The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 03, 1902, Image 3

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    TlIiiOllMION MIS'I
Knrron and Piiohkihtok, "
Mra, J. U, Watts, u( fccHppOnrH!, u
wiBlUna irieiitia in the city jfiiuday,
A. Nultiier, of the I'ortlttud Kveulng
Jcmi rial, wns in I he city Tuesday
Mm. W. 0, K.1, of Apiary, was in
' Deputy AdWMor 0. W, ItlnkesUy hu
;turiKi from a short vacation trip.
Mm. Thomas Cooper, o( Kalauia, was
U!3SW,W,BlV Mr. ud Mrs.
J, ti , JJocanr yttstei ta. - .
. )V DiiUrd U atill stiff arlrm
vi-rt'ly willi twrtitlitulea itbout din fitce
ami Itfmt. ,
Mm. Willi CiiU left fur Wi.con
Kin Haturday, wliera aha will lw etu
tiloysd In a sanitarium.
Dr. Kd win Rom left Monday night
IW lit old tiwin at lleluit, Win,, wtiure
lie will visit lor guvwrnl wtwke,
OrlrouY F, Colllm hu been en
f.ijiwl U,twli another month uf the Uu-
Ixill public gcltiiol.
George Huilth, a prominent mill
wright ot Portland, has accepted a a
riltioii" witb tlitf Kt. Helens Lumber
County Coroner E. C. Dallon went
to IVrtlmid Monday to taku six
months course In the University o( Ore
you Mdkal t'ojlejiu.
Kx-UuiteJ Slate Senator George W
'Niiitrld and wile are now at til. Louis
but are expected to return here In
eight r 10 daja.
- Mr. and Sire, W. II. Dolman left yss
entity tor Salmon Full, Idaho, where
tliuy wiil vicit hie brother, Colonel I'.
It, Duluiau lor eight or 10 daya.
Mra. . O. Varney, of Valley, expect!
to remove J Portland in a wek or two,
to give tier little daughter the benefit ol
H'hool fstcilitlu.
Lout F. B.irgor wa appointed re
fiir In the weather bureau at Kaat
Callam, With., on Ot-tolior 1st., and
lull several tluyi ago to accept the po
ilion. '
Mra. Dr. Ili. kaC. teuton and child,
of Portland, has been visiting her
f titker, Jatne Part and Mr. llarl. In
the aliaeni-e ol the editor last week, the
Item was considerably mixed.
Mr. and Mi. W, It. Powell vent to
Apiary W'edweilay to remain on their
irui lor three or lour day. While
titer they wnl have the bourn that was
recently burned, rebuilt.
';'C. L. Ayre was in from hi Yankton
f'iriii Tuitday, lie brought in Miss
iiemte Mitflit It, who had lust cloaed her
i'IkniI, nar lr. Ayre
place. Hhe
l ow Intend to go to
Cathlautet to
n ittk in a priming 9Uce.
' To prouitment Pt. Helena young
l.idiea will Irave lor nhool next week.
Mix Lulu (ieorge will attend the Flat
Jsormal avhmd at Monmouth, and Mia
Maude Det-kor will lak a courae In
7 l,llomail Colhge.
I" Mr. and Mra, AHirt Tucker etuened
Monduy from a protracted outing at th
teach, their atay llng lengtliened by
Jlie foreet fire bt-tween the reeort and
Toledo. Thir daughter, Mine Pearl,
returned long, long time ao Lincoln
bounty leader.
P. A. Krakea, the well known atot k
wan of Bcappooae, Mr, rrak", Goorgo
. i. and ,oii, aoit and daughter, all at
UQ led the Oregon 8i'e fair. P. A.
FmkM A ex ilblwl a carl j I ol
(ilia lloIxUdn Cdttlo, und received many
iri.K. Three aweeptakea and threa
diploiuaa. Tliia week they tk a , . cf
load of tUnir clwiort hard t .N'urtU Vk
iuia, to exhibit at tlie Mr there. f
! t. W. Klehardaon. O. V. Slaughter,
K. JrV Isolds and Jck Black returned
I-oiu Dougla county Oregon, ban
Liy, having located timber claim ou
the coaat, near the mouth of l) I'mp
cjua, river. They report the flueat body
of tluiln-r land of any place on the
coast. Kai b tree contained frotn
tj 000 to 30,000 feet of lumber and was
f juud to be perfectly lound, and 1:0
fire had ever been through the wood 4
Tho men had been absent two week on
tUocruij. ,
( Out Of leah' daw.
' When death ceud very near from
aavera alomacli and llyertroublep, tht
I hud lufl'jrtd Tith for year," wriU
P. Maa, Durham, N. C, "Dr. King'l
iewrePilU waved M'X '' ,,J
perfect heuUh." UH piH "h
only m at fU. Ilulena Pharmwy. I
VplumhU County leung Woman Wd
' , Prominent Poriiaua u.
' J. Wile Ruahowr and Mil" Eva May
gr, daughtor of Chmlc Mnygcr, ol May
L-r, Or., wre married on Wednedy
'ttnm.-RenUmhnr M.'it 8:S0, at the
Louie ot the brido'a brother, Clurlci
Maygur.on Tenth atreet. Kv Roft
Booth, of Grant Pan,' performed . Uie
CureiiioiiT. The parlor were beautifully
decorated with palm and flower lor
the ,ocoaion. Ml Florence McAyea!
played Ihe wedding murcli, and little
Marunerlte Scbang acted a ring benr.-r.
Tim Wide wore a gown of white crepe
aeflilne. ovcr talTela, with trimming
ofuiiimm and point luce, ami she car
ried a banquet of bride rone. Both Mr.
nd Mra. iluahong aro well kuowa In
the city. Mr. Huahong is the yoif
pon of the late Bov. J. W, Huahong, V.
I)., and 1 a prom'ulng young bumnem
Uian. The weddinij prouni we .. .
emus ana nanasouio. - , vil
tour of tbrnglSoun4 citlo V'
soria. Ms. and Mra BushoiiB will
home afte,r October J5 t P3
jwenty-ltl itree
rtieiiardaon A Co., of Balnlor, will
-...iirK nie ooiier capacity of their mill.
A good quality of general merchan
dlaa to meet the demand of the people
t Collin & Gray'.
The county clerk ha limed a mar
rlage lioonae to Etta lielle Imel and
George Swale.
Board and lodglna for 118 ner month
at th Oriental Hotel under the new
Circuit court will convene one week
from next Tueaday. The docket I a
comparatively auiall one.
Born, to Mr. and Mr. William Mol.
linger at Houlton. Monday morninr.
8 temlier ath, twin dauiditer.:
Dr. Knoder, Dentiat will, be at Clat-
kanieOct. 20th till Nov 18th. Painle
method only employed. ; , : : T i j
William Ecola A Co.. Quincy. are
riitmlng their newly .acquired ahingle
mill full blait, In connection with their
Mr. Nordby, who recently told hi
shingle mill InlereaU to W. H. Kcclea
A Co., i building a new mill, ut be
low Uainier. - . . '
During the month of Knntemher
County Clerk llflndaraoiv received In
recording fee, $2tk7; court fee, $80 25;
rodvtnptioni, $25 01.
A dry kiln of Improved type, I one
uiont Important recent improvement
to the Kalnier Mill 4 Lumber Com
pany' plant at Rainier. .
Rev. CharJe S. Philbrook, of Houl
ton, ha a tew thoroughbred Buff ing
horn fowl for al at $1 60 per pair, or
threa for $2,
E. C. Ptanwood & filierman Bro., of
Yankton, ar still lelllng dry aeaaoned
lumber, haviug the advantage over
many other mill In thatreapect.
, School begin next Monday, and, alto,
there will be a flag raieiog. The long
pole that anrmonnt th new bailding,
1 in read I nee to receive th new flag.
Mr. I .cilia F, Bargpr and Mr. Fred
Brlgge, of Yankton, have leaaed the Ori
ental Hotel, and will keep It op to an
excellent itandard.
J. If. Pecker la building a itrnetnre
on the river front, opposite firinn'a cor
ner, Into which he will remove. hia bar
ber hop.
Person fiom Gobi and Reuben elate
J. H. Collins, o( thi city, delivered an
excellent addrea before the graduating
claxof the Reuben publio school Sat
urday night. (.' - J,: 'r""'.?.
W. D. Pine, the Rainier ah and
door manulucturer expect to pot up
over 80,000 cedar door this year, and
contemplate the addition of a bind
aaw to the plant during the coming
winter. 1
A meeting of Milton Grange will be
held at lloultou tonight for the purpose
of completing organisation aad th elec
tion of officer. After a public meeting,
a largo number of caoidate will be
The 6U Helen achool will begin next
Monday morning with Mis DoUraff a
principal, and Mia Harriet Tbaye, of
Rainier, a teacher of the primary de
partment. The contractor, Mesaer.
Baker A Rrennick expect to have the
elegant new cchoot building ready for
occupancy by that time. ;' 1 ; :
Captain Jame Good, of th (teamen
America and Republic, ha purchased
the tidewater lota ol W, H. Dolman er.d
Mr. Poluua for $00, and bargained for
the adjoining lot, belonging to K. E.
Ouick. It is his intention to construct
a auiall dock for present oee, nd later
a l.irga dock to that hi boat can be
raised and cleaned.
Columbia county people will be
pleased to know that Rev. Iw Davie
ha been returned by th Oregon Metlu
odiet Kplscopal conference, which wa
in Mlon a tjraut' Pasa luat week. He
will have charge f the Warren and
Houlton churches. ..Rev. H. Moy was
appointed to the charm of the Bt. Hel
ens and Rainier ihurcle.
The St. Helena Lumber Company,
St. Helen, have got their mill under
way. The final papers authoruing tne
mile and a half of iu h from tlietwa!n
line of the Iorthern Pacific to their
mill have been received and work will
bo commenced at oucc. A Tatiim and
Kowen edger has been installed and the
mill generally .dvci hauled. toiuuiDia
River aud Oregoi) Tiu(berunt " v i
i ThwCorvallls Giiaette oi ro'wit date
ha the following marriage notice of a
former well known Veruoia phyvicign;
The marriage of Dr. 0. H. Newth, of
Philomath, aud Mis A. Ruble, ol junc
tion City, wa eoleiunlxed at Albany
Tuesday, at the home ot the bride'
uncle, Mr. Mo. The ceremony wa
performed by Bov. Ware, of Philomath.
The Gaxctte extend congratulations.
ji. G. Plank and family arrived from
St. Ilulen yestcrduy to make Toledo
their home, rney came hi. .
team .ami were ionalderably delayed en
route by the forest lire. wr.,iiaoa
has aheady begun the oonaernclion of a
residence on the east side, near Coif
stable Brown'. He say large nUiU
ber ol hi frlemla t his late homo are
preparing to coie to Llncon county.
Like Mr. Plank and family, "they will be
i county i a harbor of
refuge (or all victims of diaagreoablo and unpleaaailt aurrouudliiga
I,iAMi u00Uniyjueaer. . : ,
The October number of The Coast
priuwd at Battle U a superb-maga,
e, containing considerable original
Horary matter, and is elegantly, illus
trsted. Some, of the features are the
T.. iv..htn0ton. illustrated; ''The
Michael Ser,Mj atrial
, - u L by tue euuor.
Ulnnor L. Wilhelin; ""'ce"
I Wheat Belt of Eastern Wanln
' aaton," and a number ol origin.
JTauJ short, .icy editorial.,
lite baiuriiay Kvhiiiiik iourniii, i.
bright, newsy paper jut kuiiuhcd tit
Beaverton, haa been reciuved at this
otUo. . Ill published right In the heart
of Washington county, a tew mile from
Portland. It I published by the Owl
Printing Company and edited by C. E
Bailey. i
America's famous Beauties.
Look with horror on Skin Eruptions,
BlotCher Hore, Pimple. They don't
have them, nor will any one,' who uses
Bucklen' Arnica Halve. Jt glorifies
the face. Ecxema or Halt Rheum vanish
before It. It cures sore lip chapped
hands, chilblain. Infallible for Pile.
6oatSt. Helen Pharmacy.
Interest! iff 'losing Exercise of the
Keuben Pablle School.
The achool entertainment given at
Goble last Saturday night by Mrs. Ger
trude Collins, and her school would
have done credit to a much larger place
than Reuben and Goble. The exercise
were held In the Redmen' hall, which
wa taxed to Its utmost capacity. The
proceed of the evening, were between
60 and 60 dollars, will be used to boy
an organ and tome good library book.
. The first part of the proserin con'
lilted of recitations, dialogues, drills etc,
by the pupils of the achool ; and the
second part. of the graduation exercise
The class, the first from thi achool, la
composed of two young ladies and one
young man" who have finished the com
mon school course.
Miss Kittie Winifren Lindsay, the
prophetess, read some interesting proph
ecies of the class future; Thomas H.
Hunter, the historian, read a well pre
pared hisiory of the class ; Miss Myrta
May Pawson, th valedictorian, effect
ively pronouooed the parting words.
County Superintendent I. H. Coneland
presented the diploma to the claw;
Mr. J. H.Collin, of St. Heleus, de
livered the class address; and Miss
Grace Miips of St. Helens, iweetly sang
one ol tier beat piece. After the school
entertainment, the young eop!e cleared
out the hall and danced till "we ran'
The teacher and pupils of the Renlien
school wish to thank all those whoso
kindly assisted in makinn their euter-
lalnmene a intcess, both socially and
nuwnciaiiy. i jespec ally, . wonld we
thank th Redmen who donated the
use of their hall; also Mr. Chas. Jones
Mr. Erllnger, and Mr. 8. Alexander
forth music furnished by them; To
Wm.,; Meacham, we aim extend our
thank for the fund received from the
dance given by him ; Also If. M. Towler
who so kindly acted a doorkeeper.
For those Interested we submit a state
ment of Ihe proceeds.
From sale of ticket $U.C6
, Door receipts,. , .0.40
From sale ot ice cream, 15.00
Dance 20.00
Total receipt 70.P5
Cost of creiin , .. . . , 6.25
Music for dance . . .fl. 60
Chris Fowler building stage. .... .2.60
James Fowler making oats 60
Total expense . 16.76
Cash on hand for organ fund $53.30.
GauaiDX F, Collins, teacher.
. Ills Life la IVrll.
"I Just seemed to have gone all to
pieces." writes Alfred Bee. of Welfare,
Tex., "billiousness and a lame back had
made life a burden. I couldn't eat or
sleep and felt almost too worn out to
work when I began to nse Electric Bit
ters, but they worked wonders. Mow I
sleep lfke a top, ran cat anthing, have
gained in strength and enjoy hard
work." They give vig-irou health and
new life to weak, icklv, run-down pen
bl. Try them. Only 60c at St. Helens
Wm Struck by Falling Tree Frac-
taring and Penetrating Ills
.. , ) ', 1 Brain. .
A. W. Jone. aeed 18. son E. U. Jones.
a well known resident of Goble, was
accidentally killed last Saturday by a
falling tree, near Horgreu'i mill, l'eter
Horgren and young Jones were fallinit a
tree. When the tree was aluiott cut
off It began ;toi fall the wrong way.
Both wen started to run, but in uinerent
directions. After running a short dis
tance, Horgren . turned and shouted to
liia companion,, but did not see him.
Soon afterward he found Jone dead.
Corouer C. . Daitou summoned the
following jury, and held- an 1 nines t at
Horgren mill' mill on Deer Island,
near where the accident occurred : 1). B.
Btuart and Washington Muck.e ol St,
lllnlens: Herman Schmitt Ernest Hor
gren, Howell, Ward, and N. l'lnckley,
(if Deer Island, as jurymen, jr. noes,
Ernest Horirren. l'eter Iloraren and
8. E. Jonas, were appointed to examine
(lie wound in the dead man's bead. ..
. The Jury returned the following ver-:
die iii substance : The deceased A. Wj
Jones, aged 18, who lived near Goble;
caino to hia death September 27th, by
being killed Ht Horgren' mill by the
butt of a tree falling on his head, fiau
ttiriug hi skull and penetrating 1 the
brain. Ir. D.- B. Stuart was foreman
of the jttry. '
' -J -" '
1 Evei body felioutd use High ' Standard
Flour'' uiii'le ex'vitlv,ily ft win at""
wiiuut.. It iias no superim Collins A
Gray exulosiva agents 8t; Helen.
. Under 'the new management, board
and lodging at the Oriental Hotel fo
18 per iuon(,h. ' ' ' ' ' j
If you wnt If0"1! bread all the time
que hl.h atauiia"! fjoqr, Colli nl
iff, 9t;
iiuraniuc'l .11 ('nl'iiis A liniy'n.
,i .
Large stock of general merchnndirr
Well selected, and well kept, sulflcient t
meet the demand of the surroumlinii
country at Collin At Gray's, St. llelcnt-.
One gelding,' A good roadster,' E
peciully tor single driving.- Kind and
willing. Bright bay. Weight about
1200 pounds. Half liauibleton'mn.' En
quire at this office or adres ' ''
,,. Wallo& Moyer, .
Scappoose, Ore.
Bailey & Urinn at Houlton have re
ceiyeI something new In- the matter o
choice groceries.
Mlllmen, Attention.
A good sawiuill site, 6' miles from
railroad switch, t Six to eight million
feet of clear yellow fir and cedar. Plenty
of water. Three -creek on place that
can lie damned to float to tide water.
Another mil further in doing good bus
iness. Lend comparatively level. For
further information. Apply to this of
fice. '
Wantkj Two or three men to cut
four foot wood !
Inquire at this office, or of Wallace &
Moyer, three and one half miles South
west ol Scappoose Oregon.
We will pay the market price for wood
cutting, and board the nion it they wish
to board w ith lis at fifty cents per day;
Wallace & Moyei. 1
The excitement incident to traveling
and change of food and water often
bring on diarrhoea, and for thia reason
no one wbould leave home without a
bottle of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by
Edwin Ross, Druggist. ; : -' ' ' :
Waktko 6 vouao if km from Culnm-
bia county at once to prepsre for posi
tion in the government service rail
way mail clerks, letter-carriem, custom
house and departmental clerks, etc. Ap
ply U Inter-State Corres. Inst., Cedar
Rapids, la.
All dlaaaaas bt Ittdnava.
Bladder, Urinary Orgam.
Alao Rbenmatism, Back
Dropsy, female Troubles.
1 V
Btra't Become dtseanraead." There la a
eart for you. If iinry wrlt f)r. Kenuer.
Hv baa t'nk a tile time curlns Just suck
Cases as yours. All consultations Free.
"A e-revr-l Indued In my bladder. After
D.I nfa few bottles ot Dr. Fenner'a Kidney
and Itnrksehe Cure I passed a gravel half as
larse as a marble. Tbe medicine prevented
further fornmtloas. Iwasctirpd.
W.T.OAKES. Orrlx. Vv"
Druggists. Me- tt Aak forCooli Boo It Free.
For sale by Col'.ins & Gray, Pt, Helens,
also r.nili'y A Ilrinn, general mer
chant at Houlton. ..I", 1 ' ' ., '
Wanted.- a TBiiSTwnirrHV, (irkti.kham
or laily in each conrifv to manape hois
nos for an ' old estnbli-lied house on
solid hnancial standing. A straight,
bona tide weekly salarv of 18.00 iid
hy check each Wednesday with ell ex
penses direct from headquarters. Money
advanced for expenses. Manager. S40
Canton IiKlir.. Chio. f ; .
Assessors Notice of meeting of Board
of Equalisation. Wereas on Hie 8lh.
day of July, 1902, an order was duly
made and entered by the county Court
extending the time for the return of the
assessment roll for the vear 1002, until
the llrst Monday in -'October,' 1902.
Now therefore Notice is hereby piven
that upon the first Monday in October,
to-wit, October 6th. 1902, the board of
Equalization will attend at the office of
the County Clerk of Columbia County,
Oregon, and publicly examine the assesa
Hieiit rolls, and correct nil error in val
uation, description, or qualities of bind,
or other prowrtv. Dated at uiy office
this 11 da ol Sept. 1902.
IVpnrtroMH nl ihe Interior,
Laud Office at Oregon ptlr. Oreson. - $
He ill 20. torn.
Inlloa-iiis namsil settler an flleil notice of
hi. IntiMillon to make anal proof In s)por of
IiIk claim, ami thai salrt prool will ' msils be
Ion- th KecUier sntl Receiver al Orpgoo Cl-,
on November 8, v:ai viz: ' ''
H. K. no ll lor the N W i ot (MsM'on . T. 4
v n a w 11m n.tmA. ih witnesses
to prove his continuous reoWMioi ion and
eiililvstloii ol milil land, vli- Wm Rancrwein.
Chris Raurrwcln. n-1 lerhnr.ll Morlmch. ol
Houlton. Oregon. aut julliis Fhtr,- ol Valley
, CHAKI.E3 B. MOORB8 Begtster.
H.Moritus, of the New ' YorV Storet
lias a tot of South 'American silverware,
solid, that will lait forver. The list
comprises 21 sets of diffprent- article,
useful and ornamental for, the table.
When a cu stouiera cash purchase
amount to 25, he ia given a choice of
one of the sets. The oger is k special
discount tor rath, and the articles are
uaranteed solid ailver.
Oresainan'a ' - ImproTed
THK niosl impo titnt jiliprovement ol
the nn in the art of penmanship
makes ihe poorest . writer a splendid
neninnn In a few weeks by the use of
thia rln. Endorsed by prominent
Ollefre Prefldenta and1 Itoarda of Edu
cation In Europe and America. ' Rumple
dozen assorted sizea sent postpaid for
$1.00, alngle sample, age. When or
dering a single, state whether for man,
woman, or child. t. . j
No, 111). Fouith Street, Philadelphia,
BsMtata Tits Ha) Mw"jlBC!pt
j Hi llM tod Has) mn BC!p!
AH tT to Saved.
"For year I suffered such untold mi
sery frclu i.i i... i biitca J. II.
Johnson, of Ilnughton, Ga., "that often
I was nnnbel t-i work. Then , when eve
rything else failed, I uj wholly cured
by Dr. Kiuir's New Discovery for Oon
suinptl hi. My wife suffuren Intensely
from Asthma, till it cured her, and all
our experience goes to show it is the
best Croup medicine iu the world." A
trial will convince yon it's unrivaled lor
i nrsmt and j.iiiig diseases. Unaranteeu
bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free
at St. Helen Pharmacy
Timber l,int, Aet June , 1ST.
. Usitbu Httb I,sd Ort-ii's.
Orruoa city, un-KOii, April Is, 1402.
plinnce Willi Ihe provUious ol thv set ol
Coiwresa ol June S, ts;s. entitled "An set for
thssitleol UiuimrlutlUs in Hie Hlmes l Collhir
ui. Oresou. NsvitUs, and WusltlUKtou Terrl
tory." n ektended to all tits 1'nhlie Lnnd titiuei.
by But of AHiiuat 4. Auttuat t. Mnhn, oi
AjttorU, comity u CUiour., mate of Oregon,
lout ItilA dsv ttled In this omc IiIh sworn ntutv
utttut No. toda, lor the (turchiuie ol the ue ft
MMillon No, s. In towimhip-Ko. a n.
nume N. w, mil will offer proof ui uliow iril
ths lmid souKlit Im iiMtrs valuable for lin tlinlmr
or atuue than fur agricultural iiurpunaa, anil Ui
eatftbltfth hiH uliiirn to aiitd land before the Keir
tBter and Uecaivcr ol till- uttlie at Oregon City,
Ort'Kon, on Waturuay. tiiuSth day of NovamlMir.
lWi. He names art lAilneaM!): Vlder Herman,
oi Astoria. Oresoit; itebantiaD Glaaar, John
Ulawr aud John Muehlliaiueii, l Olnay. Ore
sua. ..
Any and all persona claiming . ad
rervely tlis . alwvleMfrilied - lands are
rej.ii!ld to lilt) Iheir rlalma in tl;i
oiliueoitorbeioresaldath day of Movemlier, lw2
aluoU ; ,,, .... CHAa, it MuOKHIt. tteaister.
summons. . ;
In th Clrcnlt Court of the Htat of Oregon,
(pritim Cuuiuy ui Columbin,
Amunda Cwieronn, FJaiuUff, ( ,
v. -
Wlllitm Coleman, defendant, '
: To Wllliara Coleman, Pefeodaat,
sou; You are hereby notified tit At the
HltiiniiiThereln hftei r)lei a Complaint tMaiiimt
you in the atxive-eiitltltid Conrt au.i Pitmw. mid
vtiu are hrtbv rtoiiirtsd to atieur ami niiiiter
the ttld Coiiiplaiut on or fjifire ibe Uld A
the time prvMtrioed by Ontfr ol Fitbiicaiion
hereof to wit; ouor oeiore iis Ufuiu-uay oi oo
tohar, mtl:
You ate further nottfletl that If von fall to
tplear and and auawer the 4ntislaiut hertifa
or plead thereto, the Plaintiff will chum your
default to be entered and will HIV utUe f;Mit
ahove-menttones'l for th relict rnyetl Ua in
the (mulaiui herein, that ia to wy, for a De-
eij.forverdlsHlviiifrthe ljoiutKuf nbiiriinoiiv
that may exltit (elwei-i Plain ti if Bu-JLHfiwiid-ant.
and tlmt Flam till may rtmme her nmd'an
name, and for tu;h otbei aud further tvlivt x
to the (JoHrt utay neeiu uifet nd jt. . -
the date of lh fin MibMcaMn of thi wm
rooim la fiidav, Auut VV, mud the Unt
pubhratlon thereof t Friday, Ociolier 14k h ,
loa, nd the ah NHmranm iu to b ubl:fhed
ournnayoi etu-n weeit. lor a peniKi oi aix
wt-rka llwf3cb Mud oaU:i,
1 tn Hiiinmoit ii nui'linhed by OrVr of Hon
orHln IhomaH A. Mcllritle, Juuk oi the
tilKne entiMfd t'ouri,
JateU Ihla lwih day of Arnmjd, A. P.,
Attornev for i'UiiiUtT.
, SUM MO N8,
Jn thertrrnlt Court, ot the Stale of Ores;oix lor
lite toiinlv ol coiiiinlMa.
EllaM. Lvtieh, plaiuufl, '
Frank J. I.viic!, defenrtitm.
To Krnnk J. Lynch, deiendant.
Yon are hereby required li aopear and au-
ftwttr Urn complaint filed auainslyoti in the
above entitled iuit, within six weta from the
Iste of the nrat ouiilieatlim of thia -umTiioi.
whieh time expires on the tenth day oi OS.
Lni.r. 1IHI-2. and if von fail to no a.ioear and
anMtver. the plaintiff; wiil aoply to the ;ourt lor
the relief prsved In the complaint, town, a de
cree diailvinp tlie bonds of matrimony now
exietinv between the above-nameil plafnliiT and
deiendant. and forafurthererderchaneinR-fhe
nme ol plaintiff Irom Ktta M. l.yneh to Ktta
KtraM. Furi-h, and for ancb vtlMtr lyjief ss to
the Court mHV feem meet end jnt.
This Nnrnmon. is tnb!ibed by order ol the
Bon. J. H. l)oun, JW of the runnie tTourt of
(;oHml la ''nuulv, Oie"n, ou the 25ili day of
August, rjoi.
. HAi.iir.jiAH r.iu.-i.
Attorney fur PlaintiR".
tiolict of Adminittrator't Salt.
In tlie Conntj Court of the State ol Oregon lor
t.otiimi.ia i-onnrr. t
In the matter ol the estate ol Elvira Ann
Hears. deccHM-d.
ruant to Or lerol the above entitled Coart
made and entered in said eaute on the 4rh day
of AHsnst. I nill on Paint-day, th 2tn
day ol Heptembcr, liw, st the honr ol 10
s. in. of tid dnr, at the front door ot the
County Court House In 8t. Helens, Columbia
county, Oreiron. U at public auction to the
highest hldder lorcah In hand tip'.n delivery
of deed, all the eHtnte. rlirht. title and Interest,
lia i bv the snid Elvira a nn Bears at the lime of
herdenih. and alt the right, litle and interest,
which her estate acquired since, by openttion
of Ittw or otherwise, in and to the following rie
.erihfd roal Droneriv f.ltuate ill t.'olumhla
counlv, Oreiron, towlt: Lot 6 in blork a, lot )
In hloi'k 1. lot 1 In blork 8. all in Bryant's t int
sddliion to Claflanle or P.ryontville, as the
mime now appears of record in the County
Clerk's office In tid Comity and State.
A Iko lots 13. IS, led son si in ine jaaao vvair
piner donation land claim as appear by the
plat thereof made bv A. B. Mule, county nr
veyor. and flled In the (Jlrcnii Court of the tttats
of Orecon lor Columbia County, April 7tb. lstti,
as ol December 27ih, l'XIl. .
j. a.. naiii.
Administrator ol the Batata of Elvira Ann
Bears, deceased. -UKAHAM
CLE ETON, Attorneys for Ad
ministrator, i
liepartment ol the Interior,
, i ! i . Land Ollica at Oreiron Citr, Or..
AllKUst lStb, 1!W2
IN fiillowinff-nameii set'tcr hua flled avulice ol
hia tnteuiion t3 make Html prouf In support ol
hia claim, and that mild proof will oe maus oe
inre the Keaister and Kwelver. ol Oregon City,
on October 4th, liwi, vis.! . ;
II. E-13201. for the se of section town
hlp 5 nortli, ranne wext. He names Ilia lol
lowing witnes-ea to prove his continuous re"l
deuceu;Kn and cultivation of aid
lierbard Moroaoh, ol Valley, aorocon; ch,
Saucrwine, of Yankton, iirecnn; Iidor Pla
mandon. o f Valley, and UaKiius Johnson, of
Poillaud. Oreaou.
Cila, JT MpoKBa, Regbter,
Deiisilme'ntof the Interior
... ! LaM tca at Oregon Wiy, Orsmav.
AllKUSt lti, 1WI4.
Vtoti;h is hbkkbV givkn t-jat the
i lolltiwIiis-UHiiisd aeltler has Hied uoilea ol
hlslnieiill alomaWe final i.itul In support ol
his claim anil thai sal.l prool will bs made be
fore the HogiHter aDrt Beeeiver ol Orvaon City;
Oraau, on Ocltitmr , lW,, vl!
U; T.. Ko. 12,VU, tor the V-H ' fgi '
KBWol seettoa Hi T. 4 N., R. 4 W. He namei
the lollowlnK wltuesaeii to prove his eoniiu
hook reatrtemte u,ion snrl enUlsatlou ol aalrt
lan.1, ns: Jonas V. Kanfrman, ol Needy, and
John O. Mulliii, Phillip UUun and John A.
McDonald, ol Vernonla, Orfpos
. 7 CHAKUE8 B MOOKK. Kelster.
-, ' Irpartsnt of the Inlarlor,
Laud OIUos at Oregon City, Oregon, -Anrasl
IS, MM. '
following-named seiilar has Bled noties ol
bis lm.ittlolt to inaks Snal proof lu support ol
his olalni. and that said prool will ba mad be
fore the Keglrter antfUetelrar at Oregon City,
on October l. ISO. tIs:
w vA loaaa fpihaKKU nlNEol Section
! . T. N , R. S W. He names tbe lollowlnu
1 wiinesea u yrovv m ,i i r
uptn ana ouiuiraM'Hi ot aaiu tu. yy
Uanible, tra. 0. Gambia and Arthur Gamble,
ol uoble, 0 egoo, and A. C. iCelgler, of Apiary,
V - , CHAJtLgS B JIOO&BS, Baglster,
Office of County Surveyor September 26, MM,
County Surveyor will on October !Ond, luut,
subdivide accord lair to the law of 1891, section
S3.T, N,, K 0 W., Wlllsmatte ermian.
' i , W. T. WA'Trd, County Surveyor,
- O-wSk.raVOXt.XjSa..
Bssrs ths A IM awn vn wm aiwsnj
fca?'J,. --as.. .
m I m
-By ine Big bawmui!-
IsEeciving New Goods
... . ft
tion oi Long Standing
Dart &
St. Helens, -
'. Patronize a drug store when 3'on ' . .r
want pure, fresh and reliable .. . -a , .
Drugs and Patent Medicines
' " Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc.
A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. ' -.
Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. . 5
Direct from Pablislisr-R cgslar 25-ent Kgc1s Cnlj 10 Cents I
, title", if you (yittenipt.e buyii'ir Uri or Jtmiu uw uiot an tuI
e-tUsi-f tHSiirftf, take no tni. tt word, but li.MHpon kunwintr win
the rpcori hhown resttrdin-f the title. An Abrtiact it ewr'iisl ,
1cl. Iul8t on bavin? it. Wt hftv tlwoniy of Hiwiiiaet
liok in the eoanty. All work promitly exectiti ami BAfiPtMdiiou
(tuurautwd. if you have property to injure Kive ,IH call. e ar
nem for the best fire insurance comini in th world. If vou
have prnpny for tale list It with ui and we will find a buyer.
E. E. QUICK & CO.,
Main Street
i Best Methods of
pliis is the latest- and most scientific method of Gold FiHitij ffl
No Hammering. No soreness of the teeth, and none of Ih'we ffl
Preudftil Headches follow thia Painless method of GoM Filliiig. , K
Dr. KNODER, Dentist,
fert Ta 11
Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist.
Information and Appointments by Mail.j
, Rooini JO and 51, Wasliicfrton Bid., boutheaatcor. 4tli Wash, atreetg,- ji
Tata Vlanlni In.lTiftl,
Carry a full stotrk
'...,;-.-, ' . ?..,-..-, .i-,:-;.. s?, -. -UUf , i.l .
Goods Exchanged for Produce. .,'
a.'- ' J
Every day in the Week.
for Only the Hettfc in r, 1 1 n
- -- Oregon.
I uui I I tier
U . Tlfrhtf nmombef that it t h
ivm tJKi) tt)t rovepn. ir is -our huMiip-in -hPR-rrh tl'
nrorfls niti khvur uhui ihav fstnr it I ti Its rasl'iflm t.A Ittsi.i -
Gold Filling j
317, 'Failing" BId'g ' if 1
' Portland, Oregon w
r a-t a El!
OREGON.' .. - ' ' A'
' '.-i'r K -. I . . ..rt-.-l.- -
of staple and fancy ',
. - J