The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 16, 1903, Image 4

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Praise Pe-ru-na
as a Cure for Colds and a Preventive of Catarrh
-? - - sV I , , , A
If ; , 1
wts n
Mrs.M, J, Brink
A Serious Mistake Which
Thousands are Making.
The first stage of catarrh is what Is
commonly known as "catching cold."
It may be in the head, nose, throat
or lungs. Its beginning Is sometimes
so severe as to cause a chill and con
siderable fever, or it may be so slight
as to not hinder a person from his
usual business. In perhaps a major
ity of cases little or no attention is
paid to the first stage of catarrh, and
hence it is that nearly one-half of the
people have chronic catarrh in some
To neglict a cold is to invite chron
ic catarrh. As soon as any one dis
covers the first symptoms of catching
cold he should at once begin the
use of Peruna according to direc
tions on the bottle, and the cold is
sure to pass away without leaving
any bad effects.
Unless this is done the cold Is
almost sure to end In the second
stage of catarrh, which is making
so many lives miserable. If Pe
runa was taken every time one has
a cold or cough, chronic catarrh
would be practically an unknown
Mtss Eliiatx'th tTxr. No. SI Bassett
street, Albany. N. Y.. writes:
I have a I war dreaded unsettled
weather because of my extreme lla
foilltv to catoh cold, when a catarrhal
trouble would quickly develop through,
mv entire svstem which it would take
weeks to drive away. I am thankful
to say that since 1 have taken FKHU
NA I do not have any reason to dread
this anvmore. If 1 have been at at;
exoosed to the damp, wet or cold
weather. I take a dose or two or
PERlNA. and It throws out any hint
of sickness from my system." Mtss Elis
abeth L'ber.
Mrs. M. J. Brink. No. 820 Michigan ave
nue. St. Joseph. Mich., writes:
"This past winter during the wet and
cold weather I caught a sudden and se
vere cold, which developed a catarrhal
condition through my entire system, ami
so affected my general health that 1
was completely broken down, and became
nervous and hvsterical and unfit to su
pervise mv home. My physician pre
scribed for me, but somehow his medi
cine did me no good. Beading of Bh
Rl'NA I decided to try it. After I had
taken but three bottles I found myself
In tine health."-Mrs. M. J. Brink,
Sibyl A. Hadley. K Main street. Hunt
ington. Ind., writes: "Last winter after
getting mv feet wet I began to cough,
which gradually grew worse until my
throat was sore and raw. Ordinary rem
edies did not help me and cough reme
edies nauseated me. Reading an adver
tisement of what PERl'NA could do. I
decided to try a bottle and you can im-
Dotted Hope, Benweed, Ktw Boot '
Mtirnacle Hvnvea iivr.
The hardest fare that six Btrotig meu
and a boy of 15 ever kept nllve ou was
the dully menu of the Wtndovov'a sur
vivors, who were cast unou tu "
coast near KIIsokk - row weeks alio.
They lived for sixteen days on u
" ..... ,..tliliiu
rope-yarn, wunoui a vrum o
else to help digest It, except water,
and, though It made thorn HI, tney ai'i"
alive ou It and did not wnslo away
very much.
The Wtiulover was a bar cnnjms
salt between Spain aim tno w
with an KuKllsh crew, ami she
dismasted aud abamluued about a
thousand miles out ou the Atlantic.
Three of the crow were killed by tait-
In mania. Mini tWO alitor Kl'io
ed overboard; but the other seven took
to the whaleboat and set out ror urn-
in. Bolnir lit too much of a hurry
took too little food, but tnro
large butts of water, besides me inns,
the boat already held. The result was
they ate up the provisions In four uaj.
but had water enough w iu"".
and, after starvlug two days moro,
they tried boiling lengths of tarred
hemp rope Into a pulp aud swauow in
ir Thev had a keg of paraffin wax,
and. though It made them very 111 at i
My mother troubled with
consumption for many Vf "i
last she ws i ven up to die. Then
ih. tried AycV. Cherry 1'ector.l,
and was speedily cured.
1). p. Jolly, Avoct, N. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had It, Aycr s
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until you have consump
tion. If you arc coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
IIcn Mc. (.. II. Allr.ll.
il... li ellh him. W t wllllort.
Wii ta I Year's tluaranty.
if. almost Impossible, dear.
.,, year. n..wadys," l. .M. , w
, myself. 1 ntiiKt ask - , .
Aik !!. what?" Intorruirtrd W-
br!C not to . . dlr
until ll rtwel...i of (he .st year.
Uo."t'atltoUo Htandard.
t Hra in nw ah.
iHun M. (llmt.''l. U'lloy, N.
W'.ulun't Sy.
'You say )'' w "1V mWa !mlf
, lour Kor asked W.;'',.!?',r
"Where did ho a:iy '"',.
"Ho dldn t
Tommy Hlout.
suy, ma'am," rwplled
Right He Was.
,,i.., f Bunilav school was
V ,111,11, ... .
on the boiled hemp, the tnr. bol ed to a vMWnm ,,, wry
Jelly, adding to the nourishment of the whi1 ,,,, n$ktl.
.... . .. ....... 1-lllV
rope, they lanueu iu
good health.
Two meu who went to a small Island
off the Irish coast a little while ago
kept themselves going for ten days on
a diet almoit worse, iney rauu ... f.M Hal r,at.
a boat, which was swashed by a wi" (lt(.(.1 ,ltlorstand Mr, and
on their trying to relaunch her. nj"Mr( j.,,.,,,. RVO jU8t going away no
they were left on tne pare, ro-j - for (mtr vacation
wi,.,-.. .i...j the word noiy ""
occur In the 1)11.10?" the children
could not answer for a minute or .
till a sharp urchin stood up and said:
"Please, sir. on the cover,"
aglne how glad I felt when It began to
relieve me in a very short time. In less
than two weeks i was cumpineij vu.
-Sibyl A. Hadley.
Miss Sarah McOahan No. 19? 3d street.
Albany. N. Y.. writes:
"A few months ago I suffered with a
severe attack of Influenza, which noth
ing seemed to relieve. My hearing be
came bad. my eyes became l"!" 8'''
feverish. Nothing seemed right ami
nothing I ate tasted good I took It
Rl'NA and within two weeks I was per
fectly well." Surah McUahan.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa write at once to Dr. Hartman.
giving a full statement of your case,
and he will be glad to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman. President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
and. which has only a slight scalp or
coarse turf, without food. Fortunately
there is a spring on the Island, but
nothing In the way of food but gulls,
which they could not catch, and noth
ing to make a tiro with as a distress
signal. There are not even any shell
fish, as there Is no beach, and the pair
had to subsist for the ten days on cold,
raw seaweed washed up by the tide. Tor
two days they starved, but afler that
they tackled the seaweed, making t!ir'
meals a day off It. until resou.o.
taken off they were a good ileal ema
ciated, but no 111 effects resulted. I he
same thing happeued off the same
oast five years ag". l"n
omen were Imprisoned on an inlet ny
the loss of their boat. 1 hey Uvea on
kelple" grass for six days.
A diet of boots Is one or tne common
est of last-resource food; and. though
Is hard for a well foil person lo
imairlne that any one could mnsni sue
and digest shoe leather, a pair of ! ' , everything tint I could think of.
Dinner Table Gallantry.
The Hostess You are such an epi
cure, Mr. Stuffer, that I was almost
afraid to ask you to dinner.
Stuffer But the pleasure of your
company more than compensates me.
New York Times.
How Qlorlous.
""What would you do if you were to
wake uo tomorrow morning and find
'yourself famous?"
1 "Lie down and sleep until I felt
like getting up for once. cmeago
100 KEWARD 100.
T7 1 lw
xi, very uujt , lu. vj . . " - Vw.w. i nam iub, iuh.i, - -
states knows what good salmon is, but j "if.ilSur.tSrS'cu'r'e
we don't believe you know jnst how js ltie'onir positive cure known to the medical
much better one brand can be than j
another unlil yon have tried the Mono-1 Hall's rstarrn Cure it taken iniernslly, a.'iln&
tnmo salmcin is the very I direciiy upon th blood and mucous nunaces
pole. Monopole Salmon IS tne very JTtem ltimbJ destroying the founds-
finest red Columbia River fish canned j tion i-tiie diaw. nd enm the patient
In these
The resders of this paper
Mm that there i at least
aper will be pleased to
oneareaueo uwik
in a cleanly manner,
a fine flavor and makes a fine addition
to a meal. Salmon is well known to
be a very nutritious article of diet.
Get Monopole salmon from your grocer.
Wadhams & Ketr Bros., packers,
Portland, Ore.
The ealmon has j strength by building up the contnnton and
hnva Bfi m icn laiLa in nn
powers thai they offer One Hundred Dollan
foranycasethatitfailstocure. Bend ior lit
ot tettinooials. Address -
r.J.l,nE?Cl Ct tUq 1"1WJU, v.
Doting Dotage.
Miss De Spite I Just dote
George. I understand he threw
Miss De Sweet Yes; In dotage one
ii liable to do almost anything.
Sold by druggists, 7oc.
Hail's FamuJ- I'ills are the t
Not Oood for Anything.
rhnllv Doctor. I want somethig for
Tough On Him. my head
Miss Strong is exceedingly mas'cu-1 Dr. Gruffly My dear reiiow, i
line, isn't she?" remarked Miss as- ; wouidn t tane it. mr a pi-"
cum. . .! For forty year's Piso's Care for Con
"Most atwociously so," remarked ,un)ption has cured coughs and colds. At
young Mr. Sissy, with some heat. druggists. Price 25 cents
"You seem to speait irom exper
ience ?"
Yaas, I do. She got into tne eie-
Some Famous Dentists and Their Exper
ience With Tartars.
A tooth may be a Tartar, cr may
have tartar; in either case you are in a
bad way. If your tooth is a Tartar, it
will drive yon to a dentist fast enough
to plsy checkers on your coat tail. But
if it has tartar it wilt taite yon more
slowly but nevertheless surely, for
from having tartar to being a .tartar
is not such a long ionrney. And when
vou start vou "cuss" that tooth at
every jump. "An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure," and for the
orevention or cure of the trouble take
the safe journey to Wise Bros,, dentists,
Failing Bldg., Portland, Ore , who
have the painless method of fixing your
teeth, who will sae you many a sleep
less night, and help you enjoy life by
showing you how to care for the teeth
Get busy and go now. The expense of
caring properly for the teeth now is
very moderate, and there is no pain
whatever. Even an entire set of new
..ivit will kefti a man alive for a
fortnight. If he has a little water. Cap
tain, of the foiimlem! steamer
Gwallor. and his second otrWr created
record last year by living for seven
teen days on boot leather and a pint of
water per day each.
Of course, no teeth can tear rowimte
boots; they have to lie cut up aim
shredded with a knife, aud the hr.-.l
chewed and swallowed. Ho'.l'.na. even
when possible. diM'S no good at all. but
takes from the boots what nourishment
they contain. A few ounces of leather.
being so hard to illeat. stays tne stom
ach for fifteen or twenty hours.
The best known and most useful of
starvation diets Tor wrecked or cast
away people, however. Is Unit of bnr-
nacles, and If anything of the Ritui
I Insanity in Berlin.
! There are 300 new cases of insanity
vatah with me in the Skyscrape cm m- n aerim evt,J- ; , , fe th does Dot C08t muc.h anj tbe
ine nne dav and when she saw me sne is unoer uounu..i.uu, , . .
' ; a hoe ht and Matt sav two more ought to De ocgun , comiori, is git:.,,
aeuoerat-eij cmu,tu 1
held it in her hand until I got off." p at once.
,; j ii,?.
Probably True.
Hlx A scientist says that. In pro
portion to the size of its body, the mo
squito has a better developed brain
than the average man.
Dix Well. I don't doubt It. Even
at Its Dresent size, the mosquito is
almost as big a bore as some men I
know. Chicago News.
A thin, vapory smoke, lazily ascending
from its crater may be the only visible sign
of life in the sleeping volcano, but within
Is a raging sea of fire, molten rock and sul
phurous gases. Those who make their
homes in the peaceful valleys below know
the danger and, though frequently warned
by the rumblings and quakings, these
Signs OI impending eruption go uniiceueu.
They are living in fancied security when the giant awake9 with deafening
roars and they are lost beneath a downpour of heated rock and scalding ashes.
Thousands of blood poison sufferers are living upon a sleeping volcano
and are taking desperate chances, for under the Mercury and Potash treat
ment the external symptoms ot tne
disease disappear, and the deluded
victim is happy in the belief of a
complete cure, but the fires of conta
gion have only been smothered in the
system, and as soon as these min
erals are left off will blaze tip again.
Occasional sores break out in the
mouth, a red rash appears on the body,
and these warning symptoms, if not
heeded, are soon followed by fearful
eruptions, sores, copper colored
splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair
and other sickening symptoms.
Mercury and Potash not only fail
to cure blood poison, but cause Mer
curial Rheumatism, necrosis of the
bones, offensive ulcers and inflamma
tint nt th Stomach and Bowels.
The use of S. S. S. is never followed by any oaa results. cures
without the slightest injury to tbe system. We offer $r,ooo.oo for proof
mar, it cuaunus a. lumiai ui on up
scription. S. S. S. is an antidote for
contagious blood poison, and the only
radical and permanent cure known. It
destroys every atom of the virus and puri
fies and strengthens the blood and builds
uo the ereneral health.
;tl mail free our soecial book on Contagious Blood Poison, which
rives all the symptoms of the disease with full directions for home treat
meat Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge.
Bowline Green, Ky.,
March 24, 1902.
Gentlemen: For over four years I
offered greatly from a severe ease
of contagious blood poison. I went
to Hot Springs, staying there four
months at a big expense. I then eon
suited physicians, who preeorlbed
Mercury. Nothing did me any good,
in fact, the treatment proved more
harmful than beneficial. I mentioned
my case to a friend, who told me that
S. S. S. had certainly cured him. I at
once commonced its use, ard In six
months could find no trace of the dis
ease whatever. This was about two
years ago. I continued B. S. S. for
some time to make sore of a perma
nent cure, and I can truthfully say I
am entirely well. ,.
Their Only Hope.
"I believe," said Mrs. Oldun, sharp
ly, "that there should be a law against
"Nonsense!" exelaLmed Peppery
"why, the only hope of some women
are the bachelors, for the widowers
are too particular." Philadelphia
Exactly Alike.
First Rooter (shivering on bleach
eries) Why is a football "fan" like
one of the palm-leaf varieties?
Second Rooter 'Cause It never
shuts up. New York Times.
About So.
Greenes Miss Wilter has brought
suit against Hlfkln for breach of
promise, naming her damages at 150,
Gray Funny about women. If h
had married her she would by thli
time, perhaps, be telling htm that he
Is absolutely worthless.
The Difference.
"The Idea of calling a flaBk of whis
key a 'life preserver.
"What's the matter with that?"
"Well, usually It'B the cork In
that makes the life preserver effect
ve, but your flask's no good until you
take the cork out."
, .. ..
l'atrlce Yes: tcy reminn onr "
Adam and Kve when they were leav
ing the garden of Kdoti, don't they?
What an Idea?"
"Well you see. they. too. are going
away for the fall," Yonkers States
ClTC FrwMir eum .So BU er nf" IV Li I..., .. - .- --
Infantile Virtue.
'v." s.ild the angel child. "I
glved all my toys to those poor chil
dren, 'cause they wanted 'em so bad,"
"How sweet of the dear! I must
buy her a doll for Chrluttuaii," said
auntie, when she heard of It. And the
angel child heard and smiled serenely
"I thought so." sa.d she.
Didn't Walt to Hear.
Hewitt C.rttott says that you
l afraid of him.
I Jnwett---Afraid of him! Why. It
ns only yesterday that t called him
Hewitt What did ho say?
Jewell I came away from the tele
phhno as soon as I said all I had to
say. "-Philadelphia Inquirer.
Mothers will find Mrs. ftlnstow's Booth
lug .syrup the best remedy to use tor their
Suiiurtm during the teething wrtod.
A (Icntle Hint.
"nrcverln. do collection am berry
fine today. Nine suspender buttons'
Now, If de congregation wli kindly
put a pair ov pants In do plate net'
Sunday, de church will be Wrry grate
nldu't ho 'tell you t had sent Win
on an errand w tin' ' " , ' '
(), yes. ma'am. I'ut ' 1
where ho was going."
I cgslly
I,m a'tiosn do good I.awd
should couii. doun an' look liter y.r
eye an' say, 'Kphem. what had
done wld all dost) chickens dal yer
, .. .. - ,i ,! would ver Buy?
lino bum"1" " ... ..... .
"Parson. I moughl say dat my old
. .t,.i 'oiii tint vou know dat
a man ain't bound to testify '' '
IN Till! tlATIINU."
The doctor are dumfoiimled, the
druggists astonUhed. and tits lipl
ejclti'd and Joyful ""r the wonderful
cures and tremendous sales of the
groat Itemody, St. Jacobs till. Kvery
, ,f rheumatism -some of many
years' standing - has given way to
this powerful remedy. Thousands of
tertltlciite like the following can ho
...,ih.,.t as to Its value:
ii. , u.-iMvor iiiihllsher of the
h.ih, vi Volkshote." used Ht.
w.,i, 'oil "for almost unbearable.
pains In the back, which had com
niutulv nrimi rated him." A few p
..ii..tina .iired him eHlrely.
Mrs, Fred Kberlc, lleiltilre, O. w
,. l.u.a nine severely troubled
.1.1. ri,.nxtlHm. Ht. Jacob "l I"
i. -ii.,v-.i mi,! nntlrolv cured
stnmij .-
Iter Or. ll. Phk. of Il.Hhester, N
v ...n-er,..! Intensely from rh'i
JL,t- ....I..s that ho wn unable to
preach. Several applications from i
.ttlrt or HI. jacou jm, '-
h'm Hi.ier flrleland tlhlo. y
.h,ii,,.i j nt St Jacobs I'll
c ured m of great "'i'1 long coiitlnue
( tn mv foot"
vt...u "f l. Ilrtmdiite and Sim
.l..',..lle' MnskeBtin. Mich., writ"
Si .lacuna Oil has a wonderful sale
W' sold 'l;ht buttles nt retail ye
tenlar. This will si n"m" ,,r
of ho'ar well It l like,) III this section
- t oi.i Ilinkel of Fast I'm'sten
Kill N. Y.. sv- I "" Jnur"'
f Ml the bet Hnlttient t ever used It
cured tne of rheumatism and pa't I"
the bark." t .,
Herman Ttlttner. Mnm heeler. N
II - "1 have tried St Jacob OH. and
found It vrellellt. AH ln
have purchased It i!ek of It 'm
plv incomparable.'" . Krffle. Palestine, III : I
was In hod suffering fmi a swollen
leg I used St. Jacobs OH. Us elTecl
was w.n.terfut. The following day I
r Mended to my business amlti."
Iir Otto Futfl. U-nd'i'g O writes-
'The sal, tif St JaciiiM imi is coo
utttMtv HcrenslriK: It Is pralid by
evervbo'v. B-id never falls to give en
tire satlsfiK ton,"
CilllS WHtHI
Hurt tiraMii ajyu
Quit Cnnalslent.
Mis, MaliicluiiiU upioe you've
card of my tuigiigumiiiit lo Mr.
J'"T ..... , .
Mix Ascolt -ins, aim i cuiiii'sb i
WHS Nil! Pi le""- "
hat you woilliin t lliairy nun tor a
inlllloit diillum.
MIhn Millm liauta I Know, near, inn
t dUeoveii'd laior ll"" no uau tw
A Utile Misunderstanding.
Young Mother-What will ymi
cluirRM for a photograph tit ur uuw
. ..........
I 'holograph "r-" To I on miliar, man
.m but H will h iolMlirbly cheap-
,r fur doien.
Young Molher - A uoisen: nil, nu,
wo can't wall u longl l.lpplncoU .
Taking No Cham,
I ihliik," said the first liuslnen
man, I II go nomn in nim n mi, n
new cook nrrlved at our house Just
after breakfast, and Bhn ha th rP
utntlim of being a good one,"
Why not wait tor your usual n
o'clock dinner?"
' rihe may b gone ny nai nine.
A ttvapcral Cse,
Puts -Keep away. I haf got th
Pumiide -Vt. vat are you uaam nr
It? ...
Piits-Kvi'i-ydlng l can lay metn
hatits on. Pennsylvania ruttin
Jop.rtcs Auctions.
A Jnpaiicso auction la a lmn af
fair, writes a reporter f,,r this HI. Paul
(llobe. Tho public dim not call Out
tlielr bids, but write their name to
gether with the amount they art will.
In lo pay, " slip of paper and put
U in n Inn Tbc are looked through
and the aitUlo awarded to lh person
who h made the biggest offer.
I us.
"In tltttn. with earn, you may re
cover. Twelve dollars." ald the fash
Uinahtd physician, eilendlng a recep.
live palm. "I" Urn. ' '"rf. ym
may recover $11," rtflM tho ill
grutitled patient, a ho grabbed bl
wad and mnd a breakneck daoh for
the street. -The Mikiu,
ICH Of THE f 511 NEVll fAES;
, s -v-a a mm.
THB M5M a a
ioni hu a Nslory
Ttu la told m an
Interesting boi
whith t yews for
the aikinfl
A. il, TOWtB CO
MaSsre f
ran t devote so
much attention to the weather any
mre. Haltlmore Herald.
On HpIntloti.
Judge Winters are nut so cold as
they used to be.
FuilKe--Oh. yes, they are. Only
now chronic Huts have su h a variety
happens to you they will probably be t things, like auto, records, etc., to
mnr aim, to food H.'ini.K leS BrC lOtlg, He BOOIH. inm J
tough, half shellfish, half vegetniiiB
creatures, that grow on the underslile
of vessels. Three Kngllshmen and a
crew of Ijiscars who had been forced j
to abandon the falling vessel North
Star a few months aao kept them
selves going for over a week on bar
nacles and only two of the crew died.
The worst of them Is that they give
one Internal cramps and cause an In
sufferable thirst; but they do nourish
the frame. You have to reach under
the vessel's side and pull them off,
taking care not to leave the best half
of them sticking to the planks, only
starving person could possibly eat
them. Many a castaway crew. How
ever, has found them better than noth
ing. Answers.
Ho HlgnlnVance In Name.
Many familiar objects have names
that are misfits. You must not think
that turkeys first came from Turkey,
for they are natives of America. Nor
that Irish potatoes came from Ireland,
for they are American. And the Turk
ish bath originated In KiiKSln. Nor
...... e 1...I- I. ...... I...
must you Willis ranin a nun m i
are made from the hair of the hump
backed ounn'ruiM'd. They are mostly
made of the bushy hnlr from the tails
of animal. German silver not only
Is not silver, but It wns Invented In
China centuries ago, and It Is an alloy
of some of the Inferior metals. Por
poise hide Is not made from porpoises
at all. Cork legs are not made of
cork, and they do not come from Cork.
The willow tree usually furnishes ma
terial for them. Cleopatra's Needle,
that wonderful obelisk of Egypt, wn
made a thousand years before Cleo
patra was born; and really had, noth
ing; to do with her. Irish slew Is an
English dish. Prussian blue, the beau
tiful color, Is not a special product of
Prussia, but of England.
Sari Memories Speak.
"flemember." sfitd the buslnes
man. "that In this llf yon can't gt
something for nothing."
"Maybe not." answered the Ken
tiicklan. "but some people run com
so ctose to It In a horse trad that It
1 mighty discouraging."
l us?Vr4 h leriaree ef the 44
Vila Jtr.ilf u.lll-f pOM lr,e ! I'f WvSI'P'
!.. !ltl !. I '! '''
.lt I .- a .f I AM AK T In IBB
lax ol la. t tout-a earth!
u .l ihm T- I m iUt lie
Bit Sll1 MI IIBs a " " .
U Kbhs. Ill Joa h.Stoui Oil, I.
AYepelaMe rrpporntion for As
similat in(5 the FixxJ iind ltcg ula -Ung
mc biouyicns antlliowvls of
Promotes DiicalioivCrtNTrul
ness ami Rcsl.Conlains neillrr
Oi)ium,Moil"iie "or Mineral.
Jkapt offd U-SAMVamQan
MM .Sfnnm
"Why, Jlmmle, you're amoklng one
of papa's cigars!"
"Sure! I heard ma tell him he'd
kill himself amokln' so many, so I'm
t.ryln' to save his life." New York
Stock Stories.
He was very quiet during the first
course, and everyone forgot that he
was there. As dessert was being
served, however, the host told a story.
When he had finished and the laugh
ing had ceased, the little son ex
claimed delightedly, "Now, papa, tell
the other on." Harper's Magazine.
Bad Man with a Blue I0ye.
"My observation has been that most
of the bad men of the border were blue
eyed. A man with a soft blue eye will
always be selected by a bully as a vic
tim In preference to those snapping
black, brown or cold gray eyes. On the
average men possess about the same
amount of courage, and when the blue
eyed man has been Imposed upon suf
ficiently he resents It; one c initial pre
cipitates another, till he gels a reputa
tion up to which he feels he must live.
There Is your fighting man" Every
body's Magazine.
High Authority.
A rebellious husband was objecting
to doing certain work about the house,
and be quoted Scripture to IiIm wife,
showing that the household duties
should properly be assigned lo the
woman. The good wife replied by
reading to her astonished liege 2 Kings
21:13: "I will wipe out JeruKiil.uii ns
a man wlpeth a dish, wiping It and
turning It upside down." That bus
baud bag wiped the dishes ever Mluce.
Aperfecl Hcmedy forConslipri
Tion, Suur Stomach, DiarrtuHvi
Worms .Convulsions levrnsh
ness will Loss or Sleek
Facsimile Siijnnlure of
raaof Ma wespieeo
For Infanta ttnd Children.
The Kind You Hava
Always Bough!
Bears the
as.... ..I ttataiatiia f.llanL Tlt QtCsfVl.
Ouusl. hr .. Wti m tint.
tlwu. .. tmpr. tkts. -..
John hiolr, toktland, orb,
I out al MwrlaaM Street,
fan fir ymi tha beat tuifsint In Itallera
and Fit"e. w tiHtiiillla, rum m and ifetie
rl Mai-lilllK't ! Sawltis W. hU,M a
specially. - na l!, tiMfln.
exact copy or wrapper.
1 1 SioTiafure AW
-I 1 . ll' It
a 01 (V'l
I ft jjf 111;
J For Over
Thirty Years
Ji3 : fin(T.V0BB'nHn
iwaw't wa wa-i'wiMa. iss "Mwai. mt ,p. w. m
rf.i...M.,..,. i,lai.iiii.lii-.ll in n Jk
Clili ki-n, lim-k and Ooeipe fealli- S
era. Addres m
(iltlfiKN, poltTI.ANU
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Tht'iy Ihlht ypair rmin1lou tiiilMlhg,
Mi "turn eititfiriil A irinip . rullctfw
f.rf pr uti.ry i-iiurufi riMlI rtitirtwt Tn
tmiHtr aint rt IUirU"t i'Ult'M"s Alt
v i.ttrirufhtH v, IU rm.(Mii Jan ft, twa. Kiwter
MISS I't.HANOH TliHHtirff. IVImlpal
McCAULUY & BURBANK, General Machinists
Mine, Mill aud Marine work, tlenoral rilr. Printing Mai-hlnery ropslreij and ruln.lll
Poole Bldg., Foot of Morrison St. PORTLAND, ORIKK N
r Bjyaiiniaaiaaiai B
LICE on Poultry. ll?f?Tx$l
kill the Ike. Never fnllt. ftoU by dealer, Roc anil $i.m, per can,
Aimn hi rv in-c i,f I itanliBiriiHifi, Minn., huiieftit a fim uf I'ru ni.tHii u- vt-- Bnia
w-Jltthor.)UifhiTthriWtliii-. i1( him tMinltiv h,,., ...n ... '"r."n"
llowatid uilUMb lifUirw iimJ n tr. ll' iwniltry lion U tutt rwi Uat.iJ uuu m
wtblriff furll. 0
iwu utiionmifiii; aurntt iki 1'ifnntfi. nm Miimry h"UM r l V f rni fn,
J, IT. MutnftP, uf Ailrl, Mn fuv th rrucwian liUivr i Juat til
l OUTLAMO Uh.k.1 CO, FortUnd, Ut.. Cua.t ApuU,
It Costs You Nothing
titiiiMltia fMf hO'tiina.
tur pni.titih, Vnucaii
U'-mp l if r..u Maul U,
hut ynn fun rtl f II
by tiiBK luaii Ittn
i rac ti rfa. HVrp
a tKt in tlto liottaa.
'lhy tiuM mov, t'li
1ik', ar nii-w. Miuta
tit tiitiicy atKl titfihul.
ft (nt a lHt, ilU iijr
alt rtr'tKKuKiB and itm
rt-ttutirrM. Iwi Imim
a-m Uf mad Mtiaitt
ufi rnin of luu. la
1'rtclflc Const
lorlUnit, Ora.
X 4 that Lcftdi V
J OOail mora-yl' lit mor. I
1 i woM Uf all ilaitri. I V
llllMhiKiil Annml I X
tMat nit lrr tu H J
Jt " f A api'iit rnita, M
r. x, .
He. s-taos.
llIIKM wrlilnt to ail aertlsers please
meiilluB ml paper.