The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 27, 1902, Image 2

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    tMMHii r ; . .. -
- xz.z.r-s-..r?.-.-ir.i JVaor Cret n Kinit
EUered at the n...' hi W. V1eD!hve vd,s.r..ved mills".
Flag Raising and Etitvrtttinlmr l oarth
of July Program.
G. K. Hyde, of Yankton, was in town
Editor AN'ti Proiibihw.
svbscbiwos rsv'.' K- :
One copy "HP year, in ajv.smce
county. Wash,,
logging camps,
... i;.,,. ,!,.- ,l)!ii..r
r.nd even email towns, during the P j Monday, and staled that the carpenters
j week.. . The losa in this fine timbered VXfeft u, lw(,j w,, the new had
j section s'iveates into. the buitdreds of j l0,AV R,1:j (, be rapidly pushed
i thousand of dollar figures, and the !. j , ' j tv,,,n.i0;. The committee
!i complete as no insurance was carried i having the construct ion of the hall in
""ion anv of the uiilb, tho rate being ai- S'chaige, conMstB of Charles Rriggs, X N.
Lt prohibitive. Colombia 1
with tta vast with -of timber lore,, 1 .isilt. Tiie tuwr floor will be used aa
Six luonilis
Jjt! logging rauips and ttvnulla, hcnld a (iVaitge hall, and the lower room lor
. H,reMm' o
J.vU '..'..
Tr-.-uror. . .
&'t..l. M (Miit'jC:: .......
rT'3rC3r... ....
jrotitr .
tkp.iiif:t hv the King countv bolo- pnmic jrailiertnga dancing, etc. u is
iti.sit uHhFhs. to tbe butter prevent the rnb!espn-d ,' ju),. ,!;,,.(,. , ,
v. ! t!StitS!m of forest fire in this section. White it The l'otir'th ol July will be celebrated.
..). . ruv.M. Helms j. ,,M ,,; M ui,iir at lanktou wuii a Mac pole ratting in
tho uiomiiij; fvf tbu public eehool, am
:;:;t:u;ru'M; r V , , V , . ' fUood an ei.terta.m..
...Xartin White. . H:eu i Riwrd boIa be brought into play to VKerm bv the, w:hon h!Mrii "omt
... . I'. A. ?m,'. vi-fi- -wwmwwmw
..W. D. lit. MtuMtrir
meiiibers of the (j:H', A spenKer,
lyo will be socnrtHi foi'a fbmA dli'i.
Mr. Ilydy Buys that baytiiM hs? )n
begun in that swtiou, the nuuttm bring
vncks Inter for tht crop than
aluiig Sonppooue bay.
I T'.)e r-.l wstate transfers of Colunv
lit .... i ... .. . i,,.
the contv cierk, far ed i number Coii Cwaty IncrprUt,
iaid vnluation, tbat of. many Oregon
le.inr.tii', who keep two men constantly j
iei;)u;oea in mo countv recoraer oi-
Koct'iit incorii irattona tllou III the
eotintv cletk's oftice ar as tollows:
! Colnmbi County Ab--traet an'l Tiust
! fVimi.tno r'jni'ill "S'lTi HtO (lil'iiicl into no noiincs en o iwk am'i j 1(j l;tes Jia' em-h. I lie
t ii.sfiT ami niorigsjudoeaments. Ibm-iobj -cts are to Mfijuire and aantf
mb: coonty tfc clerk and 'est property, ree pniiumip.,
liu, ocot uuii;aiionH, sju a
JC.NE 27, Wi.
With this K-tn-v the anderii;net
cuinea the psrietrbif of Thtc C'rf
uon M:fT. In jioliticJ, a sin.Kr its
able mAii;igement heretofore, it will s-
; ever
. . . . - i t . - i , i
lii,.l.-U'ltynotooiyuoesu ure raw.- , . mM , . - tf. , . truat den
ir.jt if ! tbcw itistronwnt, but attend j j,ar ,iiuiniiiter on estate. Ami aute
'. ..i : .1...:. l!.i...' ... .,ruil m..! u...l
itbeefief. Tl.i Joue too. with very' personal property. T'.e incorporators
I.. , . , , , , . r are D. J. twitner, I:. Is., tj iick aim
ji.ttlcoufidhJp, and the bustnes ol u fil.uIt,r. xhe prjncil pta of
j tle o-f.nty is steadily growing. As au j biisinena of tha incorporation Is St.
j indication of the ineresii:g growth ud j Eeieiis.
1 pruepcrilT of Colombia eouutv, the iUinier Mill and Lumber Company;
' r;i-t "ifor the e wr.iv clerk's f. the duration of the incorporatioti m 50
I ; .' , , , ,r 50 venrs, aud the object ta to operate a
jtioe during, the month of May wan , .iijVj Ui)ini ' buia a,ul charter
$401 -to. All this except M3, were fc j n-fcsels for towing logj, and to handle
tranierita. The! the iwcetsary property serurttie.
b. !.r Viv Thn incorixrators are Benjairin .
tneerv!eeuf.i, & ilti 65, acd for the nine ti8cher The falli,aI tock I8 aioo.Ow
tnontb in 1900 50. Folio ing is a divided into l,tKrtJ chares.
list of real estate transfers filed in the! Kast Fork Shiiiijle and Mannfactaring
. . . - . , ,t .f .f . .1. r-. Vi .i...cI)
county ciern 9 orace, U'lrifig me past i v.yuipuj , vp.i ., umu
. imn iwi s;tsrv;i ui cm i. iuc uum
Adoiph C. Bergerwn and wi.'e to
T Old SUres.
The olJeat atove In the Unitft'l Slates
it now on exibition in Minneapolis. It
ataitdaonlegantend eupprta. aiu.ilar
to tboeof a (ewing umoliiite, Only they
are about half ua high and .of much
heavier eastinir. Th total weight of
i the stove ie WO pounds. It la two feet
long, S inches high and one foot w'ldu,
with a heartheJttaridins in front, There
48 no srrate in the bottom, the tire being
1 1., .sit ,ii-,.,i- .... i,. Uii I the Mow.
, uncvu; "i. v.... . ... ,
. , . f . .. . 1. .I.-.. .1... .L.un
i hiu k of it and over tbe top of the
'pipe. The outside bait OCToli and de
' aigna and and crowns in reltiil, much
I aitor th fashion oi atoves bxlay. and on
j both sides a;e the woida "lloreford
'FnniAoo.Tbomaa Maybury, Mfr., 17H7."
j The i-tovo is well praacrvAl, in apile of
j its aire. Tho surface has a flniah that la
' ichninflllv kn.iwn na 'oebbled.''
In the atate capital at Richmond, Ta.,
there la an old atove of muidi the anie
pattern, and one of the local newtipafwrs
there aaya it may be even older than tho
Mlnnc nmbariirlo. Tbia Vtraiuia hcat.T
i also stands on leg, 1 alxjut seven feet
iiijti win ia. ijuywaviiiviv m '.v ...v...
It i "live utotii's" high and of pyramidal
j shape, and wast made in 1770 for the
i house of burgees at WillAinaburg,
! whence it waa ; removed to Uichuotid
i when the aeat of gvornaient a reuiov
1 ed thithar. The founder, one Buiaglo,
wtioae piaoe oi t iteiaoes was tu r.ngiana,
wrote of the "warming inacoine," that
the elegamw of workmanship does honor
in liru'. Rritain. It ei;cei! in pran-
jdimr" anything ever even of the 'kind
and ! a masterpiece not to be e-iiialct
in all K irope. It has met with gener
ous applause and could nut "be sutbeent-
llv admirtd."
,,, r.. with K. K. 0,','
' out).
.1... i.i.iint Smu'ift ouru.
v,cate and ..tpport "the prircif! ennn- j
eiated bytl.e republican prty. -1 reC(.r.-ts c: the cJ-rk'a otSc
ever, The Mist, will not lie at tne service
n any cbqne or set ol individna, and
will rrttieiae men and measures when
not in aiaord with the best interei'ts of
the peopie.
The primary-object of tuepater will i Charles Berg.rsen, w 'b of ne'-4' and wi
Je'l of nal4 and ej of aw.'j,'
13, 5, 4
ot section
i to advsinv the""ind'ltrtal, com mar- j of ee'f of section 12 tp 5, 4 ; -0.
n,t 4n,M..i,j PeterBergersen to Charles Bergeron,
. H,.-.uv w.... ,
intereata of Colnmbta ccunty, 'and to
make a jpecjil'y of local cewg occar
rencen. Tl;e W'ter will pnt forth the
result of V'nj spcrienee on weei'.y and
daily new nafr, to make Tart Orsgos
MifT wortiiy of the pe-iles"p3tronag.
The writer is not 'stronger in Co
lumbia conntv, having b?eri 'connected
with the Jlisr n r.nniber of yrs a-o.'GABBiSRT.
tioit of the incorporation is 20 years, and
the object is to engage in the manufact
ure of t ant bar, sash, rfonrVand sningleo,
and the incorporators are Wiliiam
Pringle, E. J. Mitia, J. W . Parker, X. J.
Parker, W. I). Case and C. L. Parker.
Yankton Public Hall Astroeiatinn:
i the ctiiital at'X-k is 41 ,vK)0, dividel into
Z. Bryant to Shaver Transportation j shares Ifl each. fhe ieorporatora are
liappy Time In Old Town.
"Wefeit very happy," writes R.N.
Beviil, Old Town, a., ''when flueklen'a
Arnica jj.ilve ahuilv cured our daughter
of bad cae of scald head." It delights
all who use it for cut, corns, burns,
brniea, boils, ulcers, eruptions. In
fallible for piles. Only USo at the St.
Ueiens Pharmacy,
For biliousness use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablet. They
cleanse the stomach and regulate the
liver and bowels, effecting a quick ami
permanent cure. For sale nt the St.
Helens Pharmacy.
S. 2, i
VTilh tli" i-sue we anrrender the edi
torul "Milna management, pro
pricti'ship and all to another.. Darin?
the time of mr connection with tba
jpr we have experienced many pe"nl
iar aensatisn pleasure. cbaerin, bap-
pine, vcmore ell in sncb a pedtiihrf
combination that the wark wn eon-1 Company, nw1 of section 27, 7, 3, 500.
and ! ,
lean Bltvnchard to Samuel Coiioo, i
lot 3, block 13, Rainu'r, ilOJ. j
T. F. Cowing, jr, ami wUe to
Teal, trustee, swil rt section 17,
E. 0. Darling to the Sage Land
Improvement Conipatiy, ne?i of t
nw? and aw.!4 of ec.ij of aeetion
!-J,' of nw'-i of section U, 5, 4, eltVM.
II. Foelluer to Sasre La
uient Company, s'i of ce
4, 4, 1X. y
Eiery Girceld to M. Biiling-i, w.'4 of
section 14, 6, 4, S1600..
5rc C. Hodson and :.'e to Lajia A.
Ricbardwn, se'-i of swt,', section .18;
neJ of of nwii of section 19, 7, 2, 1500.
Rosalind J. Uorgan to A. L. f organ,
ot sw4 ot sectnn i4, r, 3, ft.
T. Morris and wife to Ye.-n Pelf on
Hviie, O. F. Brigs, Perry Uuiher ai,d
C. II. Biigcs.
Celambta fo!Jaty Towus Will be Patriotic.
ll.iiriior l.aa immense pos;ers out an-
notiiU'ing a big Fourth of Juiy ct iebra-
! olftioiiat that place. llin. al iace .llc
H . iCamact, of Portland, wili be the orator
iof thfr dav. It will be the grandest cel-
i, o, , rioou. jebratto:: ever attempted in thai section.
Laud Itiiorovs-1 forty-four gnna wili be tired at sunrise,
'i' of stftiou 4- land iiietewiil be a great street parade,
ilea ot toe .uoant taoor jsrass wt:o. ' .:'! 1 .i 1.. k
i.ucru I't; u uixit: t fcw.'vu.,,, in:-
twera the Kstmer and Catblaraet
teams. Prices are offered for many
conte-ts. Tbei will be ball in the
evening. The Mount Tabor Hand will
provide uniie iut this ball,
Scappoose has made elaborate prena-
Bwn n,, IK Kiiiii Toa Han lunrj Sjcgfit
C. M. Markwesl and husband to W
P. Hiatt. lot B. P. subdivision, lot 1,
Tichenor's 1st addition to ClaUkaii:?,
100. -
John Stewart and wile to C. D. Pan
abar, n'i' of of section 20, 6, 2,
Nellie R. cdDith aad hnfiiand to
Elear.of Symona, (qa:tciatiii) lotJ 1 and
2, block 19, Rainier, tW.
William Splawn and wife to Olof Ol
son, of aw,' of section 10, . 2, S25.
Frank I. Weber and wife to The Pen-
aaka continuation of tbe patron.tee of I ' "JK v- C V 4 ' 3
I of swt' oi aeuuon 34. P. 4, I20.
tbe eosnty for the new propr.etor. Pe- j c E s Wood to Ew.rii-iag & Farrell,
cause we are no longer connected with j quit c-laia one-fjith interest in "-Uke
the paper we do not wbdi to be "ps"sed Farm," tl.
times almost attractive. T! e peper wi
tbe very Ixet we knew bow to make it.
considoiing the riT.mmsi'aneee under
which anch wore is de on a country
paper. Onr' coarse, ba te sach as
to make Wh friends and enemies a
very natural thing in newspaper work,
and we have no inclination, whatever.
to attempt reparation. We are satisfied
thRf the papr in future will supply tbe
demand for a good local paper, and we :
Saved From An Aw fnl Fate.
"Everybody said I bad consumption,"
writes Mra. A. M. Hhielda, of Cbantbers-
ihurg, l'a. "I waa fo low alter ei
j months of severe 8k'i;e, catifttl by
j bay fever ami atlmia, that few thonght
if could get well, but I hsaincd of the
marvelous merit of Dr. Ring's New Iis-
tcovery for Consitmptiun, ued it, and
j was com p?".ely cared." For desperate
j throat and lung dte.iaea it ta tha safest
ictireiiithe woild, and : infallible for
j eooghs, cohis and bronchial affocti'ma.
i i a . i a t 'i'.:..i
bottlea fret! at tbe St. ilf-btn Phauuacy.
rations tor tiie celebration, and a hand
some aoio has been raised for a display
of fireworks in the evening.- 11. t'.
iHidd, of Portl.iiid, will be the reader of
tie declaration oi Iwh -pendence, and a
bra?. band will di'oure mti-dc during
tlia diy. A tc.bie comriattee wtil have
vharvtxi of th-". tree b-ket dinner. In
j the afternoon there will be horse, hi
evele and foot raowi and othr eniite-ts
ifor which prizes will be awarded. In
the evening there will be a i:.n.l b.m
in Watt a A Price's tiail,aifl the stijipor
wili be serve.! at iloitruuit'a 'lotei. li.e
fioi'-r uiaiifti:;rs are L. brown and Henry
White. ti;e celebration ' ortirera are:
Preeident of the day, P. LouKignont ;
grand inarkbaV W. F... Stevens; soerc
tary, P.urt Weft: finance committee,
Oecrge .L. Fox..F.d Holr3"a, Thomas
C'loningor, liei.ry )iliiii, lisnry New
man. " ,
CU'.-ikanie will not tw behind ether
j Colombia o.iunfv towns in properly eel-j
Derating the Fonrih of Jalv. lion.)
Thomas J. I'leeton oi Portlam), w.ll be 1
tiie orator of the dav. Kctvv artillery j
But. tli. lML:TtlVlHii!
Virnlertt Cancer Cured.
Startline proof of a wonderful ad-
j.vanee in medicine is given by Iiruggi-tt
(i. VV. J.olterts, o! httialietli. W. a.
An ,,irl man there had long milTercd with
what gxxl doctors pr.inoniitx-d inc; -able
i , i:iar. Tm-y m-heref ins cafe iK,w
; b-as till he used Kloctric Ititleis and ap
; plied Ktu-Llen'a Arnica a!v, wiiicii
i conipb-tcly r,unil him. When Electric
I Hitters are used to Mwi bilious, kidney
iau.l tutcrube poisons at the sometime
ithis salve tstTta its iii3.tcliU-.-cs healing
I pow-er, b'-jod tltjicases, tkin eruptions,
j ulcers t'T.A sores vr.nivh. Hitteis ijlic,
j PmIvw 2 at tiie St. Helens Pharmacy.
Dttri Tv niKrioct arroHNKV
rt. mti.ENs. j :oni:m. ,
Orruit Nftusoae Uia a oTAt ream
W. C. Viwlipr,
R. P. UAAllAM. T. J. Cl tKTON.
aatSlaMuiHa Bidl.Ur.i!. I'erttand OW.
fetomwa tVnnty l-i-" ' H l'ouiit
Atteutioii, ,
r scWMS v vXvA"vV"t'
J. W. PY
iv. n. ti'i.i.Aiit'
Oftic next tl(xr ti I'oirth'jtw.
Dr. Edwin Koss,
Plitsician and Surgeon.
Physician and Surgeon,
Dr. J. K. Mall,
Physician and Surgeon.
Dr. C. I. HiUfit'M
Physician, and Surgeon A
Tha Klntl You Hftvo Alwftyt Dnnsltt. nui wm n 1. .a bet a
.? tilo Vr over .'tO y.vra, 1"' t"'Mnr of
iu uho tr m j l hfwa Bd)) unAn 1(H
Ta JlSfl"--1-- aoii.ili.i!rvi!o.t BltK'O Uslnritney.
(jtyJACAii', Allow no ono todwdv you In thin.
Atl Counterfoils IiuIUUoh " JKiitt-rta-inHMp' nn but
What is CASTOR I A
fbiaforltt it h Jiannlwa anb-tlHife for CtMtbr Oil, IW
fJuVudiia laitlar Opium, Morphine luir ofl.or Kurcotie
'b?IUirl iUguarantco. Itdcf.troyarn,.
mul Hi tya FovcrlAbnca. It t ura Wurrhieaj anrt WI...I
'.,iic It rollovt'jr Trouble. eur Vmwtlimthm
I i'luttilcncy. It tiaaiiiHttU Iho Food, r?;uln,te tu
Kculiarc' l-a.mtt.Tl. Motl.'. rti0,
Bears tbo Siguatvire of
The Kind You Have Alvays Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
,, ..MM WMSV. t .
..JIai.trA, if
Aim ENiois Pacific
rtMK Hi UFoi t K-.
I HUM t'Olll'l. .Ml.
I'orll.n .l :tt t.ot, I'wirr Fl
Hfv,.,;ii i Woiip, On ai- Kiu
9 a hi. , I'ity. -t I.JHJI
vi. Itarit. t.'jUc.k'OOlit F..-at.
iRBtott. j
AtUulic ; . . , . . ... !
I r,.,l
vlu Hunt
injrtou. j
i.t,:,.rtjiu urn! 1.4.-'
t.l. et.
Wj'Ij W)l. t-'!
ton, 'fK'.l.ant,, WaI j
lu. lJu!;ttiRil. Mint m , ,
nu!ili. ' ' k
I'UUitll. Ul',)fe(.c,i
I'Uiz-.m n, 1.41. I
j Ot t AM lilt I H M lll lMI I:
ain rnuri.Asiis.
np," nei tber do we desire to 1 anything J Theodore J . CMman to the Sage I-nn'l. ,vi)j n)a'ke tJ)e wwws ,! ai early
IIKHT Hn.'.ri ',)!' JKB.VEV Jtll'i! COW..
I Anpl? t. it,U!'i'i-, Hii,i--r itrttytii.
and Improvetoent Compar.v. e1,. of
i nw 'i of saction 33, 4. 4. !'..
ertisine fi iu . f.- r....
accouiitg to Jane 1st, this year, ard aIlMnv, se'i of of section 34 fne'i of
legal advertising; accounts to July 1st wj of tc-ction 9; m of tij of section
ara due and payable to the undersigned, ! 10 5, 4, ffcoO.
all other acconnts should be settled with
j litE coronatmn of King bdwani, of
j Engbiiid, has been indefinitely post
I pined oa account of bis serio'is iiine-ss,
but later advices, indicate that bis con-
jnore or les?J than what tbs p.tst he i
found ns. All comniercial ad
tbe new proprietor.
Your?, David Davis.
j anion le ni.proving.
- The good roads movecocn now lieingi
agitated ia Columbia county is a timely
discussion of an ail-irflporlart n-jcess'.ty.
The important thing is that Use r.iad
improvement of a perm.inent i
character and built on a ayetemaLci
plan a ith tbe rowl funds economically j
expended. This 13 the gist oi the mat- j
ter rednced to a simple generality. The !
Kirmtv court tas the opportonity
Taarr and Merrill have left their ren-
dezvoits, in the vicinity oi La Center,
across the river from St. Helens, and
were last heard from n?ar Castie Bock,
honr in the morning. Thera will be
basebai) and al! fciteU of porta. A free
basket dinner will be aitoiber feature.
Mayor 8. C. Tiehenor i preiitl-srit of the
day, and G. C. Tiehenor will l grand
The 'celebration at Yankton is
mentioned hi auotber rolnmn. There
will be net-era! picnit-a asidf- from the
St. Ffidens will not celebrate the
Fourth this year, but many of the titi
zena w ill swell tho crowd at other local
itirt.,: .
j "I T Ot'tTOV tAllf NO. ,, Wf;OJ)trN'OF
; J 1 the Wr'l, ti.-in e,ry Satiir,t.y oiitt In
1 Fens', loh liulton- Suuixott. C.
Fiitr. t'dAsiz. cl'-rV.
I let'Jy ntj, work uiftjtr i.tuVt ur sirJ,;.
A-.p-r laor fti'irc K. J. Aaes, i.'jr iKtuiHi,
'if aey Notes.
Plenty of Kosxip, but witi-ii of it tfbt
atiitable fr tl. chajtA olu.nna of the
I Lr. Read Mark 4:22.
j R. A. iJcP!,nrti, who ju ftm ployed at
VatU-jo, Calif'., i srr,i)tr.g his vacation
i with his family. '
I Charles M-.-Ottulev. who has lieen
E. Hall, who has hecn fiiling the po j working in n lugging camp, is at home
ait ton of night watchman at HowanPa laid up W repati-a. Jfe foil from a ioz,
- 'T "t .1 A 1 o- "nit'!p EHUlt .llllV, .1. I .111 t:,IIIt. V lit'. I. llU,jl i,t;U 11 .If H-V I14-
...w . ,kvi3 .- iurne-1 nome last r riuav, J mechanism,
ing tbe first week in each . alternate j ... rhr, rr!on r.4 ..h?l,ln r.f' Rev. J. C. E-oei dweouraed to the
Warren Bsptg$.
to I
month, and a concerted plan of road
work could be easily carried into effect.
The experience of Oregon couitiea has
notyetdefconatrated the wearing qnali
tifcs of crushed rock roada, although it
makes a delightfully smooth roadway,
if the holes made iu soft places by the
tires of heavy wagons be promptly filled, i
Aatoiia, will sriend a short time visiting
wi'.h tier moirr, Jlrs. J-ltida Larson
Rev. James McQaeen, of Vaocouver,
i'ash., visited w lili ais'.er. Mrs.
i S. F. Baker, !:ot Thursday and Friday.
J Mrs. J. E. lnker was a Portland vii-
tor thvi fires oi tbe week.
Mrs. O. J. Gould arid children, of
fVmnt. Bk.rJI w n-t-w-. ..i: r-ortlaixi, viaiteo Willi Mrs. itioinaals-
rr""'' r ,-"-"""" ! bister a few dv, this week.
vaciiiuoiB couniy, wno nas a i
epecjal study of roaiwork for
years past, avers that plank roads
still the cheapest and most durable
thtita p'tank road will kit for
?Z i Pan Rice, who has Wn em plovcd on
the railroad, left for Britiah 'cofniuWa ' "c "i'
oada are 5 jfoodav jtI.t. , . . .for himse.f, kii
A few of our vounif Deonle attended
many . the entertainment at Bachelor Flat last
people at Kc.f""y ocisool hou-e on the
arise choice of Moses, differing nulta ma
terial iy with Robert fng-.-rijoii on the
mistakes of ?tbes.
3? r. and Mrs. C: C. Keasey and Mas
ter Theodore sundayed at Homewood,
celebrating tiie fourth anniversary of
lh":r n.iirriiiX, awuiirgly as happy as
wh.m th"y bt-stan the journey together.
K. 11. Throop, accompanied by bis
! son, loin in :e, made a trip to J'ortlaid
list week iHktf.g two teauis. fie brought
on, narucs ami mower
and a mower for J. R,
Prosperity set ms bnzsnng in the air
p,u. mm c-, jioiioa vv(uij(f, Him. rcpjrtt'i a very j jgrp rt ifo contryirr.
ery season by new ones. The repairs, if j pleasant Ume. A home" picnic midway between Mr.
made promptly, would amount only to j A special meeting of the Woodmen of Deroberby'a and Keaiwy is the order of
a ciicimum cxpsnrtitnre, ana the ori"i-1 t,ie W orld was held in t'no school house the dav on the Fourth for thn parents
ual outlay would insure an gct J last Tuesday evening. j and little children, and tho-e too old
, , . j , , .... 1 and tnlirru to figure 111 tr;a hilarities of
roadway for many years to come. ..Tae Mrs, L 11. was presented iin j,i-nic eK-where. U-l all come and
plrtnk svstem of roadways would etpec-j a btautifnl gold watch bml hatnrday brinjr tt.ei piea an-l cakes, and .t U,r
tally recommend itself to Colymlia I ewll,n thV "u.fti.AHi!,U!S " r; 1 dinners in the shades of the vine napies,
.;,., tin.w i A th,n rW).fP"0!- Mrs- V-"c-b " ?Vy I'r".'"1 of ! "nd th-children enjoy a, swine and a
county, ue Umber ta a &Upi. p0' her pteaent, and it w wed deserved. in u)e crvstil waters of Rock
duction. 1 ,v . . crwk "
The columns of the M?sr are open to; , T , , '
, , - . I 1-. ri. Lyncn one tiny last week, wlitn 1
any person, who desirea to offi r eugges-1 bia team befame trisittenH while
tiona or discut road matters. iingbay. The bayntrk and barnesa wre J
ii 1 1 ni.ii in mmmwmmmm Jcnipletely tleniolished. Xo one was!
-oxta' running Wween' Portland 81!,i:,'"'."'". -.jr.
c .n Citv are r,soit! a lnefit oa '-.' Mi J rankle ib-tcbrr loft, bin bun
jia'i.Tt of the
on th .eltetrfc
""ill rt uo.iin for some t'rr-e
the , w-r53S:
I T. lfNT ftSZ, rHJViI.r"K.N"''FAC
; f I tur.-, ai Viilv.-. Or., are vtpurvl iti-
ter. iTtuii'VSr v;ity nr S. Ii-ri. A(3lrRit or-'f-:
10 a-.ili ia S4jii, Vasiy, iff.
Dealer in Real Estate and Maker
of Abstracts.
Le&v PorlUnti r.a Tuestla.r, Tliurir'Sfty U iat
r.ay til 7 . ia. fur
St. ffehnt, XaJuma, Carrcr Point Rainier
and ff$fso,
ArrKtoft t Prtlnnt Mondft?, Wed
uewlrty tut! Kiiday at 2 p in.
WttArf lyt oJ SaitEfan m h. Hul-MAS. AguU
I A 11 )ltl;t-' '! sub
j J-l tw iMMJIKeJ.
ftp. m. For Sufi i-riiirut f
I tail sfy hvv ia.
t'ttify j
Cotumhl R!vir
p. m.
10 j. m. I
W.ll.mrlle Rivar.
f . n. I e,,.v. N. ..'rr.!,?; '. ?'
j Vtt)'4l4!Kt gi. I
Willriettt nd Yamo
' J fa. hill Hiv.rv I p a.
ru Ti.'ir.',. .... ,, Miu ,.,)
t.v, Ki.o. il.v.u !m
4 0. r,i, ; Snake niter. j ,i.ijv nt
t i I V lii. m,
ei .M.jii j Ri.arl4 to itl.Mi j . M.
A. h CRAIO, " "'"""
General Paiseiver Art., I'oi;ii,asd, Gk.
Stanwood & Sherman Bros.
-KANt or-
Bridge Timbers and
Ties a Specially.
V. . r.rMl!,!0ture ftn.1 etato ni(h IntiMT
f,.r ttl -mn.t l.-r 0-e 4' W, ti r.l
M il nt nkMt rvil'"'.' r"v
DiuiPiiion Lumlnn.
I'rice at the Mill. $' IVt M.
V A V H 1'U V . O It KOI X .
City Market
w fir. Mtt k, Oakboa
-pAiri; i-
' J Fresh and Salt Meat.
J .-
, City tde, lodging camps, tim
at Ixrjt and rati road camps
a onnsas nti.Kt. ow snout ftojtitt.
I . 11 H 11 I Al l W ,"'.''. t
si. iidcns Hotel jj Owl Saloon
Wai t, it tc . Movi tt, i'aii ,, I
U Again 0!,n to tho Vul.lic. B,fvy
13 I ....,,.1. .K !.. I
t -! $ Lienors and Cigars Kept ..Stall
i ..... i
Menis 8erVdd on Short N"tn-
l-tds 'I. Cent, M-nls i'S t'cttit.
Mfi; 'ir?,v .v coNtftam. iiom
TO Hi Y 10 Ct.VTS.
Sr., . Gaums.
J ....... A ...... v . . . . . . .
Drus Store
ros TIIHIt-
Drugs and
Toilet Articles and Perfumery
Dr. J. t. HALL, Propwtor .
: Orcuh.
At mhtt l-ip(ila lirsruH al 1
a ao.ayf tti .uvx
O'l !.!! jMlt
"Tom Bentcn" Cigars.
I A .'lit. n.i ....I th.rii
p uiur irur&i
j Cl.Ar.kAMf!
U .--afcV-f'0.'-' '.IT i1
Vi (11 umke the '&.o o 12 t the
loHowitt placeu: .
Mondays and Tuesdays at Pat Hughe'
place, .Deer Island; Wtilnesdays, Thurs
days and Fridays at llouiton ; Saturdays
and Hnndays at Suappooau.
lli-v Tallmt is aveyeirs'nM.lwy, with Wiek
intii HtiiJ tail bikI white n,t nrt now; w-ii't,B
over V pu'intli; 15"i hw; iilth; lr.,'. !,y V,ii
liute lre. by Ouy nilku.;.ian irl i,v"ni;j
tiiom, i 'ja, by Altrftnont; jrrA:,d Uui tjy iifjuiu.
Kingle service, $10; seuson, $15, one
half a, time of eervice, balance at end of
season ; insurance, 120.
W. V. Waay, Owner.
. E. HcKIHNEr. . ,,,
IMily Kjho'I Tripi icc:
TbrotiRh i-t.rt:n, c.mnccifnn mil, m.,,,,,,,,
MlfirOtTft lK,m liW,tl'0 Blh'l J'.,.H , IV.Ol
White t.llr Uae'lvs'fc, Infer,'! ,iK,.r,i iiil. V,'l,toiiiouy tltk,u
Tave Portion I
lave ARtutU..
7 A.M.
..? r.M.
Tbe Dalles-Portlacd Route.
Between Portland, The Dalles
and way points.
..7 A.M.
r.i: st.
-7 A. M
i V. M.
lav Fortturi't Tiiec. Tbum. Hut
Arrli-. .t Th- lii.i;.. , ., .. -
tv The Dalle ,-,jn w..' Krl "
rnt at nmiml uviuc .jy m
KASlljNO An OK fit K:
Fool ot Abler Street. Doth 'Phons, Juin V,l
fait-v. IS ,; i r..n v.r
aUAbroiAN rtlnn! DAILV
-, -Ms-! ' !
a j i'i '""
1 "I ,l(. hv r.rtUm! Ar II In
V. .
t, Uh
h 9 1
I a
a fi
H ,
'J Itl
i :i7
in (i
10 :iii
J 11 t.S t
9 :t"i jh. i
J Ml MS'
9 (Ai mi .v
10 W U. I.
Iu In ;.!
Ill I 71. -I'll
v. r i,
1(1 M 41 (i
l ; tr. I, f
n in a; ,,
11 an j
.. HOiler .
.. runnl.l.,
... Mn,.'r ..
. 'iliwey ,,
, Clul.kiO'le.
. M.f!l!4li,l.
, Wl,MI,rt.,,
... clillou ..
..'l t,.s..
JlVhh t)n"..
Ar. A.lrtoa
- - or
i k. a
s in I r j
in ia s !'.;, I Dial
tij Si i C ,
.v I a au fail
ai I i ,ii t
U -M 7 ifl 3
SKI ? t ,
5 W ?
vi I 7 17 C ,
3t 7 tw i
' P ill Q , ,
! i .v, . !
Steamer I
R.tlf.KtiAP TiMK.
fr Alni ,tH' fr f'it sjwlUff"'
Inml.n it SI ftariug lri l l',r: . :
cliwk, ac-iuiiilna, ut- l'.rntw -
t., Slttt-ihit 1.1 M, ll,ilett. t 4 IV
Passengers and Fast FreijM.
JSAt A AAAA fcjfk..A'
4 Kill I'OUM.tNf. Dl',
. v'"'.'." m',!! '1'""1 ''"'UlW'tl'-tH Kt (i,l,l!
K- n.,.1 .,, f-,l. ai l-urtl.o, with .l" j
l;n,r. iMV,,,. I , ,,, , 4( A,,rl Wltli ,
-.,-,i Sfirth ;f,r " """"
Pjirtf-Jrll!'M- .IP !..(., 2 ' If
"en, I'an.Aal.. AKtoiin.rtf j
Willamett Slooib Ronte
H W-ebt. Helena.... 9:iu'
i 4v i siiiifl Arrive at rortiantt,
: . . - - " . o ia v x i
J untvo rortlamt : tF
Arriva at Ht, Helens. O;00F
I (t: 40Cr!s' i,
Will Carry Kotl.lnit N T and i"at Km!"- j
J . . ri'7'
isr t;i 1 1 hi iii iji ni in or wriinu wwmiif iimiihh
TU p MtrA uapii o-mPPi
e. w.f ,,. ,v ., , l ir- 1 iiL vv rum C5 1 wi-?
i"bm, nto'iHS, uood H ver- I 1
O. Wvatt. lltririt v,,,, 1 ' '' :
Has Just receivml a large invoice of
I Summer Goods, Shoes
tht-tv a Tv.,e IF- vlvvw iv--
Watches, bSuilyerware !i Dry Goods' cerics. BootsShoes, Etc I
jewelry r IT. MnWRTTM. I
Kermipiu'ra Six'finifu ti Cooncr Tiniii?., it..:.. ct.. t. iri. nrPL'on-
WMorriwnbt Bp( Kron, . ,, 'allllll Itl ' III II