C WAJ1REN.V r9 Qf phOVlOV. , j. II. IVk, hai bought a uw thr.b, !rtr my J"0 , f J!, w i n.schln and f riglne. H lnteml. to ' . "tha ei-train dieoattifc. i "ji . ,. . . r . ' , mu l'la . . t., ' 't tmvufu toiamvia Comity With It. ; r J" . . - ;. Xjl.imHelfdown to Itto ..... iu.inMt was 1 ulrrUl railroad I ha aid of aa 'wtiwlth last 1 Jj the toot. Hwaaoa 11 and hKquur- r thi oddoiito Mid 1,. work for 10 night $rul Wbeuthalm T til right and a U"n i twin despatching is "nT... off a lair. Yoa m Crtiion tl rail with lev, Ralliagtat preached In tUKven gebcsl Church morning aiit evening, j and Bet. Dtnlt, In th MathotlbtChiircb In Ilia afternoon. Ret. Dealt will presrh arala att nnndar evening. . A number of team tre bncy hauling eord wood to tha landing. Hundred ol mrda will be pilled Hurra fur tU Fort land market. . :.,:S;j ..... ,, . Nlm ltkrrnitdowq from Vancou ver to vlult hi family or Ruudey. Mra. Baker returned with him Monday on butane trip to Portland. . . Tlie waur la ao low In tbt bay tha Awarloa U unaU to land. Captain Uood ha bn trry klrtd In trying to epeotmtindala tha naoala of Warraa. lj root, nod on! I Bob la again tiiinlii.ved wltli til boata r .. I. .... ahkimi ft j'ini, two liKla, Blu WOT thwo ntrilr frtUU w Everything w il i about midnlht. At tht I wcatvrn exprw would grille and aUa track lor j Milng Mat nd 4u at va the ithttorimry order, ,jt,ail It M liHO beforo Am1m4 trri me that I fa mix r"We i H rfild m from hrd ,,a tbu a hot way m-ud , L and I cam Avar faiuV I I had ordwwl tha vxpNM ; moduU), whro I tneaut ;j!u liu. rb'd tueot Ua '.d on about four mtlra r.iipvlllc. and twth train s fcomi'ieiuont" ixMWfnjrtfra, , 4 lit for to "P rtthr 9 waa jtwt about to ordr ' Uog train, t-)tfrnph tba tlgetora and rouaw out tha ' Uot. wbu 1 fot vsall 'frt'a Cwaanr. Tbla waa a ! tm, but a telegraph ow inn put thcr only tha day t bad lieeit toufl out of : ifnhmiui to coinmunk-ate fliiy doubt my atatemenl, Sijulclut if you'd Uwa on I: itxxu t;iua. They vrera ach oilier lilw rydonea, j t ino oa t ho 1 Im i ted col 9.to end won brought to a ,ji!th!ti 100 fiH-ttif tha ata- t,Incir and firvmaa had- 1 At tw rnnio tlrno tha at J It a row ntwil!n: nn tha ! t'oouirh not derailed ha i a oiop acarrely iw ft : lit akkv Tuw tooy wera j I rtk'h dbor, with only osa f ; tboUHaud of Mwapiug an ; isiity, nuil yet ProrMwxw tbt charca. Tle oftklaia !huvi given ma another I got iba bounoa and hafe i Inmd. I'm aelltng a t machina now and not i if ebuiicea." Detroit Fran " mt cxiiiUitioa of Modem lloGerinauy tha aabjoinad liwutwuaiJoiitMdupt "Tk $ onkr that tha effect' of I "m nuiy not la totally luat, parlially tnipairod, by tha lyianng colon or uom' 9 mnnugera bare deddad s.e followInK regnlationa; Ijne are only open toviait S-l in wbita. Iilack or Yloief. th)M-ivuica of baiuir ad- a rcJucwl antranca turn. luiittod froa of t-harga. iiariug tha national & iwfuiwd adtnittauoa.' Tha it rouueaied to ohaonratha l et la the lutereat of art and Lil ta particular to appear if- Kuliuuge. ! I ou With Lwia Mmm. itu of DiotdoltAto. tha chief !of the in4grlfl,6rat da rn of Tli.i Netherlamla. ana , laibm of HoHiind Invented i titular dignity of " f f the order of tha lion of f J'TlaixlH" early tn tha year f h to 1 a little toian wita a ; f. The wruutry that be rnlea w than a Mlaeourl ooumy ' blmaolf la a dwarf of ft 10 iucbea. yet ha haa a f -apcwi of BO Iottora Tia. , Ittvottoaonouamngaloffon- , JiBMiuiaydkhupnotogoniodo. earring paaiongera avrota the bay to Oapalanda landing. 1 - " IJIi lloiua MiHonary Boitiety o( tba M. E. I'bureh gave a tea at tba 1'araonage WnloeJay aftarnoon quite a number ware prevent and enjoyed a tary pleaaaal time. . ' Morion Toupkinn, wlto baa, been In AU ka for foiue iiioatt4, bat taturned bora. Hurt tbinke tbar It ae plaa like liotue. - ' ' . , : ;" K. O. M. Allen, of Uoekaood, ppt iverat day laat week lu Wartrea Tltltlng bla daughter, Mra. Ua Uariea. Henry lrxiti hat retarnrd Lone (row a liahlng trip down tba Columbia. U. II. Clark, mad a buianeaa kip to P.irtSan.l Monday, Mr. red Adaoia, and family of Kleav a b KalU, hare Immi apeuding tb part twoweekawitb tbeforMier aiatar, Mra. K. Henna. Mr.aad Mra. M. &abai, of Weanlngtuneuaaly.werealaolbe gweate ui Mr. ami Mra. tiarme, oer Suaday. The new fteaot thraiber fiv the Noon (arm arrived the nrat of the week. ffrlea wvra held at the V. E. church rtuodey niomiug awl evening,, by Ke. M.J. Ballaotyue, al eru,-ee at the M. K.ehurth.lMllia aflorauon by Itev. bew Davie. Heury Laraea Hr. and wlf who have been down near Attoria for eorue time wait, teturueJ hvrue laat Baa Jay morn ing. a vuvku i.Ai'a Mra? bavkd. At raaaeaa, Colwatbla, r Chaaalier- lala'e Cultc Chalora aed t'lir rhuea Keee4f. 1r. Chan. II. Utter, a piomlnuieai iibrtidiau 4 Panama, Culou.bia, la a reeeul letter etatee: "Laet March I bad aa patient a young bxly aiiteea Tear of aee. who had a very bad attack of dya-nlery. Kvetyihing I preaarileil (or tier proved Ineffectual and aha waa grow tua worea ever buir. Iter parenu were are aha would die., ttlie had beoowe lu weak that alia oould not Ufa uvr ip bed. ' What to do at thia eriiical mum- eat waa a atudy for we, but 1 thought of Chambvrlaia'a Colic, Cholera and IMeri- boea kVineily anl a a laat reaortpre eerilwd it. The moat wonderful raaull waa ffected. Within eight hoar ehe waa (acting much betters inaid of three day aba waa upua bar (eat tad at tha end ol on week wm entirely well." For ale Kdwltn Boae, Uruggitt, K rurtberlieeeeat aeclaUi ia grocar- ia go W Kalley A Itrian, Houllon. Waktiu 5 rui wi a (rom Cotam Um. niuntr at on-a to prepare lor poal tiona lu the government aervice H- av mall clerk, H-Mr-etrler, eontom huo aiul tlruartu'rntal clerk, etc. Ap- (.ly U. Intr-Hut Correa. inet-i ve' Rapid, la. . ; II. Morau. ol the New York Btnre, l.aaalotolHou'h Awerlean ailverware, aoihl.that will latt forever. The litt liuwpiiaee 21 eete ol different nrilrh-, oeelol and ornamental for the tal'le Wbea a eaetower eah parebaae MHMintbitJS, b 1 given a ehoiceof one o( the aet. The r ie a apeclal .li."ount for eb. and tha article are Kaarauleed ivlid illver. AH.vrt Parkr' made arooi oa hU boiuaitead, Ufora the county alerK Aug. . mine i. i, Ballard, 6, Wilkaaon. Thi akw mill at St. Halen. will b la running aider th drat o( 8pt. employ lug about 60 men, ' The addition of tha court bona la progrewlngrapioly. K. K. Quick. Jay rjenlac. Walter BUketley and Waeh Muckle, all re turned from their Ua weak ootlag in the Mehalew country, late latThur day night. They reported that game wa unnaually plentiful in the Achate country. - ' , The qalaa,aa4 Maatbera, Cat The anpreme court ha handed dewa a det-laion, which revere tha decialoa of the lower court la the unit ol J. O. Ilaiiltiorn reapondeat, v Jfama Quiua, from thi county. It wa a rait (or the the diaaolulion of an alleged partner hip end tor en accounting. , Qninn wa the owner of fiching ground and a fllhing right on the Kb a Weld Donation Land Claim la Columbia County.. Ilia arb trapa war w netted vat by the flood e( ISM, and ha thereafter emared intoau agree meat wfib llaaihoro by the term of which Qalaa ieaeed the larjj to Hanthora for tea year, togetner with the ate of eceiain wharf aad ad' jacant pattur la ad, in eeoaidration of which Hanthora agreed that ba woald take charge of the premieaa and 'ill, in tha flnrt iaatanr, each year, advance all money aecoMary tberefar, and will ronttrurt all neeeary buildlagaaadmaka all aeaaary improvement' tt., in order to eetablith and operate apoa aaid leaaad premieaa a fkhery, eta." Ha agreed to operee the (iehery diipoe ef the fleh raught, keepbonka of areount, and at the end of each (Uhlng eeaaou pay ta tha de fendant "one half Uie aet proceed de rived irom raid fibry, after paying all eipeneraaodladabtedaeaetncnrred iaee- bliabing, cond a ing aad opt re-lug the rr.... onrhnn recently had tha novel experlenoa of traeabng by JuU orar tha Mlaaoewi. Kanaaa and Sum road. But tbay feel tmeowrortawa now tame, isy one cianee m tne egreomeat the two men mutually agreed that "they will each bear one-half of the aoet and i-iqeoe of ald building, Improve menu and gear the plant, and tha weceeaary eot and eipenet ol malntaint and oporatrrig mid (iahery, and that they will hart equally in the profit and kwea el eid ftahery." Uanthorn begaa clearing thagrouad la order to halld the !ihery plant, but the work waa o great that ia four year he hal epxat tllt.UOO and waa compelled In aire up the nndeiaking. He demandrd payment ol hall the ei penrea of CJninn, j but th latter denied hit liability nuder j the agreement, and thi (rail waa brought . Thequeatln waa whether under thi agreement a prtaerh!peiieted. In the , lower court .teitlmony outeide the agreement waa taken aad tha deelaion wa that a nartnerthip etieted aad that Qtiinn wa Halite for half dm Mpeneee Inrurrrd to date, t he (tupreme'Coert in ravening (hi decision, hold that th written agreement contain all th tern n( th contract. "A partuerehfp Hulefleed a a voluatary mntract letween two or .mora peraona. agreeing to pat their money, eSeete, 1 b r and ekill, or either or alt, ia nm law- fal enternriee or badneea with a view nl dividing the profltt or charing th tonee wlii.-h retail therefrom. Among lite reeential elemeuttei avary partnership are a commnnity of iaterret in the iirout'rty aad buttnee aad the right ' nurvlvoralilp. Evry member of a uatnrrahlp la a principal, having a Joint lnteret in the property, I an ageat id bl aatoriatea, and noon the death ol hi partner I entitled to retain and dia pnie of the prtnerhip effW-t in tlie eltlriiient ol it affaire. A mere agree uient to hr in the profit and loaeee of an rnterpriee doe not ol iteell create a partnrnihlp" The Bnpreme Conrt hold th th agreemrnt, taken a a whole, in a leeee and ilo- aot create a partnerehlp for tlie reaaon that it laeke the eitentlala of a partneeehlp agreement rommnnlty crl intereat and control, it ta aieo neiu hrfora plaintiff can recover amler tt lauer q'toted referring w ino wmnn t,l nrogn and loe. ba meat ami raldll hi part ofthe aereemeat, taaraeta h a y. nd hatb g failed ia ihle, be cannot r cotr. A CCStoSW KUKT WAreSWAflt. ' ' tee- ffitaoa riwHwl kg AB OeeeiaeWarta.' Thatw la a lancwtew trhka it not msum, apoJun, tanat or kturned, tfcd yet ia currant whan word are ta convey Intensity of tnaufc- iag a d-llcacy of thought. TheUun (roaffa, for audi it la, may ba found in una la nimoet every trt of tha world. Ita varied lioiaoanoa la irouprahandod by tha rich, and ita fbaanlnc Urdaratood by tha poor. tUa pecallar median of ootnuiuni gation haa ao vocabulary, food rula af grwnuna- or loftoal term. For brevUy It ia UBaurBaated. In point af penpiovUy it ttanda without aa equal It la th aarujt. , The ahmg ia need fur erpreeaipj a mulUtuda of thing, both objectively and. aubjactivaly. It ia, at ctamav ataaoea require, a nous, adrerb, pro- adiactte. pewiMatUon. ootv ittnctkm, interjection or tttrb, Tha aphar of it uaefulnaai is ateoat hautleaa.' - A curious happening occurred ia Ok wast sad a Uttie mora than a rear ago. A certain man cams home quite lata ana dark night with out his hey. Ba aoaerdinglr had to ring tha toll ta aummoa Id wlf a to open tha door. Aa th hour wa hla wife wtabaa to know who tha individual waa befor aha ua looked tha- door, a onUad out from tha window: "Who's tharer ' Th man, not thinking of th dark- neaa, gave aa offhand shrug, whioh ordlnarUjr would bo Interpreted a awning. "Tour buabaod. of eoorat I Vet reoet visjr an anjrwar to her ln- aniry, aha became eotnewhat auepi oWa and aafcad agUi ia aooeuta aot mild: "Waosatthadoorr Tha idea of kit wlf anki&g who ha was ao deturbd hie reen tecs per af mind that ha agaia fead to "grasp thaeiluation," aad from star tor of habit ha atood there with wtatratcb4 arms, raisai ahonldora an4 peattxug Up th imprimatur of dtauay. I&taoagMsaai tmliam, a Mpraaaed by kit vtatnra, might be IrsMoribwd la th Taraaoulur as: 'mentkl Bhtakar An utawragatin of tUanc fol loerad, and th window wa closed. Ia a BMcnent th man realised th trksBSion.- II waa laoked out of hia awn house, looked upon a auepi csuo character aad llabla to arrest-; n ob aooouat of a ahrojr. Tha study of th shrag will 'b fgaindof intense inearast andpecu- hartr fiuKaaattng. It awboOiaa ; - rrt wmui4 rv. No purely left bMxlod racahas yet Mwn Aiwwwrwd, slrruiiwh, it ia W that fully 70 ptir ent of tba inhab itants of Faudjab na tha loft hand in preference to tie ricfet. Tne next crestcst per cent of left handedneea la amour tha Hottontota of Africa and th B tubmen of Australia about 05 percent. Dr. Marrotays that U per cent of all criminals ar left handed. JCxcUange. , Dn Shiloh Couah and Snsumption Thi I torend eimtlea ttie BXMt ttMWMful Cough llaOU Wit vr known toclaeei S tow 4om lnrlMf ra tha wont si Cour), Crotip and Btonchltlm, whll (ta oo drrful (.'CM la th car of Onftionmion I wlthoat a par 111 InttMhiatorrof imdiela. Biac It tft Slaoovary Ithaa bun aold on a raaraatM. a tttt which no otkar awdioUM -aa aa4. If rem kave a Coach, jw aaraaaily k on to t T lit 1 U alud Sutra and I ,,iii ., Mai aad $iM. and In Ktiaiaiui , tkUaklitaiMt j.i. - i sou piommns ' SaCWEiisaCoy .1 UROV. MX ' . TORONTO. CAN. I J -"XvCv .TratepfcTlaaa. li Expect to Get It YOUR TRADE1 W n By riving you laat little mora for your money than you can get cleanlier. ' 7e Expect to By telling you a quality of good that will invariabl give entire eatUfactlon. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TUJB. DART ii MUCKLE, I-OPULAR DKALEBB, ' 8t Helens, V ' - - . Oregon. AU Were gated. "For year I uffered euch untold mi m (mm Bronchiti." write J. H. Johiiton, o( Broogbton, O., "that often I wa unatml to wont, men , w nen m rytliing elae (ailed, I wa wholly cored by Dr. King' new Discovery lor Uon u motion. My wife ufferen Inteniely from Aatlima, till it eared her, and all our experience goet to ihow it i th beet Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince yeolt'ennrivalcd (or Throat and Lung diaraara. Ouaranteed bottle 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at St. Helen. Pharmacy ST. HELENS r Tinker tad. Set Jan , M7. nonet ro rotucMTioa. , t'MiTiD Btatm Laae Oenra. , immi Clr. Orrfin, April M. rm. NOTtOK I HKKKtV BIVTSK TH AT IN IXIJI ulUuoe wllh I ha pml-lor nl ttr art of Conrra e( lnn t, Alt, milled "An act oc Uc utr oi Uulr land in the atainol Callfor tn. Orepn. Jievada. aad Wa.hlnwa Tarrl U,V." aa aittadad wall ta PabUe Land maw. i.. , i af Aiwiit 4. iaa. Auxwt r. Mahna, ol SO I A'ltorl. eonnK of Hatasr-. iUta o! Oreprna, naflinisuay uiaa iu mw - . ... .1 , ,.r ..tarla Oravua: bhweraud ioiia niMhUiaaian, "at as all 'paraotu eUlinlna Sconir t-lorawM jlih dJ of I Sher. (ilaarr. John of Oltwj. Ora- are thi. mnch in a Uttie. It-ia a raster fall men, xu. shm, tr thiHaai of the nrt; of of as much nmning aa a Pge .1.1 . .ad wii"oT r3V?whS ornrory, a umiee a a gwornetricej , tBe land auht i. mof niMa ,orJ" l'".b' ouncluli in,! a dlvera. of ni.W aa nhilraMXiiiktl arm meat. ttOSton Mm and Sevelrerof thU omre at yreaon k,ij. OuUTk. , I ipo. He tuwaa a. ltoeaax: Vtrter Meruian, "Barai" Hal Saal.H Wee. It at not smoraily known that few 04 can boast of so reanotsand wtdwly astoaded prwraienoa a "Uur- nh." In Ixxlia aita ueyiou ur-ro-re i wbat-h bku to U a form of "bur reX" mused by tMnwhotttsandaV leodaets on th baggage, flephanta. Tha Aral sJdmdr4rmof Egypt,. Palfattls aad Turkey anouurag their ssiaiaat to renewed effort by cries of "Ar-re. ar re T The panib Moors as aotnatbing of th asm exprea aUm. In franr the exwrtaoian ex- cUas th bounds by hia skouta of "Bar, hare! ' sud wagonera turn tttetr borne by crying "Barbankr Irmk and CootLkli bardamen about 'H tan -Wh, hurrishrto thalr cattle Th exclamation it thff&yht to b a gumption of th ,dd Ktffatmwri kat Uory Tur-ale" (Thar aid). Pitt burg Diepatc):. Patronize drue tor when you . c : want pure, freh a4 reliable , Drugs and Patent IJedicmes Perfumery, Toilet Articles,' Etc. . MatwaBjajgMaBHBm.'Kfa HEADQUARTERS FPU SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. r Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct frca Pcblister- R fjfclir 23 c:t Kirtis Onlj iOCcsts t novum y dihupnotog omooa. uu.-----.--- j. t ita hue with tooaamanaiu 1 train rmilsd ClTVV'TbBO mniMlIaiu, eto.-Bt Loui ,f,T rt on out in h brueh. wata ISElo thaWagnartWper.on of than aaid to tha of: ..a,n haew to take your ZTTjrL amir hoofs if you aspect he noruud school applied for ,V, wta ua th top of that teat. rnvnl,M.I Ih. MahajtkS 1 -C .. ... ...a ikaai aMmM COllSCd s .. w mw , Hui n:r ai ' . . . Among tha aubjoct 011 1 and turprined wba the porter tow awoa. . arvnawaatl. " . . enwaasaak ttftt afaZ WT 7 -- a ''ffMlaataiH sea? tkvas Vassal aft. i was exnuilned wa pnyav v,lin .jt pssaeager d (lie care of the teth caw " .,t tneir ft on the plush rwhead. Thwmildhotech','T L.t. Ha tored with hla , but th examiner waa f .i - rliraretta and Ut It, and "W to iful thorotu thU pieo endnctor sbowwd him www wj 'The teoth ehould 1 ZZZinu mepUHe f the reatibuled trein waa, ba saetnea --" 7 their .a 1.. leu oowowya doar. but this ST- 5. .V - aroaaiuijy out 01 tun. , . Jtloff after euuh me!." I rHn SMMlr. VtaltorDo play something, j .... 1 i 10 nesr your inuiitoi Beitec, Tliel.die Aid 8oeie ol He niton Will aerve loe cream, and watermelon, at S. A. Teiry, hall tw eve aug. , AUnalltothehlcheatbider. on ouill, The iwoeeede will go a tne mnor m the MI K fchoreh.' Bvary body invited. TT ttmaawhea all or wa V "Jl tha buffet gav rw"". " . . i.,.u cava , and tUt w v - - wn,t of Uring in apart- ZJ oiuMOinaswir says iutn w ' wii and were eurprweu auuno aa that ta fatal to real ( But won't you play aons-.wi-London Punch. for ent rtrsil bill ana Vhra be asked thara Boftnemd:.Tt.t ik P,.r..t, neat. ru Uuf n ,i jraia.'W'rJrika next tUUon. vi t', IIRIIRH, wi e-a""! lMf(lM a KHk i - . ... a.V. - thuh lor years be ' iJT ., gang bold up w tralna, but 1 am Affording Hie Foreat Urove Time, that plao will eooa hav the firt dnnd milk plnt tn urcgon. 1 ey; Althuaah there eome HtUe pre linilnarlea yet to be, completed, it way v.. eonfldentlv announced that tne con dcutrd milk plant he been eured ler Foreat rove. Theeoatracl have been .l..l bv both wtrtlei. Mnibert ol the milk company litre oruereu tn r- rharn o( property lor reldne anu muv be her In a few daya lo arrange lor WinnifS The plant la equal to the one in eperalloa at Kent, and I tob ready lor operation ty January Ut. ' P. hresna,' he uffered untold . won,1fV .UT JrrJLd at 'am goln njiii tl, worat lorm o( ludigre- train, do TLZZ:, would bar :",Pi'y-trla... and meilicine iaile aft th au w ---v tiitf IIT-n letnw KIIW w , n a . 1 . .1 Mi.i - . . ..Ai..a.BVlTR Uill VW riwrMtriwrfj, mo& ft ewtnvienvr Y . i ta f,a hint I . . . J 1 mail IT BTW $Min till h.- lrig.t lra. tl.av are a twlernd to W E .JarubberT bttsto, I from dy.oep.ia and alon.anh fOWw "T Buntla ttt ndg high toned corral. -Ti.tnttia traia 1 .'oil n. woSdf?. A Care far Cholera lafaatsai. Vi.Mil Vi 1 titi.Rker,6l H.Tkw.ter; Ohio,' aa" inlent rhild o(onr ...itfl,lair'r wa manna nuw ...;... Tha doftor bad given ayna, m Cmeoaa)4aa Wkila on th subject of corre tpondanoa, craan laid paper ia al ways good form. Naturally th ai dapanda upua th subject, al thuawh tlk ontioao' not i alwaya ia rogo. SOM oaoa ana ptaxxi iu; aauar aoveiope 10 nauon. m th fa to begin your hitter on tne fourth paa, than turn it ootnpwteiy rar and flniah acroat th oautor rauaa. Thiaarranda SK aurcnoa rtven to Sad: alaoality on Lung I land. Aiao, I wtak to repast, never atfcfe Ia estralop. Alwaya seal it, ustna? th ordlsutry red wax if not ia mourning. fwwaimvara J'' i or. if you ar wat. nea or io nusilw. rour 00a of anas. If yon do aot potwar a oast of anna by la- KorManos, na a tsnspM awaoiiw". Ke seal ehould be large than uece naJ-y. Vtayti. : . ' WaSWaaa HaaUae. - A well known man about town want into a Cbcwtuut etreet naoer- dashery th other day aad asked of th pity.sai36wonaii iua- jnur svmpondera. ''truepeodsn or h ofwoatr Rue ssea, wu www- ing tuiila. Tito man Uiougnt tuor wws but on reply possible to such a aueation, and to gallantly replied, atabetvoe, of ouurae.' At which th girl took from a box a pair of braces, in form resetubUug tha letter "M," aad aaid Ui.-onicaily, "Fifty casta, please. " Phu4Juhia ICeoord. .' Aftjdaaa ala.llalH. in Arwbsn la bound by cuatmn to grant a atranger who noanea his threshold and ekina proteotion any fw he rosy s.x. even at tne nss or sis own Ufa. Yet, apart from this, ha ia cruel and revauscvAd, norer for- giTlng a wrong and retaliating at in an pportnnlty.-F. H. fitaaffer in Kaa rieWt Wathtnrton. tv ; " ' aS,iL jlr,'?l . lid, V . J m, nk ConttipstiMi ! eeftlef mere f - r j than a clogsiag of the bowel V ! ii'J and nothinglaalthaB vital tg- natiea er dssth if aot reuaved. I J If every eawetioated auSerer 1 i eoshi lealkw that se UaUowlns I M Daoneaa attk to remain in kia If 11 Vvetaaa. he weaud warn get relief , il II Wiptaanh!!toeisa kind of HI IaoaiUftwn. ""r m neaa. eotde and taairy other ad- 1 mania diaasysar wbea ccawti g . noted bowa&eaWielieved. Tned- B iurds Blaah-DeaagHt thonmghlr 1 eleaae out aba bowel is an eaay H I ' and aarnral aaaaaer withoat to M f pnrginf ot caiemel er other vio- H ft. laBtoauisrtiaa. ff ff B ear that yoe set the orlgi- 1 sal Thedrord' niack-Drsngbt. J rnado by The Chattanooga hfedi- f I M cineOa, Sold by ail arnggleta i Vk I 24 cast aad 1.( maautgea. - 1 Ji Bwa. .. Pr , ei. 1 j aaaaiS iiaiwWiatWaWai'atoa' H !1 ttMlK.'-.atkawUUiiarkaa H MHth) M vac ia M ' m wr"dS$ aOtWHrt'ffaUfhalQa) V9eaff aaMPaaaHBaaa al 'ftjjp ? 1 ail iktik aata aw a. .Jca . , a. a. ayAMaro. How About Your Title? X Ut Ton SCSI II ia all rlaktr BaaMmbar that k ta tti J, KEil(tkal (svaraa. It oar bamaan. to march tha P racordt and aha vhat laa roaUla in ralatiaa o land UtlM. if ran roaiaai4at burin land ar loaning moar a ml ataia ateurltr. laaa ue au' ward, but ImIw iii kuawln wi'at th record thaw, naantla tba lltl. hmrt(iuwtl M . idml. Inahilaa having- It. Wa hr tba rnila mt of ab! liookiltheeaatv. llw matl,f caaeotwl aad M!tafKUaH -(uarautavd. If raa hav aaapwtr to laiuraalrc a. a call, v, a an urall for thtbMln laaaraararoaiBaaiealD Uie warld. II toa karpnaanrfarUaUatllwlthaaadeilJadakurar. . e. Ee-auics & co., - tr. Mtum. mm a. Main Jtnrt lie? Ilethods or GeU Filling nrhi la the lauwt and moat -A- n If ammarina. No aoranaas ef lbs testb. and nous of thott tckrsUI taaabud. el Gold Filling neaa ef tha teeth, a DreadJ'ul Headache! follow tbi raUlast method at Gold Filling. 317, Failing B!Tg lil. M.Ull.it, yiMWil. : Portland, Oregon rA -v-r .m .. uimn, novo via -r Theodore s. Tiiooi,- Mitr g Information and Appointments by Mail 9 Rooiui iO and 61, Waahingtoa Bldg., Hoatheaat cor. 4th Wash, atresia, PORTLAND, OREGON. ,fy ata n s-t A. Viral. l?liv.a . ' u : -IfNl AIVKV rsWVaMUr. (U SlkW iww i. - v , m i collins a gray! TBB f COri ffiS' aflERCHAMTS at Rememher the grand ball tonight at tlie opera houte. ' 1 " . ' mem (until tn ( rrcovfrv, ip an nop I u.,k a tMittle of (JliantlMT v, .V1"1 lr dl-earet o( tha would go Z.t wknUA totr X Wvr and Kidney., thev brae tjM blftck IXZul' J -now f. , (h; 'whole ay. MM for aUckin pp our tooM. - Um, Ol,B0c. Qa-ranteed quit th trinr.t In' Coin-. Clioh-ra and Werrhoea Rem rdr tallie l oo. lelUag them I Mi nr Uwonhido go.l H -d s.ording to dlrli lauro day. JjiU il "vVar ' ataS Ca.a? girl- Ta" r.Un3d thi. Kemedy Ire nnentlv and have never knowa It toll ?" anv "innle instance" ror tale b? Edwin bo Untrgitt. ( I 0 a, ' JO CzGon S::oijUnc notics ron hjbuutiov Intl OfHv if Oregon VM- vPrtrarntirf ih I uteri-. f iy. i,inrrnii r,.wtM-li.ml .Wlrr lia. flld tirtllrf nf liLlntaaMaatamali a"1 7,!ii!'Ly"",?l'Jr MteMm and thai ld P'f win ham hr f,,r tn foaaiy Cl f WinjIiU '...mlr. l Hi. Heln. oiapau oa Aamat to, via: .. ai.ktu rir., It. R. . !.. ror tha NSW ol awtlnn tT. I II, a t w. II aniaaa lh fhllnwlne wluiaw. . amva hU conilnnajwawtdjaa OiBad nl llvSiloe f ld. vT: ial f. Italian! Ann MHvl Vt Uklnwa, ! Ptthiri(. Otvann: J.4ia HaMrM nd Ohrl anhrt.,tl Vamnnta, orw.il w ai-rnJkJl,,''', nwuii-r ' Itaia jaai till A " t3 ViiiUii rsAni OarABV ro Chlrao Pi.rtl.na Slcil :U)a. m. Tit Hunt- luatoii. Atlantln Hl'ttM :Kl m. via Hunt-.ingtun.' St. ph Ka Malt tookana liialt l.aka. lXurar. 1 trnrth. Mn.na.a..n- M Cltr. M. I.auii. CbUa(audk'ut. TIM K SCHKIIUI.Kh KKOM rNlRTl.ANO. $11 l..k, Daavrr, Ft worih.uinaua. Kan ... City. ft. U'HitK. Uhli afo anu naat. wlla W.ll.. Lawti- inn. ttoikanr. Wnl- laoa. PnUm.u. Min naaaalt. nt. Paul, jinluth, JlllwaukM, ;nioaa ani rhu. inop-ra. Carry a lull atork ol ttapla and fancy PBvoommvaee!n STATIOHERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, ; FLOCK FEED, OBAIlf, HAY. OH. IflSAi. UME, OLAS, OIL8, 1 ' " ' FAINTn AND S1MILAJS tVASKS. Goods TExchaned for Produce. 1 ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. - I i 1:10 a. m. .!' am in ui u (11 111 IU Ml 1U in ui.iiiii..i iii hi iiiiii, ji.. ...L.lilVt gg"W 7:00 a.m. ft lM tw m kimn JatLek At Her. Whence tame that eprightly tej, ' trtultlee kin. rudi, roy Ci.ni.leitioi, .lulling (ace. Site look. gid, leela Here, her neeret. r-lie ui-r lr. King Ma I.lfa t 1 1 1 a. ItRUIV. BU wmmmv active, digeMion lood, no headaofcee. ao chance tor "nine.-- irv w - all. Only 2o at 8t. Helen I'barmat y. 4PWISTRA TOB'S VOWS. We Cm -1th Th Krt aad rVeekty lejjonia 'or a.0C a jf NOtlCS It HKKItBV 01VBN TSAT TH aalmlaard aaa braa ivii (j.lad U lauair omirt i uie kUi ut oiairon ni 'alaiat,laOaant altnllilMralM i( tk wuti' JmwIi Alrjlaixtar, awMMKr.1, i.d faa. )Ullht. a.atu'k. Alt arrauurhaviiMI ulatru.ac.iu.i lla . mi4 wtalealfl brmanl ta la el)i- rarlllait l HI. ItfU-JW. wrrKOU. a-mia mr awailii from the dM ul tb Hot jtib,Kuoi T - Pa.4Mlua. Jalj PUhPCm--. ' : s ""in Pharmacy. wayaid -' m vif.