i (), Pwt.oiliti at. K. inU", ,i m t.,'i'.mil-:liis niiiil mttttor. vU OFFICIAL "PAPER.-,' .. KkkV iW.iV Miwnimu Rv, iXl.r-.R II. (i.Vl'.rtKRi", KtllTOB ANIi I'MOl'lUti'loR. --HlUii.LN.' .Mi. Minnie Clu rrhj iif Portland w I t-i gnwt lif AHaa, Jtright Armstrong; hti-dty. i ;" . it ' ' i Mian, bright Armstrong, returned to I'.rtlnni!, Monday evvliing after a MIX wn ksvlie ut tliia pine with her parents Mr, mill Hr, W. M. Arturtrotig. . " . Km'.u aud liaitir, knole VERNONIA. . AJhert I loot), wade trip out to 8l Ut'lciii, ht week-aud on again tll v. i ek, bringing in load of freight each time for merchant, F. A. ZilSgiU. .'Mr. Eva tV4,e. Un-euvlll U visit Inf with her fattier family, tint Mahu- jy sttie, and attending th meeting. Kri , 8. B. Row, with part of hit family i ui -Kirni prick:' v on year, in advance. , !t!n .......... yiniting friend, in jforilmtti this work. j ' ilim, ellia Wise, want to A benign Wash. Monday to visit her iter Mr. ABpa)l Ull. .-.' -. ..... tatlv ...... ,1 .Mirth B.th. IUIi.lr imivn. ....... ;'..t,.r II' f k'lioola. went down below Mit, laat w&ok, anil enjoyed an outing gathering bine nnckel- i pern, LP. Speucor aud bir "better naif" MM. n ITabu... 1... L u ) . A" ...V... . v.mmt, vaiv.v, sm - . . i T . ' T . .. teklH a W of produce, and bringing the Belfry, eu Mm. taAool hou-e Mile j in ttppj!Mt . J. . Dow, went out to Houiton, Bat. 'a -with h' sister, Mrs. Luela Kreig, ion . , , wne returncu tu uer noma at aenusm, and hie mother, Mr. Juliet Dow, who Quite a number of the Besides of tin Ykcintt v went to fortlaod thi week -MiJuu wh! il ! Muckleof Portland wai in town ... wn ........ Uiuiii.raaiAflM . . I - v ..... U. Heniloii-'U. N:-v ir. .... colvln, Slnr-tiUu.l wb" w, d. 0m. Plt"lr .' ;'.C.'K. DbUj. H-l9 'The Thiicta-Weck World. ' Viuiu ha demonetrated that the Tbrir a-Wet'k World itaude aione ii ittrlaf. . U'.iier papera hare iiuiuted lonn but not iu am-cea. This la be- uw it tellt all tha nrw all the riuiv n I wtti it iiuyar'iall' , whether' (bat :.-w Uf ooiiuoawv othefwise. it i. in fact, almost a daily at the price ot a wei-kly aJ you can' not afford to be without it. . -; ; ,. Kepoblicaa and Demerat a'lke cart rad the Ttirio-a-Vtk. Werid with abtolute ooufldence in it truth -.'. ' . . In 'lJitkn to newt, U pubHahen flrat rla.oi ivrUI etorifti and othor .' featnrea suited tt the home and fireside. The Thrke-a-week World' rentier rubefiptitta price is only $1.00 per year We offer this nneqnalled aewepaper and the Ore gon Mist together one year for 1.80 The rgular subscription price of the tw-) plptr !.(. , ,. , . ' The Oregon Jltst and thaThriee-a- neek World foe ;i months for U6 cr'nts; three months for 60 cents. ; j wood on oil ' leatiou tint is agitntins the ar 1 --ml dealer alnntlie Coin ubia ' tli in tin', in whtiier it is to be J k pr'troleu'ii oil that ia to furuUb ; ' wcr to troiiM the steamboat. 't titters aearr and demand hiKerMaud this pay for ISO papers. ivineQoentiy, woou uenieni el to advance the ruatt uf fuel to I . mu to $2 75 fxr cord. Jkow that ' iteration, tin uinlar i Oil Cjm ; , ants to crunh the aooil ftinn- out ; ence, and oir-r lo j.liwr' erode j i nui oil from hakcriiij 1, Calif ) f Mat at the rale uf $1 piT latrreT, et up the oil lnruina apparatus. i : of the oil burning apparatus is to i i on the tmtHMtr Vulcan. If it l sucrseful, the nid mm, or a tlifinTiiil rnunite in ilie ii.aiiu- of iaHeoVr, hi.'h will pr:.ibl;r v' lore prolitahl. Tln-r would null i tdy market for Bi-ewou.1 iu t'ort id the timfn-r that i not lit for j i could he mu.le into ronl-.vi.Ki. mes could b-j nsd lo ui'jve t:ie f ! to the docks, whif'h are now uved ' d. ',...': . '-' esti.natwl Uiat atvuit HUM) ennbj i ( 1 are nurd monthly br the a:iu j unt-ing on tbf lower Columbia, j ', g"fi Wood Cooiny. of St. Hel n, i jiug about ear liltii ot toi y. W. t . Slaughter of the wo id I? state that they have plnnur ? - tintlier foi bmiUer pttrpoats in j'ogood for uii, and if the oil j 'prove anomiui, will vufge iu i nurtrtnre of lmuU-r. Tlid null ; , placed convenient to the body of i , and there ia plenty ot u-r to iubr to the l k where it coald t 1 through a plaunr ' before it ta 5 'i t-i. '-' ver, the oil jntJv 4 tot proe j for atoauiboat prpori, ailiiotth S?ji"tl that the oil will equal in ; td at $2 i& pur (rd. Aiwrd!tg j ta-.ftiiBut ol ciiispeiaut engineers, r , is impacticabie fi.r su-cmlhat it equal tlie trust uf wood at f 4 went with Mr. Kreig, for m good long visit. This is Mr. Daws, former heai and she has many friends there.fJ ,' W. If , W ilson, drove out to Houltoa Tuesday, taking with him Capt.G. B, Smith and wile of Portland, who have btn assistig in the meeting hare, and Mrs. James Peck, who ha besa vUitlng with the family of Pbinae Pack up Bock creek. . On hi return trip b brought iu the colored evangelist. L. P. Kay and wife, a he cam to assist Rev. Rily Veruon in the meetings. d. Atcome of the oil Pxperiiunt iJJ ; bed with intenwi, as ii htux'i ivoivea change f conditiuiif ou t er Columbia. , The Elks Cai nival. Tl electrical illumination of the Poi tlai .1 Elk. Carnival, September 1 to 13, will be a revelation fn the war of inodera utility of electricity in trans forming night into a glorious day, rad ient as a sunrise rainbow, with it colors many times multiplied. Seventh street if the location of the fair, and sou U to 15 blocks, extending from the maia gate at Seventh and Washington street to Fhinder street, taking in the tree lined park blocks .north of Buruaide street, Will giv the Carnivat'efiective setting. Siwr wili be a Tt mpli of Light and Music at the In tersest iva of eveuth snd Anluuy streets; -i sCort . of Honor where a tbrone room for Umqaeen will or proviueti ; wide arehe at the street interaectiona. all baudKomelv decorated and glowing with, hundred of electric light. The Manufaciares buildinif will a beantifuliy decorated arcade 180 feet long and 15 feet deep, in which the indutri-o the state adt actual ntaa ofaiiJit MXe jariW be Hltrated to ferofittabfe advantages before the' eyes oj jubonsanda of vtaitora. . elena would b" tut cellent lo 'r a shingle mill, 'ftieie is said , plentiful supply of (f.M-l quality .imber up Mflionrtajt. which , I? floated lou the alreaiu in bo'.t There i au oppoilutiity beie iU not lung reumiu idle. " 1 1 tnnonced that Senator Mi ti-hel I s (ii.aimnkeairip to IJaij thU I if.. Senator Mitchell isi'tiabnian j j jawaiiati cimiinittee'aiul together I ' sir of the few iiieiuliera o the j 1 Jtee, he will tij truui n Frau t jj'ixt ISO, to avwimtlty I; iiiine ; luionsaod nenla of Hie irlamin.- ' ! ok Herald. i i no longer any rait lmoa inr i in Ihe worjd, Kro. Mit, Iwauee era are not in the buianesa to t 1 1 the public taste. Caneed' good i s tvm lh flltli. I...... .l.A.. Why is there no longer any i i market? Moro Obaerrer I1) j ! jsvent of teamoats linaliy adoptr Jf produce steam, there nonid stiH ' ",nand for wol for domestic use.-J ,, )ud now pell readily in Portlaud ' j .:! 75 to (4 per cord. Tliero ! tity of wixd timber itiuted cos- ; ilr "ear intM.'otumliui iivr. i H i Oreg . U atrii(ly republican inte ent.il ft.t that ,.) I the coiiiily olii. e arc tilled bv Hit. Of the tuilv tlir.e uouuy i I Hre (U'iii.n-r:it and 12 republic' Jierear ltt d.oiocratie l,eia? n-pii'aiuati neriti-. 17 ttonntv -e reiHihliittn Bnl 1(1 .lciu.rali.;, iwra are republican and lOdeiu' f1 S3 i.iiperinteiidn.li' are republU .f!ll democrats. Albany Demo- rWrjtstrrber V1s to be wedding day at the Portland Elks' .Carnival. On that date et fewer than three couple will be united jn a unique manner in the prea- eic pi the throng ia the street fair grouqda. The donations of present will equip them all complete for 1ionekeep ing, a the management of the fair will dealJvberaHy with Wose bo will con- ent to be married publicly at tb ex nense 01 in Carnival eompao. .fiwain who haven't the price, bat' would like to, can- njske the arrangement by writ. tag to crtvy Alex 8 week, Portland . A XIOXIFICIXT BOOKLET, itesertMag the Seealc dracdear AlMff Tke Asteiia aad CelianUa BivM- Kallread. The neatest and most attractive pam phlet ever put out by an Oregon Bailway company 1 "What tb Wild- Wave Say at Beaside, issued by tb Astoria k Columbia River Railroad, under the di rectlon of J. O. Mayo, tb general pa. senger agent, ihe faalf-tona sngravingt show to excellent advantage -tb mag- nmceut aceaery along the Columbia river a well a many view of actual summer life ami enic location at this popular seaside resort. The roadbed of. this Una was constructed to the most substantial way. tb track ritttffig'of heavy steel rail, which are o nrruly batoned to the snbstantia! underpinning, that jt is a delkht to travel and view the magnificent pano rama 01 scenery. There i no mora at tractive place in Oregon than tb lower Columbia and Seaside. Writ to J. O. Mayo, (ieaeral PasMn- g-r Agent at Astoria, and get on of thai booklet. Septombar i th moat it. lightfulofall month. 'H8 u 'lew printuu 1 i is otlic. on 1et!t y. ' Shatter A.P Beeeid. f - ho'idh-f. K. A.ti!itrdjre, Ver i Us., paid a vast aum 10 doctors ; a eevere ceae of piles, ranaing ' ra. MTien ail failed, Burkten's itve soon cured htm. eiubdues . unuu. conquer Aches, kill? jtttt alve in tha world. 25c at i.s I'liarwixdy. , ' .';' - ; '-. . Every SaJaarclar Kxewraioa Ra. in Clataos aad Xtamm BasMtb, U A. 4k C. St. Katlwajr. Beginnina 8atrdav. JniM t4th out very Saturday thereafter, during tb summer seaaon, th Astoria as Columbia iw.er iwuroaa company will sell round trip excursion ticket from all nation between Portland and Clatskanie inela ive, to all point on Clataop and retnm at rate of 2.60. TtckeU limited good to return Sunday evening, close con nection at Astoria with sixains Kah. eotta to and from Long Beach. . - CASTORIA ttti Yea KisTi tes EssrSt Baatra to Sfsnatartof A Hew Dlaevery., n Jaatioa Barwi, and Mr. Anna Kla, canover from Nehalem valley last weak. Mr. Barwl bad not visited the county seat, for a doaan or mora years, and this was Mrs- Kias first visit. Khe seems to have made aa important discovery, and was seeking to be iafomed on the probalitie of ( patent, and how 10 ooiain it. it can be best aplaiaed in her own worda 'I notioa pllea and pile of aawdast, or what seemed to be aawdnst. laid no against some of the big log I toned it cam from tb agent eating hole ia the lo. . "On day I happened to let coane honey run over a log that was dry, and bad no bark on-- After a day or two th agents fell to eating that streak of honey, and as soon- ai it was eat op they fell to work pinching out little piece of wood where that honey had laid and aoaked into the VOod They seemed suck all th sweet out of it and then ra triad H dew a 4he aide of tb log than let it drop soon this litUepileof lawduat begaa to look "I-foami the agent were cutting these little bit of wood to obtain the aweeta on which I soppoee they live. VMost of the agents left after they had eaten into the wood about a quarts of a inch. I then mixed on spoon full of honey with three spoon fol of water, aud with a feather molrtened the bottom of the groove.. The whole batch of agents were soon back at work lacking the groove deeper and earring out the saw dost. I noticed that the agent all quit worx aoout 0 o'clock in the evening and that waa arf chance to again moisten the oov- Tb feather seamed to moiiten the aide a well as th bottom of the groove so I unraveled the leg of one of my old wool stockings, and twisted four strand together, and moistening that In the watered honay d rawed it through the grove. That worked like a charm. The agent were now catting that log off at the rate of about half a inch a day. Bat I wa impatint. I wasted mors work oat of em. 80 1 rooled up another little log that eeemed just alive with agent, and baited them ap to the big log. Bat it eeemt toey belonged to another breed, for they at one bega a fighting and killing off each other, aud such a alangh terof Insects I never saw. ."Before that battle ended most of the flrat worker and all of the new were tod dead to skin. So I pat come stricknin la tb boner uu mica 011 an tost wa left. "I next rolled np another bfat ebank that wa aliv with agents, and got them tartea cutting In the move, aadcarrin off the aawduaL mbtn I left home at least one third of that big log waa cot Into; ball expect tney win (top for want of boner before 1 get back. I am holding down a eUim all alone. Mr. Niaa. died two Taara . last -June, and I left my three Utile children with their Graad mother, aad went to Nebalem vallev la lata . claim ia the barn, and trr to f.m . Mr Barwise I my n Cerent neibor. and n uvea most too mile away. Do you tninn-1 can get a patent?" irr i t . . . nw uiioriuca ner inas Ukarw wu some doobt about ante, or ant labor oeing paUnabl Bat that b bad better write to Mann or Bwwer. who oouia proDDiy giv tb dnired infor ms tion. "X believe, said tb widow that with on pound of honey to feed the scants. I caavinakatheirientoff the biggest login we county in a month and a ball. Good bye. A rreToDdont in Ht. ITotena ends UUa &h atory s ."rkm wetrkt Ugn a piuty of seven, isicludiug my- aeil, . w-ero joying t wi i outing on Lecal Peejile t fcaiatna. j h mm th" Usl issue of tUKttUuuti Bull.toHr "' , Cha. (VHper met with quit, . aceident the rat tf the - week. While ep creek, la Wasco ooHntyOr. i,.,..iih.-.. wla mm bolth-e on of ht 'mi ' tbeUpWe, n.U 4 -""J h,'i 1. UUD WW W"'S1" -"VF KTOiU hWl " D' " DllttU'H la t UIU. how.the Bttttve. htm - to fish. My ...esieluted the tekit.g of vl friend, t-x Mrhal ibvmmW of Sow ,'"7IT - " in jwt t hourt nd 14 minute MU'."M -... , ' ,1 . 1.,, caught in trout, weigh, 'jg 03 J.JC. CI- nltw' moved hi ! pound. Wo tx.k the fish Into towu Tnwday into the house fi.imerlyUcatea aad bMgged not a little about' our . by 3, 1. V"uo.l, on Fir street j j wonderful catch. T our t great' mtf- ,.j4bn ! Warf r n( Wartsu, Wregnn tiritw tlie old iuhnUtanU didn't abare IUMt of ha at.ter, Mr. Kcott, the nrrt in oar enthusiatiin and pityingly oaid, wiek. VrilVi! 'lloy. go" bp to. . the . narrow anil '; ,. . v . 'm ' -", ''-" lernhowtooatt;hMtib.' w . ,;, 'r0ralet 1(10 aere timber land, nM "Well, up to the narrow w went, '. f sS, of seiiirtni, ip. 4 n.; 10 ttntl the eight which met our eye I per acre. Inquire J. H. Mllm r, Mann, will nevMr target, nd yet it didn't ', Oregon. . .- . mount to much. We simnly w;' ' - ...m,,, the '... klv . nomwy squaw Kamuaff on tt.e m( Mmr t.l.er for ayer eav 01 a rue anu uuhiioh; in iter t,n.. .i wtf Buliecrib no, hand a eevoa f oot polo, atUchet) to . . : i t - NUqc; ... which waa a willow noop and a bit of L .' . . ,' ' . - 1 ack arrangod to for a -irt 0 -dip-1 knowi f Ul, UeroHlKiut. IZfiCateSaAtT& TlTT'nA VT0Z timeanatimeagaindoueedheroruae IV T,o, H-.1M..1. Ore- net in tha water of tha Columbia .V' (Other pa.er plea copy.j rive and every time brought three, rir-..' .ij.L .. its t four or inare silver wdea, weighing : . ". LlQUOlt'tlCt Mtt HTITIOH.. T f Pto,a!iv l M . ctit of iaV av..tr watched that iun$ caM flahafori ctiun.b. -ni..to er n. . ,.. uirvsniuruu upiua, aau ma v .Z,.i,u7,,- in tiuk P..I1H n-wlnri. 0ln Na tanuea luem wus a reveiauuu, oan Txmmdmo Chronicto. - . ' - , re-p jilully i..'itil.o jwillnctn Ouk J u, to W hel.l at at. Helena. ClumLla viitr, n-"tf-.-riVr. lu. that a lis u ha arantwl e Umli KSi:ir, tn K'H ..'llup. vlai airt 11. ,n t4..ilur In "olit prwln In e- iiuahllilea ...... ...... -..1 muI. .kt lttii.a. h grailtel-At a ri.t at ft'' all ol whlca yi.iirMJ..ri..uia win p.? . MUneil: BatM. . MiHtrt. Jaian t'twKlev,' C. K. Kloagar4, . 11. ;ii..i.ii, -,MU ...'" . I lrr'7v(''l7nlD).;iA 1 What ia CISSTORIA t Lid sdiav Feverlnbue. II Dlarrh a W W and riatttlency. It "'afoTt ZZZ1Z Tha ChiidtWe IWMet-Th KWi mnd. CASTORIA Zttf tit !atvf f ALWAYS ., Ik fnaia. . r ... You have traveled 'fur. The&un eoea down. Yau'Jmild a fire- 'ttnd cook your meat, and then good ta and the tabao. It ia pleasant You bear the loon crying ou tlx watw, or r V Viiih-rr rnT n. Vwtwr. ciwrie tha laet whtetlo of theJwm Sipth, igTfty R pnsa. ---v "V ..'v'........ '. iirwUKu.M. frank" tlsfire. . r. fi-Vtta- Th. lights in tkaeky como out and ehina through a thin nu8t;4heaiiu'hri.ii wrfii,.(. --,tyr. vutk .!. nothing like tliat mist, 4t is fliw!.rft&! j w.Wft tho.good, Ood. You atretch pme , ; . ... sioiira.. j. i. fiana braneaea, wrap 1n Jrour blanket and n. i. -v. .t.m.. . j. Brain. .. - a . i 1. - . W. H.jl ran-leM. Erie Htlaii. J. Mryant, K. f lua- lie down to Sieeix ItUalloUiet Al U.I.I,Mli. Elmer rtrl-K P. Horlta. .. you gl,inething come. It glide.; MWartTwfl- along on ita belly like a snake. lUunaM, r. j. oamn. orr osnt. i.s. Me- T. . l. .William HetMlltim, William ftiihrer. you uv JMiF-eara. M.-at. uvea. A. Meraiev f.cti!- Inlter. A. M'l'an, Carl atoasniHmr. umkno-D-.nll. H. W. An.Unou. the ir Kl-ar. J. Ilfmp, r. K. Davlitwiii. l!nr' llaailenun, A. gniilli, Usury C. Johoatna. .. .. w w 1 nwiisiain ii atawi 1111 tlMit feel the whole Ixxly as earn. For there ia a swift lunge, ff snarl ah, yonebtirUd hear -it! -The thing ha you by the throat, and there is an and.'. - . -.- To kill the puma yon mutt watch, always watch. You will see his yel low eyes soutetime in a tree. You will bear bis breath at night aa you pretend to sleep, and you wait till you see bis foot steal outuf the shad, owe 1 then you have him. ' IWm a mountain wall you watch in the nioruing, and when you see him yon follow and follow and-do udk rest till von ham fonn.t tilm You must never miss fire, for he liaaJ great strength and a mad tooth. But when you have got him he is worth alL Cosmopolitan. - , n ttoaj Hal Put la Ilia Uaakci; . A little girl and a big Newfound land dog CAine through 6tenben park yesterday. The littio K'irl was carry ing papa'a dinner, and the big dog waa oaring for both. 'The hitle girl thought Bhe would-teach her cOm pemioa to be useful, so ns thoy enter ed the park ahe placed the handle f the dinner banket in bis mouth. H trotted along quite proudly, and when he came to the sporKlin foun tain and tho cool looking pujol be neath it the noble animal resisted the tetnptatkm t drop the basket for the pleasure tke water offered him. Ba was too true! He'd take cafe of that basket U -the pool frcse over I Well, he would ju.t wade through. He'd take the basket with him, where It would be safe. So he walk ed carefully through and cooled papa's dinner in sparkling cool water. He ducked bis head, but he never let go of that basket committed to his faithful care. He did nottarry lonx, - either, but name out, shook hiuMelf and the basket dry, and trotted along "feeling bettor, thank you. " Utica Observer. V t Watts & Pi-ice, - ' --DKsuttJi rs- ' ' 5 , Flcn? and Feed . . Choice Urocsries Staple Dij. Goods Best Qnalitj Shoes . Hardware tnd Notions O. .. I In........ 'V'. aVV'fv5 The Kind You Eaie Always Bought : In Ufa For Over 30 Yeart. THE NEW YORK STORE 3 ltss Just received a large invoice of Summer Godds, Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Eta Cooper Building, Main Street, St Hrletw, Oregon. DR;D. B. STUART, DENTIST. ORIENTAL HOTKU 8T. HKI.KNS f SOWM-COUNIT PEOm SMIJIJ , eoTorait , Clatskanie Drug Store . S. H. GRUBEK, ATTORNEY-. IT- LIW. oaie with K. R ttutrk. ' ' fT. HEI.KN8, : OKStWlM.-- Will aWe baat prmonat atteailnn to all latat aialien Alniaid to uv. Wil) pr iclUo la ail thaisateaiMl LultttiawiMi-uurtK. ' - ATT0RXK Y-AT- Li W. mpt'TV iiisTBicr ai-roaaKr. ST. HKl.KXH." : : OKK00M.. 0rrit Niwaoas Bu a. NuTaav rtratic. W.C. Fischer, ATTORNEY-AT- IA W. BAIXIER, : : . OKKtiO. T. J. Cl.KSTOM B. T (iaHHANV " ... Attohieytat-Iiaw. !KV MarquaaV BuUi'lK. riirtlanl Oretina. - rairan stath Lias Orrie. 4 Oracoa City, Orenin, inn 17tb. Wn OTICJt U HKRKbY OfVM tmat iA coit pllanas with the pratiotoa of the act of CmtKnmetfan, t. 17, aetlUxt "Aa aet for Bla Oregon. Nevada, snd Waahlnctaa Terri tory. ' a. exuinrted to all the Publle bat States Saliu Helena, eavnty of Colaaibla, Slats of oW ton, haa thla d. AM Is this eMoe hi awuro ?31H,F Jali-.'r lh fnrchi l Ihi eHof aeetlonNo.a, In town.hlp ho. north. that tha land sought la auir valusUa for Its i'"1. 'i'H't V?.1" !f aarlcoKnral paraom, anJ to eatahllah h u l .i ... ..i : i!lf.'r'fi,l5.rn,,ec,',,,,' ,bl Oro ann City. Oravon, on Sawrriay.. tha Wth Oar of P.'S'i'(2,..I?, natiltSlVsTrhS: 'u. . l"t' Pl"fl'ura- Oraxoa- t,n,th H. cul ter.of VarnoKla. Oraann: Wlillaa U. Wtoit, of - . MaJlha IMcally. - r ..11 ..t i. . . jHuaeuuuuvwgiuiy mut iitr morvel at any cost. The ether duy a gen-1 tleman was about tr put two ladke. j evidently bia wife and his sinter, oa j board a car on the .venue. .He had' i'"iumiiia-.ntybatiiiaMwiii reeeiT prompt left his purse at home or spent bisj "'"H a. " wmro reaauu IOUJ1U j, W- VKy w B- DILLAKD niuutwi peniuwtb8,.Bo wnuestanding tirf t iuii i, ntv on thecurb he thouithtf ullv borrowed 1 , 18 cents from one of the latlies. The' ATTOILXE YS-A T- LA W av uauru a vnr, uuuui hi ncjcers, gave two to the ctmdwrtor, totteed the raea can itaiy at nia wue ana got on. I had taken the car at Ibe name corner, so I saw the whole perform-' TT T. ance. It seemed to mea ttignificaut J'r. htfwilt llOHS, luueoanonoiine sort ot care wiuch ph, .;.; ,,, C',. ..rf,,. Many thoroughly improvident lords 1 '" W gqotl. of creation give to their 'womankind, . when in reality it is .they who are being taken care ofi-ll ahe snjUiv aqa trouDieaome details whKib make up daily existence.- .r. iimcc urtlilo-.r loC"iirtliuliM., . ST, n.KI.K.ta. OHKl.Of.. , ... , fteitcrel liraatlr't In cuiiri- of Omron or Wank Itixtiiu. Alniiucla made rllrccily from count; rev rtu. T.JlKI.IXH,OKfcOON. Bright Dlaeaae.' Th largest sum ever Dr. H.K. tiiff, ' J PhyHii'Hvii7tiHl Surgeon, - j ( i - HT. II KI.KNH, OBKUON. , . I)r.i.E.Hali; , v Physician and Surgeon. 'MP tta Ml fiist a CriJti.Hl. L'hftiiffffI hamlai Cisco, Aug. 30.. mil. The .tnimler n. vlved jnroin ami stork ilie.BOd.OOand wa paid by a party of bnism-ie ni.-n for s specific for Hriglit's Dist-aae and Dia betvs, hitherto int-tir-hle di.ftaaca. They eoinuienreti tha wi-l..i.- .t.....i. po.i i uie specmn Nov. 16, lOIW. tiwj interviewetl score of the enrexl ana iriou n oni on its merits by pottlnr over three doxerj eases en the treatment and watching them. THey also got pbr sinians to name ehronie, Incnrablc cases, and atlminisrett it with the phvskan for judges. Up to Ang. 25, eighty-sevea per cent of the teat vases were -either progressing favorably, flier being but thirteen per cent of i , j pn. i ips were satisfliHl ami CLTSKANIK, OBKOON. Dr.C.L.lIatfidil, l; Physician and Surgeon. " VKBNOMA, (IRKUON ' ar, at r luhgn . ftr.n: i. ..j . i .7 ..;" ' . paraona i-l.talDr sa.arwiy thi b,t-AkwA e'"a ,n" transaction. The prourwdiKs , A;.i J2.T"" . . -I . ,nc,r aiainia in mu i"iiyHa, nunmilltw and the ivLJ!" ' fu.a were publlahed and will be mailed free on spplic-ation. Adr,, jhn j Kltt,n Company, 420 Montgomery St. Kan fraa claoo, vai, ., , NoT.tr rt HLKV , - CoNVaVANCIXO J. B. GODFREY, Dealer ia Real Estate and Mater -' ' ' of Abstracts. . - ST. HELENP, . . OREGON. Drugs and 3Iedicines cuuica Toilet Articles and Perfimerj 9k J. f. Htll, fVwrr C tarns m : ' . Oasooa. .AST0RIA&.COLUKBIAR1YER Al RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. I.tlana r. m. 7 uu . o a m M I 41 ( .V) S M VI It t 17 In on los lo jo is an W jlT4lJ! a (j i A Mil MEAT I KEAII r -AT !- City Market 4 ' Ht: Hstias.'OsttioH I M. UiEOSAY Prcjif ietor, ' i -OKAtlBS N . I Fresh and Salt Meat. : ,;s;"-;"::-;v-T:' City trade, Lvrlug ram as, steam. w uvat ami railroad ramps laj.plled. oBitaa sit. wo ok a most potic. VViV4 . a. i ii ! ff L-? l''T Pnr"a''il ' H l f "' "yrsi.iM... t S 0 S.St ... Jlury I 10 09 . l ..Claokaals.. t U 0 10 l.l,.ilarahU.l.. in J2 V-i "-"I-"-" !!S ! . tiifioii ... n; !; ?! !?! ,.... w 11 IA V..4 ...J p.,.., M i!vS.A i A.l..rl, ,t.r 7 II MH.V. r. a. 4U I AA M tie ; a 1 ?la J t7 ; tn i S IJ . 'J t S IS Nu, -v m a r uwi saiooD BRINK 80TKSKS, PKOmtTOKS t -Onlylha aaatof LipnaciCiiantiiStra CTROSKOSLE ' Aad ethar l-..uU. braaila of wklattea W , aiaayaiNMarS. WEINHARD'8 BEER on trftii. . Al Ik. .a. I .. "'" r W, whlrh raa. .uy. ,.Vi LiVSE 0 "Tern lsata..n Tl.... p. m "l,M ,rw """ toiay my si r iwim neaiuH biggie. 11. rnfnarlloo. si oM. wllh NnrilKiin ram lie train, u. .n.l iai ,l. Ks.t aad amino ,tnl,. "V. V 'Ailud 23, kTiT "' nm ".It. At Ao t ' If '.?' " ," antl roll Una aa I Lihr. "-ra . Through llrkl aol.l ,t .. . through to North Bai. h p..isla."H I Aalorla Willi I. ii iir llaai-o awl North "V .... - m alar prrwkltMla, riwnnrilnr iiinr sA.. a-. . ri An.. luni. ir" Ml eav4VJ 8TABM8HK0 ..vm Dt)it ou or IWapn a.f4 anu V. "... .V . . ja -cjuiimransssr JOHN A. BECK Watcnes, DIainosds, Silierf are, ;...jewelry.':.. Eepairing a Specialty. Mr riasn ft, tft. Pront flrat, IOKXLAK0 1 .i . .... ; Steamer- JOSEPH lELLfiSG Uav T. w Ja;;Th,,r,.y fc,. . , frtat f,, fttft. Haiti0e " asfas. Steamer KORTHWEST ' .n!t,,Vi!l'.I',r1,,;n,l M"n',-.- Wedneed., i. i "nnunca aiiov and Tyv ledo, tramline the Uu.. t.. 'IT. Wharf foot of K.lnion Ht. H. UOLMag. Aianl. Steamer Iralda C. , H-jhkirt, ' ... . R.VU.ROAl.TIMK, iaart'irA'-'il' '"i'"" fV '"'')ff Tert it "..h.i... . Z rV" ' ""'nl at II P. . - "i iivi.w mi . :ao. aai Fait Freiilii ; rOBTLAM) LANW.V(lrTAVUK ST. MI fwHTLaajM, ssn.v. TgAStta- The Steamer SARAH DIXON Lesves Portland every Bandav at y P.m. for Oak MnCE Ing '.t 8t I Helen and way Isndlnes. PP 1 Til timaw aLi- ' w imw ifia aai wau.a a r Irani. Z W 1 i,.!. ;i -' v '"to uiat. A mAHivnM Wiliamctt Slongb Ronte Wre (St. Helena. . .. fliSO A M Arrive at PnAlu.i m.u.. ? Iave Portlan.4 ' e'.n Z ti Arrive at 8t. Jlflet'.s. tt 'io P M . MMasovKw.a,;""' Will Csrrr Niitlilna hn. f.... grrasntt isat yislgbl. ;! attyt r, ' 'PW&kjtKj Ji. Jk. a. . fa