OREGON MitsT Entered at the Iotoflic-e at Bt. llulam, . Oregon, m eeond-cls jjiail matter, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issuid EvsaY Fmday Moawnto Bv ' KEELER H." QABBKRT, Editor akd Piopairrom. UB8CIUPTI0H PR1C1: On copy on year, in advance .M Six month. ............ . W DECEMBER ?6, 1902. , i ' 1 ' This paper ii kept on file at the Ore iron Preat Association Room 9. Hamil ton buUdipK, Portland, Oregon. CHBISTMAS GBSSTINGS. ThiOkioon Mis extendi greettnp to iti 2000 Madera, with the wiih that they will have a Merry Chriitmaa. c caaiiTHAt-Tica. i ..... ,. n.Dil.k.ml Who lllo w love, whoa Nam we land. Tth.u Brother, through whoa poverty - W Dave becoisa th halra it Uod; II any act that w eaa do, 11 any thonabt of our la riant. If any prayer w lift to The . y a acceptance In Thy tlftat. Bear as, and fiv to nt today. In aotwerlo ourearneet crte. Soma portion of that sacred lor , Thai drew The to ua from the aklee Minion News. 10CAI CONDITIONS tAVOBABLM TO MANVFACTBBING NTBfBtf!S. According to Frank Carpenter' letter irilijt Eunday'i Oregonian, condensed milk ia one of the greatest ami most profitable exporte o( Switzerland. And the busiges wa started by a citisen of the United State. There il do better location on the court for a condenaed "milk establishment than at St. Helena With all the convenience of deep water and rail transportation to the market center, ft in situated in the midst of the beat conditioned dairy section of Oregon In so other part of Oregon doe milk producing grasses and -other products grow as they do in Columbia county. Ll lb tabids are gradually being strip ped off their timber there ia acareely a limit to th area that can be devoted to the milk producing industry . No concentrated effort ha ever been made )o secure manufacturing enter prises of Una kind for Columbia, county, Sawmills, shingle mills and logging rail way have come here because it waa yidely known that there waa gn oppor tunity for profitable investment. To get manufacturing enterprise of other kinds, investor must be made ware of the opportunities offered. A Eugene citisen think the water company should "adopt oni public sig nal of warning when the thermometer '2pche the danger point of eold' and that "even peoplj who let they pump frees could have timely want teg," Haven't we nose and finger tip to vriirn ua of freezing weather I The people who will not heed physical dis comfort would pay little attention to "a yublic signal of warning." Don't try to maka the water company responsible tor downright neglect of others! They have eaoogb other trouble. This ia the ernal idea of government carried to the extreme in private, affairs. Some people think the government or some one else should continually watch over them'. And they get fooled. The government looks out for no one but the traaU. And they own it, at least buy the nan who run t, or so, many of them 'a are necessary in their business. ogne Guard. i In the event that the Columbia Log ging Company of Vancouver, shall se cure control of the St. Helens sawmill 'property, it will mean much in making this a shipping point.- Ib company owns thousands of acre of timber lands pp Lewis river, and have two or three sawmills beside the on at Vancouver.! Upder the existing conditions it ia im possible to lead deep water vessels at ineir mm aocks. By acquiring posees- gjxn p to St. Helen sawmill, they pouVd lighter the products from the other ' mills, and complete the loading of sea going vessele at the dock here. Negoti .ions are pending for the purchasa of tlie interests of the stockholder litigants. 'he county clerk has not "yet adyer ised for bids for the printing for that 9fiice in accordance with the pledge i..'(Je by the Rainier Gazette before elec--tiVfr. nd the fact that the Pittsburg Bt'otiuei rorceu ine county ooard to pay (orth court procee4ings, is still written in the Devil's book. " ! I. :. , . looming aa tt does in a time of great couiinercial prosperity, the Special dum ber of the SciKMTiric Amkbicah, devoted to a description of the present state and u ic magnitude of our transportation in trreti, both on land and sea, cannot fail of a good reception." The ietue be fore us is gotten np with the character istic good taste and discriminating judg jiietit'fhat have marked the previous special editions of this journal. The rovfris peculiarly attractive, represent ing a crack American exoreaa train and fine of the latest of the transatlantic ex iiecs mail steamers. The srticlea cover T'T u'jlect broad aa it is, very effecti-vr-ly. The numberopeos with'kn illns r.i 'd articlaon niarinA tnntnArt.tin. i' followed by others on the big ; ." t".""'i" "u"idb ai iew t mdon, .tins biggebt ever built in America : On .lie,'.' Raiser WillrekU II.," fastest trans alltuiitoj steamship; and an article show guijihlcally the vant amout of stores tlut are taken aboard, such as shipped for t-ingle trip; on lake transportation, (ii whic h the special types built fur this Mru are illustrated ; and on auxiliary and turbine yachts. Under the head of Ifailrf nd Trani-portation, there is a very F -H'A'j: description if a ride in the -cab mL Utf.lwentiei h Century Limited, taken Vy .' Editor of the ScUNTir: Awskicak y hu h js followed by a History of the Amiriesn Locomoiivn, showing illus (iitns of typical, erigines from the em Men to the present lini. The rai. ..'l HtHlitticti of the oouniry sre illnt .twi by a cleyerjy drawn diaffrm : there u an v. pert article on the block signal 4)t-iti ; hile there is a tereis of coui jiMiensive chapters en the varimis hHtres of the electric traction problem hp l exists at the present time. ' gnhacril for Ta Mist. jSHHRIl'FS SALE OF ! i pellaqaent Taie for the tear 10I. xmnr 18 RKRICRT OIVKI. THAT JY virtue ot a warrant lor til I VOIIS UU W l ll,.,.,t T thM Muaiiunl of ltl'l. In the Couulv of Columbia and Slats ol Oregon, which warrant la now lu my hands and it In words and rlgiiret t lollowa, via; S1ATK Or" ORntitJN I Oouuty of Columbia, To tua snarny r or cokvaau Cocntv, Ota eon. UaTl: In the name of the State of Onwon you are hereby commended to sell .the several arilele 61 nenonal properly and paiotle at reel prop erty upon which tneh taea era retpecUvely levied. andborn 10 bdl(uuul. uuaid aad uncollected on the wilhln and forasoliur, tax roll In the manner by law provided. VY linen) my Hand and the Seal of the County Court ol Columbia County, Orecoa, UI l)ib. day ol Novantier, wot . I I County Court H. linur.iwvj, I iiil. I of Columbia County Clerk, County, or- son. WTMeh warrant It attauhad to the tltt Of an' paid and dellnufleiu taxet for the year Will, la anctortald warrant I will sell the followlni lul of real nrootrty tor the dellnuuent, unpai and nncalltcted taxet on the tame, at appear! on the deltnuueai lax rou ror ine taia year 1W1. On Mar tlie 3Qtb DaT ot Dec. 1902 at Hit mint door of Ue County Court linuae la 8t. Helena. Columbia county, Stale of Oreson. beglouuvj at lllo cKH t tu the forenoon ol tald oay auu ten eacn muiw w mi r,lwu ia mv tha tasna. eoata. and arvrutna ru alilee thereon, and taae a eeruneate at the low-. ol lnt. HATTArf, Sherll ot Columbia County, Oreaoa, ST ATI Or ORECN I M i 'ui n t v tl fiOiimha I I hereby rertify that the abort tt a true and correct copy of the whole thereof of the oritiual warrant for collection of delinuuent laxce for - 1. S. HATTAK, aherlft of Columbia Couuty. Oresoa. wins. satcaiimoM. Tax-FAI Aicxaader Jeeot), twSi of lection 2J. ip 5 n. r 9 w, aua ne. ui eeciiou , ip n, raw; tout and . block 7, Ver- nonia. Tax , leualiT autl luterett It 78 t 4 AlUtoa Thomat; loiSand ae'a of nw tectlou a, tp 3 n, r w. Tax Penally aud interest Anderson iqhn. Tide laud In front of K. M. w arrcn u i v, vciioua is. te aw at tp J, n, r t w. Tax Penalty and interest I S 14 Aadereeu C. i: Commencin( at a point as coal nt eoum oi uw coruer oi aonthwett corner of tection $1, tp 0, a. r 4 w: theuc eoulli 5 ctialut': thence east 40 rhaina; tbeuce nortlt tchaina; theac weal to chaiut let pltc el beginning. Tax Pmnaltv and internal.. Baker Anna. Saiata; wH of awii of teo- uon I.1IID, n ;e w ac or aection 1 tp i n, r 4 w. Taji ... Penalty and interest 1 M 1 a Bryaul. Mn. ll. J.: wH ol ae and nef Ol etre. aua t. acre w tw.- ot ue;a of aeciion 14. tp 7 n, r a w, fax , Penally and interest 'I t o 1 74 Baler U. .; etol eecUonS. tp4 a, t 4 w. Tax Penally and intereet Bartlett I. H.; und. 11 intereet la tS of nw4 ana usoi tw: oi eecuon a, tp rl w. Tax Penalty aad intereet 4 4S SO Bitch Victor: and. 1-t inter! in owS ol taction kc tp a a, i w. ax Penaltv and intereet J 10 37 Beate H U n4 at W of tectioa 14, tp IN 72 Penalty and IntereM Boneer Mary A; lot 1 bkwk tt. Colamkia viiy. taa Panaltv aud intereet Boot Andrew; lot 10. block 17, VernoaU. lax PenaPy and interest Bona A Hiuheuten; uea of lot 4, block ' t, Vernunia. Tax reaatty ana intereet Braden Isabel); Iota 5 and 4. block I lot block 7. lot 12 block U. ail In Bote a add. to Vernouia. Tax Penalty and Interest Brandet Herman; lott 11 and 11 block f. rirM ana, to vernonia. lai Penally aud lutereit .V. Bromker K.: tot 2 block 4, Becund add. to vernonia. lax fenalty and lnlerert Brown BnrnaUaa; eS of ri of section r. tpu, i. lax Penalty and interest t 60 1 IW Burke John; ail that portion of H. M. Kuie-hton i DLL lyiugw ol r. a. X. Co't right of way. lest lot at Bested to . Myrick in section 4. tp 4, n, r 1 w, aud in section tp 6 n, r 1 w. Tax PesaltT and intereat 100 a BurkeTftrisiie A.; nc'4of section , tp t n, rlw. Tax Penalty and intereat to 1 23 Bnrke Fanny; uw1, of tt'i of tection 10, tp e n. r w. lax Penalty and Interest 63 66 Bynon (-red .; lou 7 to VI In block U, in ' Melllnxer'a ad.t to Vernonia. Tax.. Penalty and intents Bynonuut H.; lot 13 block 25, Mtllin- Jer t ton to v ernonia. lax eotity and Interest Cliff H. K.. lot I and swJi of nf1-; ot tac tion . tp 4 n, r 2 w; lot 17 block XI, St. Helena. Tax Peaaltv end Interest 47 1 It) Cliff Mrs. U.K.; lots 7 and 1 block 17 in bt. Helena. Tax 13 40 2 DO renalty and Intereet Columbia Logging: Company; Isaac Vor- beet 1 L c, secilou 21. tp 7 n, r i w, aeU of swi-4 of taction 21, tp 7 a, r 2 w, ueJi of nwJ4 of section at, tp 7 n, r2w. Tax Penalty aud Intereat Cart co John I, aii of ac of section 'A, tpSn, ill. Ttt....i..:... Penalty and Intereat Catlin Adam; lots J. J, loand awU of ne Uof aection i. tp7n, lw. lax.... Penalty and interest Chamberlain I. r.; lot block 17, Verno- nooia. Tax Penalty and Interest 36 M 6 67 49 l i 2B K 20 04 10 SS 1 W Chandler Mary J; nw'of tection 17, tp f t, lie. Tax.... Penalty and intereet Cheeny M. K,; lot U. block S, Rose a ad. to Vernonia. Tax Penalty and Interest Clark Anna M ; d'.: of aection If, tp , Dill w. Ttx.7... Penalty and Interest Conley John, lou 1,1,1 and 4 in block S. ttec nd add to Vernonia. Tax. . penalty and intereat Carrier eusle; beginning at a point 47. 75 chains south ara lb chains west of ne corner of i of H. M. Knlgb- toa's U LC In sectiun 4. in 4 n, rlw; theuce south 10 chains: tbence weal 10'i ebaint; thence north 10 cbtiua; these ettt ltH chains to place of beginning and containing 10U acre. Tx Penalty and Interest Cuablng tt. J,; aw!- of tection 21, tpS n, r2w. Tax Penalty and Intereat Darey H. U. and Ueurgis, lou 1, J and S, section 30, to a, r 4 w. Tax Penalty and interest Douma Herman; t( of nvi and nwai of t'i and ' , of sc.'i of section 36, tp 4l,l i w. Tax Penalty and interest. . .- Duncan i. b. : e'.j ol aefi of ne of section 14, Ipso, xi w. 'lux Penalty and Interest Daniels tieorge H.; lot blotk 2, Colsiu- biaClty. lax Penalty and intereat Deahler William J.; ewof and a 10 acres of u '4 of se1 ef tection 5, tp 4 n. rlw, lax Penalty and Interest t Dippold M. 8.; ue't of tectioa II. tp f a, r w. Tax Penalty and Interest 10 1 S too 10 00 1 k0 74 1 73 10 41 2 16 6 31 i 00 2 2 40 14 62 2 M Donahue c. u. ; lou 1 aud 2, taction U. tpsn. r4 w. lax Penalty and lnuret 12 04 2 30 Drake J. H ; lota 10. 11 and 12, block 4i. lot 1 block 2K, Columbia City. 'fax... Penally aud interest J. M. Uolph, C. U. Prescott and F. r. Oakea: und. 1-3 lot. in lb follow ing: Lou I, 2,X,4.udUin block 1. A. 1).; lou 2, 1. S, roand 11, blodtl; Iocs 7, 8 and v, block 1; lota 1, 2 and 7 to 12, block i, lou 1, 2, S, 10, 11 aud 12, block 4; lou i u 12, block ; lot 1, block 27, ail in Columbia city. Uiu 1 to 10, blork SO; lou 1 to 10, block 41; lota 1 to 10, block 4, lota I lo 10, block 41; lou 1 lo 10, block 46; lot 1 to 10, block 47; lou I, 2, S, S, t and 10, blork 4S; n4 of lou 4 and 7, blork 4k; Ma 1 to S, bloc. 60; lot, 1 to S, block SI; lou 1 to 6, block m lou 1 in S, bloc 63; lota 1 to S, Mock W; iota 1 lo I, block e-V lots lion, block 60: lots 1 to , block 7; lott 1 to S. block as; lots 1 to S block , lou 1 lo 4, Loo, k B; lots 1 106, block l. til In OHintr'r tui.J. In (olumMa Ciiy. All of the following described property: lou 1 to In blx-k A', luts 6 and 6, block 1); lota 1, s and 4, block K; bit Sand 1K of lot 24, bl k F; Iota M lo M, block P; lob. 10 to 23, block u ; a free tlon of block H : lots 1 to It. block It; lots lo 12, Woc lil; lots 1 lo 12, bloct 2; lots 1 la 12, block 27; lots 1 to n,' block ffl I,, 1 to 12. block 20; lou 1 lo 12, block SO; lots 1 to 12, block 31; lou 1 10 12. block 32; lou on to 12. blwk 3: iota i to 12, block 34; lou 1 to 12, blork : lota 1 to 12 block SJ: lots 1, 2 aud S. block 37; lota 1, 2 and . blork an: lots 1 to 10, block 40: Ms 1 to 10, bl(K.k Vr. lots 1 to 12, block 46: lots 6 aud , block 46: )i of lou I and 7. block 8: lots 1 to S. blork PO; lots 1 to. blvk'Jl; lota 1 to 12, blork 92: Ins I to 12, block 63; lota I to 12. block 94; Iota 1 to 12 b!ock, ; lota 1 to 6, block K; toll S lo IS, bloc IS; lou t to 14, blwk 7 ; lott I to black aVt; Inn 1 to , block ltU; lou I to a, blork 100: lott 1 1 11. block 11(1; lou I to A. block 113; lott 1 to S hlook . US; luu 1 to 10, block 1ST, alt In Ollt ner'aadd, la Columbia City. Ud. 1-3 J. Cap! D L C, )t Columbia City twwil alt, leaa amount to W. H. rMlman, leee aiuonat to N.P. R. R. Co., lu tectlooiaHaud XI, tp6,r Iw. Penalty and tnlereaa ' . . . Bdgertou w. A; euaainenolui at a lnl TIUc.nl SO (leg aud I into, weal 40 ft and u 2deg. 40 min. aal W reel from a coruer ol lot 4, blork 10; rtrat sd. to Claulianl; thine a 40 dug. 2 mlu. wott feet: ihtne n 20 dag. 4 mln. eail 1M fret; thenr a 34 dec 4A ail". eal following the Hue ul front street So feel: Ihenc In a somberly dlrartluu to plac of be ginning, being a pari of Plrsl add. to clauyan te. fx Psneity and tntaieat. , . Bdwanlt J J; lot I block , Vernonia. Tax Penalty aad intereat IwtyJoha, wUofaeof tectioa 14, tp in, rw. Tax Penalty and Interest Farnkonh Koea; lot 10 block 4, Flrrl add. to vprnenla. Tag , Penalty and,tntersl ntxjreraid Anna, truite; beginning at nwioornrof eof nof aection T. tp i n, r 4 w; tiianc east 40 rods; theui1 auth lea) ro.lt aaor or leee I the middle of Kork crack: thenr westerly op middle f Rock creek SO roila more or leaa to west boundary line of tald east t of said aection; tlienc uorth along aald west boun dary line 0 rods to plac of beglu- nlug eoiiMiulug -l aenst. Tax Penally and iiiieral rtugerald J T; tola 7 aud , block a, Flrvl add. to Vrnouta 170 U 42 t IS ta 21 04 10 32 IDS M 04 Penalty and lnteraal. Flaherty K: und. V, int. in lota 4 and oioca sa, t,iuiuiua city. Tax. Penalty and inters!. Faster W 1: ewStol section t tp 7 n. r t w. Tax , Penally and I merest Funs John; lou 1 aud 2 block 51 aud fraction of tela 11 and 12 block 52, alt In Columbia Crry. Tax , Pnaltv aud Intereat Galvtu Jeremiah; ael of eecuou 1, tp a. rlw. Tax Penalty and Intereat tioldsniiih Max. lots 3 and 4, tection 11, tpt u, r 2 w. Tax PvaallY and interest.. . . It 14 2 23 IS W ss Oonlon William; aek of aeollon 1, tp I a, r5w. Tax t 25 1 W Penalty ami interest unnaie a 1; ; awSa of aectioa 3, tp 4 n, r I w is m 2 32 Penalty aad Intereat Harris Hn l.ucy, Estate: luU Sand 4. bt Hi; lot . block 24. Columbia city. Tax Penalty and Interest Baycox Frank M: s'.ofaw1 of aectioa 6, IpSn, r4w. Tax renalty and Intereet 3 9S 71 7 27 I 94 Helnicn K; 1 of so 1, of section 6, tp u. w w , . ui C , uu Ol BIH teetion S, tp a, 1 w. lai S3enaltv and Intereat 7 S4 I Habar Henry ; lou 3 and 4 and aS of nw i of aectioa 2, ip 3 n, r t, w 10 40 1 tl ranaiiT au lauresi Hagan cteorg M : lots 6 and 7 and a'-i tw4 01 section a, tp a n, r 4 II renaus aau iniereax i JO Hexev S K; si of s;, of teetion 11, tp n, r w. ill . .................. Panalte and interest I 44 Haines It M; lot 6 block 1: lolaSand7bl 2, Beae a add. Veruonla. Tax Penally and inumat Ralnat AUin: lot 4 block 1, lot 3 block svmiisuii. ui vvrnooia lax...... Penalty and intereat Haw kius Ada; wt, 01 k ot rectiua 23 tp7 n, rS w. Tax .'. Penalty and Intereat Hawthorne J C ; ae,S of aectioa 36, tp s u. 7 r. 1 jJ 13 SS ! 60 is Vu Penally and Interest!"""""! " Hickman A; lou 7 and S, block J, rint add. to Vernonia. Tas Penally and inters! Honeyman J I: lou 6 and 7. block IS; ita 1 10 6. uioct iv, rirai add. to Ver nonia. Tax Penalty and Interest Hughes Octarla: uud. 1-4 intereat In nw 01 secnou tp u. r 2 w. Tea Penalty and interest t 10 37 Huntley CO: wof ne'j of aection 2a, ipso, raw. ia Penalty and intereat I 80 74 Iljaoa John U; owi qfieeiion a. tp S a. 'X 4 w. Tax ; lMn,llv n,l lnt.t t li 1 70 IrrlugO P; te.'4 of aecUon ii tpl n,"V W. ISA.... ...... ...... ......... , Pnaliy and Interne 11 88 2 24 Ireraon : se;, of nrV ard nL of a and ', of se' jol aecticn Si, ip 7 lis. Tax Penalty and Interest 10 M 2 10 Johnson Chris; ak ol se1 of nwii and WS ot at1, of w'i of aaclion 4. in a n, r 3 w l ax Penaltyand interest Jonee kllas C; und. 1-9 Inurest In taU ri section 32, ip6 n. r 2 w. Tax...... Penalty and Internet Keefe r'tauk: lot 4 sn.Uw'i of m; and wt,'of sjr; of tee. 4, tp 3 a. r4 v.Tax Penalty tud interest Kenowskl Audrew; tefi of tection 32 tp tn,il. Tax... - ; Penalty and Interest Keetey Thomas; fractional se1, ot sec- lion 3. tpt n, r i w. Tax Penalty and interest Kelly L L; lott 7 and B in block i. First addition to Vernonia. lax Penalty and Interest Kennedy John. Eatate; sst", of twU of aection 24 and nw'; of n1, of tee tion 2. tp7 n, r 3 w, Tax Penalty and Interest Kenyon Henry: wUofswi; of section 2 and e', of ef se of aection 26, all In tp 4 n. r 4 w. Tax renalty and Interest Kent) A; et of ef aeetlon 21, Ip 3 It. 1 4 w and of tU of tw!4 of section 22. tpSn, rlw. Tax renalty and Intereat Knowles c W; und. Intereat in ewU of aeetlon 22, tp s u r 2 w. Tax 7 tieaalty and Iniereit Kotikl Harriett; commencing at n coruer of bi.ick 16, Dobbin s add. to Kaluier: thence south iOU feet. west 80 feet, north, 100 feet, F.aat 60 feet to Elace of beginning lu blork It, Dob in a a.td to Kaluier. Tax.... renalty aud Interest I-eraonl Karan ; F A Uinonl D LC, 640 acres, less 2u teres to the bitten ot Charity, lea SJ acre to W. H. Dol man, less 20 acres to Cole and lira ham iesa 21 acres to J . B. Meeerre, lessVT ierea to F. M. Tborp. lest acres 10 the JS. P. R. R Co. right of way lo sections 4 and 5. tp 4 a rlw and section 32, at and 34 In In t n. 4 44 IS 2 it 17 I 9 1 67 11 at 2 it 11 88 2 24 36 00 7 M . 12 80 2 42 6 46 1 02 10 12 rift rlw. Also lou U, 14 and IS, block 11. In Hi. Helen. Tax .... renalty and intereat Link Cbarlea; lou 2. 3. 4 and 5 in block'7 and fractional lou 1 to 10, block 6, all in KeerCity. "Tea;.'.. .-. .. ns 20 2 63 2 22 42 renalty and Intereat unkoiennle; lou 3,1, ( and I, block 4 Neer City. Tai ,. renalty and Interest Link Willie: lott laud 10, block i. Neer City. Tag; renalty and Intereat "' Lawton Victoria: und. 1-s intereat In nw M of aectioa 32, tp S n, r 2 w. Tax .. rtnalrvand Interest 31 06 2 10 37 83 06 Link Abe; lott 7 and 3, block 4, Neer City Tn renalty and Interest Long Ida May; a"4 of awU and aU of" s'4 of aection t, tp t u, r 4 W. Tax renalty and Interest Lyons s M ; awj, of aection 24, Ip n, it w. Tax .. renalty and Interest I'" McDanlele F M ; lota t and 8 In tection i. Ip3n, r5w. Ttx renalty and Interest Merrill Albert; ti of nw4 of section' Si! tp7n, rlw. Tax renalty and Interest Moyer William D; sw of awji of Mo tion 21, tpt n. r 2 w. Tax rnalty aud interest Jslai.a w: llttagj. j H of n! of tectioa 21 and ii of uJi of aeciloa 2, tp t n, r4 w. Tax r ranalty and Interest " " Mackintoah Mary A ; ajj of nw!4 and eir of nt!4 of aection 32, tp t n, r t w. Tax . Penalty and Intereat Maloy Jerry, of sw! and m of a W of section 4. tp 1 11, r 4 w. tax renaty aud In le rest . Marooani Julia.-lou 2,3,4. and t la block 13, lot 11 in blovk a, all In eeo- nnd aitd to Vernonia. rax renalty and Interest Marquam U(i; S of k it section 12 S4 2 3S ta 84 06 4 tl 64 60 2 Ot I SO 74 It 20 t 41 4 66 11 20 1 US 1 17 20 ip e u r 1 w, ana lot 8, aection 27, tp 0, r 4 w.' Tax renalty and Inurest Marsh W W; l,,t 4 and s of nwj and owof awi of teetion 1, tp t n, r 4 w. renalty and jiiVe'resV.'.' """.".'. " Martii ii Vt ; Una 1, aud 7, tection I In 3 n, rSw. rax v renalty ami Interest.... "". 70 1 00 7 2 1 SO 0t 1 to Mcorath Uliliam; nwU of aection 20. 6 n. r 3 w. Tea .... n 10 M 1 m reiialty and interest. . ", McGuIre II It., Kstate; a"f of new'and' i!ofnwofaeetlottlptfi7A4w, and t K ofii of aection 10, tp 6 n. rlw. tax ' renalty and Intereat...."" McNuii at I.'; loi'J fn block 5, Rraw a'a'ad. to Vernonia. . Tax rtffvlty aud interest.. . McNultc it;ae!4 of aecliou 11). mlii.i'i It 92 t ss 18 Ot 90 I. Wl GO 10 H) 04 w, Tas renalty and Intereat .".".".'.'.'.".'. Meeker J Li Iota 1 1, 2 and t In t,UKk 86 Second add, td Vernonia. lax... renalty and interest Metslck VV L; lot ft In block , beconii ad, to Venionla. Tax renalty aud Interest ..' . ""' Moffett George H ; lota . 1, 11 a nd 10 iti blork 2V, Scoud add to Vernonia, reuaiiy ami Yniereai "".' '.".'.'''.'' M rrlek Joseph : lou 1 aad I. blerk : lots and II. ulo.-k II; leu 7, 11.14, 16, It, it. 20, 21, block m; lott 1 ana 1 uiuc si Wu i, 7. tt, block S3; lots 1, 2, a. 4, 7, is. i. i ti. L iy, is, ft, 10, ' block! il; tola 1 to 4 block at; lo on 1 to 22. block 4; loii 1 to 22, block ts; lula 1 til 'XL block 1 wit black luo llol ! ,l 1 ta m. nl 1 to 22,1 ua. lots I to t2, block (12; lota 1 10 22. block lis; lou 1 lot, block 117: lets I to 6, block 118; lota 1 1 22. block 120; lou 1 o n, block 1X2; lots 1 lo 12, block lit. lots 1 tot, block 13S; lou 1 la 22, blooa 142, all In HI. Helena, Tax... Penalty and lntrsi...... .......... McUaliou W S; -.! lot t, black 27, Co lumbia City. Tax Penalty and iulerssl. Nicholas H rl; si, of awl, f aaclion II, WSa, rt w. Tax..... renalty and Internet , Nixon Richard, IHuITr); aw, aad awti and a. af aectioa 12; ntVa and awC aud te' ol ttwtloa 2, alliu Ip n,H. Tax . reualty and Interest Otaaaa Cbrla: lot t, block 4, Second add, to Vernonia. Tax.... penalty and Interest rayaeKileaT: a ol aa'4 of aeciloa 27 1 nwtf nwUol tecllou 3S; ae'4 of ee1-, ol aectlun 2: ut of tn1, ot ass) tloii27, all In In 4 n. r 2 w. Tax.,.,., penalty and Intereet Potter Kdward D and Sarah O; begin ning at a point a It deg. au mm. . t:m chains iron aw corner of Aa ron Brwylet 1 L Ct thence n. tt deg. 10 mill, e, t.Ot chains: then a, 23 deg 30 min. w. 11.04 chains: theuc 1. W deg. 30 mlu. w. 20 chains, theuc a. 22 deg. SU mln. e. II 04 chaina to plaou ot begluulug and i.int.inln lilusia. In luMttuu A an to to t 4 tl t It 1 70 71 tt lt4 04 l t a n. r 1 w. Tax t 40 63 I penalty and Interest Patterson O W; u't of asr1, end ewt ot nwi, and nc, ol swl ot eeotlou 23, tp 7 u, r 4 w. rax penalty and Interest FnrriuUg: lot 6 and wi, of ae't and t S of ic; ol aecliou ip 6 u, r w. 'lax.. reuallr aad Interest Porkiaa K H aud h'ilsabeih; uud. 'a In- laieal In nus, of section 10, Ip n, lit. Tax .... Penally and intereat Poole tieorg w . Iota 2 to 6, btuck 8; Itvt I block K; lot 1, block 34: Iota 4, 0 and t. block M; lou 7 to 11. block 41. all in ttecoud add. to Veruonla. Tax.... Penalty and lulervel Frsal U k; aw of aecliou 26, Ip 7 it, w. Tax Penally and Intereat Robaru William: wol taction 2, Ip t n.rlw. Tax Penalty and lutereat Kuslenuaugh tieorge: uel, ol tw't and 2 acrva lu tS ol an '4 of section II, tp 4 11, rlw. Tax Penalty aud Interest Roaa William J: lots J aud 6 lo aeollon 6, lp7n, rtw. tax,... renalty and Iniaiest Roes Margaret; lou 4 and Sand awVa ot nwS, of aaclion t, tp 7 n, r S w, Tax Penalty and lutereat Belting Joaeph r; u .1 ueS, of teutlun 3b. tp7 n, rt w. Tax t 46 I 72 t 74 1 It J w 1 SO 3 11 S3 10 II 30 2 64 ttt 1 II t It 1 ! t si 1 00 IS B-antiiy ana inicrrst . . .. Reynolds William K; Iota 1, 2 and I, block 32, secoad add. to Veruonla, Tax..... Peualty aud Interval Rtpuertuu Harah K; ua1, and u, of aection 10. tp 6 a, r I w. Tax.. Peualty and Interval Rockwell corurlla K; lou t and 4 and a S of u' aud a', ol awSi and"w.S of aeof ssnrtion i, tptu, rtw. Tax Penalty aud Intereet Bchmtdtin Uua; wi of aw'i ol aeetlon 6. and n' of se', aad uel, of iyS of aecliou 4, all In tp t a, r 4 w. Tax Penalty aud Intereat fk-bmidltn Ambros; iw', ot xtn of saw tlou S aud w'i"' ue'-, aud ae', ot ne', ot aesclon t, all lu Ip 3 a. r 4 w. Tua Penan y aud Interest Sherman Harry A ; lota s ..u .,r ', f of sw! of sectlou tl, t j u. t l w. Tax Penally aud tuteiest . Simpson Hubert T: fractional nev, ol ssiC' tiou S, tp a a, r S w. 'lax.. Penally and lutereat 12 SO 2 tt t 21 2t S 5 1 is 1 st I st 7 60 1 41 7 S I 37 SuulerUeorxe W. (i:tie); ae', ol(aw'4 01 teciion 14. fp u, r 4 w. lax Penally and intereet Saldreu I.; a1 of sa 1, ot section 11; n1. of na , of sesllou 13: nsand a1, o aection It. all iu tp 7 u. r a w. las.... Penalty ami li.leresl... A 76 10 il 7 St 1 SO Xehmldiln Albert ,ls J 4 and a and se,k ol nw1-, ol aeciloa 4. Ip Ju, r 4 w. Tax Penalty aud tuiercst. Schutt Albert; s), of section IS, Ip t n, rl. Tax Peualty and Interest Shlndler U: 1. 4 12, block 4. eweouu add. to V eruonia. Tax Penalty and lutereat... Shuuiaker Prank W; lol 10. block 12, Vernussla. lax . Peuall) and Interest Slandhrtoge c H; lot 2, block 17, Verno nia. lax., Penalty and intereat Starr F A b; nud Interest lu sw', of section 20, tp S u, r 1 w. Tax....'.... Peualty aud Interest St. Helena Mrs. U V ; s' of us'; and 71 1 Si 21 54 21 04 tl 04 A 04 tl e4oisw'saii'iii aw 01 aee- lion , tp a u, r I w, Tax Penalty and luieiest .. Htileou Mathilda; und. I -a Intarsst lu nw !4 of aeciiuu ;2, ip S n, r 2 w. Tag.... Penaltyand Interest... btoppenbach Hcleu O; sw',ul aection t, tp 3 11, r 2 w. Tax Peutity and Interest Strode V ai: s'i of ue'i and se', of nw a of section 10. aud wf of nw1., ot section 11, all In tp 6 n, r 4 w. fax Penaty apd interval The Ooble fiHproveuieul Company; lot 14 2 IT 3 10 17 I 25 1 S2 II 3 I St 12. block 4. Uoble. Tag 41 Peualty and Interest 07 Tracy A uua; lou 1, 1, 7 and in block A alelllnger'a add. lo Vernonia, Tax 38 Penally and Intereat 06 Taylor Marie P; n't of nsr1, and '., of nw of aectlou 29; nej, of ne1, m ae.-tlon jq, all in tp t n, r J w. lax 1188 Penalty aud Interval 121 The Kspy ksUtaCompauy; a',' of asss- lion 2, tpln. r t w. Tax 12 ti renalty and Intereet 2 40 Tryon a M; beginning at a point on the meander line n. 1 chain and . 16 chaina from meander corner between seem ns 20 and 2. tpt n, r I w; thence n. oudeg. w. 2.T0 ebaint to high tide line: theuc 11. 73d-g. w. 12.-joctiairte, inence n. SOdeg. lo in. w. 1 chaina: tbence n. afdeg. au mln. w. 286 chaina: tfaeiK n. 64 deg. II mill w. Ijvjrbaina; thunctn. 2deg. miD t. Ji chtint to low water mark line; thence a, S6 deg. IS inin. e t.30 chains; thence s. eS deg. S3 mln. e. IS chains; thence s 73 deg. e. 3 90chsins; ihencoa. todeg. 2 so chaina to high tide lin and plac of bginnlng and containing uto acrea. Alan beginning at a point on li. 8. meandrr line w. 14chatna ami n. 17. 10 chains from meander corner b Iweea sections 20 and 2V, tpHn. rtw; theticen ?6deg l&iuiu. w. 4.-ra)i:h'ne; tneace n an org, is mln. w. 1 .'sjrh ns; thenren.76deg. 4inin. w. iurhelns; Iheiieen.ul deg. w. lurhaius; theuc n. 40 chains; tlienc a. 70 deg. lb uiln. . Vt chains; thence a. 8,1 deg. ! mitt, e. 1 36 chains; theuc a. 60 deg. l.'mln. e 4. IS chains; theuee a. 40 chains to high tide line and place of hegiiiuiug and Containing 2 !M acres. Tax 1 SJ Penally and interest 27 Tb Investors Mortgage Hecurlly Com pany Limited: tot. 2. 3, 4, S and t In aeetlon IS; ae'of ae'4 of aection 17; Sou 4,6, t. 7aul t and S ofne'and w of sey and thai part of lot 2 lying ii. of Hallour, (iiilhrle a Co'a land teetion At. lot 1 tecllou 21 : lol 1 and w ui uev. ana se', 01 ne., 01 aaclion 29, all l tpln, rlw lax Penalty aiid Intereat.. Watte William (heira of): lott block It, St. Helena. Tag Peualty aad Intereat Wetaun Jon 11 P: eS of ue'i and H of a W of aeetlon t, tp 4 n, r 2 w 148 in 27 U 40 03 14 70 J 80 II 18 21 142 t 60 1 30 a-eueiiy ann interest. aenslty and Intereat White II f. sV ofsYlloii7,tp7n,rl;. Tax. oasl.tr -tranil iuicreat 1 Hlula;und. 10-12 Interest In sK WlLheLiu 1 nf aexofsee. 16,tptn,r2w Tax. ftenauy and Inurest WlkLlsms A Lin Ira; Lot , blv k 21. (ilLW nar't add. to Columbia City. Ttx Snauy aad lutereat WIllIsdii r a; UHSbUK k 21, Uilliier's add. to CelumblaCity Tax... renalty and intereat ea Thomas 8; beginning at a point on tle line betweeu aerilona 26 aud 27. tp4n,rSw. 1W4 chains a. of quar ter aecTlnff corner ou aaid line; thence e. al right angles to aald line tchaina; thence a. and parallel to aald line 6U chains, w. 4 chaina to aald section fine; thence n. chaina to place of beginning and containing 2.0S acrea. 'lax oallaitvand intereat WlThiugTon II r. (fruaiec)i I116, block , Oobla Tax p'tialTyand luTerear WrlghT A N; loyal, 2 and ft In block IS, First aM. to Vernouia; lore . 7 and iiloRk27, Hacoiid uld. to Vernouia. Tax PetialTyaud luTerear Wooils ChaiMittii; lot to, block , Colum bia City: ' Tax:.. . tieiialty and Interest er Fred ; w W of sw of ne!ian' Vy' of ettj'of awiuf tfli and wijof nu:4rf aejand w'of o'i ,A uw'4 ul se!i ot servlon Vt, tp S n,r n. lax Peiialryaiut liirereeT 7-iglor A v.; nt , of sw'4 of sec- tluntl.tpsn, ft w: Ttx. Penally tud inretesr 1 14 20 n st 124 41 tt) To keep your ha mil wsrin these cold days, buy a pair of glove at Collins A 'i'iy 1. I'rem the Uleti Blupatclirt. Th IMno of Baxony lt loia with Mi Kranch tpchr of her ehilJren, rnsltUttt llooserelt it urgeJ to i)erlin honor of being th arbitrator In Out Vneaulai, JrouMo. An earthquake In junta Turktjtiin kill 5.QD0 peopl. r. A. nancroft ia appolnUd potraastr of Portland, Ore., to succeed A. B. Oroasman. NEER CITY The weather bat been vtry fair this week, Mr. and Mr. John Karr wnt to l'ort land Friday on busin, rturntng th ui day. Abe Neer wa hauling freight for Karr Bros, with hi powwi ful team. Ab Neer and L.J, Blgiitll, ehged cow 3 last week, Froster and Neer. have Improved their larg dam, now tlisy liav a pond large enough to run a tinall saw mill. Mr. B. H. Krer, went to Bainlpr on business lat Saturday, returning on tl Astoria train the tamo yniiig. Froster A Neer have bot 20 wo.nl cluiptiera at tb present time, and are till looking for more. Zitar Hashara, the Neer City mer chant, is thinking of going into the poultry business. Jo llathar is slaying with bit ton, Zitar at the preaunl time. John Chandler, of Sclo, is now piling wood on the dock for t'arr Ilror. Chief Spotted Tail i tick at heart Just now befor Christmas, for th fur-hearing animals (ail to walk into hi trap and he it talking of moving hit quar ters over to the Kalama rlvrr. All pal fare better tteer clear of BpoUeKi Tail. Abe Link, of the wood camp, I train ing faithfully for his coining wrestling match, wbtch will lake plac in Port land. Ho put your money on Able boyt, for he is a sure winner. Twool the boy of Neer City have been debating over the steamer Kilxrt Dollar, which was In Ht. Helena a week ago last Hnnday, and they would like in ask the editor what kind ot a mtt'k ah had on her stack a lign like this or a combination rgT (K4. Persona here who observed closwly state that both characters wer ou the smokrstawk.) We all wonder why William Meat-ham slays away from Reuben so awful long. Are von never coining back, Wil lie f George froster, Jr., took a trip to Ka lama Kundav on serious business. to OS 42 Bigalow A ftignell have takeq a con tract of cutting 600 cordi of wood for Frostner A Neer. Titer commenced last Monday Wore breakfast. Mr. Alice Htehman. received fine pi no for a CtirUtraat present. Jack Frott visited Warren Bun day night. Several Warrenite attend! the wed ding ball at Houlton Saturday night, and report an txcvllent time. Dan Tompkins, who ha been at Juneau fur tome time patt, is home for ! th wluter. Bert Tarhell shipped a scat Ija.1 of tie last week. Edwin Hyde, who ha resided l War ren for th past two years, departeil on Monday last for Portland, Mr. Hyde host of friends wish biui tucccas in lit new home. A large crowd turned out Nuturday night to hear the debute, on the ques tion "Reeulvvd" that macliiiicry It a beneBt to latwr. a If. Dan Tompkins, M.S. listen, neg. J. II. Tompkins F. ti. Pusey, Mis McQueen, Mist Wilson nd Miaw Baker, where chosen jo lgl deciding for the affirmatives. Don't fail to hear th grand debate next Saturday evening at the school house. "Resolved" that Warren vqiften. ahould be granted the right of tutTerage. Affirmative, iss Rmuia Tompkins, Mr , Lily Baker; negative Dan Torn pk int. 7. G. Putey. Classified Advertisements 8TR,AYKDFROM TUK FARM OF 0 I.. Ayrea, near Yankton. dark red, year ling bull, marked, branded and dchornej hiauded on the left hip "L A" marked with crop and aplit in the left ear and hole in the right. Any Information will be gladly received by C. U Ayret at Yankton, alio will pay reward. Fob HAt, The cord wood timber on 100 acrea of land. Call, on or addreai U. W. PERKY, Houlton, Qr. WANTED Men to clear land ready for the plow, by tb acre. Either large or small contracta let. Apply to John Johnson, Bcnppoote. BlscK-Drsaiht Stetk sail Powltry Mutl. tint ssU srn pkasvl to, lay that I aevtr ustt) awythlng for stock that gtvt half at goo satin actio, i rutartlly rsxonv tntnd k t all smart of itotk, J. B. BELSMER, Si. Unit, H Sick ttock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any mora than lick person should expect to bt csired by food. When your ttock and poultry ar tick giv them med icine. Don 't stuff them with worth iest ttock foodt. Unload th bowel and stir up th torpid river and the animal will be, eniod At it be possi ble to cur it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicln onloads the bowel and itir op tb torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if taken in tinis. Becura a Ment ran of IJlack-Drtnght gtoek and Poultry iiietiitiiusosiu it win par tor itetit ten ti meat over. Horses work better. Cowi give more, milk, J,,. niB g,!,. And heni lav mora etrm. IT snlesa . problem of making as runrh blood, flesh and enerrv aa Doeaihl not ri the smallest amount of food oim turned . uy a can from your dealer. r ntm user tcaessw t at your Ileal EiUU Trtfr.i W, K, Conyr ta Mttrr (i. Cntiiplielli pft fo Wt' 1$ tl Ui tipdivisitinof K, Q. Dry tnl'td I tf, Htinaluo and W. Cpoyr to H. Malcolm ! U 3 of subdivi sion of 1. Wagnor dlo In tefl- Und b'lonlng to itVRVKosijr state lotted to 11. ud M. flmlissp fur ona vear 1MJ.00 S5U.0O I swo.oo 600.00 1.00 1000.00 1610.02 100,00 1.00 Thomas J. aud Floritii M. Flip- pin to W est ursgori i,nm'er Company 1 timber on ,H of leutton ail, T, 4... ... J. K. anil Faunl L. Hall til Ashland l.umiisr company I I4 o( aection fl.O, ,i RoaelliidaJ. Morgan to Mary V. Hudon i w l, of sv. 13, 4, , tieorge Faud Maritsnl J, Moeck to J. W, Mnserv 1 lot 4, ft. 8, 7, Band U. block SH, Moeck' ad to Ka uier Ueorge W, Whlvoly to Ureen Ck Tianlier Company! n i of n w l and lot 1, sec. 7, 7, 3 Mrt. M. tl. nd M. ti. fJfmrd to M. Both, assign of Dean RIatu-hard ; quit claim w I4 of 1 s of too. S, 7, 3 J, Hiiuiwood Ui Roswell I,, citnu wood 1 w ,t of n w ta of Kf tiou (I, 4, I, nd other lamia . Mail tuliscrlberi received at tliil ol flc for th Kvening Telegram, Oregon' greatest evening paper. tjlirlslinas Oray't, presents at Collin' A lest. Ust heifer two years old and dt htirned. Almoet red In color, mark, split In right ear. Reward offered for Information leadiag to reoovary. Iave Inforuialiiin al this offlee), Ctiai Rit'iiAaiitwn, How in Prevent Croat). It will b giHi.l ntwt to tb mollirr of ttnall children to learn that croup ran b prevented. Th first tign of croup is hoiei:et. A day or two befr th tl tack the child Isrcome hoar. This 1 (onn followed by iecttliarmogh cough, liivo Chamlasrlain' Cuugh Remedy i liccly at so., 11 as tl. child becomes hoars, or even after tli miigh cough aiipese. and It will tliHii all symptoms ol cruup. In Ihis war all danger and apiietv iy be svoiilasl, Thi remedy it used by many tliiiaai..lt of niut Iters and ha never lieen known to fall. i la, in fart, the only remedy that ran alaaya be depended upon and that le pleasant and sal to take. For aaln by Kdwtn Roas. At th Portland fourth aimusl"pirl Ingof the tlrvgon Historical Soclelv, held in the t'uy Hull HftTnrday, the lixesl of a new building wns illertlescl ,y ascreUry F. tt. Young, In hi report lie rtimiiieuls Umn the grati Ileal inn ol the mmtxrt f the wx-lely In watching tl. Itti and Clark lixpiwitlon propn Ulie a ili'tluife hr, lor it Wat through lllB IIi IoiichI H. irly tlmt Hie Ss hem was launches!. The pm Jrrt for the cree lion of a M.-nionsI lluildiiig by the National Uover'iuipnt was hcnrtilv en dorsed. Tim ret orl shows a ',' "".I iu eicasss in the I'ulli-iion of rtirio. Iiuring rweiw.l l'i pioneer rel Ira and 110 an tl- acol.igc.il sjtt,,u,., ,, n-M grrvw lira. Is, AHerl Tai,.r. ,,f S,rtIand, who wg in town Tiiiia.l.iy, ha rtn-entlv ret irnsd fioin a visit lu hi milieu in Norilit-ru Idaho. He report a heavy fall f tnow .? '.''V eUnn- settler thcie si.t that thetf Is mor snow In th moun tain eimtigiiu,!. to. (h trihtitaries nf the Column., river than there hat laseii fur 20 yeara. There will evidently bo tome big flood next Juno. THE NEW Hat jitti rrcei.ad Pall :: Goods, Shoes, Dry (ioods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, lite. H. MOHGUB. (kkt BuiWiiif?, Main Street, St. Ht'Iens, Orfgon. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ii RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. wTATIOfs ass a news tt a .'i s v. 4 A. 8 'SI 8 01) 7 l 1 M 7 .W a. a II. 1 00 08 I 30 188 i 44 t to t M I ta t It t 17 II on It us II JO 10 to a CO 0 1 1st M 4 t 18 4A.8I UfonltndA.nl 1 . tX.lll 10 to ... Haluler . ,. Hramld. .... tfayaer , ... Wutury ,. , . ('Istskaule ,. Marshland .. Weslpon., ... Clifton . ...KnanlMl,. . ,. rWensnn.. ,.Johu Imv. tta a i t IA Ul, t 40 M v1 t so Ul 10 0V 81 8 10 It M il to II 71 J, 10 SB 78 7 Wl M tl 11 08 0 I II IS WI.4 II tolas' t 77 t 17 t I trj t a t 81 t It t 07 1 tt t tK J IN 1 V 7 ft t li t VI t to t 10 Ar. Astoria I v All train mtke flute eouiirsilloua al i.able with northern faslne Iralua to and froin the Kaalaud Sou tut polntt. At funlaud w Ilk all trtlnt lesyiiis Vulau depot, at Astoria wild I. k. 4 M. t'o.'a boal and rail tin and Mlaenuyr 1 I. Potter i aud from llsraro aad fcotlt, ateaea boiuta. Peaaensera for Aatorla or way pelnla aiuH fla alua at llonllnii. Trams will stou 1st lat nas. aauieta on" at Houlloo. wle eoinlnf from poluu Onn, I'ass. ai. Asiorla. Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG t-ea'st Portland on Taes.ay, Tbureday and Sal. May st a. as. lor 1 $t rVssis, Kalamt, Carroll i fwt, Mtitip, and DTsse, Arrlrlnsat Portland Monday, Vtl ueaday and Vridny l 1 . a. Steamer NORTHWEST Leaves I'ortlaud Monday, Wednesday and Friday niglas at at 10 p. in., for the same points mentioned alrove and To edo, re.'liin tb latter place at 10 a,, m, on the lolhiwinn day, ItctuniiiiK, pas boat leave Toledo at muni, ami tlitl Htk at 6:30 in tlio afternoon, JCasdaays, Thursdays and Kuildnys ' . Tuea ,),, Portland earlv ia the morning-. -!" "'"" at. tiff I.MAN, Aeeiit. Oregon" IJai'ou'riml, only ItTa "year "by mall, 12 for sis months; Beinf-WeeH.y w!fIn",-il'M.,nd J,,u' lr year. The Jnurnul I an Indepondunt iK,,u0erU bbw.h,,., vyol.,n, , ,h tereata at I ho rent aiwllnn whur rolls in t)ion. flend In your subscription. HMiniil, eriplet frc. Addreus Ths Journal, I O, hux U't, Port lain!, Or, TMIMISTMIOsWIllTlsl KDIftQH IllastraM With Half Ton. Ctta Win b Itaiest A boat J salary tJubsotlht now and get th mia.W. er 'ouvi nlr edition. Ypu ! asv mints' bv fakln. .a. vantage nf the MtT'S clubbing rati with other perlmllcalt. " I'll I 1 per and ha Weekly Orego tialn ft per anmnn, Tbl par and th Young PMpU'i Veekly, per annum. , XThls raier and th Weekly Capital lourual, of Kaleiu, II 60 r atiuuni j . is iiiontiis, id pent. This iier and th Portland Weekly riirnsl, (dcmooratlc), l 60 per nis II -t. 1. is panef and th N. Y. Thrlca II (HO; ;tli a. . ii". . . rg norltl per yeai monltit. Ul eeiil. Tb ChlMstu VVuekly Inter Ocean ami this paper one year for 1 00, Alltuubtuliacrlptioii er Invariably In advance. Cut Ililt out and tak It to Kdwin Roaa drug ttor and get a I re sample u( Chamberlain's (atomaoh and Uver Tab lets, tb best phytic. They cleanse and Invigorate th stomach, Imprt.v lb sp peliie and regulat Iti Imm li. Rg. ulartlte, Sko, per bo. a.Mtlg. 0 VtAN . V KXPCftllNi YtANar il 01 D Tnaot Masws) su rtllv Comtrv",'.. JkPTrm 4lrvl aw rl A "rt rtn mmf aal.,kl fMMitsjVt-tal tjff BMMPtJ Ttt wl nvMsvtpar ) VtnlV-ll It) tyxy .,.!,,; jMliMg, I !. itmmf vmmamtum- iiiMtttrwii Mil ft iiMsTM 0j fur i tt4MMtttV ii i tt mttttn HtWavi 4tt.twAML tt. i USJ I sfc 11. S.'JJ"ssstJ Sdennnc Jinerican.i, A tsaaHttemsly niaatyla ereakhy, l.-rs-wl sse. ' sal, Uua . ( ai.f atstlSj (.-urnsu, t. '. t issli f"r asuSIM.!!. aVaVt SyaSl aai ' Isaa. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTUND-ISrORIt ROUTE. 8TB. "BAILEY OATZERTV tsslly Round Trips ict4 Ihtuilar. TIMC CARD. Leave fori le tut ... ...,.7 A tl. Lea r Attuna. ...., ., .,.........7 p tt TbrrHith IVnlsnd rrmneetirw with Steamer Nahpnua flow tlisaeu and leg bsMras put ait W hile Cnltar t.lns Th-kets Intro-hen wltli t H . h, i;,BdV T. .... " The DaJIes Portland Rctilc StM. '"Tahonm" Metlako" Pally Trip Cterpl ubdr rsaaaa ' Ta . " leave f.ila. Toe . These.. ai , A af. U the Italiea Moa, W. ,rl TA M j Srttas ' Wsrbst.v ' I tf fenland. Tuse1ay Thuiwiar. Sal ! t. Istllea. Moader. Wslua.ay.'rrl T A .. 7 j tAKMNa A Ml t'f'K j Pout of Alder Street, tl-th l-bonea Hal av -uii ,ai,, n,i J. W. ati'NntM , A K. fi UI.SS wotoan A Wyaaa llaaav Onusrsap , J..M T J.mmn I f. VVTSTT . A A, T41t..., The Pallee, o, II, ..I Hlsar. Or W kilo alra.n. Weak c ais, w as I, .... Siet snaon, Waah Vaoeuuser, wash Astoria. O' K. W. ("sii'MTti!!, Portland, Ory YORK STORE I a large invnic vl nA r""r . VinflTTlOP MA C . thtghiirL HA1LUOAD TIMK. I ettts Rainier dally (eirat.l S.irwlar )tM Per V laAA, I A. II, , ds.K.u float hi. Uetett al 4 o'eloek Haturaliia, lasc.ee fori land al I at P M., arrltlu al at, Helens al I sr.. hmwn an, Past Frtltft ltUTl.AM LANDINO, TATLOt IT, r.atr-.a.a.. -arawtttifa- America" Willaractt Slonh Route Leav St. Helens , . Arrivo at Portland. !,eiivt! I'ortlaud , . . , Arrive at Ht. llclent .(IMAM 10:80 A M . S M V M ttlOUfM rARal AO CKPI IB. Will Carry Noililnit but Pa Iters and Fat Fieaubt. 'j ' . sattslep. irWIrWtwtessssaaaaaaiaaM The Steamer SARAH DIXON Leave Portland Monday and Thora day moruinir at (1:30 . in. for Clat kaulo, tioi,ing at Ht. Helen and way. landing's. I'ortlaud lauding t street wharf. j. ' '' si B.. - 3