The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 13, 1902, Image 4

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    Impaired Digestion
Msy not be sll that is meant by tytpptia
now, but It will be It neglected.
The uneasiness liter eating, fiti of nerv-
ons headache, sourness of the etoraach, and
disagreeable belching may not b very bad
now, but they will be U th stomach la
differed to grow weaker.
Dyspepsia ti such miserable disease
that the tendency to It ibonld be liven
early attention. This li completely over
come by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which strengthens thewholedbjeetlve systeia
Pa's lot of Ship.
"What it an airship, pttf"
"A ship that puta on airs, my son."
"In a airship, like other ships, called
she?' "
"Certainly; didn't I just say that
an ainihip was a ship that putonairsT"
Smart Set.
Mothers will f nd Mrs. Wlnalow's Sooth
Ins 8vrup the best remedy to ass tor their
ahildrea during the teething period. -
RsJlree Warded,
"Yes," said the head man of the
new settlement, "we're after a railroad
"You don't say!"
"Yes, if we could get a railroad, to
come this way kill a few cows and cut
off some of the legs of the older citi
zens, we'd sne it ior damage and get
enough to build a town hall and grade
the cemeterv." Atlanta Constitution.
riTQ araaatly Cane. ee miimmi
Kaatonr. Svi4 lor VilBII ".) tmltHHiteuiltM'
Ih. Be. M.U. araasL. riiHaailshia.faj
Their Activity.
"Yes,1 said the doctor, "I really be
lieve automobiling will tend to make us
a more active and athletic people."
"Ah! You mean the people who
walk and dodge." Philadeplhia Press.
A ak Your DmIh for Allan's Foot-Ease,
A powder. It Cum Swnllea, Hnre, Hot, Calloaa,
AchiDg.HweatlnsPeraairilUfrrowliurNaila. Maine
ww or tlht shoes easy. At all Drmortsta and Shoe
siorrs, 36 CMtft. Accept Ne Bubetltnta. Sample
Library ei Wemsa's Writiags,
Mme. Kaissavoff, who recently died
at St. Petersburg, -bad collected
library of near I v 18,000 volumes, all
written by women. No book by a male
author ever had a place on her shelves.
For Infant and Children.
Till Rind Yoa Han Always Bought
Bears th
Signature of
Mart Then One
Henrique I hear that a stork visit
ed vonr nouse last night.
Newlyblessed (tragically) Storks-
The drutrtnst who advises you to use
Hamlin's Wizard Oil lor the cure of pain,
does you a good turn I
Mild Out.
Wife (anxiously) Is my husband
very ill, doctor?
Dr. Stick-am Oh, no. Only about
$100 worth. Chicago News.
Economical housekeepers know that
cheap groceries are seldom cheap. The
cheapness is nearly always made possi
ble at the expense of weight and qnali
ty. The best economy is to buy Mono
pole canned goods, .Baking Powder,
Spices, Syrup and Coffees. You not
only get the very finest the market
affords but at a very little advance over
the cheap grades. Don't tamper with
your health. Insist upon Monopole.
If your grocer doesn't handlo them,
end us his name. .
"So you won't chop the wood?"
"No, lady," answered Meandering
Mike, in s tone of deep sorrow. "I'm
a kleptomaniac. I'm afraid I might
steal some of it." Washintgon Star.
, Bankrupted.
She John shall I have the bill
my new epiing bonnet sent to youT
Me -No; I U have a receiver ap
pointed, and you may send it to him.
Ohio State Joprna'.
With Thsnlu, el Course
"I sent a poem complimentary to tha
editor of one of the best magazines."
"With what result?"
"He returned the compliment."
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Scrofula is but a modified form of Bloee)
Poison sad Consunstioa. The sorest
who is tainted by either will se us tha
cm La ih sajne disease
msnifestiBg itself is,
the form of swollen
(lands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak
eyes, offensive sores
sod abscesses and of
tentimes white swell-
inirtnm .. a
Scrofula. HZS njWgjfT&l
be no external signs fr Vr-y
a longtime, fr the disease develpsflwly
In some cases, but the peitea is in the
blood sod will break rat at the first f avor
able opportunity. S. 8. 8. cares this wsst
ing, destructive disease by first surifyiag
and building up the bleed and atiaulatiag
and invigorating the whole system.
J. at. Seats, 1 15 Pufclte SVpntre. Kaibflle,Taa..
ays i " T years ago jy daathter fell ana cut
her fereheaa'. Prom this waned tke (leads ea
the side of her fate hecameswellea bant.
Some of the bent doctors here aa elsewhere
etteaded her without aay bratat. We decided
to try S. S. 8., a ad a few hottlas cued ker en
tirely." makes new sad pur
I d.esi 'resa
safe cure for Scrofula,
It overcomes sll forms of blood poison, ;
whether inherited or acquired, and no '
remedy so thoroughly aad effectively ' ,
?"nr' lowl- .,? nT ? snd short time, for the organization
blood trouble, or your child has inherited . ... ...,.., ' ... . . "
some blood taint; take 3. 8. S. and get of thl iDiutiry wlU no bJ on eIbor
the blood in good condition and prevent te transaction, there will be one of the
the disease doing further damage. most profitable of sen-product lndus-
ocna ior our tree nooic ana write oar
physicians about yosr case. We tasks no
Charge whatever for medical advice.
riKT1 TM TFI V lllAItfDT
Blx-Tear-Old Lad Mart la Wron
Direction and. Alter Searching Par
tie Had Bought Hlaa tor Four Davra,
la Found at th Point of Death.
The family of Godfrey Hughe, a
member of the Urm of assayer owning
the Customs Assay otflce, recently went
to spend the summer mouths visiting
friends who owu lurge ranch about
seventeen miles above Albuquerque.
The family consists of the mother, two
sons and a daughter. One Saturday
the children asked permission to go to
a corral some 300 yards away from tha
house and on the other side of a knoll
that obstructed the corral from view
to play. Permission was grauted, and
the youngsters bounded away for their
afternoon frolic. Soon the little sister
wearied and the older brother proposed
that they take her t the bouse. To
this the youuger brother, Kmerson, who
waa only 8 years old, demurred, aa he
wished to nlay more. So the older
brother took his sister to the house.
L'pou arrival there the mother asked,
Where Is brother?" "We left him
playing at the corral." said the boy,
The mother then sent him back for
the little truant. Shortly the niesseu-
ger came back panting from his hur
ried running, and exclaimed that bis
brother was nowhere to he found; that
he was not at the corrol. The fright
ened mother hurried over to the corral
and there found the report of her boy
to be true. She searched and searched,
but could Bud no trace f the missing
child. At last she came upon some lit
tle footprints, showing that the child
had taken a direction opposite to what
he should have takeu, and the hnrasaed
mother became more aud more alarmed
aa the fact that her child had strayed
and waa In all probability loot became
apparent She followed the footprints
for three miles and ouly ceased because
darkness was approaching slid she was
powerless and had to call for aid. As
rapidly as her nervous and exhausted
state would permit she retraced her
steps to the house and alarmed the
household. Immediately a search party
was organized, and, despite the oncom
ing of night started out in quest of the
helpless child.
Through that disheartening night the
weary search continued. And the next
day the trained services of seventy-five
Indisns were Impressed, and all that
long and trying day the search went
on, and yet no clew to the wanderer.
The grief and agony of the poor afflict
ed mother were beyond consolation.'
The continued discouraging reports
that were from time to time brought
her only added to accentuate her suf
ferings. The tracks could be followed
for a distance of twelve miles and then
seemed to double upon themselves and
finally became lost Without rest the
searchers continued In what seemed
their hopeless quest. The thought of
the poor little tot being out upon the
dreary plains alone, without shelter or
food, wandering on with the helpless
ness of the lost, crying .possibly with
fright, tormented by the pangs of hun
ger and thirst, was simply maddening
to the poor mother and friends seem.
lng so helpless to terminate the trying
All of Sunday night the search con
Untied, and early Monday morning the
father, who had been Ignorant of the
tragedy, was wired. . He arrived that
day and added his untiring efforts to
those of the large party already out
To think of the dreadful pathos of it
all. The poor child was not found until
Wednesday morning. It was then found
by a Mexican, who carried the exhaust
ed little form to his cabin, where the
child lingered for three hours and then
passed away. The ordeal had been
beyond the little one's endurance. The
remains were taken back to the ranch
and next day were Interred In the cem
etery of the nelghliorlug village. El
Paso Times.
Fish Commiaelon Believes They Co a
Be Found.
Believing that there are sponges of
merchantable quality in the waters
about the Hawaiian Islands, the last
week of the stay of the party repre
senting the Cuited States Fish Com
mission will be devoted In part to an
investigation of reports concerning
I heir presence. Should there be found
sponges which will be fit for market
these will add materially to the wealth
of the islands, more. In fact, than any
other product of the fisheries.
Thi're is one State of the Union which
now produces all the sponges which are
brought to the market locally. Along
the coast of Florida the industry has
been pushed to Its limit, until the an
nual sales of sponges amount to SOju,-
000. The product sells for as high as
$'J.j0 a pound, which makes the busi
ness most profitable. There are sixty
schooners In the trade, and the business
is the staple of many of the towns
along the coast of the State. The fish
ermen have brought the business to a
high state of perfection, and they are
able to make large catches in season.
The sponge nulling Is done In deep
water, the best specimens of the large
bath sponges being obtained from fifty
feet below the surface. They are locat
ed with a long pole carrying on Its end
blade like a letter 8, which cuts the
sponge loose with a twist snd it Is then
brought to the surface. If there is luck;
and If not and It gets sway, it is lost
forever. The men become very expert
In the business, snd they will carry it
on during high winds, losing very few
of the sponges.
There are many varieties of the
sponge, those which are generally found
8ort "blch are f Iue- 11 ' tne
opinion of Mr. Cobb, who Is one of the
experts of the fish commission on this
matter, that good sponges will be found
the reefs outside, and that In time,
tries inaugurated.
Reports have come to the raemlier of
the party, says the Hawaiian Gazette,
that high-grade sponges bav been
found at runaltm and other points on
been seen which are of the finest grade
of the satin sponge, aud the belief Is
expressed that there will be found a
great supply of the valuable growths.
Should beds be found these will be
further cultivated and the building of
the Industry will go on as rapidly as
Head Bookkeeper Pat Up a Job est
111m that Qnletad Ills.
A man who has charge of roomful
of bookkeepers la the Stewart build
ing has broken a young clerk of the
bahlt of singing popular airs during
work hours, aud he tell the story for
the benefit of those who way be sim
ilarly afflicted.
The head bookkeeper has pretty good
nerves, and he stood the distressing ef
forts of the musical young man pretty
well until the calender broke out with;
"Has any one seen my cat?"
Most of the morning bad beea- en
livened by this song of Powers', with
this oft-repeated line, but at length th
head bookkeeper entered Into conspir
acy with the office boy. and the jani
tor's apartments were drawn upon for
a supply of real live cats. .
At the next outbreak of
"Has auy oue seeu my cat?"
The office hoy appeared with se
date tabby lu his arms, aud, going over
to the warbling youth, said:
"Is this It. air?"
"la this what?" replied the' young
man, pauslug lu bis career of doubtful
melody and swinging around In bis
'Why.1 is this the cat you bar been
asking about all morning?" aald the
boy, Imperturbably.
The young man swung back to his
work as the others in the office burst
Into a laugh and the boy retreated.
Presently the song from "Th Mes
senger Boy" broke out again, and th
omce boy was promptly on th scene
with a mewing kitten.
Is this It. sir?" said the boy with
mock respectfulness, and he placed th
kitten on the desk.
Take It away: take It away," ex
claimed the young man, and he kept
silence for nearly an hoar, but again
fell Into his musical query:
"Has any one seen my cat?"
This time the office boy appeared
with a whole family of cats In bis
arms, says the new York limes, ana
before the young man could chase htm
away the boy asked:
"Which one Is it sir?"
The warbling bookkeeper now keeps
discreet silence.
Punishment that Ha Been Practiced
for Manx Tears in Navy.
What has come to be known as th
"water cure" treatment Is an adoption
by the army of a disciplinary measure
aa old to the navy as wooden hulls and
hemp rigging. The deep-sea sailor
calls It a "handy-billy wash-down," and
Its application Is only resorted to as the
most effective means to stop the brawl
ing profanity of a drunken sailor on
shipboard. '
Where ships are visiting ports In tor
rid climates It is considered a hardship
to confine a man in the brig, the ship's
lockup, because of the beat snd a sailor
who goes on board In an unruly, Intoxi
cated condition Is usually put In Irons
and allowed to sleep off n tbe.forward
deck. Not Infrequently, when "Jack"
has been drinking all kinds In sight on
a shore leave the "feel" of the Irons,
combined with the liquor, makes him
swearing mad." No one, from th
commanding officer to the ship's boy.
escapes bis oaths at such times, and
finally It becomes necessary for the
peace and discipline of the ship, to glv
him a "handy-billy washdown."
His hands, which are fastened behind
bim, are lashed to a bolt In the deck.
and the "handy-billy" a small band
force pump Is prepared for action. A
rubber house, without a nozzle, through
custom held by "Jack's" chum. Is point
ed close to bis face and "Jack" Is asked
to stop swearing or take the "wash-
down." The answer generally comes in
the form of renewed effort to swear
louder and harder. The petty officer
in charge orders, "Pump sway!" and
for four or five seconds a steady stream
is played on the sailor's mouth. His
spluttering attempts to utter more
oaths in spite of the water are drowned
in the laugh from his shipmates. Phil
adelphia Times.
Abdul Harold as Editor.
The Sultan of Turkey Insists that
Turkish papers should never speak of
violent deaths when they affect the
rulers or leader of nations. When
President Carnot was assassinated th
Turkish papers reported as follows:
"We regret to announce, dear readers,
that Carnot the worthy Prealdent of
the French Republic, who has been III
for the lost few days, died yesterday at
The assassination of Naslr-ed-IMn,
Sliati of Persia, by MouJl IUza, was
transformed by the Turkish press Int
s natural, peaceful death. "Full of
years and glory, the king of kings has
joined bis august ancestors beyond the
tomb," terminated the paragraph la
The fearful death of the Empress of
Austria came as a dread shock to the
already high-strung nerves of the Ylldls
despot. Izzet Bey. the Sultan's favorite
chamberlain, was at once Instructed to
send an announcement to the Turkish
papers thst the empress, while staying
at Geneva, had died from a cardiac af
fection declared by her medical advis
ers to be Incurable.
Albert Edward and the Reporters.
on one occasion," said Sir Edwin
Arnold, "when I was at an Important
function at Marlborough House. Sir
Francis Knollys came up to the Prince
of Wales and remarked: 'Some gentle
men of the press wish admission, air.'
Oh, show them In,' said the Prince,
with a laugh; 'If they don't obtain ad
mittance at the door they'll come In
through the ventilator.' "
- Death Rate In Mexico.
The City of Mexico, with a popula
tion of nearly 870,000, still has an an
nual death rate of 62.2 per 1,000.
Ixve Is supposed to be a tender pas
sion, but sometimes the girl's father
makes It a tough proposition.
The recent sandstorm from th Mo
jito desert la said to bav piled up
sand In Santa Ana thirty feet
Sir Robert Ball, professor of mathe
matics and astronomy at Cambridge
University, ssys America la doing mor
aud better work n astronomy than th
whole of Europe combined.
Th American Bridge Company, of
Philadelphia, will construct twenty
steel bridges along th line of th
Uganda Railroad In ICast Africa, the
cost to b about $1,000,008.
Th fore known as heat Is of great
importance. Th earth Is hotter below
th surfac and probably baa very
hlL-h temneratur toward Irs center. Ia
some places not very far below Its sur
face It contains highly bested rock.
which occasionally Bows over th sur
face during volcanic eruptions. In oth
er places wo find hot springs In connec
tion with volcanic action.
On of th peculiar laduatrles of Ire
land which ha recently received a
fresh stimulus is th manufacture of
poplin, a kind of goods In which silk
and wool are so combined that th silk
constitutes the surfaces snd th wool
th Interior part The silk comes from
China, but It Is aU dyed In Dublin, be
cause they aver la th Irish capital mat
there to some quality la th Dublin
water which Insures a brilliance and
permanence of color that has not bees
attained elsewhere.
Th charm of the yellow metal sel
dom asserts Itself mor clearly than la
the account given by Hugue L Roux,
French explorer, of th method of
collecting gold from the placer mine
of Abyssinia. Th precious metal Is
found by the natlvea In small nuggets
and dust In the beds of streams. I hey
carry It to market In large qnUls, which
are as transparent aa tubes of glasa.
The brokers who buy the gold work It
up Into the form of circles of th aver
age size of a heavy flnger-rlng. But
these circles are not quite closed, be
cause the purchaser always Insists on
twisting them, like string of molasses
candy. In order to detect possible adul
terations. Experienced fingers can tell
If the yielding metal possesses th ex
act malleability of gold.
If it were not for th countless tril
lions of dust particles that float sep
arately Invisible, In the atmosphere,
there could be no rain-drops, snow crys
tals or hailstones. From s perfectly
dustless atmospher th moisture
would descend In ceaseless rain with
out drops. The dust particles serve as
nuclei about which the vapor gathers.
The snow crystal la the most beautiful
creation of the aerial moisture, and the
hailstone Is the most extraordinary. '
The heart of every hailstone, as Arthur
H. Bell shows In Knowledge, to a tiny
atom of dust Such an atom, with a
little moisture condensed about It Is
the germ from which may grow a hall
stone, capable of felling a man or
smashing a window. But first It must
be caught up by a current of air and
carried to the level of the lofty cirrus
clouds, five or six, or even ten miles
high. Then, continually growing by
fresh accessions of moisture. It begins
its long plunge to the earth, splnulug
through the clouds, and flashing In the
sun like a diamond bolt shot from a
But the Kdltor Didn't Enthuse Over
Mr. Baiter's "Tootaio Twitters."
The sharp-featured man paused in
the doorway and the editor looked up.
'I suppose, suld the stranger, "that
you are always ou the lookout for a
good story?" And without waiting
for a reily be rapidly crossed the
apartment and. suutlng himself at the
editor's elbow, assumed an easy at
"Well?" said the editor, a little doubt
fully. "Did you ever hear of Tootsle Twit
ters?" inquired the stranger, with
much abruptness.
"No." said th editor. "Is It a comic
"No," said the stranger, "It's a beau
tiful young woman, a young woman
of the stage, air. A young womau
with a most Interesting story attached."
"Are you an advance agent?" In
quired the editor.
"Who, me?" cried the stranger.
"No, sir. I'm a friend, sir, a friend
of the lady and a friend of the news
paper profession. Yes, sir. Miss
Twitters Is a perfect lady. She adopt
ed the stage aa a profession, because
she had remarkable talent In that di
rection; talent sir, that hasn't beeu
fully appreciated aa yet but will be,
sir, but will be."
"What's the lady's special liner in
quired th editor.
"She's In the second line now," re
piled th stranger. "But she'U be In
the front row just as soon ss s some
what sluggish mansger can learn to
distinguish between real merit and en
vious detraction.'"
"Well, what of It?" inquired the
"I am getting to that," said the
stranger. "I'm coming to th story, sir.
Miss Twitters if the heiress to the es
tate of the late CoL Ponsonby-Snlckle-worth
of Berks, England. You've beard
of th colonel?"
"No," said tb editor.
"He left an estate valued at a million
pounds. Just make a not of It plesse.
Pounds, not dollars."
"Go on," said th editor.
"All this immense estate goes to Miss
Twitters on one condition," said the
stranger. "Mark the condition. She
must marry the eldest son of the Duke
of Bubblesqueak."
"That seems an easy one," said the
editor. ,
"Not for Tootle Twitters," said the
stranger, proudly. "She's a true Amer
ican girl. You can't buy her allegtunce
with any paltry million pounds. She
will marry the duk on one condition
only. lie must become an American
citizen, sir." Th stranger paused and
smiled at th editor. "There," be said,
"you'v got tb materials for a great
story. Work It tip right, and trim it
with catchy headlines. "Tootsle Scorns
th mto,' or something Ilk that I
leava It sll In your hands. But dont
forget It's pounds nnd not dollars.'
"You seem to take a remarkable In
terest ia this youug womau," said th
editor. ,L .
"Correct," said the stranger. 1 hen he
stooped over the edlior. "Fact to." h
said in subdued voles. "Tootsle Is
really Mrs, Sum Baxter-and I'm .
And merrily patting the editor on tu
back, ssys the Cleveland - lain Dealer,
he strode from tho room.
Prospectors Du for Gold 1,000 Year.
Befar Christian Krs.
In the heart of the Matoppo niHa, In
South Africa, among which Cecil
Rhodes, th empire builder, sleeps the
last sleep, there are many nilu which
appeal strongly to the Imagination. U
Is dllficult to realise, writes a cor
respondent that the habitations, now
rulus, were occupied by gold seekers so
lnnir airo as 1000 B. 0. When one thinks
of Ithodesla It to Invariably of the great
pesalblUUes which the ruture nows ror
tho country. But what of Rhodesia's
past? Three thousands years ago, pros
nsotora aa nold hungry as the "green-
esT prospector of to-day scoured th
Matoppos and the surrounding country
for th precious metal. lUese cruiu
bllna- ruins ouce contained the furnaces
for th retorting aud smelting of tb
a-old. Iu many quarters nuge exesva
Hons are found where the ancient dug
far down Into the bowels of th earth
In search of the metal. Several of these
mines are still the largrat on the earth
aurfnc. The galleries are csked with
layers of soot froiu th torches of tb
workers. One blatartan estimate tiiat
the ancient miners discovered millions
of pounds' worth of gold In Ithodesla
These early emigrants are believed to
have been Phoenicians, who, as the Old
Testament allows, were s great colon
Islng people. Several writers have late
ly arisen to proclaim Rhodesia as the
veritable land of Ophlr, "a luud teem
lng with gold and precious stones.
Hitherto India has been regarded a
the Ophlr of the ancients, but savant
now claim that In the light of recent
discoveries India must renounce that
distinction in favor of Rhodesia.
How to Roll an Umbrella.
Why it It," asked an Inquislllv cus
tomer In a downtown umbrella store.
'that one can never roll up an umbrella
as compactly and neatly ss it Is rolled
when he buys It?"
'You can if you only know bow
said the salesman, "but If everybody
knew how it would mean a less bust
less for us. The umbrella would Inst
longer and there would be a lot less
work for the repairers.
Perhaps I ought not to tell you
how," the clerk continued, but It's so
I tuple you should know snyhow. If
you have noticed, neany everynoay
who rolls up an umbrella takes hold o
It by (be handle and keeps twisting the
stick with one hand while he folds and
rolls with the other hand.
Now, that's just where the mistake
comes In. Instead or twisting with
handle, he should take hold of It just
above the points of the rover ribs.
These poluts naturally He evenly
around tho stick. Keep hold of thnse,
presiding them tightly agalnxt the stick.
nd then roll up the cover. Holding the
ribs prevents them from getting twist
ed out of place or bending out of shape,
Then the silk Is bound to fold evenly
and roll smooth and tight.
"Roll tip your umbrella this way and
until It Is old enough to get rusty-look
lng It will look as If It hud Just come
from the shop." Kansas City Star.
Will It Succeed ?
Another exneriment In the line of
community housekeeping Is to be tried,
this time in a suburb of Berlin. A
large bouse, containing thirty rooms,
situated In extensive grounds of twenty
acres, has been rented by a community
of mutual iiciiiiiliitniicc, among whom
are both married aud single. A month
1.'.' rent of from llfteeu to twenty marks
will be levied for each room occupied.
The housekeeping will be In common,
and the kitchen uIno. One lady and one
gentleman will be elected to lake
charge of all the concern of the bouse,
These olllcers will be changed weekly.
A bill of fare aud all other matters of
Intere.-it connected with the eMtiibllah
inent will be posted up In the hall. For
food a dally charge of one mark will
be mnile. This charge Is so modern te
that It may have to be Increased later,
There will be a good library anil a com
mon drawing room, writing room,
working room aud dining room. Ar
rungements are also being made for a
common playground aud garden. The
community will consist at first of forty
persons, mostly engaged in literary and
artistic pursuits.
Danger of Celluloid.
Manufacturers of articles made of
celluloid should be compelled to stamp
plainly upon them the words "highly
Inflammable." The danger Is no Imag
inary one. A gentleman with a lighted
cigar In bis mouth was playing upon an
"American orgnn" furnished with cel
luloid keys. When some red hot ash
dropped upon the keys they Instantly
burst Into fumes and flame, which
coma only be extinguished with the
greatest difficulty.. A heated curling
Iron will readily start the 'volution of
dense and highly hi flu mumble fumes If
brought In contact with a celluloid
comb or hairpin. The proximity of a
naked light adds to the danger enor
mously, for the fumes of celluloid will
ignite fiercely at some considerable dis
tance from the flume.
A Vegetarian Argument.
It Is estimated that twenty-two acres
of land Is neeessury to sustain one man
on fresh meat. The same simcn nf imwi
If devoted to wheat culture would feed
forty-two people; If to outs, elirlitv.
eight; potatoes, Indian corn and rlcp
170; and If to the plantain or bread
fruit tree, over (1,000 people.
An Odd Oversight.
A Cincinnati paper, after prlntlne an
extensive account of. Bol Smith Rus
sell's death, snd the arrangements for
the funeral, closed the column with tho
line: "Other amnscinents on naae ft"
Admire a girl's hat, and she will tell
you that she didn't like It after she got
It home, and tore It all to pieces and
retrlmmed It
"I often think I'm cunnluif." s innn
said to-day, "until results com In."
A fhlld Meltur's Asjury,
.... . .I.H.I to "take" to
wnenau""" , ., .,
any one, its mother thinks It pro ty
Si evldenc. that tl.s Prn I. i
of tome onormous crim.- Atchison
Glob. -
, Men llk It
Uwyer-ThsMoAof ftr
... - to in as a "lobster I
amu uor . ...p ii..e
You wouldn't call ma that, would you?
Client Of course not.
Lawysr-Ah, I knew yoa wouldu .
Cliut-No, It's Impoaalbto for a
hark to be a lobster. Chicago Daily
Nws. ,
Ns Dsttrrtnt
"Sharp It somewhat unscrupulous,
Isn't hs?" , ,.
"Yes, it will taks mors than his con
science to keep him from making a for
tune." Town and Country.
H Kmw.
Harriet They hava sighted a whal
fl to the leeward.
Henpcnk I bet it to a lemai.
Harriot Why do yon think sot
Ilenpeek-IIocansa I heard them say,
"There she blows I" Chicago
forTree advice
Every Woman Should Writs Dr. S.
B. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium.
Mrs. Joseph Laoalle,
Mrs. Joseph Lacelln, Ottawa, Ksst,
Out., Csnada, writes:
"Pomna is bettor by far than any
other medirln sold in tho Dominion
for th troubles peculiar to tho sex. I
suffered with backache, headache and
dragging down pain for over nine
months, and nothing relieved me a par
ticle until I took reruns. A few bot
tle relieved m of my miserable half-
dead, half-alive) condition. I sm now
in good health and hav neither ache or
pain, nor hsve I had any for the past
year. If every suffering woman would
take Peruna they would soon know Its
value and never be without It." Mrs.
Joseph Lacell.
Fret Moom Advka.
In view of the great multitude of
women suffering from soma form of fe
male discs and yet unable to find any
cur. Dr. Hartman, th renowned
specialist on female catarrhal dis
eases, has announced his willingness
t direct the treatment of as many
cases as make application to him
during tha summer months without
Those wishing to become patients
should address the reruns Medicine
Co., Colntnbua, Ohio.
i i i .i i. i
A PrtciMtlosi.
'Then when you have finished your
lecture," said th professor ol elocution
and deportment to yonug Dulle, "bow
gracefully and ieavo the platform on
V by on tip-toe?" queried Dulle. i
"Ho as not to wake the atwlionce," j
responded the profosaor. I'oarsoii's
. a a. .. t
She Didn't Car. I
"Pardon me," said the reporter who!
had been sent to write np her wedding
but we should have to get out a mu-'
plemeiit In order to print tho list of!
your wedding presents." i
"U I Wouldn't mind thst," consented
th bride, archly. Ohio Ktate Journal.
Pttle Over Pills.
Mutt Baar Signature of
ee Fsc-Wsslle Wrapper Been.
Terr sea all aa4 as eaay
rOl DinWESI.
m Huoums.
OMMUUta aaeraan swsATuai .
'Pries I
J Caiitairarsty
SAMPLB BOX FRGE. LAMnnpcnisi iv.dti A Nil. OR.
WD i
i-piji't' y
unoaa. Ath 0nmt" Conditioner and r?nr I'ntttner '"'',;
nSkJl mnn wo.rl5 on ,c" f'"t- COW sire more and richer
milk. MOOa grow and fUen quicker IfKivcn this food.
ih..."f AtftpIGS GOW. QOOD s-Oft STUNTtO CALVIS.
J3 ri?. wVulCTriKi': Sab."0 ,r'"' " 0n
Ib.H.W: ratl es.p,,. Hand
HOWUN. taut A gaol,,
" I havt used your Mslr Vigor
for flv year and am irestlv
pleaaed with It. It certainly r.
stores the original color to era
hair. It keeps my heir oft,"Mrs
Aycr's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
ana it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
II.M a seme. Sllsmul.lfc
If yenr tfrnntlst rwinmt supply ana.
send dim U'llUr suit we will atnraM
you buttle, he sure ami rlre III nam
( ,ur aaaraat anrM uilliw. AiUlraai.
J. t). A K.H I U.. I jiwell. Mus
- - - aaJ
Wh jrmi rtfc ttump with th afrlirtary
ptiMj. rut mwr, MMrtthiit btM'tt miu g
ihown In Ui" iUsiitsi lltufttrwtttm, utt iUf m
ml uh out, ni Mil will do thlt Uri th
t hsuniaton limwtm Mwr.
fit I MsrvMi to tltmv that iiMitr umlttt th
Imt will ria thi wbftN fit w (grrmm-l, 'ifi I'-sum powt. Wiim ih) i h.t.i-
plan lritw t Ul til autiUftry ! th rUlra
Mir Mutiitat ttt hr lii htVT tnmtti.t sixm
dtiwiiwaml pull, tfit'tttia lht wheel l!mr
III KTHiii4t lmff rttlnit, mor frr(
luatMittf th ntiami tmK)l ( MKttf m ih mu
h4. ThUs ftMt MtKta ttwItesWttlmt, Bttttirftat
wnt tit fel bwf Hi, buy th rhtHUea
Draw t ut.
Mftttd frr hrsntt of sritrTtnnl tat!f IVrmi feu.
4retf 4tisjMiil n?ltnT mil tvf '-, m I.UI.-V )ll rnn., l.KW IH
4 Ml A V Kit tX, lfftl Ant, iNwiltutt, (N
Yoa ran eit mere bey with Ih
same teem In the seme time and
with le work then wliD eny other
Mnwar, What nwre could ynuwantt
J. A. f klULMAN, (Jen!. Agt.
10 l!a! Water M.,
alter A. Wood and Minnls ExUu
Th htM hit ftf kmtwt titan U otkt
l)Mi-'hlllM "Jut ays) ar i M'mni.k "
Klilf on of vrr humlrtil dmhstt mM
VMiid thi. w urUl trAr (It Uftiu Met two.
Call nn tha M'l'nrml, s ac'.it. Off Cat A
(Jan. Aft. MrOwmlrk llarvulii stsriituf. 0.
Nothing anion Into the make npnf MO.
OPOI.H rirarli eal atlumly nrt! They ere iarlti,l in (I e if-l
uinauly manner sixt'wllh the sroatmlul
rare. If yuil try thain you will never 1
alluded wlm i.t'er and Inferior bramU
The cost la ery llule over unllnary creoi
II your grurwr itcwaii'l carry
(rocerlaa aend us his name.
WADHAMS a M'frQ BttO.. larXIntJ
St. Hctcn'o Hall
A Hnarillni anrl Hay ftflhonl fur OI'l.
Haa Normal klndnrsiirinii Tralntnf lnr
meut, which h eexnarat rn.lni lor
dersarlen elaviM, Tlie Hoarding liniarttnal
iirottriee s nhenrful and w.-ll arrsniixi home
lor yoniif ladlrs. for Catalogue or ether In
formation airnlr to
MlIWi UiUnOR TKBRKTT. I'rlnolnsl.
M Hum f tmr Bmrm
MMtmry anef Mmnmal Trmlnlma
tor HliwlrmtI OMmll
VMiaiiaaial aiti.a i
Summer Reaolutlont
IE ileeioy Curo
Sure relief from liquor, opium and tobacco
habits, Mend tor particulars to
Keefey Instituta T.lV:.tlir .
if. r. n. o.
. M-ltS.
SJ writing te advertisers pleus
snentloa tale paper.
rninlsa teaeiy Cs., St. H'l Nbuv
fortlauil. Ore., and trtlH,""'