The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 16, 1903, Image 2

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    1 !
inteil a' tbe l'v.lii' M. iieleim,
Oi-jvMi, -etaa mail matter,
Inaii Kvkhy 1'kiiv Mowiisn v
Kninm ani Ittoi'RiKTOR.
Kl'BSl'KIl'rlON I'RK'K:
tin1 copy one year, in advanoe.
Bix months
60 j
This paper is kepi on file at Hip Ore
fi)ii Press A-ssoeiation K m t. lbimil
lon buildiiiK, Portland, (h-iyon.
The Methodist elmrch baa maik np its
$S),000,0OO Twentieth Century "Thank
rinrt,' aikl thereby has demon-trati-d
ill a nnst nraetienl and sianitf-
eintwu-tle vitnJitv of ttvit spleiidi.1
religion iM-.tiiixiUion and the "rustliivj" i
capieityof iu workers. Tliey have a
:.rlit tjl iu-iuhI of their achievement.
ind other people, even those who do!
not subscribe to the tenets of Metliodism,
are proud of aneh, e nervy. p-rsi-tency
and sneoess. It is aunouiK-ed tlvtt ot
the JtV.XXV00'J raised by thwe fivrg.-tie
brethren aivl sisUis in two years, tlie
distrilmtion so far is as follows: Nine!
million dollars rms been r.iis.M on church
itehts through the country; f$.150,000 1
for Methodist i-olk'g-s and scli.wls ;
$A7iM,00H for phiUmtiroiw aivl charity ;
fUXUKXMor the permtnent fund for the
conference claim mts, an I a little over
:KO,000 to boild chnrclu'S n destitute
ctnumitH3. A'khH one-twenty-tifih
of the entire amount has been given by
Methodist minister's sons.
Much of t!iis exp.'ii litnre is for the
hwclit of the ivorid in general, as well
as of the Methidist church. Sectarian
schjois are not tha best, yet they do
preatgisxf. Tlie church creed may lie
t many absurd, but the teaching of the
jveachers and workers of the church is
on tlie whole b-'nelicial, elevating, help
ful helpful toward tlie salvation of the
world .md "salvation," after all, is
only attained through "character."'
Eveniu-r Telegram.
Durlli j hi list trip to tlie " est. Prosi lent
McKtnley in his last speech ree led tlie daiw
tin s.'numents in verse:
Live for wmethiiif . have a purpose;
Andtiiat purpose kep m view.
brifttnir like a helpless vcsmH
Th-i owsk'i ne'rtoseif be true,
Uttlf th. vrreokf that strew life's ocean.
If snme sur h&a tven their g iie
ttl-ht nnr have Ijeou rielfu safely,
lha l her drified iih the tide,
Th -re ll lye a market for Culiimltia
eotinty heuilock in the Philippines, and j
millions of feel wiil be shipped from the
Northwest tosiiply tlie demand. The
Vnited States transport is takmaon lis)
tW feet of hemlock, purchased under
the dirvrtion of Mayor Bingham, United
Ftates quartermaster. This shipment
will be used for the contrnrtion of army
turracks, at Manila and making other
needed improvements. Kxperinient-r-'Centlv
conducted in the Philippines
nnder the direction of the forestry de- !
nrtmnt demonstrated that hemlock
was the only wooil that white ants
would not touch. Many buildings have
k en w recked by the white ants ia that
The wealth and extent of the Nehalem
valley from the dividing line that sep
arates Washington county to the Clat
kop cmnty line is a revehition to one
who has never liervtofore visited it.
Tie ri. h bttoms atony the Nehalem
rivr to a point below Fishhawk, is a re
minder of the great Willamette valiev.
The litis are covered with the finest
cedar and ( r timber on the coast. "
Toe timber along the Nehalem river
a U its tributiries iu this county, will
be tlie m -a rv? of bringing in millions of
iVidarj. It also will twinging in a rail
road a fact that is a reasonable early
future certainty.
The death of Congressman Tongue j
was a sad blow to his many friends !
t'irou'.'hout Oregon. Full particuh ti !
pre given on the first page. A special j
ll ction w ill probably be csiled to fill I
the vacancy.
il is prf.lj.ible that there will be avail-
h e f i mi the road fund, about $20,000
lor highway iruprovemeiit, during the!
r Minug year. A considerable amount '
als i w'll le drawn from the geneial fund.
Coal now eoinei free. On Wednesday
both bouses of Congress pissed a bill
planting a bate of the entire import
duty on ennl, for one year. Only five le
uliiens from coal states voted no.
:eer lifoie in the history of Col
umbia county, hafi the finances been in
ncfi h healthy condition. This speaks
volutin a for the county conrt and
fount r u(!i ers.
Cr.m -
In .ti ii-.
past the Standard Oil
biny iiiny have watered its sUs ks, but
ii is evil -it Hi- that th-s oil is Iwing
atercl. ; tin jiners claim that many
Iota of the oil are unsatisfactory.
Th ;re is n prosp'-ct that oil will go up
gain. .1 i'i ii I). Rockfeller has given
another million dollars to Chicago Uni
versity, an 1 gasoline went np n cent a
Gla cial features of the Jjeliaiem valley
w II receiie iitteulion pext week. The'
lialfhas neve" been eaid about iij won
derful te our -eg.
. JL
The propone I railway up Milton creek,
when it n a reality, will open tin
fh' Jf,";d of acres of timber to ninik.) t l'
.1. Hill baul.d the i.lank an.l tlu- it ,ih,n, lh lltllill street tilWIIhl
tbe jHwt otHee. What a capital kloa it1 Our llonoutable Kej Martin Both
won 1.1 1 to plank nl tlitch tbe rtwdd'uul Kl J.. Hmlin ,1k 1','!1s
on b.ith siiles of tlie street. I think latoreat Salem,
i the property hoblera woiil.l le aahame.1 1 II, t. llowanl down fmii his
! of such a street iinnl holes font ami ranch nt Yankton tlt tust of the week,
' five feet ileep. Jim Jones took a survey
of one of t hem last week heu ho fell j
Mild took a bsfk 0Ht into the puddle. !
Atl ontiM 1h neon of Jim he only
measures t feet 2 was his t-hoe. Hnd
tip end of It i hat, and Oh! what a
sight was poor old Jim.
At Johnson says the Mist boys are nil
a tun? I a without wing. Their Hallowe'en
trieks ha 'e no end.
Misses Kihel Lane and Ella Carl at
tend? the danee at Clntskanie last I
Saturday. On their return they looked
like two faded tJowem.
Ihmio Rumor has it that John AM
and a popular young iady of Mist, will!
another state the Mate of
matrimony. ln't tell.
E. Met'auley has tvne of the neatest !
little houses in Mist. I
Jim Jones wontto
Helens with a
y thereon.
A lew young ieople gstitered at the j
home of Mrs. Hippold last Sunday ee-
ning and enpyed theimelves pulling,
tntiy and playing games. The holies '
had more taffy than their share, so;
they made
mjr. Otto
a dive at the young mens.'
Iittners mustache was out
of sight when he bid the people a pleas- j
ant 'rood night.
Miss Amanda Johnson tsindayed;
with the Mises Schedrin. I
Mr. and Mrs. ihedriu went to Iloskiu,'
Wash. Tney contemplate leaving 1
Mist iu the near future to settle eise- !
where. ;
Mrs. Anide Purling, of M.iygcr, visited
w ith her txirents, Mr ami Mrs. ti. F.
Lindgren and other relativeoBinl friends
in the Nehalem.
Mr. Win. Elliot was doing business in
Mist, Saturday.
j l. V. r reeiuan and son ) arren, w. nt
j Clatskanie Sunday, en-route to Port'aiu'.
Whst made the sack roll down the
hill while B. was putting up ti e f, n ?
Mr. Sparks of Forest Urove, is finish
ing a new house for his sister, Mrs T. S.
John Lane was out to Clatskanie with
his team and wagon, last week. He re-
ports the roads fairly good for this time .
of the year, but could lie made better, j
About the way with most of the roads j
in Columbia county.
Will J. got tlie right shoes at last; one j
a little worse for n.e wear.
The weather has been fine the last
week. Wouldn't they I ke a slue of
Oregon weather back east ?
Frank Loiikey returned home from
Clatskanie, Sunday. lie started w th a
whole tied and g-t home minus a run
ner. Poem oa It ads.
An amateur p,-t in th" L-wh
C mntv
Advocate tint
hit ' the c i :
This rvi.i is mi is-
Not even j teka-s.ibie.
But if you travel,
JijHt t ike y inr i).vn gr.tvel.
The ch'.i--k-holes to fill,
Then send in your bill
T o lr c ):mty d t li
Who'll n t pay it egad ;
They'll u it ope the till
Your coff.'r to fill
lint tell you to hi wiser ;
Tell your sup.'rvHor,
Tiie man you elected,
Not him you r- eie te 1,
T i grade diwn t'l- hd s
A'l 1 bridge o'er th rilU;
T fill every ru
A 1 1 In wtjijM -f it, hit
T.l ; m my'd 'ill s; 1 i'.,
T ieri'9 mt I 'it a cut,
T.i t ixis ware piid
fn in i'tin th grt I ,
T i tra'i n it'tiu t I ,
Bit vi 1 right thrvi'h.
Subscribe now and gr-t
Om inid win-
: ter edition.
This pa; er and t' e 'Weekly Orc'O-
; nian i'J per anriuin.
This paier and the Young Piople'a
I Weekly, $1 per annum.
1 This paper and the Weekly Capital
Journal, of Salem, tl 5tl tier annum:
' liv liiroitliu 7,...t.fM
Ttiifl tinner un 1 tli Porthind Weekly
Journal, (deinoiiatic). II 60 tier an
This paper and the N. Y. Thrice-a
Week Woild per yeai I 80; si
in' iiths, 5)0 cents.
The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and
this paper one year for $! 50.
This parx.-r and the Kveuing Te In
grain three months for ?1 &".
This piper an 1 Cuikisy', Magizine
one year for Jl 25.
All club eubscriptioii" are invariably
in advance.
Itislocaled Her Shoulder.
Mrs. Johanna SmIbi 'holm, of Perirna
j Falls. Minn., fell and dislocated her '
!Bh""''1"' - tl:,d a surgeon get it i
' bsek In ohiee ,.u u,..,i t, li ,u..'.l.l,. I..,. :
quite sore and pained her vv
l.oiel, Her .1..., I... .....'l
.... -.w. iwxu inn, ue ii., j
I eeu Chamlwrlaiti'i. Pain Palm adver- i
lined for sprains and soreness, and she j
I asked him ttj ,uy her a bottle of it.'
j which he did. It quickly relieved her
and emibled her to sleep which she had
not done for several days. The son was ;
j so much ilensed with the rjelief it gave
'his mothei that he has since recoiu
! mended it to many others. Eor sale by
r.'lwiu Koss.
Tlie Kt. Helens Motel takes the lead
under the minagement ol ti. A. and A
M. ill inn.
We are Btill furnishing the
Weekly !
Oregotiian and Misr together for a year
- "1')' -.0O. SuWrUie now
I Hemitiful weallier v in
Can't be beaten tinjwbeiv.
j Kntkiiitf after hta growing business
While working on. the new dry kiln at
the Nordhy-Olsen mill last Tuesday, the
thing tumbled down, . It eeius that
sonio braces had been removed noma
hours befoie fur niiietliiiitf, and had
not been replaced, making the huililidg
very weak; - ieo,neiitly when there
was n ftiain, the whole thins gave away
and eollansed. Fortunately
no oue was
Mr. I'hainbreails, of Portland, h
lias been getting out some cedar piling,
was dow n Wednesday looking ,(ter his
busi ness.
t i- Hmirit nml wite were ia from
!...,,,.. v.,llev Wcdnesdav. doiim eouie
I shonpiiiu. "
ti.. xiiiii.,.. c, nir!
AiruiM nn tirtttiiiit nf thti Ft'Hrritv of loan.
i,. ,i- ..,.,aii -ill inii'i...!
sp;ire time lunking reiirs in and about
the mill.
At tlK" recent utimial meeting of the i
Cong. Church the following olliiers
were elected for the coming year -. Mm.
Julia ltotti, clerk ; Follies Hedges, treiis.
N. S. Stewart, trustee; Clyde Stewart,
IHaeon ; Mrs. HKghkirk, IVkcoiicmk
Mrs. C. 1. Ilooghkiik and Mrs. liolli
ere visitors at St. Helens, this week.
The Saguriues
1 The Coast, of Seattle, is winning hi or
iels for itself, and the JanUiiiy number
shows up new features.
It is iu a p--itiin to announce for the
coming year better and more short tr
ies than during the year closed. Next j
month H short stoiy will appear from I
the pen of a promineiit writer ol Victoria, !
B. C. Henry Curiies tieer, the talented
author of short stories, also contributes i
a delightful story of ' Two Wars." "The ;
T. i imph of Michael Soars" wiil U" con- '
ti med. Send in jour remittauiv at '
omv, ami Is'come a regular lllclir. 1
Terms, l a year, 10c a copy.
Oonkey't Home Journal t('hic:igni.
presents iu its Jmiiaiv issue several
new ileparttirt'itls ahii-li can not fail to
lie strongly atti active for won. -it and'
girls. Noticeable suio..g the new feat" '
ureS in tiiis popular umguzine are '
' Practical lessons in Lace-Making' and ;
ji the making of "Coill'ire Or lameoH.'' !
it j3 announced that the tir-t of a series!
0f lessons in Home .Millinery will I. i
presented in the February i-sne. Other :
s rung features aie "Original Iv.-igns
for waists," "Miss r inch's Table Talks''
and a thoroughly np todste Pallet n :
Pepartmeut. The
org.iing is Ht
plemeuted by short stories from William
li. ilambv, a special iliustmt d article
descriptive of "The Ureale-t Klectrie
Itiihvav in the World" aula charming
".'.telo ly" for ih piai .
Painily lie union.
The ti. llowin is (ro n tie? Ilrodhead
(Wis.) I .id-pen.! .-nt, printed d iring
Ir. R 8 re.ant "istt to Wis o nin.
Oil Saturday of l:Ht week, there w is
held it the home of Mr. W n. Iii-i,n-s,
Jr., of Av in, a reimiiiou of the fio-s f.un
ilv, ia li .nor of Dr. IvIa iu K -", of Si.
H Icim, O egm. Of tin: seven brothers
and -iiiitri who ur-t for n reiimiinn dur
ing Dr. li vi -it to Wiscon-iu, seven
years ai, six were present on Saturday,
the sev-ntli member of the family being
Mrs. Ilra Barker, of Coin Kiptds,
Th;! event Ht one which oflorded
maoh enj ivinent an 1 will long be re
meiiilieied hv those present. There was
a giiliierin of a'siut thirty five, among
whom wer-; 1 . an 1 Ms. Win. Kiss and
family, of J in.-sville, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
R i'i, Mr. and Mrs. Charley R.isn ami
family, an I L"vi It us, all of Ileloit; Mr.
an I Mrs. A lia K m, of Footville; Mr.
and M s. (.'ii ir.'ey Syuste(;.ud, of Spring
Vallev ; Mr. an 1 Mrs. J iseph It m and
if unity, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (iriines anil
:fo..,il,. r 1 ,1 11..-..., i- 1....... ...1...
!,.,...,, ji M, .,( urn 1 , ..i,ni,;n n ii.,
! is attending college at Ileloit. Of the
i older people present, there were Mrs.
, CUra Morse, step-neither of the Rus
i family ; Mrs. Sibyl .Slieiioan and Wm.
I 'irimes, Sr.
! This was one of the happy oct-asi ms
; to rare in th- lives of in nt of us, wliich
bind, anew the family ties and awaken
j ol 1 Memories, and gives to life fresh zeat
i b;caui,' it alfnds lo heart and soul, food
upon which to thrive. There were
lp;ei:hes from Messrs. Win. Km, Elvviu
Rolf and Harry (irimes. Choice vocal
and instrumental music added to the
pleasure of the occasion. Mr, Fred
White took a photograph of the company
and it would b.s hard, Indeed, to muntion
all the various things which entered into
ties day'a program. A houseful of guests
; rem liui-d over night. We are afo in
' saying that n ) on j eni ived thu nccasion
I more than Mr. Win. lirimes, Kr., who i
1 while In may lead as to tha nuuiher of
. his years, is a ymi ; in heart an 1 feel-1
ing as the youngest of them.
lir II isa will rutin n to his home in
r'!7' 's tt cotning wreck and it is
'I' ''' I"" '" W'H ' t'") Oasioll
of many such ro-uitiotiH iu the future.
lirolhead IudjK'ildet.t.
The pociilinr cough which indicates
croup, i usually well known to tlie j
mothers of cioupv children. No liuie' lost in the treatment of it, and j
lor Itiia purpose no medicine has re. I
ceived more universal approval than
I haniberlaiu's Cough ljumedy. Do not
waste valuable time in experimenting
with untried remedies, no mutter bow
highly I bey may be recommended, but
lvo medicine us directed and ill
symptoms of croup will quickly disap
pear. for sule by Edwin
i You nv thai the key to a w itvly u licle
In nil Hint Is desired. I'loaM excuse
your self and I will give it.
Thin is the mildest w inter thus far I
have ever seen iu n life lime. No snow
or t'o'd weather, I
H'isli tinnier Is down from IVUlniid
walehi.nt hi eonpnuy put In logs lelw
t m il. The road in now alsml i;ompletciJ ,
and live money it cost will soon enme ;
The N. I'. K. K. t'o. will put up a
tower at the railroad eros-lng, which;
will cost I'.'.tXKV heu eompleted, and
H is for the purpose of giving the al irm
to each approaching Itittn. The com-
, . . . t.. . 1 . t I. .. I. If
- panv aiso nas pin hi sum irnun n
a uiile in length on the east Miltiof the
maai track by tha water Unk.
One of the promoter of the proposed
lailrnad ut Mdtou creek, wasdnwn to
nee Mr, Maelay in regard to the pui'itlnne
o.i his tiriher, which is pituute.l on upper
""lo" v,,,,'fc-
Kuali tiiltner tells me that his father
Ir. tiilluer will bore for 'com I out ou the
iHllromi, in section 14. early in the
""" riu' '''l'l'"r
lu feet
wide and salt and gas spriugs iV'-t in
the vicinity. Oil may be struck as well
as cobIcii a lower level. An oil expert
. ii i. . 1 I ..: I .. i..
lens me llien- l cmv u on pmhi,, iu
pie. There is also plenty of lire proof
' clay and mineral paint mid iron along
the new railroad, as well as some good
building stone. . j
In conelusioii, will say, it is to be
kioped the legislature will not give us a
a great surfeit o( Uiws, but repeal iim iy
b , . . . i'i
we now have, and intnsliice a resolution
, , 1
to elect a good, honest, comtciit ami
Portland senator w ithiu 10 d,iia or ad-
jouru in the dark o' the moon at
ulght. Move on, Isilsmie plague is !
much peiferrcd to Simon it in I Soitt ;
niiKlcru politics. I'. j
(Jeerge Armstrong, who has Imvh
uorking iu a saw mill at Humo r, is al
ho ne for a few ds s.
A. Klliott w us d ling business in Ver
noiiia, Moiidae,
Mis Myrtle Powell, who has been
teaching at Hudson, came over the
mountain I uesilay ami ill is-hi iiomc
f ,r a few weeks.
Pete Pio iner, i f Vei noiiiii, is working
in the sh'ic.'le mill.
J.din Woiverding was oei (ruin Vallej
Monday and uinde a' raitgu.ctrs to do
the cai pentor wmk .,o the new h,.u-e
tor A. II. Powell.
J. W. Ai iiistKu.g lot a lalual.le horse
one day !n-t im k
Mr. I.iltie S' his nover, w bo has l u
visiting friends and relatives iu th" ml
I v for the p ist in, ml h, 1 -j : t ti d M n d.n
for her home nt Wai ren.
C. (". K.-a-ey and wife nttcioled li e
mien ineeliug of the Orange j Verneira
list fillt'Jnbiy.
A surpi i-e dance, w hit h proied lobe
to y enjovable, given Mr. and .Mrs,
J. W. P.nker, Saturday eicnnig. A
iiniiiher of luvs were .low n from htonv
Point and brought their damsels.
at her has been line the prist
Tlie .
Mrs. I
. II.
Neer is back home again.
K K. Il.17.e11, of Ilotibon, called on!
: r.. .Mtikoiell In-t r'ridav and they went !
to K llama, 1,11 bii-iness, returning in the I
! afternoon. E. K. Ilazen tetunied toi
1 llotilton th" same day.
Mr. Hyde, of Kulaina,' who is bead
nirsiciiter of the (ioble cold storagi-, lell
into a tunk of h it water last Kriduy, the
j temi erature of the water w as 170degrees
: but it did not n ald him very had. He
i w ill lie laid up for a few davs
j Mr. and Mrs. John parr went lo
Portland on business, last Kriday, re-
t'irniiig S.ituiday.
' Zitar Rashara is spending a few days
j iu Portland,
! Joe Barbara ia piling wood for former
'.t Neer on heir wood iha-k.
(ieorge Cunniughain, formerly
vVar.en in ,,i emiim u...l tr f........
1 . ..
ty zseer.
John Pringle, the Vernoniii
1 erchatu
, w mt to Pittsburg .Sunday.
! Misa Jessie Mitchell, of Amka,
in town Saturday.
j P. A. Zilgett, who baa lieetl on
; sick list is improving.
I Tiie young people giitherei! nt
j home of Ocorge Kice rintiiiday,
j spent the evening iu games until a
t e
." hour. They nil report a good time.
Peat lJerg -rson Ims been ii)isii tiled
poot master at Kist, Ore,
I All report having had a gisid time nt
I the dance Saturday evening, ut Pitta-
To keep your ha tula warm these cold
days, buy a pair of gloves at Collins A
or lady iu each oou : ty lo manage busi
ness (or an old established houe on
solid financial standing. A Uraight,
bona fide wrekly aalury of tlH.(K) paid
by check every Wednesday with nil ex
p;nsesdireet 'roin hea'bpui.trs. Monee
advinus'd for expenses. Manager, U40
(!axton lildif., Chicago.
W.J, lloneynnui was appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Jessie W
' ''""'I '" I'laee f the former iidininis- j
iriuor, who lias removed. The relil
property of the estate is valued at about
The final report of A. R. Melis, ml.
ininistrator of the estale of Chillies I..
Melis, deceased, was approved, and the
administration Was closed.
Ftnli In Vooit
tiwliil lii siwaii'l to eelu
ihokv. an.t to to
ctt In Arrnns'
enrrnvt lpJialsi
iilns 1'iiiuiinii'li i
,, which Is l!'"
o'-iils. U IsJikIicIiwisIi
fiimii'iioiK "C '
, iiiiiiiiciiiuinlc tiviuit
m, irlvher wnts tliclr
Irtivs. Kiicll wnoH"'
1 i i ii uilily caviuhl h
unit ..uiilk an.t vilill. ll' ll ouli
i,f elilloti-in. 'flH-y a" '"t .'ini-l el
In nVuelliMTWiill II-. rlllcilli lunrUwl f
lelleraawsl Ul tlie hn..Mi.a., liie wmiikis
of whli U ni taii Hit in the (Mililic i .-thiols.
Uli In rwtmlilons. h"'-v i!, iJ,r
tei.l, yet istnil.,tc, iye ulvcil hi li e
order 111 IUuk Hw ul-t n. ipille M
shinies of i.i.-OMlM-'. Many "f l'" ''"'I
iiiilims am IlliulrUqd.
rMl In h Apr'Hv nieli Is a packiHl
MwiiU"'Oiv( " Kili-e.
Km1. n Wortlr. s IMciKuwy. No i;tl-i
llOukellHtl'ilo-liUli-ll M-.'llorisllHHIIi,
m so ulliuhle "d .-o-ui-iienl lor c.lmill
union, or an in.i-iH.visjn!e in tl homo,
lu,ly, srhout. r w.Uv c.
Tito lutontal iotial Tian
quarto paws v.'it U t.0K) illus
trjitlmifi. :U,00tt how : wonls
ami . ihraso lutvc v e c,0 u t Vy
luvtt aHdi-il tmtfor tin sut
visin of W. T. Harris.
L!,.!)., U. S. CommisHitHior nf
let u ccnd you mt t
"ATstt In J'ruttiuwiilliin- n-'in-li tt,m)it
I eU'.-l-Mllit uxi-l IO-.I t .1, toe mt'itlliM aiinir.
IisliimciH. UtiMrail fmiii lot ' imhv
i!. J t'. MKKItl AM ., ."prunllcM, Mn
Lost A skill' nboiit ' 't lng;
Niiiitcd dark green; onk ribs; keel I IliU
thnuigli the bottom. Hewiud otrered.
I., ave or, send ml- nnniiioi to Tiik
0Ktlko 'liT ullue, St. Helens.
. , ., ,
koK sir- The conlwiMKl timber on
tH acres ol Imii.I, ( .ill on or
(. w .t:lli!Vi n.,n. nr.
. m
I Can't Afford A Tailor-Made
j This is r e.inntioo nMioirk, leil wo ah ov V m
jcnltv, for we have hundreds o iiiiclaiiind lail-u m
1 half their ofuinsl price. These .e su'ls lo , I
! throughout Ihe Pacilie nortlnct vl (.4 laii"
! c.ll'eil l..r. .
I I im iiits and tK,trHa 11 ade'for
i f 1 Suit, and 4 ivcicoats made ..r
7i' Suits and I vetv..nii iu,ile hir
We sk-o l.iiv - a boe M m llw
I i) ."'O np
i Send for . a". .cs, t'rii cs and iii-trncd-.iM lor '!t iih1 1.11
: orders receive pronipl tit tenii.ii. .
Tlie ii.aoug. 1110111 has joi ia .lulled ti
. rxlien lv l" ptic .
j Farnswortii-Herald
uU V(:T)V tnv,vf WCARThlrd.
,.r. .,.a ,...v.., suvv.. FA J LING OLD.
Classified Advertisements '
1 ST II AY Ml) HUiM Tilt I' A U t ijl- C
I I.. Ayres. near Y aekt,.i, 11 ilptk led, .em
l.i 7 loll!, mink",!, briinded ind I. I1.0 ne I
- rr.111.led on the Ii ft hip " ! A marked
j w itb crop Bud split in iluj h it ear and
! hole in tlie tight. Any iiilormatioti will
f Is' ul adiy recei .ed by C. M. A viv t
j Yankton, w ho will pay rvaaid.
. . ,
() ..
t'l.drr tie tuaiti gi ita nl of
llss the I'.est Aiienuii. l il Ions.
Transient, $r I'cr Day.
l;ec(l Bam in Ojnnco-
"I lradd fha chtn& ol 1L' which
wj aiproAchlr, 1 nutlcw Win
UrAii, and dicjiJtif to try a ixA.
tie.. I t.tjxrkivad totna rtlhf i
first nvrth, to I kipt ea UMflj It for
ihrn Biontha and now I masrrut
with no pxrn and I thai) lake It off and
on now until I havt pouwl tht c'lma-x."
Kotnulo ww.knctis, iliaordorntl
mcnarsi, falling ti till womb anil
ovarian tmiMeu do not weur cff.
TWfollow Rworaan tothorhnnau
of lifo. Jio nctaTsttbuttiik) Wiii
of Canlu, hot and avoid the trou
ble. Vina f.d L'nnlut invcr ftiils
to lntlii a sufiWinjr woeisn of
a-iy Oirt, V iiij it iJc.-ilai r-'ii.ivtxl
ili-j. Webb vrhrn .ihj was in dan
(fcr. 'Wiieil yM'. coiie; ij In . .Jiang
id 'Ufa At.s. cLo'j i.;:i.v will
Iiiean uhm'o to Uirui a doe
now. but yon in.ijr now avoid tli
uffer!n' s'-w e.-i't rv.d. Iruf'tir4 '
... tl . I ... ..I. . lie! . . . , '
sen 91 uvi.H'iiC'- iv ino ol raroul
f nrs. Lftum i. Webb, 1
! '
, mm ii r 1 " " " i "" I
I A SrosSs
Lessoi r
HAT is
W I f ft W
built to fit its counterpart in the
human foot The lesson taught us
by experience is that a woman
once perfectly fitted in Sorosis
never changes. She is more than
satisfied; in fact has practically
her own private last
5ornii trr: Neat York,
burg, Wa liingtoii, lUlumoir. Si l.oms, t'hnngo, fMivn, Sin
fr'raiH'ico, ttf oif gu ti .p ; l omlon, I 'lililui. (,U now, l.eb,
tUtniinitlixa. Pan. lUilm, Ihimt.uiii, I'lMtlidirt m the Mj.ii. etc,
"The Sho Thai Sells the WrU AnwV
t. .'villi, tlio .lllli-
ii i an I ,u -r 'mil 4 ul
or .1 t r o "lo'e
as is 11 It A t-ell
" i7
.'&, now tli 1 1
11 ml .0, 11 I '.
H'si-l no I tMig'it-t
ll s' hoc iH t'ot.' I uriiisl
oiv at
IVH, M.idis.,11 Sir. rl.
. vLt y m
51 wfwmwwwwitfwwfwfWfnf'WfTWtfffai
Hi' jul iiiiiu'il
XT 5
1 Winter Goods, Shoes, !
Dry .". Is, (irfKcries. Uoots. Shoes, lite.
Cooipr Hiiililiiii:, Main Stivct, SI. Hi li iis, Orrnn.
Uo To THK -
Drug Store
roa i ii si ii
Drugs and
Ttilet Articles and Perfumery
Dr. J. . HALL, Proprwtor
Ci.A'fsK nik '':' : Okmion.
Owl Saloon
Liquors aqt Cizars Kept m Sloci
And whwr .r.(ntl(fr hr-mU r,f m hit klcn
ttlHiji It) ht'k.
en ilrmhl,
, "Tom Cento.i" Cigars.
All the line
I iie".',r .,,,,.r .,,,
Mini n ri.,ini.. 1
a fit in an ordi
nary shoe is not a fit in
Sorosis; they do not
stretch. The shoe is
4 j
ftrookfyn. HtiTad' hfm.
li)tifi thlM lltr
Parllauit. OrcgaH.
sYoT i. ' ;
Manufacturers of
IMPkOVMI) lil.ASitNd
X (
l',.rtln.l i"T
a lan;e luwivv of
Pallt lint ii I I Hs eierel Hllll tav, ,
I !. eilimi . I ";
l.'avu A.tofia . ,. ........ 't 1
TlmeiKli l'..liii. en.iiM-.1lil ulill Wellff
V.l.n.11,1 i,,l,i lu, u ,,u,l JlUg l,a, ll i
...llll, f
ntiilr n'l.i, i n,., Ti, k,.ui,,hin.i.l '"
" U. A. S . i n, ,i,, v I . i n..
The Dalles Ponland Ruie.
Six. ""ralittiuu" & Mcllako"
bully Trie. trt. Humlav.
le.HB C.rllnti.l I',,,,, thii,,,,M,.l .
Kin men -Main tan."
1 1
I A 1
!'"rllii!i,l,Ti,i..,v. l,M,.,i,, ...ul
. I'alle- Miiiehii . w,.,ln.ii,.i . vi I
I VM'tv. Sk i.K. Ifa.
'"" "I .Her nii,.,!. II..U, IM, me. Main1!
I', ' no iii.n.
!' ' "" "l"" I'.iHf".
A K. hi in,..!, (j,.,, (,,,r, Hi
JVi.t.HiHI. ,v , ... V,i.,,llll.ll,ll
IIi niiv Hum . ii, , i hi...-, ''
J.illN T. f,.,lhN Mie.en.
I ', V" , '"
V- V, ( 'in, nr. N, IVrllilll.l, Or.
Kslrnt Tnf 'i, l
Nniiee is liereliv uiven "lluit mi ti'
1'n li. ibiy i,( Heeeiulii-r, llitl.', t "k "P ' I
le.l, at mv hlnee near (iiilar. I
l "Utily of ( ii ii. In tl , KIiiIr nf llreijiil'.
'le eiilie.l ,iH ,,,,HH; l(,. W fit
"C"! in lln iik ; ti lhlliU or briin'l;"
t in" W urs I, I ; .leisev eolor "I""" I
Hie i. iih,,. 'I'll,. ,,,.,. ,, id,, iilmvn il' J
"'libeil llliinml en ll ol.till'i, iisHesie"W i
Hie mmie bv (in niKliiiiit unltleieiit l"r'".
of owneil,i, 1U1, ,1MVjtf i,Xieiii' i
ami voNt.s. ' ' I