I: OREGON MIST Enter. At the r.M,M.lir.- nt M. UeU n. Uncoil, M ttWii.t.lM'...H!i m.til MuittiT, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. i . - - 1 -i' j." ItsHl Kt KVKIIV KhIIJ.1V MoRNINU l KEKI.KU 11. OWWKUT, ElMTOH AND lkKOIKlTOK BUUHTRIrTlOX PRIt-K: One copy one year, in advance. . Six uiontlti ... 60 DECEMBER 19, 1M12. gMHMWMWMMMMMMMBvpMM This paper is kept on Hie at the Ore - gon Press Association Kmin 9. llniil - ion building, 1'ortlan.i, Oregon. ' - ,,.., IfYf CENTEX 1 A L AS A PREVENTIVE .......- ---. AGAINST FINANCIAL DEPRESSION. appears As a inevitable rale there at fntarvala nerin.1 of financial i)fnri r siort in thia country, and no rvinedy t ,.1 f..- .,n.l;i:..,. a the beginning of inch a period Chicago had the world'a fair, and atartel on a near era of prosperity. It is poaaible that in the not diatant future this country will enter on another peri.nl ol ' ST4TE 0y oRKOi'N ( depresaion of mora or lesa rigor. While! . ommy of i-oiumna.i it will not likely affect thia coast aa innch aa Eastern at a tea on account of the lumbering, mining and asiatic com merce, such a wave of temporary finan cial depression is sure to come sooner later, Aa a matter of financial benefit, it n. r 4 w ; Lots s ami 4. bioik :, Ver t lien behooves the people of the entire t'eualty au!t i'iitere.t'!!!l!. state of Oregon to more actively toward making the Lewis A Clark exposition a great success. It will have a great tendency to give every section of Oregon a continued prosperity in spite of waves of financial depression that may appear. Columbia countv ia esiwiallv inter - .1 . .1 wifu iu iiw jn-ai nucens vi me w A Clark exposition, and it ia bound contribute to the benefit of every other I county in Oregon. It wilt be the means ' ol bringing new blood and new enter prise into the state, that will develop new resources. The hired girl "or servant'' will here of rr be at the top of the heap, accorj inj to tne uecree ot we national House- wives' Asaociation, which recently met in Chicago. No longer will the "hired girl" be taboedin society in the villages or even larger cities. The titlea of , ... . cook dishwasher bouee girl" etc. will l rolled back into the misty past. In the place of these titlea there will be "inistres of cooking" and a "epinster of dishwashing" and "doctress of gen eral house work. A new school of tech nology ia to be founded by the American Housewives Association, and co iking and housework will become a science. The graduate will receive diplomas with j appropriate titles, and the girl of the moat delicate aenaibilities, can take: pride in the new avenues of lucrative em-1 ploytnent. 1 Linn county paya One Dollar per line, ne t a penny too much ; for the sheriffs iteiiuqueut tax sale advertiaeinent. t. .alaop county paya 00 cents per cents per line. A foul law that 'ia not a law" fixes the maximum at 25 cents per line, or a backwoods "notice" in scrawled hand writin, stuck upon the privy wall. If . ..... Mrver. ! '''' j England and Germany are pushing! detracted Venezuela to the wall, but Ca,tro .how. that he is 6ghter defying t lein. He will have to yield, of course, , . i j . i - : but some admiration is due him for his j bravery. If Venezuela were not a weak iiower and in trouble, these European 1 iL ; powers would not be so awift and severe in piecaini? their claims. Venezuela need discipline, no doubt, but it is no credit to these powers to make such in- 1- tittcnt demands at such a time. Port land Telegram- It is not believed that there ia any truth in the report that the editorof the xiainier Uuzette will explain at the next Sunday-school convention, how he took the Job of printing the county conit pro ceedings with the understanding that he was to charge nothing, ami forced pay ment at the end of the year. Also about that pledge to let the printing in the clerk'c oifioe to the lowest bidder. While Mr. I'iue's loss by fire was a , heavy one in Rainier, on account of the eiiigil ioauraoce, and the further fact j that there were about $7CC0 worth of I flours on hand aa aiting future shipment, the residents of that place will reap the benefit. A fire trap was removed from the business section of the town, and a lnrge factory will lie erected, giving em ployment to more people. When a lumbering or manufacturing! enterprise suapentls oiierations in anv '. community, it mailers not from what' cause, it affects not onlv the location of : the plant, but the entire county aa well. There is a community of interest iu ! itch ipatters, 1. . . .. Onlv two Indian Wnr pension have ! been hi tinted, the sevond txting received ! Iiy Muxwell Hamwy, t The Uulles, Bl ! years of age. H tirry them up. Congress- ! .nan Tongue ; many of the old buys need ' the money tnnt is due thetn Dallaf ! iibneiver. j 1 - . , i The latest rnmnierrial news from ' .'ortlatid shows that stinnr and oil have i ulyancel, but put a toe ,Kve det lined lo 6i mid BO cents ir hiindretl, llaiiil.i , .opt- has gone down one-half cent per pound, but it is not a ttoiigeuiaj article ui diet. i we nave a press association in this t.iiir 11. k.. m iami of ne'-a ol see state, it better assert itself at Salem! tVeUi"T.x.".V!''!." ,"'.T.k..f ! next month. Sherman Couutv Ob- Penally and interest Cliff Mrs M. K : lols 7 and 1 b ock 17 in f'V-.U T.v SHERIFFS SALE OFi'srJffwSrt LS IIuqaont Tx fr the Year 1901 VOTlrK IS HRRKI1Y (iIVEV, THAT BY virtu of a wrrtuu for the ct.Hrvi.H,. oMe Itiitent iftenol .h HMnit nt ut It'iU, tn lit 'tmtiv o( tituiutttd ami stui of OtTifuii, whirl. n runt U iipw lu my houoi siut U lu wonts tnttl tlim's t follows vU; bl'ATK oKKiiON tmit.v of t'olitmhU, i Tit TMK SlIKHiPr Coi'WTY. ORB- In the nnmenf the 8it of Orevon yon are I.ervhy commeu.KM to mM lit Rtvontl rtitrlr itf vrMml unmertv ntut trivet of tv nron env u,m wnrVh wh .hx rp rvwfwtlv!y lev Its), muA Ihm ii to ti1Umiuiit, unimM ami tmiN.tU'c.tetl on the wilhfn mt .nrvgroing tax j mil hi the iut.i:ner by law itrmiiltM. ! W Huea, mv tfuftit timl the ui the t'onnty l'nrt u m his I 'mi ut y , Orvtfii.t, (hit loth ; , ; , , , o0,vVo.irt H. HKNIkkh)N'. j Isal.I (i Columbia County clerk, County, Or Which warrant la attached to tho list of un- ' licl uU ilvlinultriit tim hr th ir !U1. In , ld Columbia Comity. Oregon, ta In pnrau- i "' ld warraut I will Mil th following I list of real property forth delinquent, unpaid an.i unc.iierted taxes on the same, as appear i on ! delinquent roll far the said year m l i. iiail n...i n.. i n l.aa1 UB miUl IDC OUIQ Ud! 01 UCC. IsUi t I al iha iroui dour ol the i'ooiii.i i oun lioux - i st. Heinia. coliimlila t uiiiy. Sla'o of Oregon. ' Ftlwralil Anna, tiuaica: brirlnnliia at tKliiiilii!C at lOo'clia-k In the lorv-nuon ol am.l nay aim Mil each parrel lo tti nin nnool fcr tu nav the taxea. nail, ami aivrutnir H.n altlaa therein., ami taka a ertHkntu at ilia lowest rate of iniereat. K. S. II AT TAX. Sheriff of Columbia Comity, Oregon. I hereby certify thai the above Is a true anil correct copv ol the wholelhereof of the original warrant lor eollccltou of itclimiuent taxea for the year, Inu. R. 8. IIATTAN. Sheriff of Columbia Couuty. OreiMii. or ' mac DKarKiorioa. tax- Pi t. i Alexander Jacob: aw', of accilon t. ip 4 1 u.ra W. ami llt'V. of iMH.tlon IX 111 4 t4 TU i 6o ; AUtMin lhoma: lotSau! vl4 of aw4 section a, l 3 n. r4 w. Tax I'enalty ami luterest Auilersou lohn, Tide land In front of r M. Marran U LC, secllona li. la and 52. Ip 7, u. lit. Tax . . Pa aity ami interest Andcran i'. ; t ummenclnir at a point 25 chains aonth ol uw corner of aotiihwet corner o! section . tp a, u. r 4 w: itience aiuth d chains: thence east 40 chains: tiieure north 1 H 10 j j I ! ftchaiua: thence sisal 40 chaiua to place 01 bemumuir. Tax... is . fenalty auvl intereM.. nater Anna, bsiaie; w 01 twi 01 scc- I lill 1 r. .. ,A u-l l . ..I . - ' .. . - - - J w. section 2. ip5n. r4w; lots a. a. ami C block 2: 10U 3 and 4. block 4. k'sto. lax Penalty ami interest 1 Bryant- Mrs. M I ; w',ol sc1. and UfJ, 01 a anil a. iv acres 01 sn; 01 ueA of secliou 14, ip T u, 1 4 w, iix Penalty ami intere.-t i Baker u. .: act, of eecliou Ip4 a, r 4 w. lax Penalty ami Interest .. Bartleii I H ; uml. 1 a intereM la of nna and ii'y of swt of iwtion a, tp 6 n. w. lax 90 1 U 4T ao r?uo, s.ni mirm. j Blich victor: mid. l- Interest In ow' j ri"niin'' T" v ! Boajra H I.; u ot .w4 ol seciion is, tp j tenaltv Si j'V7t4.'.' ..'..""."." i B""' .Mp" 1'" 1 -olmuia a a; 22 04 21 - 21 U4 7a 14 3S U 21 04 5 GO I uu Penalty and interest Bona Andrew ; lot 10, block 17, Vernoma. .Tax Pen- v and interest - . B josdi Hiubauseu: i.e'4 of lot 4, block 7, VeiUoblu. Tax Peaattv and iuleresl Bra.l.11 Isabcil: kua and 4. l.l.n k 2. lot It bliak 7. I.K 12 block U. all lu ttose a add. to Vertioiiia. Tax Penally and interest B ramies Herman; Iota Hand 12 block 6, First aild. to Veruonia. Tax Penalty and interest I Brmuberg K : lot block 4. Second add. loiernuuia. lax ..... ; Browll B.rnai:V, d awV. oi aecUon .t.tp3 ii, r ik. tax fenalty and interest.. Burke John: all that portion of H. M. Knipht.m s t) L C lyinz of N. P. H.lu i right of way, less Kits as ac-sed to J. Mvrit-k hi section 4. tp 4, n, r 1 w, and In sei non SI, tp i n, r 1 w. Tax 2 00 Penalty and iutereet Burke i hrtsiie .; ue' of scctiou 9. tp & I n r & I -- t m i Penalty' and iuernt'.'!!!!'.!!'. 1 23 ' "USV w 3 fij Penalty and Interest i Brnon red H ; lots 7 lo 12 In block 24, in ' Melliuger s add. lo Vcruouia. Tax.. ' Penalty and lulerest . Bynon i,us II ; ,,t 12 block 25. iieilin- ger'a aild in Veruonia. Tax t s:""i.j ii.i luicir-i 5 47 I w M. Helens. Tax Penally and Interest Columbia l.otfgiiigl.'o!ipriy; Isaac Vor- aces Ii I. c. section 2i. tp 7 n, r 2 w, a ol w- of aertiou sl. '.pi a. r 'i ?i " ?, ' ' Z'til tina as. tp u, r 2 w; iut 7 block 1, coium- biaUity. Tax penalty ami interest c,rl16J,"''rnj ; rii"t KCli''n Penalty and iutcrest Calllu Adam; li.lsa, 5, loand sw'. of ne 1 . i sei tu.u 3. ti 7 11. r s w. ax ... 131 an .jg 6 57 4 1") 9 4ft 1 6ft 5 -j 20 04 10 56 1 yo I ,.uf"''', , , Verno- ( noma. Tax renanyan.l interest Chandler Mary J; uuf4 of section 1.' 4 n, r w. Tax ieualtyand iutcrest Chceliy M. K.; lot 12. bio. k 3. !'..., ad. ut V'ernotiia. Tax Penalty and interest Clark Anna M; nai4 of Miction 14. tp ft, n. r 2 w. fax Penalty ana Interest. Collley John, lots 1, 2. a and 4 in bltak 20, bee ,nd a;d to Veruonia. Tax.. penaityand interest Currier . susle; beginning at a point 4. 'it chains south and 10 chains aet of ne corner ol ',ul II. M Knigh ton s It 1,1 iu -ei-tion 4. ip4 n, r l; thence south 10 chains: thence west 1U'3 chains; tlieuce uorth 10 chains; I hence east loi chains lo plnce uf lieKuiniiig and containing If, acres. Tax Penalty and interest Cusblug h. J,; nw'ol section 21, tp6 n, It. Tax Penally and Interest Davey K. li. and (ieorgta; tuts 1, 2 and , section U, to 11. r 4 w. lax Penally au'l Interest Pouma Herman; n'4 of ne'i and pv'.' of ae.'-i and e' ui s.l4 of section 4!it tp 20 1 ol ' 10 32 1 74 1 75 , a 11, r u w. lax I Penalty and interest ' 0uncun J. It.; eU uiseof nefiof sx.-ltoB 10 41 2 1 14, tpifn, r. lax Penalty and interest 4 31 1 00 i Pauiela 'ieorge If.; lot 6 bluck 2, Colum bia city, la- Penalty and interest 22 0 Deshler William J . s'.4 of we't aud 10 I acres ol u i.4 of se!.4 of secnun 5. tp 4 u. r 1 w, lax I Penally gnu interest j Dlppold li. B.: ne'4 of section II. tp n, 2 Hi 4U r a w. lax Penally aud interest 14 2 : Donahue C. It. ; lots 1 and 2, section 13, tuau. tt. lax Peualtv aud interest 12 04 f: Druse J. U : lota lu. 11 and 12. block 4'i, lot 3 block in. 1 olumbiaclty. Tax... ..,.1 r. .. . 1 .. . . i. s. nolpn. v. h. i'ie-coit and r. r. Oakas: und 1-3 lot. ia the follow ing: Lota 1. 2. S. 4. a aud 12 in bhaik 1. A. !.; lot, 2. 4. . loaud il, block 1; lots ", a and 1 bl.H k 2; lou 1. 1 and 7 to 12. blcck 3; Iota 1, 2, 3. 10, 11 aud 12, block 4; lols 1 to 1 , bloc 5; lol I, bl.s k 27, all iu Coluiillia t Ity. Lola I to JO, block Vt. lots 1 lu 10, bl.s k 41; lot 1 to 10, ol.-. 42; lou I to 10, block 4.; lots 1 to 10. blialk 45; Iota 1 lu 10, block 47; lou I, 2. 3. , al'.l 10. bluck 43: o1-, of lot 4 sim 7, bl.s k : !' 1 to S, block no; lots 1 to S. block 01; lots I Ui 3, bl --k 02; li.u 1 o S, blue frl. lots Hog. block tM; lot 1 to a, block a. : 1ms 1 iog, Mta k Ui: lota 1 to a, block 07; lota 1 lo . block n: lot I to block on lou i p, 4. bio k H; lots 1 to5, blia.-k p, all in Gilmer a id. iu loluiul.is CI y All of. the following dcs-rlbed properly: I Hs liobinl.lis k i lots 4 ami . bio. k B; lots I. 2. 3 nid I, block P; lol 5 and I e, of lot 24. i. lis k F; lots M to 32. hi cm F lot- 10 to 22. bl t-k o ; a frac tion of block il.l.l-lloi- bbsk If; I. .Is lo 12, Hock 111; Iota I to 12, block A: lots J i., l.., i.lk 27: lots I lo II, block 2 I.. is in 12 block 28; hts 1 lu 12, bbek :al; lots I tn 12, bl.s k 31; lols 1 to 12, block 32 lots 'li lo 12. block ii: lots 1 to l. bha k 4; lota ( tu 12. block 34: lols 1 to 12 block a: lots 1. 2 and 3. tiock 37: lot. I. 2 Be" , U-w ., :si 1 I if tiV k , .K I Il.tk bl x k 1 : lol I tu VI, tll.s k tri: ln I ttl-J. blwk Oil. !.! I to li. I.I.k k l: lol I lu V.' I.U k. V l. 1 li . block wi; lit to li, bltx IW; Ion I in U. liltH-k T, lou I to 7. tlliM'k ; l.n I In . llix-k ItM; loin t to 4, tiiiK'k M: luti I lull, block 110: lula I to Mil.x k (y. I.iu I In a.liliHk Hit; Ii4 1 ti 10, block UI, all lu um ncr't adil, lu 'lumll t'liv. I n. I. 1-9 J. I milci U I. i', lwa t'oliuiilim Citv town (IIAIcm am. .lint to V. II. IMImall, Iwtininilil to N. ! It H. t o., lu MvtiiMtaMauU Si, tjla, r I w. Tax .... Fiially and liitamt . Editrt.m w. A; rjiimmtncittgat a Mliit ilitani tUili-ir ami I lulu, nral (vt a ii. I n aiilng. ) min. rnt H) tri ln.ra n crm r m lol 4, block 10: Flrat ail. to liaukanla: theuia a tkl ilef. J l min wvtoici: thane n -V dm. mln. fi l.lu".; ihni'it ! CV in I a. vas-t lolloalnit the llim ol Knmt i. lift M fret; Ihcim In a aouihtrly itlti'tiin lo ulaea of N liininii. Wluja rt ol KiM ad.l. lo lal-kaiilr. Taa IVnaliv ami IniarMl Krinrants i ); kit I Muck a, Varnonla.Tax I'riially all.t Inlarvat Kwiyjuhn, t,niacitot acclloa 1. tp (n.itt. Tax IVtialtjr ami luteieal Flak Janiai. Kmal: XI acrra In V ol nut, of aritlou . in J n, r i w, Tai rVually anil inlrrct Farnk.ij.h Kuaa: lol 10 block 4, First a.t.l. 10 n A o i.iuvnia. ill lu I'onaltv ami lntart... n'i corner of e"j of n't ot section i. ip n, r a w: in euce east i naln; ilieu.i south lixi roils more or lesa to the middle ol Knck creek: thence westerly up tnlihlle of Kock creek Ml ro la more or less to weal boundary li lie ol said easl l, of aai.1 section: thence uurth along said west boun dary line M nala to place of begin- Hint containing is acres. Tax Penalty and Inter.-! FlUgi-mld J T: lots ami a, bl.s k S. First add. to Verttonla Penally and interest Flaherty K: mi. I l, Int. In lots 4 and ( block 2. t oiiiuilila I'ltv. Tax Penalty ami interest Faster W A : sw' ot section S, tp 7 n. r 4 w. Tax Penally ami Interest , Funge John: lou I and 1 block VI and fraction ol Iota 11 and 13 block .Vi, all In Columbia City, lax Penally and Inter! Girt Kcliecca: coinmciu iag al a point 49 rmta south fiom the ne comer of a of as1, ol section A. tp ( n. r : thence south Wla red: thencawe-k M rods: thence north rials; I hence east a nals to plaiv nt begin ning an. I containing 21 acres more or lesa: secilou 6, tp n. - i w; s'. ol ae'4 of sac. si, tp 7 n, r 1 w. Tax Penalty and intere-it . GInv liean: commencing at a potm south deg. .14 mln. w 7.:W chains froin nio-l nw corner of Aaron Itmyle'a I) Lf: thence wutli H deg. 0 mill east 3A. 70 chains to sonth line of Frances Perry's H I. t:: thence west on said claim line a HI rhiuns: thence n 2Jdeg. amln. w. 31 lOcl-n a Pi Hi 2 2a 20 Sit 7 10 I :U io county roail; thence norm deg. easl 7 .tu chains: thence north M dag. east .20i-haiu to point of beginning and c. mauling it acres In sei-tions 5 and . tp 4 n. r I w. Tax Penalty and intarssl Uranthaaa H t: wl, of n of sw. of aw-tion ii. ip .s ii. r 2 w. Tax Penaltv and Interest Galvln Jeremiah: eA of section 7. in 2 53 n. r 3 w. Tax a j Penalty ami Interest 4 uoi.isiuiin Max. Kit- A aitu , section ls, ip a n, r w. 1 ax S3 r 'anltv I iateraat.. Gomnn W llllam: se'i of section I. Id t n. a Prualtvand interest . I ;j j Orlndle S t; sw'4 of section S. tp S a, r j I Penalty and interest Harris Mra l.ucy, Kstate: lots 5apd i, hi j ;.2; I- t 6. blick 2t.t:oiurr.bia i.'llv. Tax I Penalty and Interest , Haycox Frank II: s1, of sw4 of section 5. tp .1 n, r 4 sr. lax I Prnally and interest Helnien K; i1, of s'4 of section '.. tp 3 n. r 4 w; slj ol se'4 ami s-'4 ol -'4 section b, 1,1 u. , y la iienalty and interest Hui.er llenn : lots 3 smi 4 and s', of t-4 ol section 2, tp a n, r 5, w Penalty aud inlerest llagau Oeorge M; lots Us ml 7 and 'e'a'iw w4 of section a, tp5 n, r 4 w. lax Penaltv and interest Hagev s K; e"4 o s ',4 of section li, t'p it. raw. fax Penally and interest ; Haines K M: lK i block 1: lota 5 anil 7 b'l 15 , 3 7 04 1 49 10 11 I III It K 2 2) 344! Hj; f j an , . Koseaa.t'1. veruonia. Tax Penaltv aud Interest Haines Alvin; o 4 bl x-k I. lot a block i, Roses's ald lo Vernonla. Tax .. Penalty aud Interest.. '"" 11 Hawkins Ada; ',oi h'4 of rretinn 23 tp i n, r a w. lax Peualty and tntere-t 7 V2 ! Hawthorne J (':, of section 3b, tpn. i r 4 w. lax 13 as 2 80 renaiiy ami inienrst Illi kman A; lots 7 aud , block 3, Kir I aa i ana. io veruonia. lax renaiiy ami Interest 7 Honeyinaii J I); lots U ami 7. bl.s k 1H; 14 i iota i to a. block IV, Mrst add. to Ver noma, lax i 44 25 20! Penalty and Interest W4 Hughes ihtavla: and. Jt Interest In uw ;4 oi secliou J2. f p ; u, r 2 w. Tax.. Penalty and interest., ' ! 10 ' 37 1 i Huntley c ; w'jof nc4 of aec'.ion as, tps n. r4 w. lax ... 3 so renaiiy ami inieresc HJana John o; uwi.4 of section 2M.lp a n. r t w. lax Penalty aud Interest.. . . Irving ti p; sef 4 oi section 15, to V n, . 4 a. Tax Penalty and interest 9 12 1 7u , II m 2 24 10 m i Iverson s: se),4of m!, ititmt, of so j 4 ano aw -4 ol e4oI section M, lit 7 lis. Tax Penalty and iutcrest ..." , Johnson i hrls; tj ol sej4 i uw'4 and . w1, of ne1, of sa'of section 5, Ip a j n, raw. tax I Penally and Interest Jne Kllas c; und l-a interest In na'i j oi -eciion ;i2. ip 5 n, r 2 w. Tax... '.. Penalty ami interest : Kecfc Frank: lol 4 and awij of nw'i and u'joi -w'4ol 4, ipa ii. r4 w Tax I Penally and lulerest ; Keiiowkl Andrew : e!4 of section 32, tp I Sn. raw. Tax ! Penalty and interest Keeley Thomas; Iractioital se',4 of seel lion a. tp a u, r 5 w. lax 2 10 4 4 2 10 I'enally and lulerest Kelly 1. 1.; lots 7 and a in Mock 4, First addition to Veruonia lax Penalty and interest Kennedy John. Kslnte; st4 of swJi of se tlriu 24 and uw'4 of ii'; of see- 7g lion ii, ip?n, ra w. Tux 44 t Penalty and Interest. Kc.bv.Mi Henry; w'jof sw'4 of section z 1 of of e-.4 01 secoon 20, all lu t.4 11. lt. Tax renalty and ftuerest. Kemi A; e'j ol of seetiou 21, IpS n, r 4 w and 01 si, of sw!4 of section 22. Ipso. riw. lax... renaiiy aud lulerest ... Knoales c W ; und Interest in st'i ol aectiou 22, tp 11 r 2 w, Tg.... vienully and interest Konkle llarrieite: coiuiiieneliig at (, corner of bl ck In. IXibl.in's add. b Kalitier: thence south 100 feet. wast (a) feet, north, IOI feel, Kast 50 feet to Klare of begiuniiig lu block 16, Ixib fu saild to Haluier. Tax renalty aud iuteres! Imont sisrsh E; F A iinnnt U I, C MO acres, leas srj acres to the ttlstera of charity, les 33 acre to W. II. Dot. man, leas 29 acree lo Cole and lira ham, less 21 acres to J. B. Meserve, lessliacrea lo F. M. Thorp, les 7 acres to the N. P. R. K Co. right of w ay iu cctious 4 and 5. tp 4 n, r I w, ami section 32, at and 34 In tp 5 n, rlw. Also lots 13. Hand 15, block II. lu sit. Helem. Tax penalty and Interest Link Charles; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in block 7 and fractional lols 1 to 10, block S, all in NeerCity. Tux. , renalty and Interest Link Meiinie: lots a, 4, 4 and 6, block 1 113 114 20 21 63 1 32 42 4 rseer viiy. lax renalty and Intexst Link Willie: I.Hs 9 i City. Tax ud 10. Iil..ck 4. Keer rensl 'y audi nlere.t I Lawtoii Victoria; und. l- iuleresl in uw I of section 32, tp 5 u, r 2 w. Tax raueltyaiid interest Link Abe; lofa 7 ami , bl.ak 4, .Veer :ity Tax i renalty and interest I Long Ida May; s', of sw'4 aud s; of 2 10 37 se- oi aectiou , Ip u, r 4 w. Tax. reualtv and interest Lyons ri 11; si, of aei:tlon 34, Ip o, r 3 w. Tax reualtv and Interest 1 44 2 34 32 41 06 j Mclsanlela F M: lois 5 and a in section !. I ip 3 n, r 5 w, lx I reuapy and lutere t Merrill Allien; si, ul nti, of seitiou H, tp 7 n. r 4 w. rax... i reualtv and (merest i Moyer William I); sw,b4 of wj of ec- I tion 21, Ip 4 li. r3w. 'lax reualtv aud interest. ... . I Macbeth W'llliaui; e' of ni ' of aci-lloa 31 sod w1, o( n'4 of secilon :u, ip li u, r 4 w. Tax j renalt) and Interes'J Mai kiiiiosh Mary A; of nw'4 and sw i !-4 ' f nc-i, uf suction ail, tp s u, r 4 . lax penally and Interest Maloy Jerry, of w! and w' of a i of sl lou 4 tp;t n, r 4 w. lax.... L reualtj and intereat Mariiuam Julia: lols 2. 3. 4, 5 and In i bluck 13. lot II lu blonk S, all III Mec , i.p.l s.lo f. VsmuNia, ii. 4 n Htt S ft) 2U) I WI il 13 20 1 4 M no II JO 2 OS I I l; wit tit and Intansst Marsjnaui V tl : w 'ol ', of siaiilon it, Ip ti, r 4 w, aud lol S, seclluii 27, Ip S u, r 4 w. Tax rviialtv and luisrr-l Marsh V ; lol 4 and of nl and U , of s4 of section I, Ip I n, t 1 . fax rvuaiiv ami iinvresi ... Marsh U vti ; lots I, Sand T, section t tpl ii, r5w. rax reualtv and lulerest Mctlraih Wllllain; na of section Ja, tp Sit, r w. Tax renaiiy and Interest Mctiutrv II II., Kstate: s'a of neA, and se's of uwl4 of section Ip S u. r 4 w. and sw4 ol nw4 of svctlou 10, li S n, r4w. tax Kuialty ami Interest McNult R ti; lot I iu hlik 4, Roav's add. lo Veruonia. tan reualtv and tuteresi Mc.Nutl t sc'4 of secliou 10, Ip 4 n, r 4 w, rax , renaliv and Intereal Meeker J I,: lots I, Jan. I a lu block M, 9comi add, to Vermmla. Tax...... eeuallv and Interest 7 W 14 U Measles t I.; lot 4 In block wcond ad. to Veruonia. Tax renaiiy ami lulerest MorTell Ueorge H; Iota S, 4, lid 10 III block J.', rsaeoud add lo Vernonla, Tag ; renaiiy and lulerest ... Myrick Jiawph : lots I and J, bluck : lot i l& I a i t ami ll.bt.a'k ta; lots?, 11,14, in, 17. la, 20, 21, bl.K-k IA: lota I and 3 blia-k 21; lots 3, 7. 22, bua-k 23; lota I, 2. 3, 4. 7, 12. IX 14, 15, It. 17. IS. ID. 20 21, 22. l wl bl.wk 42; lots I lo It. blia'k Mi; lots I to il, block HI: lots I to iJ, bl.s k t; lota I to 22, hliM k vt: lots I tu 22, bio k luo puts I to 22, 1.1. 10.1: lo.a I t, ti. hi.- 112; lots I til 24, block Hit; lots I tori, bl.s k 117, lots I to , liluck I IN; lot. I lo '22, bl.s k 120: lots 1 to -.', block IS); lots 1 to 22, bl.a'k l.; lots 1 to a, nlia k l.ti : lots to 22, bloc 14.', ail III st. Helens, Tax 20 HO l euallv aud Interest 3 a4 Ucllaltoii fc; 2-t f lot I, block 27, Co lumbia I lly. Tax 21 renal. y and lulerest tst Nicholas M B; si, ot s'4 j aectiou 1.', , l 4 B, r 3 w. Tax 12 r-.naliy aud ititeresl 1 ';0 Nixon Richard, tKeceVcri; ua'4 and sw4 and se'a ot sis lloll ..2: uel4 and nw'a aud ae'4 ol sactiuu 2V, all in ip 4 it. r."w. lax 71 reually and tuteresi 13 ) Osmau Chris: I n 3, block 4, riecoud add. to Veruonia. Tax retialty ami Interest... Pavue Klleu I . a1, ol se't of section 27; uw'aBtnaid section ; tte4 ot e'4ol sei'tiou 2a; ue'4 ot sw4 of sec tlou 27. all la lit 4 II. t 2 a. Tax 21 railally and interest . 4 Potter r.dward H aud .arah O; la'gln- lilugata point u 6S deg 30 lulu. e. 9.0 chains iroiu sw coruer of Aa rou Hrnylce II 1. 1 ; ihenre u. oa deg. 30 milt. e. viki chains; theuce. n. 23 deg. 0 lulu. w. 11.14 chains: theuc s ud deg. 30 min. w. dim rhalus: thane a. 23 deg. : mln. . It 01 aTchatu to place ot beginning aud contaiiiiug 10 aciea In secuen 4, tp 4 ii. r 1 . Tax reualtv and Interest Patterson tl W; 111, ol nw1, and sw'4 ol nw aud ns'4 ol iff1, of section 23, t p 7 u, r i w. tux .. reualtv end luie.'cst Perclull !; lot 6 aud u'4 id scl- and s 3 40 42 t4 ol se4 oi secliou Ip a n, r 5 . I 4 lav, . . 2 ," i renalty and Interest U Perkins K s aud Mlaatsrin; uud. 111 tarvsi in ne4 ot seciiott to, tp a u, ft w. Tax 7 Penalty and Inlereat t Poole t.aurge . hit 3 lo a. bha-k a, lot I, l.l.s-k 1: lol I. tills, k 34: lots 4. aud , block 36. lots 7 to 12, bhark 41. all lu fecoud aihl. lo Vernonia. Tax Penalty and Inbtrcet . lrsl H fi sk4 of svxtlou Jo, Ip 7 ii ri, w. las II Penalty ami In tercst a Roberts W illiam: ol sei'tlo.. , tp 3 u. r 4 w. lax ... 14 Pcnall) aud tuielSM ..... .... KiHlcuiugb lieorge; i.i 4 i -a , u.... j ai res in nw-4 ot is1, " .cs-ilou li, tp li ti, r 1 w. Tax . . 5 0.1 Hs I TI I li nally ami iuleresl Ill Koss W illlMiu J: lot 4 and in secliou S. 7 7 j tp7n, ra. S I 34 ; s enailv and Int.. rest I Ross Margaret. I' i- 4 and SI d "wi, uf t nw'4 ut sei-n. n A, tp 7 r, - 4 w, 1st 4 k'euall) and In --sl 1 Rrlaing Joscpu I B4j I ue'4 of s,c . u Ja, tp J ii, i ' . lax I X ' srenalt) ai u.. .ere -t ....... . list I Reynolds vt io.siii h: lou 1, 1 and 3, i olia'k 32, evcwlld a l.i. lu eruinlii, ; lax f i t-en iii) a-.d inter t . 10 i Rlbiertuii .-ari. h k; n 4 alio lia'4 of sa-ctloii to. tp u, r 4 a. I. X 130 4euull) -nl Intcrcl ......... 2 o3 Hovkacli toriiclia . ; lots 3 and 4 al d a ' of ua'4 and ' 01 sw'4 anu w- id se'4ul secliou 1. ip a 11, raw. iax n s feualiy amt illteieal J JS ra-hmiditu itua; uwoi sw'4, of seetlou ), and u's uf s 4 and ne4 ol 01 secliuii 4, ail in ip 3 n, r 4 w. Tax 8 'H teull and iutcrest I .ti rVhiuiillIn Alliums. ', ot nw'oi ,--tion 5 and w'of ne'4 and ae-4 of ue'4 ol stx.10116, all lu Ipsa, ft w. lux S S fenalty and interest 1 -at rlheriiiau Harry A ; lots a and or w'sj I of sw'4 01 seciii.ti 3t, ip 4 a, r 1 w. Tax 7 HO fcilalty ami liuetesl I 41 Hlmpsou Hubert T: fractional ue 01 sec tion 5, tp .( u, r 4 w. lax 7 53 B-eualty aul llilereat 13 Utalier oeorge IV. r,ntate); se4 ol, sw'4 ol se:tlou It. ip i u, r 4 w. lax 1 3D Penalty and interest uu 1 Paldreu 1.; s's of is', ul ss-tlmi II; ti'. 71 t 01 us!, ot secliou la: n', and a's I section ll. all in ip in. raw. Tax. Ji 73 10 J? 1 renalty ami li.tercsi tchlilldllu Albert , lots 3 4 ami a aud se4 1 oi nw'4oi se.tion a. ti ao, r 4 w. lax ' Fenaiiv and lulerest i fchull Ailiart; sr'4 ol seetlou 14, tp S n, j raw. lav . I Ci-naity and IntereM i fhlmller li; lot 12. block 4, Hceotid add. 7 50 1 !U 7 l I fti 1 toveruouia. lax... ..... 21 ot Penally and l.ucreat . fihuuiaaer Fralla W; lol 10, block 12, Veruonia. lax 21 04 Betialt and luteresi ptamlbrluge t: li; lot 2, bbajk 17, Vvrno- i ma. lax :n fenallv ami Interest I Htarr F A h; und interest in sw'4 of n 99 ; sei-tloli At, Ip 5 11, r 1 w, 'lax 1 07 j toenail) and Iuleresl (m. Heli osMra o ; a!4 of nw4and II 39 t nw! of ,!, ami s 01 sw4 ol sec- 2 13; lion a, tpn.rfw, lax li;lmliy and mieiest .. II w HiIImju Mjllnl.la; und l- inlernst In uw 2 21: uf aectiou ;f, tp A 11, r2 w. Tax.. , I feualty and Interest 33 ' Ht'ippeubacli Helen i): ', ol sw llon t. Do i tp 3 11, r 2 w. lax ieue!iy ml Interest I Htrode V K; a1, ol ue'4 and e'4 of uw 7 -VI '; ot section ,u. and w!4 ol ua4 of 140! sei tpiii il, all imp 6 11, r 4 w. lax j Feiiuiy and Interest The Guide Improvement Company; lot 12)' 12, bl.k 4, lioble. In 2,2! feualty and iuteicsl Tracy una; lot 1, 2. 7 an.) a iu bl.a-k 2-i, j delllllger's a.1.1. lo Vfru.Mliil, lax 4 14 j seuniiyam! inie.est 1 02 , Taylor Marie P; li's ol uw1, aud sa'4 of nw'-4 ol si-ctlou 29; ne4 of ue'4 01 10 32 1 seetlou .sl, all lu tp 6 11, r j w. lax 4 01 9l 12 Iri 2 27 2 10 ii II 25 1 ;a is 02 3 Mi mi ; 11 m 2 21 12 42 a ao ! i-eualu aud Interest The Kspy Kstato Couioa.iy : sef. of sec tion 2. tp 4 11, r 3 w. Tax tensity and lulerest Tryou n H: beginning at a point on the meander Hue u. I cnaiu and S4 ! e lo chains from meander corner 14 heiaeelt seclli tls 20 and 29. tp n, I a w; thence 11. -at deg. w. 2.V0 chains tu high tide Itua; tlieuce 11. 7deg. w. l2..Vichailia; tlielii.e n. 54 deg. I.i m. w. 75) chains: theuce u. i.9deg. 30 mill, w. 2.95 chains; thenc n. bl deg. 14 mln. w. 1X1 chains; theuce a. 25deg. 45niln. e. .31 chains to low water mark lne; thence s, 50 deg. 44 min, e- 4.30 chains; theuc a. fi4 deg. 4a mln. e. 15 chains; thenc a 73 dag. e. S 'JOchslns; thence s. tvueg.e. 2. no chaiua to high tide Una and place of beginning and containing l.;3) acree. Also beginning at a point on IJ. a. meander line w.Hchalita and n, 17, lOcbaiux from meander corner be tween sections 20 and 29, ipa 11. r 3 w; theuce u. .'aideg. 14 unit. w. 4 ofich'u; iheuce 11 tilt deg, 15 min. w. I.jucb'itst thence n. 76 deg. 45miu. w. 10 chaiua; theuc n si deg. w. lOchalus; thenc. 11. tochatus; thenc a. 70deg. lointn. e. loetialus; thenc . So deg. la mill. . 1 4ri chains: theuce s, 40 deg. Hindu, e. 4.14 chain-; thetu-e a. 40 chains to high tide line and place ol beginning; andiiiUlnliig2 9acrsa, Tax Penalty and Interest ....... Tb Investors Mortgage Heeurliy Com pany Limited; .rts 2, 3, 4, 4 and In section IS; aeof seV4 of aectiou 17; lrts 4, 4, A,7atidfl ami wofnetaud w of sets; and that par! of lot 2 t Ing 11. ol Balfour, IJuthri at tki'a laud section 2i); lot 1 section 21 ; lot I and w !s of m 1, and se of ne1, of secilon 29, ad lit Ip4n,r 1 w. Tax ... Pemiliyaud interest West J P: !( 3 and is4 of vm't and n WI4 ul sa!4 aud thai part of lols 2aiut 10 lying west of ecappnos creek nee- tion 12. ipfln, r2w. Tax. Penalty and Interest Ma tls William (heirs ol); liH block 14, isl, Hcleiis. Tax Penally and Interest Watsi.n Jontt P: '., ot nr and e of s ol section S, ip 1 11, r 2 w enalty and Interest Welaiter Alliert F; fractional ii!ofson- tloiii, lp.111. r 4 w. Tax , - Penally and Iateraat VYets-ler Waltr W; fractional OwJ of section 4, tp o. r 5 w. Tax Penalty and Interest. . Welch J H: lot 9, block 4 and lot7 tnd I, i..k 2. til'ifphl 'It;. fx ,, 1 42 27 14 27 24 'it oi '"1 14 70l i Ml ! 7 .' 1 41 7 49 I 41 un 4 70 1 tu , TM Do your Children QUESTIONS?! i ai Kt t 3U 10 f I Vi IHW S4A Is ut V Ikl 1 ao Ik) 10 Of course tlicjr tlo. It ii their way ot lcurtiiutr nd it i Jour tliitj lo ttiKwor. Vuu umy neotl t ilio tioimiy to witl you. It won't n- awer ovory question, hut llioro aro tlioiiHitiitU to wiiioh it will giro you trtio, clear ami tlulliiito mmwei. not nbniit wortla only, Iml iiboittv SlllllVl VIIU IUI Hlll'lllilUIT, IIIVIIi pluivs, stories Rtitl tho liko. 'i'lion, too, tho chiltlroii onn flnil their 20 04 7 14 own ftiiawora. romo ot our croulost 111011 lutto naorihrnl tlioir (Hiwor to slnily of ilia dinlionury Of coiirso von Wiiiittlie Ix'sttlio lionnry. The mtwit vriticitl irofor the New ami Knlurged liMitiou of webster's International Dictionary. If you Am' uny fiieafioH ii ton if tcn'a tit. e rtavint f!ra. O. MERRIAM CO, l'uiiina. eniNortiiD, mam. 2a 34 I Can't Afford A Tailor-Made This is a Himmoii rvnmrk, hut we alio v. in t ii'nlitu ilm dilfl- cully, fur we have lniii.lrv.1 of iiiii l.iiiii.vl tail.ir im.lo sil ls an I over t-wtt al half their original iirica. These re aiit mi l. at our d T rout ah throiighiint the I'acflic northw -.t an. fur vmiuh riMim lnvo tut Uu calltii for, I t Suit siul Otcrcimls tiii.lr f .r ;M, mm flM IMO Suit and Overcoat iu.i.l(. (or now l5 7W Suits and Dvercoata made tor .) a ul i."0, n..w $11) We alo have a line of t rumors in th- n....st an I .inu.i It l( I ft at frgklal ?u 04 91 05 ; j 1 '! fL'ut) lip. . i I Send fur samples, prices and Instnii liutu (, . li iticisiiroineiit. Mail Tt orders receive prompt attention. The niatingfiiient ha just installed a Hue liiu uf lipnts- irtiihing. nt 02 I .ai AS 42 So j I 20 , ol i 9t i Farnswortli-Herald TA.ILiOPR.IIMG COMPANY 248 WASHINGTON Struct ftRThird 1 , FAILING OL F3QlRT?JtAlNJID, OFIED. f 13 . li 51 j uu j I aa-uait) and Interest Whit II r ; si lsei lloti7. l.7o, ts v-Hal.lt and In 1 rest .. WI1.11e1.u1 IIil.Ih:iiii.i io-i,: interest Inst, of s-'4 id ee !. t( 3 n, r 2 w Ta X gstlal.t) anil iuleresl Wli Mams At-inira; tot 9 1..mW2I. i.ILi. licrsadd. lo loluliilla t it) . Tux svi.ai.1) are! lnlere-1 Wli l lama F t; L. tsbt.K k 21. i.lltio r. add to C lunibts City Tax....... gs'tiallv ami Interest ,. Wilkes Thomas H.heilui.lug ai a l I oil the Hue N-lw ecu sections 21. d 27. Ip4n.r4w. I.li, chall.ss . i. una id In Ter section roruci oil Ihrmv . at right angles to atd line 4.,hatu. thvuee - aud eratlel to aald Hue ft1- ehalus.w. 4 cliaiits to aid aectiou tin; thenc 11. ft), chain To place ol beginning and containing 2 US acre Tax . feualty aud Interest WlTllirurTotl tl P. ( Ir.isire); lol.'.. I,l k 4, Gobi Tax SSMialTvamt ItirensiT ,. Wright A N: I.ts 1. 2aud.'in bkak li. First add. to Veruonia: tots 5, 7 ami a blia-k 27, ftecotid add. To r nonia. Tax .. Penalty and InTcresT tt csel. t'liarlotle: lot 11). block .11. (ol - bla 1 Ity. Tax i.eiuilly and tnlcrcsl er Fred; w,. ol is1, of liei,ai.d a', ol e', of sw'4 ol lie's and w',ol uw', ol se'4 and a-' of e, ol nw4 ol se'4 ol sis Tlon 1-i. ip i 11. rx w. Tax PetialTy end IliTefesr . . ,, .. Zlglcr A C; s1,.,! i1, of of sec tion II, Ip b 11. rS w. Tax . enalry and luieresr, This will save your Life. By Inducing von to aaaa Dr.KiogpsewDiscov6tyf Consumption, Coughs asd Colds. The only CutrantMd Dum. NO Cur. NO Pay. YMtrDnkv g Lit will warrant it ABSOLUTELY CUXS8 Otip, Influenz, Aatbtna, BroncJhKija, Whooping Cough, IneumonU. or an A flection ot the Throat and Lungs. TRIAL BOTTLE8 FREE. Kegatlai Biasj 0O otvaU and $l.CKa It hhs been demonstrated in Clacka mas, Multnomah , and (Matsop comities that vigorit ia the only powder that can be owed profitable in hlnating stump. Head their advertisement In another column. "BBS TT IXslltwrlallv Pearlra. (-aiiitlr MapttbHcan. New from nil the world Well written, original stories An swers to queries Articles on Health, the Home, New Hooks, and on Work About the Farm and Garden. Is a member of the Associated 1'ress, the only Wostern News paper receiving the entire tele graphic nes service of the New Tork Sun and special cable of the New York World-daily re porta from over iVWO special correspondents throughout the coiititry. YEAR ONE COLLAR uawrribe lor The OH 4 JO hint A Ike rllr I liter tlceun The Weekly InlefOceaD uSi.8",!! r"r.?l..J:Wt ......... . ... - . V' Knight r4": 'r Shoe r w j; Compa. Jjj i: ,,;t Opposite lVikins Hotel. 5th ami Wash ingtoii Sts I'oit Or. SOLE AGENTS. Walk over S3.50 & S4. TheBestSlioeofthc Acre. " rfc STUMP 1U)AI) Mudiaon ft reel, ffwmwmffWrrfffmiiimwriimffwmaimwwwi THE NEW YORK STORE ) ilnw jtial Icci-ltcil Fall :: Goods, Shoes, Dry (-(wmIs, (Iroceiit's, Hoots. Shoes, Etc. H. MOHGUH. I (Nmijht Huililin, Main Stiff. St. Helens, Oregon. 3 ..i .1 .. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER 11 RAILROAD COMPANY, DAILY. fcSAbbows a vrt riliv . 0AILV. 22 '23 .H V I . 3i a .si a ill 7 IA 7 ;.t 7 ,w 7 2 7 17 7 02 a r, . 7 uo I IV. s 20 I aa 44 3 M S 4a 0a IV t 37 10 Ml 10H 10 30 io ao tn in o 06 30 4 I Vi S 3ft ia A t 10 V. u 40 59 ;i 10 1X1 112 3 10 10 M.li 10 21 712 to as 7 7! a. . l.v lorllalld Aril III to. I, I. 10 Oi Maimer . Pyramid, .. Mavgar . . . . tfiiincy ... I'lalskaute . Marshland . W est port .. . . . I llhuli ... . . K nappe ., . , Hvenson.. . .John flNV. 9 4J a.. 27 17 S ON I 02 I S 33 S 14 07 7 4. 7 1 10 47 an 11 an uo.ai II HI 04 4 a wi ' 20 10 J.I 9 ! Ar. A.ioria .l,v All train make close mnnecilnus at i.ohl Willi Northern 1'aolllo trains 10 and Iroiu th f.e.l and Soiiiiil p..ltils. ai Port land with all !"'n 'atnf l)niin dpot. at A.lorl with I. ?' 1 o .?' '" "" "learner T. J. Potter to and front llwaco and North Baaek silnts. Passengers for Astoria or w.y points must flsg Iralu at lloullon. Trains will stop in I.i p..! ?:rtZ':nuu'iju ivsisi!." ,r"n' 'ft- P. Agt.. Asmrla. Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Unvci Portland on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat nrday al 7 a. ffl. fur tt. Htltni, Kalama, Carroll' 1 hurt. Haini$r and Kliot Arriving sl Portland Monday, heads) ami Frldsv al J p. Bi. Steamer NORTHWEST V'5V.T ''"f"""'' Mnntlay, Wednesday and rrlday nights at at 10 11. ut., for the Mine points iiientlruicil hIkivb and To ledo, reaching i,e latter place nt 111 a. '".on the li.llowlng .lay. Hemming, the boat leaves Toledo at noon, , Tueadaaya Thur.days aud Hundnv reachinir eurtlsnd early la the inorhi'i,.. Wharf fn l ,;, Ht H Hi) I, MAR". AgeuL mill''?? ''l,P"br'iar only il l 'year by mall, for alg m0n,h,; Bn,.Weefc,y Journal. 1160 nd Wekly Journal II ,..r rJ.i1" Jou,"' I" art Independent psmoortttlc newspai ar, woiklna In the In erest of th. great .notion whu. rolls in Oifc-on. Bind in your subscription, aamtilv oirl.a fie... a.i-..-. u. . a . br.-j im ; , an .h7 -t: '"""" X. If ''.M ! allAaa lijll ' ? ' '' ' ' VIGORITFOWDHRCO. Manufacturers of IMI'ROVKI) BLASIING POWDHR Hla.XS'lM N(J. II AIL AVOl.K A N I) M I N LN(i. ' ----- l'i Miami, Orrfon, a large ititulce uf ii 101 PORTLAMO OAIIT Steamer Iralda C I. Hoonhttrk, HAll UdU) TlVkt. l es... Kalulardall) (except noa-'a; )(or rorl land, al A. M dapamug Iroui at. Ilaleussi! 11 cl.M-k Msturnlng. laavw Ps.nlauil al I ai P arrlilng at at. llslrDs al 4 Passfinicrs and Fast FreiiM. ItiHTI.AMt I.AMiIMi, TAYIiK T. "America" Willamett Slough Route Jsve Rl, llelniis. . Arrite nt I'ortliiml. :S0 A M I II:. HI A M J:PM tl ;( V M lit'iiva i'ui tlanil .... Arrive nt St, Helen rni 50 m i a. Will I'airv NnlMnrf but rset1- gcra and r'l Ftf'nti. j.t .HKH noon, na ter. The Steamer ktj it rMTt,i, ti,w. isl if 4 SARAH 1)1X05' Leaves Portlund Monday end Thu tlay mornings at M::K) a, in, lor Cla kanie. stopping at Ml. Helena and ww htndlnas. I'ijiiIhijiI landin'j? at V .l.e..t js.bl4 -,m ii- ' """' I f i I rL