,X . .V a- '4? - iilSS MILNE AND I. f CHAPTER XV-Continued. In a moment I bad rushed back (or the hidden rope. How I went p, and oown mat cun, ia even now a mystery. I remember nothing but, on nr return. teeing Warren with a rope between hia teeln, swimming beck from the yacht like a gigantic Newfoundland dcg, hia hair watted over hia tor w and hia strong arm breaking the waves before him op to the edge of the rock. He rested to take breath for one moment, and then, telling me to hold on to the end, he directed tbem how to it the lady. Soon, mora dead than alive, we bad her ashore and roiled in the dry eiotning that Mrs. Warren had taken from herself and brought down. Then came the old gentleman, braised and cut, bat otherwise eninjured, and final ly the two sailors. They were just in time, for within tea mlnotee the yacht went to piece, to be washed np the fol ' rawing morning onto Manly beach. "Hbeteare weT Where are we?' anxiously Inquired the old gentleman 'Where are we?" again inquired the colonel, looking from me to Warren, and irom warren to me. Tell him, Warren," I whispered, as I turned my back on them and strolled a few yards away, that I might irag my fiat over my eyes and torn op my coai coiiar. And be told bim. "The quarantine station!" almost yelled ihe old gentleman. "And are you smallpox patients? This will kill my child if the water baa not!" "Mo, no air; we are all as dean aa new pins. Ye needn't fear, air." "But if we are to be quarantined?" "Don't yon think it air. That there gentleman there, he'a the doctor; he'll fix it np for yon." This, of necessity, brought me to the scene. Disguising my voice as beet I could, I instructed Warren, by the help two sailors, to carry the yoong lady into hia cave, and to go themselves Into one does by; and then, telling Aire, warren to see to their comfort, I requested the old gentleman to walk to the end of the rock with me. "1 sea, uotanel Pelham, yon do cat recognise me." "Good heavens! la this can this be Dr. BigbyT" "I am Dr. Rigby, and down here in charge of the station." "Ah, ah! I remember seeing your name in we paper. 1 don't know, Dr. jKigoy, w newer to look upon this niariaDje coincidence aa ten-tuna te or unfortunate." "I do not think, sir," I replied, rather tartly, "that yon will have any occasion to regret meeting me here. wr ur tiling uuon at we quarantine station is certainly just now a great misfortune lor you. and more especial ly for E Misa Pelham, bat I will make it as light for yon aa possible. But there is so reach to decide upon. I think, you are yet wet, and the night ta cow, too Had potter, if yon will ex cuse my suggesting it, come first to the cave and see if Misa Pelham ia all rigot, ana men to my noose to warm yourself and change your clothing, Is there any danger of my being . seem "Very little; I can insure that lor yon." "I will follow your advice Dr. Rigby, and you must allow me to thank you sincerely. Wa strolled np to the cave, the old gentleman and I, and found Mrs. War ren at the entrance. "Ye can come in, gentlemen. She's in bed, and had some whiskey to keep the cold out." "You had better go in, Colonel Pel ham," I whispered, throwing the em. pbasisonthe first word, to indicate' that I had no intention of entering. And in he went, while I waited and talked to Mm. Warren and secured her sympathy and help. In a few mom. ents the old colonel returned, and, still preserving hia old austere, military wine, ana witn a align t, still bow, that reawaKenea many memories, said "Aow I am at your service. Dr. Bigy. We slowly climbbed the face of the cliff, and then made, m the darkness, straigfct lor my two roomed but. We spoke in low tones for tear of the police. "Yon will not find the Quarantine station so bad as it is pictured, Colonel Pelham, but I fear I can offer yon very Miur in me way corniest. "An old soldier does not think much ' l m a , wuiianraDi luxuries; it will re mind me of old campaigning daya sim ply. I should almost enjoy the ad. venture were it not for mv daughter Do you not think, Dr. Bigby, it would be wiser to give ourselves np to the authorities and chance being brought ." away?" We were just entering the door of my nut. -u yon win allow me, I will poet pone answering your question until I have given you something in the way vi rairvEument, I prepared, in a rough way, a kind of repabt (or the old colonel, and be made a good, a tremendously good, supper When be bad thorough I v settled bim. self. I sat down at the other end of the table. "You asked me just now as we were coming in, Colonel Pelham, if I did not think it would be better for yoa to give yourselves up to tne authorities. In reply I do not think it would. If you were to do so it would insure your be fog quarantined, and in Miss Pelham'a state of health that would be extreme ly dangerous to her." But," said l tie colonel, aa be put aown nia anue ana lore, "surely they woma not aetain as nerer" "They would, sir they would, in deed. The frantic fear of these strange people would drive tbem to do any thing, no matter bow many Uvea were Imolved." "Dear, dear we! This is more seri ous than I imagined 1 But what do you propose? What ia your advice, Dr. KitfbyT Yoa cannot keep the whole of us here unseen." "Xo, you are quite right. I cannot for mora than a night or two. There fore, my snirges linn ia that the two sail ors shall remain in their cave tomor row, Kim Felhain in bars, and you, if yoa will so far honor me, retain my inner room. There yoa are not likely to be disturbed. Then when night corner on we win cut the boatman's large boat and take her outside the Heads, end you can all sail round to Man ley and report yourselves as wreck ed on the coast, without being definite as to we spot. Hut hush! I hear steps!- Would you kindly step into mi or, rather, your room?" The old Colonel did so hurriedly, and I left the door open that he might hear. A little tan followed. ana 1, opening the door, saw Warren, who stepped quickly in. I came for some food for the sail- ora, sir." Oh, thank you. Warren! I had quite forgotten them. How about clothing, Area, etc?" "Well, sir, I dpn't know. They are a little dissatisfied, and I alnt sure we can keep them quiet." I thought a moment, then consult- on my watch. It was 11 o'clock. I asked Warren If be would go and bring the men up to my house, while I made a fire and prepared some food and wnisky for them. This he did and promised to come back himself. Wnea they appeared I found them anything but easy men to manatre. One waa especially III tempered. How ever, a good supper, some hot grog ana we drying or weir clothes soon brought them around. When thev had finished, I told them of my scheme for getting them away, pre facing it with a picture of what would happen if they Btayed. and ending by making them promisa nev er to divulge anything, or the punish mem ror an or us would be somo- tning to remember. In two hours tney started for their cave with all we clothine- I could find, a bottle of spirit and some tobacco. Then the old" colonel rose to leave me. A he too my band be held It for a moment in silence, and then said My daughter la she safe. Tr Kigby, in that woman's care?" Perfectly, Colonel Pelham, The woman la most trustworthy.' "Thank you thank you!" he said still holding my hand, and then: "Dr. Rigby. this ia a most st ranee re-nn- ion, ana ir mis in fact, any of the Incidents of our acquaintanceship were made tne subject of a novel, it would be spoken of as a collection of extreme improbabilities. It is not be cause you have been instrumental In saving o'lr lives, and also most kind to os, that I am chiefly grateful to you. I think you have. In resigning my daughters nand and learinar Ene- land, behaved most nobly nnder most trying circumstances, and you have my moat heartfelt sympathy and thanks." I do not think I am entitled to anything in the shape of return, but I would like to ask you one question. Ana wat is, JJr. KigbyT" Aa to Miss Pelham's health? The face of the old colonel hardened perceptibly, and his voice went back to Ita old firm tones. My daughter is better. Dr. Riehv. She was very much better, but the! loss or ner mother, which occurred at sea. sent her partly back Into her old state of melancholia. This news shocked me terribly, hut oerore I could attempt any renlv the coionei nad returned to his room. When he had gone, I. too unsettled to sleep, put on my coat and boots and, telling him that I had ar patient to Bee and that he must not fear be ing disturbed, started to walk. sill! divss-vl; he had ecMt-ntly not lion to bed, for the bedclothes were undisturbed. "Good morning. Doctor Rigby. Tour care for your patient has com pleted a bad night that we had al ready made sufficiently trying for yon." He looked at me very auspiciously as he said this. j "After seeing my patient I went to ' the place where the men were hidden to see that they were safe," I replied. "1 hope you found them bo?" he said, stiffly. "Yes; thank you yes! but they are a rough lot. The discipline and privations of the quarantine station would do them good, I think." "They are rough and uncouth, but good sailors. I have employed them nemienuyr ne replied. While we had been talking I had lighted a fire, and was preparing for a rough breakfast Aa we ate our eggs and drank our government tea. I told him the details of my scheme for the coming night "It would be much easier If we could go by the harbor to Manly, would It not. Doctor Rigby?" This t admitted Tnnt nnlntuJI the Impossibility of getting our party past the police, and also ot giving anything like a plausible account of tneir oemg -wrecked and lost for a whole day without ftndtns- a house on the coast. "No, air," I concluded, "there Is no other plan that 8 safe, and thla even will require some Ingenuity." "What a terrible pity It Is that the people of Sydney are so utterly mad on the question ot smallpox," ob served tne colonel. .me uay mat followed waa to me GOVERNOR OF OREGON in His Family 1 and Grip II n- H uses rc-iu-im7 For Colds I t Win V. ill Jit'. ml TrrAiwi"w Van All' CAPITOL BUILDING, SALEM, OKEUON. A Letter From the Executive Office of O.cgon admirer o( Pe-ru-na. Ho kovpa it con reruns is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Letters of congratula tion and commendation testifying to the merits oj Fe-ru na as a catarrh remedy are pouring In from every state in we union. i;r. iiartman Is receiv ing hundreds of such letters daily. All classes write these letters, from the highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer, the indoor arti san, the clerk, the editor, the states- an anxious and busy one. I had five man, the preacher all agree that Pe- txtra people to feed by stealth, and ru-na is tne catarrh remedy of the age. decent food was very scarce. For- The stag and rostrum, recognising ca- ",...."., "i a icK ui jiiuituu i urrn as their mrttmtt . . titiually lu the home. In a recent let ter to Dr. Hart man he says: State of Oregon, Executive IHipartment, Salem, May , 1808. The Perana Medicine Co.,ColumbuslO. : Dear Sirs I have had occasion to nse your Pe-ru-na medicine In my tarn. ily for colds, and it proved to be an ex cellent remedy. I nave not bad occa sion to use it for other ailments. Yours very truly, W, M. told. It will be noticed that the governor , Better Than Hume Canned. Bomo people think that' the only really good canned pt'Bt lies, apricots, cherries and the rent are the ones v. hli:h are canned at home. The ivaKin tlwtw psnple think this Is that thy have never triad Monopule canned peaulica and apricots and clnrrina. II y bu a can from your grocer and don't think they are even Mter than your mother ever put up, we ll not have other word to say to you about Mono nole. If your grocer doosn't handle Monopole (rocorlea tend in his nauio, Wadhams A Kerr Uios., Portland. May Not Be. WhfB Blones has patuiiled a now pocketbook. Wagg There ought to be monoy in that. Mothsrs will find Mr, nrtiislow's 8onth. log Hyrup th tai ramody to um tor tlivir tuihirau during til teething period. Certainly Seemed Strange. ''Yws," she explained to Johnny, "we bave asked Ood fur a little btiby." Not long altur twins arrived. "Well," commented Johnny to tils father, "It's mighty funny that you didn't know bow big aa order yuu gave." . ; For CoiiKhi and colli there It no bettor mullein tliau I'lso'i Cure fur toiiump tluu. Price 23 cents. ad "' a bad rIUKh ,,. , weeks and cuuid Mnd no r until I tried Ayer'a Cherry (l ral. Only one-fourth ot iU fc,,, cured me." L,. Hswn, Newlngion, o -;. Neglected colds lead to something scrlou" They run into chror.? ' bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption Don't wait, but ta1, Aycr'i Cherry Pcctorl' just as soon asyourcou i begins. A few doses I cure you then. 1 Tm sIhsi lie., Mt . II. Alt eret " trtn tt T''t enetef. If h an tt . l II, ttim dan't ika I hJl. nn en fiin Kim. ... witline. " 1 v. AtkH CU. Uw.II, HMt, I and boiled It- I . ih hA.im.. " VJ.TT ".r -:. "" ; "cva.ioo j use re- begged a fish McilWdiS Thereaaon flounder and well I remember with W8"mony . . . . . for this is, most other aliments begin what care I cooked it and how neatlv . . . wlstiea perlect health with a cold. Using Pe-ru na to packed it up, and how I ransacked J? w n"n'T ,re rom catarrh. I promptly cure colds, he protects his every corner for little luxuries; then I ctrrn " ell nigh universal; almost , family against other ailments. This is l hurried, about midday, with mv omnipresent, re-ru-na basket, and trembled as I let is down Isoluto safeguard known. we cave wnere taiw was Hidden, oeginning or catarrh. To prevent rn-na in the house. Use it for comrhs. An, me! ah. me!" I thought "if I colds, to cure tnlda latnhot . ..,. i i.i. i. i ...... .n out of ita victims. Pe-ru-na not only ; affections cf winter ,and there will be no cures catarrh, but prevents. Every other ailments In the house, ttoch household should be supplied with this families should niovide thmtvM with great remedy for coughs, colds and so a copy of Dr. llariman't free book, en w. title.! "Wlntjir P.t.rrh " A,l.l ine governor of uregon Is an ardent I Dr. Hart ui an, Columbus, Ohio. re-ru-na is the only ab- exactly what every other family in the A co hi is the i United States should do. Keen Pe- she only knew who was at the other cud of the rope! 'And who are they?" Some people who were wrecked off the coast, and hidden here all y ester uay. But who are they V " . I ....... , .H, . , TI B, ,UC 1 . ... she, and we were standing In the! Kemare; waa AmMgnews. shadow of a great rock, watching: bv I hat young man has a brilliant the moonlight for the silent em- future before him," said the phrenolo- ummuuu, i usu ia.Kea up my posh 1 gist. tion were after leaving the colonel. and while so standing, she had stealthily crept np to me "really. miss Mime, i can't tell you who they are.- ion cant ten me who tney are. or you won t tell me, which do you mean, uoctor KtgoyT" 1 mean that I " You mean that you wont because you are still afraid of me; you think that I am still the dangerous woman you once found me. But you need r.ot tell me who they are. for I know anew wnen tney came; I know who swam to save them) I know they will never get to Manly. And the little Boston bov who wa having bis tramps examined ixMh1i.1 his spectacles and exclaimed: Pardon me, but you onen on a verv Interesting field of inaulrv. Where else could my future be if it were not before use?" Qenulne Philosopher. "Craps all burnt to flinders?" "Yes." "No rain In sight?" "Hot a drap." "Tootally mint, ain't you?" "Tetctally!" "Well, what air you a-smilln' over?" "I'm smiiin at the d roe met of the sheriff comin' to levy on no thin' I" Atlanta Constitution. Dividing the Blame. "I see It stated that the Alps Imvo cost 301 lives lu the haxt ten years," "Yet it doesn't settm quite right to put all the blame directly on the Alpe." . "Why not?" "Don't vou think most of them wore killed by the cllmb-ll?'" Castor i a For Infants and Cialdrcn, Tli Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Sigaaturo of Few Savers la ShetflcM. Not 10 per cent of the large warn earners in the Kngllnh rutiury tra.ie save a farthing, declares the Lord May. or of bbefliold. A Stayat-Home Traveler. r)trntfr What woiulorlul tales eld Illliiks rlut! ile must have buan a groat travuler In hia dity, Nntlvo lie was never outal.tw .it,. ....... i. i i.i. nr. i ... ; " ... .v., j Jj iiiiml litis wamlurcd foi year. nia suit. Hodge I've g..t a still of clothes f,. ' I every day in the week. lotiga i mupitiiounyj i never ss yon wear any hut the one you have on now. llodno (cltenrltilly) That's the suit. , For fnwt-blte, rhtlhaitis, sure ami bui i"iine. aiinnessoi uinwifs uy lliimlmv Wixard Oil, it won't dlsappolut oti ! Simple Rule la Harmony. A mingling of the two colors green veil disposed over a blue hat, oi knots of velvet ribbon of the combined shadea, gives tone to the simplest toi lotto. lfi'ZiiiAnfsP (To be Continued.) Elespoa CHAPTER XVL wnen I stepped out of the front door on to the path, I stood still a moment and thought of all that had happened since my memorable en counter witn Warren. I had. Judging by events, which after all, constitute a much more sat isfactory division of time than stnnfrf arbitrary hours, lived ages since then. My intention, when I started, waa to walk in the direction of the caves and hang about there nartlv that P ibight see that all was well, and partly that I might be near Edith. i stroned quietly toward the caves. As I neared the coast I fancied I saw something moving in the bushes about Warren's cave, f. e., his new cave, where he and the men were hidden. I hurried up and found It waa one or we sailors. He looked rather confused as i came up, and told me he had come out to get a mouthful of fresh air. We strolled toward the cave, and I Intentionally awoae warren. Tne otner aaiior had evidently taken too much whisky be- tore and was sleeping heavily. They were an evil-looking pair, and I felt heartily thankful the night was over. Warren made us some tea, and we lighted our pipes and talked over onr plans for the coming night We were thus occupied, when Warren, taking a atep forward exclaimed: Ah! there's my missus. No, it ain't; It's the young lady." we au moved iorward to eet a glimpse of her, they from simple cur iosity, but I spell bound and with my heart hammering like a steam ene-ine beneath .my ribs. As we stood well within the shadows of the cava we could gaze at her without risk of be ing seen; and it was a sight I shall never torget. Her arms were folded across her breast, her head thrown iiKuur oaca, ner zace Held nossea- . . sion or oy an expression of the most Intense sadness Sh was looking nxeaiy out to sea. Fine craft that Jl.n " nhinum we sieepy sailor, who had Just Joined Tblrtffa That May gnui 9 It la the right of mjf child parent it must look for health and flflfffl Ill UwUy great kJr ia the parents' ft responsibility, and how important that Mm ! 1 no taint of disease is left in the hlnmt 1 to be transmitted to the helpless child, entailing the most -.::.. t.t cc : i . . ..... . . . ij i uinttuic Buucunir. auu imtixicr lis ume rmv vitn r.nn. g V!Lj5 live sores and eruptions, catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyes, glandular T3EEa wlig9- brittle bones, white swelling and deformity. There has been a great increase in I How can Daren ta look the number of Mormon missionaries themselves for bringing SO much misery into the world? If you bave in both Germany and Switzerland. any disease lurking in your system, how can vou exocct well develoned Tits Rnaoian mmmamlna l kT- I healthy children t Cleanse your own blood and build cburia received orders from Minister yo aveuotonly enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasure JUawar to expel British customs offi- ' I'fl' V? dl3Clhfged duty " parents owe to posterity, and made umumou ucoiwta mou Happier. i Here is no remedy that so surely teaches deep-seated, stubborn Mood troubles as a. S. i. .It searches out even hereditary poisons, and removes every taint from the blood, and builds up the general health. If weaklings are growing up around you, right the wrong by putting them on a course of S. S. S. at once. It i purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, and can he takti by both old and young without fear of any bad results. Write us about your case, and let our physicians advise and hdn m This will cost you nothing, and we will also send our book on blood and FITS lr Ow SM tunmnnm f "W MMlm '. trtf ht IUi..iiut fc..... ae. vs-a-U Hu U4..q. a.li. l'imi.ilu.l- Mind Over Matter. Mrs. Jenks How tlid you manage to keep cool jeHerda)! It was so hot. Mrs. Brown Why, I ut out shop, ping for Christmas things. Detroit free Preea. AOSQLUTI SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. ?wt Boar 8lgnetur of, ee Pac-laiMe Wraepar ftetna, 1F - r sn tisvm rir iniBiflat. WW ! TeJfy sauOl aJ as te lake as sagan, ' ret itiOAcil. FOB DIIZIHUSe m ciuouskm m Toxnauvu. ret ccasTiPATtai. f0.1 CAUOW SKII. rca niEcoMPiutoa CUSE SICK HEADACH8. DIDN'T HURT A BIT! ciala from the Chinese province. The Mavgars are steadilv increasinir in numbers over the Germans and the dozen or more other nationalities prom inently represented in Hungary. AtRI hmond, Va., former alderman John M. King was found guilty of ac cepting a bribe and sentenced to 12 months in jail and to pay a fine of f 100. Mai. William D. Wilkins. of Pitta- burg, was shot and almost instantly killed while trying to wrest a revolver from his wife, who was crazed from morphine. 'V, ' L .mmiMlll We eitrmel, enmn ami t,rjK utti llhoul 1bIcUii tt, i), m1!MK, St. modem and mw-twith tl,. aW.r.l of the kiwi eitacim. fall ,i u KtajHlnailoo lts. rt uttihUn. Both Vbobm: Or.Kn t,m .-.1;1 : f. luabu 0(yn rrnlne mi . KUa. dare (ima t to II. kin diseases. THt wirrr prciric co.. Atiuata c. ves,- replied Jim. "she's a fine craft, but a bit gone in the miner deck. I fancy; she never sDoke half dozen words all the time we were out. TMnk she's afraid of the old duffer?" Afraid? No: he be like a d d great dog running after her." NOW look and voull ae If ahn ain't lost a plank." Mrs. Warren had BDoeared. and touching her on the arm. evidently told her of some reason for coming into the cave probably an early cup of tea. But no: she shakes her head and does not speak. There!" whispers the sailor again. Ain't she mad? That's 'ow hn shook er "ead about ail day yester day. - Then Mrs. Warren appealed to her again and pointed Into the cave; this time sne moved slowly round and walked in and was hut to ns. It was now getting late and time that I hurried home. I gave strict In junctions to the men to keep them selves out of sight, promising them such food aa I could secure snd con vey to them, and then started off. I found the colonel naclnr his room A New Type of Steamer. A working model of a new and novel type of stesmship, the invenlion nf Herr J. Broban, an engineer of Ham burg, has been on view in the Hall of Civil "Engineers, Roe Blanche, Paris. The principal feature of this craft is that it is equipped with four propel lers, one forward, another Just before the rudder and two at the stern. The venel is flat bottomed, but there is snot i Keel in We center and two false keels forward, to keep the bull off the bottom in case of grounding, and be tween whieh the forward screw re volves. The in venter estimates that wiw a steamer 300 feet lone:, built an. cording to his design, he could make tne passage from Havre to Kew York in lour days. Scientific American. Record CoU of Wire Rope. Tl, 1 ... . i , auv laigent rain oi wire rope ever made in Brooklyn was turned out by a rope company of that city recently. It measured 17, 00 feet in length, or over inree miles, without a break, and weighed 22,030 pounds. It is for nse in a bituminous coal mine, was made ot lorty-two strands of crocibla caat steel, took sixteen days to manufacture and was valued at f 2,300. WISE BROS., Dentists. l.llll! . .... i oimiu, OIIK il)N, ' f , ... y "f-irikwfcl.toM.i.ii I " 'bird and WaahlnskiB Uia, Wealth of the Cecils. five acres of land round Charinc Cross, London, are held by the Marania . t 1 : 1 . m. - " ui eausoary. i neea acres were obtain ea Dy bis ancettorg 125 years ago for grazing land at the modest rate oi 12.50 an acre lor boo years. What that lit tle bargain bas been worth to the Cecils it would be rather difficult to accurate ly compute. intra Swell. "She's one of these society women woo keep a pet dog to go with them wiaen they promenade, isn't she?" 'UHI bhe s more fashionable than that. Why. she kteos a dozen different sorts and shades to match ber various costumes." Philadelphia Press. Not a Summer Affair. Gobang I intend to proDose to that girl neat November. Mijit Why not propose now. if von love her? Gobang Great smoke, no I I want to marry her. This ia a serious matter with me. Judge, A A'tfSJr l '-i! r wei i jc-', i.i, ''if . v jA V,''' - v- - ,x ...v A :MiiroR M.. Loui-iII.Kv tar ajsJa, by b Jr J0HN X'' ORE. l eot el M'HYtaon mreet. tLi V:1; "'J'"""; ' '.""I end i.. r Acts Berveficiallv. ip of Figs appeals to the cultured and the formed and to the healthv iw..cl u. e ponent parts are simple and vvholesome and be cause it acta without disturbing the TaUiral f unt quality or substanc. ln ih. . tnanul.rturlng Sg, , used Sevn r rft.rcico. Cl. ... lew York N v Twa pes cet imam. I'OKTLAMJ DIVIDEND CO. J YCUfl encern t IX.llK KCNOPCIE Kewara ot liultallona VtAOHAMM KefiR UfTOt., ..3 Barcrains in I Uniforms... lir0R AI'K -iipdy of Military rull E i y1U',lll,,'1,forllul. '. L. H. KNAP1', Qu.rterma.ier Tlilrd lit. Imeal, f PORTLAND. OlMjaON. There) Is no aatlofoction keener knor, oemo dry and comfortable "n oui, m irw hardest storm IUIMEC.5BM OPTBI5 ir iou WlAB WATEDDDOAP OILED CLOTHIN AND BACKPD ""V. WCK -0-BOSTON. MA3 1UUH I;I-AI1U ?r. ' vl" ".pir ttn rnr per nr." tnini,,!. rfaiZl n N. P. N. V. IWuKsfWrltl trrnmU aM tn!. M7 i-ii. writlas; advertisers please