OREGON MIST Knwred it the Pot-tulHr at St. Holrns, Oregon, m SKni-i-nia nil matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. which give a total nmulwr of inheUi 1 t.mt every wulury of S.207,0000,000. j He assume that the world will stand j 1000 centuries or 100,000 year, would give a total of 2,070,000,000,000 Inhabi- TWO WAYS OF CAPTURING SPONGES. Haw th. Florida tipong Seeker THftfcre Froiu th. Diver f th. Keal. The tnothods employed in pather- ing spougoa in tho Mediterranean i Unts lor tliis period of time. He then rescue the rsanurin conclusion that la the east divers are euinloved j if one hundred world of the same eixe i Ttw diver is carritxl down by a and duration, and containing the same broad, flat slab of marblo of about S3 number of inhabitants, should redeem pounds weight, which , he holds at all the inhabitant there would be. more arm's length in front of him, and than one hundred room of the ei iu- i wmcn be uses to guide bis flight, to t oo dicated for each. Men have not thought protect his head when he first 60 ! so much about the size of heaven. They rtrikes and to keep him down when - . have prohablT alwav felt that there n ootrom. county omCERS. would be ample room for those able to ' teen to twenty fathoms is the Repreaentative Komu Morrill. Clatsksnle ! there If a lack of room were veraKe depth, While two illinuUw is J"-' b. . g ' .." . ... the usual duration of the dive. Each IsarsD Evkkv Faiiuv Mornino Bv DAVIO DAVIS, ElITOa AMU 1'SUPBIKTOB. SUBSCRIPTION PBICK: )ne copy one year, in advance. . Six month cior j. o. Witt, st. H"lrn possible, in the divine order of things, ,. . . . - ffcrsV KSS rTomd probably be at the other place) j 7 surveyor a. B. Liule, Hnniioa are made from time to time. Room wv ax mnn on,l i. nnl.-1-l-o. ,n7 jmw Dr. H. a. ciiar, st Helena . , . . . . jerKS a rope sua is quickly pulled to fv.nmi i.n I...... -r. A. Frakee, tttaoi-o... uwu"iwivniirai vuu- tue Slriace. ' ideration with men who have paused , jj, this country a sponging crew is iong euoug,, ,n tne W0lr, OI evenw w dmded into twos, each pair consist I meditate on the blessings which are to ing of a "sculler" and a "hooker," I follow a life of righteousness. The supplied with a small yawlboat main question, and the one in which all known as a dingy. The former I men are most concerned, is the simple stands in the stern of the dingy and question of the shortest, best and safest 8Cul,a slowly and steadily for- wy. Put in differut language, thev wara- ng prepared to stop it and want to know bow to get there, and if the studious statistician will figure out uie plan that will meet with 'geuwral satisfaction along this line he will probably smooth out the furrows which now mark the faces of Happy Time In Old Town, "We felt very happy," write It. N Bevill. Old Town. Vs.. when Puck, ten Amir Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for nils, corns, burns bruise, boils, ulcers, emotion. 1 fallible tor pile. Only 35c at the Bt. Helens Pharmacy, For biliousness nse Chamberlain Stomach snd Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels, elfectuig a quick and permanent cure. For sale at the Ht. Htlens Pharmacy, OABTOniA Bears the A It " ahfflW BffigM Bigsatais f ,7 IK Kin Yw Haw lw JOE 13, 1902. Th msDagement of the Uarriman railway lines has just perfected the de tails of the largest colonisation plan ever, attempted by a railroad in the West. The organization of a colonization bureau and the appointment of G. M. McKinney to be general coloniz.tioa agent in charge of the bureau, with quarters in Chicago, has been announc ed. Mr. McKinney left at once for Portland, Or., with a view to getting in touch with the general situation, and upon his re tarn to Chicago plans will be perfected which the Harriman people beleive will place many thousand colo nist in Oregon and Washington within the next two years. A large sum has been appropriated to carry on the work. It is said to be on a scale hitherto noattempted. , uneast sinners. THEY ARE SEES EVERY OAT. Here are some questions about things AiTBSt deliberating thirty minutes, a jury in the Supreme Court of New York rendered a verdict of 160,000 damages against the New York Central railroad in favor of Mrs. Lottie O. Dimon, whose husband was killed in the tunnel dis aster last January. This is said to be the largest amount ever awarded in that state in a damage snit growing ont of the loss of life in a railway accident. If this verdict is sny criterion of what will be awarded to the heirs of the other sixteen persons who met death in the tunnel, it foreshadow that the accident will cost the ew York Central $1,020, 000 in death claims alone. Certainly more than a million more will be sdded to this in award to the scores who were injured. Mrs. Dimon sued for f 100,000. On the first ballot ten of the jurymen voted to award her the full anonmt claimed. " Tax rise in the price of meat is giving scrions trouble to the people all over the sonntry. Many persons have been fore sd to give np their daily ration of beef r mntton and resort to substitute in the way of cereals, vegetables and fish. The effects are more felt, probably, among the laboring people than among those who are well-to-do. The natural consequence is a very general protest from the labor organizations, east snd west, sgainst the rates imposed by the Dingley law upon cattle snd fresh meats. The tariff on cattle is 273, percent, upon sheep $1.50 per head and upon fresh meats imported from outside the United States a tax of 2 cents per pound is im posed. The plea of the packers that the rise in prices of beef is due to the scarcity of cattle, is not bourne out by the reports of receipts of csttle on the boot at sny of the Urge packing points, comparing this yesr with lsst year. Be tbst as it may the people are demand ing that these taxes now are of bat little notu u exactly in place at a mo ment's notice from the "hooker," wno meeting amidships, with the upper half of his body projecting over the side, scans the bottom for suitable sponges. In order to assist in this spanning a sponge glass is used. It consists of an ordinary wooaen Ducxet with a glass bottom fixed in with putty. The handle is placed around the neck of the "hooker," while the glass itself is placed flat upon the water, while the "hookers" head is thrust well down into the bucket tsy wis means ne can see very I you have seen every day and all your life, says the Washington Star. If you are a wonder you may possibly answer one or two of the queries offhand. Otherwise not. What are the exact words on a two small objects at a considerable donth cent stamp snd in what direction is Uit and he has his hands free to plunge face on it turned ? the hooked pole down and pierce the in wtiat direction is the face tnmexi sponge, sometimes at a depth of 89 onacentT On a quarter? On a dime T . feet, as soon as sighted. How many toes has a cat on each fore-1 After landing a catch, the sponges foot? On each hind foot? are beaten to cleanse them. After- Which wav does the crescent mnnn , ward they are dipped into a wesi so lum? To the right or left? - ration of lime and sea water to give What color are vour emolover's eves? 76" color so well known The eyes of the man at the next desk? Write down, offhand, the figure on the faee of your watch. The odd are that yon will make at least two mistakes in doing this. Your watch has some words written or printed on its face. You have seen these word a thousand times. in the markets. Cincinnati Tribune. them out correctly. Few can do this. Also what is the number of the case of your watch ? . How high (in inches) is a silk hat? How many teeth have you ? No Ma la Jnmallsai Vvr Old Maw. The most pathetic figure in jour nalism is tue man who has grown old in its service. Through no fault of his, he finds himself without a vo cation when he most needs it In Write i any other business his experience would be of value. The accumulated knowledge of years would command a price commensurate with its worth. Here it is valueless, because in the ! first 10 years of hie journalistic ca- What are Ibe words on a policeman's reer ne na masterea tne art of re shield ? porting, of copy reading, of any rou- How many button has the vest or shirt waist you are wearing? How many stairs are there in the first fright at your bouse? How many steps lead from the street to the front door of your house or fiat? What is the name, signed in facsimile on any $1, $2, $5 or $10 bill vou ever saw ! You've read dozens of Can yon remember one? those names. The stage of the water in the Colum bia is on the downward incline, vcrv mncb to the satisfaction of a great niani people. The frame for the new school hous is assuming considerable proportions, and when the building is completed it will outrival anything on the Columbia nver. Summer seems to bare arrived, some what belated, but juat as welcome, any how, jnst as though it had been on time. Judge Doan spent Thursday of thi week in the vicinity of Deer Island, looking after road matter. The final settlement of the estate of Frank M. Webber, deceased, was had in the probate court Tuesday. Cawkoya and tba Slmpe. Two Texas cowboys recently had the novel experience of traveling by rail over the Missouri, TTnTiiauy and Texas road. But they seemed to feel uncomfortable from the time the train pulled out from the point that they got on out in the brush. When they got in the Wagner sleeper, one of them said to the otaer : "Bill, youll have to take your spurs offern your hoofs if you expect to put boots on the top of that seat" Bill did so and then seemed pained and surprised when the porter told him that passengers were not ex- i pected to put their feet on the plush i covered seats. He toyed with his I gun until the porter retired. When he -rolled a cigarette and lit it, and the conductor showed him where the tine departmental work, and experi ence shows that celerity decreases with age after a certain period of years has been reached. Journalism is essentially a business for young men. They rush into it by hundreds; they remain in it by tens. Ninety per cent of the men who enter journalism leave it before they become old. They remain in it only long enough to make it a step ping stone to something less exact ing, less mi ted in remuneration, less insecure in employment On the staff of the daily newspaper with which I am connected there is only one man over SO years of age, and the average age of the employees in the editorial department is less than 35. A canvass of other metropolitan newspaper offices will show but slight variation from these figures. J. W. Keller in Forum. Saved Prom Au Awful Fatv "Evervhodv said I had consnmntlon. writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers- burg, Pa. "I was so low after an months of severe sickness, caused hay fever and asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King' New Dis covery for Consumption, used It, and was completely cured." For desperate throat and lung disease it Is the salest cure in the world, and i infallible for couehs. colds and bronchial affections, Guaranteed bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at the Ht. Ileleu Pharmacy, OASTOniA BMistb A ll ttind Yw Hw hrtn Hmgftt Kgutsn f Vlralent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad' vance in medicine is given by Druggist U. W. Kobert. ol rJiiabeth, W. Va An old man there had lone luuered with what good doctor pronounced incurable cancer, iney believed nis case hope less till he need Electric Bitter and ap plied Buck lens Arnica Salve, wbkti completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, Kidney and microbe poison at the same time tbi salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions. ulcers and sores vanish, flitters 50c, Salve 25c at the St. Helena Pharmacy. FORSALE. IGHT HEAD OF JERSEY MllH COWS. Apply loWm. Holaapple, Rumer, Ortfon. MEETINGNOTICE. ITOULTOK CAMP VO. 655, WOODMEX OF XX Woritt, mn every SAiunuv nigrit 111 DRIVING HORSE FOB SAL. OOD ROADSTER. ABOCT 9 OLD. PER J feetlT c.'Dti. work either double or .ingle. AbdIv to oc aulUrett K. J. Babxks. Deer ItUud. SHINGLES FOK BALK. . DUPOXT & SONS. SHINGLE MANITAC turvra. of Valley. Or., are prepared to aup- ptr the local demand with u fvm queUijruf tunine m are maoinariuren, ana at pnr as tow as nmertieaiere, nenrerea ai uoutiou war ren. Columbia CitT or Ht, Helena. Addreaaur dura to J. Duprtbttft Sou. ValUy, Or. Notary Pcbuc. Conveyancing. J. B. GODFREY, Dealer in Real Estate and Maker of Abstracts. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON, Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Vtim Portland on Taenia. Thursday and Sat- nruajr u 7 a. m. lot St. Htltnt. Kalama, Carnir Point. Rainitr and Klto. Arrlrinir u Portland Monilar. Wtd neaday and Friday at 2 p. m. Wharf toot of Salmon St. H, HOLM AN. Jinot. TaUaf Baektlaaurk. An old and popular Irish clergy man had a disagreement with one of his parishioners, a man of Kreat wealth, but vulgar habits and abu sive tongue. Upon hearing from a third party that his ancestry had been spoken of disparagingly by this rich boor, the old parson, borrowing a ISenpttirai metaphor, exclaimed, Why, sir, my father would not have set him with the dogs of his flock." This remark reached the ears of the nabob, who immediately repaired to the clergyman and demanded an apology. The good old man listened patiently to the ravings of his pa rishioner and closed the discussion with the remark : "Did I really say that my father would not have set you with his dogs? I was wrong. sir. 1 believe he would : --San Fran cisco Argonaut. value to the raiser, ol cattle snd serve I TOKU1 rPtacle vesUDuled train was, ne seemea ansoyea. only the purpose of enriching the beef trust. Tbey demand, therefore, that these taxes be removed, snd resolutions are being adopted by labor and poliiical club requesting senators and represen tatives to repeal at once these taxes open food. . Dimenslens of He are a. Taking a verse from Bevelations as the-basis of computation some indus trious snd probahly uneasy fellow has a;:in been tiguring on the dimensions of At supper time, when all of the passengers on the buffet gave their orders and the two cowboys gave theirs, telling the porter to bring them "all there was on the pro gramme and be sure to bring them plenty of ssrdines," they handed the porter a S bill and were surprised when he asked them for 15 cents more. Both of them said: "That settles it If we stay in this here concern, that nigger will have the whole roll before we get to the next station. V- j , , , . heaven. The text is in vere IS. chanter ' fj . w"uu." lue K ? ?ola. nP e 1, and reads a. follow,: "And he ! measured the cuy with the reed 12,000 ch "sl furlong Umrtb and the breadth and fo toned If ever I was to bigth of it are eqnal. He conclude go into the train robbery business, I that this represent a spaced 480,783,- would go coon huntin first and tret 08.000,000,000 000 cn hie feet. The the black scoundrel that wanted four snlarpriiiing staticiou set aside one j bits for slickin up our boots. half of the spaee for the ihrou, and the! They quit the train at the next wrt of beaver;, end one half of the j wayside station. Atlanta Constitu bslance for sire!,. wnk-b woaid leave a I tfan. . i.,r A ihM.m.QX,M,M,m Mrtaus.dP..piav c abw f.i. 4 ibtr. p-M Vj -im.it J No pnre,y kft handed t t .is by 40.-.O, tw, iwnctr of cU.Vrd t. t been discovered, although it is said is a ro.;m ut'i. u f. -uq.iftre. xn.l tl,.. that fully 70 per cent of theinhab procew gives biiu 30,321 343,T0,W0,0o0 itants of Pendjab use the left hand rooms of the size indicated. He then ; in preference to the ritrht The next proceeded upon tbe hypothesis that the world no contains, always ba contain ed, and always will contain 990,000,000 inhabitants, and tbat generation lasts for thirty-threw and ntr-t'-4 j(nn. IjlnS la Mm Wrong Pise. In the British colony at Lagos an old woman died and was carried to the cemetery. At the grave the body, according to Mohammedan custom. was lifted from the coffin and was about to be buried, when the mourn ers were startled by hearing it cough several times. On being unwrapped, the corpse sat up and ate some gruel. afterward telling the company that during her state of lifelessness she was mysteriously bidden to seek her native country and die there. This, she added, she meant to do. London Globe. , Aa Agrtemltnra! Qaary. "Mamma," said Freddie, "what's the matter with my feet?" "I don't know. , Perhaps you are getting corns." Freddie was silent for a time and then remarked: "Mamma." 'Well dear." "After I'm dead and buried do you think they will grow?" Texas Sittings. This will save your Life. By Inducing you to use Dr. King's flew Discovery. Consumption, CflBghs and Colds. ThLonly Guaranteed Cure. !f ?-9,PIw' WO Pay. Your Drop greatest per cent of left handedness A is among the Hottentots of Africa ' . ABSOLUTELY CURBS and the Bushmen of Australia SfZ5r fn?"enz! ASthma Bronchitis, about 85 percent. Dr. Marrosav. '7nnluP VM. U0 A lilUttb UUll JjUDkS. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. Regular Sis 60 cents and 1.0a percent. Dr. Marro says that 22 per cent of all criminals arft left banded.- Exchange. Watts & Price, -DEALERS IN Flour and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best (jnality Shoes Hardware and Notions o, li professiox.il DR. D. B. STUART, DENTIST. ORIENTAL HOTEL. ST. HELEN8, S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY-AT -MW. OlBo with K, K. quick. UKI.KMS. !' OKK'ION. - v ... . I .ii.mlAn In all I.Sal matt.ra nliiuied to me. Will praotlr lu all ta SIM and (Uiltett Staiaa tmria. W.H.POWELL, 1TTORNE r- AT- M TP, DIU'Tir IUBTB1CT AtTOSKST. ST. HELENS, ! : ORKllON. Omcs Mtwaoai Burs. Korsr rustic W.C.Fischer, ATTORXE Y- AT- LA W. RAINIER, : : OREGON. R.P.GBAB1M. T. J. UUtSTOK. Attorney8-at-Law. JOfl Marquam Bullillng. Portland Orsfoo. Columbia Coantjr baalnm will recslv prompt atttuuoo. J. W. DAY W. B. WIAAKD DILLARD k DAY, 1TT0RXE YS-A T-LA W Offir nxt door lo Courthouas, ST. UKLa.VS. OKKI.ON. ft.in.ral tirarttca ID anuria Ol OrMOB Or Wah' Inxtou. Abalracl wail, dlnctlr Ireia couuljr Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, ORKUON. Dr. II. R. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and. Surgeon. CLATSKAXIE, OREGON. XVtCetablePreparalionrorA cimiiAiinO BicEtiodantineCuK.- lingtMSbmoitoaialUowGlsor rrotnoics Digcsllon-Clieetfur-ncssanrlRcstConlalns ncllhcr Opiiim.Morphiiie norrliuexaL KOT UAH C OTIC. Arserfecl nnedy forConsllps TUm, Sour Stomach.Diarrho!a and Loas or Sleep. tit Simil Sigruilur of VEV YOHK. 1 aBaffTl'rt' riitaftsriil fifiHisI EXACT copy or watArWrt. ml n H I 1 11 Tor InfantB und Children. Tti9 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature the I. t .M Use For Over Thirty Years PflQTflF.il. hm N mm IN. Hniaw Mamt. mrm m Iff. Dr. C. L. Hatlidd, Physician and Surgeon, VERSONIA, OREGON. AXD OREGON SliORjllfatl Union Pacific Drr.iT rua Chlcaito r.irtl.ud SiMVlal lidin. via Hunt- lOfftOll. Atlantic g -JO t. ra. Tta Hnnt- lustun. St. Paal Fan Malt 11 p. m. via Spokaaa T1MR SCIIRDl'LKS FKOM PtiUTLANU. Salt Laka, DnT.r. ft wunn, Omaha Kan a City, Ht. UiiiIi.I LOicajiuana Aaal. Salt Uke, Dnw, Ft Wonh. Omaha, kan a. City, HI. UmiI.J uaicaguana KaM. Walla Walla. Uwl ton, Sptiltanft, Hal- iac. rultman. Mln nea(olL, Mt. Paul, Duluih, MIlwaukM, Chicago and Eaat. Aaaira a.. ISO p.n. 7:00a. I Oflal A IB HIVKM K4 IISIDI LB ISOJI POHTI.AND. S p. m. DallT Kx. Sunday! a p. m. Saturday iu p. m. a. m Ex.Snuday 1 a. ra. Tuea Thur. and Sat. Lr. Rlparta :wa. m dally z Moil. All aallini date tut) )wl tu rhanira. Far Han Frauelwo Sallar.ry nr. day.. Columbia Rl.r To Aatorla and Way lauotlifTa. W.llam.tt. HW.r. water pcrmlttlnir. Omrn f'ltv. Newurrir nainm, corvalil. ami nay-laud (a. Wlllam.tta and Yam. mil Klv.n. Orio city. Dayton, I auu nay-landluita. Snaha Rly.r. Riparla to lowltton. THOS. TALBOT Will make th aeaaon ol 1902 at lh lollowiitg pla(t : Monday and Tuesday at Fat Hneliei' place, Der Inland; Wedneedav., Thurs day" and Fridays at Houlton ; Saturday ana Minuay at ecappoose. DCBCRIPTION Thou. Talbot It life Tean old. bar. with Mark man. and tail and wbHe xpot on uoiw: w.lirhi over luno pound.; W hanta hlab; aired by Wal lace Drew, by Ouy Wilkea; dara tired by Price- muut, :2o, uj Atuuituuii urana aam by Jllllun. TERMS OF SERVICE Single service, $10; eaon. 115. one- half at time of service, balance at end of season ; insurance. $20. W. V. Wilky, Owner. H. t. McKINNEY, - Manaatr. Do Not Trifle with danger and remember every cough or cold means danger. ' Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure your cough or cold at once. It will heal and strengthen vour lunrrs. It U O jf o a safeguard for you always. Take it at the first indication of a cough or cold. A atvtre cold antled lo throat and broachia! tube. cmI'1. ajwayalaaccd aavcrai avmtht. I tried Sai!oh .od it cured at. ai .ac Aa glad to add my testimony. PIKKKB CUSHINO, Rector St. Dark. Church, UHoy, N. V. Slllloh'. 47oMamntlnB TatM la mmA f. . n rua;sl.t. at fir, se, . a Ix.ftl.. A rrint.r! ffuaranta (oca wilh niy boHI. I yuu .r ixil aatl-flitd a. ta yoaur drug-ghrt Write lor illuuratcd book oa coammptloa. Sot Wlthcmt coat it you. a. t. Wad. u, LaKoy, . V. p. m. 4 p. m. Ei. Sunday 4:16 D. m. Ex. Sunday .10 d. m. Hon. Wad and Frl. Lr.Uw'ton dally al 7 00 a. ra. x Mou. A. L. CRAIO, General Passenger Airt., Postlasd, Obs. Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -MAMt'FACTt'HSSS OF- ' Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We manufacture flret-ctaaa rmnrh lumbar for all purpme. lor the trad., .bleb . aell at a muat reaaoaabl 8,'ura. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. YANKTON, OltKUON. w. i. Moras. T. . WAUACS. TJIE St. Helens Hotel Wallacs Mova, I'sor., 18 Again Open to tho Public. Meal Served on Short Nolle. Bed 2.) Cent, Miala 25 Cent. FSSB BARS IS CONNECTION. HORSiS TO H At 10 CENTS. St. Helsn, Oksoom. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTUND-ASTDRIA ROUTE. STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." Dally Bound Trips Except Sunday. vPj , Hort'I"l connctlon with Ru-amir S.l'lfi ,"i ro?.,", Mn Point.. White Collar LlneTicketo ItiUrchanneahuj with -. - . . vompany licieu. Lr Portland tar Astoria. TIME CARD. .11.11 ir.u. The Dalles-Portland Route. STEAMER "TAHOMA." Between Portland, The Dalles and way points. TIME CARD La. Portland Tuea., Tbnr.. Sat 7AM ArrlY. at The Italic, wme "lay " P m Leave Th Dalle Km, . ' o. S V M' Arrir at Portland aame day at-JLTT. 1 1. m! MEALS THI VCBY BEST. ""sTUn! I'liJJ ,h O'Mdatt Hcenlo Altrac LANDING AND OPncB: Foot of Alder Street. Both Thouae m.i. ui "OkTLAMD, OkkttoM. E. W.CsiCHTOH. aimnt Pnrtl.nJ. i. WISH d BiRNks, agents, Hood Hivir; j" C. Wtatt, aent, Vancouver j WoLr so 4 Wvkbs. SBenta. Whi. h.i I. . M. PiLLoos, sgent, The Dlle;'A J rAyuiB, airent. Atori ' ' i.aaao.aaa. DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD JO TO Til Clatskanie Drug Store ros Tniis Drugs and Medicines CHOICS Toilet Articles and Perfamery Dr. J. . HALL, fnpmHr OssaoN. Clathkanib HI AT I HEAT I UEATI f -AT TSS- City Market 6t. Hilsks, Oaauos LIN03AV M8IT0N, HOP'S. -DSALIS M Fresh and Salt Meat. City trade, lotrx'nf camp, itesn- buata and railnaul eauip LUllt. A OSDSKS It. LSD OM MOST SOTtCS. J Owl Saloon i BRINS BOTHERS, FSOrRlSTOBS Only lbs twet ol- Llrjnors and Cizars Kept in Stock CYRUS NOBLE And other popular brand, ol wbl.ktu aiaa). la atur. WEINHARD'S BEER oa draeshU "Tom Benton" Cigars. AU lha lalaal nepetefaal other po- m uiar inrrudlvatia. V- AAir4 A ST0RIA& COLUMBIA RIYER RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. aaanoows 24 r. a. 7:00 I OA S in 8 44 90 S M on 9 Vt 87 lo on 10 0S 10 ' 10 30 TATIO I w .o' 06 l .4! IS v. 36 fM.! 40 M Ml fp.i 10 00 6'iJ 10 10 0A.4 10 21 (71.2? 10 iw Ira 7' 10 hi 'Ml l II Oft iMKsl 11 IS 1)64 11 SO 09 S r. M . 41) S S6 I M a 00 7 M 7 4 1 Hi 7 2a 7 17 7 Ol t 42 K2 20 10 wul1 mk! TL0 "mnertlona ai((r,ble with Northern Par do Iraiu. m ami Trnn ,k. Elnds.,..nd rd,it.. At PortlC d i h i K. N. (.o.'sboat and rail II n u, and irT.m 11 waco and Kunh Ueaeh polnta. 1 "m " Paaaenirerafn. Aaif.H . u . . : trains at Houln.n. Trii will .uo u, il','' , m... an,, aamria, or L Portland Ar .... oobie ... ....Kainlor ... Pyramid. .. .... Myer..., Quinoy ... . .. Clal.kanle., ., Marahland.. .. Wiwtp.irt,. .... Cliltim..,. . ...Ktiaiipa..,. ... hven.on.,.. ...John liayv..' Ar. A.toria .1.? DAILY 21 U a. a. II 10 10 06 62 0 S6 90 t AI 12 02 02 s n 1 17 a 07 7 M 7 V, FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hoofhkirk, Hfttt. RAILROAD TIME. l-eaeae Rainier dally (eiwi londay)(or fwt- nirtlU( tram HI. Ilelru. aia land, at A. M o eim-a. Keturnina. M arrlrlnt ai .1. Il leaves Portland al I K t. eleual 4s. arrllti Passeoiers ani Fast Frciittt. PORTLAND LANDING, TAVLOR BT. 3 ? rM POHTLAKIW. DAILY. Li -TIAMIlt 1 4America', ii WiUamett Slough Route Lnavs 6t. Helen. . .. 6:30 A M Arrie at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portlaixl ..... 2:80PM Arrlveat St. lielns. 6:00 PM rAIIB SO CENTS. Will Carry Nolhlns but PuR fer and Fast Freight. J Antes oooo, master. E8TABUSIIKO IS72. ..lira JOHN A. BECK1 DKALEK IS Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, .....JtWE.URY..,. Repairing a Specialty. W MumWn St. Bet. Fro,, 4 plrlti POKTLAKU. YTfYTfYYfftftifilfWmmmmHfiHtMimiMtMmtMHssMtM THE NEW YORK STORE! H jut reccifsrl a large invoice of I mer Goods, Shoes, 1 , ; l)fy Gods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. (boper BniWing, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon- I iiiiaiiiiUiUiaiUiuiiuuiaiuiuuiUiUiuiuwiUiiiiuiaiiiR I Sum