THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME , .. .... Are Never Without Peruna in the House for Catarrhal Diseases. vi il MR. AND MRS. J. a ATKINSON, INDEPENDENCE, MO. Under data of January 10, 1S97, Dr. Hartman received the following letter: "My wife bad been suffering from a complication of disease for the past 25 years. "Her case had baffled the skill of some of the most noted physicians. On of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of several years' standing. "She also was passing -through that most critical period in the life of a woman change of life. In Jane, 1895, 1 wrote to yon about her case. Yoo advised a course of Fernna and Manalin, which we at once commented, and have to say it completely cared her. She firmly believes that she would hav been dead enly for those wonderful remedies. "About the same time I wrote yon about my own case of catarrh, which had been of 25 years' standing. At times I was almost past going. I com menced to use Pernna according to your instructions and continued its use foi boot a year, and it baa completely cored me. "Your remedies doalt that you claim for them, and even more. Catarrh cannot exist where Peruna Is taken according to directions. Success to you and your remedies." ' John O. Atkinson. Energy Is Eternal. Who Is there who dares to say that when old age Is reached there is not as much laid by in that soul wrapped in its weary body as there was in the infant full of latent power? We know not where the infant's forces cone from, nor where the dying man's en ergy goes, to, but if nature teaches us ' anything it' teaches ua that forces such as these are eternal in the same sense that matter Is eternal and space endless. Frank Bolles. Immune. Towne It's a shame the way these big corporations put the screws on the people. Browne Never mind they'll have hot time in the next world. Towne If I could believe that there'd be some consolation In that thought, but corporations, you know have no souls. Philadelphia Press. Just a Small Matter. As Morgan and Gates closed a little deal John said to Pierp: "'Pears to me I've got a few dollars coming," and Plerp, reaching down in his Jeans, brought np a handful of checks and paid the difference right there. It wasn't much; only .eighteen million dollars. Then- Opinio of the War. The following conversation was overheard in a South African block house near the close of the Boer war: First soldier "Say, d'ye think we shall be home for the coronation?" Second soldier "Coronation be blowed! We shall be lucky if we are home In time for the resurrec tion." LQOK OUT 0 When the cold wave flag is up, freezing weather is on the way. Winter here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh return blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges lom the nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad ,'m mntith fi-tirl Vu-fot)l timiftea Arid all that makes Catarrh the WOK U suvwhu vuu viMHut most sickening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a leeiang 01 per sonal defilement and mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while In the company of others. In spite of all efforts to prevent it, the filthy secretions and mucous mat ter find their way into the Stomach and are distributed by the blood to rvery nook and corner of the system; the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact every organ and part of the body, be come infected with the catarrhal poison. This disease is rarely, if ever, . even in its earliest stages , a purely local iisease or simple inflammation of the ose and throat, and this is whysprays, rashes, powders and the various in baling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity is sometimes back of it parents have It and so do their children. Tn the treatment of Catarrh, ana leptic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing tha head and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load pf foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has membrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and th patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints. g gt g. i8 a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure tba tnost delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forms, and cases apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us if you have Catarrh, ad our physicians will advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPEOIFIO OO., ATtAMTA, OA, In a letter dated January 1, 1900, Mr. Atkinson says, after five years' ex perience with Peruna: I will ever contlnne to speak a good word for Peruna. In my rounds as a traveling man I am a walking adver tisement for Peruna and have Induced many people during the past year to use Peruna wltlt the most satisfactory results. I am still cured of catarrh.'' John O. Atkinson, Box 37a. Independence, Mo, When old age comes on, catarrhal diseases coma also. Systemic catarrh is almost universal in old people. This explains why Peruna has become so indispensable to old people. Peruna is tbeir safeguard. Peruna is the only remedy yet devised that meets these cases exactly. Puch case cannot be treated locally; nothing but an effective systemic reme dy could cure them. This is exactly what Peruna is. If yon do not receive prompt and satsifactory result from the use of Pe runa, write at once to Dr. Hratman, giving a full statement of yonr case and h will be pleased to give yoo his valu able advice gratia. Address Dr. Hart man, president of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Language of Parrots. Do parrots understand what they say? A scientist relates that he has a Brazilian parrot which Is a fluent and accomplished speaker. A gray parrot wad introduced on day, but the Brazilian hautily declined to have anything to say to the gray. Then a neighbor who has just been given a newly Imported green Brazilian brought the newcomer to call. The moment the parrots caught Bight of each other they broke Into a torrent of apparently articulate language, consisting, as it seemed, of questions and answers, but what the language was no one present could tell. The owner of the first parrot had never during the years it had lived with him heard it speak the strange tongue. The two parrots talked to each other without ceasing all the time they were together, and a few days later, when they met again, ex actly the same thing happened. Was the first parrot, long exiled from Its native forests, asking eagerly for news of its people? As to the Manner of His Ooing. "And must I walk the planks?" falt ered the captive. "Certainly," replied the smart Cor sair, with a frown. "You don't sup pose I'm going to supply you with an automobile, do you?" Piracy is essentially, an unprogres slve industry. It does not respond to the modern spirit. Automobile Mag azine. Banking Rule of Paris, The Bank of France can compel Its customers to receive one-fifth of money drawn In gold. FOR - Manchester, Ta., March 6, 1901. Crantlemen:-I had all the symptom that acoompany this dlaease, such a mnom droppln In the throat, a con stant dash to hawk and spit, feelinaT of dryness In the throat, ooush and pitting- upon riling- in the morning-, scabs forming- la the nose, which re quired mnoh effort to blow ont, some times oaasingr the nose to bleed and Having- mo with a sick headacha. X had thus suffered for five yaaxe. I commenced to take S. 8. S. and after I had takan three large bottles, I noticed a ohang for tha better. Thus enoourag-ed, I continued to take it and in a short while was entirely cured. JTJDSON A. BELLAM. Main and Vina Bts., Bichmond, Va. ioi no equal as a 0100a puriner. 11 icbiuics the blood to a natural, healthy state and the catarrhal poison and effete matter are carried out of the system through the proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the Lfbod all its good qualities, and when rich, cure blood reaches the inflamed AS A FRIEND OF ALL THE PRESIDENT IS HELPING ALONG PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Basis of Arbitration Must Be Fixed t'pon Flrst-Alllcs May Consent to Rals tha Blockade, Provided They Can Renew It If Venezuela Doc Not Pay - High Compliment to Roosevelt. Washington, lHc. St.--There U now In progress u active exchange of notes blwn the allied power, Venezuela and the United States, re specting the method of submitting to arbitration the Issues which have arisen between. Venezuela and the nlliea. The weight of official opinion here this afternoon was that several days at least must elapse before any thing In the nature of a preliminary protocol can be made ready for sig nature. German insistence upon a prepayment of 10 per cent of her nil' claims before submitting her case to arbitration, ami perhaps President Castro's resistance to meeting what the allies claim as the obligations of honor are believed to be now the sticking points. But It Is hoped that these can be pased within tne uext tew days, and It Is further hoped that some arrangement will be made In the preliminary protocol for the raising of the blockade, though It is intimat ed that the allies' ships will be kept ready to renew It tn cade of any de fault on the part of Venezuela tn her obligations. Washington having boon the pivot about which all the negotatlons have turned up to this point. It Is surmised that It may also be the scene of the final act in the shape of the signature of the protocol, either by the resident representatives here of the powers In terested or by special ageuts sent to this neutral ground for the purpose. An erroneous Idea obtained in some quarters as to the functions of the President and Secretary Hay In this matter, and they have been represent ed as endeavoring personally to con duct the negotatlons, as drawing up protocols and generally taking a leading part In all that Is going on. It Is pointed out at the State Department that, while ordinarily a misunder standing on this point would be trill Ing. it happens in the present case that reports of such activity on the part of the United States officials after the President had expressly de clined to assume the duties of arbitra tion would surely be 111 received In Europe and might perhaps lead to some backward steps that would be a matter of regret to the Government, which earnestly desires to have the parties reach an honorable settle ment of their differences. It Is explained at the State Depart ment that the part of the United State United States Government Just now is that of "good friend" to all parties: that It Is not undertaking to draw up protocols or Impose limitations upon the parties, but it Is confining its offices to getting them together and keeping them so. In this view it will not be necessary for our Government to prescribe how the Monroe Doctrine shall or shall not figure In the proto cols; It will Judge for Itself by results how our Interests are affected, and will ujt Indulge In premature or uncalled-for protests. As for the terms of the arbitration. It Is stated that they aren a fair way speedily to be adjusted, but nothing can be said of the details. It Is pre sumed that the allies will agree to terminate the blockade, though no stipulation has yet been entered Into on that point. Nothing has been heard recently or the part to be taken by United States Minister Bowen In the final settlement, and It begins to appear that, after all. Venezuela will probably be represented by one of her own people. DISOBEYED THE RULES. Naval Commander Takes His Wife to Sea and Is Ordered Ashore. Washlntrton, Dec. 31. Commander John E. Roller, ex-commander of th? old gunboat Monocacy, hag reached this country from the Asiatic station, having been ordered home by Rear Admiral Evans for persistent infrac tion of the rules which prohibit the commander of a vessel from permit ting bis wife to make her borne aboard the ship. It Is charged that after of fending In that particular several times Roller's attention was called to the violation of the regulations, but with no apparent effect. When his last offense came to the ears of Roar Armlral Evans the latter detached blm and ordered him home. Pope Admires American Officers. Rome, Dec. 31. The pope today re ceived in private audience Comman der William H. Reeder, Chaplain Ed ward J. Brennan and Lieutenant Henry 8elgmier, of the United States training-ship Hartford. Commander Reeder and IJeutenant 8elgmicr were in full uniform. The pope remarked on the smartness of the American navy uniform, and Bald he regretted the Hartford was not coming nearer to Rome. He would have enjoyed see ing more of the officers and men. as he had the most pleasant remember a rices of meeting with Americans. Damages for a Boycott. Chicago, Dec. 31. A verdict having a significant bearing upon theT right of labor organizations to maintain or assist In maintaining a boycott was rendered today In Judge Vtlle'g court, whereby George Hlnchcliff was award ed $22,000 damages against the mem bers of the Chicago Masons' & Build ers' Association and the Brick Manu facturers' Association. Hlnchcliff asked for $100,000 damages, which he alleges he has sustained owing to a boycott of the product of his brick yard at Hobart, Ind., on the part of the associations mentioned In 1838. Starved to Death In Bolivia. Seattle, Dec. 81. News has Just reached here that John S. Rouse starved to death In the wlida of Cen tral Bolivia In June, 1900, while on an exploratlng trip. But one man of a party of 30 escaped. Rouse wag one of the pioneer mining men of the State of Washington, coming first to this section In 1879. On his last trip he was one of a party representing the Bolivian government. His friends here will ask the Department of State to Investigate bis death. Do Not Fear General Tung. Pekln, Dec. 31. Officials here dis credit the reports that General Tung 8u Slang and Prince Tuan are moving on 8lang Fu with troops. The mis sionaries, however, are said to be re-, tiring from that region. J TWAINS MET HEAD-ON. TwntyE!ght Utwi-Mangled Pasaengsr Suffer from Cold Also. London, Ont.. Dec. 31. A frightful collision occurred short distance from the little station of Wanstead, Out., on the Siirnta branch of' the Grand Trunk Railroad, last night. The expres was running nearly two hours lnte, mud wag making fast ttmo. The freight was endeavoring to make a siding to get clear of the express, but fulled by a minute or two. There was a dreadful crash, the locomotive ream! up and fell over In a ditch, tho baggage-car of the ex press telweoped the smoker, and In an Instant the shrieks and cries of the wounded and dying filled the air. The loss oK life la S3. Tho Injured numbered many more, and many of these may die. Several of the dead were horribly mutilated. Heads were cut off, legs wore wrenched from their bodies, and the level stretch of snow becamo srlnison with the blood of the victims. Operator la Blamed. The responsibility for the accident has not been definitely fixed, but It t believed to have been duo to a tele graph operator's error. The opera tor at one of the station where the two trains stopped gave an order to the frelgltt to pass No. B. the Pacific express, at Wanstead. In the system of the Grand Trunk this order should have been duplicated, a copy being given to the conductor and engineer of the express. Instead of this the conductor of the express received a clearance order, telling him that he might run through. The freight train In the meantime had stopped lit Wan stead to sidetrack, and was telescop ed by the express. The. blinding storm which was raging rendered ol Jects Invisible at the distance of a few feet. The operator at Wnnstond la no usually on duty at night, but last even ing he happened to be in the office for a short time. He was going out of the door when he heard the telegraph Instrument click and immediately en II repeatedly the message: "Stop No, 5." "Stop No. 5." Selling a lateru, the operator dashed for the door, and as he closed it behind him he heard the crash of the collision up the track. WAR ON CHRISTIANS. Said to Be tha Plan ef New Aspirant to Thro na af Morocco. London, Dec 29. The correspond ence of the Times at Fes. Morocco, describes the situation as having be come very serious, owlne to a large inn,a.,a in ihn niimher nf the nreten- der's follower whom the government troops are too wean 10 auaca. nt-m-forcements amounting to 12.000 men. will Inavi, Bn,l nn additional force of regular cavalry nas ueen cauen out. u.n, lh. rrt alronriv In rebellion are wavering and are ready to join tne reneig in me event u h oemnm government defeat. The pretender Is fully supplied with everything neces sary and has distributed his forces over a district whore they can be col lected or dispersed very quickly. The Times' correspondent adds that lha nrtttntwlur'a fMinltlnn Itt S VerV strong one. He professes not to .Inlnt tha thmnA fni hlmnilf. but de- slres to overthrow the Sultan on ac count of his European tendencies, ir successful, the pretender proven that the rebels shall nominate a new Sultan from the Shehlflnn family who would nromise to continue the war against the Christians. 5LAUQHTER OF INFANTS. Disclosure of Horrible Customs In Japan A "Prison Editor." Victoria, B. C, Dec. 31. Corres pondence of the Associated Press re ceived from Yokohama by the steam er Tartar tonight Included details, 0' a horrible baby-farming conspiracy In Osaka. An elderly woman, her mar ried daughter, husband and two others have been arresed for Infanticide, and it Is learned since that they started operations by killing 300 children,, 80. this year. The Japan Times has an account of how a Japanese of Kochi was mar ries? to a corpse. His bride-elect, the daughter of Klntara Sawsda, com mitted suicide on the eve of her mar riage. The body wa recovered, and at the request of the dead woman's parents, the ceremony took place be tween the living and the dead. The Kobe Chronicle publishes a lengthy account, telling of the "pri son editor" employed by Japanese papers whose duties are to be Im prisoned In case a verdict Is given against the paper he Is supposed to edit, for libel or other offenses. . Dolly Eark'a Suicide. Philadelphia, Dec. 31. Dolly Earl, a member of the "Merry Widows" com pany, playing at a burlesque house here, committed suicide tonight In her dressJng-room by swallowing carbolic acid. She left the following note, ad dressed to J. A. Ealllnger, Rochester, N. Y.: "Forgive me, all. Can't stand trouble." Miss Earl was about 30 years old. Her home is said to be In Oklahoma. She was formerly a member of the "Runaway Olrl" company, which stranded here about two weeks ago. California Llkts Rain. San Francisco, Dec. 31. The rain storm which visited California on Christmas. igit proved to be of enor mous benefit to growing crops, and the prospects for a fine harvest of grain and fruit were never, better. The winter has 'been a mild one, free from severe frosts and with Just enough rain to promise good - spring crops. Tho weather is now delightful. The temperature Is In the neighborhood of 60 degrees. The tourist travel to California has been unusually heavy this winter. -i Benjamin H. Calef Dead. New York, Dec. 31. Benjamin H. Calef, an accountant,, died In his home at East Orange after akwuj. Illness. He was associated with Jay Gould and General Grenvllle M. Dodge lb western railroad enterprises; had been special and private accountant for the late George ML Pullman and Robert T. Lincoln, and was an executor of 'the Pullman estate. He lived In Chicago until he removed to East Orange, 10 year ago. His widow and three children survive him. Empress Dowager Oreeta Jrllles. Pekln, Dec. 31. The Dowager Em prifs and Lleutenant-General Miles exchanged flattering speeches atno day's audience, the Dowager assuring the General that the "success of the American Army was assured under a commander so celebrated." "km. J ' Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter o( Recorder of Deeds, West, says: "There re but few wives and mother who have not at times en dured agonic ami such pain as only women know of. I wish such women know tho value of I.ydlit 1. IMuk hum' Vcirotrtblo Compound. la a remarkable medicine, different In action from any other 1 ever kuuw and thoroughly reliable. " I have seen case where women doctored fur year without permanent benefit who wore cured In less than three months after taking1 your Vege table Compound, white other who were chroulo and Incurable earn out cured, happy, and In perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without galniug great benefit, A few dose restores my trciiglh and appetite, and tone up tho entlr system. Your medicine ha been tried and found true, hence 1 fully endow It." Mil. R. A. ANPsnso.1. 2-'5 Wash Inpton St., Jacksonville, Kl fgdof Ima Mwl M a. I Theexperlctioe) anil testimony of some of tliniNt noted women of America. RO to prove, Iwvwnd a quest Ion, that l.ydltt E. hnni'i Veirt'taMei ComiMiiiiut will rorreet nil mi-h trouble) at one) by removlnir the- eause, mid re torlnir th orirnn to liculthf aud uuriuiil condition Bacteria of th Mouth. Prof. Miller, of Berlin, baa Isolated more than 100 different species of bac teria that grow In tho mouth. Sli of these nnd the condition so favorable that they usually, crowd out the others.- Science. MOTTO FOR NEW YEAR. Eat Whatever You Want. But Ba Sura and Hav Oood Teeth. No tbt the holiday spirit is preva lent everywhere it is a gcod time to be a little selfish and think what would be the best present to give to oneralf. Why isn't good set of teelh on ol the best thing you can have in this life? W Ine Bros., tli famous dentist It the Failing building, Portland, Oregon, have bad a large run of Uusinee during these holiday 11 , probably somewhat in consequence of the people' special do sire Just now to make themselves sensi ble precents. Why don't yon goto this firm before the new year nd have your tooth look ed afterT When yon come to think ol it, there is nothing we want more than sound set of teeth. Our health and all our happinee depend much upon what eat. If we cannot masticate our food properly we are restricted to only few eatables, and even in their cssm wa can not properly chew and dlgt our fowl. Nut long ago the (usr of pain the ami great exnM) of dciitsl work kept near ly all the ma e away from dentists. Now it is til different. There is posi tively no pain when such dentists as Wipe Brothers do your wotk. Wl e Brothers' charges, sl, are in reality very moderate. If youl1 teeth are ap parently in good order the best way is to go and have them looked over so as to be sure that they are all right sml in sound condition. If your teeth are decayed, then Ihe best way i not lo lose any more time but go immeliteiy and have the bad teeth taken out. Even if you have to gut an entire new set the expense will be trilling in com parison with the great and lasting bene fit yon will deiive from having a set of teeth that look. fer all the world tike the natural ones, and which will serve yon in every rt-siect nearly a well a your own that grew in your mouth. The popularity of this great dental firm, Wise Brother, whose signal suc cess we have from time to tins noted in these columns, is much to be desired. They have proved to everbyody that w need not suffer any longer with bad teeth and poor food. We can all eat what is good for us, and we all can afford to have the best teeth in the world. Extracting teeth without pain was a short time ago myth. Now it is grand reality. Explained. "But there's one good point about those flats. I understand they do not object to children there. They lay special stress on that In their adver tisement," "No wonder. They realize that any couple with a child would have to move out ajid find more room." Phil adelphia Press. ' " Mocha and Java. Not very much pure Mocha and Java coffee I brought to this coast. In fact we don't believe there is another brand in the market, besides Monopole, which is all pure Mocha and Java. But we know Monopole, As a matter of fact not every lady like pure Mocha and Java, but if you do and are willing, like your Eastern friends, to psy Jittle extra for the pure unadulterated article, you'll find it in Monopol. Your dealer handles it or knows where to got it for yoo. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., coffee roasters, Portland, Oregon. ' fdMlts at th Bargain Sale. NH-H1 stopped in at a bargain sale today;, Uulle ijld you see anything that looked real cheap? Null Yes; several men waiting for their wive. Halth and Beauty. . Nohesuty With plmpTr akin, dull ri, Ind hrxath. :W-an your ytm and keep it Him with I'urtnU Candy Catharllo. All dniK glU, 10c, 'Ilia, too. Willing to Oblige. Servant There' a gentleman at the door who say he knew you when you were a boy. Master Tell him he was very kind to call. Should I ever happen to be a boy again I'll let blm know! Iloston Transcript, y THB RLOOD. . . 1.1 j 1. nr. Wa darlvt from ID uukhi , th blood llf, power, tuly, and re, on, a th doctor hv been laying from lima Immemorial. A healthy body, a fresh appearance, and nallj all th abilities w p"'s depend on that souro of life. It U therefore the duty of every senslbla man to keep th blood pur and normal a iwwlble. vi....... i 11. infinite wisdom, ha given tlnruiometor IndU'talii tha ... . . a a 1 l l a., mt slat of th blood, wmun appeal w ... reason by giving nolle of Its Impurity. Small eruption of the skin, to which w rarce-iy psy ny attention, head ol., ringing noises In tha ears, lassi tude, sleeplessness, are generally a sign that the blood Is not In it normal state, but Is" filled with no tan " .(nines. Them svmptoni deserve our full attention, If mora atleiitlon weie paid to those symptom, and step taken to remove them, then many lllnessi a from which w suffer would become un known, and the human body would be come stronger snd healthier. Atten tion therefor mourn oe pam o nw 1.... .1,..,. .n.l ll. lilmul nan lie warning .", purified and kIoiioiis substame re moved from It uy in use 01 ir. 'a llauihurn Props, discovered mor than 110 year go Fixing th Itlam. Magistrate Well, Vncla Rnatua, what brought you here? ' Uncle Hastus IN'in two big perllctv men by de rallln. y' homier. 1 Yes. but didn't liquor have any- I f ganii 1 iiuy wh ' i..a homier." Chicago lt''y New. TaaOaa Oat A Han't Faat Kaa Fittest. Wrlle Allen a. olm.n-d, laRnjr, N. Y , Iff fnw nauu-lo ol Allan' H " rhtl. Main., awMllus, t.nif, .welli-n, arhlu ' It mk- nw oHIfht .hoM ra-r, A certain turo fr I'iTiu .ml Imnloria. All druigi.l. wll II, JIM, iHni'i a.i-ai-1 any .ulailluta. Growth ol l.latlrkal Work. , In an viiih 1 Km nnmliar nf atttalt llshment In the United Stole mak ing electrical machinery and uppn I... 1 ........ ....1 r,. "11 in r.Mi The annual output ha lncred from 11600.000 to f'.'l.SOO.OUU. The capital Invested In tha business I $H3.000.00U. Succcs. Molhara will flna Mr, mnslow'i Booth. Ins Hvrup th bi reniady lo use Inr Uioir thUdrau during the laelbliif pariud. A Strong Box. "Your father has a tron bo at home, hasn't he. Willie?" ld tin teacher, "Ves'm." replied Willie, "the one he keeps the llmburger In." Youkcr Statesman. For bronchial Iron Me try 1'Uo's Cur for (' mi. It I a pood i.ugU medli-lii. Ai dniKil. price cants. A Simple Cspianalloa. A man In public Ufa noted for his brusuuene of speech wa under In formal discussion In cabinet circle. "There one thing to be ald In hi favor, however," ald Secretary Wll on, "and that I ho nevor Importune the department to g"t promotion or position for hi friend. -That' readily explained." commented Secre tary Hoot; "he hasn't ny." MOW., TM 1ST Wa offer r)a Handrad bollar. R award for sea cawol atiari Uialeau uotbiiuid by Halt Catarrh I r. j. t iiKNgr ro ,, o. Wihun.lii.l.nd.ha. known r J I b-uf fin th" i .l I . v.-.r, and blr. 1,1 ln prifro-t.y - rain In !. I.u.lur. lrii.. ii,,n an.t On. anntllv lucl,)r uulauy ubliall..B iua.1 by liidr arm. WrrA T.iii. WB-ilmai l-riislt. T-.Wn, Wu.ii.a ki.RiaA )Sariii, Wbobnala l-r. ,.., Toledo. O. Rdl'sCalarrbCara I ik..i. Ii.inn.llr -unf ".Irertlr on in. bli-t an.) miai.ui auri.a. . of tht.y.taia. t-rli-tTV p. r lu-itia. rMU ) all trn.(i,i. Ti-aiitnoni... (nv. Idall'i ranilly Nil. ara iba baal. Nothing la It. "Hero's an account ot a poi-t who committed sulrlde after having hi verses rejected." said Klndart. "That should be a lesson to you editors. "Nonsense:" replied the editor, "It won't always work. Vou tun-ly can't hope to kill off all tho poets by retort ing their verses. That's too uiuch to expect." Philadelphia I'rcst, rlT rra..n.nar .mm II 9 n-.rl)rl (?' infl, Klla.'.ilrM Nm Mont. a.iul, Wa. AvbMraibdbia,ir Thought t'nutterabl. "And so you have no swear words In your language, Mr. Omokurn? "No, madume," tho Japanese travel er replied. "Hut. of course, you csn think cuss thoughts, 1 suppose, can't you?" Chi cago Ilocortl Herald. ; The Kind You llitvn Alwnya uro m uiiii. 11. 1- u u-iii r, nml I1111 i- n uvula miller lilt iK-rNoniil mipcrvlxloii for over il jeiirn. Allow no " to iliMi-lvo you in thl. ( otint.TlYlls 1 111 1 ( nt Ion n ami JiiMt-us-irooir nro hut I'xpcrliiH-iiti. nml nil.'iin;rr tlw bculth of t'lilhlrcn KxiK-rli iuo nculnut Jlxiii-rliin nU What is CASTORIA Cnstorhv la a liurinli-ss miliMtltuto for Cantor Oil, lar jrorle, Ilropa mill Hootliliiur NyrnpH. It li I'lriiNiint. 16 ontiiin neither Opium, Morphine nor olln-r nreotlo aiibHtunen. Ua niro la Us ritiiruiitc. It ilcwtrova Wwiiim """y11 FevcrlNlin!. Jt t-urea Dliirrlm-fuiinl Wlml Utile, lb relieve Tuctlilnp; Troulilon, vrtm t'oiiMt Ipiillini nml Hiitiil.'ii-v. it uMKliniliiti H tli rood, rciruliiti-M tlio HtoiiiiM li iiiul IIowi-Im, urlvlii(r l.i'itlll.y (mil niitiirul UU-ep. llio Children l'liuiu-eiv-Tlio Jllotlicr's 1 rlonU. The Kind You Have Always Bought 7 Uoar the In Use For Over 30 Years. I a.Tua Mwaa,, ag,, am.rr, mtm i "K.aiIPur .Horses .VE '1. S'Ml Hf IHII nrv, KTV-VOUU UOUHKS. ...... . ., ral, Minn. .(.tuiimxi: i hav. (urn u.lnu tha Pbii.ii. n. i..::.Wi.Z 'iT ur .iiu h orviiriinic c .... iuu.u a great repatallon In th I! JOHN POOLf!. PORTLAND, ORB. Fast al MerrtM StrMt, Can ftv you th bast ttriin In Bollai sua KiiiIiiks, Windmill. 1'utni nfl liana, ml Mai'lilimry, IVikhI Hawing Mavhlliu atillly. us banir luyln. I WANT TO BUY FOR CASH C'lilt kvii, thick and (loose feath ers. AiUlres m 4 anatnf Sta vi ojnssne m lOth '0vr4r?a.,fw4'a',O I My wira kad plmeUe an bar tarn, bu h ha liu iKkiue CA' AUK CH ana umi all iii'i'a. I bud K'n iroutiMHi Willi nnilMttnR I'M- auuia lliu but after ttk Ins tha "" l "l 1 bave with this slunant, Wa annul tau tnuiit. 1. 0 i-awarau " KM W-m,-ITu oaiuujileva Ave., I'liilaaalp&HY, K flMMnt. IMIM.tH, r.-lil T..I am), n Sjuud, (' l". W ot On w ,. 1M. lut ... CUHt OONtTIPATION. ... (IN M4f IWM (MM MI. tOt. Ml Aa Improvamtat. "I hesr that t'aclu Tin had hi Ins tut off" snlit Alkali Ike, "Ye." ald Tarantula Tom: "rail, road did It nipped hi feet o clean and nre. Me atunipla' 'round on wooden plus now." How ilm h like It?" Kiwi rate. He say he can't get snake In hi boot now." Judge, THERE IS NO SSSL SLICKER LIRE 'SZ. rV y1 "S0 d ofter W ywi or lot on :r trm cosi, imrj Waterproof Oiled Gx.U wtrt rAroduetd in the West and wer colled 31ickT3 by tha- niorama end cowboys. This (Ne ww has cot Into such fewrrJ toe that it s frcfjtrttry thoojft wwrsjiuiy oftuwa fa manv suhatitule & You want tltf oenuirw . a Look for th Atof D fish. and I (ft.. " ak MfTTratV. UR lm irrt -11 u rvviaa uHa.iaMiwma aotD t w-euesFHTArrv TIAOt tn womD ovre A. J. TOWtP CO bOSIOM. MASS Si Costs You Nothing lMflh rrt'ta -jOf Ifwt tfia.ut rf iit !, ntf hmhi fh, t t ti fc'p 1 If Vrm M.ul H, t.ul y.tft frtrt girl fftil "I )i T tv.iH 11 rata tl ( AMith l !, k"t f lii Hi lli hrtusati I torn p ti m ,(, I) .. ', fr Uf. Mal Ul JiOivr t ImI ftt-(iti)4. 5 t frill n taut, aw tll lif (! it'lKa fftij fi. ro- fMl-. 1l ln.tMl telit UY rtiS. fsaas, )il cm rwHTaitfi tf lv. m )(on( i'aclfk C1 ItUtuit Co. r. w. v. Do. I-IU03. IW II r M wrtilnar to tirtMirf p1 mmit pvmt s Vs.- lloitlit )i:im Imriio the slgmi- Slgnaturo of Of rieaves. Donah IP lll.lM(.lM PIUN.ES I CANOV 0IN. raaas ma ' ff 1 Hi l&ft&'f&tlr 1 l J Basil .nun ojruiv T il. utrl f half a century II Ferry's j U Seeds f a.n.1 ..1 ,-,,.-,-. ,i. ..Ma i. g ff all !..-. IHIw4( T 1 u laiib. aitMvaiiwaaarHM,a. . 1 I 4 v M- risar (. .... . I 1 Pl u'u ffl...l E-m niiiaaiiiiii '"ii.w,i,i . Tit "Ml iKi Hi aaa. ImlllftHalslllll POWDKR8. I..M VOUlLAMfJ aicicu CO, fvrllaad, Or., Oaaal Agaala.