:m . A .' . Sutured Ht the 1'octolfliv nt St.. Helen, Oregon, m aeooml -elm nmil matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. IbHl KH Kvkrv Kkiuay Mornim! Hy KKK1.KH II. (lUUiKNT, BlllTOR ANI I'HOl'KlKTOK L-- Kl'HSl'Ktl'TtON I'lillU: line copy one year, in ndvmieo. ix mmitli jl.OO . . . . 60 JAXUAKY 2.?, ltU This paper is kept on tile lit tlio Ore gon Press Aumviatioii K.Kim 9. Hiiniil fon building, IVrllanl, Oregon. The state defines how delinquent tax lists shall be printed, and the County Uourt has carried out the provisions of the law to the last dot. U any reader of this paper bus any doubt on this proposition, they are respectfully referr- 1 .. .LihUAd In (In. m4t.i , . . .k j , ter of designating the countv othcial ; ' , fc . . .,1 paper, the court also is following the! J 1 ' v . . . . . ... provisiotts ol the law to me last letter. The statute distinctly provides that ill the county court l.as any Bubesnptiou list filed by a publisher, Under oath, it shall resort to otner (neans to ascertain the same. After a list has once been filed, new subscribers j received afterward does not count in the : contest. Any publisher has a right to : file a protest when there is evidence to. how that anolheis list is fraudulent or j perjured, . . Albert Taier, secretary of 1,e 0V" eon Press Association, is making up a di'i-l-iy of Oregon newspapers to be sent : t-Japan wiih tiie Oregon exhibit. A' jeai's files of all the newspapers in Ore-s git will be secured as far as possible, j He say that o 1 December 31, there were ; Jf'.'2 publications admitted to the mails : aft 8eood-class matter. There were 20 dailies, 4 semi-weeklies, 176 weeklies, 1 emi-niontli!y, 20 monthlies, 1 quarterly. There were 115 Republican newspapers, 35 classed as independent, go as Demo cratic, and !1 fraternal, 8 religions, 5 school, 5 agricultural, 3 mining and one Mi each of the following: Commercial, hor-1 o for months of January and Feb ticultore, court proceedings, Uregon his-1 ruary. tory, medical, German, W. C. T. V., j ' T!u)ri!,jliv j,in. S;h. ly;13. socialism, insurance, trades unions, Seconii rertl)iIuj f) viewers report on teacher, music, liberalism, t'nb, ! C. H. Briggs roao, survey No. 15.1; bills Piorwegtan. spiritualism. fourteen onnties in Oregon sre without a paper advocating the principles f democracy. Enc mniHfl.1 by the success of R A. Miller, of Jacksonville, but now of Ore gon City in gvttirg the title of colonel , attached to his name during the d.'inu cratic administraticn of Governor lVn- noyer, Horace Mann, of the Enquirer,! and Charles Nickel, of the Southern I Oregonian, have each been scheming to gbtthat tilte hung on their cfiioinena. ' It i said that ever since the election j last June, of George E. Chamberlain, on j the democratic ticket, to the office of j governor, these two democratic wari horses have, on the quiet been tudyirg ' military tactics and on Sunday they hied themselves away to assist in the ; inauguration of Governor-elect Chamber-! lain in the hope that one of them may j secure the coveted military position on j he governot s staff. At present Med-1 ford has not a colonel within its conn-1 fate limits and Colonel Mann or Colonel JJickell would give the town a standing j abroad that nothing else would give us. j Medford Success. j ; imj i j COUNTY FISANClAl CONDITIONS. It is a fact congratulatory to the : ja ,y county, county eourt and the county officers j Application of W. A. W-ysl for antes that Columbia county is m better finan- met of Ug 8a(1 ,trtificate m allovvei, cial conditions than at any time m its , u the ent of ViiUu (j past history, lor Eome time past there i has been no indebtedness and the conn-1 KSltD oI E. C, Palto.i as coroner ty treasurer has promptly cashed al) i accepted and H. R. Cl.fr appointed to warrants on presentation. I vacancy and that I.e. pi d.fy according This condition has even improved, t0 The bulk of the taxable property is j The Oregon Mist and lUinier Gazette steadily increasing and there is plenty baying filed petitions to be designated pf money in the treasury for all exigen-' 8 the official comity psper. It is or cies that may arise fur some time to;dt're'1 ttl!,t the.v have Ultil Saturday come. j nrjoi: to file verified lists of yearly sub- The tax payers have expressed them-1 cnbeni selves in favor of better roa is, and a F'riday Jan. ftth. 1903, 3rd. day. Willingness to be taxed for the same. jjond of . P. Tichenor n cons-table of The county court will make a specialty . flu ekanie Prettinct approved, of road work in the future a matter in j Vlst of ;) ni,meg selected from the which they and the people are especially ; MM!ewtnt ro as jurr8 t, eneue. interested. These improvemtnts will I ; .. . be made with due regard to systematic plana, and the road work will be done lyith a view to permanency. Ttie skeleton of a dead man was found ' on the Johnson farm, near Srappoose, j last Saturday morning, by Earnest I Johnson. The skeleton was discovered i lying behind a log where it had evident-1 icniniiieu niuuen ior a year, more or j 1 L 1 .1 J r ' less. The man was evidentlv-r.f mpiliion : heieht. and the elnth!r .t.n....i .i.. i. ', i , , ' . B .'v no Jiad heen fairly well dressed. There was j nothing that would tend to disclose the i identity of the man, and the surround-1 "groundings indicated suicide. A! .reyolver was lying by the side of the re- inains, and a bullet hole ranging n,v. : Ufar through the face and skull, is al-! most oerjaio evidence that the unknown man coininutea suicitle. An empty: liquor flask tumid underneath the 1 skeleton, alsoindicated that the stranger nerved himself for the occasion. Cor oner Cliff was called and pronouned ;t i vase of suicide. Croqy. 3'he peculiar cough whieli indicates croup, is iisnally well Inown to the mothen of croupy children. No time should be lost in Hie treatment of it, and for this purpose no' medicine has re ceiveu more uniyer-ai approval than i t jnt' ' , , . V-.w..Meria..i s tougi, ike,).crjy. Vo not ; Wu.lt A UU lialila lima in u....l . ---- "i "-jiwuiiJEiiuiig i....,,o.. .i.c..,,;n, i,., mmter now men. i un'iiueu it to Jiighly they may be recommended, but protest of K. II. Gahbert editor 0f KJvvi" K'm ive this medicine as directed and al ! Oregon Mint. tiMed. r.i-oteH. :L ! kvmnlnma nf nrnnn will iitrtl.1.. .11, i .w..r . Hu.v.., uinnji- For suie hy KJwin Rr-ss, COUNTY COURT. I Kegllliir JailUiirV 1 01111, UHl.i. " ... ! Be it remembered, tlmt rotfiilur term of County Court of tint 8tntnl Ort-(Mn. tor 1'olnmhiu County, hetfiui ; and held in th' Court House hi tnel it) i of ft. Helens in said Canity ami State, on Weiinesilay the "ill. a.iy of artiuniry, ll uu smite neiiiit tot utim 1 lined by law for holding ret-ulur term ot e;M court, when woro present; Hon. J. It. iKmii, County Judge ; Hon, ' i W. It. Case, Commissioner; Hon. H. I.. Coh in, Commissioner; 11. Henderson, County Clerk : 11. S. Hattan, Sheriff, : lue psoelamaiioii being made the fob , lowing proceedings were had ; Journal , of last term read and approved. j Official bond of A. T. I.iitYS as Assessor 'approved. Viewers report of Kuppler Road sur vey No. l.W, read first time. ! I ! lewers report on Brigifs road, survey No. l.i, read first time, . ; . . l'etition of . C. Kilhv and others - . . . for a roimtr road, t'has. IVuharl, W. . .... millt! ' .lvN ...... ...... djuht of ther ,V , ' ,- " ' ' ' . to mm reo. ziui. mw, ui me sibmi marked A, located in present comity road near the mill site on what is known as the Brant place. . , , , , . Itndtre ueross leaver east of IVlemi, reported in bad condition, clerk ordered to notify Supervisor to look atter same. IVtitiou of P. W. lViivund others f ir il t'OlllltV ro:td. illld V.. II. I VIU'V. M. j Collins and O. Hohman appointed as viewer and W, T. Watts, surveyor ami i .,. ' , , ... .0 l'rice Jan. 30, V.103. Petition of O. V.. Hunter for lnjiior liceu-e for ti mouths in Goble precinct, granted. Petition of Thomas Anderson and others for a county road, read, and Omer Shaunahan. K. G. Shaiinahau and F. I.. Wilson pH)inted viewer ami W. T. Watts, surveyor, to meet on Feb. ltith ItHXt, t A. C. Kergerson. Petitior for aid for Southerland fam ily allowed in sum of $10 per mouth, anil '. the clerk ordered to Iraw warrant tor , (1llma9 havil,e tM ,,v K. j.. Stanwood iu the sum of and ol , Lowuian, wora on ornig ,, ,,. , i - . , . I H 1. lirow n, soiki'S Henry Woodward w tue sum of 20. M. j ,.t(,ve Ahjm ab,.r No. g F. ll.tzen, W. K. Stevens and W. F jju,n Cramer Slaughter are apKinteil appraisers of ! M. Jut iiion. d.i.nages, to meet at K. I.. SlanwtxKl's ' 1 ll"r , . . if ParJlius, laU.r K. P. No. place on Jan, th. 100.1 at 10a. m. to;(iuflt tu.mlrill.!0 view the county roml as prayed for iu j n WHicitrieti the petition of C. H. Briggs and others ! N li Hetj.irieksnii and assai-s and determine how n.ueli Kriek MatfHn less valuable the prendre of said K. L. jUrV"" Mamveoil ami Henry y or iiwarn wmiio be rendered by the opening ol isid road. Second reading of viewers report on Kar.uier road, survey No 15S, no remon strances or been fiied, bills for damages having fair! road ii allowed a,l grauted, provided the petitioners build the bridges as provided in the pttitioo and turther that the o'd road shall not he vacated until the road hereby petition ed lor shall l finished. Petition of John W. Thurston and others for a county road, n ad, and Jured Wilton, C. K. Lrant and, O. B. Ar.stine appointed viewers, and w . t. Watts, as surveyor, to meet at the house of Giant W- Glrt 0,1 t!,e ,lil.T ,,f r'eb- Clerk ordered to issu; Warrant in favor of the Slierilf for the sum of 1217. i 4fi for the amount of taxes on laud bid Bond of H, R. Cliff filed and approved Contract let to S. Rock for opening I it iowi iviioYf ii tts tnc jiuyvr cui-ui, ior : it. . .... i i i . . t t . tbe 8"'n of m l" t,e vh"n t'ou,' t'let;'1 and "':'!I'U!,1 bV the court, Saturday Jan. 1W3, 4lh. day. Sealed list ol the subfcrilri to the Oregon Mist and Rainier (iasette were ,1 .. .1 I I . . . .. I I . l '"'"i contain na jonows ; Kainter Oazette, &33 subscribeiB. Oreiron Mist 4, aubscril-a. - - AnU it sppearing to the Court that neither of tne aliove np.'ntkmutl lists ,;ave t,,en orn to according to law. It i. ordered by the court that the A ea'"' PaIr E'n until Tiles- day noon, the 13th day of Jan. 1903, to fi,e 811 annded or new nworii statement 88 10 tl,eir yeary subscribers, Paid warrauts were checked up by the court. Monday, Jan. 13th. 1003, 6tti. day Tax roil and stubs were checked with the sheriff. up Tuesday Jan. 13th. 1903, th. day, Application of the Kainier tiiizetto through its Attorney W. C. Fischer E-q. to tile a secon J adinended sworn state ment as to. subscribeis, all jwed. Motion of R. If Mitchell by his attort ney to have the Kainier Oazette desig- nsied as it,. ,,tfi..lui lJ'Cr, UIMJH the showing heretofore ma.le ami enter . eo on record on the 10th- day of Jan. .1. . . ..... ft me. moii'in ol Kainier (iar.elte to l.e !dc .;:i'id t m o:i. ,:.ul co1. sty paper i r tu' n u-on Unit t'.n vvrlllnl lit of tit Kuinier Uuiftti' 1 fntmlulriit to ti (treittiT rtf lf extrnt. Moliontifli.il. niililu'll hy liis nt lonit'v W. l I'iM'luT, t'Nti. to ovuirnle tlie protost i( tin' iio:on Mict tor the u,ni),m ,lllt no (Rui -l!S ..i,.,, ...l, wrt. 1l)lin ,ht, oreitmi Mist nnd U 1,0,ve,i u, f, ,,o-n.U.l protest. Wliereiinon the protest tiled eliiirisinis ....... , ,i, list ... v,,..v milwrihers. !KllilntiniulH (lf '.,nenr twice, i the Mist is given us u Hiilwcrilter, which is not. Where u pun it is ordered by the ' court that March tith, KHS, at 1 p. in. as the time to hear Ulh panic to the contest, at the eoo.i t house in St. Helen. I'et tion of John It. Kiickson for re funding money paid on land rule for land that had been sold under ron! ; nsmJ MowV ,) 1,., ordeied to ,liw warrant in sum ol $UU.40 in favor of said Joint It. Kricksoii. The following claims against the county were examined ami allowed, and the cloi k oi tiered to Usue. wnrrimU on the Treasurer for lha respective named persons in the several amounts, as follow s : Ollardit Pnv court costs, Wash ... ,o ro, 5 00 .15 tW j 1! SSj (1 M i 2 ltii 7 t2 is IS (H) ; 4 44 SSj 7 ao 4 so j l OS I 4 50 ! Watts & l'rice, supplies 11. p. 1 .l Zeisman, laU.r K. I). I ... j()in i'hmiller i; J(n( J H Ounean lj ,w (''r;" INI raw lonl ,( nllm.11Mi ;lUor No. J Itcegle tv llazeu II TUrewell Adam Puss , . Krank Wilaeus KC Hay 1 tirewcll I.ee Punt an Sliermau liros. luinU'r No. '.I r is 2 50 ti 00 8 lt :! '.' t tiO '.'S so 8 tio I N A 1'eri v supplies , A N 1 larfc lats.r Chas. Merrill labor No. 4.. . . I. It tileason . K Trevia Herman Schtnill Nelson Pi'icknt'V Kdwaril I'.l.ick iabor No. 5 It Archibald .1 P Archibald Ireo. Fowicr James Kennedy Henry P.iake A (' Zigler lab r No. (i. J Weston W IT Harmon N Nelson Thus. Tim mev M Kllis A t'o."nails for No. ti . K Kistner, supplies . . t'has. Larson, lalur John Hagk'ui J t' Kilby, labor No. 7 W !wui.in, lumlier for bridge :; (hi M t:u : o7 Hil : 10 (HI ' lie 70 7 oil ! I IHl 1 ' t) 1 L'l 75 1 IS mi ! n W : in ki : 4 (HI 1 (KI ' It) (HI ' Id mi 2:; in ; 4 tm 1 ; (111 : l! IK1 ; A:l 7o j l -.'5 1 10 (Ki . ol IKf l IK) 4 (ill : ti W ! 2,s 4o; 7 &o! 14 40 I 33 Ut) 11 at; Ki 1.0 j 8 i;o 14 00 t'ha.. Jones .... . Hi ick Mattson K llern.o i liihrer I'.ros. lumber, tte K 11 Kin,.', labir I'latskanie lumlier Co. I'iriih. r i C It il-jisvert iumlier t.P. No. 10 Chas. Aiitiersuu (..' 1, font ers West Die. lumber Co. luin'oer. A' ii King, itiiiiner I) It Shearer, luiutjer . . . l'ichetior Mill Co., Iiuiibei . . . M E Page, labjr it Kiatj Tom Soy le labor .No. 11 ... Henry tiNt-u . Paul Salmi Lars Elert.-on , on ii n Uc.ii lierinuii Eilenson i F I.tnOgren, supplies, no's 12-13 E 1 irouberg, luboi 11. 1. No. lis W ii lioae W F 1'ee.ls J F IVl-rson Augu-t J'llii.soii Itii iiiiiu .u liros. A Kay Ruddiuiau Kros. & Kay bridges . .1 F i'eteison L I Malcolm . . , VI .f Ha. vev. W S llarv.-y Elmer Hmii J ii Aidndgu J P Stieuiey, lalsjr It. li. No. 15 .' John Dailus C H A' iiistrong . A N Early John Edhoiui . S U Rntiarils W P Sheeley . W U iSurt Lester Builey, viewer . M Watson, Henry Woodward " , , , , Christ Jen-en, chaininan . . . . . J W' Saxon :4 (SJ (i is) It 15; 12 m 111 00 1 12 00 ' 3 20 j 4 Wt! :io itti l!l 20 i liHKtj (1 40 i i oo : . 3 20! ti 40 ; M .'jo ; 2 00' 1 60 ! 3 00 3 (XI 8 (si ' . low! 3 (HI ! 2 00 ' 2 (KJ ! 2 00 . 2 00 2 10 S. N. Murvey of C. II. Uriggi roil, K l-.it. K Knppler, axnuin W T Vt alts, surveyor Su rvey of Knppler i o I No 2 (Kj a oo 15l. i.esier uatley viewer . . M Vatn ij " . . . Henry Woxl waul " ' ' ' J W Saxon, tl.sii.n i,n . . Chris Jense n " It Kapler, axmnn W T Walts, surveyor (Continued next week.) 2 (Ml 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 ti 00 Estrar Taken I'n ..... 1 . . '? .",;r,!"y K've'i that on the i-iio nay oi January 1003 I took no ! red heifer, at my i.lace.hix miles weiu 'of ! Reuben, County of Columbia, Htatr of ! ; lewribed as follows: Ked, edi-jS1 "J'oLiT the T scrild animal can obtain possession "of 1 t'ie name by furnishing sutlicieut proof ' ' 0wnersliip, and paying all exiainses j ' hwich. ltloxte( Hrr Mrs. Johanna Stale hhoulfler. ho! ii, of FeruiiM Falls Minn., fell ami disiocaled her , sliouldtr. She had a surgeon tret it i I Lack iu plat as soon as posib!e, but il I was tpnie uiueii. Mi sore and pained her vervj r sou mentioned that lie lia.l 1 see,, Uiainbermin's Pain ilalm adver- ttstd fo'sorainsand soreneu. ,! . .v.,. ' . , ' aske.1 him to buy her a bottle of it. vw ci. , t, 11 a-11 huu llfl'I not iloriH for ver dayw. The ami - inn nit'i VH" h0 """",l I'""."! te relief it g.lVe t l. . .i n M,,,ui"r '"at lie lis since reoom- mended il. to n.-nv ...I ...... , .. ' "i uy j The Sr. Helens Hotel under the in-.ua 'eroent M. brim takes the lead ot '(. A. and A I NEER CITY Zitar HaHhata va" in town from Portland, a few days last week, tloo, Foster Jr, spent a few days in Portland last week, on business. Iliguell, Is spending a few days, iu Ihmll'Mi, w llh his w iie and frit iuls, The weathe. has been lino the past week with tlio exception of one or two: rainy days. ' j K. Joner, the blaekstnlt h of Mr. Ah x-I andei'a ranch, has movetl to Por land, I ho says he baa a belter slmw there. j Satn Forbes ami Htvid Veud'l have ! opened a reataurant in (ioble. They tue , giving gHil meals for :i cents, give ! them a call. I St feet of the Firr Pro. wol dock; ;broke, letting about 20 cords of wood j I into the river. Tlicy have leased !.. J. j Itignells boat to use while they are re- j pairing it. j Nackley Pros, of Kalania, bought out . jitar Piiishain'a dry goods store lat j I Saturday, They will put in a full line , ol dry goods, boots, shoes and toltacoes ; j will open Tuesilay. ("has. Naenley is; going to manage this store, j Kit Fowler, of tiohle, w ho si working !at Kninier, purchased it scon with a I house on it, w hich was at Deer Maud. Chris Fowler ami Chief Spotted tail, took the contract of tinning it to K m- liter. They lluitied the contract last i Tiiuradav. PITTSBURG pieivar- Farmers in this vicinity are ing ground (orspioig wheat. tieotgo Armstrong went to Haiuicr Fridai, to work iu Y con's logging camp. Will P ingle's lingers arc l:ipidly healing where they were cut by the shingle saw. The Pad Kanue Creek bridge, which was impaired bv hi'h water, Ion been Z ! : U-mpoiarily repaiml. i V I ti tit.) j Ue . Weiuhart, of Vernotiia preached 'i.' ! verJ eloquent serin oi at litis place, on " H ' hi return from Jewell, last Frid.iv eve . w : J oOj"1"- f0 The deliate at N':i!al i irauge last Sat iJjJitiriliif.'ltoilwil, that country life U 7 ChI '' preferable to city life'' was won by the 7 00 atlirinalive. The question for next de bate is "lies lived, pint woman suffrage is adi i-ahle." F. J. IVtei son i leader I for the utlirit, ut i v, ami A. It. Me is for the negative. HOULTON I.. J. I! !! oft; is visiting rehi- . lives here. J. 1'rie is g .ing lild ,i new h. J.ts. li.icoli, of W.im n, ; .Mis. il. It. Cl.ll" and children w.ie visiting here hist Monday. t A. I', I' slier, made a btiioes Urn to Clatskante, last Tiies.lny nigl.t. N. A, 1'crry mil de a living trip to the ; iiR'troplis, lat Fri-tav morning, .Mi (line, lining, of Xunktou, spent last Sun lay with Mrs. ira.e llenslutw. Mrs. N. A. Perry and daughter, il.tdys visited Sc.ippo.ise, la-t Monday evening. I The hunters of this secti.m of the country, nay the duck season is near an i end. j Mr.. E. IV. ry r.-t inn-.l home lal week, alter a month's visit on Sauvies j County K.iad Supervisor Clark, or- j dned a gang ol men out on ths county road, Monday. (ieo. Fox an I Mis Mamie Watts, of ScapiMKwe spent last Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. N. A. perry. Alfred Harrison and family, moved to Rainier hen; Alf has accepted a posi tion with II. (). Howard, of that place, Fied Frantz 1 as moved into hm new house. Fred is now hsking for a housekeeper, let all the young ladies re spond to his call. Thursday of last we. k, the loggers on Milton c eek bad a g.ssl log run with t ie exceptto,, of a jam just below the iv. tv. omie 41 inis place. ("has. Perry, killnla very large owl, a lew days past, it measured 4 It 7in tip to tip. Charlie idaims that lie in the . b"ft shot in the country when it comes 1 to killing owls. FISHHAWK. Mrs. 0liien wan shopping in Mist, Monday, A I Harvey of M'st, Sunday. Deep Cieek, was U Willie Miller made a trip to Clatska nie, last week. James Elliot has been working for Will Miller, tho past week. Frank Eonkey and Will Van, nave boon doing considerable work on the rond between Deep Creek and Mist, lately. A very pleasant surprise was given Miss lieatrice P.urkhead, Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrr. C. C. Jones, at Veniier. Vesper school will e,m Mxt Tuesday the 27th. The teacher, Miss lleatrice Hurkhead, ol Forest (Jrove, hat a very successful term of Hchool. Jtesidcr bj. ing a very go-id school teacher, she is a very accomplished society leader, as the large number ol pleasant socials and parties will testify. No rain for fun ii.ul.u .1 ... . , i jost, inillK Ol '. It. It lllHkeH I.hlt uiellu r..l ,1... Jl !l!r(f j, lmii n'etnmi.rv ! .... " . rY ; "gain. vo liopu m w ; with it. Htuy in Hf lHfi hf.tiu.. .. for m In purposes. Joe Wysliim, will in a short tiiin. lit running have I.U..I..., to. ..1 ... " , oruer. 1 ivn 1 1.1 call, Mr. I, W, Frricniitii is making a new logging road out to his timber, and the logs Will SOOII be colllilllf down In I!.... ' !-ape. j Do your Children ASK QUESTIONS? Of ooiimo llicy tlo. U h lliolr wtty of lciirning int'l it J'oi'f 'o,')' to ntiHWof. Yon limy neoil it die i i,i ii!,l von It won't mi awor every ttitsl ion, litil llit'to mvE llKitisaiitln to wltioli il willgivoyotu true, t'leitf Ami tlollnito iuinviim,I tint ul lout vTofila oulv. lint iiliout tilings, tliosini, initt liiiiery, inmi, iilitcoa. blot iea mill t ho like. 'I'lum, too, llio t'llililteil fllll lllltl tlieit own aiiswpra. Motno of our J greatest m n Intvo twoi'ibotl llieir jiowef to KUniy ft mo tiieiioiiuij. Ot iMiurso yuu want llio U'at tlio tioiiiti v. Tho iiiiwL iM'ii icnl prefer tlio NowhiiiI Knlittgeil Ivliiioii of WEBSTER'S International Dictionary. SfS. If i'" t"'y qitt-lUun f vU olmul it lerit in. f WrilMTR-4 1 Umt.i lQ. & C. MF WIIAM CO.. omMf iMMnniimn, Bt'n'NtiriiiLO, Ma. I.osr-A skill' nUmt l'a feet long; minted dark green; oak lilis; keel built through the bottom. Hewmd otfered. l eave or send inf- rituilion to 'liti: !tiltt.i'iN Mtsr ollice. St. Helens. Foil S.M k The cortlwsnl lliel ii;o acres of html, full on or a li. W. PF.tiKV, Ibmllon. Ilr. I Can't Afford This i a e'.iniii ui rtviHirk, b it e sh iw nt o i. t'tlMv, fur we have hnndreo! i.f nitcl.iMied taif o no b' luttf their or ginal price. Tbeio it it- tl'l iiud.i at IhioiigliiHit Hie Paciln- northwest mel dir v.tite'is r C.llle.1 (or. I Oil Suit and lit. rc.ia's made for f'.'O, n..w !7.M I .'A I Suits mi I IKeic..,it in ide for i'" I1 7ii Suits ami ( iti rco its in i b- l'-r f Si ami " w I e al-o have a liuool uo:u'ri in '. 12 .VI up. f.-r "n-:tpV, pr'c nod tii-lrm . .if.ler s i. ecu t- prion '( i t - i; I . 'ii . I Ttie itiaiiMweoe iit h.e jail in-'.ilo d a h extremely low pr.c , Farnswortli-Herald T A I L( ) R I N( i ( X)M VA N Y S VAI!l'(iT0 StlVft NEAR Third, FAILING DLD. FO RTLA 1ST ED , OFR XlassiOcd Advertisements sritvvr.nrKoM the ! uim m- c I.. Ayres, near Y arkloii, n i!srk m -i. i ar ling bull, mill ke.l, I. ran. I.-. I mi. I I. Ii..r tie I - iir.indi.1 on the It ft bi."I. A" marked w ith crop and spill in t oe left ear and ho!e iu the right. Any information will tie ill a.lly received lv I'. f Ayres ut VHiiklou, who will pay reward, OR I HXT A I, - IIOTHK I ... f j I'lider the tl.HIK'gi llu lit ol ! MRS. FRED BRIGGS, Has the 't'-t Act niiiiiiodatlnns. HOARD AM) LODGING, i I K MDXTII, Traibicnt, $i I'cr Iay, $i.s! FCC1 liam ill COIIIICC S X j tion. HELENS, Or. THEDFORD'S THE GREAT FH11YHdicihe TJicdford's Uhuik-Draiight has savi.4 dirtrs' bills for more than sixty ynars. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chilis and fever, billoim n, lieada:ht and gjier like complaint) no other mrtlicino is neoiniuary. It invigorahx and reg ulates thi liver, assists digestion, stiiiiulaUis a:tion of tho kidneys, purillns tlio blood, and purges the bowels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint indigestion, sour stoinnch, dizziness, chills. rhnumatie limns. hi.Ii n.liA lr.slns.4...f.l 1 diiirrlMea, biliousiinss, piles, biirii v. nuiiiui 1,1 iriiiJisin. iiiimf 11 mi inn coma arm tieailoctio. hvery drtip ffist Inis'I hedfrird's Illack Draught in W cent packiiKin and in mam uiol li siu fur If I .(,0. Never accept a s"'istituti, Insint on having tint art riiml niatlo by t)i4(:imttiin(s,ga wJislioino (Jompaiiy. I btlltvs ThedfonJ'i BIrk.Drau(ht Il the beit mulleins on earth. It It good for any and every .l.iiin. have family of twelve children, and for lour yeori have kept them on foot ana neai iv wirn no Uoctnr hut It lit. k. Drsuffht. A. J. GREEN, lllewera, U 3 IHAT built to fit its human foot The lesson taught us by experience is that a woman once perfectly fitted in Sorosis never changes. She is more than satisfied; in fact has practically her own private last Soroi atnr. : N'rw York, Prtvikfrn, PtiiU'Mi'h.U. P;ttv buiR. Wa-lihigtoiti ll.iliini"if, St I omi, t'loi.iK'i i((i, S.m 1'iancivo. ic. 1'i.ir go h "in : l.oiitlon, lltildin, t iia gow, l r. lv Diruioinli ii", Psnih lUil.n, fUmhurii. Franklort u tlte- ,!.o, tie "The Shoe That Sells iKe WoilJ AroutO." iiaatli I'.rklll llolrt I'urllUMtl. Iliruu. A Tailor-Made ! . ..'m lie 'io dtfti Ct ,l'l 1 -vei '.. tt at our dill rent t.wu .i 1 1 ham u '. U nil tin" liewe-t and In rtg'itest patteum f (1 limn f..r -ll mni !ioe !ioe nf i ieni' mroioelt!. Mail I'tiriii-ltini nl sti;m.i' HO A I) l.'ii, Midifon -irtit, ITHE NEW i 1 0$& Hi s just Hi eie.l a large invoire ol I Winter Goods, Shoes, Dry (mm ids, (iroccries, Hoots, Shoes, Htc. 1 If. MOUUUH, 1 : i:mH'v lliiililiiiir, Main j DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD no ro tuk Clatskanic Dru Store 1 . Drills and iMcdicincs - iiiiou k Toilet Articles and Perfumery Dr. J. Cl.ATHK4NtK HALL. Proprietor i : tlllKOON. mM.wi J Owl Saloon r Dituut ouianrtS, I'HOPHWTORS 'inly thii luii ol Lipn an. Ciian Kept Ib Stock t CYRUS NOBLE Ami nilitir pi.iilr l,r,iml ol wlil-kl,.. nltvuyn In mm-K. WEIMHARD'S BEEH nil ilrititKlii, iom deniDii cigars. no ...., imv,,, .,,, ,,,, , nliir ii.t.ii iimi,. 1 1 is a fit in an ordi nary shoe is not a fit in Sorosis; they do not stretch. The shoe is counterpart in the TIIHKNKiHTSIIQHCo. erf' 5 ' 1 ' r 3 VKJOKIT POWDHKCO. Manufacturers of IMI'kOViil) I5LSIIN(i roWDliK liLAS PI N'( i, WOIJK AN I) I NCi. M I N- Portland, ieg"li. YORK STORE Stircf. St. llVI.-ns, Oitui. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. "BAILEY OATZERT." bslly lli.iin.l Trl eei Siin.lsv, TIMt CARD, tsavn l'..rllii, ? i M, Lentil Anuria ... ., I', M. Ilitii ibIi l,iriluii.t i.ihiiih'IIiiii niilt tfittintr Niiln-t.lU (nuu tltm.-.i mi, I.uiik Ilrm h liltlU. U liltt nilnr t lni- lickt.Minteirhsiisral.1 Uh O. II. .V N, I o, mil V. r.i n The Dalles-Portland Rime, Ms. Talutmn" 4 Mttlnko' lill Trlpa Kri..t Hiinilsy, MreMKK ' I'a ' f.t-svs C.irllttii.l Tun., Times.. Hit.. ,.7 A.M. His IntlltMi Mini., Wo.i,,Krl A. l. Hrsns, "MKrui." ! l' !'"'"";!. TiiK-'ltiv. rtiiin.lsr.Hsi .. 7 A. W. I.A.MilMi AMI oKrll.Kt Cool nf Alitor Mirt'ttt. Il.itli 'I'huiits Mln HM. I'.IH U.AMII. ORl.l.iM. J. W. I'Hlt IITiiN TI.. 1..II.. Ilr A. k. H'ltLKM ,,B (uP ,,r. !, i' H ' Wlilln Atlm Vtit.li. Ill-Klty "li Mr. lit All i,ir... tt.h .1 J. f. V I 1 1 It" I. II. IIKS Mmt-iinnili . '..h A. J. TAVIKill K. IV, CiiirnroN , VMiit'i.tiwr, Wit'ti ...Ahtnrin, nr. Toi-llmnl, Or. i KMfruy Tnkou l. Nol'nv U litovliv irlvrn llmt on llift Ifitlt, liny til lifi'i'inlifr, I'.iOJ, i .ok m n ' "i.v ilm-it im-ii r (iolilo, ( oiiiitv of Oolimililn, Ktntti of (lirpin, tltflllltltl IH follow ; ltt,l, will) whim Hot In Hunk ; nri, r ti ntir i U Hhout tun y. iir.t oM ; ,lt,rH'v mlor iiliout llu-ntiHii, Tim on ,n-r of tfin nUivu ilv wrrlhi'tl iimintil run ohui,, Wtivl tint num. hy furiiiHlijiiK Hiifllt'ii.nt t,w? Of OM IIlMMllIp ,,rtyj4 ,,Xp(.,lw.M lllltl CUlttH, . J, ACHAI J), 11 4s