XIIK OKKCiON MIST, al.'.D KVKIV rJIIUVY MOHrtlM r KFUl'H H. OAbiiJj fiT, " . 'EDIT" i'KUCKIttTOH. OF lOCAL INTEREST, r n. Mi!t" I bulldlujj ,i. ttit Mow tow ii. a new burn 'flit itninv- ' fliiliitW May w-rvlcc will 0 boll lu the (,'onitreKtlUBul elittruli mm Sun liv Will"-' Au i'liti" WWW will li uwmnUd, mi'l lli'J nnblio i cord.nlly mvlttfd lu MMM.4. , ., 8,.,,Briii8iiiloiit I'Hibriutli, of tlio ataiu liw'lfi '"" 111,1 ""'. h IMi fll tl county oHii'lftl Hint Jt.r Juhimiili rttntliiUl 'fxn Columbia t-ounty J" Vtli, J8H4, tiled June SfDlli, Tlio 0 B-1- 'o' 'Hi'K Wlli-o txik up a load ol paving il'ill Wwlinwday to l uK-d by the City A Suburban Hull way CoBJy Pvl)l bfteu tliu rail on tlu-if truck In luiilitad. ,. The A. A -". K. R- i aunounottti a .necial Fui-'1' ' July Mi'm W u( one lur for th round trip between (tl ixilim Tlfkeld on al Jtill Slrd mid 4tb, twl i,H"'n liifli'tivt. WilUr.1 Tucker, of Houlton, hat do cldcd imt to int llttn d( itm' oo tl Nclialmn mail ttnito tlila umitit-r. li nnlx l liul It will be too lata lit ttio rtt. Kin before lis could now gel lit tock In jradltica. . Tim nvuiar July tnrm of lh rounty tfimmiin1"""1''' court will couvcno text Wdtnly. nd Jlidrffl Uuan will bold ),, n-iilttr tviii of sribttlo t-ourt on the following Monday. Probata imiUots, liowovcr, will b btMtrtl during tlin torin ol lJ' ctn"isilo"r - , A Woodbnrn dlnjintch nays that Cap tain it. U. ijlodddrd, who lift ft boat on Jeurttt river, vlnUwl WooUburn, ud in-Urvii-" th bulitwt tmm and citl aen on tlm J'nit td brlntfinir liil boat up mid uiliC rctftiltir trt) oil l'ud din river troiu Uu Mlniutt M Itr ap M tlic "tn'uuj 1 U(vlabl. A lO-ccut mcliiJ diic, cxcltiitvo of (up per, whli h bo lurnlatu'd eprtely, ii io b "no of th frt(ii' IWmling (he 1 outlll 'f July frmivitlvl Kt Yik lyii. Tl (IniiciiiK will take I'l.wfl tn thn t,ti llllll 111 Hi" -Vtllll(. (l'Jll IIIUnlc will V iiroldd Jtr lli veiiu County Cli-rk Watt iurd niairiii(t lict-nwi Wpduotft mornlna to Avf Uiifu Itiim-o and harah Madca Hlatt, mid l'rd Almiro limit and Ada Huth lUiurii, All (bo artl tmuird, live In vk-iiitiy ol C'btakank-. and tli wi litntv ol fumily namvi tudk-Hti (bat It iimy'b a doublo ceremony aflidr. Ir. If. H. Clitr and Walmr Bluk.--Ifjr, mm:IaI dcmy ihoriir, to turned from Salim ruJay niglil, Imf ii.g nIi'Iv delivpc! Jano-i l!urk, tho ii,piip iintlfiit to thn anylmn. linrke viuWnt and troub)-i!tn, whin it cr.m to U'lnif confined in a car, wlinro tin rouM not walk arviind, auu d to I folt;ibly held In bia seat,. 'Julie n dolfynticn cam from ft. Jli'ltMS to wlKum liKI bull irillli6 i twn (!t, Hcii-m and Vv.JIiiJ on humUv lt. Auioint th nurolu-r wire Mr. mid M ri. Slaoidtier, Mr. aud Mm. HUi ldoii, Mr. and Mm. iilakvalev, Mr. sod Mil, Wflliiitfimi and Mr, and &fra. iVfxl;alw numtx-r whi tiantn we Uvi t,ot li-ara. Si. ilrfaw won tliii (lay, i!ie (tuine taudiiiK l& to H. Woodland Kt-WK. "Monkey" r- i.illi. the Indian, wa (ImiJ ifei) lint Tnuridny aftt:ruuiii hr Jiiotlpo Cox for rtraltni; Thomaa lliUter'i tHt.l on tlin t,lmid alcove U:n n, in terving out thn fltiB at the rmut of ft! lr day ih tlio county jail. Monday inorning hi) waa ponniitw to hreiiilma liitl. fruih air by amisliiu til hr.dllut jhittid lnuiljfr lot the P Miilriiftioii of the tallow yard, and linn bwi permitted to lttxir In "a aimllnr wny diirinx the day that liv fol!oJ, The frhliuiWWk of thO Hew i bof liuildiiitt In up and iirofentt a prouiUing ituliiiKthm of wbat tuny las iupwunl, n thti additimi of nnoliicr niihutaiittal f!ta.:tureiu l. Ilelerm. t. A. liaker, M, contractor, o( 1'criland, will, push thn hiiildinu Vmard cmiiiitftiou aa taut m tli inatwrlal can hA cnrd. f haa xperU-ucctf Wimn delay in kocurln .ineof tlio nerdwl budding mntcriiil, bsit fiij-ad two additional men to Bint hii.i lb f!rt of the week. Tho mn of wiluiun In tiiin vicinity for thn iat tow wcikt, i bolter than it ha betui f.iHho pai-t two yeara, and fluher risen am the beoellcinrie al tn or of iirixiimitv. lnrlni lb pat wook, J nine V. hhelilou, who i buy ing nlmon for the cannery combine ot Axiom, hiiped nhont i6 ton. On :-.iiturda alone, be ahlpfwd neviiri ton. The litiln bout uwwl by Mr. Sbeldmi to KAthrr up nlnion fm t'1 Cabin b'il, cam in beavllv loaded .Satitway nllfnt. The catch till continue fulrly g-xxl. a-,il.. .11 nnirlv ,Wtd COUlltV and precinot oillceia muit tbmr bonds in,d oath of oflioe U'foio Jnlv 7tli, inoa who wult until nfiei- the lUMl oiiy oi July tuexocute their l'nd can clU'ct ft miviiii of SO emit. Alter June .Kith. thefiO cent revenue- Uini on olhi'Utl Uud will In- no Umgur required. Ouunty.t Hurts Watttato that xj-veial liroclm-t olllcer b.mds bvn already been ent in by mail for lillntt, with out the required revenue tau'P ntllsen. Allollicliil boiwl exoouted bcloru July it, niuet have the W-cent t'vnue ultlacd. or thnv will not bo K'Siil d'(itinint. ', : 'j. H, Uodlrev' hit been' advert leing Columbia county advautime fi Inna t.nrrbaaer In Kiatern jmiriial. and a a reault, 1 recoivln many iniinir eon cerninir the rciource of tin aee'lon. following I a simple Inltor received from John farquhar, of Bucyne. Oliioi "liawyouc ad in Ibe Chicago liuer Ocean. rioae give mo what Informa tion ymt can about land X,ur connlvai.d Wettem Oregon," lb qulry i wfittcn on the printed letUir beatl of Fnrquhar Bro.. druggiat and lookiollw. He alao haB received a letter from William (Shank, of the Tilrldga A lieaeh Manufacturing torn puny, of 81. Ixnti. Mo who want ft Ml-o.ire ffirm S.' A. Mile attended the funeral of Blmon Morgan Heedcr, th wel known ,j ni'i it,,, fiiiirral turvice oe- ingholdin the Tavlor atreet Methodist F.placonnl ebnreb In Portland t noon Kridav. Mr. Mile wh one of the pa bearer aloiiK with . Bylvefllnr arreM, " Ilii. .t.itm v Ciiidca. John A. Hee.K, '......!.. u r I. .,! r.inlillll II. f',1 .In nl --,,Ij J.ftlldllltt. Ml. KewloVdiod at hi home on Sniivlo Inland on Wedneaday of list week. ft.,- t... l. l..... l.. llavrWIR CUUIHV, T...II 1 .. THOU Willi iilu wile. WHO win tlm Hiuitflittsi of UmiornI John aw iHliS. nut on r rival took up a donnlion hind claim on the island, whiob wa oontinoonaly b is rn.W..r,., ti.Wnn life. Willie M', Eetdor lived jurt ovup the 1 no In M" uomab county. Be had been eioiv Wentlerl wl?lthe fttTalra ol county, nd owned property nn- Willi Icnriurn tiiiuipn. WHS fit M I ' kno In ine Colum- blgheat eatemn hv a nniueimifS Jv.a aoonty frlcilila. . , l''iank J-aytmi la prepHrlng to open oarbpr ti0,, t uuu, 8l an 1 1ov. Breck llllwl tho pulpit ,,f the , .M'vpiii ciiuicii Miin'iav night, awl jwnl;ue,l of Mr. ,f Mr, b ). I I'oMlmaalvr Jl. A. Perry, uh,-,,... .).... .. a recently robbed, U, put (, llRr, galuil burglar at Iloulfou. r Tim local ucliool board held a meet n yealerday, and W. V, HlanKhur, the newly elected dlrecior for three year, took bl oath of office. Muckle ttro. ara bavin ,omo extun v i repulrj nmd.i lo the hoiiao occupied by Mr. fmlo ami fumily. U. W Clark i doing th work. The CliitHkanlo Chief -ay, there nre from t 60 K'liiua hauli.m in bimher ahiiiKle., oete, m-., iroitj the mtrroniid Ing conntiy, and tliut It look bko bui liea. The wmundroin noeial at Ilonllon Wedneaday night tor tho benefit of Buy. 1-cw JihvIci, wiw a Kreat auccena, ancially and f nam ially. It 1 i.-Kietied that a deulled account of the iillainm not m cured. Etldlc Moyer a given a party by hi niothcr at St. Helena lltiu-l Tuenday In honor of bi l!!th birthday. A num ber of Ida voiinir frlendu and ejicnt an enyulil0 niternoon! i her worn decoration and luueh was ved. W. A, Utria, who lm filled the poai- tlonoi dennlv ei.uuLv elik t, il.u.,. nine yenr. hai been aelected by Clerk elect lletidcrann Ilia deinitv. W. A. Wood, alao Kill continue in hf lllli t Im.i a deputy herill', . , " The enlertninnient nt P.acln-lor Flat Monday mKiit ,,r the benulit of the new flK fund waa a gratifying uc4. An eclleiil bpigrsin waa preaentcl, i)U many baake:a were aold. Tnenty-uiie dollar wa icaliced irum the cntei tiiin uicnt. Uav View Cnniti, Woodmen of the oiJU, will give a III la cvenin-. U-iu-tit enU;rlainuii;iit I'erauul Meutiou. J. I)Uwtl!, Tueaday. of Valley, wu in town E. 0. Jn, of Ciobel, wa in town eoueuay, I'r. A. P. Mel arcn, of Kainier, wa viaitor in Ht. Helen Wednesday. John Fafree, of Peer Island, was in ol. JicP-n himuay. Mr, h, lcoker viaititig frienda n Portland, tlie lirt't of tiie wi ck, Kd C. Ofltner and tiren K. Adnuw. of Halem, were vieiiorn here the firal of tho week. Wyatt Conimtl, of pottlund, i here In the interest of the I'.iiuituble fn and Uttilding AaiKK'inllon. Attorney W. T. Vaughnu, ol Port land, was in the city Saturday. W. V. Klack. of Veruonia, wne tu the city during the week. C. W. tiarriaon, Jr., of Warren, waa in town Monday, Mr. T, C. Wall, of iluflbcn, txa via lling friend' !n St. Helen .Monday. Ir. D, H. Stuart returned from Turl liuel Monday inoruiup, afier a)euuiiig .Stimlny al bia old borne. Mr. A. fl. tieorge, alio ha ben in poor health for aome (hue past, ha im proved. Jamea Mucklc, of Portland, wan a down river pwwenger nn the atenmer Ke!)!g 'Pnelny morning. . Comity .Indue J. H. Iloan waa up from Itiiililer Monday, lo pirjide at the eaamiiiatioit o( an luaanti inau. E. E. William, a well known com mercial traveler for tang & C-o., of Portland, wu lu the city Monday. Mr. and Mri. J, If. lietver and Mr. fiui-an lieaver, of KcapiKivee, were in U'wn Monday. Mlea Pnity Watkin went to Rainier Xuturdiiv night, and participated in a dram tber on that evening. U. P. Hiatt, of Clatakanie. wa in town Weilneaday morning, ana reported ibat wotk wa being puslatl on the new wood flume. Connlv Commiwloner P, A, Frakea, of KcnpiuKwe, waa In town luelay, and reiwirta that farmer are weil along with their baying. J. B. Godfroy ha returjicd from the Nehalcm counlrv, where he wa look ing up timber land for Intcrcatcd nnr fiie. Henry Henderson, county cloik-eleet, arrived up with hi family from May acr Wednesday, and will mciipy tlio dwelling, near the new rchoo'i bnildiug. faae went to Portland Wed- nimiiiy morning with tlio intention of leaving soon for Eastern Orejon to apeml ihe auinmer niontli. Frank Heegle, of Warren, who Inw been In Wanio county l"r tho 1"1 four vein, w in to ii Wediiiteday. Hie fnlber, .fame IWegle, also was, here on the anme day. L. J.Johnaou, formerly publiaher of ft paper In Tillamook county, in in town. I l.i ! jnneiiil airent of the Uoetland ('on- toliditted Mining Company, bevi I.u ben. of Houlton, is a foreman In the mine. ; ' ; " - . Jamea jiimiiwon, wlio waa employed hern alamtJS vear. ago Willi tho gang getting oul vvlg r;k, retuin.-d Sat urday, having la-en in California for aeveral ye,ir,pioft. , F. N.Mcbetin, -prominent cawmill man waa here from Portland Saturday, in.itfinif no timhef matter, lie wa formerly a Bawmiii operator in Coo rnnnlv. " . W. N. Parrctt. of Ilillsborn, formerly proaecuung waa nero on iciim ttwaahis tlrat vialt in tt. Helen tor several j'eiira pat. Ileputv Sheriff W. A. W oortanu mmuy - !.... .1.., A 11 ..Mtnrn ure moving iuio u' - - boue tbia week, aitnaieo v,.,--aite wmer Id the anm bba-k from the reaidence heretolore occiipieu o.r ". Captiilii Webb, wife And c tm nnve taken room at the lliientni ior a u w dnv. Ho i filling Captain 0 Dlace ou the atcamer Amei ica, while the latter ia looking after other matters. for a Hhort tune, . Assessor Murliu White and Deputy Charlea HInkealoy' relumed from the jiehiilem country Tueaday, bavlng com plotcdthe Held work in that eot on. When the awacment of the hi.. Helens district Blmll bo eomnleted, tha field work for thl year will.be at an ond, Edward Wood. 'of Vernon., a In r st;.pa; Vho had near WelliuKUin Junction, Mo., aeeorn nanied bv hereon, Bert. Mrs. Stiiplea a 1 ere for her health, and spent week i" California, while on-rote. . . 1,... tiiiiiit hia aiaiej . tiii- T il,lt Ot J Ml noil Ill-i'i- . I ..,11 iirnnrllltlir. Of Valley, 12 ' 'ii 'i' nn tin, Nahalein road, was n out h new en town Joem.uy .... ,h0 , , i 1,1. ivnii-r iiowor during t'i vim- , " 'HI Hint Itrns. will, enabled to ivh - ourtv- eniploy;ciit" to 111 hand, f ihil. , itUImiklmr a aea- dw..ll.r.S -,-ti hli l'lac". ; : i ... : 10 JIK 11 A M U E II Jiftjr MKtOjklt. Neldere 1 llttptlxeil by Rv. Parle. ut 8(111 Prottut That He I In- noccnt f Murder. Unlea Oovernor Gecr Inlorforna which i not probable, Auguat Kcliieve will suffer the death penalty for the murder of Joaeph Bhulkowakl. at noon Wednesday, July 2nd, I Hliereff It. S. Hattan ba iiincd Invb tntion to tlil effect, and the prepare tlon are being completed for the event, I W. T. Vaiighan, of Portland, Bcbleve'! attorney, waa her Patiirday, and stutod bcwmild uo no further effort to n.cure clcmeucy for bi client; that be bud done ell that could be reauoimWy ac compliabcd. . V ' . HherifT Hattan i) using every precau tion to tho end that the prisoner may not em-ape punishment. The death wiitcb consist of Frank Thorpe and tan Pecker at night, and Tudo Elakesley during the day, Hi bieve ppi ar atnlidly indifferent to hi fitli, and tlll ftaaert that bo I in nocent of the crime, cbaryed. Hi appe tite ia flood, and his conduct 1 a puzzler to thoae who come in frequent contact with him, Several miniater have vis ited the prisoner during tho week, and the rite of baptlim waa administered to f?chlev Wednesday night by Rev, taw Bavle, of the Methodist Episcopal church, A, It. George and William Wellington have completed the 10-foot board inclo. ure, and the ucaflold and attendant ap paratus ate receiving the finishing touches. The Hcaffold stands directly In front of the little fir treo, between the court bouso and jail. Tho lumber in Ihe walle of the incloauro will be used to construct a new woodshed for the court house, after it ha served its pin pose. Attorney Pillard aiiggcats that it might bean improvement on the old court house for the county officer to move Into the new inclouro. Reading Circle lre a Farewell to Cunuty ( b rk and Mr. J. 0. WftHs. The local Reading Circle lias com pleted It woik for the vear, nd last tiaturday night gave a delightful fate well aoeial to County Clerk and Mrs. J. U. Watts, at the home of Mr. ami Mr. W. U. Jiolumn. Mr. and Mre. Wat! will return to their former homu at 8 !iippxj;-ie after a few dava. when hi present term of office niiiill have expired. The serving of re freshments waa added to the other o cial feature ol the evening. Several member of the Circle were unable to 1 present Rt thia (unction, but those in iiUfiiilance weie: Mr. mid Mr. W. If,. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Collins, Mr. and Mr. M. C. tirav, Mrs. W. A. Wood, Mr. and Mr. K. K. (jniek, Mra. J. W, I'av; Mrs. Uray, Mies Nora Cnnyr, Miss Willie " Caple, Miss Mtiude Pwker, Ir. Edwin Hoss. Jaia8 Vim ke was committal lotliein an navluin lust Monday by County Judvie I)on. Ilurke was inclined to be noisy and difficult to handle. lie wa brought up from Marshland ntur Ihv n'ght lv r-heritf lint tan, end kept Sefdevc and' Peter Kmith froui getling louewiine iii fhe county jail, during bi.s two day incarceration. IJurke is a res ident ol Clarke county, Wii-h., and had been diecharged from the Watbingtou stnle insane anylum only a short time previous. He wa visitiug his brother-in-law, Thomas Boyle at Marshland, !in he became demel.toii in a violent wav. St is rcponen tlmt the insane limit iilta t'onaiUMrauie pni)i.-nY 111 viui cminiv, and that tho reeent alUiek nas partly eanaed by the refusal of his wife tu longrr live with him. H alao is stated that Mr. PnrkoanJ an attorney recently visited Purke at Mirnhhuid with a view of eff'i-ctinjt a properly set tlement. Dr. 11. li. Cliir and fleputy Sheriff Walter Hlakealoy took Burke to the aaviiuu Monday niKht. The Shaver Transportation Company's steamer Hnraii Dixon is now running on the summer schedule, and leaves Port land nt 7 p. tn. on Tnesdava end Thurs day for Clalskauio, mid on Bumlay (veiling at the same hour for Oal: Point, stopping nt . Hoieiia aud wuy points. Juet as this lai"'r goes to press a let ... i,.. in-irnl from f'antaiti He. C.a- plea, statiiiu that the Woodland people lie to have a Fourth of July celebration, A oviinlnxlv ia invited. Hon. John V. Cnple, ol I oriiano, iu ue mow- tOr. ; . - v. of the department of oratory in New berg College, will lec ture in the aietnoaiNi r-piscopai wmii in St. Helen next Wednesday evening, in. hinl will be "What About the ba- ioon " He will speak at Uoulton on Tuesday evening, and at Warren Ih.ur- uuy oveniug. -f;.niir clttlms In the Nehnlem conn 0.,m, maililv at from 1S0O to i-iXHJ. and a few have hrouaht higher .i..a Thn nonntrv is full ot ClUlSCl'S, iaeeasing the value of the Imid for in- tend iiBpurulinfers... itiaawu -"v .niimrwrof elaiiii located in me vi cinity of Hock creek ome time ago, are a. mated In a burn. "Caate." was reoentod to anrowilcd house last Saturday .r.iKht at Kainlerlor the benefit ol the nonrni oi J u)v oelebiatiou fund. Twenty-fjve doliivr wa the net receipt of tlio. ond presentation of tbia drama by ....,.ii,..,i inlnnt. Those . tuvrtui- natimr in the play wore Misses Alice Krrv! MttdRe H.U IW'JT -Wfttkin. and Messrs. .1. - E. Bourne,. J. K. Koumeniid Prod Trow. . Joe Hehoskv, of Bunker Hill, who ar-, i o l.u,.iiic l atin) 00 the COW- oenian, about :W miles . troni bt. Helens on the Washinnton side, stated that a tire had heed rag' n i-r four days in that ssation, and a considerable quan tity of lawloits had 'x'1 C"nsumcl. Ilia lire was believed to be nndor -ontrol, whn MrSebeaky left tliere, thti rums of Tuesday materiiilly assisting In the effort. Mueklo Bros, have two logging eaitips in the near vicinity of the re ported fire, but it. will not be known un til today when James Mueklo returns from a visit to Ooweemnn, whether or not they have suffered any loss. School Keport. " iriin.t., ;. Hm letiort of tlio school in district So. U'J for the month ending June 20th, W2: ;. ' . No. of day tatiRht, 1V jSo, of day attendance, S02. ' - No. of day nbaenoo, 48. , 1 No. of times tardy, 8. ; - :," , No, of aii'la enrolled, 1;. . No, ol bovH enrolled, IS. 'rottil nuiiiber enrolled, J.?.1 Aveiae dailv attendance, .n..t Those present- every day during the : month were; Kthel tframer, fcrneH 1 Wilt-o. Hnrrv and Arthur - J-owh-r, ' Minnio Wa.-hluirn,. Ada and Bertha it, -Mary 8) and-Ralph Avolta. I , Ida Moroan, teacher, tor ale:l0 acres umber iunu, 11,4 of of aectlon 25, tp. 4 n, r 6 west; 1 10 per aero. Inquire of . II. Mllner, Marsh field, Oregon. I!et brand of bard wheat flour at Collin 4 Cray, St. Helen. Boy wanted to do light chore. Apply to Ur. Cliff, 8t. Helens. Fruit jar at Collin & Gray', Every Baturday Excursion Kate to Clatsop and Long Beach, via A. V. it. Hallway. Beginning Saturday, J one Htb, and every Saturday thereafter, during the ummer eeaaon, the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Company will sell round trip excursion tickets from all station between Portland and Clatskanie inclu sive, to all point on Clatsop and return at rate of $2.60. Ticket limited good to return Sunday evening. Close con nection at Astoria with steamer iiah cotta to and from Long Beach. CASTOR I A For Iafants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the Signature Head it in His NcwHpaper. George Schaub, a well known Oermun citiMiii of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant, leader of the Dayton Vols zeitung. He know that thi paper aim to advertise only the best .in it column, and when fie saw Chamber lain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, be did not hoeilatein buying a bottle of it for hi wife, who for eight week had suffered with the most terri ble pain in her back and could get no relief. He say: "After using the Pain BMtn (or a few day my wife said to me, '1 feci us though born anew', and before usimr the entire contents of the bottle tho unbearable pain bad entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties." He is very thankful and hoiwa that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful re covery. Thi valuable liniment i for sale at tbe Hi. Helens J'harmacy. How to Avoid Trouble. Xow ia the time to provide yourself and family with a Wile of Chamber lain' Colic. Cholera and Diarrnoea Remedy. U ia almost certain to be needed before the eummer is over, and procured now may save you a trip to town in the night or in your buaieit season. It i everywhere admitted to I the most succef siul medicine in ne for Ikiwc! compluints, both for children and adults. No family cun afford to be without it. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. ; My tittle son had an attack of whooping-cough anil raa threatened with iii-timonia; but for Chamberlain's Cough Iiotuedr we would have had a acrio'ti lime of it. It aleo anved him from several severe attack of croup. H..J. r'-rH Kl-.ni-:S, eilitor World-f lerali!, Pair Haven, Wash, por sale at the St. Helens i'harmacv. Of 'vhat does a ImJ ta-ito in your month remind you? It indicate that vour stomach is in bad condition and will remind you that there is nothing so (rood for uch a disorder as Chauilier- lanrs Btomaen ami t.sver jaweis aner havina? once used them. Thev r.loanse and invigorate the stomach and regulate the bowel. Por sale at 1$ eenta per box at the yt. Helens Pharmacy. Timber Land, Act .lunc 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. riiiTRi) Stutm I,sn Orrica, iirejc.i 1'itv, lire, June 17th, 1S03. fOTtrK Its' HKRKHY GIVKN TH IX i:OM- pliam e Willi the provihlona of the act of Ci.nari.sol Jure 3, 1S7S, cnntied "AO aci ior the ?ale of timber lands in the Stales oi Cullfor ni Oroifoii, Njvuda. and nikiiiinirton lern- tory. ' ai. extendeil lonii me t-u r.nc i.iina wti flei or AuvDEi 4. isira. w ii ism li. u.uinn.di Saint Helens, counlv of O.-himbia. State ui Ore ion, Iim thin duv filed in this oflke his sworn Btuiemeut No. 67. for the purchase of tbe sci-i seetion No,3, In township .. ii '""i". rauite ,o. i i:si, r.ii.i win unci .;viu w that the land noucht la more vsliiBble for its ,l,h,.r nr Klfni than for iliirlclllturftl ClirPOSes, nnd to eilnblbh hia claim to said land beiore liie reulsier and receiver o( thia or.ice nt Ore gon Citv. Oregon', on Uatnrdav, the Kith duy of lerali.l IVllliinn Wnml.of Vernmua. and .'uhn W, i'arker, of I'litslmrc, iireaon. Any and all l-nwell. ol I'litsonrir. ureili'u: jcwoii ii. i inn- leraoiHclntinini: adversely tne iiiiuve-ue.-i-ii"i--M nods arc reuiiesled io Sic their c laims in th.s (illlcc on or before said iyi day ,n . At; gust. i.ri. jJ72 CHAKI.KS 11. MOOllliS, -KegMter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Peptirtnient of the Interior. J.aud olUoe i Oredon Citv, Or.. June 21t, W2- tTOTICU la IISRVRV fitVK-i THAT TUB IN follnwiiig named scfler has riled notice of his ititeiiiion t:i make tlinil proof in support of his claim, un'l that sir.d i.-.-ol win oo diwib oe lore tha couiitv clerk of tVilunibi county at St. Helens, Oregon, on Aug.ist 2nd, 1W, via: ,, KICK VI fONT, n 11702. fur Ihe aw!4 of acetic a J", town ship 6 north, range 8 wusf. He names the fol lowlnuwlMieasea to prove Ids coir.Uiu.aus resi teuec Tmwn and CHltlvatioti lit said land, vis: ivo Watnbelto, of Warrtn, Oregou: Fred Klocier. of Valley. Oregon; Aar.m ketkv. of Houlton, Oregon, and W llllsm Miller, of ht. Helena, OroRon. , ' . i,iui Nicoml, who filed contest against the above eutry May Vis!, l!tt, la herehv specially cited to appear liefove Ihe county Clerk ot l luiubiacountv. at St. Helena. Oregon, on Au gust 2nd. Wrl to show cause why aula proot ... Kb lli.WA.i " CHAKUM B. M00RK3, KejtatMV "" ' Tories fm pmLiuTios. Department ot Ihe interior. Una Ofltee at Orcgou city, oreirc'i, . June JlsU l'.'Oi, ,o Ui-nlrilV nrVKM THAT TUB IN billowing named settler bus filed notice of his intention to m-'-ke dual proof lu support .of h i clan" and that suid proof will be' made be fore county cleric ot Columbia county, ut St. Helens, Oregon, on Atunut 2nd. MM, vw: IVO WAMJiKKE. i)iit,ont run Kfillcy. Houlton. Oregon, anil Viilliara Miller, of St. Helens, Oregon. CHskUS 11. MOORF.3. Register. Watts X'ricc, -DEAl.F-RS IK Flour and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best QualUy Shoes imi Notions cj..n-nrv.M.ifs '. iU'OCmn . H K-ltrW. for the ae'i of section SO, town IhliiSn. rami west. He names Ihe follow, iiig win ewoi to prove his ooniliiuoua residence n and cultivation of mid land vis: Mok 4 lOl.tll'i'WWVi, JuneWfh. A. O. 19(1. , ., ? 1 v..a'a..i KMM A 0 K.ORHK. Aitaailistratrix .1 tha VV1 ' Mta oi KJy liecrge, ce.-ed: in-.m. i i . , . 8ocred cow often defile India lew. files, but worse yet is a body that' poi nted bv constnation. Pon't permit it. Cleanse your system with Pr. King' New Life Pill and avoid untold misery. They give lively liver, active bowles, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c at the 8t. -Helens Pharmacy. OABTOIIIA. Bi tb J II Kind Villi H-m hws Baufht KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. llepartim-nl of the laterlir. Land titflce at Otea tliy, Oregon Ml ly IA, Wt. N JOTJCB IH IIKRKBV OlVf.N TdATTHKl ((.lldWiii." iiainuil settler ha filed notice of I hia intention to make Itual pro'tf Id aupportot j hi I'lilm Kiel ihiit said po.j will be ramie rx;- fora the County Vmk nf Col muMa Ciiunty, at i St. Helena, Oregon, on AukuhiM), 1WK, vu: ALIIKBT U PARKKK, ' II. K. Ko. W.iM. for the KEU ol se'-tlon ), T. 4 i N,R. 8 w. He naniea the lolluwiux im" to prove his contiiiuoua resi-lem-e u.-on a m :iil lill')ii nf Mtid iHiid, Tlx: Skmiiel V. llallard end MkkI Witklnaoo, of Pituburg, Oregon ; hn lt,iL-erl und Chatlen Rohcrie. of vaanouia, Or.-.KOil CHAS. H.MOORhS, na) Ktgiaier. : NOTICE Of FINAL SETTLtMENT. a . . XTOrrcEIH ITKREUY GIVKN BY THE UN- i tlarnlitneA excnuuir nf thn .tati oi Hunan I K Hhatluck. ttoceaite'l. that hi- has (tied In the ; w fflc n the County Cleijc of Cftlufn bU Cotin.y, mnuin ureou, nit nnai ucouiu or w wimm- lhiiattoii upon Mia eMtate, togeiimr wun Jitirw (inul report tnd petition fnr distribution of the ! f r (tiduo nt suid t-ntaiii, and for the uJm?it of bit, Mtid account; and that the Hon. J. 1- Iwtu, j j'ids ol BaM court, ha appointed Monlay, the j d 7th dvof Julv. 1902. at two unlock in the after- . t;nio.n ol said day an th time, awl the court- room ol aald court, al th cuurt noufco in to. iielene. OieKou, the place, of bearing said i float account and id final rrort and ptitioQ for ihedUtrf button of the renidue of af'l et.tat I and the settlement of the aame, at which time I ud plane any pernor inter;iitf;d may appear ana me oojecuoot in wnuiiR to me name r any part thereof. THOH. A- CWNINKR, F i ecu tor of the estate of Hukhii K. Hhattuck, deceaned. W. H. Powell, attorney for executor. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of tha Slate of Oreeonfor the County of Columbia. Grace Puloair,, plaintiff, va. Carl F. Pntoam, defendant. To Carl K. Hulnam. defendant- IN THK KAMK OF TBK dTATE OF OREGON: Von are hensby required to appear and an swer the compliant flici against 70a la the above entlllel anil, within ten ilaya from the date of the ar-lce of thin aanunone hjiou you, if nerved within tbia county; or If served in any other eonnty of thia Btate, then within twenty daya from the date of the service of thia aum moaa upou you; and if you fall ao to appear, forwuu: thereof the insinlltt will aak the court for the rellei praved for In the complaint, which ia (or a decree dissolvina the bond of matri mony between the plaintiff and sounielf. the defendant, and for ('onta and dfubnrfementa. This aamraone 1 published by order 01 uoii. 1'hoinaa A. Mclirlde, circuit judg 14th dnv nf Muv. l'ah- 1,. T. rte. circuit iudae. Hie thia h. T. BAKIN, inlGJ27 Attorney for plaintiff. Timber Land, Act Jane 3, 17. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I'.HTID Siaira Lahb OFFICg, Oregon CHy, Oregon, April 13, 1S02. TOTICR 18 HEREBY GlVl:! THAT IN COM- bliauce wilh the provisions of tile act ol Congress of June S, 1S78. entniedV "An act for the sale of timber lunds In tbe Butea of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended ta!l ihe Public Lmd Slates bv act of AMgust i. 1S92, Cbarlea Colcan., of lfoulion. county of Columbia, stats of Oregon, na Iim duv tiled iu this oltice hi" aworn state ment K. 5710, for the purchase of the JlwM of ol swcijon fio. 2-t, In township o. S n, rane Ko. S w. and will offer proof to ahow that the laud MOtigUt ia more valuable for loi timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establlhh his claim to said land beiore the Reg ister and Receiver of this office at Oregon chy, Oregon, on Saturday, the l'itn day of July, lues. He name as wilnes.-: Christopher riauerveia and Alphonsc Sauervolu, of Houilon, Oregou; Joseph Nuch. of Yankton, Oregon; Antone iMirwiu i'iMiirtliiir Ailvor-iftk- the ubove-dei-eribed Hungrtrt. ol rortlaiid. uri-gon. sny an m iiimls re requested ut lile their claims in this otlMteouor before suid 12th (lav ot July, 1902. K,j27 C11AS. B MOORE.S. Register. Count Warrants far Cancellation Haf Term 1902. vroncEis nEnuBVoivB that it the i' following ctiuntv warrauta are not prea eiited for psvuient within sixiy (W) ilsya from July 1. 1902. that they be will canceled by order of ine coumy cuurt ana payment mvre.', ..t4im;i.. Pate. To Whom Drawn, Julys, J8U3..I. Spencer May 6, 1W3..W. T. Griswold. MiivS, wa.J. L. Dowllng.. Jan. 11, lvj;!Jamcs Pilcher. Jun. It. 1"V3 -James Hart Mob. l.i. lS:!W.Jftiues Smith.. Ko. Amt. ,...5182 ....2SK7 ...Jf.Dii .. ....27 77 . 2770 .1 00 . 75 . 8 tin . t oo . l oo , 1 60 2 50 . 7 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 . t so . 3 00 . S 24 . 6 40 . 4 50 - 1 00 1 50 Kha . Julv 8, lf3..Nancy A. Mctirew 31H Jllivs, B9B.J. W. Nelson SOsO Mcli 15, lSM-WM. Lauistord.-:..'M -- Not. la, lSSti-.T. VV. Jordou SS29 Mcb. 15, -Harrison lieuna .t6i . .. Julv 20, 1MI2..M. Lovenaki '-'310 .Mav 9. 1SW..S. U. Trvoo 299 Sept. H. 192.. J. W. Guild s May G. ltU-A. J. Freeman 296 Jan. 11, IsM-.C. K. Young 2773 Mch. lis lSirt-Janies Henderson 3M8 SECOND II K1KS A. May 29. lRM-.Wm. Wilson 67 0 lVl i "o oo 1 50 60 1 01) 00 i 10 July 11, Rouse 22J Miv. .1'. ifiai-.jona Kevnoias.. r .ior. 12. 1HS4 -A. J. Nelson - 716 Jan. 12. lsvo.-Joseph Bureau Nov. 12, nw.-w. Harncll wu ... Nov. 12, lNrl.-l.ewia Bindley fi'.'5 June 1. lMH-Jobn Jelly - Jan. li. 1SJ.1..H. Uuillai, wa May U. Ib'.ia-.O. W. Brown .J26S-. j. O. WATT'S, Couuiy Clerk. 00 PETITION hR LIQUOR LICENSE. To tho Honorable County Court of Columbia WBTIIK UNDERSIGNED I EG AL VOTERS II ruo.lim; in.Gnhle nreclnct. Columbia ( ountv, tnegon, would respectfully petition sour Honorable nmlv at lta next regular min ing, which will be held on the 2nd day of Julv, iMi. in the court-house In the city of 8t. Hel ens. Columbia county, slate of Oret.-un, thai a lieinsc be gianted to o E. Hunter lo sell spint-,-in,,nH mnlt Honors in auantttes less than one gallon, in Goble piecincl, in 6akl eountv and suite, and that said license be iirnnled tor aper1ol of six nioulhs, for all ol which your petitioners will ever privy, signed: U. i. Ai.derwu, D. Link. II. Blake. J. E. Con bnv, U Iiradley. M. VI. Dradley, G. W. Pitsen- k..;.... U 1 Pmulrr lunirin KenilCdV. ir.. H. Stehnian. U. I.iviniTstcli, 1'cler Hcassch, W elter Hunter. John roiin, u. uruocr, ini, Kuiile Wamer. Ohriswpher Magma. O. a. Kps ter, Howard Itonerla. W. D. Saf.erlee John Mt riclts, A. Seer, Jas. Mctlregur, J. Hurbee, Ira L Withrow. Wm. Dohcrty K. A. Kniiih. C. C. fow ler. J. M. Fowler, fleorge, Kosler. jr., Joseph Lawrence. Fratik Bishop, R. L Kenny, A. R. ltotrts, Wm. 8. liindwiek, F. W. MasUiater,. E Miller, Edward black, Jakon Zwingli. J. L. Archibald. K. O. Cleaver, I. M. Spenci.-, John Psrr. O. M. Farr, J. W. Lord, K. G. Jones, Fred w...wi.a, p h. irifrtr. w. x.' Raviuond, C. h. Quirt. W. II. Tucker, W. Bishop. C. Link 0. Jordan. S. C. Ward. M. Link. Gcorse Tilia, A. Hampton, G. C. Kowler. H0TICE OF SALE. N OTICE IS HURRllY filVKS.THATUNDBB end bv virtue of an order of the County Court of the fttalc of Oregon for Columbia oonn- ,u u,wl ,l..,rf .I., nth. A. 1). 1902. I will in pnrsiiance of said Order, at the front door of the County Conn House in the city of St. Helens iu said Columbia Comity in the iSU of Oregon, ou saturdav, July 181b, at the hour of ten (ill) o'clock lu tie forenoon of that day, proceed to offer for sale at public auction to the highest ....1 K.cl k,ri.l.rfLm, all the follOWtllg tle- surlbedreul propertv, or sBtticelnt thereof to I enable pte to pav oft the Just claims against the i estate ot KUv t.eoiEe, deceased, together with I the costs and egpenscs ol administration, to-wn The Southeast iiunrier of section seventeen in township number live, north of range two. west of the Willamette Meridian; alsa lot nimiber I four of block one ot and in tho town of Deer I Island', also lot number tlve and dsht of block I oue of and io tleorgeloivn all the loregomg be I lug siniat.Kl In Columbia County in tne Stale of Oregon: also the norlh west qnarler of section nuiiilier ten In township number fifteen soum I of range six vest of the Willamette meridian, ! situated In llio counties of Lane and Kenton in I the mate of Oregon. , , , . Terms of sale. Laymen! to lie made. vis. - less than one hall rash at (he time oi sale .,.,,, ..it- wtiHi,, ii.it to exceed two auu years i ihnriiafier with inteivsl at not less than six I coot nor amiuiu f.-ora date oi sale until paid, au : , deferred pav ioents to 1 secured by hrsl, inort-1 i on the real pinperty so sold. Srucb su.es ; Jf. 1 to in, lude nil the inicrest of Klay George at the jjw i ... u,.. .w,.k i... ,,, all the nrooertv I lulbl. otilv. Dated at the City of St. Helens, Oregon, -'t4', "fa.'- "tl '""'i. "1- 'U -" ' -a-' Wanted- We Expect to Get It Ry jriving you just a little mor for your mony than you can get elsewhere. We Expect to Keep It By eelling yon a quality of good that will invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TIME. - DART & MUCKLE, i r POPULAR i St. Helens, ST. HELENS mm , .mm. . Patronize a drug store when you want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS A Fine Line of Plain and Decorated Direct froni Pobiislier Regular How About BE YOU SURE i 45 esta'e security, take no man's word, but insist upon knowing what U: record shores regarding ihe title. An Ansiract is as essential us a deed. Insist on havini it. We have the only set of abstract books in the coonty. Allwork promptly executed and aatisiaetion guaranteed. If you have property to insure give us a cail . We ara agents for the best tiro insurance companies iu the world. II vou have property tor tale list n with us and we win Had a buyar. E. E. QUICK & CO., ST. HELENS. OREGON fx Maii Strtet New Method of Gold Filling This ia the latest and moet eciontiSo method o (Jold Filling. Ko Hammering. No soreness of the teeth, and none of thoe - Dreadful Headache follow this Painless method of Gold Filling. Dr. KNODER, Dentist, 9 TO 121 a "r c g-j- UFriCK tioraa. 1 Theodore S. Thomson, Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS BO & 51, WASHINGTON BLDG., '"' Southetet Cor. 4th & Wash. Street, 6th Floor, ( POIiTlVTD, OnEGQjST. TAKE W. W. , 1 COLLINS THE PKOPl.ES' MERCHANTS , B 2js Carry a full stock DEY GOOPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, IF-ATIIEK HABDWAKE, - WOODEJSWARE, TINWARE, GKAITEWAUE. CBOCIiERY. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, - It: FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, HAY, Oil, MEAL, LIME, GLASS, OILS, , FAINTS AND SIMILAR WARES. - (ioods Exchanged for Produce. s ST. HELENS, - - OREGON, i MJt per i mis aa- YOUR TRADE! j; n" ; f t 1 i DEALERS, Oregon. FOR SCHOOL BOOKS Writme Supplies. - Crepe Paper, Etc. 5 25- ent Novels Only 10 Cents Your Title? it ia all right? Remnemoer that it ia ina KrxiiKUthat governs. It la owr dusiusw h, oei. u -reconls and show what tliev contain in relation to land tin.,!, ii - mni.mnu,. i,ri.l.rS nr loaning monev on reai- 317, Failing Bld'g Portland, Oregon tOfRce, Hood 414 (Kf., Fbomt 147 Thowes KLKVATOIt. & GRAY of staple and fancy ayvayattayVeyavaVvvaiaiyaisa 1