site a I 1 1 mi I n i hi; H. K j't H i - .ti f Ml'' , 1 t , it n nl it. ;, In ai. ... Pur the Hrt' .'goll Mil !' . profess'. .( toll Wl '; - if eased a 1 Kaitll L sat i . cr AY m. a v i JJIG I. IsKcclviug New Ooodi 11U? J5IU oTOKK )OWN By Tle Sawmill!, TII2 BUCKLE 6TORS MAS A REPUTA- tlon of Long Standing for Only the Bout In GENERAL MERCIIADISE- Dart & St. Helens, ST. HELENS PHAKMACY Patronize a drug store when you want pure fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery. Toilet HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavjaa A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Pablisbcr -Reajaj 2-,.nt gowls Onl? iO Cents -COLLINS AND GRAY- THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, -Dealers in Holidaj year nib,, CAPS, FURNlKHINtJ tlOOlW, BLANK KTS. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. TIN WARE. HARDWARE, LEATHER, HAR NESS FINDINGS. ....BOOTS AND SHOES. Oil fulothing, Rain Coats, Rub ber Boots, Grass Seeds, Grain TEJlour and Feed. 'ELENS, Methods ol-Gold th e latest nd most scientific method of Gold, Filling ainmerlng. No soifiieM of the teeth, and nona of those leadaohet follow this Painleaa methoI of Gold Filling. ODER, Dentist, . .... " " ,n lOfflce, Hooo 414 if g Okkicm Hoiks. 'Phonks jKet Front 117 'Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information ami AppointrAente. by Mail. Bmiiii 60 and 61, Washington Hldg., tlootheast cor. 4th streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Take Elevator to Fifth Floor. ' - ' How About Your Title? A rb YO,! 3, RK10K H neurits Slttt 1 t Kl thai oveniH. 1 ,l .... V '" wu,l"" 1 ..- - . . i.u ujiii.ur - .in 1111 a.leo.1, In.lrtoii alr bonks n h eouniy. a " KUarauliwit. II y he V.- . .1 l..d., -"'c "'L.'- i..'r.iiiiihiilil. An Mrsot isassfsmnMi as e. n: guick & go., j .1 aaMwensmw E Jp ; Bkrninrir- mm .a i J. 'i hA? r- "" V" Ittawxw . .ri!rti.jir."iitt' j.. i - ." i..i.n I -n.- 1 5 Kvery day in the Week Muckle, Oregon. Articles, Etc, Goods! : i OREGON. Filling 317, Failing Bld'g Portland, Oregon all right? aomsmbor thaUt is ms 11 IB our mini.""" ...hut Haw tu , , j i.....i)iif inniiav nil rottl- "I"' V. , 1 ,,:i.T....n kuaw'lns whar Html J. u. r ; "., . not of alrtlraet work proiiiitlyeoiitei nrt islliiltietton oroiwitv i tnimro nlv us a oall y s ara ""r. P rover - ..n..M mtrntianlft. Ill IHC WUIIU II VOU ST. neuhs, ontoon - " CrMC-AOO. THE ukK(JOX MiST INMUKO ICVWIf VHItMY MOHNINl IV KELLER .' GA.BBERT, &PITOB AND FroPRIKTOKv personal 1 Joe Hebeskl. of Vallev. was in town yesterday. Will ism' Melllnirer has returned from visii 10 Washington county, Attorney W. Q. Fisher, of Rainier, " in wwn vveunesday. County Surveyor W. T. Wa'tti was in roru Bcapjxxjse luesday. Road Supervisor H. T. Grewell, of " arrsn, was Id town Monday. M. L. rUurm, of Bachelor Flat, was in kiwii rriday. John King, a well known resident of "tier island, was in St. Helens Friday yriaries issrgerson baa written to uiiange the address of his Mist from Oak roint,Mash., toaobel. , Misses Lixzl Moi-i-1 nn.1 Itmmi Ttol. IrtUrf Norl,h Xmhlll, have been tislt- ' ars. mamn wntie. JNorman McKay, of Saavies' Tsland, ss in town lhurtday; and went to ocappoose In the evening. Mrs. George Hisel and Mrs. A! Palmer 01 ocappoose, visited their sister, Mrs, T. A. Elliott, last Sunday. ' - E. E. Quick attended a meeting of the Koyal Arch Masons In I'nrHutwl laut inursday night. Miss May Chalmera is spending the ianKivin nouuays at uer home in ivrumiu, , J. B. Yeon and T. A. Richardson, of tvniiijtjr. were reKisieroa at k'nrr.iHno Mrs. Thnmall Pnntta, it TT..lUw. Wash, was visiting her parents, Mr. and" Mrs. J. H. Decker, the Hrst of the week Rev. H. Moys will preach at the Methodist EniscoDal church next Run. usy. Jostnh Erickson. of Oiiinrv and A U. IJ olden, of BcaODOose. were reiris- wrea at roruana noteis Monday. lHntr Sheriff W. A. Wood snent Thanksgiving yiaUuig, tieinds in Port lanu. land. Mrs. O. I. Hooffklrk. of Rainier, ku. urcn visiting ner narenu. Air. ana Mrs v. ., uiDhle in rortland Gill ileci'le a nromiuent Scannonne larmer ana uairvman. was in town inesuay, Mr. J. B. Godfrey and Mrs, T. K, Haines each purchased new pianos this wcex r. O. beaton. of Aurora, was in town Wednesday, and left for down river pom ii, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bignell. of Neor City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hight at Houlton over Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, of Pcap- poose. were visitors in town Tuesday. Mr. Johnson is breeder of the finest lot of Percberon horses in Colauihia county. Mr. Hazen, who has been employed on a railroad in Washington, was visit- ng his son at Kouiton fur a few davs He was suffering with a cat! bnncle. E. O. Purling, of Portland, has ordered the address of his Mist changed from 887 East Washington street to Ua, south Union Avenue. M. Welding, Qulncv: Edgar Fowler. 1I.L . L..lll P', ..wl t V Vllintf' U..l.l..a ..An..,!. terett at rortiand hotels WeUiiesday Miss Ma Morgan went to Rainier Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Laura A. Richardson, who Uvea near that place, until Monday Miss Harriett Thayer, teacher of the primary department in the public school is (pedum the Thanksgiving holidays at her nonie in Kainiur, Miss Grwe IhtUraff, principal of the St. Helen school, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays at her home at Hcappoose. Miss Myrtle Powell, who recently closed a satisfactory term 61 school at lluilsnn. is visiting nor Drotner, w. u. l'oweil. (j. L. Morgan, of Beaver valley, was taken to St. Vincent's hotUil in Port' land Tut'H.Uv fur treatment. He has an attack of typhoid lever, Mrs. Ira Parcher. of Beaver Vallev. who as been in a Portland hospital for several weeks, Is now convalesce'Dt, and will be broujiut Home toon. Mrs. Belle Miller, formerly of Yank ton, is now a reKien ot i arroiton, Wash.', and has ordered ins mist sent to that plane, nironer C. E. Pulton, who is attend ing the medical departmewt o( the tJni versitv of Oregon in Portland. SDmt the Tlianfcsgiviiig'holidays with Pc, H. R. Cliff and family Rev. and Mrs. M. Riirlinifnme, rf Woodlawn, are visiting ' their danghterf Mrs. r red Uniiira. inevare socomnan ieil bv Mr. Brigirs, Jr., who has been hving with them for some weeks past. O. E. Whitney and A. . Bnnce, of Olatskanie, were up 8unday, and fpem the dav duck shootingon SaiiviinlRliiiif1. TJiev returned home it the evening with' gooa uags. J. J. Englort, who was at Woodland. Wash., for several days, returned Tues day. Hp was attending at the hedside ol his friend. Weslev Abraham, who was formerly employed in the sawmill bcrtj. Rudolph Kirth, Bonnnsa P. O., Daw son, Yukon Territory, has written undir date of Nov. 6th, to send him Tnta Omt-' Miss Pai'v Watkins, one of the teach e-in the Raitiirr schonl, and Miss La ello Watkins. a pupil in tho Portland schools, will visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs H.P. Watkins, Saturday and Sun day. . . ' "" W". P. Tucker, who has been one of the accommodating nisi) carriers on the Nehalem route. for nearly four years fart: has resigned his position, and will soon leave for Toledo. Ilihooln countv, He is noW'vlsiting his sinter Mrs. A! Hobhion id this city. Ed Onshinsn.of Goble; W. Tt. Oolvin and.wife, of Marshland; H. J. Qninn and' mother, of blei J. B. Lovegren, of Rainier, and W. 0. MUIican, of Scan rMios", were registered at Portland hotels Tuesday. rs. Louis Miller. ofTxine R k, Uma tilla countv, was trisiting her sifter, Mrs. i. W. Richardn during tho past week, Mrs. M'ier spent her childhoad.dsys in ,C ' mbia onnnty, and the two HiStets il. A not nift. for Ave vears. Ahe'els.) I ! 'ied her mother, Mr-1. Melissa' Beegle at Cottage Grove, and whs in the' rail- wreck, near that lace New goo 'a are still arriving daily at I" rener 1 nieroharcijse store of Bivi 'iyA I'-frnJ llniiltoii, in great vaficty j v shO'.'S, sweaters, ladies' hoii, fsiicv iifin pllvln, boys' hats, 'io, The grocery dcjmrtnient is new and fresh. fdternry Fnk'ilaliiiiicut. IlivIainnNo, 2. olthe Ureeiiieaf Lltr rv 8 cletv. of the'tiuhho school gave at excellent program of exervisci Wed nesdsy aliernojii. A number of visitors were precei at the school to witness the exercises. Following was the ar ranged program ;' Kecitation, Vernon Siuiib; recitation, Dura Crouse; sonj;, by ti Uivlsion ; reading. Leota WUU- Diental musical 1 timber. Miss DeUrafC: dialogue, .' 'n'o Gilson and Charles Brailikck; recitation, Nellie Pinkney; song eight vuicen ; recitation, Lloyd Hat- tan ; instrumental music, Jennie liilson ; recituttoM, Bert McKibben; song, Minnie Mnclav, Leota Wh'tney, Jennie Gilson, Grace Dart; recitation, Dr. D, B. Stuart ; society ' paper, Leota Whitney. Bert McKibben is president of this division, and Grace Dart secretary. Wi Arre t td i Kaln'er. The Dallas Observer gives detailed wax and R. G. Maryland from the Po k county jail. The evidence goes to show that the prisoners made their escape by means of a saw furnished thein by out- siae parties, weatnerwax was iieiu on a charge of burglarizing a saloon in Inde- trviiuri, inni. mil, jus ijuine wu ui Jatlrfamet. Wash., where his mother re Sides. '!..- . A few weeks ago warrant was sei.t to Columbia county oliicers by the she: iff of Polk county for the arrest of Weatherwax. lie was at Rainier at the time, and the arrest was made by Mar shal Humiston, of Rainier, and officer Fowler. When. Weatljerwajc learned that be wail Wanted he hid on tbe roof of a building, but the officers compelled him to leave his hiding place, lie swore that he would now stay in tbe Rainier jail until morning, but the'ofbuers took him to Portland on the evening train. where he was turned over to the Polk county sheriff On reaching Portland it was discovered that Weatherwax had almost filed off one of the links df tha hand cuffs by which he was secured. How became into possession of the file is mystery. ' "; . A Startling Surprise. Yerv few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust black smith of Tildeu. Ind., that for ten vears he suffered such' tortures from iiheu- matism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottles wholly cured me;" he writes, "and f nave not leu a twinge in over vear." They regulate the kidneys, purify the blood and cure Kbeumatism. Neural- . Nervousness, improve digention and give - perfect " health. Trv them. Only 60 eta. at St. Melons Pharmacy, lreavtk af Jfrs. Mary Boala. We regret verv much to announce the death of Mrs. Mary ltoaln. wile of John W. Boala of Mavger, in the &ith 'vear of ner age on JMovemDer zist, iwx. The deceased was a long sufferer prior to her death ; She was one of the early settlers of Columbia comity, having set tled here tome 23 years ago and was a continuous resident up to the time of her death. The deceased was born in Ireland in tbe year 1837 and -came to this country in the early 50s. residing in New York state a number of years wbet( "lie married, rroin there she went to Ksnsas, and thence to Oregon. She waa well known among her neighbor for her kindness and hospitality. She left 'two' sons who survive her, Svlvester M. Boals, a prosperous farmer now living at Mavger, and Robert T. Boahf who at present is a medical student at the Or. -gon UnivetsityatPortlaud. Tbe funeral services wore held from her late resi dence. Father Hogan.'of St. Patricks Church. Portland, officiating. The in terment was in the Maccabees cemetary Saturday Nov. 32, at 2 p. m. Many neighbors attended the f uneral. "Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form," sava Eider John W. Rogers, a ChtUB.E.vagelist, of Filley, Mo. "1 gave her a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was vast and the child recovered.'- This " remedy not only cures' croup, but when given as soon as I he tlrst symptons appear, wrjl, prevent the attack. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a hahv as to an For. sale by Edwin Ross, Druggist. THE MIST HOLIDAY EDITI03. IllBHtratod With Half Tone Cuts WiU Ve Issued About Jaqnary 1, For some weeks the management of this paper has been making an effort to secure satisfactory terms for illustrat ing a souvenir edition of Thk Mist. Satisfactory arrangtsttienta bsve made, and the illustrated write-up of reso'u rue ful features, will surpass anything here tofore printed in Columbia county. Diving to the advertising patronage of Tun Mist, it will be neces sary to add supplementary pages, as at present the paper is crowded for space to print all the local news. Subscribe now and get the holiday souvenir edition. , You can save money bv taking ad vantage of the Muf'b clubbing rates with other periudictils. This paper and he Weekly Orego nian 2 per annum. This pBer and the Young People's Weekly, $1 per annum. " This' paper and the Weekly Capital Journal, of Salem, $1 50 per annum; six months, 76 cents. - . -TI ii paper and the Portland. Weekly Journal, (democratic), t 60 per . An num. ' ' ' This paper andjtba N. Y. Thrice-a WeekWorld per jeai tl 80; six months, 90 cents. ; ' All cluu subscriptions are invariably in advance. It hhs been demonstrated in Clacka mas, Multnomah ai4 Clatsop counties that vigorit is the onlv powder that can be used profitable in blasting stumps. Read their advertisement in another column. Startling-, But True. "If every one knew wht a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life P lis is," writes D. H. Turitfr. Uejnpteytown, Pa;., "you'd sell all you have iu a day, Two weekV.iiKe has made a new luarof we." Infallible for coHstipalioristoiiiai-'h snd liver troubles. 26c at St. Helen t'liar ssacy. Will be In St. Helens ' Blanche Hilvarde Dramr.tlc Compal y will' he iu St, Helens on the Ittth instant, and give a first-class comedy drama for uoiiiiiar nnres. but owii'tg' to hall not hiiVing acenery, it is sincerely hoped. that the people of St. Helens wul ver- litok tlie etl'ect, arid go and see the show for its acta (ill worth. Respectfully yours ' BLANCIIK HlLVAHDS CoMPANV. ; ; ii - We are still furnishing the Weekly Oregoiiiitn and Mist together for a year C)iiiy-4'.2.U1). i Subscribe now. . .-i V V"'J ,' All kinds ot commercial Hnd job printing exuutitnted at this otti'-H. LUUAL Snccefsfn! Thinksgiving dances were fivuu(ut iiuiilto'n, Sapnoose and Yank t')n. '.'High Standurd" flon r has no stier ior for doinesiM: uses. For sale W C'o,V nsciuray. The name of tha Cathlamet Gazette hfl been changed totheColumbia Breesa, it is still nnder the same management. AMitrjage licenses were issued during the week to Ida Erickson and J. B. X'Ovegreen, and Minnie E. Kasper and W. H.Holsapphi. Farr Bros., of Neer City, are now cnt tiir about 75,0 cords of wood per month, aid now have their wood, CWP and wood dock connected by telephone. The Reading Circle will not bold its regular weekly meeting this Frii'ay evening, but will meet on r rmay even- ! '",",' "f,1 week- V "i? of next week, at the noma 01 Mrs. W. H. Dolman, and Miss Grace Miles will be the leader, ' An ordinance granting the Rainier Mill Company a franchise for an electric light system, baa reached a second rend ing in the Rainier city council. Tbt ordinance will reach a third reading at the meeting to be held December 1st. After yon have read all the local and county news in this paper, how pleasant to have The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean at band to give you tbe happenings of the outside world and kurope in general 1.60 pays for both, one year. The St. Helens Lumber Company has put out the fires in the slab yard, and installed machinery tor cutting the slabs. ' The steamers Americt and Re public will be supplied with slab wood! for engines, and families will be supplied with Hunch lengths, Joseph Haybnrn, wbo.nss had charge of the light house station and fog belt at Warrior Hock tor the past 10 years, is one of the oldest and most faithful ap pointees in the uniumma river service, Aside from the valuable service to river navigators, the light shows nighi boat passengers (rom Portland, that ihey are nearing bi. neiens. The usual yearly run of smelt should begin any time from December 1st. to December 6th. Smelt are one of the roost delicious fishes caught in the river and run all winder. Since sturgeon have become scarcer smelt have' become more ulentiml. as the former consumed large quantities of them. Astoria Bud get.' The state land board has deckled to advance tbe p be charged for lieu lanu irom sz.ou per acre uy f an acre. Lieu land is an unknown qiWitity in' tills state, so far as acreage is concerned, and consists of land that is exchanged by the government to the state for min eral school lands.'; It is not known what what the purpose can be'fox the increase in the sale price of this land at this time but it is a sale guess that somebody, other than tbe state, will profit by the advance in the price. Ex. The Benson logging camps up the river are in operation again, aher : a'clee down during the itormy weather. Mr. Benson, who has just returned from an eastern visit, states that he will estab lish r un nil hick of VVashoncal. Wash. The demand for timber is very heavy, and he savs he could dispose of 100,000 000 feet of logs in 24 hours if he had (hat anantitv in the water. Ihe forest fires which recently raged in Wash, bad tbe effect of greatly reducing the snpply of available timber aad the out look for the industry very Drigirt. Astoriaa." In the opinion of lumbermen, north west hemlock will not soon find a mar ket under its right name. Tliere is a strong prejudice in the et against the name, although tne demand lor nemioca as fir or tiurnce ia good. The quality of the product is quite satisfactory and if some other name can be agreed upon by manufacturers tbe eastern buyers can he depended noon to place their order? here. '.'Oregon nne ' la merely anomer name for hV. That name is applied in this state, while in Washington it is called "Douglas fir." ; Hemlock is being shipped as spruce, and in several rases the hovers will nave no other xina 01 'ai.riice ." The foresetrv deDsrtinent of the government is 'trying to assist the millmen in their efforts to gain recogni tion for hem lock, but the efforts is fail ing. Donblltws some other name will 6e found. Astorian. ' ' To keep your hands warm th se cold !v. buy a pair of glovus at Cobths & Gray'a. -' Tu the I'ublio. Allow me to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I had a very severe cough and, cold and feared I would get pneumonia, but after taking the eeeontl dose of this medicine I felt oetter, tbreetiottlesof it cured my cold and the pains in my chest dieap peard entirely. I am moet resiectfiilly yours for health, Ralph 8. Meyers, 64 Thirty seventh t., Wheeling, W, Vs. For sale by Edwin Eoss Druggist. Anything. for the Coea. "Anything for theo on" was Mitchell's slogan a few years ago in the Nehalem valley, or at leat tiiat wa hts expressed sentiment at an alliance meeting, a? told by a responsible citisen, who whs present. '.'jMitch" as making a speech. He fold thealory of the three personages who were questioned as to their politics. One said. be. was a republican, the other said he waa a democrat, and the respon-e of the third wa: I am anything or the coon." Mitchell endorsed the senti ments of tha latter, ' add said he was "snVthing for the coon." This story is an additional clincher to the statements made in the Mist Wt; ITrA.K fiat, lit uAMiih vnrv Frirl&v. snrl special Sunday diuueir, 'at the St. tielens ; Hotel. WARREK. Seats were at a premium at the Lit erary, Saturday night"' The debate on tde question "Resolved tlistlve ia more powerful, than M.onev", wija won. by the-ritigative side, after their" money. Tne advent of our first lady debater, Mrs. Baker, was greeted with great ap- ytatire Rev'-' Mrs. Remiuington preached at the Evangelli'eal "bbutch Sunday evening Kd Waekman has just cuibpleteti a one and one half story resident. .".'.Messrs. Warner J. Tompkins and Bert Kellev, were Port land visitors Sunday..'.... At fast War ren has a graded school ... .On Monday morning Miss Brown took charge of the primary grade, and Prof, hahson took the advai:ned grada' into the newly oom- nlefeil school room ubeAU' . ..It is rumoreti the The Warren Literary 'and, LlebKtllllr society. woul ut" to receive challenge from some other Literary Society, iu some of the adjacent town's. v ' ' - Th Srr Collins A. Uray, St. Helen, On-gon, carry a aVU; seloteti-Btofk of groceries, diivgoiHh'.'rijriliHipg goods, shoes- rule te,rs, nrookcry, hardware, Hour, feed, etc. The St. Helens Hotel takes the lead. under the management M- A. t"01 A M. Iilinn, - ' ' ' "' ' Stt Helms- Hotel , Under the Management ol Q. A. AND A. M. BRINN. Hsf been repainted and relurnished. "Board and lodging, 20) per mouth. Transient, $1 per dev. Special Eatcs to parties, of Several Persons. darn and Fee d for Horses. SUHMOHS. Iu the Circuit Conrt ot Ui Hlal of Oresoa for Columbia Cfxititv. Anaic Laura La Favs, Plalutlfl, Epbrian La rare, Defendant To Er hrlam La rars. tba abort namaii de- (emlanl: IN 'SBf. VU4i OT THE STATE OP ORC gou; You are heraby required to. appear and answer tlie (umplnlnt Sled agaiuM yua Ktho atove-antftled Coart and caiiae, on or Hefnrs tlie Will ditjr of Uecemker. 1MU, and II you fail ao to aunw.r, Icr want thereof I he nlnimitir will unnlw u th. f'..itrt in. Ih. ...Kuf rrad(iorlatfceComplMlBt; uvwlir Tnal'ttie oona. 01 matrimony neretuiora ana now exist ing between you an. I the ulaiutlir be orever dluolveil and held for naught, aod tbe plain tiff bedecreed to be divorced fro:n you, and and that plaintiff be permitted aod suthorlited to resume ner maiden name of Anna Luurm Haunaford. and for tiuch other relief a. Ibe Court may deem equitable; and just. Thin .uoimous la aer.ed upon by publUnlion by order of the Hon. Tnoma A. MclirlJo. Jadi;e oi the aboyeen tlrled'Court, mwie and entered herein ou tbe 81t day of October, IMU, and tbe date of ihe tirat puhlication of thin soinmoua la tbe Slot day of Oilober, 1902, an- Ihe Iimi publicaUon la tbe Ulli day of Ueceinber, 1WU. , 1 , KKANK 8CHLKQEL, Attorney for fudnuft- tlmber Land, Aet June , Unit. KOTICe FOR PUBLICATION Umited Statu Lui Ovrica, Oregon City, Oregon, April 23, 1902. NOTICE la HEBKBV UlVWi TUAT IS COM pliauce with the provlniona ol the act of Congivaa o iiuie , ln;S. entliled "An v.i for tbeaaleof limber landoiil Uu-euueavf Cetifor nia, Oreiion, Kevada, and Wuhingtou Terri tory," a extended o. all ibe rublle Land siaten by act of Auguit 4. lwi, Beaoit Vllliger, oil eort laud, county of Multnomah,- tateof OrcSon, Baa thli day Hied iu tbia office hi. aworn slate met .No. fW4l, lor the purchase of tbe awWof .eetlon No. to in towuahip No. 4 a. the land (ought ia wore valuable for lt tlmljer or atoite than for agricultural purpe. and to establish bis claim to aald land before in ur- llr and Receiver of tbla ori at Oregon city. Oregon, on 'rJay, Ihe 9th day ;if January, ..w. aw luiun a. wiLueaHw: i-ans i l- lisuu, Frank M. Uovt and Uelver Olsen. tit W.rr.. Oregon, and A, L Miller, of Oreg n City. Any and all persona claiming ad- reraety the above-dewrlbed Until ar requested to file their claim, in tl.i. uaiceonorbeforeaaltlDth day of January, lnua. OHjx CHA4 B MOOBE4, Kegiater. PETITION FOIUQUGB LICENSE. To the Honorable County Court of Co lumbia Uonnty, Oregon : We. the uiidorsigntHt ieiral voters, re siding in Ooble precinct, Coimubia County, Oregon, would respectfully pe tition your Honorable Body at its "next regular session, which will lie held on the 6th day of Jnuarv( ltK'3. in. the Court' House, iu the Uity of ' St. Helens, Columbia County, State of Oregon, thai a license be granted to O. E. Hunter tu sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors iu quant i yea less un, one gallon In Uobie precinct iu said county and state, and that said lieense be granted for a period of six months, for ail of which your petitioner will ever pray, Sigue : O S Foster, II Beahe. J. Burbee, H E Smalley, 1H Spencer, 0 M Leonard, Thomas 'Peoples, S M Fowler, 11 M Fowler, Geo Pitxeuberger, Hosea Black, Will Kelly, A J VanAlstiue, C P Ander son, E W Fowler, L Bradley, J Martin. F Husebauni, Walter Huuter, Bert Mackinster, J L Archibald, W M Brad ley, Ira L Withrow, J E Conboy, Robert Link, Peter Hoesch, John Fair, Uertrge Foster jr, Will Meacham, E'Hsivard, C H Eblinge; Jolin Metr'icks, Earl Hutchinson, Johu MuFarlaud, W H BUhoup, Z A Hyde, C Link, B 8 Keen ev, J W !tomell, C 0 Fowler, P U Piper, UW McFarlfli-orge Link, Ueorge C Fowler, Frank V Cleaver, ""C Magiun, Joseph Lawrence, Jimiuie Kennedy, R S Kinney, R W Dodge, Arthur Riley, J M Young, Frank Degonda, Samuel Forties, Jowjph Cardiueli, D L McDer mott, R A l.awrence, M Link. J C Mon roe, Victor Fnrer, E E Htifstnker; Rob ert B Ljptotf, J Alfred Johnson. D FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache ATI dlie&nea of Kidney, CURE Bl adder, urinary urgana. llm kaanmaaiaaH Hat fV aisu nuQ uiuakaaaustt aaa ah,BcarUiBsa!ie oraval, Dropsy, rsmal xrouuea. Boat dlaaonras-sd. 8 ere la a ears for yon. f nuuaaary write eiiuer. He has spent a life time curing Just aA easesuyoura. AllcouauttAtiuns iiw. "For years I had backache, severe pains across kldueys ud scalding urine. 1 could not net out of bed without help. Tbe use of Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure- r-' stored me. O. WAGONER. Knobaville. Pa," Druggists. 80c.. U A'k tor Cook Book-ttse, For ale by Collins & (tihv, fit, Ucleiix, aim Ruilev A Brinn. general nier-; chants at Houlton. H. Morgue has received a stork, of the finest loggers shoes ever brought to the citv. Thev are ol the ceieoraiea a. a- Cutter make, manufactured at Eau Claire. Wis., and are going like hot cakes on a cold moruiug. hey are most substantially made of tbe best material, n.daare s9,const,5U9teCi as to be easy on the feet, and perfect-fitting. The Oregon MM "'! the Oregon Veekly Journal for fl. 00 per year. Greatest' Clubbing Com bte Cation 41??:) TWO WEEKXY PAPERS H1H TUP- Ojf ONEGREATEST BARGAI IX GOOJjl . hKADTNO. Bv a special arrangement we are able to furnish Tits Orkqon lir and THE EEKLY QAI'H At Jt'V BNAL at the folk v. ;i.g" t U:; Ijing price for Both pa-rn : " ' ' ' r' Far ttise Veatr la f ar Nix iTIaaillaa la tafaner, lie. The Weekly Journal, of Salem, Ore., prints most inside newa our stat4 goveihuieu't and the full' ifKialati HH,-eeilings. 'o . what yon' want tot the coming session. The Jour iM eight page paper full of telegraphic nj-ws whi -rii, .-. .' pie copy iurnished free apon wqutry at h's ' ' ".V . ' .... 1 Watta & Vila FloHr ni F;J Choice GroccrU : Staple Drj goods. ' .Best Jualltj Shoes Hardware and Kctlccs ORIENTAL - HOTEL Under the management of MRS. FRED BRIGGS, Has the Best Accommodations. BOARD AND LODGING, $iS f,R MJNTH. Transient. $ i Per Da jr. Feed Barn in Connec--;.r-A. tion. ST. HELENS, Or. SUMMONS. In theClrmlt Court, of th Slate ot Omens, for tne tonuiy oi coioniuia, . . Rmaell E. liewall. ri.iulln, Ta. John H. ErirkKon, DefendanL lo John a, fcrit-tapu. the above-uamen de fendaui: T N THK SAMB orTHK STATE Or OrtKUOS: Ym are hereby noiliied and reumred appear In the Mbove entitled court on or lie fore December Sib, 1W2. which nte 'i He laatdey of ihe lime pretcribe-l in rhe order f.f the punllo'.iuof tni aiimmoiis, &uid tlnle of ubiication i4 clfA'wef-k.4 from the rfutq pf UiS rat luibllcution. and ftale of the first dMicm-' Hon la Oclolier 4ih. 1W' and lnt tUle ol time prewcrtlietl tu the ortier of pnbhentton i. be- : ceuiber6rh. 1902, to make nmrer to pliifiitiiTa comolaiui filed In tbe above emitted court and 1 """ And if you ntti ao to upueur and an.- swtjir said eomftfMint piifcii.tfft will (j-ily t tu tnun lur jtinKsiieiti sikj ur-rw SLranuie yon for the relieJ demanded in the com pi a inc. The relief prayed fH iu the coin plMiitt i for s deore; DtMrrtwinit tb pluimfrt U ihe ltyn.1 owiter in fee ftlmjie-' ud entitled U the poseMo-t of ihe foHiwim; detrribd real twotercy aituatefi. lyinu ml tug ia Columbia rvuuty anJ Suie ofOrf;oii, l.-wir; All of the trut h< of the frnuliwe.1 quarter and low numbered six uud even In section six (ti) in Tm. n ship ft) North of Fcutre (.'0 Wtf oi lm Wfliamvtte Ueriliiut; that the wd defcii-u -r! hm estate nor auv iiiteretil ia 01 wi w . premiftes and 'Jial imt tietewlant h (r. tr n) ai acd Iroin ever aMsertiusr any rfbmu vviu--evertuMid premiset artverse la im!iit: the sheriff 's tax deed, deTilMU in tu.hl tvmt- SUint. and t which relereiicw ia hfirebv ia.nirjj, e declarwl to be vuid anct fiu estuft am I 1 ft it said defendant he cpuv;s'Hd to nurren'r :nl deliver the same into Ctfuft for eauer.itAh m an 1 to be forever reinoved &tcUad idm-.n-UfTa utif, and that the title1 of lie forever quieted against the t-li of the . defendant and all jrnv c!mtnir hjt yirougrh or nuder Intu' flint sftid dcfeudaUt be enjoined forth w ith tton. aeliin 'i eonvevlne, trunsierririjf, moriKHMiv, e.K:um'erinff: or otherwise interfering cr nml mut; with the title t Raid premise ami "m !ti ottsts and ditmntemeuta and for uch u'lter Qr lief in tbe preniifen as to the Court Uih nitmt meet and equitable- - .v. Thwsuinmotur Ih tnblisbd pumuaut innit order made and entered hy the H.iu. t lumi.trf A. MtiBride, Judge oi wild Courts on the ISMi day oi uciober, A. D., at Hi, HelCi.a. Oie- OMdb GILTKKR A UK WALL. Attorney a for the pLuuitnl. SUMMONS. In the Circuit ;ouri of the sute of Oregon, for ine uotmiy ot i;oiumota. J. II. Keefer. Plajutiff, va. Mnry E. Keefer, Defendant, l a Mary t. Keefer, the above nintt I De-. feudant; IX TIE KAMK Or THE flJaTC C V- &K. aoit: you are hereby mttiffod and 'fa i..;uTd tt" aitpear and answer the eompltout fUe(i i.ffu'tit' Jou in tne aoove ewiuea vwiin -on 4r ite ore Peoemher atnd, lwxi, -whu'h M ' b it-r the expiration of sU weefcR frttvu the dte ui the iirtt pufdkatlnn ot thin suminfinh; - rt-A J4 on fa') to so nppeui uud answer on ur1 :jiTirP .:il nd iIav til ii'ccmlwr. lut!-? thn ftltstitrifT will! apply to the Court tr tbc;firi iie:iiuiiieft ii kliSVtHIII't falls. l' Wt. r U IK,-Utcv vtll -ltt f 11 tne inurnuste relation niw e.-a-imitr tweeu yon nd the plaintiff, uud fur huh and further or dmervut relief proper. This nummoafl fn nu uhlldhM by cvder of :Ne Ide. JrfilL'e'or ti.f.t.'rt B a. Thomas A. Melirhle, Jrfd'eNn if. entitled 0 nrt. ma le M Cuatuber oi? iio Jin dnv of Nvember, 19UrA I'ho day of the drat p;ibHcatloit f tula sn moui ia November 7tb, liK?a. r ' . . ROBKRT CF. MORROW AtKiniev i r Pi n istpf Q7hS Qfr FIMAt STfLtM& T XTOTICR 18. H-KREBY OfVEN I'.Y the undersigned silinini.-mi'-.i- of the estate of Charles L. Meli- d -ceiit. tha'i'he tn lcd in th olptf .rf rh Countv Court of Columbia (!..tti,ty. (. s egon, bis hnil aecun it of hi itlniiiii-v tr tion upon said ectate, tnr h.-c w ith hia fine 1, report and pelitioii lot liiml i-r tlemcnl, siid tiiat the Hon. J. IKimh,' u-'sro of fiid Court, bus app .iu ei rrl- ' day, he 9. h day of JanttAty. "t ' one o'c.ix k in the afternoon wf rant t as the time, and the courtroom of iivt t onrt ai ine toun rionw in .-jt, ueieix, Oregon, as the plat of hearing aniil a- count ai d report and of wttlin.' the ndV miuUtration of said t.-tie, t which, time and place any p-rmn interested may appear and rile oh 'e ti' itx in writ ing i tosnid s ciunt or re)ort, or any.' portion thereoi, ; ." A. R ME LI 8, Adminiftra'orof the E-tetU- of Charlct, L. Melii, deces'ee.1. " w j 'u" 1 . H. ron ell, Attorney for Ailmlnt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ot the Inter lAha OttiOt at .Ti.i..t, VUv,'V;fniB. TOTICK IS HBRKP.Y WI'tKN IIIA; ftiLloiTinif-nained aettici ; I; u utlru. ,. hiii Intention to make fiisi.l tnr in a iirnoit .A. hiV 'Ui.P ttnd that aid ni 4 .vnl t. tiittle be- lure ine lounty tera ot 'ittiit. 8fi. Helens. Ore iron, nti l er - - LEWIS 1 , . T-.t-H, Kfl. IS .Tf'-r tht ,tH ure the County Clerk of Ittin.Tibut ttiiy t (rU.-b H t l 4 1. r6 W. He ntitnee the -riill 'wuiii wMioh: n it V&xe his continumTa icd'.oi w -ud eiUiV nin, tinntoKii nairvi i-M sfc?!! :,i -i i,w?. n,;e son: oeorge w. Adunauit afouzo fcuTim.u., ol VisrnoUii. Uit !;-,i, 1i21d2 . CHARLpA 11. cplster. . .': , ...... - .-!.