1 o Pff, PROFESSIOXAL. Notary I'I'Mlh.'. CuRVRYAIM-'INtl. J. B. GODFREY. ITTORXEY-Ai'-LtW. Real Estate and Timber Lands Soldi AHHTIUCIV MADKi ST. HELENS, - OREGON j ATTORXEYAT-Ll Ilffliw wttll It, tjiitrl, (. HKf.KNH. : : OKKHO. WlUitlva Ixwl nminl uliviiilnn to all Uinl mail.'" niru.UMl to m Will prlli' in all the :muI n.l I'nllwl ittc i.'uurt. W.H.POWELL, ATT0RXEY-AT-L1W. ornTV iiiinrkicr attorrry. T. HKl.KSa. s OHKtiOX. UrrilXMatoMB UkOCK. KoV PUeUC. W. C. Fischer, ATTORXE Y- AT- Li ir. RAINIER, i : OREGON. R. I'. GRAHAM. T. J. Cl.RRTOR. Attorneys-at-Law. Jua Mariuin Uullillim, rnrlUnil On mm. Celtimhl County htutacM will racaWa prompt attention. I, W. DAY W. B. PM.LARD MLLAKD & DAY, ATT0RXEYS-AT-L4 W Office naxt dKtr Ui Oiiirtcniwa, HT. HKI.KNU. OHM.ON. General praettr la tnrt 01 Oregon or Wh ItiKtnii. Alwtmcu rate rilritl)r from ciunljr record. Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENA, OREGON. Dr. II. It. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLAT.-KANIE. OREGON. Physician and Surgeon, VERNONIA, OREGON. WaNTKO.- A TKt'RTWORTIIV OKKTI.KMAM or lady lo ouch county to manage huia neia (or an old etablihed hoiiae on olid financial funding. A utralglit, bona fide weekly aalary of $18.00 paid by chock each kvedneadny with all ex penaee direct from headquarteri. Monty advanced for expenae. Manager, 340 Caxton Bldg.. Chicago. The Ulatorlral (aartrrl;. The tjtiarterlv of the Oregon Hiatorifal Society, No. S, Vol. 3. fpwiiiW, )!)'. Iie tipun our table. A uual it I full of Intercut to all who cm re to know any thing aUitlt the Itfiit itioio of things In Oregon, and what good citiaeiido not? The content are a follow: Sheep hitabamlry in Oregon, bv Hon. John Mmlo, pioneer of lrM;ttie Origin and Hlatnry of the Willamette Woolen Fen tin y, tint tlrat on the l'lii-illi; omul, ly the late L. K. I'ratt. who mnalrdeUM thu factory awl manmtwt it (or auvttral year ; The American Kur Trade in the Far WW, a review of the recent work by Capt. Htrain M Chittenden, I?. S. Cnrpeof Eiijtifieera, by Mr. Friilice Fuller Victor; KeminiiMvuce of Jatnea Jory, a pioneer of 1H47, and D. K. War ren", a pioneer of 12, by II. 8. Lvmuii; Retniuicme of Mra, tanitha lWwn, a pioneer of 1K4I, beat kn wn aa "Grandma" Hrown, who taught tli flrat achool at Forwiturova, niilof which ha grown the 1'acitlu University of li tlav, by Mra. Jana K'innt-y Smith, la addition there are tlirm iutreti"g dociimtinU; (I) Relating to the formal taking of the Columbia river Auguat If, 1HIM, by Capt. J. Kiddie, V. H. N.ffSj U tter of March 4, IH4.1, publietted in the .Natioiml InloiligtMicvr, WaKliihgton, V. C., ntlating to Oregon ( (81 Entrai t from a Im tiire by lioorgn L. Hilliard In Hart fonl, Oiiin. in lMf, oppoaing th hlt-a of the U. ti, giving tip iu claim to the Oregon country. Every copy of thi qtiarttirly alioufd Iwcarnlully preawrved. In a fear year it will bmm invaluable lo every at inlcnl. It i aunt to a large number of lliatoricol Haciutio and pu tin librariee in eaatern etalen, ami In thU way la largely aaaiatlng In making hlatoric On-gmi batter known to the people of our land. Any one deeiring to "retire copiea can do to by applying lo Geo. li, lliinca, Anaitant Hecretary of the Koriuty, City Hall, l'ortland, Oregon. Aalnr-p Amid Flame. Rrvaking into blating home, onie Hreinen lately dragged the alceping In male from death. Fancied iwcnrity, end death near. It' that way w hen yon neglect cough and colda. Don't do lb Dr. Klng't New Diacovery for Con uuintion irivei uerlccl nrotectlon a- ?ainat all Throat, Chettt and I. ting roublea. Keep It near, and avoid "til lering, cieatlt, ana tioctor i num. a tea apoonml atopi a late coiiuh, neraiatent nae the moet etubborn. Harinleea and nice taatiag, it'a guaranteed to aatMy by St. Helena Pharmacy. I'rliie 60c and i.00. Trial bottle frco. A REMARKABLE OFFER. The attention of our reader la dir ected to the announcement In thla Inane of "pedal clubbing1 rate with You no l'aoH.it'a Wkkkly, the b'-t paper o( It cluna publlnhel in Aiuerlcr. Our ur rangementa are excluaive, and on term that enable in to offer that paper and Ohkuon Mirt for the price of a tingle ubariptlon to thla paer alone. Our reHilera will surely appreciate thli very liberal offer, ami we Invite tbein to make It known to auch of their (rieuiU ri are not already tubanribera. Two papera for the prlc of one It an In ducement teldom offered, especially when either l well worth the price aaked (or both. All tubacriptiont, ac companied by the caah, ahould be aent to thla office. .. ,.f Luck la Vj, II y M.ndintr 13 U: Walton Fnrnare, V s llucklen't AraN n cured a horrible Vt S Nothing elm limine, VvU) Itoil. Hum, ?6c. GnaranUmd by maey. HlllUHT'tml i bl I'tm NM.ll, I Ion I , CltM t The larg'l tinit arrtiltliin. cliatntnl he. An., li) Kail n. tulved in coiaaiiU tw'i t wa ual.f liv artye1 a aiuH-illc fur ' tM.I,,a litthertWA They ciiiiini. ttitti'iiL of the Thnv luUrvlewvll and tried it out 't f n,.f Itirtw. ttnx.in nit.l Mtj'hlnt. I tiaint 'I aii.taii t,, iimiiim cat j ami a ltulpinti if for jtldgn. ' l v" per cent of tli well oi prugr There heiic failurrJi, Ih -clcwd the tr of the ItiveMli clinical ri publlhul ri application. CoiiilMUiy, 4. FranclaiH), Cat Thic-.vIIi s; By latiacf.-jf I Dr. v If " ; G !n3' 3 Am. aatair a. ' IbvMttlna a fiowatriallr. apt " . - V al- rMtf i four ioiifc " teucwitti.. "Or"eem W'lf dully naw!'"!'' "?L f k n.w.par. to1 InterMt y I Atltlrww The Journjf., Bub!ribRlo7TuM';