The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 30, 1903, Image 4

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Congressman Geo. H. White's Case.
A Noted Sculptress Cured.
The world of ,
medicine re- '
cognizes Grip 63 ttj
as epidemic J'VnHI'X I i
Catarrh 17" , igpWff'V J
Medical Talk. ( UEUTumcf yS 1
La grippe is epidemic catarrh. It
pares no class or nationality. The
cnltnred and the ignorant, the aristo
crat and the pauper, the masses and the
classes, are alike subject to la grippe.
None are exempt all are liable.
Have joa the grip? Or, rather, has
the grip got you? Grip is weii named.
The original French term, la grippe,
has been shortened by the busy A meri-;
can to read "grip." W itbout intend
ing to do so a new word has been coined !
that exactly describe the case. Asifj
some hideous giant with awful grip Lad :
clutched us in its fatal clasp. Men, j
Liquidity of the German Language.
Mr. Casey, under the impression
that the perfuming machine was a
phonograph, dropped a cent in the slot
and placed the tube to his ear.
"Wow!" he exclaimed, tnddenly
flinging the tube from him. "It's a
wonder someone wouldn't invent water
proof reccrds for thim dom German
songs!" New York Sun.
The Marriage Record.
"Why did yon decide upon such a
sudden marriage?"
"Well, you see, Arthur got one of
those French automobiles, and I got to
thinking that a husband in the harness
might bj worth a good deal more than
a lover in the wreck." Chicago Record-Herald.
The Victorian .Nugget.
Not the mo -i valuable, but one of the
most beautiful in appearance of
iii Butwaraiieo ui auw
... ,, . it.-'i - )
i. ,
foond in V. bite Horse gully Eendigo .
It wa. purchased by the parl.ament of j
Mctoriafor 8,J50 ami presentea to .
the late Queen Victoria.
aiadlolus Bulbs. !
All gladiolus bulbs should be taken ;
op in the fall and saved from frost nn- '
til planting time in the spring, and tbe !
little bulbs that form at the root of the !
old bnl b are more certain to grow if
kept over a whole season before plant
ing out.
London Ice Cream Venders.
Ice cream venders in London sre re
quired to display on their pushcarts
the name of tbe manufacturer of tbe
frozen commodity, and the ice cream
factories are subject to board of health
Oood Profit on Monopoly,
Last year the French government
made a profit of over 170,000 000 on its
monopoly of the sale of tobacjo, cigars,
cigarettes and matches.
Chicken, Duck and Geese feath- 'i
era. Address j
U. Um ami I Mm ' a
lOih mndDavluSt:,Portland,Op
This wonderful f'hf
ne d'K-tor it caite)
grrat UrtmuM he cur"
pupi wit bout titra
tion ibat r jtlrii ut
tod if. W curi w.iti
Hume wondorJul ( ii:
ntie hrtin, rootf, bu'J.
barlci and vp(;ilatji'i
ih&l ar entirely un
known to medical d-
euc in tb'.i coumrj. 'I iir'jii)(h tlte unuot itum
bariulee remdien tbis famoui doctor known
the action of orer 600 t!ffrt-ut remlf-n, ij:i-u
aesuocesefuliy UHa In different dlatwM. H
fuaraoten to cur ratarrn, as i tun a, Uiii,
ttiroat, rlirumatlitm. rvotimit-ss, storriut b.
liver, ktdneyH, etc.: inw UuiidrHlu of ifMtiinuii
lala. t'bsrgea moderaie. ( all nd hun.
lJaileoi out of the c;ir write for Diitfiku and
circulars. Bnd 4 cnU In stamps. CO FIL
IATION yHk.H. AUDllh.-yn
131 Third St.. Portland. Oregon.
sarMenLlou piiper.
"l J" !?:". it I 7l f Ail !L
1 lima, vim rtr arusriia.
E J n
Slaw ' til
women, children, bole towns and
cities are caught in the bat eful grip of
a terrible monster.
lvruna for Grip.
Mrs. Theophilo Pehmitt, wife of the
Ex-Secretary of the German consulate,
writes the following letter from S41T
Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111.:
"I suffered this winter with a severe
attack of la grippe. After using three
battles of I'eruna I found the grip had
disappeaerd." Mrs. T. Sthniitt.
Mrs. Celeste Covell writes fr. m 219
N. avenue, Aurora, 11.:
"Only those who have suffered with ,
Good Pianos at Wholesale Prices and
on Terms Equal to Small Piano
Rent Eilers Piano House Has
Organized Another Co-operative
Club Terms
$6 Down and $6
Having received another large ship
ment of tine pinaos, we are now able to
accede to the numerous applications we
have received from persons desiring to
purchase pianos on the co-operative
clrb plan, which was so popular tome
time ago. This plan, owing to the ex-!,
leeuuiKiy iow prices ana easy terms II
, . , . . . ,
a se.iiuiiuu
widespread dssmn at the time it
was originally inugurate.1, that further j
explanation eeem.i unnecessary. Many
maintained then that it was simp'y im
Doesible for ns to sell ench ti.-n manna
at the prices a?ked. Investigation.
however, proved the absclute trjtli of
every one of our statements, and cur
ciubs became so immensely popular
that in five weeks we had a nn.-mU.r-
ship of four hundred. Three delivery
teams and six men could not deliver
the pianos fast enough to buyers. The
present club is organized upon the fame
principle ag the former ones, whieh is
the wholesale principle applied to re
tail buyers, who join a club of 100, the
elnb standing in the same relation to
ue that a wholesale purchaser or large ;
dealer does. I
The pianos are the finest, high grade, !
brand new regular :jr)0 instruments, '
and will go to members of this new I
club "i" at 107, f 1 90 and $237, 1
according to works, style and design, j
There are no dues, no extras, nor any 1
liability on the part of members for
any posibie failure or shortcoming on :
tne part ol the others or any of them.
This being, as we have stated, an ac
commodation club, ogranized for the
purpose of accommodating the many
.- . wuu .P!1.,Cu r nciDDersuip w ;
our former ones after it was too late to
Fecure a piano we shall have but this ;
one club, so all those d.-sjnng to take i
advantage of this rare opportunity hu .
be ter tnake app.icitwn at once. We
will take especial during this
to see hat inquiries ns
through the mail or by t ephone re-:
I !:...!. . .
give cut-of town bnyersevery advantage
in securing niemtrtiip. All instru
ments bandied by us are fully guaran
teed. Money back if not satisfactory.
Eilers faino Home, Park and Wash
ington streets, Portland, Oregon. Oili
er large houees at Spokane, Han Fran
cisco and Sacramento.
No Olve Away,
tather No, John, yon can't
anotner piece ol pie. i
r-on O, please, para; I won't tell
mamma, honest! Detroit Free Pre.s.
Mildewed Leather.
Mildew on leather and rrany other
.stains may be removed with a little
pore vaBeline. liub this into the
leather until quite absorbed, and then!
carefully polish witb a clean chamois
leather. This treatment is suitable lor j
, almost every sort of leather. j
la grippe and been cured can appreciate
how grate. ul I feel that such a splendid
ni i. iim a-t I'ernna has been placed t
the door of every suffering poreou."
Mr. O. 1'ovell.
NoIimI Sculpiraa Curanl af Grip.
Mrs. M. C. Cooper, of the lioyal
Academy of Arts, of I-ondon, Kngland,
now residing in Washington, U. C, is
one of the greatest liviug icupltors and
painters o( tbe woi Id. She says:
"I take pleasure in recommending
I'eruna for catarrh and la grippe. 1
have suffered for months, and after the
use of one bottle of 1'erui a I an) entire
ly well. "Mrs. M. C. Cooper.
I l Wallace, a charter meo.ber of
the International Karbers' I'nion,
writes from 15 Western avenue, Min
neapolis, Minn.:
"Following a revere attack of la
grippe I teemed to be affected badly all
"One of my customers who was
greatly helped by Peruna advised me
to try it, and I procured a bottle the
same day. Now my head is clear, my
nerves are steady, I enjoy food and rest
well. I'eruna baa been worth a dollar
a dwe to me." L. L. Wallace.
Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, of the Salt
I-ake City barracks of the Salvation
Army, writes from Ogden, I' tab:
"f wo months ago I was stiffening
witn so severe a cold that I could hard
ly speak.
"Our captain advised me to try Te
runa and procured a bottle for me, and
truly it woiked wonders. Within two
weeks I was entirely well." Clarke
CougrMtuian rtrhtta's Lsitar.
Tarboro, N. C.
Gentlemen: I am more than satis
fied with I'eruna and find it to be a.l
excellent remedy for the Urip and ca
tarrh. I have used it in my family
and they all join rue In recommending
it as an excellent remedy." ticorge
It. White, Member of Congress.
Mrs. T. W. Collins, treasurer Inde
pendent Order liood Templars, of
Everett, Wsh., writes:
"After having a severe attacK of la
grippe I continued in a heble condition
even after the doctois called me cured.
Mv blood seemed poisoned. I'eruna
cured me " Mrs. T. W. Collins.
If yon do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of reruna
write at once to Dr. ilartman, giving a
full statement of your e&se, and he will
be pleaded to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman, President of
The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus
The Dangerous Blue Eye.
My observation has been that most
of the bad men of tl e border were blue
eyed. A man with a soft blue eye
will always be selected by a bully as a
victim in preference to these snapping
biack, brou or cold gray eyes. On the
average, men possess about the tame
amount of courage, and when the blue-
eyed man la been imposed on suffi
ciently be re.-enta it; one combat pre
cipitates another, till he gets np a rep
utation which he feels he must live np
to. There is your fighting man.
Everybody's Magazine.
Wise Brothers Always on the Alert to
Have the Latest In Dental Science.
; Dr. Thomas P. Wise, junior member
o the firm of vvjae Bro, ,, in
. .... ,u ,.rnr. r.i !(,;,,
i.;...,, n n.. ,i;.;.
Liiiiinru 1 vital U 11, IMQ Uim,J,l ICI
jn d?ntal seience, and has made him-
j, famillar with a!1 detail(f of the
mo.t un niethoii. u has vi
;to i (i, ,,i Hor,l A. .n.l
the laboratories ol advanced practition
ers. It has been his purpose to be
come familiar with all that is best in
American dentistry, which is the recog
nize! elaiiilanl of the world. Wine
liros. realize that new discoveries are
constantly being made in dentistry,
and, in order to give their patrons the
ljewt attention they could receive any
where in the world, they have adpoted
the policy of sending a member of the
firm Kast eaeh year. Moral: Go to
Wifb Uros , dentists, Failing building,
Portland, Oregon, for the best dental
His Unlucky Choice.
"Mies Ginx," began young Gaboy,
"or may I call you Gir.evra "
"Call me what you like," she said,
with a bright smile.
"Well, I like Gin," he whispered.
And then he reaiixod, as she turned
her phiz from him, that he had blun
dered. Chicago Tribune.
Nature Improved.
That looks like an extravagant state
ment, but we believe you will agree
with us that it can be done after you
have tried in your home a can of Mon
,e .,,,,, , or pears or cherries or
other fruit,. Moi;,)p,e fraits aI1 re.
tain th(ejr r,atural flavor aD(, are ked
wiiere VTvn in the h,.avie,t and 6Weet.
et of tryu u on want to he mn.
vlnce j ttlBt , . ay 0( tb9, 1B u
b:iy a lAn hlJln deael.. Moa
(Jealer8 ,arry Mw , o(e. Wadhams &
Kerr JiroB Mon e grocers, Portland.
Might Not Bother Him.
"Well," said the cheerful wife, whr
, thought she bad a soprano voice, "if
! the worst corres to the worst I could
Keep the wolf from the door by sing
ing." "I don't doubt that would do it," re-
p'iel her peimictio husband, "but
suppose the wolf should be deaf?"
Philadelphia Prene.
Pain rfeiieve,ii gicknf..,, prevented, by
the tin el v use of Hamlin's Wizard Oil.
KeeD it a'lwa?s in the house.
Standing Up for His Klgnts.
Get ont of here," growled the larvae
in the cheese rind as the weevil sought
to make an entrance.
"I!ut why," protested the weevil,
"There Is plenty of room for both."
"But w here's your skipper's license?"
asked the lurvae haughtily. Judge,
Stnirnant Land of Northern Africa
Toru lr Kevott.Nslura.lljr a Harden
Fpotttmt Curacl bjr MUaovermusul
nl Villa KanattcUm.
The revolt In Morocco, led by re
ligious fanatic ami pretender. Omar
Zanihuiil, against the modern -minded
Sultiiu, Mulnl Abdul Axil, has assum
ed such proportions ns to alarm the
powers of Kurope and has brought
about n revival of Interest hi this
ever-turbulent country.
The sultanate of Morocco, at "the
gates of Kurope," Is the most north
westeruly of the African kingdoms
nnd covers an area about eipml to
that of the State of Texas. Its north
ern and western roasts are washed
by the Mediterranean and the Atlantic
oecnu. while on the east It Is hem
med lu by Algeria nnd on the south
by the desert of Sahara. The monot
ony of Its surface Is broken by the
Atlas Mountains, an Irregular range
extending through the country from
the northeast to the southwest, afford-1 At urn h migm ue wen , u-r
lug a barrier against the hut winds cowcatcher or possibly an ordinary
from the great desert. Several smaller: fender, together with a catcher's mask
chains break up the country between 1 "d padded gloves. Naturally It will
the main muire an.l the Atlantic luu!'1' w'H u conceal your appearance
fertile valleys and plain. Many of
the most ,.l..eiit..,l k of Norih
Africa are fotiud lu tbe Atlas Mouu
tains, and the summits of these are
always capped with snow, the ehlllln;
winds that blow from them down Into
the valleys, ofttlmes making bitter
cold the ulghts that follow upon days
of extreme heat. In these mountains
are the sources Qf many rivers -streams
that are as wild and unman
ageable as the tribes that drink from
them. Many of these torrents spend
their fury in the spring and early sum
mer and are then lost sight of lu the
Htaanant Itnd and People.
Agriculture In Morocco Is lu a very
primitive state and but a small part of
the arable laud is cultivated, owing to
the Innate Indoletiee of the people ami
the lack of encouragement from the
government. Famines are not uncom
mon and during the best times the
prudiietlon Is seiireely enough to sup
ply the wants of the people. Yet, un- j
der -proper conditions of education
and government, Moroer'o could be
come one of the most productive re-1
glotis In the world. Iiomcstlc animals
arc numerous and the wealth of many
of the tribes consists entirely In their
flocks and herd. From the skin of
the native goats the celebrated Mo
rocco leather Is made, and this forms
the chief occupation of the country.
The people of Morocco may be di
vided Into five races, Ilerbers, Arabs.
Moors. Jews and negroes. The Iler
bers, who are the aborigines, live In
the mountains, and are a race of ex
cellent physical development. They
are courageous, resolute and temper
ate, maklug the best of warriors and
hunters. The Arabs, who compose
the greater part of the rural popula
tion, are nlso of One physical build
but are fanatics of Jealous disposition.
fhey are not prosperous ami are fre
quently at variance with the govern
ment. The Moors, who are largely of
(Spanish extraction. Inhabit the cities
and towns. Neither lu body nor mind
are they strong, and they occupy their
time In pleasure and Idleness. The
Jews are more Ignorant than their
brethren In other countries, hut are
shrewd and enterprising, many of
them possessing great, wealth. The
majority of them arc engaged In com
merce. The negroes are slaves, or de
scendants of slaves brought from Cen
tral Africa. They are fairly ' Intelli
gent, Dut are more stutmorn and ma
licious than the Moor and Arabs,
with which two races they Intermarry
to a great extent. In general the
people of Morocco are barbarous and
fierce. Outlawry Is common among
those who live on the plains, but they
do not assassinate strangers and trav
elers and theft Is seldom accompanied
by murder.
Hnled br the Koran.
Morocco Is divided Into a number of
provinces, In each of which are from
two to fifteen small tribes. Kach of
these tribes has Its representatives
who, when united form the council for
the province. All governmental law
comes from the precepts of the Ko
ran, through the guiding hand of the
Nultiin. The religion of Morocco Is
Mohammedanism, Christian mission
aries having made no great Inroad
there as jut
Of the Fes. Morocco ant! M
tiultie are tin most Important. The
Kultiin has pnhices lit the Hint two
nud sieiids part of his Hiiie In each.
The cities are enclosed by wall, the
gates of which mv closed at night.
The streets have no nnines and the
houses are without number.
Sultan MiiIaI Abdul Axis Is a young
man of great physical strength, lie
Is a good horseman, a k I huntsman,
and Is fond of manly sports. He Is
well educated and speaks French llil'
Thcrs Are Many Prescriptions, lull In
Fiittjttliied 1 Hfcninnisiulcd.
i All old farmer-old enough to know
better-say that the way to cure a
j cow of kicking Is to catch her by the
leg Just as she Is about to kick. She
i should be grasped firmly, as clone to
' the hoof as possible, Riid the grip must
not relax until the kicking Impulse I
j over. Of course the kick must be
headed off, as It were, and not met
' half way. nor even tliree iitiarters way.
j It Is a good Idea to get the hired man
to accustom himself In this simple
: fact, but at the saiuellme It must not
'be forgotten that a good hired mail"
1 can easily be spoiled by careless luat
j tendon to-direction.
, -from the cow as much as possible, be-
cause so many cows are
timid and
easily scared by strange objects. Then
when the cow slightly raises her hoof
and shivers apprehensively along the
ankle don't wait for further develop,
mcnt. but grasp the lower leg (Irmly
and bang ou for dear life.
A man named Mulllna had a kicking
cow of fourteen horse power and some.
IhhIv told him about the grab theieg
cure. Mulllns told It to his hired man.
' ... ---'H
The hired mail bail had the milking
stool kicked from under blm several
times and the milk pall battered Into
scrap tin and he said he would 1m; glad
to try the recipe. So he put on a pil
low for a chest protector and Jumped
for the leg as noon as he saw the pre
monitory symptoms.
"Well. sir. be went through the sta
hie window ns neat as you please, tnk
lug the nash along with blm. When
Mulllns reached hint he was as ihued
as a mudlark.
" '.eartliiiuke?" he feebly muttered.
"No." said Mulllns, "the cow khked
"Cow kirk nl me!" the hired men re
peated. "I wonder bow It happened';"
"I wonder?' said Mulllns.
tut Mulllns thought he knew,
though he hesitated about saying so
for fear of hurting the victim's feelings-ami
he was hurt enough already.
The trouble was that the hired limn
was so awfully crosseyed that he had
grabbed the wrong leg! '--Cleveland
Plain Iiealer.
Had a Uo ii it It Kiperirnre.
Thoiuas J. Miiiuli-k.uii English news
paper man. sought glory by Imitating
the old time American reporter's trick
of having himself locked up In a llel
glsii madhouse to secure a scnaatlun.
The doctors, however, "got on" to
Thomas and to teach blm a lesson
dosed hi in with vomiting Hwders.
Next he was put on a diet of sour her
rings and no water; at night he wasn't
allowed to sleep ami when lie com
plained he was told that ho had a
tumor In his brain ami was Imagining
III treatment. He would fee) letter as
soon as the tumor was cut out. When
finally the doctors tried to chloroform
him and made preparations to operate
upon blm Thomas disclosed his Identi
ty. I!ut the doctors would not let hlin
off. They sent him under guard to the
police station, where he was hooked
ns an Impostor and for obtaining the
county s charity under false pretenses
Old (Jentli-innii (to boy playing foot
bull on Sunday) All, my hid, what
would your father say If he saw you
playing football on the Hnbbnth?
The Itoy Vc'd better BHk hlmger.
That's him keppln' goal.
Imports to Ainerloa.
One-half of the Imports Into this
country are of materials for manu
facture. What has become of the old fash
ioned woman who explained her pov
erty by saying an elephant stepped on
her pocketbook?
A Cough
" I have made a most thorough
trial of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to aay that for all dis
eases of Hie lungs It never dlsap-
PlnU'j. Early Finley, Ironton, O.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rheumatism;
wc never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
wc never claimed it. Out
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds.
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
Tins sIimi lit.. Ml-. II. A" sratlM.
Cnaaall a.i Sector, tf ha TS laaa II,
than 4a SI f ;,y
la i.t II. thn 4-e'l UK !
LMxIlallh him. ' wHIIss
Vrot. Dolbcar'e Career.
Prof. A. F.. Ilbear of Tufts cidlege,
has just celebrateil his sixty-filth
birthday. For over twent) -eight years
he hat been a professor at Tolls. He
was born In the same house In which
llenedict Arnold was born.
Toads !! AlUa's foal rltB.
writs Altsn . Olmsted. 1-eKoy, X. Y , tT a
lw tmnel el Alton . KkiI Ksm. It riirva i hll
tilslni. Bllllr, .UmlS sw.ill'n, srhlix lrl.
II mat, iipw or llshl he r., A wrlain
rlf ter CeriU sntl Muntelit. All rirtlglltftUwll
II. tC- 1VM I i'.t - PUlllltll.
The Main (Jut illoa.
Hramble My wife and I were play
ing ping pong last night and tbe ball
flew into a gas llame ami exploded, set
tire to the window curtains and nearly
be rued tbe house down.
Thome Who won tbe game? ttaltl
moie bun.
rT8 fanaananltf
F I IS anr (li.i I.
S flu ar aarvwttMwaj
altor fti.l U . ,,.Mr kli.itiraa
aariiwar. Su.H. SK KJ OOH..1 l-iO..Hr.l
ka. U4.
Memory Freaks.
It is Instanced as one of the mi Uni
ties of the memory that people who
know li ng pieot-i of verse by heart fre-'
quently cannot mmeiutwr their tele
! phone nuuilmr.
I Plan's Curs l a irmid roiirh madiclii.
Ithaactirrd roiii:lia soil colds for forty
' yaara. At druirgi'l. ' veins.
I Witrkal Manilla. Uring WUcsprvad.
While elavtrhat maiiu'ai ttirliig Is
shown to be rhielly nun eiitrst- d in
some six Faster n and too Middle
states, tbe Industry is fairly wide
spread, Its data bring (tiritiahod by no
fewer than nineteen states. j
too u a vv itn aioo. )
Tha rvadrra of tlilt l-air wilt ! f.lratrd In
JSarn ttial lllfra a al ,ta.l ona dreailcl d.ra
(hat W'm-a l.aa bran aola lo euro tn ad Id
ia. ati4 llal lai-atsrrti. llaU'at atatti'ur
1. ilia mt Miaiuva ctira known bi Ilia uirdti-ai
tratruor. atarrh lais aoneutuii,inai tU
aaaa, rrOrra a rm.uttlilunat r-aintritt
Hail t alarm Cure la tairn Inlarnalir, a Ht.e
diretlf ur,ti tlia tiit-l and fmt( una ur a. . .
ul Ilia Hyatria. tlirrat'r atrurrig lli fi.uik.ln
linn or tha i.ra., ami slins iha t.aic
Strpiitlb bf bullillitg n Ilia istiialitul uit
s;tlng naiura In .lelng lit arofk.
Ilia t.riv oara a.i mteli raitu in I'a cifal n
fr-rs. Dial trirjr effrr Ona llulelia-t IH.Ilari
.r anf f-aaf ttial It laUa tocurv. band fur lial
Ot l(-fllllnuulsl. A't lrea
r s niK.sgr a co., Toioio, o
ilali'a famujr I'd.a aa Ilia liaai.
Congeatloa In Hrlllah City.
Itirmlngham, Fngland, has upward
of 40, 000 back-to-back bouses and
0,000 curls, which are entered by tun
nels from the street, states tbe city's
medical olliier.
Mothers will Una Mrs. "nnilow's Booth
hue riynip His bast rrmady u ua lor Hour
tuildren during tn tawiliiug period.
Hngar, roo. chiKtilate. nastrv.
nialiii, milk, fat meat, nuts, potatoes,
egg! oysters, lobsters, jama and In. ne
are a few of the many articles of dint
that fatten.
The Ivln.l Von Ititvn Always
P'','V.'"-V5'.V..".'.''-' '" A'""'.'"?' V.,,f,'"r' X--7v-oc---s-, tar a-. wrra.
k-i.aJ..V,.a.Va .V)A:i.C.A .' O .-' :-.'s -
aaa.aj ... vmra. II. 1 M-1A IK 1, 111 HI J;H ff )IHlO IIIKIl-r llllt
personal supcrvMon lor mit a yrurn. Allow m. imn
to tlc-elvo you lu this. Coiuitfrfclts, linltiit Ioiih mi l
.JiiHUnN-jriMMl'' uro but i:i.crltii. nts. uti. I ntl:inr r tlio
licttllll f Clilldrcn I'xiiciicn.o n:;iiliist i;p..iiiii,.ut.
What is CASTOR! A
Ciislorliv It a ImrniliKu wiiliNtlfuto fop ( iisfop ;, inrl.
Krlc, Dropt nnd Kootliiiir SyrupM. It h I IciiMtrit. It
tontulni, licit her Opium, JWoriililno imp ollu r Nnrcollo
niibxtiiiico. It nq-o In itH piiitruntf. It ,I.-i,ii.v4 Wihiii-
ttiul nlliivH l evel IsIiiiom,. Jt rurt'H Diarrlin-i. t'u.! lml
Collf. Itri-llfvcfi 'IVflliln Ti-utililes 4M,-fH rt.iiHt,milon
IMlU I bltlllllicy. It HMhillllluta-H UlO l ot.ll, Pt'KKllllt'H tlut
Hlnii.t li iiuil llovvHs trlvliu,' linilihy mi.l iiaimul hIici.,
Iho Clillilrcn's ranaci ii-'I lio violin i 'a l i lcnd.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Eoara tho
In Use For Over
thi aoanat. a. uia
McCAULUY & KUKUANK. acneral $
Mine, Mill and Marine work, (ienorsl repairs. Prlnllim M, hlm.T, re, alrud and robnllt
I'oole Bldg., loot of Morrison St. I'OKTLANI), OKI-OON
milk. HOGS .row and ttun;&u$tii'UC """ ,K,"r
an apia-llb. anil 11... i.liKrn TXlm uIm!l u". . i l ""' '' h'm
flS-pngt Hand nok. fruiilan Ermri! Co., Sl. Plu, Kins.
roiiTLAHu aan.i
'ul sl Marrisaa Klrrsl,
t'n jrivt jr- ii His 14m lisrsslnn In ItiMlsrs
ami P MIHic", iMliMmiim. ru mi anil Hunt.
rsl Msi hlimrr. W,,.1 Hawln Mathluai a
lUliT. Iwiiira kitting.
a oil i amir lu a
Queen I'eo
Cough Drop
Are nisitatif iiitrn huh
ry siul mtiiitniil Thity
sre pteHHsiit hmiI if.
n.eiivs kr a itn(hty
(tr rutisli itl r-tlH
Trjr eNnn. s..,t
l.y sit ilrumtl.K an,
rinlielt4itti'r, 'iwu
.').,, I.j mail ,
ruelttiit iv.,atsiii4.
I'ailflc Coast
Illwult Co.
Porltsnd, Or.
at blanteil b tmm
lit mf " 1"
fiM (tvt'i'a ami ! aih
dswlrta lt rl AmmJ
.J( us, tml (! fisli-.ral.
aM,wu.l ne Ui alt ai-fll'-MUM,
Dvtruil, Mtoh
R l i. fact lll.-.. i ar i.imhI ta
mora E.eax.aaM.1 ii niuraf.fM-. Ihail
tva..n 1"t W a OUn an.l t-
tl.Mt r Mt r . Inu a. aa I't o -.l. t f
II l.Oi. aii ut'iir-'.l-aua I?
For 10 Cent IHtmlaaU A
U... wt.-.l.a, V
In at) ft.i ktal. ii.v.y fuftn.UM
at.- ,o r. uuJy tw. Ir4 tattj a4
A. UH Ov.
-4 al Sat V a a
la craaaa, wis.
Ther U no aatlf action keener
thn bino dry tind eomfot ttvble
when out m th hndeit torm
Cup i-i vcr, -
mai- in MIKt csi irtiow
If Ka a al tji -a u
ft aaTfiT. rfl0, .ad k.i--'l aaaf Knla
It.. IN III f at II- and taifarlf liaaa lar
naitta i a -. .t ni is ai.t r. a e rat .no ma ba e. h.l in lu;-.ina l.aat
aan if la aaa fri.t .) .lh n-iUh l.if
li"tlil alt- it'.' a n.p,.f CAM h.Ta4
an.l lie.? rtital hi- i-aiB in hi iia4 a aims
llumcdiaia.y Wa r, rp-.n nvrn.M.aarsrata f
Cii u siGt'cr.'iit..
Pillsbiirf lt A Uia;l u, I'uutnirg, Pa.
Uua,Ml, S ' t t,tu tit il4 (tk- I
iXttef tS-r tasMMOt- iMfttl. f Uf
"u i-mwiti
.i at: a'fif
II a. ...
; r. X. V
a - ioj.
It III K rtlllK( tf ailiailliara it
1 r sut-uiiMM ania par.
Hought li;it liorno tim si;,n:i.
Signaturo of
30 Years.
yiwit, Ntw nn eirr.
co, t,.umu4, Or... CcTa7;IT