aSWljBflS"''"""' , ,'JWf i THE BIG STORE DOWN il Mv The Ricr Sawmilll- J a. A W 111111 fl! In lU'civiii; New Woods Every day in II115 Ww.k, (5' I1! s 111 r PERSONAL i M gw"gtrgargtrgrgmrgrgm'gjm-gm-gr V i THE MUCKLE 8TORE HAS A REPUTA- tlun of Long Standing for Only tho Bent In -GENERAL MERCIIADISE Dart & M tickle, ? Nt. Helens, - Oregon. a 1 vrrv 'WSJ . -,-'i;, MS?:?, r-Sf. H, H. KlxtiHT, of Itninlur, huh a visitor 111 ru, Helens, Tuenliiy, Mis Mabel Chirk, of Cliit-'kiiiile, la Vlaiting t Ihe home of J. I!. Godfrey, Mr. N. 1', Biker, tint manager of tint Baker store nt Viirran, was In town Tm-H(liy. K. II. Bushman, proprietor of tho Scuppoosu Hotel, was in town Wednes day. J Harrison Allen mid Albert ixinbnr urn sojourning "t Ciimioii Beach. ! Ucglh of VnntU Murloa TompLluft. I sp-ey..imifcis. F. M. Tompkins, h plnm-cr of IhM, ,w !()( A I , Real Estate Transfers. mid ana'dent of fi. f.pp(,os precinct since 1870, died at hi home last Thurs iliiy mill tho funeral himI burial bsik plnai Sunday, Jiuiiiiiry 1 1 Lit . The i ws.s, ;; ss ,.:. -s;;rs;f. f -,rjs;sj, x a I Cliorli'R Bergeraou to Benson Logging and Lumber Cum- F'irt class, (f'H In Colillns iukI limy'. prices hi pHiivjw J$ of hi: Ion 1.1, an. Tlinbpr Land, Art June D, MM, orCf Aflfl PUBLICATION. funeral was largely attended l.y n wide A ni'W picket is being built In front Arthur (Jjwtiju seciion 61 Amanda Bloomfield to Cornelia III town Saturday. I'. A. Miles, an Oregon City mei wan visiting hiii uncle, 8. A. Milci during thu week. I -i ni'Ht Saxon, who U rirninyi menus, und the service were of Christ Kpiscopul church. conducted I y Key. Fairchsld, of Port- George is doing the work, i 15. :r.iell nn.l Klizcheth I!, land. The deceased w w. in Harlan I Tll0 M,)rri), lt,lUf.r , j:,.)(!l,ir KlHt ' WBtkii.r, ; w of m-utium 3 , county, Ky., lei,. 12lh,l.'it. He moved ',, (: or , ... ,', ft. 1. . to Alton. III., witli ,, parei.lH in 1837, j eordw.Kl on I). J. Switwr', plu. e. ' 'nnk '" "'" !' mid reinaineil ther until Wi, when he I , . . .. , i'oriinnv ; onit cIh iii, lota 8 , i,.uu..,i ,i.,. ..i .'. . ii i . . .i ! J"'' liriiitliiu of all kind, promptly ex-; . , , ,, i roMici tlio ilaiii. o loeatnl at the . . . .. and 13 Wiibimt , dli! li.JI... ,i . ii, , ; fitted at tlua office. Now la the tune ,, , ,V . . . , Uailea, ami titer married Mary J.', . , .. , , Mary II, J. Cunninii mm to Ash. Smith, who .nrvive, l,i,. The mar-. U".,,r A,U ' '" land Lnmla-r Companv ; , e ria,f took ,,lae Je m 1863. Thrr, ' I section 4, (I, 2 moved to their prewnt hoiae in 1H70. ; l5'"',,"'"t -- ni.i)ile ynif, nre Saiuh C. ond John A. Knitlinh to uenrioiia lor lirenKiaH pure tmck lie;it ni"iHviiian'i .tiniiifia 1 1. i.iiin (ren ; lou 1 and 8, block ti Antorian. Jamei Tliorno. of Oreiroii Citv. nil old i Tl.o leeeai!d want y.-ar. 10 moiilha M"-11" brenkfa-tpure biickhe:,t timureiiilmitofKl.llelHfia ..I-!.,., and 27 dava. IVxidea tbu widow. In. left '"'" maple iyriip at Collina & even children an (,,joa: Mra. ..(). Gray's i ( 'lal wlf fl nir. reliant ' ,!HX,"r hU" J- Meerve, 6f I'o.t-1 I regretted that levrral ei,l. ; juhr, aH1 j,liu Eis).tli,ter to ian( ; joiiii i. ioiii,kiiim, ol Kaioier ; mniJ in me wiiO,i niiii.jiiiif Mhennn; Anna II. ('o.-tie ; e'4 of a e1. i'raiiKP. ioiiipKim, ol Mc.uurry, Wah. rut.i wa iiiKin a picture ol ttic school; of ertion B,3, 2 . ,. J'.oa. .emi! anu t iiiiain i , o Hciin- wee. I Tiirwa aiul V J now reditu,. : ' . ... i i n re?a aim r . J. .1,1. 1.1. U,t . i " V1H ...n iiiii'Bi. iitimiy n I orilHIUI, IlllH t'.,iTiti Htatm Lo orritr, Oreun ( lly. dreg ,n, I)pcaibf I, toOJ. N0TIi:KIm HKIlMHYiilVKN TAT IH CoM IM !', wllb Mil' prmivloiia ol Ilia Ant rf .,n,ui mi "'WO'-n ol 11, , miim 'Ail act for til W kh ! ofllinlar I ilela III lliu lOMm nt I'aMfnmla, "rt'ii'iit. AvMriii m nt wathnitfttm Tufrunry. ' I an viiaitilad to all ihe iMIilli. Limit Mtnla li act nt Aua'Ht 4, m. Nancy ii. Ilackar, ill Kcii"..y. i,f l oittlnbtrt, itMla ef Cregron, jmM thl rlny fl le 1 III Hilt, lithe her .Wtirn RtHte itifiit No. ')(. lor ihe ai,eliaaa ofthaawt-A if I IXJ mv', iitel M 4 nl necthm So. 1. In j it. t,.l,ti ,ii. 4 a, rimce Sc. 5, we-t, anri will cITcr i,r,,f In hnw tliat tha iattd Biiliyhl la ninra I vnltciolc tor It llmtx-r or ati.uc ihun ior Hr,- : culoiral purnom'w. hihI In pMtHliUh tier rlnlni l,i I 80. Bi! land lu ti.rc tliu lti(ilar hiiiI Kci'cl vr ill this mllcejii Drcitnti Clt, c) n Haiurlay, ! the lit ti tiny ol March. MKI. hhc linn.O a 'wlluMN'a. K K. Ihr'iop, InU.laa Ma ' IM mill If, I, Kcilmntiil. el Kruatr, (rr(i) , I 00 , nlcl Cliiirlen Mcranlcy, ol Ml. Ilelcnii, OreKOIl. j Any anil nil fierNnm. t luimliiK Hilvar.el" Ii- Iwmc ilcwrltic't litmlH art, rfitieteil to hlo 111' cln,jnt. Ill IliN otlii-f OH or Imlotc Miiit t.ltl .1 il Mure )i, J'tuM I IIAHI.f.l B. Mf)ORr. Pc-I iroToerTiTll'i', Act'J' , .rtiH. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I .m oo wo oo ST. HELENS A I'atroni.c :t drug store when you want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, lite. jei-teein by wide circle of liienda. Ware in been ipending a few daya he rrank Wikalion, left for Corvallia ii i . . ... i . .. . ... .-unriuay, w uiae a courau lu civil ci.k neeriiii., In the Stale A ( ., . - , Slra. H. C. fiore and her (vmaina, Arthur and Mary Ilenrdalcy, of Halem, vlaited tlio Saind ciiie., returning Monday.- Kahuna Jbillvti i. Ilr. Kdwin Uom, Attorney J. II. (i.M- frey and Deputy Hherilf V, A. Wood, positively the worat ever. A blood and viaileil the Hunker ilili auction Tucadav to i xnuiine aoinn limber. ,1 motley collection of fern ilea with Mr.and went to Salem j '"-llJ' Vuicea and clothea that didn't ye.lei.biy, w here they will be the (tueata a ,ot ' J'011" "'' wh , could of Chiel justice F. A. lre and lamily ' l,r"l,,1'l.v "" i-one,t livin; cu-ryins iioim:s, luaoe up n ierioriiiance inai was lleile. and Ivlwin Hyde Mr. Toinpkina wac held in the higheal ' wero married at the Methodist (Cpiaio- pal parsonage in Warren on January I I, K!V. Iw I'aviea o!liciatiii). For a bad tate in tin mo ith take a few doses of Chauiberlain'H Stomach and Liver Tableta. WaTanted to cure. I'rice 23 ceiitx. For aale by Vr. Kdwin Koea. T. Jifi kaon Gillx-rt to V. and C. K. linde; Their Initial I'erforinaure n N , Helena. Nut iniiny opl anw the lilanche Millyarde ahow at the City H.ill liift Friday eveiiintf, and thoae who did aee it are trying to forget it. Il.ilhi, haa been viiited by aomi, pretty "hum aet ora" in ita day, bit tliia crowd wai -ffV of acetioi, 28. 7, 2, John and Maud F'. tireenhajfer to George U. Gi aliam ; lota in CoIiiuib:a City J. M. Mill to Charles F. Und gren ; laud in section 13, II. !, 2 WK) OU a 00 CO 00 M. T. Homan, nn ex(Hrien;ed job printer of Oregon City, liai taken charity of the jobtlepartinent of the Mist. Now i thunder drama without plot or ,rain I "'" "' vour neaoa, mil id .lu mi.uii . urn... ....... ,... i i piinted. Carl and Klla Jiiinpie toISenaoii lyfjifitiiiain and hiniN riiiz Co. n c'-4 of aeclion 2H, 7. 4, , . 4,") K) 00 0. Merrill and Sarah Klizaheth Humphrey to William I'linjfle lots !l and 10, block 7. Ver nouia .... j W. II. Kitigaud Vii-ginia Kiiig to Key-tone I.uinler Company I'MiTKr, Statrs, I.,.si Crrica, ori'iron (itv, iircjon. Iici.finl.er2, IWi. V"TI K Is MKKKHV "ilVKN THAT l liOJf- I 1 iliHiice uiih the p-ovlotii, m Hie m-t nf : 'nur.-iw il June a, 1h:s, cut it Ic-I "An an fur I the a;il,. of llintw-r liiml1. iii the Htiec. -if l;,illf,ir. in., Oregon, Nevada, Hti.l Wahiiiirlnu Terrl. ; tury," a exrettiled t'-M ll- ,'ntll! Land Hlaiea : l.y act nt Aurraat I Mnrtii.i .v M will, uf ! Keit-ey. i oiiiiiy of i ii'itiiM.i, Hinie nf rireiitai, i ha-, (hia ilnv fia d in thla ot i-e her awrti atme- oi,nt No liool, fur Hi" porch-, c of the ti'jol naf ( ' , of necil in a; ih.'4 ol tic' nl e t'ou 7. In town j ami. 4. a. Minn No. ..west, huh w II i,m;r prn.4 I Ii. "how Ihrtl the Uicl miiiiviii N ico'n aloalila ' for in, tlmt.cror mone ttiaii aa-'rtil unit n ir. t""'. and ietili-li tiereuim to .id land he : lore the Kci-tcr and licieivrr ol thla oftliT at or -on ciir fircroii. on H,,v, te lirhday j ol March, t'ajit. !he ,a w iinaia: K. K i Ihr . in, II. L. Kcilmo id, An rn.t ?. Jnlrpiat ai d i W II. Hacker, all ol Kmoy. Oreao ,. ! A iv arpl nit jiero'ii. choicinif A ! ; .cr.ely ll, a1m-ii"-crilied lamia ara .' r,-. teilcd to file their claim. In thia "S imt lf n- -i ttl I'lli ,lav of March, l!il. i'nii ; i II s. H lliiOKh, Kenlater. oo i HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Tine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Ktc. i Direct from Publisher Regular 25 cent NtvelsOnlv 10 Cents J (or three or four dav J. I. Sun. in, who reaidci at Wilton A SUdiinan'a mill, near Kaiuier, tieik Inline a new waifoti on the aU-amer t'n dim from I'orllaiid Wednesday injfl.t. J. I. Morgan, of Heapprjoae, was in f,wu Molt lay and had hia hand dreaaed, which ha I Itceii severely cut w ith a naw. Ilia other hand was aMVcted w ith buila. He wit a aceompanied by h' I.. Jtov. Frank llamea and wife, of (J'limy, lite., who paafae! the Chiirtinaa aluolntely painful to witneaa. Where they came from, how thev g it here, and where they went to, will no il iubt re niainoiieol the unsolved myieries. llallas l)ba.;rver. Strnie v.vv New Viara bolidaya with Krii k Martin', land ol the alley, leturiied heme Mon tidy. Skamokiiwa I'.ajfie. 11. and A. C. Kemp, of Gjble; N. Swalea, Mra. Iliuiple, nf Clatakanie ; C. F. Slmrtiiit't and wife of Mur-hlniid and II W. l icciiiaii and ami of Fihhnwk w -re nyiaterefl nl IVrtl md hotels Tea-ilav. Datrtrt Atlurnry Allen File, I.eiral Opinion. Hintrict Attorney Allen haa filled with the futility commiaioiiers an opinion that McGuire, FinliivMiu and Colwcll are entitled to be repaid themonev tbev nd : paid-Tit ' old Imrai." tax Mile for ceitaiii that had been aold fur taxea i at-neaix-d before the I'liited Slates pat lent innied '"for the reaauii that the in I ccptioii iti the coiiiitryV title ia an on ' wcauieiil of government land, which as ! aeaaiuetit ia void. Al an opinion on ' the power of county and city to unite in eiectiig a building in eiie (or court hou-e ow mil by tlio county. Ho aayi ' auch tenam v in cmi'iion, ia proliibite I bv tin j The Claikamna County Kecor l, a new ci nv .page Beiiii-weeKiy paper, iia, wen o-jy acres in 7, 4 recede., ai 11,1a omce. u w published ; UrY M. RI1() ja.I1He K K,.,(.y j at Oregon City by The Kecrd Fobliali- j , J.ndwig Stran,land Oil ax-re ' inn ooipauy couaiaimg 01 imvki navtai io 4, 3 and b. h. lirodie. It la a newsy papr. j The UeV A. K. G'over will hold services b it), morning and evening in ! the Christ Fpiscopal church next Sun :day, January Iflth. Mornit.g tervicer liiiul 'he Holy Coinmnnioii at eleven o'clock and evening prayer and ?i ru, on at 7 :30. All are Invited to b th services. It ia now definitely certain that the Muckle sawiuill will start up in a day or jtwo. A newly oiyaniwd rompaiiy will I have I'liarjte of the btieine;. It is un jdeiatnod that ihe new company will Ii" (composed of several atiakholders of the St. Helens I.imilier and Uoliert Livesay. , t)thT parties "llso are mentioneU as la ' ing tntereteJ. I The county court baa awarded a con" -COLLINS AND GRAY-: THE PEOPLE'S MEROHANTS, Carry a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCIIANDISI- Fi lour ST. HELENS, and Feed OREGON a Hetbett Gabla-rt, w ho ha, 1kh-ii em ployed in the Mint tdlioe for M-reial nionllia pat, htia n'cepte a poaition ill the holw..nle dru eatabliahment of Hluuniuci Frank, in I'jriland. Mr. and Mra. W. II. IMiuan left ' u day to iiiuke a short viit to lelhitivca in Salem. loiter they will go 'i IVi loruia. 'Wiey exa.c to le iileint (or a (Mdiple of mouths. J unes IJuinii, of Qniiin Oreron, came Biai nmiutuiion. lint the county miBhl build and lease to the city, j tract to S. Rock, of Yankton, to build Ho t it 's Article XI. Section it. Slate j lirle an I one quarter miles of new road l.'o,,,t,tution Also opit.mii that th- i tlie C. c Mover place. It is a A. AC. It is hound to pay for ruprov , inifttn puhlm Mil at t!i'i-o;i a'atin j chnntte in the Nehaleiu road recent ly w ithin its r ifht o( way. V.toria Njwm. otilerel. The road is to be coiduroyed (Jrrat Weather aleiidur. The Chat! mooiM Medicine Co., the manufacturer-, of M. F.lree's Wine ol Cardiil and Toedi'o.d'a Hlu k l. Mii'lit, have ju-t iiaueU the l'.W 1 etliiii.n of ilie t'anliii Weather Chart and C.ilen lar. 'Mil' Calendar has fp'Unjr into universal p omiiience bv aceurutely forelellinj; 10 feet wide, and the contract price is (l'.if). The road w iil be built on an eai'y grade, and ivtil be a tunljatantial im provement on a portion of the present main traveled thoroughfare. Mr. Nordby, of the firm of OUvn & Chritiau I'. and Matie C, f. ldt io linn Kice; timlier on 121 ,, 7, 4, George E a'ld K lilli A. Ixinz t.i i K, I'lirke; land in se. lion M, 7. 6 !.:! Uiee to Gwrge Mellow at am tiinbcr in 7, 4 Security Savinj A Trust Co. to . C. Fischer; land in seciion 21,7,2 Lndw ;g Slraiigeland to Halver Olsen ; land in section 23, 4, 2 J. N. Teal, trustee, t Columbia Timber Company ; land in ti, 2 Anna M. Wood to W. A. Wood ; 80 acres iu section 18 4,3, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ifcp-tme!it of ihe Interior I.M!id otVce at Oregon liitv, Oregon. January 3. 1JHI 10,00") 00 1 VTII'K IIKKKHV OIVKS 111 AT TUB ' t following liaiiicil;,.r li.iv til.-.4 mrflr. their Intention to nuke final proof m anpiiorr of i tiieir rlhimn, und that .ui I proof wilt la, tnnda i lj.-tore the Ueiiiier and Lci-eo'er at Oreuon i'y, 1 "aj ; ''tegon, on Fehruarv P,l:air, .: NAM Y IIA. KKK, I II. K. Xo. iaM f,,r ihe of nw'. n' ot 'e1-, ami n1 of au t.t eciti.u tp ii n, r a w, 1 Aim 1,000 00. WILLIAM H. It VCKt K. , H K No. 1-1(71. for the , ol vi4 un t w'i . o. '4 of i.eeun ". tp n. t .', wc-t. 'liicy n.tue (li tollowmu m.e.aea to prove ; their poiitniuou- ie-i.lciicv niMiitand pullivatioii 1,000 00 f ald land, via- ihninlna Matill. Ha-ley I.. f Keilnmmt anil Kit F Ti,r. . ol Ken-ey. llie ; got., and l hartc. Mcl'a'iiev. ,. ,i. Hvleot, Ort- 100 00 , " ' -MAKi.r.i 11. himikkm, Kmtiater. i . I 00 1 00 I 00 100 00 NOT lit FOB FUBL1CAT1US. fVoartiiH-nl of tlie fnlcrtor, loic office at tlrc.nt Tttv. tireg.m. Jalionrv 3, VM'C, TmirE n kkv i.ivkn that iiik fni.owinir-niimit .-cttler hra tiled n. tli-c of ti i iiiti miiiu lo make linai pnit in anpimrt of lita rhim. and that iti,i tliutl pnaif will lie inU'ir Imii, re the Register aiel HfiHriver at Ore iT'in ("ilv, Oregon, on Koruary '!, 1-.H1.1, vtx: lil-KMAN J. HutiMMi. II. K. No. li!l .1. lorthe n'j of tr of M'rtioi, :9, and e' j of o, in.-' 4 o aecli, .u i.i. tp a, r ' w. He Jiatnea the folii winif wloiMw to prova hi coiititittou. re-i'lence ueou ami cnllivaitou ol said ianit, vi: Tliotint.s iVtliiohn. of Verim iiii, Oregon: u. It. Mitt., w. k. Kichnian and K. It. l-.ichuiun. of Kea.H-)'. Oregon. ji'fll t'lf AKLKS . MOORK1. Rrciller F'n'sh fish in season every Friday, and special Suudav dinner at the St. Helena i SUMMONS. Hotel. ' ' . z . , . , . ., , ,. ' In'ttie riri'ittt Court of the State of Oregon A few photographs of t'olmiibia , ,,l nubia r...,i,iv. county farm Ii otifeB arc wanted at this ! .Florence Leila Argent, I'laiiuift, office fur the mid., inter edition. TAX LEVY. over lo Kahuna lat Tuesday to pny his i he ti ilve-ton tin id and prcdictin toe TOOTHACHE DROPS. Oil Clove, Creosote and Chlnrolorui, eiu?l piirta "ti cnttiui; tins will stop itov ckk of toothache, nitta. d bom nil exptned to-rve, but the wav to cure Ii, is to have the toitlt tilled by Oil. KNi'l' NKW M Kill '!. 317, 'Failing IM'g Portland, Ocon Dr. KNODER, Dentist ."'",9 I? IlKKIfH II01 a. 61 TllONK Itlltice, Hoon 414 (Ilea. FitoNr 1 17 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Infcimation and Appointments by Mail. Knoma Ml and 51, Waahing-on Wd S.)titheii-t nit ner Wash, und 4th Sis PORTLAND, OREGO N. Tak F.levator to Fiflb Floor. n alaVi THE KiiJ'iJi7f"'.li.iir.jj ' VAPON GAS xJPor tlonw, Staro an:l Street t.fji m, K,.t A,.,.riuu Ii to CuultuUt snj A!uut e Cheap. ij To-cavt t: mm i'. no uwitraa tmri" Unii ILLU.Ki..AI0bO tlitH'l.i.'trt-t:t.T. Ilaka yMur a-ra tieht u dsr- A ltm w hows, CTlta, w Ba lie a inr mmfm au tntii ew. art Wott, Kiofa!, MfnhillttVltya.', e. .t. ....f.lnr. TOIIH I.AVV-J. V AI.I. I.Af I'llANllKI.IKUS. hTIII'iKT I-AMI'N, Klo. Iwi fci.tfo It...,, huma ONK t'S iT. NowlKkn. No "move, ao oner, AuaulnWa Mfik Til:V HKI.I. AT HI..I.T. Kiol.i.l ritury lu (owl MP-nta. t rWritu (01 oataluaan ual priaai. ClltCAOO SOIAK tlOHT CO-, ,- 111 a Kvery lloiilo or t liamlic, li,,t,' A KlU'lIRT, IliS SOU VmmU llemeilj Waiiu (I We guarantee every bottle of Cliitm i.Til tin, using. 11 will be hired by nt iW j 1M. luiu's Couglt Itmnt'dy and will re moiiihl, und expeii-, s, or .'Hi p,r 'nt- f, (i,e untucy t, tttivune who is not j,,,,l,ion to lake oider, for ;'ir '; lltin,, Ilf(ll. twu-tbiids of the HIT" If, 1 i til i I II (Id IH'Wll". "enn iu. , I? nit iH (if fruit k. Ho 11 1 1 v rnniiM-lilion nin rotiU'iitH. 1 1MB ih th bent reiiioiiy in be met. tlttr stock is' wnirnniid. Yv ; the world (or la Rripiie, coughs, eol ,s, do not deliver of collect. Inn devote, nil are part lime. We pay you Mich neck. Good vim lift- loeani money this winter. Write, for .free out tit ill once. I'orrr Nuripry Compiiny, Itocheslfr, I . croup anil whooping cough ami is pleasant and safe to take. It prevent nny tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia. Mail subscribers received at this of lice (or the levelling Tt legiaui, Oicgon's crenleil evening pajK r. luxe- on some land which he hud in this j anility and had been paving taxes on j since IS'.1;!, but after arming in town fo md that the land Irad been sold lust ;s.ui'igfor the IK'i-J taxes. Bulletin. 1 Attorney W. II. I'owell, of St. Helens, j one of Hun. Harrison Allen's I'ej uty 1 ,1 -trict at toi m-ys, w aa trying u civ il suit I in the distrht court on M.iml iy last. ir. 1 nivcit 11 win tie n mem ,.ie , was w ti priui ip tl of the I'-iisdhnin schonl in t'tis ciiy years ago. Oregon Ci'y Faterpii .. County Commissioner He Ca, Its, of Capita Landing, came down Iron, Cortland Wednesday, lien-ported llin'. Mrs Caplcs, ho is receiving tieatniei t in a I'.ittland Hospital, la materially in pfovi g, and it is bt leed that she will soon Imi able to return home Ht-v. 0. A. Taggart, of roitlaud wil prriich in the Congregatituml church next Sunday night, lb) has accepted a call from the ICtinier Cong e a ioni 1 church and will move his family there as soon as the new parsonago is rum pleted. Key. Taggaat wa In St. Helens Monday, and slated that thu lumber was already 011 the ground for the new pnrunij(c. lie was a popular and stieces-fiil pa-tor of tho Misi-is.-ip i Avenue church in Port land. - HOULTON Mcfdaines lh ii-iuiw and Perry visited Poithiud hot Monday night. F.d ' neit to Goble one ttny but wie:, J John ll.trlniin, oir Jewler, viritetl j lVrtliind Monday. ! I II. (. Howard visited the metrop'il's Inst Monday 1, 01 nging. ! S. P. C.allard, ol Pittsburg, w as in this place last Monday, , Frank Weeks, of Michigan, n brother of L, lb Weeks, is visiting relatives, here. j Kd Unison has la-en working for Jumna Senco this week, winging the big j hammer. , I Mrs. L, K. Pulley went down to flats kanie last Satunbiy morning to attend i the public instillation 11 ml grand ball given by the (Md Fellows at that place. County Commissioner Colvin took the I Astoria train last Monday for Marshland. ; S. A. Miles was iu our berg last weel-, ' on business. ' j The nail keg court win culled to; order last Monday night by President , Oswald, with ulljtho olliceis at their j posts. John Cre is liend foreman on the new aide walk. The Honltoii F'pwoitl, League bad a very large attendance, last Sunday evening. Several of our young couples took nd viiHtiigd of the wtirni day Sunday, and went out walking, James Ronnick lias accepted a pusi- .troiitita and U-j s of the paid rUiuiti-r, a vear ahead of each occurrence. This ntlice has just received one of these cal endar", which consists nl twelve sheets id paper, blxitl inches in size, till fas t -lied together with a gilt tin sirip and a Ina-s loop h inger. Kacli sheet e ui tuins the CiiU-n bir for on-- 111 mill iu laige l.gures that can b rea l acro'S the 10 tin. Cu-ler the tigurea patent weather signals indicating Prof. DeVoe's Weather .fotvt a.-to lor every diy in the year ap p -ar. Ve under. laud a few copies of il can Is- secured bv sending b) cents apiece in (aist.ige -tanim to The Chat taixsiga Medicine Co., Chattanooga The Onuuty Court made a tax levy of ;t! mills, apportioned as follows: State, .,..11-. .... 1,.1 ...itt-. u.,.i Norbby, luntlH-r and shingle maim- , goMu-rs .'.. -out'tv . Il' Wi -.Voad .10 mills the toial levy u lite Same a- luH tear although the road tax is increarttl from iiiciurers 111 liiiiner, Un-g.ui, was 111 low 11 yesterday looking over the new ; dry kiln of the Washington Ked Cedar 'Si, ingle Cimpiny, and will use it as a 1 nesle! in roti-tni,-ting their see in I kiln. ,M r. Nordby also purchased 1,510 cords j of Isilts from Alien tS; Co. find RohinQ A i Suns, of Castle K ick, that were caught at the big lnviiti tbiring the recent (I.hmI. I -Kelso Journal. : Hon. George llimes. Secretary of the Oreg.m lliatoric.,1 S.icicty, delivered an i interesting lecture before the Keeling o to 10 liilli-. Timber latn.1. Act June S, IS?,. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T.-ntt. Fl 1.TUX .MKX Tlio Oregon 1, A II F. AD gislattiro t'MTKP STAIKs LaNW trrtcK, Oregon V ity, Oienii. Januars VS. V.O. OTIt'K is HKKLHY (ilVKN 1 H , T IV eoulp!tanceai nil the ioovimou nf lie, act of foliate a ol Jilueii. Is7s. etitit led '-All act for tin-salt of tiiiila r lauos in the stales f 1 .1.. r.ifiiirt. o.eon. Nevaila and V.itshiitcion Tent lor,' a. v'-lcii.lci to All I be Public l.a.i.l Slalcs 0. ,icl ol Auil"l 1, 1 i!. Am. in lliictttofcr. of 1'orllrtnd. t.Mi.ily ol Moltnoiuali, stale ot tire, g-iii. It aliits.ia.i tiieo id Uii3 oaice ht sworn - stctueiit. .vo-mOT for ice purchaa 01 the a.,'., of..w w".?oiMi4 sec 1, l.e1 , s, of sei-. i 11. l..uii...i . 4 ii ..aiiL. .. 4 a , ,..1 .nl .o,'..r .r,v.i ,.. tma taut lit. ,.n,l Miniii ia ne.rv ai- ...........,,.1 .,:...,:... i,. i i,: , iu..t r it-tuniafr or m i:e tiiaa t r arn ui- - : "uotiis V line 1.,,, at . . mine . ,r ., . ,,,! , ,tai,lj, ,i elaiel j t.t unnl II. Arjetil, Hctendant I To E I ward H. Ariicnt.tha atiove-Qamed dc t I'endHiil: j iNTttt; samk or the statu or okk- gun; Voi, are liertby rciuired lo appear : and answer ihe t'oinpluinl hied agatual ! y,u iu the a'sm- tmtittptl auit t,u i or tefore the sch flay ol January, lytia, ttnil - ti -tut- the last day prarifK'.t hi liie ortler of : pn' iiiaiioii ol auir.lltoii-. and If yo.f fail ao lo ; npt ear and u'lewer suhi complaint, the plain uti will apply to ihe Court for the rebel therein I prae.l, lo w it i a ,ie.-ree of divorce from the i hoii.lkot malrimouy ,i,.ia exiating lietweeu ' and the plait, nil'. i Thia .sutiimon.s ia puMUucd for six eonaeetl j live wecfe. by order of Hue. Tlioinlia A. ii.-Hride. .Illd e ol Itie 1'ircut I ouit t of the slate ol Oregon, for ,he e'oHnty ot ,'. loro'ila. tlia.le on Hie IU h tiiiy t f lieeemt'er. I!--irJ. ihe lirat pni.!icatioii laiiiig uu the l!Hli day i.i btwuibt.-r, I'.irs. W. M. I.aKOKCK, Attorney for i'laiiiLttr, summons: i Circle, last Friday nig'it at the h m of ! j Mrs James lKut. Ilia topic was the; early new spitvrs of Ore ' ,u. 'T.i Tuesday. Senator Fulton of Astoi ia ; lecture very lii'u-h. The latter spent the ' !" ' 1"u'1 "en-eOu- Ke.i-.ier .out Keeeiver 01 t ... , "'i' o-ii, c a. ens"o v ii. . vorficii t.n in.ifstia., is-, iol.oa log day visiting auirlv 'pioneers ! on- a ay .n Marcti. l.'uii. oe n, mesas wn- I'l pointers on burner won a victory at the opening of the legi latiire; both bis emdnhttes Senatcr and geitit g n, Hiownell, lor pteident ol the senate, Oiegoii history. and Ketm-scntative Harris, for speaker i Tltf HmmiU, which was "" l'1" I s- leing successful. I.. T. : mill,r lcfe , ,, v st Heiej, 11 it l is ot L ine, iteuioiah.e.l the l.itily lollowiug and eventually raptured its entire strength. T;k- Itg'it for the pres', dency ot the senate was even more inte resting than that fir the siwakeiship, but P ow nell nf Clackamas won out on the ISth ballot. Senator Fulton called the Semite to order nt 10 a. in. Senator ll.tly of Ken- ! tt. 1 Hurt. Havld Kaily. . and t.'. Mt..eruu ot Houl- opera'.e t , l.uml er ! ; ConipaiiV, has b a n turinsl over lo thei i owners of. the 11. ill, Muckle lltos., by i j Keci-ivor Q.iiik. E. K. I J -1 i c k , as re-. . celvi r, still has charge of the logs and: . Imnliei , but his control of the mill only ' .operated tin ier the l.-ase. The vn- iditions ot the lease were that iu the! event the mid was not operated for 30 I days, that it would revert to the ow ners urn iK-itig cnosen prcst.ieni pro'iem nun , ,lie pr,,,,,.,., v toother w i ii all the S. L. Jlorehend, sectetaiy pro-tern. i,1,1,roVen,ents added during the tetin of Alter liieai-poitm...,t of a c, ittee ie ,e.,0 j,.,, j.,.,-,, ilIt, lnl,j,. M11 or. 01 credentials, aj lUinnient was taKen until 1 1 o'clock at which hour the re port of ibe CDiiiniittee was picaeutcd. Then, on motion vf Mr. Fulton, ndjoiii i. in, nl w.. taken until S !. m The n-ti.ite ciiuciis called tu select the president, Went to work without delay. For 17 ballots the opposing candidates lirovvuell am! I'r. A. C. Smith of Multnomah were tied, ea.-h receiving II voter. Uu the IS. I, ballot a eenator name cannot be learned changed to I'.ionell and the deadlock was broken. S. L. Morehead, of Lane, was elected chief clerk ol the senate ami A. C. Jcn uing chief clerk of the house. i I der a few days ago, to tho effect that the m II be turned over to Mhckle Poos. "The nicest and plea'n.ilest medicine 1 have used for indigestion mid consti pation is Chamberlain's Stcuiach and Liver Ta'dets," says Melaid F. Craig, of Mid llegrove, X. Y. ' They work like a charm ami do ii"t gripe or have an tin pleasant eject." For sale by Kdwin Koss. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Columbia County. V.tlie Palensiter, phtiutd', vs. tins pnleiisifcr, H. fentlant. To tins baleiisiiei , the aliove-uamed IVfenilant : IN TllK NAMK OF THK STATF. OF Oregon: You are hereby notitied ami n ipiirt tl to appear ami answer lb" Collin aint tiled against vou in tho above-entitleil I nun and Cause on or before the 17. Ii tiny of January, l!H).i, wbah will be f er the expiration of six week- from the date of the lirst pubflealiou oi this summons; and if V..U fail to so app ar and answer on or l b. lure said 17 b day of January, I00;i, the plainutr w iil appiy fx- the Court for relief deiiiaiiiled Hi the it.ti, plaint to iwil: lor a th-ciee dissolving the uiar ITTflP ' '' 7 J If 'i-tge rL.tioii now existing tH-tween yo " is' h,uI the pbtiutitl, and for such other ; ami further m d'lb-rent relief aa maybe i tjiiltiilil.- iu the remises. T his suuimous is publishetl by order of the lion. J. It. )on, county judge of said comity and state, made and en tend in cult e t n the -nd dav of December, l:Hf, The .lay til Die first plllrication of this summons s Iteit-inbel 5tb, lt)0J, and the lust Jaiiuurv llilh, lllilo. ttKt K' tli A. HALL, Attorney for Platntitf. ,-cs- A. ... L ot V . r.ionia. lire; Inn, ir go Any a..., all pe s iu-eld nin-; adverseiy tile a'...,ve ucs riis-ii i..i:,l an- rci ics.e i lo nl-j iht ir c:al..;is oi tins o. lice on or tHrioie sai.l day ol fan-n. llUa. jlii.i i.M MoORKs. Kesia er. GliOKGE A. HALL ST. IIELF.NS OKKGON. St. Helens Hotel! Management of Under th G. A. AND A. M. 1331 N.N. -5-Is h LeadinjE Honse.- HraUaarlrr-i for .v;illiiie,i l.asf Ifera. Uuarr) meu a,i.l I'oiu. m -rciul 'l'ra rit-ra. The proceedings of the annual meet ing of the Oregon Histm ical Society and the quarterly meeling of its hoard of dircetois hel ' on IVe. il, I'.HH, have been publi-hed iu ni;ig:iiiie loiin and a I'oai-d and L slging, per inoi tii. J runsieiit, per tlay. George 1-.. Chambei lain was iniingur-. rpy ,s been r.t-eive i at this ollice. It atcii as governor and Governor Geer contains a complete lis; of the members! retired. i and of deceased meniliers. It also h-i- a llotli houses are Hooded with n, w detached li.-t of the bi-torieal ilocii.ncnts bills and the statu priming ollice is over it hm itcciiniulated, including pioneer I crowded with work. ane arch letd. gi.-al relic.. Tiie m.ig i- i nine has 170 pages of matter and the Vnlavetl Hogs Musi Slay Away. printed copy of the seiil o( tlie society Stray dogs that cine to town benafiei states that it was itieoi pointed D.-ccin-j veil tie ainenilalile ton tax of 11 ten days ; ber 17, ISHS, and a resolution iu niemoiy ! ond Feed for Horses. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -OTh l-. is HEKKBY THAT THK UNDKK . s atuiie l ha-beet,, by lite H-oi. .1. b. Dunn, oi tlie t . 11 .1. I'.nu'i t.i ihe sta.e of Ore gon tor tm ,ia t otitnv, upp.nated adiiihiia ira'or of ihe Ksute of Jeremiah il.iiviu, defeased. Ally Hud all persens having claiius avail. si -ui.l e-ii.if aie heieny reipiired to preN.-m tne aa in- 10 me. duiv ve -iffed accord ing to bia, hi toe 1 1 HI e of W. It. t't.well, at si. Ileifii.-, Oie.on. ,.i,iiiu i uiuutlni fToiu tlie (lint lie.e tr JOll.V IXlf.AX. AduiltiKuator o.' liie E-liile 01 Jemuiiut, liul v i i ; , ncci'iee . w. H. fjAsl.l,. Ailorney for Admbilairatnr. bitleil Heceiuber l.'lh, lia-i. of L. It. Cox iittriluttes tho orgauiuation largely to bis activity. Aiiioug tlie Lodges. The Order of Washington met in their arrival. The old otdiuaiice' ' pertaining to the taxation of dogs his Ik-i-ii repealed, lor t he reason that it is j , inoperative during the greater part oi the year. In the past all the di;s that, I show up on the lirst day of April were I taxed but during tho interval temporary f 1 tl'ig res 1 1 icn io ntfi - ,.e, ,- i lint. ik, n iiiil' . . . . . ,. , , , , . , could live iii St. Helena 804 davs, and r session at ankton last Saturday , go off on a visit on April fool day and nigbt, anil Ht'ier thedispo-ial of busiuei-s, escapn. tlie new ordinance provides j a social session lollowed. A dance unu supper were the features. The St. II. lens lodge of Odd Fellows will install their newly elected officers one week front Suii-rdny night. Thcte will also be ib give work and supper. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache CURE li ie ami corners of 4, ol the nvl-i, ot All disease! of Kidneys, manner, urinary organs. Also Rheumatism, Back achs.Heai tDlsease Oravel. Dropsy, Female Irouuleg. that d ig taxes may be collected at any time, provided that they have not been ; paid within the current yeii-. An ,tog , hereby notitied to stay away from the I town id St. Helens until further imtice 'At the meeting of the council Monday iii.rl,, tin. ,ir.vnii4ed neve ord i mi lira was tiou in the West port aiill for tho winter. refer nil back to the committee for ad- P. Henshaw returned to Portland , niendnient ami will come up or -final action ai it meeting to tie ueni uuui g the later part of tlie week, . NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. Ollice of county sutveyor Iec. 18, l!K)2. NOTICE IS 1IKKKUY GIVEX THAT tin- county survi vor will on Janaar 1J, liai.., suisiiviiie a ctlon 10, tp tl. I, r Z w ! and esliibhsh Ihe the w oi the fs.titl s, el ion. V. . T. aits, eoliuty surveyor. i " 1 1 -" imj..x jua. j j E.dray Taken I'p. j Notice is hereby given that on th 2Ji,tl day ol I), ceuilwr, 11102, there 81 rayed to my pini-e about two mile West Of (io ble, County of 'olunibia, State ol Ore gon, u bnick cow w ith light streaa along I hack, has crumpled horns, and ia about tl.r e years old. Has tiiuill calf. TJie owin r of tlie alsive desciilHil animal can obtain posseasioii ol the asine bv furnishing stiriicleul Don't tecoma dlacouragad. There la a Cure for row. If neeessury write tir. l-euner. lio liua spent ai lite time curing Just suttl cuseiiuyuurs. Alt consultations fre.. A grayei i.Migeti in my niaouer. arar j, f ,.n ..,.; .,,.1 n,;,, .if using a few btittlesof Dr. Fenner'a Kidney P'" 01 n rsl"tJ u" P 'y'g ' and Rackache tiure I nassed a gravel half aa oeuaaa and toets. large aa a marble. The medicine prevented J.Y P. AKC11IRALD. A. lust Saturday morning. The Clatskante O Id Fellows installed last Saturday night, and the event wa followed by a giau I ba.l. f urtbnF foruiiLtlons. 1 whs cured. W. T. OA K ES. Orrix, Va." PniKElsta. 5nc.. 1. Ask for A IlKik-Tre. CT VITIIv'lt ANPP : -aureCure. Clriiular. T'r For sale by Collins A t,rny, St, Helens also Bail y A 1'iiuii, gt-neriil mer-i chants at iloullou, ! F-'R St 1. 10 UK 1 KADK-I'vro Halt net; one -lib-la l nolo 10-inch mesh; una 7l- tilth.. m 7-inch mesh. Both net in good eoii.liii.-n. Will trade for woik or aell for easl, st a Iw'-talll. Apply lu ' J. 1 ;i f, ...lit v, ,)k. El a- ft1 U jtriiburil'i' foi Tjitj M1.-1.