ilufimrs. TV-y l.iUe p. JoNGE!1 IN CHEAP TEBFUMES. They An Said to Hae Bad Effect . on the jSosiril. Acwi'iiiiijt lit tooal perfumery deal er, cheap perfumes are gradually dead ening the nostrils of those who come la contact Willi Uioui. say the Chlceira inter wean. mus .ppriuuies tnt wr popular a few years ago you wouldn't notice now," he said. "Before long they will TJt J r . I nave to uiiute violets and roses a ItOOCL S a) OrSapanllCt I trout onions or pennyroyal before .willed radically and hennanentlv drive. Jruu u Bueu '-". wurioii ot Hi body, and ,.,' M til mLUie, f ' '. .( lli-y are aUonii. d by pimples, bolt, tha ..Miitiipi miir, miL rneuin, aim oilier en- .... ennuiiii; ny n'piini;s of weakness. wvii, K.:m.inj urum.,k aiut- wllal ntlSi vaus m"re uUrlnI tben anything '. Health, Stirogtn. Peaca and Pleasure r.Niiire their expulsion, anil this la posi tively enwtetl, according to thousands ot Krautiii "utnoniia, by Uiem out aud buildup the wuole system. To Continue The Dispute. 1 "t wonder how they cam to each other?" " , "They were unable to decide which was the hotter ping pong player." .excuange. Mating due allowance for the hyper- hole of an older generation, there may he something in (hit theory. Violet la by all odds the most popular pei'iume ot mis year, "uiover, ac- cordlug to some, would stand aecoud. Itose, of course, la perennially popular. Clover," by the way, la' not made from clover bloasouis at all. The ordinary Preva il. wnito and red clover has very little We want you to prove our atatetront odor' 'nd nat ' Us would nlt tbat Monopole Spices are the purest -and strongest in the world. For sale by all grocer. Io enable you to do go, we will send you free a JO-cwnt tin of white pepper or cayenne or ginger . or any oilier variety you may prefer, if you will send us two 2-cent 'stamps for postage, ana give us the name and ad- . dress of your grocer, , Prise coupons pacseu witn every can. Send to Wad- bains & Kerr Bros., Portland, Oregon, x r l tht Melt cuioriy agreeacne ir deiac&ed from a landscape and a waring leld. So ih. perfumer makes a combination of es sence resembling remotely the acene of the tall "sweet clever. and calls It "clover." , .. , ,. - The orange gives four different per fumes, obtained from different parts of the Sower and plant Each of the tour baa been Imitated synthetically, mak ing eight in all. The odors ot lilac said VrfiVtViS FftflSTRVnON CURED BY PE-RU-NA. i fa: 'V Hal. P..Deaton. ' t Hal. P. Denton, Chief Depart ment Publicity and Promotion of Na. fional Ejrport Expoeition, writes. ' i i-niiaiieijihia, Dee. 20, 1889. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Gentlemen: "Toward the latter part of August I found myself in very much run-down condition. I suffered particularly from catarrh of the. atom ach; aggravated no doubt bv the reanon. sibilitieg and worriment inuideiit to the ex(iloittttioa of a great international i"lu " o i ate aititressed me -! " nnrtmkimnuo At nrA-ru a s "Premonltlona ot death art often edited at. aaid a Well-known Wash- Jngtoa newspaper man, "but theris ars occasionally autbentie Instances arls- ' Almost Vnlvoraally Vaad. ' Tbs tomato has a curious history. After the revotutlou of Shu Doinlugu, many French families cams front there to Philadelphia, whers they Introduced their favorite pomtue d' amour. Al thouirh introduced as early as IBM from Bouth America Into England, It was looked upon with suspicion, sua the carnation have also been nroduced ud I would lie awake at niuht thwh. with some success by chemical means, i"K over,' if I may nse that expression, Attorney Did you set) the plaintiff j Ten years ago the Idea of Imitating the the affairs of the previous day. strike the defendant? Witness Oi did, sor Attorney And was the assault com mitted with malice afoiethought? Witness Ko, sor; it wor committed wid a mallet behind the ear. Judge. A Story of the Prairie. , The Century magazine is about to print a serial which will have an espe cial interest to people who are at home on the prairies. It is called "The Biography of a Prairie Girl," and the author is Eleanor Gates, a young woman who spent her childhood in Dakota and who thus writes from the closest personal observation. ' The time of Miss Gates' storv is about 25 years ago; it is put in the form of a personal narrative of the , life of a little girl, and there is hardly a phase or event of prairie life which , is not touched upon in these pages the ulizxard, breaking colts, horse stealing by Indians, school days on the frontier, fighting gophers and badgers, cattle raising and other typical phases of hardship or pros peril). It is not a novel, but the same char acters appear and reappear in the story with a reality which impresses the I render with confidence in the truth of the narrative. "The Biography of a Prairie Girl" will begin in the August number of the Century and it will be illustrated. strange and penetrating odor of musk I my family, physician said I had was laughed at, yet now the artificial vous Prostration and recommended mnsk is a regular article ot commerce. iVSlJ? JtS?!l,fTrw-??" Sachet powders are again waning U Ohio recomm.-w d.,... ST Z popularity. After their extraordinary skeptical, I finally yielded to his ad vogue about fifteen years ago they vice. After using one bottle I was were almost forgotten, and a second re- much improved and with the fifth vlval In the demand for them three I hort'ecamo complete recovery, lam years ago has now passed. JriV. " ' "a vry A novelty from Paris this year is In- " v.-., . . " tended to take the place of the old hai i nVTiw'r'nv sachet bag. It goes by the name of If yon do not derive nmn.nt.rul a.t. amulet," and consists of a little filigree isfactory results from the DM nf Purii. box of metal containing a compressed na, write at ones to Dr. Uartman, giv scented tablet These are made lu a ing a full statement of your case, and variety of floral odors, and can be dan- he will be pleased to give vou his valu. gled from a watch chain or chatelaine, able advice tree. , carried In the pocket or laid In a closet Address Dr. Hartman, President of or bureau drawer. The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbua. Ohio. taf which raise doubts as to whether lta aoectae nam. "Lycouerslcum," d- tbers may after all, soms sort rived from lykoa, "welf,' aud psralkon, of Indefinable spiritual phenomena la "peachy,", referring to the beautiful the Incidents. " . but deceptive appearance of Its fruit. 'It may be recalled that a well- Intimates nretty clearly the kind of et- known chief of division In one of the tlmatlon to which It was held. It Is departments. In apparent perfect aow, however, all but universally used. neaun on the last day he auueared it tne orace, died recently of aooiilexv on I Valea at Waif Scales. that night I have since learned that a hunter and trapper who has been 21: ! venln Question, shortly be- operating in North Pari this past lore be retired, a laro-e doa- In lila i.,t. i... .,i, in k miita nf household set up such a prolonged aud gray wolves. The stockmen of North dismal bowling In hla yard that he Prk ars paying a bounty of ISO for went out, with a revolver, under tht each wolf scaln. The necessity for ex- supposition that there inlitht be In-1 terminating the animal la erowliii trudera prowllug about, although the gieater every year, as the loss lo owuers uvg oowiea ana did not bark. The dog of cattle by their depredations Is seri- rciuaeo to ston howling upon the an- ous matter, as it is generally estimated peorance of his master, and followed that each wolf destroys 1300 worth of him In the -louse, whining and show- rattle during bis life time. Bench and ina- evidences of distress- lnntrtnv nn IKanire, io tne oraclal'S face In anch a mxa. liar manner that the members of the " Waiting for sa Oritft at toe time thought It exceed- Col. Abraham G ruber entered a res- ing Strange. The doff muitlnnail t. taurant nmantlv. and. after aaltlnu follow his master about the house, act-1 ntf an hour to be served, called the m amngeiy in the manner I have tie- waitar, and inquired how long he bad acribed. Ou the following morning the oeen thre, official was found dead in bis room. "Two weeks," was the reply. "The above Incident la a curious fact '0n' ,nen J",u'r ot mr waiter, as is aiso ttie following, and while not l"pneu Col. U ruber. "Ws gave our of startllne irhosriv Intttrnttt las salun. order at least three waeka airo." New local to Washington, the parties being Yo'k Times. members of my own family. "Some time ago my wife'a mother P,"u m Ow' started on Journey to California. Sev- Hi P"''i" th public complained, Hftupy Homes of Poos, Bouts of lbs happiest and most Uhwl homes where peace, cuuientmuut aud harmony dwell hv U'wu the a poor people. No rk'U caipela covurvd tu floors, no costly patutlui; were ou the walla, and there were no plauoa, uo works of art; buhtuert were coutuuted mluda and uuaelllsh aud devoted lives. lfiaeh member of the family contributed as much as possible to the happiness of alL udeavorlug to compeusate by kludtteas, aud Intelligence for tht pov erty of their surroundings, , lis Never worked and Never Win. There is a Kew York farmer who has lived 70 years and is eonnd as a dollar, and yet he has never done a stroke of work since he reached the years of dis cretion. Hhata shocking example for the hired man! It.does seem, however, as if be ought to be willing to let them put a lagired coat and a bad hat on him, and then seat him on a high seat in the middle of the cornfield. Cleveland Plain Dealer. . - We are not to blame because you have rheumatism ; but you are if you do not try Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Waifs Found In St Patrick's. In St. Patrick's cathedral there, is said to be found by the pew cleaners an average of 25 babies every twelve month. - These babies have been left by Catholic parents,, who know that tbpy will be raised, if they live, in Catholic homes. Ainslee's Magazine. Mothers will find Mrs. vTlnslciw's Sooth ing fjyruo the best remedy to use for their shiidren during the teething period. . Room la the Procession, Clara Dear Isabel, you are at last a successful artist! , Isabel O, Clara, I don't feel mvself a success. , I've just moved up a little because a lot of older smugglers have got tired and quit. Detroit Free Press. X.adle Can Wear Rboca One rlz (mailer after using Allen Foot-Pae. Cure welien feet, bliaieni ami ralluui ixt aod hot, acb pack aee t h I K toy mail Addreis Allen H. Olm- lirijt feet. At aU Oruinrisu, 25e. ! UlEK b7 mail. Add re Allen a A Lynn firm recently made a shoe la thirteen minutes. The oldest general In the French Army has died, at the age of 85. It la said that a full-grown bee can draw twenty times Its own weight It can fly about five miles an hour, aud it will seek its food at a distance of four miles. Of the thirty-eight Sultans who have ruled the Ottoman Empire since the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, thirty-four have died violent deaths. i Scott Is said to have written "Wav- erley" in less than six weeks. He wrote very rapidly, seldom revised, and as a consequence his novels are full of blun ders. Inaccuracies and anachronisms. L Burns committed his poems to mem ory as he composed them, and when he sat down to write he had before him no labor of composition, but only the task of wrltlngdown what he had al ready finished. " Milan has a curiosity In a clock which is made entirely of bread: The maker Is a native of India and has devoted three years of his life to tie construc tion of thla curiosity. The, clock Is of good slse and goes well. The Siamese have an Instrument which tbey call the ranat, a species of harraonleoiv with seventeen different wooden keys, united by cords and rest ing upon a stand, each strip of wood giving a different note. The Instru ment is played with two wooden ham mers. A French explorer has discovered on the west coast of Africa what he re gards as the vainest people on earth. They are the Pahonlns. a warlike tribe, whose main employment Is personal adornment chiefly by means of tattoo ing. Great ingenuity Is also exhibited In dressing the hair, which Is arranged in astonishingly elaborate fashion. Valuable Timber. "I think a good deal of that cane. remarked Senator Lotsome, exhibiting the walking stick with uardonable H hat are yon giving me?" asked senator Sweetner. ; "It's a fact. There was 150.000 ap propriated for the improvement of Ann oi tne rivers in my state last year, une Snag was pulled out of the river and Una cane was made from that snag." "I suppose It's the odor of that s no- line vehicle he tied up to alter I bucked and threw him," whiunied the fabled stead. Automobile IUagasine. ! Viewing With A'trm, "Esmeralda," aeied her father with some sternness, "what was that young congressman's business here last night" ,1 ii. , , ... were mereiy noiumg a caucus, papa, one replied. n nr- ne rejoined, glancing at something that sparkled on one of her shapely fangers, "and you adopted ringing tesolution, did you?" Chicago inoune. All explained, , Mrs. Twickenham fto Mrs. filimson) Of late we have been having our meals sent in by the various caterers. Willie Slimson (to his mother) Mamma, is that what you meant when you said that Mrs. Twickingham didn't know where the next meal was coming from? Exchange. Candid, that lady over there? I fell in love with her What do you think Guarding the President. "Secretary C'ortelyou and the secret-1 service officials arrange all klnda of I plans to prevent President Roosevelt exposing himself la public too much," i saia a vvnite. House policeman, "but he knocks all. their plans in the head of j when they least expect it. When he lis about to start away on a trip the A You see She is Mrs. A. at first sight, that? B I think it would have been better I Wnltt House landau Is always brought had you taken a second look. Ex. j up to the door, closed. , : V, "President McKinley generally pre- f ITJE ''t)r curi so m, Demxunoa ! f erred to ride in a closed vehicle. Presi- .- " - ' .m,mnniuiMinr.i w, wij- . . ,. ... .. .. . A.B - , . . - - i .11 I L IUHnu.vl.1, W It, I I H.n If ,h,, . - . w .ua. n O.J Sbeumatic pains are the cries of protest and distreas from tortured muscle, aching joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pare and health sustain ing food they require. The whole System feels the effect of this acid poison ; snd not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mra, Jaaiea K.II, of wr Ninth atrcet, J. R, Washington, D. C write, as follows! "A few! ujuu.uB s" a flag ma ei lacjfc of sciatic BUbcaBia turn ia iu wont form. The paia wae so intenae that I became comptetelr proa trated. The attack waaaa anuaually severe one, and mr condition was reg ard cd aa being very danger. eai, I waa attended by one of the most able doe tore in Washington, who ia at a member of the fac ulty of a leading medical coUeze here. He told mat to continue hit nancrio-1 tiotuaad I would get well. Afterhaviag ft 6 lied twelre times without retelling the slightest .... . uo-imw w continue nis ireatment an1 era! days after her departure an l.w I "molls of the lamp.' ly colored woman, who had been a I At this Pegasus reverted slave n.her family, having been raised ,aln lJ n1 nilald m witn my wife's mother, en Mart ,t h. '"UK". house. As In similar instances in the South, there had been a warm attach ment existing between former mistress and slave, which had continued th.ron.rh life. She declared she had beeu 'warn ed that my wife's mother bad died at an early hour on that morning ou the train. When asked whether she had received a telegram to that effect aha replied that she had not, but that at the hour in question she bad been awakened by the ringing of the front door belt In responding; to the call she had found no one on the steps lu each Instance, the bell having been pulled three successive times. Her nouse, ry the way, was ou a down town street, and waa recently raged to make room for a business structure. "At about 10 o'clock on the morning of the day when the former slave hud communicated the intelligence of my wife's mother's death we received a telgram from the officials of the rail road, dated from a far Western State. announcing her sudden death at about tue hour when the colored companion of her early childhood had heard the pulls at the bell Had the bell been rung during the ordinary hours of the day we would have attached no Impor tance to tne former slave a positive as sertion of a spiritual visitation from the deceased lady, but as It waa at about 3 o'clock In the morning the In cident has ever beeu one of more than usual interest lu our family. If the pulls at the bell were not supernatural, tney were assuredly a strange coinci dence." Washington Star. to his horse ft . Vv W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $3-53 SHOES W. Ij. DohiIhs slities are the stun. dard of the world. This is the reason W. I Douglas mnkes and sells tiiore men's rt.tx) and ;i.r,0 shoes than an other two mnnufneturera, W. I. DOUGLAS S4 SHOES .... CANNOT Bl tXCILLKO. lumm wssu Ji.3io.oo8 8 Immorm m4 iliwfnw Mfftsre, Meyf't Cttlr. tmmrt, w Calf, Cmlf. tin 1,4, cma Owl, . gaoterss. Vast Color Hyalvte bsmI. Caution I rh avautns W I,' Haass ly Jjr. trim. Iilut, I whiKy imT TO R-ipeol WfrMasi Kuffra. Oolurdt puUtkiau re (iuimv turiug plans to repeal thu conaiit','!' i mwvl iwMiiiig to etnijil - w i.K.v at'HKHlll of m.tft ' t1 ll A K.ftuu.,,... ...... VM7VM I.V M,W 7,1,.IJL 11111 K B u . t ln la both parties and will undui!' k.' ly pas It put to a rott of th. pJJJJ II., hi,t JOHN POOLH. PORTLAND, O10r PeH ol Marrlswa tirest.' vt" Can stva ynu the (Mat rartalna t. .,,, lid rnelnss,, Cm,. , ,i" l Maolllll.rr. Ht Hawing .iSi?.. a molallr. Sea us haiura hu.i... "f BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY 'raiUauit, Ursson. yuuaded A Kerns Schsal KilltarijSjniisJ Tnlsl-s, Wilt fat lllustrattd ristatogaa, ARTHUR C. NUVVILL. Prlnclpsi HOITT'S SCHOOL I'arantaAaatrin Some tnfluenoae, Iwauiifm irmun.lliias. MtlScil elliuata. nr.l,.i Islnn. and thnnnigh mental, moral and Iral iralnlnf lor llwlr hoys, will And u r'i nHiulnnaenillullv Bial at Hullfaanhik u. faik, Man UataoOuMBty, Vat. .- wand lot i aiaioguo, IWolt rs" tMSttia llth, IMA U. Uoll f. I'd. o., rriaelasl. RE HEW FEISICI UXl Antily to Watsas BuarT.RU, Artoassv, WasMtaeroit, I). U. mm Hurvlvars f Istllsii trrs or WI4b Mr Mrfinl art of ooHcnsM ytu htxmtt tut fti'iitit'MtcMit A iUlrMH T, W, 'riilmtMitfsj. Wwtb. Old Indian War Pensions Con areas has hut iae4 a law vrntf..i. tlons to the iimrnre anil to the wlduwi alas. eesMd soldiers o( IM omgim, Waalilngti a aud t aliiortila Indian waraot mil lo um. ruu t- tnrtnailon will m mm f nvmeton 4 wtla.n No. Tjt Karenieomh St net. rtaaiitiet,.n i .' or Hianch onioa No, ii rarniu UuliiUua. aai! rrauelaw., tL raaa limited hj law. i Volcanic Iluat. The Barbadoes Agricultural Kt'Dorter has sent to this otlice a specimen of the volcanic dust which fell on that Inland on May T, 8 aud 8. "Borne from St. Vincent," it says, "In the upper strata of -the air, and there suspended, this stuff obscured, the suullght, and pro duced the phenomenon of (darknesa. In color and consistency It resembles Port land cement." It quotes the followlna description of the dust byiW. G. Free man of the local depart nMt of agricul ture: . i : "From the calculate results of a series of observation ''made In 8trath clyde on the fall pfvoleanic 'ash,' it would seem tbat,,at a low estimate, about thirteen ounces fell per square foot between the hours of fi p. m. on Wednesday and 5 a. m. on Thursday. Thla, perhaps, may not appear a large amount; but look at it from another point of. view. Thirteen ounces per square foot means 117 ounce per square yard, or, te express it In famil iar terms in an agricultural community, no less than 16.2 tons per acre. "teaving for the while minor units, JNtgetabie Pre parationfof As similating UteroodandRcfiuia-bxigilviSbuvidisafilBmbQi Promotes Dig?sti(mtorfur nessand Rest.Contains nellhrr Cjpttim.Morphine noruncraL lSOTMARCOTkC, aV.JhaM laWafp'fJawI raVMaV Aperffe! Remedy forConsup non.SourStoavvih.DiatThoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevf nstv- nrss and Los9 or Sleep. Vac Sural Stgnalur of NEW YORK. eML Tor Infants nd ChlHren. The Kind You Havo Always Bough! Bears tlio Signature of aT Al II 1 f VySmmlJJ "die. . ntm arni L "ir3rs ' 1 nmm h rvuw. anus. I J r' n iu and 'Mablni V, Tin t- "' ' DH. C. GEE W3 HOMB TREATMUNT Am u I tejiMd rnl trrtsM h tmrj Vt taf.- trie ih lu) (wiutiirjf, lltrtiuwli Iti tmttt hu sr UtlfsaX hm rniiinU tVaptaHr Utitnr ih9 Jlttm of vrr tan Uiff-rtti rfrntaM, ttriirft t u,tKvfuttr m-wmi in i'(sfwcti iiw(K. ffufnt u rtym nuMrh, vniinitt, ium, inruai. r.wujns4ittit ufv irtmn h. (vr, kut ri-ff.i liMliHtitlmli trf tM(iftusa Uls. t Dsmf iKtrtri, i aVii tn4 him I'MtMttU tt i CHir Writ Af btsMlHi atuJ ritvutnrs, tria twnu fn wittwiiMk i'tjMts Tauo.s h im AirUHtAi THE 8. ttt 19 CKiRESE KEOICIIE C3. U'4 Tkw St., a,tlaa, w atsnuan aaawr. 1 36 EXACT COPY OT WWASwCR. " In Use For Over Thirty Years eeley aa M"1 , Hfcohof, 'Tobacco , Using jp 420 rmiafB aw . IMias aa TVrt vast km Vrcf l bin, ftaC taiO(tsjes Wt MUiiraintaa ku h-lfi Cripples, I r .' Ham! Ui4im, HiMi.irf.'lihuA ,,v'l wakiiif niti,i.l iiaitx. arsres, dmrnitir aniMwaitui aim! all kluils .'tin- l' MIIJI. Il S.MKIA, tMMl nilM. WrIM iw awl ws'U show run lauwi a(uliam totymtt W Alaannuaa Artificial IJaaft 6. KlaWMhiuiiMW, liiii amxiadSi. foriiaM, Orepm, r. . d. , Sl-I9t, as sasdvarttMra vlease I tttla laaiwik . I i such as acres, we find that 10.240 tons of volcanic 'ash were rained onto ever quare mile of this Island during the last twelve hours nf darlrno U,,nr.n. n . - " v. WVWW longer, lunni Hesrdor s. s.s.iswift'sspedie) . mg tne fiu to Bave been approximately recommended for Bhrumoti.m I A-IA-A Vi . . .. . . iiuiuij nnai in Aanth , i. i , , in aespsir However, to give ttie medicine a trial, "i"" iut wuoie laianu, andafterl bad taken a few bottles I waa able te . the almost incredible amount Of l.OItO.- hobble aronnd on crutchea, and eery soon there- om . . . . ,.. . . v"v' after bad no ue for then? .t . 11 e7iT oiO tons of solid matter was added to hswinaf Hard Work. .'I Freddy Did you hear that Beggy is working? ' t ,. Cholly Paw Jove; it can't bel ' ; Freddy Yes; he's rolling his own cigarettes. Chicago Newe. ' Hair Splits "I have used Ayer Hair Vigor for thirty years. It ia elegant for bair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the enda." J. A. Gruenenfelder, Crantfork, III. v- Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Aver's Hair Vteor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. s Settle, all Sraitlds. , on a nne, clear flay, and everv tlm he walks out on the portico and sees the landau closed he gives orders to have it openec He waits until that Is done, and then gets In and rides down the avenue or wherever be I go- , ing, witnout any oDstruction whatever j to his view. He outwits the detectives often by getting away for walks or drives witnout tbelr being any the wiser or without their being able to follow him. "He doesn't tell anybody that he Is going out," said the policeman, ac ewrdlng to the Washington Star, "and theflrst the secret-service man around the White House knows Is when be sees the President swinging off down i the walk ou his way out of tha grounds. tiSf si eared me eonnd and well sains have, left tne. tuv sttntit 1. ,...,.. VAuum ""PP' to b " '"tored to perfect tae srreat vegetable purifier aod tonic, is the ideal remedy in all rheumatic troubles. There are no oniatea 01 minerals in it to disturb the digestion and 1 1 . . , 1 -. 4cau luruiuuui nauiu. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent fres to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely about yonr case. Wc snake no cbarge for medical advice. 1 H( SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, 84, Tncurabtea. Mr. Clipper-Green I'm going to rent a bed in a private hospital. Sflss Daisy Sutter Why so7 ' L started to learn golf three days ago anu rve already crippled six caddies." Ir your drnirglst esnnnt supple rill rp send ua one ti- ilnr and wo will arpreas rou a bottle, lie sure and lv t.h ni,. of your neareet ax pram ottlua. a tldi ass. v. AX ILlt LO., Lowell, Mass. ""nTTr-sawanfaassase llllllallwlalM Fireproof Trains In London. ' All the new trains on the Central London Hallway are to he of fireproof construct ion, sieel and asbestos being largely used. Other precautions for the safety of passengers are being tak en. ' '" Danes Take o Mormon (am. Statistics show that one out of every twenty two Danish emigrants to the United States becomes a Mormon. Mtchell Wagon. . " -m&Zc5x9 'V, Dost on Earth BecanH It Is made of the best matxrlal nosntble to buy. 'I'he mttiiursturers tsoliiuly pay 34 to W per cent: above the niarkH irlce of bent frrads of wwn timber for tbe of oil ing over and sltlmmliiK on the crMim of ths wskoh stock, which Iscarrlcd for n to S ywirs be re maklna up. which means an investment la wood Wock of ni'ttrly one million dollars. W'saons are iinuriaMd for quullly, proportion, Uulsh, strengtu and llaht rnoitliiK. Whytftke chances on sny othftr? Why not get the bent? A MITUHBLI. MHehml, Lawlm A Stmvmr Oo. Portland. beattle. eixikana Balsa. Afenu Kverywuers. Barbadoes Tribune. last night." New Vork Depew' Explanation Felled. About a month ago a, constituent of Senator Depew came to him to seek hi Influence in gettlug an ofilee. i "Tou write a letter telling wnat yea want and I will forward It with my In dorsement,"' said the Senator when b had beard the man's story. Yesterday the matt met the Senator in the capital lobby.? "You remember telling me to writ you a letter," be said. , v, yes, was air. tsepews reply, a be cordially grasped bis visitor by the Hand. "Let me see. ' Yon sent me the letter, didn't yon, and if I remember rightly, I Indorsed It strongly.'", - "No," said the man, "I never wrote the letter. I've been sick." Washing ton Port. John Jacob Aator'a Heavy Loss. The original John Jacob Astor wa once : asked what was the largest mount 01 money ne ever made in a Ingle transaction. He declined to an swer the question, but volunteered to tell tbs largest sum that be failed to make. H related how he, De Witt Clinton and Gov. Morris bad planned to buy Louisiana from France and sell It again to the United Htates govern ment, retaining the public domain aud charging 2 per cent commission. They changed tbelr minds, and, Mr. Astor said, he lost 30.000v000 by falling to go into tne deal. f A girl I not the real tbing unless she has a bean out of town. He thinks he lives, but he's a dead , one. No person is really alive whose liver Is dead. During the winter most people spend nearly all their' time in warm, stuffy houses or offices or workshops. Many don't pet as much n,v exercise as they ought, and everybody . iAfK know that people gain weight in J HiV -" A - at al . . . . ', as a. rule it is not sound but means a lot of flaMw fit USeleSS. rOttinty fmtto. cf av'nrr In t-.J. i 7.-0 a uic ooay wnen it ought to have, been ' driven out. But the liver was over burdened, deadened stopped uork. There you are, with a dead liver, and right now is r ti r-f sLurrec"on wake up the deadi T u j li . 01 7our system, and get in a gent! v-alls of th cat sprino treatment and see how nuirlrU trM vtrtfl Urn V- TV aVAas sV y J .4 f. . . s-t.t . . Y " n out 0! is tioZnZVX fi6"010' Y' free from bile. Force is to give new strength To trie muscular S l'FruY' and the right plan life aSd wiS ffiffi boweIS?nd stir up the liver to new GetaSOcboxay-awholemon W....W aarwv AAWT aj BROUGHT BACK TO NEW LIFE BY k?t) 1 Van 7TA YD Tm r YV MrJ iv YJ J J) u )U OcV 5 1 "IVER TONIC -SS 'aauaV w m mmb-: r."ayawaaaaSBwa. laaflllPalaTi II ! Ml ,y : V ff waaaW J M I ask. ; f'-kU. ' 25c AIX DRUGGISTS. CURE sa I iai anoath. ba NEVER Starter tar the aanni. . Sethr, It 1. Z BUMiweurearsaoBay reVandsd. "'"luie guar- C r TUT tDTTT V guaranteed mmm alaillar aaedlelMA ,, . . Ifc, areater tkaa ana "I a.ii, ia ih w2r"' ls ft abMlnta i ar "III sail i'iRtuTrrmtfnt,mmm,m- a. rink aa i-.fnnd.d 5.5. anaraasead ears ar ''e. fimn..""",,:, "J. h"F"''",' eases has... alee .!,. satl.,l,'Kvi,':v'''.,,,' Jose..' I'aVs.Mrll. ih. "" " sar bus roe