4 I tiik am- stobk nnwx Si IM, ,r , ' ' 3; Ity The lr Sawmill!- 5, 1 Itoriviiig New VwhU M THE MUCKLE STORE tion of Long Standing , & Dart & L' :9j !St. Ilfll'IH, - V- . w iM-g0-vrgm-$0t'irf-vr:ia- gr. tr gar r A ratroiiiic u drug store when you want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines l'erfumerv, Toilet i HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Kino Line of Writing Supplies. w i 'tin riii i if'i'nr-iicii J Direct from Publisher Regular -COLLINS THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, Carry a Large ami Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and Feed ST. HELENS. - O: TOOTHACHE DROPS. Oil t'lmea, t,'reoote nnd t!lilor'iorui, cpli'l parts on cotton; this w ill loi liny . ae of t"olhu. he . mnc.1 fiuin an exposed nerve, but the way to core it, is t i have the tooih tilled by lilt. KNOPKK'S MCW Mi:i'IIOi. Dr. KNODER, Dentist 0 T,p it OKfit is Hoi h. Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, lnicrmation ami Appointments by Mail. Hortina iO and 51, Washington Hid., Southeast corner Wash, and 4th Sis PORTLAND, OrEOON. Tnke Elevator to Tiflh Tloor. vapor w t iVwbr SSomo. Siora ..Nfiw xitm NuaruMt Ai'WooU lo ARC ILLUM-mORS W your store. IlltUt aa dT- o ir If Ir, re loatp, to vhvutv wm leorMai) nluli-.luil eJ nw. M W. alM msanfvtnr TA I'l.K I.A WALL f.AMPS. VHMUMAittH. HIHKVT UMl'-j, LM.M.in hour ONIil OKST. Ntfwtch Ni hiUolH. NO (Muf, rlkirT to skx1 avail ta. I irwuw lor ofcttkatu. ml prlm-i. CHICAGO SOLAR UOIIT CO- CHICA0O, 4 f T -A. 1 Bh it 8 ft1 Kvery day in the Week, jlj1 HAS A REPUTA- for (Inly tliu Best In Muckle, i OlVOH Wj i 1 ST. HELENS 5 Articles, Ktc. t i rr'ni" i n i it-1 r.ii . 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents AND GRAY-: 9 i! - OREGON 317, FililillR IMU'g ) Portland, O'cgou ,,, UfU e, Hotn 4U I'linsica KKttNr U7 Mmzntmm and Street 0 Biitlii;lit ami A liuu.it m lTbV. IffiffiUWJffaKt Hardware liouM WS.M. U r tv i wt a i AND 'Sj'.'S'f: PERSONAL PI. Kil flu ruin wm ill Hi. Helen Wed nesday. dinned gooda ut retail or wholesale at L'i)llin A Uray's. N. A. Perry, of Houlton, wm n Halcui visitor llil week. J, K. Blakeslcy returned Saturday night from a visit to Halem. Clyde (lowflll, ut Wtrren, was trittiM iicling lnii iiohh in thin city Wednesday. Almost anything you want in the gro cery lino can m had ul Collin & Uray's. ,, ., , ..... , , , . . - Mn. I'., J, Klin 1 1 an moved into thai uwvi.iiik rci:i.i.iiv yacuicu u nn, j.ih .i in ...i i... ... . i.... lei. K. (flick went to Suleui Mundav, a..lia.tiidiiig memher of tho u.j , lMJ)M, j Mr. N. A. Ixiw. of Quincy, is visit iug her daughter, Mm. A.T. Laws this wnk. Horn, to Mr. and Mis. Christ Jenaen at Yankton on Nuliirduy, January 17th, girl. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bee- ' gle at Warren on Monday of hut week, a gill. Mrs. A. P. Ilrn7.ee, of l'ortlaud, visited her father, I.iudley Meeker at Houlton Mondiiy. The Warren Urass I'nnd will give a musical concert and dance in this city on Kriduy evening, reh. 13, 19U.I. Itev. W. A. M. Ureck, of I'orlUnd, will conduct services at Christ Kpiaco pal church next Hunduy evening. . Taken up by the undutsigned ; one browu hoi.u, with while star in forehead, and white tripe on his uue. Apply to C, I.. Smith, Deer lilnud. Kev. II. Kofi, of Itainier, filled his aniioiiitiiieii here last hund.iv. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Moys, who rvmiiiued ith him over Sunday. , . i Assessor A. T. Laws and family ex-I . i ptct to move Into thd J. tieorge house ' , . ,, . ., . i in it I. tit- iIjvii. TIiih ilifci'lltiitf liiia r- , il r...iv.l .i..i..iv r....i.a i K. 11. Klugg, who wa at one lime j puoiieiivr ol ilia .Mtnr, auu recvuiiy iu the cueloiiiS se l vice in Alu.-ku, uow holds u poi.lloli In the Hate ).riuling of lire. For a bud taitu in th" luO'ilh take a few doers of .'hamtcilalii'a Mom.uli and LivcrTuhlcts Warranle.l ,0 cure. I '. (,... iui.ti lnr an u lit' itr Ki U111 1'iice cents. frur Ml by Ut. Itoss. The I Hh child, a ly, wa born t. .Mr. and Mr. Lawruncfl Keedur, lew aya a,fo on Sauviea Uiaud. Mn. ao on uvie laiauu. .Mr .. K. Terry attended Mrs. Kjcdcr durii.g liei nine's. It',..., ulin una Hot Bclirn ii.ana- , .... -. ..... ..f . l.a..k n. Ki H,.W,. rear. " i.go, is now cwahier of a bunk at Uuve lull, Ky. A blend in Tortland occa ' eioiial'y he r. lioni huu. : ChaileS Tiiadd.K-k, who bus been with lr. Clil! during (lie pusl wiii:er ; and autumn mouths, w ill accept a posi tion in S. A. Teiry's note as kmui us the eighth grndo ex. niuntioil is coin : plttid. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tiiiiiiiv removcl In Terry L'sher'. new lodging camp on tlie Kalaiua tivei, miles atmve KiiUinn, ' : Monday. They have been employed io ' Mr. Teller's camp on Milton creek f"" some lime p-ist. I Charles Meeker, from Huston, was vis-1 iltinghis hii.lher. James Meeker, dur- ling ihe past week. A few year, ago bu was it pioiuiueiil real etme dealer o( t orllaru, Kim ill et.riiei u.iva n-n n Oregon V faliionaa railrund cmluelar. Henry Morgns and Miss Anna l!u .barn returned from Toitluinl Satuiday night, where they were in attendance at tlie ImhIshIo ut the hitter's bioiher, Zitnr tliiehiiia. lleisveiy ill i:i Tortland hospital, had already undergone una op eration. "The nicest and pleu.antest medicine I have used for itidigeetiou and coiisli palion is Cluiiubci Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablet," says Mehird T. Craig, of Middlegrove, N. Y. ''They woik like a charm and do not gripu or have 1111 1111 pleasant ell'ect ltoss. tor sale by fed will I Ueorge W. Terry, of Houlton, soil : 18 Tlyiiioiith U.H'k chickens ui Hie Toi I- and iuui ket a few days ago. Tliu tolitl weight was l:W pounds, and Hie price received was 1 3. After the sale wan was made, It was lotiiiu tnai an I lionalcctit per pound could have been; gl,,.ur,., I i. From the Kuliuna Bulletin; I. -' i Wikslroni, of St. ilolous, Oregon, I In the city M nid.iy looking nfmr his af i fairs in thestaloof V.ishingto.i, Chillies j Nacklcy left last Tdestlay for Neer City ! io uiae ciiurgt. u. .....-., ,. ,, ,v eently purchased. Mr. Allwit Sehoon- over and h.mily will leave tomorrow tor aucoliver wnme .nr. oominuY.r nun huseiniliiyiuent. Mi s. K. Terry and Mrs. tieorgo Terry, of lli iiltoii, mid Mrs. Martin While left Siitiinlay morning for a visit ui the valley. Mis. K. Terry intended to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Ihous ut l-ui- versity p.u k over Sunday, while the others visited friends at Uliidatom.. The entire puity then expected to if" to North Yamhill l visit Mrs. White's uncle, E. S. Morris fur u few days. Mr. Vancouver w lime Mr. Scho mover now Morris is an tiuly Oregon pioneer, and 111) years old. A few months ago Mrs. Terry attended lamily re union at the Morris Imtiie ul liich were present silt broilieis of Mr. Morris. , FISHHAWK. (J.T. Day waif, took a to Clutskaiiie, Monday. loud of apples John Nelson win felling sorm. limber for Mr, Kougliry, Inst week. Win. Klliott ami wins, were doing business in Mint, Wednesday. The N'chalciii river Han bank full, Hun- lay, for tlie eighth time thin winter. Andrew Carr ill borne from Astoria where ho ha. been attending school. Will Van', new house In one of the ! handsomest In the Nehnlem valley K, E. Ilogbwrg returned homo from 1'ortlHiid last week, the proud possesser of a new pair of government Loot. We are having changeable weather. Rain, then snow, then more rain ; freeze a little, thaw and snow some more. Lot , , The Clatekanie Mt. road ha a lti"W unit of clothe. The roud Htipervitor in tht dutriet evidently d..- not believe in patiilied eordiiroy. lie don't Meive in ueing lea aroumi uy the noi-e either, Tht the way to do ii Oliver; you're all right. . RAINIER Opt' J'led Wiljon wan a I' rtland viaitor, Momlny. Jaiiiea Ctrant ia now doing the clerk- ; ing act at Kred Tton , M. Kllia A Co., have been making some improvineiilii on their utore. Mualer Dolph Huoghkirk g on the eick lint thin week, with a hud cold. We hive had the II ret touch of Winter here, this week, in the oliupe i-f a little no. I'rof. Belcher was down from the city, Tut'Mlay, atteudiug to his clut,8 of vocal etudenta. MiFe Ruby J. kn, Ilaiay Watk'tns Alice Terry were In the inctrojiolis, hut fcmurdiiy. Itev. i. A. Ta;rgart, preached to a 'rl5" ""J Ppreciative audieiiee, last Sunday evening. Kev. Moys, the M. E. minister, ha , ' - ,, ' . lieen iiutte sick, lie went to ruitlaiiu , ' . . . , fur trentmcnt, eatardav. ' We understand that a church in lobe! built n Heaver vallev soon. We hope 1(.v ft jH tui,, for oi.'o is needed badly. j The .Sunday school has changi-d its j , tune of meeting from eleven to 1U:30 so ; as 10 ! imiuoil.ite the uiiuiiteis who !....... rim i - - i fuinie. The social given by the M. K. ladies, ,..riJav evening;., a grand succe... I ;, ver.v way. Every one went home feeling that they had epetit th-j few hours in a good way. f glir KojireHrtuutivc, Martin Both, !,.els t (. unite hu-v of late, in Salem. lo L t . Uni te bu.v .d lat e, in Salem .! We fet-l veiy ltuch honoreil lo kuow thiil one of our lownsu. eu is trying to do ... .... . " vu 11 '"r 'i,s tww II anil oiuiny. Anioutr the new homes thill have . Uh-ii buill lately, arc lhiiu of Mr. W. tint and Mr. .VI Morgan. They arc i.i Ii... u -.t -...! of litan nt.il me ii -. 1 1 to ..or little city. N. is. Stewart will (iMiti liavtf Ii la. home OOinpleUHl, w tiuli lo quite a neni linking structure t .. :. : Wiitlt ii IB VllilM'IJ ll'IIlflVll. vi, 1 KEASEY K. W. Keaney, gxs this week, to t. Helen as u witness on land proof for J. W, Kci"l, and will eon'iiiue on to Portland t.i visit his sou I). K. Kcasey, manager and proprietor of the Ku.liicni Tailoring I o., AXi Witsh. St. j . ,,tll.P n-,i'Wl from Mrs. I.. Hell j j .gtorn.crly Mrs . tiaddU-ol Ontario, Oregon, otmlniuti I lie new s ttuu Mr. j SvXW KvlXsvy lia- llol improVea by her stay in Eastern Oregon, and lluil she had gone to Colorado Springs to try that climate. The 61'urcity of news and the ahuu dance of lain mnkvs life somehat monotonous. Congressional news, Sta e . bus.nes, under toe new manaiteu.nt. Icglehituic's squabbles, Yeiizueli.tii j The bachelors i f tl:is place have U'en troubles, coal cummis-ioiien.' long pend- j enj .yin a fine time for the past week, ing inveetigtili -H, a few suicides and j i e nge Cuniiiiigham went to lloiliton murders, with an occasional scandal n biieiuess laet Friday, returning Miu inteiniixed, helps the hours to pass, and u,.y. " " wo ate now thinking only one moiej Sam Forln-s, of Goble, went to ti rants nii.niti anil siirim. will It here : in fact o.. i.... ... i.. ,i. ..,..- ii. i ... ... wil)U1. ,,M juet lkS prelude of spring. Tlie heart i'ek. .evmuiltliv of those i w,u,e bertrts bav iso been luuchwi by !0u business, returuitu: to Houlton H.e j th(. (j( .. u .xtuml,.,! t0 Mi. ame.i.v. ! an j Mrs 1 5al,lic-i t. We offer us a tilhnte : ! l() (h(. huW ,mv w sui,ellv ,mUi. .. .,.:.. t0 Heaven, this! HUDSON gelection, written by a. friend years .igii, , " . , -'fhcre is a land more fair than ours, A summer hind of song and Mowers, An,i one bv oiielrom day to diy, K.lri,-S pilgrim, hither strav. Lnvi, ,,v ,l0 miU), eo ,,8pil1g 8Wl,el) T ii- j pl.ess WVHfy ft,.,t I uml bv , (.,.)ry of ,m"t cVllWt , Vl,tti;(t ,tej,ait Hie ills ol time. j A,lt,'na llie ,,M ,mt seeks its nest, wie .,,e vM ,,.., wlnd!l u.ut it hr'uisi, So fioin the pain and lenrr of earth I The emil seeas out its place of biith. J j,,. i, one, in the morn of life, Strayed from lins troubled eallh of strife, Not yours to giopa through blinding I terns Along the dread uncertain years, ' ivnr little feet no longer quest, Have left life's stormy wuy uupiest. ,.vt niattle echoes round the place, Her shadow keeps tho sunshines grace.: And says with glances sweet and mild : His words, "he even as a child." And points beyond earth's broken bauds, ! Up to ihul house not imsde with hunds." I piTTSBURG VISIBLE T YPEWRITER J THE ONLY PERFECT WHITING MAC HINT MADE f 2 i i a I -.. wj,.ihi .0 L. 3 ' ' A. r- r r -. " f 4 ' I) U : . -Sa rm "x ra w Ths Pittsburg Writing Machine Company m Wood Street. PITTSBURG IVIIO I ;i IM. it HjiIiKX, Hex inter. fiquircnallnrJ.wHiEttentJingtoK'gttl' j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ii.tttlcrtf hi Kiwi, Mondav. - j Otto Bitman and Geo. Jones nre work-j ipatmeuc.f ihm interior ... (, ' a . ! ing at Libel mill. i'CB 111 v,e'7-VinI;0areS5?i Mim Myrtle I'owe.l ent to St. Helen- h yoTlfE I HEP.kry OIven rfrAT TIIR Tueedav, and w ill begin teachinit next " '" Uippo'd ana Jim Jones just j foiiowiria-naiiieiettlera have tiled notlee;f .returned from a bear hunt. i their Inieiiimn to msk ul proof In support of aioi.u.iy. iheir .'lH,m-. and llwu -ulil proof will b ind F. J. Peterson was in the, part,1 ClilTOrw, of CUtskanie i. apendirf, j SZCZZTtZ:V,? oa Thurlay, in interest of the lien.011 Log- j ; k with his .wter, Mrs. tW . E. Ko. vW&f , ' ging Co. j Linpgren. j auo u' 01 ol eeu.a 11. ip 5 a, r 5 w. ..... ...1 J. A. Kay is running lug slungle null to its extreme capacity, makina an A" . quality of siiiugles. A deleirntinn of iranwri imnenil.Ul r " and cut wood for their alflicted brother, ! I'ringle who i at present disabled from ! tha !us of three lingers. HOULTON Ed Hazen has been working for Ja?. Spence. this week. Dr. R js wan in our town for a short tune Wednesday. v.:...r .. r ...1...1 . r-i... 1. ' iietiueeuaj. It ii rumored that a dance will take'.. , .... l piace 111 a week or so. U Meeker made a business trip to - r ! iur,u,l, , day laat neek. J Mr;J Ju;.lie j ainbtrson haa been vi-mii-.r loUltves at this u uotj t hh ei-k. .r w f- . - i ..lis. .u. l . iiiiiu, oi iveasev, reiur.ieu ' , ' . , , . . t,. llAtliliin Mll.r a Ifu. .Iii.a fkll In ' . , ' j 1 Oruati'l. I .. .... . , . lour corrosiKinaem naa tx'cn sick in : . . ... .' , . . .... ueu mis eelt ami eonstijueiuiv nu qui ; ., Chickens tieem to be ill great demand I"8 14 were ,ullJ '' "" ""'Kvery j o r ' VERNONIA. 1 Mrs. Tringle wai up from Tine'jiiri, ! Il Sunday. I There was a ahoolini; mat:h at V. M. Kjeghleys, lust (satuiday. j Hurley Kedaian is working in the j shingle mill at Titlem:r. j(lfS yvr .Snuuiiuhaii returned liome t'i m 1 intnnid, h.st Satuiday. j j tieo. Zilaelte came up f roiu Calimi ni ' I bin week, lo viail hi. tali.er, w ho has j been stek. NEER CITY The dry good store 13 doing a gotd , 1 I. .1 Itii.n'i.'l w-na latck lust Satuiiliiv Herbert Rice has the sinnl'pos. K. T. Burn, is p.,uitt in cedar piling lor a Tort In iid tir.n. i'omona grange meets here on the first Saturday in February. I Yeou Tcllon it Co.'s big liydraulie rn 'gine has arrived at the niou h of .ll j l..ngli. ( Brother Young, of Cedar Urove, in slailed tliu orli-eis in TuMver V.tlley i grunge. A l ll. girl made her np;variice at i the home of our llulisli neighbors on 1 the Bush place. i A U lb, boy made his appearance at Harg Coalman's hist week, M othei- ard child are doing well. Miss Agues J.unis is going to call a meeting lo mime t'.e youngsters of Ilea yer Vallev, of nhich thole are seven, ' . ,, Uet readv to semi in Vdiir n.iiiies. Beaver Valley lining.', . 30(3, hat seven members to ride Uiu gut ill la-i .... i . i j meeting und nme more appliea'wi.s. Watch us grow i" 100 hi Api a ilO. Lai is the mailer witli us, broiUei g -me s ' The writing in in plain view jf of the operator all the time j simplest and strongest con-S kf.rilotl.in . mritfl a'tii.n jxtui toueli mlHpted to all kindaoft ,, , . , ..... . work best for tabulating and - invoice work nniveihal key-If5 btjard removable type action fi inelantly cleaned. J ' m. niari.ine Utr tit A cun u-f.rlt r Hint nine. or yxja ciuin nork.r D'ii i t h 1 ill.SUIirfr. 1 il- hn i wi iiM iiayiiiiiiw iiiisisasssWwp J " " " " j j . . . "'t I O I ; 1 r n.1.1. ti,. 11 t... mn " "-..... .... .1... """" irom u. utnea nun, me bi to me weea. ... . ' !l i 'e Annie ana Cathnne Ched.in -..j., 1 .....i.. 1 1 .1 ! . .i. K''- and 1 riarle" Miriamrv. 01 t. Helena, oro I' ' '"r Iortland, the first cl thelK, B, cil..Kl.Ki a. MOOKKs. Krister. "r,u"'" "r inueiinaie nine, Quite a numlier of of their friends con- j grpgated at their home on last Sabbath, j it pnbebly being the last Sabbath they j will fpend at Miet. Mr. Chcilrin ...J 1 family will leave Mit eaiiy in the , sprtli) to loctito back of Slicjuver. : to..e wi,.re t, Ke!rtt.r and K-i eiver at Ore 1 i nuaCitr. O.rjja. r.a Fobrnarj- 'IS, lwiS, via: liov. Bogle prearheJ at tlie school, llKitMAN J. HORM'Sf. ilou'. last ifabbalb, but owing to the I " ,E; s; ,i4- " Ui ' '' ' 0 ' at,, e- of 01 u! . ,i .-.-t i.i Eo.nrw. inclen.eucy of tho weather, very few, ! attended. It Deems to me thai not a 1 few. lint all nii.-ht heave tlie wt-atlu-r I . . . . ... I . . . . 1 .k, ..:.. .i. .1... , ,r jup'jimaiij nu H'i, nu iiuiLcr anal ue- I ,.....;.,,.,;. t... i..,. , . i,A t;i.! : , ' , ist the saine. There 11 onlv ono Ood j ... auu vnc cm iuui . . . , . - ; Mrs. K. 11. Uabbart, and will say that Iltst.. f ... .......Jn.ll,,.. ' " Movii;g arms away, ' ,K' tuCfk l,er to ""n" ln 6 j , , home to elny. ; Two vears and eighteen montlia her life ! to voo was given, , , , ....! f.ie Bt.1 new she .Uinfs an angel I.ur. ' i. ..... ! --iu...i ...e oou ... ll.ntl of Coujjli ReaieUy Warranted We guarantee every bottle of Cham - U-rlain's Cu,U Remedy and w iil re - siuislied after usiiij; two-thirds of the co'it'-uls. This is the best remedy in the world for hi Kiippe, coughs, c il crocp and who'iping cough sin! is plea-ant and safe to take. It prevent any tend"ticy of a cold to result in pneu monia. GiyjKGE A. HALL JTT011XEY- AT- L.1JV , - A-nL " i ST. HELENS - CUEGON. iiClCIlS ilOlCI Under the Management of Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN. Is t&s LsaiiEi Hstise. Ileatlqiitirters Cor .Mliluieo. L.o. Vers, iitarr turn wti.l Cuul lui'rciul 'I rat elrrs. I.o-.id and Li.algitn;, $A) per uiootii. Iritnsietit, l per day. Earn and Feed for Horses. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kidneys, , CURE Blaader, urinary orsaas. ache . HcartDisease.firavel, Dropsy, temaia ircuuies Don't become discouraged. There 1. Cure for you. if necessary write Iir. I'entter. ilo has snent a lifo time curing inst stLi cases ut yours. All cousultatiuus FrM. I had wnrerecase of kidney iliseaso and rtmiii.ailam. tllscliarclni? Mtaaly leaner, prooi oi owm-iHinp ami paying ii ex BiKVeretl luien-e pain. M v wife us foi i. iu-.lv penses and costs. aile.-ietl with femalu troubles. Dr. 1- en.ier s Kiduoy aud HackaehB Cii'eeuretl us iwili. F. M Wlir.fc.'.r.li. Kauuoipu. la. Tirnirirlsla, si-..lt. A.k forfoolt rtook-Tre.. CT VITIIC'nAtIPE PueeO'ire. I iroular. Pf Tuuner, Fn--dunla.. Y n sale Itv Co .4 (.ray. Sr. Mi-Iena -.i Fi.iil.'.v A i-:ii.-n ...nts at ll.'-iillon. i;i".v.r;'i fi-i- Timber Und, At Jam . lr. noTict ran public at ion. t !itii Hrrt Utniirna, Owfron Cliy. (ir(j .u, Hwcmlr Hi, ISO.'. N'OTIrK IH H EltKBY tilVf.N TA AT IN UOSI lillalied wllh provlrlniia th( rl el l.'oiuresn nl Jun .1, IN7H, enlllh-'it 'Ad i for th mik' ol tlmlr UiiwlM In ilia wute nl ('iiMlovntit, irvoii, Ni!N(io and w htiignii Territory, " HHxteii'leil to ull thii I'lihliu I.HIiit HtalMli 'nx cl "I AiiKtint 4. Vniicyi:. Ilnckr, ol Kcn y. Cimiily of C o', itnlilti. Mule ol Oregon, Iihm ihl dny fllu.1 In iii onVe her iworu mui mclil No. ,!, lor tho iili liare of th w of iiw'i ami lot 4 ol mtiin No. 6, 111 towinhl. No. 4 n, r.nire Ni . 5. v.t, nl will otter mr to tlOW thm ilm Innil noUKtlt In more vluafle for it tlmiHr or ktnii;' ttmii lor atirl eiitturHi iUroiiiii, ami ov vHlHl'linlt her elntm lo Hit't IhikI hefore the IteyMar and Reeelverof lliia oincet Oregon City, Orcuoli. on hnfuritav. the III h lar of .Unrt h, YAH. ehe imnieii wmivaei: K, K. ThroT, 1'ouulaa Ma inmnrnl II. L. Heoiaoit'l, of KeitNcy, tlreuol " aii'j t.nurio yic atuey, ol iI. Iieu-n. ore Attv anil All Iieroitt :lHflitliiif adveryelv thM . ifeu'iik. urt'iio I hov leriljuil liiiula are rmneMeil lo hie Ihelr !elin.in ti,i otlneouor bvime .al.l tub da i'hnli UIIARLKH B. SDORF.H, RKtlar. l imber Laoil, Ai't June 1. 1K7S. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Unitkd Sttm l.isn Orrirs, ilreyou i ir.v. ort'L'on. Ieci'mirtr 29, VKtl. VTICfc L-i HKRKl.V tilVtN 'J HAT iS CoJf- ' plmucewrHh ilif provisions of th act l c.nief.. of June 3. in,, enritll -An ri for 9 the B ile of llmher I.4ii.la in thfi Hi Z ': Qla. Oreoiu .Seva.la, and WaHhinifton Terrl p j lory a etlemled t ail the I'nhli liO 111 it Hl(H ! iv act of Ai.icf.il 4 Martha A. Mmlll.of ! Kctt-;y, 1 uuiuy of t til'iti.oit, Wtftt o Oregon, t hi day t.Nr! mthloff'.' henwnni rtn;e- nirii N 600 j, fr the p trt lt if the ttol it vr ft 4 n. rutiite Nu. i wtritt, Htjii wit. offer proof m i tit rihotv thii tiiw imtti ROiiKht i- more valuiljl B ; fitr iih tiifiN.T or mono than (or mcrtcultuml pur- t mil UtvniHtAi-h horelmm lonhkI IhikJ t- itoretliertpxtfrand Uecrtivpr of rhU olHt-e ut i'ii-koh i ui uri ijcii, mi ."luniriitn ,iiit 111 fi unj of Mii.rut'.r.'Ou. She numes wltnt'sFC: E. K, , 'lh..o. II 1 ll.,.ln.on.l 1 -a,t...l..l. -.., in i'i - in iiiiiiNMi, in m uuirtvi niiii W . H. Km Iter, nil of KuKM-y. Orcoi). A iy Hh'J all prMiiN (jldiuiinv a1 vri!!r the ahve-tH?-f ih?(l Janun r N-o'iieH 10 their claim in tht "if:ii-o iur l 1W MM14thr1aT of Mnrrh, 1WJ3. I Ai-J wrU.UM H. HAi.KI R. 1 H. K. K. v7i. for the 4.of w'i and 4 o 1 o ;4 01 ecuou c. vp u. 1 3 mn 1 tier name tlie lollowin witi.esees to prove1 their eontiiiu.iuii iei'itiiee ii on and cultivation 1 ol iialil land, VU: fKmlaa Magill. Harley I. : Keaniond and Ed P. Tu:or. ol keiwy. Ore. HOT ICS FOR PUBLICATION. flepartment of the Interior, Lane Office at Oregon t'ii. tiregon, Jauoarv 3, 1W3. I VOTirE IS HEItKBT GIVEN 'IHAT 'lHR 1 1' fol.i.wioir-innned u trier lias tiled notice of 1 hi 1 iri'fuoon u huii tioi! pro..f lusupportof Htuenw the iollcmiiin imei, to pron of said iaa't, 'li: lleouiui Ftit.'jonn ot erno- " "re.n: O. II. si.tt., . t. fcicbioiin and t r H. tiehuian, 01 Kea?y. llreKJO. r.14 i:iIAKf .KS B. MOORKS Reci.-ter SUMMONS. hi theCirrr.il Court of ths Stale ofOregoa f tflutiito'S t'oi.tttv. riuiruic lasrim AiKt.:u, nuuviu, E".1 Ar-'ea1' f,l"' &...,r, c r . nu. Lou; 'v.a re hert-hy r-wnnr.-d to apprar ' u,,:.rer..r :V,:PJ" "Lt1'''!,"11 , , . ... . ... - I 0, frl ,n tire lO'.h nv oi January, isn3. that t t. ...... i,a )... .1.,. ...... .,...;..., I 1.. .1.-. np.i-.. nr ' pnuiicaiion of nir.m.ii!-. ami u von fail aoto H..r.Uht ....nu.!.!!,! II... ..lull.. j On Hlli api.lv to liie Court lol the reliei therein i iTavti, lo-wit: a Ut-cree of ilivorie Iroul lb. 1 boioi!,'.! n.iurimouy u;. existing between you ; ami the .lt.int.t!. I '1 hi. auiime.us is published for six conneeu i tive wei k. Ly order of llun. Timoin, A. AUBrioe, Jii.lse oi she C ireul; Court ; nt lt.e iiaie oi cireon. ior the Cimf ty of Co Chamberlain'a . 1'di .ii., iuave oo the 10 h ouy cf lieieniter. I ol liceuilor, j VV. M. La FORCE, j Attoiuty lor Haiiilllf. , - 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. tiNDKR. I . sianed has heeu, by u.e Hon. J. B. Uono, IJ'.aleoi iuee.iuol Lour.oi the ?la(e ol tire- or Coi'.iTii'jtti Ctniaiy, mi.jaKf'i a-tintum TrU'or of the i-sute ut Jeremhtli iiiiiuu. tI(?.v.4At't. flny and all persin having t.i.ti:i!s airi:ii-t suiii cin;e air herv'-y rtqtnrttt ( pre.tfiii t!:e same lo int. tiUly vtfrifli?i at'coril tiii? to 1 , ni r iu ortice of V. it. fowell, at -i. iificl:?. Olt.i U, uiihui KiX UiilUli-i fruiu tilt dtti berih.fr JOHN IiuLAN, Adtnhii(r;iTor of the E.sjute of Jeroiuiah Cial viis, civt-t.ti. V. H. iv.VJtLU Attorney for Admiulsjrator. Daiett iiec-umUr I'.'ih, IW2, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT vonrE hehkv ives that tiir : i illl.ler.1111,,1 a. a.ln-1 n-.l.-.toi ol Hie estate o Mu-n.iel J. t'ttiltv, liecea. .-il, hart flicl hisiuial ' lu-e huu oi h. ailoi nii n: ion ol the said estate, I n tie. oii.ee oi loe Hi. nut. tie k of Coluiuola i I. o...nt . hi loe .s.jle ol vliviroa, alol the Couuly C un of ai.M'ouo: ha. iied the iM dav of Mareti. V. !.. liUM. at tle hour of one o'clock 111 Hou ' si ' Co mi?, r.s'the f au.l place tar n,. ii.mu'v w, ii,jmii,iw iit.uoi nuai nvuuuu. and the 30lilt.i.enl tliereof. I. J. SW1TZEK, Admintsirator of the ealule of Michael 3. Ctuv, Ueceu.eo. S. 11. OKUBER, 123 f20 AUurncy for I he .tdinini.-trator. Timber f-and. Act Julie S, INT. NOTICE FOR PudLlCATIQN. 1'Niisu Sta . ....so urrica, Oivltoii clri . Oieijoli. January 12, 190.1. VOriCS Is, HKRKBY OIVKS TH T IX ' eoiiipliniiee uiih tlif i-rovi.iiuis of the sot ol l.'onizre a oi June 4, 157S. ciillliell "Au act for lae aide ol linil..f laous in ilie tiiata of Call lornia, Oiu.oii, Si-tfttuii ami W ushliiKton Terrl- ; lo; . ' it- e .leiioud I.i a". l 'me CnMie l.ntut Mates j by uvr of An.;i. 1. 1,, Artmu Uueli killer, of I'orlisiu). cwoiiiy ol .Vliltllioiilaii, stale ol Ore , k.jIi; ii s ihi. ilitv i.le i iii Oils oilice bia sworn s idci'i'Mit, .no. i u7 for ' he on retina., of Ihe an ' of liu'4. w : oi s.i !a. ht-e I, n.'-a s. Ol see. 2 in lowu- .i,, ..... 4 ii, ..hi ge :.o. 4 vi, -ud will otter ; ir,.oi t . -h iff taii: iho i. nd sonKhi la more val ; uubie for li t'ti, oer oi' .t e. than fir urieul. iu.nl on ...-.., i.nri to .tH.ii.h his ciiiini In SKto laotl t-aite I lie Ke..i.trr ami Receiver of ; Ihi. oltae a. iTt-gon t lly, UtreUoli on '1 hiirailat , I tin-b. h tiny ol Match. UoU. lie DtoiieH as wit-lie-.. A -.K'i;v. . l Hurl, Havid Karl;, oi Vir.."0..i, uteoil, and Caauer.oiof Houl ! too. tTtnor. i Any and all s -ni c-litloiltiii silvcraely th. ! a-i'.ve oe-.''ri'.cd i.i ids ar.- rei-ieaie.l io Hie their : c..d .is iu this o hce -a ..r boioie auld 'iotli dujr , a. .lare", 18.B I jlou'.M I HAS. II. MOORES, R.-aialer. Kstray Ta&en Up. Notice is hereby given that on th. 2Jml tt.iy oi li cenHH-r, 18. (2, there.trayel to tuv place iiboiii inu miles Westof (jo. ble, i'nuiity of Columbia, Stute of Ore ifon, a black cow with lightstreaa along Lack, has eriimplt d horns, siitl ia about three years old. Has smiil! calf. The owner of the above described animal can obtain potM stiua of the 8iiii:8 bv furnishing snlficient J A I 1'. AICCHIKAI.I'. FOR SALE OR TRADE-! wolih nets; one ufK.t-f.itnom i.-iiiih ineuli; one 75 iailioiii 7-iiifh n.cs!,. '.nth ne! in gnol i -oioiiiiuii. Wifl ii-ide Sof woik or f..r et.lt at a I jfvi iiii Apply io J,'. J. 1 t .-i, Val.oy, Ore. i