The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 02, 1903, Image 1

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    nnTT in
NO. 3.
Real Estate aui Timticr Lauds Sold
S. H. GRUHl-R,
JTTOHXt:)'-. 1T-L tn
inv IH K, K. quick,
Will fix beat ixrvinal riIi'iiiIiim to t tvunl
matter, vtiii iiuhi in ine. will ruttc lit all
Hie MMIt all.l l llltvtl Millv I Otirla,
W. 11. POWELL,
IlKlTfV I'lMHIi r ATrt'KNKV.
HT. IIM.KN. , : IIUKtluN.
time Sanson im k NiTv remit'
W. V. Fischer,
K. I'. Ilrninn. T. .1, Ci-metox.
Si Mar.inatn Hull. ling Portland Oregon.
t'olllliit.ia ('mint?
UI revel. pl-nuii,!
), W. 1UT VT, II ll
OUtc uvti fliMir lu CiMtrilit'im,
ir. hm. ;., uhhuN.
tivuvfHl tr ' in comt of tn r.u or Nb
tittftoti. Alttiif tltmUy (torn t'i'H)
Ir. Eil win Ho,
Phusician and Surgeon.
sr. luaKNH.utmioN.
Dr. 11. K. riiir.
Physician anil SurJrori.
Dr. .1. E. Hall,
Physician and Surgeon.
Dr. I. llatlii'lil,
Physician and Surgeon.
Watts fc Price,
- IK Al.fcK-i IN -
Floor and Feed .
Choice Groceries
Staple Dry Goods
Best Quality Shoes
Hardware and Notions
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you pouted on our
work and methods. Mailed
Free to the
of any responsible bouse.
Kdlleriallr t'oarlr.
"nalsieuily llcpubltran.
New from nil tho world Well
written, oriinnl stories An
swer to queries Article on
Health, the Home, New Hooks,
hii I on Work About llio Farm
mid Garden.
The Weekly Inter Ocean
In n member of llio AMeiitted ,
1'ri'fH, tli only WuhIoni Newn
pnM'f receiving tliit entire telii
KrH ptiicr tie vvs service ol the New
York Hun and spedi'l '"''In of
the Nw Yirk WorlI dully re
. port from over 2,100 special
correspondents tlnoiigbout tlio
country. '
(aufc.rrlbe f.r lh- OHM
mn4 Ihe Weekly Oiler Wrr"
Hsih pnra tor !.
OiVKim lmily Journal. y It n y,i- ly
7 "i.mtha; Homl-Weck.y
Juurnul. Il t.ll nn.l We.kly Journal t ,,,
venr, Ili Jt,i M ln.lH-ii.l.-iil
1 inooniiu. ii,.iipii..T, wm kliiK In llm lii-
i,i in,' HIVIll KiTtliUi wiirr
mi' n..n.l in
yum- hiiImi'iIiiIIiih.
niiiuint. tii'l'it fit,
Aililii'Hn Tli Jmiiniil.
U. 1 1, IX 121,
1,-uriun.i, dr.
The Steamer
1.1-iivin rurtliiml Mondiiy mid Tliiim
luy inoriilntfn iu u.:u) n. m. rr i'ii.
kiinlf. miii Rt SI. Iltiii niul wiiv
lMinliiil, IVnlliind 'liiiiding Ml Dull
Hlrt'i't w linif.
Untie IVillnu.l on I'liLmlm". Tlinnulny n,l t
r,U) ut ; n. hi l,.r
St Htltnt, Kalama. Carroll t Point, Hammr
ana Ktl$o,
Arrlvliiil M,.i!,,v, ,M
Ui'Ih ami Kililn) t i iu.
l.i'iut'ii I'nrtliind M.ih.Imv. Vi..ln, ..!
ml Kridny iiilit hi nt 10 i. in., (or tlir
hkiiiii Miiiilit lnt'iilliiiii'il n inn o mid 'V
lllS rt'it.'liiliK lli lllir lilur ut 111
to. on t h? follow tiK dnv. Ki'liitniiiK,
the I.Him 1,-ti vm Toli'dt. nt itotm, mid
t'rl Hrk nt 5:;ln in l ho nfifrnoon.
liH'd!iiy, 'lhuid,ivH Nit, iMiiidiivii,
h'rtvillvt I'ol'thinil tilv in tlit. iituriiii'iif
Wn.fl i,( N.lhii, dt H, ,)l MAN. Am-iil.
Wiliamett Slough Ronte
r t
Uu St. HtdfiiK. . . ::H A M
Arrivt-iit liirllmid. 10 '.'MAM
I.fiivt. I'uitliind a :ui I' M
Arrivu at SI, llt lfim O.iKl ' M
Hr. &u :vi.
Will ( itrry N.ilhlnu lint I'iti.
Ki r. n,l b. 1- irifctiU
Jllll .tHM, nm tar.
l4f so YEARS'
Anrnnn t(itt1rig ftaktrti m1 rlnwrlMkm tnmf
quit1 if wrrimn iir (rfHiiifik fr liHlcr n
Hkfniit i prt.hflhlf .tiitM. ir'tniitiil-v
H.Ht fflcl!Tt-tt.Oi(mitli. IU(nllHfktm I'ttlMtU
ii (im. t M lrt ,-ti,-)r for tMHitriiig Uvutm.
Scientific Jftticrican.
iwi.i. v ww, ..w.i ivin
II...,. U li.a, CB r Ht . Wuklmilun. u. t.
J Hill rtlHII.OI, hi
U iTtAMtn
How About Your Title?
II K Vol' ht ItK tl
It M oltil (tiat
twttd jitiit .tum
till, if vt i')fitfitiiut t)Mvlim li;t or IiiIik mull')' on ril
-tntr wrtitltt . tnkv Un innii Mot'l, hut lttUl uxn k it n m inn Mf)i..l
thr f-i orl hImiVi rKiir.lliiK thr Hi v. A M Ab"trui'l U n i'-m mIIii! )
ft ilfvl. liiototoii ilnif II. W hmw tlitt toil? ! of ulnilr, t
tM..kt In Die ttiut Horlt frituiil ri'titi-it niul !!(( Mihi
KOiiriitiit't-il. ti roil tm vi int'rtv lo ttieum ki ti ml t . N r re
itKt'itf lor thw lt tire liiattriiiti ti t'ontiAttlr IM Hif hkiIiI, If tut)
Iiuyk pro).ri) (or nl )Ul It MtMi u nn w utll flml a Miji-r.
. E. QUICK & CO.,
Mam Strtet
Greatest Clubbing Combina-
two wkkki.y
Uv it Kpraiitl iirruiKi'iiii'lit wt) orn itlilu U) fnrniiili TiiK Ohkiii.n Mit
ii ml TIIK WUKKI.Y ("A1TIA1. JOUHNAI. ut thu folUmliiK luli
liinir priiii for Ixith pnpi'ra:
J ar One Vrr Ih tdia neotl.AO
tr l 'Tloitllia In Adrian., flic
Tim Wri'tly Joiiriinl, pf Siili'iii, (rt-., printH moat liialdti newk nliont
our kliiti) Kovi'ililni'iit mid tliu full ligialnlivL- piofi'rdiiiK. Jual
w lint you whiiI for tho C"iniii a.'aalon. Tlio Joiiriinl In u Iiiik
iht piiKi! hi pi' r full of tt- U'K nt .h i nrwa of tlin wliolo world. Sinn
pin copy (tirnihliinl fn-e upon linpilry at tliiit ollloti.
95 12 months' subscription to THE OREGON MIST.
One year's subscription
One year's membership
I. a anrl n..Mlal mnnlhlv l.mEt, maaln avl.lrh alioilld ha In tvrf homa.
covrr doaltn I lwy In color. It ii tirlntrd on mn iiaprr. and mr-i hHnii ally evsry
lama la a trlhutn lo tlin prlnlar'i art. Conkwy'a Horn Journal larnally Iwoniacaiinr
In on. (or Ihr. Iirl half la ilovolnd lo Mutual lllualratrd on aiiblccta nromlin-nllr
lir-foro the public, and ahort and inrlal alorin. The wtcund liall li dovoloU to Ilia Inter
ett ol Ilia inollicr and dauvlitor. It ulao contain!
Practical Icaaora In lara and rmbroidtiry tnakiiis.
'r,n:ll nl l. aa.ina in lioiiin nillhni-ry.
rracilcaj Inaaona in IniDri.rr drtcnrallon. aui('(luna (or home dreaamaklnr. '
A ronuiirtn (itali'on !-tiarlin.-nt alinwiinr I he nwcit dcllcnf In hall and COilume.
lliirt walala and Iho anmllnr urllrl.-a ol (amliilnn wear.
A coruolrlo tmiii n ih parim. nl, from which palturn, may be ordered.
I.t ul. I...u. ......I ll.a I.I.Im
ki-:ii nd "l iihln l Alka" which linuart
woman wfio wouli
vouin un up-io-oaif).
j lit) tori
a copy nrlit
I hn (.iri-olni( la aiiiiiilcmioilwl by a department of mualo which contain eacn mnnin
itfl.t a
aoittf, iwo-inp or wane, a itiaaun
i. "...'i...." i. in. .,,l,i,.,.t nl a airli-a of
thoroiiKhly uruclitul and lull how all kind
Tha American Muatoavl Aaaoolavtlon enable! It memheri lo purchae sheet
mualc and all rnuaic autipllna nt dlncouina raintlnt from 3" to 0 pur cent.
.Sample copy of Contt.y'a Mom. Journal mailed to any addre,S on requelt
Addruta ail coiiimuiiicaliona and rtnntltaiicii lo
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware,
. ...JEWELRY....
Itcnttiriiig a SMiciaUy.
Murrluxt 81. IM. Krrnit ,W Hi. PUIU I.AMI
Steamer Iralda
C. . (hoghkirt. MaMttr.
I i-vn luinlur .tallv (vxovt.t Muii.UMIor furl
lain), m A. M . Immii Nt. lUli ii. ui
,. huh', Ihih I'lirlluml HI 'i M V
M mtlvlun at m, llg, ii, m ,
Passcusers and Fast Frciibt.
a TATH"tl
"r. .
S Iht
II .
" f'
II fal
, m
A. U
1 1
m 0 l,v I'nrilana At II Hi ! l
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Ill Irt
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... Ialrft.r . .
. . li.lilK'V ,
I Ul.kul
. Ulnr.l.tMH,!
W i-.ll-.ll ,.
... I'lllull .
. . k nu..a .
. HlPM. ......
a -.a.
a la.
II If. .VI i
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mi .t
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7 to
7 r.
7 nr.-
111 I I
.Ji.llll Oay.
At. A.mrla I., i 7 4.1 :
Alt Irallui tllnllu rtoau r..linivll,.li. at li. .!.!,
alth N..flliril I'aPlllr train. I.. ati.t fr'.lfl tl.l-
.a.t an! itttii., .nl. At fortlaml ttilhall
train. Iravin t'lUoit .la.t. at Willi I
H. A N. t:.i.'. ai.'l tall lino au.t f...aut,'l
t I l'i.iiir tu anil (r..m Itwui'.. ami ! .s.trtli
llrarh l-Mlil..
ra.av.iKPr. I..r Alila ..r aar miii. tmi.t IU
train at II....II..II t rait,, will i, i lt imi
wibi ..IT at ll.m'ln hri. .ining pt.Iul.
ac. I ill. .,.14. J. , lla).,
licit. I'm. Aal.. A.l.irH. t)f
iiititaii'H DI-.K IM:.
Thl' Urgr'at (..nil t'Vt'r pitid for II '!.'
ctltioii cIiwiiki'.I linn, la in Sin
fiM, ;m, 11M.I1. T. Ir.uia ,T I u.l;in coin and i,a k l li,mi li,
mid aut ,m, l,y it party nl li.niiiiiia
nu ll iilif lor llr'nhf I'laoiiai.
and'.. luihi rti) IiiimiihI.Iu iliri
I'ri.'a. ThfV t'liiiiiiitiiti'i.l llm nnua in
v'aiiKNtiiin of tlin ,.nriiil.r 15,
l!io. rin-y tiili.rvif.wvd 'ori' of tlit-i-iin-d
mid iriwl II o il on tla into it iy
.illtlnt( over Ihr. ti iIi.opii ram o . thr
trt'itlnit'iit niul wntt'liiii tlii'in. Th.')
al.o pi I ihali'iali In nniuti t'hronir, in
ciirwhltt rit.tia, mid ndiiiiiiiattii- it Willi
llm idiyaiciitm for'p. I'ii t i An-
liual i'6, m; tx r c ut ol tin. (rat nm
wi re t illur wi I or rojn'aaiii Inv.iin Th. relal i hut i:l (n-r ibhi. of
In tin r.-n thu i.urlii-a wrro -AUli-. an I
id. piI tint lrun.iti-tii.ii, Too nio e-'d-
iiilia of thu iuvtialiifmiiiu t'oiiiinilttw mid
llio tiimml itHKtrui.f I ht. lttpiit. wutD
iiiililiahi'd and will In ii.niln.1 ri'on an-
i ll'-ni on. Addre, tha J. dm J. I nl . n
('un.i'iiny, 4.'U, Mi.ntKu:i.i'ry muri,
Sun rmnciico, l'nli(.
' v ''' t 'rj uri
I nil rltftit? lUi)iitnlKr ttnt It It ihv
nrriif. It I tMir ItUilitro to m nr 1) tliu
Mhnt ilinr tunUln In ri'Utini) to turn!
to Conkey's Home Journal.
In American Musical Association.
tha Intormalion (hat la noceiiary lo the
mi vw.ii 1...1..111 a..u iva.u.t w, . .
article for (ha hoy. Theas article, are
ofpula may be ralaud both (or plaura and
Tin. rrlt'kt't Itto lilt had lalten (.
I mil a t'li'Vim, llimika to IhiHiia, tin. I w on
a llliirhxia rli'tnry. Tin) itni'ala were (.mi'
from (he Hull, II wna n lovely afternoon
wild a weal wind.
Never had J line looked to audi a. Iran
Ihki' aa aliv did Ihnl evenlnit at dinner.
'I'liere waa a lovely rulor In her fheeka, a
new Until In her eyea; her v. dee had
J.iyona llliu". ahe ae. ni.Ml to he an Inenrtia
Hi. ii of pl.-nauri) and hnptitneaa.
W.inlcl in. I j-.itt y.iiitiK ixniile like to go
Inln Ihe irnrdeiiV" aril. I Mra. Kll.-amire
Hi., tnniiieiil ilimier linn over, and Ihey
olreyed her aiisueaili.n wlilt alaerity
Let ti eel Inln the Ixial," w hlapereil
lnllna; and June nave a radiant naaeiit,
TwilU-ht waa i-reeiilng on. all tialiire waa
liuahed: they tnliijit have la-en the only
two IIvIiik ereaturea on earth. And, for
Ihe time belli-, they would have been eon
lent lo have the world to Iheniaelvea. To
tiliiht June knew Ihe dlffereni'o thai Ihe
a.H'iety of another lullnnn U'lnf eau make
lo all life, to all lialnre knew how II t-atl
fill every im.uieiit with a atratme. heaven
ly rapture, marred only by retnenilM-rlue
linw fleetlii; I the Joy.
Neither ai-emed dl.aaei ft. talk tiiiii'h
h.ilh were iHHuu-waed by a aenar of liappl
n. aa, 'I he in. nm eauie nut and III up ihe
rioweni on the bank. Itirnlus theiii In
many colored Jewela,
Mi. iv I wialt Ihla eotibl mat fnrevrr!
tiiuriiiiired hnllaa, at laat, ba-ndlns a III
tie Inward June,
Klin ainitt'd and ala-lu-d. The ainlle wna
f..r ciuteiil, Ihe alith for n-grel.
Suddenly an tiueaay wriiide came over
Pnllaa. Waa he nut a. Una a trallor'a
part to Tom-Tom, who would never have
H'eu dlaloyal lo any huuiati lielng? OiikIiI
he tint, liiatea.t of nia klni! .e lo tlda fair
llirt on lila ow n ai-iatiitit, to U- pleadina hi
roualii'a i-nna. ? It una eilreniely repinj.
limit o him. bill the better aide of hla na-
turv waa awake lo nlithl. And any
Ihuiifhl of man j lint June binnu-lf waa mil
of the ipiatitii. Home day he would lw
baronet, with a fnlr Ininnie; not, how
ever, In all probability, In-fury. lie waa
K.-iilnif iiray and well on lit yeara; he had
aevernl brothera and aialera, he had debta.
M-tiiilteaa w ire for him. therefore, waa
luiury tint ei iu in lw cmieiiiplaled In
the reuii.teat iiianuer. Tnni - lili ky ehap!
- had no faetor lo mnault aave Ida own
will and Ihe holy'.
"Yon were lut aerhma Ihe other day."
Pnllna aakeil June, "when rnu anid thai
)il did not mean lo marry Tom?"
l'or a tin. tui-til all Juite'a aenae of hap
piueaa vauiahi-d; a eold paua- awepl over
her. She had f..rii..ll. n that Totn i'
"lo iii.I ht ua talk of him!" ahe anl.l,
with a little gi-ature thai eniiveyed dla
liual more rlpreaalvely Ihau he waa
aw are of.
"Not iuii.ii fhuiii-e," th'.iitbt I'nllna,
"for a man lo wlimn a woman fivla like
that." He waa naliaiued nf him
a. if for the antlafni'tlnli whlrh her ai-tloli
liare him. "Mow yit anuhla'd me that
Ural nlithl at dinner!" he anl.l, w ith a half
am II.', after a patiae. "I never fell an
email. Ynit turned your baek on uie all
dinner time, and, iImiiikIi I waa walehiua
tuy opiHirlunlty like a nil lo aiieak lo you,
you never save It me until, by a lucky
el.leni, you dropiretl your fan under Ihe
table. "
June amiled M'iiavely, How well ho
reiuetiila'r thill I'Vi iiliif ! how ahe like lo
think thai he tiotleed her behavior!
"Why were you no unkind V"
"1 wanted iii.I to like you," ahe an-
awera, almply. "I made up my mind that
1 would tint.
"Hut you havt liiniiK.d il iuhv, have
you nut'" looking Into the deptha of her
) ea.
"Yea," ahe anj a.
Why ah. inlil ahe He to lillii? Ah! ahe
lina iinieeii tiiaiiKeil, ir i here ever wna a
time when ahe did not like him. Hut waa
there ever atirh a timer
"I, he wtya, tenderly, "have never
rluinred from Ihe Ural moment that I aaw
you. I rnu't tell ynu how tniieh hurt I
wna Hint you would not lie Men, la with
me. The only time I ever tin. unlit you
felt a little bit kind to mo wna Hint even
ing of the ihiu.'i'. Do you reiiiemlierir
lluea June romeiulier? Ay, moat truly
doea ahe.
Hh U'IkIm her hend In anawer,
"I wna dying lo nak you again, hut I
dnred not. I thought It waa lien! not."
" 'Heat for you and beat for me,' "
(liiotea June, mulling.
"Only for nie," he nuawera. "I wna not
aui'h a eoneelted naa aa to think II enttld
uiiikv any dilTereuee to you. And then I
Imagined tlint you la'tiuiged lo 'l oin."
June mnkea nil Impntleiit inoveuient
through the wnter with her flngera. Nhe
ennnot benr nny nlliialon to Tom In-iilght,
"How divinely you diMiec!" any a lnl
Ina. Then, with a a.idden luaplratlon,
"Why ahonld we nut Jlinvn a wait to
night? My aunt plnya dnnee niuale
"Oh, yea!" echoee June, her eyea kind
ling with plenaiire; "let ua link her!"
Ilnllua lakea up thu aeiilla, nu.l In two
minute they me nt tho binding plaee.
ate Jump nut, aveurea thu bout, and glrea
her Ida blind.
Klowiy and allently, for very Joy'i nke,
they move together up to the houao.
Mra, Klleamnre la running heraelf from
her alumU'ra.
"Auntie," auya Dnllna, laying a rnreaa
Ing arm rofiud her ahoiilder, "wo want
you lo do aomethliig for ua."
"W hut la it, denr boy I ahe aaka, Willi
a fund giiint't) in nia goou-iooHing young
fnee, rouaent olrendy Implied by her tone.
"Won't you come Into the hull and piny
tin olio of your dellclniai wnltioa? We nro
dying to hnve a turn." 1
'Of rourat) 1 will, alio nnawera, atnll-
iux, and fi'iilng cxlrvtuely gratified at the j
eourae rveuta art) taking. A glance at
Jiiue'a fain aaaurea her that her Irrealat
Ible nephew I. a a made one more euiiiet
one lo w hich he la moat heartily welcome,
Ho, Willi Ihe kludeat grace lu Ihe world
aim goea lo Ihe piano and plnya iinwear
ledly while lllcae two reektea young h'"
pie, heart la'alln to heart, their aoula
drunk with tho Intoxication of their love
mid tho rhythm of their movetiiente, are
weaving, with goaanmcr threnda of rap
turf, the web of future palu.
" ua go for a under the treoe,
aald Iiallaa. June mac, and together they
diaapiR'ared from the lym eyea of eoino
one who waa walehing Ihetti from Iho
drawing room window.
They aaiinlered In Ihe grove where Tom
hived to lake June aa Mug retired from
prying eye; but, ah! how different we
it to day! The aerliialun which had Irked
her ao with Totn, front which ahe had
lunged In eacai, accrued an oiichanliiietit
wlioao ouly Haw wa that It nitiat have an
They were reaching for Ihe tenth lime
thr evergreen arch which divided them
from the flower garden. I'allaa topied.
and Juno atll! healde him.
"How ahnll I ee you to morrow T" ho
aaya, hla cy.-a full of tendernraa and
touch of regret In hla voice. "lout will
Ik hero, and then my elmrt day will bo
June mceta hi gate fur one moment
then her rye droop, and a flickering color
ionic lulu her check,
My darling!" he murmur, and hla
arm lake gentle poMcaalmi of her alight
form, hi hatidaomti faco bend down to
hera, hi IllHi touch her, not wilh the
eager hatr with which they have often
time aoiight red llpa before, but with a
len.lerneaa and reverence uew to him. but
moal onrredlng aweel.
And Juno! Her heart give one mighty
Ihrobi Involuntarily her etc tioae; for
one moment a trance aeetiia In ateal her
fhe make a movement lo dlarngago
heraelf from hla arma; ho yiclda In II at
oni-c; and then, la-fore they have lime to
recover llicniaelve, each heara a eoutid
of hurrying feet and then Tom' voi.-e
"lial! where are yon?"
I ho awakening la horrible. Tom hero
already? Itoth feel like culprit I'allaa
pcrhapa even more than June.
Italia (limit lu auawrr, mid l"in a big
form loom lralghlway lit iho otenliig.
He doe not wear that cheery, genial
tuillo which 1 Iho ordinary garb of hla
faco; ho at evidently 111 plcaaod; hla light
blue eyea ripreaa auythliig bill aallafae
Hon. He ahakea by tho hand, ami
they try to Im.k delighted, and feel awl-
ly awkward and a little bit afraid nf thl
liaitnlly good humored giaul. He I like
big Newfoundland -the children' alavo
nnd plaything -whn ahow leniH'r for tho
Ural time.
I managed to cat.ii Iho earlier Irniii,"
ho aaja, lauding tapping hla laait with
hla all. k. "I tliouglil Ihcri' wa a chailcr,
and told the d earl lo meet me."
Then lin y ply him with ipieatloti almut
hi journey mid Ihe Hhow, and he an
awer them, but he la not tho Tom they
are tiaed In. Hoiuethlng la wrong with
him. When they all go Inlo tho houao
together and June tin. la Ague drinking
ten with Mr. Kileatuerv ahe haa a terribly auapliiou who it la that hn been
making mlaihief and putting Idcna Inln
Tom'a head.
"Well, old rhnp?"
Iinllna tried lu make hi tone light nnd
iiutiaHclliig, but wna ennacioua that tho
effort waa nouiowhnt of a failure.
"I heard aomelhlug when I came back
today that that wna uut Very plena nt
lien ring."
"Oh," thought Hnllaa, with ainhlen in
aplrnlion, "thnt conronn.le.1 aniu-lllnonl-uu
rotialu, I lay a thoiianiidl"
"I am told," and Tom'a video lietrnyed
evident uerrouaiieaa, "thai Mlaa Itlvera
haa bwn up hero over almt 1 left,"
"Hhe IuiicIiihI hero lo day,"
"Oh!" remarked Tom, aliorlly, "Nm.U
hero, Ilnl" with Imiueuao oiiiphnala
"Iher lntit t a little plulu apcaklng bo
tweon ua. 1 think ynu know that I nm
not a Jenloti chnp. I have never fell tho
tenat grudge agnlunt you on my mother'
aernunt, I have never envied you your
ancceaa with women-I never wanted lo
Bimi'il hut with nno; but," dnahlng hla
hand down on the Initio tilt every ghiaa
rang, "If ynu come Im-Iwimmi tm and Jtino
Itlvera, I will never take your hand ami In
aa long aa 1 have breath lu my body."
Oallna, wlioao thought go with fifty
time tho rapidity of hi eotialn', ha
time during Ihla oral Ion to reflect and
"My dear old chnp," he anld, looking
aero Into Tom'a disturbed and angry
face and feeling horribly nahnuiod of hi
own duplicity, "what are you driving at?"
Tom pnuaed.
"I don't like to think," lie anid, with a
triilght, alern look nt hi coiialn, "Hint
you have not tho mine Inatlnct of honor
nnd gentlemanlike fooling that altnoat ev
ery man haa. I never doubted ynu be
fore; but when I honr nf you altting tin mi
In hnnd with the girl whom you know I
love "
"Who anid It?"
"No ninttvr," anaworod Tom, to whom
the thought auddenly occurred that he
miiat not allow Ague to tuffer for her
fidelity to hi Intoroata.
Itullaa felt the time hnd come to tuko
the bull by the horn.
"I thought, he remnrkod, "that the
Inat time we tnlkod about Mine Ittver you
oxpreaaed a wiab that I ahonld cndeiivor
to coniuer her evident dlallke to me; and
now you want to go down my throat m
having tried to make friend with her,
I think I enn guea who your liiformnnt
In, anil, perhnpa, In I he Innocence of your
heart, ynu do not wo through her Inat
Uiovu In Die game. It I plnin enough that
Mia Ague 1 In love Willi you, and would
do anything In the world to net you
agalnat her conaln."
Join win exceedingly troubled. Wore
not both I)nl' remark perfectly true?
Waa ho, then, only a blundering fool,
ready lo be tlin prey of any Olio who
choao to play on hla feeling? lie felt
rather nahnmed of hllna.'lf.
'T'erhnpa I am wrong," he aald, awk
wardly. "If ao, I beg ymir pitrdult. Hut,"
after a tuoiueiit' pmiae, "1 know -of
coll ran I cuuliot help awing -how much
more there I in ynu llinutn me lo attract
a woman."
"I'ahaw!" cried Dallae, angrily, throat
ing hi chair hm-k and rlalng, "don't talk
uch rnl! Take niy word fur It, Tom,
there la nothing lilinlera a man, eapectally
with women, like having a poor opinion
of hlina. lf. 'j'he world nlway lake you
at your own valuation when it' a low
Totn roae, loo, and Went toward hi
"If I waa ttiijuat," ho ald, In hi own
frank, manly way, thereby miming a
pang of reinurao to about through Iiallaa'
bri-nal, "I U-g your pardon, Hut I ahonld
llko you to give me your hand on It thai
you will not try U come between nio and
my little girl."
Ho Italia gavo hi hand and aworo to
hlmaoir lu bo faithful to the bond of which
thla waa the aeal. Then he went out Into
tho garden alone, and, atepplng Inln the
boat, pualied off from tho ahore, and lay
no hla back, looking up Into the moonlit
heaven and thinking with a bitter pang
of Ihla time Inat night.
It wna (ho Ural time In hi life that he
had loved with true, genuine affection,
and tt wa alo Iho firat lime that be had
felt abaoliitely without hot. There wa
only one thing for II- to get out of Ihe
way or trinplntlou a Bonn possible.
He had given hie word lo Tom. and. ao
help hi in, (tod, ho meant lo keep II.
llio next morning June wa Badly pro
occupied during her atiidlo: he could
think of nothing but Hallna and w hat pro.
text he could make lo ace her to .lav
When alio returned homo at midday, Mr.
itivora aald:
"Tom haa boon hero."
June turned to Iho window lo conceal
her fniv. Her heart beat wildly. Hhe
wailed aliiuwl In terror for tho next
word. Had bo route to complain an.!
proteai lu her mother? Hut Mm. Itivora
lone wa perfectly calm and unut-t
'Ho had Juat been to wo hi cousin off
by llio train.
A aiiddcn dlixiiioa canned Juno'a brain
lo reel, a deathly, falnlneaa to crcei
through her heart: alio had lo hold the
rhatr tightly egaluat which alio waa lean
Iinllaa gone, and without a word, a tine
lo her! there bad been a quarrel doubt
lea between Iho two men, which had end
oil In Oallaa having Ihe Hall. Hut aure
ly he might have cniuiiiuiilcBtcd with be
by aonio nieana. And Tom had l.dd he
mother nothing; tutu waa evident.
When June could command hor face
nud voire, alio turned away from the
Waa It not rnl her ainhlen, Mr. Hrok
leaving?" alio aaked.
'I think it wna. Tom anid ho had a let
ler tbia morning calling bint hack to I .on
And hnw waa Tom?" June naked, try
Ing to apeak Indifferently,
Ho scorned In capital spirit.
(To bo continued.)
Who Will Not Marry llrc
I'etly I'erannal Objection.
tt wa-tiH altiHt I iiipi- lublc Hint any
inn il ahotiul rciiiuln uiiiiiiin ioil nil lila
life almply to gratify nomc njr lT
aotial foclltix of wplto; J'ot citrtotialy
enough ainii cnacw tiro not at all un
Sitii yetint ago two yoiuw imm who
wcrt) HU'iirn friniiWt iiroinlianl racli oth'
or lie-vcrto nmrry, and by way of mnk
lug tho thing more blndliajt vowiil that
tint Itrxt to liria:ik thla I'Oillplu-t ahonld
give tin; other ImlX bin Itn'oini! aa long
na lie roiiMt!md lu tlio nltito of alttglu
hlcHmsliico. 1'iifortuiHtti'ly tlio frietwl
nblp rcfuw'd lt vtillwlntwl tlto Uvi of a
kit'ti liuxliitMi rivalry livto which tlioy
werv thrown by clrctiiiiHtniittav latr tan.
Anal when one niiirrletl, llio other ntnli-
latnily a wnrcd oUI littch
olor for tho pbiimirc of tUun la-lug aide
to kcop hi mio tlnio frlt'iwl to bin rwk
lioui compact. The inarrliyl mini's In.
conic now ltolitg proMy cobawttl, the
RrtmtHww of the all mil ion nuty Itc tiling'
AtKithor rnao In that of a widldsiiowrt.
tliough aoiiHnvhnt wonk iiilmlol, cot'
ton multiline tiircf Indoitirliag lo Idvor-
pool. Yrttiw ago hla iniiMler
him tluil ho would m-ver wnx'cul In ltf
iiiilcsH lie inn niul a wemmn with atif
UtiiMit tarn I iv to supply III" o n hick ol
nitTttttl lMcklNitu, to iiao nit Irlamwn.
Tliotliritxt rniiBihd; nnd rtio youiag aiv
iwuntco both rviiiiilncd a ImchcJor ntwl
lai-iiiiie ancctxHNftil nuTidy out of a
apllofnl, inoKMtriinintlc Ikh' of on tiny
bulntf tilile to (ling tlume words laiu k In
lila iiiiiMlii'B tn.lh.
- Death from Coma.
All thnt troubled Mnry Murray, of
lirooklyii, after 72 years of life, waa
that her coma hurt her ao much that
she couldn't get il roll ml n brink and
lively aa a girl of her ago ought to. Hhe
determined to take lierblc measnireii,
ami, lxirrowiiig a rnxnr, ahe nllce1 off
the numiy Ciiff pt-olulieraiicea. On of
her toi'S bled allghtly, nnd ahe applied,
animoiila to It. Throe tlnyw Inter nhe
(IIihI. Wood iKiltHinlivg the din-tors snltL
Tho Colonel Disapprove'.!,
'Vou't you Join ua?" aald tho young
nm n.
"What are you going to do?' Inquir
ed Col. Htlllwell.
"To iniiko up a akntlng party,"
"No, null," waa the emphatic reply.
"I will not Join nny nkatlng pnrty. If
(here U anything upon which I pride
myself, It In my ability, null, to Indulge
without excOHB, gull."
The fellow who la nhvnys atrninlng to
bo grout, wears hlinsii' munllur and
Booth-Kelly l.nmbcr Company la Driving
Logs ttegardlea of Danger Prom High
Water-New Kural Delivery Uuule
State School for Truant and Unman
ageable Children.
A fl r In Hnlciii'a Cblnalown caiiKt-d
1500 ilamage to gome old wooden
The region about Suniinervlllti will
have a new rural free delivery route,
lo begin February 1, VMS.
Ontario will iniike another fight to
obtain tlin county neat of Malheur
County at the coining aenalon of tho
Tho badly dcioinpoHrd body of a
nutn wna found on tho South Uinpipm
river. Ho hnd nppeurontly been
drowned. The body waa well drcasi-.l.
Hurgiarn broke Into a flab-m gun
More nnd ntolo about fu) worth of
levolvor. The name night a ntreet
car wna hold lip, but the hlgKwnynicn
weakened when they saw a number of
paaaetigir4 In the car and iillowc It
to go without nioli-atatlon.,
A Hritlnh ahlp direct from Slinnclial.
I In qiinrantltio at Aatorlu. baving n
man of smnllpox on board. 8lie had
a load of mud from the BhatiKhni
Hver as lmllnitt, and thin tniiKt be
treated with a solution of atida. for
fear that It may contain iholera
An effort will be made to found a
school for truant and incorrigible in
connection with the Ikiya and Girl
Aid Society of Portland. The plan (a
to provide (hut In any town of t,0H)
Inhabitant or over, truant mid In
corrigible may be committed lo tho
care of the aid society.
A company of Knatern capltaHnts.
repreaented In Southern Oregon by
Captain T. J. I'lerce, ha purchased
Ihe Owl Onhii group of quartz claims,
nn Savnge Creek. In tho Cold Hill dis
trict. The consideration In $10,000.
The Owl Ouli-h rial in were located
but a few months ago, but In thW
brief lime havo proved to be quarti
properties of great promise.
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company
Is taking chunce this winter In the
matter of driving logs which nobody
heretofore haa been willing lo take.
It haa a drive In the Mohawk, which
will be turned Into the Mi Ketulo and
driven to the Cnbitrg mill, and an noon
n thla Is completed It will start a big
drive at Kail Creek, to be brought
down tho Wllllamette to the Spring
field mill. The running of logs In
theae ntreama In the winter neanon Is
attended with much danger, which log
gera have chosen heretofore to avoid.
Should heavy raina fail nnd suddenly
ralae the water to flood stage it would
be ttliuoBt Inipoanlble to boom the logs
at their destination.
Governor Oeer haa granted a full
pardon to George Morey, who was
eerving a life rentence for killing Una
Berry in Portland in ISU3.
A night pumpman at the White
Swsn mine, at lUker City, in dead
from falling into sn old abaft contain
ing boiling hot water from tho exhaust
of the engine. '
The agent of the Oregon raft com
pany reports good progress in obtaining
the right of way tor tho proponed log
ging railway op Milton creek, and ur
veyore will be placed in tlio Held at
once to take levels.
The n Methodist church ut
Brownsville waa dedicated last Sunday
morning. After the ceremony was
completed the sum of H.'-'OO was
pledged by the people to pay oft the re
maining indebtedness.
Frank Wallace, s Grant county sheep
man, waa recently arrested on a charge
of stealing 2H valuable bucks, but was
subsequently acquitted. He now
brings suit for 110,000 damages against
his sccusern, one of whom is oiinty
stock inspector.
Wheat Wslla Walla.
70c j
stem 78c; valley, 75c.
Barley Feed, 123.60 per ton; brew
ing, 124.00.
Floor Beat grade, 8.00 40; grah-
am, 3.20st3.G0.
Mlllstuffa Bran, 119.00 per ton:
middlings, $23.50; shorts, $19.60:
chop, $18.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.1601. 17X :
gray, $1.12(31.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $11(812: clover.
$8(30.00; cheat, $S9 per ton.
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 00(S70o
per sack; ordinary, 60(30c per cental.
growers' prices; Merced sweets. $1,760
2 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, Do;
young, Htgiue; bans, uc; turkeys,
live, 17 18c; dressed, 20Q21:
ducks, $7 7.50 per dozeu; geese, $8
Cheese Full cream, twins, 16
17sc; Young America, 17,W(ai8Ki
factory prices, 1(3140 less.
Butter fsncy creamery, SHQSOc
per pound; extras, 80c; dairy, 20
922M; store, 15018. .
F.ggs 25($36o per dosen.
Hops New crop, 232t)o per pound.
Wool Valley. 1 2 (all 5c: Eastern
Oregon, 8(914ic; mohair, 26c28c.
Beef Gross, cows, 3 3 Wo per
pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 67o.
Veal 7X98HC
Mutton Qroes. So per pound;
dressed, 6e.
Lambs Gross. 3Xo per pound;
dressed, 6Xo.
Hogs Gross, 6)4(9(1 He per ponnd;
dreaawl. 747W.
Salem tg making preparations to
enlarge hor city limits.