OREGON MIST Kiiterm! at the rostofflce at Pt. IIsleM, COUNT OFFICIAL PAPER. i...'riJ-'g- .Itjursp T'.VKiif Tmd v Momma B K E J t -K B, I f . , J J A UT, " , ltvR an ii Pttornterotu One eujiv not yev, in advance. , mouth. , . f .. 1.00 TKIM.1 il .. ill., OorSTV ol'fU'tRR: ! , B, Vjrtln Both. Halntar ,H, K lt,ail, 11, Bhflrllf , Treaetirer r.. m. h cXSt..:'.;. . h. rr'f:"? -5 .W. I) CAM!, llI!llTS . C. t. Dull'.. HlfOi p.Konee...... r The Tmif, of lriiiis, Benton coon ty, Oregai, bad the fallowing In a re rent is'ue: "A eld of vetch, threshed br John Whitaker the latter part of lat week ii attrartiuf aome attention kmonr fanner. Tli field eomprieeii J aere and the y itfld wa 1600 bushel or over SO bahjli pr acre. From SI KraC the yield wa 1,113 bnahel. or nearly 38 botlmlit per acre. To make the eton more inttfrestina, it i to be fenderatttvt thit tli veU h waa nt with dowt. raked op like hay, and threased from tlie eork. It wa qnite ripe when cut and it i e timated' that the amount of gnin it saved, wonid iiare iwelled the total yield to at leMt tO baahei per acre. Muoh of the praia had fallen down and wa fiat on the ground when mowed. Th field owniaat F.ill. It was paatored until Uaylat. and durinir ihi time two bon l of muttoa he w-'e tarnel off of it. Thoaeed ii eai.i to Ui worth (180 a bonbel, which! totre'her with the fat 3red jbeep, leak ' the emp very prof itable. Fight dollar per day wan jid h maehine for thrracliing and thi avarage eoft per ba-Uel waa 26 cent. Mr. W hi taker eatiiuam that for hay, the field would hv turned c.ff eight ton. per acre. He expect, to nw a mweb Urgur rr?a oafyer. Hciv iter, Mr. Whitiker wilt paatura hie vetch field nntil May 16th." ' The followinj U from the Corvallia Tiroea, lo: ''About aa big a heep aa there f in Benfon coaoty ww awn on h tre Monday.- It came by expr- to Richarh 8.ott, and waa taken out by Mr, Carrier to. the VtUer'a farm th aftMTOn nfVarrWcl. Though not m blfa a Jertf n, the animal bal lenfth. breadth and thick new alinoat a great. Hi weijbt SW poonda. H. i g yar old, and mine from th .farm f Mr. SeoU'j flhnr at lfilwaokee. Of the many pwrple that viewed,th tarng while he waa at the txpree office, pot one wa able in name the bread to which the WsSbaek. bcton." - - Jl WaebUKlan anshnt in authority for the itaWment that a three tmontlts .old babr In Warw, Ruaiia, ha pre -dieted the millennium in between thr ,and four year. Prominent Waehlngtea Hebrew, interviewed on the (abject, eertatliat aec.r linf to the "Tomb' DiajuiHenninm iidne In from three to four year, together, with the approach- iognrijjnof the Jew, hence they are . .rejoiced afcthe-propbecy of the Infant. EvolntioaisU, however, aay that the 'millennium, likt the eufrgeatively Ban- n nm for Alaeka, "DamlongwayofT The (teamsr Iralda of the Kellog Tran pertation Company has made a test run Ht Rainier with the new oil burner which were jost installed, Theowner re well pleased with the (bowing made, l everrthinff worked very aatifactory. Ml IVrthft eil v of Rainier i ha th lionarof ligting the fire on the first, nil burner that evr ran on the Columbia fclvsr. Tb Cowlitt Valley Journal. The famo.nr 1 jt Cabin mine has been located on the rout.ii fork ot Murderer's wrack' 40 milea frorh Ctlt;n city and a Ilk dist.ince from Dityville. .The-Lost Cabin, from whMi thajjropflrlyii'qttired ilM name, waa found in a dilapidated condition. The oLltiaft unk neer the abia, in which ws found xceviiR2lr ieh placer gravt4. w also found. The ledge, now bvinir d -vflofwl, was about eight inches wide on the rurfare and at M deph of ten feet bax widened to two feet. From the rurfaoe the ore wa blghly mineiallxpd, and hn the ap pearance of ' developing into property worthy of the name. Now find the Blue Bucket mine and Oregon history will be vindicated. Eastern Oration Observer. The fact that the season in Washing on for duck opens 18 days earlier than in Oregon gives local sportsmen an op portunity to engage in sport a few days earlier without violating the game law It ia no fault of the sportsmen that the a m law of the two state r.rs not identical. It I the fault of the law makers them selves. The, sportsman who live con venient to the Washington shore cannot be blamed, if be goes to the Washington de to kill ducks; for he violates no law by so doing.' ' ' ' ' ' ' i All kinds of commercial job printing executed at this office. High Standard Floor Is the beat, and very eack is guaranteed, For sale by rvilln GrJ Helens. The Thrice-a-Week World. T3mr has demonstrated that the Turlos-a-Wra World stands alone in its class. Other papers have Imitated iu form bat not itssix-oess. This is be rns H tell nil th nam all the time and .tells it. Impar llljr whethsr that now on political er otherwise. It li, in (set, almost a da.ly at tit price ot a ;veekly and you can not afford to be with-ml ik U''.dlion and Democrat alike rao rro.1 lit Triu-a-Wek World with ahMnti eouUJeiwe in it truth r. ; ; j 'in sedition to i wn.it publish first Mas awlal surl and other features snited tt-tha home and 8 reside. -Tin- Thrh-tr-a-week World's reenlar ul;ripi ln prion in only 1.00 pee year sod this pay fur 168 papers. - We offer t)iioneiiallod newspaper and the Ore gon Mit toother one year for 1.(K) The r yiiluv anfovripiion price of the fw.i paper (2 00. The Orrjpm Mi'rt an J the Thrice-a-Week World tot tlx month for 86 wot ; three month for AO cent. The Elks Cai nival. The eWlrical Illumination of th Portland Klk, Carnival, September 1 to .3, will be a revelation In the way of modern utility of elwtricity in trang forming right into glorious day, rad- ient ae a eunriao rainbow, with it colore umny tiuir multiplied. Seventh street i the kiration of the fair, and aome 12 to 18 blocks, extending from th main gate at Seventh and Washington atreet to FUnder atreet, taking in the tree lined park block north of Burnside atreet, will give the Carnival eflective letting. There will be a Temple of Light and Murie at the intersection of Seveuth and Ankeny ftreeta; a Court ot Honor where a throne room for the queen will be provided; wide archea at the (treet intersection, all handramely decorated and glowing with hundred of electric light. The Mh mi fact ore building will be a beautifully decorated arcade 150 feet long and 16 feet deep. In which the iuduatriea of the atate and actual man ufacturing will be illustrated to broflttabie advantage before the eye of thousand of visitors. September 9 is to be wedding day at ti.a Portland Elks' Carnival. On that dte not fewttr than three couple will be united in a unique manner in the pres ence of the throng io the atreet fair grouuds. The donation of present will equip them all complete for housekeep ing, as the management of the fair will deal l'Derally with those who will eon sent to be married publicly at the es pens of th Carnival company. Bwaine who haven't the price, but would like to, can make the arrangement by writ. Ing to Secretary Alex Sweek, Portland. 1 MA65IF1CEST BOOKLET, Describing the Scenic emiear Aleng. The Asteri a4 OelanbU Klver Bailread. The neatest and moat attractive pam phlet ever put oat by an Oregon Bailway Company is "What tb Wild Wave Hay at Seaside, isaued by the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad, 'omler the di rection of J. C. Mayo, the general pas aenger agent. The half tone engraving v how to excellent advantage the mag nificent acenery along the Columbia rivw as well ' aa many viewa of actual emmeriife and scenic location at this popular seaside resort. The roadbed of this line .'was constrneted in the mwt substantial way, the track con stating of heavy ateel rails, which are SO brmly fastened to the enhatantial nnderpinning, that it la a delight to travel and view the magnificent pano rama of acenery. There is no- more at tractive place in Oregon than the lower Colnmbia and Seaside. Write to J. C. Mayo, Ueneral Passen ger Agent at Astoria, and get one of the booklets. September Is the most de lightful of all -months: " .. Every Retards Excnraion Rate to - CUtsop and Uttng Beacb, via - : .A. C. R. Hallway. Beginning Saturday, June 14th, and every Saturday thereafter, flaring the summer eeaon, the Astoria A Colombia Biver Railroad Company will aell round trip excursion tickets from all stations between Portland and Clawkanie inclu sive, to all points on Clatsop and return at rate ol $2.60. Tickets limited good to return Sunday eveuiug. Clot con nections at Astoria with steamer hah cotia to snd from Long Beach. Utttr Hit List of letters remaining nnrallrd for In the Postofliire in fct. Helena, Or. gon. Sebt. 1 1902. Charley Grobe; 1, Win Miller; 1. S.-B. Doisuw, P. M. A Certain On re for ftyseaiery and Diarrhoea.-, :.. "Some years oge I wss ore nf party that intended making a long bicycle trip," says F.L. Taylor, of New Albany, Bradford County, Pa. "I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give np the trip Wr d , of the Laceyville Messenser, anggestod that I take dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Retnidy. I pur chased a bottle snd toot two doses, one before starting and one on the route. I made the trip successfully and never felt any ill effect. Again last summer I was almost completely run down with an attack of dysentery. I bought a bottle of this same remedy and this time one dose cu'ed me.' Bold by Hdain Boss, ; I Druggist. Large stock of general merchandise well selected, and well kept, sufficient to meet the demand of the surrounding country at Collin dt Gray', 8t. Helena. OASa'?1?l1ti5L,.u ' Use "High Btamjard" fiour and yon ' m W" mn ; have light wholsom bread. For "T' 2US7 V. br Ooinn. AOray, - The Colombia titer is now full of sardines, whth are being caught for the Astoria, nd Portland markets. TlWe fish make tneir'appearanos her once It year doming In large schools, but the run lasts only about two weeks. The fish are of fins quality and are quite a good for canning pnrbosc aa those caught on th Atlantic coast. These hss been considerable talk in Astoria of starting sardine cannery and It is not unlikely that the Industry may be en gaged in bars. , The shortuess of the sun would not operate ton disadvantage, as the fish could be preserved in cold storage and packed at the convenience of the cannsr. Th Necantsum river. at See side is el full of sardin e, and impsrs are supbliep with fish forbreak ait. With th event of the sardines comes th, ir nttur I enemy, the whale and many of these monster can be seen daily off the coast. Astoria News. ' As be was getting on the steamer to start for Europe Schwab said: "I dont't know where I am going. I havn't had time to map ont a eon re abecd. I'm not siak. I'm not going to resign. I'm not going away on business." Perhaps he's merely taking a trip across because he hasnt't a thing to do, and bate to just lit around drawing his salary. Some people ars so queer about these things. Salem Statesman. The best farming section ia Oregon is that part ot the county included in the Warren and Si-appoose country. In ad. ditlon to the butter producota, hn , dreda ot gallons of cream kre daily shipped to Portland f he purpose of making ice cream. The electric motor la ouuutry houses or on a farm may be need with, a windmill, and the etorago of power produced applied to tawing wood, chopping feed and cottntleea other outside purposes. Poaaibly be fore long it will ran the mowing ma chine and the cultivator and take the place of horses and many men. But, moat and best of aU, it can be used now for lighting a house tram tfp to bottom, in every closet and dark place, with perfect safety, with a soft, daylight luster, the wiring costing an average of 0.50 a light in the first place, and the current cost ing no more than gaa What more there is for electricity to do in the bests remains to be seen, but appar ently i is going to take the place of the fabled brownie and make work easy and life twice as pleasant there. Harriet Presoott Spoflord inCon gregatiopalist Jwss tse MAsewaw. "My dear, look down below," said Mr. Grandiose as he stood on the bridge with his wife and ganed st a tug hauling a long line of barges. "Such is life; the tug is like the man, working and toiling, while, the barges, like women, are" "I know," interrupted Mrs. Q. acridly; "the tog does all the blow ing, and the barges bear all the bor- doa. iUliion. The fertile portion of the earth's surface is estimated at S8,M9,S0O square milea The barren region ia eettmated by th same authority as S3,M9,000 square miles, divided as follows: Steppe, 18,901,000; desert, 480,000, sad polar region, 4,888,000 square milea The destination of oneof the Duch ess of York's wedding calces was a poor home in the east end of Lon don. Oneof the cakes was 7 feet inches high and weighed between eight and nine hundredweight. The finest ancient marble was that from Paras, called Parian. The next best was from Mount Pentelicus and Bymettus near Athena The finest modern marble is from Carrara. Who could hare believed a hun dred years ago that fay studying the sun we should be able to leayn some thing of the condition of things in the earth deep under our feett X tamer near Buchanan, Ga., has a tame rattlesnake that has the free dom of the premises, and it is said that he beats 40 yard dogate keeping offtotrudera r.4 7 Or? f,serAiL' scu Karl's Clover Root Tea .BeaatMaa tjie Cemslaxla. Part mood.elreaal'mh.Cleutililn. Cur the Cures Cm. Eruption of Am . Cierve jr all loatc. sold on absolute sue raol Sncaiats at Sttc, SOc aoaf IM. 9. C. wcu.s a co.. Liner. r. oi.k reopwirroae Fertsoe Favors A Texan. "Having distressing pains In head, back and stomach, and bein without Bppetite, I began to nse Dr. King's New Life Tills." writes W. P. Whitehead of Kennedale, Tex., "and soon felt like a ne mBn. Infallible in stomach and unr trouble. Onlv 26e at 8t. Helen pharmacr. ; 'fry? J km '1- la REUBEN. Mr. and Mrs, J. II. Uauld el Htod river 1 th gut ot Mr. and Mr. Austin Wis. . . , W ' - ) Mr. and Mrs! JM. SImlssy, anp Miss kruy Sidsay, were Portland viaitor Tuesday .v .. ' . v $ II. M. Fowler and T. C. Watt took Jaunt ovsr to Vislorla and Sound port ast week. Mr. Ed Coneland ef Portland, wa the guest ot Mr. and Mr., T. C. Watte ' Sunday,' . . - i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gould, and Mr Wise are visiting at Long Beach this week. Mr. Austin will accompany them as far aa Axtorla. ': ' - Henrv Warren and Paul Morel, were Portland visitors last week. John Jaqnea of Portland wa visiting friend in this viciuity Sunday and Mon day. Mrs. Cook Gamble and children, start ad forth hop field Monday. James Muckle ot Portlaud was in town Tussday. The New York Evening Post holds up a chinaman as a victim of what It terms American race' prejudice. This par.f cular Chinaman haa been kept on ship in Hoboken while th thip wa waiting tor a cargo. The refuaal of th immlgra inepeetor to allow th Chinaman to land is denounced aa an outrage. Ths Chin aman, so far as la known, has committed no oieace which justifies ths authorities iu denying him the pnvih-ge of landing. "But," says the Pot, "so terrible would be ths result of his ssttling among us that he is guarded like the worst of criminal." This particular Chinaman may be iu offensive, but his race haa been denied the privilege ot American cilliens iu ths interest of men, women and chil dren born Iu the country. The Chinese represent a lower civilisation, and ths effect of admitting them into the United Slates would be to lower the American standard of living to the Chines level. The wage of loborer fixes the standard oi living that must prevail among them. Daine. atdeacha. ache, todner trooblea, aoasupatiaa. diarrhaa, bflioasnsss, pilas, bara cold and headache, Every drag gist has Thsaiord s Black-Draught la 2ft sent packages aad ia sam uih sit for Jl.CX). Ksversoarpt a Kbstitote. Insist on having ths riginal made by th)Cbsttaieasje Medisise Csaapaay. r I BtSrv ThMSWi MsduOrssgsi is th last SMdtdaa ea asria. Ik ad for say and tverythsM. I have a family ef twstvs cMisrsa, and far HOTICC OF FINAL U7TUmHr. NOTm 18 HEHEBY 6IVFN BY THB UH deralinwl adnilninnlor with th will aa. ot to artatc nt Cyras B. bolex, 6rvmi, that ha M fllc4 In the ottM nt tb Conntr toart ol Columbia C'otinty, Orron. bis flnal rconntof hUartmlnlMn.Uoa nvoaaaM axMli., Lu,T.u.r .nil nnnuaiirpon tno pcuuon lor final settlement and dijitrilmtiAn rj mm mi.i. und that the Hon. J. H. Doan, Ju1ol said coart, b appoluied Hon :ay, tbllh.lof oe iober, lim, at two o'clock .a the a)ienrma ol -ai4da)r aa tb time, and the mur nol -aid coart, la the on tin houae In tit. Malena. Oreaoo, an the place, ( hearlne said Snal wv.iuot and said pentlou final cttlr ment and illatrlbutlon, at at whtah lime and ul any iieraoa inte.eitcd may at;'lr and Ilia eblrc llooj In writes to talil acuunt und w-ect ( . . . . . w. v. LArc adialnlatrator with (he Will ned i ih eotate of m. R. t..lB. Decerned, W at. H3V.KU., Attorney ler Adnlniatrator. This will aveyur Llf. Br Indue inw waa ta nasi Cr.KL'si;:; tmm Wafsw ef F tesinptb, Ccl's tii Colds. w'y Guaranteed Cur, W?Cur. NO Pay. YoaiCrng fist wiU warrant it AetoLUTeiaV curss Orfp, lufloMjaa, AsUtcsa, BroochiUa wpoopinsf Congo, Fneumonia, or aay A fPrt-L,M a all. TtkaaA.aV - J W Z7 ' afMa4Phf(S VI HJO J, UIUBfX Mill lrfUaDETJb .TRIAIr OOTTLK8 rR2S. Ssalat ffriae M ewats aad J0k BHIOHT-H IHWKA8K- The largest sum ever paid for a pre scridtion, changed hands In 8an Frsn Cisco. Aus.' 80. 1901. The transfer in vulved in coin and stork I! 12.500.00 and was paid bv a perry of bnisuees men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia- aete, Mtnerto incnraoie diacasea. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific -Nov. 15, 1&09. Thev interviewed cors of the enred snd tried it out on its merits by patting over three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. Ttley also sot Dhv- sit-iani to name chronic, incurable cases, ana administered u wun tne physlcans for iudire. Up to Aug. 25. eighty-seven per cent of the test cases were either well oi progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, th partiea wers satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings oi me investigating committee ana tne clinical reports of the test cases were published snd will be mailed free on application. Adpreas John i. Fulton Company. 420 Montgomery St. Kan Fran. Cisco, Cai, i SfHEDFOnD'sj 1 THE GREAT 1 EJaiYfH)iiHEJ MlthedtareVa Black-Dnagbi lhasl i saved deetors' biUs far mess thaa 1 sixty yean. Far the oosuooa faca I Uy aihaaota, such as eoasUpatioa, J iatiifrestian, "hard cold, sowai ccaw 1 cutnplautta ae ether msdklne is I accessary. It iavigtntes aaa wnf Biases tba Uvea, assists dtsntkn, I ttuTiiiUtss action of ths Eihaays. I pnri& tb biood, and purges iim I H bowels of iosi eoswanlstiwm. It ! I cures liver eompraiat, indigeanVsm, J If annF Anna, h dimiwtaa. k I H rhemaatm M SBdsaHywttfcaeSmSavMHsak. if tl tVassfti. A. J. CfcXCN, UswamLs, fij Fon Sain The eordwond timber on 100 acre of land. Call on or address Q, W. PERKY, lloulton, Or. Fos mtt Two targe mares, weight 1760 pound each wagon and liarii$ one pn large colt. J. O. PLANK, 8 Helena, Or. Btsaysd os Srotas From the farm otO. L.Ayres, near Yankton, a dark, red. vending bull, marked, branded ... . l i M ik. Inf. I,m , ".""T T' " Za VIUI L.V , uininu w.... - r split in the left ear and holf In the right. .Any information will he gladly received by C. L. Ayrea at Yankton and reward will bs paid for recovery. For sale t 160 a.-rsa timber land, nt ols' of sections, tp. 4 n. o '!; 10 per at-re. Inquire J, II. Milner, Marsh field, Oregon. V are atill furnishing the Weekly Orcirnnian and Misr together for a year Only fdalfV CTIliWrM"W n"f '," UQUOII UCtHSt FtTITIOH. the BonnraMe ti.inly Umirt ol th County Columbia, KlaisnlOreanit. .., lT K THK l!NlKR.1lllNK l.f.OAt VOTrRS V ranl.Hiif In Oak Mm preclnm. t'tilnmhie enmity, Orean. would w..Mllully nel'"''n your lionurahle lawty al Iu neat rviiulr loo, to be held al t. nlene, Volumbla iwanlv. ha.i n ,t i it v (M. U'MttiMriev. the led da of Seitemher. WU, tlisl a lioeme be (rented lit Umie Kluhror to sell ilrlltM. vtaous awl malt liquor" Is ld jirtcinet la iee iuai,iiuea thaa one salloo. and ta said ll.ia be sraaled dir a period ol an year, lor au at whtea yourpstlttonani will (tar pray; Mmed: Cleonrs Butts. A. M Mfflraw, Jam Co.klfy. C. r. Slmaet, W. H. llaiaappie. r. W, Kluhrer. u. at. r.wina, ipitmj", W. a. Hainilion. The Myr Cnntsaav, Neli I ..win . J. W. Turner. Chet O. Turner. II M- Uraad, rhae. Nl.'hoR ttmk i-lerne, F. D. t ran- ilnll, a. Hilttraiie. t. nana niiBieti, , n. nmiw, riarry Atnrya. Uuy Harnoe, Hurt K.lmiinil-. Charles Bnehulta, b. A. Myere, Clerk Cooler John Laraou. t:harle Ternahan, J J. Davis Charles Erickwn. H. Nontren, J W llufT roa James Sirndenbttrs, Charles Sundta. A Ht.i Kerebunr, Krank Burner. U.ter Kiee, Era al rredertdtni'B. A. D. acttrane, 1. 1. nana an, II. A. Adam., J. J. Brain, Ue Shnter U. ii. Crsndall. Erie Bllen. J. Hrysnt. K. riuh- rer, l. S. Maaon, Kimer riein., r. etmii, Kapar. W. r. Schneider. A. Madden, J. Phil lte. William McDonald. Willlaia Roberta, J. K Halineld, t J, qulnn, (ie-irne t'ant, J. A. M Ayeal, WlllUtu MeC.illum, William Hithrer. W. K. Jonee. H. N. Lakan. A. Hermo. P. C. Hal laher, A. Muaea, Carl Htokeulierf. Pald Mc lnuald. M. W. Andaman, Owar Kelev, J. A Hemn. C. N. Davldeea, Henry Utadsraea. A. B. Sailh, Henry C. J"b niton. Watts & Price, DEALERS IN Floor and Feed a Choice Groceries I Staple Drj Goods Best Qaalitj Shoes Hardware and Notions at LSeappoose, Oregon, t k.vavavve avfvesye PROFESSIONAL. DR. D. B. STUART, DENTIST. ORIENTAL HOTEL. ST. HELENS S. H. GRUHliK, ATTORXE r- AT- IA W. niSca with X. It. iitrk, ST. IIRL,EN8, : : ONKnO. Will (ire heel panenel sltentlon taalllecal matters entru.ted to me. Wlltpraetlea la ail ine bum ana unitaa steiea .onns. W.H.POWELL, ATTORNEY AT- L.i PBPl'TY 1IHT(1CT ATTOSMKY. BT. HIl.tMa t OBK10!. Osvivs Xaweoaa Buvra. Mora it rvauc. W.C.Fischer, s ATTORNEY. AT -LAW. BAIMKR. : : ORKOON. B. P. CShaham. T.J. CucaTon. Attorncys-at-Law. K6 Marqnam Bolkllof , Portlaad Oregon. Columbia Coenly buslnaes will rarsUs prompt 1. W. DAT W. B. DMXAHI) DILLARD & DAY, ATTORN E YS-A T- TA W OMee nest door to CoiinbniiM, ST. HKLINS, OKKHN. General nraetire In ennru or Oreenn a We.h Instou. Abatracta nada directly from county Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon BT. IIRLKNH, OKKOON. Dr. H. R. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. MX. HELENS, OREGON. , Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon ' . CLATrfKANIE, OREGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VERNONIA, OREGON. Notabt Public. ConvivAsciao. J.B.GODFREY, lfcia.ii Real Estate and Mater of Abstracts. ST. HELENS, . . OREGON SSTABMSSIBD ...1MB JOHN A. BECK DKALEB IN Wstches. ffiiaonds, Silferware, ....JEWELRY.,.. Repairing a Specialty. U orrlaan Bt. Bet Front A Flrat. PORTLAND UMIVtUUMlMllUll umii awu mi mi!H an v ; mna "v x mx o ax. o -V p Jjef'BaaaIay' SelHiisaU ,USMsaaW JSXeeWSeeau 'MsVsVI Tbe ltlnd Too Have Always Donffut, svod wltlcl. line bea In ajte tor over SO yeatn, hu Dome tbe kloiiatnre of - and tea bcrn mndeunder hie pr 9 VjCJ27 uaA tairarTlJlion elnca IU Infancy, yZdkfUcAU AJtownoonetodeccJveyotilathta, ail Counterfeits, ImlUUoM und Just-aa-ffood" are hut Eznerlmenta that trifle with and tmdanyer tbe health of InibnU and CHlldren-Expertenoe against Kxperlment. )Vhat is CASTORIA Caatoria la a harmleaa eubstltnta tat Cantor OU, Par. Korlo, Prope and Bootblnf SyrniM. I U Pleaswot. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NareoUo aubetance. Its affe U Ita g-uarantce. It destroys Worms and allay Fererishneea, It curea Dlarrhasa and Wind CoUc It roller Teething Troubles, cures Cottatlimtloa and Flatulency. It aaslnillatea the Food, regulates tUe Stomaeh and Bowela Ivlii healthy and natural aloepa The ChUdren'a Panaoea-The Mother's Friend. ceriuiriB CASTORIA alays Si Sean the Ljus&rp ' -cue The KM You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. ana eawaasee afaaiea. ee naaaae aeaaaa. eere. ii wwtfrwwTffwmmtifwiffwiwwrffTiimnrnrmmm THE NEW YORK TORE Has jost rscelr I Summer Goods, Shoes, g Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. , i 1 EC. B&QEaCSUO, , v 1 j Cooper Bailding, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. oowR CouNTr Veopie mould f eo TO THS Clatskanie Drug Store roaTei . Drugs and Medicines clinics Toilet Articles aad Perfumery fr J. I, MiLL, FTpntr Clatkkakir ! t OasooN. A ST0RIA & COLUMBIA RIVER IX RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. XTATIO") DAILY. 4 n r. u. 1 W so B JO m 44 M S ea ( OH 1) OT 10 00 10 OH til 'JO 10 30 A. sal .0 L-r fnrlland Ar 11 10 la. sr. r. a. 40 I SA S 70 A 00 7 04 7 4 7 7 7 1 17 0ft W.4 ( la a Vi U.I 8 so uve M Mi l 10 00 S'.M 10 IU M il 10 31 71.?) 10 S 7 7 1 10 A7 as. Si 11 os mi: II IS 0A.4' it no wo a Hi, tile 10 OA ....Kainler ... ... Hraiulrt... .... Msvuer.... . ,. Vlulnrjt ,. ..Clnt.kanla., ,, Manhla nil. . ., Weatrmrt.... ....I'llddll..,. ...Knaniia.... . Hven.nn,,., .Jiihn Day.. . AJ a WO 30 VI 02 s m 57 IT S 07 7 M 7 .-. 7 01 I s u w 30 10 Ar. A.lnrla ,l,r in ine anove? iratna an fttia. . Mia 'JS1 ...! .-..a- u. . f . . ' sis- e wi tiRiiu nennrnstr 'lay only m f ;M j-ith Noiiharn Pin0 imm u ...rl iron thj irmni iMTin lJBtn rttpot. at A-tnrla ith f R. sfc e. f'o.'a tuiat an.l n t ... ; Hirl railnla . . w . ..-( Mr aiiu iriim iiwiuvt and Katik Through li'-kMi uld a tail nil htMrgMej aheh Ihrotigh to Nonh Bsj.uh wtnf. W train. .1 llull.. Tram, will .,,, to ! ,. au?et at ll.m'l.m wh. u e.atilna Iniin nalui. r'iiNrniT(r iur Atri m aa..M ..1 . ei 111 num., j j, nkfn. ' aai aainria. Irr Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGfi laiav. Portlnnd oti Tnewlar, Thiirwlay anil Hat St. Hthni, Ktlama, Carniri hunt, Hainitr ana utile, l.Mn .1 ... . " T .-'liiaMni einnaar, nea- bieamer hunlHUEST leaves Portlanrl Mon.lar. Wmlnr.ds. -j w.ei, iu II, ITI,, ior ins aama i,lr, . .1 . I ' : nil r ilav n hi. . .. ii - . , - iZi mniwiim aiMire and Te- leoo, rea.-hlng th Utter pla.-o at 10 ai .V . 'iniw mi noon, stmt OMtla Bock at 6:30 In the atternrir, I0T. r Thl"w7 and Hunrlay reaching Portland early In he mornl, Wharl toot .B0 , Hoi, MAN. Agent The Steamer SARAH DIXON Ivcares Porllam! a i- P. m. for ok iv;,i.:, . t 7 Helens an.l ... i ' at Bt. The time table is ii,Ui change, and the finn.lav nii..' nifc-htat may go Into (JUt.- "Huor coriaiu ccmlltlone. iWW!vitv M EJgTitur of a large invoice of II EAT t MEAT! MEAT4 City Market ftr. Hi.s, 0(k H. LINDSAY. Proprietor. -nr.At.aaa rn- Fresh and Salt Meat City trails, Iflwln; ramps, steaia- Doats aot rallroa'l ratupa 4jl supplied. j osnsas rn.uto on snnaT notici. : Owl Saloon I BSWH BOTHERS, fMOPKlSTORS k Only lh bH of LiQnars asd Cisars Kept in Stocli CYRUS NOBLE And oihr impuUr faranil ( whUhtM Iwftyi in iiofa WEINHARD'8 BEER ob riraaskt. Tom Benton" Cigars, i 7 All tb la4l newtpainraaait otasr so- f m ular p.nalie.1.. m F0I PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. . Ilotghkii, Hatltr. RAILROAD TIME. , lvea BalnlcKlslle feneept Snixls'llorf" lalld. Ht A A. M ,lM,.Mr!li,tf frnm tit. ItDlfll o'elm-k. Ileininiiiii. Iraves l-iirllanil al 2. r- M arrlrlns at hi. Iluloan at 4:4. Passeajcrs anl Fast Frsfsht. rORTLANO LANDING, TAYLOR 81- jnajr mm mm wjr mm but mm' ' aKaTaiarV A a rturti aaVla IVa Ol POBTt.Anil, DAII.V. -eTiAMe- "America" H H Willamett Slough Roate Uavti Hi. Helens ; . . . :80 A M Arrireat Portland. .10 :M A M Ixmve Portlnnil 2:l J Arrlv al Mi. Ilvli'iis. li:00 P U fa iik eo jkn re. Will Cnrrr Notl.lna but '" Ktr ami Fet Viain J A HI R a GOOD, irioaleir. vai 4k