The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 04, 1902, Image 2

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    orkgon Mist
K'lii-ri'd at the' 1'onollnv nt M. Ili-lwis,
Issued Evbrit Friday Monsiso By
Epitob and Fkoi'kiktor,
One copy one year, in advance. ,
tf?ix mouths. . . .
. 00
JULY 4, 1302.
Fjople who land at St. Heltons, or pass
np' and down the Columbia river on
any of the tweuty-fiv steamboats that
make temporary giopd here daily, might
imagine that lumbering and shirk's
Vuariutacturine were" tho only great in
dustries of Colombia comity. While
the tiniUtr resources of Columbia comity
will keep the mills running for years to
come, only half of the truth ha ever
"been told of its productions.
' Yhile dairying industry is only in iti
infancy, two Ursre creameries send
thousands of pounds of butter to out
'jdo markets, annually, arid the sh ip
ment of cream to Portland consumers,
daily are putting scores of small dairy
men on the road to affluence. No lo
cality on the coast is better adapted to
the growth of bay of several varieties.
In some eectioiis, near the Columbia
river, three crops of timothy are being
cut off the same piece oi ground in one
aasson. The luxuriantgrowth of grass,
feven on the highland), make dairying
anl the fattening of cattle especially
The only reason that fruits have not
been planted and cultivated extensively
for exportation, is tin fact that there
have been other lines of industry that
promised quick retnris with less atten.
uon tt) painstaking detail and a few
Vcari yaiticg. The possibilities of fruit
productions in this section are groat,
Besides the favorable conditions of soil
una climate, tbere is the aaaeq con
venience of a short hand to market
with cheap freight rates. There is
nothing to prevent Columbia county be
coming as noted for the production of
fruit as Clark countv, Wash., on the
opposite side of the river. Neither is
there anything in the way of it becom
ing as great a hop and potatoe producer,
within its more limited territory, as
Marion and Clackamas counties.
' Columbia county has everything in
its favor with both rail and river trans
portation. It takes rich soil to produce
the thrifty growth of forests in this
section, and when the timber is cut inti
lumber and wood, the wealth of the soil
can be turned into the -production of
farm and orchard crops.
Real estate trmisfcrs nud other local
nutter i vruwdtM out this week.
liurn, near Yankton, Friday, June
27ihto the wife of J. A, Wickatrom, a
'Born, to the wife of Erie Morton at
Bachelor Flat, June 27lh. a son.
TheEpworth LeagOti will have spec
in) iminc at the meeting to lie held
Tuesday night. Miss Daisy Watkins
will ba the leader for this meeting.
All commercial ndvortisenients for
the month of Jiuiesro pavnble to the
new mnnat;euKiit of the Mist, under
the terms of purchase.
The name. of Miss Hector Ilollis was
omitted from the list furnished this of
fice of the p'irticlMuiW in the drama,
presented at liniiiier.
Kev. C. K. I'hiibrook, who recently
returned from , trip to Eastern lOre-
gon, will preach in the Congregational
church next Sunday.
The steamboat engineers strike affect
ed the regular run ot boats hero for a
day or two, but most of them are again
on the route. : , .
The baseball team of Ridgtield Wash.,
! e.vne over Miuday and played the M.
1 Unions team on the home" field. The
game stood 25 to 17 hi favor of St. Helens.
It was AS illiam Mellinger, not Wil
liam Wellington, who was associated
with A. H. George in building the scaf
fold and enclosure iu the jail yard. A
new reporter on the paper precipitated
a mix-np in, the names,.
Ed Prous, of dray's Harbor, a former
rPsideut of tins county, was visiting his
brother-in-law. diaries l'erry, of lloul
ton, the tirst of the week. Mr. lirous is
uow engaged in the logging business,
near Viray's itartx'r.
The County Board of Commissioners
was in session Wednesday and yester
day, and adjourned until Monday,
when H. L. Colvin, the successor of
County Commissioner Frakes, will as
sume his duties.
Miss Mary L. Timmoney was married
to William Thomson at tlie resilience of
the bride's father, Thomas C. Tim
money, near Kainier, Tuesday, July
1st. County Judge J. B. Doan otlicinted
at the ceremony. The groom, Mr.
Thomson is a resident of Rainier.
The County Board of Pensiji Exami
ners, consisting of J)r. J. E. Hall, of
Clatskanio, and Bra. H. R. Cliff and
Edwin Ross, of St. Helens, held a ses
sion Tuesday, and examined several
applicants for pensions and peiitioners
for increase of allowance.
County Clerk Watt's report for the
month of June shows that the retxird
ing fees for that period amounted to
$:H4 75; probate and circuit court Iws,
d9 50; buck taxes paid in, $48 60. To
tal amount turned over to the treasurer,
1402 50. In June 1901, the recording
fees amounted ,to $143 90, and the pro
bate circuit court fees, $43. The re
port shows an increase of recording
fees over June, 1901, of 1200 85.
The piledriver has arrived, ami will
begin driving piles for Dr. Edwin Ross's
(new ortig store ouiluing. Itie new
j structure will bo across the street from
the present location and wjll be di
rectly on the wate front. The building
will be 30x54, two stories high, and the
lower floor "will be used for the drug
store, and the upper story for a hull.
The proposed building will lie a valua
ble addition to the new structures in the
District Deputy Grand Chancellor
Martin White installed the following
new officers of Avon Lodge, Jo. t2,
K. ot 1, Tuesday night : Chancellor
commander, E. E. Quick; prelate, Mar
tin White; master-at-arms, H. R. Cliff;
inner goaid, H. J. Waters; outer guard,
M. C. Uray ; ruaster-at-work, J. B. God
frey. Under the head of good of the or
der, there were several short speeches.
Mayor Grant B. Dimick, of Oregon
City, was a lodge visitor, aad made a
short addreen.
Dessa West and Muybel! E. (iurrison
Were the Class 31 embers.
The graduating exercise s of the Soap
poose public school were held Friday
evening and the two graduates, Misses
Dessa West and Mavbel E. Garrison,
were presented with their diplomas by
County School Superintendent, I. II.
Copetand. The das motto was "Begun,
Not Finished. The class color, pink;
and the class flower, roses. The teachers
were Mises Mvra J. Sharp, principal,
and Oerteiido Vollans, assistant. The
interesting program presented, was "An
Evening with Longfellow, and was greet
ed with warm applause by a largo audi
ence. It was as follows: '
1 Welcome. Albert Boyer
2 "Footsteps of Angela"
, Margaret IsWstw
"My Pussy Cat" Helen Watts
Hoop Drill. 12 Hoys and Girls
Life ol l.onglollow IX'Ssa West
Song , Primary Room
"The Village Blacksmith"
Leila West
"Evangeline". . . .Maybel Garrison
Dumb Boll Drill.. ...12 Boys
10 Boat Song Lucv Ieonard
and Elsie Boyer
11 "The Arrow and the Sonc ...... i . .
Ethel White
12 Club Drill 12 Girls
13 ".Mignon". :. Miss Maud Watts
14 "The Children's Hour". . .Roy Kioe
15 Topny Turvy Brothers 8 Boys
10 Presentation of Diplomas, '
Supt. I. H, CopoUmd.
( latskuule Briefs.
Following is an extract from the lead
ing editorial in last Monday's Portland
Evening Journal, in discussion of the
United States Senatorial race :
' "Considering that Brothers Fulton,
Brownell, Kuykendall and Mays have for
years advocated the election of United
States Senators by a direct vote of the
people. The Journal wonders what they
will do with the instructions given thetn
by the people of Oregon, in no uncertain
tones, on that question, by the tremen
dous vote for Governor Geer.
' "Conideringthat his name w&"placed
on the ticket by more than 3000 in
dividual voters as a Republican, which
is by far a more genuine expression oi
the people a nia'jority of a manipulated
state convention would have been, and
that 45,000 voters endorsed him for Sen
ator and instructed the Legislature to
Tote for hin. The Journal wonders
what exc-Dse that will exen pretend to
hold water can be framed for ignoring
the popular will?
' Cone;dering that while the Governor's
name was placed on the ballot according
to law, and that after all the matter of
getting on is not of so much importance
as what the people said about it after
his name got there. The Journal won
ders what the Legislature will do when
the presiding officers announce to the
assembled House thrt T. T. Geer receiv
ed 45,000 votes ?"
Columbia county republicans, gen
erally, are well pleased with the appoint
ment ot W, IT. Mathews as United States
Marshal. He did efficient work for his
party during the late campaign, as chair
man of the republican state central
committee.; The reappointment of I. L.
Patterson as collector of customs, at
Portland, also meets approval.
Thacy, the escaped convict has been
heard from at Seattle, and at Ballard,
sir miles from there. He left near
Olympia in a gasoline launch, after
impressing four men into bis service,
and made his way to Seattle. He and
Merrill have separated, and Tracy says
that he killed his partner.
Bishop Kenton, ot Olpmpia, who was
recently elected toUhat place, fieched
an eloquent sermon at the Episcopal
church Wednesday night, to a large
audience. The chnrch was tastily deco
rated in honor of the distinguished
visitor". A special choir consisting of
Mrs. J. G. Watts. Mrs. Euaene Blake-
sley, Miss Maude Decker, J. W. Day and
E. C. Dalton furnished the music, and
Mrs. J. W. Day was organist. The
Bishop is an old friend of Mr. Daiton
and came to visit him.
The Houlton Building Association
has tiled articles of incorporation with
the secretary of state. The capital
stock is if I divided into shares of 1
each. The incorporators are U. W.
Clark, J. H. Urie and Leslie E. Bailey.
The primary object is to acquire prop
erty and build a hall to lie occupied bv
Houlton Camp, Woodmen of the World.
A two-story structure w ill probably be
erecred across the street from the Meth
odist Episcodal church in Houlton.
The upper floor will be used as a W'ood-
men nail, aad the lower room will be
for rent. -The
State Normal school at Monmouth
reports that the demand for its gradu
ates during the past year has been
much beyond the supply. Graduation
trora tne .Normal, nractical v assures a
place worth from 40 to flOO tier month.
The students take the state examinations
during the regular course and are easily
able to pass on all subjects required for
state papers before graduation,. The
school has a well equipped training
department consisting of a nine grade
town school and a typical country
The Rainier Gazette has issued a very
neat program of the Fourth of July cele
bration to be held there today. The
orator of the day will be Hon. Wallace
McCainant, of Portland, and the God
dess of Liberty selected,, is Miss Rubv A.
Jackson. The marshal' of the (lav. is W.
J. Stacey, and the master of ceremonies.
S. H. Kistner. The committies are as
fol lows Chairman L. Sweet; Secretary
aud treasurer, J. B. Johnson ; General
committe. Dr. J. L. Eastham, J. S. Stod
dard, M. Ellis. Finance j. B.Johnson
Fred Trow, E. H. Joseph. Program
Mrs. M. E. Sherin,- Alice Perry, O. B.
Johnson. Sports Dr. A. P. McLaren, Ed
James, Ed Joseph.
Mi-ses Lncia and Dixie Ooimne are
visiting their grandparents C. P. Clark
and wife this week.
Arthur Hall is spending his vacation
from Pacific University at Forest Grove
for a few davs at least, wifh his brother.
Charles Haft, in town. .
Charles Hall returned Saturday from
a two weeks" outing in Washington
county, and is at his post at the drug
U. S. Bryant was here last week for a
day or two visitiu;; his parents.,
J. D. Bryant came front school last
week and took his mother to Portland
on a visit and for medical consultation
as she has become in invalid.
Miss Elsie Hughes accompanied her
father's sisters to Portland lust week on
their return to Wisconsin.
The McDonald bnildiim will be ready
for occupancy the Fourth.
The W. O. L. Co. Hume has reached
its present destination at the old mill
building formerly occupied by E. S.Bry
ant, wtucn is jo tie converted into a
planing mill. A dry house will lie erect
ed near by and the river utilized for the
transportation of dressed lumber for a
distance at. least.
Mr. and Mrs. Perrine announce that
they have censed furnishing meals to
the public. Rut they will give them
taffy and other candies and chewing
gum instead. Others will take np the
meal business however, so people can
be bountifully fed who nmv visit Clats
Preparations are coing on for a glori
ous Fourth at Clt.-l;anie, and the eagle
will soar iu oratory and scream in (ire
A noteworthy event at the home of
Mr. and Mis. G. P. Hiatt on Monday,
was the double marriage which took
place at noon. Their only daughter,
Madge, married Bud Bunco, while Miss
Bunco and Fred Hiatt were joined at
the same time, Rev. J. K. Hawkins per
forming the ceremony. It was a matter
of exchange of sisters, supposed to be
fair, you know, in matrimony, a in war,
and now that it is over, the first sur
prise gives way to best wishes for the
happiness of the newly wedded couples.
They went off on the train the same
evening to spend a short time with
friends before settling down to the stern
realities of life.
Prof. Kelsey of Newberg who has
been holding temperance meetings in
the county, delivered forcible addresses
in our town Satnrday and Sundav even
ings presenting the evils of the saloon in
a very graphic and convincing manner.
While a young man he is quite an ora
tor, and verv earnest in support of a
cause that should enlist the sympathy of
a much greater number of people.
G. P. Hiatt expects to take a trip to
Kansas and spend a little time renewing
old acquaintances and revisiting old
, The Haiue Old Ktory.
J. A. Kelly rVlnlos an experience
siuiilur to that which hn" happened l
iilmoKl every neighborhood In llw United
Slates and has been told ami re-told by
thousands of others. He says; "Utft
summer I had nil attack of dysentery
and purchased a bottle of Chmiiborhiln's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which I used according to directions and
with satisfactory results. The trouble
was controlled' much quicker than the
former attacks when I used other rem
edies." Mr. Kollv is a well known
citUen of Henderson, N. C. Eor sale
at the St. Helens Pharmacy,
Cut this out and take it to Dr. Ross'
Drug Store and get a box of Chamber
laiu's Stomach "& Liver Tablets. The
best physic. They also correct disorders
of the stomach, i'rico 25 cents.
Bnth. The Kind Yim Haw tvayj Bcaght
1 Have A Woman's
To have given up would hnvo meant
d.-ath for Mrs Lois Cmeg, of lWirchostcr,
Mass. For years she, had endured un
told Niiwy'froni a severe lung trouble
and an obstinate cough. "Often. ' she
writes,. "I rould scarcely breath and
sometimes could not sneak. All doctors
and remedies failed till 1 used Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption and
was completely -cared." Sufferers from
Oouehs. (-olds, Threat and Lung
Trouble needs this grand remedy, for it.
never disapoint. Cure is guaranteed
by the St. Helena Pharmacy.
Ooiie Fall to Try This,
Whenever an bonect trial is given to
Electric Bitters for any trouble it is roc
ommended for, a permiinient cure will
surely lie effected. It never Wis to tone
the stoinselie, regulate the kidneys and
bowels, stimulate the liver, invigumtes
the nerves anil purify the blood. It's a
wonderful tonic for run-down systems.
Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney
and Liver Trouble, Stomach Disorders,
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Khenma
tism, Neuralgia and expels Malaria.
Satisfaction guaranteed by the St. Hel
ens Pharmacy. OnlvSOcentH.
i)R.l).E STUART,
s. hTgruSek,
, ITTOJkXE Y-, IT- LA 1 J"'.
Otllso with K, K. quirk,
mu(U entrti-fit i "' Will VfJ"''0 Iu .l
Him tlfttiiulid loilteil States t;uurl.
-.itirrr iikad ok .ikuskv much cows.
V Applj'to Wm. Hel?uji'le, Kniniei. Orrnon.
Hon.Tov i'AJn no. & woonuKN ok
Mh- Wurl'l, meets vtTv ii.tin--l:v n':'hl lu
Perry', lull. HuulMU. li. S,e ,l,s. t'. ('.
Frkii I'-h istx. t'lerk
ST. MKI.KNH. : : OK'- ., ...
OVMC NKttU BMK-. NoTASV ft'ttl-lC.
W. C. Fischer, .
BAIN I Eli, :.0UK!:
R. P. GlUIIAM. T. .1. Cl.KUT.iN.
S0,'i MurtiiMiu imlMi'i;:. IVrtUml Oti'iten.
itt.lnml.Li Omity m4es will nveh e prompt
i w my W. It. lOII.Mtt)
hi. i 1-iLKNss OKhuON.
(lem-rill (U'ttt'ttrt 1H I'mtmof 0?tM:iU or h'
llUMtMt. AWtrauW Il'Hili tHl't'i;lly tvuw oiy
Dr. Ktlwii Ii'oss,
Physician and Stwgcon.
Notary IVni.ic.
Dealer ia Real Estats aad Maker
of Abstracts.
Leaves Portland on Tiu-aifAv. Thur!ay au-l Sut
nr.liiy m 7 . in. tor
St, Helens, Kalama, Carnll't Point, Rainier
r and Ktlso.
Arriving ut I'urtlamt Momlny. -,Vril-uwtny
aitJ i''rujsy 1 2 y. m.
Whri fnot ol eaiinon St. II. HOLM.tN". .lnt.
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware,
Repairing a Specialty..
207 MurriKtn St. Bet. Front & Hrt, POUTI.ANI).
DctMi 'tine nt of th Interior.
Ltiim Uiia:t m Orvj.-1'ii ;r.y. Urcm,
Slav JI, I'tf'.
N'orn-K m kukhv (jivkn t.iat thk
tuHoWnia; utm.t -.t ttler h r)i-d mi! let of
tils t-Uiiii aii1 that mhi (irodi will U? m. !. lif
1irc itie ('(inritv VWtk i ;oltimtilii i.'uhhh '. t
TI. K. Nn. for the SK' of section )h,T. i
N, K, 3 W. ili numt th oHovinx witf)ft-tN
to tvi hU t'ouiiii'i nw r"iJ('iu-M u.wm -nui
ttvuUon ot 'I infill, vi: nlKl V,
Hiid WHkiriftiti. of 1'jtir.titirjr, Or. ;,n ;
Jctfiu Kobem utxl i'iiurlu lio!irij, u( Wrimniu,
(ireinm. VAlXii. H. M')OKI.
Dr. II. U
Physician- and Xanjcon.
Physician and tfurgcon.
Dr. C. L. IlatiicM,
Physician and Surgeon.
y ...-I." k,a
Short line
assd Union Pacshc
r, i v it q
Tho Klml Yon Have Always Biiht. and whtjh hail boon
iu uno for over !)0 ,,or,w V'e ",r,Mt',r of
. tt,l liM lWH IlulelllMliT liln IP-,
SX , JjJZ oiiitlHJU rvlwl.u liiro lti lufttiuty,
lZc&ZCA-i&i Allow no ono t 1 vo you In tliln.
All Ooiiaterfeltm Hi.IUiUiw t..l ""ttr bu
flnstorlii liarinU'HA siibMHulo for Ctw Oil, I'm-. noltlivr OpUu". lUorpl.H.o nor lur Narcotic
wibstuiito. IMotroln IMvimmntoo. It timing Worm
2 a FcverlKhncM. It cure- Dl.trrt.un n.l Wind
Olio. It relieve Teethli.ff Troubles, cureM CoiiMljmtlon
nd Flutuleiuv. H ftiinllleH th PwhI, rsjfiiInUiH th JlowrlH. Kvl..!t benlthy n..l unttiml Hlenp.
Tl.o Cbildrcu'i I'muieen-Tlio Mother's I rknd.
Bears tho Signftturo of
w mw iff ir r f -v J s
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ol.Oi 1.1,1
-,i i,si!i crt i:hhi '-r-
EriuQo Timbsrs and
' Ties a Specialty.,
M-'l t A Hi
'mm! fivrliirc H't t'U'
Dimension Lunilier.
I'rice at the Mill, $6 IVr
t til'.-
City Market
ItcsIi and Salt Meat.
City lnut lit;."iiijj i-t, tt j..n
luiitU uri'l mitrttrtd riiiiii
ouni 'it rii.i.t n h dtimT Tt
t'furt merit of Hie Intt-rlor,
i.aiiii 'jttiye K.I, Uiuj"U ( itv, Or..
.IllIK- -Mri, 1 Kl'.
foli nviiiK-ntii-i.-'l 't l"f Hh t)h"i noitc of
Ms inicmioi) t:i umki- ii.i n" f.rof )n ni)'ifn t,i
!il cUIiiA, awl thitt m:1o iro: will be n;ao b,i
!otv tne 'iuuty cit:ii i! ( fiiuiutiin cuunty at
j ai. new .w, wTcfftm, vii AKfuhi. jui, iwz, viz:
j ' NICK M.'i''jNT,
IF. E tnr.-i. for the ot wiinn town-
shto 6 rturiri, tMi'M ii vt-' l. H,; nnmes the fol
li. w ;titf witu.-i;ri io tu. iMii.nnn.iiM rl-
lu(;y ujtou ami cultiv.' .f .v. Hi :il, vi.
Ivo WiiKtU-ke, 'it Vir!H, i.rnou: Kr;i.l
UWr, ui Vmlnv, Onfar-.n; A'lruit K.tlli'j', of
ll-tutioii, Uvf&iU. ami WiUani Miilt-i', of hi.
Helena. or-i:on.
Umls NitoinJ, who lilct contMst i
i.hnvj I'm rt- Miii- . VJi. U hi'ii.f
citft'l io uittitHf tj; ttt coufity v)frk of (
lutjibitt t'ounty, at Ht Ht'leus. OurtU, on A;i-yii-t
2wl, VaU. to nhuw '.'HUi-e why rtii proof
Hiiould not t'tt i!loe i,
i'JUKLE II. MOO It KH, Reg5ttfr.
vi Hinu
K j.
M:M)m. in.
Vlti llUllt-llU'toii.
Hf. Until
Vy Mull
to lf v. m,
VI ft
i TJMK ht
FHu.M I'
onti, ouiHli't.Knti
XH t 'itj , Si 1-i'UI.-,
Mitt Ijiki- IVnvi-r. Kt
i V'oriu. tJioritm. K nn
! f 'llh ufra hii1 Kttnt.
1 a jt. m,
JutV, l tt ) 1 hi till, M.n
ncif'oii?, I'aul,
iMit'itti, MihvniiltL'i',
l'0l 'OSt'I l,Al.
All wJtfliiit: au- i:b
t elit;tit.
h p. tn. For .-Mil Kri(ti-(. ro
t Suil BVfrv tiv tiny,
KT'uiUy' Oolumbi Rlv.r
. m. -xo Anton ami) Wav
JM. in. 1
A.lUmfcttfi Hlvor.
n . ' r i"-r: jfftio;.
Hx.MUninv i. ... ,..
j WHy-lmiit'm, J
t, oi.
4 p. m,
n. rn,
Vt, tt, MOV UK.
T, to. h i,i.A(
St. Helens Hotel
Vi,i..ue Movitk, r"i!i.,
Again to tln rutilic.
Mi dN St-rvwl (in Sliort N'nlii-r.
l'.i'ils 2 1 Cent, .Mfulo 2A CViitd.
mo inns is cosshtrm. nouns
IV 11 A V 10 CeSfS.
St. HRI.KNX, ; Ormio.-.
7 n m,
Tik.. I'iiiir.
.Willun-ttr .rid Yam
: hill Hiv.r.
; Bltl 1 iiy-lul.'ltwjt..
t 1- Ull.nrin:
l:0r,,t. ,. i
x .Uiin. j
SnakA Fllvar.
ipilti lu Uwt.lOH.
I .:) i, rn
I.v lw ron
.Uily ut
k) n. m.
(!.V M,,I).
HlllKt ItlV ( ;,.nt., Tyyf,,,tM,- A... I,.,........,..
urt,lcrj-itnl(fl HlrujiilitrrtirU 01 tha vtte
of Anfiti J. Orwitr, dweuv I, lnt'4 filed wirlj the
cl.'rK 01 the bounty court ol the Mate ol Ore
KCn, tor ColmnMu t-oiiuty, u;y ryfori mi.t fl:,al
aooonnt in tho ailntijiislrrttlon oi ai,l fttit,,
anfl thut the Jixltt.- of t-aitl (,'ojrt hu.f fix!
Uon.lay, the 4lh day of ArkuhI, ftlt, M 11
o'titoflt A, M. of mul tlay, and too courtroom of j
caid Cour!. nn the time hu, ,hit:v for Mte hear !
iijxot said report ttiil account, t which time i
place any aixl ajl pcrou. iuiere. u.vt fit aifl j
Muic may utear uitd object o contest tha I
auie. . . i
MauV u. oiwii; I
AiJmlniBtratrlx o( th entate ol Airnou J. Or
wlir, flecea-.e-l.
luted til in 30 1 h il.y ol June,
(irbtiant LlecUm, AttoruetH lor the A'lmin.
'OTK'E 18 IfEKKBY ".tVKN By TlfK I'N-
UC'I executor of Ihe ("-late of Hi,,m
11 iler.'
k. Khtitto a, ie
'illlllr I.,l!,, .t Jm- H, JK7M.
N .-, ...'''-''l'" "v- "reitoii. June ITtli, Mr'.
II Hf.Ce Wfl), ll, r.l.l.,..u ... y
l. ouire of .fnrt,, :i, ih7h. eutlii,.,! An art f,,r
!t. thai he ha. ttl.l ill III. Z ... V- '".""" "" "
ol'co ol the ;oimiy Clclk of (Jolucl.ia c.o.oy, j .y ;,i , " I, i " l'"", I,'''"'
Wtawof (ireitoi., loi final accunl. of bl. n-lmiu Kv nH Tt A I Iw?" UTi.'i "'" 'il'V1 8"""?
Ihimtlou upon W.l ciato, loaether with III Ini IMn" eo,,,, wTli " ". '-!
final reoori and pelltlou for .lixtil.utloli of Ihe i ?. I ! i ,:, . ' , ( ' .' "tine o! Ore
rendue of,l ertale. and for Hie Bctl,;in..ut of ,,. ., ;;, - V-L ,'" V, "'" "!'"r"
account; and thai Ihe lion. .1. 11. Iioau. j w1; of wiIou'moY in u!JLt,'!'r!'i
I wild court, h.w ii i,;:itcd lion lay, ihe , rani; No. 4, an', ilo
of Jo , U, Ui two ',,a.k ,11 tl, afler- ,,t Ule land iowhl ft, 'v.f
Columbia eounty has had its first ex
ecution for murder, and its citizens hope
t will be the last. However the Sheriff
and bis deputies ere to be congratulated
iu the humane and successful inannur
in which they carried out the uiaadato
of the court.
"I am usin? a box of Chamberlain's
Ktoiwich & Liven Tablets and find thum
the best tiling for my stomach I ever
used," says T. W. Robinson, Justice of
the Peace ,Lumis, Mich. These Tablets
not only correct the disorders of tlie
stornache but retrulate the liver and
bowels. They are easy to tnke and
pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale ut the , Helens Pharmacy
In the County Court ol the fttata ol Orapoo lor
Colurnhia County.
In the matter ol the entaje ol Elvira. Ana
Bear. tleceaHed.
To Mary E, Fry, Erank Beam,. Fred E. Hears
and to all heir, devise or oen-on fitlerei'ted
in the above rotate, whether k lown or uu-
J. You arc lierel.y cited ami re,iilrd to lie and
an the time, ami tlie court
Ihe court hoime Iu t.
heariliK 'tld
Meed More Help
Often the over taxed organs of diges
tion cry out for help by Dyspeptic's
Eains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches,
iver Complaints, Bowel Disorder..-.
(Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They are lientle,
thorough and guaranteed to cure. ' 25c
Just at this time very little is being
aid about' the probable successfuil ' , t ite St. Hclons Pbaruiacy.
.... T...-..JI, ,..i C. ... , I -
canuiaate ior onioea m.uie oenaior,
who is to bo elected at the next session
of the legislature. Will it be Fulton, or
( m e'e. or a durk lioree?
Bean tha ' ) 6 Kind Vou Uw t,lM fa
iper in the i-'ouniy Court ol the Hintc ol Ore
gon, for the County of Columbia, at tho court
room tnereoi, ai the- court Jioue in the the afd
county of ('oluuilifa, on Monday, Ihe 4t!i rluy of
Aiuruki, r.B, ai iu oci,a:K lu the forenoon ol
Raid flu y , then and there to Hhow cause, if any
cxlut, hy an order el sale should not he maile
annraycd lor tn the ietllion (lied herein bv
J. V.. Hall, aduaiillrator of nald eriate, for the
ale of no much of the hereinafter deerlbcd an.
late asihall be uevewary, to-wit: l,om (1, 7, S,
13. 19. 25 and 31 In the Mavcar P. I C Iota 11
and 1H in the E. II. Bryant It. I,, c. and lot .1 In
auction H, all In township 7, north, of ranifc 4
wert, of the Willamette Meridian, an Kurvi.yed
and plaited by A. li. l.lttle, county nurveyor of
,od cuumy, and filed In the Circuit Court ot
the State of Oreiron for Coluuihlii ciuntv, Ore
iron. April 7th, I'M. n of Pecernber Z7tli.
AlaolotK Inbli,lt6; lot 2 In Mia 7, and
lot 1 in block S, nil In Bryant's flrrt addition
to Cliiti-Vanle (or Hryantvllle), a appears by
by the filat tiiereof now on lile in the ritlieu of
the Cotioiy Clerk rifawld Columbia county, Ore
trou, all of the ala-ive dewrlbed proiieity btiiuir
situated in Cojiifubia county, fireaoit, to pnv
tiie coats und eXpenrea of lulmlnietiatloii rif
said en'ute and the clalinnhflrein.
IVitiiesi tlie Hon. J 11. Dean, .lurti;o of the
Comity Court of the Ktak' of or,, iron for cii,,,,.
bia I'otiiuy, tli I Ml-, day rif June, Mr.. (
Thin Citation is publi'lied by order oi the
Hon. .1. K. Poou, .iiutiie ol said Court, mailt '..mi I
d,t!-d June Htllh, V.w.
H. fitiihani, AtUirnsy for Aduilnltdrntor
it mi I account
judge ol
7ih ilav
teruooti of Haid ibiy
room of said court
Helena, Oieiroli. as the place, of
fltiitl aeeoont and said Hind report and petition
ior me oiwiriuution oi ine resume ol .sum e'ate
and the sett lemelit ol the same, at which time
und place any perron lutere.ited may appear
ami tile objection. In lvrirlu to the same or any
part thereof. TIIOK. A. CI.ONINi.iKK,
Executor of Itic eitale of husau li. hhattilck,
deeea-ed. W. II. i'owell, attorney for executor.
Department ol the Interior,
lentil Otlieeat Oregon city. Oregon,
June 2ln. mrl
11 lollowfnir-natned selller has t ed notice
his iiitemton to uotke linal proof in support ol
his claim, and (hat said juoof will be made be
fore county ele.a of Colombia county, ut Hi.
Helens, OreKon, on A iikusI, ytid, itSL', viz:
II, E. 1'JWS, for the wi'A ol section m, tnwn
ship 5 n, rurttfe 2 west lie name the follow
IhK wilnet'ses tri prove bis continuous resldiuiee
upon and fuiltlvutlon rii said land vi.: Nick
IJupont and Kred KloeU-r, Valley, Oregon; Aa
ron Kelley, Houlton. Orettolk, and Viillluii
Miller, of .-II. Helens, Oregon.
CllAkl,l(H II. MOIIKEH, RcKlstcr.
Oflice of i:tiunty Hurreyrir,
HT, Hki.kmb, Ok., July 1, 11IT2.
11 Courdv Hurvevor will oil Ihe ilst dav of
July, law, subdivide itecnr,lliut to ihe law ol I'Mil.
section WI, township 7 north of ruuiio 4 west,
oi Willamette Meridian.
Liated July 1, l'MU. W. T, WArr,
C'ountv Surveyor.
nn. ,'l north.
proof to show
SOU.' ll fl l,,r.. ..I .. r. .
, J ... I...- . , .., ,.,, ,.,1-
,,,-, ,,r ..too,- iiimii ior iifricuttural purposes
and to establish hiseli.lm to said bind-before
the rcclstcr and receiver of this ,diie Ht tire
iron City. Oregon, on Haturday. the Still dav of
Aunnst, 1W He nniiics as witnesses: Alva'H
ill'" '.,"" m'm"!' ""V": Joseph li, (:,iu'.
ler.of Venionla. Ilreurtni; Wlllta,,, tj. Woods,
ibicona. Oreeon, ud John w far'
er, of rillBburir, Orecon, Any and all
nervous eliiiiiiimt adversely the nljove deserlbed
laii,Hsrer.siie..te. to file tlielr claims In this
.dbw oor bidore ssid ;ih day of Ai,u,t, VW,
J.'7aJtl l.HAIti.tM B. MOOKh.i KeKlsir r
Drii" Store
Drills and
Or. J. E. HALL, Proprietor
('(.ATHK4.NIK : :
Ami Onl a Art f
Jiiltf tfn I. rut rtf '
jLiprs siii Cigars Kept in Stoct $
Ar.rl tvthwr i-;n.!ftr irMt of whUkt 1
it!'!; !it kUk U- i
1,11 dianflii.
"Tom Benton" Cigars.
All I lift Utnt fit Wirt fRBfht Mht lfP
0 uli ifioii) it. A
HH.b liowa
'' NT";K,'.H ",;KKr,Y fiVKS, THAT UNDHIt
of A1 . ,,v vlrt'le of an nrderof the Co iut v
Court of the Htitta ot oreiron lor c , i,iL ,y
ty, noiilc mid daled June tllh. A. lj l'sr' i'wiit
In uurmatiee of said o,.,l. .., ..... '".
the County (Jourt House in I t . , ' . m ' , '
llll'i.T, Of Vull- Y. r,. HfO tilfimrcrl lit Miiit-
lilv hu Irn'til IcmitiJil wflJi un Lrowii
hf tiiifjcH nn An iriu;iiif:u'iiir('(J, iui nl r rln-n as
Jiw uothftrdetilftrH, f:JI tT'.'il at H.nlMi, Wht
rcn, i:ohimtji. City or hi. IIHcii. Abtri.nn (n
J!r U J. bufHtut if- tinw, Valley. Or
In Hitl'J ;on
offer for mild tit
nuiliifi ( oiiniv in ui r... ..i'..
on HitttiniRv. .itiiv I'm t. V : l " '
o'nhM'k in the (Wonnoii r,i tt,i
Miiy mu, ut th hour ol ten run
.Mhi.f ..'. . i . ;
ttiureol to
estate of 1'1v .i.' V"'"1 V"'
- , - ?
? DAILY. 84
.-' s'j ! 'Jl -iV bi
" "' " I: "ob e , .. . pi o, I a ssffaJ
IIHSI IW.r;..Cal-,alile., p.
" WW .!'.. M.r.t.l.n.1.. tm
l 10 21 -71.3 .. Vt .-attain a V in1'
;f7 in ,'! 7S7: ...Cllltoi, " Si, IZiKi
IhtlO lg MiHS.fe .., Ktlappa.. H 17 i i'ilF'
00H II 111 tiu:i; ... M,.,,,,'.,,, ,' S?j'kj
11 m-i ...Joiiu nay ; !:LMf1
!.. .. I. !. !Ar. Astoria l,v fim&
Steamer Iralda
C. I. Hnaghkirli, ttatttr.
I.eavas llalii1.r.lal)vfiteeptliiinlavllorf,r,
loud, at A. M.. ilcpantiiy (mm . Helen. '.
oel.aa. Iteinrolm,. leaies Portland at 3 u f'
M.. arrivluii ai nt. Ileleiual l ii.
Passsiiisrs and Fast Frcisbt.
M I'OKTI OD, n.tll.l'. 9
,,'" ir"l" mk ''I'WO comiectloii. at (.olTe
hill an i Hi'fmi'i "VI" ""I
.r'irth'oi'i ;?'!' to'ir "ng
tan. russ. Aut.. Astoria, Or
Willamctt Sloagh Route
U-ave H. Helens. . .. :,10 A M
Arrive nt rortlutul, )0:.S0 A M
Leave I'urtlnml 2. -,'10 I' M
Arrive at fit. Helens. 1' M
rAIll! f. C KfU IX.
Will Carry Nntliliijr but Pnaacn
Itcra and Kasl Krtilijlit.
I JV A -VJV jfka6a AatV AjO. AM
H '
JAni'.M VOOII, jnualit
scribed raa property, or siuiu eint
enable lae to pay olt'the just claims u
The Hooih. ,'... " . "'""'Oisuailoll, lo-
onrr fbhs.k oneofand H, the town f ,'.p
Island; also lot number live ad clid.l ol h K 'k
nlltS.I'iutK'.-iii i
of Mature six west of n, , Wlllaiuetl. r rld'i'I', '
Hie rema niter within not to i, I. ...i . " 1
(lrf'Tr.l iwvi,i(...Im 1 . 1 , ... , ' u. All
i,ut,i, t.' : ' 1 '' "j li
"hi just receive! large invoic. p(
y (Ir-tt iiiort.
N'K'U mite
sold, only. ' "' property
liated at the Itllu u. it.., ..
June loth. A. II. m r'K"'l. tills
laleo nV'. e l""!'JA'"ltrttt.rlX
IlltO Of (.eolire, leeeiie..
f tin
Shoes, 1
1 Summer Goods,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc.
I i IT. &XOKG.I7B,
Cooper Uuil.Iino:, Main Hfiwt. Nf ni trnn.
, i - , t v