The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 31, 1902, Image 3

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-By The Big
ffl I Reel ting New Goods
Hon of Long Standing lor Only th Best in
Dart & Muckle,
St. Helens,
Patronize a drug store when you
want pure, fresh and reliable
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc.
A Fine Line of Writing Supplies.
Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc.
Direct from Publisher - Regular 25 cut Nmls Only iO Cents
Carry a full stork ot
Goods Etchings J for Produce.
Best Mute of Gold
rrthia 1 the latest anil mini
No Hammering. No sorenessjof the twin, ami none m io.
Dreadful Headachu follow this
Dr. KHODER, Dentist,
9T9I21 Officb Hoib.
ThfiodoTB S. Thomson, Dentist,
Information and Appointments by. Mail
Rooms W) aud 51, Washington Bldg.,
Taka Jtlevatnr to Fifth Floor.
How About
A nr. you KtuiB
'EL KKi'iiKlilUi'l
, U- ,v,l(t work P ml l U'i '"' "'!',sfc11'S
.....tiini'd If u tin " '! tri, i ri i .i... mil 'i. U M'u
Sk Vaim Stmt
111 . - 7.' ' ' ' - ' r-'
- ' :3rir
IV JTLZZ. u.bA as
vr, ,IM ,aasajsHjia
Of tner
Every day in the Week
Orp.sron. ffl
o n
staph) nil fancy
method of Gold Killing
rainless method of Uold tilling.
317, Failing Bld'g
Portland, Oregon
mfflii. Ilooa 414
ronaa jBot Fbont 147
Southeast cor. 4th Wash, streeta,
Your Title?
it ii
n l. mil ,,, ia
M ' -
fjf.jT.-'t -r- -
wliiu "ij " ". ,Ti ,, ,,ner a ml-
!K7 a'."
ws (tent, as"i,:. .rfMe s- V
sl jlx . . . -t
'Wawv 1
Editor and Fbophiktob.
County Purveyor W. T. Watts cu In
from BcappooM Monday.
Mn. Saxon la "vlaltlns her aon. John
Saxon at Yankton.
wai hi town daring tin week.
District Attorney Hnrrlion Allen, of
Aatoria, waa in St. Helena Monday,
Henry Laraon. of Warren, waa rial-
tor in town Monday,
Mrt. S. E. Faxon, of Yankton, waa a
viaitor in town Saturday.
F. Lund and K. F. Larann, of Warren
were at Houlton Saturday.
Klwond Varney. of Valley, waa In St.
Helena Saturday,
Mra. K. F. Laraon. of Warren, who
waa ill has recovered her uaual health.
Fred Floeter. of Valley, waa in St.
Ilelene Monday.
Mra. John Bland and daughter of
Rainier, are the guests of Mr. and Mra.
John Carlson. -Bkatnoekawa Eagle.
Fred Franti. of Honlton ia building a
cottage on Ida mother"! place, about one
nine lrom tnat place.
Mra. T. C. Watta. of Reuben, attended
the Eastern Star party here last Satur
day. Dan Rice, of ClaUkanie, and I. O.
Wickatrome of Kalaina, were registered
at Portland bottle Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. J. B. Godfrey and Mra
N. B. Hall visited Mra. II. Tyaiklewici
at Bachelor's Island Wedneeday.
Miaa Daisy Watkina. one of the teach-
era in the Hairier public erhool, waa a
train passenger lor rortland last Bator-
L. W. Van Dvke, waa down from
Apringwater during the week. He ia
now employed iu a aawmill at $2.60 per
Mine Ida Morgan, of Rainier, who hae
been teaching achool near Mayger, hat
accepted a position in the county
clerk's office.
E. D. Garrison and James Cos have
returned from Wrangel, Alaska, where
they were employed in a cannery for
several months past.
James A. Ray, of Pittsbnrg, waa in
town Monday, and broueht in two wild
cat pelts for which he received the cus
tomary noumy.
Mra. Swales. Misses Delia Rice and
Iy Kysea and Robert Maryin, of Clate
kanie, were registered at Portland hotels
Ex-County Commissioner P. A.
Frukea and Mr. and Mra. Ed Wicker-
sham, of Pcappnose. were registered at
Portland hotels during trie week.
Miaa Amy Carlson and Miaa M. Carl
son, of Qtiincy ; Joseph Htrekenherg, of
Mayger, and fc. M. Lareneon, of Quincy,
were registered at Portland hotels Mon
day. ,
W. W. Allen waa out from Vernonia
Tuesday to take Mra. MrCauley out to
their farm. Mr Allen reports that Ver
nonia ia booming, three stores doing a
good businesa.
Perry Mellinger, wbo haa been em
ployed In Armstrong's logging ramp,
near Cathlaroet, Wash., for several
months past, returned to his home in
theNehalem valley Tuesday. He will
remain there during the winter.
Rev. and Mra. 0. E. Philbrook, of
llnultnn. are removing to Sylvan. Puget
Sound, where thev will spend the winter.
Sylvan ia on an island in the sound near
McNeil'e Island, where the military
penitentiary la located. Rev. Ph ilbrook
will fill the pulpit of the Congregational
church there.
Card 4 Thank.
We desire to express our a ppreeiationa
tor the many kindly attentions and offi
cers of numerous friends during the late
illness of Mrs. Mary Meeker.
I.wnutv Mikkkr and daughter, Ora
The Oregon Mist and the Oregon
Weekly Journal for 1.60 per year.
Tlie Reading Circle held its first
niMtrincr for the coin i nit season at the
home ol W. H. Powell last Friday night.
Mrs. W. H. Powell was re-elected presi
dent, and Mia. J. E, Day was re-elected
secretary It waa decided to make
Mythology a special study for thia year'a
reading. Several prominent persons
will be invited to deliver parlor lecture-
lu.rn the e rrle during the coniintr win'
ter. The rejtnlar weewy meeting win ne
held thia (Friday) eyeuiiigat the Powell
The local chapter of tl.a Eastern Star
gave a social last Saturday night in their
hall to members of the order and fami
lies of Chapter and Maaonlo members.
A banquet perved in the lower room waa
one of the features. Another interesting
feature was a pleasing nontext, entitled,
"Illusions.-" Mra. Charles Johns, Mra.
W. B. Dillard and Mra. J. H. Colline
tied lu the correct gueesmg, and the
priie, a banqnet of chrysanthennma
was divided among the three. A num
ber nf Eastern Star members, who live
outside the city, were in attendance.
A Typical South African Rtorw.
O. R. Lron, of Bay Villa. Snnrtuvs
River, Cape Colony, conducts a store
Ivnii-.Hl ol Soulli Airica, at wiuou u uc
iiiivhajcd anything from the provi
anchor." Thia
utoro ta
ni'ttne to no
the tineHtioii. V I'lim i II- inn" i 'y
nretliw pivpuhition ia ,poil;ps alxtv.
iT th no I'M ll'ii'i foiirtfen have
!.et-ii ,:l-...'m.d iv-l lif.'Ji-amh-.l-iJi's
0 i i 'li Henioiiv. Thl nnit '' iy l
o.'d." L- . :il- by Kduin U i-.s Dniii
v.,'il. Hi'nl Foil " huiieeltei
tit Hi is o!ii ti.
huh: rooms.
IVll'ui k (.!".'', fit. Helena, Or"oti,
...... . ,1... V.-ol; 'clotiil I'ltlW t'lllll
.i.v'a fiii'inioK imclfuu'iiti, wittroiia, etc,
sitmiti'd 1. 1. va lev nine nuiea inun tun , m-n . ,. - , 01, v io at Mt. iietvi. itan..a v.
ncai railwav atatinu and about Iwemy i H-h ai-.-np the renn llcay in "" --.
ve mil. a frt..i i tl.o nenrert town. Mr. C..wli romitv, acm the river "
I n rill - "I nm f.-vored with the I St. Helena, and .me Kalnrrn reptibliean F01l SALK.
rrtaner. within a ra.lju, , f Icx.-rePa the npinem that ,t may re- t, .
thirty mile-, fi mnnv nf whmj. I "'TM 3riv.. Kind and
where a ,l.i..r'a a-lvive 8 amio- out oi , an.ner. 1 , ,,,; . or adreaa
Milton Orange at Honlton will hold
its regular meeting next Thursday nigbt.
Grant Downing;, of Monntaindrle has
opened etors at Vernonia, and ia doing
a good buainaas.
Fresh fish In season every Friday, and
special Sunday dinner, at the St. Helena
Amonit the new advertisements in
thia issue of the paper, ia that of the
Knight Shoe Company of Portland.
The Oriental ia the best hotel in the
city under the management ol Mra.
rea tsrifrgs.
A social dance will be elven at the W.
O. W. hail at Houlton, ttaturdav even-
Ins'. .Nov. 8th. This will be the Drat of
a series to be held during the winter. .
Forty new subscribers in Columbia
county is the record of Tub ukkooh
hist lor October, and no blow baa been
made about it either.
Albert Tozier and Edy th Toiler Weath-
erred will begin the publication of the
"Exposition." December 1st. The new
journal will be devoted to the interests
ol the Lewis uiara exposition.
The annual number of the Portland
Tradesman baa been received at this
office, and it is a very creditable sou
venir of the commercial enterprise of
that city.
Colonel Robert A. Miller, ex-resi ater
of the United States land office, at Ore-
on City, and tbe oldest land attorney
oing business In that city, ia still at the
old stand.
Rev. MacH. Wallace, wbo spent sev
eral weeka during the paat summer at
Rainier, has resigned the pastorate of
the Euitene church, to accept a like posi
tion in letroit, Mich.
Good, wholesome bread can be mode
from "High Standard" flour; a bard
wheat flour that baa no superior for
family usee. For aale by Collins 4 Gray
St. Helens, Oregon.
In a letter to the Oregonlan yesterday,
W. &i. Doiraan, of St. Helena advocates
the appoiatuwat of county fire wardens.
The warden to have authority to burn
all slashings and clearings, tbua pre
venting the spread of forest tires.
One of ths youngest musicians in Port
land, Lucile Mae Collette, daughter of
N. F. Collette, will give a recital iu St.
Helens, soon. She will probably make
her appearance here about aov.- lain.
Misa Lucile is only nine years old and
diaplaya wonderful taieut ou the violin.
Mesare. Bailey & Bnnn at Houlton
are receiving daily new lines of womeu's
and men'a goods, hats, clothing and un
derwear, etc. These goods are op-to-dale
and of the best quality. Also other
goods to numerous to mention.
J. B. Godfrey this week effected a
sale of several city lota this week for
Mra. Hannah Tyaxkiswicx. A. F. Laws
purchased three lots in block 27 for $75,
and Frank tiosa 2 lots iu block 44 for
Thirty members of the Kalenia Ar
tisan Assembly made a fraternal visit to
the Houlton Adseiubiy last Friday night,
and aasiated in the initiating of 14 new
members. A banquet waa a feature of
the social session, that followed.
The liritieli hlp Cypromone passed
8t. Helens Sunday lor Europe. The
vessel took on at Portland 90,914
buslieli- of wheat valued at $1)5,1)13, and
at Astoria completed the balance of her
cargo with 4)00 bushels valued at 1277U.
Mrs. M. Saxon, wbo had a large tumor
removed from her atomarh in a Port
land hoe pi i al one week ago last Tuesday
by Dr. Clifl. of this city, and Dr. Tucker,
of Portland, ia progressing favorably.
She is well alongon the road to recovery.
The residents of Vernonia and vicinity
are seriously discussing the proposition
of establishing a co-operative cheee fac
tory. The Kebalem valley la oeeunea
to become as noted for it dairying in
dustries, as it ia for the superior quality
of its timber. : .
J. E. Dow. of Vernonia. haa pur
chased a cbopping machine, and it ia al
so understood that he haa secured an
engine to famish the motive power for
his creamery, vjonniy vn'minieniuuer
W..D. Case, also has purchased a chop
per, to lie operiited by the Kant Fork
Shingle A Manufacturing Company.
Otto Heinz, a photographer, of Tilla
mook, waa one of the men held np in
the recent stage robbery between aorin
Yamhill and The Tillamook valley. Mr.
Heix was relieved of $100. lie is a
brother-in-law of G. A. lirinn, of St.
Helens Another paswnger lot $100,
and a Portland man gave up f w.
Capttin James Good, of the steamers
America and Republic, has purchased
the old school house, and it ia nnder.-tood
that he has let the contract to Portland
parties, to remove the structure to the
dock, which he will build on the water
rout lota, recently purchased.
A basket social will be given at the
Bucholor Flat school house Tuesday
evening, November 4th, at 8 p. m.
An entertainment program will lie pre
sented, and the proceeds will he used to
swell a fund for the purchase of an organ.
The affair will be under the dlreotion of
the teacher, Misa Emily Brown.
The steamer I.urline la being com
pletely overhauled at Portland, and will
be aa good as a hran new boat when the
improvements are completed. Some of
the works lieing nut in are entirely new.
The Lurline will be ready to resume its
run between Portland and Asfuia aud
way points in a very few weeka.
Hon: William Galloway and Gilbert
L. Hedges, land lawyers at Oregon Citv.
have built np an iinmence business, and
look carefully alter the luterests oi meir
clients. Mr Galloway'a live yeara ex Mr h miv'i five years ex -
perience as receiver in the land office,
gives him a thorough, practical know-
ietails of laud rulings
John H. Mitchell, junior United States
senator from Oregon anil the most
powerful man in the state decided Wed
nesday, flnallvand definitely, to artpport
Charles W. union to atioceea r-erniuir
Joseph Si umn. Mr. Mitchell' also de
cided to give his support to (leorge
Brownell, state senator from Ulaitcnmaa
county, for pii-aident of the Oregon sen.
ate. Portland Journal. -
Thi' atnte I'lectiiin in Wa-hington wM
in i
VhiHliom Crouae and sons hnve quit
' ioiin.- on Milton creek, and have taken
,.(, ,.-, i the l"g.'.irit business on Tide
e..-t'V.. in the v'oini'v of Pe rljUind, for
I l,u lie oooiiilfl bv The tne.bor I'Boinn
ironipanv. TItv liave t- ri.ive.l Allow
i j.Miliov rnuluo from rorttond. and are
I on lMii'in-? to ciin e on the Vi;ruinL' bl
iiom on an ex "nmve peine, .vu.
' . i t.. v
I and sons an-nut'ina in a new
the r-lm-eot the one wa-hed out laat year. . . . -
Thev still have a lot logs in Milton, .V.i,"
ereek, whiebwillbe moved 08' fK-n aa . 1,1 -
j the water comes.
I S. E. Faxon la the sncceasful new
teacher of the Yankton achool.
W. W. Allen, of Vernonia, makes call
e v "
The St. Helens Motel takes the lead
nnder the management of U. A. and A.
M. Brinn. .
Collins & Gray. St. Helens. Oregon.
carry a well selected stock of groceries,
daygoons, furnishing goods, shoes, rub
bers, crockery, hardware, floor, feed, etc.
The regular monthly term of probate
court will convene next Monday, and
the November term of I he county court
will begin on the Wednesday following.
The new Bab tint church at Yank'.on
is well along towards completion.
However some delay haa been ex
perienced in getting tbe doors and win
dows. The old Sentinel printing plant, which !
has been lying idle at Vernonia fori, nt prodncei ner. Several years ago
several years paat, haa been sold to J. J. .. A . ... , ,
Johnson. It was hauled out a couple of 1 h Oswego Iron Works made iron with
weeks ago by Wab Allen's team, and charcoal on a 80 per cent iron basis and
Is now stored, pending removal, in Btan-
wood's barn at Yankton,
To the piobate court thia week, Will
iam Resimiua was appointed guardian
of the estate of L. Ladwig, an insane
person. Thomas Connell, administrator
of the estate of W: D. Connell, deceased,
tiled his first semi-annual report, and
an order waa made that all claims
filed against the estate be paid.
Perry Usher, who has been in the log
ging business in Columbia county for
a'sBost a quarter of a century, ia still op
erating on Milton creek. For a number
of years he was logging on Lide creek.
He is now getting out cedar bolts for the
door and sash factory at Rainier, and
haa contracts for many telephone poles,
which he is filling.
County Judge Doan, by virtne of his
office, ia one ni the vice-presidents of the
Oregon Good Roads Association. The
president of the organization ia -County
Judge John H. Scott, of Salem -, the see
retary ia J. E. Magers.of Portland, for
merly county jndge of Yamhill county,
and the treasurer is County Judge C. J.
Tranehard, of Astoria.
Vigorit is the powder need inClark
amas, Multnomah and Clatsop counties.
Its execution in clearing out i-tuuip,
ia 1 economical ana effective.
If you desire to try it, K. MrParland,
the well known powder man, will come
down from Portland and show yon how
to use it. Vigorit ia the powder need
on the roads of thia county. Read their
advertisment in thia paper.
There ia something of a bnilding boom
on at Rainier. A. L. Richardson is
erectinv a new dwelling on the Drorjertr
he recently purchased from D. C. Tel
ford, and expects to build two more in
the future. When the latter two are
completed, there will be fonr honses on
tbia property. N. S. Stewart ia building
a substantial dwelling in Moeck's addi
tion to Rainier. It ia rumored that a
fourth saloon is to be opened in Rainier,
aa parties nave purchased a strip on he
Dean Blanchard property, adjoining the
lot on which the last saloon wan erorted.
On an average of two carloads of lumber
are being shipped daily from Rainier,
manufactured at the Beaver Velley
mills. Messrs. ISordby Ulsen have
the foundation for their new pawmill
completed. Tbe mill is situated in tbe
lower part of town.
One of the finest monuments erected
in thic county ia that in the cemetery at
Hudson, to the memory of the Meserve
fiuiilv. It is very Handsome. inegTan
ite oLlirk and its base weigh about 3500
bounds. The lot is enclosed with an
iron picket f"nce. Dr. John W. Meserve
who has passed his seventy-fifth year
has had it designed to mark his last res
ting place. For the last quarter of a
century he haa lived in thia vicinity and
expects to remain there the balance of
hia days, although all of his children
have moved away and are bnilding
h-imea for them reives elsewhere. The
doctor ia hale ai,d hearty and may yet
see another quarter of a century at the
old home place before he will need the
new one. Rainier Gasette.
The condensed milk factory ia begin
ning to take form and one wbo sees it
for the first time is astonished at its
mammoth proportions. 100x185 does
not impress one when spoken but when
yon see the lines drawn and the massive
timbers being strung around then you
realise that it is a big thing. The exca
vation is now complete and much lum
ber and stone is coming onto the ground
but still only a little with what will be
required. The sill timbers are 12x16 in.
square, and when they are 20 to 30 feet
long it docs not taxe many 10 maae
load. Contractor Bennett ia looking
after things and says as soon aa they get
enough material on the ground to put
on a force of men they will quickly make
a showing. Much of the dressed lumber
will be shipped here Iroiu roruana nuns.
Forest Grove Times.
The excitement Incident to traveling
and change of food and water often
brings on diarrhoea, and for thia reason
no one should leave home without a
bottle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholora
and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by
Edwin Ross, Druggist. -
Millmen, Attention.
A good sawmill site, miles from
railroad switch. Six to eight million
feet of clear yellow fir and cedar. Plenty
of water. Three creeks on place that
can be damned to float to tide water.
Another mill further in doing good bus
iness. Land comparatively level. For
further information. Apply to thi of
fice. H. Morgua has received a stock of the
A nca. lMMroru mIuwmi Mver hmuuilt to the
1 " . - . . .
city. They are of the celebrated A. A.
Cutter make, manufactured at Eau
ruire. Wis., and are going
like hot.
I ihi i,n a raid nioruiinr. Tlitjy
i gr(J w,mt substantially made of the beat
ninU'rial. nd aaie so constructed as to
bo easy on the feet, and perfoct-litting,
Out Uf Deatk'a Jawa.
ctvio.ii ilfiath aeeiued very near from
a severe stomach aud liver troubles, that
l hurt mitfrrt-d with for ywire," writes
P. Mue. Durham, N. 0., "lr. King'i
Iew Life Fills avH my tlie anu nave
m-rfi-ct health," Best pills on earth and
Wallace A Moy. r,
Scappoose, Ore.
A inerica'a fainoua Beaotlee.
idiots with horror on Skin Krnpiluus,
. ; Kiotelic.-, 6o ra
I'implee, Tlicy don't
liavt- llieui, ti"! will any one, v. no uses
in .
lluek oil's Ariitea Stove. 11 giorini
the lav:e.
Keacrna cr Mtil it Ueum vauisi,
for Files.
High Grade foal and Iron in Colam
bla Connty.
In Columbia County, H. D. Staley, of
thia city, tells the Manufacturers' As
sociation that he haa one mountain c'
iron ore and another of coal. He says he
haa good chances of enlisting the Inter
ert of Eastern capital. He haa asked the
association for information about the
possibility of producing iron and coal on
this coast and marketing them. Sec
retary Mclsaae haa responded as fol
lows: "You will And no difficulty In dispos
ing of an unlimited supply of coal and
iron, price and quality considered. The
cost of producing iron now is a difficult
Question to answer, aa no iron ia at nree-
it coat at that time about $19 per ton.
but varied with existing conditions.
'Th cost of producing coal at th
Washington mines ia about $1.25, from
the beat information I can secure. The
selling price of good steamer co.1 i. $3.50
per ton ; we selling price oi iron is if to
$24 per ton. It costs delivered here $22.
SO per long ton. This ia pigiron from
the Pacific Iron A Steel Company , of Iron
dale, Wash., the only of iron in the
Northwest. There ia a modern blast
furnace at Oswego, and I believe th
present owners would be willing to make
favorable terms to anyone meaning busi
Mr. Staley saya hia ore contain! 78 per
cent iron and that his coal is bituminous.
His Lite Ibj Prtrll.
"I just seemed ta have gone all to
pieces." writes Alfred Bee. of Welfare,
Tex., "billiouxnese and a lame back bad
made life a burden. I couldn't eat or
sleep and felt almost too worn out to
work when I began to nse Electric Bit
ters, but they worked wonders. Now I
aleep lfke a top, can eat antbing, have
gained in strength and enjoy hard
work." They give vigorous health and
li " "V !' , . ; ',
uie. . M.Tj mem. vruiy ow oh neivas
Waktfd Two or three men to cut
four foot wood
Inquire at this office, or of Wallace &
Mover, three and one half miles South
west of Scappoose Oregon.
We will pay the market price for wood
cutting, and board the men if tiiey wish
to board with na at fifty cent per day.
Wallace A Moyer. ,
St. Helens Hotel
Under the Management of
been repainted and refurnished.
Board and Lodging, $20 per month
Transient, $1 per day.
Special Kates to parties of
Several Persons.
Barn and Feed for
In the Circuit Conrt of th State of Oregon lor
Columbia County,
Anal UJura La rave. Plaintiff, -vs,
Epbrlam La fare, Defendint
To Bphriam La Fave, the above-named de
1 sou; You are hereby required to appear
ana answer the Complaint riled aajaliut
yoa in the above-entitled court and caiiso. on
or before the lath dny of December, lata, and
tf you fail so to auswer, U-v want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
Cnydd fur iu the Coinolaint: to-wit: That the
onda of matrimony heretofore and now exist
ing between you and the phuutitf be forever
dissolved and held for naught, and the plain
tiff l-ifeeft1 In be divorued from VOU. and
and that plainilff be permitted and
authorised to rasur.e her maiden
name of Anna Laura Bannafonl, and
for such other relief an the Court may deem
equitably and Just. This smnmons is served
upon bv publication by order of the Hon.
Thomas' A. Mcbrlde, Judge of Ihe above-entitled
Court, made and entered herein on the
Slst day of October, lwi, and tbe date oi the
first publication of this summons la the Slst
day of October, 1902, an' the laat publication u SCHLEGEL,
Attorney lor rimnuir-
t'lralier Land, Act June S, 187A.
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION fiT.v.. T.iwr osrira.
oreeo i fitv. ororon, Vpril 21. 1S0S- -
IN plisnoestiih the provisions of the act of
Conarees of June . 187S. eniitled "An act for
tbe sale of timber lands in the Slates of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory " a esiended to all tbe Public Laud states
I y .' ot of Atu it :i VI U ' oit
hind, Conmyof Multnosaah. state oi uregou,
has this dav tiled lu this omos hit swtra mste
meni No. 6941, for the purehasa of the awX of
neclion No. U in township No. B.
raniie Ne. S w, and will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more saluabl, for lu timber
orsione than for agricultural purposes, and te
establish his claim to avid land before the Rerr
lir and Receiver of this omre at Orerou City.
Oregon. on.FrMay, the nth dy of January,
woa. He names as witnesses: Lara T. Miawu,
Frank M. yt and Helver Olsen. ol W arrest
Oreton, and A, L Millar, of Oregon City.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lauds are
reqnested to file their claims ia this
oniceonorbeforesmldlHh day of January, 19U&,
OSlj CH AS. B HOORKs, Register.
All diseases ef Kidneys,
Bladder, Urinary Organs.
CURE Gravel,
Dropsy, reuuua irouoiea.
Tnsre IS
Don't become discouraged.
re for you. If nooessary tsrlto Dr. l-enuer.
has spent a life time curing Just suck
leaasyoura. All eousultations .Free.
1 .
welab loft pounds.
w 15. Mi-tiCTGIN. Olive Furnace, a1'
p;itajyvi.. tl. Ask for Ooofc Hook- Frea.
, & Gray g(i lMtnti
also Bull"
chsi.ts at !
& Brinn,
ti.CMMm.yi it
Watts & Price,
- -i.u.irs m- "
Flow aad Feed 1
Cbolce Groceries
Staple Dry Goods
Eest Quality Stioe3
Hardware and Notices
i. Scappoose, Oregon.
In the Clrrall Court, of th. Dial of Oregon, for
ths County of Columbia, .
KBMell . acwiiU. m.lmlfT,
John It. Krlfkon, Defendant.
To John b, JCrickson, lbs BOT-Dnt de
Yon are barahv notified sod raanirxl ta
appear In the above entitled court on ur be-
j 1 TyZtft & ft
tbe publiea'fon of thia suranioni, laid time oi
Subnotion la aix week, from tba date ol th
rut publication, and daw of tbo first publica
tion I. October 24th, 1902, and laM date ol time
prescribed iu the order ol publication Is De
cember oth, 1902, to make anawer to plaintiff's
complaint filed in the above entitled court and
cause. And if yon fall so to appear and an
swer said eomplaint plalntift will apply te the
Conrt ior judgment and decree against
you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
plaint ia
j ne .reuei prayea ior in me eo in
fo r
decree; becreeinx
thttt ulalntftTis the letral owur in tarn ,mDli
nd entitled to the pofMeNKtoTi of the follow in
detCTlbed rel property fituated, lyfufr and be
ing lu ColumbU county and State o( Orefron,
to-wit: All of the Eaut half of the Southwest
quarter and lota aumbered six and
even la section aix (6) in Town
ship (5) North of Rang (;) Went of the
Willamette Meridian; that the Mid defendant
basnoeatate nor amy interest in or to ait
premises and that said defendant be forever
enjoinod from ever sMterrlnir any claim what
ever to said premise ad vere lu piaintttT; that
the sheiift tax deed, described in said oorn-
Elaint, and to which reference is hereby made.
declared to be void aud ol ao effect and that
said defendant be compelled to surrender and
deliver the saroa into conrt for cancellation
an 1 to be forever removed u a c'tond on plat -tirs
title, and that tbe title of plaintiff
be forever quieted against the claims
of the defendant and all persons
claiming by. through or under htm;
that asld defendant be enjoined forthwith from
el II dr. conveying, transferrins, morts;aff1n,
encumbering or otherwise interfering or med
dling with tbe title to SAid pre mines and for bis
i t anil diiiiremeiiUiiU lor mica other re-
iu ior sucn oiner re
tbe Court may seem
net lu toe iirenitxg a. to
most meet and efjai table.
mis summons is puoiisnen purwnani to aa
order made and entered by the Hon. Thomas
A. McBride, Judge 4f said Court, on the Ituh
day oi October. A. D. Jyoi, at St, Helen. Ore
gon. .
OafUO UifiinE.Sk S BEvVALL.
Attorneys for the piiuntliZ.
In the Clr cult Court of the State of Orogoa
for Columbia Gonuty.
Amanda Johnson. Plaintiff, ,
vs; 1
Archibald L. Johnson, De.endanL
To Archibald Johnoa, the abovs-usjnad da
In the nam of the Stare of Oregon yam are
hereby notified and required to appear and an -swarthe
eomplaint of uUintift hied against
yeu in me aoova-enmiea sun ana voun on or
before six weeks from the date o the fir put
eu in the abuva-enrUl
ifcatton of the summons, which ftn.t pablMtA-
tion Is on the third day of October, l'xri, and
the day on or before which you are required to
appear and answer, is the nth day or Novem
ber, atf02, being tbe tut dity of the tiina pre
scribed lu the Order of PabMcafion.
And if you fail to so appear tad answer on or
before the said Hth day ot Novemger, IW2 for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply lor th re
lief demanded iu the complaint, to wit; For a
decree dissolving the bonus of matrimony now
existing between pi and defendant, npoa
the ground of cm el aud inhuman treatment
and for th ausitody and control oi Iheir
three minor children; for her costs and di
bursemsnts and for such other and further re
lief as to the Oonrt may seem equitable.
This Hiimmons is pubtitied by order of th
Honorable Thomas A. Mt Bride, mad on th
2Srd day of Sepuuaber,
Attorney ior Plaiuun.
nsbleroiiritad has been duir epDotuted ad
ministrator of the estate ot Charles (4. Lacy.
deceased, by the Connty Court of Columbia
County Oregon.
All persons having claims against said estate
aie hereby notified to present tlc asms duly
verified to the undersigned at the office ot
OkkooM Mist, at, Helen, Columbia Count v,
Oregon, wltnla six months from this date Oc
tober ft, WL
, w Admiaistoiseo.
undersigned aa the administratrix of the
estate of ,sy Genre:,, deceased, on Oct. 3, 1SU3,
tiled her final account in th, office of the Coun
ty Clerk and exomcio Clerk of the County Court
of Colombia County in the State of Oregon, and
that MoncLv, the Brut day of December, A. !.,
1VU2. at the hour of 1 o'clork in ihe afternoon of
thai day, at the County Court House in tbe
City of St. Helens, la said Columbia County,
nas oeen oxen ny sata ijouniy vourt as ine ume
and place for the hearing ot objections to euojg
final account and the settlement thereof.
Hated at St. Helens, Oregon, this October Sth
Administratrix of the estate ol Elsy tieorge
deceased. Oct 14
fJepartment of the Interior,
Land Ohlce at Oregon Cltv, Or.,
October 11th, 1901.
following-named settler has riled uotice ol
his Intention . make filial proof in supports!
his claim, undor section 2a01, R. 8., an-i that
said proof will he made before the Register
and Receiver, at Oregon City, oa Noveinlier
ttud, iwt, via. :
K.E. N. lSSSS. for theswWofseetlnn2a town.
shies north, range 3 we.t, II, names Ihe fol
lowing tvitnea-es te prove his continuous renl
dence Ufiou and cultivation of said land, vis:
P. H. Nrinstead, A. C. Zlgler, W. L. Brown and
Cook Gamble, all of Apiary. Oregon.
CHARLK UUUaui. Iteglster,
Department of the Interior,
. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
Sept. JO, W8.
following named settler has Bled notice of
bis tnteutlon to make Hnsl proof In support of
hts claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon City,
on November S, 1WJ. vis: ,
H. E. no 18115, for tbe N W M of See 'Inn a. T.
N.. R. 8 W. Mo iistoev the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence uiioo ana
cultivation of said land, vis: Wm. flanerwein.
Ohrls Ssoerwein, ami Grhril Morbach. of
Houlton, Oregon, and Jttliua Floeter, of Vallev
CHARLES B, JaOOBEs Beglster.
HerHlinieA that ihe uuriarsisi.ed admlnis-
I tratrixofih enisle of Georo, C. Jsaiiish, de
1 ceased, Ihst she hss flleil in the ollice ot th
t ountv Cleik of Columbia County, Oregon, br
. Kn.1 .ceniin, of the tuliiiinistretiGn uiKin said
., roge.herwlth her anal report and pl-
a . fd. nnKi Mitiement and distribution of
estate, ana mat in. o,..
Poan. Jiidee of said Cosfrt hss
rolmed Monday. the 3rd day ot
3... Ol JU.IM BP. .
1. Helens, uregon,
tint necount snd
lenient and die.
tiihiitlon. at which time ami plm-e ay person
ln,.reel may "wwr and fl.e objevtions II)
wriiinvttosaidsiwouiitau.i wom, wtTTg
Admlnl.trsrrtx of the $stai of OeorKe C. Ja,
qaUh, deoeaseil. hierr' . AH kipds ol commercial job pnng
ertwiitea at in is on.
Mrwnt. CMtCAOO.