ran JUG STOKE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- I Kedvinjr NVw O'ooda Kvery day in the Week, TKG MUCKLE STORE HA8 A REPUTA- tlmi u( Long Standing for Only tlio Hunt in -GENERAL 31ERC1IADISE Dart & Muckle, I Mt. Helens, ST. HELENS A Patronize a drug store when you want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines 1'erfumery, Toilet HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A l?ine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Ktc. Direct from Publisher Regular -COLLINS AND GRAY-: THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, Carry a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and ST. HELENS. TOOTHACHE DROPS. Oil Cloves, Creosote ami Chloroform, eqrn-l parts n cotton -m ..,, .iiv rnso of l.Kithai he t aused fifttil an exposed nerve the wav to cure 'it, NEW METHOD. is tn have the Dr. KNODER, Dentist, 8 T,P 12 J Orru-K HoniH. Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Rooms i0 and 61, Washington Bid., Southeast corner Wash, ami 4th Sts PORTLAND, OREGON. Take Elevator to Fifth Floor. vapor n ihfor Homo, Siaro end SJtvct. Cytp3r rNi-4l'P''alioluutiIlilliaAliiiiita.rlirp. VtilW Ikfeiwramn a w..w bat 1WBT sWeaa llu-M as if. !! Ilea enre seta wortriMff mpAM A FaniHT, His Son or a townsman will be hired by at $00 Humility and expen-es, or 110 per cent. imissimi to take otderi for our Fiirin u I.. I-....!.- I l,'l.......ru U'O M..1I lllltr ,VU,..H ..t ffoftu a.i niiv eomtie tition can 1 . . t V ..a. loinid.. Dm stock is wniranted. ov Intuit deliver or collect. Can devote nil are part time. Wo pay you each wr-ek. Good chance to earn money this Inter, Write for free outtlt at once, frerrr Srserr Coiniy, Rochester, X. V. r Ve aho manufaetnr. TAIU.K IMI', W Af.l. fi V law tnn huura tiVf. t'fWT. Mo te.. No Bmola. 1." Vll.l72. T:V SI-.I.L AT SHOUT. CHICAOO SOLAR IKlttTCO. """ ;fe i (i Oregon. si Articles, lite. 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents J Feed. OREGON .V this hut tonth tilled by DR. KXODKlfS 317, Failing Uld'g rortland, Oregon 1 HONKS 1,,K(1NT u7 awflflD . - A Uardvare lioua write SB hin liaa a awll M or iiwtii tl - Kvery Hotllo of t'hamtiei'laln'a Couitlt Hemody Warranted We guarantee every bottle of CIibiii I liei hiln's Cough Remedy and will re fund the money to anyone who is not ' satisfied after using two-thirds of the oontents. This la tlio best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, out .8, croup and w hooping cough and la pleasant. and safe to lake. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result In pneu monia. Mail subscribers received at this of fice for the Kvening Telegram, Oregon's greatest evening paper, m ! ..-. . . II. Wh, o Hciiiiow, was n visitor In town Tuenduy. John Can. pin;!!, of Vomonla, wan In own during the, week. C. L. Smith, of Deer Inland, wan vis j llur In 8t. Helens Tuesday. Mr. and Mm. W. II. Dolman are still visiting relatives in Halein. Mrs. J. (J. Watts, of Hrappoise, was viol ting Mrs. II. K. C'liir, duriiiif the A. Kiehardson, of I'ortlnud, has been vIkiiIiik liin son, 1. V, ltieliardson in Hi. Ill' I.-MB. Mm. linrton Leys; aiul two children, ol Portland, I viailing her sister, Mm. Fred Hrly;. I'.H Younjpr, a merchant of I'endltt ton, visited his daughter, Mm. W. H. I'owell, oyer rjtmdiiy. Iir, ICiUin Hum ami Deputy flhcriir W. A. Wood wi'iil to Httlein Wednesday to view the senatorial contest. Mm. May Whitney Morion, of Astoria, wan vlaitlng lu-r mother, Mr. J. Ii, (iodfrey, during tlio pant week. Mm. .A. J, tiulgley and ui, Walter, of Viincoiivcr, Wiii.Ii., aru vini tin with, Mm. Qniey's aunt. Mm. A. I. Law. I. A. Frakes shipped a flue Ilolatelu bull calf to LImIio some 2 weeks airo. He has as many orders now as bo can mi. Mr. and Mm. John W. Kowland, Miss Klhel (iabliert and Mrs. Emily Miller, of I'Dttlaiid, were in Pi. Helens fSatur- dny. Mis Iiii Krakes i now sujotirniiig in Kiatern (licK'in, 4 i ) 1 1 11 in Co. Flic likes It tine, the weather is nice and dry, and no snow. Mr. and Mm. W. Ii. I'illard returned from Kalein Tuemlny, where they were the guests ( Chief Justice and Mr. F. A. Mooim. Mm. Geoigc Nile, of Yankton, has la-en visiting; her brother, Fred lSrijdfn, fol a few days. Hlie was accompanied by her little m, Mi's Astnc Tichenor, of C.'latskanie, is one of lt'7 children, that are competing- for the prix esnays oiren-d by the Sons of the American Itevoliition. 1). W, I' di'iins, of Si'uppo .ie, sun of Mm. It. J. Fiakcs, Mnt lait week, at Kalama with his uncle, J. 8. Cloniiij;.r, and fauiilv to invniiM) their Isrt tx:k of mercbaiMisi. j. II. iK'ldiiu of rortlnnd, was a visitor at the home of his i-mther, Mrs, It, J. Frakes, Kntnrdiiy and Hunday. He retiirntnl to I'lirllainl, where be is employed by the S. P. K. It. P. A. Frsk'S is now eellm,: a griut many Holstein Fresiaus hulls. He sent one to Idaho two weeks ao, ,ind loia week he sold a yearling at Astoria. The peojile ate waking up ti the 'act that they are the dairying cattle. (ieorge Weber ami Ctrl Hithicnni, i who are getting out (Hittonwood on the Willamette slough, nine miles above town, for the Willamette paper mills at j Oregon City, were in town Wedncmlay . night. They had lecn to the t owliti river on a tour of inspection. There are seven men in the camp, and they ex pect to renin their base of oiorations to Deer Island. Bl RKI) TO DEATH. Mildred, the only child of K. H. and Estella tiabbert, died In St. Helens, Friday evening, Jan. ltltb, from the j effects of her clothing ditching on fire Otir IIOIIIB lift looa. i-lip an. lau irniir .... i ... ....... ..i t ti... ..... . i t I t.... c I ... n HIH1 lO till . B Ul'i. n nwi.i..... ix-cured while the mother was absent from the dining room for n minute or two, the child's clothing evidently hav ing ennght tire In some way from the open damper of the beating stove. The h.i.ly of Mildred was taken to Eugene and buried In the I'leasnt Hill cemetery which has been the burial place of the family for generations. The bereaved parents take this method of expressing their appreciation of the many acts of kindness and sncritlces by the residents of St. ' Helens practically applied d .ring the hours of sadness. Tlio f ollowiiii is from the E,ivno Morning Register of Tuesday : 1 "Mildred, the two-year old daughter f-K. ll. -ill) Jt. ed tir ot The Oregon I Mint at St. Helens, was interred in the ; Pleasant Hill cemetery yesterday at 1 p m. At 8:30 in the morning Mineral : eervices were held at tha home, of M's. ' Gnliberi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1!. Rowland on East Eleventh street, Rev, MeCalluin, of the First Christian eburch ' ollleiating. The cervices at. the giave were conducted by Uncle Samuel Haugli- uinii.a grand uncle of Mr. Gahliert. i Tlio intermmil wai miide in the Pleiis I ant Hill cemetery (or the reiison that it I has been the burial place of relatives of both parents for (our generations." No only are the parents under special obligations lo the people of !?t. Helens for their practical demonstration of sympathy, but to the people of F'tigcne and PleiiHant Hill as well. Among the floral designs in evidence was an elegant piece from the Christian Endeavor, So ciety of the Eugene Christian church. Geary Relief Corps engrossed resolu tions of sympathy, and the First Chi if tian church Sunday-school of Portland, sent letters of sympathy. Miss Ora Reed, a teacher In the Eugene public schools, telephoned to her pitrents nt pleasant Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reed to entertain the funeral party that went from Eugene, consisting oi four teauia and 10 persons. They were taken in Bnd provided fur in spite of all pro tests. W ANKTD A TIU'SrwOHTUY IKNH.KMAN or ladv in each cou ty lo manage busi noss fiir an old established house on aolid financial nunding. A straight, bona tide weekly salary of $18.00 mud by check every Wednesday with all ex pensesdirect 'rom headqiia.'tei H. Monev advanced for expenses. Manager, 3-10 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. ! CLATSKANIE bKAtd (jy Jin. AND Una. 2. SHYAKT. j The one unusual and startling occur rence of tlio past week wan I tie death J witliln 12 lioiin' of i-acli- other of Mr.! and Mm, . Urvnnt, whoae long resi dence and txtensive. reitttionship have made tlieiii prominent figures In the community. Mm, liryant had been a sufferer from liright't disease for two yearn or more, and realized that In all probability that her lift) would not be prolonged a great while. Mr. Itryant seemed In about in his usual health un til the night of Thniikaglvingduy when In attempting to rise he found bin left side nenrly unless. Alter aoine four, or five week be seemed to be ((iiiitig a little; then without any kumn cause! seemed to grow weaker and gradually ' declined until until death came earlv Friday morning. Mm. liryant, after alternation of hopeful and anxious symptoms sank into unconsciousness, and died at I) p. rn. Thumdav- even ing. Mr. liryant at that time wan too nearly gone lo realize that the bad panned away. Their four daughter and two noun had ail lieen summoned on Thursday afternoon and were all present that night, although Mm. Whitlen and Mm. Wheeler did not reach the house until a abort time after their mother hrentbtd her la at breath. Funeral services were held in the church on Saturday afternoon where the two caskets were placed and an op- poatunity given the large audience to take a final look at their lifeless faces. The two casket were then closed and taken to the Itryant cemetery where side by side in one grave they were placed to disappear from mortal vision as the words, "Farth to K-irtb, lut to lKisl," etc., were sKken, and the ' earth covered two who for 40 years had journeyed together in life. Mr, Itryant was in his 71st y.ar. Mrs. Itryant was not quit j 03 years of age. Mrs. Lucia C. Brewirk, daughter of Mrs. C. P. Clink died at the residence of her parent last Wednesday morning, after no illness of a few days. Hhe w as about 40 years of age, and had been a widow for a few years iant and leaves a son about II years of age. Hhe was quite a useful woman in this commu nity, and had recently moved into a home of her own, which she was paying for from her earnings. Miss Laura Nichols came down from Portland Saturday morning to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Hiyant. Mrs. William Wn'te came from Scap poove with her child the same morning on a similar errand. They bull re- j turned the same evening. J. 1!. Fiuley and wife Hrc stopping in i town from .Neh:ilein, where they have! residid for some veers p:ist. It is re- j ported that Mr. F'inley exp.-cU to re main for some time in the employ of the employ of the C'laVskanie Lumber Com pany. Master Charles Tichpnor tried to hurry lip a tire in the stove by pouring oil on it. He succeeded, but the Hash mt (0uwlHl givt.8 ,j, irry looking (:u.e ovcr which he wears oil and cotton S1IIIC )srjB t) bandage, (i,lilc , furre o( awn aie Bl tianiJin, the county road above town to u,.t out of the wav of the proposed log- ging railroad up the Clatskanie. Arthur Hall was down from F"orest Grove Saturday evening, and spent the Sabbath with friends in town. TH0S 11. TONGUE. Oregon mourns the loss of one of her greatest statesmen, who passed away in the midst ol a useful career. Ilm late Hon. Titos. II. Tongue, was a poor boy when be flist commenced the . .., .. study of law, under U. D, Hare. Itv el eat force of character, and close application, be arose lo top rung of the bidder of fame, in his profession. He early in life espo-ised the cause of Re publicanism, and held several state and and county offices liefore being nomi nated for Representative of the 1st Cong, district of Oregon. While in Congress, Mr. Tongno never lost an opportunity to secure an appro print ion tor Oregon livers and harbors. ! Mr Tongno was the young mans friend. If a young man was struggling for an education, lie found a friend and power ful alv in Mr. Tongue. His cosy office in llill.ilK.ro, and both of bis large private, and law noraires, weie service of the young man, piepai ing an oration. Mr. Ton,;no took I great pleat ire in personally criticu:ng and advising the young speaker or law, stud. n . lie was never hapeier tlniii ; when be bad some young student at-law, j reading in his office. The writer speaks : from personal experience, Having road . in Mr. Tongue's olHce for some time, I always found the great man at all times i ready and willing tc lay down his work I to give a student a word of advice and ' encouragement. Daring my course of stu ly, in Mr. Tongue's office, I was several ti.ites, called upon to deliver public addresses. J Mr. Tongue always loaned me books and ; freely gave me advice, and always obj-cted to the use of notes, saying "lH- , peud on note books ami you spoil your! brain ; depend on the brain and burr, the note luaik." L ing will Oregon mourn the loss of one of her greatest of the great men, but , longer will the young orator and young ; law student, inourn the loss of their i friend and tutor, M. S. H.UKN. CAHU OF THAMES. We do.-iie, through the columns of The Mist to express our thanks to our dear friends and neighbors for their help and sympathy during the sickness ,and death of our beloved husband and alher. ! Mk8. M. J. Tompkins and Family. ! Jnh nrintiiitf of all kimls lronptlv OX mileil Nt thU ortloe. Now ia the time to get your mateuieuU i u.',nu.a. s I nn at s .J( X J .f i . X A A Kimt class good at fair prices at Colllin and (ray's. Walter W. niakefilrv ban Sold bis sa-1 loon to a rortland party, who took pus seen ion the first of the week. Ituckwbeat cakes and maple syrup are delicious for breakfast pure buckwheat and genuine maple syrup at Collins A Oray's Taken up by the undersigned ; one browu home, with white star in forehead, and white stripe on his nose. Apply to C, L. Smith, Deer Island. For a bad taste in tlio mo-ithtakeaj few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Warranted to cure. I'rlce 2o rents. For sale by Dr. Edwin Hons. It bi's been practically decided that no tax levy will be made by the Ht. "? ln u,fl nouie, and wai referred to Helens city council this year.- There isi,lie Cdumbia county d delation with a surplus of 300 in the treasury, and more coming in. The big saw in the sawmill wan com pletely shattered while the mill was in operation Wednesday afternoon. The accident caused a suspension of opera tions for a day or two. Owing to the absence of the editor during the week at Eugene to attend the burial service of his only child, local matter is cut short. Home observations on the Jichnlem valley, and special road ai tides will appear next week. The Skamokawa E".gte, in an item about the (Jray'a Kivertiiang install ation, and the accompanying profram says: The duet rendered by Mr. Will iam Meserveand Mrs. Willia-u Meserve "n "e ' ' e "'aslerpicce of the evening. At the special mectiiifr of the fit. Helens school district held Thursday night a ten-mill tax was voted. The school is over-crowded, and as there are too many grades for two teachers, it will be net-espary to fit tip another room and add a new teacher. "The nicest and pleaf-antest medicine I have ii fed for indigestion and consti pation is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Middlcgrove, X. Y. "They work like a charm and do not gripe or have an un pleasant effect." F'or eale by Edwin Itose. lij-irg-i W. P:rry, o' Hit'tii, Bold 8 Plym i Jtli It chicon-t :n tha Port nnd market a few day ag. The total weight was 130 pouuda, and the price recti veil was f!3. After the sale was wasinade.it was found that an addi tional cent per pound could have been secured. The newly elected officers ofthc Rath bone .Sisters were installed last Thurs day night, and a social session and lunch were special features. Mrs. Lucy Gray was tiie installing ollicer, and she was assisted by Mrs. J. U. Watts of Scap poose, and Mrs. May Whitney Morton, of Astoria. The f .llowina? information is published in answer to the query of a correspon dent: There are 30 state senators in ' Oregon and 00 members of the lower j bouse. Of the total W) are republicans, 1 14 are democrats and four are citizens or I union representatives. Of the oppos-1 ition 17 are democrats, the other mem ber, Representative Hahn, being a re publican. Death of F. M. Tompkins. 1I EI. Toivrm.NS At Scappoose, Oregon, Thursday Jan. 8, Tompkins, - aged 1903, Francis Marion tig years. 10 mouths and 27 days. Deceased had been a sufferer for many years from injuries received through an unjtt-t punishment inflicted upon him from 1872 to 1870, w hich in ltWO caused a stroke of paralysis, leav ing him almost au invalid tnd at last terminating in spinal meningitis and aftr one week of -suffering caused bis death. The interment took place at Fair View cemetery, Sunday, January 11, and was lanrelv attended bv the manv friends. The services were conducted by Rev. A. C. Fiiirchilds, of University Park. Mr. Tompkins was born in Hardin countv. Keittue'iV, Feb. 12 1831, with i hie parents moved lo Alton, III, in 1SS7 ; renminbis thero until in 1852, when be came across th'.i plains lo Oregon, locnt- icg at the Dalles. On June 18, 18t3, he ma-ried Marv J. Smith, ajul after re siding in Eastern Oregon, for a nun ber of years they came to the Willamette Valley, and on Feb. 17, 1879 moved to tne pre.-ent home at Scappoose, Or , w here lie resided until his death. Dc eeaed leaves a w idow, and seven chil dren, aa follows: Mrs. L. Baxter and Mrs. Jos. Meserve of Portland.Ore. J. G. Tompkui", ol Rainier, Ore. ; F'nink S. Tompkins, of McMnrry, Wah.; Ella, fcettie and William C, of Seapiose, Ore. All of whom were in attendance nt the death led. A pite ous one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home That never can be filhd. God in his wisdom has rtc.illed The b on hi. love ha ', given, Although the body lies here at rest The soul is safe in heaven. Oh, we loved him, yes, we loved him, lint Jesus bade him co;ue. And our loving father, gentlv left us For that bright and happy home. When ones we love (ire taken away, bv death's resistless hand, Oiir mournful hearts the tributes pay Which pity dost command. While pity prompts the rising sigh, Mav this truth be impressed With awful power; I too must die Sink deep in every breast. He is free from pain and care. And in God help us, in ottr bereavement All our sorrow how to bear. ! KutluT, thy gotule vo'.ce U hu.-hetl, Thv ivai ni'tnui heitrt .8 St UK ' Au'.l nn thv pure ami hynlv brow rotUaiu! Hua Seattle papers pieaso cu;iy. i THE ORE005 LEGISLATURE. A Few Pernodal Obterratlom Etc. The Oregon legiilature la In active nemion and the leginlallve fight la on. It doe not difT.tr materially from for mer legislatures, except that there are a few new faces In the senate and house, and a few clerks who have not hereto fore held positions. A few old-timers, who were farnili ir figures in tlio state bonne for many continuous sessions, have passed away, tint many atlll re main. Hon. Martin Both, Columbia county's representative, is attending strictly to bnniness, and can be found promptly n bis seat at roll cal.. Ho has already in rod:iil several important bills, which I w ill become laws. The enabling act in- ' I L Iff ff il. . ... n'.jui:ri iij ,ur. ioui lor a toio on vne re-location of the county seat of Culum- bia county has passed a second read- permiss'on to report at any tune. Tne other bills intro luced by Mr. Both will receive consideration in the future. One provides for an increase in the salary of the county judge ; one regulating the rights of property owners fronting on tide lands, and another amending the charter of the city of Ruinier. F"u!ton received 31 votes Wednesday, a gain of three over the day previous, tieer received 18 votes, a loss of two from the day previous. The opinion prevails that Fulton will not be elected i senator, although he may receive a to- j tal of 3d votes at some time during the ) session. The Multnomah county vote is scattered promiwously, and is evi dently against Fulton. The Marion county delegation is solid for (leer. It is possible that the successful candidate has not yet been named. Representative Kramer," of I) ,ug!as county, has introduced an amendment to Hie constitution providing that the general state election be changed from June to Xovemlier. The act provides that the amendment shall be submitted to the voters at the fitst special or gen- eri! election. The adoption of the amendment will have the effect of doing away with the expense of two elections every four years. Joint-Senator Alei Sweek, of Portland, takes an active interest in Columbia county affair, and has introduced sev eral meritorious measures. It is probable that Governor Cham berlain will call a special election to elect a congressman in June. G ivern ir Chnn'j?rUin h is appinte I J. W. M irr j, of II pii'-'r, a slate laud agent to pucc e I L. B. Giier. CIRCUIT COURT. The Rffceiver of Tiie St. Helens Lumber Company Practically Relieved. Judge McBride held an adjourned ! term of circuit court Tuesday. In the matter of the suit of S. II. and J. G. Dorrance vs The St. Helens Lnm- i . ...... ber Comp'ny, E. E. Q lick, receiver, was directed to turn over all property to the defendant corporation. The pre ferred labjr claiiuj ward ordered p lid jit full, and a check for $130 15 was ordered placed in the bauds of the re ceiver to p:y off the ganer.tl lalwr claims when they shall bit properly ver ified. The suit of James Dart va X. F. Na gel W5 dismissed. In the suit of William Fluhrer vs Xordhy Jt Olson, the findings were for plain'iff and the d-fjii lints given 2J days to move for a new trial. n the suit of Alicj L. D titz vs G orgj Kane, a decree was handed down 10 the effect that the plaiutiff A1 the owner and entitled ti the possession of lot 2 section 4, and netjl of se1-, tl, 3. In the suit of the Itrous Manufactur ing Company vs W. C. Lie, the sale was confirmed. GEORGE A. HALL rtf rri " Ti 1 11 T t t r t tt til T tf ST. HELENS OREGON. St. Helens Hotel Under the Management of G. A. AND A. M. BRINN is m Leaiiiii Hons leatlquarlers for Jtlilnirn, leg. Kers. Quarry men ann I'nin. cuerciMt Trareiera. Hoard mid Ldgine, f-'O p-r month. 'Iransient, $1 per day. Barn and Feed for Horses. DR. FEISNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All dUeaaes of Kidneys, Bladder. Urinary Organ b. AI--. Rhetnnatiatn. Baclt CURE fccbe,HeartDi8ea.6rvel, Dropsy, temai iroumes. Don't become dUcourtffed. There It a sure for vou. If neeessarv write Ilr. l-eiiuer. Ko baa apent a life time curhnc Just aucb cuseaaayoura. AU couaultatlou. Frss. "Your Kidney and Backaeiie C'ura tit cured two very bail ease, among our custo mers the paat year whom the doetor. bad lveo ap. J. L. STILL CO., WooUlaotl. Ia," Druggist. S0c II. Ask forCook Book-Free. ST. YITUS'DANCE R"fM For sale bv Collins & lirav, hi, IWIeiu l,o Biidev A Brinn, ge:ier::l mer - chanu lit ijoaltOtt. Tlmbff Unit, Act Juue , IM. HOTICt tOli PU I LIC At ION. t'aiTsu Mi res l.jian Orrn , OraamiCKr.Orrf m, Kcusmliar at, 1001. VWtf-KlMIIKHKHYt.IVK.NTAAT IX COM 11 pIlHIIPK With I In.- provlnlnils ol lh Act of CotMri'.nnf Jiiiins, H7i, iitiiK!it 'Anct Inr Ihs unit r imiUr Ikiio. In ih -iHie. of California! Oreirnii, N'vbiIii Hint Waahinafon TerrlMirv," eieinlcd fo all ih I'.ihll,: .,md Hiaisa 'h art of Anitn-t 4. Nuiicji c llaniiar, of Kra.y. I'uinity uf Cu: niiiitt, Hinia nf Orpann! Int. lhl ilnv fill-. I In linn i, ft her nwnrn ulato menl Nn. fAl), f.,r llie pun hnns of th w' of '( ami lot 4 ..I (Ion No. , 111 ..wnhli No. 4 ii, Tim N. . h. wi.t, ant) wilt offrr pro-if lo hnw that iha land kOiiKht U mora VNllMlilK for It timber or ilnil Ihrnl lor aifri. rultitral lntv.nm. and to cialiiii.li hrr rlalln lo aid land f-fiire llie Ki.sli.Uir and Kecelvcr n( thla oflloOil Oregon Oiy, Oreaou, on riaturday, the Mill day of March, hhe name, aa i WUliiiK-a: E. K. 'lln.,f, l outlas Nl- Kill and H. I.. Kedraond, of Ki-n, v , orrajiii , land Charles Mcanry, of l. Mcli-lia, OreRoli. ! An and all per.ona i UiminK adverMily llie ( ah., dearrild lHiirla am rt'n,tiled fo fill! Ihelr rl lima In I hi- rutin on er IH-inr raid l,ih day ol n.rrn.i.u jll.iil.t MARI,K B. M iO!IKi4, Rrf.f . limber l.an I, Ael J iiic i, ui8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. faiTUD Htats l.si Orrut, Orpoo ltv.iirci.- iii, ben iniipr2D, was NOTlrK 1.1 HKKKilV lilVKS THAT IN i;tM plumes with the pmvl-li.na of tin. act M Conaivaa of June 3. ls.a. rnil'led "An act tm ths aiilc of tinit-ir Iiiiiil. in ilm ta'e. -f i:alifor til, Oretdm, Nevada, anit Wa-hln.-lou Terri tory," a., exteiiiteil to all (he "tinlic I.-oirl Slates lv am of Anirii.t 4 IsaS, IKurl i i A M illl. of kes-ey, ouniy of t'oliimlii ,, .-t.ite of Orezon, ha Oil. (lay flint in till-on t-e h. rnri, .laic- I mun No ami, fur the unn-b. ( the n'iol ns j seen nS; ne'4ol rial .u 7 ,u towar. Khlp 4 o. ranite Nn. .'iwtai an . w II offer proof loaliOWthalth lanit -o itclit I- mm vsriahltr .-..,. ,i ..iiriii.ii ik ivtiii'irni pnr pop. nnl loe.iahll.h lierelaiui uihII Inmllie lore Ihe Ri t-l-rer amt Kn-eiv.-r of Una ofMi-e at Ort-.-nn I'itv Ori'iroii, on .Hut inlav. f o lltlirlav of f.U. Hhe nnnie- aa (lln.e K K. Ihf ..p. H I,. Reilmn id. Auni.i n-linlapiat ami W. ii. Ha. k. r, ali o Ka . y. Oroitnn A:iy anrl ail perinw cUimin? at-'.e-ety Tow aluivr iie.eiji cl lands are rettHi'ieil l a a th.-li i-'.i:;.;- n this olliivn uii utn -i i.: t'li i'm 01 Mjn h. VK&. J'.'oiH rntt.li .MiailiB.-, Kealaier. NOTICE FOR PJ8LICATION. lli'liartirient of the Inter!. ,r Ijinil t:hce ai Ori'ifi.n t'liv, firetron la l.larv 3. I HI NOTICE H HEHKBV (il l KX IrtAT TIIK follnwhiit name-taettler-h.ne t U' I n.ilicc t their inlentu.ii to make anal proof in iipMirf of their elaim. an1 that -ai I prof urtil tie marls before the Kei:ite; and Heev.ver at Oregon c ilv. i Oreyon. on Kibniar , viz: fl.MT II.M KI.K, H. K. So. l.-.im f,.r the of nw. n ol .e'-t aiel n'a of svfi ot eeu. u '41. t(, , u, r ii w. Au.i W U.I.I AM H II ICKI R ' H K. No, VJpTI. for the !- of e anl w'j n ui ol -ecin.n Jl, tp.i ti, i ,vc-t. They tiimethe toltowiiu iti.ei..es to prove their eouliniMim le iiience u on ann eulttvalioa of ialt land, vol: Itotifclu M.irIM, Ita-iev L. Keilniotid anil K.i V r,,,.. .n o. k .. ..,- Ar. I eon. and t. harle- l.-t'aoiv ol si. tl. ! . tlri. - CH.VKI.ei B. M-Ml';l. Ku:inr. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC AT10K . Iiei. Ttment ol the Interior, Luc cirtlre st Orei ii Cilv, tiri-aon. Jannnrv -1, I' VOTICE I-l HEKKBY filVKN THAI lilt; foliowiuir-uained hitler ima ttleii i.etice ot ht tnlentioj to make tlnal pro.f in support of hia claim. ..lid that said tlnnl pr.aif will he made hetore tile ltefiter ami Kieeoer at Oltt KouCilv, tl.e-on.on February s. l.tjii, vU. IIFKUAN J. HliKM M., If. F. No. I.U.3. for the .in of e'4 -f -eelion CO, and e1 j of ol ne4 ol M-tioo i. lp -i n. t j w. He ua:ne the fotli wiu wuiie-Mm to prove hi. eontiiinoUK residence innl. and enltivuitou ol .aid land, via: Thoniaa Petltjuhn. ot Verui ilia, tlrerfoti: . H, btirtH, vt . t. Ktclliuau uuii K. H. Kicliin.in, of Kea-ey, 41, ,;!!. j!fl4 I'HARl.KH K. MlMlKKJi. ReitT SUMMONS. In'the Cirrnft Coort of the Slate of Oregon:' t:olnntbta Comity, Fforence lxila Arjteut, rtaintin. . Edward H- Ar,-ent. Hefendanl To Edward H. Art-ent. the ai,ove-uamed de ft-ndant: IS THE NAME OP TIIE BT TK OF ORR eon: Yon are hereby reiiiirei to apiear and auswer the Complaint hied atiaiUKt yea in the above entitled anit i-n or before the !Kh day ol Jannaiy; 1'Jtvl, that b 'ins the last day pre-tcrlbed to llie order of publication of atnnmoni-. and II yon fil ao to appear and aiswer i-afd complaint, the plain lick will ap:ily to the Court tor the relief therein prayed, to-ntt: a decree of dnon.e liom lhi bondaof matrimony uuw exialina between you and the plainlitr. This aanimniu fa published for six consecu tive wevt. by order of Hon. Thomas A. )ti-BHde, Jndce ot the Cirrut Court of the State ot Oreiton. inr the Coawty of Cft Inmiiia, made on the lil-h dny cf I'ecemher. . ltMU. the first pntiltcaliuu being oil the lstn day ol LH-d-nibor, I'Arl. W. M. I.AFORt K, Attorney for Miuiiitfr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XJOTICE IS HEKKHV THAT Til 8 VXDKR tifT'ieil ha.- been, by th Hn. J. H. Utwn, Jutle of Ui? Cou at y Court of th -Stie of Oro roti for Columbia Coumy, lippainitni MilmtntH I nit or of (he btute of Jrminli Gttlvin, decvse1. AutnihI hII proii hn inn cltitm! against suil e-iutenm hereby reqnireii lo pnsiu Uie a!iie ro me. thilv veriflot nvml ine M 1mm, a: tut- oiftce of W. H. i'liweit, nt Helens, Oieum, within nx nun it ha from the tiaie here fr JOHN' IMM.AN. Atiniinistrmttir of the Estate of Jeremiah Owl vh .1('ce-'e-l. W. U. Pv)WKKL Attorney for Adrntuisimtor. DflteH Deremher lith. lufc. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOrifK IS HKKEBV tilVES THAT TUB untlemifti U u niiminttr;itor of the estate n Uirhael J. Cant v. iictsttt1. hj fllel 71 K hint I j jiit'ttuiii t ui - Htitii uiMiri.ti.a of the Mil entute , n the ortice of the Caiiit. Cleik of Co.u&.ii Cmiutv. iu tttr- trtte oi u.ucioi, mid tne i;oituty Cimrt o( sttiu countv h- txvA the 2.1 day oi Mareh. A. U.. 1'JlU at the ho. it of one o'cl.M-k in the aftern- o't ot mat dy, at the County Curt Motife Ol -al i Co inly, us'the lime and p.aue Iwr tiie heart o, objict. on., lo i.ue.1 lioal aci-ouiit and lite Beul.ni.eni thereof. I). J. SW1TZEM, AdminiHtralor of tho eaiaie oi Mteititel J. Cautv, U-cea.,eu. . II. fiRfBER, ys-liB Attorney for the Admiui-iiuior. Timber Uniit, Art June 3, 1M?M. NOTICE FOfi PUBLICATION I'NITRI STA4tw t.NI OpriCB, Oretron City, Oiepon. Jitnuttrr ifat. i VOTICE J HhKr-HV iiiVKN THM' IV , i com pi i a lire iui u i h' iuo .1iih of tiie uct of Cot me re- f June S, 178. entitled 'An net fof I the nule of tiii)MT iMtnif 111 the Hmitw of ChU : foi nut. Oietn, Nt-viwiK ttiht U u.ttiiKton Te. rt- tory, " as exten-tHi toaJitie I'unhc IhihI istatew i bv net oi Aii$e-t . 1 -VS. Ar.:tu liitetikoter. of j TortUnd. county ot Multiiotuitli. .uie oi ore utemetit, o.f u7 tof 'he purrl).. oi the oi tiw.4, ' ht .l4 4 ' ei'.-2 tn T.v Miii No 4 ii, i hi ice 4 w, - ml will oiler prixti tn how th t ..te i mi.Iii ih more ui uttoie for UMiu..er oi l i.e tluiit f' r KKririil tur:.l pii .oses, tin o Mf.Mi.-h hf eUitn to KHi'i inttt oviore ttH-.itt'r Hittl Heeetver of tin 4'th-e at cn a iu ut . Ue- m on 1 rmiMittVi ; tiie 'fbiti iy tt Mareh, liMm. lie an me an wit j iievnei: A. K.-rl, i Hurl, I hi v id Enilv, of Vt-r.i.mia, Ore.iit, and C. sucrvtii ui liuui ttiti, orestttii. ! Au tt..t ttll w & n fill uiiif? mhertely the , aMve 'ieM-ri' ei U-hIh Hie iei"eed to file the if 1 eUitiiS In tilt o.i;o -.u utii.e id Mtb day ot Mur.-li. 13 JW..20 CH..S. U UOOKEH. ReRUter. Kstrar Ttikrn I' p. Nut lee is lier.-l-v jfivon that on "the 22nd d.tv oi U iVr, I0U2. tlterestmyt d I 10 my piwe Mlhitit ln miiea Vetot lio I lile, CoUii.y ol i oliiiiiliiii, Ktte o( On j on, a black eow vn Ii lijrlit aireaa ulon I iim-k, tin eriiinpli d Inn hk, anil is about ' tl r e yearti olil. line email rail,, j The owner ot the aliove j dea-riliel animal fan id ta in poreitii.n ' o( Hie same bv furnieliing fllttii-ient nroo of owti 'raliio and paving all ex- penses ami coata. JAY P. ARCHIBALD. FOR SALE ORTKAOIC-TwotMi nets; one tK)-fatiioin 10-inclt meali ; una fathom 7-ineh meali. Hnth nets in ifxnt condition. Will trade for woik or sell for cash at a bargain. Apply to N. J. IHfotiT, Valley, Ore. I Freah fish in seanon every Friday , n4 1 l" -'f1 Hundny dinner at the Hi. Welenl jHuUj.