The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 13, 1903, Image 3

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By The Big Sawmill!-
U Itorivhi New Good Every day in the Week,
tlolt of I,oiig Riindins lor Only the licit lit
Dart &
!St. Helens, -
Patronize it drug store when you
waul pure, fresb mid reliable
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc.
A Fine Liue of Writing Supplies.
I'laiu niul Decorated Crcpc Paper, Ktc.
Direct from Publisher-Regular 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents
v v v v vw v jr v v "
Carries a Large and
Well Selected Stock of
Flour and Feed.
i fli jvi. 4 iAi aAi A glW afo eAa i
0 I Clove', freoante and IVilirnfurtii. fi-'f parts on rntt'Vn ; this
til '! nv e nf t.i i' I e enna.'i! fro n nn eni.ed tlurve, hut
the wav to. nee It, ia to uah mo tJ tilled by lli. K.NODElt'8
NEW MF.TIk'l).
Dr. KKODER, Dentist,
8,T,9 '2 Orru-g Home.
I 0 I
Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist,
.Information and Appointments by Mail.
Rooms 0 and 61, Washlng'on nid., Southeast eorner Wash, and 4th Sla
Portland, Oregon.
Take Elevator la Fifth Floor.
The Houlton Blacksmith
anssT roe
Milbum Wagons, Buckeye Biudcrs, and All Kinds of
Farm Implements.
Houlton - - Oregon
fLIimlJIim Itj $JJ
for Home, Storo
Tit ntak'eK Al'pruwiii
on ii i ntiiiB-Tflae
Kills lk.wininnivii
i llirh, as dar.
.iy. iim .
sua SHirlii't; aliflila
Wa atan tnaanraoeaTW TIH.K
t!HAJIIKl.lKltM. HTItr;rST
ik,i.,L.l. fcTTllKt NKI.I.
w. i.,:u.
I -4
niussuaoodaeuu. fLawriu. ft
i aAi tAi aftt afw rfi a afjt afli Ji
317, Failing Bld'g
Portland, Oregon
itlltlce, llui.n 4M
Jltes. Fhomt I II
Hsu if j
nd Siroot.
i! m-
v i.w s.n .
I i'lVAtlllMTa.
A UanKsara buuaa wutea us
Iiumm ae evil m are
Ourmf nfil"!!..
h.ttu list tisndle
Nuwlitks. nucu
AT 8IOMT. WivIusIts Ur
uaieJosaa ins.
1 Canned good tit or wholesale at
J. J. uny'i.
I Tiifl lloullnu
. about two weeks.
choo. will close in
Almost itnything you want in tne gro
I eery Iiiim en ii lie IihJ at M. 0. tiray's.
The Hi. Helen Hotel laknn the lead
under the iii-in)euDt ol U. A. aud A
M. ill inn.
Ahotilan inch of mow (ell HiiwUy
morning, hut only laid on the ground
lor an hour or two.
Jay limning
successful!. passed tlie
examination before the
Mam tioard ol
1'liH riiimy tiiia week.
Head the advertisement of James
flpence, tiiH J Ion I ton blacksmith and
agih ultutal implement deuler.
Wood mere Grocery l the title of
juuge nwiixcr aim David Davis' new
tore at Woodtuere, near l.eut.
! If it's a bilious attack, tak Chamber
lain's ntooisch and Liver 1'alilui and a
?tiick recovery is certain. For aale by
ii win Il.JM.
! The Knights of Pythias held their
regular meeting Tuesday night ami
there was aoeciel woik in the l'age and
! Knight ranka.
i K n I h 1 1 1 n , who was employed in a
K'MiHn49 wood raui, attempted sui
cide u few d.tya a o, and waa sent to a
j 1'oitlainl
I The steamer Irsld. ia now underfn
; lug the needed repairs m:d will kmiii he
on the route again. The (trainer Km
public ia doioi( excellent woik in in
There will he evening service with
rlnuN lien KuiHla ill fh.l.t EuieiK.
pal . hureii at 8 icl.a-k. Krv. W. A. W.
, id ei k w ill preach tlie aertuon. Ail
, iiihiIk welcome.
! Thirty-one wild rat aoalna were re
! ceivtil at the orfiVe of the eounty. clerk
during the paat year. file boiintiea
j I hereon anioiiiited to fJ2. The atillior-
iu'd ieHiit waa tiled wuli the aecrelary
' of atjlc during the paat week.
Tlie tiieenleef Literary HM'laly of the
public a. I10..I, gave an "eaeelleni enter-
laimnent Hot batunlay night. A. her
repeated elTorte it waa loitnd iuiHiaihle
to aeiure I lie namea ol alh of tlioae who
took part in the very creditable euler
taiuiiieut. Citd Stump's dwelling on the liland
10 n. ilea above St. Helena, waa aecidei
lally bunted t the ground hot Friday.
A women, aick with the uieaaiea, was
carried out of the burning buililing.
Only the week previous a aou of Mr.
Mump died,
Tlie l'omona (irangs will meet the
fir! haturdiiy in May with tlie Yankton
mange. Tin will be tlie regular quar
terly meeting and an interesting -
! a lou l atiliripaleil. Tlta roinona
i tuange reiire.enta the life and activity j
. I it... ..i. ...... ,,r.,.
I Itev. W. A. W. Itrei k, oj ronlan l,
iMt' erv enlfirtainiiiir li-lurM at
t'lulat Epiai-opal Cliiiit li last Fridi !
evening. Tlm t.ipU- waa lletirv the Vlll !
the founder of Hie Euiw.iial" chtii. lt?
Itwa. very enieilmtiina lecture anil !
the auditors were delighted with the
A rhange in th school law will nt t
t"t tally iiii ieaae tlie er cnmta ol a.
money in this county. The new law
(.roMdea tint (0 in si h nil funds shall lie
i ppropt iuted for each i hiid of acli'Hil
aa. However, in mane other minutes
tliia plan diN-s not increase the ix luxil
f ti ml apptopr alioii.
I". A. Krakea, of, sold four!
head of llolatein-. rieaiaus cattle last a poailiuii in .vlucaie's logging vamp 011
ionlli, one cow and year ling bull. These -tnu t'oaeemao, and will leave lor lliai
went to lidew idein-e. Ore. One year- piace 111 a lew days,
ling bull went lo Cathii, Waali.', and ; Auomey K. 1". litaliam waa up fiom
au.ilher .voting hull went te Mount Ver-' 'oriiau.l tau.i Jav attending lo tlie I.
iinn, Wa-h. He has more orders for ; ,,ai aeuieiintii ol uie Einra Auu livaiaa
yearling bulls than he can HII. lealsie.
I.imlley Me. ker, w ho recently sold j Ell Lynch, a prominent farmer of
hia eli-irntil home at Milton to Abraham , Waireu, waa in town 1'ueadAV.
ficnse fc., 3 UW. .ld otr hi. iwrM.i.1 j j g Ilatu pro...i..e,.t men bant
wtelt, .Mi . Meeker has not yet dn iued ( ' 1
heie he will liaate. lilr. M.ek.-r L. W". Hall, ol Portland, wa. in St.
j liral came to t'olumliin county in 18.C,
ami nmvci 011 10 111a preaeui piae in
An E isleni lumber mivtpanv have re-j
ixirod their inlenlion to build a log-!
wiugnm.l ironnlie hike juat Ka-I
Inn. .1 to Hie head of SH5ii.-er t reek, a
dtnianre of live or six tnllea. The road,
willbe.imila.,eoi.eoi.lhetreion !
sideofllie Columliia, m ar t..ble, but
will pnaa thniitgh a moie valualde tract !
oi timber laud. Callilnrmt Hreeite.
County Coiiiiiii-aioiifr W. I). Case, of
the Enst Fork Shingle Manufacturing
('MtipHiiv, 'tales lluti they haw soM
their old plant, and w ill inatiill a new
one of L'fi.tRO daily rapacity. It ia the
plan to rait Hie shingies down the Ne
liHleiti fniiii l'ltlahurg to Mist, where
thiywiil l lrai.s'etrd to teama and
hauled to the raihoad at Clalakauie. Ilodeee A tislloway, land
hinyeta at t ti'iii- t'lty, are iloinie
tiioat satiaiaclor htiaiueaa for their cli-1
ema. il.o result ol lw and i.aiuetHkiiu
exiieili nee. I lie lintiiv t oluuibia
: couiiiT people w ho huve .huiu litl-tneaa
ui.h ilix.ii exprvat. tlie iltunist siltiahic
t tun . Mr. itnllonay for aeverai
: V'Mi-a Receiver of the Or.piu City Laud I
j oltlce. I
. Uev. II. Moya.of Uiiinier, filled the j
ptilnit of the Mclhiatixl church laat
tsuiKhiy evviiin;, it U inu his rrynlur
appniiitiiient lie preached at the llol-j
ton clitneh at 11 ti. in. One week from,
n xl Sunday U v. Moys w ill prviich to
youtia men at Ihe evcniiiK service in the
M. Helens chinch, lie will continue
I lo till the pulpit in Ihe llnillton hurch
I on the iiioi uiuir ol his n iiuliir appoint-
incut here.
The best-appointed eouiitry residence '
in CUckitniHs county ie no doubt that .
of J ti. Wntta, of IS.uppiHise. The new
delliii ia fitted a.tu every nnalern j
cniivenii'iico and M. and Mia. Watts;
huve a most delightful home. Hot n ml
cold water, hatha and lavatories .r fea
tures; the parlor, library and and din
ing ro.itn are provided withcoinforiahic,
Httractive and cosy lireplHce, while the
aleepina riarnua iu the uj p.T story Hie
heiili'd with stoves, Chioets .IhiiiuiI in
es.n v part of the lion-e and the kiich. n
it provided with every convenience. An
elevntoi is used to lilt the wood from
the) hnaeiiient to the upper Moors. The
dsvelliiit is hard liniahed thioiirhoiu.
Ore of tlie moat aueeeaaful breeder
of shyre cattle tu ('uliimhui coinnily,
is M, t'olliua, Ihe iiiiiliakfer i tlie Hon.
eviiiini l unch, this aide of S. appoone
li. I'olliiis is piiriiitl to the Ashyie eat
tie. The in it It la no. st.cked with
alij rea ill place ..( A-hviea in pht.v .1
leraeva, lind (root praetical experietii'.-,
I 1. Onlliiia has ahiiiidnlit reason fur
mowing thalthey poaseaa aup.-rior ml-
Hlilate over I he Joraeva, Mr. t'ol
ina kna piiillly the nnalel .limy
n CiihmildM cntliily. The Aahyrea have
.111 ifivniK 1 In 11 oil h am isf ti. lion tu th
.'iiuiners 0 1 il it i i v prodiii.ta, In hia farm
0 line tleiiioii-tratetlwd that thw Ahyre
ie the inn t anliafiicliiry dairy aiiiinala.
l iiey are rnetlers ami nevea slec
over 1
the grass outside of their jiaature.
mi its. in a i. :
, a af a i a v v a. ... a.
Mra. Kiiiuia Richardson, of I'urtiaiid,
waa visiting iter sou, I). VV. Richard
on, during the fir Hi uf the week.
D. W. Richardson, J ark lilack and
Robert Itoala have returned from How
burg, where they made final prool on
tlieir Umber claim. Mr. Uicliardnou
loiiiiedoa at Cultaire Urove to nU
Heeal. who ia in eery u.r liKHlth. lie
reurl that bu.ineai ie boouiing at tiiat
plat-e. '
TlioinaaC. Watta, the popular lteu-
n inaruiiant waa in town wou.iay
toniey. waaiutowri baturday, and rt-;
i. tyonyrra, me vmi"aauiv nv
ported win k waa being pufled on
tlie ileiiaon liicitlint Hallway. Tlie
grading ia being iiuua Willi donkey eu
giuea. About iUU men are being em
ployed on the worae.
Mr. and Mra. C. E. Wbi.ney, of
Clalakaiiie, viaited Ida mother, Mra. J.
It. U. Hi I iey lor two or lliree Uaya during
tlie week.
Ottoriie A. Drolin, of the Oregon
la'iMHaiUu'rdii',l'J'' 'rl' i
"m,.'!!! . W II r.,.l.. !,. .1
turue.1 Hum tlieir CaUlornia trip, and'
laport a very enjoy 'le visit.
Mra. W. F. 8laui(hler returned Sun
day iroiu an eiu-iiiied ei.ik to Lot Au
gnea, wlivie ahe epeiit tue winter.
L. F. Darger and family have re
turned from Eaal Cllallalii, VVaah.,
wliere they were located, and Mr. itar
ger hue aciepieil a po.Hion in M. C.
uray a atore aa duel clerk.
Ji-a.e lleudrivka haa returned from
?".""".". "
"" "'
Mra. E. IS Lynch relumed from an
extended tup ha. I a lew daya ago.
C. M. Urie and Mr. Iightoii, who
are employed in Uaiier'a logaing a up,
near Kulama, came over iNaluiUay lo
Virll tlieir respective Homes at tluiilloii.
Tliey iexn t mat Mr. Ualier ia puaiug
in about 16.UUU Icel ol I. ga per weea.
Mr. a ud Mra. Cuarlee Cooper were in
i '""'""l '' Tuea.lay tayiug III a aUp.
ply ol ItoUaelioiU gouaa. t'ltey will oc
cupy tne " Wallou Uouae," beluligtiij to
Mia. t'earaou.
Miaa laiay W.tkiul, one of the
teacliera in tue Katuier acliooi, viaited
at home (Saturday and tiumJay.
Kuad tiuierviaor 11. T. lirewell, cf
VVarieti, waa III M. Helena Monday.
A. H. Tarlx-ll, projirteior of lite War
ren Saw will, waa III loan ioiiday.
Mailer VV. ISlakealey ha recovered
from an atuck ol tue loiieiliu.
A. A. timitli, a Yuiiktou lugger, was
in towu batutday. .
Atra. jK.Vyl, ol Clatiknie, waa vi-it-ing
Mra. iicuiy alorgaa, during tne
. t. ... I i i -
Herman buiiiii, wuosuuereu a com
: tracture ol a ttmb by a nurae lali
ing oil 1. 1 m laat wrea, la slowly recover-
'" , .,
W. II. W,, realdmg
two u.llea baca ol .umjiImu, .a in M.
' Mouilay.
T. It. Let l led the Epworth Leauge at
the uieellng laid laal dtouday eveuing.
Misa lAitlte Mall, who was granted a
teaclit-rs cvrtiucaus av lite lai county
, et Juiliiallull, Uegu leacitiug Hie t'ltls
j burg acliooi Mat JonOj'. ,
j Iterbeit Mi iCibbvii, wno waa grinte.1
. teacliera' cenliicate at Mat cuiiuty el
j .iiiinaiioii, win piooaoly ichcU iu itie
j .Nelmleui Valley. -
! Juho Ltike. ol Yankton, lias accepted
Helena Tueaoay looking alter liia uxea.
11 was lila I'ltcutioti to move uaca 10
lua old home at 0,utuu Una week.
J. 11. Coil in a has been eugnged as
principal ol tlie bcappoose Khoot.
Ju.n vi. Pi ingle, ol Ik-er Island, was
, Vuar Iu to u Tueaduv.
. w, , .' . ... .
r"k. bl,":u ,,M brt'" vrr-v 111
Miaa Mnud Slavens, of Warren, re-
tui ued Saturday ir .m a visit lo Kalama.
John loluii was iu I r 0111 Warreo W'td
need.iy. 1
Dr. 1). 15. Stuart waa up from Rainier
to attend the Kuss-Mucala wedding.
.1. I), McKay was in from 8-appooe
II. Weal, a prominent Seappooee live
stock, breeder, waa III town Wednesday.
M. fci. Hale 11, of Wairen, waa in 81.
i ileieus vVclueadav.
,, , . , , . ,
I Miss Lou N F rakes has just .mved
at bet liouie al 8caiiiooae Ironi c.a.-tern
Uieoti, w Itere she tins lieeu vistiiiig lor
tlie pilot lao uioiilhs and had . uioel
eujoyatile lime.
Mrs. Kunnu Clear, of l'erthtitd. waa
a K"eat al lite liose- Jdckle wedding.
Mr. and Mra. David D-ivie, of Wooil-
mete, were uuusia at ihe Koea-Muckie
yirUdiliK Ihia week. ,
Mr. and .vital. Jh itea Muckle Kud Mr,
and Mia. Jacob tieurgv aud dauylitt-la,
Amy and Anuie, ol I'urloiu.l, were
Frank Louker, oi Mist, was a visitor
iu the city celetday,
i. V. Wells and K U. Juues, of Uoblc,
were tu town VVcdi.uedas.
Mr. aud Mrs, Fred Hrigir, of Yankton,
were visitors iu the city yesterday.
An diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder, Urinary Organs.
oiis, HearlDlaeme travel.!
epsy, rsuuus Troubles.
Don't beeoms dtsoenrared.
There Is a
l)r. Keniier.
ears for vou.
lie Itaa apeul a life time curlii. Juat such
it nm:easary writa
cases aajruurs. All couauliaUons Free.
"Klchl tuoutlis In bed. heavy backache,
pain and soreuess across kldnsys, alao rbea
niatlam. Other reined lea failed. Dr. Fan
ner's Kidney and llai-kai'lie Cure cared we
completely. 11. WATKKS, Hamlet. N. V."
Iimevlats. DOe-., II. Ak for Cook Book-PTSS.
gi.iiiuvi uniiwbe
euuer. Fresloula N.lf
For sale by M
iiray, tsl, tirleiia;
Briiin, general mer-
also ttailey ts
I iantei at Houllan.
Erent In Till
The uiarriage of lr, E Iwin Ron and
I Mian Matilda J. Muvkie, wa oleiiinize.l
at the home of Mr. Charlea Murkln, in
tli ia city Wedneaday evening in thi
preaenreofa large nuinlier of rvhtivea
a few invited frienla The ton-
tr'. '"ple "' t'" br.dennaid
Kroouiamaii entered the beautifully
decorated p.irlra, decendinjj tlie Hair-
way fJ the atrain of Me.loliu,a wwl-
din w,.h txecuu-i liy Mra. Ella
i , ,
When the archway
the large double parlor
readied, where beautiful druperiea of
white, and while varnationa and white
Eaater liliea, were nio-t artiatically
: arrarigrd, Iter. Mr. Neil Wilnon, ol Si.
Stepliena C'toipel, I'ortlaiid, met th pro
ceaainii, led by Dr. D. Urmre Hluart, of
Port In ml, a grooiiminan. and M'i Amy
j George, of Portland, a brid:4iiiaid, and
oerfortned tlm rreiiir)ii v. The briilt
b"t'("ll.v 8""neJ in t r. ain crepe
l'in,ei.rminr .Targe ahower bouquet
' ""iliei 'f the ealley, while the maid
was gowned in white otgindie, carrying
an arm bouquet of red carnations.
After the ceremony and congratulations
the company was seated to partake of .
most bountiful wedding aupier, the
table being decorated with pink and
(saeilla, the Je sey cow that won the
for the cow that would make the most
ing. the also won the butter tet in
Ow ned at Sunny Bank Farm, by H.
, .. .... . ... ....... .fc.-,
J. JB. Godfrey
Attorney atlaw
REAL ESTATE ?:if! Timber Lands FOR SALE
List of Lands For Sale:
20 Acres Three and one-half miles
from 8t. Helens, creek runs through,
no improvements, f-IOtt.
13.3(5 Acea Three and one half miles
inn lh of Viii.coiiver, grnal prune land,
not cleared but fenced, 000.
160 Acres One and one-half miles
(mm Kidgeticld, Wash., all under wire
feuce.6 acres in prunes, 1 j acres in grass
and can be raluvateri, 15, ,00.
3!W Acres On l?iheloi Island,
I nearly an cienreo, suiuii oieumo, ou
bead graded cattle, 6 lieitd heavy draft
horses, dairy and farm implements,
a (rival tlniiv raui-h. flit.lHI'). f
o - . ,
17 Acres Three fourths of . mile
from St. Helena, all fenced, a new-
honae, (t50.
40 Acres One mile from IVer Island
Siation on X. 1'. R. K , 7 acrea cleared,
uew house cost $000. 1,000 conla of wood
on place, small orchard, $1,000.
100 A ires Three miles from Seap
poose, some cleared html, aome fruit,
log hou.-e. goosl u-irn. $1,400.
!W0 Acres Three miles from Warren,
about 00 avrea cleared, good orchaid and
buildings, roads on three side, well
fenced, per acre.
100 Acres Bottom land, $;i) per acre.
Lots-Iu St. Helens. 67x100 ft., $15 to
$50, according to location.
40 Acres Timber hind. 3 miles- from
alation, $325.
10 Acres Five miles from St. Helens,
running water, house 14.20 with addi
tion, giaal bum, boiii fruit,. 2 aurea
cleared and a good picket feme around
it, $200.
40 Acres Good timber on Scuppooee
Creek, $800.'
100 Acres Timber land, 12.H).
44.4 AcregTiutlior land near Milton
Creek, $700.
20 Acre Partly cleared, good build-
lii. all- fenced, l,HKt.
Tlubar Lund, Atl Jam 1, 1.178.
notice roa PUBLICATION.
fill Hd Hula. I. an. I O Urt.
lrvull, Jnilrv a2, 1901.
" coinpilHiii'e wlili tlm provUlritii of tlm m-t
ol (;.iniirif. ol Jim- 8, tuTS. mitillu i "An net f-ir
lli aaia ol liini'itr IhikIh in tnr Hi tea i.l Citllf .r
nla. oriitf'Oi, (vflu. .nJ MnMiipi.i Ttrrl-uiry'a-
axraiMle'l in all nie i-ti die l.un'l Minima
l)' act Oi AiiKUti 4.1VJi. Williaiu Kra ar. ol l-.rl-lit.
ft, l ou it.v of Multnomah, mate of llraii'i'.
li.a itilatjuv In till ortore lila aworti kimIH'
iiii-iiI, ,No. A01A. tr tlm pilo'liitaa of lh. ae' t.f
artlun No. In toH ii bi .No. 4, n. rniri. 3,
w.atxl Drill ..Iter proof lo alinff that tli 'ano
aniiKlil la niur. ralualila lor Ita tlmlMir or alooa
tan fur autr-MOiltu-nl purthiae-, and t . ralftlituli
his . laon to aaiil laml Oefora tha K'KIlr antl
KM:eler of ihfaotlicaal (lieiioti Cil. iireon,
oil Friday, the 10. h ila uf Afirl', IWU. Ha
liauiaa aa witm-a-a,: KoIaHC ilalNiru, Koljerl
L "Uilen ami Kilwar.I Hurke.of l''irilauil,Ori(. u
auil .1. ii. Hiin.a, of M.ilaiU oranon
AnaiMl all puraittia i-laiminK over?y the
ah ia- laacrl oeo Uuil. are re i iatte.1 U rile their
'elalma In Ho ulhi on or before aair mill uar
white azaeleaa ami scattered ' w hite
earimliona. The groom is with out
doubt the moot popilar yjnng nun in
this coluuty, while the bride has iiiituv
friend here, although having resided in
Portland for the paat five year. Tlie
young couple enter upon tlieir wedded
life with the beat wishes of .
boat of frienl wllj showed their
eateeui by presenting many very coatly
and useful article' of ailver and china
Mr. and Mrs. Rosa went iuunedi.itelv to
their home in this city, VThere they
will lie at home to their friends after
April lt.
silver cup at .t the 8wte Fair last Fall,
money in two il.ys, all breeil conipe
1900, 1901 end 1902, at the State F. ir.
West, proprietor, Scappooae, Oregon.
tiiiii" '
: a. -. r. . os
;.' ' . ' i ......
80 Acre- On Milton Creek. 5 acres
clearest, house, orchard and small fruit,
1,200 . ords of wood on place, $1400.
160 Acres Tiiiib-ir land, 3 utiles from
Columbia River, $1400.
3 Lots In I'eniHSiilar Addition to
rortiaud, will tiade, $'tj0.
2 IMS In tlock 4, Mt. Tabor, will
trade, $3u0.
Undivided one-half of 16 Lots In
Idaho Falis, Idaho, will trade, (400.
Undivided one-hnif of 30 A. res Ad-,
j lining St. Helens, will trade, i60O.
l.eineiu TOO aud 800 Acres Mostly
b .Itom laud, several biuns, goiai Imu-i ,
furiiiiiig iiiipleuieius, railioad runs
rtlirougii place w ith a sl.tiiou nearly at
I the door, $10,0i0.
1 48 Acres Oue-fourih mile from It. K.
Staiioit ana 1. O-, 1 mile .0 Ik. -I iatiU-
ing, 26 acre clearc I, gnod bniiditig,
well leiieed, uichutd, gomi well ol
j Whlel, 0-iiaim houae, 0.
1T0 Acres .Sew 8-rooai houe cost
$Sla0, 00 acres creek button:, 01' acres
aitaied, KW tiuil tree mostly upple, 4
acie vio vhhI, uicsiiuiu barn, sv ji tu 47,
IKW, 4,0t0.
j 40 Acres On Milton Creek, 20 acres
jin linv, suutll and barn, ouu
j woosi on place, 0u0.
I 100 Acre On Tide Creek, good liin
1 U r, 11 600.
120 Acres Five miles from Clauka
nie, l00.
160 Acres Eight miles from Clalska
11 ic, $800.
100 Acre Timlier, on head waters of
Clalsknuie River, $1,4U0.
100 Acre: Timber land on Seappooee
Crcea, 1,400.
220 Acres Tunlier, ou ltoca Creek,
160 Acres Timber, on head w ater of River, $",.i00. . ,
Iu tbs rou"ty Court of in stale ef Or.j.a (or
(.olamlila Count)',
lo tlie mailer of lUe eilale of Jeriirulslt Gal-
viu, Oeeeaeo.
To Michael Ualvl , of Eaat Tnllla, lwlnnils
Mra. lary UlorOuti, of hast Orawu Ireland;
Jama. Oiil"lu, nt Caruli Lata, iralaiiili Mra.
Kate Kior.laii.ol K rl Urawn. Iraiuliih and Vnt
rlfk oalvln, of ilmalni, Nsbru-liii; helra at-late
of Jereuilali Ualvln, ueeeused: a id In all other
helra and d 'vie, unkiioii, if any sui h thars
Ik. and lo all ntiier permits Intrreaied In the
real estate lielonijl us to 1.10 a.tat of auid Ue
ceaseili tiSKKriao;
IN the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of ynu are hereby lora
marided to lie and apt par heiore the iliinoraOls
Co 111 t;ourt 01 ihe state i,f oreKun In and fm
th . i.'ouut) of Colnntbia, .n the court riann cl
said court, at at. Helena. In said t'ouniy and
te. 011 Monday, the iiiih day n( Man-li, 1IW;I,
at the ii Mir of 1 1 c.: in tn afterinK.u of aulil
day, it oelna the run I r Match lerin nf aald
t;.iurl; b show csiise, If any .U, wli an ur.lef
of le of all tne real rniert beluiiKina to the
e.tateof said derea.e.1 In -aid IJounlyuf Cohnn
hia. Kiaie of Urea n. should ui.t te made aa
i.rme. fur In ihe itinon of John
niinlntralor of said eata'e, on tile in said Court.
Tne e-ute ilewtrliwd In su'.d netinou Is aa
folio., to-wi : I ne sc'4 of aaciioii J in lirri. t
niirtli. ranur i Weal of I lie WilUmene luerldlau,
in t.'oliiniMa i:..unt, state of Otegoa.
WiTsaa., the Hon. J. H. Doan, Jn-se ot the
Ci.nnty Court ot the Hiaie 01 Oregi.n for Ihe
(.'omity of Cnliuutila, wiih the soal ol auid f'ourt
alhxe I, this inh day nf Kcbrnary, A. U., 190.1.
Attest: II. IIKNUKKSON. Clerk.
By, VV. a HA Kills. Uepnly.
W. U- POWELL, Attorney for Estate.
In theClrenit Coon, ol ih S.aie of Oregon, lor
tneCoiltuv in Ciitnmtila
William Brubst, 1 l leliiiln.
Mty E. .'.roUt. j I'f fctiJnnt
To Miirjr E, Urobt, ihe above immed d
leu'lHii, :
1 Y- r lierrv rr jmij'i to appjur on 1
tutr inv ro.HpUtuc niei avHiu-t ' you
in the oh vt eniliK-ti mut on or
h:o- the ioth day of April I'jui, that beint
ihf it nty trc-M ri'j'i tu ihe OMcr oi publica
l.uii 01 iitt ii.mmt hikI U yon full torn
rij-i?!ir (.! kii tr BHirj t'oiitpmiiit the (jlaia ilf
w ll a, , y t the c-.rt ii.r he rehel iherein
jr.ojet, u nit: a iit'Ttn from the nmrrjuge
exintiuiK hftwteti you mud pluiniiff,
Thi miminoni ti pul'li'-hed for nfx ronnecii
tlve week U order oi lh. inbi A.
Mcitrnif , hn.;.e of mM circuit m.rt, mtlt oo
the h uy of Fthr.iar . ihe hrL pol.h-
ciioa twJu ou .Le !7th 0y ot thriiuiy, lift.
AtKH ficy for plaintiff.
Timber Ind. Act Jttue 3, 1878.
t" kited &T4Tee K a f r Or ri ,
Oregon City. Oreg u, December .11, 1902.
..I piianc with tii provision uf the Act rt
i'tn..re5 J4n a, init, enittiiM Anatt for the
av oi limiter Uud tit lim -ite of -M)tornia
or iyi m, NvMi an.) afttnnion Ttfrninrv,"
a.eieuiel it ell the Publh Lnd Muteit 'hy
nfi ot A tin ti t 4. is. Nancy C. Hucker, of
Keaey. t.'i.unf of (u; im'in. Mete oi Ureiron,
tin 'hmdHV titv i lit htr wurn .iiato
ineut . AXAi, f..r the piuthre oi th iw!-i oi
iw't ant lti 4 of et-tioa So, 6, iu
itwnihif No. 4 ia. i t n re N''. b. wet, and w ill
4 fler pro ( to hhvvt that ih Und xouyhl i n.ore
vdtuaole fr ii ltmi-r r ttiiv tliuu tor iri
caituial pnr;svi, and i eiMhtih her elnim to
said laod I fore the KejcMer and Kec.-e.ver of
Uia .'ihue'sit Oregou City, imjgon, on haiumay,
the 14m ('ay of March, l.-OS. he uamei aa
v 1 1 E. R. 'lh roj p, Loui. Ih U a
uiils.n l II. 1,. :eimoiji, of Keaaty, oregof ,
and Cbariea Mc autey, of H. HeitH, Oivtion.
Any ami all j-er-ons chimitiK atierely the
atiote d?eritei lanoa ore !- lifted to hie their
cUin:in thi- ofiai-eoaor btiore aid day
of March .1'J03
jihi.U t t( VRI-EH B. M )OaES. Register.
limber Land. Art 3 me 3, 1878.
I'mitid State Lakd Orrin,
Orejoo 'it v. oreon, tec''nilerS. 1902.
pliauce with the niviciuiis of the act of
Con stress of June 3, inn, entitled "An act for
the tale of thiitHr lands to the State of Califor
nia. Oregon. Nevada, and VahinKton Te;ri
urv." a. e Mended to atl the "nhlic Land Maiea
ty net or Auru,t 4 IntfJ, Martha A. Miiill. ot
Kea-ey, oonty of t olun.bia, (state of OreKun,
ha ibis da niinj m thin oft ce hrr nwimi iaie
m. nr N. Cal . for the pttrcha e of the 0V5 oi hw
lt ot eci n h; nef of ne,1 of eoMiu 7. iu town
im4 u. ranue No. &we-t. and will dfer proof
tu -show th it the land Mxtht in tuore valuable
for it, tiniberor stone than lor apricnltnral pur
pie, and tucitiaOfth her claim ton-ad land IX
tote the Register and Receiver nf thia ottice at
ttrt-con t uy Or'iin, on Satur.lay, tne 14th day
ot Xarch.l'Wa. she names as aimes-en: E R.
ihn.D. 11. L. l.edmortd, Aneun M-huiepiet and
W. H. Hacker, atl of Keasey. Oreeon.
A iy and all pero'iiK claiminsr ad
.ertrl.r the abnve-dnibed land ire
req!teled t hie their t-iaimf In thii
oiK-ro;tor before fnid I4th dav ot March, 1903.
Jvuii cllAS. b MOORES, Regiaier.
la theCire lit Cj trt of Vio Stve of Or.ja fr
I'.d 1 uoU i.:.aiitr.
. C. ejjhii.iue, Htiatilf.
Allai-e A. Erlitlsns, njfealint
Ti l!aoe X. nUii.tii. t, u a ve-;innal le
fenJaot: IN raa svvta o Tt1? srvrs; of or'C
aoil; Yol ara titfrebv re.iireito ft;
aul anwr tl-s ilonp'iiil a4.iiu.t
y.n ia tne s-ri.e entitle I sJoart nni Cati-e ..n
or twf re Itle 16L.i d,- oi Ma 0 it, llssl, w.-iicti will
tie aiier lite e(!it.'uu.)!i of ii wvea. from tbe
dale of the flrvt p-t d'Cion of this summon..;
mud it v ia till to so anrieir au l answer ou or
before salt 2tln d.iy o Jiaroti, lut, tne plain.
titt artU ani 10 irie t'-i.-i lor lug relie. tliereiu
prae-l, to-wit: a decree of divorce from the
bonds ot matrim my uoai axiaim betweeu yu
and the plaintiff.
This suinraons is published for aix conaeeu
tive aryeks oy orJir o: the it ill. J. H. 0an,
CotinlT Ju.ii-e of said Coi iiyaul .-ilate, matle
and euiere-l in this caue ou tlie 9iii day of fr'ete
ruary. laxi.
rhed:iyof tue first pubi"aTinn of this au-n-nionsi. 13 t'io.1, a 1 1 ih hut M irca
im vvr.u ii ,t nrzHi'iiti,
Auoraeys for PUuiltf.
Timber l-and, Act June l7a.
Vnitrd St.u, i.iNO Orrica,
Orepon Clly, O.etii'D. Jnnary 12. 1903.
corupliunve io: of the act
of Coi.vie s id' .lunv 3, IaTH. eiil.tie.1 "An act for
the sule uf limoi-r iatiiis 111 the Slatea of Cali
fornia. O.ei'O, .NevatiH ami Vt asrtiiittoH Terrl
lory,'' asevlended tim'l (lie 1'iiOtlc Land States
by net o: A'tuui t l1'- Arn.iu bnetikot'er. of
Foitlaiu1.Ci.uoly of Multnomah, .state of Ore
ie.ii h . this ut i.leo in this u:w his sworn
. atement, No.tOOi. for itie purciiusu of Ihe iwj
uf livv'l. svls 01 see. 1, n1 a. 14 of see. 'i in
Tv.wn-.ntj ,m 4 n, Km. jce No. I vt. u.l will otter '
oroot t' h.10 tu it the mod .oiil-IiI la more val
ilnbie t'or il-tit.iber or slt lie titan ft r agricul
tural pti-: O'-e, alto 10 eslaliil.h his r-leiiu lo
naio luud beiote 1 iie Register ami Hei viver of
this oth.'e at Cliey.iti lilv. Oiiii'li on ThHlsday,
.lie day of .March. llioH. He usnies as wlt
Oesaea: A. . Karl.v, w. l-llu.i, Oavid Kaily,
of Vt'r.H'nia, Orejtuii, and C. ea.iers iu of Ifoui.
t.m. Oivjrtm.
Any and atl pea n-c!.;l .fit?r adversely the
a Isods are ieii:ealed 10 file their in thi. n lice on or said 'Uth day
ot Man-h, lyjli. CHA8. B MOOBKS. Kcglslsr.
Amite For Publication.
Department of the Interior, m
Land urn -c al oleuon Citv. Orecna.
January a. liiw.
NOTICE ia hereby (riven that the fol
ll lowiutt tia. ied sell le, hint tiled notice of
his iiitcuiiuu ty muUe rinal proof in suiort of
his ehiis'. and thai aid pr o ail be made be
t re the Kv's'e alio l;ei'i-lser at Uresoa CU ,
..reun, ou M.ircn ?s Isiil, via:
I. K. No. 1X17S. for tini of .-ye. 1, twp. 4 n,
1 4 w.
lie nairea the following witnesses to prove
ua coittinuuu- re-l.ien. e up n aud cultivation
( 1 Uilip tilahn. rt. P. Mallard,
:uho H. K.iberia and Uenrv Oialtn, ali 01 Ver
ui.nla, ine.ou. Cli.ia. 11. MOoKKH,
io-in la Real.ter.
N OTICE is herel.y iven that tlie tin
derslcueil has been, by the Hen. I. H.
lioaa. .ItlMse nf tbe County t'l.nrl of the aisle nf
tireaon lor the ( oanlv of I'dltnnbia. aiipeluted
exeetitrlx of threjiuieot r'rauk M. Tump IDs,
d.e.ta.wl. persoui hmiiiif rlaiiua
acaiti-t .eld e 000 s-itf berciiy retii'red 10 lre
seril the anuie O. me. virilief aitcnr-lns lofaa.
si U'V-resI eui'e at -a'anptiose, O:rgon, or to uf
.itt'-rney, W. U. Ooiveli, at -r . Uflens. Oreeo
tfitiitu aix luonths romtlieasts h-jeol.
Executrix of the e-iate of Irnnk il TSonip
klna, dei:ea-eit w. H Powrit.,
Vit..iay. Xor'y.itetatrtC,
late.l, re!inry HkW.