Mitchell states what he know to be alter falsehood when he states that i with the Pittsburg Bentinal reduced it price of printing Him county court kopeedln; frotn 1 to nothing. When writer was formerly employed in the jhT, thi paper did the work for nolli- . Afterward the legislature allowed rlaiu county paper H small rata for .'h (or printing tliu proitwdiugs. The -iter, nisi) is credibly Informed tlmt the itcholl crowd offered to priut the pro mliiigs fur olio year (or uothlng In ordur get the Job, and nt the end of tha A ur compelled the county court to foot in hill. Thi Is the wny the price wan diicej froir 1 to nothing. U-ivt4 Bieerha granted a pardon : Ins. Aritrt Duraud, who ha been V.'vii .P'l5.r auntence in the min- ir nt ,15-vear untcnce in the pen for forgery. Durand tti the fnl mallilfM lit fl,M Tltimiwl ft Capany in 1'urtlaud, and nt ttio i''n '"n' ',,ri"j """u Situ lif.feiiffurt to ave hl company from fuilnf flu lias served lens than ii yeartods ti mo. For the &t time in the history of I Oregon an Ittur uf a newspaper parade i n protearf religion before the public, and tiifltt (ml u moral man he i. Is lurofcssdl liuioii the stock in trade of lie KaiPr Uasnite? The Pharisees In : loud on tha streets, , who followed Christ Two Men Asuh, i n Hefrlgcralor Coroner Dal ton received a dispatch from Uobla yesterday after noon thn a man was found dead in a bo car. Ac companied by Ir. II. K. Cliff he wnt loOobla on 'the stesiner lralda. The coroner' jury returned a verdict of death by accidental asphyxiation. Let ters found on the clothe of the dead man Indicated that III name was John Hnlllvan, ami he was about :I8 year old. Hullivan and another man, who gave his name a Joe Murphy, entered a refriger ator car on the switch at Uobla Monday, and built a coal fire in a tin can, after closing the door of the car, both fell axieep. When discovered yesterday morning Hullivan was dead anil Murphy barely alive. In fact, he il now a wreck. After the inquest was concluded last niirht. (iooriw 8. Foster, ait old resident of Goblo, received a slight scalp wound iroui ute aeciueniui uiscuarge 01 a re volver in hi own hands. ie KHiJr tiaelto' leu tli.) prayed fcl Ju$!Ienriot, f ' week announces bis po V week's issue of the . vocn the line it raft "Anything f thai he sull ied Hlntes ren dld he turn over -T . de to tliu people ioral!y binding as More a notary t the printing in t liecu let to the rdmiie witli the I igln'Hf regard for ; who are trying to ' iiit people who use '.a for l liuir misdoings CEDAR GROVE Uiltv llivtiiw and W-lev Duke are working at King' mill Orville Young commenced' work Mondav for John Lindhurg . . . Mrs. Hodorstrou m and children visited WR. Holmes fam ily iBHt Hunilay There was a good uHjinrliMa nt- Klinitnv school IasI Allll- day, and it Is hoiied the people will at tend nae mai an winter rmu eom, wife and child visited Knuday with Her parents air. anu rars. rving m. I V.tiinif anil hid ln, Ihivs. War ren and Melville visited relative in Portland last week. . . . . . I he people ot C'vdar drove will meet at the school Lilian ThanbuLftvinir ditv and imt nn a shed 10x30 leet, for the accommodation of their horses when they attend grange, church or Sunday school. That la, when the people attend, not the horsas, and the shed will be 80 feet long not 80 feet high ....A basket diniiea will lie served in the school house, after which an hour's entertainment of recitations and song' will be given by the pupi's and teacher of the) school Several persons in this neighborhood have in sured their property in the Urange Insurance Company, the safest and at the same time the cheapest insurance company In the state. .Neighbor, join the grange. VERNONIA Mr. Adam is recovering from his In- inrie . . .John Baker is blasting stumps (or John Adam John Vanbhirieon 1. I., m.wl lr,l l'.irtllllld W. P. Tucker, who has boon carrying the mail tor past 40 mouins, iihh naiuieu hi his resignation to ti. W. Hice, and left .. 'C. ,l...l, l.ini-nln cniiiit.v. I In will visit his sister, Mrs. Al Robinson at St. Helens (or a lew days l lie snooi- ing match that it i to he given is now all the talk. . . .Dow took a lot of butter to lloiilton : The Pittsburg sawmill is running in full blast .... .Hchool is doing tine The shingle mill has shut down for a few days A. H. Mathew has returned to the valley. lUMBIA city K lliimgurdner expects to move ".rn to Peer isinno ..f , I II.. Puinlnr H fW flllVS oveo ins huh" -- - 1 uro where ho ts woi-King in a sewim,,.. , . John tirennhagou expects to ni'f m pjf Ilwaiv Jit the spring ...John Harris is feeling under the weather just now. . . Our school is progressing, and will close in a few dnvs, the scholars are learning fast, lis thev have a goes! and reliable teacher. . . . We hear that Mr. Vivian expecting to leave us and go to iMigland again . ..CallatW.O. Hnmganlner' and trv vour luck on pwe baking powder'.. ' lively capital prireandother nice prixes, 60 cents a can. HUDSON The carpenter are at work on the new grange hall... ...A. ti. llnggio made rlying trip to Oregon City Moudny ..... Karl liausnr is diggim; his pnliiloe, and they are dandies . . . Yeon, I'eltmi A Co. are running two engines on the roa-J.nnd are putting in about 6()0 logs a day. A little granger arrived at thu home of Arthur liaggin Monday, weight !' pounds, mother and child doing well . . . Robert Hall was in Portland vii-iting friends last week ...John Kherin j back working for Yeon I'elton Co ,. Robert lvelac is fixing the road up the mountain. Hob is all right lieaver Valley Grange 30ti, meets Sat urday evening Nov. 2M, and every two weeks after until further notice Mrs. fra 1'archer who was takuu to a Port land hospital is improving ploivly Miss Cora Morton is very sick ... VI i Barnes has finished her school and came home Huuday ..'-.Arthur Moiyaii was taken ton Portlaud hospital Tuesday. He is very sick with typhoid fevur. Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail. The little daughter of Mr. J. JS. Powell jumped on an inverted rake miide of ten penney naile, and thrust one nail en tirely through her fnit and a sin ond one half way through. Chamberlain's Pain Balm was promptly applied ami live minute later the pain hud diaptsard and no more mt (faring was experiere .1. In three days the child was wearing her shoe as usual and with abaolucly no discomfort. Mr. Powell is a wellknown merchant of Forkland, a. Pain lialiii is an antiseptic and heals such injuries without iaturation and in one-third the time required by the usual treat ment. For wile by Kdwin Hess lirug- gist. . ; Classified Advertisements STRAY KUKKOM THE KAUM Uh 0 L. Ayre, near Yankton, n dark led, year ling hull, marked, branded anddelioined Branded on the left hip"L A"niurked with crop and split in the left ear and hole in the right. Any information will be-gl adly received by C. L. Ayres at Yankton, who will pay reward. Fob Salk The cordwood limber on 100 acre of land. Call on or address . W. PKRRY, Hmilton, Or. WANTED Men to clear land ready for the plow, by the ace. Either large or small contracts let. Apply to John John Johnson, Scnppoose. KHTAHl.lxUhn ....UHK JOHN A. BECK DKAI.IK IN Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY,... Itepairing a Specialty. Morrlm.u Bt. lie. Front 4 First. PORTLAND CKND FIVE CENTS TO ALBERT O To.ler, Portland, Oregon, for Clats kanie Precinet directory. Owl Saloon BRINN BOTH MBS, PMPRUTOHS , Ouly tli best ot Liprs and Cijrars Kept in Stock CYRUS KOBLE A Hi thT popHltkr brnndrt ol whiRkk 1 aiwnjfH ui mot. , WEINHARD'S BEER on drsaKbt. . "Ton Benton" Cigars. ) All tas lalsst nrwvpiTiii1 other i,op- Uidsr fii-rtiiUosli,. BEND 15 CEJITS TO ALBERT TOZ ier, Portland Oregon, for the names of voter in Apiary, Auburn, Beaver Falls, Qoble, Marshland, Nehalem, Oak Point precincts: Complete list of Columbia county for 36 cents.