The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 19, 1902, Image 6

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    St, Helens, Or., Pee. 10th. I'.kH.
Enmv and Fropriktor.
It was suspected that the reported nb
ectiou on Japan's part to receiving
loho Barrett aa Minister from our Uov
rnment as a cunning deviess of some
American politicians.who did not lxk
avorably on hia appointment; but a
dauslble explanation, assuming this
suspicion to be unfounded, couies in the
restatement of remarks made by Sir.
Barrett some four years ago concerning
;lie Filipino:), whom he eharaetc rued
is the equal of the Japanese. This, it
may readily be supposed, wounded the
ride of the Japs and caused them to
regard Mr. Barrett with some degree of
hostility. It is likely that on a farther
tudv of the Filipino he would some
what modify his statement, which he
made when it was auppogtsj that Agui
na'doandhis follower were our good
friends and allies. However, Mr. Bar
rett, for this and other reasons, will not
be Minister to Japan, but he will never
theless Bud plenty of opportunity for
ttie full exercise of his abilities. Port
I .nd Telegram.
rivr Pardee ol California favors
-,nd Clrk Fair, and will ree-
. ; i; , ruprUii.w for that
r. ! :.v- si. a state
,. j : ;.,' ,-r ov to take
... . !,-n-"i.t- . ' .!-lvHiing,
- i , !- i a nr. a r!uor-.,..,:-
..-. .'. wl.At CaH(
..! ;,i S. ti .!.; tunity
-,x . -,; io.,. Oregon
vt i " rod tha signs as to i
et..-i. . . ils'Uv. Oregon can
't to ) .-ini.t. i'liafcirnia to come
?r -lie her in the splen-
!. h.
' :-.;r vi:-play. And,
watch, and hertair
if Oregon
not etop "knocking"
oae such ending ot the
and Journal.
there may bet
niatter. Tort-
"o Coal for the Four.
MEW YORK. Dec. 12. J.
Swan?troin, president ot Brooklyn
cugh, decided to etait a movement to
assure a coal supply and to end all suf- i
fering there tor the winter. He will s-k '
the li.inisters of all the churches of Brook-1
lvn, the meinlers of all charitable organ- i
iiali"iu and many prominent citizens
to meet early m-xt week in the Court of
Special Sessions, in ij.e City Hall, Brook
lyn, to organize for t':3 end in view.
On authority hich admits iio d mbi
it was learned that President Swan-
Strom at that meeting will suggest that
Mayor Low take some action (or the
other boroughs.
V,I . alnno in llnv.ltlvn l..o:oll ,!.
- ' v" "
tsjroughs.of the city there is a loud and
insistent cry f.,r relief and the prei -
uem ot me orner rjoronslis that son e-
thing must I done, as the city has been i
held fa-.t by the cold wave for more than
a :?k ?.r.a fiitlcniig has been mcreas -
ing hourly. Men, women and children
ha'verfiied, heads of families have olfertd
any money for coal and the dealers have
shaken their heads and said: "There
is not a pound of coal in the yards," nl- i Vert Over Persuaded.
though near:;. tki.tWO tons are arriving1 An encyclopedia agent has worked
daily. : numlier of school districts in this county
- land a nuiiila-r of school lard havewts
Bo ter Test. : of the books on his representations, it
If you vm to know how to tell oleo "H'ng more than an orJmary Pn.
niarg-.irine from butr, try this test : ! cyclopedia, and it is not a necessity by
Taitc a littli; bit of the doubtful ar-! anv ""',"- A g.sxl price w as paid tor
tide and rub upon - piece of ..i., , the wis of the Iss.ks, as the agent hu 1
Tlicn tw lusBi-j me. iignr.
Ii the forms a HK,th blur, the
r,rticlis hutu.r; if light, with biigl.t
Siiecks and sts through it, it is oleo -
inargariiie. f hce are ctysLals of leef
tit .icaririe.'- J'uie laid can laj distill-
auohe.l froill the coinpi.und ill tliessitnc
way. Ttie lard will make a i-iiesjih
hiui. .
subfViibe tor 'I iih M'sT.
The rain of tho last week have caused
the banks to cave In on the Incline of
Yeon, IVlton Company's logging road.
The dwelling ot B.T. Morton was de
stroyed by lire Monday noon with all its
contents. This comes very hard on
Brother Morton. Last week they buried
their daughter, Corry, and now U ey
have lost their home.
Charley Ciark has taken the contract
for completing tho Grange hall, while
A. C. Alton has made a contract to haul
the lumber from Howard s mill for two
Mrs, Pent, of San Francisco, who has
been visiting her "brother, Robert 1111
and family for the past two or three
months, left for home Wednesday.
John Nelson and wife went to the city
M. jaxtoes.
The Delineator for January even sur
passes its usual excellent standard, and
is filled with many original articles,
fashion designs, etc., for women. The
literary department contains some ex
cellent Stories. Every department is
cplete, and the mi.i-wimer uesigus
in womans uarmeni are m m
much information. The sutwiriptlon
p-tce is $1 per year, single copies, 15
Conkey's Home M.igaiine is virtually
two periodicals In on", so conip'ete is it
in its various departments. As a liter
ary magaxine its stories are excellent,
and Conkey's is takiug a front rank
among the monthly periodical of the
country. Its stories of Washington life
are strikinsly interesting.
Probate Court.
County Judge Ian made i
j orders during the week.
M. Saxon, Martin Wim and C. W. !
Blakesley were apDointed appraisers of I
ttie estate of Jeremiah lialvin, d.-ceased. I
Io the matter of the estate ot Anna
A. Baker, deceased, Orson Hiati, ad- i
! uiinistrator. a decree ot Hol settleinnit
, orderwl-
George L IVrrine appointed guard'an
lot Oilie Maud Baker a minor.
An order was made confirming the
sale of real property, helonttitig to the :
,,,!"te ' John Frill, deceased.
He Had a "Vary."
A few years ago a Russian Finn living
in this county near liuinn's I-anding,
innocently violated some provision of
the game law, and on this account the
magistrate of the court was disposed to
be lenient with h in. He was in St.
Helens tor three or tour days before the
trial came ofT, apparently unconcerned.
jThe linn had not been out from the old
icountrv n anv vears. but he was thrifty
j aml liad aC-umtilMtsd some moiiev. Mr.
i QujllI1 came up dav Ml)tf, Ull, trIf
anJ kllowing tl,at hig neihU,r tui vjlH
.... . .
i vatea ttie law through ignorance,
! jj,,,,,. t0 ,ielp i;iul ,mf.
1 Mr )in,, hi. frie,l If l.
;alawver. He njliiil that he had a
Vllrv" T!il rmlv tJatiw'netum lh;tl fr
(; c(JiM t (i('lt of hi, neighls-r was 1
. lh ,, hf ia,i . ....... Wi.p ,i, ,!
came to trial the jury Heard Mr. Finn.
'Several Columbia fouutj School Bonr Js
j "!" ?W ''"''" ? ''
i ,r'18 w" """k . tUv'r i
' to ,,ie """-'""'" 1 "'- ,
have inveatei the t, funds to a bet-
ter ad vantage. Tbev apiealed toCouritv !
fiiMfrinteiiilent Cot;laiid, who investi-i
gateil the sale, and found that they
would have to stick to their contracts,
even if th s-olumesvereaeostlv liixinv.
At the Ut regular meeting of Cedar
Grove Grange No. U'.'O, elected tho tol
lowiug named olllcer : Worthy master,
W. A. Young; overseer, OrvillH Young;
lecturer, Columbia Cross; treasurer Al
fred Gertsen : secretary M. I. Young;
chaphjn, M- Vv- Cross; steward, James
King; assistant steward, Walter 1,1ml
burg; gatekeeper Johny Holmes: Po
mona. Miss Emily l.imllxjrg; Flora, Miss
Flora Young ; Ceres, Mis. Svphia Sodcr
stmm; steward Mm. Maud Young.
The Cetlar Grove Sunday school has
decided to have a Christmas tree enter-
tai ent on Christmas Eve. The fol-
lowingcoiiiiiiitleea were apointod by the
superintendent : To solicit funds Miss
Sclma Palm, Miss Flora Young and
Miss Emily l.iudhcrg. To decorate the
tree. Mrs. I.iudohl, Mrs. Holmes ami
Mrs. Maud Young. To procure t
tree. Columbia Cross, Orvillo Young,
Johny Holmes, Wesley Puke and John'
IVvihtt. Treasurer. Alfred li.irtscn
Purchasing agent W. R. Holmes. Al
though this entertainment is to In given
by the Sunday reboot, el, it will be a
neighborhood allair and everybody will
he expected to put presents on the tree
,or eBl.,, otheri ,,. fof their children
young men furtheir sweetheart etc. j
Mr. Uicvy, wife ami child, are just (
out from Missouri, and aie at jiresent
visiting their uncle, W, K. Holmes.
1 .i ... 1 t.i..t'n lirhl hist
Moudav night, the report v( tlie com-
mittee elected to view out a new r-snt
, .... i .1.. ...rittj ,i,t iiiui iiim! .
was Kearo, aim u- " - j -
to meet again next
Muiiday night, Kr.
".. '. .. .... , ii i,..!.t ...ucinl
t ssiar nvetiieliB-
meeting Saturday night . '.lth. for
the purpw of initiating
seven new
Judge .MrRrlde W UMirow Hup.
FoMl.or lis'iii Ok. I'm' HVJudge T.
A. Mcl'.ride owns a piece ot land near St.
Helena which he intends to plant to
hops as s.K.11 ns the weather will permit.
The price paid tor this si-am has
o favorably tiiipress,l the Ju.lg- that
be says be U'lieves that no letter invest
ineut can be made to make land pay a
profitable income than l growing hops
on it Portland Telegram.
.tales that a Hew Saw in ill is to la- elected
i.tXiiaXs .1511 Mll.I.S. , joining the site of Xotdby tn'H lw
The ti.ible, Nei.alein A Pacilic Rail- j be I ng erected.
:iy Company have contracts to j ittiinier is tukini! the h ad In the mat
furnish a lot of long "ticks ot timlier lor ter of n iinofacloring enterprises.
shiunient to Janan. In aihlitioii to ex
rellsnt timber (or sawlifs in that sec-j
lion there are thou-unds o( acres ot the
Iw-t piling timlsyr.
The Columbia City A Ni halein l.og-
giim Railway are almo-l ready to begm
lumping hgs. A boom has loeii placed
in the river, and the hist bride has
(a--n completed la-fore reaching the sum
mit. It is undershxsl that partiei wtl
put in a large sawmill at Columbia City,
l ...... ..,...,.,;!! i i. I, .on ,.i
i Rainier, adjoining the Nordby ami risen
II. ). Howard has not givn up the
' nei na 'MoniMi t of his sawmill at li-'UVt T
Vallev, although he has moved to his
,.,.. , ,u..,i Yankton. His. on and
Mr. Weber are saw in the lumber by the
thousand, but Mr. llowaid will be al
the mill about two-thirds of the time.
B. F. Bris k, the well known hg.-r of
Stella, has sold out all his timlr and
, lg"iK bnsiuvs- in Cow liu county to a
i 'ddtiatioti ol sawmills in Portland
; The considerulioii is stated to I at 17!.
WW.-SkaniiKk.iinu Kle.
j i'uI'Nty iiKKH KI-.m
n. ,n eiiutivo Martin IMh. ktlnirr
-oii-ntr . .
"' . .
Hallan. Ml. Ilrlen'
K. llos "I ll. l. ll.
f . II l ot-s-ilOMl, lloiltll,!!
. S nrtlri Wlillp, sr. Helens
. . W , J . VV Mil. S rty(.0OS
II. Il'-ii.lrsoii Mvsr,
II. I. I ..Hin. Mnr-hlslKl
W, H I. use, I'llt.lm.s
K, t'S rt, t. Ileleni
vJ Toter, Portland, Oregon for Clats -
kan e directory.
Amoug the Fraternal Order.
Mixpah Chapter No, 30, Order ot East
em Star, elected tli following new olll
cers at the meeting held last Saturday
night: Worthy matron, Mrs, Ellen
Pail; worthy patr. ii, W. H. Powell: as
sistant matron, Mis. F. E. Y, Powell;
secretary, Mrs. Fiances Johns ; treasurer
Andrew King; conductress, Miss Myrtle
Powoli. Tho Worthy matron then made
the following appointments: Ada, Mrs.
Susie Pillard ; Kuth Mrs. Jennie M icklo j
Esther, Mrs. Elu Swiucr; Martha,
Mrs. Irene lny; Electa, Mrs. X. E. Pol
iii.ui ; Wartler, Mrs. S, M ljuick ; chap
lain, Mrs, Anna Cix ; sentinel, Wash
ington Muckle; umtshal, James Miltklc.
Alter tiie election of nllicers a luncheon
was served, ami a siK'ial time tolloed.
St. Helens l,odgeot ldd Fellow l had
initiatory work In all degrees lat
Saturday night, and two more candi
ihitee will take the Initiatory degree at
the next meeting. There at
tendance at the last meeting, anil a sup
ler was served. Among the meiulser
in attendance from out of town were:
W. 11. Stevens, T. A. Cloninger, G, W.
Grant. W. Pomeroy, Gintav laing. A.
Council, John and Pan Siavetis, Charles
Claik and Homr iVnpelt, of Sca;,
Ilenrv Urs..ll, of Warrvii, and t I'ptalll
spmrter, ot Columbia City.
The last meetina ot Yankton lrm(e
L,,,, rry interesting gathering, 'ii.,
j ,ai t..r ol the Iwsl ca'.lte tor that section
I ... I,r..iulit mi ant) diseiiased, ami (he'
niderance ot argument was in taor '
u( the shortliorns
. .
Itaintrr Hoomlur.
IS. Juhuson. the clever atfent
.1 tin
Astoria ColiimbU Rivfr lUiload at
Rainier, was in St. Helens luexiay.
II...I-!,. that W. P. Finn will rebuild i
In ihsir ami sash factory n a much
larger c!e than it was U-rnre the lire
He has ordered some new machinery
pht.ed in the Mcik' sawmill, which
will be t!ed in working np d'-r
that will le tintshtsl when the new dooi
and sah l.ictorv is completed. While
Mr, Flue's lire tos as heavy, the tow n
of Rainier will l the gfinier, lof the
new factory on a new site ill Is- oprr I
1 died on a inocli more extensive
and give employ on lit to more ie-plc.
I Already there are hrAvy nhipo ent- ol
I lumtier (loin Rainier, alid Mr. Jnhusnn
lov, to lieen froop
It will be g-snl ne'vs to the mothers ol
small children to learn that croup can
lie prevented. The ll'st sign of croup i
hoarwi.ess. A dav or tol ore the at-
j aik i,',,,,,,, hoaiw. This is
soon followed by a is-euliar rough cough.
Give ChaiiiU-rlain's Cough;
lre lv ill ssm as t! e i hil'l lariim.-s
hoar-e, or even utter the rough cough
appears, mid it will disel till symptoms ;
ot croup. In this wav all 'lunger and
acxietv mav I avoided. This remedy!
is. ii-w-d hv m.iliv thousands ot mothers
and has i.ever Is en known to (all. P Is,
Io fa.-r. the only rei ly ihst can nlwnvsi
ls ileliendi-d upon and that is
and safe to Ink
( .
.y Ldwui
The i In ia-a-Week Wotll.
Time has ilc iistrat-d that the
Thriee-a Week World stands alone in
Us class, other pucrs have imitated
its (oi in but not its sticces. This is la-,-,.
it tells nil the news all the lime
iin.l tells it impar'i.ill; , whether lh;t
news la- political or otherw ise, it is, tu
fact, almost a da ly at lie- price ot a
weeklv and JS.U cuu Hot aljoid to la-
u itholll it.
Kepiibliinn and i'ct.cirat aiikeenn
lead ttie Thrice a-Week World with
ahsolute (onlhlciice in it tru'h
p) addition to n;ws, it publishes 0sl
class s-rinl stool's end other features
' mi'Pil 1 1 the honie and liiesid".
The Thrii-e-a-week World's regular
j stihs. riptioii price is only I t.UI. per year
land this pays for Ksi papers. We oltet
' this unequalled new pap-r and Ihe Ore
i ,,on Mist together one year lor I.Wt
i The regular subscription price of the
! ' T,; 'Tin-gon M
' u rld (or
. ...... f) mi
t, and tbn Thrice a
lx nioiill.s for WO
ntt; tlilte Ojontfc r W Mill. a
!V rSANCK wkston Aaitt
GiHirge Washington, the cliisfvaln,
Flistof the line i came.
Joint Adams fullowsd him,
His policy the same.
Tom Jellerson, Kepuhllcaii,
Me tacked the Ship of b'late,
While Madison, the next in tine,
Filled out the war-time date.
Monra yirglnlau, goml and bravo:
Then John 'i. Adams, friend of slave.
Next Jackson, laurel-crow tied by tame ;
Van liurcit had his alms the same.
Then Harrison, who dint in chair,
His vice was Tyler, unlet fair.
Then Folk and war with Mexico.
Then Taylor who had made it go,
And passed away In honor Ann,
While Millmd Fillmore closed the term.
Next Fierce. Ituchanau came along;
Then Abraham Lincoln brave and strong
Ami Andrew Johnson, always wrong.
Then Grant, the gteat war hero, rose,
And Hayes, whose choice came near tj
Next Garlli'ld, Arthur, Cleveland too.
And again, alter Harrison, Cleveland's
McKinlry, then, third martyr, cams;
None ever can forget that name.
A blow must tragic has lieoit dealt,
tint that blow brought us Hoosevwlt.
DR. i tiYNER'S
All dlssssss nf Xlasrs
BUildsr Urinarr Orrn
Aio tthvtintallsnt, Hsrk
ctia tlrlUi Orsss!
hmpsr, fsrjiils TrauUUs.
Don t bsrorns dliconraxsi Tbsrs Is a
Cure lor 7u. If i.. . e-.rr ril l.r. i punr
lln J;'v. atHMil littt lltuw eurilid ucll
Csvh's Jtiurs Ail ei.itsiiltuiiuiis rrss.
"Vour Knlney suit li.-n. l.B Cuts a
eurtai tt r.rjr iti.l cas' sutons cuo
witri lit r-r wle-mld il.s tow Iia4
ltt tti. J 1. M'll.1.4 l i. W,,.tli,.l. U ' fA-.11 As t fC..k Frss
j For pale by Collins Gray, St, Helens,
j also lladev A llrinii, general met
' chiiuts at llotilton.
Druft Store
-o i n sis
Drills and
- t lol( -k-s
Toilet Articles and Perfumery
Or. J I
: : Uar.iio.
i in
Cl AlsKsMK