOc. nj $1 1 a!! dru.Sjljti.
It I
'sro '
ir - r
Jt." "f
& -
Oregon Rioter of St. I ambert. (57263 A.J. C. C.)
Owned by H. West, S appoose, Oteoti.
1'ureJ by One Holtle nf ( hainlicrl.iiu's
Couch Itemed).
"V pn I had an attack e.f the grip I.ihi
wintei ilhe sec. ijid one, I actually cjie-l
invself w ith one bottle of Chaml'eriiiiii'p
Coiuh Hemeilv." sa Erank V . I'euy,
Ivlitor of Ihe Enterpri-e, Shortsville, ..
Y. "This is the honest truth. I al
times kept from coughing n yseli to
piects by taking a teio-pooiifuil of this
remedy when ihe coughing spell would
come on on at night I would lake a i'u.c eemed tloit In Ihe hriele"! inter
va! Ihe eiHii;ti would pa-s oil' and 1
il Hold t'H lo j-ieep pi-ilei-lly fiee ilom
couli and il- jecnlnpuliv lug p. nil!.. 'I o
Miy that the n iiinly m-ie,; h h mo-t
airu-eahle auprire is putting it veiy
mildi.v. I h".d no idea thai it womd. a
coitid knock "til the gi ip. pimply bi-cuiix.
I had never tiled it ioi m h pnipo.-c,
lint it did, an, i( M-xiucd Willi the
see . lid lit l..ik "I i-,iioii,ig the r II. ."I
ean-eil il I., ,ol i.niv I..- i I II SS rjlllatiou',
I'll! ihe pain- W.-H- tai I. S- .ever", and I
had 1 '"! II f! M.e iol,l-l,t. of "lie bullle
o. fioi- Mr. tinpp I. ad bid mo adieu."
l or r;,le he Eda III It",,..
Tin- M i- lion ,,t
III place ol tlie yl' Hn el
.- l. n por,,i i!v ij..;,h;, d
: broken w heel.
the A.-oii.i
I li'hue m I
1 a
liailev .-hit-
11 nu. 'i.i.,:
HI. t of
It ir il' .hi -too I I nt T tiie
; Zel I Will S'aiu be pblfeil o
' i nu a- Mioii a-, i In- ,1.1 ,iii
ning n't.,,.,,,,
I tils J coliiplet. d,
As m.oii a, tl.,. lialda ii'Miiiii'ij her
i ti ip. b. I ai i n 1. r ), ',,rt,i. n
1 1: Int. t.-lm
mke 111.- Am
is me. t.- on
inat w ill be the Republic, will
a's place on Ihe Wil-roni.-,
and tne latter
pi eli d nod overhauled.
of IJolI-Jay's Ortharr!,
tt sr . yifsiyrarrTiw ,i ..) m
' , '" 4 '''""'"' .'"'ii'' j
V ' ' ' I
near r;c.'ipj:r':st;.
TltK KIV.tlll.lM A T
Orlllleil Copy of I ho liocunient I'rtini
I'rom the Secretary of Sute. i
AN ACT tH. It. ti'H) j
To provide for the pei inniieiit local iou i
of the County Suit of Columbia Coun
ty, Suite of Oregon, and to antliorlse
Cie County Court of raid County to i
provide suitable building for County j
pllt pi SOS. J
Ito iteii ted,by the Legislative Asm iu- j
lily of the State of Cicgon, ami ahoj
la it- enacted by the lVople of the
State of Oi vgoii :
Pcrltoti I. A HH'cal election shall be;
h..l.l ti, l'.ihinlioi t'ountv in this Slate, i
on the tirst Moml.iy iu July, H'tKI, suid
election to in-coiimmeii unoer in pen-
oral eUitmn law. as gciiviul chctuois
i it tor state ami county eiccttoiis aio con
I'Ol I IlC, ducted. At said special i lection ihe
eiectois of Coluuihia Conn y slnill Vote
tor a net maneiil locution for County
; seat of Columbia coun.y
Section 1'. There shnl he placed on
the oiKcial ballots mi naicd for (he clec-
. , ' ' .
lora ol t ouiiiinia i oiiniy at shi.i
election the wonts "l or l otsntv ol
Columbia County," "Vote for One."
and below I In -e Poor i-h i'i be
nlaccd ill uli.hahi'tic.O mder ant
llCIClt t'Oli!
tous and
i names ol nil
In ii nn iiinl ion.
no hiank p.u-e
iclt 1
Theie shall
mav w uti
-rnnnie in i::cll tin' ti l
tlie name m y other lo.i n
t on .t nl lii kei thai he ni-iy
V .ce in1'. N p'iii na! ions I, r
oi plare no'
ile!ic to V
tVmitv Scut
i f (v;l oi iron
II I e made by llll"il
iiiih, and no x-U ctor
name iippi
mii nu
than mi
shall be
c.'itr.ty i
cei tit; cat i
tli iou Hint r lul pi ill'
pared mid tiled w 'ill the
tn the saine unnin r
nominatioti ma le I
uiiovr tn. An-;ia
; p cpaied and l;ii d,
i iaie. mark, an I t
indneiuai cleclori
n I'.ailot ..iw an
i'.lve'ors phail pie
cat thtir lialiots
1M ;
ioe-c ilad to the
.iltinhan biili 't I. aw
p are all N' lh
Columbia Ciiiiiti'
an i that low n or
j C.mniv n'.t of
j w Inch nhall rec.-tv
I voles cal nt the :
u in ij n ny ol l
10 i
I cn'i lion.
Si'i Ii 'ii .'I. In c.i-e no
shall ici-eive a tnn'oi in i
provided iu i- I on two
' Ma-on-l Sj-.s e.u'l ;.ri -i
to It
f totCI
ol th
all I"'
cai.t a
. act, n
1 eld on
the n m Mo
1d.1v in An.-i-i, twit, lo I-.-i
anl Ii; -t rpci lal elect! 01
I, an. I at -a. sea'on-t rpec-
'ie t wo :.e, n-i of phu't s ic
f o. t and ne' to the hu
f v t at -ai l trt snceiiil
condtn td a
was coiniii.'i
, ill! ijectlol!
' Cl-IUIlst Ihe
j e-t i:l;inle-i
i election -l.a
; 1 iv pan d foi
C"oli I a it.
Ol the bnl..t
I'f ciutnbia
..e;:-J eli, - '
el, , 1
' '3
r i
' n-
S t
- i ai is
lion and the electors of said county -.hull
vol e upon said I o low m or places lor
( oti tv Seat in Ihe same mminer a at
said Ii rut election mil that town or pla. e
leci ivniij ti e gica'ir nilmU-l of votes
ah ill liei on.e the pet luai.ent I 'mimy
s- "t of ('. luiubia Countv ; I'ro dded 1 1 1 t
if two tow II- or pliices slolll reeelle the
hirgi st and an t ipial iiumU'r of votes at
said first election, tin, m-mes i,f hoe
two low ns only eh. ill t.K, , up,,,,
Ihe ballot to be Hi!e. at the -aid seeuud
ele turn an lo rein provided; and pro
vided Inr'her, to, it II one ton n or place
re.M.veliie laio..ft, and t in towns or
p!ae. s tei civ Ihe m-xi hug.-t and :i
e.pnil nun. 1 1 1 nf ot,--., j, i -..ud ,,.t ,.,.,..
t.o.l. ti.e loini. i,l lli.,. Ihreli Ion 1,1) ,,r
plaees .. in, II be placed up ,n the ballot (,.,
I e voted at .aid elecln.ll.
Ma lioii -I. I ii c if,- ii shoice ii ti.. id,
ti e said first eha lhel li e low n or i,l
i h.iM-ii -hall be the permanent Connie
.-eat ot Clninli ii C, ii n i v H. un and al
l. r the Ii!.! .lav I.e-embi r, I'.M.;!.
Seen. Il The Cunty Ci.UM of Co
I 11 1 1.1 1. t OIlllH chail innl c nil In ee.Mii v
I'li.v.i-ion-. ..r coin.iy building,, eitln r
bv leae, ,i. ,1.1, ,, ,, ,..(,, , , ,.
'I'C al "f all l.'oi d-, book-., p.ipeii
lli.d ,l'o,n t y ih-i nmi a, h i-:, hie by ;,i,
I -. I on l,, reii.o.,. " C.,.
but "ii ii o -ii. Ii town or place iih mnv
li" r I -col in tin. p.. i in a ni'i, t t'
of I "Inn ha C.. n nly under the n
;"" - ;.:.;;';.; , t tlI,.l:
"-!' "f pn.vidn.g b. Her Hccimminlu-
li' 11 . I' r con in (line- ,n., I iti,,n,.r ...
ions I n,i- a -f .
'"v'.vi", pnbocec'ii.i..,,,, ,g, .,.v
1- no iaii o I., ex is; . and Ihl- ae
in lull fmie irrd . Ilia t (n,,,, .,,
hall he
Her its :
a;. I meal i,y ,tm in ti-rnoc,
r.i-'i d tne . rose, Jaii'iaiv LT'li, 1 ; k ;;
I.. C i funis, Sp. ; ker id the 1.,..
I' --i d ' he ".eiiji ii , I e' 1 iinrv li, p.iii;;.
i-.iK-C. I'.ioui.cil, I'ruidctit (,l hc
S-i at".
No mutter-quit
paying fancy prices
you can walk into out
(l:ii!ii((l Tniloi"ii!Ml
for one-half the original value?
Suits, unclaimed
Top Coats 12.50 t'
Special reduction on heavy
weight Trousers
' 1.95
t f'Remeniher these arc unclaimed
248 Washington
Classified Advei tisemcnts
W .tMKrn--- thi si ivoii rnv uimnnn
or I it. I v in each coil ly .o u-anage bust
ii,-s b.r an oi l c.tahiUIn d hoii-w "ii
mli. lliiancial "tail tut. A "I r i'g1 I .
h..n:l I'nlc weekly s.ilal.v of t IH.Hl paid
bv cheek eveiv Mnlnrs.liiv null :IU
din el luiitiliol liia.l , t'.n i. .M"UM
ml .luce
.1 I m
I l.ii'iio,
Mamiger, S0
Klt"'N T.i'oVi
i.i(..r tlnd
A e.i.vl px-cripti'Mi
.'or inankiti 1
Tim .1 eenl fii. V.-t I- en.. :;h no .
I he I.010 f I. otto' O'O e "Ol ioot
I iirormallnn Wanted
I Ii M:S. Kl.'ll.k lil'llc!'!!'. Iil'l'd,
name, Maitfllllte Tcn.l lln'oei ,ir of dpi
ibiidren, AddiTK, I'llM K kill 11
Clinton, Unci In Co., N nth I'. k- ta.
HKmiIbIIimi nf rartm r-lilp.
We, the 1111 Icr rf'.' il, who have be.o.
coi.diielM'it a tncicioide leiiiie. u 1 ter
11.1 "j f.
I ll-.k r :
. t '.it da.'
.11. bn t th
i-i.l Hi.
a- i:.
J M 1
M r.
Ilileii-, ih.v 'II, I.H
b itiiltoiii I'on.i-nt,
M. C. lin'V will c
hi-teitf'er, pay nil de
Ci It' el all c I a 1 lo 1
III in, tinil
I Ma
St. Helens Iloicl
I'n Icr (Ii'iit of
-5:1s te Lea itug llciise,
lit ij ttttrtrr ! TI i ( I m r , I ng,
nr. tiiHrr mrti mii'I Ctnu
mm lul TiMirh-r.
, U..i I
d av.
I r;mfiittit , ? I
Barn and Feed
i Klldor-i I. .
Iloll-e I'.lll .So b ".i.
A. C. J e ii mug., t 1 1 iff Ch-rk.
E'ei utive I h-p irlincni . Mat- of t ln-gun
It- ivi-d . ehiiia v l.'lh. KKi.i.
i ile. i l-i-bruaiv l-ili. 1;:I, indoa. in
It. 1. Ihin 'mi , eeretui y ,i Mate.
Mate ol iiri-'.'on- iiune ol His crre.
titry of Stale.
I, K. I. Iniiib.r. H.'rreiai v of Statu nf
the Male of Uiiguii, mid i-ustodian ol
the !-,.n I ,( mid Slate, do here'.y certify
1 1, at the ton going i.. a bill, tru am
complete copy n Ibiilie Itlll V. Kill
eiiiiiled "All Act to provide for the pe
tuo in-lit lie;i!i"ii i f the Ciiilntv Seat of
( olunini i Con nt c, St .1 to of t lreij.,u, and
lo authorize the County Court of said
County to provide miiiabie buildings Ioi
Coiiniy pin po.e," n. (ii,,- same in now
on file ill this oilh -e.
In TeKt'iiiony U hereof, I Inni' hi ie
itnto i... in v liitnd and iillntcd lieteto
Ihe Seal ol I he Slate ol I , n.
Ilolie at I he Capitol, at Salem, llie
gon, thin 'Ith llav ol l-elnuurv, A. lb,
E 1. Id'Mni: nf Stale.
H M ll ft-' V ft
H - mwlMTV
xni Rrrf.!!DAii?rlI fl i
JVslfonl l!la;l(-r)niu;r,t m
savotl djcloiV bills fr niorntluui
sixty ye;irs. 'or the conunon fam
ily ailments, audi us rnii,,tjpnti(m
Itidiiffstion, hard ca,!,M, IkiwcIcoih
plamlH, chilis and f. viT, biiiouti
ness, headache, ,'id other like
complaints nu other meiticino is
nei-eiaary. It invi-oruU-i mid reo.
ul ites tb liver, am.isbi dioi. ,li
Htaniulates action of l!,o kidneya!
lMiriiios the hlwal, and p;uo,w j,e
bowels of font nci'iniiiilaiioiu. It
cures livi-r coinolaint. inilimMinn
our stomu.;li, dizm,,,.;;, cIi.IIh,
i'hcimiiil: pa,,,,, i,i,.,u..i rM.y,
uelio, kidney Irouhles, cole tipiiti,,,,,
dKUTho-a, hilioiisnen:., ,,;(,.,, ,urJ
ail l:i and h'iid.-i;:iu. Kvcry ilruir
(i i'. hi.j'i' l!l.M.;diiii,. 't
in L'o cent pad-lyes ii;.,! jri I'mi-i-1.
mi:. .:' lor fw v. riMi, j,t
a H-lhiU'iti.'. i:i i,t, 011 l.iiviiio l,e
1 .ttinl imtdo hyt!,).a
.vb.ili'.an.; I 'Oiupany.
M "II v 'IhcA'cd'i ;,ur, Draeht
Is IV Ivut i-c. I ne on i.,.r,. n j,
S'! I t aey and ever, l.,.,i. illvg
v t'.,K cine . ', m.4 (or
four v 1 I h ive kept tl,. , , ,(J0,
a idii! a lyv'ith n-iiliictiirl ut P,,(. ,
mo.,. .. . ui-r-n, i.itwi ri, u. 'J
1 j
li. ' What is the use of
for tailored clothes when
More ami k 1,11
- - Herald Co
St., Portland, Ore.
n ru u ii iv
I jj
; lj
tiik oxi.y ri:!iri:T u
A .,.M III llMj'Sg
. it
- i I J."'V' ' " ' " l I
.', ' "" ' The wr-Hi; . in ('.,;
j , t- - - ' .' J'gl ' 'he ' I" ' '' ihe l.n.
i fifA' '' oL, .11.. (del ami ilri'lie... I
' r'"i :thi - -...
. ., j .,....( .o
M - " - 4.-.. ' Te W W
The Pittsburg Writing Machins Company
Jill! WtMi.l Mi-ft f.
S3 Sr. 3r 5B It
The W'ai.kdvi.Iv
pff.'lf I riLln. Ilalrl
H.ts ;iiiiH! a spci ial,
i . . . .1
l tst In. tin n's slit i :, u
zt r;t
tit pin iiiit iii me miiy t.iic- in
liiy arc to t::aU- iw t.tvv
r j-ht hi, in tl.e Mitt'i,
. lias j 1.1 (reived a '.n-nt,,, , J
Pinter Goods, Shoes,
I Dry '-"nls, (IrncciiL-s. Tioots. Shoes, Mtr.
I It. MOKCUa 1
I Cooim,- l:uillin- M;ii;i SJivi't. St. Helms, Orison.
DowN-couim pecplFshould
Drug Store
- t"n runn
Drugs and
Ttilet Articles and Perfumery
Dr. J.
I'l.ltrK (NIK
f. HALL.
Owl Saloon
I ' It I N V
r.i.iiiurMs, rtWVKlkTUMi
'ml) Urn 1,1 ...
jLiprsaniCiprs Kept in Stock
Mid "din (i,,,,,,!,,, ,,, (
li.ui. Ill .10, k.
"II 'hull, hi
'Tom Bento.r Cigars, t
" ' ''"loi l,.r ,.,,
nisi l,.,i,,nru., ' '
kit it... 1 . , .
i I'l k riivPKWvr ii'U r
I 11 U lltUILU )
kuint; m ( i:im: .vai.k
iini.ttv ..ili-iiiiini. try, l 11 evul ir ttpr sclietii
. tin ant ly il. mod.
riiisl.iii'ir. Tn
. v v 'r v v v v v w
It tt It 11
giioe Co.?
a t tl S I 'ivis Store
r 1 1 .
'(I. Hiiiia i
t hiliirt '& Vi
. i
;! ft 1 1
c t y . I'iiici j.im1
ttihttit it kv.nt,
ii ii :il v tie little
t 3: 2t r: 3 z
I (iKo:ii; a. HAM.
i.iTwiixuv-.rr- A.H'
ST, IIKI.KNS . (iRKiidX.
Schisil nol'lieil dololav in Ihstiicl Net
I. with Mr. ,1, II. Collins a- primi( f
and Miss Viiii i Smith, prtnaiy leaclii1' f
.Vli-n tiertill le Vullnipl begun s irin;
teniiof .chiMil In J nit Ihsltn I N't.f
lusl Stolid ly, Tbin 1 Imr w ni'l e:i
ill this diMrict. I
Thll Allium, t,uh. h.,rrt nnvil M Ullill'I1'!'
nierlHliiiiH'lit to I he j nnm iwople Is'1!
rriuuv night, tlier 11 sbi rt ltiertv"
Utiislcnl iinigram bv lim voiing I""'
thev wiok un ite.l t,i pai lake ol l'e"
'bd lunch of ciki a, fruiis mid nu!',
whleli they were given I lie h liei I y ol ll"
hall mild a late hour
Tim ItiM-ky I'liiut la'gging (' I"1"'
Is installing a hirg.. liiggiuu 1 hi I bt '
Ks'ky I'oiiit, ihr-e inie mith of ir ,
Tho eoinpi ny will run ton r donkey rrj
ifnes inni put logs inlK th Willamrt1'!
HI. muh. j
There is III. led Mlck'Ul'SO report al, "'
sea hi I) m family is den from sonic "'
"I 11 , 1 11 1-1 1 1 .
K Hill' r, I' II Would bo miieidi'. is ii''
iii a I'o llnml, Willi ll him'"
foe iceineiy greiitlv iig.iinui him.
A 1, cut wood .. l I,,.;,,!, ..reeled ''.'I
Ihwiriel No, I,
Vlr M, S-lusiimver, id 'cili"iiia, "'
In re dm in- tin. e. U h.oLni- nit" I1''
"ei 1. 1 ti ! iving the ginlige.
The N. I'. U It. gravel Cilin" li"
ly I pleled tin lilllllg of lli'
liildg" belwieii lure Mid V ni f
Mr. Wlcki'i'sliiiui in making 'r1,'
slve impriiveiiifnts mi bia inncli ii'r'".
id Seapp,,ii-e. I
Hiipervisor tinint will Is'gin ""''"ii:
slve loud wink aooii, lie is 11 jf1""''
road mail, f