The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 25, 1902, Image 3

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imiixi rauuv MoMiwa ir
rrual IlenttaM.
0, A. Sli "t to Balrno Wednesday
on a bu-um-a
Amoi Hichsidson, of Portland, U vis
iting W' Kii hnniin.
W. II. Downing, P'lrtUnd, visited
at the Mil" Uumo iuii'l'y.
Mis Morten wee, 1. 1 rurtitiui, ia
tUltn'g Mr. N. t. Or.i tin win.
Joseph Vaiiltlneli b lenovercd f rum
(lie tuVflst'l ' inraiwwiii'iH,
If. ('. rHanwood. YaiiMmi mtwmlil
man, as ' jcsicriiay.
Mm. J"nc I'atl, who u visiting
livr n I'li'tluiiU, rutuniitU Iioui Nat
oidsy evening.
J iliri Dolim, one of th lies! known
ri.,i.lnw ol M'arron, w In Uiii jri'i
Mr. and M. H. Rowland, f En-
gene, Sll I f. D. Rowland, ol Portland,
"tailed relatives hem over rlunday.
Ml. Albertstm, nf Portland, a- vis
iting luf liiviid, . Mi Matilda MuckU-,
during Uio week,
II. McKhII, CUti-kartie, rtd Mr.
Jfsrhler, iiti'rt'h tut it Kilftiua, wore
isillug Utinry Morgn Monday.
J. tf. Milhtrd, of ItaclieUir Fist, wll
kuosu fanner of mil auction, was in
llmeliy Saturday.
Mm. David KHnraon, nf Portland, l
Traiting lr liij;lnt r, Mi. J. li. Hucl
du Una week.
1, il, Wlkstrom, the Kitlama sawmill
pnipmlor, I looking alt r I he hay crop
uu placo, nrntr Hi. Helens.
li. W. Kiehardaon w out In the ill
rwrtinu ul lliw Nchateiti mountain uu
limning trip l it Week.
Mi. Iivid iMvia, of Portland, vUllvtl
Imr pireiil, Mi. ami Mra. Richard Ok,
for a few day timing tlio al work.
Jle-a Winnie Way, slid m vhillitig
Ilim Whitney (or ll,e part lo or time
Week, returned to Jur huuiu at Poll
Isnd, Monday.
kirn. Ucorge Iiuiiiit was In front 0r
pmiiy llill wl m-aday . Hid reportco
tliiit vim health ul Mis.'Captuiii la mum
w nut Improving,
klm. J in Drt and daughter. Mi
lli-wir, KcrnuipariUMl tin- fit. Ilelei
imrtu iimiiUi III the. song rw'iutl to
lUini.r Tuesday iiltflit.
Mim Norn Couyer lm rrtorii-tl Imni
Wfl tu Onv. n (.Til r. wlien- lm l-
Irmlnl ll.u CliuMiiiuqitii, mnl in MKnluif
tiuiiit' nuiM'ruiU'iKJirui (.urHimua in
hi OltllT,
p.iuiy IHntrii't Atloruay nml Mrv.
W. il .IVwi'll unit lii.r iiintlirr, Mr.
Yuuurr, ii( liaUir, Mi"M' Kftie ui
Nur Yi.uiiiri-r, wnl to Apinry lur
hri mU i'ui-rJiiy.
Jiiiiuw Murklv' Kt'iilitl omiiiurnainr
a ,iu on uur ilrf-u VVrrlotmtiiiy. lie
r. tuc (tui pnwv" "t '' lntl'U
ciup mi llir MuIIiuIIhimI nnd Up)wr
t'l.W. t llUII Kl'IMJ Juumul.
Dr. II It. Cliir and futility went t
Bfneide Siilin-tlav. Mi. Clilf tl
tiilldri-n mill m:i-U ihtHr futlnyv there
d.i Hi.- next two limutha, and li e JKic
tur iil juin tin in tho UlU.r part of tacli
Antirifjr W. II. Conyera, of Clal
k jut , j in iitwn Wrtlneixlity. lit'
had li-ntu ndliia; the auprenio' emu
nl Iti-diuuii in wriuii m I'.ntland.
(liliti.a Httemliiiii iruiii t'nttokiime weic
N'iriiiitii Moirill and J, 1. I'. tr itf.
UilliHiii Miller rrlttriitnl fmui tho vi
riniiy ul Vaiiey Tuewlav, and rt-torud
tliai tvi't) btaly.a a boy haying along
llw r utr. liiiH.iiia Inul the new t n-
gine IilUIIihI in liitii aiiiiiglu mill, and
aereainiiMt ready t itarl op Uiu ma-
Itt cioa.u at ilia piarnitu.y every Hut
ttrday. Horn, lo H. HuUer nd vrifa, iiff'
Ih'ulton, Holiday, Mil 2Zd, a ron.
Ki v. W. A. M. Hrek, of i'urtland,
ill tuniliift ih i viea iu llin Kpiatiopul
tlniu'li next Hinnla.v.
I'm aching aerviu uu Huudiir uiorn
h ul Ituultou. Kcv. I'r. BiH'kwtill
kloara. (iakur & Druiioirk are puah
ig Hit) wurk oil the lehtiul hulliiiiig
riidly t imd coiupleliott. full par
ticnlurt next wauk.
There will be a tlanut and box niiir
at tlni Yatikloii ptiliiie hall mi fritlay
nlghi, Augut Ifud. All bio invited to
I'oiuttiind liavg ag'iod time.
Q'lHrterly ctiiifeiunt'O of the M. K.
Miurt:, v,i ,t held at Kt. Halnn on
PHiurday afcerntiuii, uf 8 oVIiak. l)r.
Kiakatvli will preuoli In tho cliUiuh
Kunduy evening,
Keveral nuw improvemetita are utha-a-Wii
around town. The Mut kle barn la
jwa-ivlng a iiwhlngl roof, and Hlit'r
ja R. H. IIhIIhii will nun have a now
rnni orevtcd iu front uf Ida reaidence.
Wantkd S vuonu from Colum
bia county at one to prepnro lor poei
"'ma in Hie government aervlee rail-1
r mail iderka, letUr-fflrrlera, cuatmu
liuuanund deparlniental olorku, elf. Ap
ply to Intur-Buie Corrua. luat., Cedur
Kanida, la.
H. Moigua, of tlm N' York Buire,
lot ol Htmih Auiurioau ailverwara,
o'nl, thut will laal furever. The lint
ouiliriaea 21 aela of different artirlea,
"wliil aud oruauiuiital fur thu table,
"lien a uimluiiiera cah purchaae
aniouut to 25, he ia given a choice of
J"o ol the aota. The olfer ia a ipooiul
"'fount tor rami, anil tli artiulua are
raiitMd aulitl silver.
. John MrKle and Mitchell Buy have
wen awarded a contract to attpply the
triiiu,, (;QU1pany in I'ortlHiid with
iw,m ttone puving Muck, to be taken
J'oiu the quarries here. The rock will
uaed to pave the yard of the union
!"ight dt put iu Portland. Mor. Mo-
nav nave unnnHi rtniiuieicu
opntiart of making 2j0,000 bloika for
h City & iSiiliurbao Kailway llnua, who
are now laying the mime botvtuen tho
''Il Of tlmi, liu. La ilk IVirllulid. I.aat
far lliey furnialietl a lot of large blocka
rt'i "'?, Koverimiunt buildinga at Fort
ji tiuiuia, ami it now progenia an ai
"active appearance in the walla the uow
"'uclureaiit the fort.
Havea A W ontan'a ijlfti. ..
. "'o have given up would have meant
ili for Mr iila Cragg, of Porcheaier,
niiwi-y from a aevere lung trouble
"u an oliHtiimte ooiwh. "Often." ho
"rite. "1 ,-ould aoarcely breath and
"nietline, not Hom. All dootori
nd remetliea failed till I weed Dr. Kintfa
ltiaeovery for Consumption and
completely iumd." Bull'erera from
"ouglia. ColQa,, Throat and Lung
trouble needa th.ii grand remedy, for It
"'vwaiaaapoiutn. Cure la aruarantoed
M tu St. Ilelenf. Pharmacy,
Mr. Perrjr'i Ulrthdiy FbmII Be
Mrr. Eliulieth J'erry, of Ifoullon, the
only lurvlvlng plorwierof 1845 In Colum.
bl county, eelKbrated her 76th birth-
Uty iMt ThorwUy, July 17, 11)02. It
lo wm th rjcrimon of family roan
Ion, allot the niKht children boing per
mit, nd Including the granduhildran,
them wr preaunt 80 peraoni. 8, A.
fclloa, a pioneer of I860, wm a giiMt of
the ocranlon, ha having lived with the
I'erry lanilly fur a iniiuliiir of yi-ar, nf.
tr turning to VlinliH county. A din
wr w one of tiie (cMtiireaot thercuii
nu, anil in ma evening the i-mire part v
wi"enUirtined iitthejiiie id N. A.
J'erry, where Ire rrnaiu wan Inrlmlud in
till) liiniin anrvi'd.
following are the iinmi of the Will
In n priwnl; frank I). I'erry, M.dul
l! Maria Hhlnlall'ur.Caall Kick, Hanli.;
Kiherca Ualluwv, Dnign, Union
county; Rarah V). ImtHirhoii, Hihk
ixv Oh. H. l'rrv, I'ortlmidj Mm.
Minnie llrou. Univeraitv Terkj N. A.
and Ueo. W. I'erry, Uoulton.
There I renorlwl to he one earlier
liiuneer In Ciliiiiihin rnuntv, then Mm.
I' ry, Pr. 0. U. i;ple, "of Cohiuibia
The (Iray Crawflnh I'nrty,
Mr. and Mr, M. 0. Uray dnllghtfullv
I'lil-rUlned a minilinr of their friend
wilh a crawlhilr party lat Hainrday
cvoning. The prngrmn wa a Imnt riili
oil the CohlMiliia to rilvUm' falntid.
rliore tho rrall-li wait aervnl in a do
Imhlful eiiot. and a mnonlirlir ride
limno. The memlier of th party wre :
Mr. and Mr. .Unrtln W'liiitt, Mr. and
Mia. J. II. Collin, Mr. and Mr. W. II.
f'owell. Mr. and Mra. Kuaene liliikeii-
17, Mr. and Mr. M. ('. Oroy, Mi.
lounri'r. Miwea I lr emu Ukw. Ma-
llda Mnt'kli'. A mm tiixdve. Winnie
Wny, of I'nrtland; the Miw lKx knr,
alkin, MihM, liiti t, t lifiliticrn. Whit-
ti-y, l-uta Wiutiiuy, l.itie Hull and
(lie Ml YuiinKwr; Mi'itr. Dr. Kdwin
U.iei, r. I), li. Ktuart, C. K. lnllon,
H'aaliingtim Mni'kle, Mr. IilfiTtv, tJIcn
nulkin, r.rneat ami Henry MuKiliben,
fuige rtiillnuuk, Alfred I4ggtt, l)acar
A Cataplag Party.
A merry crowd of HI. Helen people
left early Wednesday to camp in a ahauy
canyon, near the CHOtown coal oiine,
on the upier walnr of the KcapiKvw,
nboat 12 mile from town, fcmne of tho
party went on the train lo Warren aud
walked out, and other were driven in
vehicle. Thry expert to rutiirn Satur
day. Thoae aupponed to be in t amp at
Una writing are; .Mr. ami Mra. Migeue
litaktmly, Mra. M. C. Gray, Mr. Hall,
the .Monte Klie, la cker. Muekli, Whit,
nay. Ueoripi, Wliitney, Urtte. If all ;
Meaar. I'alliiu, Hall, Sinait, I.alf.irly,
iiirire ami riiilnruoK.
Itr. Itnaa, Wah. Murkle and Kugene
M ill- acuointiniiiid the party to Ihttir
dtialinaiioii, tmt returned withtlte team
on the a nt day.
Hong Recital at Kalnler.
The Ming recital given by the HI. Ilel
on and Kiiinier pupil of Profeaaor
J. W. IWlrhcr, in the K. of P. Opera
liouite at the laltor place Tuemiay night
waa greeted with a htrgc audience. Kv-
ery number wu entliuaiaatlcaliy ap
plauded. rolloMiug waa the program:
Miaa leouora F itcher.aoconipanliit.
Male quartet, "The Hridge" . . l.intlaay
Mvaar. liuluiter, Jolinaun, ixmriie,
Baritone nolo, "The IaM Cuid"
Sir. K. C. U.tilon, til St. Helen.
Oontiallo and tenor duel, "Hock of
Age" Uilihle
Al ! U race IJarl itiitl air. j.w.i'uy,
of Hi. Hulena.
Soprano eulo, "The Iwitw I Love,"
Mia Kuhv Juckaon, ltainiui.
Tenor liarilune duel, "Hecunae," lluwur
Meaar. Ilelclier, ol I'ortliind, aim
Uaiuel JiM'ktiii. of Kaiuler. j
Tenor eolo, "The Heavenly Mtmg," Urny j
Mr. li. It. JoliiiMitoi IC.iliiiiti'.
Ttio, "ileurOnr Prayer" Abbott
Mra. J. U. Walla ituM nleitt-ra. H.iy
and 1)bIioii,o( hi. Helen, iiiao Urate
Dart, auL-uuipuaiat.
Male quartet, "I'm IStit a Striujger
Motmra. Ikklier, Juluisoii, uouiue,
Contralto aolo, "Kleo a a Kird," Dana
Miaa Oracti Dart, Nt. lit lena.
Haaa nolo, "Out on the Weep," Lohr ;
Mr. Kubert Yount, Kamier.
Hoprano aulo, ".Uwrnl," Mt:trnlf
Mra. J. li. WallvM. Helrii.
lutiitouo a.'lo, "Foruvor Vnli tno I.ortt"
, ' ' UOUIluU
r. J. B. li. Iloiinte, ltjhner.
Soprano and (enur duel ... ...
"Oh That We Two Were Mavlng "Hinilli
Mr. Tyim Jolinaiiii, ol iiiiiier,Btia
Mr. J, Yv. IJtdcher, ol Pol Hand.
Dr. Edwin Bo entertained a inim-
bor of young piople at Ilia home Vl
neaday evening of lat week.. The oc-
caaitio waa tujoyed imiuenatjly in me
bachelor quaiter. .
Aunaal Coanty Teacher' lustltute t
be Held at UuUkaule.
n.mntv Hiinerlntondcnt I. H. 0pe-
laud. ia home Irom iho Cbautanqua lit
Ulatlatona Park, and among h'a otlier
dutie 1 making arrangement for the
annual Coiinlv Teacher' Institute to
ba held at OluwKaiiie. in iaci, no
buay with the dutie of Ida olHee wiuic
at the Ohauiauqna, attending only thu
orincipal lecture It ia the intention
to hold the Institute cither tlio three
day beginning Augimt 20, or the t ilee
day beginning August :0. The Unte of
. . . i iA .... miiivii ti
the lnlllllie lieprnuo wu
lence of the apeakera and liiatruotor to
i ...ul Wiuiu Kniiei'lnuindtint At'K-
erman will boon the program lor a lec
ture for ono evening. ine
will be In aeealon for thrtie day in
ilead of five ai formerly, thn requiring
teacliera to at'ctid the full tlmo to get
the proper credit for attcmlauce. u
tlint-a. pant, when the l.iHlitute wa Iu
acealon for five dava, mimy timchei at
tended luat enough to aecure the proper
cretlit for aiwndance, but there in no
dodging Ihe Inaue tlil tune.
Bummer eomplaiut is unusnnlly preva
lent among children thla aeaaon. A well
developed ce in the wr.tera family
waa cuVed laat week by the timely uo
of Oliaiiitarlalii-a Colic, Cholera am
Diarrhoea Romedy-one of the beat
T" . .....n. .!,- oiuntifact'irett and one
which i . way. M-t on hand at the
ho, ne of ye ncribe. Thie ia not intded
" n if for the company, who do
, .1. a. but to benefit
WS.i-Y & 7iu!iiv
... .,n ill a uhyalclan. No family
r&!fi?JutZJ aWtle of thi. medf-
elne n the bouse, especially In the sum
, ' tlme.-Lanl..g, Iowa. Journal.
auuuiu w " in u
mar - , -; -,' . pi,.,,,,.,,.
sale at m ""
wwierlhlng the Scenic Orandear
ilong The AnUirla and f'olnrubla
Hirer Kallroad.
The neateat and moat uttractlve pam
phlot ever pot out by an Oregon Hallway
Company I "What the Wild Wave
Hay at Seaside, imued by the Aatoria &
Columbia Blver Railroad, under the di
rection of J. 0. Mayo, the general pa-
tenger agent. The half-tone engraving!
now to eioellent advantago the wag.
nifliient acetiery along the Colnmbia
river a wull a mnny view of aoluitl
auuinmr life nnd m iMiin iocalitm lit thl
popular eeiiaido remirt. The roadbetl
of th la line wu cuimtrni'litd in ll.u
moat Hiilwi.iitUI Wav, the trmk cou-
iKting of lifavy ateel rail, which ore
firmly faatened to thn aiibNUnlhil
undei pinning, that it ma dt-lhlit to
travel and view the uiHgniitient pano
rama nf aceiieiy. There la no inure at
trautive place in Oregon ttiuu the
luwer Ouluuibia and Heaaide.
The New Logging Bullira.
Coi.iiiu Citv, July 22 Mr. Editor:
Hubert Wharton and myself have Just
relumed from a trip of inapection of Ihe
Columbia City 4 Nulmleui Lomrin and lotrlvu you a clear idea' of
the worn, thought it hotter to writ a
abort artiele for the paper. The road I
now graded for three utiles Irom the
river and one mile ctininletitl. The
bridges are about One-half unialicd. and
now with the help of the donkey eu
gina, I am told by the aunerintendent
of the road thai within ai. weeks, losa
bo put into the river from the foot of
Mount Herd.
Tho Com nan V haa secured a taim
body of as flue llr and cedar timber as
there ia In the county. It is situated
on moally level ground, thus affording
the Company every facility for shipping
quantities ol good quality timber daily.
The road will cost about f'iOOO per
mil--, ibe greatest expense being in the
construction of the bridges to the sum
mit of the niouniaiu. There is but 1H
tle rock work, mostly sandstone, which
Is easily removed. The road run
tluotigli a coal bank, a paint bank, and
a strata of lire proof day. There also ia
a large deposit of iron on the top of the
mountain. No doubt, in a short time,
all theae valuable product will go into
When I look over tbe country now brt
iug developed, afler so long being de
layed, I am prone to think I wa born
too noon. However, my children will
come in for the prollta along with Ihe
enterprising men now at work. Alloa
me to aay in Ibis connection that there
are no men o valuable to the country,
or ago in which they live, a thoae who
risk their time and money iu tho devel
opment of the resources of tbe country,
morally, mentally or nhyaically.
U. O. Cai-lk.
Bebert Bejeakl, Vfbo wa Charged
With tbe M artier of Tho.
Dooley Koaerated.
Menlittn wa made in thi pitper
week of Hie death til Tlios. Dooley, and
the dincliarge of Ufjeki from cuattalv
on a charge of !aauit. After the Mixi
went lo priin, the coroner' jury con
cluded II inveatigittiunii, and r turned t
verdict thut the deceaned came to iiir
death from lung cuugi'sticti and heart
failure. It waa lalu Friday ktlemtxn.
before the coroner's jury completed iU
work. A chargu of murder had been
prefrretl agaiuxt U'j?.-ki, but wlieu ti e
preliminary hearing aiuie Up, the
pri oner wan discharged iu accordume
with the verdict of the coroner' j'Jry.
There were no witiKtise Ij Ih tirhl
hot a ten Keinaki ai:d Dixdev. and the
Htoritta the two men told of the trouble
lid not corroiairuie each other. Tho
lying alntniiient of Dooley was thai thr
mows reeelveil lixnn K 'K'xkl chukin! In?
death, but this was not borne out by
the lertiiuony of the phicia ih. lie
jr-hki contended thai. D alley's injuria
were cauetl by a mil, elihongu he ac
knowledged having struck bim with a
amall aiicx.
The DtKdey farm, which the owner
40 Acres Four milta from Scap-
poo.', ii acres uuuer cuiMvauou. t'j
acres lieai iug oridiard. log house, suiall
barn, all Icucecl, (
47 Acres One mile from Warreu
Hlatiou ; new house, all fenced, ttoiue
improvements, 15U0,
o Acrea One and a half milea from
Warreu. IK mil from 8t. Helens,
small house, small barn, some orchard,
all cleared (or plow, WOO.
ao. Acres Three and a half mllita
fuitii St. Helens; creek run through,
110 Improvements, $400.
ia Acres All fenced, nearly all in
hay, in town limits of Uoulton ou
N. P. R. R.. U miles froht St.
i Helens, water pipe along aide, 000.
( 8 Acre in Houlton, good orchard
J mid good buildiiiiis, water pipe on
(premises, )l 100. Both, 1800.
13.36 Acres Three and one-hnlf
miles from .Vancouver, (north), gorst
prune laud, not uiearou out. teucuu,
1A0 Acres tine and one-half miles
from KidgeUultl, Wash., all nuder wire
fence. 6 acres nruiies, 15 acres iu grass,
aud can be cultivated, (5,500.
386 Acres On bachelor's lsiauti,
nearly all cleared, small oreharU, 0
betid graded cattle, 6 head heavy draft
horses, dairy and farm implements,
good dairy raiicli, $10,000.
in AtrCS Villi) tune iruiii nwrroii
Station, box house, all aluaheu, goou
soil. $S00. .....
IT lores Tltree-lourtu nine irom
St. Helens, new house, all lencea, $O0.
l.n Acres Une mile irom veer is
I,..,, I Kljitinn on N. P. R. It.. 7 acre
cleared, new house cost $000. 1,000 cords
nnrl nn nlaco. small orchard, si.uuv.
100 Acres On Scappoose bay, a
tributary of tbe Columbia river,
mostly cleared, part bottom and part
bottom and part high land, abont two
acres good, young bearing orchard,
well fenced, gooa 5-room nouse, pins-
tered, good cellar under house, good
vail nf water under do rob. Kood plank
barn with silo of 75 tons oapaeity and
ideal borne, $52 50 per acre. '
82 12 Acres Beside above piece.
tiLurtv all cleared, old I f chard aTOod
tkarn. nnnp hmiM. 152.50 DOf acre. Of
j both, $9000.
M. L. Chamberlain, clerk of the state
land board, has furnished Assessor Mar
tin White the list of the following per
son who have been deeded state land
for the year ending March 1, J902: W.
N. Meserve F. K. Hanford, S. 8. Stew
art, Mrs. Juniata Maclay, Nathan 0.
Dale. . ...
The land office at Oregon City alao
furnished Assessor White the following
list of persons receiving patent for tim
ber claim and homesteads in thi coun
ty for the year ending March 1, 1902:
James A. McKarland, of Astoria ; Adt
Itna D. Hardin, Porltand; Tliouaa B.
Kliner, Ajo,ria ; John M. fevell, Van
couver, Wbi.Ii.; Albert' V. Webster,
Portland ; Jumna P.. Walker, Arthur;
Samuel rcefull, Vesper, Or ; Robert
lleutikoler, Pnrtfetnd ; Urnver P. Miiler,
John M. I'li.lei-wood, K. M. Siirgent,
Portland ; Josef f leleit, Oowlilx, Wash. ;
Maiius Petlemnn, Kenny; W, H. Con
yeis, flattie J. Conver-, Clntskanle;
Otto H. Kulper. Valley; IlolMtrl T.
Himpsoii, Buxton; W. A. Wool, K. P.
Burns, Pittsburg; 'Albert Ford, Verno
ninijohn Aitken, Warren. Kannie M.
Wilbur. It. M. Wilbur, Portland ; Theo
dore B. Elmer, Wet-ort; John B. H,
ver, Kitinier; (Jeo. H. .lohnsoii, Braiuia
port; Anton Kmsutrki. Valley; J. M
Undei wotal. Portland; four aoldieia ail
tlitinnal hnmcsteaUa. Martin Outseulal.
Keany, Or-.;- Addiaorilj."iir1olehkii'n,
I'.acoua. Lnrs P. Swironsr.n, Klnt ; ls.tac
T, Wllsrmi Yariklon; Arrliam UrousC,
Uuxtoii; John i-'itieledin, Keasv; Ju
lius II, Cramer, ,.cob II. K. Cramer,
Monntaindale; Mra. Bir. Ilio n-:lark,
Verntuiia; John Held ye,: Vallt-v ; Geo.
A.. Kelly, Clati-kanier Hwnry Ktitldi
man, James Williams. Mit : 'Nolson J.
Tusaut, Ooble. , - i
The new sale til be pnrrukacd for the
court bouse, is to be used for the slier-
Ifl's and and assenst.r s book's upstairs.
There is a lack pf vanls room fur many
valuable records.
The annual report of Comity Treas
urer show Hint, thete was JV,6U3 HO
Iu the general fund July
Doable Wedding at tioUe. ,
There wa a double wedding at ii:e
church at (ioble last Nuiiday boioae uu
audience ol ithout 2UO ople. rue op
ularcontriicliug parties ueie Mim Mury
Neer and John Karr, andJliss Myrtle
Joiwluraud U. M. Karr. Kov. V. V,.
Phiibnvik.of Houltou, waa the oHiciut
ing clorgyiiian. After the wedding
ceremony tho brid:il cotiplea' went to
tbe home oi Abraham iucr, where a
sumptiioiia dinnee waa served under
the cherry trees. Tim bildea rt reived
many beantiiul presenla. There were
bowers of rice ut the depot. The
Farr Brother wero formerly from
Pennsylvania, while the brides are na
tive daughters of Oregon. - '
Messrs. HuiHh A Murray s re push
ing t lie win k of improvement iu and
about the Muckle mill, and several
men are employed. Leu Decker t
night watchman, Mr. Smith' family
was here this week, and are hnviiit
some diilk-uiiy in teeming a rcfideuce
willed to T. B. Wallace two or tbrte
houra previoua to hiadealliisa valu
able piece of property, aud ii fairly well
-Ua;krd. li i bee from iuvuuihraiu-e,
except $100, Wiiiuh Dooley borsowed
when he got into the late trouble.
.Seventy-livio d. '.'era of this sum remain
This will save your Life
By Inducing you to use
Dr. King's (lew Dissem
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
The only Guaranteed Cure
NO Cure. MO Pay. Your Drug
gist will warrant it
Grip, Influenza. Asthma, Bronchltia,
Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any
AfiecUon of the Throat and Lungs.
Segulax Sic 00 cent aad $1.CQ
459 Acres One mile from IVor Is
land Station, railroad trains row through
place, mostly cleared on Columbia river,
part bottom! but the greater portion up
land, good orchard, good builditopJ, silo,
00 tons capacitv. $30 per acre.i. ,t :
160 Acres Three miles from Scap-.
piio.-o Hlnlion, some cleaied laodf aumc
fruit, some fruit, log house, good bam,
Acres Three uiiU'S flvire
ran, aOottt ou acre ciearen. bct w,
chard, Bi1 buildings, ro'ail 1hl lh;-e
side, well femcd. $o0 per acre. .
160 Acres Bottom laud, $20 er
acre. ' '
House and lot in St. Helena, nice resi
denee pro per tv, good ort-hrtl, $1500.
Ixtta in St. Helens, 67x100 leel, $15 to
(50 according to location. -"
Also o;sl tiniher lands for sale.
80 Acres Oil land in Mao- Louis
Obisiio county, Caiif., price, $1000.
A Sawmill, Timber aad ITuutc Bar
gala. 1st. One sawmill complete, capacitv
20.000 feet perdsv. two engines; one 11
1I8 aud the other 10x20 with flutlicietit
boiler power Iu operate, one planer uud
one small gang edgor.
2nd. Standing timber on 4H0 acres of
land, (conservative estimate). 10.000.
000 feet merchantable biuv timber and
100,000 coitla of wood. Accessible t
the mill 60,000,000 foet oau lie bought
on easv term.
3rd. 'Quality of timber flrst-clas?, (yel
low rlr.i
4th. A complete logging outfit, con
sisting of two thst-class logging donkey
engines, wlttt JO.WU leei 01 eaote aim
.11 mwaan annllanMa for losffina,
5th. Three mile of mala flume, (will
err a stick of lumoer 1ZXIX ana 00
feet long), and will carry luo.uw reet 01
lumber per day or 100 oord of wood,
6th. One branch flume one mile long
for cordwood purposes, wood chutes
dams, eto., and other necessary sppli-
nueea tu nunAiii
7th. Shipping facilities unsurpassed,
rail and deen water.
8tb. A sale lor slab wood and a steam
boat trade of cordwood of from 800 to
600 cords of wtsid per month. .
Local demand for lumber aooui flow
10th. ITice, $30,000,
The baseball tournament to be held in
St. Helen about August 20th, M an as
sused fact, antl should receive every
substantial encouragement. The newly
completed grand stand In the St. Hel
en baseball Held is a commendable im
provement and a thing of convenience.
A meeting of the promoters of the
tournament wa held Wednesday even
ing, and the following officer were
elected: President, W. A. Harris; fec
retary, W. A. Wood; treasurer, Dr.
Rons. It I proposed to distribute alxnit
150 in prizes, and the secretary was
directed to aaeertaio what team
nlll parliciptiit!. flieie will probablv
be ria for ft lacee. No tlntea for
the tourrianient were tet.
A gfKl itanie wn played in I ho home
tield lant Sunday liet ween a picked team
ol Portland and the home tiitm,
ilie latter winning out by a srote of 8
lo 7. The Portland taatu came down
tiiiHii ixtn im-i d nnd Ixiaated that they
weie going to skin Hie boys, but they
The St. lb lens learn will play ' the
Rainier team at tbe latter place next
Kvcrjf Haiuitlay Kxcoralon Itate COii
ClatMop and liong UCacli, via j
A. A V. It. Railway.
Keif inn in Sflturdftv. June 141b. an I
every Saturday thereafter, during the I fv
suitinier t-eaeoi, the Aatoria fi Coluiuhia ! d
Kiver Kaiiroau toinpany w in S"ii citinu
trip exeitision tickets from all eUitiotis ;
lielwecn Portland nnd Clnt-kan'w inelu'
sive, to all points on Clatsop titid return
at rale of 2.fi0. Ticket liuiif'd, torr
to return Sunday evening. CIomi eon-,
nection at A'toria wilh atoumer jah- j
cot'a to aud irom lng Bench. j
Collina A bray cjiTry a large s'ot-k of :
gcueial itiPrchit'uili-o' and their price ',
are rcils-iuabli'. Cttiion them when you j
want anything. i
Mea nt, liiley A IJrinn, of HtHiHon, i
arc making a aecialty of Alaska sal-'
iiion. Uid qttality, and only 5 cents a j
run. . j
Until wheat flours at Collins tO"ay's. :
Statc Normal School,
Monmouth, Or.
Graduates of the school are in con-
-taut demand at salaries rarziug Hon
40 lo $100 per month. .Students Ukt-
tbe .-tute cinmimttion dnricir tliei
course in the sehool, and are prepared
to receive state ceitihcates on piailua
tiu. Exnsea range from VM to
$175 per year. Strong normal course
an t well equipped training' department.
The tail term .open September ltli.
lor catalogue continuing full informa
tion, ad.irefa
K. D. KErtSLKtt, President,
Or J. P.. V. UUTI.KK, Secretary.
Watts & rrice,
-DKA1.EK3 W-
Flosr and Feed
Choice Groceries
Staple Dry Goods
Best Quality Shoes
Hardware and Notions
v -e.evw f ri
Department ot the Interior,
Luna OSic-c al oreguu Cli jr. Oregon.
Jutra 21l, li'Oi.
fiJlon Ins named settler Iiae AlsU uutu-c ot
niR fniontUiu to nnike fitiHl pi-oof in aupporl uf
lila elnim. antl tllut said proof will uiado l e
fnrerounty clerk of Coliimiii eannty. al St.
Helena, Oregon, u AtiKut 2id. lfOJ. vis:
H. K. 12041, for the suW of section 30, lown
sliip& 11. r.tmre 2 weM. He thu foUuvr
tn witneme to pntve his vontiuoous reidnii
HKii and l ullivatlou ol snid land l: Kick
Dupont and Fred Hoeier, Valley, O.cirivti; Aa
ron Kvlli-y, tluiilinn. Oiegou, and Willhoa
Miller, ui St. Helens, Oreaoli.
t'H A KLKd B. MOOBKS, Register.
niuleralBiicd ban Uou duly anpo'nted hy
ih- ( imnlv tnurl m llie Plu:(, o( tinuou fov
t' county aiunlui-lrntnr of Hie eetati' ol
Jacob Aluxiiniler, ueceaseit, a-iii has niialttiea
a Kiich.' AH person hiivins elaitui aaahiit the
i.'.A ..i.i. lfl ..H.b.,,1 Uu, k.a.n In imi, AliXt
War-iLaona,', troi4tliiiatemh puWicatlon ol
r.. r., ( .ii'iiiui.iiv..i
Dated at St. Hftfiic. July ism, lvft!.
undorNlKtit'd ai'.iuinUtratrix ol the estate
f Aimou J. Oi win. deeeaxit. has llleo with the
elnrk ol the County Uourt of the Mute of Ore -
....r. i.,r i',..ii.i.i i'.iimii r. i.iv leiiurl anil final
acuount In the artinliuNirat.oii oi said eclat, i
and that tne -luuire of nod t.'mirt liss tixed
Mourtav, the n uny 01 angiiM, i. "
v'cha'k A. M. ol iimiiI day, snd tho l ouHioom of !
u.i.t i..,i,ri mm ih.. timi-un,i nlm.. for the hear i
mi- nl mi it no, nit and account, at wntun nine
nml auv wtid nil iierMin iutere.sted iti Mild 1
..uOkir, inuv iitwur uud obiout or cotitet the
auuia. ..... , I
Al . K 1 j. uan to, I
Adiiilniti-atrlx of Ihe estate o! Anson J. Or I
wie. doeea-ed.
Iatvd thi- 30lh day of Jane, Wi.
Umhain ik Cltailon, AlUnueya for the Adulii'
Intratlix. .
D. J. swimer. at lbs Admtntatrator of tbe
eatateof Miehael J. Canty, deeeaaed. in Co
liimbia eoiintr, i Ihe atate of Uregon, uuder
and by vtrtno of an Order of th. Ilounty Court
of Kirl Columbia oounty, made iu th. matter
ot th. said etat and dated July Sth, A. D.,
M. will at the trout door of the County Conn
Houa. In th. City of SI. Helena tu aald County,
at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon on
Saturday, the 1Kb day of August, A. O., 11103,
proceed to oner for sal. to tbe htahaet and beat
bidder therefor for cash, or not leas than one
hall to be paid at lb. tin ol th. sal. and
th. remainder within not to exceed one year,
all deferred payments to lie aeenred by flmt
mnrtsase on the property sold and to bear In
terwittaT at eight per cent per annum, all the
right, title and internet that the eaid Michael
J. Cautv had at tbe lime ot hie deotb, in and to
the following deaonbed real property situ
ated In anld Colnmula county in the Stat, of
Oreuon to-wit: The Northwest quarter of 8eo
Iton Five In Township Five North of Bang.
Two. Wtut of Ibo Wtllamelta Meridian.
Dated at 6t. Helens, Oregon, this July Sth,
u. J. BWITZBR, as Adtulnlrtratot of the Ke
ttle of Mlohael J. Canty, deceaiwd,
I . H. UKUfiEa, AUoioey let th. AtaUnis
, tatoi.
We Expect to Get It
By giving you just a little more for your money than
you can get elsewhere.
We Eipect to Keep It
By DcBii-g you a qu tliiy of gnol that will lavariabl
give entire Hatiafat tiun. .
?tf A SnnwhOnrilitv of Goads 3
St. Helens, - ...
"V ill-S;
Patronize a drug store when you
want pure, fresh and reliable
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc.
A Fine Line of Writing Supplies.
Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc.
Direct from Pflblislier.-Regalar 25- ent Noiels Only 10 Cents
L5k'k',vrv vav-v.
How About
a k yo
" woort
vol! diirk
reoorda aiul
tilled, li tun rnntnlui.late luivlt'C IM-.I or loSlliTy UKkneV on r,-l-
e.-UiteMecurity, take no man's word, but in5iM ti.fln kuowins what
the recorri nbowa reaardtiisttie title. An Alutntel ln wn'iUi as
alvd. imiitou t.ivluir it. We hr the onljr set f rmiia
bnoVa iu the eouniv. Ail work pr.:mvtlj'xecittol aad naitsfscttoa
auaruDieed. If you have proj eitv tu liwitrsstvr ne a call iri
afteuu tor the best lire inituniiii'e nnnpai.iee in the wi ll. 1( run
hare proparty for eale iUt it "Uli us and w wiil aw) a btter.
m ......
at.;, c,,...
Hew Method of Gold Filling
This is the latest and most scientific method uf Gold Filling.
No Hammering. No soreness of the teeth, and none of tli'ne
Dreadful Headachts follow this Painles method ol (iold Filling.
Dr. KHODER, Dentist,
J TP Onca Hocae.
Theodore s. Thomson, Dentist, '
Information and Appointments by Mail.
Rooms CO and 61, Washington idg.,
Take l.Uator to fifth lloor.
Carry a full stock of staple and fancy
1 Si
Goods Exchanged for Produce.
! W
If A Man Me To Toa
And say some other salve, ioutmsnt,
lotion, oil or alleged healer i a good a
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty
years of marvelous cure of Piles, Burn,
Boils, Corns, Felons. Ulcers, Cot, Scalds
P.ruise and Skin Eruptions, prove It's
the best and cheapest. 26c at frr. E.
Ross' drug store. 1
We furnish Tu. Mar aad rVtwkly
Oregon ia. for $.0C a year.
" -----
- -
Your Title?
it ii all rivhtT Remember thai it H the
oveni. It i our bufclnw" to emrch tt.e
hotv hl tlicy rai.taiu in fetation to Unit
317, Failing Bld'g
Portland, Oregon
'Phoxs. gSjS
isoutheaKt.cor. 4th ash. streets,
Tbe 8tate Normal school at Monmouth
report that tbe demand for its gradu
ates during the past year ba beea
much beyond the supply. Graduation
from the Normal,. practically assure 1
place worth from $40 to $100 per month
Tbe students take tbe state. xaminstlont
during tbe regular coarse and are easily
able to pass on all subject required fo
state papers before graduation. The
school baa a well equipped triininj
department coBSitir of a nine reu4
tow a school and typical et
schoel. ' ' . . ,.'..,-:.-.'.-