Scrofula Few are entirely free from It It may develop so slowly M to etuM little 11 any disturbance during the whole period ot childhood. It may then produce Irregularity ot the etomacli and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, and marked tendency to consumption be'ore manlfestliia' itself In much cutaneous eruption or glandular welllnit. It It beat to be aura that yoa are qntta free from It, and for Iti complete eradica tion yoa can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilta The beet of all medicines for all humors. A Dlffertec. Remus (haughtily) Misa Johnson, Ah'd lak a little undorstandin'. Yu sed yo wudn't marry mekaseyo didn't lax de way Ah gambled, en den yo' went en accepted dat crapshootin' Gawge. Hiss Johnson Dat I Jea de tea son. Ah didn't lak de way yo gambled. y0 always lose en Gawge always wins. Chicago News. Bad Family Example. . Brown I don't like to read tales which show that geniuses were once unruly children. Jones Why? Brown They merely encourage laxy parents to believe that their unruly children will all turn ont geniuses. Detroit Free Press. THE AMERICAN BOY, Tea say yoa were "ben acre that settles tb matter:" , Net quit; perhaps much aa the marching end BnlM The burning of powder, the dla aad the viacier Oa e euna ot July making soldiers ot boys. Ten eee. the American standard wee set Quite high at the lint, aad it's rialug etlU No American bor le allowed te foroet That hs cannot be great through the tame w mm etre. The b who are great ea our history's Thetapeaka et our work tor ear first biuv drlt VMFB. Whoee fame le Increasing aa age after age Rolls backward, tu Uruwa la the gulf ot toe years, . Are great from the tact that they stood for mt ngni. Regardletta of person, of place, or of pelf The battled Hh eetl thar rw Into eleht w the good et their follows, forgetful of seal. This la what la expected, lou mar hare been bora la the elums of a dtr. or far la the Went atoagut the ehlmmeruig plumes ot the ripening corn: Or Brat aaw the light where a king's gold- crcec OTeraehadowed the land; where the poor turnvu uieir eyes Froni their hovels, far out over mountain and wave. To the euneet Republic, where liberty's uiets Smiled down oa the k orate ot the free and taa brave. Being born aa American, can't be denied Ulvea a nun a fair start oa the highway of fame. Or of wealth, or whatever else he mayde dde To deaerve, to achieve and attach to his ADVANCE IN PRICES. Bladcr Twins Market Riict Half s Cast sad b Still oa the Up Grade Confirming predictions in our former comments on Binding Twine, prices have advanced one-ball cent per pound on all grades. This advance is made on the strong position of the fiber market, and indications are that pres ent prices will be maintained, although even higher prices may prevail in the very near future. Consumption will be larger than an ticipated as, from farm papers of the Mississippi valley, a larger amount of twine than usnal will be required for the oat harvest, an increase of at least 25 per cent by most conservative esti mate. Wheat straw is large and grain lodged, thus demanding more twine where only an average was looked for few weeks since. This means a shortage of twine in the East. A careful canvass of the Northwest indicates that home manufacutrerg are well prepared to take care of the market of this section, and native pride would dictate that, other things being equal, home products should be given prefer ence. Brands with no superior in .quality, and an excellence such as pos sessed by the Ciover Leaf Brand with lower cost per 1,000 feet, also market near at hand, dealers should not hesi tate in making up their orders. At present, however, heavy shipments are being made, and orders should be placed at once as better attention can be given Bat whoever would win mast be ready to irws; Be muat eara and secure before he may eoJor: la aU the wide Aeld there's no sheaf for the saints It meaaa this to be aa American boy. Too may sot be selected tor perilous tripe uver mountains ana glaciers, or entrapping aa sail la enemy's the van Of the fleet for ehlna. Thea take to the wares on a catamaraa. But yoa must be reedy, and stand by your wherever yoa And them, ss firm as the earth. U yoa would be proved one of Uncle Sam's eooe By lawful adoption ot fortunate birth. Then hold your head high, your eyes on the stare And etrtpes of oar banner, your hand Arm end euro; Ton will win. though you carry an enemy's Like Oalahad atrong because you are pure. Stand fast for the right. Look well to yosr Build yoor life ot pure gold, with no grain of allov: Do your beet If you'd win yourself loftiest praise. And deserve to be railed an American boy, Margaret Holme Bates. UNCLE SAM CELEBRATES. .. ..I i ..I IKS GIVE Iff PE-BII- Ni CURED tern v One hundred and twenrv-elx vears old to-due and fwlin' flk n a kitten. gosh, Minneapolis Journal, tt I IMHrtHlflfUHtlH A Premature Fourth. BY UCfc 10 (LOW K7 NCIPIENT Fourth of July enthn Jlsiasm was astir as the MUlville ac- commodatlon rolled into the donor. to early orders than where bunched so discharging a cheery-faced, portly gentle- near harvest time. 'Four The Octopus, "What!" ejaculated the man. hundred dollars for that dress?" "Yes," answered the wile soothing ly. "It is the train that makes it so expensive." "Ah-h-hl" groaned the husband, "that cursed railroad" trust again." Baltimore American. man of SO, carrying a bulging satchel. He came out on the "market street In time to get a shower-bath from a pack of firecrackers flung by a crowd of nrch ins, enveloping him in a veritable "biaxe of glory!" "Hi! you young imps!" he roared but the coterie only grinned, for their victim was chuckling aa though he enjoyed the excitement, tossed them a quarter, and laughingly strolled over to the farmers' wagons lining the square. lnere s the best-natured man 1 ever did seer the occupant of one waa re- She Had 'Em. Miss Kewlyrich was being taught "larking sa the man ssuntered up. bow to play beans. A diamond was led, and she played a club. "Have you no diamonds?" they asked her. "Oh, she has a quantity up stairs," exclaimed her mother, proudly. New York Evening Sun. She Acknowledged It "Beauty," we remarked, sagely, "is only skin deep." "Ah," murmured the vain damsel, "I am so thin skinned." Bat we told her that it was just as painful to skin a thin skinned as a thick skinned person, and walked haughtily away. Baltimore American. SItepy Gran. Sleepy grass is found in New Mexico, Texas, and Siberia. It has a most in jurious effect on horses and sheep, be ing a strong narcotic or sedative, and causing profound sleep, or stupor, last ing 24 to 48 hours. Felt It "How long was I up in the air?" asked the victim of a subway explosion. "Oh, about a minute. Why?" "What a long time to be away from New York!" Life. DAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the seat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are knewn by various names, but are all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons in the blood that irritate and interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood most be kept pure and healthy. The maay preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders and lotions generally aaed in this class of diseases cover np for a short time, but cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red, disfiguring pimple. Eternal vlgllmnom I the prloa of m beautiful oomplmxlom when such remedies are relied on. Mr. H. T. Shobe, 1704 Lros Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., says: "Mydaugbterwessffiictea for years with s disfiguring eruption oa her face, which resisted all treatment. She was taken to two aelcbralcd health springs, but received no bene ftt. Masy BDediciaes were prescribed, but with- atrt result, uniu we aeaaea to try a. o. a., ana oy Any of these rigs going down the old Fork Road?" he inquired. "I am," nodded the other "thirty miles." "A lift of two will suit me." "Jump in. I say, stranger, you're the beamingest mortal I ever sot eyes on I'd a-chased those bothersome kids with the whip lash." i'stisw was a boy myself once, re torted the traveler. "And beaming Why shouldn't I be? Just back from the Philippines, easy conscience, some money, snd come home to bsve a jolly Fourth with my best friends, Bolfe Burton, an orphan from an early age, had experienced some hard knocks and single-handed, had fought his way to quite a competency, Two miles from MUlville lived the only relatives he knew. They were the Phil lips and the Ames families, occupying neighboring farms his half-consins. Be had drifted down here a tew years back, and they had made it very pleasant for him. Especially had young George Ames put himself out to entertain him, and quite naturally winsome, warm-hearted Alma Phillips discovered a kindred friendship. A great idea came Into Barton's mind; these two were msde tor one another. They were very young only sixteen then but mutually in love. It would be the object of his life to nurture their pretty engagement. They would marry, he would endow George with at farm, sug gesting a life-tenancy for himself aa a compensation. Then came up the Spanish war. Burton caught the martial fever at home and the real malarial in the Philippines. Now he wss coming back to carry out his original plana, and was joyful as a vaca tion school boy, as he Jumped down from the wagon "Hello!" he expended, as he neared the Phillips farm. "There's old Beth, sure! Mil rosred the great, bluS fellow, and nearly shook his cousin off the hay rake with the suddenness of his ball. "Weill welll" spoke the farmer, star ing. inis la a surprise!" Thought It about time for a wedding see?' rollicked Burton. "So, bobbed down on you hey?" "Wedding who's?" muttered Beth, crsbbedly. "Who 7' retorted Burton. "Who should it be but George and Alma?" "Bhet up!" shouted Phillips, savagely. "Don't mention any Georges, or Ames, or that rascally tribe, to me!" "Bh! what's hsppened herel" stared the astounded visitor. uo up to the house, I'm busy, but'll Hold down Nothing but the papers in this pes tiferous dispute between Ames and Phil lips." answered Kusseli. "Because I've got some extra hasbsrd- ous In my satchel!" half-laughed Bur ton. How's that?" A dozen genuine double-headed Chi' nese giant fire-bombs. Brought 'em clear from Manila to celebrate Fourth of July with the Phillips kids. Looks, though, suggested Burton, ruefully, "as if there isn't going to be much celebrating around these parts!" "I fear not" gravely replied Russell. "I suppose you know the bone of conten tion between these two stubborn-headed old fellows ?" , "I don't, but I want to know," assert ed Burton. "Well, you remember the eighty-acre strip that lies between the two fsrnis belongs to the Morris estate. Last year Ned Morris leased it for ten years to Ames. Same time, unknowingly, Lids Morris leased It to Phillips. Both claim ed It. Neither would give in. They've fought like cats and dogs over their re spective claims. I suggested they use it alternate years. No go. I've got the leases in my document bag there, and I've come down to aee if they won't fix the matter up." When they reached the Phillips farm s joyous brood of children surrounded "Uncle Kolfe." He wss kept busy dis tributing newly minted dollars snd agreeing to help them shoot off their fireworks, and act the festive old boy generally. Provided with the means of replenish ment the children set off some of their stock in hsnd. Meantime, old Seth came in from the fields. Burton snt on the veranda, watching the stubborn-eyed farmer while the lawyer explained that he and Ames must compromise or go to law. Law be It!" cried 8eth. "I'll never give in." Bang! An awful clatter rent the air. The spot where they had left the lawyer's horse and buggy was a maelstrom of lire and detonation.. My double-headed Chinese bombs!" cried Burton. My legal document bag!" quavered Russell. This had happened: The youthful Phil lips brood had thrown some crackers into the buggy, fire had communicated to the contents, there had been an explosion. snd Uncle Kolfe's cherished importations had gone up in smoke! "Hurrah for the Fourth of July!" Uncle Rolfe wsved his hst with a will. "But it isn't the Fourth of July yet!" piped a tiny nephew. Hurrah for the third of July, then!" rosred the whole-hearted visitor. "Glory! Buggy blown to Binders, horse run away, Lawyer Russell scared to death, but all the same hurrah!" There was csuse for Jubilation. Uncle Rolfe hsd come as the good angel of the occasion. Now, four hours sfter the explosion, two shame-faced neighbors shook bands. and "made up," and meekly smiled upon happy Alma and George, cooing among the rose bushes. The explosion had ended "litigation," for it had blown to Binders both of the leases that made the eighty acres a bone of contention. "Two well-disposed, lifetime-friend cronies fighting over a bit of land!" ral lied Burton. "You stubborn old noodles. II soon settle that. Knew what I'm go ing to dor" - Ail hsnds looked expectant, for Uncle Rolfe was always dolug something grest. I ve deputized Russell to buy the eighty acres for me. You, Seth, shall sve half of it to till; you, Hi, the other half for a year." "And then?" inquired both farmers In voice. "Why, then," crowed Uncle Rolfe. rap turously, "I shall give it to George and Alma. The thing's settled they're going to get married next Fourth of July!" tsetimetbeSratbottlewasfiniahedthc.ruptioa jhurry through and join you soon. v l"." JrVrLi? on-ssy, Burton; you're not going the u now seventeen yesrs old, and sot a signet to see Si Ames?" challenged Seth rough- ihe embsrrsaslBg dlaeaac has ever returned." ly. S. 8. S. is a positive, nnf siting cure for "Why not?" the worst forms of skin troubles. It is "Then drop me that's all! I'm through the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the with that rubbish; you can't be my friend nly one guaranteed purely vegetable. and hls'n, too!" Bad blood Daa complexions. "Whew!" whistled Burton, trudging on. purines ana mvigc- He sst down by the wayside, finally, rates the old and make new, rich blood that nourishes the body and keeps the Hia wits were askew. What, indeed, was happening? Things seemed turned sll topsy-turvyl He got np as he ssw a light buggy ap- kin active and healthy ana in proper protchng( ,4 recognised old Lawyer condition to perform it part towards Bussell. There waa an Interchange of carrying off the impurities from the body. freetings. The attorney ststed be was It yoa have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt , first to the Phillips farm, then on Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skm is rougn , Ame, place. and pimply, send for our book on Blood ru wfth Anything vsluable and 8kin Diseases and wntt our phyai- h Squr a',ke(, Burton, a. he plac- ""Vi '",T.C- No charge what- ed hu tche, the ,eat nt t0 JTI?T moSS. CMMBT. ATLaSTA, lA. attorney', document baa. gronad and destroy the works. The two sets I repaired Is done on a different plan than when entirely new, for the teeth are screwed on the bsrrs Instead of bur ing the bars cast red hot on them, which is the reason I believe they dissolve so soon near to the bsrrs. Signed your very humble servant, John Greenwood. Dated New York, Dec. 23, 1703. Adepts In Art of Hasina;. Hazing Is no longer coiillned to the colleges where men receive a "higher education.." The girls of Sage College, the institution endowed by the wife of New York's famous denier In puts and culls, hare risen In their might and de clare that such plenmistrlcs sliull here after be a pnrt of the Institution's cur riculum. The other night the freshman toastmlgtres was "suddenly set upon by the sophs," says a veracious clirow Icier, but the freshmen "held their ground bravely and a long struggle fol lowed." The toRHtmlstress was cap tured, but afterward escaped. Anotli er freshman speaker, however, was ta ken. "hustled Into a cab and driven around the city during the entire even ing." being released only after she had made a speech, standing lu front of the restaurant where her classmates were making as merry as they could without her, "extolling the sophomore etnas.' A form of Interclass pleasantry said to be much In favor among the young women of Wellcsl. y Is the sprinkling of flour on the locks of freshmen and sophomores, and vice versa. At Ynssar the students In the second year give some form of evening entertainment In lienor of the bashful newcomers. But Vassar and Wellesley are not up to date, nud they are only girl's colleges. anyway. They order this matter better In Ithaca. Mrs. X. Schneider, 240P Thirty- seventh Place, Chicago, III., writes: After taking several remedies without result, I began in January, IOoj, totake your valuable remedy, Pcruna. I was a complete wreck. Had palpitation ot the heart, cold hands and feet, female weakness, no appetite trembling, sinking feeling nearly all the time. You said I was suffering with systemic catarrh, and I believe that I received your help In the nick of time. I followed your directions carefully and can say to-day that I am well again. I cannot thank you enough for my cure. I will always be your debtor. I have already recom mdeded Peruna to any friend and neighbor ana tney au praise 11. 1 wish that all suffering women would try It. I testify this according to the truth." Mrs. X. Schneider. Mrs. Fanny Klavadattcber, of Bum mltsvlllo, N. Y., writes a follows) "For three months I suffered with pain in the back and in the region of the kidneys, and a dull, pressing sen sation in the abdomen, and other symptoms of pelvic catarrh. "But after taking two bottle of 1'e- runa I am entirely well, better than I ever was." Mrs. Fanny Klavadtascher. Send for "Health and Beauty." written especially for women by Dr. 8. B. Hartman, president Hartman Sani tarium, Columbus, Ohio. Not Exactly Cem'oHlnj. Admiral Schley was strolling around the picturesque naval cemetery at An napolis, the otber day, when, happen ing to meet an old tailor, he said, in a kindly way: "Jack, this is a beautiful spot." Saluting, the weather beaten salt. replied: Aye, aye, sir. And it'll he still finer, your honor, when soma of our good admirals get planted here."-New Yotk Times. Tk Stulark. . n,n.. ,lnM durlns? TM Sgyiara ei'iiiM""' - - winter, and there is a Hootoh proverb , , ' ll.n nffuct that if It M W II It'll ruii. ... , heard before Camllemaa thnre will be bad weather after that porlud. A Studtnt ol Itumsn Nslurs, Muggsy-Yoiiso diva 3 lor tie pair of trousers at de rummage ale? Why, dey're too tight and too long for youse to wear. . Hwipe (elatedly) Sure! I knew that If I could find da gen - I ..II. .. am ta cllt Sll ll d glinm 5 for 'em to get 'era back I Puck. 1 fits w is WArais Lrtioi-rBK4.00iti.n..i..i..iir-. CklCTuNi. L "m" an rula4.lhla.a Diamonds at Csp Nomi. Genuine diamonds, varying In weight from one-half carat to a carat, have iwu.11 found In iilacer denosits on Oolo- via bay, 40 mile east of Cape Nome. Miner found the diamonds while washing out gold. u,t.. sill ftnit Mea. Wlnalnw'a Booth- i . i. - k... MM.a.l f nae. flue their shlldrsn during the teething period. Msg O'Rsiri Philosophy, Life Is not worth living unlos you can, when the winter ol 1110 apprtmi nes, till thoroughly enjoy a game ol mar ble with little boys and telling long (airy storlt to little girl. Mai O'Kull. frix Coupon, With every can of Monopol Coffee, 8plca and Baking Powder we park a numbered coupon which entitles you to certain valuable prima, dewmlliig on the number of coupon you have. II you want a sample coupon and a sample tin ot the finest sph you ever used, send us two 2-cent stamps and give ns the name and address of yotir grocer, Send to Wadhauia & Kerr Bros., Port land, Oregon. Sarcastic Wife (reading) Another mysterious suicide nan throw himself from a cliff. Husband (thoughtlessly) Bet hi wife was at the bottom of it. Wife Charles! Husband (hurriedly) Of the cliff, my love; not the suicide. Collier' Weekly. BANKING BY MAIL. FARMER BOY CELEBRATES. Mm! ISp A Convsnknl and Helpful System far Rural Ruldsnts, Special attention Is called to the an nouncement of the Portland Trust Com pany ol Oregon, which apiwar in another column. This is a very old and well established trust company. and its certificates of deposit are in use throughout Oregon, as well as In Cali fornia. Maryland, Wisconsin and other points. Farmers and stockmen, who hsve money lying idle, can by the use of these certificates get interest up to tne very ante on which they withdraw the money. If, for example, a farmer had to make a payment on the 15th of Decemlier, and he held one of the Port land Trust Company of Oregon's 90 day certiorates, he could give notice on the loth of September, and would re ceive his money on the 15th of Decem ber, with interest up to that very date. The trust company will lie glad to furn- isu additional information upon request. Spring School Dsyi. Teacher Didn't you write this ex cuse (or being late yourself, Henry? rtenry lesj but futlier told me to write it for him. Teacher And he signed It? Henry Yes'm. Teacher But I didn't know vour father's name was Henry. Henry buess he must have forcot. Teacher I think it was yon who for- got Henry. Boston Transcript. Dark Hair I nv used Ayer' Hair Vigor for a great many years, andV though 1 am past tiglity yol,0, myVeVd." nolry "fin Yellow, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich dark color vour hair used to have. If It's gray now no matter; for Aycr's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. f II.NstMIM. All intuitu. If your SrnrelM cannot supple vw send us mia dollar and will eipreie! you a Imlile, He sure sml alts Mm ual it Jour nearest esiitesnenW AiI.i,m. J.UAVkutO.,leirM2; Ths Better Choice, "Za Mis Mllyons, It Is said, spun', thousan'a of dollars on in bonttei alone, my dear count," observed tin baron. "She Is ra one for oyu," "No, my dear baron," was the r. ply, "I vill mnkti so propoha) to hOT milliner!" Nothing quite so good to nllnv pan from many cuiih-s aais Hamlin' Vuanl Oil. 60c and 11.00 per buttle. Bolivia's Tin Mists. The flollvlnn (lit mine are sltnttrtl at an altitude of 14,000 f.-et ebov, level in the departments of Oruro I'otosl, La Pas and CochaUmah. ' Ladles Can Wear Shoes One slie smaller alter mtn Allrn's fnot rW ('urea ewolteii loel, Itllsiere and rail. lUs.inuti Is a certain rut tor Iner r. . in nails, .Kcaiint hut, ahlnit leet, At all lrtiKlte, tie, i-tj pa, taut. Kid K I jf mall. Addrvss AUee, tolls, sted, Islto'. N. V. rine Burt .of McKlalty. Mr. Emma Cadwalnder Guild hii just completed a Quo bust of the lit ('resident McKlnloy. It Is prononni! one of the most lifw-llke productloiu yet seen. HOW ABOUT IT? WtMrnratlr1kt tnMnp with th or1f(iswy pah citl nuiwrr. mthiMf lipwu tixntt m Down In llieVljOT lliiMtratimi nJ iiir-r mtm ail pub cut, fttit I will Uiii fitwjH tit ChADiplofl lmw('ut Mttwor, 'l ilt nre to !' iliaii pniMMtir MrJt lh br will rlj th rboti rrvai gmaiMi, tler trevtlon nd rtttlhtg ptiwitr. Wilt) lt L'tmtif ptoa lrw (til Ut oiitrur It lb nmutt pr tur Mfint !) lutr la boftvy ruitltt sir tfwnwr jsuil, hoUttni tli wh 11. iff to ih irrrMititt. InrrtAMotf trwtton, mora puwr, itmliit. ; tha itnjt -wrftit cutitr on mar Tht fart ataitfU oitr1i5ptiM, mmi if yoa want ifaa beat oiuwvr nil, uuj tit Ltuuuixuu lira ir Cut. Kni fur hnnk of iMtlmrwital Mian from linn drtxUaf ttallkthtsMl rmtontr all over I'rrttin, WMiilnri"'. i Idaho. Ml M IIKI.U I.tuVl4 Ml A V tt lu., Ufiiarai Auia, ft'urUauit, (r BUY THE OK MOWERS Tha hr-l hm of fnp'ltllii. la matta nia hiitaa "Jul aa aa U-i ntmuu Klfir mt of avrrf tiut'dir. ttHff auid arvuitd tha wurtd tn-iu ti tiauia tu anuu f all aa the ntml, aseiil, or CATA UAitK MAI1..U hr A. II. BOYLAN, (lee. Aft. MK'iieml k llareeailne 0 lt)ttTLANU, OHlilltlN. at . r. m. v. Ve. S7-ltet. lirHKM rttle, t sxlvertlsera le I I? saaaMass tbla smper. "TUB OLDEST TKUaT COMPANV IN OKKdO.M." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY of OREGON INCOHPORATBO A PHIL, at. ISS7. BKSJ. I. COHr.K, President. B. I.KB PAfiKT, Beerelarr. The Portland Tmst Ceespany el Or.eon tasues Interest Hearia Certltkates el Deeeslt en the F4tolnf Terassi . ,,"lairrtflfatesof rpne)t,Bn leas than ,,(,. fat. 1.1. limn ten darr" call hr Ke holder or ten daya' nolle l.y the Trust i vmeanr, ,f Zi ,"t suuuw. 1 ay. . eUB thirty days' , .1 or thirty days' nutir. a', ,-r ,Vt ,.r an, I'aysWena nlnetv .lays' fall or ntn.iy .lays' ,-nr nt ,r .."ii.iT. desired" " W W,U I14"1 1arterly ur aeml .riniially M PORTLAND TRUST COMPANV OP OWBOON. 109 Third Street, Portland, Orefoe. OKiI c;UKiN! CORN! I e tc, rn.,., .. . .. V.,t. , .t . I SWEET CORN, IS Vsrtstls. FIELD FODDER CORN, t Varieties, POP CORN-Dob'I fergti That ; " in ,e mrn sinrna are mre nrmiwraus than othi.ra In the ..,ia V ll la eeii la nlana iu. in. i ... UMBERSON. Portland, Ore. Youth of the countrr wakei uu to tba tint George Wore False Teetb. Darin the latter part of his life Wash ington wore false teeth, made by a dent ist named Greenwood. His teeth did not fit well and pushed ont his lower lip. He hsd s lot of trouble with bis teeth, snd there Is In existence. a copy of letter which his dentist wrote to him year before he died. The dentist tells Washington that the old set of U-eth hlch he sent him from Philadelphia was very black, snd that it must have been discolored by his soaking them in port wine or by his drinking too much port wine. He wsrus Washington that all wines containing add are bad for the teeth, and advises him to take out his teeth after dinner and put them in clean water, and should -any holes be eaten in them by the acid, to nil them with wax and seal them tight with a piece of red- hot iron, such ss a nail. He closes his letter ss follows: "If your teeth grows black, tske some chalk and a pine or cedar stick; it will rub off. If joa want jrour teeth more yellow, soak them In broth or pot liquor, but not In tea or aclda. To preserve teeth they must be very often changed and cleaned, for whatever attacks them must be replaced aa often, or it will gain The Lost Chord, At a concert given at Fakenbam the orchestra, which comprised a violin and violoncello, were not well up at reading from sight A tenor, who bad been engaged lor the evening, commenced a little oper atic selection, which entire!; put t ie orchestra out Violin turned to cello and exclaimed: "Tom, duw thee know where the tenor be?" "Noa." "Well, thee keep on the open string. I'll niouoh about a bit; we'll soon find him." London Spare Moments. 'r ri'iaiaiiiTTr' : 1 lie Knew It Wai ft a rah. An old man would not, believe be could hear his wife talk at a distance of five miles by telephone. Ills "better half" was In a country shop several miles awny where there was a tele phone and the skeptic was also In a place where was a similar Instrument On being told how to operate It he walked boldly up and shouted: "IIul Ion, Sarah!" At that Instant lightning struck; the telephone wire and knocked the man down. As be scrambled to his feet be excitedly cried: "That's Kanib every Inch!" J-aa-W ,ff . ' AVcfclable Preparation for As slmilaling Hie food anrtRecuia - LngmestouTactoarclxwijor Promotes Digestion.Chperrut nessandltest.Contalns neither Opuim,Morpliine nor funeral. Not 'NAnc otic. JRM.Smvm ' SBBVaaaeAtaM pTaf"sWoH rsaBBjBBrjBPasBjBBs, f eWBSAyJB A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stonwh.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsio na.Fevensh rtr and Loss or SUEP. Facsimile Signature ef NEW YDT1K. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of mi w a ift In IF Use For. Over Thirty Years BISHOP SCOTT K1DEM1 fuiUsiid, Orean. roun.leJUM i Ronti School for Boyi. miliary md Manual Tnlitlst Write for Illustrated raislmto ARTHUR C. NUWILL, I'rlntlpsl HOITT SCHOOL Parents delrln hme liillucnn-a, heanlllsl surrouiiillngs, mtlrrx ellmato, larutul laf" vis on, and llii.r,.Mn mental, mors snd ! Iial tralnlns Inr liirlr bnyt, will Snd all " reiiilreniina luilv niet ml Hunt's Hehoutlllsaa I'ark, Han Msien I'ouiity ct, lend lor t ataliimie. Iweltb year lienins Auauat 121 h. IHA 0, llull l', J'h. U,, rrlDClpal. "-ejar""-'eri TH,r., -iJ - - ".s DR. G. GEE P WONDI:RPUL HOMB TREATMIiNT This wonderful I'M- n" tiiici4ir is r"-.i src-nl hm-niiHe lie rl,n iikii1o wlihmtl ora- (ion inni are s"-r" -r turtle. Itn fan y ?w yZc1,! mm berks, rwils. tmM. 7'3yT;' 1 lrka ami veai-ialil nee In this conniry. Tliniuvl) llm im'' 'f t'lfW', harniloiie reme,.a Ihu fanunis il'tnr knin Hie . llm or over Hl ,1IIT.-i.-.ii nniinlles, will' n.aiiieMNrully u.fs In dift,,rei,t illwawrN. suarantei-s li mire I'tilnrrli, a'lluna, I""' tlirnal, rhettinatUm, ni.rvtjuli"wt, ilnniiMH. Ilvnr, kliturj., etr. i lint, tiiiii.ti.-cln nf l llnl' lals, ('liami-a ninilxiiilK. fall anil mm; rallema uul of llin uiir wrlm for hlaiili" ana clreiilsrs. Heo'l 4 in!n in slainlis, CO.NHH' I AHUM lfltltlii. Alllllll'.MH THE 0. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. I.I21; Thlru St.. IXirlUnd, Orcgwl. sasr Mention paier. J ( Summer Resolutions TAKK Til Kccioy Curo Sure relief from Huiior, iiiilum and Kibaooa bsblts. HoiiUtur isrtli)iilars w Keelsv Instituta KiSiaS r